The Straits Times, 22 September 1915

Total Pages: 16
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. Nf). 24.909 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 1915. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 159 1 ICY HOT BOTTLES, JARS, ETC. KEEP CONTENTS ICY-COLD 72 HOURS OR STEAMING HOT 24 HOURB. Pint Size: $6.50 Q Q Pint Size:s 9.50 7.00 i T Quart Size: 1 1 .50 Best Nickel Plate. I Best Nickel Plate. The Klassfiller projects beyond i» Rift chemicals are used the metal ras*
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    • 184 1 ROBINSON CO. CASH SALE LEATHER SUIT CASES At Bargain Prices. British Manufacture. Made from best iifi^ Fitted with pa-r of leather, closed edges. IB BF~ jd^t^^ Nickel sliding nozzle well n\u. and fin- "^J^^^^^^^P locks, strong handle, ished. Lined Leather i^r Depth 7^ inchb^. Sizes: 2^ inches 24 inches 26
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  • 1018 2 BRITISH STRATEGY STAGGERS TURKS. Tremendous Enemy Losses. The correspondent of Tbe Daily Chronicle at Athens report* that the landing at Snvla was tbe most brilliant work yet carried ont during tbe war. The battle following npon the highly successful disembarkation was the most stubborn and most sanguinary
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 216 2 CEREGEN Proteid-Phosphate SUPPLIES STRENGTH to the WEARY ENERGY to the FLAGGING CKRKQKN- Ijcreasd power of reauperation afkor illness. GKRCOCN— aids dilution. CIRIOEN- helps in periods ot stress and worry. OBRBGKN— is entirely of British origin. BO TRY CEREQEN Obtainable of all Chemists. Stocks hast and Samples supplied to trade by
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    • 12 2 For Childrrn's Hacking Cough at Night Woods Urcat Peppermint Cure If. 6d.
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    • 618 2 1 BEET'H«NIiS»I /"voTjß^KirrAND^i COMPLEXION 1 M B«.lh«m La-Tola ll 3mS>S( S^hi'u' Rrfrnhi'w .1 ii m,l H MaauUcMrad by X.M. BEE CHAM A SOHJHEi CHELTENHAM, jdf'&* ENGLAND, ANOTHER MIRACLE The mirseVs p< rfo moi by Little's> Oriental Balm a-o almost coontless Men aod women who have become crippled b t c
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    • 490 2 there's Purity and Vigour IN EVKRY DROP OF READ* Dog's Head Guinness The TONIC thj»; cheers and soothes and doesn't harm. A simple nourishing food of high medi.inai va'ue. NOTE.— The above DOj3 HEAD Label is on every bottle. Refuse imitations. 3 Id Everj'wh"?*? *L__ ,k THE STRAITS TIMES Can
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  • 1128 3 BETWEEN THE LINES AT THE FRONT. Where the Enemy was not Invisible Philip Gibbs, the Daily Chronicle special correspondent at general bead quarters, writing on August 15, says We had driven very slowly down one part of tbe road, so that the wheels of oar car should not
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 83 3 THE STRAITS TIMES PRESS, LTD. printers PHOTO ENGRAVERS bookbinders ON ZINC AND COPPER. g| H LEASING TO THE H U ALATE THE B I URSE. gjFRAMROZ'S Cry Ginger Ale. W 87 CECIL STREET. WEILL&ZERNER Head Office p^P^^^y^^jJJ 99. Boulevard Magenta. -j PARIS. Diamond Merchants, Jewellers Watch Dealers, E, .IBM STREET.
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    • 305 3 CHEONG BROTHERS DentlAts, No 25, South Bridge Road. First olam Meehanioal Uoi-t «try, Oold Grown Bridsn Filling and Voleanite Duration ol Wear guaranteed, OHAROBB MODBRATB. FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES. Best Tooth Powderi and Bruxhen lot gale Ir Tod Suftbe from aay Ski» or Blood Disease— «nch a* EoMma, Scrofula, Bad
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    • 619 3 Anaemia or Poorness of Blood, is far more prevalent than is generally supposed. Men, Women and Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected, serious consequences may result. If taken when the symptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to enrich the blood and so effectually check
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 31 3 (•crman Officer: Vat are yon running »«>y fi.r. you coward lierman Solili.-r I am Dot running iw«y, xir I aiu rucnirt; round the world to ■ilUik the tntiny oo the rear."
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 503 4 STEAMER SAILINGS P O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA. JAPAN, PBNANQ, CBYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BOYPT MBDITBRRANBAN PORTS, PUT MOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading iaaoed lor G bint Coast, Persian Oull. 'Jontm« ntol and A Aorioan Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about— MAIL LINES Bomamari {for
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    • 521 4 STEAMER SAILINGS N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A servioe U maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles and London ondor mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe bave been specially denned and constructed, and are fitted with all
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    • 790 4 STEAMER MILINBB. THE SUM STEAMNAVnATIM GO.. LA. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. 1 or KreUy, Trlaggaan, Bimt, Heuier-k, Kelaataa, T»bai Bsnnn»ra, Telapia, Pit in', Siagom, Luoi, Kabsamni, Biic'oa, Langsuen, Taka, Champoa. Kohlak and Bangkok. Out Oapartur* MAHIDOL ««pt. 87 Sept 29, S p.m. BORiBAT 3O Oot. 2, 3 p.m. •.a. PRACHATIPOK Oot. 4 6,
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    • 627 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED. AND CHINA MUTUAL BTEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Tbe Oomp»»iei' steamors ate despatched bom Luvcipool outwards lor the Straits China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London. Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight; (or Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and (or Marsoillee, Havre
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 449 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. For LONDON LEITH s .s. Bloemfontein due on or about Oct. 5 For LONDON. ».b. City of Hankow due on or about Oct 30. For particulars as to rates of freight and passage, apply to McALISTER Co., Ltd., Agents. 1811 A RARE OPPORTUNITY NEW INTERMEDIATE SERVICE Tbe Magnificent
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    • 400 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. MDO-CHIM BTUM NM. CO. LID. Oiraot Sarvio* to Japan via Hongkong Shanghai, and to Oaloutta, via Ponang, from Singapore. Taking cargo on thoroogh Bills of Lading tor Canton, Macau, Swatow, Amoy, ObeXoo Tientsin, Newohwang, Yangtsse Porte, For oioea. the Philippines etc., etc., etc. Itsaman, Tons. Commandei. KoTSANtt 4,896
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    • 423 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. company* steamers will be despatched a* follows TO PBNANO, RANGOON a CALCUTTA. a. a. Golconda At 4 p m., on 28rd September, 1016. TO PORT BWB'i"rBNHAM, PBNANO, MADRAS AND NBOAPATAM. Ellora At 5 p.m., on 24th September, 1816. TO BANGKOK Zaida About
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    • 191 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. HENDERSON LINE The Steamers of the above Line sail fortnighily from GLASGOW AND LIVERPOOL TO RANGOON DIRECT vim iuei Canal and vioeverea. They are modern vessels oarrying only Ist-olaas pa>im>ngers, specially built for tbe Eastern Pasnenger Trade. Passenger accommedation is situated on tho bridge acd «hade Jpnks amidsbips.
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  • 834 6 Prices Quoted In the Market This Morning. Singapote, September 22, 1916. Mesars. Lyall and Kvatt, Exchange and bare Brokors, issae the following list ol qaotationi this morning The quotations on Sterling Share* are only nominal. Num. Valli. Blyiks. Sillies. 2/- AUagai 1/10 a/l 1 Anglo- Java 6
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1039 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Ik if low him puno, BQARO AND RESIDENCE. t- K\-hl> \V, II furnisbed looms a?ail»b;e. Kxoellent lipj, nu OIIC cuiciin. Apply to Mra. Malbeibr, 7, l'aterson Of VALIAHI.K I I.KBHO! |i A LBASE 22 8 HOLD FKOI-EKTIKB, To be b. ld at Powell A Co.'. JUNIOR CLERK WANTED.
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    • 173 6 YOUR PIANO IS OUT OF TUNE W|jtf 'Phonfl rr Sei d to i. JaL JL JL J— ~9 s^^»^ (lati- M Tiik KoiiiN.sos Tumi Ca i HE IS LOOKING FOR SUCH AMD PUTS THEM RIGHT Cheaply and Thoroughly. T.-l J. 183 Sailors' Home Bln^npore 78c g.,, BROSSARD MOPIN ESTIMATES jfMpnßj
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  • 143 7 FIXTURES Wednesday, .September 22. High Water, 1O.« a Ml p it. Tannin Cluh. l» p.m. Howitt Phillips Co.. Victoria Thoat-c. Thur.«day, September 23. rfinh Wator. 10:11 a.m nm llowitt Phillips Co ul r\A Thuatre. Friday, September 24. Higb Water. MbM uu. 11.10 p.m LafJaMtaa Council, j
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  • 267 7 Daiii Biiipt SoHDat) bt 1 F.dcratid Mnlay States Malacca, Muar iitxl IVnang 5 pm To-DAt. Batu I'.iliat M<>na 1 pm hi I Im ni.nuan liock Loo 2 pm Billiton, s.mriil.iya in.l Sin i> I'uli *ivan Ipm M, dan Ciroe I pm Malacca. I. Swi-tU-nliaiu I poh 1
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  • 212 7 ul tr.iim from Singapore for th. north I'-ave Tank Koa<l station daily at i 7 |i in., arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 7is p. in ad. l »> 4."> a.m., respectively. Thr thrffflgli cv| r. to Penang leaves Kuala Lumpur at H a.m. daily, arriving at Penanu at
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  • 90 7 Mail Steamer Move ments. Nts notify that the outwanl B. I. .ma is expected to leave Negapatam to morrow. Our :lif fact tit*t uui ':>t<>n aro inucli k» lnu<i tlMae paWnkwl ehewtMrc. Oar rmb> in to vali only wbra they am oAomlly i^urtin ifttoe uutMwa, aod no Ub-r dat. lliau
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  • 111 7 Latest Arrivals British. Name Date of Arrival Remarks. Hin Wiiatt Hin 21-9-15 Inner Koads I! 11 Naiu ii Sipplio ii H m- Wan Hon K Aik (ilaD K «i a 1 1 r j l."< Hock lAm Saoit Mm A /.mure .1 ii Suod Hook >• Sri Muar
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  • 293 7 Outward. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from tho London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending t>a«scngers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London Per P.
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  • 120 7 On behalf uf the Commonwealth of iAuitialia, the Hon. Staniforih Smith, f Agriculture in the tiiritory of Papua, has issued a long repot t on the local govtrnuii nt, civil service, native government, and economic development of Netherlands India. No ynatir eulogy can br paid to tli<' ruff
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  • 70 7 I Captain Frederick William Orantbaiu, lioyal Munster PsaiHst*, 2nd Battalion, who tins I* < n killed in action, was the second son <>f tin Lite Mr Justioe Orantham. Educated at Hairow and Trinity College, Captain iir;iolliuu wan called to the Bar in 1H94. and afti rwarilH became clerk of the
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  • 160 7 EXCHANOE. SINOAIOBI, SBPTBMBKK 22, 1916. On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4£ Demand 2,4^ Private 8 m/a 2,*',. On India Bank T. T. 176* On HoNaKONO...Bank d/d 1 1 On Shanghai ...Bank d/d 90) On Java Bank T. T. 138} On Japan Bank d/d 111} Sovereigns baying rate
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    • 185 7 Znel Ba y er8 Sellers 10 10 Amptng 6.C0 6.50 1 1 AyerWeng 0.35 C.45 10 10 Belat 2.00 2.10 IU 10 Kampai 6.00 10 10 Kanabcl 0.75 0.86 10 10 Kinta AB&ociatioL 7.00 El 41 KintaTin 1.14 0 1.17.0 El 41 Lahat Mine* 8.75 4.25 10 8.25 Malayan
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    • 589 7 I»™ ]j Buyers. Sellers. Value o! 2/- 3/- Allagai 1/9 2/41 41 Anglo-JaTa 6:8 6/9 a;, a/- AngioMaiaj 8/- 2/- 3/- Batang Malak* 1/8 1/44 41 41 Batu TiR» 2.5.0 2 10.0 2/- 2/- Bekoh 1/44 l/'6 £1 £1 Bokit KajanR 1.12.6 1.16.8 £1 41 Bokit Lintanp, ?.15.0 8.0.0
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    • 129 7 f? e a Bayers. II 41 G. Smelting Oo. 7.11 II 41 l»ref. 1.4.8 I/. 5/- Hlectric Twayi 3/9 10 10 Franer k Neave 60.00 25 25 Hammer i, Co. 60.00 100 Howartb Brakine 100 7%Prel. 100 100 Katz Bro, Del 10 10 Maynard Co. 100 100 R. HarKreavea
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    • 42 7 United Engineer* 6% 11,284 600 jodj Singapore Electric Tramways 6% £850,000 norn Spore Municipal 6% 11,878,000 norn Spore Municipal H% of 1907 11,800,000 norn Spore Municipal 4+% of 1909 11,000,000 ion Sport- Municipal 4% <2,000,0C0 10%dil B'poro Municipal 4% £800.000 B%dil
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 172 7 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods' i>n at I'rppeniiint Care Is. Od. FRENCH WAR LOAN. The Barque de I'lndo Chine beg* to inform tin- I'ubhc tli.t tl iT are ready to accept applications for tho French War Loan. The New Bonds in connection with such Loan are as follows 1. lons
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    • 56 7 North Bridge Road. TONIGHT! SECOND SHOW TO-NIOHTI! WARNER'S FEATURE IN 3 REELS i THE MEDICINE BAG An Exciting Story of Frontier Life. KALEM'S SENSATIONAL DETBOTIVK IN 2 REELS i THE THEFT OF GROWN JEWELS Ski i PL O rate r i|<!it, Kx^ui-it" fbotograpby. UAUMONT GRAPHIC NO. 81. Mr*t Show, 7.40
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  • 1171 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. MILITARY SITUATION. The pressure on Russia continues Vilna has fallen, aud though there are victories to record else where, they are in the nature of casual successes in the course of retreat. Never once have the Russians allowed the position of their armies to
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  • 25 8 Kastern Engineering, the supplement to the London and China Express, of August 25 contains an illustrated description of the cenU;i! workshops of the F.M.B. Railways.
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  • 27 8 The Government announces that, owing to a recrudescence of diseases, and the scar city of labour, the French vintage this year will not exoeed that of 1914.
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  • 28 8 General Joffre has issued a proclamation to the troops announcing a winter campaign and prophesying that the Rhine district will be the chief theatre of the winter war.
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  • 29 8 This morning, a police constable named Awang was sentenced to 21 days' rigorous imprisonment for assisting to dispose of a sarong that had been stolen from another police man.
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  • 42 8 In a civil action, Kwong Yik Banking Co., Ltd., v. St. Vincent B. Down, included in the Supreme Court list for this month, judgment has, by consent, been entered for the Bank for 1957.50 with costs. A counter-claim was dismissed with costs.
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  • 52 8 The Government Printing Office, Kuala Lumpur, have published a collection (by Mr. R. O. Winstedt) of papers set at the F.M.S. Government examinations in Malay, with the scheme for the examinations. The collection has been arranged by the direction of the Committee for Malay Studies. The book is sold at
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  • 60 8 A case of heat stroke which ended fatally occurred tarly this month at Lahore canton nients. A young man was taken cut of the train from Rawalpindi in a state of collapse and died on tho platform. He was identified as Mr. Umisty, who bad just resigned from the Indian
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  • 60 8 A Vladivostock dispatch to the Af-ahi reports that the commander of the Kn.-siau gunboat Jemtchug, which was sunk by the German cruiser Euidcn in Penang harbour last year, has been deprived of his commission and sentenced to imprisonment for three years and a half. The second in command was sentenced
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  • 69 8 Win n the nail lift home, th- i abler share market was quiet, but prices in the main continued steady, with a little activity occasionally in one or two issues. The undertone remained cheerful and the opening of the Dardanelles was hopefully viewed. Such a result it was thought would
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  • 65 8 A Chinese named Wong Ah Wtng, who had, apparently, made his preparations for a glorious number one "jag." had his expectations rudely shattered ttiis morning when be was ordered by the thi.d magistrate to undergo one month's rigorous imprisonment for being in fraudulent possession of stolen property. The aforesaid property
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  • 91 8 There was but little Business to he dealt with yesterday when the Board of Licensing Justices met in the senior magistrate's court, Mr. E. L. Talma (chairman! presided, with him on the bench being Lieat.-Commander B. A. Cator, R.N., Dr. Middle-ton, lUmm. W E Hooper, W. Hennings, P. Cunliffe aud
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  • 87 8 A wire from New York says China has decided to build a submarine flotilla, according to the Washington correspondent of the New York Herald. For some time Admiral Wei Han, chief naval constructor of the Chinese Navy, and eighteen other Chinese officers, have !>• < v studying submarine construction in
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  • 115 8 At a committee meeting of the Singapore Family Benefit Society, held on the 20th inst., the honorary secretary reported that tho membership now stands at 408, of whom :129 are in grade 111, 35 in grade II and :<9 in grade I. There are a few arrcar members to bo
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  • 106 8 The cai'se and cure of tropical diseases are being closely investigated under the ordt rs of Colonel S. A. l'ethebridge, administrator for the Australian Commonwealth of the new possessions in the Pacific taken from the Germans, and it is claimed that improvement has already been effected in the health of
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  • 141 8 A terrible pictorial indictment of tho atrocities committed by German soldiers is contained in tho report of tho Extraordinary Commission of Inquiry appointed by the Tsar to investigate the many acts of brutality practised by the enemy. In the report brief accounts of each case are given, illustrated by portraits
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  • 353 8 Mr. Justice Sproule and Mrs. Sproulc returned to Penang from England on Satin day. It is understood that they remain then for a year. Probably the first Parsi casualty in the war is Capt. H. J. M. Cursetjee, of the Indian Medical Service, attached to tho 14th
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  • 30 8 We arc n-ki <i to state that the parade of tli' V tcraus Co., S.Y.C., at the Keppt I tram UruiimiH, ca!!"'l for tins itunu^ M cancelled.
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  • 146 8 Another concert for the children will be given on Friday afternoon, at 5.15, at the Victoria Memorial Hall when, as b< I strumental selections will be given by a combined string band recruited troai the various cinema theatres and under the direction of Mr. F. Martens. The following
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  • 173 8 In connection with tin ciyaritte tTffcing concert to be held at the Tan^lin Club this evening, we aro now able to give turtliii details of the musical faio that will be provided. In addition to string trios and vocal quartettes both unusual items on a Singapore programme—
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  • 287 8 Last evening, at tin Palladium, kiadlj granted fno of skaMß, 0, PriagW, f.M.C.A, secretary for Malaya, il.ln. interesting lecture on CliiuH. illiiHti .c< <l by over 60 lantern bliiKm. <m t» Intlt ut the Canton Relief Fund. The lion. Dr. lioou KfUK presided, anil tin
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 118 8 1 1 j^ a-z i 9 N i T srifs*|l LETTER FILES MADE IN ENGLAND. Superior to and cheaper than German-made files of similar design. 14-&, Col Iyer Quay. HOW TO DECORATE YOUR HOME f-g* m USE |™J Jackson's M. Varnish Stain A l>oy can apjly it and it dries
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    • 181 8 FOR 2 MORE NIGHTS ONLY. WadMsdii and Thursday, Mnd Mat. UN teat. AT THE ALHAMBRA TIM MMMar einsmatofriph Ths»tm, toach Road. THE ALOO FILM CORPORATION rRBSBNTS A Film of Infinite Charm i LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY la i Parts including prologus A photo dramatization of Ktanoes Hodgson Bornett's Famous play. Pl»jsd
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    • 11 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 6 and 11.
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  • 1701 9 DARDANELLES. Sir Ian Hamilton's Report. RUSSIA STILL RESISTING. Sum? Gains in Southern Area. Kki'trr's Tiui-hams. London, September 20. 4.45 p.m. Oeotral Sir Un Hamilton, in a despaUli dated Vn^nst 26, resumes the narrative of operations in Uallipoli from the time the Allied forcod their way forward some fivo
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  • 24 9 PAN AM A CANAL. KkL'lKk's TliLI-'.!; \>l. London, September 20. The Panama canal is again completely blocked by a slide of a serious nature.
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  • 467 9 Pleasant Evening at The Dutch Club. Those who attended the concert at the Dutch Club last night came away well satis tied with the fare set bafaM thi m and the evening may be set down as a distinct musical success and as an altogether enjoy
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  • 2278 9 ON COMPULSORY SERVICE AND NATIONAL UNITY. From Our Special Correspondent. London, August 27. The lull on the Western front, varied only by occasional bombardments in the Argonne and spasmodic attacks in the Vosges, might be compared to the condition of this country since Parliament rose. On the
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  • 81 9 (From Oik Own Cohkkspondiht.) Kuala Lumpur, September 22. At the Selangor Chamber of Commerc, half-yearly meeting, Mr. Clodd, who presided saitl there had brn a fall in tho value if imports, but a substantial increase iv tin value of expjrts. The country was benefit ting by
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  • 779 9 Charge Against Chinese Seamen Reduced. Proceeding yesterday, at the Anas* s, with the case in which two Chinese, Wong Ah Hang and Kow Chow, were callc d upon to answer a charge of murdering a negro urn Williams, Mr. G. G. Seth, D.P.P., related to Mr. Justice Earnshaw
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  • 1804 10 (From A C'iikkkmphnhknt.) Sourabaya, September 16. Twelve German vensels and one Austrian now lie anchored at Sabang. The majority of tin se belong to tho Hamburg-Amerika and Hansa lines, while one is the property of the Kolaud line, a branch of thu Norddeutschc Uoyd. Three of tin
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  • 108 10 Swimming Club launches will leave on Sunday, as follows Johnston's Pier, at 9, 10 and 11 a.m.. 2.30 and :(.:(0 p.m. Club Bungalow, at Ml and 10.30 a.m., 12.15, 3 aud 5.30 p.m. 75 Yards Breast Stroke Handicap.— This race will be swum i it on arrival of the
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  • 184 10 Headers will be interested to know tbat a lowing match, cuxed fours, Las, by the courtesy of tLc Singapore Ho wing ('lab. boon arranged between the firms of Boustead and and Co. and Paterson, Simons and Co. The race takes place next Saturday, at about 5 p.m. Arrangements
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  • 96 10 Ml w$ th. ii Wi11,, 1 at the front iI i— tenant J. A. B. Alexander, Highland Light Infantry. 12th Battalion, the younger son of the late Dr. Alexander and Mrs. Alexander, Edinburgh. lie was 21 years of aaja. 110 was educated at Watson'-. I Mi after louring tin re
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  • 1291 10 Another Thirty Per Cent. Dividend Promised. The following report of the fifth annual general meeting of the shareholders of Kedah Kubber Co., Limited, held in the Chamber of Commerce, Peuang, on Saturday, is taken from the Pinang Gazette The Hon. A. K. Adams presided, and the others
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  • 513 10 No Support to Malayan Aircraft Fund. Following are the minutes of an extraordinary general meeting of the F.M.S. Chamber of Mines, held on Saturday last This meeting was called under the authorisation of the Council to consider the contribution of a portion of the funds of
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  • 156 10 According to The Lancet, during one of the recent air raids on the East Coast, a surgeon was performing the operation of treacheotomy at a nursing home when the German aircraft came ov«. r the place at night. The town cli ctric cum r* was at
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  • 103 10 Mr. J. C. Walker, of The Mount, Henley-on-Thanies, has been notified that his youngest son, Captain A. J. Walker, attached to the 6th Manchesters, has been killed in action in the Dardanelles. The deceased officer was probably the youngest captain in the British Army, he having been
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  • 53 10 In November next. Sir George Knox, Puisne Judge, Allahabad High Court, will complete fifty years' active service in India with only one day of non residence, a re markable record for a civilian. It has been proposed to start a fund to celebrate the golden jubilto of his service in
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  • 30 10 According to a Dutch wire a German submarine penetrated the mouth of the Kiver VVansbeck in Northumberland ami set Mur'l cargoes of timber on fire by shots from its guns.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 128 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Will you please publish tho following notice re Malayan air-craft in Morning Post of August 20, and other leading English papers. The Secretary of State for the Colonies makes the following announcement Additional funds (£1,300 in each easel
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  • 424 10 No Decline in Popularity of The Stage. London theatres are sho«viog a remarkable degree of prosperity, in spite of war condi tions. Twelve months ago, says a London paper, at the outbreak of war, a wave of depression swept over MM country, aud there were mauy disseutients
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  • 303 10 The change of programme at the Haritua Hall cinematograph consists of a Warner's feature, The Medicine Bag. The film is in three reels, and is an exciting story of frontier life. A Kalem exquisite, photoplay, The Theft of Crown Jewels, in two reels, is a detective story
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  • 97 10 An Amsterdam wire says: A conference of the Catholic Bishops telegraphed to the Kaiser Thanks for the powerful protection with which the supreme war lord and his glorious army have guarded the home-i and altars of the Fatherland against a host of enemies. We pray that God will hli lln
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  • 866 10 THE JOYS OF UNDULATION AND ROTATION. Old-time Shows and Showmen Wars may come and go but Mitcham hair goes on, and on AJMJsM 1-. says The Tunes, on the ancient Fair Green it was M proclaimed open. At 12 o'clock tin X.v. T. Horn, the chaplain of the
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  • 89 10 Drill programme for week ending Friday, September 24 WniM M'W, SkI'TKMIIKIC '22. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. 4.30 p.m. Balestier Range 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.H. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall Chinese Co. Thukmmy, Sh'Tmmum: 2:i. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall Chinese Co. Friday, Ski tkmiikk 24. 5.15
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  • 69 10 In tin- blackness of the night tin- dilrkha crept stc altliily along iv front of tin tic vi li, liis Uukn chiti-hed m his In. 1. 1 MM him looini -d up it bin (icun.iii. Swish Mni the ut/or likr blade swept through llie air across the other's sho'il l
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  • 1311 11 An Englishman's Adventure in A Railway Train. 1 > A correspondent of tho Daily Mail writes I kan train was full of German sol my were in civilian clothes and tli. y hail |>assports as artisans, clerks, and tbe rent. But they were soldiers probably young non commissioned
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  • 589 11 Strict Regard for Official Etiquette. Men in uniform, whether they are officers or members of the rank and file, have to be i-xtr imly careful about tbe correctness of tin ir deportment and clothing in public. Wherever they go, says a home paper, they art
    589 words
  • 302 11 Hurried Preparations Against Bulgaria. Th( l>*ily Telegraph's Athens correspondent wrote recently. In reference to a passage contained in M. Kadoslavoff'a intnTiew recently panted to thr iniUd I't^h. that Turkey is macb stronger than Europe generally believes, I .mi informed from an authoritative source that the Bulgarian Premier used
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 56 11 Let dogß de'ight to bark and bite, I do not c»r« jut, lo sooth it in tin it own o k oat, So tt.ey may K 1 to P<>*It it wlnl i I am upon tii I lay, I'll make a alight detour. And *«k t»'i I to drink good
      56 words
    • 434 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. One Word! I MOUTRIE IT MEANS The Perfect Piano ASK FOR PRICES. Terms arranged to suit all purchasers. S. Moutrie Co., Ltd. RAFFLES PLACE. Children's Concert. VICTORIA MEMORIAL HALL. this I murk Friday, Sept. 24th, at 5.16 p.m. IS Jk THE THE "CRAG" HOTEL. GUA 'r^ TEE PENANO
      434 words
    • 268 11 NICHOLSON'S tDRY GIN Eas the largest sale of any Gin in London. Sole Importers: HIBBERT, WOODRQFFE CO., LTD. (Incorporated la England Singapore Agents THE INDO-MALAY CO. RAFFLES HOTEL Friday, September 24 BILLIARD MATCH FOR A SILVER CUP Presented by an anonymous donor Game SOO up (level) BETWEEN TWO WELL-KNOWN LOCAL
      268 words

  • 2607 12 PROSPECTS OF INTERIM DIVIDENDS. Satisfactory Estate Reports The fourth annual general meeting of the Helangor I'niud Kubbe-r Kstates, Limited,, waa held on August IH, at the registered office, 5, Whittington Avenue, 8.C., Major Thomas A. Motion (chairman of the company! presiding. Tbe Chairman said Ladies and gentlemen, I
    2,607 words
  • 708 12 Three Millions in the Fighting Lines. From tbe beet information available, states a London wire of August 25, it is calculated that the numbers of tbe enemy armies at tbe Eastern and Western fronts on July 31, were:— Western front, 1,800,000 Germans: Eastern front, 1,400,030 Germans, and
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  • 207 12 Messrs. Worth, tbe famous Parisian cos tumiers, have closed their London establish uiont in Hanover square. The branch was opened nearly '20 years ago, and has now newly 200 employees. Most of these will be thrown out of employment, though, in tbe case of the heads of
    207 words
  • 128 12 Sergeant Dewar who was the King's I'iize winner at BUI. y in 1914, is recovering from HuiiMtr ke at Wtitnrnxtc r Hospital. He relates that bis regiment at the Dardanelles suffered severely from Turkish tnipers frcm behind, who shot tbree men. Dewar crept iown an old communication trencb,
    128 words
  • 918 12 Pipers in the Shadows Of Camp-I ire W. O. P. writes in The Evening Standard Tbe Colonel Sahib —the beloved of his Punjabi regiment bad been called by the Sircar to a higher post at another far distant place in India, and his men were sorrowful. But
    918 words
  • 188 12 The King forwarded a message of nympatby to the mother of Captain G. Mupple beck, tbe British aviator, who was killed at Dartford on August 24, on the eve of his twenty third birthday, while testing a new machine. Captain Mapplebeck was tbe youngest flight commander in
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 256 12 "Regesan" Nerve Tonic Food. BooU Ltd l' nt rprisim/ 'heinists, iren the First Maker of an all Britiak }in>,lu,t precuttu the same as 'SunaliHjen' ami irith the eharaeteristie thoroughntt of this i'irm, a s/ieeial i'lhlonj MM opened to make this pr, juiratii<n (ttKtnUti btj the lidding Milk Exptrt in tirea
      256 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 44 12 Pat: "That ould villain of a Kaiser bar turned iverythiog topsyturvy since the war r started.' Mike. "How's that, Pathrick Pat: "Be jtbez, in oulden toiuies they jstd to bang thieve* on cross**, but now, t* gorra, its crosses they be hanging on MM,"
      44 words

  • 1104 13 Adverse Effects of Severe Drought. I The report of the Anglo- Dutch Plantations lof lava. Limited, for the year ended Decem Iber 81 last, states that the balance for tht I year, after applying the further son: of jC 1,72 V lin writing down the value of the
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 268 13 "DRAGON" CEMENT* Contracts have been secured for the supplies of Cement during 1915 10 /^/i^-^^fK and to THE MUNICIPALITY P( ggWpl ™E GOVFRNMENT SINGAPORE. V^Lj^y JOHORE. DUPIRE BROTHERS, SINGAPORE. Sole Agents for the Straits and P. M. S. MORTGAGEE'S SALE On Monday, September '27, 1915, at 2.30 r M. Freehold
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 498 14 TaMIMB «r PL3WTT, LIFB InBURANOI IB WORTH 100 CENTS ON THI DOLLAB. WHAT OTHBR PROPBRTY IB 7 THE BREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. MM •mca Wlneheet. H.^ee. air-.a-^r*. LOMDOM O'FICa 82, OM -awnr. ■O. M 9mn 1,-mn,' w tta tk* iianaii Oaart M Baglaad, and aompliM with the British
      498 words
    • 301 14 INSURANCE. POLICIES ON ALL MODERN PUNS. SUN LIFE OF CANADA, 6, Battery Road. S, J. HOWB, 6 8 Manager. 6UARDIAN ABBURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONDON. Subscribed Capital 42,000.000 Total Invested Funds 46,260,000 Annual Inoome 41,100,000 Tbe undersigned, Agents for the above Company, aie prepared to accept fire and Barthquake risks for
      301 words
    • 441 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID UP CAPITAL m 116,000,000 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at 3/- 115,000,000 Silver 118,000,000 188,000,000 Reievve LiabiUty of Proprietor! 15,000,000 COURT OF DIRCCTORB. Hon. Mr. D, Landale. Chainnaa. W. L. Pattenden, Bsq., Deputy Chainnaa. S. H. Dodwell, Bag PH. Holyoak, Bag. O. T. M.
      441 words
    • 428 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHABTBR j Paid up Capital n 80,000 Shares ot *W each 41,300,000 ißeaerveFnnd *1,800,000 Reeerve Liability of Proprietors... £1.200,001' BANKERS The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd., Tim
      428 words
    • 865 14 INSURANCE. Established 187-1. THE ORIENTAL Ini'obi-obatbd in India. GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. ASSBTS exceed $28,000,000. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. The Company baa deposited $200,000 with tbe Straits Governmr nt and has complied with the requirements of The Life Aesuranco Com pan its Ordinance (1914) S.S. Proflte to Polioy-holdera at laat
      865 words

  • 868 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Automobiles in Japan. The increasing use of automobiles in Japan appears from an article by M. Adrien Bertram! in L'Economiste Kranoais. Five years ago there were not 100 automobiles in Japan. At the present time there are nearly a thousand. The
    868 words
  • 201 15 The revenues of the Madras Port TruHt •Low a shrinkage in the greater part of the last official year by two and a half lakhs, and as the tipenditore could Dot be kept down the rxceM of receipts over expenditure was below that o( previous
    201 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 281 15 In the ordinary type of poppet valve motor engine three different kinds of cylinders are used, thus: VALVE-IN-HEAD TYPE i- Id tho famous V»lvo in Hi»l Motor all the f-ai ia ixp'.odtd directly behind the piston, jiut as all the powder is exploded dircc'.ly behind the shell in a siege
      281 words
    • 260 15 k|ii He* *'i I fry: *Jim^A BJQfcf^S 'f **kv\b i■" .J J. B. Dunlop, Esquire WHY ON EARTH should the demand for Dunlop Tyres always exceed the supply, unless your fellow-motorists have proved to their satisfaction that Dunlop covers and tubes are practically and financially the safest proposition Our output
      260 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 422 10 A. B. MACKAYS Qi THE ORIGINAL jQ LIQUEUR WHISKY. >?7^W^Ssv As supplied tx> both Houses of r Wum\ raf^sKV Parliament. m OBTAINABLE FROM ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS. fw^\ Agents: ££A AOAMBONi GILFILLAN +tf&L 1 AND COMPANY. LIMITED. Singapore, Penang and Malacca. WANTS. EN6LISH LESSONBy Bnulislj aly also Pronunciation and .Jy, c/o
      422 words
    • 419 10 WANTS 6000WN WANTEO. War-t.-d to rco*. a somewhere in tht vicinity of Ro' inroo Roai or Ctcil Street. Keply Box Nc. 61. Strain Times 21 9 v BOARD AND LODGING WANTED. Man ie couple r. quire accommodation with board, 2 iieiiroouis b ahroo.u and vprandab, private family preferred near town.
      419 words
    • 636 10 TO BE LET OB SOLD FURNIBHED BEABIDE RESIDENCES TO LET. < BELINDA and JUAN ITA. to 'e« furnished »pplj No. 9. Ift. Sopbi*. i-e OFFICEB TO LET. No. 1-A, Raffles Quay, Ist and 2nd Floois. Apply OUTHRIB Co., Ltd 14 Vl n_ BUNGALOW TO LET. FAIRY-OLBN, 98 1, off River
      636 words
    • 486 10 TO BE LET OR SOLO. TO LEI Compound House No. 4 Devonshire Road. Apply OUTHRIB A Co., Ltd. 19 ft n KUALA LUMPUR BUILDING TO LET. Central premises in Pharmacy Builcirg. Apply The Pharmaoy, Kuala Lumpur. 19* 809 TO LET. Houses No 7, Obaneery Lane Apply to CHINO KRNO LBB
      486 words
    • 530 10 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO.. 37. Phillip Street. ***** READY IN BTOCK NOW. 14 9 15. 6.C00 Kegs Hubbuck's Coloured Taint, 6fO Kegs Hubbuck'is White Zinc Paint, 600 Kegs Hubbuck's White Lead Paint, SCO Keg* Hubbuck's Red Lead Powder, KOO Drums Hubbuck'H Boiled Linseed Oil, 100 Drums Hubbuck'n Raw Linseed Oil.
      530 words
    • 534 10 KIAM KIAT CO. 108 ft 109. Market Street. Telephone No. 421. ShipchandluTß, -lovernment and Munioipa Contractor: Bstate Suppliers and Com mission AgentSols Aobmis The Mulcott Belting Co.. Ltd. Best Multiplar Brand Hair Beltings. IT 80-8-1 B NOTICE. Strayed from Rogie, Clnny Road, the residence of Mr. Harold Lath iv. ONE
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 239 10 Straits Xbimes. ADVEBTISBMBNT RATBS. -Misct.lan. ous wantu of every descript'.nn are lanerf. od at the prepaid rate of II pei too> linea for on ;or two insesrtiunH. N rtiouf uf Births, ilarriat;oe. or Deaths, ,f not oxceiodin^ fjur linen, II each ici'etoQ For p.p.c. cards, on page ti, 12. Ihlh
      239 words