The Straits Times, 7 September 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.89H SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 7. 1915. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 249 1 iLJ i A FEW GOOD THINGS ÜBBYS ASSORTED SOUPS -a^ In cases of 48 tins, say, one month's supply. The assortment fu*7 is made up from the following Soups TOMATO, MOCKTURTLE, OXTAIL, CHICKEN, MULLIGATAWNY and VEGETABLE A tin make* six plates of the »;v host Soup you ever taster! ÜBBYS
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    • 187 1 ROBINSON CO. CASH SALE BARGAINS 111 Mat: Robinson's "Singapore" Helmet B^. Cover, d 'eaa, on a t-ork body and l.a i hci i\ with green R^a^ insect-proif Cifthrotre uadt-r tbu brim Jtk >N WHITE Special <tC2S iWml Sale Price: $«> each tjM -'^^^^P*^^^^^^^ IN KHAKI t^^'x j'_. »r««-*59^ Sale 'price:
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    • 7 1 MARTELL'S BRANDY. Sol« Auknts: AOAMBON.GIimiAN CO., ITG.
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  • 949 2 STORIES OF "TIPPERARIES" AND "GRENADINES." Respect for War Song. If the composer of It's a Long Way to Tipperary never expected his modest ditty to become the war soDg of a nation, still less, writes the Paris correspondent of The Evening Standard, must he have thooght that a
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  • 122 2 It has been an open secret for some time that diamonds from the German colonies have been finding their way to Hatton Garden, and it is now announced that, by Royal Proclamation, the importation of onset stones into the I'nited Kingdom is prohibited, except under tbe licence
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  • 259 2 The most fateful years is a woman's life •re those bet >een forty-five and fifty. Many of the sex enter this term under depressing conditions tin ought v r-wrrk, wr rry or neg lected b!oodlLsio< ss, and 10 th> y suffer heavily. Still, virationi ot health
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 210 2 •IT'S TIME YOU OWNED AN ELECTION." "ELECTION" IN 1911 obtained KCW CEHTIFICVTE. M ELECTION IN 1914 obtained GRAND PRIX. NATIONAL EXHIBITION, BERNE. .ill Si:,s. .ill SI, </..* in 11 ,i- IS h. (,<,!, I. F4T.~OFFKt Columbia Gramophones OF PERFECTION. Different Designs, One Quality. Columbia Double-Sided Records, $1.00 each. Leather Record
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    • 103 2 i.opn x«<t> 0.1, Sp.c Hakkcr. -o > ,i I KOI 111 KUWAKUS A l.l) 111 I r.d.-.i5.11 I o.don K»«l nJ A Cooling end \M Refreshing Drink. j/kjj Thf trying Climate makes W^t m^T demand> upon the human frame w!.k mu^l be replaced Bfl thus Horli.k s Malted MUk
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    • 123 2 MRS. MOH NEO BEE LICENSED MIDWIFE Aih'kks*:— 7, Kirn Seng Piace (off Bras Basab Road). 1-9 7-9 4IT NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER DEPOT 217, Orchard Road. DIPLOMA A.NI. PIRST PRtZB. AQR -HORTICULTURAL SHOW 9INOAPORB. 1910 arranged Flo a! Baskets, Banquets, Wreatht S ,owere an! Fora Forms of aii deaorptic?' Wedding orders
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    • 877 2 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE JUTUMH RUE MEETING (Under B.R.A. Rule* of Racing), WILL RK UILD ON Tuesday, October 19th, Thursday, Ootober 2 1 at, Saturday, October 23rd, 1918. PROGRAMME. FIRBT OAY. Tuesday, October 19th, 1915. 1. THE OPENING STAKES 2.45 p.m. Value 1600 and S5O to t^e Second Hon-c. A
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    • 695 2 j 7. THB SINOAPORB PU SB, 680 p.m. (See Raoe No. 4) Entries olosa at noon on Saturday, the 9th Ootober, 1918. In all raoesthe advertised Seoond prise will only be given when there 1 are not less than five Starters, the property of different owners. NOTE i— The attention
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  • 507 3 THE FREEDOM OF THE SEAS. A New Interpretation From Germany. The North German Lloyd, tbe great German shipping company, is in tbe habit of publishing a year book, of which tbe latest 1 number, tbat for *****5, lias just been issued. I From the Kolnische /eitung one gathers that it
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  • 491 3 Internment of Baron Walter Von Bissing It is officially stated that Baron Walter von Hissing, half brother of the German Military oovernor of Belgium, has been interned by the authorities in England. The baron was at one time a well- known resident of Brighton. In February last,
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  • 93 3 It wu a very bright drill instructor, and a fiiend said to him Why, Smm, yon look as if you're glad to be back in tbe army again." Should tuiuk 1 am." came the reply. This is tbe be»t war as ever was. Just listen: I'm drawing my pension, my
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 397 3 REMOVE ALL BLOOD IMPURITIES. BUILD UP YOUR HEALTH with KSSCNCE on tlcio cxti.act or RED JAMAICA <^^-*^*^ OronouncM by t*e EICHtST Hfpitm >iihppitus the most i>M>i^:^!^^m^!aa^MLllJi :£;?i:n.. torpid liver, debility, bupthxj, RHEUMATISM. OBSTINATE SKIN DISEASES fie. RESTORES THE WEAK, REVIVES THE DEPRESSED WILKINSON'S SARSAPARILLA HAS I A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION for
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    • 388 3 IRRITATING RASH ALLJVER FACE Suffered Pain and Disfigurement Very Itching and Burning. Used Cuticura. Free From Breaking Out. Gay's Bungalows. White HUI. HanW, > ">■• "1 had an iirhlnK rub come out all over my faw and I suffered much pain. I let It fro un fur nearly three years,
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    • 438 3 STEAMER SAILINGS. ELLERMAN LINE FOR LONDON AND HULL. s.s. Kandahar due on or about SEPTEMBER 12th. FOR LONDON. s.s. City of Vienna due on or about SEPTEMBER 22nd. The above steamers have accommodation for a few first-class passengers. For particulars as to rates of freight and passage money, ipply to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 479 4 STEAMER BAILW6B. P. O. STEAK NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANG, CBTLON. AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, BGYPT MBDITBRRANBAN PORTS, PLY MOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued tor Jhina Coaitt, Pernian Gulf. Continental and Amerioan Ports Stoamnn will leave Singapore na or about— MAIL LINBS Botnettari {for Bwropa). I Connecting
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    • 512 4 STEAMER BAILIN93. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.. LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles and London under mail oontraot with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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    • 805 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIfIATIBN CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. for Kretay, Tringsaau, Bistrt, Semersk. ffolaatea, Tabal B»ngnara, Te'upin, Pataai, Siagora. Laeoa, Kohsamui, Bandoa, Langsuen. Tako, Cbnmpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Ova Ospartura a.a. MAHIDOL Sept 8, 8 p.m. BORIBAT .apt. 8 11,3 p.m. a.a. PRAOHATIPOK IS 18, 8 p.m. ASOANO 18
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    • 618 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM BHIP CO. LIMITED. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. The Companies' steamer- *re doapatohcL' trom Liverpool outwards ur the Straite, China and Japan every wuek and from Japaa homewards for London. Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight; for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool acd for Marseilles. Havre
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    • 575 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. STOOMVMRT-MMTBCHHPPM (STEAMSHIP COMPANY) "NEDERLAND." FORTNIGHTLY MAIL SBRVICB BETWEEN JAVA AND AMSTERDAM VIA SINGAPORE, BELAWANDBLI SABANG, COLOMBO (optional) PORT SAID AND GBNOA. Steamers are due on or about the ncdet mentioned dates 00TW4BD UnalWUI Itflft 191S Prinsder Ned. Sept. 17 Koningin d. Ned. P. Juliana Oot. 1 Sept. IB
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  • 153 5 FIXTURES Tuesday, September 7. lioh Water, 9.M a.m., 8.49 p.m. Itandmann Co., Frocks and Frills." Wednesday, .September 8. High Water. 10.17 a.m.. U M p.m. Mergui Rubber meeting, Kvatta, noon. Itandmann Co., "Something Doing." Thursday, September 9. High Water, MM i.m., 10 12 p.m Presentation of Insignia,
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  • 87 5 Latest Arrivals. British. Name Date of ArriTal Remark*, (lock KenK 6 9-16 Inner Roads A ing Hong lluat Ckeang Hock Hye Hock Tew Hock Oan Saint Quentin 7 9 15 Wharf Quorra Inner Koada Tout 1 Hong No. 7 Wharf Singaporean Inner Roads ll.ii Nam ii Sappho ii
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  • 163 5 EXCHANOE. Sinoaporb, Skptbmbkr 7, 1015. On London Bank 4 m/s j i v Demand i 4^ Private 3 m/a 2/4] J On India Bank T. T. 175} On HoNOKONo...Bank d/d H| On Sbanohai ...Bank d/rl in] On Java Bank T. T. 138) On Japan Bank d/d 112
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  • 231 5 TO -DAI. 1: injk.l. r.ri«bane 2 pm Malacca and llagun Hong Ho '2 pui Batu I'ahat Mena '2 pm Port Dick.son and Tottenham Hye Leong 2pm Malacca and liar Lady Weld '2 pm Pi-ns.ns;aii<l I'alcutta taking 111.1, ban K iti»n« 1 pm li'iiubiiy Moyori Maru Mpm In
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  • 264 5 Tin mill trains from >iag*p j for llu a.,rih IsjtM I'iuk Kill BtMM daily at 7 4.111 an I 7 nin., arriving at Kuala Lumpui at |Ji pm. au.l 'i.|.i a in., re-spictivuly. Tli .i.r 1!. \|t. -s to I'enang leaves Lumpur at 8 a.m. daily, arriving
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  • 49 5 Larr Sinuapou. Do« ia Loin on IMM> July M M M Ml MH I. August M Au K 26 July 8U Jet tM AIV« o. September 8 Sopl S I. Au^ 1 M M Auk. Aii K J li I. Au K if Sept. f kO
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 11 5 For Clirooi t'beat C-NupiaiaU. Wood*' (treat Pippwiat Core Is. od. I
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    • 551 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. Tenders will be reoeived by the Scperintendent, Oovernment Monopolies Departmen*, up to noon on September ilet, 1019. (or tbe following w-rvicrs for tbe ye»r 1916 1. Supply of bent Amoy or Hongiong pots each capable of easily containing three chees of .-handu. Tenderer to quote price per
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    • 466 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. MOTOR BICYCLE FOR BALE. Rover 1912. In perfect order Free engine clutch. New tyres and Belt No.vly overhauled. Apply to Box No. 45, Straits Time h 79 99 STRAITS MERCHANT SERVICE GUILD. A General Meeting of the Members will be held in the Guild room, Raffles Place, at
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    • 240 5 TYPEWRITER WANTEO. Wanted, Second hand Typewriter in good condition, Oliver pnfeired. Plen<<e state price etc N. G. P., o/o .-train* Times. AUCTION BALE Of DAMAGED CARGO AND SHIPS FITTINGS EX a.a. GLENROY To be held at Palmer RoadGcdowns off Anson Road, On Saturday, Skptimbib 11, >916, at 10 a.m. Comprising
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  • 1100 6 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. GERMANY AS BURGLAR. It is impossible to say whether the (ierman people realise the condition of the campaign or not. There is no free expression of opinion in their newspapers. They do not get extracts from the British, hunch and Ku.ssian press. They were
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  • 31 6 At the Hindu Association this evening at eight o'clock, a lecture in Tamil will be delivered by one of tbe members, Mr. Kanniah Naidu, on Bakthy." All Hindus interested are welcome.
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  • 45 6 In Herefordshire and Worcestershire there is a glut of plums. So large is the crop that large number* will waste oo the trees. A farmer stated that on a farm in the >> v, ru Valley there are fifty tons of plums of one kind aluue.
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  • 14 6 The output from the Titi Tin mints for August amounted to 596 piculs, tribute.
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  • 40 6 Messrs. Powell and Co's naiuo was not included on the list of those who assisted at tbe country fair on Saturday. They were responsible for tbe stalls and decorations, as well as for tbe porches at the entrance to Rogie.
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  • 35 6 Members of the Guild of Ha, Andrew are reminded that a visit to the Singapore Tramway power station, Mackenzie Koad, takes place on Thursday, through the courtesy of Mr. J. H. (iarratt, tbe Tramways manager.
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  • 45 6 There will be a special lecture on The Imperative Necessity for War in the Prinsep Street Church on Sunday next, 12th inst at 7.45 p.m., by the Rev. .1. A. B. Cook. All Straits Chinese and others are cordially invited. There will be no collection.
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  • 50 6 According to reports received by the news papers from Rome, wires WoltT from Cioneva, it is stated in well informed circles there that Queen Wilhelmina, of the Netherlands has aent a letter to the Pope tendering her best wishes in the mutter of his endeavours for the restoration of peace.
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  • 55 6 When the Comedy Theatre in London, was reopened last month, the audience were permitted to smoke. This was the tirst time in tbe history of London playhouses, since smoking restrictions came into force, that a West End theatre was in a position to offer its patrons facilities for enjoying the
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  • 61 6 A Malay named Omar, of the Hteamer Buyskes, was charged, tbis morning, in the third court, with the theft of six gold buttons, one gold locket, and one gold ring, to tbe total value of $50, the property of another Malay named Satimin, also one of tbe ship's number. The
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  • 66 6 The purcbaso price of tho Star anil Sard r Hotel, Richmond, which the Auctioneers' and Estate Agents' Institute of the L'nited King dom is about to present to a Hoyal personage for the purpose of a hospital for paralyzed soldiers, will be not quite £25,000, and about £30,000 will be
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  • 64 6 Tbe last consignments of American cotton for the 1914 season are now arriving in Man Chester by the Ship Canal. They show an increase compared with last year of 100,000 bales, establishing a new record for the canal for one season by 40,000 bales. Tbe shipments of cotton from Egypt,
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  • 91 6 The following properties were disposed of by auction at Messrs. Ching Keng Lee and Co.'s saleroom yesterday afternoon 99 years' leasehold land ana house 75, L'pper Nankin Street, area 1,121 sq ft., bought by Teo Bah Tan for $4,000 99 years' leasehold land and house 76, L'pper Nankin Strict. area
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  • 88 6 Further time was devoted, in the third court tbis morning, to tbe hearing of the case in whicb Teb Hoh Kirn, of chop Hook Choon Mean Press, 8, Macao Street, is charged with tbe forgery of Government Chandu Monopoly labels. There have been previous sittings, details of which have already
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  • 121 6 A Hokien who gave the name of Ang Koon, was brought before tLe Magistrate in the third police court this morning on charges of impersonating a reveuut otiicer and extortion. The allegations against the man are that he stopped a woman as she came away from Johnston's Pier, and, representing
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  • 125 6 Wee Koon Cheng, of Kmerald Hill Koad, who up to the present has found bis employment at Kallles Hotel, after hitting upon a brilliant idea for augmenting his income has found his career brought to a very disagreeable end. Tbe presence of the money changer at the betel, apparently suggested
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  • 146 6 Is there a great religious revival sweeping over the people of this country I auks a Lou don paper. Tbis question might well be suggested by th> crowded state of the Lon don churches on August H. It is, indeed, a notable fact that during the past twelve months during
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  • 389 6 At tbe Kreat ago of 1(10, Dr. Charles Holmes, formerly inodical officer of In altli at Slou-jL, has died at liis residtner, at Sydenbani. Sir .lulin Fuller, K.l'.M <■.. who l!enter informs us is dead, wasdoveinor of Vii-ti ria, Australia, from 1911 to 1914. Ho was in
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  • 77 6 It is with great pleasure that I tbe fact that the authoiities at bouie have received further enlightenment as to tbe patriotism which is so sound and, in many instances, so pi.ietical, in this Colony. Mi. 11. S. Arathoon. of Mum-. Stephens, Paul and Co offered an
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  • 103 6 At eleven o'clock on Thursday morning au interesting function will take plan iv tin Legislative Council Chamber when lln Kxcelleney the Governor, Sir A. 11. Young, K.C.M.Ii.. will presint the insinuia of tlir Companionship of tin Must Matiagaiahed Order of St. Michael ami St. Oi Brigadier geneial
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  • 139 6 It has been discovered that souubody has made a tunnel, with a cart fully concealed entrance, under the weighing room on the Orange racecourse. <)m- aalaajd, nil'! made an excavation underneath the scales. Holes havu Ix < n i.mlc in tho floor of the weighing room to
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  • 264 6 At the l'resbyt* rian Church on afternoon Miss Grace Bvaageline Hboffield eldest daughter of Mr. and Mr-,. Alfred Shettiuld, of Singapore, was married to Mr Harry Norman Winter, of I nitnl Knyiuiirs Ltd., Malacca, third son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Winter, of I'ieston, Lancashire. Tin my minister
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 145 6 ALLSOPP'S BRITISH PILSENER £"=a as supplied to J^j H.M. THG KINO. In BEST BEER h ON THE MARKET. jft|\ l-^^-vol Sole Agents IT^T^/l tessai) OALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., j A Wholsule and HeUil Wine md Ipirit Merchant! ■tftlafl JUST ARRIVED FINEST ENGLISH CHEDDAR CHEESE SO cts. per lb. JOHN LITTLE CO.,
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    • 261 6 THE NEW ALHAMBRA BANO HAB ARRIVED ANDWILL PLAY ON BTH SEPTEMBER. 191 5 TWO VERY BTRONG SUBJECTS AT THE ALHAMBRA Tat Riosesr einwaatogrsah Theatre, leach Road 2nd Show, ht 9.15 p.m. TO-NIGHT Tat MajMtlc Motion Nctiirt Company PRESBNTS THE ABSENTEE IN 5 PARTS. Christ} Ctbasre, Director, Featuring Robert Edeson. Story
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    • 11 6 Latest advertisements ot tbe day appear on page 5 and 8.
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  • 1947 7 GERMAN METHODS. Exposure of the U.S. Embassy. SUBMARINING. Mr. Balfour Gives Survey Of Events. Km ikks Tbll'.kvms. I. ill' ri September r>, 4.5 p.m. An interesting Baqiiol to tbe recent revela ti ns of iioriuan machinations in the I'nited States followed the recent detention at r .ilmouth of
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  • 45 7 (Fbox Our Own Cobrsdpondimt.) P<.nang, September 6. On Friday night, tbe steamer Pangkor rescuod a Chinese' fisherman. His sampan had capsized and be was swimming for five hoars in dirty weather. Two of his companion* are supposed to have been drowned.
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  • 340 7 PRESIDENT NOT IN FAVOUR OF THE MOVEMENT. Will Maintain The Republic (Fkii.M Ol'K SPKIIAb COBKKSPONDBNT.) Shanghai, September 6. President Yuan Sbih-Kai ha.* announced to the Tsan-Cheng Yuan tbat he regards the proposed change as unsuitable in the circumstances of the country and ho suggests that mature consideration
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  • 40 7 (From Ocb Ows Cobrrspondbnt.) Penang, September 6. L'ndcr the Reserve Force and Civil Guard bill, tbe uumbeis registered by the C.P.0., Penang. are 257-165 between tbe ages of 18 and 40, and 92 between 40 and Mb
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  • 606 7 Variety and Revue at Victoria Theatre Aftep reading recent newspaper criticism, it is with a certain amount of trepidation that we turn to tbe task of writing a notice of tbe Bandmann Gaiety Company, wbicb opened a season of ten nights at tbe Victoria Theatre last night
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  • 651 7 Declaration of a Five Per Cent. Dividend. The fifth report of the directors of the Sungei Bagan Rubber Co., Ltd., for tbe twelve months ended June 30, states The net profit for the period after making due provision for depreciation amounts to »38,873.5.S to which has
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  • 19 7 Kmtuk's Tklki.ram. London, September 6. The death has occurred of Sir William Plowden and of Sir John Fuller.
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  • 80 7 A scrap of paper Herr von BethmannHollweg. I nibble them General Joffie. Too proud to fight President Wilson. French's contemptible little Army The Kaiser. It's a long, long way to Tipperary Mr. Jack Judge. Business as usual Mr. H. E. Morgan. Every shell is a lifeguard
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  • 133 7 Samuiß, a member of tbe Sheffield Board of Guardians, has been sentenced to two months' imprisonment for attempting to spread disaffection among woundwd soldiers. He visited tbe Sheffield Union Hospital recently and said to a Canadian soldier I don't think it's a very good job you are
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  • 906 7 HOW LONDON WAS CAUGHT BY THE WAR From Our Special Correspondent London, August 6. It i' rather int. n -tirß to look back to Ihh time a year ago when we were suddenly thrown into tbe vortex of tbe greatest war maelstrom in history. On tho whole we
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  • Correspondence.
    • 218 8 In the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— Probably as one of many I have been waiting a reply to that important, straightforward oommonsense question which appeared in a recent issue under Women and Children." in the outbreak of tbe mutiny, Government House was naturally considered
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  • 439 8 Ideal Occupation for Eastern Residents. Mr. U tt. Pears, until recently general manager, >euibilan Estates Co., Ltd., Hantau. I M> who is well known throughout the F.M.S. and the Colony, has arrived at Singapore from* Tasmania. Mr. Pears paid a visit to Tasmania early in the year
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  • 103 8 depby Lined (jolf Club. \uyust medal was won by U. Marriott. The following were the score* II Marriott 49+43—10=82 Lorui. 45 48 4 84 K. llayh.r 4M 4H 10 86 Singapore (iolf Club. Tin "vpUiutxr I, mill's' Spoon competition wan for yesterday, and resulted in t wio for
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 127 8 PLBLIC NOTICE PARAGRAPHS. Another Btroag programme will be pat on I n.-ty Hictara Palace to night, entitled Seeing ia Boltering. It in a coiuujy drama by the Kwanay Kilui Co.. and it. supported b) rhaptu* Warn! 10 <.f 1 li, IVnU of Pauline, a new number of Mbfl (iaiott. and
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    • 264 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMBNTA. THE STAR OPERA AT THE THEATRE ROYAL, WORTH BKIDOK ROAD. TO- NIQh T I TO-NIOHT 1 1 A Javanese Play I PANJI SMERANG LAST PART. THE GUM LU«O MUSIC will be in attendance. Ts-Mtrrtw, I A Hir,| u «t»ni Piece Upfmmr t. I CHaTRA BAKaVALI. Friaiy. A Malay
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    • 375 8 THE FOUR I Electric Starter, Electric Lights, Five Passengers, Complete Equipment. Price $2,400. WEARNE BROS., LTD. Pianos |i/| Pianos o v MOUTRIE R I Organs E Organs SEND FOR UTEBT CATALOGUES. S. Moutrie Co., Ltd. RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. BRITISH INDIA AUCTION SALE STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LTD. of one 4 sbatbb
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    • 333 8 M CREENLEES BROS. M OLD PARR' f^£& WHISKY Hrn "Old Parr'HM Sole Importers: ■$~1 HIBBERT. WOODROFFE CO.. fffi jr^^Ufi/WBB LIMITED l^B*""?'*s!^?.';V** -^^B (INC OKI'OKATI 1> IN KS(iLAM'). Singapore Agents: THE INDO-MALAY COMPANY. RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM ADJOINING CONFECTIONERS SHOP Bras Baeah Road, Singapore. NOlcV OPEN From 9 a.m. till 12 p.m.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 178 9 THE COVENTRY CHAIN COMPANY, LIMITED. COVENTRY. ENGLAND. A Speciality in •tflti^-v f- *f -'mHIT^S-J Cycle Chains and Free- Wheels SOLE AGENTS THE UNION TRADING COMPANY, ii! Garretts j JjL for rubber esxaxeb. SKANOIA MARINE ENGINES f.>r CRUDE OIL 93,000. Fuel and Water Saving /•V <v n; Fixed and PorUble Types
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    • 673 9 NOTICES. SAID MARIGAN GO 30. Robinson Road. Sbip Chandleri, Prcvedorei and Genera Contractor*. Vessels supplied with fresh an< cold storage meat and all market stores a moderate rates. Orders promptly and carefulli excated. Letters addressed to our care deli vered on vessel's arrival. 1» 809 NOTICE Notice is hereby given
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 807 10 P*aO« TaMIMB ar PIBWTT, LIF« INSURANCE IS WORTH 100 CE^TS ON THE DOLLAR. ITUaTI»^-A mrUJLT OTHIR PROPERTY IB 7 THE BREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. M»*» •-"<>•. Wln^^H^llnlap.^ LOHDOU OF-IC B*. Old «awn,. .O. M»a ago dapoaitaa wi»B Urn isfiail Oourt of Bngland, and oompHas wiUi Urn Britiab Lifs
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    • 438 10 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL m. 116,000,000 RESERVE FUND.-; Sterling 41,600,000 at a/- 116,000,000 Silver 118,000,000 188,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 116,000,000 OOURT OF DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. D. Landale, Chairman. W, L. Pattenden, Esq., Deputy Chairman. 8. H. Dodwell, Bsq jP. H. Holyoak, Bsq. G. T. M.
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    • 447 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA, INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital n 80,000 Shares of *W e»eh 41,300,000 Reserve Fund £1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1.W0,000 BANKBRS The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd., The
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    • 650 10 INSURANCE. CAPITALIZING himself it never thought of by tbo average man," who U a far greater n«st-t than tbe f-toch, animiln tni bonscn be pvNicxorß an 4 wLo i p- ttction frcm v j tow rd contingeLc s is bis ti i-t oonHidurat on. Vtt lie uv>rlniU< self ptotixtion and
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  • 975 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Cars at the Front. Tli>' occasional letters from motorists at thu front telling of the behaviour of their cars under abnormal conditions are most .üb'riKting. In Krauce, tin- roads near the actusl fighting line are oft< n hardly worthy of tbe
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  • 171 11 In bis Heose of Commons speech the other day, Mr. Lloyd Ooorge described what the Government were doing aud intending to do in regard to the supply of monitions of war. Tbe uioHt iutcreHting btatement he made was when he hinted at the Government's special war
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 133 11 DOULTON SANITARY SPECIALITIES. Sole Agents CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS LIMITED. SANITARY ENGINEERS THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING CO. (Established 1883) i MANUFACTIREKS OF PURE ROPE S STRAND CABLE LAID 4 STRAND |0 to 12" 6" to 10- 8* to 10* Prices, Samples aud full particulars will be forwarded on application to Agent:
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    • 13 11 For Children* Hacking Cough at Night Woods On at Peppermint Cure If. 6d.
      13 words
    • 165 11 MICHELIN TYRES For Motor Cars, Motor Cycles and Bicycles are recognized as being Prices on application to DUPIRE BROTHERS, SINGAPORE. The Car which has the finest set of Engines you ever saw tbe type of engine which is made to wear and will not lfave you in the lurch. Darracq
      165 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 422 12 JEFFREY'S PILSENER JzS JOa XZi Jlil BREWED in SCOTLAND WANTS. BOuMUEPER WANTED. Wanted.abookkuper Apply to' Manager r MnMa Tiasts ew H9 TRACER WANTED li^t and salary debited to t.V <! S/S Straits Tim 1 9 BHORTHANO TYPIBT WANTED. Wanti o nuiri txperierct-d man. Must have good know!eJ«e o( English. Apply
      422 words
    • 374 12 WAMT& EUROPf AN ASSISTANT W4NTEO Wanted for Rubb r Estate, Europ an Junior Assistant. Applications should i(ive particulars of education, previous experience and salary required. Address Dunlop Rubber Co.. Lt.l Malacca. 3-y h 9 AB HOLES FOH SALE COCONUT BEEOLIN6B FOR BALE From well -grown troea For particular 1 and
      374 words
    • 535 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD FURNISHED BEABIOE RESIDENCES TO LET. BBLINDA andJUAMTA to '«t fnroisbed. ipplj No 9. Mt. Sophia 16 o OFFICEB TO LET. No. I*, Kafflos Quay, lit and 2nd Floon. Apply OI7THRIB Co Ltd 1413 n BUNGALOW TO LET. FAIRY-OLBN, 98 1, off River Valley Road. Apply
      535 words
    • 532 12 TO BE LET OR SOLO. TOUT Compound House No. 4 Devonshire Road. Apply OCTHRIB Co., Ltd. 19 5 o BEABIDE REBIOENGE TO LET. 4 bedrooms, bttthrooruß attached, water laid on. Apply No 4, De Souza Street. 6 6b a FLOOR TO LET To let, Ind Foot, No. 8, If alaoea
      532 words
    • 422 12 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT C 0. 37. Phillip Street. I* GOODS READY IN STOCK NOW 19 8 15. *<6 New Type Luxon Plough* complete with spare shears, 8 New Type Negro Houghs complete with spare f-hears, fiO Ni w Patent Improved Latex Stra ners, <.00 Doztn Black Prince Axes 4 .b«.,
      422 words
    • 527 12 XI AM KIAT CO. 108 ft 109. Market street. Telephone No. 431 Sbifchiudh rs. Oovcrnment and Maaioipa Contractor*! Bstatt: Suppliers and Com mission AgonttSols Aubnis The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd. Best Multiplar Brand Hair Bolting*. M so-ii. Ie NOTICE. Strayed from Rneir, Clany Road, tho residence of Mr. Harold Latluni,
      527 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 236 12 Straits Jbimes. ADVERTISEMENT KATES.-Miscciimi, 03a wantd of every description arc inßort ed at the prepaid rate of II poi (ciui lines for on 3or two insurtionb. Notion of Births, damages, or Deaths, il not exceeding f jur lines, tl each inser ioa For p.p.c. c irds, on page 8, $3.
      236 words