The Straits Times, 6 July 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.843 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. JULY 6. 1915. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 270 1 M J M ■yyN A FEW GOOD THINGS gH^ LIBBY'S ASSORTED SOUPS ytS\ In cases of 48 tins, say, one month's supply. The assortment fMf*^ is made up from the following Soups TOMATO, MOCKTURTLE, OXTAIL, CHICKEN, MULLIGATAWNY and VEGETABLE. A tin makes six plates of the #1 beBt Soup yOU
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    • 66 1 Folding Go-Carts Superior Quality, Polished Birch, Framework in Various Styles. Upholstered in Leather, Cloth, Canvas and Plush. Fitted with Waist Straps and good quality Rubber -Tyred Wheels ROBINSON a? CO. FRESH STOCKS OF Italian Spaghetti, Parmesan Cheese, Salted Herrings, Smoked Sausage, Liver Sausage, AT .^h^V B, Hl(»h Street, Europe Hotel
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    • 44 1 JEFFREY'S PILSENER BEER. Soli Aoimts: ADAMSON. GILF.LLAN CO., LTM. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES!! Bedstead Manufacturers Federation bave advanced 20% Our contracts made previous to the advance enable uh to sell AT OLD RATES. A. FRANKEL ft CO. Victoria Street. (EsTAPLHHKD 1887). Telephone No. 198.
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  • 610 2 Skipper's Ride Dressed in A Tarboosh. Captain Maolntyre, of the steamer Niggem, has arrived in Alexandria with six of his orew. The Niggem, with a crew of 16 men and a cargo of oettoo, left Alexandria, via Malta, for Barcelona on December 21, and immediately encountering bad
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  • 483 2 Breezy Publications on British Warships. Tbat the men od our warships and trans ports enjoy tbcir periods of relaxation is evident from the number o( papers published on board the vessels. They are all written and edited by Bailormen (or Bailormcn, but their good humour and high spirits
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 255 2 ORNAMENTAL CEMENT TILES Order* executed according to customers' own requirements m to colour arrangement*. SAMPLES OF COLOURS ANO DESIGNS MAY BE SEEN AT OUR WORKS. TAMPENIS CEMENT TILE WORKS Work* and Office* i No. 94, Sungai Road (Adjofrinß Roehore O»d»I>. IT IS FALSE ECONOMY TO BUY ANY 13XJT The Best
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    • 342 2 TENDER SENSITIVE SKINS Quickly Soothed by Cuticura. Nothing Better. Trial Free. Especially when preceded by a hot bath with Cutirura Soap. Many comforting things these fragrant supercreamy emollients may do for the skin. Sample each free by post. Addrms F. Newbery 4 Sons, 27, Charterhouse Square, London, E. C. Sold
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    • 237 2 BEING DIRECT IMPORTER! AND hiring oar fittings, etc., parobaned p-dvuai to rise 10 price at H me, we are in a position to offer to the public OFFICE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE IS Latest Designs at Lowest Prices. SHOP-FITTING SHOWCASE SPECIALISTS. PARTITION WORK. etc., etc, ito. Auk dr to ijnote you, compare
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  • 1065 3 The Little Parson Who Took Too Many! Risks. Edwin Cleary writes in the Daily Express as follows As tbe ambulance train tugged on, the white steam of tbe loco.'s whistle blew a long, vanishing hole in the black night, and Sergeant Lacy stood at attention, with
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  • 125 3 The keys of the four gates of MeU are still in French hands. TJiey werj saved in 1870, when Ba/iiut> surrendered the fortress to the Germans, by an engineer who was then within the city. One of them th« engineer gave to his friend General Lapassot, the otht rs he
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 271 3 Made in Dublin BOTTLED FOR DIRECT EXPORTATION B y READ BROTHERS. u»i.«j Q^|tfiaNlP Dog's Head Guinness SOLD EVERYWHERE. ORDER IN FAMILY PACKAGES c^^awn 1 ii 1 mamm mm iw EUROPE HAIR DRESSING SALOON. (Hotel do I* Europe Buildings). NEW MANAGEMENT Ladies are specially invited to oar Ladies Toilet Saloon where
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    • 571 3 THE EVER POPULAR HOUSEHOLD REMEDY Whirh has now Ijornc |(io Stamp of l'nlilir f,,r OVER FORTY YEARS. END'S FRUIT SALT PLEASANT TO TAKE, REFRESHING AND INVIGORATING. IT IS VERY BENEFICIAL IN ALL CASES OF Biliousness, Sick Headache, Constipation, Error 3 in Diet Eating or Drinking, Thirst, Giddiness, Rheumatic or
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 525 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PHNAtfO. CBYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BOYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. PLY MOUTH AND LONDON Through Bill* of Lading imoed tori China Court, Persian Onli, Conkin -ntal and American J>orts. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Bomewvrd {/or Buropt). (Connecting
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    • 539 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. ryTk. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A strrioe is maintained between V'okobatua via ports to Marseille*, London tnd Antwerp, under mail oontraot with the Imperial Japaoew Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining thta aervioe have been speoially designed and oonstruoted, and are fitted with all the
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    • 717 4 BTEAMER BMUWS. FHE Sim STEAM NAVIQATIIH CO.. LB. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK-Kor Kretay.Tringgaaa, BUaf Semerak, Kelaataa, Tabal, Bangaara, Tolnpin, PaUni iiagora, L»oam Kobsamai, Buloi, Langsaen, Ttka, Ohampon, Koblak and Bangkok Out O« pI ftUK s BORIBAT July 7, S p.m. ASDANG July 12 1«, 3 p.m. ■.a. MOHIDOi. 16 21. 3 p.m. BORIBAT
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    • 623 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. ICEAN STEAM SKIP CO. LIMITED. AND JHINA MUTUAL BTEAM HAY. CO.. LTD pa The Companies' steamers are dospatcbod com Liverpool outwardu (01 the Straits, 3hina and Japan every week sad from Japan aomeward* lor London, Amsterdam and Antwerp evory fortnight; lor (iunoa, Marseille*, and Liverpool and for Marseilles,
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    • 598 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. STOOMVAART-MMTSCHAPPIJ (STBAMSH'P COMi'ANYi "NEDERLAND." KORTNIGHTLY MAIL BBRVICB BHTWBBN JAVA AND AMSVRRI AM VIA SINGAPORE, BELAWAN OBM la BANG. COLOMKO (optional) PORT SAID AND GENOA Steamers are doe on or about the under mentioned dates i OCTWABD. HonWABD. iais mi Rembrandt July 9 Prinses Juliana Koningin Inly 10 Enuna
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  • 130 5 riXTURES Tucaday, July 6. High Wat-jf, Ml am 5.13 pm Wednesday, July 7. High Water. %M a.m., 6 9 p in P. 'n\ O. homeward mail expected. M. M. outwanl mail expeoted. /weena Eoqiiiry. Church Worker* Aiwociation, (i. F. S. Koom, 4.80 p.m. f huroday July 8.
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  • 187 5 Todh Malacca and Muar Kaka 'i pm Port Dickson and Port Swettenham Hye Leong 2pm Batu Pabat M. iv 2 pm l'ontianak Kboon KcxjDy 2 pm Saigon Haiphong 3 pm Kota Tint'L. 1 Tanjong Sarat 4 pm Sourabaya !><-' Kerens 4pm Tniouoi. Hongking, Shanghai and Japan Tydeas
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  • 231 5 Tin- mail train* from Singapore (or the north leave Tank K >*l station daily at 7 a. in and 7 p.m.. arriving at Kuila Lumpur at 7.18 p.m. and 6 It am, respaetively. The through express to lVnang leavea Kuala Lumpur at 8 a.m. daily, arrfrtag at I'enang
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  • 174 5 The M. U. oatward steamer Polynonieo It- ft Colombo at 10 a.m. on Saturday, .Inly 3, no. I mty be exp. •■-cd to arrive bore at about 11 a.m. on Wi.l «ttf July 7. Tbe I' am) U. hoiuoward mail steamer Kartuala loft II m^kong aod may
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  • 58 5 Latest Arrivals. British. Same Date of Arrival Remarks. Circe 5 7 15 Inner Roads Tydoos No. 8 Wharf Si Wor !»«>« *<*** Auj >v Meua Hock Lim (ilanggi Hock Ung II Hong Aik Soon Hong •> Acbeen lton.a I: iii iw> v 0-7-15 ii Dutch. AltiDg 6 7
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  • 162 5 EXCHANOE. Sinoafobi, July 6, 1915. On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4/, Demand 2 4 A Private 8 m/s 2/4 On India Bank T. T. 175J On HoNOKONO...Bank d/d 221 On Shanghai ...Bank d/d 102} On Java Bank T. T. 140 On Japan Bank d/d 118] Sovereigns buying
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 30 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. July ID —At Palmer (ijdowns oS Ansoo Koad, Bliip'i Kitting*. Klectric Cargo Lamps, .t.- x >». "Olearoy." .Inly '21. -At aalerooui, Nine Wooden Lifter, at 2M.
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    • 542 5 LAI EST *DVERTISBMENTS. MORTGAGEE'S SALE Cn Mono»y, Jdii 12, 1916, at 10 am. 1. Km hold lani and boose No. 179, Orcba'd Koad oolUididk according to tbe Government Peatr vey an are* of 2.1187 tq. feet, now known as lot 154", Town Sab division XIX. 2. Ten pieces of 'r.ebo'd
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    • 344 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NORDDEUTSCHBR LLOYD (IN LIQUIDATION). AUCTION SALE OF EXCELLENT WAX POLISHED TEAK OFFICB FURMTURB, 'RON SAFE-'. TYPEWRITER*, ETC., ETC., To be held at Tbe Norddeafsiher Lloyd's Office, No. 4, Collyer Q :ay, On Saturday, July 10, 1915, at 11 am. Comptitiog w«x polisbtd teak alrxeirnl h, teak bo kcavs,
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    • 104 5 C. BULLIVANT. BILLIARD TABLE EXPERT. Tables rt coteed, Caobiim >einb(rrid, covered ani adjust*-). Ma nuranceolt bl attended to. All work gnarant ed Goo I testimonials. Post Uffi :e, Sin apo c. 6-7 12 7 TING KIL TIN MINES. LIMITED. NOTICE I- HM.KHV OIVIN fUAT The Company's Third Ordinary General Meeting
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  • 23 6 Ii- ii kk -On Jane 2, at 9, Beech Houseroad, Croydon, William Woodhouse Fisher, late Judge, Supreme Court, Straits Settlements, aged 60.
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  • 1171 6 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, JULY 6. AMERICA INVOLVED. The blowing ap of a public bailing and the shooting of a well-known capitalist are minor incidents in tbe story of GermanAmerican relations. Tbe perpetrator of these outrages is merely a fanatic who thinks he can set the world right single-banded, and
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  • 15 6 The output from the Titi Tin Company's mines for June amounted to piculs 889, tribute.
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  • 20 6 The Sultan of Selangor baa banished seven natives of India from this State for tbe period of tbeir natural lives.
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  • 23 6 Tbe first athletic Bports of the Victoria Bridge School, are being herd on tbe KaMl-s Institution ground, on Saturday next, at 8 p.m.
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  • 28 6 Tbe Courts Bnactment and the Widows and Orphans Pensions Enactment, as passed at tbe last sitting of the federal Council are published in tbe K M.S. Government Gazette.
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  • 34 6 Tbe Sitm Observer says that the steamer Singaporean has been chartered by Messrs. Wang Lse and Co. for one year at the rate of 19,000 per month. She is in command of Capt. Sanderson.
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  • 53 6 A meeting of subscribers to tbe Prince of Wales 8 National War Relief Fund (Singapore) will be held in the Victoria Memorial Hall on Monday next, at 5-15 p.m. A statement of tbe finanoes of the fund will be submitted and a proposal respecting the future policy of distributing funds
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  • 34 6 Tbe Chinese who, in the third court yesterday, was charged with causing hurt to tbe cbincbew of a twakow upon wbidh he was employed was found guilty and sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 66 6 Harry R. Solomon, of tbe firm of Solomon Bros, and Company of New York, exporters, and a lieutenant in the German Army, pleaded gnilty at New York, on Jane 8, to a charge of filing false manifests of contraband shipments of rubber intended for Germany. He was fined 9500. Three
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  • 76 6 The following is a record of tbe round? fired by the Japanese and British squadron during the five days' bombardment prior to the fall of Tsingtau:-12 inch 180; 10 inch 408 Bin 107 and 7.0 inch 120. Total number of hits signalled 150. Hits were on work!* being attacked and
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  • 79 6 Great excitement prevailed on June 27 in the neighbourhood of Lintang on the Plus road, about nine miles distance from Sungei Siput, when it became known tbe large tusk less male elephant which for yearn bad been the greatest p.'st tbe planting community in this district had to contend with
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  • 77 6 The Government of India have stated in reply to an enquiry on the subject, that they do not propose to appoint a Prize Claims Committee in India similar to that appointed in London to consider claims for release, as an act of grace on tbe part of tbe Crown, of
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  • 87 6 A San Francisco despatch to the Asahi states that Captain Kanao, of the OS K. steamer Panama Mara, was shot on June 7 by a man named Sboji Kisaburo. It appears that Captain Ktnao and Shoji had met by appointment at a restaurant in Seattle called the Yachiyotei, and during
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  • 98 6 A Paris tradesman, whose son is a noncommissioned officer in a French cavalry regiment, recently received a letter from him establishing an atrocious act on the part of the Germans. The following is tb« particular pusage in the letter which tbe I'irig news papers are reptoduciug: Some days ago we
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  • 96 6 That a proportion of the missing soldiers at tbe front will tarn ap again is evidence, says tbe It, and C. Express, by tbe case of a private soldier Da mod Beaumont, of the Royal West Kent K yminnt recently in tho Straits Settlements— who has just rej >intd his
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  • 100 6 It is rumoured, but strongly denied, that Italy is about to take part in tbe Dardanelles campaign. The Italian Press is sharply divided on tbe subject. The Corriere della Sera demand -i that Italy should pursue for the present her primary objective, namely, the campaign against Austria. Tbe Meawgero, on
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  • 126 6 Renter's special correspondent at Athena, U legraphiog recently, stated that among the 60 hostages of British and French nationality who were sent by Eover l'»sh.i to be under are in the Oallipoli Peninsula was the Rer. Dr. Wigram, chaplain to the Crimean Memorial Cbnrch in Constantinople, who iusisted on taking
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  • 342 6 Mr. D. C. P. Kindersley has been promoted to the rank of captain. Dr. D. Bridges and Dr. \V. B. Ornio have been raised to Grade I. in thb V M.S. service. Mr. R. E. H. Oliver, of Messrs. Caldbeck, Macgregor and Co., is coming back to
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  • 61 6 A Government Ga/utte Extraordinary, issued today, notifies the rescission of tho regulation restricting the introduction of deck passengers into the Colony from Hongkong, and the Canton and Fukkien provinces of China. The regulation came into force on August 6 last, and prohibited ships bringing in deck passengers
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  • 119 6 An account of tbe landing at tbe Dardanelles notes that all tbe while oar ships were reducing the forts on the European side the French fleet were engaging the forts on tbe Asiatic side and landing troops. They were assisted by The Packet of Woodbines, the
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  • 191 6 i'r< siding on May 31 at the annual meeting in London of the Cambridge Mission to Delhi, tbe Bishop of Singapore said that from the villages of India were recruited the men who were lighting our battles ou the plains of Europe. The villages were so much out
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  • 231 6 Tbe mail from home (his morning brought news of the unexpected death at Croydon, on June 2, of Mr. William Woodhousc Fisher, late Senior Puisne Judge, of the Supreme Court of the Strata Settlements, at the a^e of 60 yean. The deceased gentleman wait a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 159 6 Starboard Light Creme de Menthe. Cherry Brandy HUMPHREY, Kummel TAYLORS CELEBRATED Curacao liqueurs. Maraschino y^ Sole Agents >v /CUDBECK, MCGREGOR Cd.^V jr Wholesale and Retail Wine and Spirit Merchants >v yS JonoiE AoufTt:— A. O. MARPBH CO. LAWSONS IM Liqueur Whisky JBa qfiL. fob the man of discriminating tastb. <&4y_
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    • 350 6 BUBBTANCE AND VARIETY AT THB ALHAMBRA The Meaear einsmatotriph TMatra, Batch Raid Flrtt 7 10 tele m. l«dlhowt-IStoll p.m. A Highly Entertaining Drr ma MADAME SATAN IN 8 PARTS. A niocero and forceful interpretation ol characters of wonderfully stroog human inteieit. a Powerful Drama: THE SPELL IN 9 PARTS. The
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    • 11 6 Latest advertieemento ol thi day appear on pace 6 and 8.
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  • 1199 7 -RUSSIAN FIGHTING. Enemy Still Held In Check. THE FRENCH ARENA. Heavy Fighting Near Arras. Km tir's Tilkorams. London, July 5, 5.15 a.m. Petrograd, communique A Russian local attack in tbe direction of Radom captured trenches and several Austrian battalions. Fierce fitfbting occurred on tbe 2nd and 3rd between
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  • 73 7 Mr P. W Sergeant, at one time editor of the Hongkong lUily Press and a former chess champion of Hongkong, is preparing for publication a book of Murphy's brilliant games, witb analyses. Since his return t<> England Mr. Sergeant has devoted himself to literature and ban produced several impor tant
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  • 390 7 Developments in the Singapore Trade. We quote the following editorial remarks in tbe Bangkok Times of June 29 So far as we oan ascertain to day, Bangkok is not well informed as to the exact significance of the announcement that the B I. is commencing a fortnight)], service
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  • 473 7 Opening of New Bottling Works At Kobe. One of Japan's natural sources of wealth that owes much to foreign exploitation i<> ber supply of natural mineral waters. Tbe development of these, says the Japan Chronicle of June 10, is still in its infancy, but tbe future cannot
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  • 101 7 The loss of tbe Lusitania draws attention once sgain to tbe possibilities of rubber as a sheathing or lining for tbe bulls of ships to avert or minimise a catastrophe such as that which has just occurred. A good deal of research is understood to bave taken plaoe
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  • 87 7 By kind permission of Lieut-Col. A. B. Garrett and officer*, the band of tbe 4th Battn., King's Shropshire Light Infantry, will perform tbe following programme of music in tbe Botanic Gardens to morrow, Wednesday, from 0 to 6 p.m. (weather per milting) 1. March True to
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  • 485 7 (From A Corrksponpint.) Sourabaya. July 1. Complaints have long existed at Padang at tbe absence of any representative there of the British Government. Tbe Vioe-Consul of the United States at that place was entrusted with the handling of British interests, but this was hardly satisfactory to many,
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  • 306 7 Concluding a lengthy description of the part played by various British regiments at Feetnbert, Renter's correspondent at British headquarters bas this to say of our men's frame of mind towards the Germans: Part, at any rate, of tbe wonderful impetuosity shown by tbe British troops
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  • 151 7 At the annual meeting of the Banque de l'lndo-Chine, held on May 12, tbe report and accounts were adopted. The profit for the first half year was f.8,817,756, and on January 4 a dividend of f.27.80 per share was paid, leaving f.1,032,:i!0 to be carried forwsd to
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  • 118 7 Pbya Montri Snriwongs has died at Rajaburi, where he had been living for some years past in ill health, at the age of 68. Phya Montri held several important positions in the Government of Siam, among which may be mentioned that of Minister at the Cooit of St. James's. After
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  • 2092 7 EVIDENCES OF GERMAN MORAL FAILURE. By Our Special Correspondent. Londoc, Jane 4. The Zeppelin raid upon London is so entirely a measure of frightfulness," as distinct from war— and so ineffective at that that it claims no plaoo in a survey of the various campaign!. Neither
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  • Correspondence.
    • 650 8 To tbe Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir,— Might I be permitted to voice a tew words with regard to local defence, also in connection with the apparent desire ol our Eurasian fellow-citizens to be included in tbe local defence sclieme. It is certainly satisfactory to note that
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    • 142 8 A meeting of those interested in football took place recently at tbe Sports Club. Bangkok. There was a capital attendance, and Mr. Sutton was voted to the chair. Tbe chairman said so many men were away or had left altogether Dee tbe end of last aesHon
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    • 132 8 S.C.C. Tournament. Today's ties are as follows Ch turioxsHir. Hartnell v. Walker. A Cli" Si\..lh^. Tylir Her v. Hill owe 2. IS fn»» Sim, Las. Doig owe 4 v Sinclair scr. Cbill rec. 4 v. Shervington owe t. C CLl>t SIMiLKS. Benjafield tier, v Wilson scr. Stredwick scr.
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  • 34 8 Mr. Irsin Turner, agent uf the Hongkong .ud Shanghai Hanking Corporation at Naga MM, and Mrs Turner have bft (or home via America, Mr .Turner being aacoeeded b» Mi 1( C. Bdvar<lv from Saigon.
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  • 276 8 The Hon. Treasurer, Mr. John Greig, manager, Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Singapore, begs to acknowledge with many thanks receipt of the following farther contributions Previously acknowledged »888,770.86 Education Dept. (7th cont Inspector of Schools, Office and Vernacular Schools Staff... .28.80 Raffles
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  • 185 8 Koala Nal.-9,500 lbs. Nyalas.— 7,s46 lbs. I'nited Sua 8et0ng.— 30,795 lbs. Laba (F.M.S.) -28,609 lbs Haytor.-8,658 lbs. j six months 49,093 lbs. Inch Kenneth- 20.400 lbs. Glenshiel.— l4,Boo lbs. Kajang.-6.900 lbs. Sun.-ci Ranial Syndicate.— 2,050 lbs. Tapa::.— 20,863 lbs.; six months 115,899 lbs Lanas— ll,ooo lbs eight
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  • 217 8 Cranberry pie, or apricot We love them not, we bate them not. Of all tbe victuals in pot or plate There's only one that we loatb and bate. We lore a hundred, we hate but one, And that we'll bato till our race is tun
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  • 26 8 Mr. Edward Lloyd lias coma oat of hi* retirement to aing in the chorus at Mine. I L'lara Butt's concert in aid u( the Kod Cross.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 356 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS jJireSssS I PERFECT T PIANO Style II $400. Bolid teak case. Style 11 1 $450. Extended iron frame, Overstrung stringing, \Jibeial UnderdamperAction, d[Bcount Riveted keys and hammers, Scale full Compass, f Qr Guaranteed for five years. cash. 8. MOUTRIE CO., LTd\ Raffles Place. Telegraphic Address ■RONNYMEDI, PENANQ tt\'X2
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    • 366 8 tty I C Cantrell tfCochranes) im\ Ginger Ale I H I Solo Importers pf HIBBERT, WOODROFFE [M^gji CO., LTD. (Incohi-okatkii in England). RAFFLES HOTEL Wednesday, July 7, SPECIAL DINNER a.t 8 p.m AFTER WHICH TOM EILEEN MELBOURNE WILL PRESENT Their Novel Entertainment "MIRTH MELODY" ADMISSION FREE. Patrons d. sirous of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 475 9 Tflß STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore The Asiatic Robber and Prcdnoe Go, ISB, Cecil Street. golly and Walsh, Lid., Raffle* Place. Money Changer, Hotel de l'Baropn Money Changer, Adelphi Hotel. Money Changer, Hotel t»o Wijk Money Channel, Raffles Hotel Koh A Co., Bras Basalt
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    • 570 9 NOTICES. NOTICE. Applications will be received at the Master Attendant's Office up to 26th Jnly for th« post of Signal Sergeant. Salary 11,180 por annum with free unfurnished quarter* and clothing. Applicants should have a good knowledge ot the Semaphore and Morse's Signalling am applications should be accompanied by copies
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    • 170 9 SHELL TO THE FRONT THE PROPRIETORS OF w^w. JC^ JLufj Jl^ MOTOR SPIRIT HOLD THE SOLE CONTRACT FOR THsI Supply of Motor Transport Spirit to the British Forces, both in the United Kingdom and on the Continent. USE "SHELL" THE BRITISH WAR SPIRIT. <m~K HIGH-CLASS M\ TAILOR Ik VvlftV and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 412 10 Wax or Piaob. Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WKJLT OTHER PROPERTY 18? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HBADOPFIOBi Wlnohsstsr Heuss, SligspONi LONDON OFFICI i 3i. Old Jewry, EC. Tbe Sompeay ban COO.OOO deposited with the Supreme Court of England, and complies
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    • 454 10 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PaID CP CAPITAL 6,000,000 1 RBSBRVK FUNDS I Sterling «1,600,000 at I/- •16,000,000 Silver ♦18,000,000 $88,000,000 I Reserve Liability of Proprietors 116,0004)00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. D. La n dale. Chairman. W. L. Pattcnden, Rag., Deputy Chairman. iB. H. Dod well, Esq IP.
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    • 607 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid ap Capital n 60,000 Shares of 430 e oh 41,800,000 Reserve Fund 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1.300,000 BANKERS The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd.. The London Connty and Westminster Bank, Ltd.,
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    • 1034 10 INSURANCE. I IN THE TRENCHES whore battle's intensity Deter ceafes and where life in bat breath eviry man thinks, mcmentarily, ol home. Thoss providing for acive service contingencies, face the 'Runs" frarl.Hsly, those neglecting to do so are pitiabli, as their family's plight is pic'ured vividly, if war claims them
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  • 711 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Demand Exceeds Supply. After an extended trip to all the leading Western automobile factories as far as the Mississippi Hiver and especially the Detroit plant?, one of which, is building 10,000 new fully -equipped IS9S Mecca thirty oars for the Times
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  • 239 11 British Straggler Who Ruled The Citizens. Here is a tale," says Mr. Jofin Bachan, in The Times, which may be not true, but which it well vouched for, and will serve as parable. Wben Ypres wan first bombarded early in November we withdrew our troops from the
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  • 147 11 Professor Hartog, M.A., D.Sc, of Unirer sity College, Cork, has published an appeal for compulsory military training, in the coarse of which he states:— For my own part, I believe that if training were at onoe made compulsory, there would be no need for coaipnlcory service. Esprit de corps, the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 142 11 1 SAFES ALL RATNER SAFES have Drill-Proof Doors and and Cornern, without which no Safe is entitled to te called 1 hief Rusistinß." NO RATHER IMPROVED FIRE RESISTING SAFE has ever had its contents destroyed by fire. NO RATNER IMPROVED THIEFRESISTING SAFE has ever been opened by burglars. fuii CENTRAL
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    • 188 11 MICHELIN TYRES For Motor Cars, Motor Cycles and Bicycles are recognized as being Prices on application to DUPIRE BROTHERS, SINGAPORE. WOULD YOU IMPROVE YOUR HEALTHP If v.c give joa the nccesrary instructions? Here v the proposition. htnd for a copy of the KAMSHASTRA. We shall ■end it free and even
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 792 12 JEFFREY'S PILSENER 1^ w^a T^a ]^\m BREWED in SCOTLAND MTICLEB FOB SALE COCONUT SEEOUNM FOt (Hi From well-nrawn trees. For particular lai prices apply to A. FKANKBL Sigla| E«tate, or at Victoria Street. 217 FOR SALE One four-seated rubber tjred Viotoria," in first-claas order, also harness. Apply A. Snow, Rose
      792 words
    • 546 12 TO BE LET OB SOLD. FURNISHED BEABIOE REBIDENCEB TO LET BELINDA and JUa.NITA to 'et furnished. Apply No. M* Sophia IS o ROOMS TO LET Rooms to let at ZETLAND UOUBB. Apply at No. 1, Kobinaon Road. «i TO LET Compound House N0. 4 Devonshire Road. Apply GUTHhIK Co., Ltd.
      546 words
    • 538 12 Tl BE LET OR MUL BUBIDE RESIOENCC TO lET 4 bedrooms, bathrooms attached, water laid on. Apply No 4, De Souza Street. 6 8b B TO LET. g, Mt. Elizabeth Road, farniahed or nntarni.bed. Apply No. 4, De Sonaa Street BUNGALOW TO LET. FAIRY-GLEN, 98 1, Martin Laos. Rent moderate.
      538 words
    • 467 12 tWTIOES. GUAM KIAT ft CO. 37, Philip Street GOODS READY IN STOCK NOW 6 7 15. 1,000 Casks Emerald Brand Cement 4,000 Kegs Hubbuok's Coloured Paint, 600 Xt Habbock'i Bed Lead Powder, 800 Kr Hubbuck's White Zno Paint, 800 Ke Hubbuck h White Lead Paint, 16,000 I White Cotton Wa*te,
      467 words
    • 511 12 KIAM KIAT&CO 108 s- 109. Market Street Telephone No. 491. Shipchandlers, Government »nd Mnnicipa Contractors. Estate Supplier! and Com mission Agents. HllLl AOIK'S The Malcott Belting Co., Ltd. Best Multiplar Brand Hair Beltings. M Hill NOTICE. THE SINGAPORE STORE Has now removed from 88 to 06, Notth Bridge Road (Adelphi
      511 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 233 12 Straits Ibimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Misoellnnu oas wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of 91 pei toot lines lor on jor two insertions. Notioee of Births, darriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding fjur lines, II each insev ion For p.p.c. c urds, on pa«o 8, 12. Inch
      233 words