The Straits Times, 10 November 1915

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. <?4.051 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 10. 1015. PRICE 10 CEN'J'B.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 277 1 Li VL ATZ BROS., LTD. —CHEAP SALE FANCY DEPr. igaaß ==i-^-, THE ATTACHE WRITING CASE. B^^^^^ll^^^^ V" In solid Cow Hiio atd PUck Seal Grain rn-nuiiic Loat'i' r, Nick. 1 t^HßaSß^ plati d Slide action Lock*, (ally fitted ax il ustiaticn. lafc^.^ -'.la^ S le Plio<S lb X7 5>50( 1I
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    • 170 1 ROBINSON CO. Kynoch's Sporting Cartridges 12, 16 and 2O Bore. TNE BONAX PAPER CASE CO THE "OPEX" CARTRIDGE CARTRIDGE This Cartridge is absolutely With an extra Steel-lint d Head c Saaia waterproof, it has a continuous unHer the Brass which makes it 3a A i -i.v v 25 metal case
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    • 50 1 JEFFREYS PILSENER BEER. S'll.K A..KSI I AOAMSON. GILriLLANI CO., LTD. MARBLON PATENT FLOOR TILES Assorted Pattern", Different Shades. One of our customers verdict I bave Ufied Nuvural kinds of floor tiles bat none to compare to your Marblon." Thai proved beat floor tilee. Sole Agents: A FRANKEL CO. Viotoria Street,
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  • 1072 2 PROSPECTS OF THE GALLIPOLI CAMPAIGN. No Cause for Pessimism The following late wires are from exchanges I'iMt to hand Sir lan Hamilton was accorded a hearty reception on his arrival at Victoria Street Station on October 2.). He wax, apparently, in the butt of health, and so&oiod cheerful.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 267 2 CEREGEN Proteid-Phosphate SUPPLIES STRENGTH to the WEARY ENERGY to the FLAGGING CERCQCN— Increases power of re:oper»tion aftor illness. CERKOKN-aidH dißOition.; CERCGEN -li>lp* in period* of stress and worry GEREOEN-in MflMg sj MM ori K in. BO TRY CERBQENIII Obtainable oi all Chemists. Stocks kept end MmplM supplied to trtse or
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    • 554 2 A Reputation 0/ over 100 years. Cockle's ANTIBILIOUS Pills FOR BILIOUSNESS. INDIGESTION, HEADACHE, DEPRESSION. O/ Che milts throughout the YOrl.t. Pi len in England 111 ar..! :i .met Cookie 4Co 4 Grist Ormond Si Lsntfon.W.C. DRIVEN OUT Whenever Little's Oriental Balm inters s home the be&d»ch6ft are driven oat. By
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    • 493 2 NOTICES. 6UAN KUT CO. 37. Phillip Street. GOODS READY &IN BrOCKNOW 29 10 15. 5/00 Kegs Hobb cka Coloured Paint Oil and Sundries. 600 K<g« Habbuok's Wbito /mo Paint, 800 Ke«H Hubbackn White Lyad, 300 Ken* Hnbbuck'n Red Lead Pjwdor, 200 Drums Bnst Canadian Tarpenline, ft, Boo lbs. Lamp Biack
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    • 45 2 there's Purity and Vigoui in msn drop of Mvun Dog's Head Gkinness The TONIC th.i ctieers and soothes and doesn"t harm. A simp enouiishing food of high medicinal value. NOTE. The above DOG'S HEAD Label is on every bottle. Refuse imitations. 3 )ld Evervwh** "r
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  • 938 3 EXTENSION OF OPERATIONS TO NEAR EAST. L Boats in Igean Sea The naval correspondent of the Evening Standard writes The extension of the war in the Balkans is now shown to b« inevitable At first glance it does not look as if the use of naval force was
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  • 159 3 The suitKeation that an All India Aero plane Fund should be atarted gives a fine opening, writes the Civil and Military Gazette. The cost of an aeroplane is not prohibitive, and indifiJaals of substantial means, and comparatively small localities, can have the satisfaction of supplying something definite
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 120 3 "DRAGON" CEMENT Contracts have been secured for the supplies of Cement during 1915 to /&/^W?®i. dto THE MUNICIPALITY igf Jg^^^jSl THE GOVERNMENT SINGAPORE. Y^^sSP?y JOHORE. DUPIRE BROTHERS, SINGAPORE. Sole Agents for the Straits and F. M. S. Jh± Fortify O^ c^ yourself with Vj v Bovril 1 j4^% *^r\ MISTBE
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    • 469 3 I Debility 1 H When you feel limp and washed out, weary n M and fatigued with no inclination for exertion- U L your body is in a rundown condition— you are A g| debilitated. You need something to put fresh 5 X "go" into you you need a fortnight's
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 774 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O." British India AND Mpcar Lame. ftTAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS (Under Contract with Hit Majesty s Government). ror Ohina, Japan, Penan., Ceylon. Australia, India, Adan, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. swamcra will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES II >> »MIX II
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    • 338 4 AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP LINE SiNii*iom to Java Ports, Pobt Darwin Thcbsuav Island, Bbisbani aad Sydney, via Tobkes Straits. Also taking passengers and cargo with transhipment for other Yk tori an, Soctb Aostbalun and North (jlbinsland Pubts, Bbitish Nkw Ocinka Niw Britain, Tasmamas and Niw Zealand Pubti Smooth Passage. Superb
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    • 814 4 BTEHNEK BAIUNBB. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. Singapore mm*. For Erutay, Triwreanu. Biral, Se-acrtk. Koiadiai. UoV Raneoara. lemma. Vatani aiSffora, Laooa, Kabnaaai, Banlos, Langsnea, Taku, Obnmpoa, Kohlak aad Uaaskok. Ou« Oapartura i BORIBAT Nov. 11 Nov. 13, a p.m. PR4CHATIPOK 18 17,8 pm. mm, ASDANO ..18 20. 3 p.m.
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    • 482 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED. AMD CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO, LTD fk 1 The Oaaaaaajai okt-iuv laaaaMkajl I from Live-pool oatwnrds tcr the Straits, Ohina aa j .1 aaa every week aid from Japan hnuiewarJr< tor London. Amsterdam and Autiverp ev&iy fortnight; for Genua, Marseille!- aud Liverpool
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    • 507 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL •3TEAMRHIF CO., UIO, EUROPEAN LINE A Mfsal in m&iitlaico'l U '.woen Yoko. tm* 'in porti to Maiseillos and Ijoa J^n Bad mail nontract with the Ivnpcr:»l XaVaaMM Ooverntnoct. The New TwsaHaaVW Stoamot. muintvuing .11 i and "onutructod, and «re fitted wi'... all tfl
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 215 5 Anaemia awrY I 1 ~*m ih« cm. Anaemic girls, weak children %nd jaded mother* get new life and vigour by taking SCOTTS Emulsion. Medicine and food, it fortifr^s the blood, promotes appetite, and brings back the roses and the joy of health. But be sure to get SCOTTS— no other
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    • 742 5 STOCKS AND SHARES. Prices Quoted in the Market Tnls Horning Singapore, November 10, 1916. Hasan. Lyall ud Kraft, Exchange and bare Broken, inane the following lit* ol quotations this morning The quotations on Sterling Shan* ate only nominal. RUBBER SMAKK.V NOM. V*LCI. BOTIBS. SILLIM. a/- nilgai 19 1 AngloJa»a 7.3
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    • 782 5 THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LIMITED. 64, KLING STREET, SINGAPORE. leistered in Singapore, under the Companies Ordinance 1889 ot the Straits Settlements on 4th September, 1912. Authorised Capital $4,000,000 Issued C»pi t»l $2,000,000 Paid up Capital 1 ,000,000 Board or Directors. LEB CHOON GUAN, Esq., Chairman The Hon'blk D«. LIM BOON
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    • 751 5 PROFIT and LOSS ACCOUNT. From 16th October, 1914, to 50th September, 1915. ct*. cti. To SalariM 21.009 1 S:ationery 2.259 81 Legal Expensev f.U 84 Sundry Cbargif. '.Mb 4V Newßoapers and Adv. riiaementr. 806 A 8 Rations 1,870 58 Insrranoe 60 14 Ratfs Taxes.. 794 9 > Loan Bxpenses. 1,511
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 540 6 AUCTION SALE Of SIX MILCH COWS AND FOrR OALVB9, ALSO ONB BULLOCK CART, no. aeao, and two tows. At Tampenis Road (7J mi'estone). On Friiiat, Novemsbr 12, at 2.80 ph. POWBLL a CO., Anot oieeir. 9 11 11 H MARK JjBL, THE guarantee: of the Absolute Purity of cur Bottlings
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    • 349 6 LATEST ADVEKTISEWKNTS. PRIVATE HOTEL. STAMFORD HOUSE situated Bras Basata Road. Comfortable Rooms with Bathrooms attached. Electric nttlogs throughout. Separate Tables In Spacious Dining Room. Large Reception Hall. Billiards and Newspapers. The Present Management desire it to be known that they cater especially for Ladies and (iootlemen (Resident or Travellers)
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    • 94 6 THIS is the Soda water which has made Singapore famous. FRASER NEAVE, LIMITED. Residence in hot climates diuiißifthes the sapply of blocd, and espoaea the subject to rever*] digressing oomplaints. TAKE H HEMOGLOBIN (OESCHIENS and tho b'lulli-K apri-iran'-n tf ycnr lips and cl.e?k« w.ll cbanKo iuto a l.calthy pink colour.
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  • 102 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, November 10. P. and <). homeward mail expected. formation of Japan' so Rmpcror. ffturtday, November 11. 1 1 ">H a v \i as parcel .nail cl'>» < r rlday, November 1 2 High W»tc"\ I.H Urn I! p.m. LoKinlativn C.iin. Ckneae Cotuinercial Rank mtg noon.
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  • 204 7 .1 j 1 I Malay SULes, Malacca, Muar an. I t". nan« 5 pm Tint lUtu I' Mena 2 pra Mt I Circe 2 pm I'.'tU-ohaui MMfl Ipob J p.i) Pontiun >k Klioca PMHg I pm Kino, V. der Pan a 4 p:u I inti 1 piu
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  • 173 7 I -miiapiri' fir the aurtli I' I st.itioa l.iily at 7. 7 Iving at Kuala Luiupii' at M> 1 I ruspuctivuly. Tbe I'onan^ leaves Ktuli D. daily, arriving at I 1 nir lay. I mail tr.i'n leaves PvnanK a; H a.m. daily, arriving at Kuali piu and tbe
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  • 76 7 Oar att mi >o lias bu-n called to tbe fact that oui n lon ar. moeti behind 11. H I 11 l> mil 1- U) baa they are offi-ially n. I M ■Am m, ml m ittpriafad abovo lim buen .atom. i>i vi LoKio* imn. Ml*. 2«
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  • 15 7 mm Christian Ah-ocu; '.'i. CWmm Ciiiintiati Amociatiua tiall to >■ ro« at It y Mali I
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  • 423 7 Outward. Th. following pamenxer booking* to the Straitx are taken from tbe London and China If 1 [mil It shonld be understood that, in 'mid instanou>, bookings i.iay be provisional in i :.liat intending pafwc.-igero may alter their irran^oruuuta, aubsoquenl to the issoanco of this list in
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  • 170 7 EXCHANOE. MKOAPOR*. NmniiiH 10, 181;. Oh Lohdoh ...£&ok 4 m/k /4 V In n mil 4£ hiftltSD/l H tf*|| On Imdia Bank T. T. m IH| On HoNOkono...Baiik d,d iCj Oh Sbanobai ...Bank d.d 67| Ok Java Buk T. T. ljtf Oh Japah Bank m Sovereigns— bajing
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    • 169 7 Si 13 10 Ampang 1 1 AyerWen, n.:«) 10 10 Belat J.OO 10 10 Kanabo 0.80 10 10 KintaAßSi,c»at'.r. £1 41 Kin'. n Tin 1.14.4 41 41 Mm. 3.76 10 8.25 Malayan Collieries £1 £1 Malayan Tin; 1.13.6 10 10 Middlotcn 6.75 6/- 6/- Pabang Couho' 6/< 41
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    • 604 7 vKejg Buyers. Sollera. %i- 2/- AUagu I' 9 Mi 41 41 Anglo-Java 7/6 8/6 2 r 3/- Anglo-Malay 8/- 9/ 2/- 2/- Batang Malaki l.'Jj 1/5 £1 41 Batn Tip* 2.5.0 2.10.0 2/- 2/- Bokoh 1/8 l/9i £1 41 Bckit Kajan K 1.12.0 1.16.3 £1 41 Bokii Lictanp 2.15.0
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    • 130 7 ViJdlfcJ Bayer*. Sailors 41 41 I. Smelting Co, 7.0} 7.15 41 41 Praf. 1.4.0 1.5.0 6/- Bleotrie T w»ja '2.9 tf--10 10 Fruor A No*ve 50 00 65.01 60 60 W. Hammer Co. 57.50 Si.6o 100 H-)w»rtu Srikme... 85.10 100 "%Prol. 95.00 100 100 K%tz Bro, )>el. 83 00
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    • 41 7 United Bnxim^rs 6% »1,23J:00 par Singapore Electric Tramways 6% 4850,000 no \a Spore Municipal 5% 11,878,000 par S'poro Municipal 4]% o(1907 11,600,000 90 98 S'poro Muaicipal 44% of 1909 »1,003,000 90% S'poro Municipal 2,000,000 id%di» S'poro Municipal 4% £300,000 H%dis
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 402 7 For Cbrinic Chest Complaint^, Woodc' Oreat Peppermint Cure Is. 9d. LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TUB BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1888. Ik th« Scprbmb Cocbi or tbb Bnun SiTTLmMT-" -irTLIIItST Or PINaAPOBE In Bankruptcy. No. 1"4 of 1913 •maun case. Hj 1. C. i'esuna. X )TI>B h h-reby «i»(a, that a S;eciul General Meeting uf
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    • 187 7 W. D. &H. O. /Si WILLS' Al *Yr\\* mixture V/ CIGARETTES (VIRGINIA) One Quality of Drugs— THE BEST Moot sundries 1 atidled b» drnegihts are made in a variety of qualities to as to mtet the various dfittaeds of customers. Bft wben it comes to droKH. me'licincs, o' anything required
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    • 14 7 «*»The quotations of iterlin* shares moat be regard*! a-i puroly noui-iv fo» kte presnnt.
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  • 1116 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10. TAKING SHAPE. Very slowly tbt campaign in tbe near East is taking shape. Tbc Serbians have been unable to defend themselves successfully, and are falling back until they can obtain support. In another page we give to day a map of the whole region
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  • 40 8 Latiies wbo ring Satan's front door bell and then run away, says a home writer, are those wbo make ao appointment with a man whom thty know to be id love with tbem, ml then turn up with a chaperon.
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  • 24 8 I p to October 21, the total sum of ninety four lakhs had been paid to MS aceouut ot tbe Imperial Indian relief land.
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  • 29 8 Segari Hubber, Limited, in the HmMMb, of which Mr. C. P. Harding is tbo u.anagiag director, has issued itn fifth annual report. Tbe estate is now paying its way.
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  • 55 8 Mr. li. Hroadbcnt. the Mayor of Hud I, m field, ten years ago initiated experiments in tbe saving of child life in the Longwood oMtrict with 112 children born in 1905. I i were carefully tended, with the result that 97 are alive to-day, whereas under the average mortality rate
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  • 71 8 Ipoh witnessed on Sunday a MM of tbe Kinta Hiver. A great Tolumc uf water overflowed its banks, inundating a consider ably large area of the town adjoining Hi semi circular curve. During tbe forenoon shop houses in Hale street and two other streets connecting with it were und. r
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  • 75 8 The Abb. Moreux, who is the Director of the Observatory of Bourges, in France, predicts a prolonged worldwide drought in 191 H. Ho bases his opinion upon .statistics-. that tho world has every 17 years to face a period of drought, which is followed by a similar period of rains.
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  • 88 8 An amazing triumph of dental and surgical skill has been described be-fore the Koyal Society of Medicine. During the Nenvc Chape-lie action a Highland Li< nt« Dant had part of his ImMI ja.\ bij«^ ,nij uy a ihslL He was attucde'l to by Lieut. Valadicr, of the Army Medical Corp»,
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  • 78 8 The Malay Volunteers and a large crowd MMMWM at SwL-:tt'nhaiu l'ier. rVMMJL on Sunday, to welcome- the Ke-lautan Malay contingent which, under the command of Captain Mann, arrived by thu 8.1. n all. Tho contingent has been on duty for two months in the Toh Janggut district of Kolantan, where
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  • 89 8 ATeochew Mmcd Lev Hoi Sim was brought up iv the ihii i pjlico court this marnirj^ on a charge of attempting to murder another Tcochow in a bouse ia Keng Cheow Street. Those who witnessed the affair say that the accused went up to the man, who was l\ i::
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  • 105 8 Inspector Leonard, of Tanjuuy I'agar, Lad another batch of wharf casei in the %cond police court this morning. One Chinese for stealing a slab of zinc from the steaun-r iiju Puh Guan w&s sc-ntenx-d to two months' rigorous imprisonment and for dishonestly retaining the sauie another two months, the terms
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  • 111 8 While an abundance of grapes has been produced in Champagne and thus a fine yin t »ge secured, the wine crop in the Bordelais ib only about one-fifth of the average. Ihi vines were attacked by mildew in June. In normal times the fungus is destroyed with sulphate of copper,
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  • 80 8 The official Norddeutsche Allgeuieine /eitung contradicts tbc report published by a Dutch news agency that Germany is prepared to make peace if it is allowed to retain Courland in tbo East and tbe Mcuse frontier in the West and receives an indemnity of 30,000,000,000 marks. On the other hand, tbe
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  • 102 8 A soldier, in a letter to the Cardiff Express. stairs that in a recent battle the British attacked until they were worn out by their exertioDs. A 'oluntil then ordered gas to be loosed to give ihe riflemen a chance. This was successful for a time, but owing to rain
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  • 176 8 At a general meeting of the Alur Gajah Uc-creatiun Club, In Id at Alor Gajah on November H, under tin- chairmanHhip of tlie President. Mr. K. J. Morton, District Oflictr. Alor Gajah, the following utlir i elected :-i>risident, Mr. F. .1. Morten: lion, treaiturer, Mr. K. Sta .Maria boo. secretary,
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  • 409 8 Mr and Mrs. O. Pfenningworth arrived from home yestvrday by .Trpanese mail Mrs. Kilpy, of .lohorc, wife of Mr. K. M. Hiley, late manager, Mo Obiu liubbet Estate, Singapore, Is MMMp] Ml liomk l,\ this week's I', anil mail. Our Penang MtMMM Mbjchmm that Mr. H. UMMM,
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  • 81 8 No MessaM ru s Maritiims mail straturrwill arriM bscs ft I iain-1 fur mm tiuii as the boats havo be. n i<|insiti ned by the Krcnch Government. Tin it i for Octobir !7 and .11 did v it The next M.M. stiiiimi to unvc Ml from
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  • 165 8 To-day tbc Colonial flag is floating ui.i-t high at the signal stations ou Fort Canninu and Mouut Faber, a Japanese warship in port and merchant vessels are fully dressed, mill I nioL .lacks are di.-playi d alongside v.< Japanese National Flag at many biiMiu bouses of our ally.
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  • 187 8 The whole Jewish rummuuity in Si received the news of the entry of the British fuicis iuto lia^'lad with vary great rejoicing At the Oxley liise 111— y mil, this morning, the Minixter, at the instance of Mr. M Meyer, bold a MaUakschrMft; mi vice for
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  • 193 8 His many friends throughout Maliiya will bear with the deepest regret of tin death ot Mr. George Cumming, winch Look place yesterday in tin; Singapore General llusjutal, where lie undei -.vent an operation a few days ago. Mr. Cumming was Wl yearn of age and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 170 8 st*"?:> Press- <**• %S&- Copying ib Letters C^ImJHK Twentieth Century ia- MMi ihd advent of many r<Mn;irka'>le inventions, not the least of which is the Roneo Letter i^opier, which dispense>- with water, brush, and press, makes costly carbons unnecessary, and produces perfect copies at the rate of M per minute
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    • 206 8 FOR 2 NIGHTS ONLY. «M»«saai sn4 Thursds>, 10th and 11th Novsmbar, 1915 A MAGNIFICENT FIVE-PART COMEDY inimatml, Sprightly, SpirUed, Strong, tity llry AT THE ALHAMBRA Ths Hssssr Glnsmatotrtsh Thsatr*. leich Roao SECOND SHOW, at 9.1 P.M. ALL-STAR FEATURE CORPORATION THE CONSTELLAtToToF 3TARB IN THI EDUCATION OF Mr. PIPP STUPENDOUS S-kCT
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    • 12 8 Latest advertisements of tbe Jay appear on pago 6, 7 and 11.
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  • 2245 9 SERBIAN POSITION. Advance of the Allied Forces. CRITICS OF THE CABINET. Discussion in the House Of P Lords. Loo. lon Nov< mb. i 8 3.10 p.iu. iMaaft 'ii Mta have apMl Struct am w i. U> uiid to. pp. n ;tm tliomuyli i uiiiiunicntion with tli. station. 'I'iii'
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  • 125 9 We arc indebted to the French Consul, L'omte ilc Bondy, for the following telegrams Paris, November 8. The Kreocb 3 per cent, bonds are at [rancs 65. Yesterday there were violent artillery du-ls between the rivers >ise and Aisne. The small German cruiser I'd lint which was
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  • 29 9 fUUTKR'S TILEURAX. London, November 9. The Hon. Sir \V. H. Solomon, senior Puisne Judge, Transvaal, has been elected an Honorary Fellow of Peterhouse College, Cambridge.
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  • 166 9 i'reas communiques issued at Madras by the Commerce and Industry Department, state (1) that proceedings have been instituted in the Prize Court at Malta regarding the cargoes of the Teasels Byzantion, Spetzai, Eperos and Erissow, and (2) giving a list of the enemy vessels now lying in
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  • 21 9 Eight banishment notifications in renpnet of Perak are published in the X.M.S. Uov urnment (ii/rttc tin bftnishwH boing Sfven Be
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  • 1325 9 iKk.hi a Onhmm i S ir.ibny i, Nov mber I \ll official wire was revived here U^t Friday morning from the Dutch Minister for the Colonies to the effect that the resignation of Hi« Rxcollpncy MM QllfW mOw ml Mr. A. W. K. ldeuburg, had been accepted,
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  • 208 9 Joffre Conducted Battle from A Wine Shop. A yraphii- description of the manner iv which Omhl Juffre coDilurti il t French advance is rontaim d in a Paris eabl; I -pitch from Mi C. I' l.ertelli. which is nabwhed iv tin- Toronto Globe |says th< Toronto correspondent
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  • 248 9 Financial Provision for Next Year. The draft of an enactment to uiaki huaucial |n ovision (or Mm public service in the X.ii S. haH been published. It MMOM that for Mm year 1916 A nun: Lot I'xcci^liuj ISBtIIMM -hall b ami the saiue is hereby charged upon Mm
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  • 176 9 Mr. Nevinaou, a war correspondent, in a ■octure od tbc Gallipoli campaign, at home states The njon wore shot down mo quickly at tlie landing at Cape llcllei that tbc spectators on board the •.liipimiuired. Why arc our men resting, oot realising that their IgMfeM days
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  • 876 10 KruH A CoIIIIKSFOKUKNT.) Bangkok, November 3, I lie riou (hipping icuod is now practically ended, as may be noted from the fact tlian during < tetobcr tbe exports wire only valued »W Leal-, or JW9.000 ticals li*s that thorn of September. The cliinf int.-n*t oomiuercially now centn
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  • 39 10 r «m IVarn writ** to Urn) London pre«»« nUtuij v arc alleging oat off eooMnnnioition .(Uiniv mi are alwayn Mtowad by a baaulilnl loilian niauMT. mil IhtocuUr wt»Air br. ak» ab is ml.! :inii -now and
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  • 534 10 Important Live Stock Feeding Tests. In order to determine tbo value of palm kernel cake M a food for livestock in comparison with other foods, Sir Owen I'bilipps, chairman of the West African Section of the I .ondon Chamber of Commerce, arranged {or practical trial" to be
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  • 37 10 The management of the Harima Hall cinematograph wishes to inform their patrons that in honour of the coronation of H. I. M. the Emperor of Japan there will be no entertainment there to-night. J
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  • 36 10 The X.Y.K. Fushinii Maru will sail from I K ,r at daylight on Saturday, the 13th inst. The last two launches will be at 0 p.m. and 10 p m. on Friday evening, from Johnston's Pier.
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  • 178 10 The extraordinary scenps that took place recently in the meat market* of Berlin are I iv tin. Voerwaerts. tin- leading Socialist journal 01' Germany. The Voer"At one market near the central slaughter house iuferior but still fit meat was sold. Although the market was to b.
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  • 158 10 A Prince 's Amour. According to messages from Vienna and I.erlin publisbel in tin- Politikon, Prince Leopold if Saxe L'oburg, wait attacked on .1 by a Miss Helena Kybieka. a luusical artiste. The Prince visited ber uil -In- threw vitriol over him, with Urn rosolt thai he last bis nylit
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  • 25 10 Tapali. 2M.1J2 lb*. tea luontln 217.060 Ibn. a Mr. (iuli l;.>ck. kite Uwclier uf lUttt. laHtitutioo. ipoiated a toacfaer in tl.
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  • 1298 10 THE BEWILDERING COMPLEXITY OF FRONTIERS. Bulgaria's Neighbours. The following interesting notes on the frontiers of the IS.ilk ms are taken from a recent issue of the Daily Telegraph The problems of Balkan frontiers are- be wildering in their number and complexity. Every State in South Eastern Europe can
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  • 161 10 The following farther donations are gratefully acknowledged Already received 91,518.11 Small economies 5 B. K. 10 A. A. 50 Mrs. Nicholson (3rd) 5 Anon 17 M. O. 5 Mrs. Sims (Nov!) 1.50 Mrs. Stuart (-2nd) 5 Mm. Farrant 26 Mr. H. L. Dyne 5
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  • 376 10 Many persons have been interested to trace the development of the powers of oar War Lord, and all are more than well satisfied that he has made good use of his time these past forty years and more. Dr. Samuel I Miches, of Jews' College, London, has
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  • 255 10 The report on the port of Calcutta states that duriDK the year 1,160 votwels were berthed at the docks, of which 108 were Government transports, at compared with 1,220 vessels in the previous year. The out standing feature of the Dock traffic was the heavy importations of
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  • 1759 10 THE FORFEITED SHARES TO BE REISSUED. Mr. Tough Reports Progress The directors of the Pulau Itulang Rubber and Produce Co., Ltd., report to the f>bareholders as follows for th« year ended June 30:— A tenth call of «1 per xharo, payable on or before February l.~>, l'.ll.'i,
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    • 159 10 The d aiding game In Hi Ch.u. iv tlie i'euang Cricket Club's meut n ill M playtd to day when \S li. Threlfall (holder) and K. 11. Kverest (ruunt r. up) meet. Playing last night in Mm Hub 1 billiard tollman, ent, lieutli y had M dilln'iilty
      159 words
    • 54 10 Sepoy Lines (iolf Club. Tho ladies' Ootobor medal of ti, ilf Club was won by Mrs. Nicholson, Tin Midil i is won by Mrs, Tli following were the Uarrisun (iolf Club. pl'yid I I ntadaJ play. M I I 1 I'll IM-" Urm. v ii Mrx. Nicl Mrs.
      54 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 147 11 To the' Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir.— ln thr belated report of the Munici pal CommiMsioners for IUI4, tho Register of Vehicles informs us that 60 Electric Tram Cars were examined and further on writes that "the condition of tbe cars leaves much to be desired, many
      147 words
    • 369 11 To tbc Kditor of tbe Straits Timts. vftir Ijtidk in Uritisb Malaya for nearly tlirty M Mm, 1 liavo come to the con cluhion tin rt li no feubject on which tin European coiuuiunity nbows more profound apatby in Npard to its own Unt intermts than tin qnaa«ioe
      369 words
    • 1102 11 To the Editor of the Straits Time*. Sir. Tin r. bavo appeared in your column* •if your iMiitcmpuraiy many lettt r* rixx utly witli reference to Municipal uaatt« rs. Neatly all Uitw letters are writti v uv. r paeaduoyuiH, I fact which at once de«troye their value. If
      1,102 words
    • 140 11 Third List of Subscriptions. Tbe coturaittee of the CbiUren's Aid Society Krattfally acknowlc 'l;- tbc f llowinn fortber sub«ciiptionß AmoiiDt prpvioi »ly acknowlpdKPd 52.2R0 Mr. aoii Mrs. G C, Farrant 50 II I.itlirti.i 2S L. R Marpliail 25 Hon. W. \V. Cock 100 I. a Morri« 5
      140 words
  • 71 11 Programme of drills, etc., for week ending Friday, November H Vmmssdat, Novbmbki 10. 5.1. r p.m. Drill Hall A. s,V.H. Veterans Co. Chinese Co. Fhdat, Novkhbbb 13. 5.1S p.m. Drill Hall S.V A. Maxim Co. S.KE (V.) sVTJt Chinese Co. 4 p.m. Balentier Range Malay Co. 5
    71 words
  • 89 11 I>. Hcribxd as an Eastern merchant, Perc\ Ilr.K'k Kiiwley has been sentenced at tht Mansion House to si* months' bard luboui for U idi; knovtio^ly concerned in illegal!) removing opium and uiakinx a false tluclara tion to II M. CustotuN. It was alleged thut he bought HO lbs. ot opium,
    89 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 47 11 Let politician* diMftree \ud pull oacti other 1 hair, It makes no diffort Mi t > ui< For little do I can Rot what I do care luucb about, You'll Diver go**-. 1 m tur ÜbluM yi ur cold has betn repaired Wiih Wood.' Gnat Pi ppvrnii;,'. Cure.
      47 words
    • 729 11 LATEST KDVBRTIBEMENTI. (K Trieite Sain, o terra irredenta") Onward 3 \ltalian National March T l ij j Metropolitan Military Band November Records (Thm <„ -tmmZlm+include the most noted c UmMt Son u 'S g t^ d Tho t<>n of the world's star mv. viotat Bm.« I Th. Swin» Son»-" Veronique
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  • 172 12 The above map shows practically the whole of the Balkan area, with frontiers as they were readjusted by the Treaty of Bukarest after the last Balkan war. It shows the northern portion of Greece and the entire sea coas i octet! by wai operations in
    172 words
  • 1505 12 CMPARTS fIUM FINANCIAL POSITION. Account of a Difficult Year. Tht i ighth ordinary gt neral meeting of the MiaaMK Tin Syndicate, Limited, was ht Id on S pi. in hi i 29, at Winchester House, Old Broad Street. EC, Mr. Cyril K. I'.utler .• of the company
    1,505 words
  • 246 12 Presiding on October 8 at the meeting of the Rubber Plantations Investment Trust, Mr. 0. Arthur Lampard said the balancesheet showed an improvement of £5,000 in the value of their investments, and since March tbe depreciation had fallen from £193,306 to £161,000, which was a most
    246 words
  • 809 12 Neutral's Story of the Naval Guard. Mr. Gilbert Hirsch, special correspondent ot tbe Evening Post, New York, writing from Copenhagen, gives an interesting description of tbe manner in which the sea passage north of Scotland is kept by the British Navy. Mr. Hirsch was a
    809 words
  • 60 12 On October 21. preventive ijiM bund'e on board the itMajßj I. using, at Calcutta, winch was b U..1 by for delivery at Hongkong. Tin- bundle, on In iuyo|,-in was found to eoatain luanads of opium, valued at 1(11, JIM xidered to be a record sei/ui: in The bun I I
    60 words

  • 728 13 The Standard's reviewer writes this of A I'all .-.ljip on other Naval Occasions by Bartiiceus," published by Cassell's at a shilling: Bartinituß is becoming the vates saoer of the Navy, as Mr. Kipling is, or was, of the army. He has no competitor, since Major Drury and Mr.
    728 words
  • 317 13 A True Forecast of the Present Situation. I In the forthcoming Memories, by Lord Kukgilale. which will be published shortly by Messrs. Hutcbiuson and Co the author, in m riting of the late King Edward and his relations with foreign Powers, gives an in- his penetration iii-iglit.
    317 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 358 13 Eau de ColognE £l I Tim; in ni,,r, r,<d ,«nn,,ti,,n l,,tn;;n (nlotfur f£ </(/./ /'.an it I than lh,r> it h.lni.n <it r.iwuy U ,in,l I mint in WMIm. Ih, mini,, M t<iC< ktt OnliJ hisl,,n,,il irt.r, sf. U \,,n, „1 th, wfrmUmU, mtxpi tkt sy<»/-//, wm jiimliir, ,l iii
      358 words
    • 12 13 For CbsUreo's Hacking Cough at Night I. Great Peppermint Core Is. 6-i.
      12 words
    • 119 13 The Name to remember when buying Lamps PHILIPS "HALF WATT" Lamps arc made with Special toughened metallic filaments. Not only do they give you the very best light possible, but according to experience they last longer than other makes— and what is more to the point, use far less current.
      119 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 468 14 Wa* o, Peace. Famine or Plenty. L.fe bwjiwoi 11 1 worth ioo cents on the dollu. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS 7 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANUMITED. HEAD OFFIO« V*lnch«at«w Houaa, «lngapOP«ii »TT«acT.v« h»ni op a>sußaNCg. aaowev to Loan. For all particulars, apply to A. U FAIR, Manning Director. INSURANCE.
      468 words
    • 323 14 INSURANCE. POLICIES ON ALt MODERN PLANS. SUN LIFE OF CANADA, 6, Battery Road. 8- J- HOWE, |.i Manager Buardian assurance company. limited, londou Subscribed Capital *AOOO.*XJ lotal lovettod Funds. £0,'460,0U0 Annual Income .ii 1,100,000, 100,000 Tbe nndorsigned, Agents for tbe above Jjiapany, aie prepared to accept fire and flavtbquake risks
      323 words
    • 445 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID UP CAPITAL 116,000,000 KESBRVB FUNDS Sterling 41,800.000 at it/- 115,000,000 Silver H8.000.00C 188,000,000 fentvve Liability ot Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRSOTORS. Hon. Mr. D. Landale. Chairman. W. L. Pattendrn, Bsq., Doputy Cbaizmaa. 3. H. Dodwell, Esq P. H. Holyoak, Bag. O. T. M.
      445 words
    • 393 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 90,000 Sharua ot £20 each 41,200,000 Reserve Fund 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... X1.1W0.000 BANKERS Tbe Bank of England, Tbe London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd., The
      393 words
    • 389 14 INSURANCE. WANTED A SPECIAL CHINESE AGENT with influential connection, to work up bnpineaa in Si. gap jra. LIBERAL S\L\K> AND C MMISSION TO A UIiLIABLR MAN. Special Low Rates oi Premium. Immediate Cover Apply to J. R. MACPHERSON, Branch Secretary, ORIENTAL LIFE OFFICE. 23 25. The Arcade. SALES BY AUCTION.
      389 words

  • 748 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Motoring in the Dark. In The Obvrvor of October 10, the follow ing appears under the signature of H. Massac Bnist: At last the authorities have produced an amended and miscalled series of lighting regulations which have resulted in London.--latest clothing
    748 words
  • 269 15 A writer in Blackwood's for August gives an interesting account of bombs as they are being used in the trenches at prosent. There am, he says, four main typea (1) The hair brush "21 the cricket-ball (3) the policeman's truncheon and (4) the jam tin. The hair-brush
    269 words
  • 90 15 Writing to The Standard from Hongkong, a gunner of the 83rd Company, H.Ci.A., says: Perhaps lome of the patriotic people at home this yt ar will remember that there are Itegular British troops other than those at the front or at borne. Those should, in my opinion, be included in
    90 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 191 15 We bate Ken mwM tie followin aniUry engineering contracts Me-uTK WLiti ay a», L*Ul«w a d T M Hi w Pr. mist r. M-'s->- Clir ifcrf Hi n\f <f li'd'a, Au'talia and China.- N\w Premises. Tii" Uon'ble ■< Ku T->ng Socg. IVrak.— Adis 1 odgo. Onr engineer in charge of
      191 words
    • 215 15 DUNLOP 'ifcj' mTTTI |||v SUPERIORITY c aeroplane over the airship is an cs- ''':^afll tablished fact. The superiority of the Dunlop tyre over jf^^^^^"" v,>u ,> all other makes, as a wearing propositi><n. i- i equally an established fact Future developments will create a still greater Dunlop superiority. DUNLOP RUBBER
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 350 16 A. B. MACKAY'S Q THE ORIGINAL C| LIQUEUR WHISKY. y^ ™^*S. As suppli-i to both Houses of OBTAINABLE FROM ALL j|P^^^ FIRST-CLASS DEALERS. ,)'ll^\ Sole Agents: .:J^j ADAMSON, GILFILLAN rrf TJ and company limited, Singapore, Penang and Malacca. WANTS. CHIHESt HSPcHSEh WANTED. Tr>«tnrl at Mcc, 1 Appl> t' IMM '-IS
      350 words
    • 364 16 TO 8E LET OR SOLD, f URNISH6O SEASIDE RESIDENCES TO LET. B£Ll:'!'A aaaUCAHITaV jj 'et taraisii ,-J, pply Nc v. M' If TO LET Nn 34 l'.o'ui£P-E Kos.r). Immedi&te entry. Ap(i> E. Si ay N. I, i'nuc: Street. 8 !0 i FLG9R LIT iaC Firoi, N(tT 4)91) 81 J a
      364 words
    • 550 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD FURNISHED HOUSE 10 LET. At Katong. b bedrooms; rent 146 per mouth App y Box US, traits Time*. 911 Ull BUN6ALOW TO LET. St. George, 11*21, Serangoon Koad, junction of St. Michael's lUad. apply 817, Serangoon Koad. HO 10 a TO LET. House Nu Bb,
      550 words
    • 534 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT&CO 108 ft log. Market Street Telephone No. 421. Sbipobandlers, Government and Mnuioip* Contractors Estate Sopplirrs and Con mission Agcntu SoLB AoBMtS The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd Best Mult-plar Brand Hair Beltings It SO- 8 NOTICE. It is hereby notified that the Exchange Banks will be closed on
      534 words
    • 473 16 ftQTICES GUANKIAT&Co., 37. Philip Street •hlB-Chandlara, Bo»ernm«nt and Municipal Contractor!, General Importers and EiporUrt, Estate, mo* and taw Mill Supplier* •ml Commission »gmti Solb Ai.kvi.- fob GLOBE BOILER FLUID, Tht ideal Fluid for Cleaning and Prtwrvlnt Steam Boilers Tel. Address: "GUANKIAT," Teli phono Nos. 1174 and 1283 (Private 1460). Codbs
      473 words
    • 627 16 THEGHINESECOMMERGIALBAHK. LIMITED. NOTICE IS HKREHV iIIVEN that tin Third Annual Ueceral Meot'np cf Shan holders of tins Bank will be held at the Maul. Premises, No. fl-s. Kling Street, Singapore, on Friday, the 12th Novtiutxr, 191S, at 12 o'clock noon, sharp, to traneact the following busiLeH', 1. To receive, con.
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 226 16 Straits *(Dimes ADYEKTISBMtNT KATfib.- M to* ,!*<.. ova wants of pvery description are l osnri ed at the prepaid rate of 91 p u i fon 'lues for on or two is»ertionb. o( BitU m, .'rtwriagus. oi Dr&tbH, if m 1 jxc.'uding f )ur linue. SI >nc!i boatl'M For p.p.r.
      226 words