The Straits Times, 28 December 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.991 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 28. 1915. PRICB 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 193 1 SLEDGE BRAND MILK ALL comes from Cows grazed on the famous Bernese Alps pastures. The quality, therefore, may be relied upon to be always of that unrivalled standard of excellency which has gained for Sledge Brand the first place among all Canned Milks. It is most important that Milk for
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    • 297 1 in your horn-, you can entertain your friend» to perfection. JJ Tk»j will welcome the opportunity to dance, and they will thoroughly ft j Ht wijoy ihr new dances with the >uperb muiic furni-hrd by Hii Just a few selected Dance Records f«^_ y^% h from the Hi. Ma.ter 1
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  • 812 2 TERRIBLE CHARGE BY THE ANZAC TROOPS. Turkish Prisoner's Story. Captain C. E. W. Bean, the official Press representative with tbe Imperial Forces in tbe Dardanelles, gives further details, gathered from a wounded Turk, of tbe charge of tbe Third Light Horse Brigade on August 7. Extracts
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  • 267 2 T«as not the sound of life or dram That roused his soul and bade him Come Tin moans of mardered men be beard, Tbe wails of outraged women stirred His conscience called him into linu With comrades true a cause divine He bad espoused as out be stepped,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 257 2 MACHINE- PRESSED CEMENT TILES Maft undtr high hjdraullc presiun which MWrM ORE AX DURABILITY Samples of Colour* and Designs «t TAMPENIS CEMENT TILE WORKS No. 94, Sungai Road adjoining Roohora Canil. 'Phone 589. V-jy Spirits and Wines have this tendency. X£m HBp Horlick's Malted Milk cools the body it v
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    • 507 2 AIDS TO DIGESTION. Whatever improves bodily conditions in general aids digestion. Cbeerfalnt ss, exercise, fresh air, baths and good habits make your digestion better able to take care of any hardens you impose upon it. Bat the greatest aid to good digestion is good blood. Anx-mia, or thin blood, in
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    • 717 2 ARTICLES FOB SALE. GARDEN ROLLER FO i SALE. 24* Water Ballast. Also Lawn Marker Apply F. C. Sandr, 10, Newton Road. 24 12 88 ia FOR SALE. StroDg, fast, Deli pony and gharry, in firstcluf r condition. Apply ICO n, Robinson l-o*d. Ti-lt phoi i- 213. 27 12 28 12
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  • 885 3 WHAT THE YORKSHIRE FOLK ARE DOING. Women in Khaki Leeds is the headquarters of the West Hiding munitions area. Tbe whole kingdom has been mapped out into eleven areas, of which seven are in England and Wales, two in Scotland, and two in Ireland. Tbe areas are
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  • 185 3 Id the Legislative Assembly at Sydney on November '24, Mr. Kitipatnck asked tbe Minister for Public Work* iMr. Cans) it be had ootiotd the statement*) in the pries to tbe (Sect that a number of boxers connected with the Stadium, including one named l>arcy, were about
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 542 3 SUFFERED FROM BWIJACE Pain Became Unbearable. Could Not Work. Had No Sleep for Nearly a Month. Cuticura Healed. 7, St. Anncs St., Wiwt minuter, London; 8. W., Eng. "Tho terrible dlacaae first started through a shaving rash which spread all over my faco and under my chin and not being
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    • 355 3 OFFICIAL: SELLING TO-DAY TOYS! TOYS!! TOYS!!! REAL TOYS LIKE "The Contemptible Little Army" They are the Real Goods. HAVE THE YOUNGSTERS MEET AT TOYLAND. JULIAN FRANKEL FURNITURE CO. Only Addrett ORCHARD ROAD Only Addrais (No connection with any other Furniture House) Glacial Acetic Acid (ENGLISH) GUARANTEED 99 ESTATES SUFPLIED AT
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1061 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O." British India AND AVpcar I— inc. VIAIL AND PA33ENQER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIBNTAI. SAILINGS. (Under Contraot with His Majesty s Government). For China, Japan, Penang, Oeylon, Australia, India, Adan, Egypt, Mediterranean Porte and Londom Stoamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. IiOBKWAI.D O'OB EoBOPB).
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    • 796 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Trininraan. Bisnt, Seiaerak, ktelaataa, Tabai BauriAra. iciuma. Pataai, Stagora Laooa Kobsamui, Baa4oa. Langaaea, Tata, (Jhumpon, Kohlak aad Uaagkok. Oue Departure t a BORIBAT Deo. SO Jan. 1,3 p.m. a.c. PRACHATIPOK Jan. 8 5, 3 p.m. a.c. OHUTATUTOH 8 8,8
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    • 452 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CB.. LTD The Cdnpaaiet' stet.uif«B are aespatobod from Liverpool outwards tor the Straits, China aid Japaa every week and from Japaa homewards lor London. Amsterdam and Antwerp eveiy fortnight; for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre
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    • 524 4 STEAMER SAILING* N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A servioe is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles and London under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Oovornmont. The New Twin-Borew Steamem maintaining this service bavo been specially dumgnoo and constructed, and aro fitted with all
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  • 82 5 JIXTIRES i uestlay, December 28. Hinh Wat»-r I p.m. Wednesday, December 2«». High Water, .1.10 a.m.. M pi Thursday, December .*O. Higli Water P-i" Friday, December .11. Hi«h Water. CM %m M Tmi 'i'A I "i,i ting. Saturday, January I. oißb Water Via ÜbV pi»--\,-.v,-.v Kay P.
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  • 387 5 To»av. lah.iu .tu'i lu'li m 2.8O pui UOpm ISatu I'ahat M. na I Ml pui Cariyta 2.30 pin ham i I MM 2.30 pui Malacca and Maar l.»dj Weld 8 piu \iuoy ■b 3.30 pm ribon (iianK Sena P"> ni^i UlH Hin 4 pm mi and I'-ulanK
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  • 33 5 I' ,iv I outward mail steam, i il due at I'onanK at six o'clock on y i Ttnin«. ,SOtli in-t aod may be I to arrive bore on Saturday morning.
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  • 63 5 Our attention baa boon calk 1 to tl-r (act that oar arrival- in I .oodon are much behind ftM P^HMMI *M*M "t rtilr is to arrivals only wl«n they are offlcially r r i lHm Nat o Imm, .in. i m. .ibovc bu boea ried. \(1V. 1
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  • 77 5 Latest Arrivals. British. Name l>aU<>f atrifal Itemarks. Ir»,h '.'7 12 15 Inner Roads Kampar l'hysa I'tiliiu Rukum Lycaon No. 7 Wharf I lok Canton I'Oadß Hock KsMJ htiMfl I .iiijcmn Surat hi in HoskTv* Muck G ->..nn lldd^ 'tcn-HDa MMS Sapplri -'-12 15 VVilhelm Kuala i MUfIMMM) Castle
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  • 210 5 Outward The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from tbe London and China Express. It should be understood that, in MBM instructs, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their BRMaMBMBMi MBsMjaaM to the issuance of this list in London IVr I',
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  • 118 5 In tlit- liow-street Police Court on Decem•gi Priestley, a commission a^tnt, was sentenced to four months imprisonment (or Having attempted to trade in war material witL .it a permit. Intercepted letters indicated tbat tbe prisoner was attempting to push the sale of 1,000,000 or 2.000.000 Mauser rides.
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  • 161 5 EXCHANOE. Sinuapoki, Dkckmbkk 28, IVIB. On London Bank 4m- 3/4& DcmaLd i -i w Private 8 m/i 2/4} on India T. T. 176 On H<m.»KONo...t;.ink a/J 18 On bHANOHAi d,u M On Java Bank T. T. l;tl j On Japan Bank \m\ Sovereigns bcymg rate
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 7 5 >iv plaints, rmint Core 1- M. 1
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    • 135 5 "FELUCCA" EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES Made by Maspero Freres, Cairo. ON SALE AT ALL DEALERS. SOLE AGENTS FOR F "DUDBRIDGE" C j oil 2 ENGINES I p FOR KEROSENE' OR CRUDE OIL. m^^ El Irl <f*-JB bHbV. ClVbmm. f^ \^L^L\ mm. fj f H A NIS B.H.P. Kerosene Engine IN STOCK D
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    • 529 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. EMPIRE CINEMA OppOHito Kn t* Ay,r I'uhcr SiatioD. TO-NIOHT, CHANGE: OF PROt.H/iMME Continuation of the Great Un, venal Serial now showing HE BLACK BOX, in 30 Reels IN T lb. HK I>MO Ml >W. Episode 7. THE HOUEE Oh MYSTERY 3 Reels. 8. INHERITED SIN 2 9. LOST
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  • 14 6 lumn.-t'u December 27, at the Nursing Home, Ootacamund. Herbert Mitford l>arby, aged Vk
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  • 1005 6 The Straits Times. TUESDAY DECEMBER 28. THE TRADE UNION VIEW. < iqi ih somewhat distressed to find that, even it tbis lat period in tbe history of the wai it is still necessary for a Cabinet Minister to appeal in terms of paasiou to working men to work their hardest
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  • 27 6 A disastrous fire at Henong has gutted a large portion of the place, 100 houses being destroyed and damage to the sum of 600.G00 ticals being recirdil.
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  • 48 6 Chinese reports state that at a special conference of Ministers of State it was decidtd to remove the Kiangnan Arsenal to a more suitable place owing to the barm done to trade in Shanghai by periodical disturbances and rebels using the foreign Settlements as a base for operations.
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  • 60 6 Tbe proprietor of the Glasgow Daily Record and bis publisher, Andrew Forbes, on the 4th inst., pleaded guilty to having used for [>i < pMMtnri code for the trans mission of naval and military news. l>efen dantH, who pleaded that their news was submitted to tbe Censors, were lined £25
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  • 64 6 '1 l.i jieople and prcas of Britain are extremely auiuseJ at Mr lit ury Kurd and bin ship of peace, < >scar 11, states a late tele-jranj fiuui home The London newspapers are ii-itu-ming ami caitoonin^; the expedition. 1j- the proim'trr as runny Mr. Font." (i<>d in tin Car," and
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  • 41 6 Harm, one of the smallest of tho Channel Islands, which for years has been leased to a German company and occupied by a German prince, lias once moru come into the possession of tbe Crown and if now to be let.
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  • 40 6 The Proprietary Whisky Owners in England decided to increase the juice of whisky Bd. a battle, while Preston liceLsed victuallers and becrsellers agreed to raise the minimum price of beer from "J Jd. to Md. per pint on December 1.
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  • 45 6 The shipping newspaper Fair Play publ ishes a return showing Italy's seizure of German vessels in her ports bring* the total seized by the Allies belonging to the HamburgAmerica, Nord-Dcutschcr Lloyd, Hansa Deutsche, and Deutsche Australiascho lines to 10'). of an aggregate of 542,5*3 tons.
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  • 50 6 The committee appointed to inquire into the health of workers in tbe munition factories recommends the discontinuance of Sunday work. The committee emphatically declares that if the maximum output of munitions is to be kopt up for a lon« time, a period of rest for workers every week is imperative.
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  • 50 6 Travellers from Maabeuge, Tourcoing and other occupied towns state that the Germans are compelling men, women and children between tho agos of 12 and >>■> years to learn tbe German language and are fining them five marks (4s. 10{d.) for every lesson they miss. German noncommissionud officers are acting as
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  • 61 6 The Times birth notices suggest a rising ratio of boys. There were 414 in November as against 382 girls 32 more, which is double the ordinary majority. Medical men say that it is a popular theory lacking scientific proof that parents arc prouder of the birth of sons, particularly in
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  • 54 6 Captain Glasser, commanding tbe British steamer Invcrkip, which has arrived at Newport News, in Virginia, from the Mediterranean, reports the accidental sinking of a submerged submarine in tbe Straits of Gibraltar by the Invorkip when outward bound. The Inverkip received such damage by the collision that she was dry-docked for
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  • 68 6 It was recently reported that a rich Amer ican had purchased tbe head of tbo famous Smiling Angel statue of Rheiins, demolished by the Germans no tho bombardment al Mm Cathedral. The Daily Chronicle now states that the head of tbe statue, which was universally knowi as LeSourirede I!heim~. M
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  • 70 6 The Canton branch of the Bank of China has received a request from the Head Office in Shanghai to remit as soon as possible *1,000,000 in big silver dollars i.s the Shanghai market is at present badly in need of these coins. Mr. Fung, the managing director, has replied advising
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  • 64 6 At H.B.M.'s. Police Court, Shanghai, on December 10. before Mr. G. W King, the Yangts/e Wharf and Godown Co., Ltd., were summoned in respect of otKnces committed at It', Kiukiang Hoad and at Pootung, against Regulation 8, subsection 2, of the Trading with the Enemy Regulations, 1015. They were fined
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  • 73 6 Lodge Zetland in the East held its annual installation meeting at Freemasons Hall last evening, tbe installing muster being Wor. Hro. W. Makepeace. Bro. W. E. Hunt was in stalled as W M. and he invested bis officers, the S.W. being Bro. K. \V. Meredith and tbe J. If. Bro.
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  • 70 6 Miss Annesley Kcnealy, the novelist, wbo pretended to poison herself in Court on losing a case against a firm of book-sellers which banned tier books as immoral, was on November 29 charged with having attempted to commit suicide. The medical evidence showed that the contents of the bottle from which
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  • 81 6 A i hiuese named Hoo See Veong was convicted this morning in the third police court of cheating a shopman and tinea 850, or, in default, one month's imprisonment. He went to tbe shop of tbe complainant and, after inspecting various articles, departed with a silver belt, which was entrusted
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  • 100 6 A curious correspondence has been published in relation to a certain fund called tin' French lit lief Fund, the organisers of which raise.) U 10,000 for the relief of civil victims of tbe war in France, and organised the French Flag Day on July 14. The litters show that Sir
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  • 118 6 A Pioneer cable, dated London, I d-ci mb r 10, gays Maximilian Harden, writing in the /ukunft, says that any one with insight must smile at those who are daily hawking about tbe idea that Germany is iliutir euougb to expect to find in Eyy|>t, Afghanis tan am l India
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  • 517 6 Captain Mann lias l*m apj of the new Aiifjlo I'liincHr School at Sawn rang. Tbe death of Sir Willmin Mitrh. 11, Urn head of the firm of Mi MH I inrli y, Uutlt r and Co., Colombo, occurred at tin I Hospital, Colombo, on the 16th inst
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  • 68 6 Sunday was by far the wettest day of the Cbristmad holidays, no less than MS in. of rain being recorded in the twenty-four horn wbicb, having regard to tbe fact that tho greatest fall known in Singapore in one day is 5.:<2. uiay b«' regarded as distinctly
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  • 166 6 The wedding took place at St. Michael a, Polwatto, Ceylon, on the 15th inst., of Mr, Maurice Freeman Ilotehkis. of the Hiiklt Mertajaiu Kubbt r Company, ami Khi Gladys Victoria Standish lion-, who arrived from home the previous day by the Idiliy shire. The bride who wore .i
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  • 148 6 The 1t.1.5.N. Co. h steamship Durma I ISombay, which arrived at Calcutta from Basra via Karachi on the l.'ith inst., bail a curious experience on goin-j "I 1 the harbour. The ship's s|K*d was mi.Mi nly n -iluci third officer on forward found a la
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 237 6 AMSTEL (DUTCH) PiLSENER BEER ALLSOPP'S (BRITISH) PILSENER BEER In Quarts and Pints. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO.. Sole Amenta. .loliore Agents A. C HARPER CO. THE HOUSE OF EXCELLENCE llv .<KI oKATK!' I" EhgL»KDI United States "Chain Tread" Tyres i i < res have alriady gainei a tremendous repcta Ition sn lone
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    • 201 6 TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT I THI ALHAMBRA Tht Pioneer Clnemato{riph Trmatrt, Be«ch Road. ANOTHER MONSTER EXCLUSIVE PROGRAMME. The Welds Film Corporation I KK-KN l a Powerful Heart-Interesting Dnma MRS. WIGGS OF THE CABBAGE PATCH In Five Part*. A wondtrfu'ly acted and elaborately staged production of heart gripping interest. The acting of the
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  • 2147 7 FIGHTING IN FRANCE. Germans Delay Their Attack. BALKAN POSITION. Contradictory Reports From Athens. RriiMta Tflc.k\ms. ii. December 2ti, Ml p.m Paris, couiiuunii|iU' I The night was quiet on the wholr front. According to advices received ia Amsterdam from the If }/fm frontier, the Germans arc carrying out OonsiderabN
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  • 51 7 Reutkii's Tblsurams. London, December 20, 3.25 p.m. A stormy Christmas culminated in a hurricane today. Fourteen hours' continuous rainfall caused a rapid rise of tbe Thames which is several feet above the summer level. Trees were uprooted, wooden structures blown down and numerous wrecks are reported along tbe
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  • 301 7 Important Point Regarding A Shanghai Firm. Iv the Prize Court, at London, ou November 22, Sir Samuel Eva as delivered judgment in the ease si the steamship Euruaeu-. belonging to tue Ocean Steamship Co., iv which a portion of tbe cargo was claimed by Messrs. Arnhold, Karberg and
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  • 335 7 The Subject of Litigation In Colombo Court. The ill-fated P. and o. steamer Nubia, which lies stranded on the sand bank near tbc moutli of the Kelani liiver, Ceylon, ia now the subject of litigation. It will be remembered that the vessel and cargo were
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  • 589 7 Sad Loss to the Malayan Planting Community. It is with sincere rtgret that we announce to bis many friends in Malaya tho death of Mr. Herbert Mitford Darby, which, according to telegraphic com mil meat ion, occurred yesterday in a nursing home at Ootacamtind,
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  • 378 7 Hongkong Committee Closes Subscriptions. At a meeting of the Hongkong Committee of tbe Prince of Wales's Fund, held at the Council Chamber on tbc lrith inst it was decided on the motion of 11. E. tbe Governor, who presided, to close the fund on December :Sl.
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  • 155 7 The Maharajah of llobbili writes to the Madras Mail on the subject of the practice of garlanding European ladies as well as gontlemen when they are present as guests at Indian functions. He points out that garlands, in so far ax religious meaning attaches to them on certain occasions, can
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  • 752 7 THE LITTLE BOOM IN RUBBER SHARES. From Our Own Correspondent. l.ouilou, Noveuibei l'.», l'jl 1 I quit, a Mm ot .utivit. tin- rubbii sli.n mU .luring week or ten dayB, and enthusiasts will tell you there bas boon nothing liki' it «incc the glorious days of tbo great
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  • 121 7 In pursuance to an announcement in tli> Federal Parliament uiado by Mr. Fisher, to the effect that inquiries would be made as to the possibility of salving tin German cruiser Bmden, an Australian warship recently loft for Cocos Islands to investigate tho posi tion and
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 124 8 ii yame in the Sii Arthur Sonny cup tion witli the •.ion, was playcl yesterday on tb« Itetu-li lioud ground in tlio presence of an HHMIi llji iMMi uuiuber of Hpc-ctatorH. tin Governor, Sir Wtliur aooompMiad by Ih* Lsily iia ;iu.l Mi. W. H. Cm Warner, in. i His
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    • 281 8 iiuin^t tin- rain the putting and ap dr competition in connection with the postponed until the ..f New Years l>ay. The bo>;ey ,tion is cancelled. I lii foursome competition, for which tmlm pairs i nt< ri (i. was won hy U.K. ISinuii anil M. (irayburu. The following H nt
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  • 142 8 I advertinemeata of the Jay appear md H. Mr. .1. Henry, maua^tr ul the >outb i: ■<• Company, lias received ■fl to Urn scarcity of labour it houii .cuDM.lirabk 'Jelay has been ii i ,ii '.In despatch of the company itM, Mr. Htnry, bowtvtr. "ouvt tin usual
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  • 188 8 Mr. 11. Wamcr Allen, n presiolativf of li In sv with the French armies, iv .1 l'>u^ nptivi {.f the shell i-, i i< dares that, of Hi '.!•">. OOO inhabitants, perhaps sOO remain in tin place. There ih not a single booac, ho nays,
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  • 32 8 \n MmmMb| Mituation ha* developed as f au by tlie American it ll.ubiu. who awiated lli n. r ti..-.p, I ii', n H.irbi'i .ill. iiul tin- matter in niUr l
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  • 806 8 Triumph of Method and Common Sense. What is tht; detective like/ He is .is {different from the accepted idea, based on fiction and drama, as it is possible to MHM i and lie is described from first hand knowled «c and personal acquaintance by
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  • 94 8 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending, Friday, December 31 TIK-l-W, IH-IKMHKR 21. 6.15 p.m, Orill Hall s.K.K.(\ Chinese Co. Braa Bauah Uoad Malay Co. Drill Hall -v\ A Band. Wkiink^uav, DkiKMUkr 29. 6.16 p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co. S.V.K. Chinese Co. Braa Basah lioad Malay Co.
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  • 96 8 < aptain Aint/en, ot tbe Anna, tuck twenty days on Mi last trip from liangkok to Hong kung. liad vseatlitt experienced all tbe way up with viry heavy wind. About 25 milcH from Honykony the coal began to run uliort. and the ship bad to •i> t wuppliet.
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  • 427 8 Lament from the Heir to Britain's Throne. One of tbe many stories told about tbe I'rince of Walts at the front is briny related in London. It seems that the Prince continually was imploring Sir John French to permit him to mi into tbe tirst
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  • 456 8 New Japanese Competition In India. An interesting first-band account of tbe state of tbe Bombay cloth market, written by a native merchant, has been published in the native paper -lam c Jamshed. Tbe story is one of tbe excitements of tbe first twelve months of war,
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  • 52 8 As tbe result of being knocked down by a motor car at Happy Valley, Hongkong, on the 12th iust., a Mrs. Turner sustained sach severe injuries to the bead that she was removed to tbe French Hospital in an* unconscious condition. At a late hour at night she had not
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  • 92 8 A number of motor boat owners, at Bangkok, have recently had tbe magnetos stolen from their boats. At least six or seven cases have occurred, and so far there has been no arrest of the guilty parties. Some of tbe boats have been moored in Klong Padung and others on
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 54 8 Tin y talked about ads." in the paptr, Which were the best and the worct The caovasHer pointed to that one, Tbe .'Jitor thought this ont w»s first. Bnt finally they both agreed On one thing that was bent, for sore, For it pcintf d out the merits of Woods'
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    • 423 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. PAYING GUESTS WANTED. Wanted, one or two p tying guests. Private family. Kefurcnecß exchanged. Apply Box No. 184, Straits Times. 28-12 6116 CLERK WANTED. Wanted, Chinese clerk must have a good knowledge of English and some knowledge of accounts. Apply M., c/,. Straits Times. 2812 30 Li STENOGRAPHER
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    • 192 8 ABDULLA CIGARETTES HHfr^^-^ltfn^ Per t,o of ICO. <i^^- No. 6 Turkish 53.00 Yenidjch Malialla No. 1... a.75 WJlb-JP- (Turkisb) No. 11 Turkish 2.1 0 O L T No. 14 EK,ptian 2.25 •UminoNosTRSCT t o>tDOi!# No. 18 Egyptian 1.60 I No. 7 Virginia 1.25 fc^^^^ .TuPjosHj^j OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. RAFFLES HOTEL Friday,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 193 9 SEREMBAN FRASER NEAVE, LTD., Uvg to inform the Public of Seremban and District that from January 1, 1916, they will commence manufacturing their HIGH-CLASS AERATED WATERS at 43, Birch Road (Near to the Seremban Dispensary)All orders will be delivered free of charge within a radius of three miles. The 'UNION
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    • 719 9 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of TONGKANQS AND TIMBEH, To be held at Tanjsng Rbu, On Wrdmisdat, Januvry 5, at 6 p.m. Lot 1. One wot den toDgkane known as Scdk Hong," )fficial No. I WHS!. Tonnace 99, with 2 masts, su!», rcpe aud tackle, as sbe now lies at
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    • 238 9 Most Pleasant FRAMROZ'S Aerated Waters. IN THE ESTATE OK ABDLLAH BIN AUCTION SALE HASAN AYDIU, DECEASED. Of LNKEDEEMED PLEDGES, THE J AUCTION SALE iwun ok sixteen pawnshop's! Of JEWELLERY, Jaxoaky 1, 1916, at 10 a.m. On YuMMf. .lanlai y 4, 1918, ai 10 \.u. M Messrs. Chins Keng Leo* r
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 503 10 Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar, YVA» or JTI.AW-. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HMAO OFFIOB Wlnch M t.,H. UM ,Iln|.po^ LOMDOM OFFICB 32. Old J.wry. BC. Tfc. Oosapaay has «SO 000 deposited with th. Supremt Conrt of
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    • 302 10 INSURANCE. POLICIES ON ALL MODERN PLANS. SUN LIFE OF CANADA, 6, Battery Road. 8. J. HOWB, SB Manager. BUAROIAN ABBURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONDOK. Subscribed Capital 42,000.000 Total Invested Fonda 46,260,000 Annual Income .41,100,000 The undersigned, Agent* for tho above Company, aie prepared to accept See and laitbquake risks for short
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    • 454 10 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL m. 116,000.000 RBSSRTB FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at 2/- 116,000,000 Silver 118,000,000 188,000.000 aewrve Liability of Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRBOTORS. Hon, Mr. D. Landale, Chairmaa. W. L. Pattenden, Esq., Deputy Cbairmaa. S. H. Dodwell, Bsq IP. H. Hoiyoak, Bsq. O. T. M.
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    • 475 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid ap Capital in 60,000 Sharos of 430 each 41,300.000 Reserve Fund 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.300,000 BANKERS Tbe Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd., Tbe
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    • 864 10 INSURANCE. CAPITALIZING himself is never thought of by the average man, who is a far greater asset than the stock, animals and houses he poHseßsns and whose protection from untoward contingenck 8 is bis first consideration. Yet bo overlook* self-protection and because of it broken homes. di»rupied basinuftses and sequestrated
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  • 1135 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. When the ammeter that indicates charge I or discharge shows a much higher rate of I charging than is usual it indicates that there I is some cross, and that the battery is not I getting tho current intended for it.
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  • 73 11 Edmund Walter Hickratb. aged 31, described as a merchant, of England Ktlit 1 Keardon, ayed 37, of New York and Madame Emilie Dolcaire, of France, who were charg ud at HoD^kong with importing 707 lbs. of opium into the Colony by the Mishinia Mam and with being in possession of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 308 11 LISTER'= PUMPS High-Tension Magneto Ignition, Automatic Lubrication. Low Speed. All Gearing 1 Enclosed. Governing. jJI>JKIrTOk. m ll h- 61 Interchange- «IJ special able. i! tfe >> i\M Foundation yj Necessary. Required. Lubricators. The Engine if the will kno«n l.i v V rtic*! Type, des gaed. manufactured and tttndardiHvi in D
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    • 13 11 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night Woods On at Peppermint Core Is. 6d
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    • 376 11 Idupire bros. Singapore! You can't drive a knife through the tread' Copy. /<^s^ 5,800 Miles on Scotch Roads. Lj^/ 16tb February, 19H. (^^sk\. Mes>rs. STELASTIC TYRES (S.urLAM.) Ltd., V^SmK Gla»yow 7 if^^*». In reply t0 Jcurs ot y«teidaj b date I have to '1^ «tat tbe lyre jon supplied to
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    • 491 12 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER. BREWED in SCOTLAND *»KTS. HOUBE WANTED. As toon as possible, furnished or unfur uiHlied, in Keppel Harbour neighbourbosd. Apply R. E. D., c/o Straits Timef. 18 12 v BILLET WANTED. Wanted, billet by a smart conductor able to do the woik of an assistant. Please apply to
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    • 386 12 WANTS. CLtRK WANTED Wanted, a Chinese Clerk by a mercantile tirm in Singapore. Apply Box No. 189, Straits Times. 21-12 38 12 EUROPEAN ASSISTANT WANTED. Wanted by a mercantile tirm in Singapore, European assistant one witu knowlbdge of shipping preferred. Apply iiox No. 129. Strsits Times. 2i-i2 mn GOVERNESS WANTED.
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    • 560 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD, FURNISHED BEASIDE RESIDENCES TO LET. BB LINDA andJUANITA, to let furnished. Apply No. 9, Mt. Sophia. 1 6 v Tf) LET. No. 84, Kobinson Road. Immediate entry. Apply E. Silas, No. 8 Prince Street. 810 o FLOOR TO LET. To let, 2nd Floor, No. 8,
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    • 594 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. 60D0WN8 TO LET. Godown Noa. 19-1 and 19-3, Fisher Street. Immediate entry. Apply to Alsagoff Co. 3113 2813 BEABIDE REBIDENCE TO LET. 4 bedrooms, bathrooms attached, water laid on. Apply No. 4, De Sooza Street «8 b 0 GODOWN TO LET. No. 7, Merbau Road.
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    • 338 12 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO.. HEAD OFFICE J7, Phillip Strut Branch Stores at No. 14, Phillip Street, and Nos. 14, 100 and 102, Tank Road. Tel. Address: "GUANKIAT." Telephone Nos. 1174 and 1288 (Private 1460). Codss usid A. B C, 6th Edition, and A 1 Codis. Ship Chindlsn, Hardwire Osilers, Government
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    • 468 12 KIAM KIAT CO. 108 ft 109. Market Street. Telephone No, 431. Shipobandlets, Government and Manioipa Contractors. Hstate Suppliers and Com mission Agents. Soli Aobhir The Mnlcott Belting Co., Ltd. Best Multiplar Brand Hair Beltings. 17 ***** To ADVERTISERS As requests to luako alterations iv advertisements, such as changes in sailiug
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