The Straits Times, 18 September 1915

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.!)0<» BINGAPORE. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 18. 1915. PRICE 10 CENTB.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 200 1 l|o <l A FEW GOOD THINGS LIBBY'S ASSORTED SOUPS V?// "L^ I" cases of 48 tins, say, one month's supply. The assortment is made up from the following Soups TOMATO, MOCKTURTLE, OXTAIL, CHICKEN, MULLIGATAWNY and VEGETABLE *v tin maket< six plates of the bent Soup you ever tasted. LIBBY'S ASPARAGUS
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    • 157 1 ROBINSON CO. CASH SALE Bargains in Footwear REAL WILLOW CAF BOOTS BRITISH MADE V V 7 BRITI9»LABOUR S^ with BRITISH LEATHER in fe Ealmoral and Derby Shapes. f SALE PRICE: Jg Am* ,<cr 2^.^^ Stocked in pen pair. 4 5 fittings. WHO DOES NOT KNOW THE GREAT OLD WHISKY DISTILLERS
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  • 835 2 GERMAN EXPERT ON SUBMARINE WAR. Very Modest Results. A remarkably candid appreciation of six months of German submarine warfare since February appeared in the Berlin Tageblatt from Captain Perslos. After quoting the words of tbe German Proclamation declaring the waters round Great Britain and Ireland a war zone,
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  • 161 2 Nothing could serve a* a better illustration of German thoroughness than the censorship <>( all UttirH coming from Germany. I'be (icrmans read conscientiously all correspondence sent from the Kaiser's possensions to foreign lands, correct the phraseology, strike out passages, and frequently add commentaries of their own.
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  • 248 2 To MaitSP Rheumatism. Tbero are still some pc pie wbo imagine khat Rheumatism can be cared by embrocations, and oatwsrd application*, orerlookiog tbe (act tbat the trouble is rooted m the blood. It follows, therefore, tbat it can be treated success nlly only by o'eansing and enriohing
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 345 2 CEREGEN Proteid-Phosphate SIPPLIKS STRENGTH to the WEARY ENERGY to the FLAGGING C««BOBN-locre»H°ii power of resoporation after illness. GERIOIN iilk diKOstion. OBRCGEN— LoIps in periods ot stresi and worry. OBRSOKN— ih entirely of Britisb origin. ■O TRY CEREOEN!!! Obtainable of all Cbt-ni'-otR. Stacks kept and Samples tupsltsd to trad* by GUAN
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    • 12 2 Pa Children's Hacking Cough at Night Wooes Oreat Peppeiuiyit Cure Is. Gd.
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    • 368 2 Nurse's Acute Kidney Disease dins' After Op;rations Had Failed Dr. Cattsrt TakUts, th* Fsmmw Rtnwtfy. Two years ago Nurse Dowdeswell, of 37, Alfredstr««l, Gloucester, England, was curt.l of acute kidney d:*e»--* by Dr. Cassi-ll's TabVts, an-l ever sin.c she has haj the best of hialtli. Hrn ssy» People wll me
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    • 587 2 NOTICES. BAID MARICAN ft CO. 20, Robinson Road. Sbip Cbandlem, Provrdores snd Goneral Contractors. Vessels supplied with fresh and oold storage meat and all market stores at moderate rates. Orders promptly and carefully excuted Letters addressed to our care deli vered on vessel's arrival. 19 80-9 USEFUL TO PLANTERS. OUR
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    • 648 2 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT OF JOHORE. REVENUE FARMS FOR TBE YEARS 1916—1917. Tenders for the above Farms will be received up to noon on Tuesday, the 28th September, 1915, by the State Secretary, Johore Bahru, from whom all further information regarding the above Farms may be obtained on personal or written application.
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  • 810 3 INTERESTING CAREER OF THE LATE MR. H. T. WADE. Sportsman and Author. The North Chioa Daily News announces the death of Mr. U. T. Wade, ono of Shanghai's oldest residents, the cause of death, after a long illness, being cancer of the stomach. To those who have
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  • 243 3 To Act as Godfather When The War is Over. In the native city of General Joffre, Rivesaltes, there is a little girl, three months old, whose parents await the end of the war to have her baptised. The reason for this delay is that the French gentralissimo
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 423 3 IFS A 8 GOOD TO-DAY Jf^ff WHEN I BOUGHT IT!" //jiff UBE Tht*. «pre«.ion oonuao. to f/fsf/f SWAN osersof ttl "SWAN" Foanta**— Xv/^/ WlffW U>oMwbol*>«osedtb«ir- SWAN- f/f' Iff INK for My p« \fk from one week ap A\JK/m/ L y.n think ol *tf^)W D Ot Cl r P same
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    • 206 3 REAL SKIN_COMFORT Follows Use of Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Trial Free. By bnthinrt nnd anointing those fragrant super-m<:imv emollirnts impart to tender, sensitive or irritated, itehinf; nkins n fivliim of intense skin roinfort difficult for ono to realize who has never used them fur like purposes. Sample Each Free by
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    • 470 3 Anaemia or Poorness of Blood, is far more prevalent than is generally supposed. Men, Women and Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected, serious consequences may result. If taken when the symptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to enrich the blood and so effectually check
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 493 4 STEAMER BAILIW6B. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANQ. CBYLON, AUBTRAUA, INDIA, ADBN, BQYPT MBDITBRRANBAN PORTS. PLY MOUTH AND LONDON Through Bills of Lading issued for Jbioa OoaHt. Persian Quit. Continental and Amerioan Ports. Steamera will leave Siogaport oa or about— MAIL LINES Hom«*r«ra (for Bwrop*). Connecting at
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    • 529 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. YIC. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE A servioe is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles and London under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. Tbe New Twin-screw Steamera maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and oonstraoted, and are fitted with all the
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    • 804 4 3TEHMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAViaATIM CO.. LB. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringgaan, Biant, Bonserak, Kelaatu, Tabal Bangnara, Teln.iin, Pat am, Siagora, Lacoa Kobsaumi, Baadoa, Langsoen, Takn, Cbutnprn, Koblak and Bangkok. Out Oapartux as. ASDANG Sept 18, 3 p.m. YUGALA Sapt. SO 99, 3 p.m. MAHIDOL ST 29, S p.m. BORIBAT
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    • 623 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP GO. LIMITED. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD Tbe Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards tor the Straits. China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards lor London. Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight; for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 286 5 AUCTION SALE Of BXCELLKST TBAK HASBHOLD FHRVUCUB, PlvNO, ETC, At No. 70, Lo» Hi.l. T«njong Pag»r, On Saturday, Bepterpber 85, aaC a p.m. A (rood4oned cottar ii>no bf Ernst K«p*. in spend d coniiti n b«antifully c»r»td toakdrswii K rw>mcs6in.twirti mirror psncls oarvtd J»T» teak fUnJaid sud ro. km», chaitn;
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    • 657 5 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE AUTUMN RACE MEETING (Under SUA Bultt of Boeing), WILL BS BILO OH Tuesday, Ootober 19th, Thursday, Ootober 2ist,4 Saturday, October 33rd, 1918. PROGRAMME. Mm Tuesday, Ootober 18th, 1916. 1. THE OPENING STAKES 248 p.m. Value 1600 and $50 to to Second Horse. A Selling Rice Handicap
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    • 729 5 etch and ICO to earn Secotd Tony. A Handi e»p lor all Griffins that have ran at the Meeting. All poniei entered may be divided by tb Haodioapp. r into two Class) s, i.e., A and B. Ponies handicapped in Clavt A shall be tillable to run in Rare No.
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    • 28 5 x, O o S S3 O Q to i O- r 5 6 g 111 |o I I LLJ DC Ili i I*: X I 5^ 88 5
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  • 841 6 Prices Quoted In the Market This Morning. Singapore, September 18, 1915. Messrs. Ljall ml Evatt, Exohinßo »nd hare Brokers, issue the lollowinß list of quotations this morning The quotations on Sterling Share* are only nominal. Num. \alci. Bcties. Sillies. 2/- Allagar 1/10 3/1 4 1 Anglo- Java
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 172 6 (THE TSTRAITS JiMES PBESS, LTD.] Artistic ■"•V^^ ?^s^ Modern BookbindersJ I Photo Engravers] Telephone; Commercial I Line JJ Half-tone I 348. Photographers I [nj CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE, wm MACHINE-PRESSED CEMENT TILES Msds undar high hjdrauiic arcssurt which emurti GREAT DURABILITY Samples of Colours and Designs at TAMPENIS CEMENT TILE WORKS
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    • 97 6 YOUR PIANO IS OUT OF TUNE Wiit*.— 'Phone rt Setd to JBL. C HUDSON (Lath of Thk Koiunson Piano (.'■>. I HE 18 LOOKINO FOR SUCH AND PUTS THEM RIGHT Cheaply and Thoroughly. Tel 1183 Sail ops' Home Singapore 780 Ml BROSSARD MOPIN ESTIMATES BUILDINGS, FOUNDATIONS, 111 1 P |lf
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  • 120 7 FIXTURES Saturday, September 18. High Water, 6.8 1 a.m., 4.22 p.m Sunday, September 19. digh Water. H.lB a.m., 6.14 p.m Monday, September 20 >*ii<b Wtlw. 9.4 a.m., 7.n> p m. Prayer nuctins;. The M iu«i-, "•.IS p.m. P. ami O. outward mail KX^uotcl Tuesday, September 21. •ligb
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  • 266 7 SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. To- DAI. HoDL'kon<{ ami .lapan I'obmbo Maru ipm I'aleuib.iuy I;, iiniena 2 pm itii I'.i'iat Hon« Wan 2 pm Prini lt»jab, T.mbilalian <n I Iti I Quorra 2 pm M I .in Medusa 2pm Malacca. I. Swvttcnhaii nn.i Naaap KUok 2 pm Baadjormaaua, I'ljli. l.l'lt. III! mi
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  • 216 7 flu unit trains from Sioy%p>re for the. north Imm Kill Htation daily at 7 a.m an! 7 |i.m, arriviu" at KinH Lumpur at 7.1H p.m. and rt.45 a.m., respectively. The through sn*M to IVnang leave* Kuali Lumpur at H a.m. daily, irrivin« at Penani: at 6.2 iS
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  • 128 7 Mail Steamer Movements. Tin I', in I <). outward m.til steamer I due at Peaaag at 8 p.m. to day. Slic may be expected here a] n a.iv. on Mooday. September JO. Th,' M. M. outward uteam.r Magellan lett t nlomboat 10 p.iu.onTliur~lay. tin lfith I I may be expected
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  • 51 7 . Latest Arrivals Name al KemarkH. llai Nam IVoanu Kandabar Hung Wan lirk I.itu llono Aik Weranti 179 15 Inner Koada (ouia Joon I! >ng I'.rak ■'.iblj'-tn/o ■icott Harley ■m Sdin* IH-91S Outer Roads Inner Roada British. ol 10 II J am urn r Japanese. .ill I. )D ;o.
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  • 284 7 . Outward. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in -nun instances, bookings may be provisional and that iutending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London Per P.
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  • 164 7 . EXCHANOE. SINOAPOU, SIJTIMBKB 18, 1916. On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4^ Demand 2,4 ft Priv»t«Bm;ii iliil Fnvateom/« J/4jj On Indu Bank T. T. 175* On HoNoitoNa...Bank d/d 22^ OHBHXN OHA,...Bankd/d 100* On Java Bank T. T. 189 On Japan Bank d/d i! 1 Sovereigns—buying rate 18.54 India
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 308 7 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods Great Peppermint Cure Is. 6d FRENCH WAR LOAN. The ha quede i'ludo Chine beg« to inform tbe Public ill -it tbey are ready to acctpt iipp irvi i 8 (or tbe Fr- neb War Loan. riit New Bon 1- in connection Kith sach Loan are
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    • 424 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. BINTAN PLANTATIONS. LIMITED. NOTICE is hereby gi\eo that Deben'areBond No. 886, forming a part of tbe debenture issue of 9,000 Debentures of 9 1C0 each in this Company, and issued on tbe 80th day of November, 191', has been forfeited by Resolution of the Directors on the 14th
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    • 455 7 FURNIBHED Sf ABIDE RESIDENCE TO LET. At Siglap Estate, every convenience assurei. Immediate entry. Apply to A. Frankel, Victoria Street or at Siglap Estate. 18 9 o ROOMB TO LET. Free rooms, partly furnihbrd. offired to t*o to form meso of three. Close to town, tennis, motor biuse. etc Ad.'ress
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  • 1149 8 The Straits Times. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 18. GERMANY AND ENGLAND. We are indebted to the courtesy of a (rieod (or an opportunity of perusing a 'cry remarkable book. Its title is <i> rmany and Eng land and it contains the essence of a series of lectures delivered at (Queen's College, London,
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  • 15 8 Tenais nets will be available on the Esplanade this afternoon as there is no cricket.
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  • 16 8 Substitute regulations respecting the wearing of foreign orders and medals are printed in the Government Gazette.
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  • 29 8 A ladies small black handbag, containing money, was left in St. Andrew's Cathedral on August 4, and it can be obtained from tho Colonial Chaplain on proof of identity.
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  • 44 8 The July issue of the Agricultural Bulletin of tbe F.M.S. is to hand. It contains articles on selection in Hevea, camphor and camphor oil, soil analysis as a guide to manuring, and the continuation of plant names as well as the usual statistical tables.
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  • 53 8 It is notified in the Gazette in accordance with tbe provisions of tbe Life Assurance Companies Ordinance 1914, that the Governor in Council is satisfied that thu Standard Life Assurance Company is a life assurance company which bas made a deposit in the I'mted Kingdom in accordance with the Assurance
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  • 61 8 Tbe Russian steamer Rubonia (2,244 tons) was despatched from Bangkok by the East Asiatic Co., Ltd., in April last, with a cargo of rice for England. She arrived there safely, but on her subsequent voyage from Cardiff with coal she was sunk by a German submarine off the Orkney Islands
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  • 65 8 Frederick Horlebog, a registered German alien enemy, living in Clarendon-street, Pimlioo, bas, the Daily Express understand^ been arrested on the charge of being connected with an agitation to discourage recruiting. It seems that this man is a member of the "John Symo league," is a prominent supporter of the Police
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  • 74 8 Mr. E. K. Coombes sends ns copiex of "two bfl)ks writfn before the war which poiot out events transpiri: g M M MM I V s explaining their ni^uifu-auo He h<n> a lew copies to spare and will be glad to supply these free to any of our readers interested
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  • 67 8 A Leinster newspaper states that, in response to a missing friend's advertisement, a soldier named Staunton has written home from France, >'• daring that he is the sole survivor of the Lund line steamer Waratah, of which nothing has been heard since she left Durban for Capetown on July 26,
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  • 71 8 At tbe second annual general meeting of the Malacca Merrywtather Club held last Sunday the following officer.! were elected for the tDsuing year President, Tan Soo Lock vice president, Ong Tcck Hin (reelected) honorary secretary, Koli Ti .v i MB; honorary assistant secretary and secretary, entertainment section, Yeo Kirn Sek
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  • 77 8 According to The Temps of August 2:1, the German authorities have decided to suppress the reprisal camps. This is a result of tbe energetic intervention of th > French Government, which threatened to t eat the German prisoners in the same way as theirs were treated. On the other hand,
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  • 88 8 A now bill, the Christian Marriage (Amendment) Ordinance 1915, the draft of which is printed in tbe Government Gazette, gives > fleet to the regulations relating to notice of marriage contained in the Foreign Mar riiges Order in Council 1913, made under the Foreign Marriage Act 1892, by substituting "one
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  • 74 8 By proclamation, in a Government Gazette extraordinary to-day, the Governor authorises the establishment of a reserve force to Pcnang Volunteers, in Penang, au>'. also a Civil Guard, under the pro visions if thu recently passed Ordinance. The Governor has appointed the following to be members of the committco for the
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  • 106 8 A Cantonese woman who, now passing as a Malay, calls herself Sapia, pleaded guilty in the second court this morning when charged with voluntarily causing hurt to a Malay man named A mac. There was a quarrel in the coarse of whicli the woman picked up n knife and stabbed
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  • 122 8 On August 24. a Malay named luiboc, of Knn< s Lane, was brought before the third magistrate, Mr. Mudie, charged with being in possession of bhang, lie was convicted and sentenced to a tine of $1,000 or ouo year's rigorous imprisonment. Accused is the head of a gang of bhang
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  • 378 8 Mr. J. W. Goldthorp is appointed to act as second magistrate, Kuala Lumpur Capt. J. 11. Tyte has been granted the temporary rank of Major, while in command of the Malay States Volunteer Hides Syed Mohammed bin Agil, J.P., is to act as chairman of tbo Mohammedan
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  • 91 8 A French Consular telegram today announces that the Messagerits Maritime* steamer Euph rate was wrecked, last Saturday, in the Gulf of Aden. She was a cargo boat of 4,42U tons net, and was built in iyo.">. She left Saigon on August M, Annamites on board,
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  • 103 8 At the meeting of the Legislative Council summoned fur Kiiday next, the fust reading will be pioposed of the supply bill for 1916. and occasion will bo taken by 11. H. the Governor to make his annual statement on the past and his *Im of the future— a
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  • 130 8 On Monday next, the railway will open a portion of the MM RMMI shed in Kitti Valley I toad for tr;>lhc, and on and aftri that date all goods froiu outstatious consigni il to Singapore will bo dealt with at 1 1 1. new Mjad Thf railway
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  • 207 8 A serious affray took place at Klang on Wednesday evening as tiie reHult of which four men wire seriously injurrd anil a nutu ber of arrests were m i<t> A short ti Uyriuu has already appeared in our columns on the outrage. The Malay Mail say t hat
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 160 8 WE HAVE FOR SALE 1 Hhd. of Light Dry Tawny Port, kep: in wood in Shigapr re «mcc 1910. Price per dozen quarts $25 nett. 1 Hhd. of Oloroso Sherry kept in wood in Singapore since 1908. Price per dozen quarts $24 nett. BOTH WINES IN FINE CONDITION. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR
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    • 273 8 POSITIVELY THE LAST NIGHT. A FILM MASTERPIECE ■V TNE FAMOUS PLAYERS FILM COMMRY, AT THE ALHAMBRA TtM fHoamr BlMmatocraaft Tlwatr*, hH lnd (how, at 1.11 p.m. DANIEL FROHMAN PHMk TEBS OF THE D'URBERVILLES IN 5 PARTS. ThWM* tUrdyi Sublime Drama This pictorial rt prod nation of Thomas Hardy's World (ami
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    • 12 8 Latest advertisements of tbe day appear on page 6, 7 and 11.
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  • 2176 9 RUSSIANS CONTINUE HITTING HARD. More Large Captures of Prisoners. CABINET AND CONSCRIPTS. Talk of a General Election. Kbuikk's kMM I. m Inn. September 16, 4 1.1 a.m. n^litiu^ continues on tho Eastern front, resulting in further successes for tbo Russians, not aiorelj in the southern but also in
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  • 308 9 Startling Incident in the Bay Of Biscay. A most interesting letter hajbeec received by an Ootacainuud resident from bis daughter who Js doing service on board the hospital ship Loyalty. Writing in August, she gives details of a startling incidect which, ttaytUe Madras Mall, does not
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  • 240 9 RUSSIA'S FAR EASTERN PORT. Big Consignments Passing Through Vladivostok. Trans- Pacific shipping from the ports of the North Coast, and particularly from Seattle to Vladivostok, is pyramiding at a rate as to tonnage which is staggering to the statistician and the analyse, says the Seattle Sunday Tim' s of July
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  • 92 9 . The following property was disposed of at Mr. L. A. Chitty's sale- room yesterday Three pieces of land at Blimbing, Malacca, containing 103 acres 2 roods and 4 poles, marked lot Nos. 4620 m VIII, ***** VII, and ***** X, purchased by E. Kong Ouan for 112,200; and
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  • 88 9 Although it is scarcely a month since the new silver two and one salung pieces were first issued in Siaui, the police have already arrested a Chinese engaged in counterfeiting these coins. On the Bth iMfc detectives searched a shop in Sanipcng, kept by Chin Uy Poon and discovered there
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  • 1443 9 ORIGINS OF THE MONARCHY MOVEMENT. From Our Own Correspondent. Hongkong, September 7, 1915. The so-called Peace Preservation Society maintains and increases its activity, and the developments, since 1 last wrote, suggest more and more strongly that the movement is officially countenanced if it is not actually officially
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  • 164 9 The annual report on forest ,f 'ministration iv th" Straits S, it.U im ■ut- 1 in Urn year 1914, is printod as a supplement to tin < iovci nment Gazette. The total area of rsmrvwl forests at tin) close of the year was 99,6:11 MM) or
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  • 153 9 The members of the Victoria Jubilee Chapter of Royal Arch Freemasonry E. 0. No. 1555, on ednesday evening hold their annual installation ceremony in the Freemason's Hall, Penang. The installing I'rin cipals wiio took part in the ceremony were M. K. Coinps. Hon. B. Young, K. Owen
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  • 45 9 The annual report upon RMgMM port shows the total revMMe to <>■ as against Us. 1,194,778 iv UtC previous The net tonnage was 2,428,048 ayaiust 2.'J48,771. The expenditure ht the year in I Us. 4,12U,H24 leaving a surplus of > lakhs. d( -spiv- tin- Kmden uctivr
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 177 9 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. Drill programme for week ending Friday, September 24 Sunday, Skptkmuf.r IV. 6.30 a.m. Alexandra Rd. Police Stu. M.ixiiuCo. 7 a.m. and 2.:lO p.m. Bal. Rang" Chinese Co. Monhav, Skitfmiifb 20. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. T. Pagar Recltn. Maxim Co. Drill Hall B U.K.(V.) S.V K. Vi
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  • 698 10 Strengthens the Purpose of The People. The following inUreating notes on the recent event* in Russia were given a Time* r. representative on September <i by Mr. II I. KadouiUetl (tbe Koaiitu Conul One can nee from tbe newspapers," ■M Mr KadoiutzefT, that the first shock
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  • 85 10 The Swindon Town football directors have decided not to take part in any competitive football next season. Swindon will play a number of friendly matches, including holi day games with Heading. At a meeting of the Bristol Hovers, Bristol City, Southampton and Newport County it was iactieti that,
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  • 14 10 I.aras (Sumatra).— il'orreoted) 2,*M> lbs.; company's year to date, 9,342 lbs.
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  • 201 10 In the course of a general review of trade conditions in the Singapore consular district hi MM Mm UHriMI Vice Consul at this port (mint* oat the totally unexpected abnormal conditions that confronted tin commerce of the Colony during the year. That the nplierc of trade, however, main
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  • 161 10 Over Two Thousand Dollars For Aircraft. The accounts of tbe Country Fair held at liogie a fortnight ago are forwarded by the honorary treasurer with a request that they be made public. The balance, we are informed, is being remitted to the manager of tbe Chartered Bank,
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  • 349 10 Colonel Describes a Road Mine Trap. From the Orillia Packet, a Canadian paper, we quote the following passage in a letter from Colonel F. Brennan, of the South African Irish, concerning tbe perils of the campaign in South Wr«t Africa: Careful examination showed ten mines
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  • 73 10 Parades for week ending September 35 Sunday, 19th, 7 a.m.— S. Mb Parade, Malacca. Monday, 20th, 4.80 p.m.— Skirmishing. Diamond Jubilee Estate. Tuesday, 21st, 5 p.m. Rifle Exercises, Malacca. Wednesday, 22nd, 4.30 p.m. Skirmishing, Devon Estate. Thursday, 23rd, 4.:(0 p.m.— Skirmishing, Tebong. Thursday, 23rd, 4.33 p.m. —Skirmishing.
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  • 215 10 Mr. Nicolas Flamel (says tbe Iron and Steel Trades Journal) deals with the great increase of the world's production in aluminium daring the last few years, and cornea to the conclusion tbat the enormous expansion is due to the steady but secret preparations for war made for
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  • 52 10 Entiraatic Recruiting Sergeant to milkman who in doing business as usual 11. i. voting man, yon oiigh', to bo serving your King aii'l Countiy. What do y. a say no.v f "Can't be done, guvnor," replied "v .lie. ry one of tbe milky way, I ye only got about a
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  • 349 10 Is the Northerner Better Than The Cantonese? For the benefit of old-stagers who never tire of reminding one that the northern Chinese servant is far better than his Cantonese prototype, the following notes are reprinted J from the N.C D. Mail (Tientsin) Tbe domestic servant problem is
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  • 215 10 Men Turned to Waxen Images Or Killed by Wind Pressure. Reference is made by the British Medical Journal to some of the mysterious tragedies at tbe front, as for instance, when such deaths have occurred in groups, the men still life-like, in the act of eating or
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  • 194 10 Increase of 36 Per Cent, in Large Towns. In the price of articles of everyday consumption there bas been an increase of 36 per cent, in large towns and 33 per cent, in small towns and villages during tbe last twelve months, according to returns published
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  • 411 10 Heroic Work of British SoldierArtist. Apparently not content with running the ordinary risks of war, Mr. Fitzgerald Spencer Pryse, a well-known artist, who has been at tbe front with the British forces for some time, has, at grave danger to his life, made a number of lithograph
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  • 288 10 Enumerators Enjoy Their House To House Calls. There is real pleasure to be extracted from the collection of the National Register forms in London, according to tbe experience of many enumerators. There were very few refusals to fill in the form, and only a comparatively small number of
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  • 290 10 Restricted Choice in Men's Autumn ClothingAccording to a sartorial artist who gave bis impressions to tbo Daily News, the predominating colour for masculine wear in the autumn and winter will be grey— tbat in, for those who will not be adorned with khaki, tbe moßt popular wear
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  • 257 10 The Florence Nightingale of The War. It would be interesting to know the identity of the lady who for many weeks past now has been penetrating even into our first line trenches in Franco id her merciful endeavours to succour the wound* cd. She is attached
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  • 366 10 New Invention to Destroy The Insect. That the mosquito is as susceptible to sound as to colour is shown by the experiments of Mr. Jouusct de lit Hi -me who spent a good deal of time investigating the mechanics of the mosquito's song." Often the high pitched
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  • 380 10 Exciting Night Fight by Our Patrol. The following report is from British Headquarters in France, and is dated Sunday, August IS The work of strengthening our position is constantly going on at all points. New trenches are dug, fresh entanglements are erected at important points, and
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  • 234 10 . Provision for the Fublic Service Next Year. A bill for making provisiou for the public service for the year l'.Uil to be introduced into tho Legislative Council on Friday next is published in the Ga/ette for general information. It provides that a sum not exceeding seven million six
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  • 408 10 Difficulties of Removing The Wounded. Mr. Eustace Klltuan, formerly of Pembroke College, Oxford, who bat been serving with the Koyal Naval Division at the lUrdam lies, and was recently wounded and removed to Malta Hospital, writes to a home paper Imagine yourself in the act of
    408 words
  • 200 10 The body of Brigadier W. T Bridges, late Inspector General of the Com monwealth Forces, has bet v exhumed from the military cemetery at Alexandria and sent to Australia, where tli>- deceased soldier will probably be accorded a public fuueral. All expenses are being borne by
    200 words
  • 51 10 I!, re is lmw uu optii.i-tir It. r sums up l.itive MWM "1 1 1 ...i y KugUud "We gay. •< i many tfcoal I up on the tirst tee. Mm ii about \L up M to go now. The will ii> up ami I to go, iv favour
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 170 10 PUBLIC NOTICE PARAGRAPHS. We are requested by tbe Straits Steamship Company, to mention the following alterations in sailings of their steamers iiang Ann, for British North Borneo ports at 5 p.m. today; Ranee, for Kuantan at 6 a.m. to morrow and Katong, for Bangkok at 10 a.m. tomorrow. Anothor strong
      170 words

  • 1298 11 GOOD HOPE RUBBER CO. Annual Meeting Held At Colombo. The sixth ordinary general 1110 tini; of the langor) Kubber Co., Ltd was Ik 11 at I'olombo un August 81, when tin' chair wan taken by Mr. J. I. Blacktuore (director), and there wan also present Messrs. \V N Tisdall, and
    1,298 words
  • 634 11 Sunday, September 19, 1915. St. Andrew's Catuedbal. 18th Sunday afti r Trinity.— 7;lo a.m. Litany 7-4."> a in. Holy Communion (Choral) 915 a.m. Matins and Holy Communion; 4 p.m. Sunday School and Dible Classes; 5-30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. St. Matthew's, Sepoy Liufs.-9 15 a.m. Holy Communion 8.15
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  • 172 11 A sample of coal, obtained from a locality M MM east of Berbera, bas been examined at the Imperial Institute. This coal resembles samples from Nigeria, which have already in i ii i samiocd at the Institute, but is not so good as the better
    172 words
  • 68 11 A yiiL's. 1 couple mnt into a (ilanyow shop ilir oilier day and inquired, How much do you want for a bathtub for a cbild > v ani sixpence in the cheapen! we have," nanl Ibe shopkeeper. Everything bag gone up since tbe war." Ab. weel," -.i.l the mother. turnioK
    68 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 51 11 Tell me not in mournful wheezes Life is tat an rop v dnam, Kmi In mv is MC4 whosLOizcs. And thinga are not MM tbey seem. I. if is it U, ifa i- .irui -t of this ftct yon may be sore, .i 'ttt'e will «il <ou (aaWgWood*'(irt at l'<
      51 words
      542 words
    • 104 11 EUROPEAN ASSISTANT WANTED. Eru'lish-horn AsfnVaot required (or a healthy Estate in N. yri Sembilan. Salary and allowarjceß t'22S. Write particulars of experience to Box 6P. Straits Times. 18 S '24-9 PRIVATE HOTEL. STAMFORD HOUSE CENTRALLY SITUATED Bras Basah Road, Comfortable Rooms with Bathrooms attached. Electric Fittings throughout Separate Tables in
      104 words
    • 189 11 HIBBERT'S A3 Star Whisky. Price: $>10.50 per case (LH-ty Extra). C^^S?^ Sole Importers: S?S HIBBERT, WOODROFFE CO., gj^^^y LIMITED L* tA»*\l (Incorpokatkd in England). RAFFLES HOTEL TO-NIGHT, Special Dinner at 8 p.m. AND AFTERWARDS imztjsio bit TEI :pa.jr,l3l^:n" trio ADELPHMIOTEL TO-NIGHT, SPECIAL DINNER under the supervision of our FRENCH CHEF
      189 words

  • 1503 12 In each despatch, in private letters and i diariea, oar offioers and men il.-j.l >re. the ■aiper s depredations. Leaders are picked off, gallant lads struck down at their chum's -wle, with never a foe to be seen and, apparently no war in progress at all. The
    1,503 words
  • 2135 12 1914. Jane 27. Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his consort at Serajevo. July 25.— Austrian ultimatum sent to Sarvia. August 1. Germany declares war on Russia and France, and invades Belgium. 4.— Britain declares war on Germany. 23.— Battle of Mons begins, and the French
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  • 264 12 An Amusing Version of a Famous Song. Perhaps a little irreverently, bat with a talent for rhyme, Private L. Carey, of Twickenham, writing from Somewhere at the firing line in France," has written a parody of the famous Sing Me to Sleep song, whose composer recently died.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 288 12 "Regesan" Nerve Tonic Food. Boota Ltd rjn-IJim C&VMMW, ir,r, the First Maker of an all British product precisely the same as 'SmmwJM'; and with the (hmwttltMi thoronghnes of this Finn, a s/ieiinl Fiutunj nas tfmti In MM* this pMjMVWtIM i eontmlled hij the leading Mill: E*fert in Una lirituin i
      288 words

  • 822 13 FIGHT IN. A CRATER. Dramatic Incidents in the Battle Of I Hooge. Renter's special correspondent with the British Headquarters, in a despatch dealing with the fighting at Hooge, says that all who were there are convinced that the German infantry showed small inclination for fight, and took to their heels
    822 words
  • 280 13 THE KONIGSBERG'S END. Wireless Operator's Dramatic Fall From Aeroplane. Testimony to the skilful naval manoeuvre*) which led to the destruction of the Kodik* berg, the last of the German raiders, is to be found in some interesting details supplied to the Wireleu Press by the wireless op rators on the
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 139 13 WHY ARH r" Micheuß (zk? Tyr2S .-"V i^^ >_ (\.Y>r f.-.inous French make) |(^O At!!-- -K. so re-d'.ijnt, yet so durable? |^~if^ Jnjjff^-r^ because /x^/* -"-"*y They are made of the best They arc the result ot years ot f\\^*-» <!___— >"1 They At: the work oi experienced ■>__—» -4
      139 words
    • 194 13 'WAIT TILL AFTER THE WAR" A Record whose time cost sellers of Beds Thousands of Dollars BUT NOT US. WAR or NO WAR we kept on Ordering. We contracted for Beds 8 months ago. Prices of Labour and Material have Jumped up by Leaps and Bounds SINCE THEN. WE ARE
      194 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 507 14 PmAOB. FaMIKB PI*MTT, LIFB InIURANOI 18 WORTH 100 C*NTB ON THE DOLLAR. IimBULY OTHIR PHOPBRTY IB 7 THE 6REAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Wi«^^a««- Ms^—s ««*-rU^«- LONDOU O-FIO. BS. Old Jawry. «O. Via flaaaM dMo*it*4 wtta BBS ISBi—l Csart at Bngland, »nd oomnliss with th* British Lite Assurance Companies
      507 words
    • 317 14 INSURANCE. POLICIES ON UL MODERN PUNS. SUN LIFE OF CANADA, 8, Battery Road. 8. J. HOWB, 1-8 Manaßtr. BUAROIAN ABBURANGE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONDOti Subscribed Oauital *J,000.000 lotal Invested Fands ift,.'53,00G Annual Inoome .X1, 100,000 Tne undersigned, Agents for the above Company, ate prepared to accept fire and Barthqoake risks for
      317 words
    • 438 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL M ...116,000^00 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at 2/- 118,000,000 SUver 118,000,000 188,000,000 Reserro Liability oi Proprietors 116,000,000 I COURT OF DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr, D. Lsndale, Chairman. W. L. Pattenden, Bsq., Deputy Chairman. S. H. Dodwell, Esq IP. H. Holyoak, Bsq. O. T.
      438 words
    • 502 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital n 80,000 Shares oi *M each *1 ,200,000 Reserve Fond J1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.200,000 BANKERS The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank. Ltd., The London Ccunty and Westminster Bank, Ltd.,
      502 words
    • 801 14 INSURANCE. CAPITALIZING himself never thought of by tho aversgo msn," who in a far prater a«set thsn tbo t-tock, animils sni lionw s he pcxseßß-'s an' who i pr tt-ctinn from iuitow<.rd contirKetc. s IsUi ti st conniierat on. Vrt l.v ov.rloik* self p'otet tion and because ot it broken
      801 words

  • 811 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Problem of Gasoline. In the coarse of its brief but remarkable career, the American motor car industry has probably been tlio builder of more subsidiary industries tban any other economic development of a hundred years, says an exchange. The aluminium and
    811 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 191 15 DOULTON SANITARY SPECIALITIES. Sole Agents CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS LIMITED. SANITARY ENGINEERS W LIQUID WATERfPOOF >'' .^T -,fM»H BLAOKIS'G •hmiM«iitti!»in- -iimi n. Mtttgf. vvK i- Ik 'Phone So. 436. MOTOR CAR For Hire, For Sale, For Repairs, For Up-Keep. i 1! JV'i r sStr »%S r 0 > V**jMa^a/ -'rap*'- *^S*»-*".
      191 words
    • 233 15 MICHELIN TYRES For Motor Cars, Motor Cycles and Bicycles are recognized as being Prices on application to DUPIRE BROTHERS, SINGAPORE. BUY STELASTIC TYRES I PUNGTURE PROOF! NON-SKID! Bole Importers! INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO. CONFIDENT!}- r rt f\> O P Q <3*OT §y Appointment *rj,lf^ OJ^ 3 U& D mm H.M. THE
      233 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 808 16 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER. BREWED in SCOTLAND WANTS i CHILCRENS NURSE (EUROPEAN Wants pa -iK '> vi in ezebango services. Apji.y M■- M- w-, Kiin^. PJLS. 169 18-9 STENOGRAPHER WANTEO. Wart xp :v. -.a hUnographer with know:(d»-t t' ffij< work Apply in writing witn copits ut t'. ,t, inouials t >
      808 words
    • 642 16 TO BE lETJBR SOLD. BURNISHED 8EA&I0E RESIDENCES TO LET. I>KL'Nl>a mdJUAhiT A. to furnisher). \rply No. 9. Mt tiopl -a 1-6 n OFFIOEB TO LET. No. la, Raffle* Quay, Ist and 2nd Fiooif. apply GUTHRIB k Co., Ltd. 14 13 BUNBAIOW TO LET FAIRY-ULKN V 8 1, off River Valley
      642 words
    • 562 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD nun Compound Honse No. 4 Devonshire Road. Apply GUTHKIR k Co., Ltd. IBS o SEASIDE RESIDENCE TO LET 4 bedrooms, batliroou.^ attached, water laid on. Apply No 4, De Sousa Street. 66s a TO LET. 0, Mt. Elisabeth Kent furnished or unfurnished. Apply No. 4,
      562 words
    • 349 16 NOTICES. GUAN MAT CO.. 37. Phillip Street. ***** READY IN BTOCK NOW. 14 915. B.rOO Kegs Hubbuck's Co'ourtd Paint, C(0 Kegs HubbuckV White Zinc Paint, 500 Kegs Hubbuok's White Lea i Paint, ftfO lasji Hubbuck's Red Lead Powder, 800 Drums Hubbuck's Boiled L'nsecd Oil, 100 Drums Hubbuck's Raw Linseed Oil,
      349 words
    • 529 16 KIAM KIAT&CO. 108 109. Market Street. Telephone No. '21, ShipcbandlerH. (>cvprnni..ut and Munieips Contractor" Bstatc S-ipulirrn aud Corn miwuot Agents IM AasMts The Molcott Belting Co., Ltd. Best Muitiplar Brand Hair Boltings. M «0-81» NOTICE. Strayed from Rouir, (Jinny Road, tho roßidonce of Mr. Harold Latb&ni, ONE LARGE BLACK RRTKIEVER
      529 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 241 16 Straits ?Dimes, ADVERTISEMENT KAT&S. Misw lac. OQB wants of every description are used ed at tbe prepaid rate of II pei looi for on or twe insertions. N jtirtT cf Births, damages, or Deaths, if not excoeding fjar linos, 91 each irst'tisa For p.p.o. cards, oa page 8, 12. Incb
      241 words