The Straits Times, 26 November 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.657 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 26. 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 143 1 fim" BEER. JUST RECEIVED: Ladies' Genuine Panamas ALL THE LATEST SHAPES. Children's Knitted Vests FROM ENGLISH SPUN YARN. Sizes: 2 to 'Z. Price: tc^^# cents each. KATZ BROS., LTD. Try this Great Discovery RI 1 J (NON-ALCOHOLIC) SARSAPARILLA BEER. What oa.n it do? It will do wonAwu I It removes
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    • 35 1 SLEDGE MILK IS GENUINE Swiss Milk from cattle grazed on the FAMOUS PASTURES OF THE BERNESE ALPS. S v ll Ask tor: SLEDGE BRAND Unsweetened Condensed or Natural Sterilized. Sole Importers J. TRAVERS SONS, LIMITED,
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    • 126 1 ROBINSON CO. i, jpg Toys, Crackers |L| Christmas Presents iIV- A LARGE VARIETY NOW DISPLAYED. A huge "quantity of Crackers TOM SMITH'S, CALEY'S and BUTCHER'S. Prices from 25 cents to $5.75 per box. Just a glance at my new immense stock of Table Dainties Liqueurs. The Choicest Delicacies to make
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  • 1193 2 SURRENDER OF GARRISON AT CRUCIAL MOMENT. A Visit to the Forts. The special war correspondent of the N.C. Daily News at General Kamio's camp, writing on October 27, says:— From a specially selected height I watched yesterday a brief and effective bombardment of Fort Iltis by the
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  • 508 2 Opinion on Probable Duration Of i The War. I The special correspondent of the Evening Standard writing from St. Nazaire, on October 7, nays Since there has been a Blight reshuffling of the troops here— in what way would be scarcely discreet to say many officers
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  • 441 2 Property Reported in Excellent Condition. The annual general meeting of the Abaco (Selangor) Ittibber, Limited, was held on October 20, at tbe Institute of Directors, 4, Corbet court, Gracochurzh street, E.C., Mr. W. Artliur AiMinsell (the chairman) presiding. i The Chairman said Oentlemen, I move That the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 176 2 For the Skin I f Hazeline' j I Snow Comforting J^m Invigorating saLV There is a delight in store for you if you have not yet used "'Hazki ink' j Snow" Its refreshing effect u|H>n sun-scorched, I perspiring skin is too ""NM^tfiSSßSfeN. exquisite for words. Buy *£^JBHESkSi a pot of
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    • 42 2 Treatment for Dysentery. Chamberlaia'« Cjlic, Cholera and Diar rboea Keujody followed by a dose of cactor oil will effectually care tbe most stubborn cum of dysentery. It is especially good for summer diarrhoea in children. For gale by ail Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 514 2 BURN! RASH ON MS D FEET Itched Fearfully. Between Fingers and Joints. Came Out on Little Girl Too. Then Little Boy Got It. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. All Well. Klddlcott. High St.. Crodlton. Devon. Eng. Mj complaint camo out in a red rash with little blUum of waUir and
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    • 265 2 GHEONG BROTHERS. Dentists. No 25, South Bridge Road. Firnt-closg Mechanical Dentistry, Gold Crown Bridge FUJidh aud Vulcanite Duration of Wear «u»ranteec\ CHARGES MODERATE. FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES. Beet Tooib i owdere and Brnntiex kfl sale. K. TSUTADA Japanese Dentist, 74 74-1, BRA8 BASAH ROAD. Telephone No. 1245. EXTRACTION PAINLESS. Charges
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  • 1204 3 SHELTERS NAMED AFTER NOTED HOTELS. Ammunition Convoy Destroyed. The following descriptive account, which baa been communicated by an eye witness present with General Headquarters, supple ments a narrative of the movements of llie British Force and the French Armies in immediate touch with it. It U dated
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  • 863 3 Aviator's Vivid Account of His Exploits. An airman attached to tbe French armies has sent to the Matin a vivid account of his experiences when chasing a Taube en route for Paris. Ours," he says, was the inglorious job of tbe sentinel watching in the air for
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  • 158 3 The report of the BernamPerak Rubber Plantations, Limited, «tat« s that tbe net profit for tbe year to June 30 amounted to 1 8.1 16, as against .£3,77.1 for the previous year, to which has to be added tbe credit balance of £1,5>14 brought forward, making a
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  • 29 3 Little Mary (plaintively, as she sadly sur veys the meagre dinner).— Has Lent come again, mamma? Her Mother.- No, my child; papa has bought tickets for the grand opera.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 586 3 l\s^ Le me talk to y° u aboat j f3«@s& Anaemia I :r t>lo<Ki is lomp'iseil "I till anil white I f ■yjyy> {fitgM Jfci oi;iuscles the red to nourish the body.ihe M fiagf Wg unite to fight disease. In A:.;: mia, the rt-d wS wSr ir P'iscl«"» are more
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    • 11 3 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night Wood* Great Peppermint Core 9d.
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    • 463 3 SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL NOTICE. CHANGES IN STREET NAMES. NOTICB it i hereby given in »ccordance with a P*so!ntion paffed by the Manieinal 1 Lil Ja t h U ry 191 M e n the d "'"""n ol the Schedule hereto will be .abtfi tuted tor the names in the first column
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 366 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. R¥o. STEAM NAVIGATION GO. For China. r Japan. Penang, Ceylon, Australia. India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth London. For Freight, Passage and further information, apply to H W. BUCKLAND, Agent. COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD.. ft THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD. BBTWBBH
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    • 502 4 STEHJER SAILINGS. n.yTk. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A scrvioe ia maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, auder mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all the
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    • 668 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Paka, Tringganu, Biaut, Semerak, Bachok, Kelantan, Tabai, Bangnara, Tolupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Eobsamai, Bandon, Langsuon, Takn, Cbumpon, Kohiak and Bangkok Ous) Oepartursi Nov. 28 3 p.m. A STEAMER Deo. 1 Dec. B it I. 8 18 •i 18
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    • 898 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. "NEDERLAND'^" STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED (ROYAL NETHERLANDS MAIL). REGULAR fortnightly sailings from AMSTERDAM via LONDON, GENOA, Colombo and SINGAPORE to Java and VICE VERSA. For further particulars, apply to Internationale Crediet-en Handelsvereeniging Rotterdam," Agents. 40 a OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY CO.. LTD.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 632 5 "JENATZY TYRES. Moogl^indt Ac Co« 9 Singapore. STEAMER BAILIN6B. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAABT MAATSCHAPPIJ Royal Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia 2 8 Coilyor Quay. UNDER CONTRACT WITH Tllfci NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT. Tbe undermentioned date* of depnrtare are only approximate. Singapore Belawan I NoT a 7 VanOoens Btiawan Deli. NoT> 27 Schoukn Bawran,
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    • 538 5 OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA (OSAKA MERCANTILE BTEAMSHIPCO..LD.) KOBE-BOMBAY LINE. Tbe Company maintains a regular cargo service with six steamers calling at Moji Yokkaichi, Honekong, Singapore, Port Swettenbam, Penang, Colombo and Bombay and on tbe return voyage calling at Tottoorin Singapore, Hongkong and Moji. Intbndid Sailings Fop Port Swettanhim, Penang, Colombo and
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    • 61 5 CHUBB S SAFES LARGE SELECTION ON SHOW AT Huttcnbach Bros. Co., 13, COLLYER QUAY. CARLSBERG BEER^ World -wide Sole Agents THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD., Singapore. STE E JL. Office Furniture MADE IN ENGLAND. FILING CABINETS, CARD-INDEX CABINETS, ROLL-TOP DESKS, ETC. White Ant Proof, Fire Resisting, Dust and Damp Proof.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 389 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO BE LET. FURNIBHED. The comforts' '9 and pleasantly situated residence know as GREEN HILL, Chanoery Lane. Immediate entry, Apply to VOWBLL k CO.. Auctioneers 2611 an Jk. Jm~—W *T^ r m Buyers of hides are requested to apply with offer of price to No. *****, Bataviaasch Nieuwsblad,
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    • 317 6 MUBIC. Lessons given in Violin, Mandoline and Banjo Playing. For particular* and terms, apply to A. E. W., c/o W. J. Garcia, 319, Orchard Road. 3811 n BANK MANAGER WANTEO. Applications are invited for the post of Manager to The Cbiccse Commercial Bank, Ltd. Candidates will please state previous experience.
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    • 407 6 M. C HUDSOK (Late of Robinson Piano Co.). TCNBH, REPAIRER a»d REGULATOR. TUNING $4.00 CASH. Yearly subscribers taken on low rates. Charges for repairs moderato. Workmansbip guaranteed. Free advioe Riven to intending buyer* of new or second band pianos. Estimates for repairs made. Trial order solicited SAILORS' HOME. Tiliphon*: 1183.
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  • 102 7 FIXTURES Thursday, November 26. High Water, 5.45 a.m.. 5.1 m p.m Amateur Dramatics. Vie. Theatre. Friday, November 27. High Water, 6.37 a.m., 6.49 p.m. fold Hm|l mooting, Exchange, 12.30. Municipal Commission, 2.80 p.m. Saturday, November 28. High Water, Ml a.m., 8.0 p.m. Sunday, November 29. High Water,
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  • 144 7 TO-OAT. Malacca and Muar 8 pm Satu I'ahat 8 pm Bangkok 4. 80 pm To-aoikow VnVBl Ceylcm. Australasia, Mauritius, India, Aden, Egypt, Euros*, etc. 6 am and Natuna Is. 10 am Bawean, Sourabnya, H.'iM'ljerniaKHin, Stigen, K. Itaroe. Samarinda and Kalik Papnn. etc. 10 am Mm, Labuan,
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  • 361 7 Tin- r< |> irt of Dangan Kibber (1918) covering the ]h riinl from August 16, 1913, to June 80 last states that tile present cultivated acreage is: Koss estate, j 11, acros Din^Mi estate, 580 acres Lower DangaL *tate, 2U9 •ere.: Leneviliara estate, 499 txjrts; t.tal, l.Him
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  • 690 7 Forthcoming Arrivals And Departures. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from th« London and China Express. It should be understand that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London
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  • 136 7 The Secretary of the Admiralty makes the following announcement: Hid Majesty has bein pit used tv afBWW ai tl:< '-taulishment of a medal, to be called the Distiuguishfd Sttvice Modal, to be awarded to chief petty ofti cis, petty officer*, mm aud boys of all branches of
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  • 14 7 Poverty is an unforgivable sin of omis-ion which helps to preserve oar splendid civilisation.
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  • 161 7 EXCMANOB BIMttAPOB NuVBVBIB 26, 1914. Ob Lomdom Bank 4 m/a m 8/4^ Demand 2/4^ Private 8 m/« 2/4) On India Bank T. T. m 174 J Om HoHOKOMO...Bank d/d 24% On BMAMaaAi....Bank d/d 104 O* Java Bank T. T. Ui On Japab Bank d/d 114, Sovereigns baying
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    • 192 7 I"™ 1 Buyo.8 10 10 Ampin* 7.00 1 1 Ayet Wong 0.15 10 10 Bolat 100 10 10 BrnanR 0.75 10 10 Kawpa? 10 10 Kanaboi 10 10 Kiota Association £1 41 KintaTin 1.12.6 £1 Jtl Labat Minef 10 6 Malayan Collieries £1 £1 Malayan Tins 1.10.0 iO 10
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    • 606 7 k*, 06 1 Buyew. Sellers. aloe i/. 2/- Allagai 1/8 1/7 41 41 Antflo-JaYi 2/8 8/8 2/- 2/- Anglo Malay 6/9 7/9 2/- 2/- BatangMalaka /6 -/10 £1 41 Batn Tiga 1.0.0 1.16.0 2/- 2/- Bekoli -/6 -/8 £1 £1 Bakit Kajang 1.2 6 1.6.0 £1 41 Bakit Lintang
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    • 124 7 f alue fi BeJ:.t. tl £1 B. Smelting Co. 12/--11 41 Pref. 1.0.0 i/. 6/- Bleotric T'w»y» 8/--10 10 Fnwer A Ne»ve 5^.00 60 60 Hammer k Co. 86.00 100 Howwth BnkiDe LOO 7%Pref. LOO 100 K»U Bro, Dei. 10 10 Maynard Co. LOO 100 R. HaiKreavoa 18/0 1.2.0
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    • 61 7 Buyers Sellers United Engineers 6% 11,284 000 Singapore Electric Tramways 8 V £850,000 Spore Municipal 5% 11,878,000 B%pm Spore Municipal 4*% of 1907 (1,600,000 pai Buyers Sellen Spore Muiicipal H% of i»O9 t1.00^,000 pa> Spore Municipal 4 2.UHI.I)tK) 9%dia H pore Muuuipal 4% XUOO.OUO 93| »%The buying quotations of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 112 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. November 27. At saleroom, teak household furniture, etc., at 11. November v7.— At No. 43, Grange Road, teak household furniture, otc., property of W. S. Brock Ks^., at 8. November 2N. At Aldenham, Mount Elizabeth Koad, valuable wax polished teak household furniture, etc., at 2
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    • 94 7 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. When you have a bad cold you want a tui !y that will not only give rtlicf, but 1 tf-i t a prompt and periuaueDt cure, a remedy that is pl< asant to take, a remedy that conksjM notliini; iu jurioos. Cltaoilierlain's Coagb Heniedy nutU ail tb<M
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    • 68 7 \BOUTON ROUGE/ < (i^Pwi o k fmUm g g 03 H J v W FELUCCA Ny SOLE AGENTS FOB g\ "DUDBRIDGE" R OTT H A UIL( A s ENGINES L EFOR KEROSENE OR CRUDE OIL. m >rx A 1^— s IN STOCK: <ImPbJ N 9 15 B HP. Kerosene Engines.
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    • 56 7 sth and 6th Instalments of the Sensational Wild- Animal Drama, AT THIS HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. NORTH BRIIXiK ROAD TO-NIGHT AT 5.20 TO- NIGHT I f NO. V. A COLONEL IN CHAINS NO. VI. THREE BAGS OF SILVER ADVENTURES OF KATHLYN GAUMONT GRAPHIC NO. 38 FtOl of the Late«t"War Newi. TUl^nfcnaa
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 95 7 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Hospital, NoTember '21. S a.m. 8 P.M. 9 ML Bared. 82 Fab 39.880 29.771 29.828 Temp. 84.0 85.4 77.0 Wet Bulb Ther 79.0 80.0 76.0 f)ir. of Wind SW calm calm Max. shade Temp. 90.4 Min 76.2 Max. in Sun 162.2 Te rad. Ther 73.2 Rainfall
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  • 1280 8 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26. PULAU BULANG FINANCE. As we anticipated, the annual meetiug of ibe Pulau Bulang Kubber and Produce Company was a mere formality, but the chair man took the opportunity of giving a very interesting statement on the financial posilion and prospects. We have been looking
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  • 11 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 6 and 13.
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  • 14 8 Weather reports from all parts of France are suspended by order of the Government.
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  • 14 8 A nnmber of Russian naval officers arrived at Hongkong from Penang on November 17.
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  • 19 8 The Bank of Taiwan, Ltd., seemed a net profit for the half year to June .it) of Yen 626,060.
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  • 25 8 A central News Bale telegram says that letters from Germany show a complete change of tone. They no longer speak of victory but of resistance.
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  • 32 8 At their meeting on October 22, the directors of The Bagan Serai Company, Limited, declared an interim dividend in respect of the year ending December 31 of five per cent., less tax.
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  • 37 8 A bill ha* beon parsed by the Federal Council at Kuala Lumpur for the purpose of penalising the importation and cultivation of water hyacinths and to compel laud owners to destroy it when found on their premises.
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  • 43 8 A practice dance for the ball to be held at Raffltrs Hotel on St. Andrew's Eve is being given in the Hotel on Saturday evening. The band of the Malay States Guides will be in attendance, and a special dinner will be served.
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  • 42 8 The Russian Government has been seek ing to place- hugo orders for khaki with Yorkshire firms, and it is stated that they reach in the aggregate about £250,000. Such is the pro vailing boom that they cannot be accep ted at present.
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  • 48 8 The re opening of Paris Theatres, concerts and cinemas has been ordered in response to requests of the proprietors. It is impossible now to take luggage to the Continent without sending it to stations hours beforehand for examination. PasstJgers must arrive at stations in time to be searched.
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  • 59 8 The Express correspondent on the Belgian frontitr says According to accounts we received through the German lines, the fighting at Di&mude was the most terrible yet experienced. The Corps (Jo nmauder warned the troops not to return alive if they failed to take the town. The earlier attacks resulted in
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  • 75 8 The next meeting of the Chinese Christian Association will bo held to tnonow.nt 8 p.m. at the C.C.A. Hall, Prinsep Street, when Mr. Chua Keb liai will move that the present school hours of 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. do cut benefit the school children as much as tli formtr
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  • 26 8 Breezy slang is not lacking in the British official despatches. Corporal Spencer has been killed in a scrap, cables Lord iiuxton. Governor- (i<-neral of South Africa.
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  • 28 8 Visibility was such that spotting' was rendered difficult," reports Commodore Tyrwbitt. They appeared to have her 'beat,'" telegraphed Vice Aduiiral Sir David Beatty, whose wife is from Chicago.
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  • 64 8 The Times correspondent at .Marsi ill. s describes the enthusiastic reception of the fresh contingent of Indian troops on November 7. The organisation and soldierly bearing of the troops much impressed the I'reuch, who felt a solid satisfaction that this great body of Imperial troops could be carriid half across
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  • 74 8 Telegrams from The Hague to the Dutch Indies nays that military correspondents are absolutely astonished at the recklessness with which the Herman commaudors will expose their troops to destruction. Thus, quite recently, an attack was ordered to be made by a newly arrived battalion of 1,000 men, of whom only
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  • 117 8 Lord Kitchener, in an appeal to the public, saya that the men who reci ntly joined the colours are doing their utuiont to prepare tbcmsalves for active serviou with the least possible d< lay. This result can be achieved only by hard work and strict wbriety. Tln.v must keep thoroughly
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  • 116 8 At the meeting of the V«iml Council ;i> Kuala Lumpur, ou TutsUy. tho Legal Adviser introduced the A ivocates and Soli citors Enactment, of wl.ich he gave a loag explanation. The bill is one prepared bj Mr. A. P. Robinwo, of Messrs. Drew Napier, at the iostaoce of a
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  • 383 8 Mr. George Edwards, the well known theatrical lesser, has been a prisoner at Bad Nauheim. Mr. G. B. Cargill inw resigned his position as head assistaut in tho Kuala Reman Estate, Kuantan, in order to enlist for the front. Mr. Cargill is brother to Cant. R. J.
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  • 64 8 We hear that Mr. Harcourt, Colonial Secretary, lu.s requested that an expression of his appreciation and thanks be conveyed to the c'ocos Island staff of tho I tstern Extension Teh graph Company for notifying the arrival of the Emden to the Sydney, to which he
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  • 84 8 A correspondent asked yesterday where application should be made fur help from (.he local section of the Prince of Wales's War Kelief Fund. We havo learned that application should be made to Mr. W. J Mayson, Singapore Club, who has be«u appointed Secretary to the Fund, but
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  • 137 8 Another collision occurred on tin S< rangoonKoad this morning between two tramcars, although on this occasion the impact was not nearly so severe as was the case last Sunday. About 9 a.m. acar was approaching to vu and just beyond Balestiur It <ad anotln r Ml wan waiting
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  • 288 8 The Hon. Mr. E. B. Skinner, who is very shortly retiring from the F.M.S. and returning home, wax on Tuesday evening entertained to dinner at the Mtsonic Hall in Kuala Lumpur by the numbers of the Federal Council and by a number of friends.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 215 8 FOR SALE. ONE WILLETT LIGHT GENERATOR, HO Lights of 50 Candle Power. THREE WILLETT LIGHT GENERATORS, Each 10 Lights of 50 Candle Power. A 10-LIGHT GENERATOR, of the same description as the above, has been in daily use in our Godown for the past two years. It is simple in
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    • 212 8 ALHAMBRA THE PICKER CINEMUTOSRIPH THMTRF. BE»CH ROM). Jecond Show 9.15 p.m Firtt Show 7.50 p.m Two Shows for Ono Pijmer.t. WEEK BE6INNIK6 MONDAY, NOV. 23. YET ANOTHER EXCELLENT PROGRAMME 'jLaracterUtic of Our I sual Endeavour to Present FEATURES ALL OUR OWN. k l'H LKKsgiK DRAMA: THE ADOPTED SON In wbich
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  • 1698 9 Steady Progress Made In France. RUSSIAN ARMIES DOING WELL The Fighting in Egypt. Reutek's Svm i il and Oki>inary Wai. Tbleukajjs. London, November 24, 5 p.m. Kin-, ('rimmuuiqae The situation yesterday was un> nanged. The enemy on the greater part of the front particularly showed activity by intermittent
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  • 122 9 Unofficial Disapproval of The Supply Bill. (Fbom Oub. Own Correspondent.) Koala Lumpur, November 25. At the meeting of the Federal Council this morning the Supply Enactment was passed. with additions totalling two million dollars. The unofficial members, however, intimated that they only consented provisionally in order not
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  • 144 9 Friendly Help For Men Going Home As we mentioned yesterday, we can still do with a little more cash in order that the later sections of the contingent may receive the same treatment as the first. We are somewhat embarrassed by the fact that we cannot give full
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  • 532 9 Behn, Meyer and Co "s Appeal Opened. This morning in the Court of Appeal, over which the acting Chief Justice, Mr. L. M Woodward, with whom is Mr. Justice Ebden and Mr. Justioo Earnsbaw, is presiding, there was opened the appeal oy Messrs. Behn, Meyer and Co..
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  • 231 9 According to the latest mail papers, the Director General of the Army Medical S«r vice reports a highly satisfactory state of health of the armies camped, billeted, or quartered in the various commands at home. Nowhere is there any undue prevalence of preventable disease, and the
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  • 43 9 Lieutenant Colonel Sir Frederick Podsonby has been recalled from the front in order to take up his new dnties as Keeper uf bis Majesty's Privy Purse, in succession to Sir William Caringtou, who died suddenly at his London residence a few weeks ago.
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  • 779 9 Letter of Singapore Prisoner Of War. From a letter, dated August 12, from a German living in Singapore, printed in a German newspaper, we extract his description of the effect the outbreak of war with Great Britain has had on the circumstances of the Germans residing
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  • 381 9 British Labour for British Capital. By the last mail to hand we leceived from Messrs. Raphael Tuck and Sonß, U.I a tasteful selection of Christmas cards. Their trade mark is well-known and is always a guarantee of quality of productiun anil infinite variety in ideas and
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  • 823 9 WITNESSED DEFEAT OF PRUSSIAN GUARDS. His Last Words to the Troops. A despatch from Delhi, dated November 18, states Two days before bis death Lord Roberts paid a visit to the Indian Troops at the front and the following account from a responsible quarter has been
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  • 162 9 In order to preserve the neutral, y of Persia and to safeguard the interests i f the Arab tribes on the banks of Mm Arab, which ba-1 b**o MmM by tl.i I rks, thus preventing the passage ot 111 remove the date crops, the Hnti-h 1 1
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  • 82 9 The marriage of Mim Pauline Chute to Mt. Alexander Victor I)ruiumon<J, son of Mr. George Drummond, took place- on October 24, at SI. Martin's in -the Fialda, Charing-Cross, London. In the register the btide was described as Klleu Pauline Matthew Bliss, aged 2?, of Farnhaui, Bucks, daughter of Eltif Hli.-n,
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  • 966 10 News Published in Shanghai Papers. We take the following Osostischer- Lloyd nix i its from the Shanghai press: Berlin, November 10. The German Emperor, in reply to a telegram from the Bremen Senate with reference to the naval victory off the Chilean coast, has wired I rejoice with
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  • 3 10 *1 j... M£J^^^^^»^^^^J^^M^^^^^^^^^^^^j
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  • 637 10 Further List of Subscriptions. The Hod. Treasurer, Mr. M. Morrison. be^t to acknowledge the receipt of the following farther contributions Amount already acknowledged $246,581.34 lion. W. Eyre Kenny (Not.) 36 Kev. and Mrs. J. A. B. Conk (November! 9 Chin Wah limp, and Co. 200 O.P.
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  • 169 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, There have been funds raised for our fellow-countrymen, and the Belgians, and tbe Indians fighting in France but none so far for our brave Allies, the French. 1 therefore appeal for gifts of clothing and other comforts, and money,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 160 10 To the Editor of the Straits Timer. Sir,— Will you kindly explain the following two points in your paper for the benefit of your readers. (1) That some papers (Straits Times correctly says Indian Mohammedan call Mohamed Ibrahim, charged with creating a false alarm in Penang, etc.,
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  • 255 10 The report of the Sungei Kari (Sumatra) Rubber Estate, Limited, sUtea that the net profit for the year to June 80, after writing off the sum of .£132 for depreciation on buildings, machinery, etc., amounted to .£15,004; add carry-forward from previous year, £2,462, together miking £17,526;
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  • 64 10 The staff of the C.E /.M.S. beg to tender heartfelt thanks to Lady Evelyn Young and other friends who so kindly ordered articles to be made by the girls and bought so gener ously at the little sale held at tbo Chinese Girls' School last week. Thanks are also
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  • 45 10 The naval collier Jason, which is going with coal for the American cruisers in the Mediterranean, baa been deoignaUd by Dr. l>*oi<l«. Secretary for the Navy, to carry I'liriatmas gifts contributed by children in the I v i '< I states for the orphans and widows
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  • 9735 10 SUPPORT BY PRINCES AND PEOPLES. THE OFFICIAL RECORDS. There have been placed at our disposal by the local government the fuil papers relating to the support offered by the Princes and peoples of India to His Majesty in connection with the war, presented to both Houses of Parliament
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  • 362 11 Exhortation to White Men In India. Brigadier General Lean, addressing the Sind Volunteers at tbe annual inspection in Karachi, said that be was very pleased to see from the records that tbe number of the Sind Volunteer Rifles increased by 200 since the outbreak of tbe
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  • 977 12 INCREASED FITNESS OF CITIZEN ARMY. 22 Miles fur A Bath A City Territorial writing in a home paper says: My company marched twentytwo miles yesterday to get hot baths aad hair cuts in the nearest town. That statement may seem lacking in interest as an item <:f general
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  • 51 12 K Japan contemporary sUtes that the retoraa of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha tor the year eaded BsftasiUr 80 show a fairly large km, owing to a aerioos decrease in freight and the saaiatsaaacs of no»a«iliiua on the Calcutta rout. usoal rate of U maiuUined by drawing un tin dividend equalisation
    51 words
  • 48 12 Beeeatly the MUnmii of Vesuvius was —cawatod by a deMe cloud of smoke. One ■•—lag. howerer, Urn cloud was intermittoatly luu.inous, a tact which denotes the pnmmt* of Uva in toe eratrr These ei|(ns MMMt revival of the volcano's activity, after a period of tbirteea yean without ua(>t.ut.
    48 words
  • 863 12 British Official Protest To The Powers. The British Legation at Bangkok has ssuud copies of the protest against the mining of neutral waters which wan circulated by the British Government among all civilised Governments. The protest is in these terms His Majesty's Government consider it their
    863 words
  • 55 12 The committee of the Soldiers and Sailors' K iiuili. s Clothing Fund gratefully acknowledge tin- further contributions Mrs. Griffin 8 Mrs. Derrick 10 Mr Symonds 10 Dr. Legite 1 Miss Samson 1 Miss .1. 0. Velge 2 Mrs Webb 10 Masonic Club 100 187 Amount
    55 words
  • 322 12 Effects Of Big Or^rs For British Army. Where the increased price of leather will end no one in the boot trade seems inclined even to hazard a guess, writes a cones pondent. In an interview the editor of the Boot and Shoe Retailer and Leather Trades Ua/.ettc declared
    322 words
  • 235 12 The directors of Mambau (F.M.S.) Rubber Co. report for year tj June 90, 1914, that, in accordance with the resolutions passed on March 1H last, the capital has been increased to £60,000, and in order to provide the money required to continue tho cultivation of the property
    235 words
  • 232 12 Iv consequence of the Turkish occupation of Sheik Said, where the Turks erected forts and placed heavy guns in p mition with the objects of closing the passage of the Strait of Bab -cl-Mandeb and of threatening the cable station at Perim, the British Government has been
    232 words
  • 44 12 A correspondent of a home paper suggests that poetic justice to Hheims is possible. It is well within the power of modern builders to transplant thither Cologne Cathedral, stone by numbered stone. Let this, be says, be the symbol and monument of our victory.
    44 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 54 12 The lightning fliched, the thunder roared, Tbe rain camr down like mad, Tbe cold grt Mi i o Bill's b ues. It made Lim vcy sod. Bat Mrs. Kill she loved hi r spoa>e I hi* fact I know for sore Blue she would not have physicked bitu With Wood*
      54 words
    • 491 12 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. "Gaiety" PICTURE PALACE. I Junction of Albbkt and Bkvcoolbn Streets. DRAMA IN 3 PARTS. HONOUR AWAKENED Adapted from Paul li-rviea's Famous Play FROM THE SUBMERGED Eesaaay's Litast Drama. STUART KEEN detective A Ttrilling Drama Rcb i.i Seoja'.ionsl Scenes. ACTS 3 PARTS An "A. K." Japauese Drama A WOMAN
      491 words
    • 268 12 "HIS MASTER'S VOICE Gramophones and Records ARE ALWAYS APPRECIATED. Send for New Catalogue just published. S.MOUTRIE&Co.,Ud., RAFFLES PLACE. iFFLESlOTEL Special Dinner AND Dance on Saturday, November 28, mLSO Special Dinner AND Ball on November 30, 1914 ST. ANDREW'S EVE. (By kind permission of Lt Col. 0. H. B. Lees and
      268 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 597 13 it is false: economy TO BUY ANY BUT The Best Kerosene Oil DEVOES Imperial Brilliant Etpv.eH) case ALL DEALERS. ©IN WEAKNESS, NEURASTHENIA CONSUMPTION &A CHLOROSIS ,^m B 9^k Descheens All doctors agree that this vital Iron of the Mood ALWAYS CURES, .-rid Rives everyone health, strength and beauty. Far better
      597 words
    • 247 13 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the follow ing placee in Singapore Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Lid. Money Changer, Raffle* Hotel. Money Changer, Adelphi Hotel. Money Changer, Hotel de l'Bnrope Money Changer, Hotel van Wijk. Messrs. Kch Co., Bras Basah Roid. The Refreshment Buffet. Tank Road Railway Station. Mossrp.
      247 words
    • 638 13 NOTICES HOTICi. Tenders will be received by tbe Superintendent, Government Monopolies, S.S.up to noon on November 80tb, 1014, (or tbe following bullock cart services for 1915, (a) Head Office, Cecil Street, to Factory, or vice versa. (b) Factory to Johnston's Pier. (c) Head Office, Cecil Street, to Johnston's Pier, or
      638 words
    • 1563 13 SALEB BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of VALUABLE WAXPOLISHED TBAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ETC., At A Men ham, Mount Elizabeth Road, On Saturday, November 38, at 3.30 p.m. Excellent rattan chairs anl Mttets: teak writing tablo; polished dining tablo and dinner wagon bentwood standard chairs crockery glassware, etc. Iron bedsteads handsomely carved
      1,563 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1411 14 mmrmn ms maun laigest pam-up capital if amy ejlstui cohpail PROIPIROUI and PROORBUIVE. THE BREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD pe-piPM WlwstisetßP Ml —a, UMtDOtl O*r IOB i as. OU isery, «-C aiOian j naa lII,MII| I w#e M» hi a ef Bnainl eea wnayaei isl aW »aMla. Mb
      1,411 words
    • 445 14 BANKING. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA LTD. Capital Authoriaed £1,600.000 Capital Subaoribed £1,126,000 Capital Paid-up £662, e00 Reserve Fund £466.000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS R. J. Black Esq Chairman. James Campbell Esq. H.Melvill SimonaEsq. J. A. Maitland Esq. Sir David Yule. J. M. Ryrie Eeq. Chief Manager Percy Mould Esq. London
      445 words
    • 1511 14 INSURANCE. RECRUITING for "national" defenco is no le»s a-duons tban recruiting for "home" defence, and by tins we mean home in its purely dcmestio se>nfe. Many men off e r themselves for tbe "front" to be rejected as too old or too iNsnHaJrp" t *»«"«««e« are useless. So too with
      1,511 words

  • 999 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Engineering and the War. In the place of Colonel Ilolden, the presi dent of the Institution of Automobile Engi neors, who is too busily employed at the War Office as Director of Mechanical Transport Mr. L. 11. Pomcroy, the well-known deeigntr
    999 words
  • 22 15 It is moat annoying to see how often yoni own dogged perseverance is beaten by the vulgar push of the other chap.
    22 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 153 15 WOLSELEY AUTOCARS 16-20 h.p. Chassis fitted with Torpedo Touring Body, Hood, Glass Screen, C.A.V. Electric Lighting Set (5 lamps), Horn, Kit of Tools and Usual Spares, Colour Ai'sa Grey. Price $4,600. SOLE AGENTS CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, LIMITED. THE FOUR Electric Starter, Electric LighU, Five Passengers, Complete Equipment. Price $2,400. WEARNE
      153 words
    • 34 15 Lame Back. Lame back may be cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or three times a day with a vigorous rubbing at each application. For sale by all Dispensaries and I Dealers. I
      34 words
    • 244 15 BY ROYAL APPOINTWENT TO H. M. KING GEORGE V AN APPEAL TO PATRIOTISM. Continental tyres are made in Germany by the enemy. Their purchase here assists him. SUPPORT BRITISH TRADE DUNL.OPS are tar superior In quality, and can be supplied In unlimited quantities at usual prices. Pit them to your
      244 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 431 16 Indian Patent Stone. FOR FLOORING AND PAVEMENTS. 30 Years' Reputation tor Durability AND FOR BEING Sanitary, Damp-Proof, Vermin-Proof and Fire-Proof. SOLE AGENTS: Adamson, Gilfillan Go. Ltd., SINGAPORE. PENANG and MALACCA. WANTS. BILL COLLECTOR WANTED. Wanted, A BILL COLLECTOR AT ONCE security required. Apply pmonally at No. 8, High Street. 8611
      431 words
    • 410 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. TO LET No. 188, Aaoy Stroet Apply M Onston, 8, Prince Street, as h a FURNISHED BEABIDE REBIDENCEB TO LET. BELINDA and JU ANITA, to let furnished, apply No. 9, Mt. Sophia. 16 v FLOOR TO LET To let, 2nd Floor, No. 8, Malacca Street.
      410 words
    • 591 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD TO LET. No. 7, Bras Basah Boad, from December 1. Apply on the premises. iO 11 v OFFICEB TO LET. No. la, Raffles Quay, Ist and 2nd flcors. Apply GUTHRIE A Co., Ltd. 2411 1 12 COMPOUND HOUBE TO LET. No 18. Devonshire Road, entry
      591 words
    • 473 16 NOTICEB. Xl AM KIAT CO. 108 ft log. Market Street. Telephone No. 421. Shipchandlers. Oovernment and Municipal Contractors, Estate Suppliers and Commission Agents. Sou Agents The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd. Best Multiplar Bracd Hair Beltings. 17 80-8-18 TENTS FOR CIRCUSES. CINEMATOGRAPHS. SHOWS and other purposes. CANVAS WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS
      473 words
    • 388 16 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO.. Ship-chandler*, Government and Municipal Contractors, General Importers and Eiportert, and Commission Agents, [state, Rice Mitl and Saw-Hill Suppliers. 37. Philip Street. Tel. Address: "GUANKIAT," Coobs: A. B. C. 6th Edition and A 1. Telephone Nos.— Office: 1288 aod 1174. (Private 1460). Solb Aoints For GLOBE BOILER
      388 words
    • 439 16 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURE. The following fixtures tor tie current wees and important forthcoming fixtures are kind] j supplied by the secretaries of the various clubs. Convenient forms on which to make the returns will be Buppliod on application kf tbe Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Polo Club. Practice games at Tyersall.
      439 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 226 16 Straits Ibimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellane oub wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of II pen foui lines for one or two inHcrtions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, 81 each insrr ion. For p.p.c. cards, on page 8, 92. Inch Scau
      226 words