The Straits Times, 12 October 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.6 1S SINGAPORE. MONDAY. OCTOBER 12. 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 172 1 iflTI" BEER. 4 VI YELL A Th -r TSH of Practical Value. Cents FOR Cents Cycling, Golfing, Shooting, f^ f\^ m Boating, Pyjamas, Day Shirts, \/M m J Children s Men's and Ladies B_B II Wear. per yard. per yard. All the Newest Stripes, Plain, White, Creme, Pale Blue, Pink,
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    • 125 1 ROBINSON CO. SOLE AGENTS IN Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States. BEWLAY'S I^l All Shapes Stocked fi; No 127. No. 154. I Ordinary or Bewlay's If No. 12S. No. 146. lIS r Pipe -Lip Vulcanite gTSi Mouthpieces. No. 106. No. 120. ROBINSON CO. FISH. Siberian Salmon. Plaice, Halibut. Fillets, Turbot,
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    • 38 1 GOODRICH ji TYRES. I SOLK A BNTS I j AOAMBON GILFILLAN A CO., LTD. PHOTOGRAPHIC STORE STUDIO. Amateurs' Work, Developing, Printing and Enlarging KONG HINGGHEONG ft COMPANY. Adelphi Hotel Building*, Singapore. Bracch it Pecans 16 81 5 16
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  • 2012 2 GRIM INCIDENTS OFJTERRIBLE FIGHT. Heroic Nurses. A vivid impression of what modern warfare means is given by the following letter, written by a wounded French soldier to a friend in London: I am in the field hospital now, with a nice little hole in my left shoulder, through
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  • 259 2 What will you lack, sunny, what will yon lack When the girls line ap the street, Shouting their love to the lads come back From the foe they rushed to beat Will you send a strangled cheer to the sky And grin till your cheeks are red? But
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 186 2 f "Hazeline' (Trade Mark) Snow i Beauty's j*fffli\ Protector 4Jpt^ Ladies who use "'Hazeline' a^^^^^k Snow daily are able to indulge in open-air pastimes to their heart's content, and still preserve their beauty. Because Haziline Snow" prevents the disfiguring effects of exposure to sun, wind, dust etc It is delightfully
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    • 13 2 For Children's Harking Cougta at Night I Woods Ortat Peppermint Cue Is BJ.
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    • 501 2 London Buying Agents iUfnu for Bi'ilwh or v. mil m. 1 ..i. l'-UHi»tied ir, I. t l,u. Ibol >ujhl> up-to-five rxparl r ra. mta lapaM* Wi. ntin_. di tiuvi-.if w ittl ;-reiiu->.t c.ire every i usa of k<hk*-., K'*ir»v uur i i^tniiiin a'l the J«t\ nUifi f.f wi.l ciptr.rncc. and
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    • 644 2 NOTICES. OF INTEREST TO PLANTERS. The undersigned offer their medium for Supplies of WOOD CHESTS, LATEX CUPS, etc., and invite correspondence. Favourable references pupplied, and SATISFACTION assured. DAVIS, SUMMERS Co., Post Office Box No. 114. Sannomiya, KOBE, JAPAN. 29 9 b 27 10 IN THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH LEEMAN KING.
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  • 1851 3 INCREDIBLE BARBARITIES OF GERMANS. Citizen's Terrible Journeys. In Ghent, in Hruges, Ostend, and in Blan kenberghe I have met the homeless, the fatherless, the motherless of Louvain, writes the Ostend correspondent of The Times, under date September 4. Everywhere you come across emaciated creatures, pictures of
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  • 459 3 Stories of Men Wounded at The Passes. Numbers of French wounded from the fighting line along the Vonges have reached Vichy, whose sumptuous hotels, which would in ordinary times be at the height of their season business, are now transformed into hospitals. Here was one poor fellow
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 492 3 ARTICLES FOR SALE MOTW CYCLE FMMU. One Secondhand 4 H.F. Rex Mjtor Cycle witb aide ear. In perfect running order Apply MZ\, co Straiti TioibS. 10 10 16 10 COCONUT BEEDLIN6B FOR SALE From well-grown trees. For particular* and prices, apply to A. FRANKBL, Siglap Estate, or at Victoria Street.
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    • 262 3 After Illness After the racking effects of fever, dysentery, cholera, colic or bowel complaints, every part of the boHy needs strengthening. It if not enoug\ merely to take tonics or artificial stimulants, tor or.fy by building i. p evciy part of the body can liiaAll be regained. SCOTT'S Emulsion is
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    • 689 3 NOTICES. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the SOCIBTE DES CIMBNTS PORTLAND ARTIFICIELS DB LIVDO CHINE of Haiplong, in Tonkin, are the SOLE PROPRIETORS cf the above TKAI'E MaRK used aa labels, either printed, burned, pnaatdor stamped, in printing on barrels or cases of CEMENT, and that MESSRS. DUPIKE BROTHERS,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 446 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. pT&o. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Fop Freight, Passage and further information, apply to H. W. BUCKLAND, Agent. COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN S. S. CO.. LTD.. ft THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD. BBTWBBN
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    • 510 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. 4 Fortnightly service i< maintained between Yokohama \ia ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government The New Twtn-scrow Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted
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    • 629 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Paka, Tringganu, Bisat, Semerak, Baohok, K Untan Tabai, Bangnars, Telnpin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Lacon, Kobsamni, Bandor, Langsoen, Takn, Cbnmpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Due Departure A STEAMER Oct. 18 Oct. 17-B p.m. ii SO 24 5 p.m. •i m 27
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    • 491 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. "NEDERLAND" •RAfl NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED (ROYAL NETHERLANPS MAIL). REGULAR fortnightly sailings from AMSTERDAM via SOUTHAMPTON, GENOA, Colombo and SINGAPORE to Java and VICE VERSA. For fuTther particulars, apply to Internationale Crediet-en Handelsvereeniging Rotterdam," Agents. 4-9 v OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD.
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    • 468 4 AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP LINE SnoAPOBB to Java Posts, Pobt Darwin Thcbsday Island, Brisbane and Sydney, via Tobbbs Straits. Also takiag pasxengers and oargn with traut-hipment for other Victorian, South Australian and North Queensland Posts, British New Guinea, Naw Britain, Tahmanlan and New Zealand Ports. Smooth Passage. Superb Scenery. A
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 718 5 TYRES. XXoos£l.£B<ncl.'fc WBc Co., Singapore. STEAMER SAILINGS. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Royal Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia. 1 8, Co. lyer Quay. ONDEK CONTRACT WITH IHB NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT, Tbe nndermentioned dstet. of depcrtnre are only approximate. S'DKhil I'ontianak. Oct. 18 Kmxara<ija Mi.ntok aud Palembaoe- Oct. 14 VanHt<Kcndorp Tanj- nK-Meout-idar, Tat
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    • 142 5 THE EABTERN SHIPPING CO.. LTO. FOR PORT SWKTTENHAM AND PENANO. s.s. PIN SB NO and ss. OMAPBRB will be despatched for above ports every Tnesdaj and Satnrday, respectively, at 'J p.m., from tbe Roads. Tha above steamers have excellent aooommoJation (or first-olass passengers. For freight, etc., apply to BABT INDIES
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    • 174 5 r.HUBB'S SAFES LARGE SELECTION ON SHOW AT Huttenbach Bros. Co., 13, COLLYER QUAY. RESIDENT MEDICAL SUPERVISION. Flntst aatkim and Boating. u>ft> Clif, and Beautifu. Views. it PORT DICKSON. With 8 BangalowH aa t a Pier— l 2 Bedrooms, Donble and Single Room* over the Sta, and all cat<-tiug earcfally sapervined
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 314 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS PETROL EN6INE WANTED. Wanted, 4 cylinder petrol engine, suitable for fixing in a mn'or car from 12 to 20 H.P. Must be complete, second band or new. Fall part culars to Box No. 795, Straits Times. la-io n 10 LOBT. Lost at midnight on October 8, near Telok
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    • 171 6 LEE BROTHERS' STUDIO. RENOWNED FOR HIGH-CL.ASS PHOTOGRAPHY. THEREFORE ENSURING BEST RESULTS. Have your Photograph taken at our Studio. NOTICE. A Special Meetirg of the Anglo-Chinese School Old Boys Association on Wednesday, October 14, at 6.1.1 p.m., in the Drill Hah of the School. A large attendance is doiired. 12 10m.w
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    • 350 6 ~JTm. %*J JLF!9\ J JPm iLate of Robinson Piano Co.). TUNER, HEPAIRER a*d REGULATOR. TUNING $4.00 CASH. Yearly gnhs-cribors taken on low rate*. Clarpcs for legairß tuwliriao. Workmanship gaaraoteed. Free advice Riven to inteodicK buyers of new or seooad band pianoH. Estimates for r< pairs made Trial order Eo'.ioited. SAILORS'
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    • 85 6 COMPANIA TRABATLANTICA OF BARCELONA. FOR MANILA, ILOILO, COLOMBO, SUEZ, PORT SAID, BARCELONA, CADIZ AND LISBON. For Passage, freight, and further information, apply to BARLOW CO., Agents. 3-10 13-10 ORIENTAL-AFRICAN LINE. A regular service is maintained per tbe above Line between Hongkong, Singapore and Mauritius and South Africa and vioe versa.
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  • 104 7 FIXTURES. Monday, October 12. High Wat«r. .1.16 am., 2.4 p.m. I'rince of Wales's Fund Concert, Vie. Theatre. Jimah K 0, meeting, Exchange, noon. Tuesday, October 13. High Water, 4.52 a.m., 3.16 p.m. Wednesday, October 14. Bigh Water, 7.4 a.m., 4.57 p.m. rhur*day, October 15. High Water. H.O
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  • 126 7 TODAT. P. Swettenham and T. Anson 8 pm Malacca and Muar 8 pm Malacca and P. Dickson 8 pm Bangkok P"> Tohokbow. Kerimon 8 am Pouloe Soegi 8 am Pulau Batam and Pulau Bulanv 8 am Sarawak and Ooebilt 11 am l'urt Swettenham and Penang noon Bangkok
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  • 210 7 Latest Arrivals. List of vessels in port at 10 a.m. on October 12, 1914. British. Name Date of Arrival Remarks. Sri Muar 10 10 1 Inner Roads Hock Lee do do Calypso do do O,uorra do do Salamis do >uter Roads Helania do l'nlo Bukom (ilenfalloch 1110 14
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  • 69 7 It is stated that it bai now been decided t) »t the new t-übnirtitnl bteamsbip line to New \ork, which is to be openud jointly by the Nippon Yuaen Kiisba, the Toyo h-.*-u Kaiaba. and tbe IKaka Shos— Kai-ha, stiall paw throogb the Panama Canal every three weeks. Suu-tinu from
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  • 442 7 Forthcoming Arrivals And Departures. The following jiißsengt r bookings to the Strait-; are taken from th'i London and China Express. It should be understand that, in ioine instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangement)), subsequent to the issuance of tliis lint in
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  • 327 7 Attempts to Send Goods to Great Britain. It in apparent that some German manufacturers are optimistic enough t.> endeavour to maintain their trade with England daring the war. One of their methods is to send their good? to England and parts of tho British Kmpire through business
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  • 41 7 United Malacca.— 9,o32 lbs. Koala Xal.-8.U6.-. lbs. Malacca Plantations.- 318,200 lbs. Merpni.— 8,4181b5.; three months 6,010 lbs. Sembroog- 1,583 lbs.; two months 2,748 lbs. Kiuisois. 2,164 lbs. toUl to date 9 months (only four muDths tapping) 5,122 lbs.
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  • 50 7 Time- balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore standard time, correspond ing to 6 a.m. Greenwich moan time. The time gun is fired at 12 o'clock uoon, indie atiun Singapore Ktasdard time, on every, day exoepting Sunday when it in fired at one o'clock.
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  • 161 7 eXCHANQB SmuAPOEJ, October 12, 1014 O» LonDoit Bank 4 m/s m a/4 Demand 2/t,. Private 8 m/t 2/4 On Inou Bank T. T. 174} Om HuMd>o>a...Bank d/d 28| On Shanghai.. ..Bank d/d w 1 1 s Ob Java Bank T. T. m 142 On Japm Bank d/d
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    • 185 7 (Rsne 2 Bujeiß Value (J 10 10 Ampanii 7.00 1 1 AyerWeng 0.15 10 10 Belat 100 10 10 Broanß 0.75 10 10 Kampai 10 10 Kauaboi 1.00 10 10 Kinta Association £1 £1 Kinta TiD 1.12.6 £1 Lahat Min<# 10 S Malayan Collieries £1 £1 Milayan Tina 1.10.0
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    • 638 7 I--| Boy«. »D» i!- S/- Allagai 1/8 1/7 41 41 AncTo-JaT* 2;6 8/4 3/- a/- Anglo-Malay 7/8 8/a/- 8/- Baton*? Malak* /8 -/10 £1 41 Batu Ti«a 1-6-0 1.16.9 norn 2/- 2/- BekoU -/4 -Hi 41 41 Bukit Kajanfi 1-6.3 1.10.6 41 41 Bukit Lintang 2.7.0 2.12.0 norn 2/-
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    • 126 7 Value (2 41 <C1 B. SmeKina Co. 12/- 18/0 41 41 Prel. 1.0.0 1.2.8 5/- 6/- Electric T'ways 8,9 4/6 10 10 Fraaer Nero 5^.00 55.00 60 60 Hammer k Co. 96.00 K 1.00 100 Howarth Erskine 45.00 100 7%Pr«l. 100.00 100 100 Kata Bro, Del. 100.00 125.00 10
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    • 43 7 Buyers Sellers United Engineers 0% 11,284 500 Singapore Electric Tramways 6% £850,000 S'poreMunicipal 6% $1,878,000 B%pm Spore Municipal H% of 1907 ,1,600,000 par Buyers Sellen Spore Municipal H% of 1909\ooo pa* S'porc Municipal i% 2,000,000 9%dii Spore Municipal 4% jfiaOO.OOO 92*
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 42 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. October 18.— At saleroom, Taluable 999 nan' leasehold property situate at Tan Qiire Lan Street at 2.80. October 17.— At saleroom, teak bonschrld furniture, etc. at 11. For Cbroaic (X<eat Complaints, Woods' Orea* Peppermint Care Is. 6d
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    • 78 7 ♦*«The buying quotations of sterling shares mist bj regirdoJ ai purely nominal tot tbe present. AT THE HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. PEERLESS MULTI-REEL DETECTIVE MELODRAMA RIP, THE DOG DETECTIVE Containing More Really Thrilling Incidents than are Seen In Half-a-dozen Ordinary Detective* THE BATTLE OF SAN JUAN HILL IN
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 95 7 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbiu Hospital, October 11. 0 a.m. 8 p.m. 9 p.m.. Bared. 82 Fall 29.905 29.792 29.875 Temp. 85.0 87.5 81 8 Wet Bulb Ther 79.0 7H.0 76 0 Dir. of Wind SE SE calm Max. shade Temp. 89.5 Mm 73.4 Max. in Sun 138.. r > Te
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  • 49 8 Murray.—On September 8, at Charing Cross HospitaJ, an the risult of a taxi-cab accident, Reginald Murray, of 12, BedfordHow, London, W.C, formerly of Penang. Pestana.— On October 12, Monica Pestann. Funeral at S p.m., to day, from 198, Waterloo Street, to Bidadari Cemetery. Manila ptpt rs please copy.
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  • 1162 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, READY FOR THE FRONT. We htve just been answering a number of questions by men in Malaya who are eager to serve their country and who find it quite impossible to discover a way of doing so. We have a list of ab ,ut
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  • 18 8 We have to acknowledge receipt from the Government Printer of the Blue Book of ttie Colony for 1013.
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  • 16 8 Our Ipoh correspondent wires tbat tl..Kami Council Meeting at Koala Kangsar is postponed until November 8.
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  • 23 8 The Federal Final S.ipply Enactment, 1914, makes provision for the sum of M£MJM to be charged upon the revenue of the V. HA
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  • 11 8 Latest advertisement; of the day appear on page 6 and 11.
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  • 34 8 A successful oafe cbantant was held at thn Ipoh Club on Saturday (Tight in aid of the Belgian Red Cross Society. It was well at tended and a good sum will be handed over.
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  • 23 8 Tho P. and O. Company announce that as the steamer Sicilia has been requisitioned by the Government she is withdrawn from the berth.
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  • 34 8 Driven to desperation through inability to get employment, L. T. Hayan, an Englishspeaking Tamil, forged a cheque for 1180 in the name of Gordon. At Ipoh, he was sentenced to two years' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 35 8 A draft enactment to provide for extending to tbe F.M.S. tbe operation of proclamations issued in the Colony of the Straits Settlements during tbe continuance of the war is printed in the F.M.S. Government Gazette.
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  • 40 8 A Dutch journal urges the Socialists to fight for England, civilisation, and democracy. It declares that it was difficult for the Dutch soldiers to refrain from assailing the Germans in Holland when they heard of the outrages committed in Belgium.
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  • 39 8 Both Germany and Great Britain have accepted proposals that the wireless stations at Tuckerton (New Jersey) and Sayvillo (Long isUudj should be permitted to send code miiaasgOß to belligerent countries subject to the censorship of the American naval authorities.
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  • 48 8 The rifles used by the German landsturm in Belgium are of the old type, and the troops are insufficiently supplied with ammunition. Some of them arc armed with rifles taken from the Belgians. It is stated on good authority that the supply of German arms is now exhausted.
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  • 48 8 A German aeroplane which bombarJed Paris early in September had to descend ut, OrrylaviUe owing to an engine breakdown. Two officers on board were captured, aud an attempt was made to lynch one of them, who was recognised as a clerk who had been previously working in Paris.
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  • 49 8 A German aeroplane, brought down at Strypen, in East Flanders, on September 10, contained two well-known Krupp expetts who delivered guns to the new Belgian forts a few months ago, and also Von Mezen, who has taken a prominent part in all Krupp experiments. The three men were arrested.
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  • 53 8 A suggestion by Queen Mary that soldiers' widows in England should be brought to Australia as assisted immigrants has been considered by the South Australian Govern muni. Thu Prjinitr states that owing to drought conditions and the falling oil in the demand for domestic servants there would be a difficulty
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  • 66 8 For tbe period from October 16 to •>■> inclusive, the value of the highest grade of rubber is fixed at 2/8 per lb., and the duly on cultivated rubber on which export duty in leviable in the F.M.S., on an ad v..lorem basis in accordance with the rulvs under the
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  • 63 8 A Lloyd's message from Havre, states that the Dutch mail steamer, Prins d< i Nederlondcn, of the Nedtrlanden line, from liata via, which arrived at Amsterdam on August 26 was overhauled off I'shant. On her papers being examined contraband of \va. for Hamburg was discovered on board, an« tbe cargo
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  • 80 8 The three million ticals of new capital («o,<oo shares of Tcs. 100 each) which the Si, mi Commercial Bank, Ltd., decided to raise, in accordance with the special N asfci recently passed, Ins now been fully subnet ibed. In all 20,1)21 shan ft have been taken up by old
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  • 75 8 Before Mr. G. A. Hall, in the District Court, Penang, on the Bth lust., the hearing was concluded of thu case in which G. I). McLean wan charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of 1100 ami criminal misappropria tionof 1100 and 1,201) guildere, the property of one Chee
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  • 87 8 Whatever fate may awnit appeais tbat the Kaiser has made financial provision for the future at any rate. Ever since Germany began to make preparations for an attack upon Belgium, France, Holland. England, and, ultimately, upon the United States, the Kaiser has .been investing immense Kum-t of money on
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  • 95 8 German prisoners in Russia state th«. f the t§ ah delivered by the Kaiser to the troops on tin ir departure for the front wax of a character which the Press is forbidden to reproduce. The text of it appears to have been approximately as folljws, says the Pi.lrogiad correspondent
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  • 98 8 William Norman liutt, described as a mining engineer, of (icirnun nationality, a special coLstable (or t!ie City of Louduu. aid a meinbtr of the i! )yal Societies Club, MM K >yal Ueograpbical Society, the Geolo Society, and the Chemists' Society, living at IVnn-road, Holloway, who was rciuauded in custody
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  • 403 8 Mr. E. Burnside is granted nine months' leave. Messrs. Noel Fisher and C. Wilton bar* enlisted in the Koyal Fusiliers. Tho installation iceeting of Klang Lodga was held on Friday evening when Bro. H. B. Dudley was installed as Worshipful Master. The death is reported from Kuala
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  • 78 8 During the pant few days persistent rumours have been circulated in Singapore to tha effect that the Gtrman cruiser Emden had sought shelter in the neutral waters atSabang. This, however, is not the fact, although there is a steamer named Emdeu interned in that port. Along with
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  • 246 8 In connection with tho concert in tha theatre ti-night, in aid of tho Prince of W', ilcn's Xi lii f Fund, the audience is asked to be si-ati d by 9.15 as the programme to ba submitted is a li'Dg one, and a punctual start is
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  • 246 8 The Millions to Seamen has issued this appeal:— "lt is upon our British MMi that the nation now depends the enemy and from starvation. K.r tifty eight years the Mn-sioDs to Si mijen ha« laboun (l fur the spiritual, Bocial und pliyoical well-beiog of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 113 8 ALHAMBRA CINEMtTO&IUPN THEATRF. BEtCN ROM. 2nd Show 9.19 r .m. Ist Show 780 p.m. THE LATEST WAR NEWS! IN (16) PICTURES DIRECT FROM PARIS together with THE MISER'S REVERSION In 3 Parts. LOVE'S SUNSET In 2 Parts. MAX ON THE BRINY! THE SQUAW. IN 2 PARTS. Telephone 249—10 a.m. to
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  • 3547 9 Fall of Antwerp. TROOPS LEAVE THE CITY. British Marines Guard Retreat. A SINISTER GERMAN THREAT. Antwerp May be Burned As Punishment. Hki tk.r's Srri ul tsn Okdinaky Wa« TILtGRAXS. London, Ootober 9, 6.10 p.m. Amsterdam: Kcuter's correspondent says the h uuhardment of .mtwerp was contiuued to-day with full
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  • 52 9 Rbutkr's Telkurasi. London, October 9, 7.25 p.m. The London Metal Exchange has resolved that all naturalised Britishers who are candidates for membership must give proof of their exemption from citizenship in the country of their origin also from the New Year authorised and unauthorised clerks must be
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  • 25 9 Rectkr's Tklkuram. London, October 10, 6.35 p.m. Renter's Rome correspondent Rays that Cardinal Ferrata, Pontifical Secretary ot State, died this afternoon.
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  • 318 9 Sir Frank Swettenham Member Of Staff. Says tue L. and C. Express which canio to hand by yesterday's mail Within the last few days the Press Bureau, which supplies us with the official news of what is proceeding in the arena of the war, has been reconstituted.
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  • 232 9 The following messages from Notl. rlanda Indus contemporaries are quoted The Hague, October 55 In the Argonne district the I'rown Prince's army I N been repulsed with he-ivy losses. A r> t,' m'jnt of the Prussian Guard, which was t •nuiily commanded by the down Prince, in
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  • 2179 10 WHEN THERE MAY BE A SECOND WATERLOO. From Our Special Correspondent. London, September 4. And gentlemen in EDgland now abed Shall tliink themselves aocurs'd they were not I And Mi their manhood's cheap whiles any speaks That fought with us upon St. Crispin's day." The danger call
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  • Article, Illustration
    129 10 Three lines marked will be found on the map. The top line shows where the first contact took place, the bottom line the position to which the Allies retired s owly after tha t fi t coatact and the middle line approximately the position they have reached in driving back
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  • 1778 10 NOTABLE BALKAN RULER PASSES AWAY. British Royal Family Affected. RIUTBR's TILKORAM. London, October 10, 6.20 p.m. Petrograd The King of Rjumania is dead. The death of the King of Roumania is of particular intereHt to England not only on account of the natural sympathy which will
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  • 278 10 Germany's Loss in the Tin-Plate Trade. The Daily T.lcgraph, of Anoint 17, says: Already there is an indu.nli.ul revival at Swansea, preceding the re tstahli^hment within the next few days of Iks resumption of coal exports to France, which is Swansea's biggest customer. A vessel with a cargo
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  • 69 10 A feature of the entertainmeut Wag pro vi ted by the management of the Harima Hall is the pictures embodied in the latest Oautnont Graphic containing scenes taken nMM tho war; added to tui» is a story of tbe battle of San Juan Hill, in three parts, and
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  • 696 11 Prices Quoted ia the Market This Morning. Singapore, Oct. 10, 1914. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning Tbe quotations on Sterling Shares are only nominal. Norn. Valui Botirs. Snuu. 2/- Allagar 1/8 1/8 1 Anglo Java 3/3
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  • Correspondence.
    • 232 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— The Belgian Minister in London uig<ntly appeals for help in relieving the immediate necessities of Belgian refugees •1 art arriving in England homeless and almost destitute. In order to assist these poor people 1 pro pose sending at once
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    • 54 11 Mrs. 11. B. Saluiond, Istana Lama, Singapore, desires to acknowledge with many thanks the following oontributi Amount previously acknowledged 16,616 15. N. 60 A.M. McNeil 26 Capt. J. Forbes, Kuantan 26 R. O. Winstedt, Kuala Lumpur 25 M.C.J. 86 H. W. Finustone, Kuala Lumpur 60 W. E.
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    • 401 11 0. K. A. To the K.litor of the Straits Time*. Sir,— Tho real identity of O. K. A." having oomo to my knowledge, from an absolutely reliable source. I think it is only just to all thorough Englishmen that j <ltrs should be made acquainted j with the following facts
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  • 81 11 A novel aod highly successful function took place at the Samaraog Colonial Exhibition on October 2. when a Baby Show was held in tbe Woman's Pavilion. No fewer than 20 chubby infants were displayed for the admi ration of the public and the discriminating inupection >>f the judges. Daring the
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  • 60 11 The first clearance via tbe Panama Canal was issued at New Orleans on August 13, when Capt. H. Jackson, master of the British steamship Ebnrna, was presented with the necessary document which will permit him to take bis remel to Yokohama via Panama. Tbe veesol io la<!eo with a cargo
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 65 11 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is safe to *\y that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy has eared the lirt s of more people aad, relieved more suffering than «.\uy other remedy in oxittenoe It ia known all .i»«-r tbe civilised world for its aneady carea of cramps
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    • 47 11 For infloeasa, ooogb, or cold, Woods' in worth its weight io gold When winter troublts oome yoar way Imbibe it bot without delay. Into a Mnall aimed glass or cup Of boiling water well etir op An ample done of fragrant, pure, Wholesome Woods' Great Peppermint Cote.
      47 words
    • 531 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. PALLADIUM ORCHARD ROAD ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE S PREMIER THEATRE. TO-NIOHT I Commoadat at I a.m. Sharp. TO-NIOHT I I WAR NEWS EXTRAORDINARY. IMPMTMT. -In addition to Me present War Gazette, we are also showing tbe following, wLirh was the only Special Pathe War Oszette despatched to Singapore. Tito
      531 words
    • 374 11 IjCHEUN ILEAGE DUPIEE BKOTHERS, AGENTS. PRINCE OF WALES'S FUND. In aid of tbe above A GRAND CONCERT Kill be given in the V.M.C.A. Orchard Road. On Friday, October ia, at 9 p.m. There is to be an excellent programme to which some of the most popnlar local artists are contributing.
      374 words

  • 870 12 PLEASANT WEATHER AND GOOD ATTENDANCE. Billett's Successful Day. The autumn race meeting, was wound up on Saturday under much more cheerful conditions than many people, considering the situation a few weeks ago, anticipated. The weathtr throughout has been most propitious aia th>' sp< rt. in patches, (M& The
    870 words
  • 387 12 The following is an analysis of the three days' racing Ran but were not placed Angela (3), Her Highnoss, Pip (2), Bonnie Scotland, Malwa, Star o' Doon, Why Not (1), Carmen Kan but were not placed (3) Lowe, Paterson, (2) Page, Mr. Simpkinson, Scotch Kongsee. Ist
    387 words
  • 2430 12 The Formidable Fortress Of Belgium. The following article on Antwerp was in type before news arrived of the occupation of the city by the Germans Antwerp, which is 11 i miles due north of Brussels, has for centuries been the commercial capital of Belgium, as it is now
    2,430 words
  • 517 12 France Buys Tobacco (or British Troops. Wherever I have been I have found the French soldier cheerful, writes the Paris correspondent of the Daily Telegraph. He is the happiest of troopers, and in to be seen with a pleasant smile, whether on duty or off. Ho always has
    517 words
  • 1184 12 STATEMENT BY H. E. THE HIGH COMMISSIONER. The Defence of Belgian Neutrality. His Excellency the Governor of the Straits Settlements and High Commissioner of the Malay States, having reason to believe that irtx are Ix-ina circulated by enemies of tho British Kmpire regarding tho
    1,184 words
  • 267 12 First List of Subscriptions. The committee of the Children's Aid Society gratefully acknowledge tho following subscriptions: Estate of the late Mr. Wm. Menke 1500 Sir Arthur Young, K.C.M.G. 100 Lady Evelyn Young 100 Hon. Mr. Tan Jiak Kirn, 0.M.0. 200 Mr. J. R. Nicholson, C.M.G. 100 Hon.
    267 words
  • 320 12 The Australian Commonwealth Statistician supplies interesting information concerning the pi-ogress of Australia in the official yearbook No. 7, just published. The increase in population during the period under review (1912-13) was rather greater than has been tho case in recent years. In the past thero hvs beeu a
    320 words
  • 119 12 Twelve week* ago Germany was more celebrated for its sausages than for its soldiers. Their variety wa* shown to the good people of Berne, five years ago. A German sausage exhibition was held there, and 1,785 varieties were exhibited. The centre of the production is in Westphalia, where 400 varieties
    119 words
  • 21 12 Before we were married you used to catch me in your arms." Yes, and now 1 catch you in my pockets."
    21 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 225 13 PRATTS THE STANDARD MOTOR SPIRIT. Obtainable at WEARNE BROS.. LTD. IN WEAKNESS, NEURASTHENIA 4>#TO CONSUMPTION CHLOROSIS ga^L H BWrW All doctors agree that this vital Iron of the Blood ALWAYS CURES, a. id, gives everyone health, strength and beauty. Fur hotter finn uncooked meat. Chalybentes. etc. U. S. A. STANDS
      225 words
    • 250 13 THE STRAITS TIMES IP Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore I Memra. Kolly and Walsh, Ltd. Money Cbanger, Raffles Hotel. Money Changer. Adelphi Hotel. Money Cbanger, Hotel de I'Surope Money Changer, Hotel van Wijk. Messrs. Koh Co., Bras Basah Road The Refreshment Buffet, Tank Road Railway Station.
      250 words
    • 176 13 JAMES MOTION CO. FIF YOU HAVE sight I 4STIOIiATISM mmm i i 1:! i•• :!i .vo letters will taaa BLACKER Ikfl ottiers Tlipy :irc really nil oi]iuil. Trj i AnilTllll II in [Kirai.'lyal about two feet distant Ti.ealiow UIH IHAI Mil is ft rough and rendy tost. Imt a in.ii
      176 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 431 14 IWUfMTI Ml NLVftflV. LARGEBT PAID-UP CAPITAL OF AMY EASTEH COMPAIt PROSPEROUS land PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD omoi Winch-ate* Houm, Wr.sjapr.ra LONDON OPFIOB S2, OM .awry. EC Taa has £30.00* dspoartsd wMh ska Beavema OoaH at ■aglaaa, aad agatpoat waft tha BriMaa La. If. O«rpa.ies
      431 words
    • 269 14 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF C»NAOA. ESTABLIBHBD 1882. Diraot Government Suoarviaion, Government Audit. Polioies are "WORLU WIDE." aad Non-Forfeitable Large Nat Surplua above liabilities for Reserve and all outstanding claims. New Bualnaaa, 1918, 0ver. ..59,876,000.00 Ca&h Loans, Settlements, etc., made locally. Numerous modern schemes. 4. H. EVANS, Manager, South
      269 words
    • 507 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID UP CAPITAL 116,000,000 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at 3/- 116,000,000 Silver 118,003,000 ,33.0C0,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 1 16.0C0.000 COURT OF DIRECTORS 3 Bon. Mr. D, Laodale, Chairman. W. L. Pattenden, Esq., Deputy Chairman. 8. H. Dodwell, Ewj. I P. H. Holyoak, Esq.
      507 words
    • 489 14 BANKING. DEUTSCH ASIATISCHE BANK. FULLY PAID UP CAPITAL (Sh. Taela 7,600,000). Head Office Shanghai. Board of Directors Berlin. BRANCHES: Berlin, Calcutta, Hamburg, Canton, Hankow, Hongkong, K be, Peking, Tientsin, Tsinanfo, Tsingtan, Yokohama. THE FOLLOWING BANKS AND BANKERS ARE REPRESENTED ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Bank faer Handel ond Industrie."! Bf
      489 words
    • 540 14 INSURANCE. PARTNERSHIP INSURANCE capitalizes Ihe br.ins rf a concern. It proUct. the buMnrss from being oiippM through the withdrawal of a deceased raitners int. r. st It provides agaiost credit impairment It strengthen* financal RUnding and proves an invaluable astet. This Infurancc issued on Endowment princi rle«, covers two lives,
      540 words

  • 807 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Payment for Commandeered Vehicles. We (Tbe Commercial Motor) have taken tbe opportunity to ascertain tbe views of tbe War Department in regard to any owners of impressed vehicles wbo consider that they bave a grievance in respect of valuation, oc wbo
    807 words
  • 121 15 Malinos haa suffered the same fate as Louvain. Tbe bombardment on September 2 lasted from 11 o'clock until 1, and nearly 100 sharpnel shells exploded in tbe town, doing much damage. The church is in ruins, and the beautiful painted windows have been destroyed. Fortunately, many
    121 words
  • 11 15 The maiden aim is generally to give up the maidon name.
    11 words
  • 16 15 Would yon marry for money Not until I'vo eihansfaxi every reasonable means of getting it I
    16 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 132 15 IPS SOLE AGENTS: Cuntral Engine Works, Ltd., SINGAPORE. KUALA LUMPUR and at JQHORE BAHRU. THE FOUR Electric Starter, Electric Lights, Five Passengers, Complete Equipment. Price $2,400. WEARNE BROS., LTD. THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING CO. (Established 1883) I MANUFACTURERS OF i PURE ROPE S STRAND CABLE LAID 4 STRAND 1 2*
      132 words
    • 60 15 Sunshine and Common Sense. Don't doctor your blood for rheumatism. Uae an external application of Chamberlain* Pain Balm. In a few days it will get yon up and ont into tbe sunahine, then nature will restore tbe rich red blood to your veins and •ooa rid tbe system ol this
      60 words
      287 words
    • 38 15 The Dry Cleaning Depot. Orders can now be taken for CLEAN INO and curling, also dyeing FEATHERS. PLUMES. AIGRETTES Etc, any shades. Just received, Hiw Stock Infants' Millinery. Layettes. Eto Mrs. KRAAL, 218, OroUaid Road 308 a "11
      38 words
    • 22 15 OFFICES TO LET Commodious Offices to let in Gresham House. Immediate entry. For full particulars, apply to McALISTER&Co, Ltd. 25 8 a
      22 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 378 16 JEFFREY'S Pilsener Beer Brewed in Scotland. FRESH SUPPLIES JUST ARRIVED. OBTAINABLE AT ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS. Sole Agents: Adamson,Gilfillan&Go.,Ltd., SINGAPORE, PENANG and MALACCA. WANTS. TELEGRAPH OPERATORS WANTED. Wanted, Telegraph Operators by the 8.N.8. Government. Apply to UUTHRIE Co., Ltd., Singapore. 908 n CLERK WANTED. Wanted. Reliable Chinere Clerk for Tin Mine
      378 words
    • 363 16 TO BE LET OR 80L0. TO LET. No. 138, Amoy Street. Apply M. Ouston, 8, Prinou Street. 2S-8 o FLOOR TO LET To let, 2nd Floor, No. 8, Malaoca Street. Immediate entry. Apply Meyer Brothers. 81-1 o TO LET. Houso No. 7, Chancery Lane. Apply to CHINO KHNG LEE 4
      363 words
    • 522 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. TOUT. FURNISHED. Buitenaorp, Paterson Road. Apply G. U. Farranr, Fraser Co. 710 1810 TO LET. No 1, Thompson Road, Windsor Hill." Apply to Tan Bock Inn, No. 10, Devonshire Road. 9 10 18-iO 60D0WN8 TO LET. Godowns, Not. 64, 65 and 66, Kanieah Maricao Koad.
      522 words
    • 600 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT CO. 108 ft 109. Market Street. Telephone No. 421. Shipcbandlers, Government and Municipal Contractors, Estate Suppliers and Commission Agent?. Soli Agints The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd. Bost Multiplar Bratd Hair BeltiDgs. CODS FLAGS of all sizes ready In stock. Prices reasonable. 1-7 ***** TENTS FOR CIRCUSES. CINEMATOGRAPHS.
      600 words
    • 514 16 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO., Ship-chandlers, Government and Municipal Contractor!, General Importers and Exporters, and Commission agents, [state, Rica-Mill and Saw-Mill Suppliers. 37. Philip Street. Tel. Address OCANKUT," Codbs: A. B. C. fth Edition and A 1. Telephone Vet.— Office litS aid 1174. (Private 1450). Solk Agents Fob GLOBE BOILER FLUID.
      514 words
    • 413 16 TANSENGCHGriG&CO. Architects aid Geurral Agi jts for BUILDINGS. DESIGNS. ESTIMATES, BUILDING SURVEYB. ETC. UNDER BIROPEAN SUPERVISION. 14, Raffle* Quay (Top Floor). Telephone, 1386. CHARGES MODERATE. EYES TESTED FREE!!! A man does not wait tv put on his overcoat until he has become nearly frozen, and when the Arya Dispensary (490,
      413 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 228 16 Straits Ibimes. ADVERTISEMENT KATES.— Miscellane oas wants of every description are inserti;d at the prepaid rate of $1 per tout lines for one or two insertions. Noticop of Births, Marriagts, or Deaths, if not oxoeeding four lines, II each inner ion For p.p.c. cards, on page 8, 12. Inch Scali
      228 words