The Straits Times, 23 November 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.654 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 23, 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 244 1 iilTl*' BEER. KATZ BROS., LTD. S NEW STOCK OF Gentlemen's White Twill Mercerised Cotton TUNIC SHIRTS Soft Fronts and Double Cuffs. i-.i to is' spl«is each o orf r sj>D.uu. These Shirts are of British Manufacture, Best Cut and finish. They are light in texture but Strong and Durable. They
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    • 96 1 ROBINSON CO. SOLE AGENTS in the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States FOR THE NEW-HUDSON MOTOR CYCLES. The Motor Cycle used by the BRITISH, FRENCH and RUSSIAN ARMIES. Catalogues and Prices on Application. 'ill- i jij xjk FISH. Smoked Haddocks, Kippers, Fillets and Bloaters. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD.
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  • 1290 2 INVASION: THE NAVAL POINT OF VIEW. A Desperate Adventure. The naval correspondent of The Times, writing on October 16, says Vest' relay I said in this column that I found two causes which might operate to force the German authorities to send their fleet to sea.
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  • 860 2 KAISER ANTICHRIST Prophecy Made in 1 600 Predicts His Coming End. A pirt of an extraordinary Latin prophecy made by Brother Johannes in the year 1600 is quoted in a recent isauu oi The Figaro. In deciphering the allegory, it must be remembered that France is represented by a Cock
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  • 47 2 Yeomanry Officer (to trooper whose horse continually fall-, to the rear) How's this You told me your horse bad won half-a-dozen matches against some of the best horses in the country." "So he has, sir," replied the trooper "it was in ploughing matches he took the prizes."
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  • 46 2 ''I onderatond they have a curfew law oat there now," he said. No," his informant answered, they did have one, but they abandoned it." What was the matter I Well, the bell rang at nine o'clock, and almost every one complained that it woke them up."
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 164 2 'Hazeline' I Trade Mark) V Snow" X Beauty's Protector Ladies who use Hazelixe' l^^^^W Snow daily art- able to indulge in OpawVOaT pastimes to their heart's content, and I still preserve their lxianty. Because 1 1 \/' Snow" j prevents the dufiguring effects of ex|X).sure to sun. wind. dust, etc.,
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    • 33 2 Lame Back. Lame back may be cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or three times s day with a vigorous rubbing at each appli cation. Fur sale by all Dispensaries sad Dealers.
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    • 573 2 London Buying Agents d offer you our tiT\ id's i\ buyinff Jtrent* for llr rish or Conlimnlul ir.-'ixJs. I iathM in l-11. hut thor.iut.-hl) uplu. data, our nucce** aMa*4 by iiukn.e ftv« .xp»rl t'uyrrs. v.;!h CSpiM* suits.,' tliflru-pi dcparimcnrs, l>ii>in k with :r,-ji, s( can *vvry ilau of itoods.
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    • 501 2 After Illness After the racking effects of fever, dysentery, cholera, colic or bowel coniplr.ints, every part of the bo.'y needs strengthening. !t not en^ij^'i r.c rely to taki- I or artificial stimulants, for only by building-..;) every part ol the body can health be regained. SCOTT'S I.mulsion is a pure
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  • 1453 3 FIRST OFFICIAL REPORT OF THE OPERATIONS. Campaigning in Floods. The special war correspondent of the North China Daily Xows, writing from General K.imio's camp on Octooer 10, nays An official account of the operations of the •Inpanese army up to the end of September, wax at
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  • 550 3 Effect of the Recent Lighting Order. London is doing its best to bide itself in the darkness of tbe night. The reason, says a writer in a home paper, is that we wish to provide as difficult a target as possible for any marauding Zeppelins wbicb the enemy,
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  • 40 3 I say, old chap. I'm in shocking luck. I want money badly and haven't tbe least idea where I can get it." Well, I'm glad to hear thut. I thought perhaps you had an idea you could borrow from me!"
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  • 38 3 Mother, asked Tommy, "is it correct to say lh U you water a horse' when he is thir»ty Ye*, my dear," said his mother. Well, then." said Tommy, picking up a saucer, I'm going to milk the cat."
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 202 3 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. ■noellent Opportunity. Don't Mill thia Chance. TPY ONCE WAR REDUCTION GRAND SALE ONLY TWO WEEKS MORE. From Ist December to 15th December. Prices reduced from 10% to 40% in Gold and Silver Jewellery, Oamasoene Ware, Indian, Chineae and Japanese Curios ard Silk*. K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL CO., Indian
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    • 42 3 Treatment fur Dysentery. Cbambcrlaia's Colic, Cholera aod Diarrhoea Kerned; followed by a done of castor oil will effectually enre the mont Htubboro caaea of dysentery. It is especially good for Hummer diarrhoea in children. For sale by all Uigpenaariea aod 1 >talera.
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    • 728 3 BTEAMER SAILINGS. BIBBY LINE~ Off fMt twin-upew Mall Passenger Steamers between Rangoon, Colombo, Suez, Port Said, Marseilles and London. Proposed sailings may be had on application. 'HE ARRACAN GO., LTD., MESSRS. CARSON A CO., Rangoon Agents. Colombo Agents FOB FURTHER PARTICULARS, APPLT PATERSON. SIMONS CO.. LTD. Singapore Agents. STRAITS STEAM
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 374 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, r Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports Plymouth London. For Freight, Passage and further informaLtion, apply to H W. BUCKLAND, Agent. COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD. ft LTHE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. BBTWBBN Fxtmantls
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    • 510 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A service U maintained between Yokohama via parts to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with
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    • 670 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, faka, Tringgann, Bisot, Semerak, Baohok, *<"'«" tan, Tabai, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobßamni, Bandon, Langsnen, Takn, Cbnmpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Duo Oepartura A STEAMER Nov. 24 Nov. 28-3 p.m. The Steamers are fitted throughout with eloetrio light,
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    • 482 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. "NEDEKLAND jr STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED (ROYAL NETHERLANDS MAIL). REGULA.R fortnightly sailings from AMSTERDAM via LONDON, GENOA, Colombo and SINGAPORE t< Java and VICE VERSA. For further particulars, apply to Internationale Crediet-en Handelsvereeniging Rotterdam," Agents. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD The
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    • 415 4 AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP LINE Sinqafokb to Java Post* Port Daiwih Thiksdav Island, Rrisranb and Sydnbt, via Torrbs Straits. Abo taking paeecngerß and oargo with transhipment for other Victorian, Sodtb Australian and North Qckrnsland Ports, British *iw Guinea, Nbw Britain, Tasmania* and Nbw Zkaland Ports. Smooth Passage. Superb Soenery. A
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  • 107 5 FIXTIROs Monday, November 23. Hit,!i Water, Ml a.m., 1.22 p.m Court »f Appeal. Tuesday, November 24. High Water, 3.35 a.m., 2.24 p.m. Pulau Bulang meeting. Evatt's, noon. Wednesday, November 25. High Water, 1.42 a.m., 3.4) p.m. Thursday, November 26. High Water, 5.45 a.m.. 5.1* p.tu Aiuattur Dramatics,
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  • 118 5 To- dat, Malacca and I. l»i.-kson 3 pin P. Swettenham and T. Anson 3 pm Malacca and Muar 8 pm To-hobbow. Pouloe Soegi 8 am Keriuion 8 am I'uliiu Bdtaui and I*iil in Hulans 8 am RsjMMk mill (ioebilt 10 am Miri. Labaaa, tmmlkm, Kn>ha. Saadakaa ami
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  • 57 5 The following fixtures fjr the current wool and important forthcoming fixtures are kind!} supplied by the secretaries of the varioi clubs. Convenient forma on which to mak< tho returns will be supplied on application t< the Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Polo Club. Practice games at Tyorsall, Mondays,
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  • 82 5 A Paris newspaper relates that the French liner Paul Licit, of the Messageries Maritimes service, recently received a wireless message: Km leu waiting for you. Change course." The message indicated a certain courf e as free, and concluded with a signa ture of a ship's name. There is a French
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  • 43 5 Lett Sihoipou. Dvi im Lohdom Aibitii Sopt. 28 October 26 Oct. 26 (ii November I Nov. 2 Oct. I 3 Nov. 2 (Jet. -I „6 Nov. Oct. 15 „H Oct. 2J Oct. 29 Nov. 5 Nov. 12 Nov. 19
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  • 157 5 EXCHANdB SiMuArou, Novksibms 28, 1914. On Lomdom Bank 4 m/i 2/4£ Demand 2/4 Private 8 m/t 2/4] On India Bank T. T. 174* Oh HoMaKon«...Bank d/d 25| Ok SHAM»HAJ....Bank d/d lOfj Ok Java Bank T. T. 141 J On Jatah Bank d/d 114} Sovereigns baying rate 18.64
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    • 187 5 IHBU6 H2 u nMM Value (JJ J 10 10 Ampane 7.00 1 1 AyerWeng 0.15 10 10 Belat 1.00 10 10 liruantf 0.75 10 10 Kampai 10 10 Kauaboi 10 10 Kin ta Association £1 41 KintaTiD 1.13.0 £1 £1 Lahat Minoe 10 6 Malayan Collieries £1 £1 Malayan
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    • 609 5 ,*,Tbe buying quotations of sterling shares must bo regarded as purely nominal toi the present. J? 8 6 1 Buyers. Sellers. Value 2/- 3/- Allaga. 1/8 1/7 XI 41 Angio-Javl 2/3 8/8 2/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 6/9 7/9 2/. 3/- Batan K Malaka -/6 -/10 JBl XI Batn Tiga 1.6.0
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1230 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. November 26. At saleroom, Two Motor liicycles, at 11. November 27.— At No. 43, Orange Road, teak household furnitui j, etc.. property of W. S. Itr.u k law at 8. November 28.— At Aldenham, Mount Elizabeth ltoad, valuable wax polished teak household furniture, etc., at
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    • 68 5 A JEWEL AMONGST CIGARETTES. CIGARETTES B B* VIRGINIA No. 55 5 leaf Per tia of 50, 00 cents. Manufactured in perfectly hygienic factoriei by the ARDATH TOBACCO CO., Ltd., LONDON, ENGLAND. Britain's Greatest High. Class Cigarette and Tobacco Factory. CARLSBERG BEER^ mJL \Aii3f" jw noo Sole Agents THE EAST ASIATIC
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    • 151 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. RETURN FAREWELL VISIT OF W I X-i JLa X tS O **•>& Anglo-American Circus and Menagerie with an Entirely New Star Company ot 4O CIRCUS CELEBRITIES 4O Called trr m the World's Or at< --t Shows SO BIOHLY-TRIIINED HORSES SO Performing Ponied, Mules, Monkeys and a Mamaotli Menagerie
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  • 41 6 Mrs. Lim Sin Tat. On November 23, at 58, Waterloo Street, Singapore, tbe wife of Mr. Lim Sin Tat. Funeral cortege leaves residence at 4.80 p.m., tomorrow, for the Church of the Sacred Heart, Tank Road: interment at Bidadari Cemetery.
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  • 1184 6 The Straits Times. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23. DEFENCE, LOCAL AND IMPERIAL. When a reasonable concession is made we hasten to accept it, and although we have expressed some strong views as to the expediency of forming a purely voluntary defence force, for local purposes, of men over the volunteer age, or
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  • 11 6 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 5 and 8.
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  • 29 6 Twelve hundred Tiyyas, of Tellicherry, North Malabar, have signed a memorial to tbe Governor praying that a regiment may be raised from among them fur service at the front.
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  • 38 6 Messrs. J. Lyons an d Co., tbe big caterers have dismissed all naturalised German and Austrian employees on tbe company's staff, and no German or Austrian, whether natural ised or not, is now in the company 'o employ.
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  • 38 6 A telegram sent to the Sultan from his nephew Prince Sababiddin says Turkey is condemned to death by her action in fighting for Germany, and begs him to exercise influence to atop the suicidal war against the Allies.
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  • 39 6 T!<e hearing of the case in which irregularities in their shipping business are alleged against Behn, Meyer and Co., Ltd., resumed on Saturday in the senior magistrate's court, was again adjourned. The further hearing was fixed for Saturday next.
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  • 47 6 A Statesman special London cablegram states: Tho monitors Severn, ll umber and Mersey are shallow draught vessels, each of 1,260 tons with two six-inch guns. They were being built for Brazil before tho our break of war. There are no others of this type in the navy.
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  • 52 6 Guthrie and Co. have received cable advice from London that the annual general meeting of the Bukit Kajang Rubber Estates, Ltd., is to be held on the 25th inst., and that the directors are to recommend payment of a final dividend of 10 per cent, in respect of the financial
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  • 61 6 The Strait* Kcho says:— No leave other than sick leave should be granted to any Government servants at present unless they desire to go to the front. If an official can be spared to go on furlough, he can be spared to do tbe wcik of some other officer anxious
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  • 52 6 Tho Germans now adopt a very different tone in their comments on the British troops. Lcttus from German soldiers advise tbe nation not to underrate the valour and military qualities of the British, and the share taken by the small but efficient British force in frustrating the cherished plans of
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  • 69 6 For the period from November 27 to December 3, 1914, inclusive, tho value of the highest grade of rubber is fixed at 2s. 4d. per lb., and the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable in the F.M.S. on an ad valorem basis in accordance with the
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  • 59 6 The Principal Port officer at Rangoon has issued tbe following notice to mariners Naval intelligence reports that a three masted schooner Ayesha with 44 German officers and men and with four maxim guns which left 'ocop (Keeling) Islands before November 9, also the collier Exford with an armed German prize
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  • 80 6 IScth Houses of Parliament of tho Union of South Africa addressed loyal resolutions to the King giving assurance of support and determination to take all necessary measures tod' fend the interests of the Union, and cooperate with his Majesty's Government to maintain the integrity of the Empire, also to convey
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  • 93 6 Messrs. Robinson and Co. have been appointed sole agents in the Straits Settlements and F.M.S. for the New Hudson Motor Bicycles Co., of Birmingham. This company have recently supplied a considerable quantity of motor cycles to tbe British and French armies for war purposes, and have just secured a large
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  • 93 6 In an action brought at Hongkong against a Chinese firm of labour contractors for provisions and goods supplied to Singapore rubber estate coolies, judgment by consent for plaintiffs was entered on November 11 for 9U.000 (deposited in tho hand- si Mr Noedbam) plus 91,000 for rusts, with other BMSi to
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  • 116 6 It was mentioned in tbe report of tbe naval battle off the Chilian coast that the Germans "j imbed the wireless Rignals of the Good Hope and Monmouth to the l.'anopus. This jambiug means that the Canopus could not road tbe signals and it was effected by the operators on
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  • 117 6 At tbe Marine Court, Hongkong, on November 12, fifty-two lascars employed on the steamer Monmouthshire were ch-u^ed with refusing to sail on the ship according to orders, thereby delaying the departure of tbe vessel. Tbe tirit defendant changed his mind and said be would go back. Auutlier defendant rt fused
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  • 305 6 Dr. D. M. Ford and Dr. S. P. Peart medical officers, X.M.S.. have returned from leave of absence. Mr. W. S. Goldic, manager of Messrs. McA lister Mi Company. Penang, is expected bock in Penang about January. Dr. A. K. Cosgrave. Medical Officer, F.M.S., has been granted
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  • 29 6 Mrs. Salmond ic.o Cable Depot, Keppol Harbour) gratefully acknowledges the following additions to Belgium Relief Fund Amount previously acknowledged |1U,5.-)8.8O N. llowcll (Malacca) 10 Total ...»18,fi«8.80
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  • 97 6 The case of Mahomed Ibrahim, the ludian Mahommedan, who stands charged with creating a false alaim by saying that tho Germans wjre bombarding Singapore and were about to invade Penang and take over the Government, was again mentioned in the second court, Penang, on November 20, before V.
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  • 198 6 A Government Gazette Extraordinary issued on Saturday contains the following notification His Excellency the Governor is authorized to offer to suitable candidates commissions in the new service battalions which are now being raised these commissions will be temporary for tho duration of the war. Candidates must
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  • 243 6 The ourt of Appeal was to bavo opemd tliis iiniruiDU, but Mr. Justice Ebden failed to arrive from Penan^ and. as a con sequence, there was an adjournment until tins afternoon. There are twelve cases on tbc list, bnt of tbese two are to be withdrawn
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 98 6 \BOUTON ROUGE/ Ul M <J B f\ O I m FELUCCA LITTLE'S XMAS BAZAAR IS NOW OPEN. COME AND SEE OUR Toys Toys Toys CRACKERS, SANTA GLAUS STOCKINGS AND FANCY GOODS. A Big Variety and a Huge Supply at Popular Prices. i The 'Royal Household" Scotch Whisky BY APPOINTMENT In
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    • 158 6 ALHAMBRA TW PICMEER CIIEIMTMIUPH TMUTK, BEACH ROM. Second Maw 1.1 p.m Flnt Show 7.10 p.m Two Shews for Ona Pijment. WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY. NOV. 23. YET ANOTHER EXCELLENT PROGRAMME Characteristic of Oor Usual Endeavour to Present FEATURES ALL OUR OWN. A PICTURESQUE DRAMA: THE ADOPTED SON In wbich seme Magnificent
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  • 1726 7 Lull Continues in The West. THE RUSSIANS FIGHTING HEAVILY. Roumaivia Sympathetic To Entente. hmti iMguK and Ordisart War .UAH*. LudiIoii, November 21, 5.10 p.m. V c )uiiniai.|uc aays: The operation- y.stur.lay. < Q tlie wholo, were similar t j tli Me ui tin' two preceding days. Oar artill
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  • 279 7 FRIENDLY HEI FOR MEN GOING HOME. More Gifts of Money and Kind. We again thank our readers for the generous response they have made to our appeal for means to give a real friendly send off to men of the Malayan Contingent. All the gifts received havn been
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  • 55 7 (Fkom Our Own Corbkspondint.) London, November 23. Bidor pays 5 per cent., Bukit Kajang 10 per cent., Batu Rata 5 and carries forward £4.400. Singapore United carries £18,000 profit forward. It is expected that there will be a modification of the export embargo. America is clamouring for
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  • 503 7 Drastic Alteration in Liability For Service. A Government Gazette Extraordinary published on Saturday contained the follow ing notification will) resfect to the Volunteer Veterans' Company: The following are the conditions of service which have been approved for the proposed Volunteer Veterans' Conipiny The nnit will be known
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  • 2036 7 SHORT-LIVED HONOURS OF THE TURF. Selfish Football Players [By Ocr Special Contributor.] London, October 23. Fortune is very whimsical in its habits, but it does not often tantalise an owner by making the same horse in less than a fort night run second in three import mt handicaps.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 320 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Mr. In .your issue of the 18th inst.. the following passage occurs in your article un rVaaaajaai of I'ulau liulang In 1913 it was vwitiKl by Mr. Bruce I'etrie, whose report contains among other things the novel doctrine that permanent buildings
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    • 44 8 It has been decki, J to form a football League in Kuala Kubu, in which four teams will participate. Thcaa will nnaaiat of the Kuala Kubu. ISellieH, liawang and Sereudah and Tanjong Malira Clubs. The matches will cniumenco on December 5.
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    • 53 8 ke P ml Golf Club. The competition for the Keppel Golf Club s monthly medal was played yesterday and resulted as follows .1 Ivunody all square. A. W. hove 1 down. It. K. Binnie I dewn. T. F. Klett 8 down. The Ladies' spoon for November will be played
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    • 155 8 S.C.C. v. S.R.C. An S.C.C. eleven dad no difficulty in defeating a team representing the S.K.C., which tiny met on the Esplanade on Saturday. The S.R.C. batted first and put on 104 but then opponents replied with 1:53 for the loss of but two wickets. Scharonguivel was principally responsible
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    • 130 8 Tin hockey team which spent the week end in Malacca eujuyeil themselves to the full and experienced in no half measures the In -pitalny (or which the pleasant little Settlement has such a reputation. They arrived <>n Saturday morning by the Lady Weld and met tin Malacca
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  • 66 8 Tbe Alhambra is putting on, to night, its ordinary entira change of programme, including first run features which are in the second show. In addition, the latest War lia/.ette which arrived by yesterday's mail will also be screened. New pictures will be found in the first show as
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  • 135 8 Tbe approach of winter brings forward tbe necessity for equipping our troops at the front •doiuatrly to withstand the stress of wea thec. A damp resisting footwear besides knag mo* effective in keeping tbe feet warm and dry during now or constant wet weather, e»prciallr in flooded tranches, woul.l be
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  • 720 8 Further List of Subscriptions. The Hon. Treasurer, Mr. M. Morrison, begs to acknowledge the receipt of the following farther contributions Amount already acknowledged 9237,248.04 Dice (by H. Phillips) 6 OBMNbH Book No. 24. Chua Choo Yung, Chop Guan llnat Chan... 1200 Cbop Tbye Joo Chan 50
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  • 233 8 Holkbam Hall, the residence of the Earl of Leicester, the Lord- Lieutenant of tho County of Norfolk, hi well represented in the service of the country at the present time, the Holkham Roll of Honour," containing thirteen names under the heading Holkham Hall." Among this number are tho
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  • 294 8 The report of the directors of the Singa pore Para Ilubber Estates, Ltd., for the year ending June 30 states that the profit for the year is £11,910 19s. 3d., add balance of last account £13,709 9s lid., total £25,620 9a. 4d., which the directors recommend
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  • 116 8 A Foreign Office cable received at the British Legation, Bangkok, and dated tbe 16th inst., says:— A distinguished citizen of a neutral country with an intimate knowledge of Germany, quoted in The Times, says that ('trman affairs must not be judged by tbe German Press. Better class
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  • 41 8 An official statement from Bordeaux announces the successful outcome of the operations of the French and Belgian farces in the Congo. Tbe Germans were driven from the entire Vangha district, tbe territory taken from the French by the convention of 1011.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 39 8 Blow, blow, tbou wintry wind, Blow a'l yon know. Rain, hail or snow. Yon may be most unkind, Keaily I do n t iid, For I'm immune secun I take Woods' Peppermint Care, Lsaving i 1 h. altb behind.
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    • 526 8 LAI'EST ADVERTISEMENT*. ■n all-Star Natura and Exclvslva Programma AT THE PICTURE PALACE. Junction of Albert and Bkncoolkn Struts. A Thrilling Detective Drama STUART KEEN DETECTIVB la S Long Baal*. THE WOMAN OF JAPAN Japanese Photo Play by the A. K. Co. THE UNWILLING BRIDE Michigan Red Indian Drama. A MESSENGER
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    • 383 8 MICHELIN TYRES. Ample supplies available. No increase in prices. 20 to 25% cheaper than other tyres, and Still the Best. DUPIRE BROS., Singapore. RAFFLES HOTEL. Special Dinner Ball on November 30, 1914. ST. ANDREW'S EVE. (By kind permission of Lt Col. C. H. B. Lees and Officers, the Band of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 590 9 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd Money Changer, Raffles Hotel. Money Changer. Adelphi Hotel. Money Changer, Hotel de l'Burope. Money Changer, Hotel Tan Wijk. Messrs. Koh k Co., Bras Basah Road. Tbo Retreahment Buffet. Tank Road Railway Station. Messrs.
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    • 429 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. OSAKA SHOBEN KAISHA (OSAKA MERCANTILE BTEAMBHIPCO..LD.) KOBE-BOMBAY LINE. The Company maintains regular cargo service with six steamers calling at Moji Vokkaicbi, Hongkong, Singapore, Port Swettenham; Penang, Colombo and Bombay and on the return voyage calling at Tbticorin Singapore, Hongkong and Moji. Imtindbd Sailinom For Port Swettenham, Penang, Colombo
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1459 10 HMwn ma largest paio-up capital if ait easteai compul PFOIPKROU9 m.nA PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HIAD OrTica i Wlnolmf* Ma we a, laa«P«n LONDON OFFIOB sa, OM 4mmrv, EC. 1k» OBBiseaf kas S9O.SOS li|iaai< with ta. ■■bhum On* at ■agiaaa. aad na|la wfla taa In
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    • 405 10 BANKING. THE MERCANTILEBANK OF INDIA LTD. Authorised atI.SOO.OOO Capital Subscribed £1,126,000 Capital Paid-up £862,600 Reaerve Fund £466,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS It. J. Black Esq Chairman. James Campbell Esq. ILMdvillSimonsEsq J. A. Maitland Esq. Sir David Yule. J. M. Kyrii Esq. Chief Manager Percy Mould Esq. Tendon Manager Jas. Steuart
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  • 1127 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Wolseley Motors. So well recognised is the policy of Wolseley Motoir Ltd., of manufacturing cars in series, into which improvements found advisable are introduced from time to time, that, as was to be expected, tbe firm are continuing the manufacture of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 199 11 HALLFORD COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLES IN STOCK One 2J^ -ton Lorry. One 3 -ton Tipping Wagon. II We have just supplied Two of the latter-to tbe I II MUNICIPAL ENGINEER'S DEPT.. SINGAPORE. I Since the arrival of the above the makers havo advise! us that tin y hive been obliged to
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    • 12 11 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night Words Great Peppermint Core Is 6d.
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    • 444 11 BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT ™G GEORGE V AN APPEAL TO PATRIOTISM. Continental tyres are made in Germany by the enemy. Their purchase here assists him. SUPPORT BRITISH TRADE DUNLOPS are far superior In quality, and can be supplied In unlimited Quantities at usual prices. Fit them to your motors and cycles
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 449 12 JEFFREY'S Pilsener Been Brewed in Scotland. FRESH SUPPLIES JUST ARRIVED. OBTAINABLE AT ALL FIRST-GLASS BEALERS. Sole Agents: Adamson.Gilfillan&Co.. Ltd.. SINGAPORE, PENANG and MALACCA. WANTS. OOCTOR WANTED. Wanted, a Doctor for a ship travelling to China Apply to 20, Synagogue Street. 17-11 23-11 PAYING GUESTS WANTED. liy private family in
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    • 380 12 WAHTS. PUPWAMEO. i Wanted, pap (terrier preferred); matt be male. Offers undor Pap," c/o Straits Times. 18-11 2411 ENGAGEMENT WANTEO. Advertiser, English, 80 years of age, shortly disengaged, seeks re engagement as accountant or financial adsistant in mercan tile tirm. 6 years' experience in Straits and KM S. Salary not
      380 words
    • 528 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD TO LET No. 138, Aooy Street. Apply M Qustor 9, Prince Street. 398 n TO LET. No. 7, Bras Baeali Boad, from December 1. Apply on the premises. 10 11 a FURNISHED SEABIDE REBIDENCEB TO LET. BELINDA and JU ANITA, to let famished. Apply No.
      528 words
    • 466 12 NOTICES. Xl AM KIAT CO. 108 k 109. Market Street Telephone No. 421. Shipchandlers. Government and Municipa Contractors, Estate Suppliers and Commission Agents. Soli Agents The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd. Best Multiplar Brand Hair Beltings. 17 80-6 16 TENTS FOR CIRCUSES. CINEMATOGRAPHS. SHOWS and other purposes. CANVAS WORK OF ALL
      466 words
    • 612 12 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO.. Ship-Chsndlerj, Government and Municipal Contractor^ Oeneral Importers and Exporter*, ■sd Commission Agtntf, [state, Rica-Mill am Saw Mill Suppliers. 37. Philip Street. Tel. Address GUANKIAT," Codis: A. B. C. 6th Edition and A 1. Telephone No«.— Office 1288 and 1174. (Private 14S0). Soli Aqknts For GLOBE BOILER
      612 words
    • 410 12 RANEEGUNGE Drainpipes AND Channels SOLE AGENTS IN DO MALAY CO., SINGAPORE. 1810 B 12-2 16 BUSINESS AS USUAL. SHIP-STORES AND ol Hi- K HARDWARE REQUISITES. Direct from Manufacturers! Saw tuili and Hicemili Requirements. H orticultural Implements, Harrown Hoes. I ron A Stebl Materials, I. Rubber Sluetb. Paintr, Colours, Oils and
      410 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 227 12 Straits thirties. ADVERTISEMENT KATES.— Misceliane ous wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of SI per foot lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, II each inser ion. For p.p.c. cards, on page 8, 12. Inch Scalb
      227 words