The Straits Times, 24 December 1915

Total Pages: 16
1 111 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times NO. 24.089 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY,/ DECEMBER 24^_1915 PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 163 1 M ■>!" I M the INDIAN cv°cT E THE NEW 5-H.P. TWIN-CYLINDER 3 SPEED MODEL shows careful thought, wide experience and marvellous mechanical ingenuity in every line of its construction. GREAT STRENGTH. CAPACITY FOR HARD WORK. LONG L'FE AND RELIABILITY. Ism i/./. //.is i 1 n/'. i KATZ BROS.,
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    • 312 1 v^u, -fe^a^r> fia*»*u" jg>^gi B in your home, you can entertain your friendi to perfection. Jft TL They will welcome the opportunity to dance, and they will thoroughly W II enjoy iH- new dancet with the superb miuic furnuhed by "Hii j. "^3 Master j Voice" Record.. II >^ >
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  • 977 2 AUSTRALIAN'S EXPERIENCES ON THE SOUTHLAND. Magnificent Coolness. Corporal J. N. Allom, of tbo 31st Battalion, son of Mr. S. R. F. Allom, of Brisbane, wrote as follows to bis mother in a letter received more than a month ago Well, once again I am delayed in
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  • 243 2 An Interesting Tale of Queen Alexandra. Ono day latit month, writes H. \V. in the Madras Mail, I went to have a look at the Women and their Work" Exhibition which has been so admirably organised by the l'aily Express, and there one of the directors
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 293 2 BRITISH-MADE PURE COCOA IN ft I lb ting. CHOICE QUALITY, SPECIALLY PREPARED, "THE HOUSE" BRAND. Retail and Wholesale at GUAN CHIN HONO CO., No. 94, Robinson Road. Nu b Tan ill LIQUID WATERt-r^OF f No Brushes nquimd. 4IMIB g f jßk I A MACHINE- PRESSED CEMENT TILES ■a4c under h!gn
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    • 538 2 HOW TO GAIN WEIGHT-A POUND A DAY. Thin men aod women nho wonld iiko to increase their weight with 10 or 15 pounds of healthy stay-tber^ fatsbould try eating a little Sargnl with their meals for a whi'e and note resnlts. Here is a good test worth trying. First weigh
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    • 697 2 NOTICES. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA acquires the busmeaa of the MANUFACTURER'S LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. We are advised by cable that an niraogoment has boon mado by which the business of the Manufacture r'n Life Insurance Company is taken over by ihe Son Life Assurance Company of Canada, subject
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    • 481 2 NEW YEAR LAND SPORTB. The onaa! Land Sports will be hi Id on the Race Coarse, on Saturday, Janaat; 1, comtueccing at 2.49 p.m. Sob3cribers wi-hiojf to bbiain tickets ot I admission to Grand Stard aro ri<; irake application to the Hon Secretary, j Dr. A. O. Bntler, or at
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  • 714 8 GERMAN MAJOR'S ADVICE TO GENERALS. "Voluntary Retirement." A very interesting article on tbe general military situation on the Western front appears in the DiisseldorferOencral Anzeiger, from the pen of Major A. D. von Schreibershofen, of Berlin. He claims that the great Anglo-French offensive on tbe line Lille-Arras against
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  • 195 8 80,000,000 Bottles of Champagne In the Cellars. Mr. Frank Hedges Butli r, of Messrs Hedge* and Rutler, Regent street, who has just returned from a visit to Hbeims, declares that this year's champagne vintage is the most abundant and the finest for ten year-i. He also states that
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 808 8 Iflf j FOR LUXURY IN WRITING USE THE 1 Iwan' FOUNTPEN It is not a cheap pen to buy, but it is cheap to use. It outlasts J 1 all others because it has the hardest, smoothest point which years 1 (^V/ of wr n 8 do not touch. Tbe
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    • 69 8 Following a recent circular by the Governor-General of Indo China, the agent* o( tin- Public Treasury in Indo China artinvited to accept change not only of French currency bin any foreign gold coins whtch people take care to dtptmit, and to repay in local money, at the day d curiency.
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    • 328 8 FACE BATHING WITH Cuticura Soap Most Soothing to Sensitive Skins. Trial Free. Especially when followed by little touches of Cutieurn Ointment to nd, rough, itching and pimply surfaces. Nothing better for the okin tlmn these fragrant super -creamy emollients. Sample Each Free by Post With 32-p. book. Address V. Ncwhery
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    • 243 8 SINGAPORE ELECTRIC TRAMWAYS. LIMITED. ALTERATIONS TO FARES. It is hereby notified that certain fares on the Singapore Electric Tramways will be increased from and including Saturday, the Ist day of January, 1916. These fares are as nnder FIRST CLASS. The present first-class 8 cent fare will be increased to a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1080 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O.'Oritish India and AXpcar wine. HAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PBNI*JSULAfI AND ORISNTAU SAILINQS (Under Contract with Hla Majesty aaverniaont), For Ghina, Japan, Panang, Oayion, AuatraJia, Ind a, 4d*i, Bgypt, Maditarranaan Porta and London, Stoimers will »ye Singa nro on or about MAIL LINES. HuanwAi.i> (fob Bdbopb). Conceiting
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    • 801 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE 81AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Imam Triuftvaaa. B'.-"7*. <t«T, nr .k, Kele«Hs, Tabai Biiuaafk. MNt VsHmi, imiC'TK Laoov KoQxasaui. B»nio», L»nq»afu. TaSo, Ohatnpoa, Kjhlak aad Biaik;k, Out departure aa. MAHIDOL Deo 27 Deo. 29, 3 pm. c.a. BORIB*T 3O Jan. 1,3 pm. ORACH ATI POX
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    • 453 4 STEAMER SAILINGB. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED, AND BHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CB.. LTD. lEI Tbf ci mpaalw' steauicn ar j acapa-tehed (rom Liverpool ant wards for tho Straits, China »ud Jaoaa every w.iefe aad from Japaa bomowardf for London Amsterdam and Antwerp eveiy fortnight; (or Genoa. Marseilles and Liverpool
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    • 539 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A service is casiiitain'.id bttiveea Yokohama via por'.s to Marseilles and London under mail oontraot with the Imperial Japanese Government. Tbc New Tnin-Rcrew Steamers maintaining this service have boon pp«cially designed ana oonstraoted, and arc fitted with all
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 223 5 A PROOF of the SUPERIORITY of HAIPHONG "DRAGON" CEMENT Contracts have been renewed for the supplies of Cement during 1916 to yfbSD^v and to THE MUNICIPALITY THE GOVERNMENT of r^ :"jn of SINGAPORE V^rygS^/ JOHORE Insist on getting Haiphong Dragon Cement and beware of imitations. DUPIRE BROTHERS, Sole Agents for
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    • 460 5 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO., LTD., SST: BOYS NAVY VtLVET StliOß 'S^f^Sfft^^ LiUesVt,,,. C P8 „.SO P eti;. GIBL B BMART OROOP BRIM Ditto in wbi!e dr.ll OBS eacli. In White Diil wiib oD(?er>.rim l.n.d /V^ Uitto in pavy cloth 1 2S.ach. R ree D si k. F.i.t $1 7O .aib 'jSfIP/
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  • 789 6 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, December 24, 1915. Messrs. Lyall and Kvatt, exchange and share brokers, issue iht following list of quotations this morning. The quotations on sterling shares are only nominal. RUBBER SHARES, Nom. Vall-i. Bctibs. Sillibs. 2/- Allagar 1 1/11 4 1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 285 6 the cab. oF^fe.vo pxg*&ts King Motor Cars are daily proving their wonderful dependability, economy, stamina, comfort j '/"Cpi and luxury in these countries— and others— VrjLjT Qptat Britain Auatrali South Africa Brazil Russia Guatemala Switzerland CeyU n Italy India Uruguay Ouba ni^UX fXSI IrVTnCTD Denmark Philippines J«va Porto Rioo LM
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    • 561 6 SPECIAL XMAB PROGRAMME EMPIRE CINEMA Opposite Kreta Ayer Polioe Station. Fop Friday and Saturday Nights only, December 24 and 25. NEPTUNE'S DAUGHTER In 7 Massive Reola. Featuring Annette Kellerman, the Great Woman Athlete. Seen by millions of people all over tbe world. Don't Miss Thli Last Opportunity. PALLADIUM SimPMl'S PREMIE!
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  • 86 7 FIXTIRES rrkUy. December 24. <li K h Water KM a.m., 1120 a.m. Saturday, December 25. High Watc a.m. i hristtuax I > ly. 11. I. Tititw.inl mail expri Sunday, December 26. High Wator I p m Monday, December 27. High Wator. 1.0 a.iv 1.17 p.m Public Holiday.
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  • 411 7 T.. Ml. Mi Un V. hi. men i :(0 pui i nliam anil innon Kii Batu I'aliat Hcntef 'i pm Batu Paliat Mg J i pm Malacca and M'.iar L iy Weld I p:.i Manila. Haagkaag, ami lapan Hal— 4 pui n;i Billiton I.' ya«4 I pm
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  • 49 7 I In II. I. contract packet Tara with mails i.i[m lift Pi nan-; at 10.40 p.iu. yesterday, ami piay i-\|*ftrd to ariivt MM w nmrnint;. I I '.I: lil.uU tioll] London of December 8, d inniaat. ii not duw i'xjm-oU'iI to arri\. mtil I ui xt.
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  • 71 7 Our attention bat been caliud to the- (act that oar *rr.v»l« in Loados m much brlnod thorns pukiuhii elsewhere. Oar rule is to ipre arrivals only what they an officially reported iitlit PM Office DOtKk*, aod no later <late than that prinU.l above bag bee* r BMtßli
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  • 84 7 Latest Arrivals. iHritish. Name I >at« "f Arrival liemarks. Anjou 12 18 Inn.r Roads iMi Bukum Mataram i Wharf Mana|»ari O*k i ReMl ra^U, v, ;w,,,, f Weninn Inner Roads Hock Hye (ilangs;! Hock Kcng Tanjoug Surat i lluat heang I hi, in Hock Kn^ II Iv 11:1
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  • 259 7 Outward. Tho following passenger bookings to the Strait i are taken from the London and China ExpriMs. It should be understood that, in come instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their i arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list iv London:
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  • 164 7 EXCHANnE. SiNOAPORi, Ukckmbbb 24, 1916. On London Bank 4 m/s 'j/4£ Demand 2/4 VI p i pa*e P m:- 2/4J On India Bank T. T. 175 On doNuKONn... d/d 18 Ok Shanghai ...Bank d/d 92,' On Java Bank T. T. I3li On Upaji .B. lk 109J
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    • 176 7 M IN ING. m Buyer* alue J 10 10 Auipang 1 1 Ayer Went; 0.80 10 10 Kelat 2.00 10 10 Kanabol 0.80 13 10 Kinta Association 41 £1 Kinta Tin 1.14.6 41 £1 Lnliat Mines 10 8.25 .Malayan Collieries £1 £1 Malayan Tins 1.13.6 10 10 Middkton 6.00 5/-
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    • 590 7 7Z i »*y™2/. 2/- AUagai 1/8 £1 £1 -■>uKlu-.lav» 10/6 i 3/- Anglo-Malay 0/6 2/- 2/- Bating MaJaka 1/7 II £1 Bata Tiga 2.10.0 2,'- 2/- Bekoh 1/11 £1 £1 Bakit Kajang 1.17.6 £1 £1 Bakit Lintang i.0.0 •->..'■ 2/- Bokit Mertajam 2/3J £1 £1 Bckit Kajab 5.0.0 2/-
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    • 131 7 vTel Ba y° r9 Sellera 41 4SI B. Stnaltini? Co. 7.40 7.75 £1 41 Pret. 1.4.9 1.5.0 B/- 8/- Blectric T'waya 2/9 10 10 Fraser Neave 50.00 5:1.03 60 60 W. Hammer 4 Co. 60.00 fl.'.SO 100 Uowartb Brakine 85.00 100 7%Pref. 95.00 100 100 Katz Bro, Del. 80.00
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    • 44 7 United Engineers 6% 11,284 500 par Singapore Electric Tramways 6% £850,000 norn Spore Municipal 5% 11,878,000 par Spore Municipal 45% ol 1007 •1,800,000 90 08 S'poro Municipal H% of 1900 11,000,000 90% Spore Municipal 4% '2,000,000 10% di« Spore Municipal 4 <, £.(00,000 B%dis
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 235 7 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods' Great Peppermint Care U. 6d LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. GARDEN ROLLER FOX SALE. '24- Water Ballast. Also Lawn Marker, Apply F C. Sand°. 16, Newton P.oad. I 24 12 .9 12 MORTGAGEE'S SALE Of r'OLIiTEKN MIbCH bL'KFALOES. 2 COWS AND I CALVES, At Nc 12. >;cPhereon Koad,
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    • 414 7 SOLE AGENTS FOR "DUDBRIDGE" C oil j s ENGINES J FOR KEROSENE OR CRUDE OIL. mm A*- m»* i Q Nl5 B.H.P. Kerosene Engine IN STOCK. U SINGAPORE &IPOH. Ltd. INDO-CHINA BTEAM NAY. CO. LTC. DftVAl Dirsot Ssrviaa to Japan via Mot, M 0 I A L <ong A Shanghai,
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    • 97 7 NOW SHOWING AT TUB and Show, a IS North Bridge Road. Ist Show. 7.30 THE SCARLET SIN IN 4 REELS. A Bonl- stirring Drama nf a woman who paid the inevitable price cf her fully. It will held you spellbound. At 9.30 •harp VENDETTA IN A HOSPITAL L Ko comedy,
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  • 1071 8 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24. NEW BLOOD AND NEW BRAINS. In war some rite to proud distinction, others slip back into obscurity. Some are superb theorists, yet wholly incapable of taking the burden of responsibility which every man must bear who has the nations honour and thousands of lives
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  • 252 8 It is Christmas Eve, but the gloomy shadows of war hang so heavily over us that there can be no thought of peace, and little even of goodwill towards men. Nursing her jealous ambitions, and fanning the Uamea of hate, Germany has dragged ten other nations into a war more
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  • 56 8 To morrow being Christmas day there will be no issue cf the Straits Times, but on that day and on Sunday the telegrams will be issued on slips at 5 p.m. Those slips may be obtained by news-agents and others at tho Straits Times Offices, Cecil Street. Tho apper will
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  • 8 8 Four cases of plague aro reported from Sourabaya.
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  • 20 8 Over 250 exhibits of the Deli Art CUibfare on view at the Wette Societoit. Medan. The exhibition closes on Sunday.
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  • 20 8 The padi fields in Province We llesley are looking in excellent condition. There seems every prospect of an abundant harvest.
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  • 23 8 The outward 8.1. steamer Tara, with mails from Europe, is expected to reach Singapore to-morrow morning, having left I'enang at 10.40 p.m. yesterday.
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  • 31 8 As an illustration of the advance in wireless equipment in Ceylon since the first installation was put in, messages have been recorded there from such distant places as Paris and Cornwall.
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  • 31 8 The latest list of contributions to the I- .M.S. War Relief Fund contains acknowledgments of subset iptions of considerably over a thousand dollars from Labuan. including «71". from the European community
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  • 41 8 Mr. J. B. Suttor, commercial commissioner in the East for New South Wales, states that in Australia the regulations in regard to prisoners of war arc very severe ai J that only recently a German prisoner was shot for disobeying orders.
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  • 51 8 Lady Jellicoe, speaking at Manchester, said the notion that the Fleet was twiddling its fingers was wrong. A lady who sent her husband a ton of wool in order that the sailors could knit their own mufflers had the wool returned with the intimation that the men were far too
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  • 82 8 A Chinese named Ngo A. Eng thought that be would improve the shining hour by collecting tho shellfish that make their home on the walls of the wet dock. To do this, of course, be bad to knock them oft, a course which does not commend itself to the Singapore
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  • 80 8 Two Chinese were fighting in Fraser Street when Heng Uak Siang interfered. The police came on the scene and arrested the disturbers of the place whereupon Gak Siang, who is a chinchew on one of thb local boats, made matters worse by rescuing one of the prisoners. The result was
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  • 92 8 The Kast Coast of Sumatra is undergoing a severe spell of weather. Acoor.liut; toat.le gram received by the Eastern Shipping Com pany their steamer Alma which should have left Bclawan on Tuesday and airivi I at I'enang the next day had been delayed there as she had been unable to
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  • 103 8 U.K. the Viceroy at Lahore on the 10th inst., in the presence of a distinguished gathering, opened the King Edward M. MfM College and Hospital. It is an imposing building, with porticoes, domes and pillars, balconies, etc., a mixture of Hiudu, Saracenic and modern styles. The building had been completed
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  • 146 8 In the third police court this morning Chief Detective Inspector McAfee mentioned a case in which O. D. Neubronner is charged on a warrant with cheating by falsely pretending to Mohamed Taib that be had an account with the Mercantile Bank. According to the information upon which the police are
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  • 520 8 It is reported that i apt. W. M. Sim* Officer Commanding tho Malacca Volunteer Rifles, has postponed his departure from the East. He has, in fact, thrown himsolf heart and soul into his work and what he is doing in Malacca is a very considerable bit.' Mr.
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  • 81 8 FALSE RIMOIRS OF CLOSING W i vie authorised to make tho following announcement The Aiiuiiral Commanding in Chief iv the China Station has informed the Ueucral Otiicei Commanding in the Straits Settle ments that he is able to state with authority that there is no intention to
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  • 62 8 Who Will Help. Our thanks are due to Messrs. 1 Simon;i and Co. and the Nippon usen Kaisha Steamship Company for free carriage to Port Siti.l ni i,ed pint apples, part of Siugapon s hi istn: to troops in Egypt and the Dardanelles W, desire also to thuuK Mr. .1.
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  • 305 8 "i r.lay afternoon, the lion. Dr. Litn Boon KMg K*ve a Garden I'urty at MancluUy Villa. TUjoag Katong, kimlly lc ut oy Mr Lcn Clioon Guan. in lionuur uf thu appoint u:cm ,1, 11, ,n. I;. .1. Wilkinson. C.M.0., a^ Governor of HtfM Luiue. Though tin weather
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 194 8 "FELUCCA" EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES Made by Maspero Freres, Cairo. ON SALE AT ALL DEALERS. ABENSON'SI JT^ WORLD-RENOWNED V:^ WATCHES V jj*£ J WARRANTED TIMEKEEPERS LONDOII MAKE. c;.>M Bmald Wichw from t8 Be., Th. SANK OF ENGLAND.' h <'-, h 9." e1t OoU £15, M 1128-51 nett. ludgate.- in VVr'- m v
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    • 216 8 TO-NIGHT I TO-NIGHT l» THI ALHAMBRA TIM Rlcneer Clnamatotraph Thoatra, Baach Road ANOTHER MONSTER EXCLUSIVE PROGRAMME. Th« World s Film Corporation PRBSKKTS Powerful Heart-IMartiting Drama MRS. WIGGS OF THE CABBAGE PATCH In Five Part»i A wonderfully acted and elaborately staged production of buart gripping interest. The acting of the stars,
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  • 1955 9 BRITISH LINES. Christmas Puddings For All. ORGANISING FINANCES. An Important Statement By Bankers. tICTRK's TkLIORAMS. London. December 2."., 2.90 a.m. Reuters correspondent at headquarters says that, though the weathi r is depressing, Christina" iv the British trenches promise!! to be most cheerful. Tin- trenches itc comfortable compared with
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  • 359 9 SUNK IN THE MEDITERRANEAN WITHOUT WARNING. All Aboard Safe in Port Rkutki-.'s Tblkoram. London, Decembor 23, 4.45 a.m. Port Said The Japanese liner Visaka Maru has been sunk. The passengers and crew were saved. London, December I 1.20 p.m. The Yasaka Maru wont down in 45 minutes.
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  • 170 9 Missing in the Mediterranean Sea. It is stated that much anxiety is felt by the owners of the Japaneso steamer Sonju Maru owing to the uncertainty of her whereabouts. The steamer, which is chartered by an American firm, left Philadelphia for Vladivostok with a full cargo of
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  • 25 9 Riotsh's Tbliokam London, December 22, 7.30 p.m. Sir Thumas Jackson died suddenly while transacting business at tbe Hongkong and Shanghai Bank.
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  • 66 9 (From Oi k Own Corrksi-ondknt.) Penang, December 24. Ninety Chiuese employed on night sanitary work struck at midnight as a protest against the discharge of ten who were replaced by Tamils. The police were summoned as things looked ugly, bat eventually the Municipal Engineer was summoned and
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  • 109 9 At a well attended meeting of the Malacca Planters' Association held in the Malacca Club on December 19, says the Pinang Ga/ette, the following resolution was moved That daring the present shortage of labour managers be authorised at their discretion to utilise the labour they have to
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  • 117 9 A military event of unique interest takes place in Calcutta on January 2, a day which ban been Bet apart with the King's approval lor the holding of war intercessory services. Arrangement)* have been made to assemble all the troops in the garrison, Volunteers as
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  • 1236 9 HOW SINGAPORE WILL SPEND THE HOLIDAYS. Programme of Attractions The Christmas spirit of gaiety, in ordinary times ho welcome, will be very much subdued this year. With the knowledge of all that is happening and with tbo thought of all that must happen before there is once again peac
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  • 162 9 "B" Company Christmas Day Sports. The following is tho programme of B Company's Christmas Sports which will take place at Normanton Barracks to morrow (Saturday^ afternoon, commencing at 4 o'clock 4 p.m. Best Dressed Man Competition Marching Order," 1 man per section. 4 p.m. Revetting Hurdle Competition,
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  • 271 9 Another Satisfactory Report To Shareholders. The Hon \V. W, Cook, managing director of the Straits Ti uhng umpany, Ltd., signs tbe following report to shareholders to lie presented at a meeting to be held on the list inst: The directors now submit the accounts for the half-year
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  • 202 9 The Eastern Star Lodge, No. M. 2(jy, ol the International Order of Good Templars, held a Christmas social at the Short Street Girls' School, on Wednesday evening the rain, a good number of mm and members of the Deo Juvantu Naval Lodge and many otht i m.
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  • 94 9 The rate of mortality in the Stttlumont of Singapore for the week ended December Iwas 24.10 per mille of the population. Tho total number of deaths -wan 157, of which 105 were male subjects and 62 fomaW. 'on vulsions claimed 19, phthisis 24 and malaria fever la.
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  • 21 9 >v Oeorge Uoid announct s that h daughter will shortly bu tuarrio-l tv M Leonard Clever, a solicitor, practisiu" Livi rpool.
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  • 1236 10 •AN ..KRKs|.,S|iKM.I Kuala Lumpur. December 28. A sequel to the prosecution of the nine nonias for gaming at 10, Barrack Road, Kuala Lumpur, report nun last week, lay in the Magistrate's C.irt when the NVnia Sew Yin alias Klkj p. raea an. l plaasM guilty to Mafia*;
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  • 259 10 Shortage in Colombo and High Prices. The- rice question is again giving rise to MMBM locally, reports the Times of Ceylon of the 13th inst. The present high prices are attributed primarily to a marked shortage of stocks' in Colombo, and also to the anticipated shortage of
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  • 229 10 1 The Manchester Guardian reproduces from I the Belgian Army Messenger a story of an >M tomcat, fowl hunters off Canvey Island in his home in the trenches on the Yser. seems intimately bound up with that of the soldiers, whose sangfroid ml powers of endurance
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  • 123 10 Mrs. .1. C. Willis, formerly of I'eradeniya, Ceylon, and lately of Kio de Janeiro, writes from Cambridge on November 12, to a Ceylon Cambridge is <juite transformed, so very Imp undergraduates are up, and such numbers of soldiers are to be seen everywhere. Al Caius, where there are generally about
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  • 77 10 A I ukio message to the Asahi relate a strange story regarding the Japanese crew of tbc steamer "i asnknai Maru, which was attacked and suuk by a (ierman submarine iv tin- Mediterranean. Four of the Japanese cr< MM win landed in Sp a i D (id by Spanish soldiers
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  • 580 10 The Story of a Trip Along The China Coast. A correspondent forwards the following The steamer Shadi Maru lay against one of the small piers that jut out from the praya at Hongkong. My wife and I got on board late in the afternoon. It was not comfortable. Then-
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  • 424 10 An Imposing Spectacle In Tokio Bay. The Japanese Coronation Naval Keview in Tokio Bay on December 4, was a great success in every respect. Yokohama never itn. mi such an immense influx of people as flocked into the port that day. The crowd 9 assembled on the
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  • 84 10 The results of last night's play for the Ailelphi Hotel billiard cup were Beech 00, 141; A. I). Maker ■">. IN; I. Kreeman scr., 196; H. A. Cowan 40, 250; C. A. Edwards scr., w.o. The following ties will be played to night at tf o'clock -(Jooren^el r 40
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  • 388 10 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Circular. In their share circular, dated the 22nd inst., Messrs. Kraser and Co. state At the commencement of the week business was dull and uneventful, bat it closes with a distinctly better tone all round. The dealings have been fairly distributed over
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  • 466 10 Excellent Tone Characteristises Market. The Singapore Chamber ot Commerce Rubber Association's 222 nd auction was held on December 22 and 23, where there were offered for sale pels. 6,247.41 or 832,988 lbs. (tons 37 1 .87 Prices realised Messrs. (iuthrie and Co. report:--Singapore, December 28. An excellent
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  • 575 10 Details of First Conference At Quai D'Orsay. Tho first Franco- British War Council mot at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Paris on November 17. Tbero were present -Britain.— Mr. Asquith. Mr. A. J. balfour, Mr. D. Lloyd George and Sir Edward Grey. France.— M. Aristi.le. Briand,
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  • 88 10 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co., by auction sale at Penang on Wiatel lay and daring the week Smoked ribbed sheet -1--7 to 195 plain l« 174 No. 2 smoked sheet diamond 172 IHI Cnsmoked sheet 160 175 Xo.
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  • 151 10 The Minister for Defence iSenatw at Melbourne ou November M to the fact that the German prisoners had been rewovi.l from Western Australia. It setms. said the Minister, that some people think West, m Australia is btiuy tingled out for special treatment. This is not so. It
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  • 146 10 The commander of a Russian Division on the Austrian front has recommended pen sinning the widow of a priest namd Veremcliuk, and the ennoblement of the ehildreu, in recognition of Vercuicbuk's wonderful heroism. Tlie facts are that when a scoutJM jiarty was about to be auibusbeil, > "in chuk sailed
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  • 257 10 Romance of Expensive (ireen Envelope. In oidir a MM iluait 111 England might not be read by his oDiccr, a South African trooper in 11 distinguished regiment in France, paid thirty shillings, at an auction amon;; soldiers, for one of those little green enveljpcs which
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  • 677 10 Christmas Day, December 25, 1015. St. Andkkw's (,'atiihhhl. 630 a.m. Holy T..'10 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) 10 :»l am. I-Ctal Matins and Address: 11:10 a.m. Holy 1 0111 munion 5.30 p.m. Evensong illymns.) St. Matthews, s.p.iy Liues.— a.m. Holy Communion H. 15 p.m. Evensong, Sermon and
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  • 60 10 According to Sumatra pa|H rs, tin Duti-I, mail boat Vondel, wfaiob was from Betavia yesterday, will proceed via tin Capo and coal at Durban, Ca|»- Town, St Vim:, ut ami I. is I'aliuas. Thl lint 1 ut the fleet, tin li n, whicb J 1111 ii ill als take the
    60 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 432 11 Treatment of the Prisoners From Tsingtau. Gnat MMJMMM has boon aroused by the r pthMMW NMM by th>' n-o'iit I -.carxw from Kukuoka. At the same Ml tl <• t**m is utronyly urging MMMfc l-'Vin the Osaka Shimpo, a journal which has MMMMMf endorsed the •■■ruian cause and
    432 words
  • 261 11 Russian Army Preparing for The Winter. An interesting account of tl;c manner in which tin Russians arc pupiHi lor tbt v: i« i;ivcn by tin Eicl.a I rrL-pondetit at IVtrct'rail. He Bay- On the Hou'.ii -intral section cf oar front fikjbtiDi; has practically ctased a" a I
    261 words
  • 30 11 Prograunu 1 trills, etc., for wttk ending, H l'» MMI 615 pm. I'n.t Ua.ll VA. Maxim Co. rtaod. >i.;Uy I'o. il. SUM) .ii. S.Y.I., m AiljuUnt, S.V.C.
    30 words
  • 37 11 dealing rubbtr and l'o MM, this ill iiL'oroti» imprisonment. Mr. MMMMMi Ml trial SMJ H"k, m b.ini»lm i nt. lam I bin ilun, a clnk in a pawns'iop, nr f 1 r trinl at tin »aiui l
    37 words
  • 708 11 Profits and Earnings of Working Classes. Economy by tbe sacrifioe of all non essentials was the keynote to a fine speech delivered by the I'riuit Minister (Mr. Amiuith) on December 1, at the conference of Labour delegates. There were seven hundred dele gate* present. Those on tbe
    708 words
  • 347 11 Officer Tells What and What Not to Send. An ctiiotr has writt( r I 1.-cnbinu, says The Times, exactly what food it is good to have in tbe trenches. Please sond me things like plain biscuit acil oat-cake, in small boxes or tins. It is good
    347 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 59 11 Britannia- the prido oi tbe occ an, 1 be bom.- M the br*vi and tbe free Aut-t alia* lit UirtHt of i.uixbters, 1 In Ml »t< at ot DBtionx to be. May b. r proitrts- tur csn mue, And b r fiee.lom for Ml endure, And may »r slwav* be
      59 words
    • 649 11 $wS%&^ Music i 4 f With an His Master's ff "*'^**ss.*^F^ Voice Instrument WF in your home, you can entertain your friendi to perfection. JJ *t They will welcome the oip >riu lily to H» :ce, and they will thoroughly 9T B. enjoy thj new iaaMl with the MMvfc inuiic
      649 words
    • 149 11 An Acceptable Xmas Present. A TIN OF ABDULLA CIGARETTES No. 6 Tnrkieh 53.00 Jj I Yenidjeh Mahalla N->. 1 2.76 Wb-Jk (Turkish) l No. U Turkish a.IO •SBDULL-flB?C°L T?1 I No. 14 E K yptian 2.«8 "*M\»»or«osTß«T london* No. 18 Egyptian Iso No 7 YiruiDia 126 fe^~_^ JU^^^ OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE.
      149 words

  • 2977 12 1914. Joae J7.— Awtafisinati m of Archduke Franz Kerdiuand and liih consort at Serajevo. atum nt to Servia. August 1. Germany glares war on Russia anil r ranoe. and invades Belgium. 4.— Britain declares wr.r on Germany. 'M.— Bat- -i 1 th, Krench aad British l
    2,977 words
  • 568 12 Enthusiastic Demonstrations At Dardanelles. Lord Kitchener visited Aa/ac on November 17. Very few pei sons, even senior officers, had I any previous knowledge of his visit, but the moment he stepped ashore the men tumbled to it, and a remarkable scene occurred. How the knowledge of his movements
    568 words
  • 66 12 A case having occurred recently in which a commanding officer released a soldier from military duties to return to civil employment on Mi own authority, it is notified by the Army Council that the orders on the subjeot are absolute, and that no soldier is on any account to be
    66 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 214 12 Glacial Acetic Acid (ENGLISH) GUARANTEED 99/, ESTATES SUF PLIED AT MODERATE RATES MAYNARD&CO.LTD., WHOLESALE PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS, 16, Battery Road, Singapore. JUST UNPACKED AX EXCELLENT VAKIKIV Of Silks, Shawls, Blouses, Kimonos, Dresses, Damasceneware, Silverware and Gold Jewellery SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR PRESENTS At Lowest Possible Prices. INSPECTION INVITED. K. A.
      214 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 199 13 United States Nobby Tread United States Plain Tread United States Chain Tread" "The Aristocrats of the Road" The World's Standard Plain Tread Our Challenge Popular-priced Tire fNobby Tread" Tires are the lowest-coat-per-mile tires Best of all plain tread tires. Superior quality of We challenge any competitor's tire to «how thi
      199 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 499 14 Piao. Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WAR or X-»*O1, WMAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. hVaO O^.O«. m ■>- Hou... .M..por.. LONDON OPr.C. 8,. O.d i.wry. Th. Cm.* ha. «ao 000 dcpc».ted with th. Supreme Court of BijUud,
      499 words
    • 304 14 INSURANCE. POLICIES ON ALL MODERN PUNS. SUN LIFE OF CANADA, 6, Battery Road. S. J. HOWB, 1-8 Manager, GUARDIAN ASSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONDON. Subscribed Capital £.',000.000 Total Invested Funds. £0,260,000 Annual Inoome 41,100,000 Thtt undersigned, Agents for tbe above Company, aio prepared to accept fire and Baithquakc risks for short
      304 words
    • 445 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 116,000,000 RBSBRVB FUNDS Sterling 41,500,000 at 116,000,000 SilTei 116,000,000 188,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 118,000,000 COURT OF DIRSCTORS. Hon. Mi. D. Landale, Chairman. W. L. Pattenden, Esq., Deputy Chairman. S. H. Dou well, Bsq P. H. Holycak, Bsq. Q. T. M. Edkina,
      445 words
    • 506 14 1 BANKUHJ. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTBR Paid np Capital in 80,000 Sharoa of •"20 each 41,300.000 Reserve Fond 41,800,000 I Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.i200.000 BANKERS The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank,
      506 words
    • 764 14 INSURANCE. LIFE ASSURANCE AT MINIMUM COST. Established 1874. THE ORIENTAL Incorpobatid in India. GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. ASSETS exceed $28,000,000 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Profitato Policy-holder, at laat Valuntion $1,116,873. LOWEST Apply for Prospectus and full information to LIBERAL RATES lIMSAPORE IRANSH OFFICE CONDITIONS J. R MACPHERSON, Secretary for S
      764 words

  • 853 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Ceylon Automobile Club The Times of Ceylon, of the Bth inst.,! printed the following editorial:— We do not think we are trenching on disputable ground when we say that the Ceylon Automobile Club has not kept pace with the great development
    853 words
  • 186 15 Interesting Auction Held in New York. Autographs of monarch* were among yesterday's offerings in the Anderson auction rooms from the library of the late Adrian H. Juline, says the New York World of October •21. A quittance delivered by Edward 111. of England to his son in
    186 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 339 15 IIBTER'= PUMPS High Tension Magneto Ignition, Automatic Lubrication. Low Speed. All Gearing Enclosed. Efficient f >. Governing. All Gearing <- /V Machine cut. All Parts V Interchange- w )ll •Sm I'L No special able. J A JrififlJ NJI Foundation ?pP WylS^f-Jy Necessary No Starting ift/Jf Lamp gWpf&V- No Outside Required.
      339 words
    • 12 15 For Children's Hacking CoukL at Ni^Lit Woods (in»t Peppermint Cure la. &i
      12 words
    • 203 15 AIR RAIDS The most successful air raid ever V^ j made was in 1888, when J. B. (^^K%<o Dunlop raided air, and interned im^PTtr^ i^> un der compression, in hollow *'<■ rubber tubes, fitted these to the whi els of bicyi les, and n tme I *y, them pneumatic tyre?.
      203 words

  • Page 111 Advertisements
    • 359 111 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER BREWED in SCOTLAND WANTS. HOUSE WANTED j as po-^ib'.f fuiu>.-hf>d I in K. pp. i Harbour noii;liboarho. d. 13 12 v GALVANIZED IR?N PIPING WANTEO VV anted, ab I G.v.aui/ ,1 I'onPipiug. 'l( i. TanifJ... Apply t" Sylcey Moorhc i Ta» pin. OFFICE AbSIS'ANT WANTED. Assistant ;cr
      359 words
    • 387 111 WANTS. CLERK WANTED. Wacted. a v-'iiines^ i'-Io k by a cn-rciuti c tirni iv Sia.api."!. *Ip y l>c\ --.rail I 21 U 26 V> BILLET WANTEO. i W,«t. J, MM liy a Buiirt conductor Abie woik of an assistant. l'iea>- arfply to a mes. 21 ia viii BTFNOGRAPHER ANO TYPtS
      387 words
    • 645 111 ™_KJETJjI SOLD. FURN'SHEO SEASIDE RESIDENCES TO LtT. BELINDAauJJUAMTA, to let furnished. Apply No. 9, Mt. Sophia. 1 6 v Tfl LET. No. 84. Ribinson Road. Immediate entry. Apply E Si as, No 8 Prince Struct. 8 10 FLOOR 10 LET. To let. iwi Fioor, No. 8, Ma.acca Street, Immediato entry.
      645 words
    • 581 111 TO BE LET OB SOLD. SEASIDE REBIOENCE TO UT 4 bedrooms, bathrooms attached, water laid on. Apply No. 4, Pc Souza btrt et 68 b a 60D0WNS TO LET. Ocdown Nos. 19-1 and 19-2. Fisher Street. Immtdiat-3 entry. Apply to Alfagcff A Co. 21-ia 28 18 BMALL HOUBE TO LET.
      581 words
    • 355 111 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO.. HEAD OFFICE 37, Phillip Street. Bnnch Storrs at No. 14, Phillip Strett. and Nos. 14, 100 and 102, Tank Road. Tel. Address: "OUANKIAT." Telepbonn Nop. 1174 and 128U (Private 1450) Codis dsid A. B C, 6th Edition, and K\ Codis. ■hip Chandlers, Hardware Dealers, Government aid
      355 words
    • 496 111 Xl AM KIAT CO 106 ft 109, Market Street. Telephone No. 421 Shipciiandlets, (Government and ManinpContractors. Estate Bappliern and Coco mission Agents. The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd. Rest Multiplar Brand Hair Beltings 1 7 30 6- 16 To ADVERTISERS it RMeMI to Ml IMMM ir. itilv. i'im ir:utf, hccli as
      496 words
  • Page 111 Miscellaneous
    • 315 111 Straits "Wimes. Telephones. Kiln, rial and (iine-ral 70 MMMft'l (MM -2fii Job l'iiutin>> IVpartmeut 34H All MMMMI relating to editorial liiiiit. rs aad nt ws should be- tddr THK EDITOR. All t> mmunicaiiuus relating to business ii .t.i .iKi itisi im nts siibHcriptions, aceoUDts, printing, etc.— should be ad dusM.l
      315 words