The Straits Times, 10 December 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 24.977 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 10. 1915. PRICE 10 CENTB.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 194 1 M M p a KATZ BROS., LTD., :.f;J° A Few Smart Lines from the New Goods Just Unpacked. SOLB AOENTB FOR -mfcjp < c LINCOLN BENNETT'S W '-^Jv't^., (LONDON) /o3L I,*«<&— CELEBRATED -"V^/^Jy SOFT FELT HATS The Latest Shades and Styles. $7.50, $3.0 3, $8.50 each. THE PELTIHVAIH RAINCOAT THE
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    • 96 1 ROBINSON CO. Jl||i» Christmas Bazaar S^'P large assortment 'TgH^P^S^ TOYS CRA CKERS, SWEETS "L 5 A LARGE STOCK OF .Jm^Uk Beautifully Dressed French v'CT Mf Indressed and Character Dolls ROBINSON CO. F I S H CANADIAN BENTWOOD KIPPERS. HADDOCKS. FISH FILLETS, HALIBUT. CHAIRS obtainable from SINGAPORE GOLD STORAGE CO.. LO.
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  • 999 2 STRETCHER-BEARERS INDER FIRE. Bomb-Thrower's Experience. Statements by wounded soldiers show that after tbe capture of Loos by tbe first British line German snipers remained concealed in tho village for a considerable time harassing the advancing force, and such was their con ninf> that the discovery of their
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  • 83 2 The following story comes from Moncton. iv New Brunswick:— While a crowd was waiting at the local railway station here on u-t.b.r 23 to welcome Sir Hubert Borden thf Mm Minister of Canada) on bin return from England, a woman fell on to the railway line, wliere
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 346 2 MACHINE- PRESSED CEMENT TILES Made under high hydraulic pressure which enturei GREAT DURABILITY Samples of Colour* and Designs at TAMPENIS CEMENT TILE WORKS No. M, bungei Road (adjoining Roc ho re Canal). 'Phone 569. >d^^^ x" <?- V' S-- NOTICE. NOTICE If IBUI GIVES' tliat tbo ab->vn Trade Mark is
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    • 267 2 f ROB RO VI Oroi. B*in r£jl\9 »ii.LS ol til CO., jjj.n.p,,,^ •Hr.'.ba.J *liiii»s^ FREE. >S^^ _"HlMtral«4 otaloiu.s fr>« XMAS& NEW YEAR CARDS. Amateurs' Work, Developing, Printing and Enlarging. Repairing Cameras. KONG HINGCHEON6 ft COMPANY. |-ll< > I'l.i.KAl'Hlt DKALKRS, Adslphl Hot«l Building*. Singapore. Branch at !'i »mBl 18 DAIMLER*
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    • 883 2 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO. Ship Chandler*, Government and Municipal Contractors. 37. Phillip Street. WHY PAY MORE WHEN YOU CAN GET FOR LESSP The Following are torn* of the numaraut materials In our stock 1.000 Shorts Galvanized Iron Plates 2CO Sheets Mild Stool Platen. luO CWh Ga'va nized Corrugated Iron. 50
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    • 567 2 NOTICES. NOTICE Mr A. E. Crinwill i* no IMMi employed bj ne ia any c%p*ei:y, hi from ti 4 tli Utccmber, 1918. H. S. KIItWAN, No. 2 18, Orchard Koad. 8 12 11. 12 NOTICE. All Traders and Merchant* aro informed that tbft Consul-General for Siam at !>ingaporo is now
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  • 1090 3 THE MOST HUMAN SIDE OF MILITARY WORK. Opportunities for Dreaming. There in nothing quite liko route marching nothing military at an; rate, with the same inwardness." Civilians on holiday tramps may know the name physical pleasures, but they do not and cannot know the atmosphere that a soldier geta
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  • 245 3 Oood Advice for Thin Folks The trouble wtb most thin folks who wish to gam weight is that they insist on drugeing their stomach or staffing it with greasy foods robbing on useless flash creams," or following so no foolish physical cult-ire stnnt while
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 478 3 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii R Economy. I With LEA PERKINS* Sauce, Jfc^fc^ 21/ civ drops only are necessary '/^F^* to give a delicious and IfeflMl^l appetizing flavour to the H»^ plainest dish. Z?£°t 'sW& A far larger quantity of a &jj3?r*fHi«» I cheaper sauce fails to give the same satisfaction. :V,h A th*
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    • 12 3 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night Woods Gn-at Peppermint Cure la. Sd
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    • 362 3 CHEONG BROTHERS. Dentists. No 26, South Bridge Road, FirM-olMa Mi-chanica! Lieiit Btry, (Jold Crown Bridge Filling and Vo'cani* Duration of ear guaranteed, CHARGES MODERATE. FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES. Best Tooth Powders and Brushes fot sale Fortify yourself with Bovril IT MIST BE BOVRIL BRITISH TO THE BACKBONE AUCTION BALE OF
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 734 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O." British India AND Mpcar L»ine. MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS (Under Contract with Hit Majesty's Government). For China, Japan Psnana, Oeylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, r Mediterranean Ports and London, Steamers will leavo Singapore on ot about MAIL LINES. OIIWHID (FOR EcROPR). CooriuctiDK
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    • 329 4 AUSTRALIA Br BURNS PHI LP LINE Sino4Pori to Java Ports, Port Darwin, Thursday Island, Brisbane and Sydniy, via Torrk* Straits. Alto taking passengers and ear;<o with transhipment for other Victorian, Soctb Acstralian and North Qukknsland Ports, British Niw Gcism, N«w Britain, Tasmania* an.. Niw Zealand Ports Smooth Passage. Superb Scenery.
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    • 811 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. ID. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Triuuaao. Bicat, Be merak, KelMtoa, Tatai Biinut. xomc;n. Pttaai, 8i»gor». Luoi, Kcbwtnai, Baatiou, Ltngenen, Taka, Chompoa, Rohlak ud Baafkok Out O«p«rtur« NO STEAMER Doc. 11,8 p.m. PRACHATIPOK Qoc IS 15, S p.m. CHUTATUTCH 16 18. 8 p.m. ■a. VUGALA
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    • 488 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED. AND BHINA iUTUAL STEAM NAY. CB.. LTD fa flit Ccu.paaies' steamers art despatohoa hem Liverpool outwards (or the Straits, China »-»--d Japan every week and from Japan homewards (or London, Amsterdam and Antwerp evety fortnight; (or Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and (or Marseilles,
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    • 540 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A service is maintained between Yokohama via port-: to Marseilles and London nodsr mail contraot with the Imperial Japanese Oovornuiont. Tl?t New Tvin-ccrtw Steamers maintaining this service bavc been ppociaMy designed and eonctrnct'.-d, ami are fitted with all
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  • 103 5 FIXTURES. rtdny, December 10. Ugh Wator. lI.M a.m.. 114 t liildrcns (onoeri, Vie. Mem. Hall. Saturday, December 1 1 Hipb Watt r. 1 to a id 0.40 p.m A. l>. Victoria 'I'lioatre. Sunday, December 12. 1 \M a.m.. 1.87 p.m. I. and O. nutward mail expected Monday,
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  • 291 5 To-uav. Batu I'ahat Mena 1 80 pm Na«M < Wenfalloch 2.30 pm j uhaiu and Ti 1 )k Anno: Kinta -2.80 p.u Modaii V. Hiemen 1..V) pui Kaw .m S.i'irabaya, Jiaci ljiitu»sHin. Stamen, Kota', Samarinda and ltalik Ptpan taking icaiU for Mahaata, Sydney and Melbourne Loudon
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  • 257 5 The iv til train* from Singapore for the north !<■ iv T tuk Koa<l station daily at 7.7 id. .hi t 7 run arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 1M p.m. ah -i i" -("lively. The through IVnaoK loaves Kuala Lumpur at H a.m. daily, arriving at, Penang at
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  • 105 5 Oar attontion has U oallod to the fact that onr arrivals i-. LoiiKn are ninchbehiDii ■.boHo published olw^whure. Onr rule is to .jivu arrivalH only iien thoy are officially reportwl n th I 1 Office notices, and no attr Ja'i thau ti t printed above has boon
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  • 331 5 Outward. Tbe following passenger bookings to the Straitx ure taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in tome instances, bookings may bo provieional and that intending passenger' may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London Per P.
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  • 159 5 EXCHANGE. SlNOAPOKI, l)K. KM1IKK 10, 1615. On London Bank 4 m/ l/i-i, Demand 2,4,', Private 8 ia,i 2/4} On India Bank T. T. 175JS On HoNQKONa...Bank d/d M| On Shanqhai ...Bank d/d s« On Java Bank T. T. ;3l; On Japan Bank iim, Sovereigns baying rate jb.oJ
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 6 5 Woods' Great Peppermmt One U. Bd.
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    • 414 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. m I WANTED. A EUROPE \N NURSE hi boy nearly ■i yean of age. Healthy estate in Province We'ii slt-y. State experience, age and salary r. quired Reply No 106. c o Pinatig Gazette, Peuang 10-12 181 i THE BAXKKUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1888, 1m tbi Scpmmi Cocbt of tbi
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    • 599 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THE XMAS DANCE. Perfect Records rovide erfect Dance Music MAKE Y"UR SELECTION AT >^t^ MOUTRIE'S, Raffles Place BIG CHANGE OF PROGRAMME I TF*c?s^-fc:r»^ Royal NORTH BKIDQE ROAD. (Fokmkrly Malav i^phra FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY. Friday 1Oth, Uturdej, 11th. and Monday, 13th Dec. Second Show, at 9-3O p.m. THE
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    • 424 5 HIRE'S SUPREMACY "THE CLUTCHING HAND" 188 MYSTBRIOUS SL'l'BR CRIMIN4L Who conn and gceß at unseen anJ as Iret- as tho air and who l.ayes desolation and pillage tohind him in THE EXPLO'TS OF ELAINE: Tbo W. rM's Greatest and Loujc-t HanaJ with situations that sta'tlo, realism that r iisi s
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  • 1054 6 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10. PEACE TERMS: REVISED VERSION. There have been several versions of Germany s peace terms. At one time it was laid down by Berlin as an essential condition that Belgium should btcome German property. When it became obvious, even to the Kaiser, that he had
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  • 45 6 Facing tl.i Music, a farcical comedy in tbreo acts, will be produced at the Sungei I Jong Club. Seremban, on. December 24, by a party of local amateurs. The promoter is Mrs. U. Lonsdale. The profits are to be given to the War Relief Fund.
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  • 23 6 A tamby employed by Mr. Gosling, who stole a case of brandy, is now undergoing six months' rigorous imprisonment by way of punishment.
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  • 27 6 Mr. H. J. Tennant has announced in tbe House of Commons that Russia's supply of men of military age at the beginning of the war was 21,400,000.
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  • 29 6 A notice, printed in various languages, giving warning that the new gaming laws are about to be put into force, is being placed in prominent places in Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 25 6 l'urak tin export figures for November, excluding upper Perak, are as follow Block tin 188.29 piculs, tin ore 89,090.28 piculs. The duty amounted to 9396,265.28.
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  • 28 6 Tho Dutch Government ban prohibited the American pacifist Ford from establishing in Holland his headquarters for carrying on a peace propaganda among the soldiers of the belligerent Powers.
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  • 33 6 At the Hindu Association (11, Belilos Road) this evening at eight, Mr. V. R. Menon, a member, will deliver a lecture on Theoeopby as an Aid to Self Culture. All interested are welcome.
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  • 57 6 Mr. Frederick Palmer, the American war correspondent, declares that the war will end next summer, with the Kaiser beaten." He writes, The British will wash their dirty linen in public, but if the German steel curtain could be lifted, there would be a revelation that would amaze the world. Kitchener's
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  • 63 6 With reference to tbe ijuestion of forming a company of Chinese Volunteers in Penang, it is understood that the authorities are favourably disposed towards the bchiuio and that His Excellency the G.0.C., General Ridout, regards it with a friendly eye. In all quarters the excellent work done by the Chinese
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  • 70 6 Mr. F. L. Huchting, who at the outbreak of tbe war was the German Consul in Rangoon, and later was interned with his wife and children at Maymyo, was made over to the military authorities on November 10 by tbe Commissioner of Police, Rangoon, to Captain Benson Cook, station staff
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  • 70 6 At tbe thirteenth annual general meeting of members of the Wha Khee Kok Association held yesterday at 164, Serangoon Koad, the following were elected officers for tbe year 1916. Messrs. Chiam Cbeow Seng, president Chua Sua Chwee, vicepresident Lye Eng Hong, hon. secretary Leong Watt Seng, bon. auditor and asst.
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  • 89 6 A Chinese woman named Tan Leng Kiat, of Prinsep Street, has made a report to the police concerning a robbery which, she says, was committed at her bouse last night. The safe was opened, with keys removed from beneath her bed, and jewellery to tbe value of $10,000 removed. A
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  • 91 6 The remark of a German prisoner taken in September that be knew bombardment heralded an attack is now completely out of order date t Destruction of yards of trench and the tutanglements merely means that the Germans must re-dig the trenches and replace the sandbag 9 and thousands of yards
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  • 89 6 Tbe Key. Herbert Let Cass. attached to the Carey Baptist Chapel at Calcutta, was found near Dalhousic Square distributing religious tracts, at the bottom of which was tbe following printed phrase To be had in German." This excited the suspicion of a European police sergeant, who thinking the tracts to
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  • 121 6 In the light of a letter in to-day's issue referring to the evil of gambling amongst the Chinese and the practice of unfair methods in the course of the play, an iustance which came to light in the second court this morning may be mentioned as bearing out, to a
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  • 187 6 Cbia Wai is a goldsmith s workmau who is in the unfortunate position of having incurred the suspicion of his towkay, Tan Ah Lian, a goldsmith, in such circumstances as to lead to his arrest on a charge of criminal breach of trust in respect of a piece of gold,
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  • 472 6 Mr. and Mrs. S. Leslio Thornton are visit ing I'cnang. The Java Bode denies tbe report that Mr Douwes Dekker is to be its editor-in-chief. Major-General Van Terwisga is to be promoted to Lieutenant-General and will replace General Bublmann in the command of the Dutch field army.
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  • 56 6 The P. and O. apcnt in Sin<ia|>orr has received a telegram fr jtii liis bead office reading an follows All passengers landing in L'nited King dom mast have passports or other documents establishing nationality and identity." The attention of the public is specially drawn to this in order that
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  • 125 6 The report of the Malayan Tin Dredging Company states that the total quantity of tin ore produced was H,460 piculs u.|iial la SOBj tuns., which realised £44,981, or an average price of J£*'J 6s. M. per ton against X'lul I is. 7d. per ton for the previuus
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  • 143 6 The Ceylon Observer says \V<- regret \m are unable to obtain any otlicial information as to when Sir John Anderson, our now Governor, is due in Colombo; but :i very good authority anticipates that it will be tho end of January. It is interesting to note that,
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  • 164 6 Some people have a very annoying habit of being late at public performances a case in point occurred last night after the comluenceuji nt of tho amateur production in the Victoria Theatre, which is timed to begin at 9.15 p.m. sharp. Those who attend
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 267 6 FOR 4 NIGHTS ONLY. Fridii, Saturday, Monday and TuMday, 10th. 11th, 13th, 14th ••camfetr, 1915 ANOTHER BPLENDID EXGLUBIVE PRO6RAMME AT THE ALHAMBRA Th« M«N*r Cln«matotr»ph ThMtra, Beach Road SECOND SHOW, at 9 P.M. Photo Drama Sent,, tlon in kn Rmls THE HOUSE OF BONDAGE Adapt* from R«»inald Kiuffmansstartlingstor» The greatest
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    • 11 6 Latest advertisements of tho day appeal on page 6 and 8.
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  • 2287 7 BALKAN STRUGGLE. Terrible Weather In Serbia. Position of the Allied Forces. RECENT NAVAL EVENTS. America's Protest About The Ancona. Kutukk's Tklkokam*. London. December y, 1.50 p.m. I rayiueutary intelligence of tbo situation ■t the Miies in the Balkans indicates that tbo British arc holding a position north and
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  • 90 7 Renter's Tkli-.i ims. London, December 8. Tbe report of Lord Miduleton's committee on the supply of horses for military purposes makes a series of recommendations for increasing suitable horse-breeding, involr ing an annual outlay possibly eventually reaching £100,000 compared with an expenditure this year under tho Board
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  • 78 7 Rectbk's Tilsobam. London, December 9, 9.80 a.m. Tokio: The Foreign Minister in a speech in the Diet stated that China's reply to Japan's representations in reference to the monarchical movement being ambiguous we enquired whether that implied the acceptance of* the advice tendered. I regret that the
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  • 76 7 Rioter's Tilkurams. London, December 8, 8.20 p.m. In the House of Commons, Sir J. H. Roberts asked wbother at least one Indian representative would be included in tho Civil Service selection committee. Mr. Chamberlain did not think the committee would be required until the war was over or
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  • 125 7 AMERICAS BEST YE4R RECORD. Rbutib's Tiliukams. London, December 9, 1.50 p.m. Washington The extraordinarily sound economic financial conditions in the L'nited States form the theme of tho annual statement of the Secretary to the Treasury. Railways, iron, steel and cotton arc all phenomc nally prosperous. Thore
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  • 45 7 Rbdtsr's Tilkoraxs. London, December 8. Sir J. D. Roes asked whether the deputation of Messrs. Andrews and Pearson to Fiji was ordered by tbe Raj. Mr. Chamberlain said 1 understand Mr. Andrews' visit to Fiji is private. I have no information regarding Mr. Pearson.
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  • 36 7 Rh'thu's Tklm.h\ >i>. London, December 9, 4.20 p.m. The most important Trades Union Conference ever held has formally agreed to the establishment of a triple industrial alliance of miners, railwaymen and transport worker*.
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  • 19 7 London, December 9. The death is announced of Stephen Phillips, the poet, and editor of tbe Poetry Review.
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  • 244 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Circular. Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s share circular, dated tbe 9th inst., states Dealings throughout the past week have again been largely centred in the local rubber companies. The buying hus chiefly been for investment purposes and very little speculative business has been
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  • 94 7 The undermentioned prices wero realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys and Co., by auction sale at Penang, on Tuesday 141,300 lbn. offered, 1 21 ,300 lbs. sold. Smoked ribbed sheet ...8157 to $183 plain 142 152 No. 2 smoked sheet ribbed 139 156 L'nsmoked sheet
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  • 65 7 Two cases of plague have occurred in the vicinity of tbe junction of Penang Stroet and Chulia Street, Penang, and both have proved fatal, says the Straits Echo. One case was discovered last week and the second this week. Tbe Health Officer's stall are taking evory precaution
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  • 74 7 While sneering at the proposed London Fail next spring, the Munchenor Neueste Nacbrichten says that it would be foolish to ignore it, because even if the issue of the war has a decisive influence on the commercial relations of the world the British Colonies are certain to grant the Mother
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  • 67 7 What is the secret of the magic of Kngland, asked the Cologne Gazette in a remarkable article recently, that the Irish shonM tiulit n. the trenches of Flanders, that the lloers should rally to the British Hag, and that all India shoum offer men and mom y Sorrow fully it
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  • 1576 7 FINE PERFORMANCE BY LOCAL COMPANY. "The Queries" and "My Word!" Where to begin, what to say, and bow to end are the chief difficulties experienced by the critic of an amateur dramatic perform anoe. If one forgets that it is amateur ono may do an injustice to the
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  • 164 8 News run-hud Ualle on the 2nd mst. of a dastardly outrage, culminating in murder, perpetrated at Na»>ahatenne Estate, Elpitiya. .ibalaDgoda, of which Mr 11. \V. Garin, the chairman of Uiu Ualle District Planters Association, is manager. It aueuis that, afki tl>. CM K. Parade, Mr. and Mrs.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 511 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Id your issue of the Hth inst., there appeared an item about a bill to end the growing scandal of spurious night clubs in London and other English cities. Lord Cur 2ou mm r<l the second reading in tbe
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  • 435 8 Don O. Merle, the illusionist, was rewarded with a better house last night, despite tbe strong counter attraction elsewhere, and be and his assistants gave a very clever show Tbe performer appears agaiu to-night. It may be added that one of the attractions of the company is
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  • 56 8 ,liuiali.-9,420 lbs. Sedenak.— 2s,loo lbs. Purmax -25.25H lbs. SekonK -13,100 lbs. 9.07;t1bH. Siak (Sumatra).— 2l,B67 lbs. to date 215,036 lbs. Malacca Plantations.- 312,900 lbs. Ktlumak.— 7,92o lbs. six months 47,608 lbs. Mergui.— s.H76 lbs. five months 17,735 lbs. Ojasinga.— l7,67s lbs. five months 58.2W lbs. Langeo (Java)
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  • 239 8 Material Decline in Prices Recorded. Messrs. Outbrie and Co. report as follows Thursday, December 9. For this week's auction 310 tons were catalogued and unfortunately it was again found impossible to complete the sale in one day. On Wednesday morning there was a good demand which was
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  • 237 8 How Tommy Varies His Gallipoli Diet. Three men in a boat have been busy one morning fishing, oat in front of tbe cliffs, writes Dr. Ewing, Grange United Free Church, Edinburgh, from tho Dardanelles. They light a bomb and throw it where they suppose there may be
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  • 50 8 Programme of drills, etc., (or week ending Friday, December 10 Friday, Dk( kxber 10. 515 Drill Hall S.V.A. Maxim Co. S.R.E.(V.) S.V.R. Chinese Co. 5 p.m. Sepoy Lines S.F.A. Co. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.C. Band. Cadet Co. H. Roland Llkwellyn, Captain, S.V.C, Acting Adjutant, S.V.C.
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  • 172 8 At the opening meeting of the forty-eighth session of the Royal Colonial Institute, held at the Whitehall Kooms, on November 2, when Mr. Ellis T. Powell read a paper on Empire and Money Market the Romance of a Three Hundred Years' Alliance, the chairman of the council,
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  • 39 8 An Allahabad wire of the Ist inst., says An interesting article on the Artillery activity in the regions officially described as qaiet, states:— This kind of quietness necessitates an car protector. The British Artillery was especially active last week.
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  • 57 8 Mr. Lloyd George's compliments," said the gunners slamming the breech And there's plenty more where that came from." Naturally the Germans also go in for bom bard moot but comparative economy has displaced the lavishnesa of July. Possibly they are accumulating shells, but reports of a fresh posh are not
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 49 8 Some folks sigh, some folks cry, They are never happy qoit In (act, they don't know what they want, For notuinx's ever right. Bat one thing that is obvious Am the light of day, I'm sore, In that there's nothing in life so good As Woods Great Peppermint Care.
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    • 279 8 LATEST ADVEKTISEMKNTS. DOCTOR WANTED. Medical Officer required for steamer railing oat of Singapore. Must have necessary oertificates. Apply BOtJSTBAD Co. 1013 n ROOMS WANTED. Two gentlemen desire rooms in quiet locality (private family preferred). Apply to Box No. 1 18, Straits Times. 1012 18.12 TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT BEACH ROAD. Every Evening
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    • 139 8 Sole Agents HIBBERT, WOODROFFE CO., LTD., KUAt-A LUMPUR. (Incobpuratkd in Enolanpi. RAFFLES CONFECTIONEKY SHOP (Bras Basah Road). JUST ARRIVED A VERY CHOICE CONSIGNMENT Oh CHOCOLATES, SWEETS CRACKERS. Orders for Xmas Cakes now being received. ADELPHI HOTEL Don't forget the MASQUERADE BALL for the Night of the 31 st December. Prizes
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 834 9 SALES BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEES SALE On Tuisdat, D* kmbkr 14, at 3.80 p.m. Fmehold land and dwelling boase No. 781, o* Confederate Estate Koad, Singapore, area i.,900 »q. feet, being lot* 1018, 1019, 1022, 1023, 1036, 1027, 1080, IC3I, 1084, 1085, 1088, and 1080, of lot 6 of Grant No.
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    • 175 9 "DRAGON" CEMENT Contracts have been secured for the supplies of Cement during 1915 to andto THE MUNICIPALITY ggWpl ™E GOVERNMENT SINGAPORE, \%^__^^'J JOHORE. DUPIRE BROTHERS, SINGAPORE. Sole Agents for the Straits and F. M. S. BY ORDER OF THE CUSTODIAN OF| JUST UNPACKED ENEMY PROPERTY. AN EXCELLENT VARIETY OF IN
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 509 10 Wak o, Pbaob Famine or Plenty. Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollab. WHAT OXHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. v mm si,., na «i LOICON OFFICti 32, Old Jewry, EC. *b. r—nan, kM «2O 000 a v pp with tbe Suprem. Court of
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    • 312 10 INSURANCE. POLICIES ON ALL MODERN PUNS. SUN LIFE OF CANADA, 6, Battery Road. 8. J. HOWB, 6 8 Managi-i BUAROIAN ABBURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONDOU Subscribed i ap-tal 42,000.000 Total Invcntid rounds £0/460,000 Anooal Income 41,100,000 The undersigned, Agents for tbe above Company, aie prepared to aooept fire and Earthquake risks
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    • 461 10 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID UP CAPITAL...116,000,000 ...116,000,000 RBSBRVB FUNDS BterUng 41,600,00tf*t 8/- 116,000,000 bilver 1 18,000,000 188,000,000 aeserve Liabiuty of Proprietors 116,0004)00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. D. Laudato. Chainuaa. W. L. Pattendcn, Bsq., Deputy Chairmaa. S. H. Dod well, Esq IP. H. Hclyoak Bsq. G. T.
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    • 482 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER I Paid np Capital in 60,000 Sharos ot •"JOoacb 41,300,000 Reserve Fund 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.200,000 BANKERS Tbe Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County I and Westminster Bank, Ltd.,
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    • 866 10 INSURANCE. LIFE ASSURANCE AT MINIMUM COST. Established 1874. THE ORIENTAL Incokporatbk in Indu. GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. ASSETS exoeed $28,000,000 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Profits to Policy-holders at last Valuation $1,116 673. LOWEST Apply for Prospectos and full information to LIBERAL RATES SIMAPORE MMCN OFFICE CONDITIONS J. R. MACPHERSON, Secretary
      866 words

  • 859 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Manufacturing Automobiles. Estimates as to the volume of materials usi ,1 by autumobile manufacturers of the I' piled States aro necessarily changed as each new season comes around, but statistics compiled by Mr. G. Brewer Griffin, manager of the automobile tcjuipment
    859 words
  • 187 11 American Story of Execution In The Tower. The master spy of Germany has been shot in the Tower of London, or at l«tst that ia, the opinion generally held in Washington. He went under the name of Kran/. Itiutelin, and according to the Washington correxpondent of the
    187 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 215 11 i Vnrtci^i il J sitV Wt nave boon awardei the followin; sinit>ry e^giceeriog ooctrastt Mi s.rß. Whiteaway, Liidlaw and Co., Ltd.- NVw Premises. M i»s-«- Cliartord Bank of Indit, Aaitralia and China. -N.w Premiss. The Honble Mr Eu ToDg Seng, Perak.— Adis Lodge. Our onyinoer in slu'c of our S%nitary
      215 words
    • 367 11 I.V-.1 .V-. 2 r *s ;MS- SUPERIORITY ?'*:M&*PZ<r^ v c aeroplane over the aiiship is an es- -i ril of the Dunlop tyre over 10^^9t>">*\. all other makes, as a wearing proposition, is equally an esta* lished fact Future developments will create a still greater Dunlop superiority. DUNLOP RUBBER COMPANY,
      367 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 732 12 JEFFREY'S PILSENER r"^ w^j J^ji Jl\« BREWED in SCOTLAND WANTS. BILL COUECIOH WMTCO. Wanted for merchant's office, smart capable man as bill collector with security 13.C00. Apply Box No. 111, Straits Times. 812 1012 WANTED. A two -cater car, in good running order: recent model American make preferred. Apply with
      732 words
    • 559 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. FURNISHED SEASIDE RESIDENCES TO LET. BELINDA and JUAN IT A to let rnraisbML Apply No B. Ml. Sophia. 1-1 0 TO LET. No. 84, Robinson Road. Immediate entry. Apply E, Silas, No. 8, Prinoe Street. 8 10 FLOOR TO LET To let. Ini Floor, No
      559 words
    • 555 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. TttlET. No. 3, Oxley Road, newly renovated. Entry Ist January, 1916. ipply MBYBK BROS., 14, (Oliver Quay. 0-13 v TO LET. Houses Nos. 7, 8 a, 8 b, Chancery Lane. Apply to CHING KENG LEE a CO., Auctioneers. 18 11 a TO LET, Furnished seaside
      555 words
    • 378 12 wnoEs. GUANKIATACo., 37. Philip Btreet thlp-Chisdtsrt, Sovsmmeiit aM Municipal Contractors, Banaral Importers and Exporter*. Estate, Rics Mt Saw Hill Suppliers ud Commission aftiits. Soli Aoints fob "GLOBE BOILER FLUID, The Meal Fluid for Cleanlnf and Preserving Steam Boilers. Tel. Address: "GUANKIAT," Telephone Nos. 1174 and 128» (Private 1460). Cocas usid
      378 words
    • 474 12 KIAM KIATACO 108 ft 109, Market Street, Talephoub No. 421. Shipobandlors, Oovonimcnt and Muaioip* Oontractorr Estate Sipplitrp and Com mission AgoctSols AaiNts The Malcott Belting Co.. Ltd. Bent Multiplar Brand Uai<- Beltings. 17 80 6-It To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations in advertise nients, sucli as changes ic sailing
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 269 12 Straits '(Dimes. Telephones. Kditorial and General 70 Manager's Office 262 Job Printing Departmeut ::4H All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed to TIIK EDITOR. All communications relating to business matters—ad\ itisements, subscriptions accounts, printing, etc.—should be ad dressed to THE MANAUEK. ADVERTISEMENT HATES.—Miscellane ous wants of
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