The Straits Times, 17 May 1915

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.800 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. MAY 17. 1915. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 164 1 mii.kma!|» y |5^ KATZ BROS., LTD. T\/ SPECIALITIES What Makes a IN Man Well-Dressed www Not a pretty tie alone nor a t^^9 JK W*^^ JaY food ihirt— nor a styli.h waistco.t but his whole attire. ITOR In every department of Men* FmrnUhinga our line i» selected fer a man
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    • 46 1 SLEDGE MILK IS GENUINE Swiss Milk from cattle grazed on the FAMOUS PASTURES OF THB BERNESE ALPS. S M c tess* i W L E U Ajfs MltfC K aUk tO» I SLEDGE BRAIRD Unsweetened Condensed or Natural Sterilized. Sole Importers J. TRAVERS ft SONS, LIMITED.
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    • 138 1 ROBINSON CO. ANDREW S SCORE REGISTER AND NOTES b. s. a no 9 APERTURE SIGHT. ON SHOOTING. J Fitted with Patent 6-hole B. S. A. All-Distance Score Register *Jj eye piece as used at Bisley. a' so Refills for above. jp—, k'-ag-il FUNNELLETE PATCHES FOR A ,,s^4 CLEANING RIFLES. **^^a^a«B"*"'
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    • 41 1 i JEFFREYS PILSENER BEER. Soli Aoknts: ADAMSON. 6ILFILLAN co no. ASHCROFTS World-renowned BILLIARD TABLES (EsTAHLISHKD OVKK HALh A CKNTCKY) Awarded Gold Medals for Excellence of Quality All Sizes In stock Sou [3 A FRANKEL CO., Victoria Street. Telephone No. ISB.
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  • 1308 2 MALAY ENTERPRISE AT KUALA KANGSAR. Interest of the Sultan. It was peculiarly fitting, says tbe Times of Malaya, that a I'erak enterprise, largely built up by Malay capital and energy, should have received the seal of approval of the Sultan. On Saturday afternoon, His Highness formally opened
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  • 811 2 Prospects of Maintaining A Dividend. Tbe second annual general meeting of tbe Bute Plantations (1918; Ltd., was held at Shanghai on April 29. Mr. A. W. Barkill presided, supported by Messrs. O. Thoreseo, S. 8. Benjamin, E. S. Kaioorie, and Chu Pan-fay (directors), the attendance representing 120,110 shares.
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  • 50 2 The total number of immigrants from China to the Straits Settlements in 1914 was 147,150. This is 98,829 less than in 1913 and 122,704 less than in 1911, the record year. Immigration was prohibited on August 3 and the prohibition was still in foroe at the end of the year.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 661 2 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be received at the COLONIAL ENGIN BKK 8 Office, op to noon of the l'th May, 1916. supplying approximately the following quantities of metal on the under mentioned roads: (a) 8{ inch gauge laterite 1. 966 oubeson Ayer Rajah Road, between Municipal Limits and 6{ milestone
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    • 538 2 CHOP CHIN GUAN. 73. Boat Quay. NOTICE, We beg to call the attention of the Public that we are wholesale and retail dealers in all the h best and favourite liquors, etc We are suppliers to the 8.8. j F.M.S., British North Borneo and Dutch Ports for severa 11 years
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    • 12 2 For Children's Hacking Coogh at Night Wood* Great Peppermint Cora Is 64.
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    • 285 2 London Selling Agents TEA. INDIGO FIBRES \Sold on com. BRISTLES minion in Bnrttb OILSEFDS and Continental HIDKS SKINS M.rkeu RUBBER. DRUGS COTTON. WOOL I S«mple« vilurd. SSSi: XKS «*>«• <" GENERAL coMlßnment. inPRODUCE dicated. KEYMER, SON CO. d"|M»rt Dcpt.) Wkllclrlan. Loadoat Tcltarftms. '■Kiyracr. London." K*l. IM# SWEET SLEEP Tre restorer
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    • 417 2 To enrich the blood To strengthen muscles, bones, nerves and brain you cannot do than take SCOTT'S Emulsion. In every part of llie world this valued food tonic !>a3 proved its worth as the pure3t and best of all forms of cod liver oil treatment and the richest strsn^th-maker
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  • 1059 3 1914. Jane 27.— Assassination of Archduke Frans Ferdinand and his consort at Serajevo. July 26. Austrian ultimatum sent to Servia. August 1. Germany declares war on Russia and Franoe, and invades Belgium. 4.— Britain declares war on Germany. 28.— Battle of Mons begins, and the French
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  • 794 3 Favourable Reports— The Ultimate Output. The fifth annual ordinary general meeting of tbe Siak (Sumatra) Rubber Estates, Ltd, was held on April 8, at 4, Lloyd's Avenue, E.C., Mr. T. C. Owen (the chairman) presiding. The Chairman, in moving tbe adoption of the report and accounts, said
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 411 3 Shave Yourself. Every man submits the Gillette A Safety Razor to the test of his W individual beard. There is the wonder of the Gillette: its personal W service to seven million different men. Get yours to-day. British made. M Gillettf Standard Sets. One Guinos.— Sold Lvi-rywhcre. W W Write
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    • 78 3 WORLDS CYCLE RECORD >fcfca COVENTRY FLYER J» X la.sss aßlaa la HI Lari iM iflrii B CYCL tIMO TN nir m^]- 1 *£3-1O to £9 V r'rroa Art UUloiu*. aicAn neu ".hpakt, IVIbALJ (Itopt 319 LIVIIrOOL, Catalaivas eaa ka abtalnrd appllcat from ••allnf Ca.. I apt a. 119. IS, «d
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    • 416 3 Are you anxious about Baby? ss If so. you should do as this mother did your anxiety would disappear, S and votir Baby would have every chance of being healthy and honmc. firm and strong. The mother writes she "had great difficulty in finding =j a suitable food, and tried
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 476 4 BTEMIER BAILIH6B, P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. rOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANG, CBYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BGYPT MBDITBRRANBAN PORTS. PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued lor China Coast, Persian Golf. Continental and Amerioaa Porta, Steamers will leave Singapore oa or about— MAIL LINES Homeward (for Europe). I Connecting at
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    • 526 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y.IC. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIIfc CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A aervioe is maintained between Yokonama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail oontract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe bave been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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    • 688 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringganu, Biaot, Semerak, Kelantaa, Tabai, Bangoara, Telapin, Patani, Singora, Laooa, Kohsamui, Bandon, Laagsuen, Taau, Chumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok Ova Oapartups ■.a. MAHIDOL May 17 May 19, 3 p.m. a.a. BORIBAT 20, 3 p.m. a.a. ASDANO SI June a, S
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    • 609 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED. AND CHINA MUTUAL BTEAM NAY. CO.. LTD The Companlea' steamers are despalohed from Liverpool ontwarda (or the Straits, China and Japan every week aad from Japan homewards for London. Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnkht; (or Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and (or Marseilles, Havre
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 634 5 jttjL NO. 5 ROYAL xry^=k*=*Jl The Master Model. ll $171; <^BSB^l3 Hi Defies Competition. gS^&n H// Supplanting all other \\^^Lbh9HlSb^'*U// Makes, Sole Agenta for S. S. AF.M. S. M* HUTTENBACH BROS., STEAMER SAILINGS. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPM Royal Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia. 2 8. Collyer Quay. vNDKR CONTRACT WITH THE
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    • 468 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA BTEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Direct Servioe to Japan via Nona hong Shanghai, and to Oaloutt*. Via Pena.i*, from Singapore Ifekicg caifcO en thorough Bill* ot Ladi, for Canton. Mku, Swatow, Amoy, Obefcittntoio, NtwcJivrang, Yanj{taße Port* Kmm tbe Pbilippinee. etc.. etr., t'.c Steamere Tons. CommaocUn Kutsano 4,896 R.
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    • 116 5 THE "GARRETT" SUPERHEATED STEAM ENGINE (Fixed, Semi-Portable, Portable designs) .OAV£jB j. g r^>.. i Increase profits by reducirg Costs. jSrWB^% Wt? The most successful and satisfactory results on I^^* the Malayan Tinfields. THE BORNEO CO., LTD., "^SSc"* COCONUT OIL CAKE Cheapest Best Food for Cattle. FRESH STOCKS ALWAYS ON HAND.
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  • 752 6 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, Maj 14, 1815. Mean*. Lyall and Bvatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue th 6 following list of (notation* this morning:— The quotations on Starling Share* are only nominal. Norn. Valdi. Bi-ters. Sullies. 3/- AUagar 1/10 3/4 I 1 An»(lo
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 268 6 TOXOL PERFECTLY RBPLAOBS THB OBRMAN-OWNtD (Lysol) Antiseptic. Deodorant, Disinfectant, Cleansing. r-f LYSOT, Ihi- Oormma owned prep»i»tion, in still sold in SinKtpore; There!. ro INSIST on baying TOXOL. Tbe BRITISH made di»infict»at. TOXOL IS VERY STRONG THEREFORE IT IB CHEAP TO USB. TOXOL is an all BRITISH c.eaosing »nti tpti<£of the
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    • 253 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. PALLADIUM BPEGIAL BEABON OF TEN NI6HTB. < iMMKNCIN, ""Monday, May 24, 1915. ■MM*. SOMALEZ HM. PRESEIT THE ITALIAN GRAND OPERA CO. All, Star Artistes direct from Milan, Italy. »ugm«nt«l OrchMt-i of 11 Musicians under Jl tfca iirasttM «f SlftMr Conialsz: Special Socnery and tffeots carried for each production.
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  • 126 7 FIXTURES. Monday, May 17. High Water. 0.36 p.m., 11.46 p.m. Prayer meeting, Nind House, 5.16 p.m, Tuesday, May 18. High Water, 1.12 p.m. Race*, (first day). Wednesday, May 19. Bigh Water, 0.19 a.m 1.52 p.m. Grotesques, Palladium. Thursday, May 20. High Water, 0.58 a.m 2.42 p.m. B.
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  • 159 7 To u*i. Malacca and Muar Kaka 2 pm Malacca, I. Swettenbaui and T. Anson Perak 2 pra Malacca, Bombay Colombo and .linsen Maru 2pm i't-nanu and Calcutta taking mails for Durban Vatsbing 2 pm Sarawak ami (Joebilt R. of Sarawak 4pm Kota Tinggi H. Lie Guan 4pm
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  • 39 7 Lin Sinoapori. Do* in Lomdoh. Aiuii Mar. 24 .April 19 April 18 April 1 May 8 May 8 April 10 May 10 April 9 April 14 April 11 April 24 May 0 May 8 May 12
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  • 119 7 Latest Arrivals Lut ol Teaaela in port at 10 a.m on M»y 17, 1915. British. Name Date of Arrival Remark*. I arD»rvoo»hire 16-5 15 Outer Koada Edendale Inner Itoada Kri Muar 1MB Hyi Leont; >■ Pin Seng >, B Human Mcranti Hock Kdk II a OlanpKi Hock I.
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  • 832 7 Question of Making the Final Call The sixth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Kayapang Rubber Estate* Co., Ltd., took place recently at Shanghai, when Dr. K. .1. Marshall presided, supported by Messrx. W. S. Jackson and G. D Coutt«. directors, and M. G. Beck,
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  • 242 7 Outward The following passeofter booking* to the Strait" are taken from th« London and China Express It should be understood that, in some in-'anoes, book i ok* may be provisional and tlittt intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London
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  • 34 7 In the actiou, in Loodon, in which Miss Victoria Puultou claimed damage* from Lady Susan Augusta Milnjan and others (or an alltK»d oonspiiacy to libel and slander her, the jury disagreed and was discharged.
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  • 161 7 EXCHANGE. Singapore, Mat 17, 1916. On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4/, Demand 2 4 Private 8 m/s '2 1 On India Bank T. T. 174) On HoNOKONo...Bank d/d 2f On Shanohai ...Bank d.'d 09g On Java Bank T. T. 111, On Japan Bank d/d 114 Sovereigns— baying
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    • 192 7 10 10 Ampana 7.2S 7.75 1 1 AyerWoan O.BS C.45 10 10 BeUt 2.40 260 10 10 Braang 0.50 0.75 10 10 Kampai 800 10 10 Kanaboi 100 1 50 10 10 Kinta Association 7.03 41 41 KintaTin 1.14 S 1.17.0 41 41 Lahat Mine* 8.75 4.25 10 8.25
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    • 642 7 Buyerß. Sellers. 3/- 2/- Allagai 1/101 '2/1 41 41 Anglo-Jan 4/- 6/2/- a/- Anglo-Malay 7/8 7/6 ■ft 3/- BatantMalaki 1/- 1/8 41 41 Bato Tiga 2.0.0 2.4.0 2/. 2/- Bekoh 1/2 1/8 41 41 Bakit Kajang 1.11.0 1.15.0 41 41 Bakit LinUng 4.16.0 8.0.0 2/- 2/- Bakit Mertajam 2/-
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    • 130 7 vS£j B °y eni SellerB -41 41 B. Smelting 00. 18,0 14/ 41 41 Pref. 1.8.0 1.3.8 8/- Bleotric T'wiji 2/7 8/ 10 10 Frtats No»ve 53.00 63.50 60 60 Hammer Co. 105.00 115.00 100 Howuih Brakiae 80.00 100 7%Pref. 05.00 100 100 K*tß Bro, Del. 100.00 10 10
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    • 43 7 United Engineers 6% 11,384 500 norn Singapore Bloc trie Tramways 5% £850,000 norn B'pore Municipal 6% 11,878,000 l%pm Spore Municipal 4|% of 1907 11,800,000 norn Spore Municipal 41% of ■909 tI,OOn,OOC mm Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,00( 10%dis Sporu Municipal 4% £800,001 99
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 29 7 AIiCTIUM S4LES Chin* Kens; Lee and Co May M. At saleroom, valuable residential property at SootU Rosd, at 2 30. For Cbroaic Chest Complaint*, Wood* Great PepperanatCoM Is. 6d
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    • 212 7 THE BEST NAVY IN THE WORLD. THE BEST CIGARETTES IN THE WORLD. CIGARETTES No. 555 leaf Per tin of 50, 60 cento. Manufactured in perfectly hygienic factories by tbe ARDATH TOBACCO CO., Ltd, LONDON, ENGLAND. Britain's Greatest High-Class Cigarette and Tobacco Factory. BUY "SHELL" YOU CAN BELT ON THE QUALITY
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    • 80 7 3 FEATURES 3 HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH North Bridge Road. For a, Few Nights Only THAT SENSATIONAL DITEC'IV! DRAMA I MASTER CRIMINAL (In 8 Reels Tisaaliaed from tbe Work tf Honor de Baztr's TFOMPB L* MORI" OAUMONT GRAPHIC, MO. 14. At 0-16 Sharp Flßsl SHOW A I i. Bii The Great
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  • 1066 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, MAY 17. COMPENSATIONS. The preservation of equilibrium is one of tbe great laws of nature, and war brings out this fact with sharp intensity. At the moment, the tragedy of the Lusitania is still fr> sh in our minds. The great ship with nearly two thousand
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  • 19 8 A .Japanese naval html will play a selection of music on the Padang this afternoon, from 5 to 6.
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  • 20 8 The practice of the choir, at the Preabyterian Church, is to be held this week on Tuesday, at 5.15 pin.
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  • 22 8 This afternoon, at 5.15, the Rev. W. Cross will give the addreaa at tbe I'nited I'raycr Meeting, at Miss Blackmoro'H, Mount Sophia.
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  • 22 8 We are asked to a iy that after to-day, tbe offioe of tbe I'ruvost -Marshal will be at the Headquarters, Fort Canning.
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  • 40 8 There has been a revival in rubber interests in South Kedah due to the high level at which prices have been maintained, and several small holdings of tappable age have changed hands at figures averaging 1200 to li£o per rulong.
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  • 35 8 Petty Officer Arthur Lambert, Seamen B Green. Joseph Kinniburgb, Harold Collins, William A. Taylor, and Steward Thomas Mnllius have been awarded Distinguished Service Medals in connection with the action between the Sydney and tbe Emden.
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  • 48 8 Thirty or -10 mules which wore destined to draw German ammunition waggons are at present following a more peaceful occupation id London streets, harnessed to the delivery carts of the Army and Navy Stores. They were taken from a German steamer on her way borne from the Pacific.
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  • 48 8 According to the l'inang Gazette, tbe railway line from Bukit Mertajam to Alor Star is expected to be opened to traffic in September next. Meanwhile the mails from Penang are carritd by passenger trains to Gurun and transferred to the construction train for coveyance to tbe Post Office.
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  • 48 8 Tbe Wei-hai-woi correspondent of tbe N.-C. Daily News says that building operations amongst the Chinese merchants are again in full swing. Many old buildings are being pulled down and new ones put up in their stead, all indicating that prosperity Btill rules amongst tbe Chinese of this port.
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  • 57 8 In the third court, this morning, Mr. C. I. Carver mentioned a case in which a Chinese Tan Twan Hian is ctarged with being concerned in the importation of opium. A remand until Friday was granted, the case being connected with other proceedings which bave been commenced in court. Bail
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  • 65 8 At Calcutta, a kite recently surpassed tbe average audacity of its kind by swooping down and snatching a meerschaum cigarette bolder from the mouth of a person walking in Fort William. The kite kept firm hold of its booty, with which it disappeared. The theft of golf balls by crows
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  • 70 8 Messrs. Whittall and Co., Klang, state that they have received advice from the secretaries of the Sungei Kapar Rubber Co., Ltd., that the directors will recommend at the annual meeting, subject to audit, payment oi a final dividend for tbe year 1914 of 25 per cent., less tax, making 37
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  • 80 8 Messrs. Sbewan, Tomes and Co., of Hongkong, have sent to Canton for service there the motor boat KeenhODg, 25ft. long, 16j inches extreme draft, and tquipptd with an 18 horse power Brooke motor. The boat on trial in Kowloon Bay, with eigl.t persons on board, and in a choppy sea,
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  • 77 8 The first case under the new Alien Ordinance, passed by tbo Hongkong Legislative Council on the 6th inst., was mentioned in the Supreme Court tbe next morning, Mrs. Hickie suing Messrs. Lowe, Bingbam and Matthews, liquidators of the estate of an alien enemy. Mr. Holmes, for the plaintiff, said that
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  • 79 8 The fif^h number of tbe third volume of the Agricultural Bulletin of the F.M.S. has been maud, its contents comprising a long article on vulcanisation experiments on plantation Para rubber additions to the host plants »f link disease in Malaya the cultivation of ricu in .'•pain and the rectut International
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  • 97 8 Private Frank Maiden, of the 7th lUttalion, Second lufantry Brignie, writing to Mcl bourne li.nn Egypt, tells an amusing story. A certain colonel (oroide his moo to connon parade without thu regulation hat, and, be added semi humorous 1 <i c t the hats. Beg, borrow, or steal them but
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  • 119 8 Tbe Indian Malaria Board, in forwarding for the information of Government the re port on the progress made in the anti malarial operations in Madras city during the quarter ending December HI, 1014, says:— "The report shows a record of good work done during tbe HtRM, It is inten-.- tn
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  • 152 8 Dr. Scot*, of Sungti Sipnt, was charged at Ipoh on Friday with culpabl- hoaiioide Dot amounting to murder, auo caiiting the death of a person by a rash and n- jfligijot act. It was alleged that I>r. Scott was n ling a motor cycle through I'uniug ou December 2 last,
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  • 446 8 The acting Chief Justice. Mr. 1,. M. Woodward, has returned from Malacca, whero he has been occupied with tl.e Assizes for seveial week p. Mr. G. Pye Smith, of Messrs. Boustead and Cc, Penang, has been transferred to the branch of Messrs. Boustead, Hampshire and Co., at
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  • 66 8 To-morrow night will see the last Cinematograph entertainment at the Palladium for practically three weeks. The hall is booked for the Grotesques from Wednesday until Saturday. They are paying a return visit for four nights with ntw songs and business, and on the opening night that prime favourite,
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  • 233 8 At a summary Court- Martial, held at Meerut on April 19, No HI Sowar (acting Lance Dafadar) Khar Singh, and No. 810 Sowar Hazara Singh, both of the l'2th Cavalry, No. Havildar I Quarter Master 11 mMn I Biba Singh and No. -JB4H Sepoy I'hula
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  • 280 8 In the Supreme Court this morning Mr. .luHtice KarDHliaw was occupied willi the appeal of two Chinese boys, Mean Lai Hiny and Bean Joo Jean, against the Hunt) nee of two inontlih iiuprisuuuit at paHwd upon them in the police court, the charge aKainßt them btinx
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 170 8 The Dramatic Film of The Hour. A MAGNIFICENT DRAMA IN FOUR PARTS. AT THB ALHAMBRA TIM fiene«r Cinematograph Th«atr«, B«ach Road ■•oond Show, at 0.15 p.m. Patbe 8 Dramat'.o Masterpiece URSULA'S INHERITANCE Drama la 4 PUTS kf M. Daniel Rlcha. Founded on ÜBSULs SMIRQUET The Famous ioval by Honor* Do
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    • 11 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on pi^c 6 and 11.
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  • 2842 9 NORTH OF ARRAS BATTLE. Terrible Scenes Around Ypres. The Germans Held at Bay. AMEMCA AND GERMANY. Text of the Lwitania Note. Kll'TKH'a Th.k..i:vm. Loudou. May 15. 1.35 a.m. Paris, evening communique: North of Arra«, tlir state of the ground interfered with fighting, but we continued our olfensive and
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  • 357 9 GRAVE tVENTS RBPORFEO FROM MADRID. Squadron Bombards Lisbon. Rkitkr a Tclkoram*. London, May 15, 2.15 p.m. Malri'J: Information from the Ministry of tbe Interior, despite ofli -i il reserve, indi catcs grave events in Portugal. Cominunioationa are reported to be cot, and revolts h ivu broken out at
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  • 59 9 (From Oub Own Cobrkspondkn r.) London, May 17. Bukit SembawaDg pays a dividend of 8 per cent. The preliminary expenses have been written off and £10,000 cairicd forward. United Serdang pays au interim dividend of 15 per cent., Suru-i Salak a final of T>\ per cent. Rubber
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  • 63 9 (From Ouk Own Corbkspondist-) Ipob, May 15. A Singapore towkay, named Bong Jeok Soo, was charged at Ipob, before the man Utrate, with criminal breach of trust in respect of »27 ,610/25, at Singapore, in January, 1912. The matter It aliened to be ia coanec tiou with
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  • 206 9 A soldier in Cairo sends the following description of a ride on a camel, says the Manchester Guardian -Before a camel gets down it makeM a noise like a sitz bath being dragged along Oxford-road at the rate of about four miles an hour. Then it
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  • 459 9 OVER FOUR HUNDRED OFFER SERVICE. Several names reached as on Saturday too late (or insertion, and we have pleasure in Riving these below, and also one or two °*T T, hioh rriT6d earIier »ot were accidentally omitted from the list. The total is now about 411. With reference
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  • 442 9 Serious Motor Smash in Grove Road. A serious motorcar smash, in which several people had very narrow escapes, occurred yesterday morning iu Grove K.>ad. Id the early bourn a large party ot Japanese sea iu u started out on a tour of the island, occupyiug in all
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  • 47 9 Mr. E. S. (ubitt, Deputy Cunmrvator of KoretU, Bui tin, whose suvicri have bun lent to tbeColuoy by tbe Indian Oov< runitut for three years, ib appciuwd by tbe Uoverour to be Conservator of Forests, Straits Settle luentft and F.M.S., for that period, wr. from April 17.
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  • 2048 10 LETTER FRO M HOME. RAIDS AND RALLIES, AND MANY GOOD THINGS AT AUCTION. From Our Special Correspondent. London, Friday, April 16. Count Zeppelin bas ojoe more launched his gas-bags against us. If we were to believe all that has been aaid in the German paprrs about these gigantic engines of
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  • 60 10 Eighteenth List of Subscriptions. The committee gratefully acknowledge the following further subscriptions Previously acknowledged ...19,974.84 Key. H. O. Peile, M.A. 10 Bridge 4 Collection Boxes. Adeilphi Hotel 9 Kuiupe Hotel 6.60 Raft!. 8 Hotel 1.51 Van Wijk Hotel 26 Mra. WuJiart. April May 4 Lieut B. A.
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  • 8 10 Taipiag R. E.— 7JOO lbs
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  • 4150 10 DETAILED REPORT BY MR. MACFADYEN. Condition and Prospects. The report by the Hon. E. Macfadyen on the condition of Sandycroft robber estate is a discursive survey of facts and prospects, and will be read with great interest not only by the shareholders in Sandycroft, but by all who
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  • 702 10 Record of a Successful Year's Work. The following report of the committee of the Kelantan Planters' Association for the year 1914 15 has been forwarded by .Mr. 11. C. Paxon, chairman The membership consists as for tho previous year of 36 votes, representing 15,217 acres planted. Six general
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  • Correspondence.
    • 578 11 To the Editor of the straits Times. Sir,— All who have the oversight of child rt-n will rejoice to see the decision of the Legislative Council with regard to the use of the Reformatory. An one who has a good dral to with the care
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    • 145 11 To the Editor of the Strata Times. Sir,— In the course of your paragraph in Saturday paper apropos the coming Race meeting you say The lotteries will certainly add to the interest and with the secretary back again the club looks like wiping out for all time the
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    • 430 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Can yon explain why the above state of affairs should continue to tho serious detriment to trade not only of the Allies bat of all neutrals as well I The shortage of tonnage is being made worse by every
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    • 261 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, The officials of oar Public Health Department have no doubt many difficult problems to deal with in a place like Singapore, but it mast surely be difficult to defend the dumping of hundreds of tons of the tilthi st garbage
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    • 262 11 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— lt is most probable that one would, later if not sooner, see the coming into force of the Midwives Bill— a bill that is aimed at the midwifery practice of those native women called the Dukun or Bidao." For the
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  • 137 11 Mrs. Barnard, Koala Lumpur, desires to make public the foi lowing statement of subscriptions Previously acknowledged 9646 Collected by Mrs. R. c. M. KinderIt y Mrs. Haigh 2 Mrs. Dromtuond Hay 1 Mm. F. B. Gough a Mrs. R.I). Jackson March and April) 10
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  • 194 11 Cycling along liagan Datob lioad on Wednesday afternoon, Mr. D. 11. Morrison, of Flemington Etitnte, was attacked by five armed Chinese and robbed of 11,07(1, which he was taking to the i state for coolies' wages. Mr. Morrison carried the money in a despatch case on the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 50 11 Let dogs delight to bark aod bite, It pita- us ibem, do doubt, For prou»bly they're greater friend* Wben tli< j have had it oat. Aod let me also here remark, That I c uldo'l life endure Unlem I took io WiDt< r time Wck.N K| i*.ru, nt Cure
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    • 334 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FORD THE UNIVERSAL OAR Price: $1,450. IB^BWBBa^B^^^^lrj^gi^J^^'W If you deal in VALUES you'll ap reciate the FORD. Its SIMPLICITY, its ECONOMY, and i«s DEPENDABILITY give it a VA.LUE that cannot be measured by its price The FORD is the ONE CAK in WORLDWIDE SERVICE. Wearne Bros., Ltd., Singapore,
      334 words
    • 183 11 ECLAIR CO.'S FAMOUS DETECTIVE SERIAL ZIGOMAR Complete in Ten Reels AT IHE "GAIETY" PICTURE PALACE. Junction or Aldskt and Bbmcoolsm Stkbstb ■arias »o, 1 ZIfMMT vs. P. ulin Broguft J parts (crisi ic. I Zi»«msr vs. Nick tartar, 4 aarta lariss r 0 I Zigoipir the Eslakin, I parti Exact
      183 words
    • 219 11 HIBBERT'S H 3 Star Whisky. Obtainable from fpi ANN LOCK COY., fe»v Battery Road, SINGAPORE. RAFFLES HOTEL. RACE WEEK Special Dinners Tiffins Tuesday, May 18, Thursday, Mn.y 20. Saturday, May 222. D4NCING AFTER DINNER SZEUSIO BY THE PARISIAN TP2.10 ADELPHI HOTEL SPECIAL DINNER WITH MUSIC Saturday, May 22, TO BE
      219 words
    • 26 11 THE GROWN DRAPERY 29. Selegle road. Have just unpacked A Great Variety of tha LATEST TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED HATS, ALSO FLOWERS, WINGS, Etc. Now on View
      26 words

  • 2953 12 PROBLEM OF MARKETING THE PRODUCT. Striking Dividend Record. The fifth annual general meeting of the Straits Kubber Company, Ltd, was held on \pril 8, in the Council Room of the Kubber Growers' Association (Incorporated), 88, Kastcheap, 8.C., Mr. K. L. Hamilton (chair man of the company) presiding.
    2,953 words
  • 1355 12 Reasons for the Shortage in The Crop. The fifth ordinary general meeting of yie Bikam Rubber Estate, Limited, was held. on April 9 in the Council Room of the Rubber Growers' Association, 38, Eastcbeap, K.C., Mr. H. Eric Miller (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said
    1,355 words
  • 170 12 The committee beg to acknowledge with I thanks receipt of the following Already acknowledged and sent to London »8.683.33 Already acknowledged in hand 3,693.50 N. B. G. 5 European Employees, Dunlop Rubber Co, Malacca, and Johore, April subscription 59.50 Penghulu, of Tangga Batu 2.50 P. Pereira,
    170 words
  • 134 12 In Abyssinia the export of rubber is a Government monopoly vested in the Imperial Ethiopian Kubber Ui-^io. All the rubber now exported is collected by the natives from wild trees, of which there are great forests in the south wost. There is a plantation of rubber trees on the land
    134 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 356 12 IT IS FALSE ECONOMY TO BUY ANY BUT The Best Kerosene Oil DEVOE'S Imperial Brilliant Jp3.J)O CASE ALL DEALERS. REMARKABLE SUCCESS OF THE Columbia M-C Records. £1,250 already subscribed In Royalties to the Prince of Wales 3 Fund. HUNDREDS OF WAR SELECTIONS INCLrDIN. i Your King and Country Want You
      356 words

  • 1167 13 SHOOTING AS TRAINING FOR WAR. How One May Assist the Other. Frequently has one beard it suggested. writes Frank Bonnett in The Standard, that the use of the shotgun spoils one (or rifle shooting, and vice versa, the contention being that the shot Bun interferes with that
    1,167 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 189 13 BUTTER Wood and Company's "COW" BRAND Pure Creamery Butter is the Best Tinned Butter obtainable, and should be on every table. H^/lßsl feljm Retailed toy il \n CHIN HONQ, Robinson Road. LEE KHIA SOON, Orchard Road. LIM HOE CHIANG., Tanjong Pagar Road. BUAN SENQ LONG, South Canal Road. YONG HOA
      189 words
    • 156 13 "DRAGON" CEMENT Contracts have been secured for the supplies of Cement during 1915 to ™§jmM^!^ and t0 THE MUNICIPALITY i^l^^Ppl THE GOVERNMENT SINGAPORE. Vlfe^/ JOHORE. DUPIRE BROTHERS, SINGAPORE. Sole Agents for the Straits and P. M. S. AUCTION SALE Of GOVERNMENT UNSERVICEABLE STORES, To be held at The P. W.
      156 words
    • 81 13 SPECIAL DISPLAY OF NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED I JUST ARRIVED I I The attention of the Public is called to cur newly opened useful goods. Various kinds of Silk; Fin* Silk printed Crepe-de-Chene latins Taffeta Gauze*, etc. Damascene, Silver, Bras* and Cloisonne Wares, vary nioaly made. Oar Jewellery dept. is
      81 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 727 14 War or Peace, Famine or Plenty. Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar, W**AX OXMER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. H>*O O*FIC« i Wincheeter Mouee. 81-g.pore, LOMDOM OFFICE 83. Old Jewry, ■O. Tbe Cnmpany has £10 000 deposited with the Supreme Court of ED
      727 words
    • 441 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 116,000,000 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at 2/- 116,000,000 Silver 118,000 ,000 188,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 116,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. D. Laodale, Chairman. W. L. Pattenden, Esq., Deputy Chairman. S. H. Dod well, Esq P. H. Holyoak, Bsq. G. T.
      441 words
    • 393 14 BANKING, CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY EOYAL CHABTER Paid up Capital in 00,000 Shares ot each 41,200,000 Reserve Fund 41,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.200,000 BANKERS The Bank of England, The London City aud Midland Bank, Ltd.. Tbe London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd., The National
      393 words
    • 426 14 INSURANCE. THE SHANGHAI LIFE insurance: company, limited, is incorporate d in Hongkong and registered in Gnat Britain according to the Assurance Companiew Act, (1909) and bas on depot-it with the High Court (LomluLj luc bum it £20,000. The Company is also registertd iv Icd'a accordirg to the Indian Life Afwurance
      426 words
    • 205 14 The Straits Times FOR F.M.S. READERS The New Mail Train Servioe enables us tc send into the F.M.S. each evening a Special Edition of The Straits Times oontaining al tbe important telegrams and news reoeived up to a late hour in the afternoon. This edition can be bought in toe
      205 words

  • 923 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Variation in Tyre Construction. Charles L. Freeeton, in the Daily Chronicle, says Many and various have been the attempts which have been made from time to time to produoe either a pneumatic tyre which was unpunoturable, or a non-pneumatic tyre wbioh
    923 words
  • 196 15 "We had stopped by the roadside,' Mid a wounded Highlander, now in hospital at Higbam Ferrer*. I was haying a bit of a crack (oon venation) with a Dundee man in the artillery. Without any warning ballets came through the air as thick aa midges in a
    196 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 233 15 1 SAFES ALL RATNER SAFES have Drill-Proof Doors and and Corners, without which no Safe is entitled to be called Thief Resisting" NO RATNER IMPROVED FIRE RESISTING SAFE has ever had its contents destroyed by fire. NO RATNER IMPROVED THIEFRESISTING SAFE has ever been opened by burglars. Full CENTRAL SINGAPORE,
      233 words
    • 57 15 BY APPOINTMENT. DUNLOP MOTOR TYRES Horn Bulbs, Sure Patches, Repair Outfits Full and Complete Stocks, 43, Robinson Road SINGAPORE. DUNLOP: Founders of the Pneumatic Tyre Industry.; Stocks held by alljGarage Dealers, or from: THE DUNLOP RUBBER CO. Z LTD. 43, Robinson Road. J. Brown Company's FINEST LIQUEUR SCOTCH WHISKY "DAY
      57 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 428 16 Goodrich TYRES. Pneumatic and Solid. PRICES AND SUPPLIES UNAFFECTED BY WAR. SOLE AGENTS Adamson. Gilf illan &Go.. Ltd., SINGAPORE, PENANG and MALACCA. WANTS. C0MP08IT0R8 WANTED. Wanted, Compositors (or tbe Straits Times (news department) Good salaries given to able men. 8-5 n SHORTHAND TYPIST REQUIRED. By commercial firm Apply with testimonial*,
      428 words
    • 322 16 ARTICLES FOB SALE. COCONUT 8EEDUH68 FOR SALE From well (frown trees. For particular and prices, spply to A. FRANKBL, 8igl*f Estate, or »t Victoria Street. n-7 FOR 8AIE Handsome Yellow Motor Car, 4-s3ater Erit in nood runnUp order. Price 11,(00. Apply W. P. W. Her, c/o Paterson, Simons Co., Ltd.
      322 words
    • 493 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. FURNISHED 8EA8IOE RE8IDENCE8 TO LET. BELINDA and JUAN ITA. to 'st furnished, ippl j No. 9. lit. Sophi» 16 o 0FFICE8 ro LET No. 1 a, Raffles Quay, 1st and and Floor*. *PPly GIJTHRIB Co., Ltd. 14 18 o ROOMS TO LET Rooms to let
      493 words
    • 485 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. H0U8ET0 LET. No. 121 8, RiTer Valley Road. Apply Tio Cliin Chay, a, Synagogue Street. TO LET. GROUND FLOOR. Two-storeytd eonirouari house, near town, Bent 130. Apply Bapy, c/o Straita Times. 8-4» a TO LET Compound House No. 102, River Valley Road. Immediate entry. Apply
      485 words
    • 357 16 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO.. 37. Philip Street Shlp-Chindlcri, Government and Municipal Contractort, toaaral Importer* and Eiportart and Commission Agents, Estates. Rica Mill and Saw-Mill Supplier*. Sou Aoenis For "GLOBE* 1 BOILER FLUID. THB IDBAL FLUID FOR CLEANING AND PRESERVING STEAM BUILBRS. Tel. Address: "GUANKIAT," Singapore Codis l-sid A. B C.
      357 words
    • 527 16 KIAM KIAT CO. 108 ft 100. Market Street. Telephone No. 421. Shipobandlera, Government and Munioipa. Contractors. Estate Suppliers and Com mission Agents. Sou Aobni» The Mnlcott Belting Co., Ltd. Best Maltiplar Brand Hair Beltings. IT ***** NOTICE. It is hereby notified that the Exchange Banks will be closed at noon
      527 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 234 16 Straits Ibimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Misoellane oas wants of every description are insetted at the prepaid rate of II pet foat lines for on 3or two insertions. Notioee of Births, damages, or Deaths, if not exceeding f jot linen, tl each inset ion. For p.p.c. o urds, on page 8, Inch Scalb
      234 words