The Straits Times, 31 December 1915

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. No. 24.004 81NQAPORE. FRIDAY, fr EC EMBER 31. 1915. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 177 1 LI I L the INDIAN "v°™ THE NEW 5-H.P. TWIN-CYLINDER 3 SPEED MODEL I shows car«ful thought, wide experience and marvellous mechanical ingenuity in every line of its construction. GREAT STRENBTH. CAPACITY FOR HARD WORK. LONG LIFE AND RELIABILITY. .1 shiM.i. siiiT\n:\r has i/,•/■•i 1 stakes. KATZ BROS., LTD. ANOTHER
      177 words
    • 112 1 JUST UNPACKED The British "Ever-Ready" Electric Lamps 1 and Batteries. No. 1047— 1845. f *»vvr VIM Miiltlflaotop x.. Hand tamp. < Hand Lamp. NUMBER WE&m ONLY No. H7*. Vr VH:I. No. 1618. No. 13»4. The "Holoplane" Hand Lamp. No. 1«W. Hand Lamp. ROBINSON «Sfc CO. I! y mj* -w* (2
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  • 1097 2 INDIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE IN MESOPOTAMIA. Pictures of Strange Warfare. Lieut. Colonel Sir Mark Sykes, M.P., for Central Hull, who recently paid a visit to the Indian Expeditionary Force in Mesopotamia, has contributed a descriptive account of some aspects of the operations about the time of the battle
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 292 2 BRITISH-MADE PURE COCOA IN 1 lb tins. CHOICE QUALITY, SPECIALLY PREPARED, xhe house:" brand. Retail and Wholesale at GUAN CHIN HONG 6c CO., No. 94, Robinson Road. j&\ or course: Zf lif ALWAYS TASTC RIGHT \'^F if you mix it with /2m y^M MACHINE- PRESSED CEMENT TILES Madt untftr high
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    • 12 2 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night Woods Great PepDeruiint Cure Is. 60
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    • 547 2 HOW THIN PEOPLE CAN GET FAT. Increase in Weight Ten Pounds or More. A Fhysioian'a Advice. I'd certainly give most anything to be able to fat up a f«w pounds and stay that way," declares every > xce Kivdy thin man or woman. Such a n Milt ii Dot impossible,
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    • 1013 2 nm v^ NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby piven that the above Trade Mark is the property of Me ssrs. Rigold, Bergmann and Company, of Singapore, and is used by them in connection with hosiery and rough goods generally sold or imported by them. TRADE MARK and that the above Trade Mark
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  • 864 3 SPLENDID WORK BY THE NAVAL MEN. Brave Captain's Death. A most graphic account of the naval operations in the battle of Knt-el- Amara, on the way to Bagdad, is given in a letter from an "old boy" of Bridge-road school, Leicester, to the headmaster. The writer, extracts from
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  • 301 3 The report of the Sagga Rubber Company. Limited, states that the )ield of rubber was IH HI lbs., against the original estimate of 370.010 lbs, reduced in May to 360,000 lbs. Proceeds of sales with prices ranging from 2s. 6{d. to Is. 3d. represent 2s. 0.7*1. net
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 543 3 NOTICES. SINGAPORE STEAM HUNCH CO.. 32. Winchester House. ALTERATION OF RATES. It ia hen by notified that owin{> to the increased co-t of ccal, engineering storts and labour, our charges from January 1, 1916, are inert a«nl by 80 per cent LOW LEE SIEW, Manager. 80 ll 6 1 16
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    • 373 3 RED BLOTCHES ON Wl HEAD Very Irritating and Painful. Had To Muffle Hands. Used Cuticura. Head Clear in a Month, 128. Croon Lane. Wolvorhampton, Eng. "My i»by'i boad from birth was v«r rough and gradually got worse. Then §red blotches began to romo whtrb bunt and his hoad became one
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    • 108 3 HUDSONS EUMENTHOL JUJUBES, The great Antiseptic and Prophylactic. I I 5 I I* I S S a o. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROATS, BRONCHITIS, INFLUENZA, AND THB PREVENTION OF CONSUMPTION SUITED FOR OLD AND YOING. Sold by all Chemists, Price 75 ots. Sole Agents for S.S. and F.M.S. THE UNITED
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    • 949 3 SALfS BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of VALUABLE TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANO, MOIOR CAK, Erf., The property of O. J Hont'ini, Kmi., At Pluscardon," No. 19, Naosiui Road, On Saturday, January 8, at 1.30 p.m. An excellent toned cottage piano by itosenkranz, in lirM 'lat-t. condition bontwood piano stool; white enamrllod
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 787 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O.B ritish India AND A\pcar L-ine. MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS Under Contract with His Majesty Government), Fof* China, Japan, Panang, Caylon, Auatralia. India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Hombward (roB Eobopb). Conn, ctint
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    • 288 4 COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD.. THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. BITWKRN Fremantle Perth North West Australian Port*, Java and Singapore. Regu'ar mailings between Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Java (a< inducement offers), Derby, King's Sound Port for the Kimberley Ocld Fields! Broome, Roebuck
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    • 799 4 STEAMER BAIUNQB. THE 81AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For K'etay. TriDireaan. Biml. Somersk, Kelaatta, Tabal Baaanara. xeiama. Pataai, •-••BOM, Lanoa. K »mvi, B%o<l >■, Langsuea, Taku, Chumpou. Rohlsk aad titaskok. Qua Oapartur* «.a PRACHATIPOK Jan. S Jan. S. S p.m. a.a. CHUTATUTGH 6 8, 3 p.m. a a RE
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    • 447 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED, AND BHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD The Umpaiies' steaujerg are despatch)*] from Liverpool ontwarda lor the Straits. China aud Japan overy week and from Japaa bomewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight; for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and tor Marseilles, Havre
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    • 519 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles and London under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The Now Twin-screw Steamem maintaining this service bave been specially dosigned ana constructed, and are fitted with all
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 515 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. "ELLERMAN" LINEr For LONDON HULL m Kioto <iue on or about Jan 4 For LONDON. s.s, Sutton Hall due on or about Jan. 8 For particulars as to rates of freight and passage, apply to McALISTER Co., Ltd., Agents 181 a INOO-CHINA STEAM NAY. CO. LTD. STOOMVAART-MAATSCHAPPU Oi~ot
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    • 463 5 CHEONG BROTHERS. Dentists, No 25, South Bridge Road. First -eliM Mechanical Deitistry, Oolj Grown Bridge Killing and Va'oani'e Duration c' W iar guaranteed, CHARvjKS ICODBRATB. FULL LINE DENTAL BUFPLIEB Best Tooth Powder* and Brashes h» sale KOLIDAY. NEW YEARS DAY. NOTICE is hereby given that all work at the Board's
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    • 228 5 Economy* B Owing to the quality and li 1 concentration of its ingredients, LEA PERRINS' Sauce is very jm% RV economical in use. (2-^IXIEm A fc7v drops only are necessary to Pfclflp give a delicious and appetising flavour The Orlgtml and Genuine Itifeßar -^'B WORCESTERSHIRE. "ARMCO" IRON TI TIT^T^T^O forß
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  • 893 6 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, December 81, 1915. Messrs. Lyall and Kvatt, exchange and fibarc brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning. The quotations on sterling shares are only nominal. RUBBER SHARES. Nov. Valdi. Boybbj. Sillies. 2/- Allagar 1/8 1/11 1 AngloJa»a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 190 6 "FELUCCA" EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES Made by Maspero Freres, Cairo. ON SALE AT ALL DEALERS. "ITbEN SON'S I wo::l'j renowned V WATCHES #^JjW^a Are the BEST. j WARRANTED TIMEKEEPERS J londo:: MAXm I \^^i' foaiftte. The £25 "Field A. SANK OF ENGLAND.' b or Mg*^ The UyW- -ludgateA'. fllff 11 ft I
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    • 357 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. PRIVATE TUTOR Woold be glad of a pupil or two. Any examination. Write Tutor, to Straits Times. 8119 41 18 STEAM LAUNCH WANTED. Wanted, Steam Launch »bont sixty five feet in length. Givn full details as to engine, price, etc. App'y Elva, c/o Straits Times. 8112 81-16 CLERK
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    • 428 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NEOERLANDSCHE HANDEL- ROOMS TO LET. MMTCPUADDV Comfortable single and doubln room*. IYIAfI I obnArrl Three minutes to town. Apply English, c/o (NETHERLANDS TRADING 80CIETY). st^ it 11 s 3 Timefl 7M6 By Order o( the Beard of Directors, I have AUCTION SALE Riven o»er ofaarge of this Branch
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  • 139 7 FIXTURES. Friday, December M. iiigh Water, %M a.m., Ui p.m Saturday, January I. digh Water, r. .16 a.m 7.30 p.m I 'ay. P. and outward mail expected I ..iii' l an K I' M. At H'.iue. J and I Collyer t^uay, 11 a 111. Sunday, January 2.
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  • 337 7 To-»u. Dliam and \nson Kinta 2. SO pm V. hietuun 2.;tO pui Batu I'abat Mena 2.80 pm ■MgM r J 30 P m Ratal I'andjan^. Menykalis an<) l.aijan I intianak i.M pui Malacca and Mow Lady Weld 8 pm Naaag asd Rangoon (Uenogle 3.30 pm Ratavi.i. Samara-
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  • 37 7 i au.l outward mail steamer In. at IVnang at 6 p.m. yexterday, in I may by e\|vctcd to arrive ben to..tract packet Ka/ilka left to arrive at Peaaag ab>.ut Moudny uonuag, Uie 3rd proximo.
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  • 112 7 Oar attentiun Ins been called to the fa:: ■hat oar arrivals iv London arc much behind (hose published elsewhere. Oar rale is to {iw arrivals only when they are officially reported in the Post Office notices, and no later date than that printed above has been <o
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  • 214 7 Outward. ihe following patx-enger bookings to the Straitfi are taken from tho London and China Express. It should be understood that, in mm instances, bookings may be provisional tad that intending passengers may alter their i arrangements, Hubsequent to the issuance of tlii« list in London:—n I',
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  • 155 7 Tin I'inang Gazette says We are able to state, on tbe best authority, that rtportp of movements of (iermans and Indians in tbe Tanjong Halei and Ashan districts bave been absurdly exaggerated, and that they are not worthy of attention. No danger need be apprehended, and as rumours
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  • 161 7 EXCHANOE. SIMOAPOU, DM KMBIB 31, 1916 On London Bank 4 m/> 2/4 4 Demand a/4,*, nv»te H m B 2,4' Ov Ini>u Hank T. T. 171, Ok doNuitoMO...Bani d/a If] On Sbamohai ...Bank d/d 9*2; OnJav/. BankT. T. iai{ On laaja Bins 109, Sovuroifciis baying rate 18.64
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    • 180 7 Issue Buyers k'alue 10 10 Am pang "1 1 Ayor Went? O.EO L 0 10 Bclat 200 [0 10 Kanabol 0.80 I 10 Kinta Association |1 £1 Kinta Tin 1.14.6 tl tl Lahat Mines 10 8.25 Malayan Collieries tl Cl Malayan Tins 1.13.6 111 10 Miil.ll> ton 6.00 5/.
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    • 629 7 I«™> 5 Bayers. Sellers. Value 3/. 3/- AUagai 1/8 MXI 41 Anylo Ja*» 11/ 13/3/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 0/8 10/6 2/- 3/- Bating Malakt 1/7 1/9 il £1 Batn Tiga 2.10.0 8.0.0 2/- 2/- Bekob 1/11 M £1 £1 Baku Kajang 117.6 2.0.0 £1 4JI Bukit Linian^ 3 0.0 :)5.0
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    • 134 7 I? 8 16 1 Bavers. ValneaJ 41 *1 3 Smelting -Jo. 6.50 41 41 Pre»- 1/- Riwfcric Tmjl a/9 10 10 Frasoi A Weave 50.00 60 60 W. Hammer Co. 6TOO 100 Howartb Brskioe 100 T< Pr-f. 100 100 Katz Bro. Del. 10 10 Maynard Jk Cc. HX! 100
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    • 47 7 United Engineers 6% »1,284 600 par Singapore Electric Tramways 6 fc £830,000 aom S pore Municipal 5 t 1 373,000 par Spore Municipal H% )l 1907 11,800,000 90 08 Spore Municipal 4J'Y, of 1908 51,000,000 90% S'poro Municipal 4% 2,000,000 10%dU Spore Municipal 4% £800,000 B%dii
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 10 7 Kor Cbroaie Cbeet Cotupla.uU. Woods' Urtat Pepmrmwt Care I*. 6d
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    • 229 7 LEE BROTHERS STUDIO. BJCNOWNFD FOR HIQHCI.A.SS PHOTOORAPHY, THEREFUBB ENSURING BEST RESULTS. H'iv« yOtt* Photograph taken at our Studio. Thi Straits Times j fdR F.M.B. READERS. r Mvi Lt«i ilantti tu«biuj to o- Ifcl ,S. Ml -v.uinn a i J Tbe ItoMI eoct&icQK al tLe important t«leK>ama to. i MM uctivwi
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    • 88 7 THE STRAITS TIMES PRESS, LTD. Photo Engravers I Telephone; Commercial Unefc Half-tone I 348. Photographers J ■■CKCIL STREET, SINGAPORE. PHEASANTS in excellent condition. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., 10. Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. NOW READY The Singapore and Straits ROUGH DIARY for 1916 Publishers FRASER and NEAVE. LIMITED. SHELL'
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    • 111 7 THE MANAGEMENT WISHES ITS PATRONS A HAPPY NEW YEAR. Grand Attraction in the New Year Programme NOW ON THE SCREEN AT THK Nuliill HKM".i HOM>. aND ihow, 9.15 p.m. I UNIVERSAL ANIMATED GAZETTE a liton S »a»l Thrillir: New Number. TUC AllCCy ftC liiyni CI tyn Alwa>s ahead of other
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  • 1135 8 The Straits Times. FRIDAY,DECEMBER 31. THE BLACK YEAR. There m uo pleasure in setting out to survey Uie events of 1 9 1 either in a local or in an Imperial sen«e. It has been a year of bloodshed, of bittor disappointment, of ctimen that have shocked hamanity, and the
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  • 109 8 lir-i week ot each month and last week j of December. Tin. Copra tapioca 1914 191". 191-1 Ml 1914 1M1." .lao. >*4.80 71.60 *12.40 9.30 »4.10 4.30 K..b. 94.00 79 H7 12.30 10.00 4.35 7..'5 Mar. 87.60 80.02 11.73 11.60 4.70 7.00 April 87.70 82.50 10.90 9.00
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  • 128 8 Increase of Production for Ten Years. I The output for the last three months is partly estimated. The importance of the Hubber Industry is amply proven by the enormous value of the produce from Straits Settlements and F.M.S. Expressed in dollars, the total value in 1915 amounts
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  • 1882 8 Malayan Tin Exports fur Eight Years. The last month of the year 1915 is estimated. The Singapore Mutiny. it is still impossible to write the full xtory of the mutiny which occurred in Singapore on February 1.1, I'.H.V great deal of what is a— tial to full
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  • 3446 8 On the whole, considering how com pletely the public wan taken by surprise the measures of defence were prompt ami effective. It liappenod that Mm writer isolated in a homo close to Tanglin Knrracks, was picked up by a patrol about '■> p.m. and was taken round
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 272 8 TO-NIOHT I TO-NIOHT I I •gals we srs te the fsrs with our SpKndkl EidaeW. FstfMFM AT THE ALHAMBRA The ■tenesr SlaeiMtstrspi) Thestre, Dasc* Reid. WITN COMriMENT* Of TIE MAMN TO »U I I'RBSBMT the following list of Holiday Attraction-. a Powerful «ni Eiciting Drama RIDING TO WIN In 4
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  • 1664 9 CONSCRIPTION. Cabinet's Decision Welcomed. BALKAN SITUATION. German Troop Movements In Bulgaria. RECTKB'S TkLKC.KAMB. LondoD, December The King, iv a letter to Lord Dorby hopes that now tbe appeal to recruits is over, every one entitled to wear an armlet will do so. London, December 29, 7.45 p.m. A
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  • 90 9 PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT HOPED FOR. Uklikk'm Tmlhi.kam. London, December 80, 2.26 p.m. I'ekiog The (ioverauieot in still parleying with Yunnan in the bope of a peaceful settlement. No trouble is anticipated in Szochuau. Tin' chief cuntrcß are well garrisoned with reliable tr.Topo. wbile the officials are loyal A
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  • 490 10 Another Broken Pledge by The Enemy. The following despatch from a special correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, dated from Rotterdam, on November 16, read in conjunction with Neuter s cable, relating to repatriated British subjects, in another column of this issue, is of considerable I:— il continuation
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  • 389 10 advertisements of the day appear From the new year, Meeai .ency tor the Helvetia W Couipauy. lias an authorised capital o' ten millions of francs. now night at the -vaview 'lotel iinner, followed f the open-air picture displays that ;ie at this hotel. will include a special
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  • 676 10 1 To-morrow being Now Year's day there will be no issue of the Straits Times, bnt on that day and on Sunday the telegrams will be issued on slips at 5 p.m. There slips may be obtained by news agent and others at the Straits Times Offices,
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  • 322 10 I A little while ago, it may be remembered, a sampan coolie was am Mi in the Kalling vicinity oecause he was -upposod to be the man who made a murderous attack upon a child, a Chinese of six, by the seashore. A Malay constable saw
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  • 195 10 Keen Competition for Crepe Grades. Messrs. Guthrio and Co. report Singapore, December 30. There was a falling off in tbo quantity offered at today's auction when some 300 tons was catalogued. Fine pale crepe fetched the top price of tbe sale, vie., 9207, an increase of t8
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  • 783 10 In Khaki Within an Hour Of Joining. Since Lord Kitchener made bis first appeal for half a million men, Aldersbot has seen nothing like tbe steady stream of racruits which flows down daily by way of tbe L. and S.W. Railway. Nor has it seen anything like
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  • 30 10 The Maharaja of Jeypore bas generously nllered to raise bis monthly subset iption towards the upkeep of the hospital ship Madras from RI,(XX) to 1C2,000 with effect from January 1.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 595 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— The attention of Japan shareholders has been called to an article appearing in tho Straits Times under date of November 11, 1915, with reference to a movement on foot to present Mr. Rowland with 20,000
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  • 480 10 The Kaiser's Address to the Guards' Corps. Tlm Oermaa Emperor 1 recently made a teur of the Western fron,t. an I -omt.vhtix in Fniice liv addressed the. following chaiae teristic speech to officers and uien of tlie ■M nil divi»ionof the Prusaian Guards' corps: With a heart
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  • 215 10 Tbe annual general meeting of tbe I'nion Kootball Club will be held at tbe Club House at 3 p.m. on Sunday. January '2. There will be a baseball gamo at the Oldham Hall grounds, Orchard Road, to-mor-row afternoon, at i o'clock, between the Methodist Mission and Singapore Americans.
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  • 617 10 Sunday, January 2, 1916. St. Andrew's Cathkdral. Second Sunday after Christmas.— 7-30 a.m. Litany 7-45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) 9-15 a.m. Matins and Holy Communion 11 a.m. Special Service 4 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Classes 5 MO p.m. Kvensong and Sermon. St. Matthew's, Sepoy Lines. 9.15 a.m.
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  • 137 10 The annual installation of Lodge Royal Prince of Wales took place on Monday in the Freemasons' Hall. Northam Road, IVuaii',. Tbe installing master was the Wor. Bro. R. Yonng, who was assisted by Wor. Bros. A. It. Adams, R. Owen, and K. H. Pinhorn. The newly elected
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  • 1186 10 Dnidend Mairtaiiiul in Except innall} Bud Period. The seventh ordinary general meeting of the members of the Brieh Rubber F.state, Limited, was held at the registered offices of the company. Nos. and 4, Great Winchester Street, London, E.C., on November Mr K E. Marcau (chairman of tho
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  • 1749 11 TIE PWMENT OF A MAIDEN. DIVIDEND. Company's Promising Outlook. Tin annnil general meet ing of tbe abare a the Kani'intuit: (in Kodah) Rubber I'laotation o.,*Ltd. was held at Shanghai on t l:t. when Mr. K. \V. Noel presi.idl. There wire also present Messrs. \V. S. Jackson, K.
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  • 257 11 The report of the Bandar Sumatra Rubber Company, Limited, states that the following erapi were barren. >d during the year to >Taly H ltubber, 205,406 lbs. cotfee. 1,650 cwts. Tbe gross price for the rubber, incluiliny estimate for crop unsold, avrrayed 2s. 2.20 d. per ib. and
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  • 102 11 The rate of mortality in tbe Settlement ul mii far* ire fur the week ended I 'ectmber 2 j was BUB per luille of tbe population. Tbt total number of deaths was 16.1, of whicL 111 were male subject* and 52 female. Con vulsious claimed 18. plithinis
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 96 11 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. Programme of drills, etc., for week ending. Friday, December :>1 Friday. Dk< kmbir 31. 5.1S p.m. Drill Hall SV A. Bras Basah Malay Co. H. hoLAM. Lliwilltn, Captain, S.V.C., Acting Adjutant, S.V.C It's ncmi tiling good," slid tbe Wacber It i» kuown all <mr tbe itrt.i.
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    • 488 11 AFTER DINNER The Gramophone provides Unlimited Entertainment, BUT IT MUST BE "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" Come and hear the latest models. They are wonderful. S. Moutrie Co., Ltd., RAFFLES PLACE EMPIRE CINEMA In tent, Tanjocg Pas ar Poad. rppt.i-it Kr> ta Ayer Police Station. GRAND NEW YEAR PROGRAMME The Gratt IMP
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    • 201 11 ABDULLA CIGARETTES fc^/ No. 6 Turkish S3-OO Yenidjeh MaLalla No. 1 2.7S W%-JPv, (Turkish) 1 No. U Turkish S.IO (^BDULL-ft^C o^ I No. 14 Egyptian 235 •HsiwaoNo strut. w)NDoN.» No. lfl;,Egyptian i.&O No. 7 Virginia I.BS W--^0 OBTA.NABLE EVERYWHERE. RAFFLES HOTEL TO-NIGHT, Special Dinner at 8 o'clock. AFTERWARDS CINEMA SHOW
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  • 3016 12 1914. Jose AaaMsinatioa of Archdnke Franz Ferdinand and his consort at Serajevo. Inly tk -Austrian ultimatum sent to Servia. August 1 (leriuany Jetclares war on Russia and Franco, and invade** Belgium. 4.— Britain declare* war on Germany. Battle of Mobs begins au 1 the French and
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  • 256 12 Tbe report of the Bukit Kajang Rubber Estates, Limited, states that the balance of net profit for the year, after mMm si the sum of £2,504 for depreciation on buildings, machinery, etc., amounted to £30,221 carry forward from previous year, £3.612, making j£'33,834. Interim dividend of 7}
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  • 202 12 The report of the Mamhau il .MS Rubber Company, Limited, states that the net prcfit for the year to June Ho amounts to X°769, which it is proposed to apportion as follows To interest on the preference shares for period to June 30, 1914, £100 to write
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  • 134 12 Mr. J. M. AllinFon, presiding at an extra ordinary general meeting of the IVrmas Rubber Ccmpany, Limited, held on November 23. at the company's offices, said that the special resolutions to bo submitted were fur the purpose of altering tbe company's articles, then by raising the qualification
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 222 12 Glacial Acetic Acid (ENGLISH) GUARANTEED 99/ ESTATES SUPPLIED AT MODERATE RATES MAYNARD&CO..LTD., WHOLESALE PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS, 16, Battery Road, Singapore. NEW GOODS JUST UNPACKED. AN EXCELLENT VARIKTY OF Silks, Shawls, Blouses, Kimonos, Dresses, Damasceneware, Silverware and Gold Jewellery, etc., etc. At Lowest Possible Prices. INSPECTION INVITED. X, A. J. CHOTIRMALL CO.,
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  • 362 13 On English Bones the English Flags Is Stayed. The Right Key. tbe Bishop of Lahore, who has just returned from a Visitation to tbe j Indian Expeditionary Force D on service in Mesopotamia, records bis impressions in I an article in the Civil and Military Gazette. The Bishop
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  • 323 13 Important New Invention Tested In Australia. As a result of successful experiments carried out by tbe Commonwealth military officers, it is probable that Australian soldiers will in future be provided with a much more effective means of using their rides in trench warfare. A periscopic attachment for rifles
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  • 326 13 Mr. Kipling and Men who the Slay Submarine. Thanks to ttic Daily Telegrafh, tbe Kip lidk view of tbe Itritish Navy t»once more available. la that paper of N'o\i!" Ur 20 I Mr. Kudyard Kipling, in bis own ibt'lVtablc fashion, tells thfc story of tbe aattWries, prefacing bis
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 170 13 A PROOF of the SUPERIORITY of HAIPHONG "DRAGON" CEMENT Contracts have been renewed for the supplies of Cement during 1916 t0 y^pULSjK and to THE MUNICIPALITY jft^^j THE GOVERNMENT of \W^^J of SINGAPORE \§?£go/ JOHORE Insist on getting Haiphong Dragon Cement and beware of imitations. DUPIRE BROTHERS, Sole Agents for
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 499 14 War or Peace Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HBAD OFFICE i Winchester House, Singapore; LONDON OFFICE i 32, Old Jawry, EC. fks Company lias £20,000 d< posited with the Supreme Court of
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    • 308 14 INSURANCE. POLICIES 01 ALL MODERN PUNS. BUN LIFE OF CANADA, 8, Battery Road. S. J. HOWB, 88 Manager. GUARDIAN ASSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONDON. Snbsoribed Capital 42,000.000 Total Invested Funds. £8,260,000 Annual Income 41,100,000 The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, aie prepared to accept fire and Harthquake risks for short
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    • 455 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID UP CAPITAL 116,000^00 RBSBRVB FUNDS Sterling 41,500.000 at 2/- 115,000,000 Silver 118,000,000 188.000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS Hon. Mr. D. Laodale, Chairmaa. W. L. Pattenden, Bsq., Depoty Chairman. S. H. Dodwell, Bsq P. H. Holyoak, Bsq. Q. T. M.
      455 words
    • 486 14 BANKINJI^ CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. I INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid op Capital in 80,000 Shares of 430 each 41,300,000 Reserve Fond 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.300,000 BANKERS Tbe Bank of England, Tbe London City and Midland Bank. Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd.,
      486 words
    • 891 14 INSURANCE. LIFE ASSURANCE AT MINIMUM COST. Established 1874. THE ORIENTAL iNconrofcATi.. in India. GOVERNMENT BECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. ASSETS exceed $28,000,000 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Profits to Policy-holders sit last Valuntlon $1,116,673. LOWEST Apply for Prospectus and full information to LIBERAL RATES SINGAPORE BRAIT.H OFFICE CONDITIONS J. R MACPHERSON, Secretary for
      891 words

  • 564 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. American Light Cars. In a recent issue of tbe Light Car. a special Buyers' Guide number, which possesses great interest to all prospective users of Light cars, Runabout utters a warning against undue optimism on the part of our users and
    564 words
  • 394 15 Our Navy's Inheritance From Olden Seamen. Admiral Lord Charles Beresford ontributes a message to an interesting brochuri, entitled With the < i rand Fleet, from tin pen of Mr. L. Cope C'oroford, which has jtAt betn published by Messrs. Williams and at nixpencc net. Lord Cb&rlcs says
    394 words
  • 61 15 The Password is tbe title of the following in London Opinion -Tbe night guard heard a noise. Halt I V'ho goes there Ihe called. It was another poldier bent on midnight frolic, and he answered, Moscb. 'Ihis frivolous and utter disregard of military rule brought back the command (tbe probably
    61 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 290 15 LISTER Hlgh-Tension Magneto Ignition, AutomttisLnbrlcation. il ~T Enclosed. i£f V Tha Engine is the wt-U known Li tor V rtical Type, de«>;ned. maoolaeta <d and i.indardisod in Darnley. England, and maintains that reputation (of solid of ntruction and long life which it apsocia'.od with goods of British mannlaetui v throtiyhont
      290 words
    • 155 15 DUNLOP A^&V I ka <^9 j^tUki although raw rubber has adjfjgqJp^Bßf, v vanced in price, are reduce 1 from L^^jj^ Favourable contracts for raw mates^&^2J&**mL L^ r a h ave enabled us to give the L^,4«l^»3M> ]M jy public the benefit of reduced \«wHIb!IiHP^BI ew p r ce s s
      155 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 448 16 Marseilles Tiles "SWAN BRAND." For prices and particulars, apply to the Sole Agents Adamson, Gilfillan Co., Ltd., SINGAPORE, PENANG and MALACCA. "bhlet wahted. Wantul, billet by a smart oondoctor able to do the work of an aahistant l'loase apply to H c/o Strait* Times. U1.12 10 1 1« PAYING 6UESTB
      448 words
    • 346 16 WANTS. OIL OR GAS LNGtNE WANTED Wanted to purchase, »eooud-hand Oil or Uu Engine in gco J condition, size about 76 Horsepower. Apply to Wallaoe T. I'latt. Consulting Bogiiieer, 84, The Arcade. 8012 6116 LADY TYPIST WANTED. Wanted immediately, Eurasian lady typist (or shipping office: one acquainted wiih tbe Remington
      346 words
    • 493 16 TO BE LET OR SOU, FURNISHED SEASIDE RESIDENCES TO LET.' BELINDA ani.J I" ANITA. 10 let taniatitd. Apply No. 9. Mt. Sophi*. Tf) LET. No. 84, Robinson Road. Immediate entry. Apply E Silas, No. 8 Prince Street. FLOOR TO '.LET. To let. 2nd Fio«» No. 8", Malacca Street, Immediate entry.
      493 words
    • 532 16 It tE LET m MID. BM»U HOUSE TO LEI. Fnrniibefl, or furniture m»y be takes over. Rent moderate. Near Town. Apply to W ri. A., e/e Straits Times. IS 12 C- U 116 TOUT. Honst No. 196 1 Orchard Road hreestoried building suitable (or abop. Apply tc J. A. Bliu,
      532 words
    • 416 16 NOTICE*, GUAN KIAT t CO.. HUD OFFIOC:— J7, rtilllji Street Jrancb Stores at No. 14, P'Ulip Street, and Nos. 14, 100 ana IC2. faok Road. Tel. Address: "(C'ANKIAT." relrphone Nos. 1174 an)l2SB (Private 1460). 3odiB out) A. B 0., Ml Bwtiok, and A 1 OOD*. tills Uiindlsrs, Hardwi* Dwlsn, Bovsransat
      416 words
    • 484 16 Xl AM KIAT CO. 108 109, Market street. Telephone No. VI. Sbipobtodlen, GcTeramet. rvnd M..meip» Ooatraetora Bglste Sapp ;r- »cd Com IDIRBIOC -V^OLSou AoiMir The Mnlcott Belting Co., Ltd. Bert MaltiplM Brand Htir Boltings. 1-7 ***** o ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations n: advertisements, such as changes in sailing
      484 words