The Straits Times, 12 May 1915

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 24.790 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. MAY 12. 1915. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 111 1 ill What Makes a Man Weil-Dressed Not a pretty tie alone nor good ihirt nor a styliin nutcoat but his whole attire. In every department of Men's Farnishings our line is selected fey a uun who knows what makes a man wtli dm.cJ Only the kinds the best drrssrd men
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    • 78 1 KATZ BROS., LTD. SPECIALITIES IN Men's FOR THE RACES Soft Felt Hats, Boots Shoes, Tunic Shirts, Sporting Coats, Handkerchiefs, Mackintoshes, Ties, Collars. Half-Hose, etc Special Window Display To-day KATZ BROS., LTD. THE STORE for Smart Things in Men's Wear a* Moderate Prices. SLEDGE MILK IS OBNUINB Swiss Milk from cattle
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    • 198 1 ROBINSON CO., SOLE AGENTS IS THE Federated Malay States and Straits Settlements FOR BEWLAY'S PIPES 4 Every Pipe is Stamped on the Stem with the name BEWLAY All P"*" '^m bY BE W LAY Jt;JW Pipes are of the highest possiblequality and finish. Catalogue of |lX Wf I j .til
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  • 1341 2 Forty Years' Record Of Improvement. j A paper read before the Institution of Civil Engineers by Sir Thomas Mason described the improvements that have been effected on the River Clyde and tbe harbour of Glasgow sinoe 1878, when the last account of the works was read
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 748 2 NOTICES. RATHBOURNE DAIRY FARM. TEL 1382. The only Dairy Farm in Singapore (private or otherwise) entirely nnder European management. Pare Milk. 48 ots. quarts, U ots pint*. Freeh Batter 80 ct*. lb. Ghea 75 ots lb delivered at bouses twioe daily. 8 6 14-6 THE AVER MOLEK RUBBER COMPANY. LIMITED.
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    • 44 2 there's Purity and Vigour IN EV..RY DROP OF READ'S Dog's Head Gmnness The TONIC that cheers and soothes and doesn't harm. A simple nouiishing food of high meduinal value. NOTE. -The above DOG'S HEAD Label is lon every bottle. Refuse imitations. S Id jj
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    • 387 2 to-rolßb YOUR SKIN AND f COMPLEXION 1 m b» kepi in VeHrci Condition all 3 B^athLm'rLa-iiu U el'e,T.ll r d 3 remove! ill KoughneM, Redneit, Tan, f9 Ir .I.IKXI. clc .nd I. drl.ihlfullr Uf %M. BEEiifAlrT SON, JE&H CHELTENHAM, Afh,\ ENGLAND. j The Demon Defied The demon Rheumatism can no
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    • 290 2 %3r' HIGH- CLASS Mi TAILOR Ik Ml\ and Outfitter. V NJ. [H A 'ar^e stick ol ready-made tropi-a 1 clothing, J^yJ uB in all fi/.es. hl*aya on band, ready for \grt*. II immediate delivery. Should a very large gW/ JI order te rxjuirtd, airanxemtnts can be made Jh W te
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 261 2 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obt ined at the following placi s in Singapore The Asiatic Fubber and Produce Co., 188, Cecil Street. Kelly and Wall. Ltd., Raffle* Place. Money Changar Hotel de ISaropt Money Changer Adelphi HotaL Money Changer Hotel van Wijk. Money Changer Raffles Hotel. Kch Co., Bras
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  • 937 3 Unfortunate Position ot The Company. Tbe second annual general meeting of tbe shareholders of tbe Bukit Tawan« Hydraulic Mining Co., Ltd., was held at tbe registered office of tbe company, Government Buildings, I'unang, on May 0, Mr. H. Waugh in tbe chair, tbe others present being Meitsrs.
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  • 174 3 The report of the Loodoo Asiatic Rubber and Produce Company, Ltd., for 1914 states that the crop of rubber harvested amounted to 1,181,480 lbs., against an estimate of 1,100,0(10 lbs., and a crop Moored in 1918 ol 1,006,736 lbs. The average urcmu price realised was 2s. 1.47 d.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 231 3 W (TRADE *W MARK.)> I f^kX sV' '~s% w ~W Tbia is to give nntioe that the abovo Trade Mark ia the property ot the firm of Theejanoa Sona. having itc place of baeiners at No. 63, Market Stro. t, Singapore, and tbat it ia used by that firm aa
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    • 362 3 Paralysed Child Helpless and Wasted. Left Hospital a Cripple, Bat made well by these Tablets. Mr* Cooper, of F«nn Lane*. F«nr.y Dragon, iiwr Kuneaton, says: "Dr. Caasell't Tablets Hire, years, and now, jftj^ by h<'i gclf. yr^r^^ jt-SaffiiFaw I' "i formed, but there seemed no hope. Baa Wt hospital a
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    • 300 3 Weakness Debility IRON 'JIiLLOIDS, 1 the reliable tonic, strengthen your blood and fortify your system against climatic effects. After a course of Irox 'Jelloids,' the blood is enriched, appetite is restored, vitality increased, Weakness and Debility disappear, and your system is enabled to combat attacks of Malaria and other diseases.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 441 4 STEAMER MILIH63. I P. O. BTEAM NAVIGATION GO. rOK CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANU, CBYLON. AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BGYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. PLY MOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills ot Lading issued (or China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. i Steamer* will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Homeward {for Europe).
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    • 542 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y7K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A servioe is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail oontraet with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamer* maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all the
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    • 702 4 STUMER MILIIiaS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LB. I SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Tringßano, Biaot, Semerak, Kelantta, Takmi, Bangnara, Tolopin, P»Ud. Sini(or» I- aeon KobsarcoJ, Bandon, LangirjeD, Tafcu, Obompon, Kohlak and B%ngkok ASDANQ May IS, 3 p m. MAHIOOL May 17 19, 3 pm. M, BORIBAT 24 26, 3 p.m. ASOANG
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    • 617 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japsn evory week aud from Japan homewards for London. Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight; for Oenoa. Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre
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    • 606 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. BTOOMVAARTMAATBCHAPPIJ (STBAMSHIP COMPANY; "NEDERLAND." FORTNIGHTLY MAIL SBRYICB BBTWBEN JAVA AND AMSTERDAM VIA SINOAPORB, BBLAWAN-OBLI SABANG, COLOMriC, PORT SAID AND MM*. Steamers are doe on or about the undermentioned dates Outward. Hombwabu. 1016 1915 Grotias May 14 Vondcl May 16 Prins d Ned. May '28 Koningin d. Prinaes Juliana
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 574 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. KONINKUJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Royal Packet Navigation Co.. of Batavia 2-8, Collyer Qoaj, VNDIR CONTRACT WITH THB NBTHBRLANDS INDIA GOVERNMBNT. Tbe undermentioned dates ol departure are only approximate, SmtfkawdiiK St<marang, Cberibon and Batavia. Sinukil Tanicng Mengeidar, Tanjong Leidong Berombang, Paneh, Asahan and Belawan -Dili. D 1B Van Gotns Letong,
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    • 390 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDO-CHINA BTEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Divwot S«rvio« to Japan via Hong kong Shanghai, and to Oaloutta. via Ponang, from Singapore. Taking urgo on thorough Bill* of l*d:D. (or Canton. Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Ooefui Tientsin, Newchwaog, Yan|(tase Port*. Wm mosa, the Philippines, etc., etc., etc. tttamart Tons. Oommandei 11
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    • 212 5 A SPRINGS Property of the French Govern ment Agent GAGGINO CO. Vichy -^Celestins ~'j^*~* diainfeots tbe intestines |J~ i^^A a good preservative T against infective diseases. Bottled an^or the <nper. >- U3Jjjm vision of :l.t Frtu li I Oovernmont (fficials. BEWARE of IMITATIONS. MUNICIPAL NOIICE The Municipal Commissioners of Singapore
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    • 165 5 JjIlL NO. 5 ROYAL iL The Master Model. T&pSK^S&gdHK^// Defies Competition. W^^W i'iiifc*^^'// Makes t s «n rrn ri II Sole A R enlB '<» s. s. •f.m. 8. WS^II i uttenbwh br w., FAft EAST OXYGEN AND ACETYLENE CO., LIT. lintfapore Bntnoh. OXYGEN GAS AND DISSOLVED ACETYLENE. Marine Boiler
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 205 5 The Straits Times FOR F.M.S. READERS The New Mail Train SetTiee enables as to send into the F.M.S. each evening a Special Edition of The Straits Times oontaining al the important telegrams and news received op to a late boor in the afternoon. This edition can be bought in ibe
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  • 828 6 1914. 16. German warships bombarded Soar, borough, Whitby and Uartlepool 122 people are killed and 496 wounded. '21. Khedive of Egypt is deposed and his ancle becomes Sultan uader British protectorate. 80. Russians have broken the combine* 1 efforts of Germans, Atutrians and Turks in tbe
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 331 6 MORTGAGEES SALE On Momiay, Mat 17, 1915. at 2.30 i-.m. Valuable Freehold l:.nd and hom<- No. 18. Race Course Road, art a 10 651 pq foot, being lota 1 to I, 41 to 47, and part of lot 43 of Grant 147. CHINO UN LEB 4 CO Auctioneers. T. Dadlry
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  • 116 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, May 12. High Water, 9.4:) a.m 0.24 p.m Art Exhibition, Tanglin Club. Presbytviritn Reception, YM.C.A, 4.80-6.80 p.m. Thursday, May 13. High Water. 10 ijatn 9.49 p.m. P. and <). homeward mail expected. Friday, May 14. High Water, MJt a.m., 10.15 p.m. P. and O. homeward
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  • 143 7 To-D*T. Malacca, P. Swettenham and Telok Anson lml. 2 pm Bstu Pahat Sri Wongsee 2pm Port Swettenham snd Peuang Lams 2 pro Mt«Un Medusa 2 pm Hongkong and Shanghai i.intuck 4 pm Kota Tinggi Benuit 4 pm Ceylon, India and Aden Sardinia 1 p-u ICssr* Australasia, Mauritius,
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  • 64 7 The P. and O. outward miil steamer Oriental left Colombo and may be expected to arrive bcre on Thursday afternoon, May 13. Mall* for Europe. Lift Simoapom. Dc» m Loitnon a«eit. Mar 25 26 April 26 Mar. 28 19 April 19 April 1 May 8 May 8
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  • 423 7 Abandoned Estate for Lease Or Sale. The fifth annual ordinary general meeting of shareholders in the Kuala Bidor Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held at Colombo on May 1, when there were present Mr. W. Suther land Ross, in the chair, Mr. Edwin John, Sir Stanley Bois, by
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  • 67 7 Latest Arrival*. Lilt of vessels in port at 10 am. od May 12, 1915. British. Name Date of Arrival Remarks. 11-515 Outer Roads Kintuck No. 6 Wharf Hong Aik loner Ruads Hi iiu.t Hock Xt n« Soon HonK San it Huck Tew Azmere *inn Leoag Acbecn Sri
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  • 257 7 Outward. The followicj; pin lunger booking! to the Strait* are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in aome instances, uuukingn may be provisional and that intending paiwengers may alter their arrangements, subsoijuent to the issuance of this list in London Per
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  • 158 7 EXCHANGE. Sinqapoei, May 13, 1915. On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4/, Demand 1,4 Private 8 m/s 2/41 On India Bank T. T. 174J On HoNQKONO...Bank d/d 20] On Shanghai ...Bank d,d 99J On Java Bank T. T. 142 On Japan Bank d/d 114 Sovereigns buying rate 98.54
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    • 202 7 I*? 6 3 Bayers. Seller*. Valae 10 10 Ampang 7.26 7.75 1 1 AyerWenfi 0.36 C.45 10 10 Belat 2.40 260 10 10 Bruang 0.50 0.75 10 10 Kanipa. 6.00 10 10 Kanaboi 1.00 1 50 10 10 KinUAaeocation 7.00 41 41 Kinta Tin 1.1 4 6 1.17.0 £1
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    • 661 7 Jf? 6 1 Bayers. Sailers. Value 2/. 8/. Allagai l/10i 2/1* £1 41 Anglo-Java 2/ 2/- Anglo-Malay 7,8 7/6 2/- 2/- Batang Malak* 1/- 1,8 £1 41 Batn Ti^a 2 0.0 2 4.0 2/- 3/- Bekob 1/2 1/8 £1 41 Bckit Kajang 1.11.6 1.15.0 £1 41 Bnkit Lintang 2.16.0
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    • 135 7 vSLI B en SellerB -41 41 B. Smelting Oc. 18,6 14/--41 41 Prd. 1.8.0 1.8.8 6/- Blectrie Twajs 2/7 8/--10 10 Fmaer Ne»ve 58.00 68.50 BO 60 Hammer k Co. 105.00 115.00 100 Howarth Brakioe 30.00 100 7% Prat 95.00 100 100 R»ti Bro, Del. 100.00 10 10 Marnard
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    • 44 7 United Engineers 8% 11,281 600 nom Singapore Electric Tramways 6% £850,000 nom S'pore Municipal 6% 11,878,000 I%pm S'pore Municipal 4|% of 1907 f 1,800,000 n.m S'pore Municipal 4 t of 1909 .1.000,00c nom S'pore Municipal 4% 2,000,03f lf,%dia S'pore Municipal 4% £300,001 92
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 356 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. May 18.— At East Reclamation Tanjong Pagar, a large quantity of earthenware, etc., at 9.90. For Chronic Chest Complaint*, Wood* Great Peppermint Care Is. 6d. LATTES ADVERTISEMENTS. "WOLF" BRAND STOUT. WC HEREBY NOTIFY that we have, from tne lotb May. 1915, been appointed Agents for
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    • 224 7 "SPRINGBOK" THE GENUINE BOER TOBACCO. Manufactured from the finest Magaliesberg Tobacco. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE in 4-oz. SEALED BA6S. GARBOLINEUM AVENARIUS Beat Wood Preservative As supplied to prominent building contractors. In 5-gallon drums. Salad Oil in 1-gallon tins, at $2. 50 per tla. Sou Ao»nts S. J. ifUDAH CO., No. 29. ROBINSON
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    • 70 7 ,*«The quotations of sterling shares most be regarded as purely nominal for tha present. H4RIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH North Bridge Road. TO-NIGHT! 9.15 TO-NIGHT!! And for a Few Nights Only THAT GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR DRAMA I CALLED to the FRONT OR GREAT BRITAIN SUPPORTS HER FRIENDS IM 3 PART*. DENMARK'S GREAT
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  • 1274 8 The Straits Times WEDNESDAY, MAY 12. MILITARY PROSPECT. It mast be a surprise to most people that there is so little news from the seat of war. We gather that p<trt of the British line in Flanders has been aoved back about eight milefl, and that the famous Hill 60
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  • 17 8 One of the vessels now trading between Singapore and Bangkok cleared 114,000 profit on her last cargo.
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  • 19 8 Thursday night, June 17, is fixed for a Presbyterian Church Sacred Concert. Practices will begin in a few days.
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  • 22 8 To-morrow is Ascension Day. There will be at St. Andrew's Cathedral a choral celebration at 7.80 and evensong and sermon at 6.
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  • 36 8 Under the auspicious of tbe Chinese Christian Association, tbe Rev. W. Murray will give a lecture in tbe Prinsep Street Church, on Friday, at 8 p.m., on Lord Roberts I the Greatest Soldier of his Time.
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  • 40 8 Until furthor notice, the export duty upon wild rubber in Sarawak, which has been crtped or subjected to other process of manufacture, will be ."> per cent ad valorem. Export duties upon leaves of plantation rubber trees will be the same.
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  • 45 8 The Pinang Gazette reports Two police inspectors from the local force bave disappeared, and have not been heard of since the beginning of the month. One of them had savings of 12,000 which he took out of the safe the day before be left Penasg.
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  • 46 8 That old favourite, Harmston's Circus, wili be paying another visit to this town shortly. It opens at Penang on the 21st inst. The advance agent states that tbe show is bigger, brighter and better than ever and has been playing to excellent bouses all through India.
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  • 48 8 Reporting on the copra market, Messrs. Barlow and Co. state that during the week, the market has fluctuated somewhat. After a rise of about SO cuts per picul, prices declined and close at about last week's level. Fine sundried 18.20, fair to good 17.70 to 17.90 per picul.
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  • 47 8 Among other cargo for Bangkok held up in Singapore, sajs a ttmi exchange, is a consignment of marble and plaster from Oenoa to be used in connection with the Throne Hall. It is held up in Singapore pending production of a certificate from the, country of origin.
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  • 47 8 M. Milk-rand, tin; French Minister for war, has decided to put the Hotel des Invalides in Paris to tbe use originally inter. lt d. One thousand mutilated soldiera will be admitted to this splendid "Hotel de la Gloire." Only those without family or means will be accepted.
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  • 48 8 T. A. Edison, the celebrated inventor, announces that he has produced a new storage battery which will enable submarines to remain submerged for 10 days without tbe crews running a danger of chloride poison ings. The battery will give the subiuasine an under. water range of 150 miles.
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  • 56 8 Tbe Sarawak Gazette hears from Oya tbat there is a great rage there just now tor 1(464 Straits Settlements copper money with the Queen's head and tbat they are being bought by Sarawak Malays for 15 cents tad In Kuching they are also sought after ithey are supposed to contain
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  • 90 8 Local freights are still showing an upward tendency, says tbe Bangkok Tiuies. It is reported tbat the Selun has now be i. chartered for twelve months at the rate ol 10,000 Straits dollars a month. tVataafl ratux to Singapore are 42J cents, and Hongkong 00 cents a« compared with about
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  • 93 8 At -Messrs. Powell and Co.'s auction of local property yesterday alternuon, there was a large attendance of Asiatic and otber buyors and price realized was considered quite satisfactory. Leasehold laud, area 6,004 square feet, comprised in East India Co.'b lease No. 1486 for 999 years subject to a yearly quit
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  • 94 8 The estimates for tbe English Civil Ser viocs for the present financial year ending next March hliow that in the foreign and colonial st» vices, tbe diplomatic and consular mtvico eblimate is .£751,917, a decrease of .£43.124. In tbe colonial service there is a decrease of .£98,249. The total sum
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  • 123 8 This morning in the third court a Malay named Mohamed bin Uajee Kais wan charged with failing to give information concerning the body of a man who had been stabbed. Detective Inspector McAfee, who mentioned tbe caw, remarked tbat suiue fifteen minutes nft< r Mm victim of a recent murder
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  • 457 8 The Rev. W. Crof s will be at the V.M C.A. from 430 to 6-80, p.m., to day, to meet members and friends of the Presbyterian Church. M. Monier, attached to the Government of Indo China, who came to Singapore in March last to meet M. Roume,
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  • 58 8 Tbe following is officially issued from Command Headquarters for publication Telegrams fron KolanUn received on the 11th report that tbe British force reacbtd Panir Patch, near the Semarak Kiver, without opposition. Tbe country is ijuiet now and the insurgents appear to have dispersed, bnt it is thought advisable
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  • 184 8 Among various m wapapcrs which are publinlnd by French Huldicrs, a yrnxl example is tbe Kigolboclie, which is pnxlucid by the 10th Division ard claims the lairgaat circulation of any newipaperon the front. "Capital: oae huh per day. Offices tuigratury." it annoances in its hrading. However,
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  • 233 8 At the moatlily nu itiny of directors of the Rajah Hitatn Coconut Kxtatt', l-'.d held in Bangkok recently, the cliairnjan (Mr. Mackay) reported that lie bad recently visited the company's estate on tbe Hernam river, Selangor, and was agreeably nurpriaed to see the remarkable growth of tbe
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 463 8 the: new R°NEp Duplicator Produces 100 typed letters per minute, at a cost of 2O cents. SELF -INKING; AUTOMATIC PAPERFEED. Free Demonstration by RONEO, LTD., 14a, Collyer Quay. FINEST ASSAM BLENDED TEA BLENDED PRODUCED FROM IN THE CAREFULLY BEST sFLIC'EO TEA DISTRICTS VARIETIES ISaH IN INDIA. TIMOC MARK MODERATE IN
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    • 152 8 The Dramatio Film of The Hour. A MAGNIFICENT DRAMA IN f OUR PARTB. AT THE ALHAMBRA Th« Hmsr Cliramitotraph Thaair*. kich Road ■eoond Bhow, at 0.16 p.m. Patbe's Dramatic Masterpiece: URSULA'S INHERITANCE Drama la 4 PUTS b» M Daniel Rlche Founded on U«SUU'I MIROUET Ths Famous ■oral by Honor* Oe
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    • 12 8 Latest advertisements of tbe day appear on page 6, 7 and 11.
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  • 1373 9 WILFUL MURDER. British Prisoners Being Shot. BAVARIAN BRUTALITY REVEALED. LUSITANIA. President Wilson Too Proud To Fight. Rkitrr'h Telehrams. London, May 11, 1.30 a m. Correspondents in the north of France state that tierce fighting is general on a front of seventy miles from Arras to the sea. This
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  • 183 9 CLOSE OF THE RECENT CRISIS. Hi- in: 's TkIKORAUS. The following metsiges, despatched under V dates named, are now released by the Censor for publication London, May 0, 5.20 p.m. Router learns from an authoritative Japanese source tbat Japan has not the least desire to impair tbe
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  • 41 9 Reuter's Telegram. London, May 10. Thn death is reported of Colonel D. M. Lumsden, who raised Lumsden's Horae for South Africa. London, May 11. Tbe late Colonel Lumsden underwent a serious operation at the end of April.
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  • 33 9 (Fiom Our Own Correspond *nt.) London, May 11. The following final dividends bave been dt clared Sungei Krian 10, Chota 6J, Tangga Batu 19J, Riverside 10, and Scottish Malay 15.
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  • 51 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 11. The report of Malacca Rubber Plantations show a profit of £144,000, with a dividend of 174 per cent., carrying forward £16,000. The French tax assessment over a five year period amounts to £31,000. Tbe report describes the tax as unexpectedly
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  • 40 9 (Fbom Our Own Correspondknt.) Kuala Lumpur, May 11. Mr. A. R. Cross, solicitor of Seremban, formerly with Messrs. Braddell Bros Singspore, who was a passenger on the Lusitania, cables tbat be is safe at Queens town.
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  • 150 9 At an extraordinary general meeting of tbe Changkat Serdang E»< s, Ltd to be held on tbe 22nd inst resolutions will be moved (1) Tbat tbe 5.003 ordinary share* of 110 each which constitute the unissued capital of the company be subdivided and divided into 10,000 ordinary
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  • 57 9 The North China Daily News says tbat r 'ports from tbe interior of China show that the cheap German service of fabricated news so readily accepted a few months ago U now discredited, while at the ports the Chinese merchant asks why German ships flg not put in if tbe
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  • 890 9 Even the dost fatuous optimist mast be aware that there is need for more men in the local defence service. We would therefore ask the heads of European businesses to look over the Hat of their staffs and use all their influence to induce young mem to join
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  • 88 9 German stamp collectors are eigerly baying up tbe stamps of the German colonies which are now in foreign possession at high prices. At the end of tbe war, the Herman authorities, it is explained, will introducenew stamps (what hopes as the soldier ■ays), as the old stocks will bave been
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  • 22 9 Mr. P. Anthony. Gent-mi Mana«. r, KM S. Railways, ban delayed bis return from leave being retained for Government duty at home.
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  • 2147 10 FIRST OFFICIAL NARRATIVE PUBLISHED. Mr. Maxwell's Account. The following narrative of events connect ed with tbe riot at Singapore, says Tbe Time* of April 14, has been compiled from a preliminary account of Mr. W. G. Maxwell, acting Secretary to the High Commissioner lor the Malay States Monday,
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  • 72 10 Mr. C. A. Osborne, Consul for Sarawak at ■leddah, writes that on the declaration of war with Turkey he, together with other Consuls, was obliged to leave loJdali, but he had made arrangements with bis Indian repn stintniv, now in Mecca, to look after tbe intoieats of pilgrims from Sarawak
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  • Correspondence.
    • 177 10 To the Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir,— The following translation from a Danish newspaper might interest yon Daring the last few weeks large numbers of Germans have arrived by the Express trains from Berlin. Tbe large hotels are gradually filling up and the many Pensions, both tbe
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  • 291 10 Accidental Death of A German Skipper. Bangkok papers announce tbe death by drowning of Captain Sorboff, which occurred on the evening of May 2, some time after seven o'clock. The Siam Observer states: Captain Sarboff had spent the later part of the day on board the steamer Patani.
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  • 190 10 Handicaps For First Day Of Spring Meeting. The following are tbe handicaps for the first day's racing (next Tuesday) at tbe Singapore Spring meeting 1. Opimno Stakes. Distance, Racecourse. Sandy Creek 10. Tom Tom 9.10 Hedonist 9.9 Preopal 9.7 Cbarmante 8.18 Lady Flower 7.9 Friendless 7.7 Venture 7.7
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  • 1149 10 Exhibition of Work at Tanglin Club. An art club need not make any appeal to the general public before it can claim the right to exist— folk who belong to snch coteries usually do so because they are enthusiasts and in that fact lies an all-sufficient reason
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  • 946 10 REPORT ON SECOND HALF OF LAST YEAR. Earnings Considered Satisfactory. The Singapore Harbour Board report for the second bait of 1914 reflects what may be oonsidered, in these abnormal times, a not unsatisfactory result. The statistics of revenue, of shipping accommodated and bandied, and of work undertaken
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  • 687 10 Substantial Advance in Demand And Prices. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association 190 th auotion was beld on Tuesday. Offered for sale Pis. 2,088.82 or WTjMI lbs. (tons 124.04); sold Pis. 1,589.86 or 211,980 lbs. (tons 94.68). Prices realised:— Sheet smoked fine ribbed ..1127 to $184
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  • 236 10 All soldiers whose eyesight is imperfect are to be provided with Bpectacleß free. The War Office has approved the issue of steel spectacles (both convex and concave) at tbe public expeose during the war to all soldiers whose eyesight is defective, and whose vision and efficiency will,
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  • 80 11 (From Orn Own Cobbk*pom>knt). Ipoli. May 11. A meeting called by the liesidei.-. was held in Ipoh yesterday evening to outsider the Convalescent Home Fund. Mr. H. U. HMaMh supporting the fund, sUted that if every European gave ono dollar a week they could support a scheme
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  • 573 11 Committee KoUowiuk is the text of a circular which the Central Committee for the organisation of a IMS. Convalescent Hume are sending out. Some 5.U00 of these circulars are being ilmti ibuti il At a meeting which was held at Kuala Lumpur on April 30,
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  • 318 11 Tin report of the Anglo Malay Kubbri Company. Ltd., states that tbe crop bari tbt' year amount* dto 1.FH4.3H 1 lbs ag.uuit an estimate of 1,400.000 lbs and a vit'ti in 1913 of 1,346,008 lbs. TLc crop wax obtained from an average acreage I f approxi tuaLcly MM
    318 words
  • 91 11 If the sword will Dot for gouie tinie be Waif into a plougbaharr. the great Oerman bo»it/ loea not seem ti have riat-n n a^ric iltural t Tin' hli it mttm havt- f.nli-il ■> lut MM .>f the tin uk tlicy havt' "delvi-d liu^t holm in the lu&rhhy ground
    91 words
  • 44 11 Notes in General. The Garrison Golf Dub and the Keppel Golf Clnb hare kindly invited tbe members ol the Singapore Golf Clnb to consider themselves honorary members of tbeir respective clubs during the time tbe Racecourse links are cloaed for tbe races.
    44 words
  • 167 11 L.L.T.C. Tournament. Tuesday's results were as follows Mi\u. I>ouiilk>-A Cla>-. Mm. Hallifax and Mr. Cricbton rec. 15.2 beat Mrs. K. Stevens and Mr. Burrett rec. 18, B—l, 6-2. Miikd Imm -B I'uss. Mrs. de Courtois and Mr. Seeward rec. 15.2 beat Mrs. (iattey and Mr. de Courtois rec.
    167 words
  • 135 11 Advance Figures For Four Months. An official advance statement of tin exported from toe F.M.S. during the months of January to April, and comparison with corresponding period of previous year, shows the following figures (cents and catties omitted i Tin. Increase or Decrease. 1915. 1914. +or
    135 words
  • 152 11 i Sungei 8i1ut.— 4.621 lbs. Setomat.— l7,922 lbs. Liuadron.96.B64 lbs. Ledbury.- "6,413 lbs Cluny- 12,331 lbs. Sena wana— l6,oo) lbs. Sandycroft. -12,470 lbs. Itatu Anaui.-rt.9V5 lb*. lUtu Village. MHM» Pengkalan Daiian.— .'i.t&j lbs. T.mali Merali. 1 lb«. Bute.— 2, Boo lbs. Semaiubu.— 6,'Jjtt lbs. Sungei Bagan. n.694
    152 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 49 11 Until a few bii.f weeks ago He would Lot face the col i His lungs, be said, were very ft eak, And be was getting old. But now he fetls not cold ncr rain. His lunfci are quite atcuie, And thankful he will ever bHi Woods' Gnat Prpptrmiat Com.
      49 words
    • 372 11 LATBIT ADVERTISEMENTS. FORD THI UNIVERSH OAR Price: $1,450. jf S^^^y T t i^^^^^s^r^a3w^a^a^» .^nt^^afcv N If you deal in VALUES you'll appreciate the FORD. Its SIMPLICITY, its ECONOMY, and its DEPENDABILITY give it a VA.LUE that cannot he measurvd by it* price The FORD is the ONE CAK in WORLDWIDE
      372 words
    • 342 11 PETER WALKER PETER WALKER LAGER. LAGER J"The" Beer. Agents (or Singapore I GARNER, QUELGH ANO COMPANY. LIMITED. RAFFLES HOTEL. Buy your Bread and Cakes from the Raffles Bakery, which is entirely under the Supervision of a skilled European Confectioner. Retail Depot: Raffles Hotel Buildings, 88, Bras Basah Road. TELEPHONE NO.
      342 words

  • 6593 12 FILL TEXT OF SIR J. FRENCH'S DESPATCH. The Prince of Wales in Action. A further despatch from Field Marshal Sir .lolin French, issued by the War Office, was published in the London Press on April 15. The despatch, which is dated April 5, covers the operations from February
    6,593 words

  • 660 13 Important Changes in Criminal Law. A legal correspondent of Tbe Evening Standard write* Last summer an Aot called tbe Criminal Justice Administration Act was passed, with some important changes in the direction ol making the law more elastic as regards minor offenders. It was originally framed to
    660 words
  • 335 13 Tbe report of tbe Langkat Sumatra Hub- 1 ber Company. Ltd.; states that tbe crop harvested during tbe year to December 81 was 329.700 lbs., against an estimate of :i'J5,OOO ibs., and shows an increase over the previous year of 88,972 lbs. Tbe gross price obtained for
    335 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 347 13 it is false: economy TO BUY A**Y BUT The Best Kerosene Oil DEVOE'S Imperial Brilliant !|)3.JfU GABE ALL DEALERS. REMARKABLE SUCCESS OF THE Columbia >^ M-&. Records. £1.250 already subscribed. In Royalties to the Prince of Wales s Fond. HUNDREDS OF WAR SELECTIONS INCLUDIHG >our King and Country Want You
      347 words
    • 61 13 News havu been received of tbe sacceu of Mr. .1. S. Hunt, BA., of tbe Postal Audit Office, Madras, in the reoent examination held tor promotion to posts ot Superintendents Post Office, which may interest his many friends and relations in the F.lf.S., auioDg whom is bis elder brother, Mr.
      61 words
    • 105 13 "DRAGON" CEMENT Contracts have been secured for the supplies of Cement during 1915 to ®Kig»^§v andto THE MUNICIPALITY i£?/ 2ggT@]S| THE GOVERNMENT SINGAPORE, V^i^^^ J JOHORE. DUPIRE BROTHERS, SINGAPORE. Sole Agents for the Straits and P. M. S. highly r&cofn mends VAN HOUTfiK'S W COCOA. Ljj^l-uJ Wjk It is so
      105 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1624 14 r^ mm m^mmm^mmm^ m mmm mm^mmmmmmmmi^mi^mmmam^mmsa^m*mmß&a^^^^^^mmmm^^mmm*i^**^^^m^^^^r War or Peace, Famine or Plenty, Life Insurance is worth 100 cents on the dollar. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS? THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFIOB i W»r.oh««tsw Houss, Singapore, LOMDOM OFFICKi 32, Old J.wry, EC. The Company has £20.000 deposited with
      1,624 words
    • 637 14 INSURANCE. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, ii incorporated in Hongkong and ngietored in Gnat Britain according to •he Ansnrance Companies Act, (1909) and Las en deposit wilh the High Courl {iMiudou) tiiu tutu v £20,000. The Company is also registered in India accordicg to the Ipdiap Life Assurance Companifa
      637 words

  • 732 15 HATRED OF THE TURKS FOR GERMANS. A Doctor's Story. Jerusalem will one of these days be the scene of another St. Bartholomew's massacre, for tbe hatred of the Turks towards the Oernian officers is growing hourly, and no one can tell when this hatred will assume the form
    732 words
  • 338 15 The report of the Shelford Kubber Estate, Ltd., states that tbe yield of dry robber amounted to 157,130 lbs., which compared with 171,500 lbs. (or 1918. Tbe estimate waa 175,000 lbs., and the yield was, therefore, considerably short. The estimated yield of dry rubber for 1915 is
    338 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 192 15 1 SAFES ALL RATNER SAFES a have Drill-Proof Doors and and Corners, without which no Safe is entitled to be called j "Thief Resisting." a NO I R/ITNER IMPROVED FIRE RESISTING SAFE has ever had j its contents destroyed by fire. h NO j o I RATNER improved thief- RESISTING
      192 words
    • 12 15 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night Woods Great Peppenaiot Owtf It 64.
      12 words
    • 74 15 BY APPOINTMENT. DUNLOP MOTOR TYRES Horn Bulbs, Sure Patches, Repair OutfitsFull and Complete Stocks, 43, Robinson Road SINGAPORE. DUNLOP: Founders of the Pneumatic Tyre Industry Stocks held by all Oarage Dealers, or from THE DUNLOP RUBBER CO. Z LTD. 43, Robinson. Road. COCONUT OIL CAKE Cheapest Best Food for Cattle.
      74 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 793 16 A. B. MACKAY'S Q THE ORIGINAL Jm LIQUEUR WHISKY. As supplied to both Houses of /flC^^HT^Kv Parliament. I IfJPI OBTAINABLE FROM ALL ypi^^ FIRST-CLASS DEALERS. fW^n\ s ie Agents: \jSgA ADAMBON GILFILLAN Yftff^m fl I AND COMPANY, LIMITED, L "jroiLftj Singapore, Penang and Malacca. WANTS. MANAGERSHIP ON RUBBER ESTATE WANTED.
      793 words
    • 502 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. FURNISHED BEABIDE RESIDENCES TO LET BELINDA and JU ANITA to >et famished. Apply No. 9. Mt. Sophia 1-6 OFFICEB TO LET. No. 1-a, Raffles Qaay, Ist and 2nd Floors, tpply OUTHRIB k Co., Ltd. 14-12 a ROOMS TO LET Room* to let at ZETLAND HOUSE.
      502 words
    • 481 16 TOJE LET OR SOLD. NIK Avondale," No. 8, Cuff Poad. Apply to O. Koeniti, c/o Me A, Uter k Co., Ltd. 8 6 12-6 TO LET Compound House No. 102, River Valley Road, from Ist May. Apply to David Song. 80-4 39-6 COMPOUND HOUBE TO LET. No. 1111, Upper Ferangoon
      481 words
    • 438 16 NOTICES. GUAN WAT CO.. 37. Philip Street. IWp-ChindUrt, Sovtrnnwnt and Municipal Contractors, Gassral Importirt and Eiporttrs and Cemmlstlon atsntt, Eitattt. Mot-Mill «nd Saw-MIII Supplltrt Sols Aoenis For "GLOBE" BOILER FLUID. THB IDEAL FLUID FOR CLEANING AND PRBSBRVING STEAM BuILERS. Tel. Address: "GUaNKIAT," Singapore. Codbs used A. B C. 6th Edition
      438 words
    • 545 16 KIAM KIAT&CO. 108 A log. Market Street. Telephone No. 421. Sbipohandlers, Government and Munioipa. Contractors. Estate Suppliers and Commission Agentr. Sol* Aobtts The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd. Best Multiplar Brand Hair Beltings. 1 T 80-6-16 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Applications, in wtitinp. addressed to the Honourable Co'enial Seoreta>y will be reoeived up
      545 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 234 16 Straits Jinxes. ADVERTISEMENT RATBS.— Miscellaneous wants of overy description are inserted at the prepaid rate of II per tout lines for on )or two insertions. Notioee of Births, darriagee, or Deaths, if not exceeding f mr lines, II each inser ion. For p.p.c. o jrds, on page 8, 12. Inch
      234 words