The Straits Times, 2 December 1915

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.970 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY DECEMBER 2. 1915 PRJCB 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 232 1 M J II I I 9 c A FEW GOOD THINGS LIBBYS ASSORTED SOUPS Pi 1 '±S~ I" cases' of 48 tins, say. one month's supply. The assortment MT" is made op from the following Soups TOMATO, MOCKTURTLE, OXTAIL. CHICKEN, MULLIGATAWNY and t-i_;2ii££iu- VEGETABLE > ti:i m;.ke>. six plates of
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    • 117 1 ROBINSON CO, I Toys, Crackers Christmas Presents A LARGE VARIETY NOW DISPLAYED. A huge quantity of Crackers TOM SMITH'S. CALEY'S and BATCHER'S. Prices from 40 cents to $4.75 per box. JtT"H. JL^ .^L. Jkt^<* j^t^& Wine Store. Europe Hotel Building. Fresh Shipment of SHERRY WINE direct from Spain. "MANZANILLA" SHERRY
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    • 2 1 GOODRfCI TYRES
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  • 859 2 PICTURESQUE AND INPRESSIVE SCENES. At the Kyoto Palace. The special correspondent of the Japan Chronicle in describing the scenes at the Kyoto Palace during the coronation of the Emperor of Japan observes that it is safe to say that at no point on the long journeys through Toklo
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  • 198 2 . The Japanese destroyer I'rakaze called in at the Bombay harbour on its way to Japan to take part in the Coronation festivities, and ju Friday. October H, Commander Tamaki, accompanied Mr. Yatabe, the Consul, paid an official visit to his Excellency Lord Wil lingdon, and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 312 2 CEREGEN Proteid-Phosphate SUPPLIES STRENGTH to the WEARY ENERGY to the FLAGGING CCRKOCN looreaHCß power of recuperation after illneas. CCRCOKN h.lh di K oHtion. GCRCOEN -liolpn iv periods of streai and worry OCRKGEN ih entirely of British origin. BO TRY CEREOKN Obtainable of all Chcmista. Stocks kept fnd tamplat tuppli.l to
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    • 14 2 For Childreo'H HackiDg CjukU at Night Woo Is Oreat Pepper tuiot Care It. fW
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    • 335 2 NEGLECT YOUR SCALP And Lose Your Hair. Cuticura Prevents It Trial Free. Cutirura Soap shampoos cleanse and purify tlic Hi:il|> of dandruff while the Ointiiictit Nxithes and heals the irritated w:ilp skin. Dandruff and itching are hair destroyers. Get acquainted with these fragrant super-creamy emollients for the skin and scalp.
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    • 690 2 NOTICES. GUAN Xl AT CO. •hip Chandlers, Government and Municipal Contractors. 37. Phillip Street. WHY PAY MORE WHEN YOU CAN GET FOR LE88? The Following are some of the a-umtrtJS matenili in our stock 1.000 Sheets Galvanized Iron Plates 2i"o Sheets Mild Ste*l PUt.s, 100 Ca»es Ga'va- i mzed Corrußated
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    • 394 2 THE UNITED MALACCA RUBBER EBTATES. LIMITED. NOTICE in hen by given that the Directors have d tlaroJ au in i ntu dividend of 7 od account cf tl ti year ujdiny 30th April, IVI4, payable to -^harpholders on tho Registers on the 7th Duct-tuber. 1915, and that the Transfir Book*
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  • 895 3 NAVY REGULATES NORTH SEA TRAFFIC. Types Found in the Magic Way Jamee Dunn writes to the Daily Mail from Rotterdam as follows Preening its feathers and curtsying to the waves a seabird perched on a floating mine calmly watched the busy traffic of the North Sea. Ip
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  • 92 3 . The following casualties are announced London, November 19. Killed.— Capt. A. E Deprr/., Artillery. Di<d of wounds. Lieut. L. O. Huuipbrf ys, Koyal Lancaster*; 2nd Litut. J. l>. Torublin, MM G..V Woanded.— Major .1. E. Crabtree, We»t Yorks: Capt. J. Hu^hm, Artillery Capt. C. E. Lembt ke. Royal
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 393 3 THE STRAITS TIMES PRESS, LTD." Artistic .^s^3lWP^^^ Modem JRINTERS^^^ Bookbinder Photo Engravers! Telephone; Commercial Line Half-tone I 348. Photographers I fl CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE. JUST UNPACKED A LARGE NEW SHIPMENT OF Indian, Chinese and Japanese Silk Goods, Silver Ware, Damascene Ware, Gold Jewellery, Curios, Tea Sets, etc. TO M\KE BUITAKLE
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    • 193 3 Sanaphos puts into you what Malaria takes out. Not a drug.-Notafa!<t'tin>ul»nt.- JM > ml food. It |oe» dirwl lo the «B»— I -It build* up Klrength --It* ft.iv.«ir h plea*.uii. —Of all Chemi.ti -M ho. it oil. help YOU. XMAS& NEW YEAR CARDS. Amateurs' Work, Developing, Printing and Enlarging. Repairing
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    • 225 3 |illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll,:i:ini!llllil|||||||||||||||!l!||||!!!|||||||||||j||!!|||!!|||!i:||^ The Food that will suit your Baby I =is Oiaxo— the food that cont. ins extra trciim and mi!:,-fiuKur so th;it it pro- duccs tirm rtesh.sounj bones. :nnl stnmi; m.isi \r. :>■■ tl'iy hre:ist =g how Btrnnf> straight up she .--its. J cnild. udmirrj :nui uondered .it. :is slic
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 750 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. -British India AND Mpcar L— inc. MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILING!. (Under Contract with Hit Majesty Government), For China, Japan. Penang, Oeylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Porte and London. Stuaini in will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Hoviwahd fro* Edbofr).
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    • 333 4 AUSTRALIA by BURNS PHILP LINE iMtNH To Java Pobts, Pobt Darwin, Thcbsday I.lasd, Bbi^bass and .Svdksy, via Torres Straits. AUo taking passengers and cargo with t'anshipmont for other Victorian, Sodtu IMHVII and Nokih QaWMMMB Ports. Brit sh New Ooinr*, Niw Britain, Tasmanian ani New Zialand Ports. Smooth Passage. Superb Soanary.
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    • 780 4 STEAMER BAILINBB. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Trinssaao. Bisat, Semerak, Kelaataa, Tabal Banamara. ieius;n. Pataai. i Bia<ora, Laooa. Kobsamni, Baadoa, Langsaen, Taka, Ohnmpoa, Rohlak and Bangkok OUS O*partuF« BORIBAT Deo. a Deo. 4, 8 p.m. NO STEAMER 0 „11,8 p.m. c.c. PRACHATIPOK 18 18, 8 p.m.
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    • 475 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED. AND 6HINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD The Gorapaaies' steamrri- are despatched from Liverpool oat wards for the Straits China and Japaa every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp eveiy fortnight; for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles,
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    • 536 4 STEAMER SAILINGS N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A servioe is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles and London under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service l-avo been specially designed and oonstruotod, and are fitted with all
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 469 5 ITS A WELL-KNOWN FACT THAT t CIGARETTES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN J AT THE FRONT Tp^ Packed in patent vacuum tins insuring the perfect condition /ssEfl^ V of the cigarettes in all climates. ttir No. 555 V 'l R E Tf' A 60 cents per tin of 50 1| j \^P
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    • 133 5 STOOMVAIRT-MAATBCHAPPI. (STBAMSHIP COMPANY) »»XJ¥7r\f7QT AMH fSHUEiIALAfViJ KORTNIQHTLY MAIL SBKVICB BBTWBiIN JAVA AND AVSTERUAft VIA SINGAPORE, BBLAWAN-OfiM BABANG, COLOMbO, V>)i.TSAID, OBNOi AND LISBON. Steamers are due oa or about tlu uade "nentooneddat*.. Ootwabl. Homwuc. l»l» gonjn-ri,, Oranje Dec. 11 Ne< j DeOi i 0 Vonde) Deo. 3( Orotius Dec. '24 1916
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    • 413 5 TBS STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore The Asiatic Robber and Produce Co. 168, Cecil street. Kelly and Waith Ltd,, Raffles Place. Money Changar, Hptel de I'Bonpti Money Changer, Adelphi Hotoi. Money Changer, Hotel van Wijk. Money Changer, Raffles Hotel. Kcb k Cc. KwoDK StDk
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    • 603 5 NEW TOYS FOR XMAS A most I. altby game. Er glish make, wih 2 bells and 1 whistle. B. It length 29 inn Roms length 6» inches. Aask'tcb. Prioe: 75 oanta tacb. Belt n ios, solid leather, eitra strong Britich made, length 84 ins. with 5 ronnd metal belts. Prioe:
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  • 883 6 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, December 2, 1915. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, exchaogo and share brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning. The quotations on sterling shares are only nominal. iO Fiaiier and Neave Ul. 61 00 68 00 110 Howartb Brakioe
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 388 6 HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED That tbe First and last object of Advertising is to obtain business, not only to-day, hut to-morrow. That it is not necessary to cut prices to create Trade. QUALITY COUNTS. A reputation for cheapness may be good but a reputation for good quality is better. There
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    • 440 6 LATEST ADVBKTISEMBNTS. AUCTION BALE Of A 8 SEATED RUBBER-TYRBD VICTORIA, AUSTRALIAN HORSE AND HARNESS COMPLETE, At oar Saln-room, Oh Saturday, Dickhbik 4, at 11 a.m. POWELL CO., Auctioneers. 2 12 8 12 INDOCHINA STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LTD. FOR PENANO AND CALCUTTA. The Company's Steamer SUISANO 2.790 ton*, Captain Simpson, is
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    • 1272 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THeatre X^oyst.l NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. (F KMKKIv Malay <„,,„, FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY. Thursday 3rd. Friday 3rd. and Saturday, 4th December In tha Saoond Show, at 9.18 p m. THB STOLEN TREATY A Three-Roel Drama produced by the Nordisk Finn Co. Tho Story eoes on to dhow a
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  • 119 7 FIXTURES Thursday, December 2. High Water. 5.51 a.m.. H.I i p in Singapore Club meeting. Friday. December .1. aigb Water. Ml a.m 7.31 p.iu ktivo Cooncil ISO. B. I. homeward mail clown Trial of Matliieu'n Coconut OpeniT, I Little's, II a.'». Saturday, December 4. Hiiib W 4
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    • 57 7 Th. htiiwward M. M. steamer ille dir la > pMkti to arrive hare to morrow uiornin-. \l. M. outward stoauur Ulioh left Colombo on Monday, November 28, a»l may be expeotod to arrive ben on Saturday uiorainif December 4. Tlic It. i. packet Ka/ilka with mails from
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    • 111 7 Our attention ban been called to the fact '.hit our arrivals in Loudon are much behind Mm published clk.wliito. Oar rale is to <ive arrivals only when they are officially .-••ported in the PohC Office notices, and no liter date than that printed l above has been
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    • 271 7 Toihy. Saigon Ka spot '2.30 pm Laboean liihk, I|.niß Balei and Medaii Singkel 'i.30 pm Purt Oickson and I'ort s.vetti nlian) Sappho 2.30 pm ■j IjaDLT, Ik-ngkalis an. l Bauan I'ontianak 2.30 pm Malacca and Muar Kaka 3 pm Kota Tin^ui M. ranti 4 pm Kotmai,
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  • 256 7 . The niiiil trains from Singapore lor tbc aorth lov<! Tank Ko.i I station daily at 7.7 a.m. anil 7 p.m., arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 7is p.iu ami l"> r(i(>« ctivily. The through 1 i uanK loaves Koala Lumpur at h n m daily, aniviny at Punau^ ;i.m.
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  • 407 7 LIST OF PASSENGERS. Outward, > The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China i Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London
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  • 314 7 The i-i port of the directors of the Majedie I li t. UubbiT Estates for the year which ■Mai .luce 30, states:— The; output of dry rubbt r lor the year amounted to H5,80H lbs. AL'ainst an estimate of 76,450 lb- lln average gross Hale price per
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  • 155 7 . EXCHANGE. SiMoapoaa, I>k. kmhh -2, 1916. OkLomdom Kank4m/s 2/4,] Demand 2/4] Private 8 m/i 2/4} Om India Bank T. T. 175 1 On HoNOKONa...Bankd/d 14 On Shanghai ...Bank d/d 89{ On Java Bank T. T. 134J On Japan Bank 109; Sovereigns baying rate 18.64 India Council Bills
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    • 176 7 l» ne 1 Buyer*. Value Z 10 10 Ac 1 1 Ayer Won 1.30 10 10 Belat '-Hi 10 10 Kanaboi 0.85 10 10 KintaAsHooiai 41 41 KinUTin 1.14.6 41 41 Lahat Miner 10 8.26 Malayan Collieries £1 41 Malayan Tine 1.13.6 10 10 Middloton •> 00 6/. 5/.
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    • 631 7 J? 8 6 1 Buyers. Sellers, Value (5 3/- 2/- A la^ii 1/8 2/ 41 £1 AngTo-Java 10/- m--3- 2/- Anglo-Malay 10,0 12/ 2/- 3/- Baton* Malaia 1/7 1/9 41 £1 Batn Tiga 2.5.0 2 10.0 2/- 3/- Bekoh 1/9 2/£1 XI Bokit KajanK 1150 1.17.6 41 41 Bukit
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    • 120 7 ££l 8eIler £1 Ml I. Smelting Ok 703 7.15 £1 41 Prel 1.4.1 1.5.0 6/- 5/- Sleotrie T'waya 2/9 8/--10 10 Fruei Neavo 50.00 55.00 60 60 W. Hammer Co. 60.00 64.50 100 Howarth Brakine 85.00 100 7%Pref. 96.00 100 100 Kau Bra, Del. 80.00 10 10 Maynard Co.
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    • 57 7 United Engineers 6% 11,284 500 par Singapore Electric Tramways 6% £850,000 norn S'pore Municipal 5% »1,578,000 par S'poro Municipal 4|% of 1907 •1,800,000 'JO 98 Spore Municipal 44% of 1909 11,000,000 90% Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 10%dil Spore Municipal 4% £300,000 B%dia »*»Tbe quotations of sterling shares most be
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 10 7 For Chronic Cheat Complaints, Wood*' Urea* Peppermint Cue Im. >id
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    • 124 7 TO-NIOHTI AT THE TO-MIOMT I I North Bridge Road. POSITIVELY THE LAST NIGHT. •BOOMO SHOW, AT U 20 I'M Pr«aenting an Imp Drama Driven l>y f^Si,-^^ Foatariag VioKt M<rs're»u and William Uarwood. IN S PARTS. A Rig I'mv r'dl Fixture 2 Part... OUT OF XHE FLAMES 2 Parts. Smeatrnal, Wonderful
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  • 1133 8 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 MR. WILKINSON'S PROMOTION. We congratulate Mr. X. Wilkinson on his selection for the Governorship of Sierra Leone very warmly indeed. It is a signal mark of favour shown to him by His Majesty the King, and it is ax wise a selection as could
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  • 11 8 Latest advertisement* of the day appear on pa^e 6 and 11.
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  • 26 8 News has reached Penang of serious damage being done in Siuggora by floods. One train ha« fa'len in the canal, and reopening of traffic is uncertain.
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  • 31 8 Twenty six vessels coaled at Sabang during the fortnight ended November 28. They bunkered 4,559 tons. Two of them were English, 1 Swedish and 1 Norwegian. The remaining 22 were Dutch.
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  • 38 8 In the paragraph which we published on Tuesday, taken from The Times, concerning the results of law examinations, the name of H. H. Norris should have been given as having passed the final of the Inns of Court.
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  • 38 8 Proclamations relating to the exportation of all articles destined for or shipped from China, and to the exportation of articles to the Netherlands) China and Siam during the present war, appear in a Government Gazette issued yesterday afternoon.
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  • 43 8 Messrs. Barlow and Co. write: The copra market has continued firm throughout the week and prices have further advanced. Business has been done to-day at J12.50 for fine sundried and quotations may be given as Hi to 12.20 for fair to good qualities.
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  • 45 8 Owing, mainly, to the demand for policies, the premium covering the risk of King Ferdinand's still being on the Bulgarian throne on June 30 next has advanced gradually from £5 sb. per cent., accepted on October 26, to 85 per cent., quoted on October 29.
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  • 49 8 At Rotterdam during the week ended October 31 66 vessels entered the port, the previous week's total was M 2. The nationalities of the vessels were as follows 30 Dutch, 17 English, 10 Norwegian, S Swedish and 1 Spanish. Seventy seven vessels left the port during the same week.
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  • 59 8 The latest police order to the German Sublic requires the latter to collect all sun ower seeds and to send them to the goods depots on the Prussian State Railways, which pay twopence per pound for them. These seeds are required by the oils and fats committee of the war
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  • 56 8 The officer of Justice at Medan or Friday asked for a revision of the Kaad van Justice's decisiou in the Preussen case. The court's decision acquitted Captain Lubcke and Engineer You/, un a technical point of being guilty of endangering Dutch neutrality by erecting a wireless installation on board tho
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  • 60 8 The Penang Nursing Association is expecting a fully qualified nurse, Miss Ada Simmons, by the steamer Novara, which is due to reach Penang about December 11. Miss Simmons is being sent out by the Colonial Nursing Association to whom the Ptuang Association applied for a nurse as far back as
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  • 66 8 The Supreme Court list for December contains nothing of special interest to the general public and is, indeed, considerably lighter than is often the case. There is one case in which F. 0. W. Dunsford is taking action against J. C. Kobertson and another, at the end of the month,
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  • 90 8 It is interesting to note that la Societe des Etains de Kiuta, to which Mr. Dupn belongs, counts not less than five agents at the front. One has already fallen, Mr. Charles Mauprat, killed in le Hois de la Grurie, two have been wounded, A. Dupn and E. Yilard, wounded
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  • 90 8 Our Ipoh correspondent telegraphs that the local Scotsmen celebrated St. Andrew's Day most successfully with a dinner and dance at the Grand Hotel. Over seventy were present and a typical Scottish bill of fare was presented. Mr. A. Grant Mackie presided and proposed The King," "St Andrew," and Scotland and
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  • 135 8 On the B.V.C. parade ground last evening, Mr. Frank Adam formally presented to the Singapore Volunteer Kifles a handsome cup which is intended for competition among the sections, fur general efficiency. Mr. Adam addressed the members with a few reminiscent words as to the negotiations he undertook that led to
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  • 143 8 TLe hearing wm oouimenoed tlnn morning in the third police court of the preliminary enquiry into a charge of wilfully dt struyiui; a postal package, which has been brought by the authorities against a porttr named Hassan bin Ali. According to the facto upon which the pronecution will rely, the
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  • 433 8 . Mr. I. B. l'arrington, of Midlands Estate. now 2nd Lieutenant in the Army Sorviii Corps, is in France The Hon. M -M. Clark. Commissiuni i „t Customs and Excise, has returned to Sandakan, having been home on leave. The death is announced at Kobe of Mr Ing
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  • 78 8 We gratefully acknowledge the following subscriptions to the fund for a Chiistma* Box to troops in Egypt and the I'ardam ll< I Previously acknowledged 9756.70 Mr. Tan Jiak Kirn, I'.M.G. 'JO. C. M. P. 26. Mrs. N. K. Pountney 10. Mr. Frank Adam 20. Mr. I. H.
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  • 63 8 . The committee beg to acknowledge with thanks receipt of the following Already acknowledged and s< nt London 1,000 JAlready acknjwledged in hand 6/2UO.H.'< Dunlop Rubber Co. European Employees in Malacca and Johore, October sub. Do. November sub. 88.50 G. Holden 11 months' sub. 165 Bose's
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  • 123 8 The Trading with the Enemy Amendment Ordinance (No. II) HU, winch is to bo introduced and probably passed through all of its stages at the meeting of the Legislative Council to-morrow afternoon has, as ita principal objects, the followiug (a) to extend the range of payments
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  • 118 8 Tempy. Capt. Thomas Scott Syers, 147 th Itrigade Ammunition Column. K I A son of the late Capt SyurH, hrud of the X.M.S. Police, has been awarded the Military Cross for conspicuouH gallantry and deturuiina tion on August 9, I'JIG. in the (iallipoli Peninsula. He
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 202 8 Produce of Scotland D. J. McCALLUM'S (of Edinburgh, Birmingham London) PERFECTION SCOTCH WHISKY CALDBECK. MACGREGOR CO.. Bole Agents. Tiurv are Toys f> Canted in or«at Varwiy a< our €hristmasltaza&r i Re sure Cf' t»ht\O \\\i CKiUVtCav I! i i SPECIAL DISPLAY OF NEW SEASONS GOODS. JOHN LITTLE: 6c CO., LTD.
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    • 203 8 FOR 3 NIGHTS ONLY. Thursday FrMay ««d isturaij, snd, IN and 4th Decsmkar, I*ll. ANOTHER EXTRAORDINARY BTRON6 EXGLUBIVE PRO6RAMME AT THB ALHAMjSRA TIM Pioneer CiMmatoitriph Thaatra, ksach Road. SECOND SHOW, at 9.18 P.M. a Powerful Faitur* Drama IN S ACTS Produced by the Famous Players' Film Co. THB RING AND
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  • 1824 9 GREEK ATTITUDE. Situation Continues Uncertain. ITALIAN CAMPAIGN. Terrific Fighting Reported. Rbctir's Tklk<.ram». Lon. l. in. November 30, 4.30 p.m. The Greek reply to tbe Entente's note <lt < lan s that she will maintain neutrality so loug as her sovereign rights arc not infringed and no rtsti-i ti
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  • 159 9 At a recent meeting, the committee of the North Borneo Chamber of Commerce passed this resolution The committee having noted with very great regret the commencement ot building construction on the sea frontage of the recreation ground at Sandakan, despite their strong representations, and the fact that the Uovernmeot had
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  • 93 9 SIR JOHN ANDERSON FOR CEYLON. KIDTIK's TILIOIUX. London, November 30, 10 p.m. It is announced that Sir 11. Hesketh Bell, Governor of Leeward Islands, is appointed Governor of Mauritius Sir K.M. Mercwither, Governor of Sierra Leon-, goes to the Leeward Islands, Mr. Richard Wilkinson, Colonial Secretary, Straits Settlements,
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  • 864 9 Description of the Champagne Battle. The following letter has been sent to a contributor by Mr. A. Daprt', mining engineer of La Socii-tt' Francaise des Etains de Kinta, Perak. Mr. Daprc, who bt longs to the famous sth Colonial Regiment, well-known in the Argonne and Champagne,
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  • 82 9 A Pioneer cable, dated London, November 21, says: Piper Laidlaw 's own account of winning the Victoria cross states Oar gas was drifting towards the Germans when their high explosives shells cent it among the K.O.s.R.'h. Laidlaw's company was disconcerted when a lieutenant exclaimed For
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  • 329 9 Exportation and Importation Of Articles. The draft of an important new war measure to be introduced into the Legislative Council is published in a Government Gazette issued yesterday. In tbe objects and reasons appended to the Bill, the Attorney General explains the legislation is based on the
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  • 73 9 Decline in London Reflected Locally. Metsrp. (iuthric and Co. report Singapore, December 1. The quantities catalngmd for today's auction being much in MM of IfeajM otfen I at any pievious auction, it was not found possible to complete the sale to day. Selling will be resumed to-morrow
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  • 157 9 Messrs. Barlow and Co. report: Singapore, December 1. Wired advices from London during the past week have reported a declining and unsettled market with a good deal of uncertainty as to the coarse cf prices in the immediate future, and this filling was in evidence at to day's auction when
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  • 303 9 THE SINGAPORE ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY. Second Series War Fund Donations Some time ago the Singapore St. Andrew's Society resolved to invite its members to subscribe for the second time to a War lielief Fund instead of celebrating St. Andrew's Day in the usual festive manner. Cordial greetings have been exchanged
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  • 84 9 Ibe beautiful stained klass window (described as the most valuable of its kind in England) which Henry Vll. presented to the House of Commons in 1607, is to be removed from St. Margaret's, Westminster, to a place of safety. Since the Reformation St. Mar garet'B bat> been tbe oSiciul cburcli
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  • 684 9 CONVERTING THE OLD WAR LOAN. From Our Own Correspondent Octobei 29, 1915. Almost tbe only incident nf outstanding importance in the city this week has been the activity in War Loan stock. Under the terms of the prospectus, to-morrow is tho last day for converting Consols, anuuities and
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  • 83 9 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending Friday, December 8 Thursday, Dm kmukh 2. S.IS p.m. Drill Hall S.K.E.IVi Bras Basah Koad Malay Co Friday, Dk< umber 3. 516 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. 5 p.m. Maxim Co. 6.15 p.m. I It X.IV.) 6 p.m. S.V.R. 5.10 p.m.
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  • 21 9 The Rotterdam Bank lias reci ived froi Austria a consignment of JOO cases ot gold, t tho value of Kr. lO.ftXl.non
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  • 2132 10 THE BISHOP Oh SINGAPORE AT ST. PALL'S. The Murder of Nurse Cavell Bishop Ferguson Davie, preaching at St. Paul's Cathedral, on the morning of October Sunday after details bad been re eeivod of the execution of Miss Cavell. took his text from Hosea VI. 1, Come
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    • 82 10 The November spoon shoot of the S.L.U.A. took place on November 25 at Balestier range, Mrs. lirooke winning the spoon with the excellent score of 60 nett. The five best scores were The December spoon shoot will be held on December 16. 100 yd Mrs. lirookeSl Payn, (Jattcy
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    • 88 10 5.C.C. v. Shropshire*. There should be an interesting game on tin* afternoon when the S.C.C. and the Shropshire* meet tv decide tli.' rubber. Both tin Clubmen and the soldier* have gained a substantial win recently and m there should be no lack of keenness in the exchanges on this
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  • 1484 10 Fkom Ouk Own Cobrbsponubm.) Sourabaya, November 25. If the new Governor General sails for Java in tbe steamer Insulinde he will be the first to break a long standing tradition which has ever given the Maatschappij Nederland the honour of conveying the local ruler outwards or homewards.
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  • 295 10 B. N. Borneo Realises Nearly $6,000. The 8.N.8. War Relief Fund Lottery was drawn at the new Distillery, Sandakan, ■I noon on Saturday, November 13. Most of the Europeans in the station and a number of representative Chinese and others were present. Tbe Hon. the acting Resident
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  • 262 10 Yet another cinema theatre is to be started in Singapore, the Empire Cinema, for which a new building has been erected on a site opposite the Kreta Ayer police station. Tanjong Pagar Koad. The date of opening will be announced later. The Alhambra is presenting to night
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  • 103 10 Certain chaplains of the Church of England and Church of Scotland on the Indian eccle siastical establishment sabmitted memorials in which they prayed for a reduction of the length service qualifying for pension and for a system of graduated pensions. The Government of India forwarded the memorial last year to
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  • 2412 10 ADVISABILITY OF DISCLOSING COSTS. A Maiden Dividend. The fifth annual general meeting of the Kali Olagah (Java) Kubber and Produce Company, Limited, was held on October 29, at the offices of the Kubber rrowers' Association, 3d, Eastcheap, E.C., .Mr. 11. L. Coghlan (chairman of the company) presiding.
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  • 355 11 THE SIR RICHARD AWDRY SUNK. Torpedoed in Mediterranean Sea. Mf at Shanghai was informed by tin S-<r<Ury of the VaD^ti/.f Insurance AMhociation, 1,t<1., tliat tho Norwegian ",■2l tons) has bet;n I in U:» M. litt -rrani'un. when on a MfMi from Nov;i Scotia to Vladivostock aud tht' «tt;imti sir IJiehard
    355 words
  • 632 11 kULTUR, UNLIMITED. Unsatisfactory Results'of First Year's Working. MM what extraordinary meeting of the oDsi'liilati il Kukiir, Land Grabbing and National AMirattMM 'oinjiany, Inlituited. was lulcl tit the (tliees of the company, PotsdMa, Mr. Wilhelm KaiMt ichaiiman, uiauay lag diiiiU r, advi rtihil v Uiaoa^tT, truste'.' io bankruptry. ftc i HI
    632 words
  • 16 11 NO VEMBER RUBBER RETURNS. HamatrH In.i. r.M.tKHi lbf>. Hul.: I ..'lbx. It vco montliH X17.1W io-.
    16 words
  • 553 11 GUNNER'S MENAGERIE. Pets Stopped by Transport Officer. It would have delighted tbe hearts of oven the Dismal Jimmies to have seen as hwi ating, stripped to tho waist, pouring shell into the enomy's lines. They ran, did the (itruians these World DominatorH' sought safety in flight. Wo are too good
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  • 344 11 Detectives and Warships on His American Mission. How Lord Heading was guarded on his tray out to America and back, and during bis stay in that country, is described by tbe London correspondent of tbe Journal, who urtrsation with the yreat Kuglish Uwytr politician and financier after
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  • 95 11 The Kiiiisli Ambassador at Washington is xurprised to li am of the conviction of two Kn^lixliuien, wliohe naui»H are given an liilpli bUir aud l>r. Tlioiua.-. Addis, in San Kraociaoo, for cnnaKini; KuKlii-lnm-n there to yu tn tin- front. Km vioUUil an AaM ntatuW, whirl>, ii is ;».lmitw«l. would be
    95 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 47 11 Man waata but little Lore be'.ow, Rut wautß that little long, if life hr wishes t> enjoy \nj<nx tin- gladtome ttrong. Hut I he weald long life cdjoj, > n 1 be from colds accare, T: i n he UiU«t take the remedy W' oli' Great I'eppermint fure.
      47 words
    • 445 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. november|v m */sm^ti& Juit hear a few of the NoTember Zonophone Records, then ask yourself niAMOivm RARm the question, Was there BLACK DIAMONDS BAND, ever value like this before z■* (cJ^« c«P^nll" >Tri tt > Cm at 1-20 PEERLESS ORCHESTRA. Don't miss Z 1493. t |Th« Fo»T,ot Hop
      445 words
    • 53 11 SINGAPORE AMATEUR DRAMATIC COMMITTEE IN AID OF OFFICERS' FAMILIES' FUND "The Queries" "My Word" an up-to-date and original Revue VICTORIA THEATRE December 9, 11, 16, 18 AT 915 P.M. MATINEE December 14, at 5.30 p.m. Plan of Seats at THE ROBINSON FIANO CO., LTD OK Wednesday. Deoember l. at 9
      53 words
    • 198 11 PRODUCE OF FRANCE "Cordon I SOLE import ib^ I "Cordon D H!BBERT.WOODROFFE&C°L T KOUCE. (Incorporated in England) JAUNE. RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM ADJOINING CONFECTIONERS SHOP Bras Banali Koad, Singapore, From 9 a.m. till 12 p.m. r Ices, Cakes, Pastry, Cold Drinks, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, etc. AFTERNOON TEAS AND LATE SUPPERS A
      198 words

  • 2163 12 MEANS OF PREVENTING ENEMY TRADE. Australian Proposals Further discussion took place on >ctobcr 26 at a mooting of the Perth Chamber of Commerce on the question <>f enemy trade after the war. The president (Mr. W. W. Garner) remarked that it was intended to brine the matter
    2,163 words
  • 1634 12 PROBABLE INCREASED SURPLUS FOR YEAR. Lower Costs. The seventh ordinary general meeting of Jong-Landor Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on November 1, in the Council Koom of the Rubber Growers' Association, 88, Eastcheap, E.C, Mr. R. K. Magor (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, the
    1,634 words
  • 761 12 K.M.S. PLANTATIONS. Coconuts to be Superseded By Rubber. The fifth annual general meeting of the K M.S. (Malay State*)) Rubber and Coconut Plantations, Limited, was held on October 29, 'at the registered office, o, Wliittington Avenue, E.C. I The Chairman (Mr. J. H. Hentsn) said The results of the year's
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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  • 938 13 .Gurkhas' View from Top of The "Nameless Peak." Daring the HghtioK at Anzac, while the British force was bemg landed at Suvla Bay, says c.aptain 0. E. W. Bean, the Aastralian Eye Witness, a portion of the New Zealand infantry column went up tlir northern valley
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  • 134 13 Sarah Bernhardt' s Return. The great event of the threatical world in Paris is Madame Sarah Bernbardt's return to the stage in a performance of Eugene Moraud's poem, Les Cathedral) h, in aid of the hospitals. The poem depicts tbo French cathedrals praying in the solitude of the night for
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  • 23 13 The Government of Formosa is raising loans amounting to over V 60,000,000 during the coming fiscal year for riparian works and harbour construction.
    23 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 83 13 The UNION "jS BRITISH-MADE y^ ZI^C \i >^»^^. tffe'^SS> rtCTS THEUNION TRADING COY., SINGAPORE. ICE- MAKING MACHINERY. tMost Modern Plant. Users of our plants make and sell ice at V^ cent per lh. and have a good profit. For full Particulars and Estimates, The BORNEO Co., Ltd. S EBTATE_BUPPLIEB Stock
      83 words
    • 131 13 SHELL' TO THE FRONT THE PROPRIETORS OF MOTOR SPIRIT HOLD THE SOLE CONTRACT FOR THB Supply of Motor Transport Spirit to the British Forces, both in the United Kingdom and on the Continent. USE "SHELL" THE BRITISH W*R SPIRIT REMOVAL ANNOUNCEMENT. On and after Ist December, 1915, Our business will
      131 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 504 14 Famine or Plenty. Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HMD OPF.C. W.nchaata, Hou.., •l-g.por., LONDON Of=FIC 39. O.d .lawny, 10. Tb« Company has A 20.000 deposited with the Supreins Court of England, and compiles with the
      504 words
    • 303 14 INSURANCE. POLICIES ON ALL MODERN PLANS. SUN LIFE OF CANADA, 6, Battery Road. S. J. HOWB, Manager GUARDIAN ABBURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONDOti Subscribed Capital £2,000.000 Total Invested Funds 4»,'i60,000 Annual Inoome £1,100,000 Tbe undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to accept fire and Harttiquake rinks tor short periods
      303 words
    • 452 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND BHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID UP CAPITAL m. 116,000,000 RESERVE KL'NDS Bterlin K 41,600,000 at 1/- 116,000,000 Sliver .18,000,000 188,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. D. Laadak), Chairmaa. W. L. Pattenden, Esq., Deputy Chairman. S. H. Dodwell, Bsq IP. H. Holyoak, Bsq. G.
      452 words
    • 435 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER I Paid np Capital in 80,000 Shares oi 430 each 41,300,000 Reserve Fond 41,800,000 Reserve LiabiUty of Proprietors... 41.200,000 BANKERS The Bank of England, Tbe London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd.,
      435 words
    • 870 14 INBURANCE. CAPITALIZING himself is never thought of by the average man, who is a far greater aeset than tbe stock, animals and houses be poßHesses am) wbo*e protection from untoward contingency s is his fist consideration. Yet he overlooks self-protection and because of it broken homes, disrupted basinersm and sequestrated
      870 words

  • 774 15 . NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Some Wartime Productions. II Massac Buist writing in Tbe Observer says After fifteen months of tbo war it is satisfactory to note that one's anticipations that tbe conflict would make for tbe development of automobilism are already being justified. This is
    774 words
  • 305 15 . German Officer Describes A British Attack. A vivid account of the k&h attack by the Britißb duriDg the fi^bting at Loon is HMSkti in a letter by a German officer, publisht il in tbe Cologne Gazette (says tbe special correspondent of tbe Daily Chronicle at
    305 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 210 15 Wo ha c boen »w»r.l >d tbe following sinit iry ejeiocorio^ cootrasts M, -rR. Wliitt-awny, I.iidlaw and Co., Ltd.— New Premisog. \1 --s. Chartered Bank of ladit, Aastralia and China.— New Premier. v jo'tile M-. Eu Took Se»K< Ferak.— A Jig Lodge. ejr <ni;iQjer in charge of oar Sanitary Dapt.
      210 words
    • 202 15 [michelinl IDUPIRE BROS. SINGAPORE You oan't drive a knife through the tread I 1 Some Stelastic Records \^'^^K>" Cak Tvrks. Mils-. C"lwS f^ Loiid ABERD RB London 8.1 60 Rsar Wheel. V^KMS <&fj? Major LINDSAY LLOYD Brooklands (2 9.000 Y^2Bj^ v Rnd 2 ii -o°° jB^I^HM <v Four Tyres /^H*lB^
      202 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 432 16 INSURANCE OF PRIVATELY OWNED MOTOR CARS <f LIMITED. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES SOLE AGENTS: Adamson, Gilfillan fiCa., Ltd., IMPORT DEPARTMENT, SINGAPORE. PENANG and MALACCA. WANTS. BTOREWEPER WANTED. Wanted, a storekeeper for Import House. Sjcurity required. Apply to Z.," c/o Straits Times 29-11 4-12 ABSISTANT WANTED. Wanted for an Estate in Joliore. an
      432 words
    • 385 16 ARTICLES FOR SALE MOTOR CM FOR SALE. Five-seater Chalmers in good running order. Can be inppectcd. Apply to Car, c/o Strait- Times. 3911 ill COCONUT SEEDLINGS FOR BALE From well-grown tree; For particulars aid prioes. anplv to A. FrUNKKe. Siglip ■stake, or at VioWia Stay* II 7 a FOR SALE.
      385 words
    • 558 16 TO BE LET OB SOLD. FURNIBHEO BEABIDE REBIDENCEB TO LET. BEL NDA andJCAMTA In rornisbed. Apply No 8. Ml. Sopbia 18 o Tf) LET. No. 84, Robinson Hiad. Immodiate entry. Apply E. Si as, No. 8, Prinoe Street. 8-10 o FLOOR LIT To let, tad Floor, No. 8, Malacca Stows,
      558 words
    • 540 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. SEABIOE RESIDENCE TO LET 4 bedrooms, bathrooms attached, water laid on. Apply No 4, De Sooza Street 6 8b q BOARDING HOUBE TO BE LET OR SOLO To be let, for six months, or sold, a Highclass Boarding Houm Apply to Box No. 112, Straits
      540 words
    • 364 16 WTICEB. GUANKIAT&Co., 37 Pbllip Street ihlp-Cruniilsri, Bovsmmsnt and Municipal Contractor!, General Importer* and Eiporten. Estate, Rica and law Mill Suppliers sad Commission Agtats. SOU AOBNTS KOK "GLOBE BOILER FLUID, The Idsal Fluid for Cleaning, aad PrsMrving •team Boilen Tel. Address: "GTJANKIAT," Telephone Nos. 1174 and 1288 (Private 1460) Codbs ussd
      364 words
    • 526 16 KIAM KIAT&CO 108 ft 109, Market Street, Tolephone No. 431. Shipsiiandlers, Oovemoiont am l Muoicipa Contractor*. Butatc Supplier" anj Con; mission A«entf< Sois Aobnis The Mnloott Belting Co., Ltd Best Multiplar Brand Hair Boltings It SOB-1! To Coconut Planter! and Copra Maker! MATHIEUS "PORTABLE COCO NUT OPENER.' Mr. Matbieu will
      526 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 237 16 Straits Tbimes. ADVERTISEMENT XATKS.— MisotJaau oos wants of every description are iiibcil ed at the prepaid rate of II po» fuui lines for on or two insertions N jticcs of Births, damages, or Deaths, if not exceeding faur linos, II eaob irnerto* For p.p.o. cards, on pago 8, 12. Imoh
      237 words