The Straits Times, 12 November 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times NO. 24.0 l."> SINGAPORE. THURSEW. NOVEMBER 12. 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 62 1 BEER. GRAMOPHONE RECORDS English, Chinese and Malay, REDUCED TO cents V^2) cen ts Am KATZ BROS., Ltd. THE R°ME.° Duplicator. 80 FACSIMILE LETTERS PER MINUTE. Prices from T*l. Mad* Z. I $2O to $200. ASK US TO SHOW YOU. THE GREAT WAR AND "ASAHI" BEER. COMPARE FRESH STOCK QUALITIES. I
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    • 33 1 SLEDGE MILK 18 OENUINB Swiss Milk from cattle grazed on the FAMOUS PASTURES OF THE BERNESE ALPS. tiffin I sledge: brand Unsweetened Condensed or Natural Steri ized. Sole Importers J. TRAVERS SONS, LIMITED.
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    • 121 1 ROBINSON CO. Modern /fa^ Raincoats f M I FOR ALL OCCASIONS. "gh tPv our Raincoats are \.7*"^ made for the Tropics. |BKI "DORSET '^RAINCOAT «3 is an up-to-date coat. Weil cut, tailored |^H^B| jjr and finished from a Green Khaki shade I BbP of waterproofed Cashmere; all seams being f\
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    • 32 1 MORSE'S CALCARIUM DISTEMPER SOLB Ai.knts: ADAMSON. GILFILLAN CO., ITD. fHOTOGRAPHIC STORE STUDIO. Amateurs' Work, Developing, Printing and Enlarging KONG HINGCKEONG& COMPANY. Adolphl Hotel Buildings, Singapore. Branch st Penan^. M ai 6 is
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  • 1134 2 Further List of Suuscriptions. The Hon. Treasurer, Mr. M. Morrison, begs to acknowledge the receipt of the following further contributions Amount already acknowledged 198,888 Harold Carpmael 25 Collection at St. Andrew's Cathedral 257.18 C. U. T. Hannah 60 John C. Wood 100 Y. H. Daike 25
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  • 323 2 The Festival Day of Geese And Wine. Ytßtvrday was Martininat. To the present generation that conveys ncthiug or very 'ittle, but in years gunc by labour of any description upon the feast of St. Martin was strictly forbidden, although as a special privilege agricultural labour carve to be allowed
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 116 2 i' 1 For the Skin Hazeline' I (Tradl ilmrk) Snow X There is a delight in store lor you if you have l)ot\CtUMil "'Ii.WHINK' I ■bjcmt." Its refreshing efici t u[x<n sun-Morrhed, pcrsjtiring skin is too [T^> SRjSgjRJ&SE^K. exijuisite for words. Buy s ''*■>*'■<■** .\J a pot of "'Hazelink' BM~~~
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    • 41 2 Treatment for Dysentery. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed by a dose of castor oil will effectually enre the most -stubborn cases of dysentery. It is especially good for summer diarrhoea in children. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 542 2 SEVERE ATTACK OP BARBEmTCH Face Like Badly Cooked Lobster. Cheeks and Neck Fairly Smothered With Small Red Spots. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Face as If Never Known Ringworm. 62. Norhurjr Court Rd.. Xorluiry. I ..m--don. H. W En«. "About eight years am> tho liarbcr arraped mv faro ruihcr liailly
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    • 372 2 ARTI^ESJFOBjALE^ COCONUT BEEOLIN6B FOR SALE From well-grown troes. For paiticnlars »nd prioea. apply to A. FRAN KB L, Kislap KBtate, or at Victoria Street. ax 7 a MOTOR CAR FOR SALE. 14/18 Jt»!a motor car, English bnilt, Olytrpia exhibition touring body, in rirHt class ranning order. Will sell cheap as
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  • 1243 3 MIDNIGHT SCENES IN MOSCOW CITY. Ten Cossack Sons The news of the fall of Lcmberg spread in this city about eight o'clock in the evening, says the PetrogroJ correspondent of The Standard, writing under date, September 8. Immense crowds literally besieged the windows of the newspaper offices.
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  • 777 3 No Dividend Owing To The War. Tbe fourth annual general meeting of tbe Tanab Merab Estate, Ltd., was held on Octo bi-r VH, at Shanghai. Mr. 0. K. liurkill, presided, and tbe other directors present were Messrs. E. T. Byrne and Chun Bing him. Tin. Chairman said
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  • 80 3 Several accidents due to anexploded shells are reported from Nancy. At Blainville a boy who bad picked up a abell let it fall and was killed by the explosion, and a man wheeling a barrow with a bIh.II in it was killed wlit-u tbe latter fell. At Mont gur Meartbe
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 518 3 1%^53& Nerve Troubles. J^aaSS. Tele 8 ra P h wires. They are coimoli<d and F n ur 'i>hed by a portion of the Irani known Ep^Jf'**^ 9S^|P as l i e ner^ e centre";. The condition of thi{f., wff nerve centres depends upon tlie con. J*r of the bodily healtli.
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    • 34 3 Lame Back. L&Qie back may be cared by applying Chamberlain* Pain Balm two or three timed a day with a rigorous rubbing at each appli cati in For sale by all Dispensaries aoJ LValtr*.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 371 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, r Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth London. For Freight, Passage and further informaLtion, apply to H W. BUCKLAND, Agent. COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN S. S. CO.. LTD.. ft LTHE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD.
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    • 510 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A service i* maintained between Yoko'i&mt \ia ports to Marseille*, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Government. Tbe Now Twid screw Steamers maintaining this ncrvice have been specially deigned and con-itrac.f d, and aro
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    • 622 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO,. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. Fot Kretay, Paka innftgaoG, Bisnt, Semerak, Baobok, Kolantan, Tabai. B»ngnara, Tolupin, PanarM, Patani, Singe ra, Laoon, Kohhauini, Baodon, Langiraen, Takn, CLmmpon, Eoblak and Bangkok, Ova Oepartura A STEAMER Nov. 14-3 p.m. it Nov. 17 91—3 p.m. 94 28 3 p.m. Tbe
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    • 480 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. "NEDEELAND" STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED (ROYAL NETHERLANDS MAIL). REGULAR fortnightly sailings from AMSTERDAM via LONDON, GENOA, Colombo and SINGAPORE to Java and VICE VERSA. Fcr further particulars, apply to Internationale Crediet-cn Handelsvereeniging Rotterdam," Agente. 4-9 OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAU NAY. CO.. LTD. The
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    • 417 4 AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHiLP LINE Sinoapobi to Java PotTS, Port Daiwim Tbcbsday Island, Buisbaxi and Sydney, via Torres Straits. Also taking pv»:.ii(:i»n and oargo with trannbipment hi ntlier Victorian, South Australian and North Qukknsland Ports, British New Guinxa, Niw I'kitaim, Tasmanun and Nkw Zkalanu I'uuts. Smooth Paaaag«- Suparh Scenany. A
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 630 5 TYRES. Hooglandt Co., Singapore. STEAMER SAILINGS. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Royal Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia. 2 8, Coilyer Quay. CNDEK CONTRACT WITH THE NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT. Tht cedcrmentioned datee cf depeitnre are only arproximate VaTTOoeoV B^airan Deli. NoT 13 Alting Bawean, Sourtbayf. Bacljcrmatsin, Stagcn, Kota Baroe, Simarinda and Donggala. ov
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    • 534 5 THE EASTERN SHIPPING CO.. LTO. FOR PORT SWBTTENHAM AND PENANO. b.s. PIN SBNG and ia. OMAFERB will be dorpatchtd for above ports ovcry Tuesday and Saturday, respectively, at 'I p.m., from the Roads. The above steamers have excellent accommodation for first-class passengers. For freight, etc., apply to EAST INDIES TRADING
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    • 145 5 WEST DULWIGH NURSING HOME lla, Ron'ndale Read, WEST DULWICH, S.E For Medical, Surgical and Obstetric .ates. TERMS: £4 4-0 per »e«k, or by arrange menta according to the special requirement; of the cam. EXTRAS: Dreuiogs, Drugx, Stimulanti and the use of the Operating Room, Nurses SANDEMAN and KENDREW, (Certificated NANYO
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    • 281 5 CHUBB S SAFES LARGE SELECTION ON SHOW AT Huttenbach Bros. Co.. 13, COLLYER QUAY. CARLSBERG BEER^ Sole Agents THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD., Singapore. SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL NOTICE. CHANGES IN STREET NAMES. NOTICE is hereby given in accordaxc? with a X. solution pa>Fed by the Municipal Commissioners of tho Town cf
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 35 6 TSINCTAU FALLEN B DRINK DRINK!! Obtainable from ASAHI SHOTEN, Stamford Road. Telephone No. 1194. TAMOTO CO., Victoria Street. Telephone No. 412. FUKUYA CO., Middle Road Telephone No. 1017. i Sole Agents MITSUI BUSSAN KAISHA, LID.
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  • 95 7 FIXTURES. Thursday, November 12. High Wator, Mi a.m., 4.36 p.m. Friday, November 13. High Water. 0.43 a.m., 6.21 p.m. Legislative Council, 2.30. Saturday, November 14. High Water, 7.30 a.m., 7.87 p.m. Government Holiday. Sunday, November 15. High Water, -4.H a.m., 8.41 p.m. Monday, November 16. High Water.
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  • 146 7 Todat. I'alcnibaii-j 8 pm l'ontianak and Katavia I pm Batu I'aliat 8 pm Malacca and M ar 8 pm KsS'l'inany. CYylon. Australasia, Mauritius, India. A'li-u, r Europe, etc. 8 pm To iiobkow Bangkok 9 am Modan 2 pm Penan);, Colombo. Suez and London 2 pm Malacca and
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  • 112 7 The folio »inn fixtur.* f jr tho oarrent weut •ad important forthcoming fixtures are kind 1 •applied by the sxcrptariea of the varioa olubn. Convenient forms on which to m*k> Ik* return* will be snpplied on applioati to tthe UanaKur, Strait* Times. Swimming Club. Saturday, tlio 1
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  • 159 7 eXCHANOB SIKUAPOKI, NuVK.MBKB 12, 1914. Oa Londoi Bank 4 m/i 2/4 Demand S/4j^ Private 8 ra/a 2/4 1 On Ikdia Bank T. T. 1744 On Honeaoire...Bank d/d 25J On SHA«3BAi....Bank d/d 106 Oa Java Bank T. T. m 141 J Om Jatam Bank d/d 114, Sovereign*— buying
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    • 192 7 Issue "2 Value 10 10 Rahman Hyd 41 £1 hahuian Tid £1 41 Rani but an £1 Raub Aust. Gold fil £1 Redhills 6 5 Royal Johore S 6 ll«iin£ni Rivet £1 £1 Siamese fin 10 10 Simpam Valley £1 £1 Siputeh 10- 10 Sungtii Oaa ill £1 Tekka
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    • 616 7 8/- 3/- Selangoi 17/--41 41 Sendayan 14/6 41 41 Surrmban 8/£1 £1 Shelford 1.0.0 £1 £1 Sialang 1.7.6 a/- 3/- Singapore Par* 1/2 3/- 3/- Singapore United /10 3/- 3/- Straits (Bertam) 2/3/- a/- Sumatra Para 4, 41 41 Sungei Choh 1.7.6 a/- 3/- Sangei Kapar 6,6 £1 £1
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    • 128 7 SI B 41 til, Smelting Co 12/- 18/6 41 41 Pref. 10.0 1.2.8 5/- 6/- Electric T'waj* 8/- 4/8 10 10 Praser Neave 6 n .00 55.00 SO 60 Hammer Co. 85.00 96.00 100 Howarth Enkioe 45.C0 100 7% Pref. 100.00 100 100 KatE Bro, Del. 100.00 10 10
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    • 44 7 Buyers Sellers United Engineers 6% 11,*****0 Singapore Electric Tramways 5* £850,CC0 Spore Municipal 5% »1,878,000 B%pm Spore Municipal 44% of 1907 11,600,000 pai Buyers SeOera Spore Municipal 44% of 1909 11,00^,000 pai Spore Municipal i% 2.000,000 9%d c Spore Municipal 4% iaOO.OOO 9*4
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 146 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Novembur If M Kaleroom, 2-scater Aizairc at N'auJiu Motor Car, at 11. November 13.— At The Central Police Station, South Bridge hjad, unservicable police KtortH, unclaimed and cjntiscated goods, etc.. at 2.80. Nowmbur l:i.- At No. If, NaSNim Roal, BoH^ouibe," excellent teak household furniture, etc.,
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    • 450 7 LATEST ADVERTISEi«IENTS. FOR SALE. Englifhbnilt viotoria and rcan horstSmart turnout, exoellent ordtr. Apply to M. E. Plumpton 12 11 21 11 NURSE HENDERBON. Bt. Mary's Dispensary, Victoria Street, Phone 144 12 11 B 24 11 BINBLE AND DOUBLE ROOMS. Apply Mrs. Campbell, No. I, St. Thomas* Walk. 1211 1112 SHORTHAND
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    • 78 7 ,%Tbe baying quotations of sterling shares musf be regarded as purely nominal for tbe present. AT THE HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. NORTH BRIDOB ROAD TO -MIGHT I AT 9.1 EMOTIONAL ITALA PRODUCTION IN 3 PARTS THE LITTLE ORPHANS This is a photoplay of strong dimt»ti<: interest in wl.ich tbe evil pnrpcee
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 96 7 WEATHER REPORT. KaodanK Korbau Hospital, November 10. 9 A.M. 8 P.M. 9 P.M Bared. 82 Fab 29.822 29.702 29.816 Temp. 78.4 88 0 80.0 Wet Bulb Ther 77.0 79.0 78.0 I>ir. of Wind calm calm calm Max. shade Temp. H9.0 Mm 7*.0 Max. in Sun 158.0 TereA Turr 71.0 Rainfall
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  • 1235 8 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12. HOW LONG WILL IT LAST We still meet from time to time folk who quite sincerely believe tbat the war will soon be over, and who boldly give reasons for tin faith tbat is in thorn. We regret tbat w. cannot share such optimism,
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  • 16 8 Mr. C. J. Foot has left Kuala Lumpur for home to rejoin his regiment of Artillery.
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  • 24 8 The Daily Telegraph bas opened a shilling iund to provide a Christmas gift to be for warded to King Albert for tbe Belgian people.
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  • 31 8 A Chinese, Chan Kok Tuan by name, pleaded guilty in the third court, yesterday, to the theft, from a godown, of a box of cloth valued at 1500. Sentence was deferred.
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  • 30 8 In the third court, yesterday, a Hylam, named Wee Ah Kirn, was convicted on a charge of stealing a silver watch from Sergt. Newman, at Fort Canning. Sentence was deferred.
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  • 39 8 The Government of Hupeh has raised a loan of £150,000 to assist the merchants who suffered by the depredations of the White Wolf. The interest is 6 per cent, and the loan is to be repaid in one year.
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  • 42 8 A writer in The World of October 6 states Lord Kitchener, I hear on excellent authority, gave it a;-iinns his private opinion last week that the war would continue until 1917. One can only hope he over-estimates the Teuton's powers of endurance.
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  • 40 8 In the recent fight in France between French aeroplanes and German cavalry the aviators carried boxes of steel arrows, which •a ere dropped from a height of between 6,000 and 7,000 ft., creating havoc on tbe mon and horses below.
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  • 40 8 Earl Kitchener ban devoted £20,000— the gift of a Canadian woman to tbe purchase of motor ambulances. Other efforts are being made to raise funds to purchase 400 nunmotor ambulances for which motorists of Scotland havo promised to subscribe £20,000.
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  • 57 8 The End of William the Weed, an absurdity in one act by Yap Long, has been published at Ipoh by Charles (trenier and Co., and is being sold at one dollar per copy, the profit to go in aid of tbe Prince of Wales'n War Fund. Some of the rhymes
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  • 50 8 Company registrations in the Unite) Kingdom increased from 7,367 in 1912 to 7,425 in 1913 but the total nominal capital decreased by £1(1,818,184. the figures being .£174,004,837 for 1912 and £157,186,65.) for 1918. For the first time since 1896 a company with £1,000,000 capital or over was registered in Ireland.
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  • 59 8 We were told aboard of a ship yesterday that the Robinson Piano Compauy presented an accordion to the Malayan Contingent which left for home and that they are giving a gramaphone to another detachment due to leave shortly. This, together witli cigars or cigarettes, or a contribution to the fund
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  • 58 8 As an outnomo of tho recent igrcement between the two companies, the office* of the British India Steam Navigation Company were on October 13 transferred from h. Tbrogmurton avenue, to the headquarters of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company at 122, Loadenball-Hrett, K.l'. The agreement between the hues took
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  • 72 8 A Home message of October 0 says It is reported from Pctrograd that the bulk of the Kussian centre, composed of a million men, mobilised at Warsaw, and entrusted with tin. task of marching on Berlin, has already advanced, since entering action last week tor the first time, to within
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  • 92 8 This morning, before Mr. Sugdcn. iv the third court a Japanese woman was charged with cheating a Chinese in respect of a gold wristlet watch valued at f 28. She weut to tbe sliop of the complainant and, after looking round, selected the watch, at the same time telling him
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  • 120 8 Mr. Frank Hugo Kerbs, a German American, i. i.tly cabled to Mr. Rudyard Kipling. otft riDg him £600 aud expenses to come to New York and give a public reading of The Truce of the Bear and The Grave of the Hundred Head. Mr. Krebs has published tbe cablegram he
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  • 167 8 The Chinese, named Pay Yaoß Kirn, who has figured before Mr. A. V. Brown in the District Court, on a charge of cheating a towkay by protending to cure, by means of various rites, a sick boy, ban been coovicUit, but on two amended cl.arges. For his consultation he received
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  • 459 8 Mi H. G. do II iiiii-l, of Kind's College, Cambridge. 1;.\., L.L.8.. a brother of Major do Hamel, is at tho front with the London Scottish. A marriage has been arranged, and will shortly take place, between Mi. J. P. Helli well, of 58, Park-street, Grosvenor -Square.
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  • 170 8 A London cable to the Times of Ceylon, dated October 80, explains why I'rin of Battt nberg resigned his position as First L-ji'd of the Admiralty. The message s.iys Prince Louis wrote to Mr. Winst >n Churchill on Wednesday I have been lately driven to the
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  • 177 8 When two motor cars collide and are badly damaged, one of them, in fact, turning up side down in the sido of the road, it i I only the best of aaal fortune that mm th« occupants from serious injury. Such an accident was the
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  • 228 8 The directors' report to the shareholders; of tbe Singapore Cold Storage Coiapsay, Ltd., states that the accounts of tin: company for the twelve months ended June sbow a credit balance on Mm year's transactions of 156,012.01, to which has to be added the balance of profit
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 212 8 FOR SAI-iE. ONE WILLETT LIGHT GENERATOR, HO Lights of 50 Candle Power. THREE WILLETT LIGHT GENERATORS, Each 10 Lights of 50 Candle Power. A 10-LIGHT GENERATOR, of the same description as the above, has been in daily use in our Godown for the past two years. It is simple in
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    • 11 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 7 and 11.
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  • 1544 9 Futile German Efforts Renewed. ALLIES PROGRESS IN FRANCE. Russian Victories Alarm Germany. Rhti»'» Special and Ordinary Wab Teleuraxs. London. November 10, 6 p.m. A Paris communique says Fighting continued all day long with the same neroeaoH, and between the North Sea and Ariuentiercs it was all the more
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  • 21 9 Reutkr's Tklkgrau. London. November 10, 5.55 a.m. The death is announced of Mr. Cecil Raleigh, the dramatic author.
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  • 251 9 Prison for A Vindictive Son. Yesterday at the Assizes, which are being held by the acting Chief Justice, Mr. L. M. Woodward, Sun Vow Ngan, the Chinese charged with utteiing a forged one dollar currency note, was found not guilty and discharged. His Lordship expressed agreement with the
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  • 298 9 The supply of sleepers for Indian railways is a matter of great importance which cou tinues to engago the attention of the different administrations. Owing to the increasing demand for, and diminishing supply of timber, there has been a continual rise in the prise of sleepers
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  • 47 9 A Rangoon telegram xtites that the ImA provincial forecast of the rice crop for 1911--15 shews 10,176,203 acres against 1P,0H1,.M1 acrea last year, or an increase of 91,94 i MM, Speaking generally the rice crop of tin province promises welt, despite seriooa fluods in part* of Burma.
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  • 2447 9 INTERESTING CASE AWAITING JUDGMENT. Delivery of Milk in Dispute. A case of interest to the mercantile community has lately occupied the attention of the Supreme Court, Medan, where the Handel Maatsohappij (Deli Atjehl for the Nestle and Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company have brought action against the steamer
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  • 303 9 FRIENDLY HELP FOR MEN GOING HOME. Warm Clothing Welcomed. Some of the man of the Malayan Contingent stand in need of warm clothing to enable them to face the wintry woather they will experience daring the final stage of their voyage home. If any of our readers have
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  • 338 9 Requiem Mass Celebrated In Singapore. Tho Cath. dral of the Good Shephord was crowded this morning when the Hishop of Malacca, Mouseigncur Barillon, assisted by Father Balloche and Father Lambert, celebrated a requiem mass for the sailors who lost their lives when the Mousquet was sunk off
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  • 156 9 When I was hit, wrote a private from the front, I lay for hours on the ground, and gut chummy with a German chap, who had got a nasty sabre cut in the head as well aa a bayonet stab in the kidneys, and was booked through.'
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  • 27 9 to promote militarism a'uong the people of China, the NmMml of the Republic has approved the worship o( Kuunti and Yofti in the State tern pi i.
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  • 1627 10 PEOPLE TERRIFIED BY THE BOMBARDMENT. Flight from the City. The following message from The Times correspondent, who remained in Antwerp to the last, gives a vivid picture of the terror and misery which oppressed the people during '.lie bo übardment by tbe Germans. After a night
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  • 89 10 The war s? oms hardly to affect the average internal condition of Australia. In Victoria the September quarter's revenue shows an menace of no leas than £81.000. This in en tain is baUnct il. hi' I crea«e of £87,000 in South Australia. In each ease th. railway nveuue was the
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  • Article, Illustration
    79 10 As far as can be gathered, all the country oast of a line drawn from Ostend past Lille, through Guise and then turning east through Argonne and north of Verdun to the frontier is in the handsof the (icrmans, while the allies appear to hold the positions west
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  • 195 10 There is something of old world dignity and solemnity in tho following call to prayer issued by President Wilson I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States of America, do designate Sunday, the fourth day of October next, a day of prayer and supplication, and do
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  • 159 10 The committee beg to acknowledge the following further subscriptions Previously acknowledged 14,248.45 H. E. Nixon 80 A. S. Sullivan 5 H. Baumgarten 5 W. M. K. 2 L. Nonis 2 A. Gomes 1 S. Dias 1 C. J. Gomes 1 K. Letcheman Chetty 6 P.
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  • 107 10 In the early hoar* of Wednesday morning of last week a gang of armed Chinese landed from a tongkang at Batu Man, near the village of Bayan Lena*, and, it is alleged, attacked a cbaniu shop. The Pinang Gazette says they burst the door open and, on entering, commenced to
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  • Correepondence.
    • 354 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, In your editorial of yesterday's (Tuesday) date you make the statement that in the engagement off Chile the German cruiser Scharnhorst had practically four times the gunpower of the Good Hope." You must surely be hard pressed to
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  • 91 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— The loading article published in your issue of the 11th inst. is remarkably alike for gross ill-taste and almost incredible ignorance of naval matters. Is it too mach to hope that you will have the grace to publish an apology
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  • 40 10 Besides the highly interesting war pictures shown nightly at the Palladium, a special colour, il programme will be presented for the Ant time to-night. This includes A Queen's Love in three reels, and The Wild birds of Scotland.
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  • 402 10 New Boundaries of Settlement In View. The North-Chink Daily News (Shanghai) learns on high authority that the question of the inclusion of Chapei district and a big stretch of land in the Jessfield district withirj Settlement limits has been concluded, ant) that these territories will come under
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  • 34 10 Bakit Katil.— B,ooo lbs. Ayer Molek.-18.622 lbs. Djasinga—6,Bl7 lbs. Laugeo (Java).- 81,700 lbs. Bukit K.B.— September 4,845 lbs October 4,676 lbs. Oalang Btsar- 31,450 lbs.; to date four months 121,675 lbs.
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  • 87 10 The mortality returns fur Singapore issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths show that, daring the week ruding November 7. there were 224 deaths (156 males, 68 fcuialt hi, giving a ratio per mille of population of 35.88. Malarial fever accounted for 87 deaths, phthisis 42,
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  • 1010 10 ENORMOIS DEMAND FOR BRITISH GOODS. Chancellor's Prophecy. According to Mr. Lloyd George, who oa October 6 delivered an interesting address to a trado deputation, England will very shortly be experiencing an unprecedented trade boom, owing to the enormous demand from foreign countries for goods which cannot
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  • 62 10 The Swimming Club launches Wave on Saturday as follows Johnston's I'ier, at 7, 0 and 10 a.m., 2.80 and 330 p.m. Club Hun galow, at l.iv., 12.16, ami 5.80 pin. <>v Sunday U.i y ImM K.hnnton's Pier, at 8, 9 and 10 a.m., 2 80 and 3 80 p.m. Club
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  • 749 11 Divided Counsels on German Strategy. Somi- id< I < f tin state of affairs in the military qaartsn v (ii-uuany may be«atlnri.l from the attached despatch from the New York correspondent al tin I'i.iy Telegraph, ilut.-. I Naw 'i Ik, (Vl.jbi r ti Aiivici h fi'.m (irruiitn
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  • 90 11 Seventh List of Subscriptions. The comuiittt'v grattfuDy acknowli Jge the following further subscriptioL Amount previously acknowledged tr.,764.09 NursiDu Stall of the General Hospital 28 W. Makepeace 20 v 10 P. Samy 10 E. Appfeton 10 "■PoDgu" 10 K. Hilton fiuil instalment) 15 K. L. Talma 20 >'.
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  • 77 11 A propo*. I has brea (or *cmc time on foot to construct a tramway in Aden. The primary object of the line is to eaooorage the witUni.Lt if those whose bosiae— m are in ■i oi' Side in the suburb of M.fikh Otliman, to liive il.c existing ovtt cu».liun m
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  • 691 11 Prices Quoted in the Market Tbis Morning. Singapore, Nov. 12, 1911 Messrs. Lyall aad Evatt. Exchange and Share. Brokers, iisuo tLo folio *ing list of quotations this morcint; The >|uotations on Sterling Shares are only nominal. Kom. Valci. Botbkj. Situu. 2/- Alla«ar 1/3 I/V| 1 AD'.<!o-J*-.a M
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 44 11 Caa yoa keep a secret 1 I don't btheve you can, Jones (you know the Jones I meant > Was a mtiancboiy Haa. I- wrunu cir dish c oths, I, tv bi m-e. Kikht a« lass. 10 day, yoo know, Wood*' Great Peppenuii t Cute.
      44 words
    • 92 11 Chamberlain's Couch Remedy. When yon have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only giTe relief, but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that con Uins nothing injurious. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all these requirements It acts on
      92 words
    • 391 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT:*. "Gaiety" PICTURE PALACE. Junction op Albert and Bbxcoulrn Si hurts Tht Bang of lbs Pointing Finger Serial Series No. 1 THE CORNER HOUSE MYSTERY! An AO R.itUh PrtrrHce Fin. I i bsjm, Dl'katK'N About 1 lloub. Kalcni's Prwerf.;! (Vipct 1 Dri>mi A PRISONER OF THE HAREM. I Rral
      391 words
    • 67 11 RE COLUMB TYRES NOTICE. For Supplies please applyto Messrs. HUTTENBACH BROS. ohm Buchanan's "Roya Household" Whisky as Bupplitd regularly to Kojalty. Buchanan's hold tho largtst stocks of any firm n Scotland. It ia Important to note that this Waisky is guaranteed to have been maturing, o»er 13 years in wood,
      67 words
    • 57 11 HIS MASTERS VOICE" Gramophones and Records ARE ALWAYS APPRECIATED. Send for New Catalogue just published. S.MOUTRIE&Co.,Ud., RAFFLES PLACE. RAFFLES HOTEL. Special Dinner AND Dancing after Dinner On Saturday, November 14. (By kind permission of Lt.-Col. 0. H. B. Lees and Officers, the Band of the Malay fctat. I Guides will
      57 words

  • 1677 12 THE ESTIMATES OF PRODUCTION EXCEEOED. A Conservative Policy. i ightb annual general meeting of Sungkai Cbumor Estates, Ltd., was held ou Oataaal 7, at tin Rubber Growers' Association. 88, Eutlcbcap. I tiomas Ritchie (chairman if the company) prcsiuiug. Tl Chairman said Gentlemen,— l pre rh me you wist
    1,677 words
  • 642 12 Forthcoming Arrivals And Departures. The following passenger bookings to the Straits arc taken from the London aud China Express. It should be understand that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to tbe issuance of this list in London
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  • 759 12 Formal Presentation By Lady F::nch. The formal presentation was made on October 6 to Guy's Hospital by Lady French, on behalf of the Rubber Growers' Association, of the rubber flooring for the Stephen Ward. There were present, in addition to many members of the R.G.A., and
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  • 388 12 The report of the Tangoel Rubber Estates, Ltd., for the year ended Jane 80, 1914, states that the rubber crop amounted to 1 17,788 lbs., against a crop for the previous year of 48,220 lbs. Tbe average price realised for the portion sold (including scrap) is 'is.
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  • 2589 12 Jane 27.— Assassination of Arcbdok Franz Ferdinand and his consort at Serajevo in Bosnia. July 25.— Austrian ultimatum to Servia expires. July 28.— Austria declares war on Servia on the ground of complicity in tbe Serajevo assassinations. Russia mobilising for war with Austria. British licet U
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  • 12 12 The Tibetan Government lias or.l'rid the expulsion of all classes of Chinese
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 565 13 (Late ot Robinson Piano Co.). TINEH, KEI'AIREH a»d REGULATOR TUNING $4.00 CASH. Yearly "jb-crib rs taken on lot? rate OkaejM for repairs moderate. WorkmanWtm artvicj pivfco ta iotpmliug buyers of new or second hand pianos. Estituittc* for r, pairt. made. Trial order solicited SAILORS' HOME. (MMM 1163. 8 11. M»
      565 words
    • 251 13 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at tbe follow ing places in Singapore Messrs. Kelly and Walßb, Ltd Money Changer, Raffles Hotel. Money Changer. Adelphi Hotel. Money Changer, Hotel de l'Hurope Monoy Changer, Hotel van Wijk. Mepsrs. Koh k Co., Bras Basah Rotd. The Refreshment Buffet. Tank Road Raiiway Station.
      251 words
    • 635 13 NOTICES; MUNICIPAL NOTICE. CHANGE IN BTREET NAME. NOTICE ia hereby given, in accordance with a Resolution passed by the Municipal Commissioners of the Town of Singapore at a neeting held on the 80th October, 1914, tbat from Ist Jacuary, 1915, tbe name of tbe road leading from Kampong Java Road
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    • 609 13 NOTICES. NEW YEAR SPORTS. 1915. NOTICE. A Poblio Mtetiag will be he'd in the North Room, Singapore Cricket Club, on Monday, the 16tb November, at 515 o'c'o-k p.m. To consider tbe dcairabi'ity of holding Land ani Sea Sports on Ist January, 1915, and, if approved of —To appoint Committees ot
      609 words
    • 312 13 STEAMER SAILINGS. OSAKA BKOBEN KAISHA (OSAKA MERCANTILE STEAMSHIP CO..LD KOBE-BOMBAY LINE. The Company maintains a regalar cargo servico with six steamers calling at Moji, Yokk.-ichi, Hongkoug, Singapore, Port Swettenham, Penang, Colombo and Bombay and on tbe return voyage calling at Totioorin, Singapore, Hongkong and Moji. Intindid Sailings For Port Swettenham,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1783 14 Tiwirifiri wnmtir* mmm l m m UMtt£lT WUIHJP CAPiTIL EABTE£a QOMPAMI PROBPBROUI and PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HBftO OFF.C. Wln^^t-. H^ INM*. ">"«»" gT-JrTr^AN, CM. AS.U..HC -ON.TV TS UMala, U.sUUU. CQM-.-.ON TO 8R0K.!.-. Tor m pararalan. *>v*r U A. W. FAIB. Mm PstiHw. BANKING. HONGKONG AND
      1,783 words
    • 1094 14 INSURANCE. RECRUITING for "national" d.fenco is do less arducr.a than tccrui'ing for "horro" defence, and by this we mean home in its purely d, in stic i-enre. Many men offer tbenuelvrs for tho "front" to be ifjocte.l as too old or too infirm. Tears atd entreaties are usileos. So too
      1,094 words

  • 837 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Ambulance Mystery. 'Writing in tbe Daily Chronicle, Charles L. Kr.Hston asks: Will no one give the public a lead If there is one tiling which is required more imperatively than others at the present moment it is the appointment of a
    837 words
  • 177 15 Tbe bravery of Sergeant Fraotz, of the French Flying Corps, and bit mechanic. Quenault, who, after a stirring fight on October 5, brought down an enemy aeroplane at Jonchery, in the district of Rheims, forms an interesting episode. The enemy aeroplane, with two Germans, was operating
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 200 15 HALLFORD COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLES IN STOCK One 2H-ton Lorry. One 3 -ton Tipping Wagon. I We have just supplied Two of the latter to tbe I I MUNICIPAL ENGINEER'S DEPT.. SINGAPORE. I Sicct. tbe arrival of tbe above the makers btve advinel as that they have been obliged to raise
      200 words
    • 13 15 For Children Hacking Cough at Night VV odn Great Peppermint Core Is Sd.
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    • 151 15 BY RO\AL APPOINTMENT TO H. M. KING GEORGE V. AN APPEAL TO PATRIOTISM. Continental tyres are made In Germany by the enemy. Tbelr purobase here assists him. SUPPORT BRITISH TRADE DUNLOPS are far superior In quality, and can be supplied In unlimited quantities at usual prices. Pit them to your
      151 words
    • 36 15 If you desire to be supplied with copies, order at once do not wait, as only a limited number of copies were printed. The Singapore and Straits ROUGH DIARY for 1915. Publishers: FRASER and NEAVE. LIMITED.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 461 16 Indian Patent Stone. FOR FLOORING AND PAVEMENTS. 30 Years' Reputation for Durability AND FOR BEING Sanitary, Damp-Proof, Vermin-Proof and Fire-Proof. SOLE AOENTS Adamson, Gilfillan&Co,, Ltd., SINGAPORE, PENANG and MALACCA. WAHT3. PAYING GUESTS WAKTEO. Large room* with v< racdahs and lathrooms, close totovn buit married couple or bachilcrs. Apply Box 60S,
      461 words
    • 438 16 TO BE LET OR SOLO. TOUT. No. 7, Bias Basah Lo*d, from December 1. Apply on the premises. 10 11 FLOOR TO LET Te le: 2nd Floor, No. 3, Malacca Street Immediate entry. Apply Meyer Brothers 81-1 TO LET, Ilouae No. 7, Chancery Lane. Apply to CUING KENG LEE CO.,
      438 words
    • 531 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. to in No. 188, Aooy Street. Appiy M Onston. 9, Princo Strut 198 a FURNIBHED SEABIDE RESIDENCES TO LET. BELINDA and JU ANITA, to let JuroUhoa apply No. 9, Mt. Sophia, IS a 60D0WN TO LET. No 6, Palmer Oojowns. Art a 9,900 eg feet.
      531 words
    • 378 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT A CO. 108 109. Market Street. Telephone No. 421. Shipchacdlcrs, Government and Munioipal Contractors, Estate Suppliers and Commission Agents. Sols Agents: The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd. Beet Multiplar Bracd Hair Beltings. CODE FLAGS of all sizes ready In stock. Prices reasonable. 17 80-6 16 TENTS FOR CIRCUSES.
      378 words
    • 750 16 MOTICEB. GUAN KIAT CO.. Shlp-Chindlers, Bovarmieat and Municipal Contractor* general Importers and Eiporte s and CommiMloa agents, Fstata, Rice (Kill and law-Mill Suppliers. 37, Philip Street. Tel. A«3drt«ss "OUANKIAT," Codis: A. B. C. Ctb Edition amd A 1. Telephone Ncs.— Office: 1288 a-J 1174. (Private 1480). Soli Aoents For GLOBE
      750 words
    • 409 16 RANEEGUNGE Drainpipes AND Channels SOLE AGENTS INDO MALAY CO., SINGAPORE. 18 10 b 12 I 16 BUSINESS AS USUAL. SHIP-STORES AMD OTUKR HARDWARE REQUISITES. Direct from Manufacturers! Sawmill and Rice-mill Kcquiremente. Hottionitural Implements, HarrowIron Steel Maleiials, I. Sh.tts. Painto, Colour?, Oils aud Varnithce. G ookiog Utensi s.Cor r. h'.cts.Chaic
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 228 16 Straits Ibimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Misc. llane ous wants of every de-scription are inserted at the prepaid rate of II per foot linos tor one or two insertions. Notice* of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, tl each inner ion. For p.p.c. cards, on page 8, 12. Inch
      228 words