The Straits Times, 9 December 1915

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 24.970 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 9. 1915. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 210 1 1 I" A FEW GOOD THINGS LIBBY'S ASSORTED SOUPS k •/>*- In cases of 48 tins, say, one month's supply. The assortment Wtf is made up from the* following Soups TOMATO, MOCKTURTLE, OXTAIL, CHICKEN, MULLIGATAWNY and WBEeaSsI j VEGETABLE. A tin makes six plates of the best Soup you ever
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    • 3 1 GOODRICH > < v. TYRES
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  • 922 2 iUSPICIOUS CASES ON COAST OF AMERICA. Zeelandia Frustrated. The very latest development of the war at ica, if certain reports from the oceans are well founded, is a revival of privateering. Sews came to band on Monday, says the nuil correspondent of tbe Evening Standard I October :;i>. that
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  • 150 2 The question of a sofficiect labour supply tor Samoa, says the American Consul at xpia, has been brought nearer a solution in the last four years, though it cannot be said that it has been solved. From Chinese authorities the Samoao planters have secured tbe pertuinftion to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 394 2 THE STRAITS TIMES PRESS, LTD. A rf jet i(" iviOQcrn > mWLS^m^mwEfi^KmfyM S \"*t M Engravers^ Telephone- Commercial LineBHa!f-toneJ 348. Photographers j CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE, jg MACHINE- PRESSED CEMENT TILES Mad* undtr high hydraulic pretiur* which *niurei GREAT DURABILITY Samplaa of Ooloura and Oaaigns at TAMPENIS CEMENT TILE WORKS No.
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    • 343 2 Q Madeira Lake, ft Madeira cake and Royal cake v i for afternoon tea are simply 0 delicious. You can have these and many otfie'r dainty kinds Ea Sof cake and |>;istry made I <|uite easily at home-, il your ~J Q cook uses oPaiskyElour q 0 The SURE rauung
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    • 897 2 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO. »hlo Ch.ndKri, Bov.rnm«nt and Municipal Contrvcters. 37. Phillip street. WHY PAY MORE WHEN YOU CAN GET FOR LE88? The Following ar* torn* of tha nurrnrsui In our stock 1.000 Sheets Galvanized Iron Plates. 200 Sheets Mild Steel Plates, lno Cates Galvanized Corrugated Iron. 50 Cases
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    • 739 2 MOTICEB. nonet Mr. A. B. Corn well ig no longer omployed by ue in any oapaeily, aa from tin- 4(1: December, 1816. H. S. KIRWAN. No. 2 18, Orchard Road. 8 12 U-12 NOTICE. How to solve the difficulties of servants such has cooks, boys, amahs, ayahs, gardeners, clerks, dressers,
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  • 992 3 EVERYDAY LIFE IN THE GERMAN CAPITAL. Inhabitants Calm and Confident. A vivid and circumstantial picture of life in Berlin at the present time has been given to me, says the Daily Express correspondent at Amsterdam, in an interview with a Dutch merchant, who is permanently resident
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  • 98 3 There baa been reoently a noticeable influx of Uermaos to tbis port, writes tie Ichang correspondent of the N. C. Daily News. They did not remain longer, however, than to repack tbeir ba^a^e, and tln-y then, alor-K with one or two unemployed Germanx from here, went west. There were in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 501 3 Will you deal ill an enemy wh >^c ticmtn '•in" ■n^i MM br.ivc cumr u dr-> by Sanaphos is superior to the product of the enemy. i- P"' 1 I"arli.ularly at this ttm* the |.l.a^int an.l ..||»limm.- Ui<- peal«- '„1 ||aa r..uK ifcllin 111 Jelitati palate dues n.t tin
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    • 14 3 For Children's HackioK Cough at Si^hl Wnda Or.»t Ptpp iiiiiLt Ci re 1 6ii
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    • 326 3 IN TERRIBLE STAIE WITHJP On Scalp, Face and Body. Had to Sacrifice Hair. Deprived of Sleep. Used Cuticura. Now Quite Well. 20. Richardson Rd.. West Ram, Essex. Eng. "My complaint started with ptomaine poisoohiß and In a week It had ili-\ loped Into eczema affecting my scalp, fare and body
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    • 334 3 Look at these Twins are they not bonnie they were fcl on Glaxo from hnth— and were 16 months old when this photograph was t.iU-n. Their mother sS "rites: "They dave not h:iJ a day's illness, cutting their teeth easily. Ghixo is the very best food, and our babies J'**\
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1076 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. -British India AND Apcar l—inc. MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICG3 PSNINSULArt AMD ORIENTAL SAILINGS (Under Contract with Hit Majesty Government), For China. Japan, Panang, Gaylon, Australia. India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Porte and London. Mciui'rH will loave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. HuMtWARD COR EdRoPR). Coanuctin<> a*:
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    • 817 4 STEAMER BAILINBB. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. < SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Trin«7aan. Biraf Semerat, Kelaataa, Tabal Baanara. xeirr.-.e. Pitaal, Siasorik. Laeoa. Koi n*mui, BtnrJoa, Langsoen. Takn, Cbnmpon, Rohlak and B-.«skok. Out Oapartura NO STEAMER Deo. 9 Deo. 11, S p.m. a.a. PRACHATIPOK 18 IS, 8 p.m. a.a. CHUTATUTOH 16
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    • 467 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED, AND 6HINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD IP* Tbe Cimpaaioa' m denpatoheu bom Liverpool outward* (or the Straits. China aud Japaa every we* and from Japan homewards for Londoti. uxtcrdam and Antwerp every fortnight; tor Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpocl and for M%rseillee, Havre
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    • 536 4 STEAMER SAILINGS N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A utrvioc is maiutaiccd botwoea Tokobnrna via ports to Marseilles and London under mail contract wi*'i the Imperial Japanese Oovernment. Tin New Twin-hcrew Steamcrg maintaining this sarvioe bave been Hpeoially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 409 5 JUST UNPACKED A LARGE NEW SHIPMENT OF Indian, Chinese and Japanese Silk Goods, Silver Ware, Damascene Ware, Gold Jewellery, Curios, Tea Sets, etc. TO MAKE SUITABLE PRESENTS FOR Prices Moderate. Inspection Kindly solicited. WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL COMPANY. M-fIT, High Stwt. Phoki: I*B. 88 4 SELLERMAN" LINE. For LIVERPOOL. •.c. KBsenga due
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    • 586 5 NOTICES. ALOR GAJAH RUBBER ESTATE. LIMITED. NOTICE OF CLOBIN6 CF TRANSFER BOORS NOTICE in hereby Riven that the Transfer H iok« of tii! Company will be closed from Tuesday, the 4th, to Wednesday, the 22nd December, 1916, both days inclusive, for the purpose of preparing Dividend Warrants. By Order of
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    • 378 5 CIGARETTES fm^M PERFECT SATISFACTION. ®JT There's luxury in the flavour and aroma of State Express Cigarettes. iHpSHB They a^e g 3O d to the very last— a tes that few cigarettes can emulate. \^}^j State Express have unusual quality and an md viduality that \fciiir at once creates a preference
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  • 747 6 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, I >eci lubtr D, 1915. Messrs. Lyall and Kvatt, exchange and share brokers, issue the following lint of quotations this morning. The quotations on sterling shares are only nominal. hum. iilui. OCTIR9. 2/- Allaear 1/10 4 1 Adklo Java
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 537 6 NEW TOYS FOR XMAS CHILDREN'S REINS. A most ir altliy game, English make, will 2 bells and 1 whistle. Btlt length 29 ins. Reins ltuifth 60 inches. At sketch. Price: 7B oanta each. LEATHER REINS. Belt Bjfc b. solid leather, extra strong British-made, length Hi ins with 5 ronnd metal
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    • 893 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENYB. POSITIVELY THE LAST NIOHT. The "GAIETY" PICTURE PALACE UOLDIK OF THI RXCLOtIVI KlOli I > Will Present in the Seoond Show, at 9.30 Sharp Florence Roberts, sapportod by Shelly Hull and the Full NEW MAJESTIC Co. of America in 6 Acts "SAPHO" 200 Scenes The World i Greatsst
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  • 103 7 FIXTURES Thursday, December 9. Water. 0.7 a.m., 11.8 a.m. P Victoria Theatre. Homeward mail closes. Friday, December 10. High Water 0.5.1 a.m. 11 49 p.m Children's Concert, Vie. Mem. Hall. Saturday, December 1 1 High Watnr. 1 40 a >v 0.40 p.m 1 1 ntoria Theatre.
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  • 254 7 T')-I>\Y. Hongkong, \iioy and Swatow (ilenogle 2.30pm Port Piekson and Port Swettcnhaui Sappho 2.30 pm Selat I'andjang, lie nvikalis and Ragan I'ontianak 2..<0 pm Labocan Bilik. Tan<l j mv Balei and Siugkara 2.30 pm Malacca and M lar Kaka 3 pm Tecml, Chtrib-in and Mafia Merkus 8.:>0
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  • 262 7 'I c Ujul trim- fr iv Siimipori: lor the -,k Road station daily at 7.7 a. iii and 7 p.m., arriving at Kuala Lumpur at rH p mi. ii *i.ii i. hi. it p. ..-tivc'ly. the through ixpii'-- t) ''.•nan,' leaves Kur.l.i Luiupur at H m. daily, arriving
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  • 59 7 L.BKT S|fc,,Al'i>KK. I M i"i M M la*. H M. M. Not. 5 It. I. ■M. 11 I I 11. 1. lan. i« m Nov. M V. k 0. [>„-. I li. I. I V«. 4 M. SI. l>l IN Ijl'MmiS. November 20 20 29 Deoeiubtr 1
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  • 48 7 Oar attention has bees oallod to the fact that oar arrivals in Loadon are mncli brhind Una* pnMJstwd elsewhere. Our ruk is to give arrivals only when they are officially MpMitJ in th<« Post Office ■otioes, and no kater daiti tUn that printed above baa been So reported
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  • 396 7 Outward. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from tho London and China Express. It should bo understood that, in *ome instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangomentd, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London Per P.
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  • 397 7 Realisation that War is not Going. Well. I American observers of the war believe that it is now being felt by Germany and Austria- H'liyary more than all the other countries I engaged in hostilities, and, despite all the i Teutonic talk of victory, the internal situaI tion
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  • 164 7 EXCHANGE. SINUAPOU, DICtXBII 9, 1918 i On Lomook Bank 4 m/ 'J/4 ft Demand 2/4, 7 Private B^m/g 2/4] On India Bank T. T. m 17.". On HoNOKONa...Bank d/d 16| On Shanghai ...Baokd/d 89J On Java Bank T. T. 134 J On Japan ..Bank 109; Sovereigns baying
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    • 168 7 wLt BuyerB I!) 10 AcipuiK 1 1 AyerWeCk 1.80 10 10 Belat 2.00 10 10 Eanaboi 0.80 10 10 11 41 KintaTin 1.14.8 tl 141 Lahat Mince 10 8.26 Malayan Collieries tl 41 Malayan Tine 1.18.6 10 10 Middletoo fl.oo Pahan^ ConMl 6/6 El 41 PenKkalen tl 41
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    • 620 7 RUB BER. vX2 *°i°»- len 3/- 2/- Mlat'ki 1/8 -l\ 41 XI An K lb-Java 10/- 12'- 3/- AnKlo-Maiaj 8/- 8/8 2/- M. Baton* Malaka 1/7 1/0 41 £1 Hatn Tin* 2.6.0 2.10.0 2/- 2/- Bekoh 1/10 2/1, £1 £1 Bakit Kajan* 1.17.6 2.0.0 £1 £1 Bakit Lintang 3.0.0 3.5.0
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    • 128 7 p™, ac 3 [Bayers. Sellers. Bl 411 H. Smeltm* 00. 6.80 7.10 (1 41 Prol. 1.4.0 1.5.0 >/• 6/- Blectric T'wayt 2/9 8/ 10 10 Fruor Neave 50.00 55.00 50 60 W. Hammer ft Co 00.00 6 2.60 100 Howarthßnkioe... 35.00 100 7<fcPret. 9S.HO 100 100 K»tz Rvo, Dot.
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    • 43 7 United Engineers t% 11,284 500 par Singapore Electric Tramways 6% £850,000 norn Spore Municipal 5% $1,878,000 par S'poro Municipal 44% 0(1907 11,800,000 90 98 S'porc Municipal 4J% of 1900 11,000,000 90% S'poro Municipal 4% 2,000,000 10% dii Spore Municipal i% £300,000 B%dit
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 115 7 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods Or<at Pepporuunt Cure Is. Sd. LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION SALE OF SI OHTINO GUNS, To be held at Powell k Co. s Sale room. On Tl°l*DAY, DtCEMBBB 14, AT 11 AM. 1. One doubl barrelled Hammerless 12 bore Ejtctor Ouu by Wehlej and Scott, Loadon, in
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    • 584 7 TRY mm "three illlilC" TOBACCO. A COOL AND FRAGRANT SMOKE. On Sale Everywhere in 4-oz. Airtight Tins. auction sale: Of EXCELLENT TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITUHB, MOTOR CAR, ETC., THE PKOI'ESTY OF DR. SUZUKI, At No. 3, Oxley Road, On Saturday, December 18, at 2.30 p m. Europe-made foMinu drawing room s'lite
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    • 156 7 »*«The quotations ot sterling ibajtea most be regarded as purely nominal tow |b* present. POSITIVELY THE LAST NIGHT. AJ^ North Bridge Road. rJNIVBRSAL I'loT' RKS EXCLUSIVELY The cictinuaticn of tho ruoxt thrilling and wonderful of Serials THE BROKEN COIN. (3 Episodes^ Featuring Orace Cunanl, Kraacis Ford and Eddie Polo 6
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  • 53 8 H"L ibkb On Tuesday, Decinjber 7, at i i»i u Koad. liofranua Ma:y Holmbtiy, Ot'e A pear; aged 73 years. Rangoon and India papers please copy. The family of the late Mrs. A. L. Koenitz desire to offer their best thanks to those friends who sent wreaths and who
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  • 1102 8 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9. PROGRESS NECESSARY. There is an impression, we think, that Germany is acting while the Allies are arranging. Russia is getting ready to hit hard south of Riga and to invade Bulgaria. France is getting ready for the great advance. Britain* and France are getting
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  • 40 8 Tbe many friends of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Owen will be ylad to learn that Mrs. Owen, who has been MM months in the General Hospital seriously ill, is now able to be back at her residence, The Lake.
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  • 13 8 Messrs. Barlow and Co. state there is no business to report in coffee.
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  • 19 8 Rich gold deposits have lately been discovered in the province of Heilungkiang some 40 li from the Amur River.
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  • 22 8 At the Boustead Institute next Sunday, at 8.15 p.m., Mr. H. D. Pringle will speak on "The Great Refusal." All are invited.
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  • 24 8 The output from the Ting Kil Tin Mines for the month of November amounted to Pels. 211.90, of which Pels. 44.80 is tribute ore.
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  • 36 8 The Reserve Force and Civil Guard Enactment came into force in Kuala Lumpur on Monday and tbe next night the Kuala Lumpur Civil Guard made its first appearance in public on tbe Padang at Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 50 8 Reporting on tbe copra market, Messrs. Barlow and Co. state In tbe early part of tbe week the market continued steady at last quotations but since then we havo had a falling market, today's values being about 111.70 for fine sundried, and 111.20 to 111.40 for fair to good qualities.
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  • 54 8 The total number of chests of certificated opium which arrived at Shanghai during 1914 was 472 (295 Malwa and 177 Bengal), whereas in 1918 1,055 chests, divided into 888 Malwa and 167 Bengal, came to Shanghai. Only small quantities arrived at a time, and daring the summer months (Jane to
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  • 52 8 A traveller just returned to Peking from a trip into the interior of China reports tbe existence of twenty four cotton plantations, whose entire output is being sold to Germans. He says that Germans are superintending tbe plantations. Tbe traveller apparently did not ascertain how Germany hopes to get this
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  • 56 8 A census of the foreign population of Shanghai, taken on October 16, shows a total of 18,519. In this total over 30 nationalities are represented. Tbe largest sections of this cosmopolitan population are Japanese 7,169, British 4,465, Portuguese 1,323. German 1,307, Russian 1,155 and Indian 1,009. No other nationality is
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  • 62 8 The City of Colombo, the vessel which caused the damage to tbe steamer Irismere in the Wet Dock the other day, came out of tbe collision without damage and has already cleared from tbe port. The Irismere has been most capably handled by the Harbour Board officials and, although in
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  • 79 8 At tbe fourth annual general meeting of tbe Malacca Chinese Literary Association held on Sunday last, tbe following were elected office bearers for the ensuing year President, Mr. Ong Hin Hong vice president, Mr. Veo Soo Leong bon. r tcretury, Mr. Tan Ch-. ng Cbuan bon. asst. secretary, Mr. Kuan
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  • 93 8 The report of Renong Tin Dredging Company, states that duriug the year 1,006,740 cubic yards were treated, and 5,054 piculs, or 301 tons, tin ore were recovered. The profit ar.d loss account for the year shows a debit balance of £1H,009, which, after allowing foi' tbe credit balance brought forward
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  • 92 8 Lieut-Colonel Withycombe, who served witli tbe Ist Battalion King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry in the Far East, and commanded it during its stay at Singapore, has been selected for the command of tbo Belfast Infantry Brigadd of the lister Division, and win be given tbe rank of Brigadier-general whilst so
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  • 89 8 German prisoners of war who escaped from a Japanese detention camp have been captured in Chosen and brought back to Moji. Admiral Waldeck was examined concerning tbe matter and expressed rtgret at the incident. He will be further interviewed concerning the escape. This refers to the German prisoners who escaped
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  • 96 8 According to tbe British Medical Journal .'(,000 doctors are wanted for the war and tbe British Medical Association has started a campaign to enlist as many civil medical men as possible. A ll branch associations are following the example of tbe parent body. At tbe last meeting of the Ceylon
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  • 120 8 For the greater part of yesterday Mr. Firmstone, the District Judge, was occupied in hearing a case in which Messrs. Adamson, Gilfillan and Co. are prosecuting a Chinese clerk named Kob Kirn Chuan, until recently in their employ, for criminal breach of trust &h a servant in respect of eight
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  • 392 8 Mr. Gilbert L. Stratton, of tbo Tabling Con solidated Co., Ltd., leaves for England by th< Sardinia, to undergo training for tho front. Recent advices from home state that Mr J. Laird, Inspector of Mines, I'e-rak, has obtained a commission in tbe Hoyal Garrison Artillery. Mr. and
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  • 57 8 There will be a sale of needlework and fancy articles at the Methodist Girls' School, 56, Short Street, to morrow, Friday, from 1 to 7 p.m. Tea and icecream will be served. All the proceeds will go as a donation from the school to tbe local lied
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  • 72 8 Messrs. I-. W. Barker and Co. advise Us of the following outputs cf clean tin ore for November Kinta Association, mine pis. 268. tribute, pis. 242. Kanabui, mine pis. 25, tribute, pis. 66. Ampang (Kinta), pis. l.;o Mes-is. Derrick and Co. state that the out put from Sungni
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  • 116 8 Mi. iloo Wi i Vi v, Consul (u-ncral for China, forwards the following copy of a telegram which he no, ived at I p.m yesterday from the Chinese l'orei^u < Hli.e .it Shanghai:— About M p.m. on the 6th instant over 200 rebels, armc d with
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  • 144 8 We are asked by Mrs. t, 11. Wolseiley. Rattles Hotel, to acknowledge tbe following subscriptions to provide a Singapore orphan boy who is going to the front with warm i'l'itliiny and a little pocket money, w!ii< 1 Mrs. Wolseley has arranged to hand to tbe I lev.
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  • 194 8 The current mail takes sundry things V, Port Said as part of Singapore's Christmas Box to British Troops in Bgypt and the Dardanelles. There are thousands of cigarettes, many tins of tobacco, snmo MMM ol pipes, some warm clothing, and various other comforts. Fifty-five cases of preserved
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 227 8 POSITIVELY THE LAST NIGHT. BTILL GOING BTRON6 WITH EXCLUBIVEB AT THE ALHAMBRA TIM Pioneer Clnemetotriph Theitre, Beech Road SECOND SHOW, at 9 P.M. Molt Novtl and Entertaining Picture MIDNIGHT AT MAXIM'S In 4 Part*. Featuring > il the Star Dancers of tbe world in Cabaret 1 Krces.inoludinß Rat,time, Maxixe, Classical,
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    • 12 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 6, 7 and 11.
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  • 2014 9 GREEK ATTITUDE. Another Interview Given. POSITION IN SERBIA. Allied Forces Fighting The Bulgarians. K»Ti tt/U ftaaaaaaa, London, December H, Mi p.m. i >ik Id his -t it. in. o: to the correspondent of the Associated Prom, Kin^ i instantincaskol whether Gormtoj an assurance with reapact to Greek neutrality,
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  • 134 9 HOW THEY ARE MAKING MISCHIEF. Rbdtir's Tklkgbam. London, December 8. London, December 7, 6.15 p.m. In the House ol Commons, in reply to a question regarding the behaviour of Germans on tbe Shameen, Canton, and a suggestion that those Germans be interned or expelled, that German concessions
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  • 174 9 Rei'tbr's Telegram. London, December 7, 9.80 p.m. In tbe House of Commons, Sir J. D. ISeea asked what was the annual number of appointments necessary to keep up the Indian Civil Service to its usual strength and whether the casualties expected in tbe next two years w.mlJ be
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  • 59 9 Rel'tkr's Telki.ram. London, December 8, '2.35 p.m. At the I. an. 1 (I. Company meeting, Lord Inchcape said tlrt owing to tbe great rise in working expenses it might be necessary to again raiso the passcDgcr rates. Tbe amalgamation of the P. and »>. Co. and
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  • 21 9 ReitkrV Tklki.kam. St. Louis: Tbe Democratic National Com mittee have passed a resolution renominating President Wilson for the Presidency.
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  • 24 9 Rbctkk's Telegram. London, December 7, 6.15 p.m. The increase in British imports in November was £16,129,030 and in exports X1 1 ,037,547.
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  • 27 9 Reuters Tbleuram. London, December 8, 1*2.40 p.m. The death is announced of Mr. R. Roche, M.P. (or North Louth. The death is reported of Lord Armitstead.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 31 9 (Fbom Our Own Cobekspondbnt.) London, December 8, The Duff Development Company's report shows an income of £44,000 and an expen ditare of £59,000. Rubber is unchanged at 8/6.
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  • 90 9 With regard to the order for railway carriages by tbe Russian Government, which has been a subject of communication between Japan and Russia for some time, says the N.-C. Daily News, the South Manchuria Kailway Company lias now accepted a contract for the supply of 1,509 carriages. It is proposed
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  • 638 9 Annual Elections Upheld by Large Majority. We have been favoured with ..u official v port of the proceedings at an extraordinary general meeting of the Singapore Family Benefit Society held in the Victoria Memorial Hall with tbe object of discussing a proposal to render null and void
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  • 280 9 A Government notification has been issued in a Gazette extraordinary as follows: The follnwini; telegram has been teceived from tl.i 9 in tary of Statj for theGloDus: "My circultr April 24 protisious of clause one Aliens Restriction Amendment Order. 1915, requiring aliens to be provided with passports
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  • 149 9 The Rev. W. T. Cherry, superintendent of tbe Methodist Publishing House, has just put on the market a really useful hand-book of elementary business practice as it is applied more particularly in tbo Straits Settlement*! and tbe Federated Malay States. Primarily intended for commercial students in the
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  • 968 9 (Fkom Odb Own Cobmsi>i>ndint.) Kuala Lumpur, December 8 Mr. Roger Swettcnham presided at a meeting of members of the Selangor club, interested in tbo game of chess, at the club, on Thursday evening last. Maaam Alston. Buxter, Camidge, Coleman, Chart, Emmanuel, Greening, Joaqniru, King, Purbury, Pennycuik, and
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  • 94 9 Tin- rate of mortality in the Settlement of Singapore (or tin wijek tndtd December I was 28.25 per mille of the population. Tim total number o( Ut.tliM wns IHI. which l:(8 were uialo miil.|. cts an I Ivulsions claimed I'J plithixiH W and malaria fevei JO. Till!
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  • 709 10 THREE EUROPEAN PASSENGERS CHARGED. Enormous Seizure at Hongkong Edmund Walter Hickrath, aged 31, described as a merchant, of England Ethel Kcarden, aged 37, of New York and Madame Kmilie IMrai'e, of Franco; were charged Mr. Hazeland at the Magistracy, Hongkong, on December 2, with importing or
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  • 272 10 Christening of Vessel of New China Mail Company. Kpochal in the history of shipping iv San Krancisi reiuonirs hold on boird i China on October 28, when the boose flag of tin- China Mail Steamship l ouipany was christened with the breaking Mi >f a hottlc of California
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  • 48 10 .iiner Sabine Kickmern, which m f tl» iHp t1..: f v-.»el- owned liickuieni firm of Bremerbsven and Mgialeffi in Germany More tbe war, is lUngnon again and lying ofl the burns Oil Cotupß-iy'-i tank liv r i ir tlie v now wmdtr cbarU r hj tbe Asiatic Oil
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  • 329 10 Considerable Advances on Weeks Prices. Tbe Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's 220 th auction was held on December 8 and 9, where there were offered for sale pels 5,080.25 or 677,366 lbs. (tons 302.89). Prices realised Sheet smoked fine ribbed ...9179 to 9200 good ribbed 166
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  • 709 10 Mr. Chamberlain's Advice to New Civil Servants. The Right Honourable Austen Chamberlain, M.P., Secretary of State for India and the Council of India, entertained at tlie India Office on October 26 a party of officers newly appointed to Government services in India who are about to leave
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  • 549 10 Friends Avoided for Thirteen Months. The escapades of Miss Karen Alette Jervel, a Norwegian girl of seventeen, who ran away from her home in Christiania, crossed to England, and registered as an enemy alien to elude tbe search of her relatives, have come to a happy ending.
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  • 367 10 £30,000 for Red Cross Motor Ambulances. Mr. T. P. O'Connor, M.P., presided at a luncheon on October 29 in tbe Trocadero Kestaurant, where he divulged the desire of the kineina trade of the United Kingdom to contribute £30,000 to the Red Cross Society. Mr. O'Connor described tbe
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  • 136 10 Don G. Merle, the illusionist, opened on the Beach Koad site last night and with the assistance of Madame Merle gavu a most enjoyable show. Thero have been several entertainments of this kind in Singapore recently, but Merle, it would seem, may be counted upon to hold
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  • 245 10 Vessel Narrowly Escapes Being Sunk. A dramatic account of an attack by three enemy aeroplanes on the steamer Avocct, which has just reached Manchester, appears in the Liverpool Journal of Commerce. The incident took place on tbe morning of October 80. One of the aeroplanes dropped no
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  • 617 10 Rush of Destroyers to Pick up The Crew. How the Triumph went to tbe bottom off the Dardanelles is told by Mr. E. Ashmead Bartlett in an article published by tbe Daily Telegraph. On the morning of May 25, he writes, I was down below when I suddenly
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  • 31 10 Alor Gajah.— 9,soo lbs. Ayer Panas.— B9,69l lbs. Balgownie.— ls,B7o lbs. Glenealy.- 18,400 lbs. Pajam.— 29,2oo lbs. Pantai.— lB,422 lbs. v Tambalak.- 8,786 lbs. Teluk Anson. -11.000 lbs.
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  • 68 10 The I'renid. ut of the Board of Trade has announced that the value of merchandise imported into America from Germany declined from 116,000,000 in January, 1914, to 113,000,000 in January, 1915 in February from 114,000,000 to 16,500,000 in March from $10,500,000 to 17,500,000; in April from 116,000,000 to S-2,500,000 in
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  • 317 10 To be Increased during Foggy Weather. Replying to a question put by Lord Sydenham in the Honse of Lords on November 4, Earl Curzon stated that arrarjgoments bad been made for increasing the lighting of tbo London streets during thick fog. In the side streets, he explained,
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  • 259 10 Curious Problem for the Russian Government. The war has brought a crop of knotty pro blems for the overtaxed Governments to solve, but among the most curious id one reported from Russia. According to a Harbin dispatch to tbe Mainichi the Government is in receipt of
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  • 233 10 Hear Case Involving Sum of Ten Shillings. A point involving a question of ten shillings came before the House of Lords on November 2 on the appeal of Isaac Churm, a filler in a coal mine. He contended that one week he received from the Dalton Main
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  • 219 10 Murder of Edith Cavell and Joan Of Arc. M. Cleuienceau publishes a striking article on tbe German atrocities and tbe murder of Miss Cavell in the Uommo Enchain. Mr "•ays Since the day of Joan of Arc, to whose memory 1 know the llritish will one day wish
    219 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 457 10 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, With refereuco to the above, I may mention that I am sending a sum of money monthly from the staff of tbe I'nited Engineers. I Should anyone interested caro to subscribo 91 monthly I shall bo pleased to
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  • 227 10 Malaya Football Association. A correspondent kindly forwards the following Football as a pastime is much liked by the Malays. The interest they evince is such that a great crowd always watches a good game. Such was tho case on Sunday last when the Fathol Karib Club met the
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  • 237 10 The police are still marching Im I derer of the jagah at the Motor House, in lir&H Basah Koad but up to now no success has attended their efforts. A man who was supposed to have had a quarrel with tlio deceased was MM M
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  • 55 10 The Chinese Government Inin dratted law forth* enoooragi'tii' ut of iron works in China. It would nff*M that I syndicate is to form a company with a capital of 15,000,000, an<l Mm Government proposal to guarantee a n turn of six per cell. on the capital. The location of the
    55 words

  • 1272 11 CONTINI'ED PROGRESS OF THE IHSINESS. Current Year's Prospects The ordinary annual general meeting of KraM-r and Chalmers, Ltd., was hold on October 28, at Winchester Mouse, Old Broad street, 8.C., Mr. A. W. Tait (the chairman) presiding. The Secretary (Mr. F. O. Palm) having read the notice
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  • 352 11 Leading Suffragist Appointed To Christiania. The appointment of Miss Pressley Smith, a lialintf sutf racist organiser, to a secretarial pout at the British Legation at Christiania, is regarded as a notable success for women. Representations were made to Mr. Aw]uitb a short time ago urging
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  • 322 11 French Coins Said to Have Been Sent to Germany. Trade is seriously hampered in Paris, says a corn spou lint in tbe French capital, by the dearth of bronze money which handicaps us all. What can have become of rur sous, big and little At the large
    322 words
  • 52 11 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending Kriday, l>ecember 10 Friday. I >»■ kmbbi 10. 615 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. Maxim Co. S K.E.(V.) S V.K. Cbineae Co. 5 p.m. Sopoy Lines B.F.A. Co. 5.15 pm. Drill Hall S.Y.C. Band. Cadet Co. H. Roland Lliwillyn, Captain, S.V.C.,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 51 11 flii bells may ring tbe O d Year oat, Or nng tbe New Year in M n will mako vows to maidens fair, And romise to begin A oew career in ev> ry way, And wain their lives secure, By takinc fcr tbtir own health* sake WcodV On at Peppermint
      51 words
    • 301 11 LATEST ADVERTIBEMENTI. YOUR PIANO will require: Tuning FOR XMAS BEND YOUR ORDERS TO S. Moutrie Co., Ltd. RAFFLES PLACE. CHILDREN'S CONCERT VICTORIA MEMORIAL HALL. Frw,.,, Dec. h,,., 5 po,. OFHttßff FAMILIES' FUND 6 12 10 12 -^T "The Queries" No. 3, Ozley Read, newly renovated. Entry and tat Janoary, 1916.
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      113 words

  • 1164 12 PROPERTY NOW IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. Dividends and Excess- Profits Tax The seven the ordinary general meeting of tbe Bakap Kubber Plantations, Limited, was In I<l uu October 27, in the Council Koom of tliu Kubber Growers' Association, 38, Eastcheap, E.C., Mr. A. M. Harrison (chairman of thr company)
    1,164 words
  • 813 12 German Naval Officers' Dinner Talk. Tbe New York correspondent of The Times, in a message dated October 22, says Karl von Wiegand, in tbe New York World to-day, gives a psychologically interesting a -count of the dinner talk of German officers "at sea," where beneath the
    813 words
  • 190 12 Japanese With Thousand Sticks Of Dynamite. Perils on sea and land are many in the East i yen when life runs smoothly. Passengers by the Sakaki Maru on its recent trip from I '.ilny may now reflect on thix, for they had do inkling that a sudden
    190 words
  • 1163 12 How Our Navy Regulates North Sea Traffic. Mr. James Dunn, writing in the Daily Mail, says: Preening its feathers and curtsying to the waves a sea-bird perched on a floating mine calmly watched the busy traffic of the North Sea. Up and down the narrow tortuous channel
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  • 363 12 Mysterious Thefts From Ships At Pootung. A singular story, arising out of an apparently trivial charge against a Chinese, was detailed at the Shanghai Mixed Court the other week. Mr. Macleod, who prosecuted, told tbe court that the complainant firm iMessis. ButU-r field and Swire) had a
    363 words
  • 352 12 After this War Prepare For Another." The Argentine historian, Roberto Levilier, now in Switzerland, has given an interesting account of a recent conversation with the King of Spain, which took place at Madrid during the second week in October. King Alfonso, who discussed several questions con nectiil
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  • 221 12 Hongkong Lady Who Mysteriously Disappeared. A Chinese man and woman were charged at the HongkoDK Magistracy, on November 26. befoie Mr. lUzelaod, with being unlaw folly in possession of 400 taels of opium, of the value of 14,000. The opium was seized by a lukong on defendant's
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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  • 452 13 SHAREHOLDERS APPROVE THE INCREASE OF CAPITAL. The Port Dickson Valuation. An extraordinary general meeting of Linggi Plantations, Ltd., was held on October 27, at L Wliittington-avenue, EC, for tbe purpose of submitting for confirmation tbe following resolution, which was passed at a meeting of tbe company beld on
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  • 420 13 Amalgamation with the Linggi Co. Abandoned. An adjourned general meeting of the Port Dickson Lukut tK.M.S.) Rubber Kstaten, Ltd was held on October IT, at Winchester House, Old Broad street, E.C., for the purpose of further considering resolutions providing for the sale of the undertaking to the
    420 words
  • 140 13 Id an address at New York, President Wilson said that in enlarging the army and navy bis only intention was to assure the security of the United States. Any aggressive purppaefi and covetous ambitions tbe I'nited States may bave entertained, be continuod, were tbe fruit of our
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 81 13 THE COVENTRY CHAIN COMPANY, LIMITED. COVENTRY. ENGLAND. A Speciality in -382^ Cycle Chains and Free- Wheels SOLE AGENTS: THE UNION TRADING COMPANY, £1! ICE- MAKING MACHINERY. Most Modern Plant. Users of our plants make and sell ice at 14 cent per lb. and have a good profit. For full Particulars
      81 words
    • 324 13 SHELL' TO THE FRONT THE PROPRIETORS OF 4 4 t m m j*^w 99 MOTOR SPIRIT HOLD THE SOLE CONTRACT Supply of Motor Transport Spirit to the British Forces, both in the United Kingdom and on the Continent. USE "SHELL" THE BRITISH WAR SPIRIT. JUST UNPACKED AN EXCELLENT VARIETY Off
      324 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 569 14 War or Peace Famine or Plenty. Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WAB or ITEAOB. K AMl«* wMAT OXHER PROPERTY IB? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE. ASSURANCE COJPANUWITEO. HEAD OFFIOB i Winchaatar Houaa, Slngaporai Tba Co-r*., ha. «3O 000 deposited with th. Suprem. Coort of England, and complies
      569 words
    • 242 14 INSURANCE. POLICIES ON ALL MODERN PLANS. BUN LIFE OF CANADA, 8, Battery Road. S. J. HOWB, |.g Manager. BUARDIAN ABBURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONDOh. Subscribed Capital £.',000.000 Total Invested Funds 48,360,000 Annual Income 41,100,000 The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to accept fire and aatthquake risks for short
      242 words
    • 451 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 118,000,000 RBSBRVB FCNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at 116,000,000 Silver ♦18,000,000 •88,000,000 Rewrve Uability of Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Hon. Mi. D. Landale, Chainnaa. W. L. Pattonden, Bag., Deputy Chairmaa. 8. H. Dod well, Bsq IP. H. Holyoak, Bsq. G. T. M. Edkins,
      451 words
    • 513 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid op Capital in 80,000 Sharos ot 420 each 41,200,000 Reoerve Fond 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.300,000 BANKERS The Bank of England, The London City at d Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd.,
      513 words
    • 923 14 INSURANCE. CAPITALIZING himself is never thought of by the avrragi man, who is a far greater asset than tbe stock, animals and houses he possesses and wbote protection from untoward contingency s is his ti-st oonsiderat'en. Yet ho overlooks self-protection and because of it broken homes. disrup!ed busitecHen and sequestrated
      923 words

  • 777 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. New Volunteer Scheme. A few weeks ago a number of the influential pupportcrs of the Volunteer movement met at the London County Council Hall at Spring gardens to hear an explanation of a ic'iemefor the establishment of a force of National
    777 words
  • 259 15 Fiscal Policy to Protect Allies After War. A Statesman cables states The agitation for commercial union among the Allies, to mi it tlie conditions likely to arise after the war, is rapidly gaining strength both at home and abroad. The Paris correspondent of the Morning Post has elicited
    259 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 254 15 i jfjm üßs^* iMwlßfl Wo have boon aw*r>l<<4 the following sanittry eieineeriog contracts Mc««r». Wliitcawa?, Lnidlaw and Cj., Ltd.— NVw Premises. II Chartered B%nß of ladia, 4a«tralia and China. -N.w Preui-KS. The Hon'ble Mr. Sa Tour Sen«, Perak— Adis Lod^e. Oar cnyinn'r in c!i%'go of oar Sanitary Dept. has had
      254 words
    • 210 15 l§t MICHELIN Idupire bros. Singapore! You oan't drive a knife through tho tread I 1 Some Stelastic Records N^Siiiir^ Caii Tvrks. Mu.k-. i^^\ Tis%*!§k&* LOl>d ABERD RK London 8 160 Rear Wheel. V^^^V. '<J^k' Major LINDSAY LLOYD Brooklands [2 9,0 00 y^^H?^\ and 2 11,000 Four Tyres /"^•^Sfe. Lt.-001. LEAVER
      210 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 782 16 INSURANCE OF PRIVATELY OWNED MOTOR CARS <f LIMITED. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES SOLE AGENTS: Adamson, Gilfillan 4C0,, Ltd., IMPORT DEPARTMENT, SINGAPORE. PENANG and MALACCA. WANTS. POSITION WANTED. Wanted, a poM.inn as companion help, or Chudren'B Sutho. Good needlewoman. Ajiply Box No 111, Straits Tuies. Ml 1112 MOTOR CAR WANTED. Wanted to bn<-,
      782 words
    • 559 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD, FURNISHED BEABIDE REBIDENCEB TO LET. BELINDA and JUANITA tc'ottorßißhed. apply No 9. Ml. Sophia. 1-6 v Tf) LET. No. 84, Robinson Road. Immediate entry. Apply E. Si'as, No 8, Prinoe Street. 810 v FLOOR 10 LET To let. lnd Floor. No. 8, Malacca Stroet. Irrmediatp
      559 words
    • 537 16 TO BE LET OH 8010. SEASIDE RESIDENCE TO LET 4 bedrooms, bathrooms attached, water laid on. Apply No. 4, De Souza Street 66-b I I 60D0WN TO LET. No. 7, Merban Road. Entry Ist January next. Apply FRASER AND CUMMINO, WINCHESTER HOUSE. 7-H-b' v TO LET. Houses Nos. 7, 8
      537 words
    • 299 16 RITICES. GUANKIAT&Co., 37. Philip Street. Shlp-Chisdlsrs, Oovsrnmsnt nnd Municipal Contractors, General Importers snd Eipertsrs, Estats, Rice md taw Mill Suppllari and Commission Agtnti. GLOBE BOILER FLUID, Ths Weal .Fluid for Cleaning and Preserving Steam Boilers. Tel. Address: "OUANKIAT," Telephone Nos. 1174 snd 128 a (Privato 1460). Codbs csid A. B
      299 words
    • 467 16 KIAM KIAT&CO 108 ft 109. Market Street. Telephone No. 421. Shipcbandlos, Government and Muuieipa Contractor*) Khtat). Suppherp «crl Col* mission Agents. Sou Amtii The Mulcotl Belting Co., Ltd. Bout Multiplier Brand Hair Beltings. 1-t HO 8 If To ADVERTISERS As requests to make alterations in advertisements, such as changes in
      467 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 275 16 Straits "(Bimes. Telephones. Editorial acd General 70 Manager's Office 262 Job Printing Department Ml All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be aeldrcascd to THE EDITOR. All communications relatint> to biimniHmatters—advi rtiicmonts, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc.—should be ad dressed to THE MA XA (i 1•: 11 ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Mince
      275 words