The Straits Times, 29 December 1915

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.002 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 29. 1915. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 72 1 I 'j^^k yW 1 1/ r 1/ the INDIAN cv°c T^ THE NEW 5-H.P. TWIN-CYLINDER 3 SPEED MODEL shows careful thought, wide experience and rar -vellous mechanical ingenuity in every line of its cons* action. COMPLETE A\o\ COMPLETE 90(9 i* vOI3 GREAT STRENGTH. CAPACITY FOR HARD WORK. LONG LIFE AND
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    • 131 1 LETTER FILING CABINETS Fitted with Automatic Yale Look* Each Cabinet has filing capacity for about 16,000 papers On view at 14-a, Oollyer Qtmy. A PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS CONCERNING SLEDGE BRAND MILK. It is obtained from cows grazed on the famous Bernese Alps Pastures. [t is therefore a genuine Swiss
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    • 267 1 *j in toui home, you can entertain your friendi to perfection. Jj v* They will welcome the opportunity to dance, and they will thoroughly Wt ft e:ijoy tho n.*w dancei with the superb music furnished by Hi* t SUvtr'i Voide" Records. S flust a few selected Dance Records IL_ yxVf
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    • 25 1 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER. Soli Aoints: ADAMBON, GILFILLAN; CO., LID CALL ON A. FRANKEL CO., Victoria Street, for all requirements in the FURNITURE LINE. Established Kff,
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  • 656 2 The following casualties are reported London, December 12. Died of Wounds.— Capt. P. H. Milward, ltitle Brigade. Now Reported Killed.— Capt. C. Badham Witham, Black Watch Capt. C. A. Cooke, West Surreys; Capt. O. H. Sowter, Lincolns; Capt. O. It. Taylour, Warwicks. Accidentally Killed.— 2nd Lieut. A. E.
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  • 112 2 Queen Mary, Princess Mary and Prince Albert, on November 27, visited Messrs. Warning and Gillow's factory for the making of Army equipment. Of 7,000 workers employed at tbe factory 5,000 arc women and girls. Since tbe factory was first started 50,000 bell tents and 3,000 large marquees have
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  • 85 2 Solonika, which is so much in tbe public eye. baa lony been an important base for tbe (iii man as well as for the 1 Austrian flag. In 1 1913 Greek shipping took tbe premier place with 879 vessels, aggregating 297, 79H tons Austria came next with 120 ships, totalling
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 245 2 BRITISH-MADE PURE COCOA* IN I, 1 lb tins. CHOICE QUALITY, SPECIALLY PREPARED, THE HOUSE:" BRAND. Retail and Wbolesale at GUAN CHIN HONG CO., No. 84, Robinson Road. the New Lever Pocket Self- Filling [SI \^termans©R)untainPen H^ m Litest and l>y far the Ksi idea in Mf-Mtan." Simpiv V(t '7^ i.use-
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    • 324 2 A Reputation of over 100 years. Cockle's ANTIBILIOUS Pills FOR BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, HEADACHE, DEPRESSION. OtChtmislt ISMagtaal Cv •xnrlj. Prices in Enilux) 1 U md 29. Jimti Cockle ICo 4 Great Ormond tt London.W.C. Igc-roteb YOUR SKIN AND M COMPLEXION 1 fl th« year round by rcfular urn oi J Bsetham'a
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    • 1040 2 NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the above Trade Mark is the property of Messrs. Rigold, Bergmann and Company, of Singapore, and is used by them in connection with hosiery and rough goods generally sold or imported by them. 1 1 TRADE MARK and that the above Trade Mark is
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  • 1137 3 SIR WILLIAM MITCHELL PASSES AWAY. A Great Public Career. It is with very keen personal regret that we (Ceylon Observer) record the death of Sir Win. W, Mitchell, which occurred at the General Hospital, Colombo, on December 15, after a brief illness. About the middle of November
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 167 3 THE STHAITS TIMES PRESS, LTD. Artistic 5^ Modern PRINTERS j^^2^££££?^^ Bookbinders, I Photo Engravers j Telephone; Commercial I Lane Half-tone J 348. Photographers J [ebm CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE. OB] THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING GO. (Established 1S83) MANUFACTURERS OF PURE-ROPE 3 STRAND CABLE LAID 4 BTRAND 12" to 12* 5" to
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    • 130 3 Debility enfeebled nerved, poor health and weakened blood —these are troubles that can be overcome. SCOTT'S Emulsion never rails.. !t repairs waste, enriches the blood, revi'ta!i?es the nerv:. and gives strength to ratui or rlriv* out weakness ?.nt? disease. When you p.-Q run-down, ont < f soris or in poor
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    • 331 3 I Lassitude! H is a feeling of weariness, depression, fatigue, fl F which affects equally men, women and child' 2 ren, and it is most important that these signs g S of a rundown condition be not neglected. n Neglect may easily lead to more serious ailments, g S Therefore
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1052 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O.- British India AND Apcar I— inc. MAIL AND PASSENOER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS (Under Contraot with His Majesty Qovernuient), *or China, Jaoan, Panang, Ostylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamern will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Hombward (tos Busors). Conr
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    • 791 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE 31AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Triaasaaa. Bisot, Semerok. tfAii»fr«, Tsb»( Bnmri. xetaaw. Pataal, Siagora Laona, KoQaamai, Baados. Langnuen, Taka, Oaampoa, KjqU* aui tttaesok, Out) Otpirtura a.a. BORIBAT Dec. 3O Jan. 1, 3 p.m. PRACHATIPOK Jan. S 5, 3 p.m. a.». CHUTATUTCH 6 8, 3
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    • 451 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED, AND •HUM MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CB.. LTD Tae V mnsitos' stoaxapfß are despatched from Liverpool oat wards (or the Straiii, Chins aud Japaa every week sad (ram Japsn homewards lor London. Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight; (or G»noa Marseilles and Liverpool and (or
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    • 525 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A servioe is maintained botweea Yokohama vis ports to Marseilles and London under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Govornmoot. The New Twin-sorew Steamers maintaining this servioe have been speoially .lniignu<' and constructed, and are fittod with all
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  • 850 5 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, December 29, 1915. Messrs. Lyall and Kvatt, exchange and share brokers, issuo the following list of quotations this morning. The quotations on sterling shares are only nominal. RUBBER SHARES. No*. Valui. Bdtbrs. Sillirs. 2/- Allasar 1/8 1/11 1 Au
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 610 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. "ELLERMAN" LINE. For LONDON HULL s.s. Kioto due on or about Jan. 4 For LONDON. s.s, Sutton Hall due on or about Jan. 8 For particulars as to rates of freight and passage, apply to McALISTER Co., Ltd., Agents 18 1 D INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO. LTO. STOOMVAART-MAATSCHAPPIJ
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    • 311 5 The Straits Times FOR F.H.S. READERS. Toe Mail Tniti postal service enables to at need into tbe F.M.S. oacb evening a Special Edition of Tbe Straits Times containing all the important telogrami and news received up to a late boar ia the aft* m oon. This editicn oan be bought
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    • 58 5 Aerated Water Bottles (PLAIN). THEY HAVE I .-11 A LARGF REPUTATION JK 7 OZ. &14 OZ AMONG THU ff BOTTLES AND M j: V BE OBTAINED INEXPENSIVE I CHARGE ON PRICE. f m APPLICATION. G. OTOMUNE GO. No. 1, Raft los Place, Singapore. NOW READY The Singapore and Straits ROUGH
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 161 6 (Lati ok Tiih kMM Pi UW DOWB g« HtncKH oneaet) V.ola v Viohn and Cello Accessories. Mandolin from I^-" %^'la ca^s, from B-OO to 7-BO 801 l brand string (one Bet) ordinary Mandoline Aooessories Zithi-r Man.loline Kanj i and Cane 2 °"r2 Bat jo htiion* (ont set of r, string')
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    • 366 6 i&p' TREATMENT of ANAEMIA '^^^Bbwllii OF chlorosis «.»11 cases of debility JW-HJHBB3 FEROXAL ™.n.tiiuc«j2; GRANULATED COMPOUND |p~-tli?^\l^- Of protox«l«te of iron and alcaline phosphate* j VU S^.'. Albert KUISSON If F^ f our »>*^s Academy o/ Medecine at Parti 15, Avenue de Tourville, 45. PAMS rpf^ J^ MORE ASSIMILABLE THAN
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    • 483 6 EMPIRE CINEMA Opposite Krcta Aycr Po'ico Station. TO-NIGHT, CHANGE OF PROGRAMME Continuation of the Great Universal Serial now showing THE BLACK BOX, in 90 Keels, IN THK SKCONI) SHOW. Episode 7. THE HOUSE OF MYSTERY 2 Reeli. B. INHERITED SIN 2 9. LOST IN LONDON 2 A Ki-x Feature STAR
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    • 119 6 AUCTION SALE i f PAWNBROKERS' UNKEDEEMKU PLEDGES, On Mi.nuat, Jimbj 8, 1918, at 10 am. On WiiDNasDAY, JsMUM 5, 191 C, at 10 a.m. On Kkiday, Jancauy 7, 1916, at 10 a.m. Jewelle-y, coogistinK of Watchrs, Chain* Diamond ltiut>R, KrouchtH, Karrin^s, liracoetn. Chinese and Malay Gold Oraamunts, etc, On view
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  • 115 7 FIXTURES Wednesday, December 29. ns{& Water. 3.10 a.m., I 6 piu rttursday, December .*O. Qitjh Water, Mi a.tu 4.14 p.m Friday, December M. Hiijh Wator. i.\H a.m.. Mi p.m Straits Trading Co. mooting. Municipal I'om mission. 2.30 p.m. Saturday, January I. <ligb Water. 5. 48 a.m.. 7.30
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  • 444 7 Tonw. Malacca m>l Mayan II mu. Ho -'.30 piu Malacca. I'. SwvtUnham and Tuluk Anson K i:upar Ml pm and I'onang 'P"'> --M V m < i i\< 'inKio^ Marias :i 0 pm KoU Tinyyi Tanjong Surat 4 pm To-morrow. J'ouloe Soegi Glanggi 8.80 am Soon Hong
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  • 59 7 The I*, and <>■ outward mail ntoamct due at I Vnant; at 6 p.m. to morrow, mad may be c\i>ected to arrive bore on Saturday morning, Ist prox. The M. 1. packet Ka/ilka with mails from Loatdon is expected to leave Negapatam this morning, and may b
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  • 86 7 Our a that our arrivals in Utodoa an much bnbind ■.li (ill. M alk r. i) ir rule is to Kite arrivals ualy wbeo they arc officially r. portud in the Nat Oflea aotioea, and no later dale than that printed above baa been SO report, d.
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  • 52 7 Latest Arrivals. British Nauii I >iiu_ cif Arrival Id-marks. Hon^ Aik II Inner Koadi Aiou HiinK Hoag Lee lioma Sultana larley 29 12 1.". I ika -lurd •v.i tm§ Si' Muar Hen« Hee Ha, 7 Wharf Amy I.eonki laM Roroh >!■ isiu^ Dutch Sin^kep 28 i Innor Roads
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  • 211 7 Outward Tba iol!.i«irj« passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending pasnengcrß may alter their arrangements, sobseqnent to tbe issuance of this list in London Per P.
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  • 294 7 Suggestion to Ameliorate The Financial Situation. eritas writes to The Financial W *s as follows I wonder how long our authorities will be content to muddle through tbe war with oar lutary system as applied to men. uionty, ami economies. The system may be the beat
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  • 163 7 BXCHANOB. MNatPou, Übcbmbkb 29, 1616. On London Bank 4 tu/s 2/4& Demand J/4 1 Private Bre It 2/4} On Ikdu Uan&T. T. 176 On lon jkono... Bank d/d 18 On SHA.viiui ...Bank d/d 921 Uk Jm Bank T.T. 131,' On TtPts Rink lny, Sovereigns --baying rate tSM
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    • 173 7 I»» ue Buyers Sellers. Value 10 10 Ampant; 6.00 1 1 Aver Wen" 0.80 0.40 10 10 Belat 2.00 2.10 10 10 Kanabol 0.80 0.93 1) 10 Kinta Association 6.50 £1 XI Kinta Tin 1.14.6 1.17.6 Jl £1 Lahat Mines 425 10 8.'25 Malayan Collieries 2.50 diH £1 Malayan
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    • 621 7 I? 8 06 1 Buyers. Sellers. Value 3/- 2/- Aliagßi 1/8 2/- i Anglo- Java 10/6 12/6 a/- 3/- Anglo-Malay 9,6 10/6 2/> 2/- Batanu Malaka 1/7 1/9 £1 XI Batu Tiga 2.10.0 8.0.0 2/- 2/- Bekob 1/11 2/3 £1 41 Bukit Kajang 1.17.6 2.0.0 £1 £1 Bokit Lintauf?
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    • 132 7 GENE R AL. 11 411 B. SmeUina Co 6.75 II 41 a Pn>t. 1.3.) I/- 6/- Blectrie T way* 2/9 10 10 Power k Neave 60.00 SO 50 \V. Hammer 4 Co. 69.00 100 How»rth Brakine 100 7% Prof. 100 100 KaU Bro, Del 10 10 MaynarJ *Co 100 100
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    • 45 7 United Engineers 6% 11,284 600 par Singapore Blectrio Tramways 6% £850,000 no Spore Municipal 6% 11,878,000 par Spore Municipal 44% of 1807 11,600,000 W 98 S'poro Municipal H% of 1000 1,000,000 90% Spore Municipal i% 2,000,000 10% dii Spore Municipal 4 £800,000 M %di«
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 175 7 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods' Great Peppermint Cure Is. 6d, H. ft W. GREER. LTD. NOTICE. NOTICE ia ben by given that the above Trade Mark, when naed in connection with the articles below mentioned, in the exclusive property of Mittsrp. li, ,v W. Oreer, Limited, No. 48, Kobinson Koad,
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    • 160 7 GRAND CHANGE OF PROGRAMME AT THB HARIMA CINEMATOGRAPH NORIH HHII", If K"U' To-Nitfht AX 9.15 Xo-Nlffhtl! MISJUDGED, 3 Parts. Forced to nee when a supposed fiiind betrays him, a mining broker in finally vindicated when his clever wife comes to his ai* Hurbort Kawlinscn and Anna Littlu (oatuiud in tbisUOLU
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  • 1126 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29. THE KING'S MESSAGE. The King r message to the Indian troops who are leaving France is a most graceful expression of His Majesty's warm apprecn tion of the services rendered by men who voluntarily left their own country to serve the Imperial cause. We
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  • 48 8 The Times of Malaya, of the 27th inst., exclaims Prodigious A telegram of 50 wonts l.,ind.,| in at Singapore at 9 a.m. yesterday actually reached its destination at Ipoh at 4.G.") p .ui. just 5 minuter short of 8 hours. It must have come alonu in a bullock-cart
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  • 19 8 A Dutch cable states that operations in the Dardanelles will be continued with renewed violence in the near future.
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  • 23 8 The shipping and the import and export offices will lie opvu for one hour only from 10 to 11 a.m.) on Saturday next.
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  • 25 8 The Sumatra Post speaks in terms of the highest eulogy of the action of the British Oovernment in releasing Christian de Wet and his followers.
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  • 25 8 The Philippines military authorities have been advertising for sealed offers for the supply of six million pounds of fresh beef and I*>o,ooo pounds of mutton.
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  • 27 8 At Hongkong, a volunteer reserve, named Martin, a cutter, employed at Wm. Powell's, was found guilty by a court-martial of failing to obey orders. Sentence was postponed.
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  • 37 8 The P. and O. agents at Penang notify that the mail despatched from Penang to London by the P. and pr.ckct on November 27 (ami from Singapore on the 26th idem) was delivered on the 21th inst.
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  • 34 8 Although the war has been going on for nearly seventeen months lamp chimneys, marked made in Saxouy are still being sold in Malaya, which is carious, to say the least, remarks our Ipoh contemporary.
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  • 35 8 V. C. Parr, who was charged at Hongkong with unlawfully using money belonging to Parr and 0., Ltd., l>is VtMl Road, for his own use, has beeu discharged, the charge against him being unreservedly withdrawn.
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  • 47 8 The office* of the Asiatic Daily Ncwh, No. 11, Sl.,intiiiij; HuaJ, ShaDghai, which win the object of a dastardly outrage un September 11, of this year with tragic result*, wi-ro a few nights ago, the scene of another outrage—fortunately, on this occasion, with no loss of life.
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  • 56 8 A debate will be held by the members of the Chinese Christian Association and their friends at the CCA. Hall, to-day, at H p.m. Subject Should debating be introduced into the schools of the Colony as a subject of education for the higher class students Affirmative, Mr. Soh Cheng I.
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  • 52 8 Two brothers from the front met in an unexpected fashiou at their home at Hitchin the other wtek. As ouo brother, I'uvatc Norman Briscoe, was leaving the house his brother Ernest was just entering the garden gate, having arrived home unexpectedly from the trenches. They had not met btfoia during
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  • 59 8 "I am told, writes Oliver Gywnno in the Sunday Chronicle, that at the recent secret meeting of the Danish Parliament the significant fact was disclosed that the Danish army has now laid in a stock of rjisou masks. Knowing the German partiality for waging war with gas it is pretty
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  • 55 8 The celebration of Christmas in Penang proceeded on the usual lines. The only difference that could be observed, as a result of the prevailing war conditions, was that a smaller number of the inhabitants betook themselves to other districts in search of relaxation. There were special services in the churches
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  • 63 8 There have been heavy rains in King Shan and Man Cheung districts on the island of Hainan. The sun has not been seen there during the last hundred days, with the exception of two. The rains have been followed by typhoons which have destroyed all the crops and the price
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  • 67 8 Newspapers throughout the East have been advised from home to the effect that all freights to the East are being advanced 10 per weight and measurement at ship's option. The price of printing paper of all qualities is advancing by leaps and bounds. Pulps are difficult to obtain and the
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  • 76 8 The wreck of the Taro Mara (3,165 tons) chartered by the Mitsui Busen Kaisha, which ran ashore on a sunken rock at the entrance to Hainan Straits in a dense fog on November 29, was offered for sale by auction at Mr. <). P. Lammert's auction rooms, Hongkong, on December
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  • 90 8 Regarding the fire at Kenong. it is stated that when the flames were first observed a strong wind was blowing in the direction of the town and the fire spread rapidly, most of the houses being attap roofed, and very close together. There bno fire brigade at Renon^. and water
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  • 87 8 The Netherlands Steamship Co. has placed an order with the Netherlands Shipbuilding Co. for the building of a steel mail steauiei to take the place of the steamer Koningin Emma The measurements will be I^.' ft. by 59 ft. by 30 ft., and the registered tonnage 10,000. There will be
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  • 101 8 At the annual general uiuctin^ of the StiaitH Chinese Literary Association held at Juanita, Toluk Kurau, in cud junction with its anniversary, the following were elected officebearers for the coming year Patron, Day Keny Yont;; prenident, Gob II "I Ken« first vice president, Khoo Tick li« uu second vice prenidtnt,
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  • 524 8 Mr. and Mrs. I 1 W. V Karijiihaismi. of Negri Sctubilin, ar( leaviny In home. Mr. iMMkn, tin -elibiitril hut.l' caricaturist of The Nmml, his b< n appointed Chevalier of tho Legion of law According to a (xwtcanl just Motived tnnu him from Wittenberg a Kibe, Mr.
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  • 62 8 Messrs. Paterson, Simons and Co., agents for the Nippon u-en Kaisha, inform us that the Kashima Maru, which is due to leave Singapore for Kurope on January .">, is sailing via Durban and Madeira, touching at Colombo en route. It is expected that other steamers
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  • 72 8 Two meetings of the Municipal Comunsioners arc being held this week the first, fixed for this afternoon being 11 special sitting for the purpose of considering by-laws for the registration and keeping of dogs, and of dairies and dairy men, and the other, an ordinary meeting, to be
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  • 30 8 Thi! committee acknowledge with tin- n itipt of the following Previously acknowledged Mm Scryuiyeotn 5.00 Mr*. A. Lov., Hon. Treasurci, y, Leonie Hill
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  • 188 8 In the abstract of proceedings of the liengal Chamber of Commerce for the month of October it was stated that the committee had received from the Government of India lists of firms in China and Siaui to whom shipments might be mode without question,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 219 8 ,'&> ./4A Pressls^=- c °py in 2 Carbons. r^fc^HK" Twentieth Century lut« seen the advent of li) m:iny remarkable inventions, not the least of which is the Roneo Letter Copier, which dis- iim'v wi' h water, brush, and press, makes costly carbons unnecessary, ail produces perfect copies at the rate
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    • 241 8 TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT I I •(tin we art to tht fort with our Splendid Exclutivt Futures AT THE ALHAMBRA Th« Plonttr Clnamiiotnph Thtatrt, Buch Road WITH COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON TO ALL wi nasai the following list of Holiday Attractions A Powerful and Exciting Drama RIDING TO WIN In 4 Parts.
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  • 2060 9 RUSSIAN WINTER. Great German Defence Scheme. INDIANS IN FRANCE. Text of King's Message Of Thanks. R> ms. London, l>> > p.m. r.elat..: telegram* from Iliiisia. which have been held up nwin<; to the interruption of the 1 1! -how that the winter is I pMa The thermometer •i!"ii'j
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  • 73 9 SPREADING FROM YUNNAN TO KWANGSI. RKUTER's TILK'.KAM. London, Doccmber 27, 2.15 p.m. It transpires that the revolutionary movement in China iv not confined to Yunnan. It has spread to Kwangsi where there is a very bitter anti monarchist fooling. Prominent revolutionary leaders are hastening to the scene.
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  • 35 9 Kkotsk's Tklk,ii»m London, December 23, 1.50 p.m. The gale was general over the British Isles with damage everywhere. Wales was practically isolated from telegraphs and telephones. Hundreds of roofs were ripped off.
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  • 106 9 (Fkum On Own Corhesi'oxdist.i Kuala L'impur. December 2h. The Nt gri Sembilan sporting Club held a gymkhana at Sertmban yesterday. At the conclusion of the programme Mrs. Braddon presented the cups to the winners and a silver-mounted whip to Mr. M. L. Phillips, Mr. Farquharson announcing that the
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  • 184 9 Entries for the Forthcoming Meeting. ,Fkom On Own OMMMMRJ l'enaoi;. December 29. Following are the entries for the Penang Turf Club meeting to be held on January 6 and 8 Flan Day. Georgetown Plate and Purse. Pretty Molly, King Blaze. omet, Nick, Betting Hill, Anzac, Laksfms. Try
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  • 124 9 Somewhere in England, says the Central News, a railway goods yard was becoming so congested that the carriage of certain material was being delayed. Eton got to hear of the trouble, and on November 18, about 600 pupils, accompanied by the headmaster, the Rev. the Hon. Edward Lyttelton, took train
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  • 48 9 intimation have boen received at Delhi that Messrs. AndrowN and l'uarsou, who have b. v touring in Australia in connection with In Jo Colonial questions, arc now in Fiji. They will sail from Adelaide on the 30th instant and will roach India by th> MM week of .January.
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  • 620 9 Association to Protect Their Interests. A meeting uf Singapore land -owners hl. I rate-payers was held in the Chamber of Commerce yesterday afternoon in order to form an association having ax its object* the protection and advancement of the interests of such as may care to become meuibu--.
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  • 222 9 Tbe new steamer Columbia, of the Royal West Indian Mail, ran a trial trip from Ymuidcn just before the la«t miil left hoTj" The ship had been examined by experts and been found flawless. The managers entertained their guests »t luncheon, during which a curious incident took
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  • 251 9 The Canton correspondent of the Hongkong Daily Press, writing on December 16, says Reports have been received by (ieneral Lung that numerous rebels have been ctealtbily returning to the interior with a view to creating trouble. Owing to the careful precautions taken by the authorities, they arc confronted
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  • 683 9 PLANTERS STORY OF MIDNIGHT ATTACK. Chinese Coolies' Rig Haul Cases of gang robbery have been \.,i numcrona up in the Stutes l,v day, in the District Conrt, there vim yiven to Mr. Firmstone an account of how the ruffians who make the lonely neighbourhoods so dar^erous go
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  • 374 9 Fifteen Per Cent. Dividend for Past Year. The report ot Warns BtOtSMM, Ltd., to bo rfubuiitUd to the shareholders at the annual meeting on Wednesday next is as follows In submitting the audited accounts for the year ended October ;<l, 1915, your directors congratulate you upon the
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  • 1884 10 GOOD FINANCIAL POSITION INDICATED. Capital to be Increased Ill' M\th annual general meeting of tho Ayer Tawah Rubber Company was hell on December 17, at the rooms of the Shanghai General Chamber nf Commerce. Th»sc pre mint were -Mr .1. 11. Teesdale (chairman), Mr. Alex, saiuson and
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  • 238 10 Latent advertisement)) ol the day appear on page 0 and 11. I >uring Merle's performance at the Adelphi Hotel on Boxing Day, a collection was made and $80 was taken up, out of which »40 has been handed to Admiral Grant and 940 to General Itidout for
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  • 980 10 Miss Winifred James Back From Panama. Life on the lagoons and in the jungle of Panama is not, for a woman, a very joyous experience. Miss Winifred James, the novelist, has spent there the years since her marriage, and is not exactly enthusiastic about Central
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  • 71 10 Swimming Club launches for Sunday wrll leave at 7, 9, and 10 a.m., 2.30 and 3.30 p.m. and will return at 8.80 and 9.30 a.m., 12.15, 3 and 5.30 p.m. The British Resident of Perak recently presented a beautiful silver rose bowl for a ladies' single golt competition,
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  • 55 10 The following will play to-night at nine o'clock for the Adelphi Hotel billiard cup: M. 8. Cowan —TO v. J. Domett SO Schiess 10 v. J. Jones 70; R. Gale 40 v. H. S. Kber scratch. Last night's results were: Aeria 50, 250; Konaldson, scratch. 101. Van Lumberg, scratch,
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  • 23 10 Mr. r W. King, who has undergone an operation at thj» Oovefnment Hospital, is progressing satisfnetorUy and hoped to be •boat again shortly.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 53 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Some eating houses in Singapore are kept in dark, dingy, low-roofed places dirty lin the extreme tempting disease. Will the health department see that they are according to the requirements of the Municipal laws Yours, etc., PRO-BoNO I'l'BUl'O. Singapore,
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    • 214 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Some time ago I noticed a small paragraph in your paper to the effect that small cushions made of dark material (13" X 18") were very much needed by our wounded soldiers. Can you tell me if these
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  • 605 10 Factors Governing the Remarkable Movement. With the object of giving special information to the public, in view of the strong interest taken in the position of the rubber market, we (The Financier, of November 24) have elicited the following facts from a high authority in the
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  • 40 10 Mr. Jewell, assistant Superintendent of Surveys, Kedab, has left Singapore for New Zealand on long leave and his duties at Songei Patani are Doing discharged by Mr. C. Y. Sewell, his brother, who is also in the Kednb Government service.
    40 words
  • 1212 10 (FROM A CoKKF.SH.INDINT.) Sourabaya, December 2:1. An official statement from tbo liotterdamRche Lloyd and the Stoomvaat Maatschappij Nederland last Friday confirms tho report, prevailing here at the beginning of the week, that the Dutch mail boats will after January 1 take the Capu route instead of that
    1,212 words
  • 506 10 Serious Loss Necessitates Leasing Property. Mr. W. L. Watkins, C'hairmau. si^ns the following report oi the directors of lUni^un. Ltd., which is to be presented to sliareholders: Your directors beg to submit him with their first annual report and statement of accounts. From tho accounts it will be
    506 words
  • 519 10 Irresistible Instinct to Dive For Cover. The wounded home from the war archaving a good time as soon as their convalescence is sufficiently advanced to allow them to enjoy themselves. In and around London there are motor rides br "mid without end, beanfeasts for the Tommies,
    519 words

  • 1921 11 11l H i:\RSOI WORLDS OLDEST SPORTING DAILY. By Shirlcv Byron Jevons No country other than Kngland has a newspaper fifty yearn old that has bei n first and last and always concerned with "[nirt as its be ill and end all. The word must be ac us. howjvtr.
    1,921 words
  • 77 11 I'ronraaime of drills, etc., fot week ending. h ridoy, D<joeniber ill WIDKCKUAY, If. KMllkß 29. Slop.tu. Drill Hall Maxim Co. S.V.It Cbineae Co. Bran lianab ltoad Malay Co. Till UtDAV, Dki F.MBIK 30. 5.15 p.m. i'rill Hall Veterans Co. 5.10 p.m. lira- Haaab Itoad Malay Co. 5.15
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 65 11 Life tad no chatma t> r this old tonga," Ttitath in in* yo«h lit d cut np rough, Hi* tjo «i- iliuitui il. liis voic was hoaky, Tliin winch I knew of friend McCioaky. And later on I beard the talt— Ik J hate rim up th« fclio loc mre,
      65 words
    • 499 11 THE BEST TYRE FOR FORD CARS isecurity! 1 1 TRY THEM WEARNE BROS., LD., Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang, SOLE AGENTS. AFTER DINNER The Gramophone provides Unlimited Entertainment, BUT IT MCST BE "HIS MASTER'S VOICE Come and hear the latest models. They are wonderful. S. Moutrie Co., Ltd., RAFFLES
      499 words
    • 186 11 ABDULLA CIGARETTES fc^» <J^- No. S Turkish $3 OO Yenidjeh .Mahal la No. 1... 2.78 W-Db"j(^ (Turkish) J^ No. 11 Turkish t,IO O L TN No. 14 Egyptian Z 2.2S 'Unt» bono sTRttT lonoon* No. 16 Bgyptian I.SO No, 7 Virginia 1.25 V^gl ___r.pjiiiH^J QBTANABLE EVERYWHERE. RAFFLES HOTEL Friday, December
      186 words

  • 2171 12 RESULTS REPORTED DISTINCTLY SVTISIACTORY. Policy as to Coffee Th« fourth annual general nioeting of the huaretiold'-r- of the Bajoe Kidoel Itubbor and Produce Company, Limited, was hold ou November V.i in tin Council Room of the Rubber Ortiwcrs' Association, 3H, Eastcheap, IG, Mr. Arthur Law par d (chairman
    2,171 words
  • 150 12 Mr. J. 11. Little, of Murshic'abad, cod tribute* an articU to tbc mw number of I'm n^nl I'ast ho 1 I'rtstnt in which be argaee that tin account of the Black I I.<H of l aliMitta «>» a boax pt.-rpttiatcd by Holwell Xr. l-itU< cUclmus
    150 words
  • 1871 12 STRONG FINANCIAL POSITION OF COMPANY. Terms of Option Extension. Tbe sixth annual ordinary general meeting of tbe Sungei Mahru Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on November Is, at tbe offices of the company, Mincing Lane House, 59, Eastcheap, London, E.C., Mr. P. J. Burgess (chairman of tbe
    1,871 words
  • 398 12 The report of the Tebrau Rubber Estates, Limited, states that the planted area remains the same, :J,917 acres, but a re survey is presently being taken to verify the total area, boundaries and divisions. Tbe acreage in bearing at end of June, 1915, was 2,176, containing 310,200
    398 words
  • 242 12 The report of tbe Insulinde (Sumatra) Rubber and Tobacco Kstat-H, Limited, states that tbe area under Ilevea rubber is approximately 1,086 acres, of which 622 acres arc in bearing. A farther 211 acres should come into tapping during tbe current year. The yield of rubber for
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 213 12 Glacial Acetic Acid (ENGLISH) GUARANTEED 99 ESTATES SUPPLIED AT MODERATE RATES MAYNARD&CO.LTD, WHOLESALE PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS, 16, Battery Road, Singapore. NEW GOODS JUST UNPACKED. AN EXCELLENT VARIETY OF Silks, Shawls, Blouses, Kimonos, Dresses, Damasceneware, Silverware and Gold Jewellery, etc., etc. At Lowest Possible Prices. INSPECTION INVITED. K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL CO.,
      213 words

  • 1150 13 Trade Secrets of Where and How ll Is Made. Who would su-peet that our uuiijue decora tion, For Valour "—a few pennyworth of bron/.e as to intrinsic worth has a saleroom value of £50 or more, when one comes into the market I Where and bow is
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 484 13 A PROOF of the SUPERIORITY of HAIPHONG 'DRAGON 'CEMENT Contracts have been renewed for the supplies of Cement during 1916 t0 yj^SiUjK and to THE MUNICIPALITY feS j^ T «E GOVERNMENT SINGAPORE Xi?ggf>/ JOHORE Insist on getting Haiphong Dragon Cement and beware of i agitations. DUPIRE BROTHERS, Sole Agents for
      484 words
    • 319 13 CALENDAR FOR DEC, 1915. Sunday 5 12 19 26 Monday 6 13 20 27 Tuesday 7 14 21 28 i i Wednesday 1 8 15 22 29 Thursday 2 9 16 23 30 Friday .J 3 10 17 24 31 r < L Saturday 4 11 18 25 TuMdaya i—
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 491 14 Pkagb Famine or Plenty. Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS 7 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, UNITED. HSAO OFtMOB Winchsstsr Hows* Sln.».po-«. LOMDOM OPFICS. 32. Old Jewry, 80. Tk« Offupssy bas «30,000 dt-posited with the Suprenw Oourt of England, and compiiei with
      491 words
    • 305 14 INSURANCE. POLICIES ON ALL MODERN PLANS. SUN LIFE OF CANADA, 6, Battery Road. S. J. HOWB, |.g Manager. 6UAROIAN ASBURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONOOM. BubBor:b«d Capital fJ.OOO.QOO lotal Invented F csdn. 46,260,000 Annual Inoomo 41,100,000 Tho nndere^gnad, Agents for the above Company, aie pruparod to accept fire and Barthquakc risk* for
      305 words
    • 451 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 116.000,000 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling 41,500,000 at 2/- 118,000,000 Silver 116,*****0 188,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 116,000,000 oourt of directors. Hon. Mr. D. Landale. Chairman. W. L. Pattenden, Esq., Deputy Chairman. S. H. Dodwdli, Esq IP. H. Holyoak, Bsq. O. T. M. EMkiDH,
      451 words
    • 453 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid np Capital in 60,000 Sharos of 0 eacl 41,200.000 Reserve Fond 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.200,000 BANKERS The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd., The
      453 words
    • 806 14 INSURANSE. LIFE ASSURANCE AT MINIMUM COST. Esubumikd 1871. THE ORIENTAL tmmmmmmmUm* GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. ABBETS exceed $28,000,000 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Profit* to Policy-holders at last Valuntlon $1,118,673. LOWEST Apply for Prospectus and full information tn LIBERAL RATES SINGAPORE BRANIH OFFICE CONDITIONS J. R. MACPHERSON, Secretary for SS.IK M
      806 words

  • 857 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Not a few famous racing cars are now doini j service with thu French armies in the field. i The l'eugiot, which won first prize in the 1913 Amiens Grand Prix race, is on President Poincaire's stall, Originally the property of
    857 words
  • 270 15 It is difficult to answer a correspondent's question, says Camisis in the Sunday Time", as to at what age it is wise for a man to giro up active sport. All depends upou the physical tituoss of the man and the nature uf the sport.
    270 words
  • 38 15 The river Salso, in Sicily, rose suddenly on November 23 after a cyclone and carried away abridge at Licata, where many persons stood watching the torrent. A huujiid wen drowned, and many large buildings were undermined and collapsed.
    38 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 273 15 LISTER— PUMPS High Tension Magneto Ignition, Automatic Lubrication. L PMd JQ Efficient f"5 AlTo A The Engine in the well known Li-tcr V> rtical Type, designed, manufactured and rttndarriified in Dorsley. England, and maintains tbat reputation (or solid oonHtruction and long life which in aeßOoiated with gx>ds of British manufactaTe
      273 words
    • 12 15 For Children's Hacking Coagb at Night Woods Great Peppwuiint Cure Is. 6d
      12 words
    • 199 15 AIR RAIDS The most successful air raid ever \^^s!^—j made was in 1888, when J. H. jl^K^l<( Dunlop raided air, and interned i^Rwkj it, under compression, in hollow rubber tubes, fitted these to the .^affijr^B: wheels of bicycles, and named «Bb' them pneumatic tyres. The V I y I Isr
      199 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 470 16 A. B. MACKAY'S Q THE ORIGINAL JP LIQUEUR WHISKY. >^.-™:- V. As supplied to both Houses of KT^B\ Parliament. I j |yPI OBTAINABLE FROM ALL P^> FIRST-CLASS DEALERS f*W^/!\ Sole A^ ent3: G^^ ADAMSON, GILFILLAN tgrfri AND COMPANY. LIMITED. |BtldM Singapore Penang and Malacca. WANTS. BILLET WANTEO. Wantt d, bilk
      470 words
    • 391 16 WANTS. ACCOUNTANT WANTEO. Accountant required by a Commercial nrtu in Borneo. Salary t250 per uiuntb and furnished bouse. Apply with refeitncee to Borneo, c/o Straits Times. 2212 61 16 STENOGRAPHER WANTED. Wanted, fcr office- in Java, intelligent stenographer witL previous jjocd prospects for gotd man. Wr,t. enclosing copies of
      391 words
    • 560 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. FURNIBHED BEASIDE REBIDENCEB TO LET. BL LINDA and JUANITA, to let tarnished. Apply No. 9. Mt. Sophia. 1 6 v TO LET. No. 84, Kobinnon Road. Immediate entry. Apply E Silas, No. 8 Prince Street. 8 10 rv FLOOR TO LET. To let, 2n4 Floor,
      560 words
    • 521 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. TO LET. Housb No. 186-1, Orchard Road bretstoried building suitable for a shop. Apply to J. A. Ellas, S 1 Malaooa Street. 5-5 v SMALL HOUBE TO LET. Furnished, or furniture ma; be taken over. Rent moderate. Near Town Apply to W. H. A., c/o
      521 words
    • 421 16 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT GO.. HEAD OFFICE:— S7, Phillip Straat. Branch Stores at No. 14, Phillip Street, and Nos 14, 100 and 102, Tank Road. Tel. Address: "GUANKIAT. Telephone Nos. 1174 and 1288 (Private 1460) Corns csid A. B C, 6th Edition, and Al Codes. ■hip Chandleri, Hardware Datlers, Government and
      421 words
    • 479 16 KIAM KIAT CO. 108 ft 109. Market Street. Telephone No. 421 Sbipotiacdlors. Government aud Muciotp* Contractorr. Bntatn Snpplicr!' acd Coa' mission Agonf Soli Aosmix The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd. Best Multiplar Brand Hair Beltings 1-7 80 6-lrt To ADVERTISERS As requests to ruako alterations hi ;iilvc LtiHciuentK, such as changes
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 299 16 Straits Wimes. Telephone.. Editorial and General 70 Manager's Office '262 Job Printing Department 348 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to busine-s* matters advertisement*, subscription", accounts, printing, etc. should be ad dressed to THE MANAGE!!. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.-Misccllano ous wants
      299 words