The Straits Times, 22 December 1915

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 21.987 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1915. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 194 1 M i^ii-™m]]J M the INDIAN cv°cT E THE NEW 5-H.P. TWIN-CYLINDER 3 SPEED MODEL shows careful thought, wide experience and marvellous mechanical ingenuity in every line of its construction. GREAT STRENGTH. CAPACITY FOR HARD WORK. LONG UFE AND RELIABILITY. i SM.n.i. >////'.u/:\t //i.s ,i/,7.7i*. KATZ BROS., LTD. ANOTHER BRITISH
      194 words
    • 294 1 in your homr. vju can enterlain your friend* to perfection J^ They will the opportunity to dance, and they will thoroughly Rt enjoy tl- n-w dance, with the tuperb mutic furnithed by "HU Just a few selected Dance Records >/X« from the "Hit Matter's Voice" Repertoire. Jf: fcs^^**J»^ Sf
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    • 33 1 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER. Soli Aoints: i ADAMBON. GILFILLAN; CO., LTD. CHRISTMAS TOYS lor the youngsters. Large selection to chooso from is. HMM MOTOR CARS, AEROPLANES. 'TRICYCLES, etc., etc. A. FRANKEL CO. Victoria Street.
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  • 948 2 TRIBUTE TO BRITISH NAVY AND ITS CHICKENS. Where Turks are Turks. A description of a war-time picnic is given hereunder from the pen of Captain C. E. W. Bean, the Official Press Uepresentative with the Imperial Forces in the Dardanelles The ex-brigand slung his rifle over his shoulder
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  • 119 2 Harriette S.Tate writes to The Observer 1 May I an aged gentlewoman in mysevunty--1 eighth year, who has had interesting expert- ences connected with the Chinese war of 1M59-60 and Taiping rebellion— inquire if any reader of The Observer can throw light on the authorship of a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 198 2 CEREGEN Proteid-Phosphate SUPPLIES STRENGTH to the WEARY ENERGY to the FLAGGING CCREOtN Incroises power of recuperation aftor illness. GKRCOKN aids digestion OERIGEN -helps in periods of stress and worry OBRKOEN is entirely of British origin. BO TRY CERBOENtt Obtainable V>f all Chemists. •tockt hapt and Sampl«i iuppli«<l to tnit br
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    • 553 2 A Rtputation of over 100 yean. Cockle's ANTIBILIOUS Pills are to-day one of the most useful remedies thit the family medicine chest contains. For sudden attacks of biliousness, sick headache or the depression arising w en you are "out-of-sorts," Cockle's Pil.s give you prompt relief without any weakening effect afterwards.
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    • 244 2 SINGAPORE ELECTRIC TRAMWAYS, LIMITED. ALTERATIONS TO FARES. It is hereby notified that certain fares on the Singapore Electric Tramways will be increased from and including Saturday, the Ist day of January, 191 G. Tbeee fares are as under FIRST CLASS. The present first class S cent ftro will be increased
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  • 682 3 The following casualties are announced London, December 5. Killed.— Lieut. M. Mackenzie, R.A.M.C. 2nd Lieut. W. V. Mitchell, Bedfords. Died of wounds. Lieut. K. O. Ford, Ckeshircs; Capt. K. E. Harding, R.A. Capt. S. J. Watson, Scots Fusiliers. Wounded— '2nd Lieut. S. M. Blake, Sea forths Capt. A.
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  • 267 3 A statement baa been issued by the Minister for Defence (Senator Fearcci at Melbourne suowing tbe quantity and values of stores purchased from August, 1914, to November, 101 ft. Tbe total amount expended was £7,591,44 1. This amount does not include storuo, arranged direct by tbe senior
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 262 3 Another Pen-triumph for the mJKzB/ makers of Waterman's Ideal Juw**™ Pocket Filled in an JEttf Self Fillin instant. £*kT** /<^-^\ jMKatejrmans I Simply raise i wl^Kr I T l-v«r. dip nib j J^Q^^l I in ink. lower I rs>-^ jjßj^y We e\!'li"" here how it is to fill thin new
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    • 144 3 Anaemia marY JB J "W the ova. Anaemic girls, weak children %nd jaded mothers get new life and vigour by taking SCOTT'S Emulsion. Medicine and food, it fortifies the blood, promotes appetite, and brings back the roses and the joy of health. But be sure to get SCOTT'S— no other
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    • 421 3 f Debility 1 I] When you feel limp and washed out, weary I M and fatigued with no inclination for exertion U L your body is in a rundown condition— you are A g debilitated. You need something to put fresh 5 X go into you you need a fortnights
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1080 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O.- British India AND Mpcar 1— inc. MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract with His Majesty s Government), for CHma, Japan, Panang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Adan, Egypt, Mediterranean Port* and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or aboat MAIL LINES HoMIWAKD IFOB BOilOPl).
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    • 785 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay. Tnniniaaa. Bii«a» Soru^r^i, KetosHa, T»bal B\Dunart lel^a.n. Ptisnl, Biajor». Larca. Kob«*mai, B«oii» Langiaen, Taka, Obarapon, Kohlak aad Btavkok Out Owpaptupa NO STEAMER Dec. 83 Deo. 25. 3 p m. SS MAHIDOL 97 39, 3 pm. s.s. BORIBAT 3O Jan.
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    • 466 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO LIMITED. AND SHIM MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CB.. LTD The mvaalee' steaunr* era oaspatchod trom Liverpool outwards for fbe Straias, Ch<'na aud Japa* every week aa 1 trom Japaa bouiowarctß for London. Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight; for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles,
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    • 540 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A service is imiuUiuti! butwuen Yokohama via ports to Marseilles and London under mail oontraot with the Iruporial Japanese Government. The New Steamers maintaining this service bate been specially designed and constructed, ami are fitted witb all
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 562 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. "ELLERMAN" LINE." For LIVERPOOL s.s. Kasenga sailing on or about Dec. 23 For LONDON HULL s.s. Kioto due on or about Jan 4 For LONDON. S.s, "Sutton Hall" due on or about Jan. 8 For particulars as to rates of freight and passage, apply to McALISTER Co., Ltd.,
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    • 463 5 NOTICES. NOTICE. How to solve the difficulties oi servants such has cooks, boys, jamahs, ayahs, gardeners, clerks, dressers, coolies, etc. Please try The Straits Servants Agency Office. Charges moderate. Agents Patal Co., 9, Selegie Road, Singapore. 7-li 6 3 IS THE SINGAPORE HARBOUR ROAD. NOTICE RE HOLIDAYS N OTICE if)
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    • 346 5 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO., LTD., Battery Road Singapore. Fine so!t felt in the latest styles by best makers. Co oui> Mouse grey and brown. Prices: $6 5O and $10.00 each. GRAINED HIDE SPORTING BELT. ft*F T T Exoeptooally stTDS, fittod two bey swivels and *—9-M~A^.A M~ aod placed bookie. M i.s
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 256 6 Ml Jl. Jm. ML A^Sd A" |llii l l| l r |'^^^HLHHLiH^HHEHLiiHLfIHHEL^LVY!2^K^ (Lath ok Tiik Kmiis-h-. Piano Co i. N it' Violins, from $12-00 to J25-OO Ox's vt\\\ .if] v|B k a H«^ c»w«, from B-OO to 18-OO Vf\ :^.rTX I 1 lL A m jSkf 9 9 _^LT b.iwt
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    • 401 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. A SUPERB PROGRAMME TO-NIOHT AT TIIK II.IAL PICII'IR TMRATFK casino r,s: SECOND SHOW, 9.18 SHIRP. A Special Vitagpoph Featurai A Powerful Two-Reel Society Drcma f«aturi D E*HLE WILLI vMS. Another Vitagraph Wild Weat Drama, i THE DEERSLAYER A Stirring Wild West Drama fe*lorin« MISS FLORENCE TURNER, tho Popular
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  • 95 7 FIXTURES Wednesday, December 22. BigL Water. 10. 11 a.m. rhursdav, December 2.\. Vgfe Water ii. I iin Ii) K. a.m II irn- V ir I in ill close*. Friday, December 2 i A\ti\, VMar, o.:n a. j M a m. H. I. iiitwar.l mail •Bfailti. Saturday, December
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  • 382 7 Tinv. Malacci. I'. Sw tbnham Ks'iipar IM pm ham ■mi r. i it J.:iO pm Mm -'30 pm Malacca. I'. ium lombo Man Ml pm M, ranti 4 pm ilcatta in iili toi l> I. I ptii In i -iii'l \ih a Naiuur lpm N mini 6
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  • 84 7 Tbe untwaid K. I. pa., Negapatam at 5 p.m. on Saturday, I 1" ami may b. i i-l< .1 to arrive at I'enang lit .Uylight to morrow. Our att. 'Hi .0 has boon 1 t* i i in lon uiiifli brhml lie is to I al« only
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  • 498 7 How A Kamerun Stronghold Was Captured. An ollicer on service with the British force which, oper ting with the French, reduced the fortified .amp of (lama in the northern Kamerun, il cribes in 1 nit. 1 Kinpire the events whic'i led up to the capture of the
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  • 262 7 Outward. l'Le folljwing passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Exprt^s. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional in .hat intending passengers may alter their teat to the issuance of this list in London 1 Per P.
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  • 287 7 Amonu -uioki r- tin iv is some grumbling at cirtain increases in the prices of tobacco, complaint being made tbat tobacco and eapecwlly iiigli<«l« iJ the better quality li'.iiiiU have been increased in cost by ninri' than cover the lii«^lier duty imposed by tbe budget. In trade
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  • 161 7 EXCHANGE. SlNQAPORI, I>K.< KMIIKK 22, IU5. On London Bank 4 m/s 2 4ft Demand 2,4V, rViyato R m In 2/4J O> Imima ..B.aiT.I. 175i O> d.wttoiio Kiukd/j 17J On Shanghai ...Bank d/d W>\ On Java Bank T. T. 1)2 On Tapah Bink 109J bayi'i^ rate $8.64 India
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 6 7 Woods' Great Pe>pfmuuat Core Is. M.
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    • 24 7 India has opened tbe I'ppi-r -Ilitluiu Canal at Lahore in tin ass> saswa of a large gathering. Tbe cost is liiiiatinl at 147 laUli-i
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    • 292 7 gg-tj TRY Wk THREE mmm NU^S" A COOL AND FRAGRANT SMOKE. On Sale Everywhere in 4-oz. Airtight Tins. BOOKKEEPER AND SALESMAN WANTED. unMPI V CTCAUCUID M Wo have vacancy for a Bookkeeper and lUriaLY OltAfflOMr UU. I t-1 it r. (.ecii'ity f 2.000, aUo an o eninK (cr apale^m^n kj
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    • 461 7 LATEST* ADVERTISEMENTS. BOOK-KEEPER WANTEO JANUARY 1. 1916. Vacancy tilled. Applicants thanked. GATTEY A CO. j 22-12 23-12 I DOCTOR. British Practitioner with 14 years' (4 tropical) experience is open to accept good appoictment to Rubber Estates, or join another Pr-.ctitioner early February. Teetotaler. Hood Surgeon. Highest references. Replies guaranteed confidential.
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    • 431 7 ACCOUNTANT WANTED. Accouutacit required by a Cotumercial Firm in Borneo. Salary SJ.'>() por month and farnisbed hon-c Apply with rofi i' Borneo, c/o Strai'H TimeH. 32-12 61 18 IGK SALEHjhp. 1911 Trioaph Motor Cycle. Spli-udid ordor. 5 1 .V) Apply Lieut. Symons, 4th X.5.L.1., TKiiglii; Meet.. aa-12 m-u BUC lON
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  • 1164 8 The Straits Times WEDNESDAY,DECEMBER 22. WHERE SOMEONE BLUNDERED. Tl:< tecall of Sir lan Hamilton, later on the visit of Lord Kitchener, and sundry casual hints which have been allowed la pass by the censors prepared us for news that the Gallipoli expedition was to undergo some modifications. It is possible,
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  • 19 8 Iv the tire on Uedong estate, ii.OOO lbs. of rubber were saved out of 101,000 lbs. on the priuii'*.-.
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  • 22 8 At 4.80 p.m. to morrow the superintendent of the Fire Brigade is holding a small brigade competition at the Central Fire Station.
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  • 25 8 Owing to the existence of cholera at Calcutta that port is declared to be an in fected place for the purpose of the quarantine roles.
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  • 29 8 The new building being put up by the Methodist Girls' School in Kuala Lumpur, in place of the one destroyed by tire, promises to be a very handsome structure.
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  • 33 8 The measures taken to stop rubber thefts resulted in the capture of a Chinese on Pataling Estate on Sunday night. The man's captors allego that thoy caught him in tho act of tapping.
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  • 41 8 The annual meeting of Alor Gajah Kubber Estate, Limited, was held this noon at (iresham Heuse, when a final dividend of 25 per cent., making 45 per cent, for the year, was declared. The profit on the year's working was )66,1H6.64.
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  • 38 8 The Berlin authorities have banned Jorgensen's book dealing caustically with the Hans' treatment of Belgium. Seven editions of the book have beon sold oat in Denmark in five months and the book is being translated into many languages.
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  • 50 8 Although intoxicants are saleable only between noon and 2.30 p.m. and botw< < n &M and 9.30 p.m. on week days in London (except in Woolwich, Greenwich, llexlcy, Dartford, aud Hri.h, where the closing is half an hour earlier), public houses aro open all 'lay long for the sale of
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  • 49 8 It is reported that four prisoners of war, three Germans and one Austrian, deserted from the prisoners of-war camp at Ahmed nagar on the night of December 4. Their descriptions are published in the Calcutta Government Gazette. Their names Ringelholtz (24), Politzer (32). Carl Martin/ (27) and Moller (24).
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  • 50 8 At Hornun, a little village on the south coast of the Island of Sylt, the inhabitants have erected a curious monument to the war. This monument, whose pedestal consists of an unexploded British mine, has a superstructure of the wreckage of torpedoed ships, the whole roughly representing a German submarine.
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  • 64 8 The latest vital statistics reveal that the war is enormously checking the growth of population. The births in 96 great towns in Britain decreased by 40,000 a year, and the deaths increased by 50,000. As compared with the similar period of 1913, the decrease of births was 400 weekly, while
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  • 67 8 The Eastern Star Lodge, No. M. 209, of the International Order of Good Templars, arc holding a Christmas social, today, at 3 p.m., at the Methodist Girls' School, Short Street. Au interesting programme has been arranged, and the lodge would feel happy to welcome all the naval and military brothers
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  • 71 8 The eruption of Stromboli grows gigantic. The sides of the volcano have opened and th" lava, throwing off immense column- of smoke. Hows into the sea. In the night the eruption is visible from a distance of almost forty kilometres. The islanders have retired into safety. The rain of ashes
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  • 73 8 Yesterday, the Coroner, Dr. T. Murray Robertson, concluded the enquiry into the circumstauces surrounding the death of Mr. (■corge Penecuick Muckart, who was found on his bod with a bullet wound in his temple. The only witness called was the Hylam boy who stated that he heard a shot fired,
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  • 75 8 It is reported by the Peking correspondent of the N.C. Daily News that the Chinese Government has ordered Major Dinkelmann, who took part in the defence of Tsingtau and has since occupied in Peking the post uf military adviser to the Chinese Government on a salary of $1,000 per month,
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  • 60 8 The Western India Turf club have made the following lurther donations to the war funds and charities Women's Branch, Bombay Presidency War and Kehef Fund. UiS.OOO; India Relief Fund, Bombay Presideucy Branch, 1(15,000 Lady LtDHdowne'H i Mlir, r-T Families Fund, R1.1,000 National Kmergency Fund, V.M.C.A., H7,UuO; Naval Relief Fund, R5.000
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  • 106 8 Colonel Maitland, who has joined the Naval aviation force, on Kovember 2S, made a daring demonstration of the efficacy of the parachute as a safeguard in case of accidents in the air. He ascended to a great height from the county of Surrey, and dropped from the atroplaue with his
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  • 142 8 Preventive officers od the steanicr KatoD^ yesterday made one of the biggest hauls of bhang that has fallen to them in thin port. Mr. Listerman went aboard with a party, odo of whom, a Chinese dilution, brought about the arrest of a Bengali tircman named Xoor Samyali who, ho the
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  • 395 8 Mr. K. A. Currie, of Kerilla Estate. Urn tan, is now lieutenant in tho Highland Light Infantry and is serving in tho I>arel;i nclles. Brigadier General Kllisou, who was in Singapore with General Sir lan Hamilton during the last tour of the latter as Inspector General of
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  • 119 8 We' regret to state that the death occurred at the 1 (ii.-nenil Hospital, yestenlay, at I p.m.. of Mr. Frederick Alexander Thomas/, at the age of 47. Deceased, who was lu-adm i-.te of St. Anthony's Boys School for the past If years, came out
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  • 112 8 Tin' Malacca Chinese YulunUtr Company is already an accomplished fact, the movement having been successfully organise el by the Malacca branch of the Straits Cbiaeae As-ixiation. The Governor s reply to the memorial piayiDg to be allowed to servo as Volunteers for the Settleun ut of
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  • 176 8 On Saturday evening in Ipoh Club a collcetiou of brass work by the Hon. A Payne-Uallwey was sold by auction, the auctioneer being tho President uf the Club, Mr. R. P. Hrash. The work, without exception, was very prettily designed and exquisitely executed, and in
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  • 212 8 There have been crazy rumours running round Singapore these last few days, many of them almost humorous in their extravagance. The origin of most of them can bo traced to an extremely foolish error, and they have made many good folk uneasy. We have absolutely no authority for
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 129 8 > Press- Carbons. f^»^)HK Twentieth Century has seen the advent of many remarkable inventions, not the least of which is the Roneo Letter Copier, which dispenset wiih •<■ it er, brush, md pewt* bmlcm onttf MafbOM uimt'< -t-ss.-iry. and produces perfect copies at the rate of M per minute withou'
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    • 240 8 ANOTHER BTAR PROGRAMME AT THB ALHAMBRA Tlm Mo-Mar Clnamalotraph Theatre, laaeh Road WadaMtfai and Thursday, 0m 12 and IS. SECOND SHOW, at 9.15 p.m. The rhoto Drama M P Co IRK-KM--»n Emotional Drama la Fiva Parts THE FOLKS FROM WAY DOWN EAST Jabt the old old story where the Old
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  • 2280 9 MR. LLOYD GEORGE SPEAKS. Vital Importance Of Munitions. HEAVY FIGHTING IN FRANCE. Great Effects of the Allied Gun Fire. i IMd London, liecetubcr 2il. H .(."> p in. In MM oiinu ;>ns, Mr. Lloyd ..vie a statement on the Ministry of Munitions ll.' Iwelton the enormous import ance
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  • 109 9 REFERENCES IN PARLIAMENT. Rec mi's ItUMtE London, December 20, 7.25 p.m. In the House of Commons, Sir J. D. Kees asked whether the Raj recommended the abolition of the indentured labour system. Mr. Chamberlain said be had received a communication from the Raj dealing with the objections to,
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  • 110 9 Fighting Biplane from Ceylon Jaffna Tamils. Mr. 0, Alma Baker, organiser of the Malayan Air Squadron telegraphing from Batn Gajah todays says The Malayan Air Squadron, the Jaffna Fighter J 19,800: I have to-day cabled to the War Office 114,500 remitted by the Ceylon Jat'na Tamil community
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  • 56 9 (FRO* OCR OWN COBBBSPONDIMT.) Kuala Lumpur, December 21. Tho following casualties aro announoed Killed in action in Flanders: Lieutenant O. K. f. Saylt, 1( F.A Wounded twici K. A. Toller, nl tin- sawo company. WouLded in the Dardanelles, Lieut. V, M. Wace, 6th Bedford*. These art
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  • 1649 9 ADMINISTER A FEW REBUKES TO GOVERNMENT. By-laws Returned as Ineffective A special meeting of the Municipal Commission was bold yesterday, tho President, Mr. F. J. Hallifax, presiding. Others present worn Dr. P. Fowlie, Dr. If. V. Samy. MM* A. W. Bean, Koland Braddell, E Tessensohn, and Dr. Middleton
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  • 442 9 An Offer of Service in the Fighting Lines. To Urn Klitor of Mm MraMi Tii Sir,- May I appeal through Iba BacHuß of your influential eclumns to tin iloium t for facility to certain Chinese oiantaan who ■■Hi of Mac MMMtliitia mota thai mere patrol work ;of showing
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  • 81 9 Ton thousand men, mostly German pri BonerH under American engineers, are umstructiug a double lino of railway 1,200 niiles from MMgnd tv Kkatorinoslav, whii h li permanently free from ice and will o|x v a valuable port for war trallic, says a I'etrograd message. Ekaterinoslav is on MM navigable Dnieper
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  • 55 9 A aervicr, conducted by U. v. .11 be In Id iv tin- In sbylcn in Orchaul liuad, ou Christmas l>.iy at 8 a.m Ttaa collection will l<. on b baft o* toe Wai I:. In t I •'■irnl. l-ri, ml- I touring donation- of ImMJM t" H wfli I* .ii-ti
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  • 833 10 NEWS IN ADVANCE OF ENGLISH MAIL Late Cables from Australia. I ''..llnwing is a selection of cablt s published in the Au*tiahau newspapers R ,v,.l b) the French mail London, November IH. Mr I'hihp «.ibbs, MMJWm to the Daily Cbronicli !'lu; battlefield p| \itoi i awful I have
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  • 809 10 The Smallness of the Dividend Explained. The annual general meeting of the Simpam Valley Hydraulic Mines, Ltd., was held at the offices of the company, Winchester House, yesterday noon. The Hon. Dr. Lim Itoon Keng presided, others present being Hi. I!. .1. Galloway, Messrs. J.A.Hamilton, O.A. Kuumel
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    • 70 10 The following competitioLS will be played K. PI- 1 giN links during the Christmas holidays in which superuu members may compete as well as ordinary members: Christmas morning —Approaching and Putting Competition. i i.n .tmas afternoon, Sunday aud Monday, Foursome comp. titiou. H holes handicap. The combined
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    • 61 10 •t tjame« in the billiard tournament t.<t Urn Adelphi Hotel Cup were played yea Ur.lay with knew results: A. van Hcusdeii 1 A. B. 1-50, 150; C. i: iir. r 20. Ml The following play !l then ties today: I>. I'm.ucli w vii. -crutch v. Keujauiin -t-50 11. U.
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  • 413 10 Inspection by Brigadier-General Ridout. The members of the Johore European Volunteer Hifles were inspected at Johore Bahru by His Excellency the General t iflicer Commanding. Straits Settlements, on Sunday last. The <*>rps, which is at present some 130 strong, was formed abcut four months ago and held
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  • 318 10 Latest advertisements of the day appear en page 6, T and 11. Another change of programme has been put on at the Hariina Hall Cinematograph, the feature film being a strong drama entitled Lord Barrington's Estate. Other pictures are the Great liuby Mystery, a scientific detective film
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  • 132 10 The trial of a giant airship called the Canada has taken place in the dominion. The most important claims made for it after a thorough test by British aviation otiicers an I those of the Kntonte Allies are that it is superior to any airship which the
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  • 163 10 The wounded Highlander in hospital was very depressed, and seemed to make no headway t.> war 1 1 rec II km forever talk ing about hi» bonnie Scotland." and the idea occurred to the doctor that a Scotch piper might rouse bis spirits. After some hunting around a piper was
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  • 1386 10 CAPTIVE BALLOONS THAT TELL THE ARTILLERY. Competition of Deceptions. li. F. Prevost Battcrsby, a special correspondent in the north of France, bas the following article in the Naval and Military Gazette I There arc two /.ones to be noted in the battle line. One lies between
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  • 362 10 Colonial and Continental Church Society's Work. Queen's Hall was well tilleJ the other afternoon on the occasion of the autumn meeting of tho Colonial and Continental Church Society. Bishop Bury, of Northern and Central Europe, said that in every month of the present year he had
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  • 189 10 Indian Government's Desire To Revive It. A press commuui jue issued at Delhi states that the decline of the silk industry in India, striking evidence of which is furnished by the figures of imports and exports of recent years, and the possibility of reviving an industry
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  • 194 10 Crossing the Pacific in a Fishing Boat. The O.S.K. Canada Maru, which arrived at Yokohama ou NotmMl I It, brought m«m Japanese, who cms- d tl.- I'.i.-itic iv a f\-,!iuig schooner with the object of smuggling themselves into the I'mted States. It appears that eight young men
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  • 54 10 Langkon .North Borneo.— 1:1,000 lbs. The Agricultural Bulletin of the KM.*, fur November contains articles on the coagulation of hevea latex and a new method of coagulation, a prehiuinaiy >,ott „n a new rapidly vulcanising rubber, part VIII „f tl,, Control of Insect Tests au.J the thinning
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  • 1129 10 .From Oik Ows OMMMPMMMTj Soiirabaya, MMMM lti. As was expected, tho news received here from Peking to the elTcct that Ymmj Shi Uai had accepted the Imperial crown caused little or no commotion among our < 1. frit mis loc'illv. and this is all tin- MMI
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  • 755 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore. December 22, 1915. Messrs. Lyall ami Kvatt, ixchanyo and nbaro brokers, issue the following list of ■juotatiouH this morning. The ijuotations on sterling shares are only nominal. RUBBER SHARES. NOM. VALC1. BCTIBS. SlLLlRS. 3/ Alla«ar 1(8 1/11 4 1
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  • Correspondence.
    • 225 11 To tbe Kditor o( th. Straits Time*. I l<< p rmit sl tli lUtunds of n tbe liritiMh Coloaica, l»epo»der.. in i Protectorate* all world participation in the liritmb war loan. thna uivin,; tlieni a chance of inventing iuooi ys and Rparn income, and at tbe same
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  • 240 11 New York Dealers Engineer a Profitable Corner. little doubt that the < xtraordinary nw to th' pi.c« uf .juinioe from between '£'> Mali an ounce to two dollars and a half and over in duo to one of tbe boldest upeciilalive tl! m t red in connection
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  • 61 11 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending. Friday I>. m uiber 24 WMMMMM*. I)Kv«M f iKR W. SIS p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co. MM, 5.15 p.m. Bras Uasil. Uoad Malay Co. KkllHV, 1)1' EMBIK 24. 6.16 p.m. Drill Hall SV A. M :\im Co. 8 VjC Band.
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  • 119 11 I>r. W. 11. I. FHcpatrick leataxM v Me.iiv.-me, Meeje, and lUln,ion at tlie I: .f fliy-i--cians wli Mm uf EM Wit amongst wboiu he ha>l vked t>n c i.lul mvisti nation of all tlu Midi <*v I iietholi of combating disease ai low civilisation, Dr. Hiv ra
    119 words
  • 133 11 Mr. Arthur "iilktc. »lv in about and w.i» thr headmaster of hulwieli Col It-He (riiiii l»-. r i ilijl i»ht year, w I v I »a« t<> i» tun. by tl.r BWMp "f Sutilli wark at n bhU Mtvia lit-M fur tliat pur <•
    133 words
  • 64 11 The DuuibiT n( tr»>p» <-*rri<-J through the Su«-i C»n»l during IHI4 amjunU-d to *«,7-JO, t«MMt H.H74- in 1918, all iMNMiIi UMTI 8 British, ..liao. .M.i I rrncli troops and a dswt— -li. IJM Dutch. MM .Upau<>>. mil '.< IluuMM. Tb* nuiulxr tlmwiuli tli caiikl a IUII wa* wm an f
    64 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 60 11 'H tl ere do hope the lick man said Tbe silent doctor shook Lis bead, And trends who gatl eied aronnd his bed A I felt this mai would coon be dead. But ere more wice than all tbe rest Could i ot B-ich a neeae endure, So he Htn.i*«y
      60 words
    • 513 11 LHTE9T ADVERTISEMENTS. XME BEST TYRE FOR FORD CARS SECURITYI I I TRY THEM WEARNE BROS., LD., Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang, SOLE AGENTS. J^^ih^^ Dance 1 Christmas I jy in yojr horn», v OJ c«n sststlsla your fri-nd« to perfection. Jj 'S, They will welcom- Iks ■pa'SrtM "yto d
      513 words
    • 151 11 An Acceptable Xmas Present. A TIN OF ABDULLA CIGARETTES t No. S Turkish 53.00 3 Yenidjeh Maballa No. 1... 2.76 'Wlbyfj^, (Taikisb) No. 11 Turkish 2.10 (^BDULL^B?C°L^ N0.14E RyP tian ~Z. 2as aoNosTßCcTioNooN.* No. 16 Egyptian 1.50 No 7 ViruiDia 1 2« tupkishj^J QBTANABLE EVERY WHERE. RAFFLES HOTEL XMAS EVE
      151 words

  • 1580 12 THE YIARS MSVI'POINTMLNT EXPLAINED. Increased Current Returns, Th' st-mnil annual m ra, lueetinn of the Kennng Tin Dredging 'oiiipany, l.iiinte.i, in beld on November 11. at the n office. .">, Wlnttingttin Avenue. E.l'., Captain K. B. I.HWKon (the cbairmam presiding. The (liairman said: May I at the
    1,580 words
  • 344 12 Eleven Cartloads of Spurious Coins. The recent controversy arising from the transportation of counterfeit coins by Japanese subjects in Tsinanfu, which re suited in the wounding of several native policemen, has been amicably settled, fays tbe Peking Gazette. On October 2">. three mule carts were hired by
    344 words
  • 235 12 Shortage in Many of The "Small" Things. There is a pronounced scarcity of those seasonable aud inexpensive goods which form so large a portion of tbe draper's ba/a.r and general stuck in trade at Christmas, and which are bought by ladies, mainly as gifts for tilt ir frii
    235 words
  • 53 12 Ont of the uicst renowned of Scottish cuilrr-. Mr. John McOeoch, has juct died He re»id. I in Manchester, and he and his Kiund.'.l the Manchester Curlers' K'nli. Mr McGeoeh U>ok part in many of the pnui ipil competitions ;it the Scottish Ice Kink. i'i.>MM..yliH'f. Glasgow, |and others in the
    53 words
  • 397 12 Mr. Birrell and the Banning Of Poetry. Mr. Birrell, M.P., Chief Secretary for Ireland, speaking at Bristol at tbe 146 th anniversary dinner at the Anchor Society, said however cheerful and courageous a front Ministers presented to fortuno they were all well aware they were living in
    397 words
  • 193 12 How Commander Evans Met The Belle of Christiania." Romance has always haunted Antarctic explorers, and it did not desert Commander Evans when be met Miss Elsa Andvord, whose engagement to him was announced recently. In 1913 Commander Evans, who was Captain Scott's second in command in tbe Antarctic
    193 words
  • 475 12 From Salonika to the Serbian frontier tin Hoe to N'ish and Belgrade pisses through practically tlit country. From tbat point tbeie are very strong natural defence". almost continuously northward", to Nisb. the temporary capital of Serbia. A carious medley of the races of the Near East inhabits the
    475 words
  • 275 12 German Speakers Called Him Names. Albert von Hoffman, wealthy financier and aeronaut, resigned as a member and director of the German Alliance of Missouri, after listening to a speech by Hurt von Heppert, a lawyer, at a meeting of the Alliance at St. Louis on September
    275 words
  • 698 12 New Russian Order for a Million Yards. No subject has occupied tht attention of the woollen and worsted industries during recent months, more than khaki, states a correspondent in The Telegraph, and the particulars which have been given from time to time respecting tbe placing ot huge orders
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 207 12 Glacial Acetic Acid (ENGLISH) GUARANTEED 99 ESTATES SUPPLIED AT MODERATE RATES MAYNARD&CO.LTD., WHOLESALE PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS, 16, Battery Road, Singapore. JUST UNPACKED AN EXCELLENT VARIKTY Of Silks, Shawls, Blouses, Kimonos, Dresses, Damasceneware, Silverware and Gold Jewellery SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR PRESENTS At Lowest Possible Prices. INSPECTION INVITED. X, A. J.
      207 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 201 13 United States Nobby Tread United States Plain Tread United States Chain Tread* 44 The Aristocrats of the Road" The World's Standard Plain Tread Our Challenge Popular-priced Tire fNobby Tread" Tires are the lowest-cost-per-mile tires Best of all plain tread tires. Superior quality of We challenge any competitor's tire to show
      201 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 503 14 P*aoi Famine or Plenty. Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. YVAK or JTXAU-. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS 7 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. H.AO 0F,,0. WncHaatar Hou... „«..po~. "NOON OFF.C 32. O.d «.O. T* 00-pa., ha. ««>.OOO deposited with th. Supren,. Court of England, and
      503 words
    • 308 14 INSURANCE. POLICIES ON ALL MODERN PLANS. SUN LIFE OF CANADA, 6, Battery Road. S. J. HOWB, IB Manager. GUARDIAN ABBURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONDOti Subscribed Capital 42,000.000 Total Invested Funds. £8,960,000 Annual Inoome 41,100,000 The undersigned. Agents for the above Company, ate prepared to accept fire and Earthquake risks for short
      308 words
    • 458 14 BANKING. MiT 'in HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID UP CAPITAL 18,000,000 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at 1/- 116,000,000 Silver 18,000,000 •88,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTOR* Hon. Mr. D. Landale, Chalnnam. W. L. Pattenden, Esq., Deputy Chairman. S. H. Dodwell, Bsq P. H. Holyoak, Bsq. G.
      458 words
    • 516 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRALIA AND CHINA. I INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 80,000 Shares of Moh 41,300,000 Reserve Fund 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.300,000 BANKERS The Bank of England, The London City md Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd., The
      516 words
    • 783 14 INSURANCE. LIFE ASSURANCE AT MINIMUM COST. Established 1874. THE ORIENTAL Incokioratbk in India. GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. ASSETS exceed $28,000,000 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Profits to Policy-holders at laat Valuation 91,116.673. LOWEST Apply for Prospectus and full information to LIBERAL RATES tIMArORE MANCH OFFICE CONDITIONS J. R MACPHERSON, Secretary for
      783 words

  • 979 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. U.S. Tyre Company's Product. The United States Tyre Company of New York, represented in Malaya by the Central Kn^ine Works, Ltd., of Singapore, bear the conspicuous distinction of manufacturing and marketing one-third of America's requirements. In 'appearance tyres are pretty much
    979 words
  • 107 15 General (jallii ni, FroDcb Minister of War, who bas learned that certain soldiers undergoing treatment at various French hospitals have purposely mutilated themselves or exposed themselves to illness in order that they need not return to the front, baa just issued a circular to divisional commanders, notifying
    107 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 317 15 LISTER PUMPS High Tension Magneto Ignition, Automatic Lubrication. Low Speed. All Gearing Enclosed. Efficient hsV\M "TTGoverning. fA v»yT;l*a\ All Gearing fO 'V Machine cut. All Parts nl'ttnA if *9iA\ ~i Interchange- .IB— .H Jflr=ti No special able. &JK fi»f BHrXJi Foundation T^ Jr NecessaryNo Starting Lamp No O utside Required.
      317 words
    • 12 15 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night Woods Great Peppermint Core Is. 0d
      12 words
    • 338 15 AIR RAIDS The m~st successful air raid ever y^^^^TJ made was in ISSN, when J, B. \^K^\Ji Dunlop raided air, and interned it, under compression, in hollow J^E£ rubber tubes, fitted these to the mf t wheels of bicycles, and named A them pneumatic tyre?- The fl K^liv Dunlop "raid"
      338 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 503 16 A. B. MACKAYS Q THE ORIGINAL |3 LIQUEUR WHISKY. >**" > Is. As supplied to both Houses of I J BpP' (OBTAINABLE FROM ALL P^^ FIRST-CLASS DEALERS '3jki ADAMSON. GILFILLAN i-TfM ANO COMPANY. LIMITEO. BrlupJ Singapore Penang and Malacca. WANTS. CLERK WANTED. Wanted, a Chinese Cie k by a mercanti
      503 words
    • 414 16 WANTS. JUniLR ASSISTANT WANTEj. For Rubber Et-tato iv .loliore. Apply iv wiiting to A. 8., c/u bttaiis Times. i 6 12 22 U ASBISTANT PLANTER WANTED. One txperieic d with Malay labour preftrred. Apply ta U.-tah," c/o Straits Timec. 16 12 22 12 JUNIOR ASSISTANT WANTED. Want' d l; ao
      414 words
    • 675 16 TO BE LET OK SOLD. Tf) LET. No. 44, Robinson Ro»d. Immediate cctry. Apply E Silas, No. P. Prinoe Strees. 8 10 a FLOOR TO LET. To let, 2nd F.oor, No. 8, Malacca Street, Immediate entry. Apply Mesjer Brothers. 18 1 a TO BL LET uomiuwiiuQi Officob in Oresham lioußt,
      675 words
    • 630 16 10 BE LET OB 80L0. FURNISHED SEASI LE RESIDENCES TO LET. BELINDA anJ JUANITA, to let furnished. Apply No. 9, Mt. Sopbia. I 5 n 60D0WN8 TO LET. Gcdown Nos. 19-1 atd 19-i. Fisher Strett. Immediat I entry. Apply to AUagoff Co. 21-13 2« 12 TQ LET. No. 2. 7.
      630 words
    • 419 16 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO., HEAD OFFICE 37, Phillip Strest. Branch Mcr. at No. 14, Philip Maait, and Nos 14, 100 aud K2, Tank Road. Tel. Address: OUaNKIaT. Telepbrno Nop. 1174 and 1283 (Privat" 14M)) Codss csid A B C, 6th Edition, and 1 Codbs ■hip Chandtort, Hardwire Dtilers, Government and
      419 words
    • 480 16 KIAM KIAT CO. 108 ft 100. Market Street. TVl«j..bone< No. 431. Suipci »-Jli rs Jovernment and Munioipr Co&tritctct* S-'atc Suppliers and Con ion Agents. Hats Maaaaj Tbe Mulcort Belting Co., Ltd. Best Uultiplar Brand Hair Belting 1 7 80 6 lfi To ADVERTISERS ■I •aMaaai to make alterations in advtrti-.
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 311 16 Straits Wimes. Telephones. Editorial and General 70 Manager's Ottm 262 Job Printing I >rpurtui< ut .'I4H All communications relating to editorial inntii n aad n< s should be: addressed to THE EDITOR. All communications relating to business ruatt* is— advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc. should be addressed to THE MANAUEIt.
      311 words