The Straits Times, 24 November 1915

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 2 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 1915. PRICE 10 CENTH.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 174 1 M 1 M LUMINOUS WRIST WATCHES SHOW TIME CLEARLY IN THE DARK. iSMWWgiiii i NICKEL j /J.I////:/' \i \im:i: n\i.y. Price: each KATZ BROS., LTD. RONEO FILING CABINETS MADE IN ENGLAND *^»w To buy British-made goods is to y^^ jj give employment to British workpeople and to contribute towards ST
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    • 142 1 ROBINSON GO. Sweets and MkyEr Chocolates f^ Frequent fresh supplies are received from this celebrated Regent Street t-srm of Confectioners, V>«a4»l* SS-^**«ft*/%fl)*^ filled with Fuller's Best Chocolates. Husb Hampers A Most AccepubU PrMOTt FANCY AND PLAIN BOXES OF SWEETS AND CHOCOLATES also Assorted Confections in boxes. A LARGE VARIETY TO
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  • 699 2 The following casualties are announced I November 10. I Died.— 2nd Lieut. W. E. Dunne, Lancaster I Fusiliers. Poisoning —Lieut. E. P. Richards, Gordons. I Now Reported Wounded and Prisoners.— I Capt. C. A. Hutcbinson, West Kents; 2nd I Lieuta. C. D. Mayo, Royal Scots; O. E.I Stuggall,
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  • 250 2 Canadian Woman's Strange Experience. That there are German spies in London masquerading in the gaiso of British officer* is vouched tor by Mr. Edward Turner, formerly well-known in Montreal, and until the other week a resident at the (Queen's Gate Hotel. To a representative of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 506 2 CEREGEN Proteid-Phosphate SUPPLIES STRENGTH to the WEARY ENERGY to the FLAGGING CsTRmOBM-locroaiies power of reauperation after illness. CEREGEN -aids ditfention. GCRCGEN -I t<ps in periods of ntresi and wrrry OEREOEN <" en M' el y of British origin. SO XRY CERBOEN S t Obtainable of all Chemists. Itocki kast ana
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    • 550 2 A Reputation of ovtr 100 ytart. Cockle's ANTIBILIOUS Pills ENSURE GOOD DIGESTION and a HEALTHY, ACTIVE LIVER. Ol Cktmiits throuiihfut Hi.- il.l. Pricn in England. 1 li and J 9. James CockL iCo. 4 CreM O'irond Si Icri'on W.C. DO YOU SUFFER WITH RHEUMATISM Has this terribl-, norve painful
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    • 1160 2 MLEB BIT AUCTION AUCTION SALE Of EXCELLENT WAX POLISHED AM) MiHOQANY STAINED TR*K HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. I'IANc, BTC, At Powell A Co '■> Ssle-room, On Friday, November SB, at 11am. A good toned cottage piano br J. Brin-m »1 and Sons; handsome mahogany Rtiin.d teak drawing room suile upholstersd in silk
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  • 1139 3 SPEECHES AT WAR OFFICE DINNER. His Majesty and Great Britain Tlio Siamese Minister of War at Bangkok made the following ape*ch on tlic occanion of ilin Majesty's visit to the War Office on November 8: Sire, 1 beg your Majesty's kind perniiißion to express the feeling of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 100 3 THE STRAITS TIMES PRESS, LTD/ Artistic Modern J^?ft/!j£k Bookbindersj Photo Engravers] Telephone.; Commercial Line 8 Half-tone I 348. Photographer* I r—l CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE. [B] J.L. CAMPBELL CO. Everything for Men's Wear. SELECT ASSORTMENT OF SUITINGS of ALL CLASSES. LATEST NOVELTIES IN TIES, HATS, COLLARS, ETC. NOW READY The Singapore
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    • 773 3 f l3| I Anaemia I TL^rotJftrinft or P° orness °f Blood, is far more prevalent tUSsMkfEP ?fi&*w2sj\ than is generally supposed. Men, Women and (^^■L^fmWjr^KiSl Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected. mnHßfclJtA^jg^fljlgwf serious consequences may result. If taken when the symptoms are first noticed, it is a very
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1072 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O." British India AND Apcar L-ine. MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PBNINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract wltb Hit Majesty Government). Fop China. Japan, Panang, Coy lon, Australia, Ind.a, Adan, Egypt. Maditarranun Ports and London. str-jim r* will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. IMkumw Hot Eoiura).
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    • 802 4 STEAMER SAILINGS THE 81AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD.I SINGAPORE-BAN6KOK For KreUy, Trinsmau. Blast, Bemetak, KeUatM, Tabal Buain. i tiuzia. Pttaai, Sia<cri, Laooa. Kobsanni, Basdoa, Lanxtaea. Taku, Cbampoa, Rohlsk tad Baaakok. Ova OKtHVN MAHIDOL Nov. 29 Dec. 1,8 p.m. BORIBAT Deo. B 8 p.m. PRACHATIPOK 8> P m ASDANO .9 „11,3
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    • 470 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD Tbc Coaptate*' stoMnrn are despatoheJ bom Livotpoo! outward* for »t><. Straits China atd Jsria every week and from Japan bomowardo tor London Amsterdam and Antwerp ovuiy fortnight; lot Genoa, Marseille* and I lvetpaol and tor Marseilles.
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    • 527 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. n.y.k: JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO LTD. EUROPEAN LINF. a K'cvioe maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles and London um'or mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this norvioo t avo been specially designod and oon<itrnot< d, and are fitted with all tlio
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  • 796 5 Pricfi Quoted In the Market Tbli Morning. Singapore, November 24, 1016 Maura. Ljall Mid Bvatt, evjhange and share brokers, issue the following liat of this morning The quotations on sterling shin* in only nominal. No>. Valci. 81-ties. Sillmbs 2/- AUagat 1/10 9/1 i. 1 Anglo J»t» 8/8
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 748 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. "^ELLERMAN" LINE. For LONDON GLASGOW "City of Bombay" due Nov. 30 For LIVERPOOL Kasenga due Dec. 12 For particulars as to rates of freight and passage, apply to McALISTER Co., Ltd., Agents 18 12 n HENDERSON LINE Tie Steamers of the above Line sail fortnigh ly from GLASGOW
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    • 172 5 Our Workshops include the Machine Shop, Boiler Shop and General Engineering Foundry. MACHINE SHOP is completly equipped with the most modern machinery capable of executing work of any and every description up to 15 Tons. BOIPER SHOP fitted with up-to-date Hydraulic Rivetting machinery for manufacturing Boilers, Tanks, Hydraulic Pipe Lines,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 248 6 H. C HUDSON A at> oh Tuk |MM Pi*no Co VIOLIN STRINGS. K Acrihi 4 lrnathii, Sylvi* SOo <'«rli E Ao-ib«ll<<. 8 leotitbp, Pexo ISO, e«d' K (hit RyhisNo J7 200. acl A (in-, X x No. 31 ISo. e»cl' Civ", >jlvia No. B'i «00. (MB A (int, Sylvia No.
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    • 122 6 Apowerfiitpidttmeupwfoni/oii/eeP Tun dotfn y weak or out of sorts. Drives out fewer. Repairs waste debilify Prepared only by M/or Pbarmoeeuhral /tOftSt/totarthriS fow I SoUinaN fttormactrs andDruf Sfom in S/»6J>ro*£ and fie I h. Jfreih StfHemfgU, ..ill !llllliiiita. MHHH^^iiiilllll I Sto ks kept and samples supplied to trade by A. CLOUET
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    • 342 6 LATEST AD VI FORO CAR WANTEO. Wanted, 2nd band Ford Car. 191 1 191 "> model. Must to in good condition. With Bosch Magneto preferred. Apply W. K Winton, No. 9, Sor liii Road. '24 11 24 11 POSITION WANTED. Wactcd, a position ashore oy certified Marine Eng'netr. Experienced in
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    • 174 6 SRTISEMENTB. TO BE LET. FURNISHED. Kilbarn. splendid HituatioD. hnaltiiVHt Rpot on the Island, fj Hila, }'n it Tmi;b Roml. LHrxecompnund. Imtnfdiatocnti y. moderate rint. Apfly 7-a, Cban^o Alley. 2111 '29 11 AUCTION SALE or a iron num nooi To be hold at So. rl. Ui K h Str,,t, On Satckdav,
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  • 100 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday. November 24. High Wator. OB a.m.. 11.1 ill Thursday. November 25. High Water, Ml a.m UM ft-ui. Friday, November 2ft Hiuli Watur, lit a.m J» p iv I' ul O liuincw.ird mail id p titSaturday, November 27. Ji^Li W»tor, LM, O.»« p. in Sunday,
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  • 162 7 Tc-LMY. Milin.i. I", naag tad i oloiubo HiranoMaru '.'.30 pm vvcttenbaru and IVnaou Ipob 2.:t0 pm MTI *0 pUI Ralal Ciuiljuny. Ik'n^kalis an<l ('..ntianak IM pm Batu Pahat UH 1-uonK 2 .10 pm \l,r-,in^ Hock Lee 'J.BO pm K i Tinußl Mrranti 4 pm Poulck— HoBKAik N.tOam
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  • 354 7 The m.iil trains frcui Sin^ipjio for the north leave T;ink Road station daily at 7.7 a.m. and 7 p.iu arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 7is p.m. and 6.1') a respectively. The t NMBO leaves Kuala Lumpur at ha m. <lai 1 y arriving at PenanjP iv tlji' i«ioc
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  • 98 7 in- Japan Oirom.ii The unauiui: of a I'nwn tuUuraui a* received from the Mm t'-legfafk) osVs is not always i W< lia»< today. f>>r instance Pierpoat Morgan only ili«tini<uislied apptndicitis MlO rocov.rm«." m.»n that Mr.«n was tlieonly lli«li»H»i ihiiij pemoa to b. operaW-d on upon October 2M, or doe«i
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  • 357 7 Outward. Ihe following pamenger bookinK" to tho StraitH are taken from the London and China KxprtHt,. It Hliould be understood that, in aoino instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending paßwnt;crH may alter their arranKenSaStH, subsotjuunt to the issuance of U.ih 1 if-t in London: Pit
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  • 165 7 excHANne. SINOAPOHI. NOVKMDKR 24, 1916. Oh London Bank 4 m/s V*h Demand 2,4,,', Private 8 mi 2/4} On India Bank T. T. 17 On HoNOKoN<t...Bank d/d 17; On Shanghai ...Bank d/d 92; On Java Bank T. T. 184 j On Japan Bank Ul; Sovereigns buying rate 18.64
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 11 7 Hui i lir >uic Client Complaint". ,t Ptpp<Tmint Core U. 6d
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    • 682 7 LATEST ADVEKTISEMKNTS. AUCTION SALE Of ABOUT 600 PaIHS NEW AMBKKAN BOOTS, BLACK AND BROWN, V iRI >US SIZES. At Powell Co.'b Sale-room On Kkiday, Novimbkr 26, at 10 1 To be ion! in small lots Now on v'ew. )\Vj£LI. .v C J Aucliontt-H. ■v ii n v GUAN KIAT CO.
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    • 682 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SINMPORt'S PREMIER THEATRE ORCHtRO ROAD SINGAPORE S PREMIER THEATRE ALL FILMS NEW TO SINGAPORE. LAST NIGHT TO-NIGHT. A STOLEN INHERITANCE A I'owerNiil Four Part Drama Splendidly Stayed and Acted with great ability, featuring M'lle Maria (aperini in this li'-r Krcatent triumph. Producei by the GLORIA Co. Italy. tr.rt.lal.
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  • 44 8 Bou>ku\.\. On November 24. at Government Quarters, 33, Buffalo Road, Singapore, Hermenegild Edward Boudewyn aged 74 years. Deeply regretted. Kuntra! cortege will leave residence at 4.15 p.m. to-day for the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, thence for Bidadari Cemetery interment at 5.80 p.m.
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  • 1141 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24. YET MORE MEN. A copy of Lord Derby s letter to every able-bodied man lies before us. It followed a well known S.u^ajHirt: gentleman from Eng land which, he left a few days before it was issued. While at Home he offered to do
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  • 60 8 Messrs. Uuthrie and Co. advise as that they have received a cable from London stating that the annual general meeting of Bukit Kajang Rubber EsUtc-H, Ltd., is to be held on jyUi inst., and the directors are recommend ing a final dividend of 15 per cent, making a total of
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  • 23 8 A large concourse on tbe padang at Pcnang witnessed tbe presentation of Princess .Marys Christmas gift to Volunteers by Major A. H. Adams.
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  • 26 8 Tbe directors of Chenderiang Tin I hedging Company bave declared a first interim dividend of sixpence per share, free of income-tax, and payable on December 4.
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  • 32 8 The October imports of Plantation rubber into Great Britaiu amount to 5,536 tons, the deliveries being 4,628 tons. The total stocks of Para and Plantation amount to 6.790 tons against 3,695 tons.
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  • 33 8 An ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will be held on Friday next. There is the usual routine business contained in the agenda, together with an ittm referring to tenders for annual supplies.
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  • 32 8 The .W.C. A. monthly meeting will be held on Monday next. There will be a prayer service at 4.45 p.m., followed by short addresses by several ladies. All ladies interested are invited.
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  • 39 8 L>o Journal Officiol contains the citation to the order of the day of the French Army of Mr. Sbigano Kiyotaki, captain in the Japanese Army, for executing daily bombardments of the enemy's positions with the greatest cleverness aud intrepidity.
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  • 70 8 The number of old scholars of Bedford School who have been serving with the forces is 1,550. One hundred and two have been killed; the wounded and the missing nupi ber 149. Five have received the C.M.(> 12 tho D.S.O 22 the Military Cross, one tl'tDistinguished O induct Medal, MM
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  • 61 8 It has been decided that all British soldiers who have been or may bo retained in India beyond their normal period of army service on account of the war and who are not qualified for proficiency pay, shall be granted such pay under the conditions laid down in paragraph 492-
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  • 67 8 Rehearsals are now proceeding for a performanco by Kuala Lumpur amateurs of the play The Importance of Being Earnest. This will be tho first occasion of the production 01" a three-act comedy in Kuala Lumpur. The performances are to be given in aid of the No. 2 Scheme, F.M.S. War
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  • 58 8 Passengers outward bound for China, who arrived from home yesterday by th. IV and O. intermediate steamer Kashmir, are anticipating an enjoyable little holiday in Singapore as the guests of tbe P. and (>. Company, as the ship's departure is postponed until the 29th instant. The hotels are full and
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  • 69 8 Sentence of three months rigorous imprisonment was passed upon William Jenkins, an engineer, in the second police court, yesterday. Tbe man was first brought before tbe magistrate last week when he pleaded guilty to a charge of stealing a cash box containing a cheque book, fifty dollars and scrip to
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  • 70 8 The Marine authorities have issued a notice to mariners concerning the wreck of tbe Cholburi on the Bangkok Bar. The vessel is sunk about four cables S 50 W. oil the upper Kid Lightship at the entrance to the Menam river and information has been received that the position is
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  • 99 8 Hassan bin Omar, tbe driver of a 'Munici pal motor wagon, was, this morning in the second police court, called upon to answer a charge of driving in such a rash and negligent manner as to cause tho death of a child in Havelock Road yesterday. Keyond the charging of
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  • 92 8 Mention of what will be a case of some considerable importance was BaA this morning in the third police court when Tan Chin Kiat, of 140, Orchard Koad, was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of the title deeds of certain property in Cecil St., and Tan Chang
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  • 111 8 There was commenced in the Court of Appeal this morning the hearing of the appeal of Chee Swoe Cheng and Khoo Young Tin against the judgment which the Chief Justice recently gave in favour of the Chartered Hank of India, Australia and China after tbo bearing of an action which
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  • 114 8 By an arrangement come to with tbo Assam administration and the managers of tea estates, Commisniooer Booth Tucker, of the I'unjah Salvation Army, is about to embark on a new and novel enterprise, namely, that of supplying labou- to the tea gardens from among the criminal tribes in tbe various
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  • 544 8 Mr. 1!, D. I'ringlt 1 gononil secretary of tl V.M.I.A., is ou a brief visit to Ipob. Mr. K. It. W. Lobb, of tbo Singapore Tramways, anil Mrs. Lobb, bare returns I from borne. Mr. Hnbcrt Kerkcloy, formerly Kiny o( I'ppor Perak," wbo has been promoted to
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  • 82 8 H.M. Minister at Bangkok, writing iv regard to the proposed linking up of tho Siamese Southern railway with tin K.M.s railway system, states that a point at Kampong Kantau Panjang has been fixed upon as tbe place at which tho two systems will be connected, the
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  • 97 8 The following e.iiui'juui.pte placed ou tbe Press Table at tho Jumbo, on November 18: Last wwfc Mis Excellency the Governor received frotu the S< eretary of State for the Culoni< itimsting that, iv view of imporUut financial problems now confronting His Majesty's lioveriiin.
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  • 215 8 We made I brief appeal yintcrday on behalf of our soldiers iv E^ypt .md in the Dardanelles, many of whom have been in the trenches continuously for three months or more. Our wish is to send them clothiug, cigarettes, tobacco, chocolates or anything else, that may bo
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 141 8 mm ™*m» *^dL Letters :.m Carbons. r*^fc>HK Twentieth Century 'iv* seen the advent of many remarkable inventions, not the least of which is the Roneo Letter Copier, which dispenses wit h water, brush, and press, makes costly carbons unnecessary, and produces p-rfect copies at the rate of N per minute
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    • 204 8 FOR 2 NIGHTS ONLY. WsdMsday art Thursday, 14th art 25th Nov 1111. ANOTHER MONSTER AND SELECT PROBRAMME AT THB ALHAMBRA TIN Ussssr Clnemitotmph ThMtra, •Mch Road SECOND SHOW, at 9.1S P.M. »;Soul-»tirring Fiaturc Drama Produced by Iht Famous Players Film Co. THI LITTLE GRAY LADY IN 4 PARTS a kriiliaat
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    • 12 8 Latest advertisements of tbe day appear on page 6, 7 and 11.
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  • 2302 9 THE GREEK KING. His Views of Duty To Greece. THE FIGHTING LINES. Serbians Making Retreat Safely. rKai'TKß's T*-'— itim London, November .•:<. 1 g ;-.m .)ai!y Mail correnpondent. wri my fr.iu Messina. #*M the situation at I lHtli iustaut. lie says he in' .v, I M. I; illis.
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  • 51 9 Rrctir s Tkle.jram London, November 23. Assistance has been nent to thu Salsette. London, November 22, 7.10 p.m. The P. and (>. steamer Saltt-tte has been refloated. Tbe Pembrokeshire has been refloated and has arrived at Las Palmas. London, Novembtr 23, 1.10 a.m. The Salsette is proceeding
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  • 42 9 Rbctkb's Tblboram London, November 28. Now York: The National City Bank an njunces the formation of a company with a capital of ten millions sterling, backed by leading financiers, to finance and control enterprises in all parts of the world.
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  • 25 9 Hi r«\ Tkleuium*. London, November 28. The (anadian win. at surplus available for export is 228 million bushels, which is a record.
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  • 22 9 HkLTKK's TfLki.KlM. London, November '23, 6 20 p.m. Tbe deaths are reported of Sir Allen Wil liam Young and Admiral Rainier.
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  • 37 9 Commodity Sold up to 3s. 8d (From Oib Own Correspondent.) London, November 28. Rubber has sold up to Bs. Bd., but is closing easier. llukit Kajang pays 15 per cent., and carries forward £6,670.
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  • 131 9 iKhum Oih Own Cokmspondknt.) Penang, November 28. At tbe annual meeting of the Penang Turf Club, tbe Hon. A. R. Adams presiding, tbe accounts presented showed a loaa on tbe year of 11,452 after giving $1,201 to tbe Prince of Walesa Fund. Tbe ladies also raised $700
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  • 1922 9 THE DEATH OF A VERY (iALLANT ADMIRAL. From Our Own Correspondent Hongkong, November 16. The unsuccessful attempt at Shanghai on the lift of Admiral Tshtng has been followed by another in which his assailants were only too successful. Tbe first, it will be remember ed, was by
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  • 154 9 Sub-Lieut. Arnold M. Cook, after nuclei going some special training as a sailor, hah imv. M attachil to tho 2nd Keserve Batta lion, Royal iMvicion, and by last mail be was expecting to leave for the HinlaDi Him in a month or so. Like most of the Utn from
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  • 1359 10 (Fto» A Comr.sPONDUSi Soorabaya, November 1". Java has during the past few days been ravaged by a succession of thunderstorms h< raiding the entry of the west monsoon, and connidi rable damage has been caused to life and property. Malang was the first district to suffer, and
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  • 854 10 Financial Results Eminently Satisfactory. At the ighth annual general moeting of shareholders of the Bukit Lintang Kubber Estates, Ltd held at Edinburgh on October 11. Mr. William Grornhill. chairman of the company, presided, and remarked as follows I have pleasure in submitting the din c tnr«' report
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  • 71 10 In connection with the Amateur Drawing Association, Low Kirn Chua and Yeo Hock Yam, both scratch, were first and second respectively in the handicap dum competi turn for Mr. C. y. Let's pri/. s. In the final of the handicap billiard consolatiou competition (or Mr. Lim Scow Kirw'x pri/.e, in
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  • 340 10 The Wonders Seen by a Visitor To Verdun. A correspondent of tho Oofenburg t'niu mercial and Shipping Journal given up interesting description of it visit lie |«id to tho subterranean works which surrounded tho fortress of Verdun. Outside the town,' he relates, our passes wore examined, a
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  • 402 10 Demon-Cultus in Children's Games. At the monthly general meeting of tbe Asiatic society of Bengal Mr. H. G. Graves read a paper on The. Invention of Fire." Tli is paper contained an endeavour to trace the probable stages of the inventive power of m in by which fire
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  • 236 10 Harmston's Circus, an old favourite amongst the travelling shows which periodically visit Singapore, opens tonight at Beach Road with a programme which would suggest that there has been no falling off in the ijnality of this entertainment. There is a large company which, in one way or
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  • 38 10 Mr. a W. Davidgo, MA., of the Kobe Higher Commercial School, has received the Fifth Order of the Rising Sun, in recognition of his work as teacher of English in tbe Kobe school daring the last eight years.
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  • 520 10 Length of Front and Battle Wastage. I Colonol Feyler, a well known military i rilic, discusses in the Journal do Geneve what Americans would call the rock-bottom buses on which all calculations as to the duration and chances of the war should bo founded. His article is
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  • 443 10 New Fields Available Within The Empire. Mr. John A. Todd, Professor of Economics at University College, Nottingham, contributes an important article to the new quar terly number of tbe Bulletin of the Im».'rial Institute. The question of tue world's cotton supply he points out, has been critical
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  • 135 10 Swimming Club launches for Sunday will leave at 9, 10 and 11 a.m. 2.30 and 3 30 p.m., and return at 9.30 and 10 'SO a.m., 12.15, 8 and 5.30 p.m. A life-saving race will take place after the arrival of the 10 o'clock launch. Entries will be received by
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  • 1582 10 ORDERS FOUND ON A TURKISH OFFICER. Confidence of the Commander. Tho following Army Orders, issued by Djomal Pasha to the Turkish Army under bis command which invaded Egypt at the end of January and beginning of February last, were found on a dead Turkish officer after
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  • 291 10 Incident that Brought Tears To Soldiers' Eyes. Sergeant A. E. Berry, writing to a triend at Newport, Mon, relates an incident ia which the Germans granted a truce for five minutes to enable the British to bring in a wounded man. He writes: I heard a cry
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  • 273 10 The report of the X.M.S. i Malay statist Kubber and oconut Plantations. Limited, states that, owing to the UDHiiitability of the soil for coconut cultivation, it has been decid cd to intcrplant the coconut area with robber, and to cut out all coconut troeH which showno
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  • 776 11 Scheme for Reconstruction By Allies. -..uvlilution of the library of Lnuvain \llns, aiiliii by tyni patl.clic riK'iubers uf the neutral natious, have in haml im an Iv. Nt that will put tli> tinal HUmp of ini.iiny M Uie nctnt .lestmetioa by Urn < iernutaM of the famous llclgian
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  • 186 11 The rt [><irt vl tli< Kali i>lanab i.lavai Kub b. i an.l l*ruducc i i.mpany, Limited, statin that thi' total mt ;<. i I the estate i« tW icr, of w l.uli tin ii- an MXi acres under cultivation of Hi \ia tubU r IDU
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  • 42 11 tak iuf— age to Uif Asahi staUs| that i. tin Belgian 'liuij f r. mi Ktun to l...udoii. I „ii I. II Is i ia«t ■tlm ii lh< I'iinei st. x.l 11. Mm, k l.v a Icmib •plinUr and received a .i:u.
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  • 395 11 Preservation of Population Problem. Tin Krimch (iovtrnajent i« Horioasly tackling tbo ijueßtioD of npirit traffic. After Ruppn oHing tlic privili v the bouilleurs de cru." or small ilistillcrn, and HiuitiuK tlie nuiubt-r of liecn'cd house!), and then restrictIm thr Halo ol rpirita to all men in uniform, ii
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  • 407 11 British Aviator's Victory Seen From Below. An oflic r in tlie Tirritcrials at the front <li aeribea itli apajMg d< tail a most exciting Igbttathl :im bat v British and Cieriuan airop'aaes Hi' «aj9 W5 had a biiliiaul display tbis morning <-" pt-tulxr M| about tiuht o'tlin-U.
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  • 104 11 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending. Friday, November 26 Will. SI-MO, X..\K 111- K 21. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall > A. .Maxim Co. 4 p.m. Kali sti«r lUn«e\ 6.15 p.m. l>nll IUII H.VJI Veterans Co. 5 p.m. Bras Basali Hoad Malay Co. THI EM>A\, Now
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  • 38 11 lollowing the example alrtady given by niuientH of Annam and Cambodia, the Colonial Council of Cochin China has taken t'JO.OOO from the reserve fund of thi Colony for the relief of the victims of thi luuiidiitiuus in Tonkin.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 39 11 I've waudircd Eat>t. I've wandered West, I've seoo of overythiog the best 1 hat money can piocurc But what atti acted me tbe moM, And mode my life tecare, Win ll. at great World-widi remedr, (ju-it Pi pfcrniint Cure.
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    • 434 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT'S. If you are looking for a Good Investment you cannot do better than buy a FORD CAR WEARNE BROS., LD. Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. W&oi,% Masters Voice' v*'^ :^r-v- i r- y 2i f c orcis November Records include the most noud cJ N l toa
      434 words
    • 56 11 SINGAPORE AMATEUR DRAMATIC COMMiTTEE IN AID 'it OFFICERS' FAMILIES' FUND "The Queries" MB "My Word" an up-:o-late and original Revue. VICTORIA THEATRE December 9, 11, 16, 18 AT 9-15 P.M. MATINEE December 14, at 5.30 p.m. I 1 an of Scats at THE ROBINSON PIANO CO LTD ON Wednesday. Decemoer
      56 words
    • 208 11 O O ?'*™*^M^"a'™^a*BaMa^AaSlfc^HflE<j S s> »**^i PRODUCE OF FRANCE "Cordon IMPORT£ b^ I "Cordon D HiBE)ERT.WOODROFFE&C°L T c U U KOUCE. (Incorporated in England! JaUNE" I RAFFLES HOTEL. ST. ANDREWS DAY November 30, Special Dinner a.t 8 p.m. AND AFTERWARDS EARLY APPLICATION FOR SEATB IS REQUESTED. ADELPHI HOTEL IiIFT IN
      208 words

  • 2465 12 REASONS lOR SATISFACTION WITH PROSPECTS. financial Position Explained The ordinary general tueuting of the share t the Sablas (North Horneol Kubber. Limited, was held on October 20, at the oompany* offlrvn, :t7, Threadn«-edl«' Street, London, EC, Sir West Kidgeway (chairman of the ciiipany) presiding. The l hairman
    2,465 words
  • 389 12 Possible Dividend for Current Year. Tbe annual general meeting of the AngloJava Rubber and Produce Company, Limited, was hold on October 20, at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, B.C. Mr. E. H. Parry presided, and said tbat, as they had had to use their profits for carrying on
    389 words
  • 403 12 The report of the Tangoel Rubber Estates, Limited, states that the rubber crop for the year to June 30 amounted to 146,039 lbs., against a crop for tbe previous year of 117,783 lbs. The average price realised is 2s. 3.88 d. per Ib., against previous year of
    403 words
  • 285 12 The report of tho Sumatra Para Rubber Plantations. Limited, states that the profit for tl.e year to June 80, after providing £1,600 for depreciation of buildings and machinery, is X' 32,850, to which bas to be added the amount brought forward £9,536, making £42,386: deduct amount of
    285 words
  • 1270 12 5 IMPROVED POSITION OF THE COMPANY. The Excess- Profits Tax The third ordinary general meeting of the Bekoh Hubber Estates, Limited, waa held in the council-room of the Rubber Growers' Association, 38, Eastoheap, London, E.C., on October 19, Mr. R. W. Harrison presiding, in tbe absence of
    1,270 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 299 12 Ahunt 86jOCOftrmm die ma% ftm in th< I'nit,,! Knmmm »i lII ttwm iiihrlious hicrs, tmdOOflOO <>t lonsnmjilinii ,iiul „llirr h.rni* <>t lillxrrnlnsis. Thr ijrnns „i „U lli.s. aVftMNI oiv rffaf ,|wl hi, TOXOL If yoa aie Toxol regularly in yonr lions*, they will be destroyed before they cm do miiobief.
      299 words

  • 91 13 The return of the Imperial Bank of Germany, dated October T, shows the following changes, ascompared with the previous statement (taking twenty marks as equivalent to the Total coin and bullion £12 2,925,950, increase £8*2,000, of which gold i121.145.H00, increase £176,000; treasury notes £44,395,250, increase £138,900; notes
    91 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 687 13 THE RAUB AUSTRALIAN GOLD MINING COMPANY, LTD. Manager's Report for Four Weeks Ending November 6, 1915. Oentlcmcu, -I herewith bog to submit my report on your ruining and milling operations for four weeks ending November 6, 1015. The accompanying sheet of mine measurements and assay returns shows a total of
      687 words
    • 328 13 "DRAGON" CEMENT Contracts have been secured for the supplies of Cement during 1915 to A^\it^^\ and* 0 THE MUNICIPALITY p/j^^^pl THE GOVERNMENT SINGAPORE. V^fc^^y JOHORE. DUPIRE BROTHERS, SINGAPORE. Sole Agents for the Straits and F. M. S. 'SHELL' TO THE FRONT THE PROPRIETORS OF j^^^ .^CTL. JE!^4 J^L^rf JL^di MOTOR
      328 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 503 14 L- Wai r Peace Famine or Plenty. Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFIOB Wlnchaat..., .Mg.por.. LOMOOH OFFIC. 32. Old J.wry. 80. Tr.« Coropanv has «2O 000 drpomfd with the Suprems Court of Kokand,
      503 words
    • 308 14 INSURANCE. POLICIES ON ALL MODERN PLANS. SUN LIFE OF CANADA. 8, Battery Road. S. J. HOWB, 6 8 Manager. 9UARDIAN ABBURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONDON. Subscribed Capital 4^,000.000 rota. Invested Funds £0,-260,00U Annual Inoome .41,100,000 Tbe undersigned, Agents for tbe above Jjmpany, ate prepared to accept fire and aartbquake risks for
      308 words
    • 449 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND BHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID UP CAPITAL 115,000,000 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling I. 41,600,000 at 2/. 116,000,000 Silver 118,000,000 #88,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 1 1 6,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS Hon. Mr. D. Laodale, Chairman. W. L. Pattendon, Esq., Deputy Chairman. S. H. Dodwell, Esq IP. H. Holyoak, Bag.
      449 words
    • 390 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 60,000 Sha.-os ot 430 each 41,200,000 Reaer»eFmid 41,800,000 Reserve Liability ot Proprietors... 41.300.00 C BANKERS Tbe Bank ot England, The London City and Midland Bank. Ltd.. The London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd., The
      390 words
    • 870 14 INSURANCE. LIFE ASSURANCE AT MINIMUM COST. Established 1874. THE ORIENTAL Incokpohaiid in Udia. GOVERNMENT BECURITY LIKE 1111)11X1 COMPANY, LIMITBD. ASSETS exceed $28.000,000 ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Profit* to Polioy-holdera at laat Valuation 91,116 678. LOWEST Apply for Prcspectcs and full i&formatioti to LIBERAL RATES lIKGAPCRE BRAN !H OFFICE CONDITIONS J. R MACPBERSON,
      870 words

  • 1000 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Motor Cycles and Fuel Consumption. Not «o many years ago, when the gre%t majority of motor-cycles then on the road were of 8J h.p., with fixed gear engiucs, they were much more economical so far as petrol was concerned than is
    1,000 words
  • 133 15 A Mynwnsingh message of November 5 in tbe Madras Mail, states tbat in addition to tbe missing of R25.000 from a Htrong room of the local treasury as already reported, anotber sensational discovery bas been made. Tbe fund of the Town Cooperative Bank Central Bank
    133 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 177 15 sT»^y*^TassssssM f^asys^sss»^s*^l 31 aWjasl wFis» tlb^bbbl We have been award kI tbe following s»nit»ry ci n" coiiDg contracts Measrs. Whit. away. I,iidlaw ar)d Co., Ltd.— New Prccuisop. Me»*-». Chartorod liauk of l'di», Australia and China.— New Preuiits. Tbe Hon'blo Mr. Bu T^ug Secg, Perak— Adis Lodge. Our engineer in cliargo
      177 words
    • 12 15 For Children's Hacking Coagb at Night Woods Great Peppermint Core Is. Ad
      12 words
    • 230 15 DUNLOP M/^-r- v X Xj.Hi :i -"'iryy i of the aeroplane over the airship is an csli;"-- ;.V->^^BB^P ahlist.e f;irt. tJ^^OK&G&* rhe superiority of the I^unlop u< over jl^^i^^T.^'i.. y JI other nukes, as a wearing proposition, it equally an esta lished fact ?uture deve'op'nents will create a st II
      230 words
    • 45 15 JUST UNPACKED A LARGE NEW SHIPMENT OF Indian, Chinese and Japanese Silk Goods, Silver Ware, Damascene Ware, Gold Jewellery, Curios, Tea Sets, etc. TO MAKE SUITABLE PRESENTS FOR XIVI AS Price* Moderate. Inspection kindly solicited. WASSIAIWULL ASSOMULL COMPANY. 66-67, High Street. Pbqnb 140. 34 8
      45 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 766 16 A. B. MACKAY'S Q THE ORIGINAL J5 LIQUEUR WHISKY. Aa supplied to both Houses of i Wfl% Parliament. I JlpPl OBTAINABLE FROM ALL Pjl^> FIRST-CLASS DEALERS. fu&lp J\ S Ol6 Agents: 2y SAMSON, GILFILLAN Y3 fj| fI NO COMPANY. LIMITED. Singapore, Penang and Malacca. WANTS. CHER WANTED. Wanted, Auctioned 'h
      766 words
    • 544 16 ru BE LET OB SOLD, FURNIBHEO 81ASICE RESIDENCES TO LET. BELINDA and'etfuratohed. Apply No 9. Mt. Sot bis. If a TO LET. No. 84, Robinson Hoad. Immediate entry. Apply B Silas, No. S, Prinoe Street. 810 v FLOOR 10 LEI To let, tnd Floor, No. I. afalaota Blruet. Immediate
      544 words
    • 615 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD to in. House No. Bb, Chancery Lane. Entry Irom December 1. Apply to CHING KBNG LBB A CO.. Auctioneers. 811 v TO LET. Hunse* Nos. 7 and Ba, Chancery Lano Apply to CHING KENG L.BB A CO., Auctioneers. ill n 60D0WN8 TO BE LET. Not.
      615 words
    • 418 16 IHTIOEB. GUANKIATdtCo., 37. PblUp Street. Ihlp-Chandlert, Bovemment and Municipal Contractors, General Importer! and Eiporten Ettata, Riot and taw Mill Supplier! and Commission Agtnts. Solb Aobntk roa "GLOBE BOILER FLUID, TIM Ideal Fluid for Cleaning and Preserving Steam Boiler* Tel. Address: "OUANKIAT," Telephone Nos. 1174 acd 128.( (Private 1460). Codbs dsid
      418 words
    • 539 16 KIAM KIAT&CO. 108 tc 109, Market Street. Telephone No. 431. Shipobandlors, tinvernment auct Mooioipa Contractors, Estate Supplier; and Com tnifiioo AgfD.R Soli Auam» The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd Best Multiplar Brand Hair Bcltiogß. H eo-sii GOVERNMENT OF JOHORE. JOHORE TODDY FARMB FOR 1916. Soalcd Tenders for tho abovn Farms wili
      539 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 239 16 Straits "(times. ADViiRTISBMBNT IUTBS. Misce .laa 028 wants of every description are inserted at the prepaic! rate of II pet (out lines for on tor two insertions. N jtisci of Births, damages, or Deaths, J not exceeding faur linos, tl each icseit'on Foi p.p.c. cardß, on page 8, t2. Inch
      239 words