The Straits Times, 13 September 1915

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 24.901 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 18. 1915. PRICE 10 GBNTH.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 187 1 KATZ BROS., Ltd. g^ HAVE JUST RECEIVED: mmmameais^^^ltf COLT'S AUTOMATIC PISTOLS 2J V«MiMM ANI) COLTS ARMY SPECIAL REVOLVER \JJ \m A 38 Calibre, 6-inch barrel. Full blued. 1 Price: $35.00. M HOLTB "NEW SERVICE' REVOLVER 44 and 45 Calibre, ")J-inch Barrel. Full blued finish. Price $45.00. COLTS POLICE POSITIVE REVOLVER
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    • 108 1 RUBBER MANGLES JO Jw**± it nil r v II I \n| P MAli3V\ OMLL v i The Gem Table Mangle, Rubber Mangles, on four with strong central spring. spiral springs, very powerful. Size 17 ins. by 4 ins *28Ht?£** «»I-LERB COPPER SHEATHED. ALSO COPPER SHEATHED ROLLERS AND CAST-IRON ROLLERS. ROBINSON
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    • 48 1 GOODRICH TYRES STEEL OFFICE CUPBOARDS Fireproof, Vermin-proof, Ruit proof Collapsible for export, simple fitting up. Cupboards are equipped with t-prii^ bolt rim locks with two Hat non-cban^t-ablu ke;R ami tbe entire equipment master keyed All Six** in Stock Pricss and farther particulars (row A. FRANKEL GO. Victoria Street.
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  • 836 2 INDIAN HERO TELLS HOW HE WON THROUGH. Story of Neuve Chapelle. I Amongst the most cherished possessions of Subadar Kedar Sing Rowati, of the Oarh II wal Rifles— the Indian Dative regiment which 1 1 has established a magnificent record daring 1 1 the present war— is a
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  • 247 2 Burghers' Startling Tactics Against Germans. The commandoes that are with as, with no particular uniforms, give a prehistoric touch to what otherwise mifht be up-to-date campaigning. They are not too good at drill, but their uncouth and simple methods of going tor the enemy paralyse him
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 228 2 CEREGEN Proteid-Phosphate SIPPLIES STRENGTH to the WEARY ENERGY to the FLAGGING CEREOEN-locroiva power of recuperation after illness. OIRIOIN mis digoatitn. OKRIGEN -I olpn in periods of stress aud weny. OIRIOIN i cnti-ely of British origin. BO TRY CEREOBNII] Obtainable of all Chemists. Stocks kept aai Samples supplied lo trtf* by
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    • 438 2 SHAKEOFFTHE CLUTCH of rheumatism, the gri atest enemy to (be pel co of nun. Yon can do it. As evidence of this yon have bnt t) oonaider any one of the thousand*) of cures that hair been effected by the cue of LITTLES OhIENTAL BALM. Many of those cured wor6
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    • 631 2 NOTICES. KOTICfT We hereby give nctioetbat Chi* Chin Hoc is oo longer in onr servioe %i a Bill collector from this date. Dated 4th September, 1916. F. CLAKKE A CO., Livihv Stwhi--., 807, Queen Street. 15 9 NOTICE. BOARD OF LICENSING JUSTICES. NOTICE is hereby t,ivcn that the list of
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    • 573 2 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION BALE Of EXCELLENT TEAK HOUSEHOLD KURNITURE, LINK\. CKOCKERY FLAGS, BOOKS ON NAVIGATION,' BUFFER SPRINGS, ETC., At Powell A Co.'g Sale-room, Ok Fbiday, Pfitkmbih 17,1915, at 11 am. POWELL Co., Auctioneers. B 100 MORTGAGEE'S SALE On Monday, Skptpmiibi: 21. 1915, at I ;)0 I v. Freehold land
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  • 744 3 OPERATIONS OF THE PATENT OFFICE. Effect of the War Directly or indirectly, the war has bad its effect upon the inventive genius of India, or at least on those inventions which reach as fax as the Patents Office. Applications for patents have fallen considerably, so maebso, says
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  • 272 3 5,000 French Selected For 111-Treatment. From time to time about a dozen German prisoners of war, private* or oon commissioned officers, have been tried by French court martial (or looting. Most of them bad been c-aui>tit in the act, and in every case the trial was public and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 73 3 M.- "THI3 IS QUITE g| > AS GOOD, SIR" /<Pjg ANBIWAHTFt^ IMITATION:' < r^ MAP OF SINGAPORE TOWN Size of sheet; 27 inches by 32 Inches. Scale 5 inches to one mile. I Coloured. $2.50; Printed in black only. $1.50. Coloured and mounted on cloth, in book form, $5.00. FRASER
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    • 246 3 there's Purity and Vigout IN EVI.RY DROP OF RF.\Ds Dog's Head Uuiiiess The TONIC thit ctieers and soothes and (soesa't harm. A simple nourishing food of high mcdi Ina' value. NOTE.— The above DOGrS HEAD Label is on every bottle. Refuse imitations. Sold I Everywhere s 6 h After Illness
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    • 401 3 Your Baby is growing every day life his fix*] is ullitnpi i:int t<> him. C^F^^. Without proper fixxi b:iln s>' ,1. 4R^^^ organs will b* ruined, :mU he will urow f^tmSL into a weak, sickly child. /^HP'^^^^^r Because you want your kiln to grow f .^—^jf^^f^ up strong and happy—
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 483 4 STEAiEB SAILINGS P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANG, CBYLON. AUSTRALIA, INDIA. ADBN, BGYPT MBDITBRRANBAN PORTS, PLY MOCTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued tor bina Coast, Persian Oulf. Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore oa or about— MAIL LINES Homeward (for Bwropt). I Connecting
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    • 536 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y7K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A servioe is maintained between Yokobama via ports to Marseilles and London under mail contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, and aro fitted with all the latest
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    • 801 4 STEAMER BAIUH63. THE SIAM STEAMJMVHMTWN CO.. U. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For bat*}, Tringganii. Bimit, Remerak, Kelaatu, Tabal Bangnara, Telapiu, Patani, Siagora, Lini, Kobsamui, Binloa, Langsnen, Tata, Champon. Kohlak and Baagkok, Out OtplPtUM PRAOHATIPOK «ept. 13 Sept 18, 3 p.m. AS DA NO ,i 16 18, 3 p.m. ■a. YUGALA SO 99, 3
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    • 629 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP GO. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL BTEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. The oc.upan.ei' steai^i-r- aft bom Liveipcol oatwards ic-r ,!:n Straitt. China and Japan every week >d from Japan homewards (or London. Amsterditni and Antwerp every fortnight; (or Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and (or Marseilles, Havre and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 386 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. LINE. For LONDON HULL s.s. Kandahar due on or about Sept 15. For LONDON LEITH s.s. Bloemfontein due on or about Oct. 5. The abofo steamers have accommodation foi a few first class passtngo". For particulars as to rates of freight and passage, apply to McALISTER Co., Ltd.,
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    • 264 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA BTEAM NAY. CO. LTD. Oiraot Sarvioa to Japan via Hon| kong Shanghai, and to Oaloutta via Panang, from Singapore. Taking cargo on thorough Bills o! Lad in. or Canton, Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Cbefro. Ti nt«iD. Nowchwang, Yangtsse Ports, Fo xosa. tbe Philippines etc., etc.. etc. Stumtri, Tons.
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    • 236 5 '3pßte& HIGH-CUSS CIGAREHES AT MODERATE PRICES. t CIGARETTES Packed in patent vacuum tins insuring the perfect condition of the cigarettes in all climates. mo rzrzsz Virginia r*g\ c pr/\ IN- ODD leaf OU cents per tin ot O\J Quality counts in all thing 3, but more especially in cigarette manufacture.
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  • 751 6 Prices Quoted In tbe Market Tbls Morning. Singapore, September 13, 1916 Mean*. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange Mid hare Brokers, issue the following lilt of this morning Tbe quotations on Sterling Share* are only nominal. MOM. \ALCI. BUYIBS. S«LLBK.m. 3/- AIUOM 1/10 3/1 1 Anglo- Java 6,8 7/
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 82 6 What have you A PIANO or a Noise Box? If tbe latter, turn it into tbe farmer by WRITING OR 'PHONIN3 OR SENDING TO He bandies tbenc matters as an eipert in Cheapneaa and Thoroutfhnasa. T«| lies ■»tlopa* Homo Singapore 7~, Ml DESIGNS AND %V ESTIMATES v For: BUILDINGS, FOUNDATIONS,
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    • 55 6 THE "CRAG" HOTEL. FENINO HILLS Tbe Sanatorium of Tbe Straits Settlements Completely Renovated. Twenty "ix hoon from Sincapore. 4 perfeot Health Resort anil ao ideal ipot lor ipcndinK holidays. Barmalowß tor t»mili««, also rtir.glr aid Donble Rooms. Trnr'* Billiards. Croquet. Splendid Walk*. Tetttphrne, Pout and Teleerapb Offices Kxvl'prt Caisine S*RKIBS
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    • 318 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED AT ONCE. TriIUMPH or ROVER back wheel for motor cycle, size 96" by ?4". with clutch preferrtd. Applyßox No. 66. Straits Times 18 0 13 9 BTENO6RAPHER WANTED. Wanted, exp<ricnocd stenographer with knowledge of offioe work. Apply in writing with copies of testimonials to D M. F.
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    • 267 6 FORO CAR FOR BALE. la nsc r me m mtlis mly Mlal ii. taclnblo wire wheels. Five new t>rc«, aluminium lunninK boards. HartM V.b etc Apply W. K. C, c/o Wearno Bros., L d., Orchard Koad. 18 8 189 NOTICE. KEOAH bOVfcHNMENT. It is bcrtby co'.iricd tbkt t o duty
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  • 124 7 FIXTURES Monday, September 13. HiKti Wator 0 IJ i m., 0.14 p.m. Bandmaan Co Come loßide." Tuesday, September 14. Hijjh Water. O.AS a.iv 0 45 p.m. Sungei Kayan iu«x>tiny. lUrkxr'ii. noon. Mandmann Co., Hits au I i Wednesday, September 15. Hifeli Wat.w 1H, l.iO p.m. RandmaoD
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  • 275 7 T/O-DAT. S. lat I'.r ,m Meran piu lVntM Kkm ¥m n^ pm V lift i Kaka 1 pm i and kaaaaj P>'rak I pm I. U.ui K "i tman. inu Abbo'.sford 2p:u Mm. I. ibi.ui. Jesaelton, ■> n).|.ik>.i. etc Chow Tai H pm Penaug an I it
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  • 205 7 nl triiui from Sinjj.4poro for tb norili l.ivc l\ink li >vl slati m daily at 7 am 7 p .11 i,..nnu at Kuila Luuipn at 7.1(1 p.m. and 6 40 a.m., r.spoetively Tinthrough '\pr-s to I'coanK loavoa Kuaia Lumpur at H a.m. Jaily, a;rivinK ai Pea&o^ at 8.18
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  • 128 7 mail wtwr* A.«lm-«l.iy. Hh Uth HMt. She muI* at M a.m. on Tliumday, Our attention lias been oalled to the fact that our arrivals in I >adon are mucli behind those poblistitd e'«;*here. Our rule is to i(ive arrivals only when they are officially reported in the
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  • 119 7 latest Arrivals. Name '>i late of Arrival 1 Kemarka. liuballa I >e umlocus Hye l.iiinu Alciouus Laiy Weld Kid Hodk Leong KIkd^ Sentf Hong Wan Hock K--';n A iii, II nt; Hock >(><< T arijuug Surat Ban Lcc (iup.n Hook Tew Kaiupir II u- II-. H.»Dg Khini; H
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  • 294 7 Outward. The following passenger bookingh to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood tb.»t. in some instances, bookings may be provisional iataadins passengers may alter tlnir arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London Per P. and O.
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  • 92 7 I nited Teiuiang.-27 .".77 lbs. Somhilan Estates.— 2B,7o4 lbs. Ku..-rald.- IMM lbs. <i.ilang lbs. I' i ;>iui4 K-:<itc. 9,040 lbs. Malacca Plantations.— 2B9,ooo lbs. Lawer Perak.-7,803 lbs. Trafalgar, Ltd.— 2,761 lbs.; total com pan' year to date 18,001 lbs. coconuts 14,60. to date 75,000. Henrietta- 24,700
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  • 120 7 S.K.C. v. Shropshire*. The S.K.C. experienced no difficulty in I defeating a Shropshire eleven, on the i on Saturday, Uie soldiers finding th' club men too good for tham. Ooing in first, it put together 166, for the lobh of five nf which total S. H. Maclotyre ooapiled
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  • 49 7 With :\\c < xccplion uf on< or possibly two make* of Aiuericau earn, there arc no new cars oa sale in Koala Lumpur now, Hays the Pinaag Uaxette. Manufacturers will ovi Ji-ntly be kept busy for some uionths after the war and thore will be little ohanoe nt tisaeaiatf l.livecy.
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  • 156 7 EXCHANOE. SlNOAFOU, SlPTIMBKB 18, 1916. On London Buk 4 m/s 3/4& Deuand 2/4^ Private 8 m/« 2/4|j On India Bulk T. T. 176} Ok HoNonoNo...Bank d/d S2 On Shanohai ...Bank d/d 100* On Java Bank T. T. 1 On Japan Bank d/d 112 Sovereigns— baying rate I8.M
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    • 187 7 D u e a Buyers. Sellers. 10 10 A iipan K 6XO 6.50 1 1 AyorWenii 0.86 C.46 10 10 Belat 2.00 2.25 10 10 Kanipai 6.00 10 10 Kanaboi 0.70 O.W) 10 10 KiutaAsuociaticn 7.00 XI £1 KintaTin 1.14.6 1.17.6 £1 41 LaLat Mine? 8.75 4.25 10 8.25
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    • 585 7 RUB BE R si/- M. .ilUum 1/9 41 £1 Anglo -Java 6/6 2/- 3/- Anglo-Malty 8/3/ 3/- Ratang M»iaka 1/8 £1 41 Batu Ti«<» 2 5.0 2/- a/- Bekob I;4J £1 £1 Rokit Kajang 1.12.6 £1 1 Eokit Lint»ns LIAO 3/- Bakit Mertajan. 2/2 41 41 Rckit Rsjah 5 15.0
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    • 126 7 Buyers. Sellers. 41 41 Smelting 00. 7.0) 7.25 41 41 Pret 1.4.6 1.5.6 6/- 6/- Bleotrio T'wmya 2/0 8/ 10 10 Praner k Neave 50.00 51.00 50 60 Hammer k Co. 115.00 12.1.0 C 100 Howartb Brakine 85.00 100 7<&Pief. 96.00 100 100 Rats Bro, Del. 80.00 10 10
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    • 42 7 United Engineers 6% 11,284 500 loin Singapore Electric Tramways 6V. £850,000 norn Spore Municipal 6% $1,878,000 norn Spore Municipal 4,% of 1907 11,600,000 norn Spore Municipal 4J% of 190W 11,000,000 torn Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 10%dia Spore Municipal 4% £BOO,OCO B%dis
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 7 7 > NnplaiaU, Woodn Urml Peppwiat Core Is. 64.
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    • 78 7 North Bridge Road. TO-NIOHTI 9.15. TO-NIGHT 1 1 SKLIG'S GREAT MASTERPIECE IN THE DAYS THUNDERING HERD In Three Parts A Frontier Drama of Love and Adventure H tl.e Wtxtern Praiiios in '49. Universal Spaoial Feature Serial i THE MASTER KEY'T" T riilin«St :.-y o£ M>>s > Ii in IS Parts
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  • 56 8 Brett.- Oo AoGost 16, killed inaction at the Dardanelles, Herbert Alfred Brett, Capt., 9th Lincolnshire Regt. (attached 4th Worcestershire Regt.), of 190, Finchley-road, Hampstead, N. W., and late of thn IMS. beloved husband of Alice Ethel Brett (nee Husbands), and son of the late J.W. Krett. of Arundel Lodge,
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  • 1151 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. EXIT DR. DUMBA. Austria, apart frjm Germany, is not a great and powerful country, (iermany with oat Austria is big enough to satisfy anyone. There was an occasion when President Wil son declared that it was possible to be too proud to fight." There
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  • 33 8 Tbe Times' Toronto correspondent states that the result of German threats to destroy the orops of the Canadian prairies by fire is that armed sentries guard tbe frontier from Minnesota to North Dakota.
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  • 32 8 A cable to India states that billeting allowances are being reduced twenty-five per cent, from September 1. The present allowance is too high and in the home districts has led to extravagance.
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  • 40 8 Mr. A. H. Preeoe, of the London firm of Preece, Cardew, Snoll and Rider, will be going to Shanghai early in November for the purpose of advising the municipal government in its plans for the expansion of tho electricity department.
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  • 40 8 Invitations have been issued to all in Taiping to attend the bles«ing and official opening of St. George's School bailding, at Taiping, on Thursday next, at 5.30 p.m., when the Hon. li. G. Watson, C.M.G.. Resident of Perak, will preside.
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  • 49 8 The Rangoon Gazette of tbe 4th instant, says Intimation has been received that Dr. Cook of North Pole famu and his companions wbo passed through Rangoon a short time ago, ostensibly on an exploration expedition f o the Himalayas, have been orderod by the Viceroy to quit British India.
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  • 51 8 Tbe Key. F. Hibbard has kindly consented to take tbe chair at a temperance meeting to be held to-night at 8.30 o'clock in the Y.W.C.A. Institute, 8, Fort Canning Road. Tho address will be given by the Hcv. \V. Cross and an interesting musical programme have been arranged by Miss
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  • 51 8 The Bum of AM Is. 3d., equivalent to 93,012.88, was forwarded to London on tbe 17tb ult. on behalf of the Prince of Wales'* Xc lief Fund. The sum of $200 has also boon forwarded to the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Singapore, for the Air Fleet Fund, says the Sarawak
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  • 54 8 I nil arrests havi> btrn made in New York in cenat-otion with the thtft uf L- I (X) worth of sugar from ship-, loa<liog luc the Allies it is alleged that the thieves also placed incendiary bombs with a view to firing the ships in mid-ocean mysterious fires occurred on
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  • 52 8 The new volume of Lloyd's Register contains tbe names of seven vessels with the prefix Hun." Amongst them the Lautenfcls (J.Hll tons) becomes the Hungerford tbe Werdenfels (4,504 tons) the Hunstanton the Frisia (4,997 tono) tbe Huntress; and the Lutzow (B,U2b tons) the Huntsend. All the vessels are employed on
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  • 71 8 An effort is being made to develop in the Philippine Islands an industry in the dried juice of the papaya for medicinal use as a substitute for pepsin. The ft jit is hung above a bowl, and longitudinal cuts are made in the fruit from which the juice drips, hardening
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  • 73 8 Near the village of Koudekcrke, a bottle was washed ashore containing a sheet of paper on which the following words were written Lusitania. We are torpedoed, one in tbe front and one in the back. I take leave of my parents and my girl, wbo live in London, John street,
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  • 77 8 The following, says the L. and C. Express, may be taken for what it is v orth, but Singapore people may be interested :—Rotterdam, August 5. The Deutsche Tageszeitung learns, via Constantinople and Bucharest, that Commander Lauterbach, who was second in command of the German cruiser Emden, has arrived at
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  • 93 8 The Straits Echo says The Government telegraph line between Penang and Singa pore is in a chronic state of interruption," congenital we had almost written. A planter living at Parit Buntar gives us what we believe to be a clue to the mystery He writes When a train Penang to
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  • 91 8 It may have been noticed that, following upon the action taken by the Municipality, the rickshas plyiug for hire are no longer bedecked with tho highly colouioJ Huffy mats until recently so prominent. Some rickshas at present have none at all, but the idea is that rubber ones shall be
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  • 213 8 The Amateur Drawing AsHociation were At Homo at their club premises at Tank Ko.ui, on Saturday afUiuooD. in honour of the election of the Hon. Dr. Lim Hood Iv lj; .im &n unofficial membtr of the Liyislaivi Council. Aiunnu a lar^o uuiulx r JMMBI were Dr. Handy, Messrs. II Vellupillay.
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  • 423 8 The King has approved of tho Hon. C. W Darbishire as Consul of Peru, at Singapore. The name ot Subadar-Major Khali Sin^li has been added to the commission ot the Peace for Penan v. Mr. B. Ball, deputy Municipal Kngincor, is returning to Singapore on the P.
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  • 92 8 There was a large audience at the Victoria Theatre on Saturday evening when the Bandmann Gaiety Co repeated their performance of All French. Tonight, C'omo Innide will bo presented, liits anil PIMM being announced for tomorrow ni^ht. Attention may again be drawn to the fact that the
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  • 204 8 In the absence of the Hon. W. W. Cook, the Hon. 0. W. DmWsMm «as iImM i preside over the annual mooting of the Singapore branch of the Straits S.-ul. im him Association, held on Saturday at the Exchange. Others present were the ll on Sir Evelyn
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  • 221 8 Thi re has passed away on the Kolar Gold Fields an Indian mutiny him, .1. I' Itallard, at tin »ye if 77. Mallard. whOM native homo was Cambridge, on hearing ot the outbreak of the Indian mutiny, enlisted whin he wan 18 years of age and Hailed
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 131 8 WHY NOT TRY %^M THREE T|jjjj|f§^ NUNS yQJjggjj^r^ tobacco? A COOL AND FRAGRANT SMOKE. Sold by HIGH-CLASS DEALERS EVERYWHERE JOHN LITTLE CO. Limited LADIES' DEPARTMENT ADVANCE RAGE FASHIONS. New Frocks New Lingerie New Blouses New Petticoats New Sunshades New Neckwear SEE THE NEW "LUVISCA" ART SILK The fashionable dress fabric
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    • 182 8 A BIG. FIRST-CLASS ENTERTAINMENT: TIM Str*mt«st licly»i»e FMtur* Film Em Offer*. SUPPORTED IV THB NEW ALHAMBRA BAND The Finest, Biggest and Grandest Orchestra in Malaya. AT THB ALHAMBRA TIM PloMtr ClMmttogrtph ThMtre, Beach Road. Jnd Show, at 9.15 p.m Distinctive Photoplaj K Magnificent Feature of Unrivalled Realistic Power A Feature
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    • 11 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 0 and 11.
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  • 2518 9 ANOTHER RUSSIAN SUCCESS. Five Thousand German Prisoners. WESTERN CAMPAIGN. Renewal of Artillery Fighting. Kll'TlHs>. KAMM. London, SeptemU. r 11. M a.m. I'etrograd The Kussiu-. h:i.e scored another striking success in (ulicia A com uijni'|iu says: Out troops, on thi r pi 1 ..ii >f n ■my attack*,
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  • 234 9 GOVERNMENT ORDER CAUSES CONSTERNATION. London, September 11, 4.4 ."> a.m. A Government order hag been issued in Ireland prohibiting traders to withdraw goods from bond in excess of the daily v raye for the past ijuarter. London, September 11, 6.10 am. The Customs ardor restricting the with drawals
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  • 415 9 London, September 12, 8.45 a.m. Sofia On the 7th inst., a deputation of Armenians, supported by Bulgarian deputies and journalists, besought the Premier to intervene at Constantinople on behalf of Turkish Armenians, where the situation is desperate. M. Radoslavoff, President of the Bulgarian Council, replied that he
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  • 26 9 London, September 12, 6 p.m. Paris: \u official note says the German people at* giv a feeble response to the German war loan.
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  • 15 9 London, September 11, 1.25 p.m. Greece is recalling all her officers fiuL abroad.
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  • 88 9 We are iudebted to the French Consul. Comte de Bondy, for tho following telegram Paris, September 10. Yesterday, tho cannonade was again violent To day we repulsed attacks against the summits of Hartmannsweilorkopf and Schratzmaennele. Potrograd Between the Niemen and the Pripct, wo fell back methodically. \V«
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  • 106 9 Hartmannsweilerkopf. or I.c Vieil Armand (the Old Armand) as the Alpine Chasseurs familiarly call it, is a mountain 1,100 meters high, five kilometers north of Cernay. The summit, which the French occupy, by its dominating position threatens tho German lines in the plain from Soultz to
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  • 113 9 SIR CLAUDE MACDONALD DEAD London, September 11, 6.10 a.m. The death is announced of the lU. Hon. Sir Claude Maxwell Macdonald. The late Sir Claude Maxwell Macdonald was born in 1802 and, after leaving Sand hurst, served in the Egyptian can.p.iitiu ol 1882 and the Suakin expedition, IHM4, after
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  • 419 9 A correspond, nt studs us the following question "Ih a manager of a rubber estate doiny his duty by staying and managing his estate, or should he go and join tlio army liubber we know is a munition of war, but if we only needed
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  • 66 9 Captaiu A. a K. HaWWdk 6th liatl King's Own [YocbbMm Light lufautry w'i liatl died of wounds, ih Uc I'M. sou oi th late Mr. I the Civi Strvice. Hi School. Sootlan -..In r captain of tin i ji.iuiil Urn HtiUl I ttn I I Mi. in hiii liuiiv. and
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  • 2208 10 TOUGH PROPOSITION IN THE DARDANELLES. Allied Strategy In The West. IIU Ol'R SrilllL CoIEBSPONDBNT). London, August 19. Tbe loss of the transport Royal Edward in the Aegean, with (so far as is yet known) about a thousand lives, is naturally the sort of blow that bits
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  • 421 10 Shipmasters, To Assist Hongkong Observatory. A Hongkong Government Gazette contains a notification which states that tho ships possessing a radio telegraphic installation are earnestly requested to cooperate in the forecasting and storm-warning work of the Koyal Observatory, by communicating meteorological observations made on board, to tbe station
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  • 326 10 Further details have been received of the death of Lieut. Charles M. Payton, Koyal West Kent Regiment, son of Sir Charles Payton, British Consul in Calais, and who for about a year was in tbe Colonial Secretariat. Writing to one of his relations in
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  • 146 10 The Military Aviation Corps at Tokorozawa has decided to carry out a flight to Takata, in Niigata Prefecture, across Central Japan. For the purpose of preliminary inspection. Captains Tokugawa, Oka and Sato have left for Takata, and it is expected the flight will be attempted this month.
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  • 2761 10 INTERESTING SURVEY OF THE WORK. Gathering of Old Straits Friends. The following review of the Diocese of Singapore, evidently written by Archdeacon Dnnkerley, appears in the London had China Kxpross over the initials W. 11. C. D. We are withid four years of keeping the centenary of the
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  • 299 10 Attention is drawn |v a conceit announced to be held tho Dutch Club on next w. ek when the principal performers will be Miss tarry Pool and Mr. Ondt rwyzcr. Miss Pool is a yoaug Dutch vocalist, who has already made a good M tf in the
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  • 295 10 Honours for the Local I. C.S. Mr. Duncan-Koberth, the local manager of tho International Correspondence Schools (Colonial) Limit' d, has ju,t rtn ivisl a cable li"in liis Head Office in London In tin- i lfei-t that the territoi y in his charge has won tho Managing Director's Cup for the
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  • 65 10 Sir \V. C. van Home, Imu. XC.M.ii., thu railway magnate of Cat reported, was born in Amen-i 11 arM ago. .■>t.irtlllg mi ,i ,y n| 14, be filled n«T«ral important railway in iht; I i i,, went to Canada as (ii-n, ral Malinger i,f Mm OMM itic- Railwnj I Fur
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  • 512 11 Evidence of German Money And Intrigue. I In HMaf Idling croatod in the (Oniony in regard to the arrest of certain members of th<- In.hau community and the calling out of the Special Police Ik* m h, with the Singapore altnit fr< Kh in mimory, may now
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  • 388 11 Loading Indian Children With Ornament. His Honour the Lieutenant Governor of the I nited I'roviucen has sent the following appeal to a number of lutln-otial Indian gen'lmuen N i type of crime which prevails in this If i\iti <■ more deplorable than the murder ot oeiidvsa for the
    388 words
  • 170 11 Tl,. i, i .rt on the trauH frontier trade of H.iriua f,.r the year 191* 15 is-tued by tin lttinua ii iTcrniiKiot contain* some interi -t it n KtatixtiCH. Tbe a^ijr. ite trade for ibr year *bows no increase of twelri> and a balf -pite the
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  • 267 11 Mr. Bonar Law's Admonition to The Hotspurs. M Itonar Law's stern warning 1 1 members of thr Colonial l ivil Service whose eagerness to serve the Empire is tempting a certain nuibbcr U> resign their pists 1 1 go to the front is, incidentally, says The Statesman,
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  • 321 11 The Compulsory Issue of Return Tickets. A pafclic tiiectioit of Mohammedans in It uubay was t.> bu h<-M ucilt-r the auspices <>( Anjmuan-i l»Um m Au^i-t U at the Aojiiiuan Hall. Hoiuby Una), lSmbiy, a»/ protift against Mm compulsory i^sir- of ODly I n lin n tickets to
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  • 320 11 British Cartoois Upset Austrian Marines. a* is peni.ips t Hrly well kuown. NMa| furnishes a unitjie instance of soldiers of tht; warring nations living side by Mile iv ab-inlutc peaceful ness. Feelings may run bifcli. it i~ ir ir. bat they haw b M kipt udli
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  • 67 11 Mr. il Mtnwl I'KyJell, wh.i joined tbe ('(linen* 1 OMfeMM if rvice just before the oat break of war laat year, w*» transferred to Mukdon oj \U)(Utt I, to learn tbe Chinosi lan^ua^e. reined the service on October 14 t join the colour*, baa been awarded tbe Military ('row and
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 60 11 Iremcniter I retnembo- tie d»y I took *o bed. Tiie a Hi and paiui they ifrip^od vie m, I wished tbat I w. r It it now 1 in aaji aod strong 'nain And can io all tie w rli acclaim. I never hare aa acbt> ur paw." tint did
      60 words
    • 597 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. MOUTRIE'S PIANOS Represent the highest degree of perfection in artistic pianoforte construction. A thorough investigation of our latest Models is convincing. OstsfafWi "W «/'/'//(((//</». S. MOUTRIE CO.. LIMITED. HOLLAispscHE club LEE BROTHERS' Tuesday, September 21- OTIIHIfI CONCERT OIUUIUs TO BF (i VBN BT MISS CARRY POOL renowned fob
      597 words
    • 256 11 HIBBERT'S 3 3 Star Whisky. JP^ Price: $10.50 per case A 0 (Duty Extra). Obtainable from SS THE INDO-MALAY COY. Tttiwajßj 7, Prince Street, -^''SS. SINGAPORE. RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM iWUIIIWII CONFECTIONERS SHOP Bras Basah It :ad, Singapore, From 9 a.m. till 12 p.m. Ices, Cakes, Pastry, Cold Drinks, Tea, Coffee,
      256 words

  • 583 12 Interesting Reminiscences of Battle Line. Hack from the fighting- line, and full of ji m»l ruininisceaocH, Mr. Will. Crooks, M.P., waa st-en by an Kvcning Sundanl HfM •eutativ.. th 10. k. J bro*u ami vi.. In the fortnight I «M M the Conti -.1 Mr. Crook*.
    583 words
  • 354 12 4 Year's Additions to English Vocabulary. lln MM d.'tir days fur dictiunaty makers. Kun tin lite Sir .latin* M irray cuuld not tia-.r l.o|»'l to kwaf up with the coining of Pr ivuki ILy tin war. Hardly a few yards are naiu'-J lv Hinders, hardly a MMBM writrs
    354 words
  • 52 12 iitf to llie l:ittst ri^ult, says the S'V. Dai ate at present in the <^i|>li>yuif nt ot tl.i li m w ruiuent at PtfciaK ail lamina uitimnn uf Japanese nationality t* in nationality lour of I ir ni Kroneli tj tin' f liclgiaa nationality, two 4 Dutr and one of
    52 words
  • 2131 12 1914. June J7.— Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his consort at Serajevo. July 25. Austrian ultimatum sent to Servia. August 1. Germany declares war on Russia and France, ana invades Belgium. 4. Britain declares war on Germany. 28.— Battle of begins, and the French
    2,131 words
  • 421 12 Crown Prince's Chat With French Prisoner. I have bad an opportunity of speaking with a French nun coiauiistioned officer who Nsas interrogated by the German Crown Prince during a few hours' captivity in the Argonne, saya a ccrretpjndeut. The man, Kene Destourhts, is a corporal in tbe Regiment
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  • 137 12 The Japanese battleship Iso, which is building at the Kawasaki Dockyard, is nearly completed. The warship is of 30,800 tons, and together with the Fuso and other new ships of similar type, constitutes the main force of the Imperial Japanese Navy. The battleship carries twelve It in.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 285 12 "Rcgesan" Nerve Tonic Food. Boots Ltd )x Chtmittt, wen tkt First Miil.t-r oi an all British prodmd prtdteiu the MM as 'Stuiatmiiii' ami irith >h, ckmMCttlittic thoroiigluii'S of tliis Finn, a s/miiil Ftcttn n-,i< o/ii'iifil to inahi 1 this iiijHtratiim (controlled hu the li ailing Mill: Expert in Ore* llritaint
      285 words

  • 455 13 Important Statement by Couut Benckendorff. The Russian Ambassador, in London, Count Benckendorff, in response to a request from Heater's Agency, made the following statement on tbe position of affairs after a year of war I should first wish to lay stress on the absolute identity of views between
    455 words
  • 400 13 Disease Dating Back to The Pharaohs. I At the Hoyal Society of Medicine in London a new japter of tbe story of a tropical Jiseesfß conquest was unfolded by Lieutenant Colonel Lcipcr, of the London School of Tropical Medicine, who has just returned from hgypt, where he has been
    400 words
  • 226 13 Headgear Conversions for The Economic Man. Enterprising batters are making a novel appeal to the public, says a home paper. Tbe increaned coat of raw material bas bad a tendency to raise tbe price of new bats, and many careful men are wearing tbe fasbions uf
    226 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 127 13 "IT'S TIME YOU OWNED AN ELECTION "ELECTION" IN 1911 bUioid KEW CERTIFICATE. "ELECTION IN 1914 obtained GRAND PRiX. NATIONAL EXHIBITION, BERNE. All S/:,'s. All .57, „s 7,s K. (i,,1,1. ■J* I. k PAT. c Columbia Gramophones ACME OF PERFECTION. E Different Designs, One Quality. Columbia Double-Sided Records, $1.00 each. Leather
      127 words
    • 231 13 "DRAGON" CEMENT Contracts have been secured for the supplies of Cement during 1915 THE MUNICIPALITY |^(JW^^jSj THE GOVERNMENT SINGAPORE, \jlL^/J^J JOHORE. DUPIRE BROTHERS, I n SINGAPORE. J Sole Agents for the Straits and F. M. S. PHOTOGRAPHIC special display of new goous JUST ARRIVED I JUST ARRIVED I CTfIDC £r
      231 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 494 14 PmAoa. Famivi m Plf mtt. Lirt Inburanoi is worth 100 cewts on the dollab. WHAT OTHIR PROPERTY IB? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. •SUB WmrtMtSPH^W^aH^ UM.OOH OPMOB. SB. Old <.wnr. B.Q. M M) i,, D Mtri wrta tka jbjibwi Ooart ot Bnglaad, and eomplias wtta ths Britiab Ufa
      494 words
    • 303 14 INSURANCL^ POLICIES ON UL MODERN PUNS. BUN LIFE OF CANADA, 6, Battery Road. 8. J. HOWB, 68 Manager. GUARDIAN ASSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. LONDOK. Subscribed Capital «-J,000.000 Total Invested Funds 46,860,000 Annual Income .X1, 100,000 Tbe undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to accept fire and Earthquake risks for
      303 words
    • 443 14 BANKING.^ HONGKONG AND BHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID UP CAPITAL 118,000,000 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at S/- 116,000,000 Silver 1 18,000 ,000 •88,000,000 Reserve Liability ot Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT Of DIRECTORS Hon. Mr. D. Landalo, Chairman. W. L. Pattenden, Esq., Deputy Chairman. S. H. Dodwoll, Bsq IP. H. Holyoak, Bsq. G.
      443 words
    • 427 14 BANKINB. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital n 60,000 Shares ot *W eaoh 41,300,000 R** 8 *■"»<! 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.300,000 BANKERS The Bank of England, Tht London City and M.dlanJ Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd.,
      427 words
    • 706 14 INSURANCE. ;E»TABLISHKIi 1874. THE ORIENTAL IN' ORI'iiRATKD IN IWDIV, GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. ASSETS exceed $28,000,000. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Tbe Company has deposited 9200,000 with tho Straits Government and has complied with tbe requirements of Tbe Life Assurance Companies Ordinance (1914) S.S. Proflta to Polioy- holdere at laat Valuation
      706 words

  • 872 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Straits and I. M.S. Motor Service The following is the report of tbe directors of the Straits and F.M.S. Motor Sorvicc Co., Ltd., to be submitted to the shareholders at the third annual «<neral meeting of tbe company to be held
    872 words
  • 166 15 The latest complaint to get a name of its own in this war of surgical surprises is trench back." Many cases are under treat ment at the Kitchener Indian Hospital, Brighton. They come almost invariably from tbe trenches, says Captain Sandcs, writing in tbe British Medical Journal. I'sually
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 12 15 For Children's Hacking Cough at Sight Woods Great Peppermint Core If. 6d.
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    • 255 15 K$i v My 4. B. Dunlop, Eaquire. WHY ON EARTH should the demand for Dunlop Tyres always exceed the supply, unless your fellow-motorists have proved to their satisfaction that Dunlop covers and tubes are practically and financially the safest proposition Our output is huge, and ever growing, and yet like
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 395 16 Goodrich TYRES. Pneumatic and Solid. PRICES AND SUPPLIES UNAFFECTED BY WAR. SOLE AGENTS Adamson,GilfillanAGo.,Ltd., SINGAPORE, PENANG and MALACCA. WANTS. J DISPENSER WANTED. Wanted at once, ail fp- n cr Applyptrsou ally to ivkt'lf- liU|H-nsary t 8» 14 tf EN6LIBH LEBBON* By Ec^li-U ady also Pronunciation and OtMStsMMB. Apply Lady, o
      395 words
    • 316 16 ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE. Humb.-rette Ca' in good condition a 1 new tyri>. Apply Pox No. ii. Straits Times. 10-9 189 TURNOUT FOR SALE. Ghany Rtd pony witb harness, etc.. complete. Ail in v >cd condition. Offers to 1 -irati Times. 10 9 16 9 COCONUT SEEDLINGS FOR SALE
      316 words
    • 550 16 TO BE LET OB 80LD, FURNIBHED BEABIDE REBIDENCEB TO LET BBLINDA andJUANITA to 'nt rurnished. ipply No 8. Ml. Sophia I 6 o OFFICES TO LET. No. la, Raffles Quay, Ist and 2nd Floors. Apply OUTHRIB a Co Ltd 14-12 o BUNGALOW TO LET. FAIRY-OLBN, 98 1, off River Valley
      550 words
    • 417 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD TOUT Compound House No. 4 Devonshire Road. Apply GUTHKIB Co., '.td. 19-6 n KUALA LUMPUR BUILDING TO LET. Central premise* in Fharmtcy Builcicg. Apply Tbe Pharmacy, Kuala Lumpur. 1-9 a 80 9 FLOOR 10 LET To let, fnd Floe;, No 8. Malacca Btro;J Immediate entry
      417 words
    • 468 16 NOTICES. GUAN MAT CO.. 37, Phillip Street. ***** READY IN STOCK NOW 19 8 15. i 6 New Type Loxon Plooghii complete with spare shears, 8 New Type Ntgro Floofchs complete with spare e bears, Mi w Patent Improved Latex Stra n< m, VOO Dozen Black Princi. Axes 4 :be.,
      468 words
    • 540 16 KIAM KIAT&CO. 108 ft 109. Market Street. Tclpphono No. 431. Shipobudlere. Government and Mnmoipa Coiitraotorn Bxtate Sappliers and Com miHsion Agents Soli Aoints The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd. Beat Multiplar Brand Hair Boltings. M no-e-if NOTICE. Strayed from Kotic, Cluny Rond, the rctti donee of Mr. Harold Latham, ONE LARGE
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 245 16 Straits Tbimes. ADVKHTIsKMENT RATBS.-tttsot.lax oub wants of every description are ise/t ed at the prepaid rate of 91 poi four lines for on >or two insertions. N jticu? ol Birthh, damages, or Deaths, f not exceeding ?jnr lints, II eacb irs<>t'oa For p.p.c. cards, on page 8. $2 Inch Sualb
      245 words