The Straits Times, 15 December 1915

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 2-I.ONI SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 15. 1915. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 238 1 Mtyn- II I m I I 'I BILLIARDS AT HOME JUST THE B THING J _^^aaaatasHa^Jaaaaaß»M^^W M < >> Ma^ Cl \Ti- I FOR YOUR m "*B^^^ SLA U: Sizf f 7' x :V 3" FOR USING ON A DINING TABLE. Complete with 3 Crystalate Balls, 2 Cues, Marking Board.
      238 words
    • 197 1 ROBINSON CO. SILVERWARE Ta^^^^^^^^^af^a^a^^^B SIITABLB FOR SEu? ""^fL.iS rtlnfly FntvtnllO. [IF w &9JaVJHaBaH9^MaaB9BvSF Silvan Sweet Dish. ■k^^_^^a^^a^a^a^# lCB>/6 P. t>. Case containirt No s:4 T «*«velling Watoh 9 Silver Salt Cellar* I ■■B^^H^HPF' i- in Caae. Slvu mounted and a Pepper*, one Muatard vci ret Until case, a» illuslratioD. •nd
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  • 644 2 London, November 27. Tbe following casualties are reported Killed.— 2nd Lieut. J. \V. Gill, Yorkshire L.I. Wounded.— '2nd Lieut. A. O. Dent, slurwoods j Major, J. A. Korsytb, R.F.A. Lieut. A. O. Oroaer, Middlesex; Lieut. R. P. Hop kinson, RE.; 2nd Lieut B. \V. Meadway, Nortbamptons Lieut.-Col. G.
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  • 243 2 Well Known Engineer and Family Killed. A very sad accident occurred on tbe PekiDg Mukden railway on tbe evening of November 14 when Mr. Oida, tbe popular engineer, wbo had charge of this end of tbe Hoe, and^ his family were killed. It seems that the patty, consisting
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 273 2 CEREGEN Proteid-Phosphate SUPPLIES STRENGTH to the WEARY ENERGY to the FLAGGING CERBQKN— lnoreiws power of recuperation after illness. CEREOEN aula dinestioD. OCRBGKN-belpa in periods of atrea*. aod worry OEREOEN in fti'.i'ely of Britisb onuio. BO TRY CEREOEN Obtainable of all Cbemiats. Stock* kept and Samples gupplict to trt4« br GUAN
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    • 505 2 Completely Paralysed. a Driam SIM Saw Menelf Curtd If Dr. Caueiri Tafclets. Got some, ana Har Drtam Cam* Tmt. tMrs. Hopkins, of L Boale Coiuge, Lott-briJs«-road, Hampden Park, Eastbourne, Eng., says: "I was paralysed, I bad to be hiud in and out of bod, and hospital treatment ra'as«aei-., •lactrteity, tin
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    • 619 2 NOTICES. NOTICE. How to solve the difficulties of servants such has cooks, boys, amahs, ayahs, gardeners, clerks, dressers, coolies, etc. Please try The Straits Servants Agency Office. Charges moderate. Agents Patal Co., 9, Selegie Road, Singapore. Ml 8 8 16 NOTICE. CHIN HUATHIN OIL TRADING CO.. 248, 30UTH BRIDGE ROAD,
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    • 802 2 SALES BY AUCTION. PUBLIC AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE RUBBEK PLANTATION By order of the Supreme Cou t of tbe State of Jobore. in the matter of Kwong Yik Banking Co. Ltd. (in Liqaidat'oo), and Wot>g Sen Nam, (Wong Ah Yam) and Wong Lai Tong. Civil Suit No. 4C/15. To be
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  • 924 3 MAXIMUM PENALTY INFLICTED AT SHANGHAI. Magistrate's Stinging Remarks. Tbe cane against D. Goldman of trading with the enemy was concluded at H.M. Police Court, Shanghai, on November 29. The charge was that defendant on ScpU mbt-r 22, 1915, did enter into a contract or obligation with one
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  • 128 3 Some Remarkable Advances In Selling Prices. During tbe past ten days, cay Tbe Standard of November ft, tbere ba»o been dome remarkable prici h obtained for shippiDg tonnage and it may be generally stated that tacli »eik ad<N ."> yet cent, or more to tinvalue of ocean going
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 296 3 A k/ Purity Economy rGiNGERA^ r^ NOTICE. Noll K IS HKi.KI V GIVEN that tho above Trade Mark is the exclusive propsrtj nf Took > M Hint; a C*>.. of No. .0. North Bridge R~ad, Singapore and is used by them as i Trad. Mark for S ni;le*f>. Towels, Handkerchief*,
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    • 269 3 A Reputation of over 100 yeart. Cockle's ANTI BILIOUS Pills are an invaluable corrective f>r nek headache, biliousness, deprc.sKin, and all tiv)ie minot in lispositions caused t>v diso-d rpii strite of the livw or digestion. Male from a famous Doctor's pnv.itf prescription, they have won a world-wide reputation. O/Cl|«..iivM ll,rn
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    • 696 3 I Anaemia I or Poorness of Blood, is far more prevalent than is generally supposed. Men, Women and Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected, serious consequences may result. If taken when the symptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to enrich the blood and so
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 787 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O." British India AND Mpcar L—inc. MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS (Under Contract with His Majesty a Government). For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Auetralia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London, Steamers will leavo Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Mcm SWA I D
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    • 295 4 COMBINES SERVICE OF THE OCEAN 8. S. CO.. LTD.. THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD. BITWSRS Fr>amantl« Perth North Wait Australian Port a, Java and Singapore. Ragn'ar sailings between Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Java (ai in dooement offers). Darby, King's Sjunci (P)-t for th>j Kimberley Gold Fields
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    • 814 4 STEAMEK BAILIHQB. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay. Trinsvaao., Se neiak, Kelaataa, T»t«l Eanifnara. xeiccia. Pataal, S'«? >r» Laeoa, Kobsamai. Bunfoa, Langtuen, Tafcu, Champoa, Kohlak aad baasbok Ou« 'Japartups mm, CHUTATUTCH Dec. IS Dec. 18, S p.m. vuoala so aa, a p.m. NO STEAMER 83 OS.
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    • 463 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP GO. LIMITED. AND IHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. The Uoicpaaiss' steauinre are deep**;! «.-<i from Liveipoo! oatwards tor llic Straite, China au3 Jaeca evory week an-] trom Japan homewards lor London. Amaterdar? Hal Antwerp every fortnight; for Otenoa, Marneil-eR and Liverpool and for Mar
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    • 510 4 STEAMER SAILINGS N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A service ih maintained bctv-uoa Yokohama via ports to Marseilles and London nnder mail eontraot w:*h the Imperial Japanese Government. Tbc New Twin-Rcrew Steamers maintaining thie service live been specially ilcHiuord ana constructed, and are fittod with al!
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 407 5 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO.. LTD., STS "JINGLE JOHNNIE. ■■OHK^^HI A^ror m y ti Xw w^y w a O d et .tu"hed" d THE RIINBOW BOX. COCKYOLLY BIRO. H. No. -> 11 mi.. Prict:BO 7« eaali. H »rbttt'» P.iitic ne refill (or tie lv^er As illoatra i>n withbrowa pa >i f
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    • 25 5 If its anything in the Engineering way then Mnitssrs %gy Singapore UNITED ENGINEERS LTD. Damar Road Singapore. Gram* "UNITEERS, Singapore. Phone Noa. -J3 156 157.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 179 6 (La ik m Tin Robinson Pivv> Co.) Clarionet, B flat, 15 keys, at $30.00. Klute, B flat, military pattern 18.00 Piccolo, D and E Flat, each 6.00. Mouth Harmonicas, each from $0.90 to 1.75. arinas (with tuning slide) from 0.90 to 2.50. Nipger Bones, one set of four, from 0.75
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    • 313 6 /Plperaziii€MlD¥\ f granular cfftrv«stent W the most powerful Uric acid dissolvent. I Regulates kidneys and liver f one lions Cures Goat ,fthumat ism. Prepared by Miof. PJiarmaceuf/ca! JW fat/US' /knare Bin's Fanrf I Stocks kept and samples supplied to trade by A. CLOUET CO., Sole Agents for S.S F.M.S., and
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    • 948 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR TWO NIGHTS ONLY. Wednesday. 15th. and Thursday. 16th December. Theatre ]R>oystl NORTH BUIDQE ROAD. fji fll 0 The Famous K-lem Film Co. PKBrtENTS In the Second Show, 9.15 p m. CLASSMATES Four Arts Exclusive. A fine Photoplay dealing with tbe adventures of a I'aty of t't^utu in
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  • 123 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, December 15. High Water, Ml a.iv r >.io p.iu rhursdav, December lA. aUth Wator R.V2 a fi.">l pm Outram Koa 1 Srlux>l Sports. l>. C Victoria T. B. I. homeward mail closes Friday. December 17. qiifh Water. Mi a.m., 8.10 p.m M. M. li.mi.-wanl mail
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  • 223 7 and Tonann Ipoh 2.;« pm Modan Circi- 2.30 pm c.iloiubu ;ui'l I'.niibay KtagMD Mara 2.80 pm Batu Ain-rJ Lmß| I P l l.ipan Colombo Maru 2.30 pm Taojonn Surat 4 pm j Hoagkoag. slianyhai an.l i Vanßts/ 4 pm; T» MORROW. Poulor I H.>ck Hye 8.30 am
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  • 259 7 ul trains from MaysMM for the turth Ii ive Tank Road station daily at 7 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.. arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 7.H p.m. and 6.4. r i a.m. respectively. The I'enang leaves Kuala it H am. daily, arriving at Penanj:i 111. the same day.
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  • 63 7 Latest Arrivals. British. Name DaU. of Arrival Remarks. Kuala 14 12 IS Inner Koads S iU P nioKa n No. 7* Wharf Charon No. 8 Wharf Han I'nhUuan Inner Hoads Hal N.un Hailaf Aiuy U Mrrsint' HoDli Aik Hock Los Meranti Itoma n Aing Hong >i Hong Lee
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  • 378 7 Outward. Tho following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London l.i I.
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  • 550 7 Meeting to Secure Proper State Care. L-ird llra>sey lint liis house at 24, Park-lane, on October :>», for a meeting of CHMnb'i Association. He was so interestrd in the matter that he came to help Lord Lytton in bis work, and anyone who realists the great agt
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  • 52 7 According to official oHtituaU-H, the- quantity of what produced in KnglanJ thin year reacbtt H I'.ai.fWJ (luartec*. kfnWMt 7,807.036 last yoar and tli. production of oatti 10.45^.1'2H qnarteri this y»ar as atfainst 9,565,727, in 1»14. Thii is due to the cultivation of corn baring beei more extensive since the outbreak
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  • 163 7 EXCHANGE. SINOAPOU, I>K KMHKK 16, 1916. On London Bank 4 qj/h 2/4^ Demand !i/4,i Private 8 m/i 2/4 i Ok Indu Bank T. T. 175J On HoNOKONO...Bank d/d M On Siunobai ...Bank d/d OOj On Java Bank T. T. 184 On Japan ..Bank 109J Sovereigns baying rate
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 10 7 Fur Clironic Cheat Complaints, Woods' Urea* Peppermint Core Is. 6d.
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    • 130 7 TRY "THREE WmjUmß IV U mm S TOBACCO. A COOL AND FRAGRANT SMOKE On Sale Everywhere in 4-oz. Airtight Tins. MACHINE-PRESSED CEMENT TILES Made under high hydraulic pretiure which ensures GREA.X DURABILITY Samples of Colour* and Designs at TAMPENIS CEMENT TILE WORKS No. 94. Sungei Road (adjoining Roohore Ganal). 'Phone
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    • 586 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE. A secondhand 2- mated ricksha. Apply Box No. 1 19, Straits Times. 1512 1712 TO BE LET Richmond," No. iS-A, Stevens Road, partly tarnished, from Ist January next. Apply toS.Tomlinson.M. Inst. C. E., 100-2, Robinson Road. 15-12 211 J I USEFUL TO PLANTERS OUR GROUND NUT
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    • 165 7 ROOMB WANTEO. Two gontlemen desire rooms with private family. Apply M.", c/o Straits Times. 15-li 10 12 ABBIBTANT BOOK-KEEPER WANTED. Wanted at once by Mercantile Firm in Singapore, smart assistant bock-keeper with thorough knowledge if book-. Salary accord inn to qualification Apply Box No. 120, Strai s Times 15 Ii
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  • 1013 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15. SINGAPORE HARBOLR PATROL. Our attention is again called to the question of a Volunteer Harbour Patrol for Singapore, and from what the correspondent whose letter we published yesterday says, an well as from what we have beard privately, tbere appears to be good reason
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  • 29 8 The Home Secretary has informed Mr. King that none of the four persons now undergoing penal servitude at borne in respect of espionage is under 25 or over 50.
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  • 37 8 Experiments have shown, sajs a report on sanitation in India, that tbere is no founda tiou for the belief that a red lining to helmets reduces the temperature of the air between the helmet and the Hcalp.
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  • 79 8 Hen llj.rn Kj.rnson, the son of Bjornstjtrne l!j mson, at Copenhagen on November 14, attempted to give a lecture to an audience of 1,61X1 persons on Ins impressions gained on three fronts of the war. The audience refused to hear him, saying that they would listen to a German, but
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  • 20 8 The cafe chaataut at Kuala Kangsar, on Saturday, in aid of the X.M.S. Tiospital resulted in ueaiiy j2,500 being realised.
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  • 23 8 Tbe Singapore Electric Tramways, Ltd., notify that certain fares on their tramways system will be increased from and including Saturday, January 1, 1916.
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  • 26 8 Official notices appeared in tho I.M .S. papers on Monday drawing attention to the provisions of the X.M.S. lAtx-rve Force and Civil Guard Enactment respecting registration.
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  • 41 8 We have received from the Japanese Consul a copy of tbe annual report on reform and progress in Chosen (Korea) for the year 1913-14. It is an elaborate publication compiled by tho Government-General of Chosen, beautifully illustrated by interesting photographic reproductions.
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  • 49 8 The quantity of tin exported from the F.M.S. during the months of .lanuary to November last amounted to 715,824 piculs as against 750,807 in the corresponding period of last year, a decrease of .14,983 piculs, and tbe duty collected was 96,579,112 as compared with $6,482,877, an increase of $96,235.
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  • 55 8 At the Eastern Star Lodge, M. 209, of tbe International Order of Good Templars, at 7.80 p.m. to-day, at the Methodist Girls' School, Short Street, Brother Harry Lloyd, of the Perak Fidelity Lodge, Ipoh, will confer the International Supreme Lodge and the Grand Lodge Degrees. All members of the Order
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  • 56 8 A proclamation was issued in a Government Gazette extraordinary last evening that information had boen received from a Secretary of S;ate that war has broken out between H s Majesty King George V. aud the King o.' the Bulgarians and between tbeir respective subjects, which tbe Governor accordingly proclaims in
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  • 57 8 William Jenkins, the European engineer who, already undergoing a term of imprisonment for theft, was charged with stealing various articles from the Waverley Hotel, and also called upon to account for a first engineer's certificate in bis possession, was brought up in the third Court yesterday afternoon. After bearing tbe
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  • 62 8 Tbere was a crowded attendance at the A.D.C. matinee in tbe Victoria Theatre yesterday when tbe (Queries and My Word in slightly reduced form, whiled away a veiy pleasant couple of hours for the youngsters, who without a doubt enjoyed the bbow mightily. The next performance is toido:tow night and
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  • 78 8 At the literary meeting of the Muslim Society and Library, on the 10th inst.. Mr. Arehad proposed that Fine is the better punishment than imprisonment for assault He was opposed by Mr. Daudsha bio Makdoom Sahib. The result was in favour of the opposer. On Friday, tbe 17th inst at
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  • 84 8 A Chinese miner, who was out hunting on Saturday afternoon, near the Kledang Hills, came across a large tigress, lyiny beneath a tree in tbe jungle. H. at urn levelled b I gun some little distance ut'. and tin .l, killing the brute with three shots, one in the head
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  • 84 8 An entertainment for the sailors of war ships in port, will be given to-night at X.1. 3 p.m. (instead of Thursday as announced) at tbe auditorium of the Anglo Chinese School, Coleman and Armenian Streets. The programme will consist of conjuring by Dr. i'auiun/.. intermixed with musical and other items.
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  • 96 8 According to the Christiania correspondent of Le Temps, the principal Norwegian steamship company announces the opening of a regular line of steamers between the i>orts of Norway and the bay of Kola, in Kussian Lapland, which is going to l>e the northern terminus of the new railway joining I'etrograd to
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  • 97 8 Regarding the recent lieuter cable announcing the probable issue of daily communiques from British headquarters in France, The Times, of November 16, says The Government have determined to improve the news service between the army in the tield and England. Sir John Simon will shortly visit France and arrange for
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  • 118 8 Mr. Kudyard Kipling has commenced a series of articles in tho Daily Telegraph entitled The Fringes of the Fleet, lie oiiens with some breezy verses descriptive of the life on the auxiliary vessels, and depicts with wonderful insight and vigour the conditions in the Meet of converted ships. Comparing the
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  • 497 8 The Bishop of Singapore and Mrs. Vitv, son-Davio arrived by the P. ami O. mail la evening. Mr. B. Tyler, Superintendent of tlu Government Printing Oftice, Singapore, ha gone to Alor Star on official business. It is stated that Mr. H. Pratt, entomo logist, has resignrd the
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  • 117 8 Messrs. Fmser and Co. a -Ivise us that they bave received tbe following advice by cable from the London board of directors of tin Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd. London hoard advise net profit for your j£B3,6l'J which with balance brought foi ward from previous year Ml depreciation,
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  • 173 8 Through the kindness of a frieml. tin members of the Ministering Children h League had a most injoyalile l> Monday. Assembling at the V.M.O the MM MM inns, yi .1 by luolor lorry to Ntidpath, were every arrangement had been made for tltir eajoymeot Although tin weather
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  • 132 8 The Installation Meeting of Lodge Elliot No. MM was held at the High Schools, Malacca, on Saturday, December 1 1, at whicl. Wor. liro. 11. Kcdiiarn Shaw (Installing Master) Installed liro. A. K. Iteming as Worship Master for the ensuing year. The following brethren were invrsteil ax oflicerof the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 120 8 £> fA Press- mm***' Carbons. r^sWHK Twentieth Centurj la* seen the advent of t\ mmy remarkable invention?, not the least of which is the R >in<> Letter Dopier, which disp«Mtl vvi Ii water, brut>h, and press, makes costly carbons unnecessary, and produces perfect copies at the rate of N per
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    • 221 8 ANOTHER MONSTER FEATURE PROGRAMME AT IKK IVKR POI'ULAB ftLHAMBRA TIM Ploneir Cinematograph ThMtr*, latch Road. SECOND SHOW, at 9.1 S »n Ail Star Production PIERRE OF THE PLAINS IN FIVE ACTS. A most exciting drama, dotted occasionally with a little comedy. d< aling with tbe North Western Canadian Mount* d
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    • 12 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 6, 7 and 11.
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  • 1241 9 THE GREEK TROOPS WITHDRAW. Germany Invites Greek Explanation. BRITISH WAR FINANCE. Absorbing the American Securities. l.« VM~ London, December It, 'i.40 p.m. Salonika I Asa result of the agreement I Ill's, tin Greek troop- 'iiivi bi i n withdrawn, givin» the /f moveujent at Salonika and in tin
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  • 17 9 Kkutkr's Thlkuiam. London, December 13, 5 p.m. The death is announced of tbe Karl of Glasgow.
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  • 175 9 Mr. Walter Jackson's Claim Fails. (Fbiim Our Own Co-respondent.) Ipoh, December 14. Judgment has been delivered in the action for an alleged infringement of a patent sm ■ike-cur and rubber-drying apparatus, which Mr. Walter Jackson brought against Mr. Alma Baker. Tbe Judicial Commissioner found that tho knowledge
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  • 94 9 Narrow Escape of Belgian King And Queen. iFkom On Own- CoRKIsposDINT.) l'enang, December 14. I le^'rams to the Dutch papers Hate Tu' i\in» and Queen of Belgium have had a narrow escape from b. mi bombed. Count Tisza, in a speech in the Hungarian Parliament, said that the
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  • 53 9 (From Oi r Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, December 15. -ir Edward Brockman hag received a telegram from Sir William Taylor stating that Mr. Malcolm Cumming is raising funds to proviie rubber knee boots for the troops. £1,200 have already been collected. Mr. Cumming asked the Malay
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  • 117 9 Mr. I. Ellison has received the following acknowledgment of the recent consignment of pineapples as a gift from Singapore Commander in Chief's Office, Port Said, November 22, 1915. Dear Sir. I have much pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of your second consignment of pineapples. They arrived
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  • 86 9 The following are additional subscriptions to the Society's 1915 War ltelief Fond December 6, brought forward 11,625 C. M. P. 20 Dr. W. K. C. Middleton. MA. M.B. 35 H. A. E. Thomson 10 K. O 11.. per Hongkong and Shanghai Bank 4.95 R. M Goldie
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  • 2269 9 s THE DRAMATIC CENTRE OF THE WAR. s From Our Special Correspondent London. November 18. The dramatic centre of the war is still very emphatically in the Near East, and the convergence of interest there is all the stronger because past as well as present events
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  • 322 9 How the War has Affected Local Expenditure. A meeting of the Municipal Commission was held yesterday afternoon, the President. Mr. F. .1. Hallifax. presiding. Others present were Dr. N. V. S.uuy, Mcsst- W, B«M E. Tessensohn, Tan Khiam Hock, and J. Polglasc (secretary). The busintss of the meeting
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  • 407 9 Attempt to Coerce the Hupmobile Company. The Straits Motor Garrage, local a^i ntfor tin' Hup Motor Car Company of Detroit U.S.A., have received a circular letter which shows forcibly the way in which (in man influence is bein<; brought to bear, and how resolutely some of the
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  • 160 9 A shocking discovery was made on the 4tli ins.., in Lawrence Gardens, Lahore. Some, garden coolies came across the duad body of Mr. Priestley, agent of the Alliance Hank of Simla in Lahore. The body wax lying on grass Im m ah a tree near tho potting sheds, sonic 50
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  • 1583 10 SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION IN COSTS. The Labour Position. The fourth annual general mooting of the member, of Singapore I'nited Rubber Plantations, Limited, was held on November 15, at Winchester House, Old Broad Stroet, E.C., Mr. K. H. Parry presiding. Mr W. Bellamy, representing the secrel.titish North Bomtv Rubber Trust,
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  • 263 10 Philippine Government Employing Chickens. j Chickens— not tbe music-hall kind, but good old, ordinary, everyday barnyard fowls are likely to solve the locust problem of the Philippines, according to some expert information received from the outside by tbe department of the interior, says a Manila paper. Some
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  • 34 10 Lower Perak.— 7,6oo lbs. Trafaigar-2,936 lbs., 4,900 coconuts. Henrietta.- 24,757 lbs. Sungei Mataug.--13.368 lbs. Laras (Sumatra).— 4,B4B lbs. Kenar.- 6,038 lbs. Bujong. 15,304 lbs. Anglo Johore.— 2o,ooo lbs. to date 159,831
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  • 153 10 Tbe Financier to hand by last mail reports that the following forward rubber contracts have been made 1 Johore Rubber Lands:— 3o tons ribbed smoked sheet at 2s. 7d. per lb., delivered in London 5 tons per month, January to June, 1916 30 tons first latex crepe
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  • 40 10 The committee of the W.C.T.U. Christmas .ippml rau-fully acknowledge tbe following contributions Amount previously acknowledged t263 Collected by Mrs. May hew 30.60 Mrs. Salzmann 4 Watson q H.T. 10 MM V bm (hon. treasurer), 9, Leonie Hill-
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  • Correspondence.
    • 97 10 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I am pleased to acknowledge tbe following amounts: Collected by Mr. P. A. Yearwood (from Outran] Road School) $121 Personal subscriptions. Mr. A. W. Still (4th' 1 Mr. W. E. Hooper 1 Dr. F. B. Croucher 1
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    • 195 10 To the Editor, of the Straits Times. Sir, In your issue of last evening I noticed tbe letter of Estate Owner in which he mentions that rubber has been stolen from his estate at Serangoon. It may interest Estate Owner to know that he is not the only
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  • 768 10 M. Pierre Loti's Denunciation of The Germans. The five Academies have held their anuual public meeting, and all the speeches reflected the pervading feelings of tbe leaders of thought and science inspired by the war. Pierre Loti gave a vivid account of tbe martyrdom of Soissons and
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  • 269 10 Subscriptions For the Eleventh Aeroplane. Mi. Alma Baker, the organiser of tbe Malayan Aircraft Fund, acknowledges tho f illowing additional contributions towards the cost of No. 11 craft Previously acknowledged 1 1,880.63 S. McArthur 100 Mrs. Florence Baker 40 P. S. Williams, December contribution 10 Nemo," Johore,
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  • 228 10 Not Military Clothing For Captured Officers. Of a visit to the officer prisoners of war at Bischofswerde, Saxony, Mr. Litbgow o-ihorne, of the United States Embassy in Berlin, has written a report which is issued by the Press Bureau. Through subscription, he states, one of the tennis
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  • 241 10 The Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng signs the second report of the directors of the Simpam Valley Hydraulic Mines, Ltd., which is to be presented to shareholders at the meeting to be held on Tuesday next. The report, for tbe twelve months ended September 80, states
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  • 94 10 The rate of mortality in the Settlement uf Singapore (or the week ended December 1 1 was 28.49 per nulle of tbe population. The total number of deaths wan 163, of wbicb 101 were male subjects and 52 femala. Con vulsionH claimed 21, phthisis 29 and malaria
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  • 2189 10 (Fkom Oig Own. Corhksimisi.kst.) Sourabaya, December 2. News received hero from Bandjcrmassin point to. the fact that the rising in Dutch Bor nco has begun to assume a threatening character, as a result of which the Assistant Resident at Tanah Grogot has telegraphed to tho local authorities
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  • 753 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, l'ccctubtr 15, 1915. Messrs. Lyall and Kvatt. exchange and share brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning. The <juotations on sterling shares are only nominal. Norn. Valdi. Bdtibs. Sillirs. 3/- Allagar l ill 4 1 Auklo Ja»a
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 33 11 cf Uie Deocmkor monthly <-<iiiijm titious are as lullow* I.wli.V Mr-..1. l<. Nicliolnon 4>. 1 4. Kivo canii were taken out. Meo'a:-Major Scott M-10- 82 Seven cards were taken out.
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    • 221 11 The tie between tbe It rnenangan S'.ia < lub ami the Kota liaja II was played off on the Malaya Football Association ground, Bcacb Road, on Sunday laxt, before a large crowd of spectators. lor the first few minutts the grnne was uninteresting, each goal being viiitud
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    • 116 11 'Nplitundc lust (Veunic betweeu a> ■I Naval taaaa, the Club m n this Mne proMuc victorious, although by only a J 'i ry narrow margin. The first half va< strenuously jntested and no score i. I In the interval lin club h.'.il ,in advantage in reigbt, but this
      116 words
    • 92 11 i >n "-'mil.iv. the -<wiiMmioi! Club Uunclifs vmII leavt as follow JotMMtas'l Tier, at 7, 9 and U a m I M .in.i I :u> am Club Banga im. IS IS. I and O.:tO p iv. .he I lice fn.iii tlie club Bungalow to i|i pr.-i nted
      92 words
  • 309 11 Lamentable Results from Lack Of Training. A Utter on tlic ant j.-ct of war time economy, siym j by Mists Margaret Asbtoo au I Hin K11.4 1 yen ft. prenideut and cLair man rt^puctively of the Ashociatiun of Taactwrs of I >oiu» Htic Subjects. lias Urn sent
    309 words
  • 71 11 I' of drills, etc., (or week ending Kriday, IVct-uibrr 17 Wh.\>-ihv, I»k< ksibkk 15. IHIB l>nll Hall Maxim Co. i.y k. I *c Co. I |)t>i MH»K 16. lIIp B, tat Kasali lioad Malay Co. KhII'V). Ii i ►MIIIK 17. 816 p.m. l(nll Hall I I V
    71 words
  • 62 11 Mr. iM-n Till, tt, in a war lecture »n Novwakr 11. rx tolled the !>r»v. ry ft the .1. at ti r fiou: joangntrr niit ti who does no! IBM II- :<" through h thuk.Ht au.l Hrn .lanKtr prtat. roiu|'nni«<l by otl» r tflswl ulmiu MM4 'It in ail \<ry
    62 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 48 11 if br»»e deeds merit tbeir reward, Whicb all true men admit, Wby ttouM we not also record Tbe reason why we re tit To holp mankind along the way, And make tbis lite seeore Hy (topping a cold at tbe flrrt go off With Woods' Great Pepptrmiot Care.
      48 words
    • 213 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. If you are looking for a Good Investment you cannot do better than buy a FORD CAR WEARNE BROS., LD. Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. AFTER DINNER The Gramophone provides Unlimited Entertainment, BUT IT MUST BE "HIS MASTERS VOICE" Come and hear the latest models. They are
      213 words
    • 132 11 Sole Agents HIBBERT, WOODROFFE CO., LTD., KUALA I.lMl'l K (INCOBI'UBATKD IN F,N..1 >s RAFFLES CONFECTIONERY SHOP (Bras Bssab Road). JUST ARRIVED A VERY CHOICE CONSIQNMENT CHOCOLATES, SWEETS CRACKERS. Orders for Xmas Cakes now being received. Grand Hotel k I'Europe THEATRE DINNERS MIDNIGHT SUPPERS ON Thursday, December 16, Saturday, December 18.
      132 words

  • 2138 12 DIMDENI) 01 M) PER CENT. FOR THE YEAR. Increased Profit. Tin.' t.-nth nrdiusrv t;«-nt rul meeting of the Koala l.uiupur Ktibbcr I'oiupany, Limited at tin- Cannon mi. .t Hotel, Gannon Street. Hi'., Satmmkm ihe Hon. Kvcrard Keiklieg chairman of the company) presiding. Tin I'liainuan Raid (ientli men,
    2,138 words
  • 255 12 Ti i- report of the lteranang (Selangori Uubber Plantations, Limited, states that tht rubber crop for the year was 187,977 lbs., against an estimate of 120,000 lbs. Tbe gross average price realised for tbe crop was ti I lid. per lb.. an 1 the all in cost
    255 words
  • 1431 12 ADVENTUROUS JOURNEY OF MANY DELAYS. A Passenger's Story. Tbe mail steamer Salaette dropped anchor in Bombay harbour at 9.30 p.m. on November 30, having been delayed by the lateness of the arrival of tbe overland passengers at Marseilles, and by some hours ashore in tl.e Gulf
    1,431 words
  • 978 12 Its Removal from St. Margaret's Church. Tbe great east window of St. Margaret'*, Westminster, which is being removed to a place of safety, is regarded as tbe best specimen in England o{ Flemish itl&ss of its dateSo perfectly in harmony is tbe arrangement of tbe colouring that
    978 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 304 12 Ahmit m,(XMi persons <lir ,i\ni ftw in ihi United Kingdom <>t WMM injritions f evert, *nd 50,000 oj con tumption and other fwrnu of tliln ■rriilnsls. Tlh ii' nils nil thf* ilisni^rs Wt dfltfOfed h'l TOXOL If 70a are "Toxol" regular! j ia your lions' Ik y will bo dostrcyed
      304 words

  • 1146 13 MILES OF NEW WORKSHOPS IN ENGLAND. Girl Workers Clad in Khaki. Mr. Basil Clarke, who was one of a party of journalists, English, French, American, and Australian, wtio made a tour of the munition centres of the kingdom, starting from London, and spending the first day in the
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
      37 words
    • 203 13 DRAGON" CEMENT Contracts have been secured for the supplies of Cement during 1915 to f^/ nd tO THE MUNICIPALITY |§f 3«^*|§^ THE GOVERNMENT SINGAPORE. V^^^f^j,^ JOHORE. DUPIRE BROTHERS, SINGAPORE. Sole Agents for the Straits and P. M. S. there's Purity and Vigour IN F.MRr DROP OF READDog's Head Guinness The
      203 words
    • 151 13 CALENDAR FOR DEC, 1915. Sunday 5 12 19 26 Monday 6 13 20 27 J Tuesday 7 14 21 28 Wednesday 1 8 15 22 29 Thursday 2 9 16 23 30 Friday J 3 10 17 24 31 Saturday 4 11 18 25 Tuesdays)- Land Sales. Saturdays i Furniture
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 500 14 W« or P«»gi Famine or Plenty. Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. W HAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. m lln< nqMI LONDON OFFtCCi 33. Old Jewry, 80. Tb, Oranaar ha. «*O 000 debited with tbe Supr.-m. C>urt of and trmpH*.
      500 words
    • 311 14 INSURANCE. POLICIES ON ALL MODERN PUNS. SUN LIFE OF CANADA, 6, Battery Road. S. J. HOWB, {.g Manager BUAROIAN ABBURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONOOH Subscribed Capital &.000.000 Total Invested Funds £6,260,000 Annual Income .£1 100,000 Tbe undersigned, Agents for the above Ojmpany, aie prepared to accept fire and earthquake risks fo-
      311 words
    • 455 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND BHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 118,000,000 RBSBRVB FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at a/- 116,000,000 BUyer 118,000,000 188,000,000 {e*ervb LiabiUty of Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRBOTORS. Bon, Mr. D. Landale. Chairman. W. L. Pattenden, Bag., Deputy Chairman. 9. H. Dodwell, E»q IP. H. Holyoak, Bsq G. T. M. Edkins,
      455 words
    • 481 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid np Capital in 60,000 Sharos ot 430 each M 41,100,000 Reserve Fund 41,800,000 Reserve LiabiUty of Proprietor!... 41.300,000 BANKERS The Bank ol England, The London City and MidlanJ Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd.,
      481 words
    • 872 14 INSURANCE. LIFE ASSURANCE AT MINIMUM COST. Establishid 1874. THE ORIENTAL Incohpoiutii> in India. GOVERNMENT SECURITY .LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. ASSETS exoeed $28,000,000 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Profits to Policy-holder, at laat Valuation $1,116 673. LOWEST Apply for Prospectus and full information to LIBERAL HATES SINGAPORE MANCa OFFICE CONDITIONS J. R. MACPHERSON, Secretary
      872 words

  • 1101 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Side-Car and its Lses. In addition to carrying a passenger, and thereby improving tbe soci%bleness o( motorcycling, tin- sidecar attachment has opened up many (folds of uwfulness. The adoption of tbe mechanically propelled vehicle for Keneral transport is becoming general,
    1,101 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 324 15 LISTER PUMPS High Tension Magneto Ignition, Automatic Lubrication. Low Speed .J All Gearing jg^^^ Enclosed. Efficient HRn&L H~ Qoveraing. a tA%JHMk Jt h eanD^ W HViSHm Machine cut. An parts PMHa 1 Interchange- Jf.ll twHTI J?° s P ec ial able i Bf k1 W-VM Found ition |MLH i«2^r Necessary.
      324 words
    • 12 15 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night Woodi Great Peppermint Con I*. 6d
      12 words
    • 301 15 DUNLOP /^^^^BBtsßßsfc I j£?rr m tj tti C 0' XXXJIj '>-/'/ I .yv/ BG of the aeroplane over the airship is an <s- -J^g^B A ablishe'l fac-t. A The superiority of the I>unlop tyre over •Ir^^^* ii 1., j a ll "ther makes, as a wearing proposition, ia ™P equally
      301 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 464 16 A. B. MACKAYS Q THE ORIGINAL feA LIQUEUR WHISKY. jf4x^w^£s. 8 supplied to both Houses of f Wt\ B^iKV Parliament. I J BpP (OBTAINABLE FROM ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS H -Of)'. r.'\ Sole Agents: *2jS| ADAMSON, GILFILLAN L|ifM AND COMPANY. LIMITED, r-l^ißinoi Singapore Penang and Malacca. WANTS^ SECONDHAND BILLIARD TABLE WANTED.
      464 words
    • 394 16 WANTS EUIOPEAH WANTED. Wanted, energetic, bright inte ligent man to push sales of Lubricatii^ Oi.s. Local knowledge and experience in this line essential. Bex No. 109, Straits Times. 612 1812 FURNISH* O HOUSE WANTEDWanted, a furnished house in Tang. in, pr, terably for about 12 menthe, entry about January or
      394 words
    • 568 16 FURNIBHEO SEASIDE RESIDENCES TO LET. BBLINDA and JU ANITA to 'cl furnished »pply No 9. Ml. Scphia. IS o Tf) LET. No. 84, Robinson Road. Immediate entry, apply B. Silas, No. 8, Prince Street. 810 v TO LET. No. 2. 7, ft 8, Institution Hill. Apply to Lee Chen* Van
      568 words
    • 582 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD FLOOR 10 111 Tc lei, tad Floor, No I. Malacca Mr«et. tnM.vuiate entry Apply Meyer Brotbere •1-1 TO LET. Houaes Nos. 7, 8 a, 8 b, Chancery Lane. Apply to CHINO KENO LEE ft CC, Auctioneers. 18 11 n TO LET. Furnished sea-side >esidence, Mkfeking,"
      582 words
    • 422 16 GUAN KIAT CO.. HE»o OFFICE :-S7, Phillip Street Branch i-.tor. s at No. 14, Phillip Street, and Nos 14, 100 and IC2, Tank Road. Tel. Address: OUaNKIAT." Telephone Nos. 1174 and 128 a (Private 1450). Codbs csid A. B C, 6th Edition, and VI CoDSB. Ship Chindlert, Hardware Dealers, Government
      422 words
    • 480 16 KIAM KIAT CO 108 ft 109. Market street. Telephone No. 421, Shipobandlen, Government and Mnnioipa Contractors. Estate Suppliers and Com misnion Agent; Sou Aobkii The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd Bent Multiplar Brand Hair Bnltiog4 17 80 6 If, To ADVERTISERS An itcjuebts to malir ulti.iutions in advertisements. s«uch as ahaaffM
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 296 16 Straits V)imes. Telephones. Editorial and General 70 Manager's Ollice 262 Job Printing I >tpartm> ut -Is All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be adid TIIK KDITOR. All communications relating to business matters advi rtinements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc. slinuli l dressed to THE MANAdKI;. ADVERTISEMENT HATK.-v Miscellane
      296 words