The Straits Times, 23 August 1915

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.883 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. AUGUST 23. 1915. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 110 1 .■r^ s >' '~^^'i» aai to /fjnt mk%*\ INDIAN AND HENDERSON "Wm' JflW Hu t chinson and Goodyear 28 x 3 Extra Heavy Car Type, Studded Pattern Covers. No Advance Pre-War Prices KATZ BROS., LTD. R°NE1 0 "No Water" PRESS-COPIER. PRESS-COP, ES 100 LEITERB. ETC.. IN 5 WNUTEB. fgtffc^^h No
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    • 127 1 ROBINSON CO. sole: agents FOR BEWLAY'S PIPES Every Pipe is Stamped on mr^ c tern w^^ c name BEWLAY All JB KLsaj^J^B Pipes «E V are of the highest quality and finish. Catalogue of BEWLAY'S PIPES f re e on application. Btt r r* nn i^ 1 1? steel office
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    • 3 1 GOODRICB > >. CO TYRES
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  • 924 2 LADY LIMERICK'S GREAT WORK AT VICTORIA. Men's Gratitude. One night, in the early days of the war, I happened to be working amongst the train loads of refugees who were pouring into London through Victoria station. It was snowing and bitterly cold, the Countess of Limerick writes in
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  • 86 2 The German authorities at Brussels have promised £500 reward to anybody wbo will inform them wbo is the owner of a mysterious wireless telegraph station which is known to be working at some private house in Brussels. For nine months the German* have searched in vain for the apparatus, which
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 216 2 CEREGEN Prote id -Phosphate SUPPLIES STRENGTH to the WEARY ENERGY to the FLAGGING CBRKGCN- Increases power of reeoperatioo alter illneaa. OBRKOBN— aids digestion. OBRCOBN— belpa in periods of stress and worry. OBRSOBN -in entirely of British origin. SO XRY CEREOEN I Obtainable of all Cbemiata. Stacks kept art Samples supplied
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    • 417 2 A STUBBORN FOE To conqner an obstinate enemy require*, persistency and peraeTeranse. It is the same with Rheumatism tbedrtad foeof mankind, which racks foremost in fetubbornneM. To eradicate it from the xtsteu, yoo mast aw the right weapon. Littlo'a Oriental Balm is the only remedy that can overpower it. It
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    • 267 2 there's Purity and Vigour IN EVURY DROP OF READ'S Dog's Head Gu.nness The TONIC that cheers and soothes and doesn't harm. A simple nourishing food of high medicinal value. NOTE.— The above DOG'S HEAD Label il> on every bottle. Refuse imitations. S->ld j i Everywhere I 6 SPECIAL WARM WEATHER
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    • 263 2 SALEB BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of 600 ORDINARY FULLY PAID 110 SHARES IN THB KEMAMAN TIN CO., LIMITED. To be held at Powell A Co.'s Sale room, On TuasDAT, Auout>T 24, 1015, at SBO p.m. (For account of concerned) POWBLL Co., Auctioneers. Drew and Napitr, Solicitors, 188 2S-8 SHERIFFS SALE.
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  • 847 3 HELMETS AND SHIELDS IN THE TRENCHES. Value Against Bullets. One of the most remarkable features of this war, saya The Times, has been the return which has been made in various directions to older, if not to ancient, methods. The steel fort has been discredited and the
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  • 217 3 The Strange Dwellers in a Congo Forest. A strange tribe of hitherto unknown African natives, who render themselves invisible by means of dull red lioas paintol in varioaH directi naaoroas the body, lisa been discovered by Dr. Cuthbert Christy, the well known traveller and authority on sleeping
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 325 3 MOTOR UNION INSURANCE CO., LTD. ('mcorporatid in England). Under the auspices of the Motor Union and Automobile Association. Special "Motor Union" Policy for Private Gars. INIURINC MaINIT THE FOUOWIM RIIKS Third Party risks— nolimit'.d cover, Damage to car i-ustaUe 1 by accident, Damage to car by fire, Damage to car
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    • 400 3 niiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM Your Baby should enjoy Childhood's Happy Days ThcreisnoiJoubtaboutthis bahy enjoying childhood's happy days. She was reared on Glaxo. Your baby can be just :is strong and heulthy, just astiri({lit and intelligent— it is mamly a question of giving Oljso. This is because (ilaxo is a complete food for all
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 494 4 STEAMER MIUNBB. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANO, CBYLON. AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BOYPT MBDITBRRANBAN PORTS, PLY MOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills ot Lading issued (or ..uina Coast, Persian Oulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamnra will leave Singapore oa or about— MAIL LINES HonMWfd I for Burope). j
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    • 531 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. a, servioe ii maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail oontraot with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have boen specially designed and oonstraoted, and are fitted with all the
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    • 806 4 BTEAMER BAIUNGB. THE SUM STEAM NAYmTIQN CO.. LP. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. Por Kretay, Tringgaaa, Bisnt, Semerak, Kelaataa, Tabai Bangnara, Telrpin, Patani, Singora Laooa Kobiamai, Btadoa, Langsaen, Taka, Ohatnpon, Koblak sod Bangkok Qua O«p«rtur« PRAOHATIPOK Aug. S3 Aug. SB, 8 p m. a.a. ASDANO 96 88, 8 p.m. The Steamers are fitted throughout
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    • 621 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED. AND CHINA MUTUAL BTEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. The i.'onipanies' steamur- ate despatched from Liverpool outwards (or the Btraits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight; for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre
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    • 580 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. sTOOMVURT-MUTSCHrPPU (STBAMSHIP COMPANY) "NEDERLAND." FORTNIGHTLY MAIL SBRVICI BBTW3BN JAVA AND AMSTBRI AM VIA SINGAPORB. BELAWAN DBLI SABANG, COLOMBO (optional) PORT SAID AND GBNOA. Steamers are due on or about thu undet mentioned dates i OUTWABD. HUHBWAED. me mi Orotias Sopt. 8 Vondel Sept. 4 PrinsdorNed. Sept. 17 Koningin
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 732 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. "ELLERMAN" LINE FOR LONDON AND HULL. City of Rangoon due on or about AUGUST 3Oth. s.s. Kandahar d ue on or about SEPTEMBER 12th. FOR LONDON. s.s. City of Vienna due on or about SEPTEMBER 22nd. The above steamers have accommodation for a few first-class passengers. For particulars
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    • 492 5 NOTICES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. The Municipal Commissioners of Singapore invite tenderi for tbe Erection of Qaarters for Inspector*, Health Departcent, at Hampong JaTa Road. Drawings and Specification may be inspected acd Tender Forms obttinc d at tbe Municipal Engineer's Offioe daring offioe bears on production of a deposit reoeipt for the
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    • 110 5 Glacial Acetic Acid 96% and 98% Genuine Momi-wood Cases 19" x 19" x 24" Stocks on Hand, SIME, DARBY k CO., LTD. (incorporated in the Straits Settlements) Seremban, Singapore and Johore Bahru. ICE- MAKING MACHINERY. Most Modern Plant. Users of our plants make and sell ice at Yt cent per
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  • 765 6 Prices Quoted In tbc Market This Morning. Singapore, August 28, 1816. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and hare Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning:— The quotations on Sterling Sham* are only nominal. Norn. Valdi. Bcyirs. Sblubs. a/- Allagar 1/10 2/1 1 Ad«]o-J»»» 6,6 7/S/-
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 82 6 What have you? A PIANO or a Noise Box? If the latter, turn it into tho fo-mor by WRITING OR 'PHONING OR SENDING TO mttL m C^«> Jl ml JL^Ss^C^^^ii He handles these matters as an export in Cheapness and Thoroughness. Tel. I.IOS Bailors' Home Bln^apore 7 t 9 Fire-proof
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    • 57 6 THE "CRAG* HOTEL. PENANO HILLS The Sanatorium of The Straits Settlements Completely Kenovat. J. Twenty-six boors from Singapore A perfect Health Resort and an Meal spot lor spending holidays. Bungalow* for families, also Single and Double Rooms. T rui- Billiards. Croquet, Splendid Walkt. t.m. phone Prwt and Telncraph Ofßee». Bxetllf-nt
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    • 447 6 TrfATHBT ADVERTISEMENTS, OIBPENBER WANTED. Wanted at once, Temporary Dinponopr for local Dispeneary. Apply Box No. CO Straits Times. 268 CLERK WANTED, Wanted, bright yonrg Cbinef e with know ledge if accounts and Mocks. Mn«t write well. Apply in own handwriting to D. K E e/o Straits Times. »8 8 n
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  • 106 7 FIXTURES Monday, August 23. High Water, 10.9 a.m., 8.54 p.m. Tuesday, August 24. High Water, 10.40 a.m., 9.48 p.m Wednesday, August 25. High Wat™. 11.9 a.m., 11.8(1 p.m. Thursday, August 26. ish Water, 11.40 km, 11.20 p.m annnal meeting. Ul p.m. Hozing, Victoria Theatre. Friday, August 27.
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  • 180 7 To-Daf. S<-lat I'an'lj.iiiK. l'» liukalis and Bagan Meran 'I pm Bangkok Solnn 2 pm Malacca and Mnar Kaka '2 pm P. Swetti'ihatn :ind Tulok \nson IVruk 'I pm Colombo Hi Ii 3 pm Bawean. Kan md Nuuarin.ia Senang 4 pm HiTrtrwu. Shanghai .iv. 1 I I'rotfsil.ius i
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  • 195 7 Tli' iu.ii traiDH from Singapore for the north Kuvu Tank Kaad tttation daily at 7 a.m. ant 7 p.m.. arriving at Kuala Lumpur ph. and 6.45 a.ui respectively. The through hm to iNhm Im*N Kuala Lumpur a'. S a.iu. daily, arriving at Penang at n.2< p.iu 'Up name
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  • 87 7 ha* bucu callnd to the fact tutt onr ti v.ilx in Londoo »re IBUc-li i>. Ijiuil i elsewhere. O'ir mlr in to rl m li 11 ntfi-jially report* > »ihix' DotiotH, and do i than that pi. u u.l abovu lim been I,i'i SiNctFuMR.iD i» loirnok. A»bivi
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  • 48 7 :i 1, Hays the Miuistiy tiuu that i.• i i\ il .i it Uaa orriToil at Kiriu from iast Earope. rera digbtlj wuudJ«xl, acd now tur ufliciaU arc taking X"" 1 care of tlwia. Id acootdaon' with tbc law of ■fatality, tin- aeroplane has been disarnud.
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  • 108 7 Latest Arrival! British. Same Oato of Arrival Remarks, lije Leong 22-8 16 No. 6 Wharf Ekma No. T Wharf Kinta Inner Roads Hong Ho Poh Ann I'm Seng H. C. Henry l'ulo Bukom Mi ii.i Inner Roads Merging Kbeng Seng Olanggi .'lock Lini Hong Aik Meranti Koma Edina
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  • 156 7 Outward. Tbe fo!' winu passenger bookings to thu Straits arc takon from the London and China It should be understood that, in FO'ne inxtanct'3. bookings may be provisional I ifcpMMßfm may altar their nents, aubßcqutat to the ib&uance of this list in London an<! <). stcamrr Arabift.--M.
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  • 160 7 EXCMANOE. SiNoiPOEi, August 28, 1916. Un London Bank 4 m/s 2/4() Demand 2,4 ft Private 8 m/s -i/4§{ On India Bank T. T. 1761 On HoNGKono...Bank d/d 't& On Shanghai ...Bank d/d 102J On Java Bank T. T. 140] On Japan Bank d/d 118} Sovereigns baying rate
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    • 190 7 rSL'ii Bayere Sellers -19 10 Ampauk 6.00 6.50 I 1 Aver Wen»! 0.36 C.45 10 10 Bolat 2.00 225 I'J 10 Kampai 6.00 10 10 Kanaboi 0.90 1.00 10 10 7.00 II 41 Kinta Tic 1.U.0 1.17.6 V 41 Labat Mintp 8.75 4.25 10 5.25 Malayan Collieries B.o.)
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    • 630 7 Bayers. Sellers. M. M> ..ikti 1/9 1/H ill £1 An^n-lav* 8/7J 7/2/. U. Anglo-Mais* 8/- 9/2/. 2/- lii'in- Mi!-«kR 1,2 13* II 1 Batu T.wr 2.5.0 2.10 0 2/- 2/- Bekoh 1/4* 1/5* >1 £1 BuVit Xajact 1.12 6 1.16.3 £1 41 Bukit Lintang 2.15.0 8.0.0 Bukii Mersajarc 2,2
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    • 133 7 41 41 B SmeitiDji Co. 16/8 16 9 41 41 Pref. 1.4.S 1.6.0 5;- 6/- Electric Twaya 2/0 8/10 10 Fraser 4 Neavo 50.25 60.M) 50 50 Harumet A Co. 115.00 12 >.C0 100 Qowarib BcskiDe 85.00 100 "XProl. 85.00 100 100 6L&U Bra, Dot. 80.00 10 10 Maynari
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    • 39 7 United Engineers 6% t1,284 500 loat Singapore Electric Tramways 5\ norn S'poreMunicipal 5% 11,879,000 norn Spore Municipal 4^% of 1907 11,000,000 norn Spore Municipal 4*% of 909 »1,00!,0(0 j Spore Municipal 4%'J.000.0f0 lC%din Spore Municipal 4% £BOO,OCO B%dis
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 256 7 LATEST AOVEKIISBMLNT.-. WANTED Eorop< M Mmmimm with iafkit and nqair.J S.atinna'v iv >in pnrp Ao-^'y Mr*. J Nnr^Dg Home, DHl'lWi 3 s '25 8 ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERS. A LX' II UK WILL SB OIVKN <>N Tuesday 24th, at 9 p.m. BY M. W. CUMMINGS MUNITIONS Mimberg arc leju stdd to
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    • 484 7 gMOKERS of cultured \TOTj.£/ptfaB| tast(> w «'it no better r^^ 6 jfP^A cigaretteB than j V |s |aiLE F i v\\ $>&f&%*Ssi State x P re8 tlie most I f*** e'ri™"'' tO^i^S^M^^ popular of all brands. IJj I Qmj, > V^ fr 'r Their perfect smoking qualities \v^_^/^ Ssirrirfaa^ XJU\m«.»ln'
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    • 88 7 2 ATTRACTIONS 2 HARIMA HALL A Worth Bridge Road ,y TO-NIGHT! B.IS TO-NIGHT!! THE TREY O'HEARTS f Episode IS. Mirnre. 13. The Flooded Mine. < (4 KGELS IN ALL.) obobuk lasuub iCIMES' CllißT SENUTIOk ZIRKA, IHfl TEMPTRESS IN 3 REtul A Stirring Drama of Adv< i.t in', Lvn> 11 lu'r^u>'.
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  • 1163 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, AUGUST 28. WHAT IS THE TRUTH One would say, from the fall of Warsaw, of Kovno, of Ossowices, and possibly of Riga that the Russians are not only beaten but very badly beaten, and that it becomes a matter of serious anxiety what effect this will
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  • 31 8 A great improvement has been effected in front of the Colonial Secretariat where the road between the Government buildings and the Victoria Theatre has been widened by nearly a dosen feet.
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  • 41 8 The Tamil poster clerk who was arrested at Penang on a charge of criminal breach of trust of some money at Sungkai post office wan at Ipoh, on August 21, sentenced to two years by Mr. Justice Woodward. Ho pleadtd guilty.
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  • 41 8 Mr. Payne Gallwey, the chairman of tho war anniversary demonstration, at Ipoii, has received a letter from the Resident, Perak. conveying a cordial expression of thanks of the King to the inhabitants of Perak for tho loyal terms of the resolution.
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  • 42 8 The North China Daily News (Shanghai) understands that the British banks have decided not to receive brokers of enemy nationality until further notice. Presumably all the banks of the Allies will adopt a similar course when this decision is known to them.
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  • 58 8 In a landslip on the premises of Vale Pleasant of the Northern Bengal Mounted Rifle Headquarters at Darjeeling, the property of military officers, seven out of eleven hoises were killed or so badly hurt that they had to be shot afterwards. Fortunately the two syces escaped. Five years ago a
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  • 58 8 The London Gazette announces the esta blishment of a Naval and General Service medal for minor warlike operations. The medal will be awarded with a clasp for opera lions on the Persian Golf from 1900 to 1914, to all ratings employed in suppressing the arms traffic north of the latitude
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  • 57 8 A correspondent informs us that Mr. Tan Cheng Lock, the well known Chinese planter of Malacca, has been nominated by the Malacca Chinese Chamber of Commerce to sit ou the committee of the Malacca Planters Association as their representative. This is the first time a Chinese planter has had a
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  • 47 8 A Government Gazette notification, issued on Saturday, says: Senders of code Mbgrams are informed that combinations <_i plain language and code in the same tenletter group are not admissible. Telegrams containing any such irregular combination will not be passed. Example of irregular combination:— "Cbiliapooz," meaning "Chili arrives."
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  • 58 8 With reference to the statement which has recently appeared in the Press on the subject of dealings in rubber with men of hostile origin and shipments of rubber to neutral countries, a meeting of the Council of the Rubber Growers' Association (Incorporatidi was held on July 9S, and a special
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  • 59 8 Captain Bean, the "official reporter" with the Australian contingent, in a message to the Commonwealth papers, states that one attack in Gallipoli was made according to German methods, the troops keepiug in line by means of a marching tape. One tape could be seen thirty yards from the Australian lines,
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  • 58 8 Those male British subjects of pure European descent between the ages of M and 5.1 whom pressure of business, or other reasons, may have prevented from registering under the Reserve Force and Civil Guard bill, should remember that the week given wherein to register expires ou Wednesday next. Failure to
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  • 74 8 The hours during which intoxicating liquor may be sold or supplied in any licens ed premises or club in the Newhaven district of Sussex where the State control of drink is now in force are as follows On week days. the hour-* between 12 noon and MO p.m and between
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  • 87 8 A Chinese named Yu Kang Leng, one of the crew of the steamer Gleniffer, lying at Tanjong Pagar, who pleaded guilty to being in possession of one and half pounds of opium, was fined $100, or, in default, six weeks' imprisonment, this morning in the second court. Another member of
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  • 80 8 At the annual general meeting of the mem bers of the Bukit Sembawang Recreation Club, held on the 21st inst., the following were elected official members: Patron. Mr. H. 0L Menzies; hon. president, Lim Nee Soon president, Wee Keok bon. secretary, S K.L. asst. secretary, Kang Chiang Hack treasurer, Teig'i
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  • 80 8 Referring to the Reserve Force and Civil Guard Bill, the L. and C. Express says The measure, though probably subject to amenJments is Committee of a Legislative Council, undoubtedly meets with approval from the general üblic. aud if its passing leads to a wave of similar legislation in other colonies
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  • 129 8 The German military authorities have sent to Germany to be interned in thr Gustrow camp, 130 hostages, taken amongst the manufacturers and merchants of ltoubaix, for having refused to manufacture sandbars in their factories for use in the Get man trenchts. As these manufacturers invoked according to the stipulations of
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  • 458 8 Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Farrant returned from home by the P. and O. mail steamer Sardinii.. this morning. Captain Philip Simons Picot, 1 Itli Slier wood Foresters, for some little timo a resident of Penang, was recently killed in action. The marriage of Mr. ,T. K.
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  • 126 8 The alteration respecting the despatch of outward mails, that was made a few wt eks since, has undergone some nm lit c :i tion. The change that was th< v forced upon us of issuing the London and China ■MM ou Wednesday, says that paper, instead
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  • 148 8 Mr. Godfrey C. Isaacs, the man tor of the Marconi Company, spealannual meeting, on July 27. made Mm in teresting announcement that on August 4 last at five o'clock in the afternoon, seven houi. before England declared war, tho Gorman Government sent out a wireless message to
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  • 205 8 In honour of the appointment of the Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng as an unofficial member ol the Legislative Council, the committee and members of the Straits Chinese K> n tion Club hold a reception at the Club House, on Saturday afternoon. There was
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 171 8 WHY NOT TRY m THREE fllEl NUNS A COOL AND FRAGRANT SMOKE Sold by HIGH-CLASS DEALERS EVERYWHERE ..i,lllllllllllUUUIIIIillllUllllllllllllHIII!illllllllllllllllll!!ll!lllllllllli Js^.'v,. wkj^ world isknownas"Ross." **y Wherever you live if you T V "^'v*^^ want a "non-alcoholic" i really worth drinking simpl) ask in plain English tor "Ross." V~/ Thii name stands everywhere
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    • 224 8 ALHAMBRA Th« Hnnt Cliwmatoirt ph Tbaatra, BmcH Mai. 2nd Ihow, 9 15 pm A Drama of Deep Domeatio Interest I THE WARNING IN S PARTS. This Drama will come as near to being a great spectacle as any production which ha' been made to deal with the bapienings and life
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    • 12 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 6, 7 and 11.
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  • 3898 9 ITALY AND TURKEY. War Declared by The Italians. GULF OF RIGA. A Great Naval Fight la Progress. Rki i n Tn.iM.mjit.. London. August 22, 12.'25 p.m. Italy has declared war on Turkey. London, August 22, 3.30 p m. The importance of Italy's break with the Turks is measured
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  • 1914 10 (BV A SlNOAPOBBAM). Ill Hotel Hoiuann Bandeong, Sunday. August 16. Now is the winter of my discontent made glorious by this suniuior sun at Bandoeng. Shakespeare, with an alteration. I take advantage of a quite restful day to Bend you a few more lines about thin de
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  • 27 10 IUCTIR'a TkLKuKAMS. London, August 21, 4.4 j p.m. Prof. Paul Ehrlicb, the inventur of Salvarsan, has died suddenly in bis laboratory at Huiuburg.
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  • 29 10 Rictkk'i Tklbukams. London, August 21. A cotton warehouse belonging to tbe Liverpool Warehousing Company, at Bootle, has been gulted by fire, with several thousand pounds damage.
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  • 195 10 A most attractive programme is announced fur tv night at the I'allaoium. There is a picture version of tbe famous novel Tbe Ciniean 1 1 others, in which several actors and actr>HM I Well known to Singapore audiences at this iht utrr. t*ki> leading roles and, promintntly
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  • Correspondence.
    • 630 10 To the Editor of the Straits Time*. Sir,— I have been waiting in vain for someone with a more fluent and influential pen than mine to make public protest against the unfortunate expressions which have been used by onrtain members of the Legislative Council of this Colony in
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    • 92 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —It is truly surprising that the Vox Parva is still pcjueaking in your columns, incidentally making a urcat deal of use of the first ptr-fjnaJ pronouu I." Is tlie owner <>l the small voice by any chance a volunteer, or does be
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    • 218 10 To the K li.or ol the Straits Time*. Sir,— Referring to your note to uiy letter of 21st inst., will you allow me to explain that I do not refer id ray ktt' to the com niittee to I. up the Ordinance, bat to a committee who I understand con
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    • 150 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,- May I beg a umall space (or tbis On Saturday evening lait a rather large motor car on tbe Pa«ir Paudjann road coming towards town ran "ver and killed a large 'to-: belougiLg to tin- M.nses Uunies. No warning burn
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  • 965 10 Mr. P. Dunerin in the Thick Of Severe Fighting. Mr. P. Dunerin, formerly manager of the Banque de IV Indo-Cbine in Singapore, who I rejoined the French army at the outbreak of war, has recently written tbe following in- I teresting notes from tbe front to
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  • 136 10 Tbe famous mule of M&tanzis— tin only casualty, according to Sp,un.,h. acrmiuts, resulting from a fierce bombardment by tha armadas of Amtrica is n 'all. d by a Htory printed in tbe Kmylii, a Smyrna paper, and transmitted by Iteuter via O. rmany aun Am sterdam, of
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  • 2242 10 I DEVELOPMENTS SINCE 'APANESE OCCUPATION. Notes By a Visitor. The following notts on Tsingtau appeared recently in a Japan paper According to a recent guide-book, Tsingtau is situated in practically tho same latitude < as Tokio, San Francisco, and Gibraltar, but it has nothing else in common with either
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  • 61 10 A ' mU Zurich i pi .iiu^ trnl of an I Mining fuel that tins two numb- is ai tin Mil ii.i'.i i uity rfMJMINMW i l to tin I'uwem il tin iju.i<iiii|:!t' Alliauci l.tke diawingk uf Uerwau aad lot i (ortiAoatioiMi, Mowttsatiuu plans, railway time t.iuli s and naval
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 267 11 Mr. af. S. Cowan, tbe promoter of tbe boxing tournament which opens at the Victoria Thoatre on Thursday night, under the patronage of the General Officer Com manding and of Vice Admiral Sir Martyn Jerram, K C.8., has brought together fcome really good men, and lovers of tbe noble
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    • 143 11 S.CC. v. M.S.V.K. Tbe game between the S.CC and tbe M S.V.K., playtd on Saturday on the Club ground, resulted in a win for the Singapore team by two goals to nil. The Club went awAr with a rush and tx-fori tbi -■■^1 was nve minutes old Broad had
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  • 320 11 A Tragedy Averted in St. James's Park. It was oor of tbe pelicans in St. .lauim's Park, says a writer in a home paper, that caused all tbti t xcitemont, just after a popular Cabinet Minitter had been feeding the birds from a homely paper bag which
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  • 266 11 .luii^iuc Lt wan niviii at home, recently, ie i ao appeal by tbc MMSJH 'if tin cargo lately on board the Leon Blum, which raised liupoitant qu. iiioLs as to the right of tugowueni acit ollirm to cUioi nalvage whert tlu iMMfli '"utract wan in thu terms
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  • 495 11 Serious Offences During The Year. The report of the Director of Public Prosecutions for 1914 reveals many interesting fact" and figures in connection with crime in England and Wales. Daring the year 2,080 oases were referred to the Public Prosecutor, and in half of these he conducted
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  • 286 11 Breach of Promise Action Against Married Man. What connxel ilescribrd as a somewhat peculiar breach of promise action, as tbe defendant, who was 6! years of age, waa a married man witb a family, was heard before Mr. Justice Darling at Sussex Assizes. The plaintiff was Miss
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  • 209 11 Clothing of all kind* it steadily riding in pi ice. Scarcity of ilye is stated to be the cause of tliia porpKxing problem for the smart. Winter with last year's woollen bliir'.s will b. bar I to bear bat at tht niDijrnt shirting* with spots, atripos, or tints
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 580 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. MOUTRIE'S PIANOS Represent the highest degree of perfection in artistic pianoforte construction A thorough investigation of our latest Models is convincing. CatalogiKS M a^BJkIMStMB, S. MOUTRIE CO., LIMITED. Children's Concert. VICTORIA MEMORIAL HALL. Friday, Aug. 27, at 5.15 p.m. 80 8 27 8 Grand Boxing Tournament TO BE
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    • 282 11 GRAND-MARNIER 4 "CORDON ROUGE" "CORDON JAUNE' The perfect after-dinner Liqueur. SOLE IMPORTERS: HIBBERT, WOODROFFE ft CO., LIMITED (Incorporated in England). RAFFLES HOTEL. Buy your Bread and Cakes from the Raffles Bakery, which is entirely under the Supervision of a skilled European Confectioner. Retail Depot: Raffles Hotel Buildings, 88, Bras Basah
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  • 1325 12 SCLNLS ON THE RIVER FRONT AT BELGRADE. A Five Months' Truce. I he «!>«Hiitl correspondent of The Times at lieigrade gives thin picturesque dencription of ut wmm i'O the I>anube opposite ibe Servian capital In company with a distinguished c flioer who escorted me through tbe
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  • 1892 12 1914. Judo 11.— Assassination of Archdukn Franz Ferdinand and bis consort at Serajero. July 28.— Austrian ultimatum sent to Serria 1 August I.— Germany declares war on Russia and Fraace, ana invades Belgium. 4.— Britain declares war »d Germany. 23. Jiat'Jo of Mons begins, and the
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  • 366 12 Why Germany Could not Find A Substitute. Undoubtedly we have been supplying our enemies with the means of destroying our troops ever since the beginning of the war," says Sir William Ramsay in a letter, published by Tbe Times, in which he repiies to Lord Crewe's statement
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  • 254 12 In Active Training for the Great Day. In the Revue de Paris Rear Admiral Drgouy writes a remarkable article on the German High Sea Fleet, which, he says, bas perhaps not yet said its last word. The High Sea Fleet, says Admiral Degouy, is probably hardly so complete
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 256 12 "Rhinoceros" Brand Cement The Brand which is used all over the World. Some Large Contracts where "Rhinoceros" Brand has been used. London County Council 100,000 Tons. Keyham Docks 80,000 Immingham Docks 40,000 Tan Jong Pag ar Docks 20,000 Rosyth Naval Base ,under construction) 125.000 Tons. Also sii)i]ili>il h> the Britiik
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  • 866 13 THE REPORT BY THE BRITISH COMMISSIONER. Measures for Relief. ■The Hon. S. B. C. Ross, Secretary for Chinese Affairs, Hongkong, has forwarded to the Press a report by Mr. Wood on the flooded area of the west River, which will be read with interest. Mr. Wood says:—
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  • 193 13 French Soldiers Surprised At Quietness of Paris. The soldiers who, having spent months in tbe trenches and on the battlefield, are now thronging Paris on a short leave of absence, express some startling opinions as to the people and the surroundings they have found on their
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 273 13 GERMAN AND AUSTRIA-HUNGARY BENTWOOD TRADE Headquarters report Your command accepted The Red Track Right Through made somewhere in British Territory, British Labour, British Capital, and carried by British Freight. £75.000 monthly passed through enemy hand 9 for this line alone, we want more than this to go to British Hands.
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    • 491 13 "DRAGON" CEMENT Contracts have been secured for the supplies of Cement during 1915 t0 >S^i#B^wV and t0 THE MUNICIPALITY f^£^@p| THE GOVERNMENT SINGAPORE, \M£££%Fy JOHORF DUPIRE BROTHERS, SINGAPORE:. Sole Agents for the Straits and F. M. S. SINGAPORE CRICKET CLUB. NOTICE, Thb Annual Gixeral Mbstinq cf the Members of the
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 429 14 Waji m *Pmkcm Fam imi or Plimtt. Lin Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROP»RTY IS? THE MEAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HM.OM.OI. WlMhMte'HM.^H^P^ LOMDOMOFFIO«. 8«. Ol- *-^y. B.C Ike ||-j kaa «W,OOO dspositad wtth she Submbbs Court ol England, and complies with the British
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    • 444 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL...115,000,000 ...115,000,000 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at 8/- 115,000,000 Bilret 118,000,000 188,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS Hon. Mr. D. Landale. Chairman, W. L. Pattenden, Esq., Deputy Chairman. 8. H. Dodwell, Esq IP. H. Holyoak, Bsq G. T. M. Edkins,
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    • 435 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED RT ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital n 60,000 Shares ot each 41,300,000 Reserve Fund 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.300,000 BANKERS The Bank of England, Tbe London City and Midland Bank. Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd., The National
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    • 562 14 INSURANCE. EBTABLI9HBD 1874. THE ORIENTAL INCOBPOBATBD IN IKDIA. GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LTO. ASSETS eiceed $28,000,000. ABSOLDTE SECURITY. The Company has deposited 1200,000 with the Straits Govtrnm nt and has complied with the requirements of The Life Assurance Companies Ordinance (***** S.S. Proflte to Policy-holders at last Valuation $1,116,673.
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  • 884 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Petrol Electric Vehicles. Meurs. Tilling Stevens, of London, bave developed a line ol petrol motor vehicle! in wbicb an eltctiic transmission is employed, bnt in a mannur different from any other which bas gone before, says Eastern Engi neeriog. The petrol
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  • 170 15 RECRUITING "NET CAMPAIGN. Every Lane and Alley Watched For Possibles. The recruiting campaign, in the City of London particularly, bas entered on a new phase on July 19, it was in working everywhere—station entrances, large thorough far. h, aIU-y*, and in all the labyrinth around Corntiill, King William street, Feochurohstretst,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 141 15 JUST ARRIVED Mors Motor Car 6 SEATER COMPLETE WITH ALL ACCESSORIES. ON VIEW AT Garage, Orchard Road. SOLE AGENTS i CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, LIMITED, Singapore. Kuala Lumpur, Malacca, Johore Bahru > and Medan. TELEPHONE 139. MOMI GASES 19 in. x 19 in. x 24. IN STOCK LATEX CUPS White Glazed
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    • 179 15 j ■Snl -#61 l J^^^K6l j#ft^a 4. B. Dunlop, Eaquire WHY ON EARTH should the demand for Dunlop Tyres always exceed the supply, unless your fellow-motorists have proved to their satisfaction that Dunlop covers and tubes are practically and financially the safest proposition Our output is huge, and ever growing,
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 311 16 Goodrich TYRES. Pneumatic and Solid. PRICES AND SUPPLIES UNAFFECTED BY WAR. SOLE AGENTS Adamson, Gilf illan Go.. Ltd. SINGAPORE, PENANG and MALACCA. WMT3. SHOR T HANO TYPIST WANTED. Wanted for office in Java, experienced •horthaa.l typist Ap|ly Bex No. !tB, Straits Time*. 18-8 248 COMPOSITORS WANTED. Wanted, Compositors (or the
      311 words
    • 403 16 TO BE LET OR SOLO. BUNGALOW TO LET. FAIRYGLBN. 98 1, off River Valley Road. Apply M. Sayen. 4, De Souca Street. I 6-6 v TO LET Houses No. 7, C&anoery Lane. Apply to CHINU KBNG LBB 00 Auetion'-vrs 18 11 o TO LET. Sunnyside, No. 1, St. Thomas's Walk,
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    • 585 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. FURNIBHED BEABIDE REBIDENCEB TO LET. BBLINDA and JU AN IT A wot furnished, ipply No. 9 Mt. Sophia II o TO LET Compound House No. 4 Devonshire Road. Apply GUTHRIB k Co., Ltd. 19-6 v OFFICEB TO LET No. la, Raffle* Quay, Ist and 2nd
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    • 503 16 WTWEB. GUAN MAT CO.. 37. Phillip Street. ***** READY IN STOCK NOW 19 8 15. 36 New Type Luzon Plooghs complete with ■pare shears, 8 New Type Negro Ploughs complete with spare shears, SO New Patent Improved Latex Stra'ners, 200 Dozen Black Prince Axes 4 .'be., 800 Dostn American Axe
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    • 487 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT&CO 108 ft 109. Market Street Telephone No. 431. Shiochandlen, Government and Munioipt Contractors Estate Suppliers and Cots mission Agent* Soil AIiINTS The Mnlcott Belting Co., Ltd Best Multiplar Brand Hut Beltings IT 808 16 NOTICE. Strayed from Rogie, Cluny Road, tbe residence of Mr. Harold Latham, ONE
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    • 526 16 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. LABUAN. Applications will be reoeived, up to the 81st ASgust, for the po«t of Draftsman in the Public Works Department, Labuan. The salary attached te tho post is 176f. per annum, rising by bionnial increments of IIS2 to a maximum of 11,020. Unfurnished quarters provided. Applications in
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 242 16 Straits Tbimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATBS.— Misoellant oos wants of every description are insert ed at the prepaid rate of II pet tout lines for on or two insertions. Noticeof Births, damages, or Deaths, if not exceeding f rar lines, tl eaoh inser ioa For p.p.c. o urds, on papk 8, 12.
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