The Straits Times, 30 November 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times NO. 24.(>( i() SINGAPORE. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 30. 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 192 1 .«m» I BEER.i JUST RECEIVED: Ladies 9 Genuine Panamas ALL THE LATEST SHAPES. Children's Knitted Vests FROM ENGLISH SPUN YARN. Sizes: 2 to T. Price: 4:0 cents each. KATZ BROS., LTD. Try this Great Discovery (NON-ALCOHOLIC) SARSAPARILU BEER. What ca.n It do? It infill do wondwi It removes all imparities
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    • 156 1 ROBINSON CO. NEW SHIPMENTS TO HAND OF Sweetmeats GriuJJu/14 (Bakes FANCY PRESENTATION BOXES IN LARGE SELECTION. The Brooklyn ...$3.50,4.50,12.50. Hunting Box.. ...$2.75. Rush Hampers Crewel $3.75. Baskets $3.50, 4.50, 5.50. Silvered Box $2.25. Coronation Box $2.50. No. 15 Sweets and Chocolates ...$6.50. Ermine $2.50. No. 8 $4.00. 1 o-lb. Boxes
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  • 1357 2 TOLYSTOYAN NARRATIVE FROM THE FRONT. Ambulance Work and Shells. d. H. Perris, the Paris correspondent of the Daily Chronicle, writing on October 15, states:— Just a fortnight ago, on the first of the month, the French official bulletin con tamed the following phrase Between tbe Oise
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  • 453 2 How Wireless Plant was Seized By The Police. With regard to a report of the discovery of a wirelesß installation at tbe house of Professor Arthur Schuster, at Yeluall, near Twyford, Professor Schuster writes as follows "On June 18 of this year a licence to establish and
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  • 319 2 The Protest of a Restaurant Proprietor. The new closing order for ten o'clock for licensed houses, which came into force in London on October 19, was the subject of the following protest by Mr. D. B. Hedderwick, I secretary of the Incorporated Association of Hotels and Koataurants
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 144 2 Hazeline (Trade Mark) V Snow Ladies who use p^^^^L Snow daily are able to /^L indulge in open-air pastimes to their heart's content, and I still preserve their beauty. Because ll,\/i line' Sxow" prevents the disfiguring effects of exjwsure to sun, wind. dust, etc., It is delightfully cooling and
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    • 64 2 Take my advice and mind jour own affairs. No man ever rich fighting other people's battles." I don't know. How about a lawyer Treatment for Dysentery. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kfiuedy folioared by a dose of castor oil will effectaally cure tbe moat stubboru ohm of dysentery. It is
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    • 557 2 London Selling Agents n a. indigo lIIIKIs \Sold on mm. nWS I I I S miuion in Rnlish OHM His Und Coatioemal HIl- s «i SKINS \urkeu KI'MMKR. DRUGB COTTON, WOOL I Samplta valued. BSS: i.l M KM. I eo °a(«Tninenu inPRODUCE dicaled. KEYMER, SON CO. (Import i».,,i. i\ hltetrlars.
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    • 383 2 To enrich the blood To strengthen muscles bones, nerves and brain you cannot do tSun take SCOTT'S Emulsion. In every part cf the world this valued food tonic has proved its worth as the purest mp.;l best of all forms ol cod liver oi! treatment and the richest strength-maker
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  • 1591 3 LORD CREWE ON WORK OF CIVIL SERVICE. Key to the Situation. The Marquis of Crewe, Secretary of State for India, entertained at the India Office on October 20 a large ouoiuvf of officers newly appointed to Government service in India who were about to leave England
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  • 575 3 Secret Explosive in Hands of The French. Why is Turpinite, that secret explosive compound whose death deulir>g properties are said to be so terrible, not being employed by the French The question has been on everybody's lips in France ever since the disclosure was made of its possession by
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  • 118 3 From Copenhagen the special correspon <ient of The Standard wires:— The restric tion that no horse under five years most be exported from Denmark has greatly limited the supply whicli Germany can draw from here for her military purposes. The German horse dealt rs being anxious to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1009 3 RITA MOYA discourses on NATURAL BEAUTY, and how to obtain it. To day every woman of tatte and fiatment avoids the Ml of iMsl or made-up Inlet preparations which givd an artificial appearance. The frefh, natural camp exiop tbat few women have, and every woman SMawaX in best obtained by
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    • 13 3 For Children's Hacking Congo at Night 1 Wjodn Great Peppermint Core la 83.
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    • 553 3 BTEAMER SAILINGS. STRAITS STEAM SHIP CO., LTD., AND SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. An Express weekly service is being maintained by steamers of the above companies between SINGAPORE and BANGKOK. The steamers leave Singapore every Saturday and have very good accommodation for passengers. Full particulars may be had on application
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 366 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. R&O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Fop China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth London. For Freight. Passage and further informabtion, apply to H. W. BUCKLAND. Agent. COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN 8. S. CO.. LTD. ft tTHE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD. BBTWBBN mantla
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    • 503 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Ylt JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A srrvice i« maintained betwpen Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Oovernment. Tbe New Twin-screw Steamer* maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fittod with all the
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    • 736 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SUM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. for Kretey, Paks, Tringfrtna, Bisal, Semersk, Bsehok, Kelsnten, Tsbsi, Bsn^nara Tolupin, Psnarsi, Psteni, Sioßors, Laoon, Kobsamai, BsndoD, Lsngsaen, Tska, Cbampon, Kohlsk and Bangkok Duo Departure A STEAMER Deo. 1 000. S— 3 p.m. n 8 ii 12 1B ii IB 32
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    • 910 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. "NEDERLAND jr== STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED (ROYAL NETHERLANDS MAIL). REGULAR fortnightly sailings from AMSTERDAM via LONDON, GENOA, Colombo and SINGAPORE to Java and VICE VERSA. For further particulars, apply to Internationale Crediet-en Handelsvereeniging Rotterdam," Agents. 49 n OGEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO..
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  • 103 5 FIXTURES Monday, November 30. High Water, 8.35 a.m., 9.42 p.m. luesday, December I. High Water, 9.5 a.m., 10.22 pm Wednesday, December 2. High Water, Mi a m., 10.5H p.m. Thursday, December 3. High Water, 3 .".9 a.m 11 83 pm Friday, December 4. Higl. W*t*r. lO.iHam. legislative
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  • 138 5 To- dat. Malacca and P. Dickson pm i.iihau) and T. Anson 3 pm Malacca and Muar 8 pm •iatu Pahat 8 pm i>;ita\ SI I pin Bagan 4 pm Bat.ivi.i. samarang and Sourabaya t iv 4.33 pm To-mobbow. Miii. Lahsßsm, .Icsstlton, > dkl.iK.ui, etc. 8 am
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  • 39 5 Lift Simoafori 1 Oct. I Oct. H Oct. 15 Oct. 22 Oct. 29 Not. 5 Nov. 12 Not. 19 Nov. 24 Dr» IN LOHION. November 3 6 14 23 Arkitki Nov. 8 Nov. 8 Nov. 28
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  • 115 5 Powell and Co. December 1. At saleroom, two pieces of \grieultural land situate off Jurong Road. l>er 1. At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. IH-cember 3. At saleroom, unredeemed :it 10. ibat s. —At saleroom, unredeemed it 10. serf M Hatberleigb," Nassiui Jtoad, teak household furniture. Cottage I'iiioo,
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  • 687 5 Forthcoming Arrivals And Departures. The following passenger booking* to Uio Straits are taken from the London aud China Express. It should be understand that, in ■MM instances, bookings may be provisional an 1 that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in
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  • 73 5 ttm following rjxturoc fjr tbe current >•< and important forthcoming fixtures are kindi< TOpplitJ by the secretaries of the varioc: slabs Convenient forms on which to maki tho retarna will be supplied on application t the Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Polo Club. Practice games at Tyersall, Mondays,
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  • 160 5 The Times of Ceylon, of November IT, says: Ceylon'H second Contingent, though it numbers but 75, carries away witb them tin hotrtieat of good wishes. The original intention was to send a 100 men, but although some 147 names or more were registered, various obstacles sprang
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  • 147 5 All the members of tbe rival teams which took part iv tbe Anglo- Australasian Davis Cup match at Boa too, says The Field, have either joined tbe forces or are seeking commissions. Mr. Wilding is now at the front. He was a member of
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  • 162 5 EXCHANGE Sikuapob November 30, 1014. 0B London Bank 4 m/t a/4 j, Demand 2/4 Private 8 m/e 2/4 On Ihdu Bank T. T. 174 4 On HoNOEONo...Bank d/d 23} On 3h amoral... Bank d/d 108$ O* Java Bank T. T. 141 4 OhJaj-ak Bank d/d 114, Sovereigns—
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 78 5 Chamberlain's Couich Remedy. Wlnii j*d coIJ jou waiit s -ire relief, but effect a prompt aa4 pariuaoeat cure, a remedy that is pk-aiutnt BS take a remedy that con < h imbt rl»in s Coaxli It acts on natur.' s pUu. relit WM the lungs, aid* ezpeetoratioq, opens tbe seoretioas
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    • 10 5 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods' Great Peppermint Core Is. 6d.
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    • 102 5 THE WISE SMOKER r Smoker, State Express because he ":nows that they are 109 c r tobacco value, and that in buying them he does not have to pay for worthless presents. CIGARETTES Ps»C'r*d Pata.t Vacuum Tins, *t ffKff VIRGINIA y/av No. 555 leaf Per tin of 5?, 60 cents.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 93 5 WEATHER REPOIJ. KamlaDu Kerbau Hospital, November 29. 0 A.M. 8 P.M. S P.M., hared. 82 F»h 29.H11 29.719 29.812 Temp. Bfi.U H9.5 78.5 Wet Bulb Ther 80.0 82.0 76.0 l>ir. ut Wind calm W calm Max. shade Temp. 91.0 Mia 74.0 Max. in Si-.n 169.5 Te rad. Th»r 72.8 Rainfall
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  • 26 6 Mr. Litu Sin Tat desires to thank those kind friends who sent wreaths, letters of condolence and other expressions of their sympathy in his recent bereavement.
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  • 1111 6 The Straits Times. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30. SEA POWER AND SAFETY. There have bten expressions s| doubt and anxiety even in this part of tbe world because it seemed to many people that we have btrn getting rather the worst of the naval fighting. It is an extremely thing, therefore, that
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  • 27 6 Moniseur hod in, in presenting a collection of bis works to the British nation, writes that lie does no as a token of admiration for your heroes."
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  • 30 6 November 14, 1898, was the date when Germany occupied Tsingtan, and on the anniversary, this year, Governor-General Meyer Waldeck was sent to Japan from Tsingtau as a prisoner of war.
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  • 37 6 Sir West Rid«.;«fay has sent the following message to tic Ceylon Contingent r Ridgeway's message, God bless the Con I tingent. May its brave deeds exalt our beloved Ceylon and fill her heart with pride and gratitude."
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  • 38 6 The B. Ii steamer Kampoora, from Tavoy, with 400 passengers, collided with tbe Kan goon Port Commissioner's tug near Deserter Creek Lighthouse on tbe 9th inst. Both vessels sustained severe damage. Tbe passengers were rescued by the Aisla.
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  • 42 6 In response to invitations of the leaders of their community a large number of Malays assembled at tboir Library, Slave Island. Colombo, on November 15, to consider the formation of a Malay section of the Town Guard. Over one hundred were enrolled.
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  • 42 6 The Times' correspondent at Washington mentions the current belief that the Germans have secret wireless bases in the United States which are sending to cruisers secret messages in commercial terms. The wilder parts of the States of Maine and Washington are indicated.
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  • 49 6 Reports received from Franco contain glowing accounts of the splendid manner in which the Colonial Regiments which proceeded to the front from Indo-China have met their baptism of fire on the battle field. Every mail brings added testimony to tbe bravery and enthusiasm of these Asiatic children of France.
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  • 53 6 The Blue Funnel Troilus, which was sunk by the German cruiser Emden in the Indian Ocean, carried, says the Manchuria Daily News, a cargo of copper worth YBO.OOO, insured with tbe Tokio Marine Insurance Co. Sbe would be the first steamer to receive the Government grant according to the War
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  • 57 6 The i'ri/.i' Court will sit on December 8 and 9, when the matters relating to the Chow Tai, Ranee, Quarts, Sandakan, and Markomania, the German vessels captured since the outbreak of war. will be gone into. With the exception of the Markomania, which was sunk a short time ago, the
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  • 51 6 H.E. Liang Shih-yi has issued an order urging Chinese merchants to take advantage of the present opportunity to export native products to Europe, including tinned goods, tea and furs, following the example of the Japanese merchants. His Excellency announced that reduced rates have been arranged on the railways running to
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  • 66 6 The express train from Kua'a Lumpur on Friday evening was over six hours late in arriving at Penang. The delay was due to two waggons of a goods train bei^g derailed somewhere between Kuala Knbu and Rasa, the mail train being held up at Kuala Kubu. The two waggons were
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  • 75 6 The now Light Service ship Beacon arrived in Colombo on the 9th instant to relieve the i-ylon, a familiar and trim little vessel often seen and admired in Colombo harbour. The Beacon is a finer and larger vessel designed by Sir William Byles and Co Naval Architects, and built by
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  • 76 6 At this week's meeting of the Biblical and Literary Research Society, to be held as usual on Thursday evening at 8.80, in the V.M.C.A.. the Rev. H. (i. Feile will open a discussion on the question How Can We Make The Best L'se of Sunday It is hoped that there
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  • 87 6 Mr. S. Imai, Consul General for Japan in Hongkong, writes to the Hongkong press as follows All English papers in Hongkong have published a telegram from London stating that the Japanese Ambassador has left Constantinople. This is a great error, for Japan has no diplomatic relation with Turkey. Japan is
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  • 111 6 Two soldiers in the British khaki uniform were dining in one of the principal restaurants in tbe Faubourg Montmartre, Paris, the other evening, when a military aviator approached and demanded their paper*. Not satisfied with the documents band* i liim, the aviator askeJ them to follow him. The soldiers protested,
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  • 175 6 The hearing of the case in which Messrs. Behn, Meyer and Co., Ltd., were called upon to answer summonses in respect of alleged irregularities in their shipping business came to an end on Saturday, before Mr. A. V. Brown, in the senior magistrate's court, judg nient being reserved. After all
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  • 344 6 Mr. W. E. MacLennao, of the I nitod Engisrc-rs, Ltd., has returned from leave of absence. Mr. Eric W. Kattensby, manager of (iunon^ Kroh Estate, has left I poh to join Lord Kitchener's Army. His Excellency the Governor, Sir A. H. Young. K.C.M.G., returned from his short
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  • 72 6 The Rev. P. E. Rubbeck. M.A., has arrived from England to join tho stall of tbe Singapore Diocesan Association. He will be stationed in Singapore at first. A letter has been received from Archdeacon Izard in which he speaks of a return of malaria and a recurrence
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  • 87 6 To-day is the festival of St. Andrew, the occasion in the year when Scots forefather to pay homage to their patron Saint. Tho Scottish community in Singapore are not having any special celebration, such money as might have been spent, being devoted instead to the Prince of
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  • 101 6 A special Reuter telegram to the Java Rode, dated November 24, reads s British men of war have seized two Norwegian steamers, seemingly bound for Gothenburg, which were each found to have on board 2,000 tons of copper concealed amongst all kinds of general cargo. Further
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 134 6 There will be a meeting of the Johore Planters' Association on Sunday next at the Johore Hotel, Jobore Bahru. The agenda is not lengthy but includes one or two interest inj; items of business. There will be some discussion on tbe rubber duty. x< ncral dissatisfaction having been
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  • 166 6 There was a large liou-o at th<opening performance of Willison's Circus, given on Saturday night, and, if the entertainment meets with the appreciation it deserves, the season in Singapore should be a most satisfactory one. The programme on Saturday night was a lengthy one aud pleasingly varied. There
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 167 6 \BOUTON ROUGE/ r/2 m FELUCCA >v BENSON'S >** WORLD RENOWNED WATCHES L Are the BESL i jj^t J WARRANTED TIMEKEEPERS TL J LONDON MAKE. (\\A Bracelet Watches from £b Be., The £25 "Field. or 87l> nett The SANK OF ENGLAND," in Silver Cases tf>, t ***** nett. ls-,t. QoU tl">,
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    • 248 6 F!B E PICTURES (i.e. not featured elsewhere before) ATTHI ALHAIBRA THE PItHEER CINEftUTMRaPH THEATRE ■EACH ROAD Two Show» for ons Payment. Second Show 1.11 p.m. Flrtt I how 7. JO p.m WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY. NOV. 30 Pathe's Drama of Surpassing Interest: THE SECRET OF THE MOUNTAINS IN 8 PARTS. A
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    • 11 6 Latest advertisements of tbe day appear on page 5 and 8.
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  • 3666 7 THE BIG BATTLE AT YPRES. Leader Tributes Men's Valour. THE GERMAN DANGER IN POLAND. Most Crushing Disaster Expected. RauTifTs Si'Kci.vl and Ordinary Wak Telkgrams. l.oniloD. November 28, 5 p.m. Paris. A communique says: Our artillery actions in Belgium wore continued yesterday without any particular incident. The German heavy
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  • 75 7 DULNESS ON RUSSIAN DEMAND CEASING. Deputation to the Board of Trade. (From Oc» Own Correspondent.) London, November 28. Kubbrr sales have been dull since the Russian demand ceased last Saturday. The current price at present are i Sheet 2 2 to 24. Crepe 11l to 21. Para
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  • 51 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.! Ipob, November 28. The Perak Club has received a letter of thanks from the Prince of Wales for tbeir contribution of 100 guineas to the Prince of Walesa National Relief Fund, also a letter of thanks from tbe Treasurer to the
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  • 25 7 Kbotiu'h Tilburam. London, November 29, 9.40 a.m. Melbourne: It lias been dccidtd to per mit the export of wool to Canada and Japan
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  • 536 8 ACTIVITY OF MURDERERS AND GANG ROBBERS. European and Chinese Attacked. iKrum 111 -it Own Cokrf.»|'osdknt-0 Kuala Lumpur, November 2H. Thirty armed gang robbers sacked six shops at Semenyili, on Thursday, securing goods worth «I.HOO. A Malay sergeant and two Chinese constables ware injund when tackling the gang,
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  • 195 8 Friendly Help for the Men Going Home. An we said on Saturday we still welcome additions to the fund as a good many men will be sailing during the next week or two. We have received the following letter signed by all the members of a contingent which
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  • 107 8 The Gt'ruian Legation at Peking ban re ceived the folio* ing order by the Get man Baperor ExpreMißK my moat profuutul i^uii-nt of M« heroic defence of T»in»;tau. I rotifer M ipt. .M. v< r tt i-Uss of tlie Iron I niyaelf Hva: r -i»ly to
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    • 347 8 The death is announced at the St. Mary's I Cottage Hospital, Hampton on Tliamen, of Second Lieut. Andrew Basil Hatch, who was a prominent personage in the hockey world. He was thirty-nine years of age and had a choery, breezy personality. On November 13 Colonel R. J.
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    • 330 8 Singapore Oolf Club. A match by Foursome play was played on Saturday last between Scotland and The Rest, which resulted in a narrow win for The Kent by ]of a point. The results were: Wiut» r (captain) and Hutchison, 0 v. Dyne captain) and Everitt, 1. MacMillan and Binnie,
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    • 279 8 Mother Country v. Colonies. This match wan playeil on the Esplanade on Saturday but, owin^ to rain, a late start made it impossible to finish. Tbe Mother Country batted first and made 89, of which Martin obtained 27. Tho Colonies replied with TO for tbe loss of four wickets.
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  • 463 8 Monks Noble Appeal to Russian Troops. A touching appeal has been issued by tbe monks and lay brothers of the monastery of St. Sergius in Petrograd to the soldiers fighting at the front. It is remarkable for its spirit of simple faith and tolerance. I give
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  • 265 8 Useful Vehicles for Service In War. The übiquitous Ford car has again been demonstrated to be suited for a sphere far removed from its priuic purpose, says the Motor Trader. Recently we chronicltd the British Ford Co.'s enterprise in providing their customers with the mean?, at a trifling
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  • 127 8 The Alhambra is still featuring all first run pictures and in the entire change of programme to-night ate included a three-reel Patbe drama, The Secret of the Mountains, and an excellent mono-reel, Tbe Spur of Jealousy, fur the second show. In the first show two two- reel pictures,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 45 8 L?t politicians disagree An 1 (.nil each other's h»ir, It makes no d fferenoa to ok, For little ii I care. Bat what I co CM much aboat, Yo ill never gifs I'm M L*jle«s your cod has been replied With WooJs' Great ftsppemiiot Cure.
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    • 497 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. JOIN THE ARMY of Quality Picture Hunter* Mi d who only den good ftataren ROLL UP AT THR Gaiety PICTURE PALACE. Junction of Albert and Bkncoolkn Strkkts To see tb in WAR PMMHUMME To Niyht A Stirring War Drama full of Batt'e Scenes: THE GREAT SACRIFICE Reels -i
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    • 301 8 MIC HE LIN TYRES. Ample supplies available. No increase in prices. 20 to 25% cheaper than other tyres, and Still the Best. DUPIRE BROS., Singapore. RAFFLES HOTEL Special Dinner and Ball TO-NIGHT, ST. ANDREW'S EVE. (By kind permission of Lt Col. C. H. B. Lees and Officers, the Band of
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    • 57 8 THE "CRAG" HOTEL. PENANO HILLS. Tbe Sanatorium ot The Straits Settlements. Completely Renovated. Twinlj- is hoars fr. m A perfect KeaHh R-ec t inJ ac deal ->pj| for spending holidays. Bungalow* (or families, also Single «nd Doable Room*. Tennis Billiards, Croquet, Splendid Walks Telephone, Post and Telegraph Offloes Excellent Cuisine
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 400 9 PRATTS THE STANDARD MOTOR SPIRIT. Obtainable at WEARNE BROS., LTD. «A IN WEAKNESS, NEURASTHENIA ■7/#\^ CONSUMPTION tf& I ##1 CHLOROSIS W V@k All doctors agree that this vital Iron of the B!ood ALWAYS CURES, and e;ives everyone health, strength and beauty. Tor better than uncooked meat. Chalybeate*, etc. "ENGLAND! WHAT
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    • 249 9 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the follow ing places in Singapore Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd. Money Changer, Raffles Hotel. Money Changer, Adelphi Hotel. Money Changer, Hotel de l'Bnropo. Money Changer, Hotel van Wijk. Messrs. Kch a Co., Bras Basah Road. The Refreshment Buffet. Tank Road Railway Station.
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    • 524 9 SALES BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEE'S SALE On Tuesday, Deuimbkr 1, at 3.80 p.m. Two pieces of tgrKiiltaiml land situate off Jurong Road, Siogstore, total area 10 acres, 1 pole comprised in S.a'.utory Land Grants Nos. 1894 and 3668. total yearly quit rent 16. POWBLL CO.. Auctioneers. 2611 8011 AUCTION SALE Of
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    • 689 9 BALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of VALUABLE TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PLANTS, ETC., At "HATHERLEI9H. NASSIM ROAD, On Saturday, December S, at 2.30 p.m. Carved teak cabine; mtb ujirr- r panels; rattan chiira and settees; large c< r.U r carpets. etc Very bandnomely carved toak Bidtbjard with mirror pan* l» ma>eivc
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1919 10 wmmtn wu mmtm. lamest pakvw capital if ami easteii qoupuo. PROIPIROUI Mid PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HIADOmOIi Wlwafca— a» Mima, lug LOr -K>« OFFICB aa. OM CO. OiaissßT aas e-M.OOv liiuMi! with tk> In in (M al ■■gliat. sad mifHn we» the British La* I n
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  • 1028 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. How Germany Seized Private Cars. A correspondent sending the following cutting from The Mi 'or wonders bow many cars were detained by the authorities in Singapore after they had been seized from German firms English motorists who happened to be in
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 152 11 WOLSELEY AUTOCARS 16-20 h.p. Chassis fitted with Torpedo Touring Body, Hood, Glass Screen, C.A.V. Electric Lighting Set (5 lamps), Horn, Kit of Tools and Usual Spares, Colour Ai sa Grey. Price $4,600. SOLE AGENTS CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, LIMITED. the: FOUR Electric Starter, Electric Lights, Five Passengers, Complete Equipment. Price $2,400.
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    • 32 11 Lame Back. Lame back may be cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or three times a day with a vigorous rubbing at each application. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 535 11 BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT H. M. KING GEORGE V. AN APPEAL TO PATRIOTISM. Continental tyres are made in Germany by the enemy. Their purchase here assists him. SUPPORT BRITISH TRADE DUNLOPS are far superior In quality, and can be supplied in unlimited quantities at usual prices. Fit, them to your motors
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 757 12 Goodrich American t^sHßk aSlilwiP FOR I' y American SOLE AGENTS: Adamson,Gilfillan&Go.,Ltd. SINGAPORE, PENANG and MALACCA. WANTS. I PAYING GUEBTS WANTEO. By privato family in Tanglin. Large rooms for married couples or bachelors. Apply B. C c/o Straits Times. IS 11 17 H PAYING GUESTS WANTED. Large rooms with verandahs aid
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    • 495 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD TO LIT. No. 7, Bras Basah Boftd, from December 1. Apply on the premises. 10-11 a OFFICES TO LET. No. la, Raffles Qa»y, let and 2nd Score. Apply GUTHRIE Co., Ltd 14 11 112 COMPOUND HOUBE TO LET. No. 16, Devonshire Road, entry December 1.
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    • 488 12 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT CO. 108 ft 109. Market Street. Telephone No. 421. Shipchandlers. Government and Municipal Contractors, Estate Suppliers and Coin mibsion Agents. Sou Aoihts: The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd. Best Multiplar Brand Hair Beltings. 17 80-8 16 TENTS FOR CIRCUSES. CINEMATOGRAPHS. SHOWS and other purposes. CANVAS WORK OF ALL
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    • 438 12 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO.. Ship-chandler*, Government and Municipal Contractor!, General Importers and Exporters, and Commission »i!«nti, Estate, Rice-Mill and Saw-Mill Suppliers. 37, Philip Street. Tel. Address: GUANKIAT, Codes: A. B. C. Ith Edition *nd A 1. TdfcfLono Neb.— Office IMB ar..l 1174. (Private 1450). Soli Aobnts Fob GLOBE BOILER FLUID.
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    • 461 12 TAN SENG CHONG CO Architects and General Agents for BUILDINGS. DESIGNS. ESTIMATES BUILDING BURVEYB. ETC. I UNDER EUROPEAN SIPERVISION. 14 f Raffias Quay (Top Floor). Telephone. 1286. CHARGES MODERATE. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Chua Lip Sian (Chcp I'luat Hong), Merchant, Oonmisioa A uont, and Agent o' S. S. r-h-ng Secg, will
      461 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 231 12 Straits V>imes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellane ova wants of every description are iurtrt ed at the prepaid rate of tl per foui lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, tl each inser ion. For p.p.c. cards, on page 8, t'2. Inch
      231 words