The Straits Times, 23 December 1915

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 2 1.988 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1915. PRICE 10CTCNTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 187 1 M M A FEW GOOD THINGS LIBBY'S ASSORTED SOUPS In cases of 48 tins, say. one month's supply. The assortment is nude Dp from the fnllowinK Soups TOMATO, MOCKTURTLE, OXTAIL, CHICKEN, MULLIGATAWNY and VEGETABLE tn r. ake* rix plate? of the ben Soup you ever tusteH f H^^KSS^*- LIBBY'S ASPARAGUS
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    • 319 1 With an His Master's 9 9 in your home. >ou can entertain your friends to perfection. J\ >t y W welcome l!i<! opportunity to dance, and they will thoroughly R enjoy th? new dances with the superb music furnished by Hi« j M«»l«-. jice" Records. Jfe I J Just a
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    • 2 1 GOODRICi; TYRES
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  • 1021 2 CRITICISMS OF NORTHCLIFFE PRESS. A Salutary Censure. In tbe House of Commons on November 30, Sir J. A. Simon (Home Secretary) made reference to tbe article which he recently quoted as from tho Petrograd paper, Russkoye Slovo on tbe effect of Time* and Daily Mail articles
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 339 2 ■pmaf^^^wiiaiiiiiuiiiiMjgfiS SBS™ 1 Are you Run-down When you- M* undermmed by MM or over work-when your vitality Jg te lowered- ou feel anyhow -when your are or elge wh.D ihe taMl ;«Mion t.res you— you are in a Kun d..wn condition. Tour MM > i flower for want
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    • 12 2 For Children's Hacking Cough at Nigh! Woods Urtftl Peppc/miut Care Is. 8d
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    • 430 2 HEALTH INSURANCE. Son.c people are natnra'ly thin. Tbeva ia also a natoral pallor bat mot reiple who are both thin and pale aie far ttoui well and they need a tnnic. Many peop'e neglect to take a tonic nntil they get so tick that a tonic m n .t auffioiunt
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    • 733 2 NOTICES, THE SINGAPORE HARBOUR ROAD. NOTICE RE HOLIDAYS NOTICE is hereby given that the Godowns and tbe Bondoi Warehouses of the Singapore Harbour Board will be ciosed for ttie Mi* ry uf Roods to town on Saturday, 26th December, 1916, and on Saturday, Ist January, 1016. Un Saturday, Ist January,
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    • 585 2 NOTICES. FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. On Chris' tuas Day, t-aturJay, tho 26tb Dtci'iiibiT, l'Jlfi, tho train tcrvicu will be the same an on SuoJayi. P. 11. HKN.MIAW, Traffic Mananir, VMS. Railways. 31 12 I 38 1 J notice:. How to solve the difficulties 01 servants such has cooks, boys, amahs,
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  • 929 3 SINKING OF THE TR4NSPORT MARQI'ETTE. Survivors' Thrilling Stories A New Zealand nur«inß sister, who was one of the Hurvivors from the trans port Marquetto, which was Bunk by a German submarine in the .t'.gean Sea a month aRO, tells a thrilliDß story of her experience". "We embarked
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  • 167 3 At the American Luncheon Clob recently Mr. Price Bell, London correspondent of the Chicago Daily Sews, delivered an attack on the British Censorship, which, he Raid, had been a calamitous libel on the British nation, and which he farther qualified, among othei adjectives, as chaotic, di Rtructive,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 276 3 Sanaphos notice. puts into .Th K U hereby Riven, that tbe Ma-k VAn Vt"ll'it~ depicted abuv<- is my property, and m■ V VJll TT I Icll by m<! ax my Trade M»rk in rcopect of my j bn^io"^ i< fffh t'lk »»>d fodder contractor. Any porton who without my authority
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    • 254 3 ECZEMA BURNED 11 ITCHED Very Painful. Decidedly Unsightly. Caused Loss of Sleep. Cuticura Soap and Ointment EffectecLCure. 1. Talbot St.: Stourbrl<lß<\ Worcester; ling. "I bad suffered from akin trouble since a child. It finally developed Into cnemv It ni very painful, f burnt and Itched severely. It »M dertdedly uiudghtly.
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    • 500 3 |IIIIIIIUIIIillllllllllllliiiliJi:!lllllli:ilNIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIII!!llllllli:!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH Royal Appointment jT% J^ M1 1 the Court of Spain A Royal Food for your Baby Glaxo is used in the Royal Nurseries, as can hf seen by the above appointment. This letter is from a doctor connected with the Royal Court of Spain. Madrid. "I am very pleased
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1098 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. -British India AND •Mpcar I— inc. MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract wltli His Majesty s Government). For China, Japan, Panang, Ceylon, Australia India, Adan, Egypt, Mediterranean Porte and London, Steamers will leave Singa > ire on or about MAIL LINES lIOMKWA
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    • 788 4 BTEAIER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Krotay Tiiamn, Bi»rt. Kelaataa, Tabai BtanatM. leiunm. Pstaal, Bia<o>* seoi. X■■K ani, Bsadoa, LangKiiea. Tata, Ohampoa, Kohlak and Baagkok. Ous Otpartun HO 9TCAMIR Dec. S3 Dec. SB, 3 pm. as MAHIDOL 87 SB, 3 pm. I BORIB«T 3O Jan. 1,3
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    • 461 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED, AND 6HINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. IP Tbe mpaaie Rfciauidrj urn rjespatohod from Liveipool ont wards for the Straits, China ajud Jitpaa e\ cry w.ek and from Japs* bomewardH foi London, Amsterdam and Antwerp ov<»y fortnight; for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and
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    • 526 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. EUROPEAN 1 INK A srrvioe id QiaiLtsinod bil-'iuD Yokohama via ports to Marseilles and London under mail contract with the Imperial Japanoso Oovornmoot. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining thin sorvico 1-avo bo<n Hpooially dofiigncd and ooQßtrncted, and aro fittod with
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1044 5 ITS A WELL-KNOWN FACT THAT CIGARETTES <s^ SK9\ at the front l» V i— J) Packed ii pntent vacuum tins insurin? the perfect condition Jj&tk l£j fm^*j l **r c( the cigarettes in all climates. V*jfj No. 555 V '?Ef F IA 60 cents per lin of 50 g j
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    • 485 5 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO., LTD., s B :r P r BOYS NAVY VELVET SAILOR t^f^effc^X* w Pri GIRL S SMART DROOP BRIM TOPEE. J*ks. Likeskttcb. $1. 80 each. Z. <-^ Ditto in white drill 0.85 each. 1° White Drill with nnderbrim lined [Ml Ditto in navy cloth 1 25 each green
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  • 874 6 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, December 33, 1916. Mcusrs. Lyall and Kvatt, exchange anil share brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning. The quotations on sterling shares are only nominal. RUBBER SHARES. No*. ViLUi. Boibm. Sillies. 2/- AUagar 1/8 1/11 1 Anglo
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 159 6 THE STRAITS TIMES PRESS, LTD. Artistic Modern Photo Engravers I Telephone: Commercial LinebHalf-toncJ 343. Photographers H CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE, i—', THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING GO. (Established 1883) MANUFACTURERS OF PURE^ROPE 3 BTRANO CABLE LAID 4 BTRANO I to 12" 5" to 10" 8" to 10Prices, SkUiploe ai-d full particulars will
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    • 411 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE MSIBTANT WANTED. Wanted, Eurasian Office Assistant fcr Import basineoa. Most be a smart and accurate aritbmt tician with bookkeeping experience. Apply to Box 182, Straits Timea. 2312 o BTENOGRAPHER WANTED. Wanted, for office in Java, intelligent stenographer with previous experience gocd proppects for gocd man. Write enclosing
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    • 570 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SPECIAL XMAB PROGRAMME: EMPIRE CINEMA Opposite Krota Ayer Polioe Station. Fop Thursday, Friday and Saturday Night* only, December 23, 24 and 25. NEPTUNE'S DAUGHTER In 7 Massive Reels. Featuring Annette Kellermao, tbe Great Woman Atlilete. Seen by millions of people all over the world. Don't Miss This Last
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  • 88 7 FIXTURES Ihursday. December 2J. hit. 1 am. winl in. ill close*. Friday, December 24. •vator il.:loa.m, I' M a.m. H. I. outward mail MMMI Satuulay, December 25. Mik: Wttk '"i H- 55 i liristmas Day. .Sunday, December 2ft. High Water, \M a.m. Mi p.u. Monday, December 27.
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  • 444 7 To I»IY. I.aboran liilik. TmadiaMM Halei I I in Singkara 2.M) pm Port Diekson and I'ort SvK'ttonliam S ippbo 2.1} pm Maag Hot 2(0 pm ■flat I'amljan-;. lit nykali- an. I I'.nitianak MtfB Malacca ant Maai Kak» I piu Kota Tiuyyi Tarjony Surat 4 pm Uonuknnu. Shanghai
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  • 58 7 The outward H. I. MflM I 1. ft Negapatam at 5 p. m. Un Saturday, December IH. anil wan expected to arrive at Penang at daylight today. The I', .id I •>. Nrllorr with mails from London ot December 8, due i>n the JAth iaatant, in nut
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  • 84 7 t)ur atbintiun hax bthat our arrivaU in London ar< much behind li.. i.ib'.-i -I- itol Ow r:il. i- f> nit only *h.n Uiey ate oficially MBDfte4 Ml tbe Pout Offtce notiorn, and no wWdatotbaa Uat printed above han hew *ov. 6 H. 1. I' v 0 I!.
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  • 77 7 Latest Arrivals British. \.iiul I .ii f Arrival Kenurk". Mata Han 1 i 16 lvi r I!.. .1Sri Muar Kaka Kiuta Hyson Nu. 9 Wharf Kan Hin Guan Ii Ml Hoads Sri NVongsuo Hock Lim Aing Honj; A/mere Horn Vik Sanit Sultann I'oh Ann 2! 12-16 Hong Khcng
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  • 263 7 Outward The following passenger bookings to the Straits aro taken from the London and China Express. It should bo understood that, in Home instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrange nunts, subsequent to the issuance of thin list in London: Iii
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  • 367 7 Difficulties of Rescuing The Wounded. I Tiagic details of tin difficulties ><t transferring crippled men fr>m their e ts tu tbe boats were learned at Dover on N ivember 19 dining tlif inquest on a civili j, one of the is^ti :iv. i i- M who kwl
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  • 119 7 A ijut «tion which ix exciting more interest mi the I mti->l Mm than the war hao arisen through the action of Dr. Harry llaixlilen, who, iiii'lini; a ■lffi-ctivr and abnormal child born of a Chicayo woman, decided to allow it I i ilir rattier than
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  • 166 7 EXCMANOE, Singapore, Dkckmbkr 28, 191r> On Lohdoh Bank 4 id,- 2/4£ Deiiiud l 41 i 2/4J On India iMlt 176J On rlow .homo ..itiiid/^ 17] On Sbanobai ...Buk d/d 9'J[ Oh Java Bank T. T. M| I nw r*»i« B^ik i09i j v ■iui ,c- -Ujyit^nOe 18.54;
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    • 183 7 %X Bu > ere Sellere -10 10 Auipanx 6.00 1 1 Ayer W-m; 0.80 0.40 10 10 Relat 2.00 2.10 10 10 Kanabol 0.80 0.90 10 10 Kinta Association 6.50 11 1 Kinta Tin 1.14.6 1.17.6 41 XI Laliat Mines 425 10 8.25 Malayan Collieries 2.50 dis XI 11
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    • 610 7 3/- 2/- ABMM 1/8 tj£l £1 An«lo-J::T» 10/6 12/6 2/- An«lo->Salaj 9/6 10/6 2.. M- Satan.- Malv a 1/7 1,9 £1 XI Bata Ti?a 2-10.0 8.0.0 2/- 2/- Bekoh 1/11 3/3 XI £1 Bakit Kajanfc 1.17.6 2.0.0 i\ £1 "iakit Lintan'g .1.0.0 3.5.0 I/- 2/- Baki4 Mertajam 2/3J 2/7
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    • 131 7 Jil 41 H. SjaulMn,- Co. 7.40 £1 £1 l-r.f. 1.4.9 6/- t>l- Bioctne 1 ways 2/9 10 10 Eraser Neav? 50.00 60 SO W. Hammer k Co. flP.OO 100 Howartb BrekiDO 100 7*. Prct. 100 100 Katz Bro, Del. 10 10 Maynurd i Cc. 100 100 R. Harxreavea (5.03
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    • 45 7 United Engineers 8% 11,284 600 par Singapore Electric Tramways 6 i, £850,000 norn Spore Municipal 5% $1,878,000 par Spore Municipal 4J of 1907 •1,800,000 90 98 j S'poro Municipal 44% of 1009 11,000,000 90% Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 10%dil S'poro Municipal 4% £100,000 B%dis
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 10 7 For Chronic Chent complaints, Woods' Great I'eppermiat Cure I*, fid.
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    • 104 7 TRY "THREE W$A NUNS" W^^jr^^W TOBACCO. A COOL AND FRAGRANT SMOKE. On Sale Everywhere in 4-oz. Airtight Tina. SOLE AGENTS FOR F "DUDBRIDGE" C oil s ENGINES l EFOR KEROSENE OR CRUDE OIL. m^mj M >TV s Nl5 B.H.P. Kerosene Engine in stojk. U SINGAPORE &IPOH. Ltd. "BRUNOLINUM" THE PERFEJT
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    • 143 7 Grand Christmas Programme. To-Nlrfht North Bridge Road. To-Nltfhtll 3 Pan. LORD BARRINGTON S ESTATE A Itroaf Orami featuring Violet Micmillan and William Oowlm Th amiH iig adventures of a cowbiy who wax heir to a large estate in England. His sterling qualities and genuine manhood low his inheritance for him
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  • 1047 8 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28. IS EGYPT AN OBJECTIVE What real piu.-neet in there of an aivance on Egypt Tia Constantinople N various sources tells us that heavy r.:tillerv is bein^ sent to the East. One Lunureu and twenty thousand nun ar> assigned to .he task of holding the
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  • 51 8 Messrs Barlow and Co., writing under yesterday' 1 date, state that tlie copra market has advanced materially sincu their last report, today's prices being übont $1.50 p» r picul higher on thr nixk. Current quotations are about til 50 for tine: sundried and til to f11.20 for fair to good
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  • 62 8 The property known as »:t. llarelock Koad, with an an a i 1,:)2.i stjoare feet held under a (iovornuent lease with ,'tT years to run, Hiiri j-ot to a yearly quit rent of SO cents, was solti by auction at Messrs. I'owell and Co.'s s..le room on Tuesday last fur
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  • 8 8 No change is reported in the coffee market
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  • 20 8 A Christmas service will be bold in the Middle Road Church at 10 a.m on Christmas clay. All are welcome.
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  • 21 8 A notification from the harbour department states that all navigation lights in Penang were to be relit as trooi yesterday's date.
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  • 30 8 A special Christmas musioa service has been arranged for next Sunday at the Boustead Institute, at 815 p.m. .Mr. It. l> Pringlo will deliver a short address. All are invited.
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  • 40 8 There was a ricksha striko accoinpanuel by two riots, which necessitated the arrest of 90 pullers, at Shanghai on December 2, when an increase of 10 per cent, was made in the rent of the vehicles by the ricksha companies.
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  • 39 8 Yesterday afternoon, in tho District Court, two Chinese wero convicted on a charge of voluntarily causing hurt to another Cbicpse in Orchard Road. One of them was sentenced to six months and the other to two ninths' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 50 8 The sinking by a submarine of the merchant steamer Colenso, lately reported by Keuter, is of particular interest in Bombay because that ship bad aboard her a ejuantity of most important plant ree[uire<l in connection with the Municipal scheme for tho expansion and improvement of the Bombay City sewage scheme.
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  • 61 8 The Admiralty announces it has arranged to reduce the biro of the faster armod merchant cruisers by 30 per cent., and the slower ones by 20 per cent., after the ir chartered year has expired. It ban also arranged not to pay the special allowanceof X' 3 3s. fid. per
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  • 55 8 Mrs. Snowdon, wife of Mr. Phillip Snowdon, Labour and anti-war M.P., is assisting Mr. Ford in his farcical American peace mission to the Hague. Karl Wie^and, the German-American journalist, dealing with Ford's peace scheme, states Germany will not allow an American to act as mediator. Her candidate for the post
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  • 65 8 Colonel Baron Van Heerdt has degraded to the rank of fusilier a Dutch sergeantmajor who, at Batavia recently in t! ipresence of a number of drunken Q wbo were insulting Holland, said Holland would soon be (iiriuau and in.: similar remarks. The Sumatra Post observes that it is a di
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  • 96 8 iMlla] the angels of Mons, a Miss Phyllis Campbell obtained a narrative of what had been seen from an unnamed U.K. A man, aud set it forth in the Occult He-view in his own language:— "A tall man with yellow ~»ir '.n j^.lden armou.. on a white horse, holding his
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  • 87 8 Shortly after midnight this morning tlii watch-jjan at the house of Mr. John Git iy. in Cairnhill Road, surprised a Chinese prowling around tha compound. He kept the man prisonet and later, handed him over to the police who, this morning in the Moood court, had him charged with IraSM
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  • 90 8 It is reported that the .Upancse steaim r Iro-maru, which was captured by a French iMtMMt and brought to Silicon, has been released after all her cargo MM been seized and lauded. According to a Nagasaki despatch to the \salii. Mr. Mcd Hidematsu, wner of the Iro-maru, has brought forwaid
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  • 110 8 So many adventurous young Ameriians have beeu working tifeir way Mi Atlantic on the horse aud w.iie tr.mspoi is with Mw paipaM of eulistiny in the British army that the British Embassy at Washiagt M has given notice that hereafter surli Ml i.would not be allowed to land ou British
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  • 95 8 Mi. Wijiaratnam, bon. secretary, Malayan Ceylon Tamils' Aircraft Kuud. writes as follows:— 9l4,soo has been remitted through Mr. Aluia Baker to the Britisu War Office as first instalment towards a fighter aeroplane costing »19,:i00. The balance of 14 HOO should bo made up within two months, and it is hoped
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  • 142 8 A Melbourne telegram of November 21 says: During the pant few days persmtent rumours bars. keen circulated to the effect that transports had been wrecked off the Australian coast. Numerous inquiries at the Navy Office had, therefore, resulted, and to day the Minister for the Navy (Mr. Jensen) issued an
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  • 407 8 The Key. H. U. I'eile, .MA., bu uas« apjiointeel a Commissary to the Bi Singapore. Mr. U. V Q. Hailoy. of Kenneth Ktitate, Kolantnn. who is a lieutenant in the StafTords, is now in Klandora. Mr. T. B. Oebourne, of the Dull Develops ment Co., has obtained
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  • 223 8 The tullowing communique is issue (f lor general information:It has come to tho knowledge of tha Government that thero are wild rumours current to the effect that the. -a is I probability of an air raid and that thfw ate German warfhips in the adjacent water*. These
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  • 131 8 The following, received today fn m**tbe*J(F local manager of the Hongkong and Shan- ghai Banking Corporation, oontii ins the uuwi contained in a Keuter telegram published in r <■ this issue Telegraphic advice has beO| received from London that Sir ThomtWaett son, Bart., late chief
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  • 94 8 Tin: Secretary of tliu Sikh Temple, *">•*_# porr, writes a* follows I would auk the officers of dill, i m elopfcl incnts to bo kind onmiyli to nivc k»*» Uf those Sikfes who an- working m:.i> r tl. for every Sikh from the Colony of Singapore
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 172 8 TELEPHONE 160. j Champagnes j Sherries Ports ti Marsalas Madeiras Vermouths Clarets Burgundies Brandies Hocks Whiskies Moselles Gins Liqueurs Bitters Beers Stouts Mineral Waters. r CALDBECK, MAC6REGOR CO.. Wholesale and Petal! Wire and Spirit Merchants. XMAS r^HOPPING. p I SPECIAL TIFFINS g mat i MmT?m m {3 Thursday 23rd, iind
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    • 227 8 ANOTHER STAR PROGRAMME AT THE ELHAMBRA he Pioneer Cln«m»to«raph Thsatra, Maeh Road. SECOND SHOW, at 9.15 p.m Tha Photo Drima M. P. Co. PBKsKN rs an Emotional Drama I* Fly* Parts THE FOLKS FROM WAY DOWN EAST lu-t Ui' old old Btory where tho Old Folkn wire forgotten by their
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  • 2944 9 PRIME MINISTER'S SPEECH. i Million Additional Men. i NEAR EAST CAMPAIGN. Russian Landing Made In Bulgaria. Hki in; .t IMIM i( i p m. were animate 1 MM in tl oi Commous when Mi Asqaitb iu>.ed the •stim.iu lor a million al ditional men, and anniiui.eed that at
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  • 27 9 Reitkh's Tklk.i.ams. London, December 22, 7.30 p.rj No newspapers will be published in Great Britain on Christmas Day and no evening papers on Monday.
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  • 28 9 KaoTKß's Tklkikams. London, December 22. The death is announced of Sir Thomas Jackson, late chief manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, aged 71.
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  • 17 9 Kictkr's Teleurams. London, December 21. Sarah Bernbardt is reported to be danger ously ill.
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  • 63 9 (From Our Own IhMMOBt) I poh, December 22. Tue formation of a Perak Chinese Volunteer Corps is advertised by the Government. Chinese born in the I.M .S. or the Straits arc invitod to send in applications before January 10 to the Chinese Advisory Board, care of the
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  • 263 9 Progress of the Royal Packet Navigation Co. The Koninklijkc Paketvaart Maatschappij, (Royal Packet Navigation C 0.,) uf Ratavia, inform us tha'. on January 1 next, the company will celebrate its 25th aonivtr-ary. and that on tin- morning of that day from 10 to noon, tliu a^ent will be
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  • 488 9 Handsome Dividends Looked For In Future. The annual general meeting uf A lor Uajah Kubber Estate, Limited, was held ye'.t- iday at the office of the company. I HUM) Mr. W. M. Sime (chairman) pr— Ulna Otlnrs present were Messrs. 11. Koland Ltew llyn, A. W. 11..I
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  • 15 9 Mr. K. 11. Bray, of Maaars. 'ullandore. Arbuthoot aDil l'>, is appointu I Sheriff I
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  • 257 9 THE PRESENT POSITION AND PRICES. 'Fkuji Oik Own OMaHNBBsWT<| London, DsMsskM 191 i. The rubber market i- firim r an 1 t!i. a good demand at the following piiees i— Fine Sheet M/t tv »'repo ;i,B 8,7 Hard Para B'2 8/3 It is necessary for all who
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  • 207 9 Demand Maintained with Rise In Price. Guthri, and Co. report. Singapore, December 11 '1 he feature of the auction hold today wi. both.: 378 tons were catalogued was tho strong demand wi.ioh the lower grades tin t with, the increase generally b. in;; ah. Nt M ri'ie
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  • 1707 10 I UHISIASTIC MEETING AT PENANG. Splendid Response to the Appeal The 1 opularity of the moveim nt f"i the formation of a Chinese Company of tbe Penang I I tliu wisdom of the step taken by tin >>%■ mine nt in sanctioning such a Company, says the I'inang
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  • 115 10 Latest advertis ments of the day appear jn page6and 11. i-ircus and menagerie opens on the Beach K.iid reclamation this evening and b promising start is expected. \n announcement of considerable iutert -t v inll. ci io the x iv and Mauufactur M Life A-~ I'ranct- Companies
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  • 51 10 We are asked to state that the committee of the Tanglin Club particularly request replies to the notice recently issued to members in respect of the New Year's dance. Without some intimation as to the number likely to attend, the committee are handicapped in making the necessary
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  • 130 10 The Times Lansanne correspondent, refer ring to the Berlin story of the interview with the Pope, says that from dependable information from Berlin the German staff expected the Allies' September offensive to succeed. The stalT papers in llrussels remained packed for three days in motors, ready
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  • 55 10 Captain G. It. Wake has been appointed recruiting officer for British subjects in J'aris auil lir will be in attendance daily, Sundays included, to attest recruits at the recruiting office, 9, rue des Pyramids. All men betwuen the ages of nineteen and forty, particularly those who are unmarried, are advised
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  • 588 10 LAST DAYS OF MON ASTIR. Awaiting the Arrival of Enemy Forces. The Daily Telegraph's Monastir correspondent, cabling on November 16, stated that he witnessed what h<- believed to be the last days of the Serbiarjs- it Monastir. Ho says The nmall force of brave troops which had long defended the
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    • 40 10 The following competitions will be held open to the members of the Singapore Golf Club over the Christmas holidays Bogey competition, 18 bolts handicap. Medal competition, 18 boles handicap. For conditions see notice book at the club.
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    • 62 10 The Adelphi Hotel billiard tournament results last night were:— D. Boudewyn scratch, 250; C. Uenjamin+so, 217. 11.11 Macmillan 60, 250; 0. Dalgleish 30, 150. The following play off their ties to-night at nine o'clock:— F. Beech 60 v. A. D. Baker 90; C. A. Edwards, walkover J. ifcMBJMB scr.
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  • 74 10 Miss Eva Brown has very kindly arranged an interesting programme of Christmas Carols for Wednesday, December 38, at 8.30 p.m. All friends are invited. A Yost typewriter has just been presented to the T.W.C.A. and the gift is deeply appreciated. The annual business meeting of the Y.W.C.A. will
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  • 89 10 Sir Harcourt Butler at Tavoy (Burma) on 1 December 4 addressed the Chamber of Mines in connection with the output of wolfram which was being wanted for munitions of war. His Honour said be was determined to get it somehow. He told them to make greater
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  • 552 10 The Company's Successful Working Year. The .mum! general meeting of Pajam, Limited, was held yesterday afternoon at the office of the company, Gresham House, H(\ W. L. Watkins, chairman, presiding. Others present were Messrs. 11. It. Llewellyn, W. M. Sime, F. W. Collins, G. A. Derrick, 1). .1.
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  • 407 10 Descendants of Billmen And Archers. That there are, within forty miles of London, on the weald south of Dunsfold, Surrey, still to bo found survivals of the primitive races, and that amongst Dunsfold's lighting men of today there are direct descendants cf the bill-men and
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  • 135 10 Speaking at a meeting of tho Swedish Anthropological and Geographical Society, Dr. Erik Mjoebjerg gave an account of a project he had elaborated for an expedition to explore the unknown regions of the Inland of New Guinea by means of aeroplanes. He said it was
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  • 915 10 Sir Herbert Warren's Lecture At Oxford. Sir Herbert Warren, Professor of Poetry, deliverod at Oxford on November l:t, tin first of two lectures on tho Poetry of the Empire. Ho bfgan by sayiug that ono aspect of the present war had Lanlly been sutliiiently noticed. It
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  • 53 10 The committee gratefully acknowledge tho receipt of tho following donations Previously acknowledged Mrs. Fowlie 5 Straatmeier j A. S. K. Macdonald 5 H. S. 5 Mrs. H. K. C. Fisher 10 Dewar 5 Robinson and Co. 20 Cbew Woon Poh 10 ♦456.50 Mns. A. Urn, 9, Leouie
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  • 67 10 A Pioueer special cable states that moch German coal has arrived at Constantinople, but submarines hamper its transference elsewht re. Syria is being bared of olive aud cedar trees in order to provide locomotive fin I. ISroad is not always purchasable by Christians at Constantinople owing to the Germans requisitioning
    67 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 113 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— With reference to I paragraph in your issue of vrsttrday heidcd "Women and Children," would you permit me M ask whether old and invnli I meu tuny also avail tin ui'el <s et tin se protective arrangements, and whether
      113 words
  • 636 10 Mr. Winston Churchill's Attack On Lord Fisher. Mr. Ashmca I Bartlett has contributed to Tbe Times a biting four-column analysis of Mr. Winston Churchill's attack on Lord Fisher, and his statement recording the naval operations at tbe Dardanelles Mr. Bartlett says: The Admiralty com menced operations at the
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  • 147 10 Home newspapers are giving promiuence to semi humorous articles on M called I k n -1 London. Many public houses opened garisjjg prohibited hours have eudeavom el to popularise collee and soup, with hot disln s. They are doing a roaring trade in collce between 7 and 9
    147 words
  • 109 10 The Hoard of Agriculture at homo has issued a leaflet r< commending M in I the production of cheesr. both bee M I of the pri si nt !.n:li pt vi < and as v contribution to the national food supply. It adds I'ndor pi i s.
    109 words

  • 492 11 PANTOMIME PROPS. Many Novelties fur Coming Season. the war larkson's has prtßPnted a formidable appearance. )n opening the door, the visitor looks straight down tbe muzzle of a field gun-" Just a specimen of what we can turn out in the way of props,' an aamt.ta.nt explains, reassuringly. Now that
    492 words
  • 222 11 An American Estimate of Enemy's Attainments. Germany and Austii,*. with 115.000.000 people, rhalUagi I, -ays tbe Ni York Tilui sin a leading articl-. That is the antl tic of the position. Competition io ilautti.i r »,i^ in.p issiblf so Germany reli« t OB Teutonic strategy to accomp
    222 words
  • 207 11 Ten Million Cubic Yards of Earth In Motion. A careful hii' Ml ar«a in the Uaillard Cat MM« (MM pr, Imbly 10,OOU,i>UU cubic y»r al i art h is iv MM I'anaiua di -put -ii 1 1 <>c-tob< r 10, which uiu»t be taken oat ky
    207 words
  • 615 11 England Releases Spy Caught Red-handed. The British authorities decided to release an American youth, Kenneth O. Tricst, who had been caught red handed spying for the benefit of Germany. The following extract from the Nt w York Herald will suffice to show the difference between civilisation,
    615 words
  • 247 11 Liberal Press on Significance Of Episode. Tli' Manchester OmvMh nays W't ■Mil inclined an any membir of I'.irliaiiiiot to Acted the manners or the ,re very uVjbtlul v.liit!"r the igpensioo I a news pap»r liy txi-eutivt act without a[ip« al to i a tiolatmn of t:;.
    247 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 105 11 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. Programme of drills, etc., for week ending, Kriday, lx-c<!iuber 11 Till KSI'W. l>l KMHIK "2-i. i.l.'j p.m. Bra- ■aaah I! al Malay Co. Kk'l'n l)Ki [»■> Jl. il5 pin. Mi Hall S.V.A. Maxim Co. S.V.C. Band. Bran Basah Read Malay Co. H. Ki.lami Llkwilltm, Captain. S.V.C. Acting
      105 words
    • 288 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THE BEST TYRE FOR FORD CARS SECURITYI I Jl TRY THEM WEARNE BROS., LD., Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang, sole: agents. the Children have ever known 3| HT' enjoyment will be increased a hundredfold if they «P t« J_ are in charge of their own musical arrangements
      288 words
    • 156 11 An Acceptable Xmas Present. A TIN OF ABDULLA CIGARETTES No. B Turkish 53.00 TT" Yenidjch Maballa No. 1 2.7S WU$"Jk, (Turkiib) No. 11 Turkish 2.10 (^BDULLfISjC 0 1 1 No. 14 Egyptian Z 2.28 •Hit* bono streit tONOC-i* I No. lfl B({jptian 1.50 I No 7 Virginia 1.28 _l-v.i^J OBTAINABLE
      156 words

  • 638 12 HORRORS 01 TRENCH WARFARE DEPICTED. In the Argonne Region A striking art w at fare io the V, ap[H«rs in tin- i< /'itiing from I Dr Max 0 >i "Oncea^ain they li> fi< Im one another i in the trench*- I h i t > tin
    638 words
  • 111 12 tiom km A mater I .-Hpuuit. ut. Ha .ys that lli > irx i-tition, ha.heen t t l>y t t.ilismauic riag it value, 'll.e tin.; and wt ia I*. II i t I'liire ri ty ciilom. I: \ai( ac.|uin I !iy .■> bo fought in thi 1
    111 words
  • 475 12 The Most Popular Museum In London. Well. I never thought they bad shells as big as that." The remark, says a correspondent in a home paper, came from a taly on the Horse Guards Parade, who was tin sjplsasU show of captured •..iiiiau kMfWsSi Hi f Msi
    475 words
  • 598 12 Less Dependent Upon The Imperial Treasury. Id the Canadian Government*) financial fur September a n-jw item Las b M introduced which will indicate frout ujootb to month the dirtct expenditure of mion on the war. Inder this new II i- si. wn tha' Mm war
    598 words
  • 647 12 Researches Amongst 25 Miles Of Shelves. Tbe death, at the age of eighty, of Mr. Luke Owen Pike, a retired assistant keeper of the Public Records, wbo was engaged i for some years in editing and translating tbe Hoi Is Series of tbe Year Books of the
    647 words
  • 402 12 Precautions to Prevent Trading With the Enemy. Mr. Butcher asked the President of the Koanl of Trade, in the House of Commons on November 16, whether bis attention had been called to the case of the firm of A. Wulting and Co., also trading as tbe Sanati
    402 words
  • 56 12 Judging by an anecdote in a French paper prohibition is tremendously strict in France. Scene a restaurant. Enter an officer, who asks in a timid voice whether be can have a iiu:i omelette. "Certainly, why not I re the waiter, who then called in a f-U-ntoiian voice for a Rum
    56 words
  • 562 12 A General Deficit of 327,000,000 Roubles. The Russian budget for 1016 estimates tbe ordinary revenue at 2,914,083,0T5 roubles, tbe extraordinary revenue at 336,832, 1'J2 roubles, tbe ordinary expenditure at 87,174,124,001 roubles, and the extraordinary expenditure at 76,7 .>1,106 roubles. The balance of expenditure and revenue amounts to 3,250,915,197
    562 words
  • 515 12 Demand Much Greater Than The Supply. One of the innumerable ell\ets of the war has been to open much more widely than they were ever open before the doors for women doctors. There are not enough women doctors t) fill all the appointments that are waiting
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 18 12 \iui, l>u y >v tljiui. BMfnagM arc made l!> l'iil..tps bat back pai'oar auJ a will Lcti' Mm
      18 words
    • 210 12 Glacial Acetic Acid (ENGLISH) GUARANTEED 99/ ESTATES SUFPLIED AT MODERATE RATES MAYNARD&CO.LTD., WHOLESALE PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS, 16, Battery Ftoad, Singapore. JUST UNPACKED ax BXGBLLBNI v.HUKn Ol Silks, Shawls, Blouses, Kimonos, Dresses, Damasceneware, Silverware and Gold Jewellery SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR PRESENTS At Lowest Possible Prices. INSPECTION INVITED, X, A. J.
      210 words

  • 871 13 High Spirits on the Field Of Battle. The I nittU I'ress in Now York has published tht! following article from its Paris corre spomient, Mr. William Philip Simros, who liao just returned from a tour of the Chainp« M K b:if.!. field How ian they stand
    871 words
  • 217 13 The period of mau's cxistonce upon Ikl earth is. of all familiar speculation!, the oue that Hciebcc is re shaping iv the most si-U'-.i tional fashion. It was a jjiavu disturbance .■■•l c jtivictiuns wlien excavators tirst came across remains deiuanc'inK a pic Adamite" chronology,
    217 words
  • 63 13 Nlicwjt I'rtHiJiut Wilwu *v the cry at a meeting of the Friends of Peace at the < uopi i iii. hi. Manhattan, od November l w ilunny Hit speech of Mr. John Brinben Walker, in which he acoased Mr. Wilson of being responsible for the continuance of the war. The
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 92 13 SHELL' TO THE FRONT THE PROPRIETORS OF "SHELL" MOTOR SPIRIT HOLD THE SOLE CONTRACT FOR TMB Supply of Motor Transport Spirit to the British Forces, both in the United Kingdom and on the Continent. USE "SHELL" THE BRITISH WAR SPIRIT HUTTON'S "Pineapple" Hams and Bacon Supplies always in stock. SINGAPORE
      92 words
    • 304 13 W^==^ 37. CECIL STREET,^^*^ l&L" v 5 N QAPOR E W Some Facts! Some Opinions! Each and every bottle of our 1-1-18 Aerated Water is washed, cleansed Messih Fimm I and Co. and rinsed in our latest sanitary Dear Sirs, washing plant ensuring clean and I am happy to testify
      304 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 496 14 Pkag* Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS 7 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HtAD OFHOE W«nch..t.r Houee. •Ing-pore. LOHOOH OFFtCB 33. Old Jewry, EC. T* Oompeay has «2O 000 deposited with tt* Supcern. Court of England, and complies
      496 words
    • 308 14 INSURANCE. POLICIES ON ALL MODERN PLANS. SUN LIFE OF CANADA, 6, Battery Road. S. J. HOWB, I c Manager, fiUARDIAN ASSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONOOti Snbecritad Capita! 4^,000.000 lota! bv»sta| Funds. £6,260,000 Anuosl Income £1,100,000 'Atia unUbrgignod, Agents for tho above Jompaoy, aie prepared to accept fire and iarth K.ake ridkg
      308 words
    • 447 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID DP CAPITAL m. 118.000,000 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling 41,500,000 at S/- 118,000,000 Silver 118,000,000 •88,000,000 Re-ietve Liability of Proprietors 110,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Hon. Mx. D. Landale, Chairaam, W. L. Patteuden, Bsq., Deputy Chairman. S. H. Dodwell, Esq |P. H. Holyoak, Bsq. G. T.
      447 words
    • 480 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRALIA AND CHINA. I INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTBR Paid np Capital in 60,000 Share* of tfffl each 41.200.00 C Reserve Fund 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41,200,000 BANKERS j The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County jand Westminster
      480 words
    • 809 14 INSURANCE. CAPITALIZING himself is never thought of by tho aversge msn, who is a far greater asset thsn the stock, animals and bouses bo pokhouwh and who-c protection from untoward contingei)ci< s is his ti-st consideration. Yet he overlooks self-protection and because of it broken homes, disrupted bunit omen and
      809 words

  • 1023 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Passengers on Motor-Cycles. Whilst the practice of carrying a passenger en pillion on the motorcycle has not become so popular as once it threatened, says a writer man Australian paper, it is by no means uncommon, but it is quito possible
    1,023 words
  • 61 15 The homewavd bonnd mail steamer Sal iotte, which tailed from llombay on December carried a paaticularly heavy Christmas mail for the foiled Kingdom and Continent. The mail ka^s dtHpatched for all India umbered 1,006 as against 915 this time last year, showing an increase of 150 bags, while the parcel
    61 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 283 15 LISTER'=PUMPS High-Tension Magneto Ignition, Automatic Lubrication. The Engine >m -t> wrll Ino •n l.i -lv. V rtical Type, dos^vd manutacturcd and NUnrur v. Bnß'.»od, »n 1 roaU'ts'ns that repatation for oo'.iJ con-Htrncti'.-n i»nd long life wliicli h of Brifsli icinofactaTe tbronehont »bo w-wM. It in »n «rH:i')nt, f-i -pi", i»ie
      283 words
    • 233 15 UNiiW.. BE r: r. 0 J ,>■* \J v '-X v^S U I T"^ II vJT 1 1 it 1 1 r IDUPIRE BROS. SINGAPORE I You can't dnve a knife through the truad Jl in I Some Stelastic Records Car Tyrks. Una*. f^*^s&' Lord ABEROARB London 8 180
      233 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 397 16 INSURANCE OF PRIVATELY OWNED MOTOR CARS $f LIMITED. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES SOLE AGENTS: Adamson, Gilfillan AGo.. Ltd.. IMPORT DEPARTMENT', SINGAPORE. PENANG and MALACCA. WANTS. HOUSE WANTED. \h soon an po-sib'e>. farnisheJ or urfur- Mirbour neiKhbourhojd. Apply R E. 1)., efs Straits Times ia 12 v EURASIAN FACTORY OVERSEER WANTED. rsp« I
      397 words
    • 312 16 WANTS. CLERK WANTED Waufd. a cuicess Clek by a mercantile firm in Singapore. Apply Box No. 129, s '.raits Time*. 21-12 2812 BILLET WANTEO. Wanted, bill A by a smart conductor able wok of ac asbistan:. IVa-t apply to U c/o Mssisi Time" 21 12 IC 118 STENOGRAPHER ANC TYPIST
      312 words
    • 655 16 TO BE lET OB SOLD, FURNISHED SEASIDE RESIDENCES TO LET. BELINDA and JUANITA, to let furnifihtd. Apply No. 9, Mt. Sophia. 1 v Tf) LET. No. 84 Robinson Road. Immediate entry. Apply E Si an, No. 8, Prinoe Street. 8 10 n FLOOR TO LET. To M '2nd Floor, No.
      655 words
    • 707 16 TO BE LET 08 SOLD. SEASIDE. REBIKNCE TO LEI 4 bedrooms, bathrooms attached, water laid on. Apply No 4, De Souza Street 6 8b v GODOWNS TO LET. Gcdown Nos. 19-1 and 10-' J. Kislior Strett. Immcdiatu entry. Apply to Altagcff k Co. 21-12 2tt 12 6000WN TO LET. No.
      707 words
    • 339 16 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO.. HEAD OFFICE: -17, Phillip Street Branch Stores at No. 14, I'liillip Strtut. and Nos 14, 100 and 102, Tank Road. Tel. Address; "GUANKIAT.' Telephone Nov. 1174 and 1283 (Privat 14f0) Codbs csiD A. B C, sth Edition, and 1 Codrs. Ship Chandlers, Hardware Dealers, Government and
      339 words
    • 499 16 JKIAM KIAT CO. 108 ft 100. Market Street, fWaahaM No. vji I Blupot amli. i- i.'rnmeot aud Mumcipi Contrnctor- E-'tatt bapplicru %ad Cor J.IMHIOU AK< I Sols Imbh The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd Bent Multiplar Brand Hair Beltings 1 7 M I II To ADVERTISERS As idjuists to SSaks alti
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 304 16 Straits Wimes. Telephones. Kditorial and (m ncral 70 Manager's (Mlicc :>rV_» Job Printing licpiirtintnt Mi All communications relating to editorial lnatti is uud DaWS should he sddl TIIK EI>ITOR. All communications relating to business mßtters— advertisement!), subHcriptions, accounts, printing, etc. should be ad dressed to TIIK HANAOBB. 1 ADVEKTISKMKNT IiATKS.
      304 words