The Straits Times, 18 February 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.720 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 18. 1915. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 297 1 SPECIALITIES SLEDGE BRAND MILK. CONDENSED UNSWEETENED unsurpassed in Tea or Coffee. NATURAL STERILISED F°r all domestic purposes for which fresh milk is used. LIBBY'S DELICACIES When ordering Soups, Olives, Pickles, Condiments, Canned Meats, or Preserves specify Libby's SHIP BRAND SMOKED SARDINES Choicest Norwegian fish in pure olive oil. The flavour
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    • 148 1 ROBINSON ROBINSON AND COMPANY, W? AND COMPANY, Sole Agents for Sole Agents for SINGAPORE DISTRICTS. I SINGAPORE DISTRICTS. VIRGINIAN >IJPP^ EfiYPTUN CIGARETTES h |Im No 16> s P eciai > s >s b\'\- Smokini 8O CtS. Virginia Leaf No. 1, 50's M I j 8O ots. fln\\\\uJ No. 14, Special,
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  • 600 2 Lord Aberdeen's Predecessors la Ireland. Lord Aberdeen did not succumb |p the blandishments of those who entreated him to retain the Viceroyship until Home Rule has come into effect, and Lord Wimborne will next month reign in his stead, says the Daily Call. When the Marquess of Londonderry's
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  • 398 2 Dr. Macnamara's Warning to All Fit to Serve. He hath pat forth bis hand against sach as were at peace with him he had profaned his covenant. His mouth was smooth as butter, bat bis heart was war his words were softer than oil yet were
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  • 14 2 Germany has discovered too late that a place in the sun is pretty warm.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 669 2 NOTICES. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, tbat Soon* Ravnna Mana Allagappa Chitty, of No. 82, Market Strtot. baa been appointed manager for tbe Chitty Temples at Tank Rovi and at On tram Road, trom Ist day of February, 1916, until further notice All persons having business in connection with the
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    • 641 2 HEAD, HANDS, FACE MASS OF ERUPTION Disfigured Face and Neck. Hands in Terrible State. No Rest At Night for Itching and Burning. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Healed. 6, Durham si (.ran k vii,»n. Cardiff. 8. M Walt-* My head, hauds and face wore our inasfi .if kotos with tbe erzema
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    • 12 2 or Children's Hacking Cough at Night Woods Great Peppermint Core li 61
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    • 365 2 DON'T WORRY ABOUT YOUR KIDNEYS. Backache is rarely doe to kidney trouble. Doctors will tell you tbat kidney disease, wben it exists, may be very (ar advanced indeed before it indicates its presence by meins of pains in tbe back. In tbe vast majority of cases Lumbago is tbe cause
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    • 224 2 (Late of Robinson Piano Co.). TUNBH, MMIMai a»d REGULATOR. TUNING $4.00 CASH. Yearly sabaeribers taken on low rates. Charges for repairs moderate. Workmanship guaranteed. Free advice given to intending buyers of new or seooud hand pianos. Estimates for repairs made. Trial order solicited. SAILORS' HOME. Tiliphovi: 1183. ia 27-3 CHUBB'S
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  • 926 3 The Indian Expeditionary Force Issue. Fred. J. Melville, in the coarse of an article in the Daily Telegraph saya The response of India to the call of Empire has been one of the most impressive factors in the great war. It is not neoessary here to write of
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  • 16 3 Although a fool and his money may be easily separated they are hard to find 1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 476 3 YOU MAY REST ASSURED that Beet. ham's Pills will be ot great service to you if your stomach is out of order V or your liver is sluggish. The conditions of life in these days are so strenuous ilial 1 nearly everybody is at times, overtaken by various derangements of
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    • 75 3 Don't Cough. It is absurd to allow a cough to hang on and sap your vitality when Chamberlain s Congh Remedy will care you. You don't know where a peisistent cough will land you. You can't afford to allow your throat and lulrs to become diseased when it is sucli
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    • 576 3 STEAMER SAILINGS'. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LTD. Company's Vessels will be despatched as follows:— TO PORT SWETTENHAM PBNANG. Lama At 4 p.m. every Wednesday. For Terms and rates of freight and passage, apply to BODSTBAD CO. Ageata 38-1 n M. Ma MESSAGERIES MARITIMES, Mall Line. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, CBYLON,
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    • 341 3 STEAMER SAILINGS. ELLERMAN LINE: TO Marseilles, London and Liverpool. s.s. City of Norwich Sailing about FEBRUARY 27. s.s City of Durham" Sailing early MARCH 23. s.s. M Branksome Hall Sailing about MARCH 29. s s. v City of Corinth Sailing about MARCH 31. For particulars as to rates of freight
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 623 4 BTEAMEB BAILHWB. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PRNANG, CRVLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BGTPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for Oiina Coaxt, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about— MAIL LINES Homeward (for Europe). (Connecting at from
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    • 508 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. RY.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A servioo i» maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail oontraot with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all the
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    • 674 4 BTEJMER SAILIIWB. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. for Kretay, Paka, Tringfrann, Bisut, Semerak, Baohok, Kelantan Tabai, Bangnara, Telnpin, Panarai, Patani, Singers, Laoon, Kobsamni, Bandon, Langsnen, Takn, Chumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok, A STEAMER Ova Departure a.a. ASDANO Fob. SO, 3 pm. MAHIDOL Fab. 23 97, 8p m. bb. PRIOHATIPOK
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    • 623 4 BTBMHI BAHJHI OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMSTED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD P The Companies' steamers are despatobod bom Liverpool outwards (or the Strain, China and Japan every week and bom Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight; (or Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and (or Marseilles,
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    • 489 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. BTOOMVAART-MAATBCHAPPIJ (STEAMSHIP COMPANY) "NEDERLAND." FORTNIGHTLY MAIL BBRVICB BETWEEN JAVA AND AMSTERDAM, VIA SINGAPORE, BELAWAN DRLI SABANG, COLOMBO (optional) PORT SAID AND OKNOA. Steamors are doe on nr abont the undermentioood dates Ootwasd. HoanwaßD. 1915 191 A Karimata Feb. 19 Grotius Feb. 20 P. Jaliana Feb. 19 Kambangtn Mar.
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  • 97 5 FIXTURES. Thursday, February 18. High Water, 0.47 a-m., 0.52 p.m. Friday, February 19. High Water, 1.10 a.m., 1.20 p.m. Saturday, February 20. High Water, 1.86 a.m., 2.8 p.m. Sunday, February 21. High Water, '2.6 a.m., 2.52 p.m P. and O. outward mail expected. Monday, February 22. High
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  • 165 5 TO DAT. Malacca and P. Dickson Hong l.ian 3 pin Malacca and Mnar K»ka 8 pm P. DickHOD and P. Swettenham Penang 8 pm Batavia Singkel 8 pm Han^nok I'rofit 4 pm Penang and Rangoon Lightning 4pm Manila and Japan Tciresias 6 pm To noiaow. Kota Tinuyi
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  • 58 5 The P. and <). outward mtil steamer Sardinia left C'jlombo and may be expected to arrive here on Sunday afternoon. February 21. hart Sikoapoei Pr» i» Lownon iww. Ju. 8 February 4 Feb. 4 .lan. 14 12 Feb. 12 Ju. 20 Jan. Jan. Jan. 29 "•eb. 5
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  • 81 5 Latest Arrivals List of vessels in port at 1C am. on February Is, 1915. British. Name Date of Arrival Remarks. Oriental 17 2 15 Outer Roads Tuireuias No. 6 Wharf Goloonda No. 2 Wharf Carlyle Inner Roads Lady Wall 18 2 16 Kan Hin Guan 17 -2 15
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  • 333 5 Forthcoming Arrivals And Departures. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London
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  • 247 5 I The Hon. Treasurer, Mr. M. Morrison, Manager, Chartered Bank of India, Australia and Cbina, Singapore, begs to acknowledge, with many thanks, the receipt of the following further contributions Previously acknowledged 1301,820.26 G. B. Cuscaden (monthly) 25 K. I). Hogan 20 Jinricksha Peons (4th)
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  • 165 5 EXCMANOB Sna Aroma, Fbbruart 18, 1915, O» Lobdoh Bank 4 m/s m 1/4& Demand m 2j4 3 Private 8 m/l m, 2/«i| Om Ihou. Bank T. T. m 174,', O« HoH»iona...Bank d/d M 22 J O« BMA»o«Ai....Bank d/d m 102^ Om Jit* Bank T. T. 141* Oa
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 141 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. rVbrutry 'in. At Greenbank, chancery Une, t<ak lioiMulmM furniture, Motor Car, etc.. at F.l.iuary IX -M N). 44, drange K>ai. t< ik hounoholdfurniture, Cottage, piano, etc., property of Mr. J. M. Soeters, at 2.80. February '24— At No. 1A Rattte* Quay, teak office furniture, etc.,
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    • 92 5 Cure for Blues. Correct talit disordered stomach with a few doses of Chamberlain's Tablet*, and that feeling of distress and despondency will disappear like magic. They are a snre core for the blues. For gale by all dispensaries and Dealers. LATEX CUPS Different ases and shapes. IVrce.aiu or Ear benwarr,
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    • 107 5 :z* WHY NOT TRY yEm& A three A COOL AND FRAGRANT SMOKE. Sold by HIGH-CLASS DEALERS EVERYWHERE. FRASER CHALMERS, LTD., Specialize in the Design and Manufacture of Stamp Mills AND Concentration Plants Having at oar dieporal the accumulated experience of many years in all kinds of installation* for all parts
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    • 420 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. BARAWAK GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. No XIII, 1916. IN THE GOOOB OF THE KUCHING TRADING COMPANY, LIMITED (In Liquidation). All creditors and other persons having aty olaims whatsoever agwost the Rotate of tUe above-named are rcqiested to stnd particulars thereof to the undersigned within j two months from date, alter
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    • 185 5 AMATEUR DRAMATIC PERFORMANCE IN it ID OK H. M. Qussn Marl's Work for Won«n Fund Mrs. Herbert Cooper WILL I'RISKNT Mrs. DOT A faro* in 3 Acts BY W. 8. Maughnn. VICTORIA THEATRE Monday and Tuesday. FEBRUARY 22 23, at 9.19 p.m. Reserved Seats 43. Plan of Seat* at the
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  • 283 6 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18. Position in Singapore. We are authorised to publish the following statement There are now of the sth Native Light Infantry 432 men who have offered assistance, surrendered, or been captured. Strong: Naval reinforcements have arrived, and there is no further military danger to be
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  • 137 6 Major Cotton reports that the following German prisoners of war are absent from tbe Camp Crew of Lieut. Lanterbacb. Emden Boatswain Michulet/ Stoker Look. Cook Jentsch. Bebn Meyer Diehn. k Co. Scbonberg. Elmenhorat. Others: Lauendorp, Sailor. Fischbeck, Sailor. Howitz, Pauper from Penang, Socialist. Pfiester, Medical Hall, Singapore.
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  • 116 6 In addition to tbe list, published yesterday, of civilians who were buried at Bidadari cemetery on Tuesday tbere has to be added the name of Mr. C. F. Anscombe. There were no burials in the Roman Catholic cemetery. Yesterday there were buried in tbe Protestant portion Dr. Whittle, Mr.
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  • 907 6 Renter has not given us tho benefit of exact information as to the area which Ocr many marked out as that within which she proposed to sink the ships of every nation on tbe face of the earth without warning. We may suppose, however, that having panned a
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  • 11 6 Latest advertisements of the day appetr on pa^e 5 and 8.
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  • 24 6 Tbe Director of Education, the hon. J. B. Elcum, wishes it to be known tbat all schools that are closed will reopon on Mouday.
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  • 30 6 The Y.W.C.A. Class in Cookery for the Sick Room, and the lecture in Sick Nuraicg by Dr. Hornsey, announced for this afternoon, have been postponed until Thursday of next week.
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  • 32 6 In this strenuous days it is desirable for people to read Rome books of fiction in order to keep a proper balance of mind," gays the chairman of the Richmond Library Committee.
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  • 31 6 There was tbe heaviest snowfall for years in London on January 22. Tho traffic was disorganised and there was a d. -ptb of eighteen inches in some of the suburban districts.
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  • 30 6 The Chinose New Year Concert of the Young Mali's Friendly Society, which was to take place on Saturday next, the 20th inst has been postponed until circumstances are more favourable.
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  • 38 6 Among the Shanghai riders now down for the Hongkong raom are Mr C. R. Burkill, Mr. J. Jobnstone, Mr. F R. Vida, Mr. liraod and Mr. Ezra. Mr. Pirie is another visitor from Shanghai for the Kice Meeting.
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  • 69 6 The uew Japanese battle cruiser H iruna. built at the Kawasaki yard, Kobe, was put through her steam trials outside Osaka Bay on January 27 with satisfactory results. These trials being now completed, th« guns were to by tested in tbe Xii Channel without delay. The sister ship Kiri'.liinia, built
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  • 135 6 News has reached Romanshore from Friedriohtibaien that during the recent British aerial raid on Cuxhavm one of the latest super Zxppulins, which was com pleted two monUiH ago, was entirely destroyed in ita shed by bombs dropped by the kviators. and that another Zeppelin only escaped by rimng rapidly in
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  • 414 6 The Hon'ble the acting Chief Justice ha« returned to Singapore from Malacca and is in residence at Goodwood. Mr. J. S. Joshua, of the F.M.S. Posts and Telegraphs, Seremban, will be leaving for India on three months' leave about tbe 25th of this month. Mr. Francis J.
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  • 40 6 The Koninklijl-i' Paketvaart Maatschappij bave raised their through freights for cargo from Java and Sumatra to Europe a further 20 per cent., making a total increase of 40 per cent, since tbe outbreak of war.
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  • 156 6 Owing to the fact that the Admiralty bave taken over a great number of merchant whips which in tbe course of different dutioc are only engaged in what, under tho regulations, are regarded as coasting trades, a number of the junior officers bave been under
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  • 158 6 No fewer than 120 members of the Imperial Merchant Service Guild, either commanding or officering British ships lying in German ports at the outbreak of tbe war, are now intcrntd at the Kuk leben Cmnp near Merlin. Certain information which hax reached the Guild about the treatment
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  • 192 6 We deeply regrot to note the deatli of Mr. J. P. Jonaen, a young Dane twenty-eight y.niH of age. Mr Jensen, an assistant on Mount Austin (Joliore) Kubber Estate, went amiming oo Wedueaday last, tbe 10th instant, »nd liU body was found on Sunday. As far as
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 189 6 By Royal Warrant TO HIS MAJESTY KINO QCORQC V. Sole Agents CALDBECK, MACQREGOR CO. f LAWSON'S JgjL Liqueur Whisky FOR THE MAN 0F DISCRIMINATING TASTE. W Price only $12. 50 MtoiBMWBoM Per Case of 1 Doz. Quarto. Duty Extra. !">£ SOLE AGENTS JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD., ■j^^^^E—^JErflJ Singapore and Kuala
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    • 151 6 ALHAMBRA TIM Honmr CiiMm atograph Thaitre, ■••eh Road TO-NIGHT, and Show, 9.18 Hwim»»l Nature GREATNESS AND DOWNFALL IN 8 PARTS. A drama in real life and a drama oa the stage. ft Drana *f Gtavtr Oatoetlva W«rfc BLUE PETE'S ESCAPE IN 3 PARTS Strong and ingenious in contrivance, attention-holding, gripping
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  • 3003 7 GENERAL FRENCH REPORTS. Vivid Account of Hard Fighting. INDIAN TROOPS' SRAVE WORK. Daring Air Raiders. Reciter's Telegram?-. London, February 16, 7.40 p.m. A Gaxette is published containing a despatch (rum Field Marshal Fronrti dated February 2. It devotes much space to the operations of the Indian troops, who
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  • 85 7 Rbcter's Telegram. London, February 16, 7 p.m. Copper 635. Ironshects 14 selected, 70|. Cottonseed: 16} sellers. Wheats: White Karachi 60/-, Delhi 60|, Rosafe 63 paid. Hemp 25 J. Lead 19|. Tin: prompt 181. Iron 56 6. Wheat 61 stock 11,400,000. Linseed 55. Oil 29 6 pail. Stiol
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  • 25 7 Beltkk's Telegram. London, February 16. The death of Colonel Maciver Campbell, and Major General James Reid, veterans of the Indian mutiny are announced.
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  • 42 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, February 17. A Chinese named Teh Lim Seong has been convicted of the murder of a woman in Muntri Street, at the Assiaes, and sentenced to death. The Prince of Wales's fund no* totals •86,112.
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  • 129 7 Lady Jelliooe visited Woking on Friday, January 15, and opened the Tipperary Rooms. As the premises were too small for the numbers of people who wished to hear her speech, Lady Jellicoe delighted the crowd outside by reading two of her husband's letters, standing on a chair on
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  • 47 7 Mr. R. de Bondy, who has lately been appointed manager of the Sungei Liang Kubber Co., in Raub, is now in Singapore at the Oeneral Hospital where be had to undergo an operation. He is progressing well and will soon be able to return to his estates.
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  • 868 7 REVIVING STOCK EXCHANGE BUSINESS. (From Our Special Correspondent.) London, January 16, 1015. Every day ainoe tbe Stock Exchange reopened there haa been an incroaae in the numbers of bargains marked, and nnder the new rales every transaction has to be officially recorded. Yesterday the total was just over
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  • 500 8 Competition That Will Benefit Soldiers. This is the first great war in which held motor ambulances have been extensively used. It was inevitable that many defects should be found in existing types, and in various quarters experts be^an to ask whether aomething could not be done to
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  • 276 8 Hitherto tbe manufacture of the wellknown antiseptic, thymol, has been practically confined to Germany, notwithstanding the fact that ajowan seed?, tie oil from which in almost tbe sole source of commer cial thymol, are grown on a large scale only in India, which has
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  • 190 8 The Kpecial Hague correspondent of the Sourakaya Handelsblad wires that England has loam il another miiu of 23C million francs tv tlit Itil^ian liovt miL \t at 4 p r cent. In America, wheat prices have risen enormously, paitly as a rerult of speculative dealings and
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  • 964 8 The twenty-third annual session of the Malaysia Couferenoe began on Sunday morning when jthe Conference sermon was preached in Wesley Church by the Rev. W. O. Parker, of Kuala Lumpur. Just before the sermon, Bishop Eveland baptised the Conference babies who had come to missionary homes during the
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  • 165 8 It ia reported that in pursuance of the instructions of President Yuan Shih kai, the Minister of the Navy will take measure 8 to reorganise the Navy. The first item will be tbe contraction of five naval harbours namely, Peidai, San ho wan, Hsiang-shan-wan, Yang-cheng and Hu
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  • 12 8 The prophet Mid in bin haste that all men •re Petrograd correspondents.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 61 8 LbJ .log* delight to bark and bite, I do net c»re a j it, la sooth it is tbtir own o k out, 80 t 1 i-j rusy 1 to pot. lint wliil. I *m a poo ti i < lay I'll make a slight d> tour. A- H «-k
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    • 401 8 A UNIQUE COMBINATION OP EXCLUSIVES In Grand Change To-Night! ShS°w nd at 9-15. ***H. PAciiin Cm.m. UftWl II U BMoh Ro d Vfiß DRAMA nETECTIVB p, AAPITAL iffW NEWS URAMA Qb UOMBDIBS Brimful of INTEREST. THRILLS. SENSATION HUMOUR. THE SIE6E OF PETERSBURG a kalem exclusive in s parts. Unquestionably the
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    • 111 8 "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" GRAMOPHONE. f Mr J cC£ 11/ i 'bPThEbW-v** v, J QflM IP^ jfifi Jf^ Ib^bHWC B^LPtitN A r m ■^B^BfclOß^Mfc«^^^F^^^F?'^i'*%*s^yTjTvTß FOR THE PICNIC. S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD., Raffles Place THE "CRAG" HOTEL. PENANO HILLS. Tbe Sanatorium of Tbe Straits Settlements' Completely Ronovated. Twenty-six hours from Singapore. 4
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    • 214 8 NICHOLSON'S BOLD TOM GIN DRY GIN. The Purest Spirit Made. SU.: HIBBERT, WOODROFFE CO., LTD., /'J'JJ^*'**' llkcorpobatbd in England), Branch*! at IPO KLANG. Kumla Lumpur, SEREMBAN F\ M. S RAFFLES HOTEL. Buy your Bread and Cakes from the Raffles Bakery, which is entirely under the Supervision of a skilled European
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 773 9 V^tm^. i j^^^l^^t^^^^gj^jJ^JHHßß^BßtSsWß^B^sMHHßMßßßß^HoWi^s^B^ ,^^»w^bW J^ B^a^a^ Ba^ a^^^ ■'■^•^^^^^•^^^^b^^b Just as water revives a drooping flower, so 'Wincarnis* y/* J*^\ '3?. iX^-^~ gives new life to the weakened body. Because 'Wincarnis' -S~* p >**W^R j& v is a Tonic, a Restorative, a Blood-maker and a Nerve Food As a Tonic,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 416 10 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID UP CAPITAL 115,000,000 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 kt 3/- 116,000,000 Silver ,18,000,000 188,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 116,000X00 COURT OF DIRECTORS Hon. Mr. D. Laodale, Chairman. W, L. Pattenden, Esq., Deputy Chairman. S. H. Dodwell, Esq. P. H. Holyoah, Bsq. G. T. M.
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    • 441 10 BANKING. ESTABLISHED 1809. THE BANK OF TAIWAN. LIMITED. INCORPORATBD BT BPECIAL IMPERIAL CHARTER. Capital Subscribed V.1 0.000.000. Capital Paid Up 8 750.000. Reserve Funds 3,790.000. President. Kazoyoshi Yagiu, Ef>q. Vioe President. Kojuro Nakagawa, Esq. DIRECTORS. lyetoshi Sada, Exq. Kyoroku Yamanari, Bsq. Sbingo Minami, Bsq. riBAD OFFICE TAIPKH, FORMOSA (Taiwan). BRANCHBS
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    • 912 10 INSURANCE. DETERMINATION is the result of a resolution definite!? formed. A man or woman, desiring to protect each other, their family or their estate, makes up their mind at once to insure. They may procrastinate, but never defer when the day comes. Many others, who resolve to-day dissolve to-morrow, reap
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  • 960 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Helpful Suggestions. Back firing or popping is caused by inlet valves which are not as tight as tbey should be. When tbe eDgioe is run at high speed and the throttle suddenly closed, the volume ol gas admitted to tbe manifold
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  • 116 11 An engineman from the Toko Maru who recently arrived in England, says he was standing in the refrigerating engine room when he heard a terrific explosion below, and water poured into the ship which heeled over. When be reached the deck he heard the order, All bands to the boats."
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 156 11 DJINN MARINE MOTORS FOR EVERY CLASS OF VESSEL. Admitted to be more economical, flexible and accessible than any other make. British Design and Manufacture Throughout. Full Particulars from the Sole Agents i CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, LIMITED, SINGAPORE. THE HONGKONG ROPEJIANUFACTURIBG CO. (EatAbllshed 18S3) M4JWFACTURERS OF PURE ROPE I STIUM MILE
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    • 50 11 Don't Risk Pneumonia, Get rid of every cold as quickly as possible. It ia the forerunner of all pulmonary trouble, and pneumonia may develop in a few hours. Take Chamberlain's Coagh Remedy. It is simple thine to do, bat the effect marvelous. For sale by all Dispenaarit a and Dealer*.
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    • 272 11 MICHELIN TYRES For Motor Cars, Motor Cycles and Bicycles are recognized as being -^L. aa JT^d M» J-L< »IS> JL. m Prices on application to DUPIRE BROTHERS, SINGAPORE. The Straits Times FOR F.«.S. REAOEHB T.e New Mail Train Servioe enables eg to ■end into the F.M.S. each evening Special Edition
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 416 12 JEFFREY'S Pilsener Beer Brewed in Scotland. FRESH SUPPLIES JUST 4RRIVED. OBTAINABLE »T ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS. Sole Agents: Adamson.Gtlftllan&Go., Ltd., SINGAPORE, PENANG and MALACCA. WANTS. SECOND-HMD BILLIMD TABLE WANTED. Wanted, a modern Secondhand Billiard Table in good condition by good maker. Apply to Box 878, Straits Times. 102 a 'ii 'i
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    • 334 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. TOM lit Immediate entry. No. 74, Anson Road. Apply to Stephens, "Paul Co. 41 n TO LET. Houses Ncs 7 and 8-b, Chancery Lane. Apply to CHINO KBNO LBB CO., Auctioneers. 18-11 o TO LET No. 188, Auoy Street. Apply M. Gunton 8, Prince Street.
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    • 532 12 TO BE LET OH SOLD. TOUT. Compound Hoose, No. 618, Upper Serangoon Boad, known as Devonburst. Immediate entry. Apply GUTHRIE i. Co. Ltd. 14-18 B TANGLIN REBIDENCE TO LET. No. 6, Mount Elizabeth, furnished or unfurnished. Immediate ontry. Apply A. Frankel Co., Victoria Street, 'Phone 198. 181 O TO LET.
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    • 500 12 WIMP. KIAM KIAT&CO. 108 ft 109. Market Street. Telephone No. 431, Shipchandlers, Government and Municipal Contractors, Estate Supplier* and Commission Agents. SOLB AOBNIS I The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd. Best Multiplar Brand Hair Beltings. 1-7 ***** TO BE LET OR SOLD. HUT Comfortable residence. No. 4 Leonie Hill Road, known
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    • 540 12 ■CTWEB, GUAN MAT CO.. 37. Philip Street GOODS READY IN BTOCK NOW 32 15 6,000 Kegs and Drums Hubbuok's Coloured Paint, Oil and Sundries 20,000 feet Leather. Balata and Hair Belting, 20,000 Assorted Filei, 60,000 Changkols, Hammer and Axe Handles, 8,000 American Axes, 20,000 Us. White Cotton Waste, 60,000 lbs.
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    • 456 12 RANEEGUNGE Drainpipes AND Channels BOLE AGENTS INDO MALAY CO., SINGAPORE. 18-10-b TO ADVERTISERS. As requests to make certain alterations to advertisements, such as changes in sailing dates of steamers, often reach us too late to be complied with, we wish to refer advertisers and readers generally to the Notice to
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 231 12 Straits Thirties. ADVERTISEMENT RATBS.— Misoellane oas wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of Jl per font lines for one or two insertions. Notioes of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, 91 each inser ion. For p.p.c. oards, on page 8, 92. Inch Sc
      231 words