The Straits Times, 24 March 1915

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.755 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 24. 1915. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 153 1 1 31 Satisfaction Assured HOT TIFFINS XATZ BROTHERS, LTD. EXCELLENT A f\ ATTENDANCE rf«t jl %Jf *J from Jj) 12.30 to 2.30 P.M. I Light Refreshments Served During the Day. AFTERNOON TEAS A SPECIALITY. QARSAPARILLA BEER U" NothiDx today contains permanent. BtrrngtlicniDß and sustaining qualities equal to out Xon alcoholic
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    • 39 1 SLEDGE MILK 18 GENUINE Swiss Milk from cattle grazed on the FAMOUS PASTUREB OF THB BERNESE ALPS. I -WS.MSWIETEMO **1 t w^ A A«U tori SLEDGE BRAND Unsweetened Condensed or Natural Sterilized. Sole Importers J. TRAVERS ft SONS, LIMITED
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    • 252 1 ROBINSON CO. British-Made Footwear. Sole Agents in T^^jy.^. gpftiTV Made In S. 8. Sl F. M. S. for iT^T^ ITS SCOTLAND GENT 8 DARK TAN BROGUE SHOE Jp^ m CF||T ft T M 0,./^^^' OF THE FAMOUS KELTIC BRAND. ■'KELTIC "SHOES This shoe is made from prime leathers, nothing but
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  • 1178 2 BRITAIN'S REPLY TO ACTS OF PIRACY. Terms of Official Order. A Government Gazette Extraordinary issued on Saturday contained the provisions of the order by the King in Council establishing a blockade of German ports. This was com municatcd by telegraph to the Governor and has been published
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 710 2 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT OF JOHORE. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Applications ate itritcd (or tbe appoint mint uf Cliiif Ovt-mcr for Roads, Jobore lialiru. Salary 1 100 per mensem. Aipiicants mu>t be still. A in Maintenance and Read Routine, and the; must also pit op certificates of i imilar duties MktixfiiCtorily pciiormi d
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    • 294 2 Indigestion Afraid to eat in constant p&in no strength, no energy. These Wonderful Tablets Cared Thr hnon rf boas* to all who snffer In this way is Dr. CasSBBI Tablets. Hers m an imdance: t "I h»d suffcrrd fOT gf f")r; strsst, Bolton, la KB I first got Dr. W
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    • 375 2 Rheumatism Knocked Out. Rheumatism, one of the most ferrib!o fix > <l Buffering humanity, is knocked oat,' conquered hv that chamr'nn i f the people, Little's Oriental Balm. Tho mira culons core* effected by this wrndeiful icmi ily hivn ciuw il as',oi islnui nt in every land on the faoe
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    • 704 2 NOTICES. NOTICE. Low Ah Katt, of No Hi, Now Bridge Hoad, Singapore, is no I. nger iu niv oruployan nt, and I do Lcnbyootify that li h fervic** as Sapeiintindi ut ia my ftvidors«e wctk ceased trom 20th March, 1H5. I do not hod myself responsible for aiy debt or
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  • 1151 3 A GLIWPSE OF WARSAW IN WAR THE. A City of Rumours. The following article by a special corre xpondtnt of Tbe Times with the Russian forces provides an interesting glimpse ii conditions in Warsaw when tbe Ot-rmanj made their second great advance over tbe Polish frontier. Writing
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 213 3 y*y you ha\rc Jbccn all j^ QJ?w over tfic <worlcf, Jack g^g^ iAI What hare you seen? S'kWak n m °st phecs, sonny mPH mSk^r 4 vc seen |W^ WHOUTENS NEW GOODS DISPLAY JAPANESE. INDIAN AND CHINiSE SIIKS. AMD CURIOS ALSO GOLO AND SILVER JEWELLERY. Everything Fresh and Dainty PRICK
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    • 345 3 Anaemia mark ■>. J the cure. Anaemic girls, weak children <md jaded mothers get new life and vigour by taking SCOTT'S Emulsion. Medicine and food, it fortifies the blood, promotes appetite, and brings back the roses and the joy of health. But be sure to get SCOTTS— no other has
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    • 175 3 SAKURA After all there W^ W^ ***x i a Brewed is no aoubt W^ wi wi WW from a" 1 BeBt that this JLmV MmJ MmJ M\ Malt and Hops. The name "SAKURA" on a bottle is like the Hallmark on silver guaranteeing its Excellence and Purity. Sole Agents: ANN
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 622 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOX CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANQ, CBYLON. AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BQYPT MBDITBRRANBAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Quit, Continental and American Ports, dteamers will leave Singapore on or about— MAIL LINES Bom—ard (for Bvrope). I Connecting at
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    • 537 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y.Tt JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE A service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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    • 671 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM I NAVIBATION CO., LD SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Paka, Tringganu, Bigot Semerak, Baobok, Itetantaa Tabai Bangnara, Telnpin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laeon. Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsuen, Takn, Chumpon, Koblak and Bangkok. A STEAMER Oui Departure .a. MAHIDOL Mar. 97, 3 p.m. ,a.a. BORIBAT Mar. 3O April 3, S
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    • 605 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan hamewards for London. Amsterdam and Antwerp overy fortnight; for Genoa. Marseilles and Livorpool and for Marseilles, Havre
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    • 463 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. STOOMVAART-MAATBCH«PPI.' (STEAMSHIP COMPANY) "NEDERLAND." KOKTNIGHTLY MAIL SBRVICB BETWEEN JAV\ AND AMSTERDAM, VIA SINGAPORE, BELAWAN OBLI SABANG, COLOM*,\ PORT SAID AND GENOA. Steamers are dues on or about the undermentioned dates Ootwabd. Honaw.BD. 1915 lum 1916 Oranje Apr. 8 Ktnibrandt Apr. 17 Koningin Emma May 1 I May
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 784 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Royal Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia 8. Collyer Quay, CNDBK CONTRACT WITH THB NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVBRNMEN I The ondermbntionc! dates .it dopartnre are only approximate Van Ooens Soarabaya, Stmtrang ami Batavia. Mar 2S Van H^endorp Berombang, Paneh, Asaban and Belawan-Deli Mar. 25 .'anwwn- Keomai, Bandjerma^in,
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    • 820 5 .["■■■BiSggr"*!' C HUBgS S A^~ TpiE ropeT ura SELECTION I HHIi OABIE LAID I 4 BTRAHD I 0 N SHOW AT ijTtlV rtoM* 8-ic!O" 1 Huttenbach Bros. Co., n^^ aaa sbb faavaßwa at mwimm «a ap^lioattaa M A****: W. A. STOPANI, "■*i«RSaT M ta collyer quay. GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO..
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  • 450 6 Progress of Work on the New IMant. The report nf the Kamunting Tin Dredging, Ltd., states that tbe company was registered on May '2, 1913, and the accounts submitted cover a period of about 14 month* to June 30. The r >o,ooo shares offered for public subscription
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  • 374 6 An interesting sKetcu ot tue isntisu soldier ju active service, and a warm tribute to bis generous nature and cheerfulness in the most trying circumstances, is contained in a letter written by a Frenchman who has lived for some time in one of the northern towns
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  • 283 6 ltefurence was recently made to tbe investigations which tbe forest authorities of the Kedeia' I Malay States and tbe Straits St ttlt uicuLs have been making into tbe possibilities of developing an export trade in cutch from Malaya. On this subject a financial paper has been
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 357 6 RlfE RULE I OP THE RQAP. I .User. The "UNION" i£S AlUullltPk jS**~^*^^ic^ >ireLjgg BRITIBH-MAOE Reliable fT^/. my^fV .^> MacWßt KU.: THE UNION TRADING COY., SINGAPORE. FAR EAST OXYGEN AND ACETYLENE CO.. LTD Singapore Branch. OXYGEN GAS AND DISSOLVED ACETYLENE Marine Boiler Repairs by Autogenous Welding REPAIRS OF FURNACE CRACKS.
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  • 130 7 FIXTURES Wednesday, March 24. High Water, l.'l a.m., ».*3 p.m. II iwitt Phillip! Company, Palladium. Thursday, March 25. High Water, .-4.18 a.m., 7 p.m. B. 1. liuim w;i,.l iii.ul clcmen. Howitt I'lull.p- i iiuiuuy, Palladium. I rlday, March 26. High Water, 141 am, 821 p.m. M. M.
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  • 90 7 i i man newHpa|» i Hamburger N*ch ru lit. v rttfiitly iitaUil -Our WrC iu:litary roojiuan I<t< havi- r.|w .iNilly .1,.],r. I tin i Mice ii an idv.-riiary l« be t«> 'v ai, I the r. «ult of HMI i ii^.y. iiiiuiß proved that the' KuiJi ii vary fully
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  • 182 7 To-DAT. Malacca, P. Swettenhanj and Ti Ink Anson Ipoh '2 pm \l, Medusa 2 pm Port Swvtteuhani nil'l I', n idl; Lima 2 pm Batu M v sW Wongsee 2pm rmr.ianak I:. Ilin Guan 3pm Il.'inukuk Anua I piu To notion, Pulau Itatam and Pulau
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  • 69 7 The knmri M. M- steamer Atlantique will leave at 11 am. to clay, au I may be expectc I to arrive here at about 7 a m. on Friday, March '28. Lirr Smoiiomi I l*n. hub. 5 K.b. II K. I). M Keb. IS hVb. Mar. 4
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  • 92 7 Latest Arrivals. Lint of vcwli in port at 10 a.m. on March 21, 1015. British. Name Date of Arrival Remarks. I iMi lu.ur Uoads' M Mini N it-limi; No. I Wharf H.mi- VV. lU I 7 Wkarf H n_ Ho luncr ltoads Kaka Si i I- \ik l;.u.a
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  • 319 7 Outward. The following passenn-r bookings to the Straits are taken from th- London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London Per P.
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  • 178 7 Sixteenth List of Subscriptions. The committee of the Children's Aid Society gratefully acknowledge the following further uubscriptions Amount previously acknowledged...l9,4o6.o9 Collected by Mrs. Kasil Barnard (Kuila Lumpur 1, Jud List K. I'okli 5 II C. I'eck 5 (i. 11 Kox 10 K. M. Itaker 10 A. K.
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  • 210 7 Tbe following; arransjeiin nt» liavo bees made in connection with tli- rubber lale* by private tender to bu effected through tlie medium of the n< *ly Ijruicl Netherlands Indian Kuubcr A moc ia'im at lialavi* i All parctN to be disposed of at these salts mast
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  • 166 7 EXCHANdE. SiNGAroiiK, March 24, 1915. On London llauk 4 m,'n !/j Demand '2.1,'.. I'rirato 3 ni/s 2/4,; On India Hank T. T. 174) On HoNUKONu...Hankd/d 2C\ On Shanohai ...Baok d,d 9HJ On Java Bank T. T. 1 11 1 On Japan Bank d/d 1 1 1 j
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    • 207 7 Valne 10 10 Ampauh fJN 1 1 Ayer Wen* 0.40 10 10 Belat 2.50 10 10 Bnung 0.T5 10 10 Kampat 10 10 Kanaboi I.SO 10 10 Kinta AsBoc:atiO3 £1 £1 KinUTiß 1.1 £1 £1 Lahat Minw 8.60 10 8.-25 Malayan Collieries 5.25 £1 £1 Malayan Tin>- 1.110 10
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    • 679 7 If? 6 1 Buyers. Stllera. 3/- 3/- Alla«:-.» 1.74 1/10* 41 41 Anylo .)»v» 8 6 8/10* 3/- 3/- Anglo-Malay 7.9 8.3 3/- 3/- Bfttann Malak» -.94 1/£1 £1 Batu Tiga 1.16 3 J1 a/- 3/- Bekoh 1/- 1/1* £1 £1 Rakit Kajang 1.10.0 1.1">.O 41 £1 Bokit Lintang
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    • 127 7 Tel IJu y ers II B. Smelting Co. 13,'- 18/0 II £1 Pret. 1.2.0 1.2.8 B/- Eloctric T'ways 8/- 8.6 10 10 Fiaaer Neave 51.00 53 03 60 60 Hammer Co. U5.00 ICO.OO 00 Uowarth Erskioe... 35.00 00 7<sCPref. 95.00 00 100 Kat a Bro, Dot. 100.00 10 10
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    • 39 7 United Engineers 6% 11,234 500 norn Singapore Electric Tramways 6% j£.350,000 norn 3'pore Municipal 5% $1,878,000 l%pnj 3'pore Municipal 4i% of 1907 11,600,090 norn .Municipal 4J% ol 1909 »I,nO\OOC norn rwf Umkim\ i -.i.noo.oor io%dis "i'lHjrc Munuipal4%i;;tO«).oo( VI
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 10 7 For Chroa'c Chest Complaints. Wuod«' Great Puppuriaint Care la. Ad.
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    • 154 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Marcli 25.-. U "Letcombe," No. 5, (iiUti-a'l lloail, valuable teak household furniture, etc., at 8.:<0. March '-'7. At Erin Villa," Xo. 7, Ipper WAV i, I{. aJ, teak household furniture, etc, at ■-'.:<P. March 11.- At Xo. 4, Institution Hill off Rivet V.i'liy K >al,
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    • 17 7 Steamer arrive* London April 2 April 16 April 80 May 14 May 28 Jnne 12 June 28
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    • 54 7 HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH North Bridge Road. PRESENTS FOR A FEW NIGHTS ONLY THE WORLD'S GREATEST DETECTIVE DRAMA Revealing the Astounding Adventures and Sensational Exploits ol a Mysterious and Specious Villain. 16 Parts t» be screened throughout the Show Hours without Interval. COMMENCING 7.30 P.M. SHARP. Telepta >•• Me, 1110 K.
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  • 1133 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, MAKCH 24. RESPONSIBILITY. Sir Edward Grey seems to bave devoted a w good deal of the speech we reported yester di day to the question of responsibility for the tt war. To some extent the question ha<- sc become academic, but not entirely so. We an
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  • 1051 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on pi^i' 6 and 11. The subncriptiong to the Siamese cruiser fund on March 13 amounted tu a total of Tea. 881,190. A Chintsa postman named Yew Clio LtoDg was yesterday aontencc 1 to six months' rigorous iinprisomiieot for opening a letter en trusted
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  • 521 8 Capt. M. J. Day, of the K.O V L.I who was the favourite candidate lor the adjutancy of the M.S.V.K. in succession to Capt. Elliott Cooper, has been mentioned iv dispatcher Mr. Archibald lt>ss Colqulioun, (toi, of Iverna gardens, Kensington, W., the wellknown traveller, author, and journalist,
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  • 55 8 Tbe Provost Martial, Major A. M. Thompson, il. sires it to be known that anyone who is iv possession of any article— clothiog, cqiiipnjt'Ut. arms, etc tho property of the Johore Military Forces, is n quested to roturn same to the D.A.A. and Q.M.G. ll. u I
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  • 52 8 A circular letter issued under date December Ml, 1914, by B. Kigold and lieremaun, London, reads as follows Wu bey to iulorm you that Mr. August Oclis who has been a partner in our MagaßON firm sincu IUO6 retires from saiuo us from December HI, 1913, owing to
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  • 67 8 It is nolilicd for general information, in a Governrueut Gazette published yesterday, that all British travellers from Eastern ports who may desire to land at Marseilles and proceed to Englaud overland are advised to provide themselves with Itutihh passports or Consular passes, to be produced on
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  • 81 8 A recent issue of a vory well known trado circular published in Lundon contains tho following: "The British Government li.ivu found it necessary to issue a warning against quantities of spurious hank notes sent to London which purport to be Belgian, but which are
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  • 180 8 Wo have before us a sucoail circular ia wli.rli this Dutch linn endeavours to douy ,ii2l it offered facilities for trailing with tlio MM t(j i'ritisb tinus iu HIM MMt It itates thai the first circular was |inn' I it the statl of the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 466 8 Ronep STEEL CABINETS FOR BULKY BOOKS. Fitted with one to K K. ten roller shelves, ad- R* y^^PBBsUB justable every half m/t inch, and fireproof WK mEggSK&SmUw collapsible curtain. OK fejWaSSBa»K I B^BBBißil^klC^flE^aa^S on show at aBS^BPJMaI 1 4a, GOLLYER QUAY. VB^^^H JkBENSON'S *v WORLD RENOWNED //jP**t WATCHES J Are
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    • 149 8 TWO EXCELLENTORAMATICPROOUCT.ONS ALHAMBRA Th« PlonMr Cinematograph Thsttrs, Beach Road Second Show, «».t 9. 1S p.m. A Pathe Drama with a Conscience A CRIME™ LOVE 3 PARTS. By M Julcm Mary. Author of the Celebratec HER DREADFUL SECRET. A vivid theme that deals with a phase o life that will appeal
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  • 1279 9 RUSSIA'S VICTORY. PRZEMYSL'S SURRENDER DESCRIBED. BOMBS AT PARIS. The French Aviators' Prompt Retort. 1. s Twit ata London, March 22, 7 20 p.m. Petcoxr* 1 There are are t>reat rejoicings (all nl i'r/t-mysl witlf doni inslritions in tlic streets A lartfe Russian army is i nedfir >. 'rvic
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  • 152 9 We are indebted to the French Consul, Comte de Bondy, for the following telegram Paris, March 22, 6.25 p m. French 3 per cent, bonds are at francs 71. Yesterday, the enemy again bombarded s oissons cathedral. We have repulsed violent counter-attacks at les Bparges (15 miles
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  • 57 9 Reltkr's ftw*JK London, March 22, 7 pm. Copper 88J Indian wheats nominal, rosafe 62 3 sellers, afloat 2,585,000; tin 1771 irjn 613: wheat nominal linseed oil 813 buyers s'icllac dull spot 61,6, sellers March sixtyoae paid: tea 47,700, Ceylon 27,100, Java 2,200, to-day 24,700, fair demand, steady
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  • 109 9 (From Ocr Own CoßKKsposuKsr I Kuala Lumpur, March '23. At the ananal meeting of the Kapar District Planters' Association, it was stateJ that the membership consisted of 10 estates and two individuals. It was reported that tii3 water scheme was working satisfactorily bit the toid was not
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  • 367 9 Ptison (or Brutal Would-Be Murderers. The two Tamils. Sinapoo and Seva Simboo, who. at the Assizes yesterday, stood charged with the attempted murder of a Tamil girl in particularly brutal circum stinc«. were convicted by the jury, and the Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Woodward, sentenced each of them
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  • 150 9 Too late to deal with in any detail, the official returns of the imports and exports uf tin Straits Settlement)* (or the fourth quarter of IWI4 nacb v? this morning. The total of imports during this period was 190,892,137. which is less by f2H,M1,117 thao the amount
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  • 347 9 Two Months' Rigorous for Cooked Story. The two Chinese, Ben Lie Heng and Ben Ju Jan, who, last week, were charged with giving false information to two special constables, Mr. H Mundell and Mr. (i. C. Her mansen, were dealt with in the third police court yesterday.
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  • 773 9 A London Success Produced With Credit. Following on tin- heels of a farce of the boisterous order of AkuJny night s production, a certain amount of trepidation was allowable on going to see. the Honitt-Phillips Co. play Milestones at the Palladium Theatre last Ditjlit. One does not
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  • 1967 9 GERMANY HOISTS THE JOLLY ROGER. From Our Own Correspondent. London, February 19. In the absence of the kind permission of His Imperial Majesty the German Emporor, King of Prussia, I am sitting down to write my usual weekly letter to you, and I have no doubt that
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  • 58 9 The Biblical und UaM rj Kese+.rch Society meets at thu V.AI C.A. to morrow evenirg, nt h.BO, when Mr. W. B. Penman is 1., a study of Christ us a Worker.' As usu.J the paper will bu open for discussion. It m hoped that there will be a good attuudaiM
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  • 1041 10 GERMAN BUSINESS IN A BAD WAV. Siamese Views of German News." (Fko» a CoKRt -H'M'kvt.l Bangkok, March 1:1, 1915. But for an extraordinary crop of more or lest) abhurd rumours, Bangkok has been xoeediogly quiet for some time past. Tbe King and Court have been in the
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  • Article, Illustration
    80 10 As far as can be gathered, all the country east of a line drawn from Ostend past Lille, through Guise and then turning east through Argonne and north of Verdun tc the frontier is in the hands of the Germans, while the allies appear to hold the positions
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  • 569 10 Scientific Method of Preparation Desirable. In the ccirse of an interesting article on uambier in a recent number of Korte Berichten vo.-.r Lmdbouw, Nijvirheid en Handel, Mr. A. Wanderlicb. chief of the Netherlands Indian Commercial Laboratory, paints out! that the a lop;ion of more scientific methols
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  • 38 10 Villei i i ulioned iv today's talacraaa* in connection with G( i man airship collision* against l'aiis. is a small town about thirteen miit s south west of Soiaoaa. It i« the birthplace of Alexander Dumas the Elder.
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  • 442 10 Substitutes for Gasolene, Rubber, And Nitre. So much has been written concerning tbe supply of rubber and nitre in Germany and various chemicals and other goods necessary for purposes of war, commerce, or industry, and so many contradictory statements have been published, that the report to tbe United
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  • 135 10 Patriotic esprit de corps is as strong in the Russian Navy as it is in the British, writes a I'etrograd correspondent. On the day before the cruiser Fallada went out into the Baltic, where she was torpedoed by a sub marine and lost with all hands, a un (ship man
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  • 785 10 [The Straits Times is not responsible for tl>« oDinions of its correspondents.] TRADING WITH THE ENEMY. To tbe Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir.— There is nothing that I have read in tbe newspapers for some time, which fur transparent logic, sound sense, and true Britisb sentiment, equals your
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  • 286 10 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, When will the Press-censorship gag be removed I I fancy many of us have a bone to pick with the unreasonableness of many actions of this body. There are doubtless cases similar to my own experience, where relatives outside tin Colony,
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  • 87 10 The Cinema picture hall arc changing tin >i I'.igraniiuo to-night and intro luce us the principal fcit ire of the display a strong human drama called His Hour of Triumph which i>ivcs play to some very powtilul act ii 'A- The programme also includes a twoact episode, The
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  • 654 10 Fairly Satisfactory Prices Secured. At the Singapore Chaiubt r of Commerce Kubber Association's lHiid auction. In Id on March '23, thcie were oiler, .I for sale 2.067.60 piculii, or 275,680 lbn. (tons 12.'1.07 l ami sold l.i.»;i.:;f) picul*. or 221,911 lbs. ((jm The prices realised were Sheet
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  • 288 10 Dividends of 72J Per Cent, in Four Years. The fifth annual general cti»|| of tho shareholders of the Itatanui I! ibbi < Ltd., was he d on February 11, nt, tin I nsti tuteuf Din ■cturs, 4. Corbet court. X.C Mr. W. Arthur Addiuscll {chairman of th
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  • 610 11 Book Value of Propert) To Be Reduced. lli» Jircctom report to the .slianhoMprt" oi tlie Tapali ltubber K-t.itos. Ltd., which is ugaed by M>. W. H. Mm-j-rruor an chairman, reads a* follows:— \uui lirectoTß submit lurewilb a duly audited statement of the account* of tincompany for the
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  • 722 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, March I.i, 1916. Motors. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Broken, issue the following list ot iuotation§ thin morning:— The quotations on Sterling Shares are only nominal. Norn. Vaioi Boyms. i 2/- Allagar 1/9 G 1 AnijloJtra 2/ Anxio-Maiay
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  • 205 11 i'Li i.-port ot the Yam SeBK Kubbcr Com pany. Limited, states that the profits for the ■i,tc b, i 1. afttr ili'luctinK all tor depreciation, directors' reniuntr atiuD, income tax and commissions to estate ii.iDa^t r and assistants, amount to £7,H1? add balano fioni last account.
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  • 20 11 !l innkony. who «*s n .'t-nt'y badly mault.l by a HgH at v tli Ni w Ti niti'iv ha- -<uccumb-
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 24 11 d into a cIk-u iht'k blivp kmt pciottd witli Ilia tioger To loaM-tli-.u^ tl rv upon tLt I lU.t t, 1 w what L*" ••<•
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    • 325 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS THE MAXWELL "25" IS^mMMstfi AJflHo^t^ FIVE-PASSENGER TOURING CAR. Fully Equipped. Price: $1,850. INSPECTION INVITED Wearne Bros., Ltd., ORCHARD ROAD. I Tr\e GREAT J \W VeMGLFSH PIANOS jt We have been appointed Agents for this well-known Piano and invite inspection of the sample instrument just to hand. S. Moutrie
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    • 306 11 PETER WALKER PETER WALKER LAGER. LAGER (ft refCm>^ "The" Beer. Agents for Singapore \§gmr GARNER, QUELCH itf ANO COMPANY. LIMITED. RAFFLES HOTEL. Buy your Bread ami Cakes from the Rattles Bakery, which is entirely under the Supervision of a skilled European Confectioner. Retail Depot: Raffles Hotel Buildings, 88, Bras Basah
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  • 4688 12 SIR JOHN FRENCH'S OFFICIAL DESPATCH. The Fighting Round La Bassee. We give herewith the second and last instalment of Field Marshal Sir John French's despatch on tbe fighting round La Bassee, the first part of which was reproduced yesterday »-'roin daylight on December 20 the enemy commenced a
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  • 1407 12 1914. June 27.— Assassination of Arch. lake Franz Ferdinand and his consort at Serajevo July 25.— Austrian ultimatum sent to Servia August 1. Germany declares war on Russia and France, and invades Belgium. 4. Britain declares war on Germany. 28.— Battle of Mons begins, ani the
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  • 930 13 I Cook's Escape from an Upturned Steamer. A remarkable rescue, the story of which reads like a piece of fiction, waa effected at Peterhcad on February 8. That port of the Scottish coast has a sinister reputation amongst seafarers. Uur Navy men know it well. It is
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  • 222 13 We understand from .Mr. T. Fisher t "nwin that the Government, through H. M. Stationery Office, continues its valuable work of publishing and circulating iinpotiant docnmentH relating to the war. Tin first of the Blue Books containing the Naval and Military despatches, complete list of honours, etc..
    222 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 181 13 IX IS FALSE ECONOMY TO BUY ANY BUT The Best Kerosene Oil DEVOES Imperial Brilliant q)3.yU case ALL DEALERS. THE LARGEST AND THE BEST PIER GLASSES Teak Frm.m& Worfc (Pilkington, British Make) Ml RV JULIAN FRANKEL FURNITURE CO. omy AddMti ORCHARD ROAD. Only acm*— No Connection with any other Furniture
      181 words
    • 367 13 "DRAGON" CEMENT Contracts have been secured for the supplies of Cement during 1915 to and to THE MUNICIPALITY l^f *C WjSl THE 60«"N"«T SINGAPORE. \7i%v_sp^f JOHORE. DUPIRE BROTHERS, SINGAPORE. Sole Agents for the Straits and F. M. S. LATEX CUPS I Different aize« and shapes. Porcelain or Earthenware, White or
      367 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1566 14 PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LOTED. HEAD OFFtOI Win**-!., H«M««. tNSH« "»*DO- OFF.C. OM 4~r*. tO. TW 0-,-y ka. 490.008 wit. th. Oo«* 1 B^U^ a«l «-P«- w«k Ik. Brisk. LB. A— ra-a, O«-T^« A« i. .~T P-rtto-lm >TT«AOT,V KANI OW A..U«*NC»_ M OH«Y TO LOAIi.
      1,566 words
      697 words

  • 628 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Motor Fire Engines. Althoagh Germany's bombardment of the F.oglish coast towns did not produce anything extensive in the shape of a conflagration, it nevertheless warned us that ample fire extinguishing apparatus is most essential. Fortunately, in these, days tlie motor fire
    628 words
  • 386 15 Effect of the War on The Company. I'resiJiDg at the annual meeting of Bovril, Ltd., held in London, February 10, 1915, tbe Karl of Krroll, K.T., CB, in moving tbeadop tion of tbe report, stated tbat though tbe past year bad been a difficult one, Bovril bad come
    386 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 296 15 ADVANTAGES OF THE TUXHAM ENGINE Over Other Engines. No water injection in working cylinder Economy in fuel consumption Absence of valve mechanism Simplicity of working parts Oil pressure lubrication No electric ignition Absence of deposit Perfect combustion Quick starting Low price. -ryr "TIIVUAM" A« So.c Aginta for tho is Bt»iPwi
      296 words
    • 12 15 F Children's Hacking Cough at Night Wood* Ort»t Peppermint Core It 64.
      12 words
    • 240 15 BY APPOINTMENT. Dunlop Motor Tyres. Horn Bulbs, Sure Patches, Repair OutfitsFull and Complete Stocks, 43, Robinson Road, SINGAPORE. DUNLOP: Founders of the Pneumatic Tyre Industry. Stocks held by all Garage Dealers, or from THE DUNLOP RUBBER CO. (FAR EAST) LTD., 43, Robinson Road. K. TSUTADA < Japanese Dentist, 74 74-1.
      240 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 469 16 Goodrich TYRES. Pneumatic and Solid. PRICES AND SUPPLIES UNAFFECTED BY WAR. SOLE AGENTS: Adamson,Gilfillan&Go.,Ltd.. SINGAPORE, PENANG and MALACCA. WANTS. SHORTHAND TYPIST WANTED. Good prot-ptcts to capable man. Apply to M.. c/o Strait- Times 10-:» ASSISTANT STOREKEEPER WANTED. Wanted, an as-ootaut Btoreki* p:r. Apply to X c/o Straits Timer. •18-8 MOTOR
      469 words
    • 358 16 TO BE LET OR SOLO. 10 10. No 7. Caircliill Cirole. Apply Campbell and Berg-ma, 81. Kiiog Street. 8-2 a TO LET. No 8, Cairnbill Circle. Apply o Allen and Glodhill, 3J-A, Kaffloa Flaw. 14-1 u ROOMS TO LET Rooms to let at ZETLAND HOl.bE. Apply at No 1. RobiosoD
      358 words
    • 484 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD FURNISHED 8EASIDE RESIDENCES TO LET. BELINDA audJUANIT*. to 'et furnished. Apply No S. Mt. Sophia. 1 6 O 0FFICE8 TO LET. N\>. 1 a. Raffles Quay, let and 'ind Floorp. Apply GUTHRIE Co., Ltd. 14-13 a TO BE LET. Immediate entry No. 74, Anson Road,
      484 words
    • 516 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. 10 LET, FURNI8HED. Blanche Villa," 77, Scotts Road. Apply on tin' premises. 8 8 3-4 TO LET. FULlY FINISHED. ompoocd Houte. 4 b dru.ui Gap, Tennia StabiiDg. Apply "Bybrook," Tnngga) Koad, Newton. 2J-8 I Jt-8 10 LET. Fornishid sta-side residence, "Mafeking," No. 14, Tanjong Kator><.
      516 words
    • 374 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT&CO. 108 ft 109, Market Street. Telephone No. 421. Shipcliaodlt r«, Government and Municipal Contractors, Estate Suppliers and Commimion Agents Son AaiMts i The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd. Beet Maltiplar Brand Hair Belting. IT 80-8 16 BUN BEE CO., 11, Roohore Road, Slngaporw. Provision Merchant! ship a Purveyors
      374 words
    • 597 16 GUAN KIAT CO.. 37. Philip Street GOODS READY IN STOCK NOW 24 2 15. 5,000 Krga auu L>ruu>s llii'bm-kM Coloarod Oil sod Sundries 16.CO0 (cot Leather, Ba'ata acd Hair Belting, 84 Cook's Circular Saws, 5.OC0 UN Brick-. J/,100 lbs. Koropo Fire Clay, 46.000 C banpkoX Hammer and 4xo Handles,
      597 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 231 16 Straits Thirties. ADVERTISEMENT RATBS.-Misoellane oub wants of every description arc inserted at the prepaid rate of 91 per foni lines (or one or two insertions. Notices ol Birtbs, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, f 1 each inner ion. For p.p.c. cards, on page 8, 12. Inch Scalb
      231 words