The Straits Times, 8 December 1915

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 24.975 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 8. 1915. PRICE 10 CENTH.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 138 1 *Wl* KATZ BROS., LTD., MtT A Few Smart Lines from the New Goods Just Unpacked. SOLE AGENTS FOR «MrV >^'\ LINCOLN BENNETT'S V .y r r< r*?V%2_, (LONDON) yK^3f CELEBRATED •^^-/j/wK SOFT FELT HATS |j I '\l The Latest Shades and Styles. $7.50, $8.00, $8.50 each. THE PELTINWIH RAINCOAT THE
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    • 108 1 A PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS CONCERNING SLEDGE BRAND MILK. It is obtained from cows grazed jon the famous Bernese Alps Pastures. It is therefore a genuine Swiss Milk of the highest quality obtainable. It is Pure, Reliable and Richer in cream than any other brand. The I tooet, Lojdoo, nUtes
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    • 121 1 ROBINSON CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR BARTLETT and BICKLEYS IMPERIAL SERVICE TOBACCO and CIGARETTES. r/^&Sjt-'^^^Mfiv FineslTufkish /^y^^^\ Cigarettes. w^^^^ VIRGINIA CIGARETTES ,?^I LE r? BlC SLEY'5 LEY RKIBH CIG»REnEB. 17. Brook St, Bond St. w. eomTm. 50 in Tin. b w $0-66 w«ttv i a put IMPERIAL SERVICE MIXTURE. 1 Tnrki.b
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  • 778 2 The following casualties are reported London, November 22. Killed.— '2nd Lieut. E. R. Midgley, Yorkshire L.1. 2nd Lieut. J. S. Pressly, Yorkshire L.I. Died of wounds. 2nd Lieut. C. B. Orundy, Middlesex 2nd Lieut. A. Mello, Londons. Wounded.— 2nd Lieut. G. H. Abbott, Scottish Borderers; 2nd Lieut. R.
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  • 119 2 In defence of American neutrality the Postmaster General at Washington, Mr. Burleson, has placed a prohibition on postcards and envelopes bearing mottoes or illustrations calculated to arouse ill feeling. (M' commercial houses, as well as privata citizens, have been sending postcards and envelopes on which Gott Strafe
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 188 2 CERBOBK Proteid-Phosphate SUPPLIES STRENGTH to the WEARY ENERGY to the FLAGGINGj CKRKOCN looreascs power o( reonper»iion «ftor illness. GIRIQIN kilx di«oskion. OBRKQKN-belps in periods o( stress and worry OIRIQIN ik entirely of British origin. BO TRY CERBOBNII Obtainable of all Chemists. Stock! kspt ssd tamplet lupplid to trtdf br GUAN
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    • 545 2 Infantile Paralysis. Htlpfett Wastes- Child Cured ky Dr. CasteH'i TaMets, Mo Mfracto-Workor. Mrs. Ooodby, IS, Bevington-poad, Aston, Birmingham, England, says:— "l never saw (urn a ehiiwe in my lite as Dr. Cassell's Tablets eßected in my littto boy Joseph when he was suffering from Infantile Paralysis. He was guile helpkss,
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    • 867 2 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO. Ihlp Chandlers, Sovsrnmtnt and Municipal Contractor*. 37. Phillip street. WHY PAY MORE WHEN YOU CAN GET FOR LEBBP Ths Following art torn* of tho aumtroua material, la our stock 1.000 Sheets Galvanized Iron Plates. 200 Sheets Mild Steel Pl.fcs. luo Galvanized Corrugated Iron, 50 Cases
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    • 794 2 SALES BY AUCTION. FUBLIG AUCTION SALE. Civil Snit No. «9 of 1916. BY ORDER OF THE SU'KKME COURT OF THE STATB OF JOHORB. To be sold by auction 4 pit-cos of land in the mttter of KWONG YIK BANKING CO., LTD. (IN LIQUIDATION) Plaintiffs. AND WONO AH TAM Defendant. To
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  • 804 3 FAIR PLAY FOR THE MARRIED MEN. Conditions of Success. Lord Derby, in a letter to The Times, of November 8, writes I desire to express to you my warm gratitude for your patriotic endeavour, by mean* of your Supplement, to help recruiting. My conception of an ideal
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  • 254 3 Why Young Women Refuse to Become Domestics. The domtstic servant problem was be coming acute in peace time. War conditions have hastened matters, ard by the time tbe normal demand tor suivanta is resumed employers will probably find themselves compelled to recognise tbe call for tbe
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 361 3 [THE STRAITS TIMES PRESS, LTD.] Artistic J *a^oz^>~n^^^^^^ Modern ><^^^>^- :^^>^^^ v Bookbindersj Photo Engravers] Telephone; Commercial j I Line Half-tone I 348. Photographers J h CECIL STREET. SINGAPORE. H HUDSON'S "EUMENTHOL JUJUBES" /'I )NTAIN no cocaine or other poinoLoui dmg. Sailed for old and yonng. For Coughs. Colds, Sore
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    • 12 3 For Chil'lrcn's Hacking C)Ugb at Ni«lit Woodc Gnat Peppeimint Cure Is. 6d
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    • 252 3 A Reputation of over 100 ytart Cockle's ANTIBILIOUS Pills are recommended for biliousness, sick headache, depression, and all indispositions arising from a sluggish liver or disordered digestion. They are recommended because they were originated by a fully qualified medical man— Dr. J;in>es Cockle and no specific acting more promptly, gently,
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    • 279 3 I Lassitude f II is a feeling of weariness, depression, fatigue, fl F which affects equally men, women and child- 1 2 ren, and it is most important that these signs tg S of a rundown condition be not neglected. S n Neglect may easily lead to more serious ailments,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1060 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O." British India AND Mpcar Line. MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS (Under Contract with Hit Majesty s Oovernuient), For China, Japan, Panang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamer* will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. HonswAßD (roB Euaors). ConDnctinx
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    • 807 4 BTEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SIN6APORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Trias-nan. Bisnt, Semerak, Tabal Baanara. xelnmn. Pstaal, Siagora. Laooa, Kobsamui. Bandoa, Langsnen, Takn, Chumpon, Rohlak aad Bangkok, Due Oapartura NO STEAMER Deo. B Deo. 11,3 p.m. a.a. PRAOHaVTIPOK 18 IS, S p.m. CHUTATUTCH 16 18, 8 p.m. a.*. YUGALA
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    • 468 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM BHIP CO. LIMITED. AND 6HINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD The Companies' steamers are deapatehed from Liverpool outwards tor the Straits. China aud Japan every week and from Japan homewards lor London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight; for Genoa Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre
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    • 522 4 STEAMER SAILINGS N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A servioe is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles and London under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service I avo boon specially designed ana constructed, and are fitted with
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  • 752 5 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, December 7, 1916. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, exchange and share brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning. The quotations on sterling shares are only nominal. Norn. Valub. Butirs. Sbllbbs. 2/- Alluu 1/10 a/1 1 Adijlo J»t» W-
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 770 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. "ELLERMAN" LINE. For LIVERPOOL s.s. Kasenga due on or about Dec. 12. For LONDON HULL s.s. Kioto due on or about Dec. 30 For particulars as to rates of freight and passage, apply to McALISTER Co., Ltd., Agente 18 1 HENDERSON LINE The Steamers of the above Line
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    • 586 5 NEW TOYS FOR XMAS »».'^s»—^-a»=a'^^^BßßßW 7___B^' 3 w— A most h'.althy g»ne, Erglish mske, «ih bells and '^^^tßfaf^yJ,-?^****^''*' 1 whistle. Bdt length V 9 ins. Reins length Go im hes. _WT_I f£}' A*sk«tcb. Pi ice; 75 oant* tach. //Bff Belt rri' s, solid leather, extra ftron^ British-made, length i -*»^-__t.4_\
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 183 6 M~tL %s~ Jrm m*J m~m -*^i iLaik or Tbr Robihson Piano Co) Violin., from $iS-0O to $25 OO eauc*. from B-OO to 18-OO w« 3 OO to 6-00 struts one nt 8 Viola Violin and Cello Accessorial. MaodolinoH. from glB-0O to $25-"O oaseß, from »'OO to 7-SO Bell brand strings
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    • 377 6 Si TREATMENT of ANAEMIA OF CHLOROSIS And all o«ses o£ debility Jrr^P FEROXAL GRANULATED COMPOUND Y^t^VMt" I Of prot palate of iron and alcaline photphates Wii»JH!|tiw^J Prepared by Albert BUISSON ■B«fc.nlW^J l Doelor of Phwmacy. Laureate of th* txmn^-^k^l!^!^^^ Academy of Medecme at Part* 45, Avenue de Tourville, 45. PARIS
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  • 103 7 FIXTURES Wednesday, December 8. Sigh Water, 10.10 a.m. Thursday, December 9. Hi»ih Water. 0.7 a.m., 11.8 a.iv A. l>. C, Victoria Tlnatn. It. I. outwanl mail expooted lloiiicwanl mail closes. Friday, December 10. Hitfh Water. 0.53 a.m.. 11.4.) p.m Children's t oncert, \ic. Mtiu. Hall. Saturday, December
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  • 198 7 Tti-ir Mcdan (.'irce J. 30 pm Malacca, I Swcttenham and PenanK Ipoh 2.30 pm Hon»;kon|>, Shanghai and l.ipaii Itola 3.:i0 pm .M.ihura. I'enang aii'l t'nl Ixi Katon Maru 1.30 pm Iluilo tad Manila C. dv Kiza^uirre 4 pm Kino. ADatuba and v Nlan.l- V. der Parra 4pm
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  • 254 7 The mail trains from Singapore tor the north U-avr Tank Road station daily at 7.7 a.m. and 7 p.m.. arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 7 H p.m. and 6.45 a.m. respect i rely. Thu through i-xpress to Penang leaves Kuala •it 8 am. daily, arriving at Penang p.nj.
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  • 110 7 Our attention has been callel to the fact that oar arrival* in London are much behind tbohe published elsewhere. Oar rule is to kivi arrival* only when they are officially reported in the Pont Offioe notices, and no later data than that printed above has been •o
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  • 92 7 •lava, so favoured an regards labour, has aooeeeded in capturing the «uuar import marine, ami like Japan it imreasinK her .bare of I D<lia import tratlu, ways ao official report ou tin lra.l. <■( India. The year i I I van total trade was Us. 1J.69 lakhs jr X> ">
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  • 47 7 Latest Arrivals. British. Name Date <>f Arrival Kei-jarks. Amherst 7 12-15 Inner Roads Sri Muai Sappho Kathlamba Wharf Itola No. 7 Wharf Gianni Inner Roads Mock Hye Hock Keng II, id^ Lee hMina Soon Hon^ Hock (Jan Hai Nam 12-15 Kaka KinU Aing Leoni> Mersing
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  • 143 7 EXCHANGE. PRODUCE. SINOAPOU, DHCKMBU 8, 1916. SINOAPOU, DhtIMKKK H IW1 1 On LoMOoa Bank m 2/4 A Qambier I 18.BC do (Cube No. 1' K.J 18.6 C Demand 2,4,', Copra Sondried 12 10 Private 8 m/. 2/4, *5£ J Jfi O* Indu Bank T. T. 1761 """>tok
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 11 7 Kor Chreaie Cheat Complaints, Wooda" Orrat Peppi rmint Core la. S>'
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    • 525 7 LATKST ADVERTISEMENTS. BILL COLLECTOR WANTED. Wanted (or un -chant g office, smart capable man M bill collector with security 18,000. Apply Box No. 111. Straits Times. 8 12 10-12 MOTORCAR WANTED. Wanted to bay, a second band Hnpmobile Motor Car. Write with fall particulars to K C. H., co Straits
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    • 352 7 LATEST ADVEHTISEMENTB. mm^ot-tiK^^ Royal NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. (Formbkly Malay Opira) FOR TWO NIGHTS ONLY. Wednesday Bth, and Thursday. 9th December. Second Show, at 9.30 p.m. the: marl pit mystery A Thrilling Thrt. K. el Urau'i adapted from the famoas novel by GeorKOS Ohnet. l'rodaced by the Film VA t Co.,
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  • 42 8 Kokmt/.— On December 8, at No. A, Adis Koad, Alice Judith Koenitz. widow of the late A L. Koenitz, aged 04 years. The funeral will leave her residence at 4.45 p.m to-day. Interment at liukit Timah Koad Cemetery at 5.15 p.m.
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  • 1133 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8. MORE PEACE TALK. There seems to have been a fresh outburst of peace talk, but it comes, as might be expected, from German sources. It is timed cunningly. The enemy has been able to take full advantage of his opportunity in Serbia and Montenegro,
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  • 20 8 The Ministering Children's League bazaar at Penang realised t3,000, which will be devoted towards the purchase of a motor ambulanci
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  • 45 8 At a naval court-martial at Toulon, Capt. Lonia Mottez was aojaittad at his trial for the loss of the French auxiliary cruiser Indicn, which was torpedoed oil ltbodes on September 3 last. The court congratulated the captain on his efforts to prevent loss of hie.
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  • 10 8 The Austrian casualties against Italy are 200,000. including 60,000 killed.
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  • 16 8 The second victim of the Acbeen Street stabbing affray at Penang, a Chinese detective, has died.
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  • 21 8 Sir George Buchanan, chairman of the Rangoon Port Trust, has left for the Persian Quit to superintend dredging operations in Mesopotamia.
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  • 38 8 In addition to the instrumental programme contributed by the string band for tho Children's Concert on Friday, Mr. Dcwar and Mrs. Main will give several songs, and Mr. R. L. Eber will play the violin solo Serenade (Drdla.i
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  • 39 8 Telegraphic communication with Siaui has born interrupted for nearly a week owing to a breakdown in the lines, consequent on heavy rains, between Singgora and Bangkok. It was only late on Friday that repaint were completed and communication resumed.
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  • 45 8 The result of crushing operations at Kaub for the four weeks ended December i, was Bukit Koman Stone crushed 5,488 tons, gold obtained 718 ozs., average per ton 2.616 dwtn. Bukit Malacca Stone crushed 4,312 tons, gold obtained 452 ozs., average per ton 2.096 dwts.
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  • 37 8 On St. Andrew's Day, the Hongkong St. Andrew's Society sent the customary telegrams to the kindred societies in the East, replies being received from the following:— Amoy, Bangkok, Tientsin, Cebu, Penang, Calcutta. Manila, Canton, Yokohama and Singapore.
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  • 58 8 In the third court this morning mention was made of a case in which T. A. Kiyambu l'illai is charged with making it false statement on oath before the District Judge. A remand for one week was ordered, bail in $500 being allowed. Mr. Greville Smith is for the prosecution
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  • 68 8 With regard to the question of a direct wireless communication with Netherlands India, it appears that in reply to a question put to him by the Minister for the Colonies as to his opinion on the subject, the Governor- General of that Colony proposed to the Minister that he should
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  • 71 8 It is reported that the Chinese are endeavouring to conclude a separate peace treaty with Tibet. The Chinese have suspended hostilities for the present, and are trying favourably to impress the Tibetans by peaceful methods, such as invitations to picnics and friendly dinners, etc. No contri butions are levied from
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  • 67 8 The khaki armlet continues to arouse discussion. An objection to the present scheme is that it labels a man who is physically unfit. This might handicap a man in securing employment, and many would not like to advertise their unfitness. It is suggested that Exempt from military service" should be
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  • 74 8 The Governor of Hongkong has received from Sir Robert Ho Tung a sum of 150,000 to be applied to purposes in connection with the war. His Excellency has accordingly remitted £3,000 to London for the purchase of two aeroplanes to be pn uu <l to the War Office, and JEI.9OH
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  • 83 8 A public meeting of the members of the M. E. Tamil Church, Kuala Lumpur, will be held this evening to elect one lay delegate and one reserve lay delegate to attend the lay electoral conference to be held at Singapore during the time of the ensuing annnal conference, for the
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  • 100 8 The memory of Sister Ivanova has been graced by the Tsar with tho posthumous decoration of the Cross of St. (Jeorge. This heroic woman took command of a force of soldiers at a moment when all their officers had been killed, and led a successful charge against the German trenches,
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  • 91 8 Another serious storm is reported as having taken place at Djokja at midday on Monday of last week. A strong wind accompanied by heavy rain blew down three godowns on the Kebon Agceng estate and entirely destroyed them. Five persons were killed among whom were three women and a child,
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  • 127 8 When the foundation-stone of the Pasteur Institute at Shillong was laid by Sir Archdale Karle on the afternoon of November 4, in the presence of a large gathering of the public, the usual means were adopted of providing interesting relics for posterity. At the con elusion of his speech, Sir
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  • 367 8 Mr. W. Eyre- Kenny, senior warden of mines, F.M.8., is unwell. Mr. J. Anderson, of Sungei Way estate, is in hospital at Kuala Lumpur, with black water fever. Mr. J. S. Drew, the acting assistant to the Director of I'ublic Works, Kuala Lumpur, is still in hospital
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  • 114 8 The London Institute of Marine Data writers have cabled out to Singapore advising that four more steamers hare been sunk in the Mediterranean, including L'ay/.er, Twino and Co.'s liner, the Clan Maclcod, which tradis between India and Glasgow. In consequence of the number of steamers which have
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  • 204 8 The Amateurs had their liual dress rehearsal last ui^lit and are now ready for the hist performance to-morrow night- As a matter of fact, the theatre last ni^ht had a first night appearance for tho company played to ijaito au appreciable audience which included a
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  • 230 8 Exparience during the mutiny in February demonstrated the need of arrangements being made in advance to provide for the care of women and children in the event of any other trouble arising during the continuance of the present war. The commit'ov formed under the Reserve force and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 155 8 Wfc*i_^ Copying PVIIK Twentieth Century ba- seen the advent of L*\ many remarkable inventions, not the least of which is the Roneo Letter Copier, which dispenses wiih water, brush, and press, makes costly carbons unnecessary, and produces perfect ropies at the rate of N t ni'imro without smudging the originals
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    • 222 8 FOR 2 NIGHTS ONLY Wednesday Tkaratfay, Itti and Ith Dm., itil. STILL GOING BTRON6 WITH EXGLUBIVEB AT THE ALHAMBRik The M«M*r ClMiMtotrißlt r«, ■mmr Road. SECOND SHOW, at 9 P.M. a Moat Novel md Entertaining Picta™ MIDNIGHT AT MAXIM'S In 4 Part*. Featuring hll the Star Dancers of the
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    • 12 8 Latest advertisements of toe day appear on page 8, 7 and 11.
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  • 2696 9 THE CREEK KING. Two Statements of His Policy. AMERICA AND GERMANY. President Wilson's Strong Remarks. R«Ti m taMM London, l>tti tubti 7, Mi vllici- It i -i announce 1 that 'I. commuuication iij&de by the Entente diplo rauieut re^arjiu^ U (Ionian ami military .juestions r.mtains the bases
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  • 321 9 HIGH TRIBUTES TO PUBLIC SERVICES. Rkdtkb's Telf.i.kam London. December 6, 8.50 p.m. Presiding at a meeting at Caxton Hall, at which a resolution of regret at the loss India has sustained by the death of Sir Roostom jee Mehta was proposed by Lird Harris and carried unanimously:
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  • 128 9 Rkitter's Tklkgkam. London, December 6, 5.30 p.m. The Secretary of State for India has addressed a letter to all Indian civil servants on leave in England reminding them that they are liable, in case .of necessity, to be recalled immediately to duty in India, unless medically unfit.
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  • 131 9 Rri'TEb's \m. London, December 7, 8.5 p.m. Colonel Hall-Walker, in consequence of his gift to the nation, in compelled to seek reelection for Widnen. Mr. Herbert Samuel is seeking re-election for Cleveland on his appointment as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and will be opposed
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  • 53 9 Kbl'tkr's Telegrams. London, December 7. Sir Samuel Evans, President of the Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Courts, when leaving the courts was knocked down by a motor-bus and his leg broken. Recently be has been very busy with prize court work. The accident, like many others, was duo to
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  • 38 9 Kictik'h Tilboeam. London, l>eoembor 7, 2 p.m. There have beun storms in Great Britain for two days. Six vessels were wrecked on tLe East coast where there were exciting rescues, fifteen live* have been lost.
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  • 216 9 ReCTIR'h TELEGRAM. London, December 7, 1.10 p.m Shaugh r The rebel outbreak proved a great fiasco. The. rebel leaders aboard the Chao Hao Hod when tho loyal ships oponed fire and holed the Chao Hao in the bow and set the bridge on fire, killing four aud
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  • 454 9 The Trouble with Kullock Cart Contractors. A special meeting of the Municipal Com mission was held yesterday afternoon, the President, Mr. F. Hallifax, presiding. Others present were Dr. I. Fowlie, Dr. Sauiy, Messrs. A. W. Bean, E. Tosscnsohn. Tan Kheam Hock, Chia Keng Chin, J. Polglaso (secretary.) The
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  • 111 9 Mr. Alma Baker acknowledges the follow ing additional subscriptions to the Malayan Aircraft Fund, ten aircraft having already been provided for Malaya No. 11. Previously acknowledged 1213,53 Mr. E. if. Glover 10 O. H. Kedah 200 Anonymous, Seremban 25 R. 15., through Hongkong iiank 10 Mr. P.
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  • 102 9 The Cooperative Coconut Products com pany, a purely American enterprise organized tor the purpose of dealing in coconut products aod machinery connected with the coconut industry, has just been regisU red .it Manila. The iucorporators of the new linu. which will have its main ottices in Manila and conduct business
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  • 811 10 Winter Frosts with Snow And Varying Rainfall. War has now been raging unceasingly for the last fifteen months, states a writer in Tbe standard, and so tar the varying weather conditions which have prevailed over tbe several battle grounds have occasioned only slight temporary interruptions, although
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  • 130 10 I meeting of the Duke of Manchester',creditors wait held in the Bankruptcy Court, London, on November The official receiver stated that he was informed that the duke was ill in Paris and would probably have to un.l. i u.i an operation the next week. The debtor
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  • 89 10 llnwing MMSfftl of bow to write I I ikt n fiou the Kushville Hmwn Ind 'fluoride and groom present Mint i lalltsl simv the opatra sailed down the pivfnmud lotus bear n ti Nile iv her gilded pageant to meet Marl Autony while all the world stood igape at '.he
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  • 416 10 Mrs. Gait Selects Her Wedding Trousseau. The New 1 ork Herald of October 20 prints the following Mrs. Norman Gait, tbe fiancee of President Wilson, was to have come to Baltimore to-day to inspect tbe greater part of her trousseau, being made here, and by her failure
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  • 215 10 President Poincare at Graves Of British. The Eve of All Saints' Day, All Saints Day itself ILa Toussaintt. and the Jour des Morts are the three days, as is well known, which the Fiencb devote especially to the memory of tbe dead. So strong i<>
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  • 77 10 Don O. Merle has his tent fully equipped on the Beach road site where be opens to-night with his entertainment of magic, mirth and mystery. There are two shows nightly, at seven and nine. Messrs. Ching Ktn» Lee and Co. announce that their sale of leasehold land
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  • 84 10 Mr. /icharias desires to acknowledge receipt of the following further contributions to the Serbian Relief Fund: Previously acknowledged 44,013.88 Offertory, St. Andrew's Cathe dral. Singapore 126.75 Mr. Justice Edmonds, Seremban 100 .1. 11. M. Kobson, Kuala Lumpur 50 Anonymous V.17 Teob Cheow Cheang. Ipob 2 Mr. Justice
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  • 136 10 At a public meeting held in the Town Hall. I'enang, on Monday, the following resolution was adopted on the prot>osal of the Hon. Kobert Young, the chairman: "That the Prince of Wales's Fund be replaced by a general relief fund opening on January 1 and
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  • 40 10 Two rogue elephant* have been terrorising Malays livinein katnpongs in the vicinity of Segambut. The elephants are now reported to be in the forest reserve near Bukit Langat an! police nonitables have been sent out to •it sj with t!iei
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  • 307 10 War Time Vegetables and Pedigree Fruit. Fruit with a pedigree going hack for more than three centuries, flowers in all the most gorgeous tints of autumn beauty, and a display of vegetables tbat was an education in the possibilities of rapid food production in wartime, made
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  • 161 10 Lanadron.— ll2,B6o lbs. Ledbury.-51.024 lbs. Cluny.— l6,lo3 lbs. Senawang.— 3o,634 lbs. Sandycroft.— ls,437 lbs. Batu Anam.— lo.ooB lbs. Batu Village.— 2,soB lbs. Pengkalan Durian.— 9,Bo2 lbs. Tanah Merah.— 4,4os lbs. 8ute.— 7,186 lbs. Semambu. 10,570 lbs. Sungei Bagan.— ll,l4B lbs. Cheng.- 12.000 lbs. Sungala.— 4.ol4 lbs. Kukub.-
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  • 135 10 On behalf of Mrs. H. B. Salmond, Mr. 1 1 l:. Kinloch, care of the Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China, Singapore, acknowledges with many thanks tbe follow. my further contributions Previously acknowledged on November 20 536,905.14 Borneo Co., Ltd., Singapore staff and agencies (monthly) 75
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  • 206 10 The Pioneer's Cairo correspondent writes:— ln a recent speech Sir Henry MacMahon stated that no fewer than 1,000 Ked Cross auxiliary hospitals, accommodating 35,000 men, have been accepted in England by the War Office. "In France, the work of the Ked Cross commences just behind
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  • 623 10 New Emergency Powers for the State. The following official statement was issued at home on November 2 Tbe Board of Trade have had their attention called to statements that the Government contemplate the requisitioning of the entire British mercantile marine. Those statements are without foundation. Tbe Government
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  • 122 10 Eighth List of Subscriptions. The committee of the Children's Aid Society gratefully acknowledge the following further subscriptions: Previously acknowledged ?5,5f>7.23 Rev. W. Cross, M.A. 10 R. Mesney 1 T. F. H. (December! 1 D. D. Harris... 5 E. S. Booth 5 P. Linton 5 C. Hall 5
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  • 189 10 Surgeons are finding in the bullet and the piece of shrapnel an unexpected ally so far as the elucidation of medical and scientific problems is concerned. Before tbe war there were regions of the body concerning which little was known disease seldom visited them directly, yet
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  • 384 10 Less Extreme Skirt Predicted For Spring. The couturiers of Paris are evidently at tbe height of their winter season and at tbo same time have commenced to create styles for early spring. The director of the Maison Charles Drecoll, in the place de l'Opira, told a New
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  • 346 10 Dr. J. C. Bose on his Scientific Discoveries. Calcutta, November 20.— At a crowded meeting in Calcutta, Dr, J. C. Bose gave an address, giving a history of Inn discoveries about Properties of Electric Waves." The address was illustrated by original experiments. Dr. Bose said that
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  • 297 10 Conference Regarding Shipping Facilities. A conference was held at Melbourne on November 4, presided over by the .Ministn for the Navy (Mr. Jensen), wben tin re bjsjbj present tbe leading fruit merchants fiom Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, and South Australia. The Minister and Capt. Clarkson outlined the
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  • 670 10 Gathering Information on French Frontier. German writers have Bought to excus< the execution of Miss Cavcll in Brussels by alloging that two German women, charged with a similar offence, have been executed by the military authorities in France. In the following despatch Mr. W. Philip Simnis, the
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  • 184 10 Golf. Scotland v. The Rest. This match will be played on Saturday, tbe following being the teams, the first pairs representing Scotland and the second, Tho Rest:— 2.50 p.m. Wolf ami 1'oti rkin v. Buckland a id Sharpe. 2.56 p.m. Knox and (nlbcrtHon v. Campbell and Talma. :f
    184 words
  • 131 10 There were impressive scones at NUm "ii November 25 on the arrival of the body of Admiral TseDg by special traiu from Tientsin. A Ouard of Honour was waiting i>n the platform of the (.'him Mm Station. Tin coffin, which was enveloped in a rich crimson
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  • 786 11 Mr>. Vsquith's Interesting Recollection. Mrs. Asquitb has a charming article in last month's Cornhill Magazine closctibing a visit she paii] to Mr. (ilaihtone at HavrartUu in the winter of Mfc Her view rather suggests that of the kitten contemplating the lion -but it in .giiitc intertainintj.
    786 words
  • 82 11 Programme of drill*, elc., for week ending Friday, iH-cenibi r 10: w wmmmm, > *< tmhh k 616 p ib. Drill Mail Mnxim Co ».1 1.. I f (aim Mill kai and Orclianl lioaii. VtttraLS Co. i p.m. Ilull Uall OMBMi Co. FaiDAT, DkiKMBIB 10. 616 p.m.
    82 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 56 11 Live* of Kreat men til remind ns We can make our live* sublime. If we sly do tl c ri|<bt thing At lit' i iL-lit and pr per time. ii It* it iRh t a n.oral. Ani kduru a tale, for aura Tlit s Duilnott elu that can compare W
      56 words
    • 376 11 LATEST ADVEMTISEWIUNTS. SECONDHAND BILLIARD TABLE WANTED. Wanttd, a secondhand Billiard Table. Must bt in dtccnt condition. IVuticulars to Cue, c/o Straits Time*. n s 12 AVER PANAS RUBBER ESTATE. LIMITED. DECLARATION OF INTERIM DIVIDEND AND NOTICE OF CLOBINB OF TRANBFER BOOKB. NOTICE ii hereby (riven that a Second Interim Dividend
      376 words
    • 230 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. If you are looking for a Good Investment you cannot do better than buy a FORD CAR WEARNE BROS., LD. Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipota and Penang. Jtsßto^^B^9Kßl^H^ c ~^h HBilhus AFTER DINNER The Gramophone provides (Jnlim'ted Entertainment, BUT IT MOST BE "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" Come and hear the
      230 words
    • 104 11 Sole Agents HIBBERT, WOODROFFE CO., LTD., KUALA LUMPUR. (Incobporatkd in RAFFLES CONFECTIONERY SHOP (Bras Basah Road). JUST ARRIVED A VERY CHOICE CONSIGNMENT CHOCOLATES, SWEETS CRACKERS. Orders for Xmas Cakes now being received. ADELPHI HOTEL Don't forget the MASQUERADE BALL for the Night of the 31 st December. Prizes given
      104 words

  • 950 12 PRLSSIANISM AND ITS PAINFUL 1 TRAIN. Professor tnder the Iron Heel In The Times appear some informative extracts from the diary of a German scholar i, I'iivate Becker, tith Company, Ersatz Battalion, Brd Foot Guards, Landsturm, who in civil life is Professor of Latin at
    950 words
  • 16 12 ■MR anil other o caabed, ■M net in the i iraaj I kibt. l"«n to 1
    16 words
  • 1188 12 Experimenting Fifty Feet Under Water. A highly interesting description is given in a recent issue of the Public Ledger, Philadelphia, of a trial voyage made in a submarine, stated to bo intended for use in European waters, at Quincy, Massachusetts. The writer first descril«a the preparations
    1,188 words
  • 351 12 An Invalid British Colonel on His Experiences. I. ieut. Colonel Charles Hemans and Mrs. Hemans, who have returned to London from Germany, where they have been detained since the beginning of the war, were at Wiesbaden iv the first days of August last year, Colonel Hemans having
    351 words
  • 377 12 Employers Searching for His Services. Boy wanted is a cry to be heard every where. It is also to be seen printed in laige and appealing type in the windows of countless shops and offices. But the boy is rarely to be found. Never in
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  • 309 12 Bill to End Growing Scandal In England. The doom of the many spurious night clubn. which have become very numerous in London and other English cities, is now practically scaled. Tht-se clubs have been the cause of a succession of scandals, and Lord Curzon, moving the second
    309 words
  • 445 12 American Missionary as Letter Carrier. An interesting case was heard before Mr. Lindsell, at the Hongkong police court, on November 23, when an American Missionary named Richard Glenn, of Pakhoi, was charged with bringing into the Colony a letter from a German subject which bad not been
    445 words
  • 349 12 The following casualties are announced London, November 27. Killed.— 2nd Lieut. J. W. Gill, Yorkshire L. I. Wounded.— Lieut- Col. G. K. Sullivan, West Ridings Major J. A. Forsy th. Field Artillery Lieut. A. G. Groser, Middlesex Lieut, li P. Hopkinson, Engineers; 2nd Lieut. A. G. Dent, Sberwoods;
    349 words
  • 136 12 Of all oar hymns, none has a more pathetic history than Abide with Me, sung by the martyred nurse only a few short Lours before her death. The liev. Henry F. Lyte, who wrote it, was practically under st-ntence of death at the time. Fur 24 years he had been
    136 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 287 12 About 35,000 persons <lir svmi year in th, Umlti Kmfim ol Ili mm inhrtiotis /,,-./■>, tmiOOfiOO "I nni—yliiii <ii,<l ,,th,r ftnm ol tiilirnnlosis. Th, ffflM <•! (ill tkm tilfwm Wt iatMfti l>n If you uk Tozol regularly in your lions'-, i li»y will be destroyed before tin y ein do
      287 words

  • 671 13 HONGKONG'S TRIBUTE TO POPULAR MAN. Funeral Service at Happy Valley. The respect in which the late Mr. E. A. Hewett was held by all classes of the Hongkong community was apparent this afternoon, says the Hongkong Telegraph, of November 25, from the number of people,
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  • 360 13 Less Drinking and Happier London Homes. I Very remarkable and far-reaching has beeD the result in Greater London of the no treating order which has now been in operation for three weeks, say a a home paper of November 2. There has b. en, of
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
      44 words
    • 221 13 "DRAGON" CEMENT Contracts have been secured for the supplies of Csment during 1915 10 fi^y f*^\ andto THE MUNICIPALITY pf^^flSpl ™E GOVERNMENT SINGAPORE, \^£<*3S~sP* JOHORE. DUPIRE BROTHERS, SINGAPORE. Sole Agents for the Straits and P. M. S. Debility enfeebled nerves, poor health and weakened blood -these are troubles that can
      221 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 540 14 War or p IAO INE or Plenty. Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WAE or riAOB. rAMINE °WM AX OXHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE MMPANY^LIMITED. MltD OFFIOI i V¥lnch»«t«r HouM, •ln»sp»Mi anMonvt k*ni op »iiub*nci. Mowev to loan. 1 For all particulars, apply to
      540 words
    • 235 14 INSURANCE. POLICIES ON ALL MODERN PUNS. SUN LIFE OF CANADA, 8, Battery Road. S. J. BOWB, IB Manager. GUARDIAN ABBURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONOOk Subscribed Capital £2,000.000 loUl Invested Kands 40,'i60,000 Annual Inoome £1, 100,000 The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, ate prepared to accept fire and ■aithquake risks for
      235 words
    • 450 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID UP CAPITAL M 118,000,000 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling 41,500,000 at 2/- 116,000,000 Silver 18,000,000 188,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTOR* Hon. Mi. O. Laadale, Ghairmaa. W. L. Pattenden, Esq., Deputy Chairman. .H. Dodwell, Bag IP, H. Holyoak, Bag. O. T. M.
      450 words
    • 473 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 90,000 Shares ol 430 each 41,300,000 Reserve Fond ,61,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.300,000 BANKERS The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank. Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd., The
      473 words
    • 640 14 INSURANCE. LIFE ASSURANCE AT MINIMUM COST. Establish™ 1874. THE ORIENTAL Incoui-okamu in India. GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. ASSETS exceed $28,000,000 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Profits to Policy-holder* at last Valuation $1,116,673. LOWEST Apply for Prospectus and full information to LIBERAL RATES MUAPORE HUNCH OFFICE CONDITIONS J. R. MACPBERSON, Secretary for
      640 words

  • 658 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Motor Boat Reserve. The following article appears in the last issne of the American Motor Boat: What promises to become one of the most important moves toward the formation of an adequate system of defenco in the United States is set
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  • 321 15 Miss Annesley kenealy Sues W. H. Smith and Sons. The censorship instituted by Messrs. \V. H. Sniitli and Sons with regard to certain books was the subject of an application by Miss Annesley Kenealy to Mr. Justice Oar lint; recently. She asked for the expediting of her action
    321 words
  • 98 15 The Hankers' Magazine states that coinage reform in China ih again on tout, and adds Thus the new coinage, according to these reports, would bo issued as follows In the first two years, 21)0 million one dollar coins plus HO million half dollar coins; in the three followiog years '235
    98 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 248 15 M,,; 11 taHM .-sa \r vk We have been awardud the following suit try engineering contrast* Mew/«. Whiteaway, Laidlaw and Co., Ltd.— New Premise*. M*»h-s. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China.— New Premise*. The Honble Mr. Eu Tong Seng, Per»k.— Adi* Lodge. Onr engineer in charge of oar Sanitory
      248 words
    • 294 15 BECAUSE OF the Fleets' success in Jimitngthe activities of the German Submarines. Foreign Tyre Firms are enabled to export freely to England and h°r Polonies. They contribute nothing to the cost of the war and every loreign Tyre bought increases British indebtedness abroad. Now is the time, if ever there
      294 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 769 16 A. B. MACKAYS Q THE ORIGINAL |3 LIQUEUR WHISKY. NbVbWbH As supplied to both Houses of OBTAINABLE FROM ALL P^^t FIRST-CLASS DEALERS. tm- I Agents: jSg ADAMSON, GILFILLAN AND COMPANY, LIMITED. JL IB Singapore Penang and Malacca. WANTS. JUNIOR ASSISTANTS NMITEO. Wanted, Junior A-^istanti for healthy Kstate. MktN experience' and
      769 words
    • 555 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. FURNIBHED BEABIOE REBIDENCEB TO LET. BELINDA'etrureißhed. Apply No 9. Ut. Sophia. 14 Tf) LET. No. 84, Robinson Road. Immediate entry. Apply B. Silas, No. 8, Prinoe Street. 8-10 a FLOOR 10 LET To let, lod Floor No B Malacca Strue*. la' mediate entry A
      555 words
    • 663 16 TO BE LET OR SOLO. 10 LET. Houses Nos. 7, 8 a, A 8 b, Chancery Lane. Apply to CHINO KENQ LBE CC, Auctioneers. 18 11 v TO LET. Furnished seaside residence, JUfeking," No. 14, Tanjong Katcng. Apply to A. S. Shooker, 8, Malacca Street. 24 11 26 12 TO
      663 words
    • 377 16 MTHJEB. GUAN KIAT&Co., 37. Philip Street. •hl(>-Ch»ndl«p», Government and Municipal Contractor*, General Imported and Eiportert. Estate, Rice and law Mill Supplier! and Commission Agtntf. SOLB AciKNTS FOB "GLOBE BOILER FLUID, Th* Meal .Fluid; for Cleaning and Preserving Steam toiler*. Tel. Address: GUAN X I AT." Telephone Nob. 1174 and 1283
      377 words
    • 466 16 KIAM KIATACO 108 ft 100. Market Street. Telephone No. 421. Shipobandlets. Government and Mnnicipa Contractor*,. Estate Suppliers and Con; mission Agcntx. SOLB AOBNIS The Molcott Belting Co., Ltd. Bent Mnltiplar Brand Hair Boltings. M 80 6 IB To ADVERTISERS As rccjueets to make alterations in advertisements, such as changes in
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 273 16 Straits V)imes. Telephones. Kiliturial and General TO Manager's Office 262 Job Printing Department :)48 All communications relating to editorial matters and news should be addressed la THE EDITOR. All commnnications relating to business matters advertisements, subscriptions, accounts, printing, etc. should be ad dressed to THE MANAGER ADVERTISEMENT HATES. Misccllaue ous
      273 words