The Straits Times, 30 September 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 1 1*. $*MbdS ity4-ll I4U* NO. 24.008 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 30. 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 128 1 iirp 1 BEER, j PRISM BINOCULARS I FOR THE RACES. I x6, $40. xlO, $4% *f Compkte wlt4i CaJM^I xB, $40. JSMi M and stra P s j COMPARE PRICES. 3 KATZ BROS., LTD.] RONEO Typewriter Ribbons KONEO Typewriter Carbons BRITISH MADE, AND THE BEST THAT MONEY CAN BUY. 14a,
      128 words
    • 100 1 ROBINSON CO. New Trimmed Millinery. m The liatest Models are now IW being displayed together ffefp|K\ Newest Shapes in i W^f UNTRIMMED STRAWS I'Vl^f and smart M./Wf READY-TO-WEAR HATS. ROBINSON CO. *V— Fresh I^iislx. FRESH NORTH SEA COD LING. New Shipments just arrived. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LD, Singapore and
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    • 8 1 MARTELL'S BRANDY. Solb Auknts: AOAMSOh.GILFILLAN < > A CO., ITC.
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  • 1076 2 GENERAL SIR JOHN FRENCH'S DESPATCH. His First Dispositions. A telegram of September 0 states:— Sir John French's despatch says that the transport of troops from England by sea said rail was effected in the best order. The troops arrived in France well within scheduled time, and the
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  • 887 2 Action for Wrongful Dismissal At Hongkong. Mr. Juntice Haselanil, Puiaae Judge, has hrard an action in tbe Summary Court, Hongkong, io which Arthur Kendrick Venables, of lloknvillt 1 Wanchai Road, mid William C. Jack and Co., Ltd., engineers, claiming 1260 for wrongful dismissal from tbe defendants'
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  • 64 2 Tbe military correspondent of tbe Vossische Zeitung in a letter from Verden, Hanover, haa (September 12) warned tbe German pub lio not to be inspired by optimistic bopes of the capitulation of large armies as iv 1870. Tliat i«, be says, now impossible. The allies are still assembling large forces
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 121 2 Study your Coir: >n iff// sfcf.i with powders? |I "'ll BLIN-E' I I Snow" j| \u\ »nd most ■IS/ 1 \y\ "'^yf* ft I I^iiAZELINE P., i, dcliffatful Free from greasiness Sold in eh-Tint pots ai all Chemists and Stvics .1 I I < OM E A Co. j MZ
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    • 64 2 Chronic Diarrhoea. Are yon subject to attacks of dUrrbora Keep abso!ut( 1/ qaiet for a few days, rest in bed if posaibl. b..- cartful if y ur diet and :ake Chambrt'ainV Co ie, Choura and Diar- ruoea Rtmtdy. Tuin medicine haa cared 9MOS of Chronic ."nrib «a that physicians have
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    • 682 2 This little maid's lift was sav:d by Veno's Lightning Cough Cure. am rrrtnin th'lt I Vn.4S JjaMnini < "11 ih Cure weed my chu<V* tile. lUir rai uit thr p.. i U ol nurlttcatitia u-ith 111 ».y;mu Cow»; »«< Vmo-* cut, d hrr oomuiaW*."— >-r<nu J/r. l.d.U. SB, Arm Vonn
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    • 399 2 ARTICLES FOB SALE, FOR SALE CHEAP. 80 Hotel Tan Wijk thares wLicL I cannot resistor in my name. Apply L. K. C, c/o Strait* 1 icnef2*» 30-9 FOR SALE. Good quality Block I-ATBRITE on itland close to Sin^aoore. Ea«y aooesa bj sea. Apply Box No. 787, Straits Times. 178 2
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  • 1227 3 TENSE WATCH FOR THE GERMAN RAIDERS. War Spirit of Our Allies. Percy J. Philip, tbe Brussels correspondent of the Daily News, writing on August 18, aays I have killed two," said the little fellow by the roadside, as be knocked the ashes out of his pipe. He
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 299 3 Weakness Debility IRON 'JELLOIDS, 1 the reliable tonic, strengthen your blood and fortify your system a.eainst climatic effects. After a course of ii:o\ jei LOIDS, 1 the blood is enriched, appetite is restored, vitality increased, Weakness and Debility disappear, and your system is enabled to combat attacks of Malaria and
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    • 850 3 THE RAUB AUSTRALIAN GOLD MINING COMPANY, LTD. Manager's Report for Four Weeks Ending September 12, 1914. Gentlemen, Herewith I beg to submit my report on your mining snd milling operation for four weeks ending September 12. The accompanying sheet of mine measurements and anway returns shows a total of 401
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    • 793 3 NOTICESMALACCA BT. ANDREW'S SOCIETY. The Third Annual General Meeting of the Malacca St. A«drew's Society will be held at tbe Malacca Olnb on Saturday, Brd October, 1014, at 7 o'clock p.m. AGENDA. Accounts for the year to 81st July, 1014. Election of Office Bearers for the ensuing year. To consider
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    • 689 3 NOTICES. SUNKER COAL Steamers requiring bunktr coal can be supplied by the Sarawak Government Collieries at Labnan, S. S. Price 19/8 «tg. per ton. Freth water and provisions at local rates. Apply Manager. Cable address, Lftwis, Labuan. M 80 9 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. SUBWAY AND PIPE-LAYING AT ORCHARD ROAD. The Munioipal
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 450 4 ft STEAMER SAILINGS. pT&o. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Fop Freight, Passage and further information, apply to H. W. BUCKLAND, Agent. COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN 3. S. CO.. LTD.. THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD. BBTWEBN
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    • 508 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. yTK. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly strvioo is maintained between Yokohama tta ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract witb tbe Imperial Japanese Government The New Twin-screw Steamer* maintaining biit sstmce baT. been specially designed and constructed, and ire fitted with
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    • 644 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION GB., LD SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Faka, Tringganu, Biaut, Semerak, Baobok, Kelantan, Tabai, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Fatani, Singora, Laeon, Kobaamui, Bandon, Langsnen, Tafcn, Cbumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Dvi Dspartur* A STEAMER Oot. 3 5 p.m. Oot. a io— s pm. 1» 17-6 p.m. BO 84-5
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    • 953 4 STEAMER SAiLSMGS. "NEDERLAND STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED (ROYAL NETHERLANDS MAIL). REGULAR fortnightly sailings from AMSTERDAM via SOUTHAMPTON, GENOA, Colombo and SINGAPORE to Java and VICE VERSA. For further particulars, apply to Internationale Crediet-en Handelsvereeniging Rotterdam," Agents. 4-9 OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. The
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 785 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. Koninklyke Paketvaart Maatschappy ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO. OF BATAVIA). The Company's steamer "RUMPHIUS" will not resume her usual run on the following dates, viz September 28 to Belawan-Deli, and O tober 2 for Batavia, Semarang and Sourabaya. During October the special fast service will be maintained as follows
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    • 487 5 HHUBBS SAFES LARGE SELECTION ON SHOW AT Huttenbach Bros. Co., 13, COLLYER QUAY THE INTERNATIONAL RUBBER CONGRESS AND EXHIBITION AT BATAVIA. Will be opened on Monday, 19th October, 1914. The Singapore Sub-Committee, 1.R.C.E., Batavia, 1914. W. E. van RIJNBERK, Hon. Secretary. KELLY WALSH, LTD., SINGAPORE, have Just published THE CHECK
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    • 856 5 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE AUTUMN RACE MEETING (Cnd.r BH.A hule* fi f Boeing). WILL BB BBLD ON Tueaday, October 8, Thuraday, October 8, and Saturday, October 10, 1914. AMENDED PROGRAMME. FIRBT DAY. Tur.aday, October 6, 1814. I*4 THB MALAY STATFS PURSE AKD PLATE. Vaiue 1400 eaoh and tIOO to each
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    • 806 5 tha hour for Snratohing, 8 n m. on tha DAY BKPORK tha Raoe. Owners of (Jrifflns arc entit! tc c tver of tbo followiajj set* i c l Ra S#rw» No. I First Day— Kjce No. 8 Secoad Day— Race Nu I. Strut No. 2: First Day— lUw No I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 350 6 TtHg RUbE I OF THE T ■■MnHsaasiHBPBjBaHSjas^s^SBSSB^aBIB^aB^aBaBHaBVHBBVBS^aBIaB^BB^aB^iV ■sVaa^aaVlßalaß^aß^aHaHaMMßaHMHHllVaßiaßlßßVßl The Straits Times FOR F.M L S. RWOERB. The New Mail Train Service enables as to send into the F.M.S. each evening a Special Edition of The Straits Times containing all the important telegrams and news received up to a late hoot
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    • 330 6 LATEST ADVKKTISt!MFNTS. LADY TO TAKE CHARGE OF CHILDREN WANTED. Wanted, a lady to take charge of two child ren on voyage to Fnsland. in return for passage Apply T. j. H., c/o Straits Times. 80-9 2-10 TO BE LET. FURNISHED. House No. 8, Lorong 26, Oaylang Road. Immediate entry. Apply
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    • 560 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LIMITED. The Capital of the Company is »4,000,000 divided into 40 000 shares of 1100 each. The number of shares issued in 20,000. Calls to the amount rf 150 per thare hare been made under hieh the rom of I 000,000 has been received.
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  • 95 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, September 30. High Water, 8.44 am., 7.50 p.m. Municipal Commissioners, 2.80. Thursday, October I High Water, 9.21 a.m., 8.62 p.m. Friday, October 2. High Water. 9.50 a.m., 9.42 p.m. Legislative Council, 2.30. Saturday, October 3. High Water, 10.15 a.m., 10.2S p.m. Sunday, October 4. High
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  • 86 7 To-dai. Malacca, l'enang and Colombo 8 pm Malacca, P. Swettenham and Telok Anson 8 pm Pontianak 8 pm Batu Pahat 8 pm ToKOEf.OW. Natuna and Anaiuba Is. 7 am Pulau Hat am and Pulau Bulang 8 an Port Dickson 10 ati Laboean Bilik, Tandjorg Balei and Mcdan
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  • 47 7 L^arr Sikoapom. Dvi m London Aubivi- tag. 7P.k O. September 4 Sept. 4 B* U I.. I. 12 Sept. 12 &O. 25 Sept 25 Au.; 27 B. I. 28 Sept. 23 5e,.t. 8 iept. 8 Sept. 9 October Sept. 11 vpt. 17 Sept. 28
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  • 134 7 Latest Arrivals. List ot vessels in port at 10 a.m. on September SO, 1914. Jsam _l>>g£oi^#\vai Uemarks. juorra 29 9-14 loner Hoad* lafca do do lanou do No. 0 Wharf ■iil*. -ttv 80-9-14 P. 4. 0. W. Kuala do Inner Roads M Muar do do Laoeroa do liukoui
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  • 809 7 Importance of the Industry to The Empire. Mr. Francis Stopford has an interesting article in The World to hand by the last mail on the subject of the tea industry. He says: Inebriation is a godless vice, yet such is the paradox of human nature tha while admitting
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  • 60 7 The first officially sanctioned animated pictures of the war have been shown at the London Hippodrome. They consisted of the King of the Belgians bidding farewell to the 9tb Kegiment, soldiers leaving the Oare Jn Nord on their way to the front, scenes on the fiithting line with guns in
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  • 47 7 Time-balls on Fort Canning and Mount Kaber drop daily at 1 p.m., Mngajcre standard time, corresponding to 6 MM. Greenwich tuean tinu The time gun if fired at It o'clock aeon, indicating Singapore Wia-hrt time, on every day excepting Sunday when it m fired at one o'clock.
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  • 145 7 EXCHANGE SutttArou. September 80, 1914 Oa Lohdom Bank 4 m/t S/4& Demand 2/4 A Private 8 m/t 2/4] On India Bank T. T. m 174, Q| Uo»o«oKO...Bank d/d 214 O« BHA»o«Ai....Bank d/d 69 o« Java.. Bank T. T. m 142 On Jafa> Bank d/d 114* Sovereigns— buying
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    • 181 7 LO 10 Amp&ng 7.60 1 1 AyerWeng 0.20 10 10 Belat 1-75 LO 10 Broang 0.76 LO 10 Kampai 10 10 Kanabci 1.00 LO 10 Kin ta Association 61 41 KintaTin 1.12.6 £1 Lcbai Miner 10 6 Malayan Collieries El XI Malayan Tins 1.12.0 L 0 10 Middleton I/.
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    • 633 7 I*»ue 5 Buyers. Sellew. Value o! 2/- 8/- Allagai 1/8 i/7 £1 XI Anglo Java 8/4 2/- 8/- Anglo-Malaj 7/7* 8/7 2 2 Batang Malaka -/6 -/10 £1 41 Batu Tiga 1.12.9 1.19.0 norn 2/- a/- BekoU -/7 -/9 £1 £1 Bukit Kajang 1.6.3 1.10.6 £1 £1 Bukit Lintang
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    • 128 7 j!*, ue 1 Bayers. Belle Value J 100 ICO R. H. 7% Prel. 85.0P 100.00 £1 Shell Transport 8.12.0 8.17.0 10 iO Spore C Storage 28.00 60 60 Spore Dispeni-ary 60.00 70.00 10/- 10/- Spies Petroleum It 9 16/0 10 10 Straits Ice Co. 15.00 30.00 100 100 Straits
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    • 56 7 Buyers Sellers United Engineers 8% 11,*****0 S ingapore Electric Tramways 8* £850,000 S'poreMunicipal 5% $1,878,000 B%pm Spore Municipal 44;% of 1907 (1,600,000 par Buyers Sellers Spore Municipal H% of 1909 11,001,000 par Spore Municipal 4% 2,000,000 9%dis S"poreMuni(ipal4% £800,000 93* »*«The buying quotations of sterling sharoa most be regarded
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 197 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. October I.— At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. October 6.— At saleroom, unredeemed pi«dgee, at 10. October 3.— At ■altroom. A. Saltley 2<j UP. Motorcycle, at 11. October 6 -At saleroom, unredeemed pledge*, at 10. r 7— At saleroom, valuable freehold land situate at
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    • 59 7 CLYSMA CIGARETTES. CARLSBERG BEER^ y cLVI ~^^!fwvF Sole Agents THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD., Singapore. Everything Fresh and Dainty. For Silks, Curios, Gold and Silver Jewellery, Etc., Etc., PLEASE CALL AT K.A.J.CHOTIRMALL&GO.. 61-62, High Street, Singapore. ORESSELHUYS NIEUWENHUVSEN'S Victoria Leonis Cigars. THE BEST VALUE in DUTCH CIGARS. $4.25 per tin
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    • 38 7 MOW SHOWING AT THE HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. THE FAMOUS DETECTIVE DRAMA ZIGOMAR SERIES IN 7 PARTS The moat Exerting. Thrilling and Sensational Scenes from Start to Finish. IN SUPPORT USUAL FEATURES. Talepboae No, 111*. K. HABIMi. Sole Proprie»ot.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 95 7 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Hospital, September '28. 9 a.m. 8 P.M. 9 p.m.. Bared. 82 Fab 29.949 29.H21 29.913 Temp. 85.0 89 0 8J 8 Wet Bulb Thor 79.0 80.2 78.0 Dir. of Wind SE SW calm Max. shade Temp. WO.O Mm 7.1. Max. in Sun UZ.H Terad. Thur 71.2
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  • 34 8 Maxwell. Died of wounds received on September 2", Captain Peter Benson Maxwi 11 (Pat), East Yorkshire Regiment, youngest s. n of the late Sir W.E. Maxwell. (By cable. No further details yet available).
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  • 1133 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 80. PROSPECTS FOR COMMERCE. War is, of coarse, the predominant thought and influence in all oar minds jast now, and we almost expected it to balk more largely in tbe speech Mr. Darbisbire delivered at the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce on Monday. There
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  • 12 8 Latest advertisements of tha day appear on page 6. 7 and 11.
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  • 19 8 A statement of the accounts of the Chinese Commercial Bank, Ltd is advertised on page 6 of today's usue.
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  • 27 8 Mr. Reginald McKenna, the Home Secre tary, in reply to a qnestion in the House of Common*, stated that no German spies bad been shot in Britain.
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  • 26 8 It has boon ascertained that the Chief Censor it 1 London refuses to pass one cole word remittance cables unless plain language follows the coded word.
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  • 26 8 Tho B.mbiy Presidency has offered .£2,500 of its War Fund to Belgium in appreciation of the heroic conduct of the Belgian army and tbe Belgian people.
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  • 30 8 Board of Trade enquiries show that 75 per cent, of employers are not affected by the war, tbe other 25 per cent, have reduced their staffs by 27 per cent.
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  • 30 8 The Germans claim that the G >eben is the fastest warship in the world. Tbe British Navy, remarks a home paper, sarcastically, is quite pr, pared 1 1 believe it.
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  • 30 8 Tbe Automobile Club has supplied several thousand motor cars for the use of the authorities, and b fleet of cars is stationed iv St. James's Square, London, night and day.
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  • 37 8 Messrs. Powell and Co. are holding an auction saiu of household furniture, curios, etc., at the Pavilion, 5, Ozley Road, which will commence on Friday, at Ml p.m., and will be continued on Saturday, at 12.30 p.m.
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  • 52 8 It may be interesting to note that the Javanese woman who recently threw herself into the Singapore River and was brought to life by artificial respiration had Schafer's Method applied on her as prescribed in tbe First Aid text-book by Sir tidward Scbafer who is at present staying at the
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  • 58 8 Acting under warrants issued by tbe Burma Government, the police on September 14 visited the premises at Rangoon of the Burma Rice and Trading Co., I. til and Dikeman brothers and Co., Ltd and seized all paper.. under the control of certain German subjects connected with those firms. The contents
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  • 60 8 The Straits Echo, of September 28, says: Mr. E. Farrer liavnes left for Singapore on Saturday to defend Mr. A. C. Davit .s, of the Singapore Poultry and Dairy Farm, against a charge of criminal breach of trust. Mr. Davits was recently arrested on a Sm^aporo warrant but allowed bail.
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  • 73 8 For the period from October 2 to 8, 1914, inclusive, the value of the higher grade of rubber is fixed at two shillings and a penny fix, Ib and the duty on cultivated rubber ou which "cVJPrf duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in W -i M.S. in
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  • 58 8 According to a London telegram of September 13, great recruiting enthusiasm is btsing shown throughout Britain and Ulster. A grt at sight was afforded when tho public schools' old boys rocruils marched down Piccadilly hundreds strong, headed by the Guards Band, for the Kings' inspection. Drilling is proceeding in tho
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  • 68 8 According to tbe New York Times, the captain of the German cruiser Leipzig is optimistic concerniug his chances of dispos ing of certain ships at the rate of one a day. Ti.e vessels specially selected for sinking are the British cruiser Riiubow and tbo sloops of war Algerine and Shearwater,
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  • 75 8 An F.M S. Government Gazette extraordinary, dated yesterday, says:— All officers of the reserve of officers or tbe special reserve of officers not in Government employment should return to the United Kingdom forthwith and report themselves at the War Office. A report of departure giving the name of ship in
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  • 84 8 See Tan Lai, who has been employed by the Singapore Tramways Co., when brought b-fore Mr. Brown in the police court yesterday, proved to be will known to the police as a man with several past convictions. In this instance he pleaded guilty to criminal breach of trust in rcsp.
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  • 95 8 According to a London telegram to Sydney Tin tro>u» trim the overdo* dominions are assured of a wonderful reception upon their arrival in Britain. Leading military autho ritie*. however, warn them that the xindition will mean sterner and bloodier work than that in South Africa. It i* generally agreed that
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  • 114 8 L-tters written borne by Homo U the soldier* at tbe Iroot tlirow an iutun st ink M<ieli|>i:t .111 tbe situation. For iostaDO*, a -oryeaut write* The Germans tteew to liave pat fit-ir worst trOop* in tbe firing liot in K. lgtaui, under the impression that auy tiling waa k**! enough
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  • 323 8 Mr. Loke Yew has purchasjd a Siddeley Deasey car for use in England. Mr. F. V. Ward, of Cberang Jeloh Estate, has gone home to volunteer for the war. Mr. W. Peel, President of tho Penang Municipal Commissioners, arrived from loave on Saturday. Miss Cecily Richardson, 8.A.,
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  • 72 8 The mail that came to hand on Monday last was exceedingly he avy, due to a great xtent to the fact that the last P. and O. mail and the B. I. consignment arrived together. Including parcel?, there were 3HI packages for Singapore, 558 in all,
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  • 269 8 "Amici"is tbe compiler of a pamphlet giving a summary of events during the first month of tho war solely from official sources. It is very well printed by Messrs. Kelly and Walsh and tbe price is 75 cento per copy. There are five small maps, very neatly
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  • 276 8 There has been an encouraging response to the proposal to offer the llntibl ment a mounted infuutry unit composed of men at present employed in Mm Far Kast, nays the North China Daily Rim Tilegrams have been received from men in tho north and south, several
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 134 8 RONEO WINDOW ENVELOPES Save time and mistakes in addressing. $3.50 per 1.000. THE OFFICE EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS RONEO LTD., 14a, Colly.r Quay. FOR tRACE WEEK. Before purchasing your suit see Little's superb selection of New direct from London. RACING COLOURS are made to any design at shortest RACING BREECHES. In Silk
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    • 126 8 ALHAMBRA CINEMITO6RIPH THHTRF, BdCM ROIV. 2nd Show 9.1S F-m. Ist Show 7.80 p.m. THE ANTIQUE BROOCH In 2 Parts. EXCITING DETECTIVE DRAMA. BRANSCOMBE'S PAL In 2 Parts London Film Co.'h Latest Success. TOO MANY BRIDES: Another Keystone Comedy First Show Feature THE BROKEN CHISfIL. B A C DRAMA In S
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  • 1170 9 General French's Vivid Story. QUIET DAYS IN BRITISH CAMP. Espionage Revelations. KirriK's Special and Ormkabt War Telkgrams. London. September 28, 9.15 p.m. A descriptive statement issued from the British healquartor*, and dated September '25, says For four days there has been a ooinparative lull, accompanied by a spoil
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  • 1114 9 BRITISH FLAG PREDOMINANT ON THE MENAM. Crops of War Canards. (Fhoji A Correspondent.) Bangkok, September 23. Bangkok is taking the war extremely quietly and were it not for occasional casual remarks one hears dropped about it, one might almost dwell here without knowing that anything out of
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  • 2185 9 WILL RACE MEETINGS PAY THEIR WAY? Some Great Cricketers. (F^om Ocb Special Correspondent.) London, August 28. Now that we have definite knowledge that racing is to be resumed, the one question in which everyone is interested is, Will the meetings pay Some indignation has been expressed at the
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  • 40 9 (Fbom Our Own Cokrespondbnt.) Ipoh, September 29. inspector Flood, charged on an allegation of criminal breach of trust in connection with money said to have been given him for informers, has been found not guilty. He was discharged.
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  • 64 9 (From Our Own Corbespohdbitt.) Kuala Lumpur, September 29. Sixty nine houses, practically the whole village of Sungei Besi, were burned down this morning. Fire broke out at 4.30 a.m. and the alarm was given at Kuala Lumpur at 5.30 a.m. The whole of the houses were of
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  • 326 9 The- Belgium Relief Fund. Although it is too early to give any figures, the local Belgium Relief Fund should profit exceedingly as the result of the special performance given at the Palladium last ni^ht. The management kindly placed the theatre, appropriately decorated for the occasion, at the disposal of the
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  • 232 9 ll.inri.h Hannke, the German who wat> charged in the second court yesterday, at the instance of a JtfMMN, Jenkiobl MiNni, nm| rirtor of the Togo BJMtOgmfMt studio, with criminal breach of trust and also with assault was, in the i lul.orili red to pay 5-i. The
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  • 58 9 Mr. H. B. Saimond, Istana Lama, Singapore, begs to acknowli <li;e with many thank* the following subscriptions: Amount previously acknowledged 14.20 m O. E. B. 20 Dr. E. D. Whittle 10 Dr. Colonel °20 Kth. I and Muriel Murrell ft A. D. Crnmbie 10 European Staff, Fraser
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  • 45 9 A meeting of the Straits Confucian Association will be hold at the OMMM Chamber t .n roe at 7 p.m. today to elect office bearers for the eux-.iing year, and to discus* hat steps will be taken to celibrate the birthday of the nrra*. sage.
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  • 1382 10 6UN FIRE ON THE SCOTTISH COAST. From A Special Correspondent. London, August 24, 1014. Last night the sudden, sullen boom of cannon electrified the small East Coast resort where I write this— two snocef sive reports -I tattered tbe stillness of the Sabbath night and reverberated growlingly across
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  • Article, Illustration
    180 10 Three lines marked will be found on the map. The top line shows where the first contact took place, the bottom line the position to which the Allies retired slowly after that first contact, and the middle line approximately the position they have reached in driving back the
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  • 52 10 Tbe programme now being presented at the Alhambra cinematograph contains several attractive features, among them an exciting detective drama, Branscombe's Pa l in two parts, the latest bucccsh of the London FUm Co. Too Many Brides, Keystone comedy and a drama, The Broken Chisel, are other features well
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  • 110 10 The following notification was by command of his Excellency the Governor, published in a Government Gazette Extraordinary last evening:— With reference to Notification No. 1095, published in a Gazette Extraordinary on September 17, 1914, it is hereby notified Uiat by a proclamation dated tbe 21st idem his
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  • 92 10 A British ForeiiTo Office telegram tt H. B. M. Legation, liangkok. dated London, September 16, nays According to a statement published in tbe Swiss press, a Swiss doctor found no difference in the nature of tbe wounds of the French and German, in the military hospitals of St. Lmlwig and
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  • 1376 10 June 27.— Assassination of Archdok Franz -Ferdinand and his consort at Serajevo in Bosnia. July 25. Austrian ultimatum to Servia expires. July 28.— Austria declares war on Servia on the ground of complicity in tbe Serajevo assassinations. Russia mobilising for war with Austria. British fleet U
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  • 936 10 Interesting Voyage from London To Colombo. The Times of Ceylon, of September 15, to hand by tbe steamer connecting at Colombo with the last outward bound mail, contains tbe following account of the trip from London After a most interesting voyage from Tilbury, the P. and O.
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  • CorreeponOcnce
    • 373 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. lay i»int out as a supplement to Sl.i.rt K&iioDH' litter another instance of tbe way our ruleiH have in the East not only in Malaya but, I believe, in India. A few weeks ago three n,arhinery experts having wall hill their work
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  • 408 11 The Improvement In Prices Well Maintained. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce ltubber Association's 158ih auction was held ytsterday. when there were offered for sale .'5.54 or 176,739 lbs., and sold pi.uls 94H.40 or 120,443 lbs. The prices realised were: Messrs. Guthrie and Co. report Singapore, September 29.
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  • 35 11 Monsieur Loais MnnesH, tbe well known Paris motor eiginest, has preaeated to tbe French army thirty aeroplane motors of eighty borae power, ten motor ambulance*, aad k-u i>ra fur tbv use of tbe general ataaV
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  • 846 11 Prices Quoted ia tbe Market This Morning. Singapore, Sept. 29, 1914. Messrs. Lyall aad Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue tae following list of quotations this morning The quotations on Sterling Shares are only nominal. Num. Valci. Butbbs. SitUß. 2/- Allagar 1/4* I/" C 1 Ad*lo Java
    846 words
  • 703 11 The Single Flower on the Purple Sarcophagus. The western doors of the Cathedral were open, and the dusty sunshine and restlessness of London quivered outside, writes A Londoner in The Times. Boys were hawking their papers, calling the news, much as they must have called them a
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 97 11 Chamberlain's Coujrh Uemedy. Tim remedy has no «np- rior as a core for colds, cronp and wboopinii ootuth. It has been a favorite with th-i mothers of young eb.ldrea for nhaoxt fort? years I'han bt rlain'x CoO*h U inedy CM always be depended upon aad i* plea -ant to take.
      97 words
    • 63 11 O, a SalraMoa lass and a Salvation bass Were d netting a Sal ration sung The p. rfurmance waa queer, amusing to bear, Fjf tbe Ameas were going it strong, sanit tbe la«« to ths baas, yon are hoarse brath* r Uses, Such afßiction you aeed not endure, For yonr
      63 words
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    • 275 11 lICHELIN ILEAGE DUPIRE BROTHERS, AGENTS. RAFFLES HOTEL. Buy your Bread and Cakes from the Raffles Bakery, which is entirely under the Supervision of a skilled European Confectioner. Retail Depot Raffles Hotel Buildings, 88, Bras Basah Road. TELEPHONE NO. 490. SEA VIEW HOTEL. MOONLIGHT MUSIC. By kind permission of Lt.-Col. C.
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  • 1951 12 CONSIDERABLE INCREASE IN THE|; REVENUE. Trade of the State Advances. Mr. K. Burnside, as acting British Resi d< nt, signs the administration report on the r fur 19U, (ran which we extract the lalaMriM points: The revenue collected during the year 1 to 111,56 IJttt, an excess
    1,951 words
  • 111 12 Japanese politeness it working overtime iv Nagasaki, no fat the Kussian Consul is concerned, accorJiog to Russians who ■Mini 10 SiuMiyiin recently. The Consul, t*ys liit- China Press, in almost bt sieved by well-wishers whenever he appears on the street and is d. pnv. d of hia ilaily
    111 words
  • 1038 12 PUNTATION V4RIETIES AT STEADY RATES. The Situation in August. In tbe market for erode rubber matters are progressing as favourably as could well be expected iv view of the world wile dislocation of trade and finance, says The Financier of August 17. Within the past few days
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  • 90 12 A Tientsin firm who are the proud possessors of one steamer and an iron built 30--year-old vessel at thit have decided to establish with her a reg ilar service to San Francisco, with probably a call en route at Vladivostok, says the Syren and Snipping. She has a deadweight capacity
    90 words
  • 1764 12 SUCCESS OF WIDE-PLANTING POLICY. Eighth General Meeting. Tho eighth ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Pelepah Valley (Johore) Rubber Estates, Limited, was held at the Great Eastern Hotel, Liverpool Street, E.C., on August 26, Mr. L. Byron Peters (the chairman of the company) presiding. Tho
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  • 431 12 New Bail-Room Dances for Coming Season. The tenth annual congress of tbe Imperial Society of Dance Teachers was opened on 26th ult. at the Holborn Restaurant under the presidency of Mr. Cecil Taylor. Delegates from Germany, France, Switzerland, Holland and the United States were present.
    431 words
  • 109 12 Coincidences are always with us. It in cert&iuJy one that the Admiral in supreme command of the British at this moment and the youngest admiral hoisting his flag were both together in tbe 1 >ox< r business in China in 1900. Admiral Jellicoe was captain of the LVnturion and
    109 words
  • 801 12 LEGAL OPINION ON TRANSFERS AND DIVIDENDS. Action of the R.G.A. We take the following from Tho Financier of August 27 The Kubber Growers' Association having been nskod by its constituent compimu s to obtain advice aa to i:ow they should deal with transfers of shares and dividends
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  • 289 12 Professorial Folly of Friendship With Germany. Is it not time to be rid of professorial folly and to look at facts > asks Mr. T. E. Page in a letter to The Ttmri on August 2ft. He quotes the remark of Pi of— or Alfred Marshall
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 157 13 STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR Co., Ltd., Singapore. Royal Enfield Cycles, Complete $45. Above, as supplied to British Government. also HAMILTON CYCLES complete $30. SANS PAREIL. CYCLES complete $35. LARGE STOCKS. jam I* WEAKNESS, NEURASTHENIA #rota CONSUMPTION ««^L |#t»l CHLOROSIS a^* B HA I^* Deschiens All doctors agree that this vital Iron
      157 words
    • 250 13 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the follow ing places in Singapore Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd Money Changer, Raffles Hotel. Money Changes Adolphi Hotel. Money Changer, Hotel do I'Borope Money Changer, Hotel van Wijk. Messrs. Eoh k Co., Bras Baeah Road The Refreshment Buffet, T*nk Road Raiiway Station.
      250 words
    • 362 13 'Nanr&i highly r r acom/ne/ids VANHOUTEN^S f W sf* ff fl yk 111 I A I »ll C> CbWbbV VjUVjU/V ILJ— I^J is so s/re/iy^Ae/irny a/id if r 7i delicious /lavourr/tgr also Ittfe^Ji^^^^^^ /orjyuddiriys and pastry m^¥wtlt^^' Lei Cook use it B^^K "^^Clj BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT T0 H M >
      362 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1683 14 MWKKt I&T BMb**Y. LATEST PAID-UP CAPITAL OF ANY EASTLKI COMPAMI PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE:. THE GHEAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEADOPFICI. WlMtets^rhMM.Mn.iUMM. LOMDOM OFFICE S3. Old rf^ry, E.G. TV Compaa, ha. £90.000 deposited wrth tka Ssv^ms Ooart «f fc«land. ikl •oatplies wNk bW British Li*. Absbm OompaPis. Art i. erery
      1,683 words
    • 1027 14 SALES BY AUCTION. auction sale: Of VALUABLE ANTIQUE HOUSEHOLD FURNIIURE; CURIOS; HORSES AND CARRIAGES, Etc. At tbe PaTilion, No. 5, Oxley Rite, On Saturday, October 3, mt noon. One cottage piano by Schitdmayer, semi-grand pianos ty llonitoh and John Broidwood and Sons; Kuropp-made opbols ertd drawing room suites; beautifully carved
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  • 569 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Motorists and the War. Tbis is a motor car war," said an official of the Koyal Automobile Club to a represen tative of the Westminster Gazette. "We have been workiDg eighteen hours a day for the last fortnight, and only those
    569 words
  • 439 15 Effect of the Call to Service Abroad. al the London hospitals are feeling the effects of the war in one form or another, says the Westminster Uasett*, bat bo wonderful is the organisation that at the majority of the hospitals no fear is ft It, at
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 161 15 FOR 1 MOTOR I I LAUNCHES 1 OR I MOTOR I CARS OR [electric 1 i lighting APPLY TO I CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, LIMITED, SIGAPORE, K Lumpur and at Johore Bahru. THE FOUR I -I _»o< s^^^aSaft Vii ~*L~<aaalaaaaW»l^^^l?TaBwP^^m tittectric Starter, Electric Lights, Five Passengers, Complete Equipment. Price $2,400. V^jEARNE
      161 words
    • 48 15 Chembcrlain's Pain Balm. There is n > h »<{ to good lor muscular ibeamititui »piaxs UuKuesa, etamps o< t c mcael-s, bruises acd like injuries as Cham berlain's Pain Balm. It will t fleet a cure in c** tim» than aoj other treatment For sale by ail Dii<pen«anes and Dealen
      48 words
    • 553 15 lI|C T TAfl -k CempUt* with W.stmghoui. $tartiit Ml J. tl,tll/U and iighl.n t lqulpm«nt, X!. B. h"tirj, Dvtroit. I DETROITER. I Literally and abao'ntely, the finest ideals I 1 of two continents have now been combined a 9 Sp**- 1 1 Faaturs*. in ono motor car. The result is
      553 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 729 16 Goodrich TYRES. -xg. American J§ Tyres American '*£r Cars. SOLE AGENTS: Adamson,Gilfi!lan&Co.,Ltd., SINGAPORE, PENANG and MALACCA. WANTS. TELEGRAPH OPERATORB WANTED. Wanu. J, Telegraph Operators by the 8.N.8. Government. Apply to UUTURIB Co., Ltd.. Singapore. 30-8 o QUALIFIED TEACHER WANTED. V«inted, a QUALIFIED Teacher for a Lower Elementary Class. Apply to
      729 words
    • 486 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD It LET. Furnished sea Bide retidtuce, "Mafukiag," So 14 Tanjoog Katong Apply to A. S, Sbookcr 8, Malacca Street. 818 CO 9 FURNISHED HOUSE TO LEI. mmediate ectry, BARNSLBY, G&LLOP ROAl), newly dice up in»i le and out. Apply G'JTHRIE Co, Ltd. 20-8-a a TO
      486 words
    • 631 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT CO. 108 Sc 109. Market Street. Telephone No 421. Shipchacdlcrs Government and Municipal Contractors, bstato Suppliers and Commission Agents. Sole Agents The Mulcott Belting Co Ltd. Be>>t MultipUr Br .Ld Hair Beltings. CODE FLAGS of all sizes ready In stock Prices reasonable. 17 80-8-J5 FLAGS OF INTERNATIONAL
      631 words
    • 624 16 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO., Ship-chandler*. Government and Municipal Contractor!, General Importers and Export*'*, and BommiMlos Agent*, Estata, Rlce-Mlll and Saw-Mill Supplier* 37. Philip Street. Tel. Address GUAXKUT, Codes: A. B.C. (th Edition and A I. Tcleihone Nos.— Office 12F8 (Private 1460). Sole Agents For GLOBE BOILER FLUID. THE IDEAL FLUID
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 235 16 Straits '(bimes. ADVERTISEMENT KATES.— Miscellaneous want* of every description are insert ed at the prepaid rate of fl per fou lines for one or two insertions. Novice of Births, Marriages, or Draths, if no> exceeding four lines, II each inser ion. For p.p.o. cards, on page 8, 12. Inch Scam
      235 words