The Straits Times, 24 November 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.655 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 168 1 hITI" BEER. KATZ BROS., LTD. U NEW STOCK OP Gentlemen s White Twill Mercerised Cotton TUNIC SHIRTS Soft Fronts and Double Cuffs. UH $1.75 each. 3 $5.00. These Shirts are of British Manufacture, Best Cut and finish. They are light in texture but Strong and Durable. They keep that sheen
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    • 223 1 ROBINSON CO. sole: agents in the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States FOR THE NEW-HUDSON MOTOR CYCLES. ,^^^bV^^^b^^b^b3bv9Kbt lie I^B^Hvf A :^Bb^Bß^^^ The Motor Cycle used by the BRITISH, FRENCH and RUSSIAN ARMIES. Catalogues and Prices on Application. Just a glance at my new immense stock of Table Dainties
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  • 1037 2 Manager's Report for Four Weeks Ending November 7, 1914. Gentlemen,— l herewith beg to submit my report on youi inining and milling opera- tions for four weeks ending November 7. I The accompanying sheet of mine measurements end assay returns shows a total
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  • 509 2 Experts Puzzled by Fire on The Columbian. Judgment has just been delivered in tbe inquiry into the loss of the steamship Columbian, which was abandoned on May 4 in consequence of a the wbicu bad broken out on boanl. The court state that they are unable
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  • 381 2 Prisoners' Inscriptions Copied Permanently. In the annual report of the Royal Miut, which was issued recently, is included an interesting statement by the superintendent of the Operative Department as to arrange ments made for copying in a permanent form the inscriptions of prit-ouers in the Tower of
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  • 20 2 Tommy, what is the difference between 'form' and 'ceremony? Well, sir, you sit on form, but you stand on ceremony."
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  • 21 2 Overheard on the last tram. -Old Lady (to conductor) Why do you nave the blinds down Conductor The Kaiser's dead, ma'am."
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 144 2 You need KEPLER j M.irkl m Cod Liver Oil with A Sensitive Throat v\\' A Delicate Digestion IF vi A Wasted Body, or A Debilitated Constitution It nourishes, rcvitaliaei and fortifies the whole tytten. I* Obtainable at all J-. BSBSSS^M Wril-ome Co. I Chemists and Stores _t J 1...n lon
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    • 33 2 Lame Back. Lame back may be cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or three times a day with a vigorous rubbing at each appli cation. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 490 2 TERRIBLE TORTURE wiyp Leg Broke Out in Raw Patch. Caused Terrific Pain. Itched Terribly During Sleep. Spread Rapidly. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Healed. 1)3. Arwia Rd.. Walihamstow. F.«px, Enn "The complaint was SSS uf thr type* of enema. It started by a small pimple which ffHti'rcd. then hrokeand spread to
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    • 198 2 ARTICLES FOB SALE, FOR BALE. Kukliib-bnilt victoria and renn horse. Bbsml turnout, excellent order. Apply to M. E. Plumpton 1211 b J4II COCONUT BEEDLINGB FOR BALE From well-grown troes. For particulars and prices, apply to A. FRANK it L. Siglap Estate, or at Victoria Street. 217 a MOTOR CAR FOR
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  • 1235 3 TERRIBLE PRIVATIONS IN POLAND. Impossible Roads. The Petronrad correspondent of The Times, writing on October 15, states: The conviction has long prevailed here that the Germans gave up hope of a victorious war when they were compelled by tho Has Hian invasion to divert armies eastward, and
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  • 870 3 How the Parisians Pass The Time. We have, of course, many idle hours, observes the Paris correspouient of the Kveoing Standard. How can it be otherwise in a city whose life has been suddenly arrested I There are hoars when we piss on and discuss tho rumours of
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  • 25 3 Your whisky is all gone, sir," said the landlady. "Shill I get another bottle." Er— yes," replied the lodger. I think it's about your tarn."
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 43 3 Treatment for Dysentery. Cbiiuiberlain 8 Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedj followed by a dose of castor oil will effectually care the mos'. -'übborD cat OB of dysentery. It is especially good for Hammer diarrhoea in children. F>r aale by all Dispenaariea and Dealers.
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    • 321 3 DISINFECTANTS. Mil Klmdm and for Mil Purposes. AS SUPPLTBD TO H. M. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS OAnl I AO'UriULf 30 timea the co efficient of oarbolic acid The ideal diainfaotaot for use in the Tropios. Highest efficiency and lowest ocst Powerful Larraoide. Uaaffeoted by organio matter, and mitoible with both treah aad
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 362 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. (For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, McdiLterranean Ports Plymouth London. For Freight, Passage and further information, apply to LH W. BUCKLAND, Agent. COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD.. ft THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD. BITWaIN Fnomantle Perth
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    • 508 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. Tbe New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service havn been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all the
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    • 635 4 STEAMER BAIUH6B. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Eretay, Paka, Tringganu, Bisat, Semerak, Baohok, Kelantan, Tabai, Bangnara Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobsamni, Bandon, Langauen, Take. Chumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok, Due Departure Nov. 24 Nov. 28-3 p.m. The Steamers are fitted throughout with electric light, and have excellent
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    • 910 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. >r= STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED (ROYAL NETHERLANDS MAIL). REGULAR fortnightly sailings from AMSTERDAM via LONDON, GENOA, Colombo and SINGAPORE to Java and VICE VERSA. For further particulars, apply to Internationale Crediet-en Handelsvereeniging Rotterdam," Agents. 4-8 n OCEAN STEAM SHIP GO. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 652 5 TYRES. Hoogflandt Co.* Singapore. STEAMER SAILINGS. KONINKLMKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPM Royal Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia 2.8, Collyer Quay. CNDBR CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT. The undermentioned dates of departnro are only approximate. Beynst Monk* and PalemoaoK. Not. M Siiifckd Pontiamk. OT< Murkan Sin^kaw»ng SeUkan, Peni»o«kat and Sambas Not. M
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    • 776 5 THE ART FURNITURE DEPOT. 167. Orchard Road. High-class furniture in Teak and Meranti, at lowest prices Superior workmanship. Estimates free on application. 24 10b 21M 16 TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tbe New Route via China, Japan, Honolulu, and San Francisco, to sB point*
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    • 101 5 CHUBB S SAFES LARGE SELECTION ON SHOW AT Huttenbach Bros. Co., 13, COLLYER QUAY If you desire to be supplied with copies, order at once do not wait, as only a limited number of copies were printed* The Singapore and Straits ROUGH DIARY for 1915. Publishers: FRASER and NEAVE, LIMITED.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 514 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICEB TO LET. No. la, Kaffles yany, Ist and 2nd flcors. Apply GUTHRIE A Co., Ltd MH 143 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMB TO LET. Witb or without board. Tennis, Stabliug. Moderate. Apply SA c/o Straits Times. ■Ml 2812 TURNOUT FOR SALE Fast Deli pony, harness and rnbber tyred Palacnain,
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    • 261 6 CU. HUDSON (Late of Robinson Piano Co.). TLW'SH, REPAIRER aud REGULATOR. TUNING $4.00 CASH. °5 l 0" r te CbM K eB f0 eDftirs «"cder a te. Workmansb.p guaranteed l Free |» g.ven to intendicg buyers of new or secoud hand pianos. Estimates for repairs made. Tial order solicited ■AILORS'
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  • 100 7 FIXTURES Tuesday, November 24. High Water, Ml a.m., Ml p.m. Wednesday, November 25. High Water, I 12 a.m., 3.48 p m. Thursday, November 26. High Water, 5.45 a.m.. S.IH p.m. Amateur Dramatics. Vie. Theatre. Friday, November 27. Hit:)' Water, Ml a.m.. 6.4S p.m. OHM Storage meeting. Exchange
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  • 130 7 Todh. Malacca, r%M| and Colombo 8 pru Hont;koiit;. Shanghai and Japan 8 pin Mat u Pal iiit Bpm M.i!a,r;i and Muar 3 pm Palombaaji 8 pm tfOnllß, Austinl;. M:u,iitiii-. ln<li:i, Eyypt tmi fvntpa, ale. 8 pm Smirabiiya. Siu^i lUdji. Macassar. Mi i il'i, liorontalo and Teruate 4
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  • 44 7 l.irr Simuipobb. Doa im London Mum S«pt. October 'ii Oct. 26 Sept. :iO Xovembor '2 Not. 2 3 Nov. 2 Oct. 8 „6 Nov. 6 Oct. IS 14 Oct. 21 23 Nov. 23 Oct. 'i» Nov. 5 Kov. II Nov. 19
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  • 692 7 Forthcoming Arrivals And Departures. Tl.o following passenger bookings to the Straits are. taken from th Lin Inn and China Express. It should be understand that, in Foiue instanops, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in
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  • 367 7 Stories of German Officers' Ruses. The following remarkable story finds a prominent place in the German war news, officially circulated through German wire- I lohh stations, aod receive! by the Marconi I Wire-leas Company Count Baroldinogcn, of Potsdam, whose mother is an American, has been awarded an
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  • 163 7 EXCHANGE Bmtt*FCM, NoYKMBER 'it, 1914. 0* Lomdo* Bank 4 m/i 3/4 ft Demand 2,1 Private 8 m/i 3/4? lOn I«oia Bank T. T. m 1741 Oh HoMOKONu...Bank d/d 25) On iiHAi»aßAl....Bank d/d M 10.' j O« J*v* Bank T. T. m 141 J On JiTAK Bank d/d
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    • 196 7 [mw> Bnyeie t alue (E 10 10 Arapang 7.00 1 1 AyerWenfl 0.15 10 10 Belat 100 10 10 Broang 0.75 10 10 Kanipar 10 10 Kanaboi 10 10 Kinta Ahuociation El 41 KinUTin 1.18.0 6) 41 Lahat Mines 10 6 Malayan Collieries El £1 Malayan Tins 1.10.0 0
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    • 611 7 l «>9° 1 Buyers. Value (2 ij. a/- AllauM 1/3 £1 £1 Anglo Java 2/8 2/- a/- Anglo-Malay 6/9 2/- a/- Batane Malaka -/6 £1 £1 Hatu Tiga 1-5.0 2/- 2/- Bekob -/6 £1 £1 Bakit Kajang 1.2.6 £1 £1 Bakit Lintang 2.0.0 t\- 3/- Bakit Mertojam 1,6 £1
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    • 129 7 Value 41 £1 B. Smelting Co. 12/- 18/0 £1 41 Prel. 1.0.0 1.2.8 5/- 6/ Electric T'wiji 8/- 4,8 10 10 Fraser A Neave 5 r .00 66.00 60 60 Hammer Co. 85.00 96.00 100 Howarth Erskino 46.00 100 7% Prel. 100.00 100 100 Kata Bro, Def. 100.00 10
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    • 56 7 Buyers Sellers United Engineers 6% 11,*****0 Singapore Electric Tramways 6% £850,000 S'poreMunicipal6% »1,878,000 B%pm Spore Municipal 4{% of 1907 |1,600,000 pai Buyers Seller* B'pore Municipal 4i% of i»O9 11,001,000 pat Spore Municipal 4:, 2,000,000 9%dit Spore Municipal 4% 994 ,*,The baying quotations of sterling shares must be regarded
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 179 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Novombtr 25. At saleroom, Two Motor l'.iiyclts, at 11. November 27. At saleroom, teak household furniture, etc at 11. November M.— At No. 43, Orange Hoad. teak household furniture, etc., property of W s k Hs,i.. at 8. Novetubc>r 28.— At .'ldonhaiu, Mount Kli/.auttb
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    • 101 7 Chamberlain's Coujjh Remedy. Wbro y.»u have a bid cold you want a ■•it, m)y M will not only give relief, but t tTi'Ct a prompt ami pcruiam nt cure, a rt medy :li a HI pl.aKact to take, a remedy that con tuns unthiuy injurious. Chamberlain's Cough Keniedy un U
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    • 53 7 sth and 6th Instalments of the Sensational Wild-Animal Drama, AT IHE HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD TO-NIOHTI AT 5.20 TO-NIOMTII NO. V. A COLONEL IN CHAINS no. vi. I THREE BAGS OF SILVER ADVENTURES OF KATHLYN OAUMONT GRAPHIC NO. 39 Full of the Latest War News. Toieptioa* No. 1116.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 100 7 WEATHER REPORT. Ny Korbau Hospital, Novembei 2 I. 9 a.m: 8 p.m. 9M Bared. 32 Fab 39.888 i9.WS 29.847 Ttmp. WH H4 0 79 0 W.t M T!»r 7-* (I 75.0 77.0 Dir. ol Win.l S\V calm caln; Max. shade Temp. H'.O Mm 74.H Max. in San MM Terad. Th.
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  • 1288 8 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24. COMMENT AND CRITICISM. There is something of a lull at the Heat of war and we may not inappropriately deal with some of the purely aide issues which have been raised here and elsewhere. It would be seen from the correspondence in our recent
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  • 11 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 6 and 11.
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  • 12 8 We have a registered letter for Mr. Battye, ot the Malayan Contingent.
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  • 20 8 Hongkong papers say the Captain of the Emden and Prince Franz Joseph of Hohenzollern are to be interned in Hongkong.
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  • 25 8 Mr. T. F. Hough, who has been appointed trustee and attorney of the Club Gorman ia, Hongkong, is advertising the club to be lot furnished."
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  • 20 8 It is proposed to establish a Hice Trans porUtiou Bureau at Shanghai with branches in all the rice producing provinces.
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  • 22 8 The various Enactments pissed at the recent sitting of the Federal Council at Kuala Kangsar appear in the F.M.S. Govern ment Gazette.
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  • 38 8 There was a great sceno of enthusiasm at the dinner at the Bombay Yacht Club on the 10th inst., when H. E. the Governor announced, amid loud cheers, that the Emden had been sunk off the Cooos Islands.
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  • 44 8 Hadji Mohammed Effendi, alias Nassa H< v, who for some time past hail been repre seuting himself in Bangkok as an officer in the Turkish Army, has been arrested by the Bangkok police and placed on board the Waishing to be taken to lloihow.
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  • 41 8 Pte. Thomas, of the South Wales Bor derers, died on the 2nd instant, after some weeks in hospital— the first death among British soldiers at Tsingtau. A bullet pierced tho shoulder and cut an artery, death being due to internal bleeding.
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  • 42 8 The business of the Court of Appeal was continued this morning, the hearing of a case commenced yesterday being resumed. The acting Chief Justic, Mr. L. M. Wood ward i- presiding, with him being Mr. Justice Earn sbaw and Mr. Justice Ebden.
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  • 42 8 October 18 was Tobacco Day in Petrograd for the soldiers at the front. All daylong motor-cars were driving through tho streets, and into them people threw tobacco in all shapes and forms, from large packages of tobacco to single packets of cigarettes.
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  • 40 8 A member of the Selangor Club is protesting against F.M.S. men who volunteer for active service being given second-class passes on the railway. He '.'.links they should travel first-class, as did some of the (rerman prisoners captured by H.MS. Yarmouth.
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  • 49 8 The draft of the Trading with Enemies Knactment draft Enactment providiig for the control of the Press in war lime and the draft of an Enactment to consolidate and amend the law relating to the marriages of persons professing the Christian religion are printed in the ..M.S. Government Gazette.
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  • 58 8 It is reported in a Hongkong paper that the number of German prisoners taken iv Tsingtau is 8,555, who will be sent to Wei-hai wei, but the Ja(anwe desired tnsend them to Tokio. It is probable that Great Hrthin will approve Japan's intention. The Gtruian Governor (line l'll at Taiugtau
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  • 73 8 At this week's meeting of the Biblical and Literary lit search Society, to be held in the V.M.C.A. on Thursday evening, the liev. J. A. B. Cook will read a paper on James the Apostle of Patience and Practice." There will be a discussion after the reading of the paper
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  • 70 8 It was reported in Dover on November 14 that two German submarines were suspected of hiding at the bottom of the Straits. Une calm day bubbles were seen and the area was dragged with a long chain to which explosives were attached. There -was later a violent explosion and quantities
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  • 71 8 Loyal telegrams continue to pour in upon His Excellency the Viceroy from Mahomed ans in all parts of India, deploring the illadvised action of Turkey in precipitating the war, and expressing gratitude for the action taken by the British Government to safe guaid the holy places of Islam. As the
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  • 80 8 A famous tea merchant by the name of Peng Tanien who has just returned to China from Europe said to an interviewer that ever since the European war. there Ims been a greater demaad for Chinese tea which inn now be sold at a higher price than ever before. Most
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  • 87 8 The following properties were disp.-mi-d of by auction at Messrs. Ching Keng Lee and Co.'s saleroom yesterday afternoon Two pieces of freehold land situate at K&ngoon I toad, area 6,141 sq. feet, bought by Mr. Oow Khek Sin for $5:t(). baaMi land and hoosn No. 8 at LoroDg 37, off
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  • 482 8 Mr. John Stewart Black, late .li.dicial Adviser in Si:un. is In u,l of the s[ i-ciul police in \V rot 1 1 am. the town in Kent where he has settled. Mr. BoMft, who has been acting manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank at Shanghai, during
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  • 59 8 Thosi desiring to join the Veterans' Corps, under the revised regulations wo commented upon yesterday, Bhould enrol at Drill Hall ou Thursday '.'Mb, or Friday 27th, between tho hours of 5 and 6 p.m. Anyone can, of course, enrol at other times, but it has been arranged that
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  • 176 8 About half past one on Sunday afternoon an alarming tramcar smash occurred on the Serangocn I toad near the bridge ovor the Kallong Kivrr. It appears that two cars wore proceeding in opposite directions and tntertd a loop whero they pass each other. One of the cirs endeavoured
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  • 298 8 The lack of intelligent disci imination shown by the Singapore PosMMlio in tlio despatch of mails for liangkok frum Europe has often been the theme of complaints in the local press, says the Mm Ota > rw, which goes on to say The latest feat of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 208 8 FOR SAX-.E. ONE WILLETT LIGHT GENERATOR, (i 0 Lights of 50 Candlo Power. THREE WILLETT LIGHT GENERATORS, Each 10 Lights of 50 Candle Power. A 10-LIGHT GENERATOR, of the same description as the above, has been in daiiy use in our Godown for the past two years. It is simple
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    • 223 8 ALHAMBRA THE P'MEER CINEMATMRIPM THUTRF, BEACH ROAD. Second »how 9.1 i p.m. First »hew 7.10 p m Two Bhowt for One Payment, WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY. NOV. 2?. YET ANOTHER EXCELLENT PROGRAMME Characteristic of Our Csu&l Endeavour to Prewnt FEATURES ALL OUR OWN. A PICIUKESQI'B DHAMA: THE ADOPTED SON In wbich
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  • 1403 9 Eyewitness Describes Events. DARING OF THE BRITISH AVIATORS. Attack on Zeppelin Shed. Km runs Sik. i m. and Okmkary WtM I VMS. London, November 23, '2.15 a.m. Paris, ev-niny, official: Tho <> ti.i ins violently boiubirded Ypr.-s on Sunday, the markets and town hill beini; destroyed. There was
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  • 309 9 FRIENDLY HELP FOR MEN GOING HOME. What is Being Done. We have been able to supply warm clothing to a number of men, and have put parcels on board for others who may join the ships. We have sent a big stock of cigars, cigarettes, tobacco, chocolate, biscuits,
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  • 188 9 Pathetic Farewell to Wife And Country. A letter which (or poignancy and nobility of sentiment deservi* to rank with the lot»t message of Captain Scott is published by the Echo de Paris. It was written by a French private soldier as lie lay dying on the battle
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  • 2566 9 ENGLAND EXPECTS EVERY M4N WILL DO HIS DUTY. (From Our Special Correspondent.) London, October 23. Since Nelson lay dying in the cockpit of the victory one hundred and nine years ago, Trafalgar Day has nover been celebrated with such enthusiasm or with greater significance to the Empire
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  • 275 9 Objects of the Vegetable Products Committee. Several correspondents have sent us copiiwi of a circular issued by tho Vegetable Products Committee, which has Admiral Lord Charles Beresford as its Prvsideut and Admiral Sir E. B. Fremantle aud Sir John Cockburn as its Vice Presidents, with Mr.
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  • 189 9 Escorted into Bombay By Trench Cruiser. AmessagefiouiHonibay.o'.v' I says: The transport Holill* with IVn.i iuls are expected hero on Monday i-vom j or Tuesday morning. They aru a portion tho W<MM Diiisioti (MM West of Ki.. 'aud Kegiujents) and arc bound for Bombay and Karachi. Proposals were
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  • 37 9 Tho rtv-'.Qjc of th' Chinese Maritin.i Customs for the urrotli nf October, «l NU*g eouiteuiporary nay*, wan expected to -how a I iif over oar million taels as compar od with the corresponding period of lust y ,\<
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  • 1115 10 THE KING INAUGURATES NEW WATERWORKS. Siamese Opinion on the War (BY A COKKBSPOSDHST.) Bangkok, November 17. Bangkok's water works, which have been talked about for the past twenty or thirty years and only just brought into being, were opened with due ceremony by King Maba Vajiravudh on
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  • 186 10 At a recent meeting, the Royal Humane Society, presided over by Admiral Sir G. W. Moraut, K C.8., made the following awards Bronze medals to Sub- Lieut. Claude D. Bury and Mr. E. G. Haycraft, gunnor, in H M.S. Landrail, for their gallantry in the North Sea
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  • 178 10 Mr. H. Lawson. M.l., presided at an informal opening of the new Press Club rooms ia St. Bride's House, whither the club Ins moved from its somewhat cramped quart* rs iv Wine Office court. Mr. Lavs.n said that at the present time jourralists had not a fair chance,
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  • 47 10 The committee gratefully acknowledge re ceipt of the following further subscriptions Amount previously acknowledged »7,146 00 li. Pears 75 .1. T. Km ill 10 Consul 1 > r- ier 15 .Mi... Baqpaai 10 F. Belneld, Kuala Lumpur '2"> Mi M W. H. Mw| Hon. Treasurer.
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  • 46 10 The death took place on November 1 < i l>r. Hi i belt V. We-uham, of the I uum Medical College, Peking, at the I'eking l{«-) of pneumonia. Dr. Wenhain camu to China eight years ago. with tin- purpose I ing InuiseU to medical education in China.
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  • Article, Illustration
    80 10 As far as can be gathered, all the country ea«t of a line drawn from Ostend past Lille, through Guises and thon turning east through Argonue and north of Verdun to the frontier is in the hac Jsof the Hermans, while the allies appear to hold the positions
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  • 654 10 Telegrams to Netherlands India Papers. The Hague, November 1519:— Tho Germans have been driven back on both banks of the Ypres canal. The whole countryside between I'ervyse and Nieuwport has been laid waste. There in scarcely a single village or farmhouse in the district that is
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  • 215 10 Discussing the problem of over production of rubber, Truth observes that tbe question is whether the members of the Rubber Growers' Association could at tbe present time take any combined action which would safeguard tbe industry against over production in 1915. Artificial restriction of outputs is, as
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  • 109 10 Who said our agriculturists cannot be funny 1 Tho following is taken from the Mark Lane Express, which contains much valuable information about mangold wurzels, bulls, and potato blight A little boy was once overheard saying to his pet rabbit How much is seven times seven There being
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  • 134 10 The death is announced of Mr. James L. Chalmers, a Commissioner of the Chinese Maritime Customs, attached to the Statistical Department at Shanghai. As the author for some years past of the üble reviews of the foreign trade of China, published as an introduction
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  • 549 10 A Generous Concession by The Japanese. The following messages have appeared in the South China Morning Post Tsingtau, November 9.— At the meeting of the representatives of the allied and German commanders at the Moltke barracks on Saturday the stipulations of the Allies for the transfer
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  • 762 10 Medical Officer's Claim Against Company. In the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, befi.n his Ivonlsliip, .Mr. Justice lnucs, the action was commeuced on Friday in which Dr. W. L. Braddon sues tho Planters' (F.M.S.) Rubber Estates, Limited. Plaintiff claims tll.9 4 25 for wrongful termination of on. tract
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  • 69 10 SINGAPORE AMUSE MENTS. There will be a change of MMMMM at tbe Gaiety Picture Place tonight. '1 lie pria cipal feature is a three part drama, Honour Awauened, adapted from Paul tlmil—'i play Le HIM This is support* d by a detective film, Stuart Keen, in three (-hits, and a
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  • 86 10 Mrs. H. li. Haluiond ie o The Cable Depot, Keppel Harbour) bogs to acknowledge with many thanks tbe following sub cnptions Previously acknowledged 91 N. Howrll (Malacca) 10 John Telfer 10 Collection, Hotel boxes 3.10 E. A. C. Van Wulveo f J.W. (ioldtborp (Kuala Lumpur* ii Per
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  • 26 10 A merchant not over conversant reo xripiiy. mi In i' ton that Vcn Kluck's army was in jeopardy, exclaim* di "Jeopardy! Jtopardy I there's that
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  • 977 11 Ostasiatischer-Lloyd Reports In Shanghai. \V print below a quantity of (ierniau reports i«*nc<l by tlie Oxtaaiatiiwlier Lloyd am! publi-ln<l by tlie Nurit. luu.i h.uly Shanghai. TIMM go to show that miaD news urbanization is maintaining its reputation for veracity. Berlin, November 4. England .lenunciuti >n of the
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  • 825 11 Prices Quoted in the Market Tbis Morning. Singapore, Nov. 24, 1914. Messrs Lyall aad Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue tho following list of quotations this morning The quotations on Sterling Shares are only nominal. No*. Valui Bctwu. Sillb«s. 2/- Allagar 1/8 1/7* 5 1 AnyloJava 2/8
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  • 377 11 Misfortune of Thirty Cameron Highlanders. To be killed in battle or to die from wounds is part of the game of war, bat one hardly expects to be suffocated to death under tons of earth. This is a passage from a letter written by Supper O. A.
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  • 96 11 The funeral of Major General Hubert lon Hamilton, who was killed in action in France, took placo on October 20, at Cheriton, t olkestonc. The coffin was borne by eight sergeant!*. Major-General Spens, commanding at ShornclifTe, represented Earl Kitchener, who Kent a wreath. Others present inclmUd General
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  • 18 11 Germans are now accusing the English of atrocities. Possibly they have heard some of our officers speaking French.
    18 words
  • 25 11 Sunday School Teacher.—" Did Pharaoh overcome the children of Israel at the Ktd Sea "—Small Boy No, ma'am. It was a walkover for the Israelites."
    25 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 151 11 The hu-ilc thai lghte the nja den'* eye, TLe bl 'sb that dvts her cheek, The soltneas of her ruby lip In nature's accents speak. Bat deadly coupli kills smile cr blusb, It's w apon keen and sure, S > bring the bright smilo back a^riia With Wood-.' Oreat Peppermint
      151 words
    • 283 11 LATEST ADVEHTISEMENTi. Gaiety PICTURE PALACE. Junction of Album and Bbncoolbn Strbbtb. DRAMA IN 3 PARTS. HONOUR AWAKENED Adapted from Peul H"rvian's Famous Pliy FROM THE SUBMERGED Essaoay's Ltto»t Drama. STUART KEEN detective A Thrilling Drama Rich in Sentational Set m s. ACTS 3 PARTS Ad 'A. K." Japanese Drama A
      283 words
    • 335 11 THE PIANO "MOUTRIE" IS Built Specially for Singapore and the F.M.S. Call and inspect the splendid models just to hand. MOUTRIE CO.. LTD., Raffles Place. RAFFLES HOTEL. Special Dinner Ball on November 30, 1914. ST. ANDREW'S EVE. (By kind permission of Lt.-Col. C. H. B. Lees and Officers the Band
      335 words

  • 3261 12 INFLUENCE OF THE WAR ON THE INDIbTRY. Estimates for Current Year The fourth annual geneial mooting of the I'.ubbcr Share Trust antl Finance Co., Ltd., wat* held on October 14, at 88, E&stcbeap, fr. A. A. Itaiunauu (the chairman) ■Mndiag. ii said: (ieutluuien. I must for the
    3,261 words
  • 193 12 The report of the Pusing Bahru Tin, Limited, states that during the year to December 81 the sales of tin ore produced by the company realised £11,724, and operations by tributera provided the company with a revenue of £6,HH. After deducting the ordinary expenses of working
    193 words
  • 16 12 The clouds of misfortune are only a temporary atmospheric disturbance in the blue sky of happiness.
    16 words
  • 23 12 It comes hard to a girl to have to say This is so midden when he's seen banging about the job lor months.
    23 words
  • 2622 12 Jane 27.— Assassination of Arcbduk Franz Ferdinand and his consort at Serajevo in Bosnia. July 25. Austrian ultimatum to Servia expires. July 28.— Austria declares war on Servia on the ground of complicity in the Serajevo assassinations. Russia mobilising for war with Anstria. British fleet is
    2,622 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 422 13 IT IS FALSE ECONOMY TO BUY ANY BUT The Best Kerosene Oil PEVOE'S Imperial Brilliant !p3.SU CASE ALL DEALERS. ©IN WEAKNESS, NEURASTHENIA CONSUMPTION fttfL CHLOROSIS ,^M B hRL All doctors agree that this vital Iron of the Blood ALWAYS CURES, and skives everyone health, strength and beauty. Far better than
      422 words
    • 251 13 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the follow ing places in Singapore Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd Money Changer, Raffles Hotel. Money Changer, A del phi Hotel. Money Changer, Hotel de l'Hurope Money Changer, Hotel van Wijk. Messrs. Koh a Co,, Bras Basah Road. The Refreehmeni Buffet, Tank Road
      251 words
    • 651 13 NOTICES. ESTATE OF THE LATE A. D. FORSTER, ESQ. NOTICE is hereby given, that all claims against the Estate ot the late A. D. Forster, Taku Estate, Kelantau, must be made to me before tbe tlst December, 1914, after which date I shall proceed to distribute the assets of the
      651 words
    • 1536 13 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of VALUABLE WAX POLISHED TEAK HOUSEHOLD FIRNITIKE, KTC, At Aldenbam, Mount Elizabeth Road. On Saturday, November as, at 2.30 p.m. Excellent rattan chairs and icttcts; teak writing table; polished dining table and dinner wagon; bentwood standard chairs; crockery glassware, otc. Iron bedsteads handsomely carved teak
      1,536 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1430 14 MMNfft «LT MVfiSr LAK6EST PMO W CAPtTAi. sf ANT EABTEII COHPAML PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. NlAf) O^no« 1 Wtnswsetsp Sl.g LONDON OTFIOB 1 Sfl. OM tfewry, I.Q. Iks 1 1 ssa SSO.OOS ißtswtii wits SM gsfiin (M sf ssigks<, sai iiiß|nii w«a Sw
      1,430 words
    • 416 14 BANKIN6. THE MERCANTILEBANK OF INDIA LTD. Capital Authorised £1 ,500.000 Capital Subscribed £1,126,000 Capital Paid-up £562,500 Reserve Fund £465,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS R. J. Black Esq Chairman. James Campbell Esq. H.Molvill SimonsEfe... J. A. Maitland Esq. Sir David Yule. J. M. Ryrie Kmj. Chief Manager Percy Mould Esq. London Manager
      416 words
    • 1598 14 INSURANCE. RECRUITING for "national d.ftncc ia co lets arduncs than recruiiing for home defence, anil by tbi-. we mraa bcme in its pur, 'y donmte tewe. Many men offer thtmtelvs for tbo front to be irjocted sb too old or too i v^i> J 6 1 8 rd en r
      1,598 words

  • 967 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS, Present Trade Difficulties At the first meeting of the Institution o Automobile Engineers, Mr. L. H. Pomeroy, i Whitworth extnbitionr- read a paper on tin subject of German trade, and his scathinf criticisms of British manufacturers, whe ought to supply the
    967 words
  • 32 15 Detective.—" Now give m« a description of your missing cashier. How tall is he Employer. I don't know how tall be. is. What worries me is that he is five thousand short."
    32 words
  • 34 15 Have yoa heard about the Birmingham firm that has been detected making bullets for the German army Traitors But how can tbey gtt them across I Onr Tommies art: despatching them with their rifles."
    34 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 161 15 WOLSELEY AUTOCARS H\-H) h.p. Chassis fitted with Torpedo Touring Body, Hood, Glass Screen, C.A.V. Electric Lighting Set (5 lamps), Horn, Kit of Tools and Usual Spares, Colour Ai'sa Grey. Price $4,600. SOLE AGENTS CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, LIMITED. in FOUR CjLpib r^^'l_i-W' _p_P^^^^^J_b2M-__E HB__a9_vijGL_Lj _BflraKl__V*m!^_\ *>■'»' > V s L__P___s_2_r^^^ Electric
      161 words
    • 12 15 Foe Children's Hacking Cough at Night Woods Great Peppermint Core 1« 6d.
      12 words
    • 437 15 BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT KING GEORGE V. AN APPEAL TO PATRIOTISM. Continental tyres are made In Germany by the enemy. Their purchase here assists him. SUPPORT BRITISH TRADE are far superior in quality, and can be supplied In unlimited quantities at usual prices. Tit them to your motors and cycles and
      437 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 477 16 lyinDQC'Q CALCARIUM mUllut U SANITARY WASHABLE I >fejß* I OISTEMPER f3% DISTEMPE [B^yrl^fr^M SIXTY DEFERENT .SHADES. G^»^__J>*l| Retain their colour for rAU OVER THE HOUSE 1 Sole Agents Adamson, Gilf illan Co.. Ltd., SINGAPORE, PENANG and MALACCA. WANTS. PUP WANTED. Wanted, pup (terrier preferred); must be male. Offers under "Pup,'
      477 words
    • 363 16 WANTS. PAYING GUESTS WANTED. Large rooms with verandahs and bathrooms, close to town, suit married couple or bachelors. Apply Box 80S, Straits Times. 211 1-12 TO BE LET OR SOLO. TO LET No. 188, Anoy Street Apply M Ouston, 8, Prince Street. 388 a FLOOR TO LET To let, 2nd
      363 words
    • 517 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD TO LIT. No. 7, Bras Basab Boad, from December 1. Apply on the premises. J Oil a FURNISHED BEABIDE REBIDENGEB TO LET. BELINDA and JDA.NITA, to let furnished, apply No 0, Mt Sophia 1-5 a TO BE LET Compound honse, No. 15, Mount Elzabeth Road.
      517 words
    • 418 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT A CO. 108 ft 109. Market Street. Telephone No. 421. Sbipcbandlers. Government and Municipal Contractors, Estate Suppliers and Commission Agents. Sou Agents The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd. Best Multiplar Braid Hair Beltings. 17 80-6-16 TENTS FOR CIRCUSES, CINEMATOGRAPHS. SHOWS and other purposes. CANVAS WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS
      418 words
    • 317 16 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO.. Shlp-Chandtort, Bovsrnment and Municipal Contractor!, Central Importers and Exporters, •ad Commission Agtntt, Estate, Rica-Mill and Saw-Mill Suppliers 37, Philip Street. Tel. Address: "GUANKIAT," Codes: A. B. C. tin Edition and A 1. Telephone Nos.— Office: 1288 and 1174. (Private 1460). Sole Agents For GLOBE BOILER FLUID.
      317 words
    • 409 16 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURES. The following fixtures tot the ourrenl week and important forthcoming fixtures are kindly ■applied by the secretaries ot the various I olubs. Convenient forms on which to make tho returns will be nupplied on application te tbe Manager., Straits Times. Singapore Polo Club. Practice games at Tyersall.
      409 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 229 16 Straits Ibimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellane 038 wants of every description are inserted at tbe prepaid rate of 91 per too* lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, f 1 each inner ion. For p.p.c. curds, on page 8, 12. Inch
      229 words