The Straits Times, 25 September 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 2*.(i()4 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 255 1 hITI"J BEER. Guaranteed C HALM jB Rg^ from Start to I f/ J n "-> FinishJKj^ij^,,,V tiy Pv There's No "Short Waisted" Feeling in Chalmers "Porosknit" Union Suit. They nave elastic htting backs that slrrtch both "up and down" and "siJ.ways ?vd prevent such discomfort as "cutting j:j" at the
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    • 60 1 ftpnllpm^ll'C ueuucmcii 5 Underwear. A Guarantee with Every Garment. sin*leU U Sleeve.. $?i .sS Xzen. mm c* to v c h«t. Trunk Drawer*. >OO each, $11-5O dozen, B*i 32.t0 <4 Waist. Union Suits. $20.00 dozen. Size, 84 to 46 Cb«t. Youth'sPorosknitSingletS Long and Short Sleeves. 85 cts. each. $9.75 per
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    • 183 1 ROBINSON CO. CASH SALE Combination Bedsteads. As Illustrated "j Very Strong and Durable With Mosquito V] Ij curtain Poles, j '.1, 1 4 j i This Same Bedstead Galvanized Wire |T[ T^ '.I 3 feet 6 inches Wide Diamond Mesh Mattress. |'j| J Size 3 feet Wide HEs Hp: Sale
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    • 9 1 Eternit Asbestos Slates. Solk Agents AOAMBON. GILFILL/.Nj CO., LTD.
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  • 1307 2 HOW SUSPECTS SPEND TIME AT OLYMPIA. Spies or Traitors If anybody had looked into Olynapia, tiie big ball at Kensington, on August 13, somewhere in the late afternoon, be would have seen an extraordinary sight in tbe great arena. That enormous space, writes a correspondent in Tbe
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  • 835 2 Eye-witness Describes Besieged City. The master of the Kishiiuoto Steamship Company's strainer Shinto Mum, wliich re tarued to Diiren on Au-u-t 16 from a trip to Tsinytau interviewed by a local correspondent, related seveial iutereßtiny accounts of what heptidonally heard or saw while at the
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  • 34 2 Mamma: "Don't you know that King Solomon said Spare tho rod and spoil the > cfcild?" Little Leo Yos, but be never said it until after be got so old his mother couldn't lick him."
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 109 2 If you are run down if you have been ill and are slow to recover, 'Vana' Tonic. It will sharpen Of anpetite, aid your digestion, c your nerves, revive your ■nd help to restore you to j vigorous health. I MttßJ rt all v wmi S'.orea \f t i W
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    • 64 2 Chronic Diarrhoea. Are yon tu'ject to attacks of diarrhoea? i Keep ab-<.lut< ly aM t-'t a few daybed if po*Bibl', b-j MM at y iir diet md j take Chamberlain 1 Co ie, Cbcltra and Liarrboea Rtni dy. Tbis medicinb has cure-d oases of chronic diinlKta that physicians have failed
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    • 522 2 ARTICLES FOR SALE. FORMIC Second l"»nd, fourcylirder Swift Car, in rrf. rt col lition. Apply J. C, c/o Straits Times 20-7 Q FOR BALE CHEAP.' 20 Hotel van Wijk thares wbici< I cannot rrgit,*,< r in luy name. Apply L. K. C., c/o Straits limex. 249 80-9 FOR SALE. Good
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    • 726 2 i NOTICES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Tenders are inviftil under the following BKADd FOX SU I'MUStothe Municipality of Sinßapore. from January Ist, IWIS, foiONE YKAH. 1. Rakau and Biotaugore Rolli rp, Ka<>saa Sticks, Klinrinic aiid Hjcitinn Tiled, Chinese Bricks and Lime. 2. Timrxr. 3. Miscellaneous Articles. 4 Painter's Stores. 5 Brooms. 6.
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  • 1320 3 GERMAN STEAMER'S EXCITING VOYAGE. Dash Through Fog-Banks. Last month the N. D. L. steamer Kronprinzexsin Cecilie, commanded by Captain Polack. had an exciting voyage across tbe Atlantic and back, the double journey being necessary to avoid the British and French cruisers which were waiting for ber. Captain Polack
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  • 596 3 Their Weakness at the Critical Moment. L'l.i, the German submarine sunk during i tbe attack upon our cruisers, wax a craft of j 250 to 800 tons dixplacument, carrying three torpedo tube* and, according to Mr. F. T. Jane's Fighting Ships, a complement of twelve am Her
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  • 82 3 The Jewish Chronicle, in its current issue, says We Jews, whether England is to us the loved country of our birth or the equally beloved country of our adoption, will go forward, our one inspiring motive our affection for England, oar one stern resolve that come what may her cause
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  • 36 3 You ought to be ashamed of yourself for not washing your face. Look at yuur little brother, and Bee how nice his is," said the teacher. The small girl snivelled. "Well," the replied, it's his birfday."
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 872 3 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE AUTUMN RACE MEETIN6 (Under 8.K.A huln of Hanng), WILL IF HSLD ON Tuesday, October S, Thursday, October S, and Saturday, October 1O, 1914. AMENDED PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, October 8, 1914. 1*4. THB MALAY STAT8S PURSE AND PLATE. Value 1400 each and 1100 to each second
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    • 549 3 the hour for Scratching, S p.m. on the DAY BEFORE the Rao*. Owner- of Griffins are entitled to enter for either of tho following series ol Race* Fkii Sariet No. 1 First Day— Race No. 8. Second Day— Race No. 1. Strict So. t First Day— Race No. 6. Second
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    • 46 3 Chamberlain's Pain Balm. There is nothing to good 'for muscular rheumatism, pprams. lameness, cramp* of the muscle*, brui*e* and tike injarie* a* Chamber lain a Pain Balm. It will i fleet s care in less time than any other treatment.* For'sale by ali U.»j*ntarieß and Dealers
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    • 154 3 Apgnprbfe always. j§ Willi certain <li>hes, siuh M Game, p^? I.c.i Perrins 1 S.:uce is thoays appropriate. pJ&i v~^? S l i e reco o n sct l sauce for such use. \^i--fjjW In fact, for everything with which a sauce < <ni be used, Lfea Perrins' is invariably slmii
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 458 4 STEAMER SAILIN6B. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Fop Freight, Passage and further information, apply to H W. BUCKLAND, Agent. COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD.. ft THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD.
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    • 503 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.YIK JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. Fortnightly strvioe is maintained between Yokonama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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    • 636 4 BTEAMER SAILINGS. THE 81AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LO. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Kretay, Paky Tringgann, Bisat, Semerak, Bachok, Kelantan, Tabai, Bangnara, Telopin, Panarai, Patani, Sicgora, Lacon, Kobsamui, Bandoo, Langsuen, Tafca, Chnmpon, Kohlak and Bangkok Out Departure A STEAMER Sept. 26 5 p.m. Sept. 29 Oct. 3 Oct. B 1O The Steamers are
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    • 963 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. "NEDERLAND' STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED (ROYAL NETHERLANDS MAIL). REGULAR fortnightly sailings from AMSTERDAM via SOUTHAMPTON, GENOA, Colombo and SINGAPORE to Java and VICE VERSA. For fuTther particulars, apply to Internationale Credlet-en Handelsvereenlging Rotterdam," Agents. 49 o OCEAN STEAM SHIP GO. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUrUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 785 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. Koninklyke Paketvaart Maatschappy ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO. OF BATAVIA). The Company's steamt-r RUM HIUS" will not resume her u^ual run on the following dates, viz September 28 to Belawan-Deli, and October 2 for Batavia, Semarang and Sourabaya. During October the special fast service will be maintained as foil'
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    • 421 5 CHUBBS SAFES LARGE SELECTION ON SHOW AT Huttenbach Bros. Co., 13, COLtYER QUAY. BIBB Y LINE of faat twin-screw Mail Passenger Steamer* between Rangoon, Colombo, Sues, Port Said, Marseilles and London. Proposed sailings may be had on application. THE ARRAGAN CO., LTD., MESSRS. CARSON CO., Rangoon Agents. Colombo Agent*. FOR
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 696 6 fME RULE I Of THE ROAB. THE EASTERN AND ASSOCIATED! TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. Arrangements have ten m&de through tde British Post Offica for the extension of Hrn new Ry«teni of counting, by Circular dated 22nd September, 1914, be tween the placet) mentioned in the Circular on tbe one hand and
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    • 358 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CHILDREN'S CONCERT. THE NEXT CHILDREN S CONCERT WILL BE HELD IN TH« Victoria Theatre ON FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 25, AT 5-15 P.M. 22 9 26-9 IN THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH LEEMAN KING. DECEASED, NoTICE is hereby given thai all creditors and other persons having any olaias or demands agair^t
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    • 213 6 I Telegraphic Address: •RONNYMEDI, PENANO. #«^T^X Code: A.8.C.. sth Edition. /VT I^l »U Telephone No. 543 ft 6 j-h.'^* IAVJ I WELL-KNOWN THKOIOHOIT THE EAST. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT HARMSTON'S CIRCUS AND Royal Menagerie of Performing Wild Animals. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT Harmston'a Circus have much pleasure in presenting to tbe Public of Singapore,
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  • 94 7 DIALY TIME TABLE. FIXTURES. Friday, September 25. High Water, 1.H9 a.m., 1.9 p.m. Children h Concert, 5.15 p.m. Saturday, September 26. High Water, 2M a.m.. 1.47 p.m. Ra< on tries close. Sunday, September 27. High Water, 3.54 a.m U. 39 p.m. Monday, September 28 High Water. 6 16 a.m., 9.52
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  • 93 7 . To dat. B&ta Pahat 8 pm Malacca and Muar 8 pm I. S»itt«iiliaiu '.n<l T. Anson 8 pm I'ontianak 8 pm Bangkok 4 pm ItaUvia. Cluiibon. SaniaraDK, Sourab&ya, Macaftsar. Balik Papan, Mcnado, Gorootalo, Ternate, etc. 4 pm To-houow. Pooloe Soegi 8 am Ragan 10 am Miri, Labuan,
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  • 44 7 Mails for Europe. L«rr Simoafou. Dai w Lokdom. Aikitii Aug. 7P.* O. September 4 Sept. 4 Au K UH. I. 12 Sept 12 Auk- 4 0.: Au«. 27 B. I. Sept. 8 Sept 8 Sept. 9 October Sept. 11 if Sept. 17 Sept 23
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  • 65 7 . Latest Arrivals. List of VossoW in yioti at 10 a.m. on September 25. 19U. Name Date of Arrival Remarks. Lady V«M Hodu. Wan Sappho Hock Lee Mjrmi'lin Ains; LeoOK Umml Hock Hye Hock Lim Hock Ttw Sultana M 9 14 lunerKoads do do do do it do do
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  • 141 7 BXCHANUB BiMiiAPOM Skptembkb 25, 1014 Oa London Buk4m/i 2/4J Demud 2/4 A Private 8 m/e 2/4| On Inui» Bank T. T. l?l On Ho«o«OH8...B»nk d/d 21 J UK Sbaw ißAi....Bank d/d 99 Oa Jata Buk T. T. 142 Oa jATAa Brak d/d 11-44 Sovereigns— buying rate M
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    • 184 7 ££2 10 10 Ampan* 7.50 1 1 AyerWeng 0.20 10 10 BoUt 1.75 10 10 Broanß 0.75 10 10 Kampar 10 10 Kaaabci 1.00 10 10 Kinta Association £1 41 KinUTin 1 l 41 41 Lahat Miner 10 0 Malayan Collieries £1 £1 Malayan Tina 1.12.6 10 10 Middkton
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    • 636 7 f 8 6 3 Buyers. Sellers. 2/- Allaeai 1/3 1/7 El £1 Anglo-Java 2/6 8/4 I/- >/■ Anglo-Malay 7/7J 8/7 I/- 3/- Baton* Maiaka -/6 El £1 Batn Tigs 1.12.9 1.19.0 norn 2/- Bekoh -/7 -/9 El 41 Bukit Kajang 1.6.3 1.10.6 El 41 Bukit T.i»t»ng 2.7.6 2.12.6 norn
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    • 134 7 f? 6 li Bnyew. BeDcu ralue£ U 41 B. Smelting Co. 12/- 18/0 81 £1 Pret 1.1.0 1.8.0 i/. 6/- Electric Twaya 4/- 4,6 10 10 Fraaer Neave 65.00 68.00 60 60 Hammer ft Co. 100.00 106.00 100 Howartb Erskine 46.C0 100 7%Pref. 100.00 100 100 Rati Bro, Del.
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    • 46 7 Bayers Sellers United Engineers 6 1 1.234 r.OO Singapore Bloc trie Tramways 5% £860,000 S'pore Municipal 5% 11,878,000 B%pin S'porc Municipal H% of 1907 |1,600,000 par Bayers Sellen Spore Municipal 4t'Y, of 1000 11,000,000 par Spore Municipal 4",, 2,000,000 »%di« Spore Municipal 4% X300.000 ftl*
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 113 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. tteetemtfc r '26. —At saleroom, housebold ,W., at 11 geftaatbtr 6. At »l.x-<l*ood, Scott Road, •u»lWt koowlK i I furniture property of The Hoo. s,, W. Hyndman Joeea, at 1.80. October 1.— At salt-room, unredeemed pirdgea. at 10. October B.— At aaUiJom, unredeemed pieaaei,
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    • 634 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO LET. FURNISHED. Upper storey of nfltnd ,d houv. f labornteh (n'Di'iiKd, close Iz tows, 4 btd'O ma; board if nqui uJ. Apply C. H. R., c/o Muts rimes. 25 9 28 FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYSHANDLING OF 60ODS AND COAL AT PRAI WHARVES. The date for rectivioK sealed
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    • 131 7 FRASER CHALMERS, LTD., Singapore and Ipoh, ARE IN A POSITION TO SUPPLY MACHINERY For the Complete Equipment of SAW MILLS Sole Agents for: RANSOME'S WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, SANDERSON BROS. NEWBOULD'S SAWS, Etc. Slow Speed Steam Engines, Lancashire or Water Tube Boilers, Wood Refuse Suction Gas Plants. Fox* TANGYE'S ENGINES TANGYE'S
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    • 63 7 »*»The buying quotations of stoning shares must be regarded as purely nominal for the present. SPECIAL DETECTIVE FEATURE AT THE HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. To-Night! To-NlrfhttJ "THE CHRONICLES of CLEEK" No. 3. THB MYSTERY OF THB TALKING WIR«. No. THB MYSTERY OF THB LADDER OF LiGHT. IN SI'PPOKT ITALA LAUGHTER MAKER
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 94 7 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbaa Hospital, September 24. 9 A.M. 8 P.M. 9 P.M Bared. 82 Fab 29.972 29.807 29.98? Temp. 84.4 88.4 88.0 Wet Bulb Ther 78.4 77.0 77.5 Dir. of Wind calm I SE Max. shade Temp. R0.4 Mid 72.8 Max. in Sun 145.8 Terad. Tl,. r 67.4 Kainfall
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  • 29 8 Mr. Arthur Rodrigues begs to thank tin staff of the P. and O. Co. and all other friends who attendtd the funeral of his father Mr. J. M. Rodriguts.
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  • 1268 8 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. NEWS BAD AND GOOD. The loss of three cruisers is not an injury which we are disposed to minimise. It represents a striking lesson in the advantage defence has over attack, and helps not a little to en phasise the remarkable pro gnostications made
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  • 12 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 0. 7 and 11.
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  • 24 8 The German prisoners at Hongkong, who number about 150, have been removed from Stonecutters' Island to Hunghoni, Kowloon, where they are housed in matshids.
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  • 34 8 Tho German cruiser Nuernberg, having finished coaling, left Honolulu, at 9 p.m., on September 2, for an unknown destination. Bifiire her departure the captain declared th.U he might be sunk but would never surrender.
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  • 51 8 Karlier in tho month it w.ia stated that a panic prevails in Berlin owing to thecircul.i ti'<n of a rumour that the Russians will M taliite on thu Gt riii.ins by committing similar a 'ts iv Germany to the German atrocities at Louvain. An exodus for Norway, Denmark and Switzerland
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  • 55 8 Two Chinamen were arrested at Salak South on Monday, being, it ia stated, setn entering houses whilst the fire was in progress. They went into several houses which had not yet caught tire and from which 1 1 1 inhabitants w.-re removing goods. Property taken from the houses was fouud
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  • 50 8 Messrs. Tan Seng Chong and Co. have commenced business at 14, ltatlks Quay, as architects and general contractors, uudt-r European supeivisiou, and the fact that the on mbMs of thu firm havo had lengthy local xpetience iv building matters, they should be able to accomplish satisfactory work ou advantageous terms.
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  • 54 8 Field-Marshal Sir John French's first despatch, covering four days of severe fight iDg during the retreat from Mons, pays a high tribute to the Flying Corps, which furnished most valuable information, facing tin n !s' and foes' fire in all weathers. In the air fighting, he says, they destroyed fire
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  • 58 8 The case is proceeding before Sir Thomas Itr.ul li-H, Chief Judicial Commission* r. F.M S., in the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, in which D. J. White, eugin. cr, sues the Societe Financicre <les Caoutchouc, carrying on business in Kuala Lumpur as the Central Malayan Engineering and Motor Works, for wrongful
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  • 67 8 In an official notice published in our issue of Tuesday last, referring to the Sze Hai Tong Banking and Insurance Company, it was stated that calls of #25 had been made uudtr which the sum of 11,0.0,000 had boon received. The amount #25 was printed as received from the bank,
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  • 70 8 The German Press, states a Harbin mis sage of Septembi'r 10, denies the reports of thu removal of German troops from the western to tho Russian frontier, and explains tint thu army movements in Belgium have ueeu due to the necessity ot blockaUng Autwerp. Several German corps, hMMfar, iiave actually
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  • 88 8 The Captain of the German man-of war Magdeburg, which went ashore in the Gulf of Finland and was destroyed by the Huosians, has arrived at Petrograd with two of lii* officers and HO bluejackets as prisoners of war. Keplyiug to a question of the Russian authorities the German captain said
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  • 89 8 Two days previous to the declaration of war between Austria and Sui'via, liaron Kuk lshima, thu Governor of Diloy. calle I on the Governor-General of Tsioglan. Every thing then was still quiet and no one anticipated Japan's participation in a coming war. He was received with lavish hospitality ami a
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  • 93 8 We have received a copy of the Sarawak Museum Journal for June No. 6. The contents include the first part of an article by von Hans Gubien, Hamburg, on Uie rencbrionidenfauna BoroooH, a paper by W. Michaelsen, Hamburg, on two new species of Pberetima from Borneo, one of seashells i
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  • 107 8 Palm Oil Eitates Maoa^r*. Ltd had just been renmterod in Londoa, with a capital of .£240,000 id 20),000fl pc. cumulative prefer euoe and 20,000 ordinary shares of XI Trie objects are to acquire any landed pro pert; m West Africa and elsewhere, and to carry on tlie business of extractors
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  • 484 8 Mr. .1 Leslie Brown, Bukit Kijali Estate goes home on leave early next \vt ik. Mr. L P. Hiokey. of tho Mercantile Bank, Kuala Lumpur, has been transferred to tho Singapore branch. The Rev. R. J. and Mrs. Small have left Sarawak for Japan where they propose
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  • 149 8 An order is published in the official Sarawak Gazette, signtd 1>) the K ijali, in these Im I hereby direct that officers of the Sarawak Government service retired on pension shall not accept the pomtinu of chairman or director of any company or association carrying on or formed
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  • 90 8 Mrs. 11. It. Saliuond. Intana Lama, Sin g»pore, begs to acknowledge with many thanks the .'ollov in^ f-ulworipuons Amouut previously aclniowl, .1 |3,224 lion I; J. Wilkiuson, C.M.I/. SO M. W. llenty Anonymous 10 dutch Sympathisor 26 U I I'iyue 10 K. Secular 60 European Staff, John
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  • 193 8 There is something to please everybody in the programme wliicl 1 Harmston's are now presenting on tlio Boaoh Koad ground. Tha circus, as an entertainment in itself, is enjoyable, but the management, not coutent with that, have iccreased the personnel of the company which now includes cjuite a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 128 8 CLYSAVAI C I G AR ETTES. A Straight Tip FOR RACE WEEK. WA-) Before purchasing your suit see Little's I superb selection of New Materials, direct from London. RACING COLOURS rf'i T^ 1 are made to any design at shortest RACING BREECHES. In Silk or Gabardine, perfectly cut and SAMPLES
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    • 159 8 ALHAMBRA CIMENUTOGRIPM THCkTtF, K«C« RO^O. 2nd Show 9.1G p.m. Ist Show 780 p.m. THE WAGES OF CRIME 3 Long Parts, 4.500 fact. Depicting the operation i of THE BLACK GANG la the $h»do*» Of the Vosget Mountains Showing battlefields of the Great War. MAX'S CHOSEN BRIOE. Telephone 249—10 a.m. to
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  • 2106 9 Allies Great Turning Scheme. DESPERATE FIGHTING REPORTED. Germans Preparing For A Retreat. knrt Sl£, !VL AM. OlCMMRY WAk Tfll.kamm. Loodoo, September 23, 6.5 p.m. A l'»ri< C'lin i:unit]!i'; issue 1 ia the after Boon sajs Our left wing advanced oa the L***rgDy region. where nevore fi jilting occurrod.
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  • 59 9 Direct Connection with America Proposed. (From Our Own Cokreshondknt.) Ipoh, September 24. The director.i of Kramat Pulai have declarad ft second interim dividend for the current year of 6J. per share, free of income-tax. The F.M.S. Chamber of Mines are considering tbe question of direct connection
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  • 38 9 (From Odb Own Corbkspondbnt). London, September 24. Rubber has been declared conditional contraband. Tbe good demand continues. aungkai ('humor has declared a final dividend of 10 per cent., and Selangor an interim dividend of 4d.
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  • 342 9 . A German recently addressed this letter to tbe editor of the Calcutta Statesman With reference to your note giving the views of a German chief officer belonging to one of the steamers detained in Calcutta on account of the war. 1 hope you will permit mo
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  • 94 9 The work of locust destruction is steadily proceeding, though some redaction in the staff of workers has had to be made, says the Malay Mail. Selangor, it is hoped, will he clear in another fortnight, it being a race against time. A large swarm has been going round Kuala Lumpur,
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  • 672 9 . Tsingtau Governor-General's Notice The following telegrams appear in the P. and T. Times:— The Chinese troops in Lungkou withdrew and went to Hwangshien to avoid trouble between them and tbe Japanese troops. The Chingese Telegraph Office there is now under the control ot the British and tbe
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  • 194 9 Gang robberies in and around Singapore have been too numerous to be pleasant lately, and on more than one toad iv tho outskirts people have felt anything but comfortable if called upon to proceed alone after dark. The police, however, havu not been idle aod as
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  • 188 9 The follow inn telegram, dated New York, September 1, ia from Japan newspapers: Preparation* are going on in all direction)* (or tbe defence of Paris. The State warehouses are being stocked with provisions, and the troops assembling from all parts of the country are being sent to
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  • 435 9 THE LAST OF THE ALEXANDRA ROAD AFFRAY. Witness Sent to Prison The case over which some time has been spent at the Assizes, before tbe Chief Justice, Mr. Bucknill, K.C., in which two Malabaris were originally charged with culpable homicide not amounting to murder and rioting with deadly
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  • 345 9 Telegrams from German News Sources. Papers to hand from China by yesterday's mail bring further roinarkabfe records of German journalistic achievement is the sup. ply of exclusive war news. Iho following is a selection Now York, September 4. The German troops forming the vanguard have
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  • 283 9 There were two occurrences in Singapore, last night, in which OMmm tii<t with their deaths, oue at tho h -:ds of uuknown assailants. This took place on the Sel.-it Road, tbe case, in son v respects, resembling the one which Mi <rred pome, time ago at Pasir
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  • 733 10 FROM DROUGHT TO DOWNPOUR. The Flood Tragedy of North Kiangsu. The N. C. Daily News Hsuchowfu corre»i«,i,.i. mi wrote on September 3:— The I vi ar will 1 ins' be remembtrnd as ..ii.l tickle iv its s asons of raiu and -iin-hine. At the end of May the wheat crop
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  • 349 10 . End vi Scouting Cruises Off Tbe Philippines. .vly escaping capture and with two ■BSj* '1 l.oles m her st- m as a mcuicnto of a thrilling chase, it is reported that the N.I i U I'rinosH Alice ploughed her way into Ztujooaut a at 3 o'clock
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  • 15 10 Colors! vos Heater, of Zabern fame, has .led, aocordis^ to a liagu* messige to Java.
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  • Article, Illustration
    180 10 Three lines marked will be found on the map. The top line shows whore the first contact took place, the bottom line the position to which the Allies retired slowly after that first contact, and the middle lino approximately the position they have reached in driving back the
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  • 1374 10 DIARY OF THE WAR. June 27.— Assassination of Arcbdui Ferdinand and his consort at Serajuvo in Bosnia. July 25.— Austrian ultimatum to Sorvi* expires. July 28.— Austria declares war on Servis on the ground of complicity in th> Sarajevo assassinations. Russia mobilising for war with Austria. British fleet is
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  • 138 10 Indragiri (Sumatra).— 4,4.ll lbs., total for ten months. 42,790 lbs. Allies' Agreement at Peking. The following telegram was received by the British Legation at Peking from the Foreign Office, London, on September 5. The following agreement has been signed to-day with the French and Russian Ambassadors: The
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  • 72 10 . Tbe Russians captured thirty locomotives in (ialicia. Lemberg station was crowded with trains containing valuable goodc ammunition, dynamite, benzine and various other supplies. When the Russians entered Lemberg station they captured a train under steam full of fleeing Austrians, also Hire automobiles. No details have yet been given
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  • 122 10 The Peking correspondent of the Peking and Tientsin Times, writing on September 8, says A report from Weibsien states that the Japanese are being well received by the local Chinese and are able to pet whatever they want from them. Tim Japanese have been very careful not to give the
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  • 1133 10 OFF FOR THE TRIALS. When A Battle-Cruiser Begins Her Life To tbe general r. v lor, says an exchange, small paragraph usually Mjuet/.cd iv at the bottom of a column of a morning paper, aunouncing that H.M.S. Blank, the new battlo cruiser, which has been under construction at Harrow, left
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  • 718 11 i Dion Jack ha» been hoisted by an Australian Naval Expedition.| ids quite familiar. I rein UIIX.T having quite an experience there, ura bark. v?« were on our way from the East, and the steamer day and night. (lischartiir and B'Mng. mostly copra. Though a viry ho', ami fevery-looking
    718 words
  • 266 11 The German field gun is a converted 15--pouniior, acknowledged by their own artillery ugcesa to be inferior to that of the French. Fur several years past the GermanH bare been working on, and experimenting with, a new designed piece and tins year would no doubt have seen
    266 words
  • 717 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, Sept. 24, 1014. Messrs. Lyall and Kvatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning Tbe quotations on Sterling Shares are only nominal. GENERAL 10 r ra-et ant Neave 1.. 56.00 59.0 110 Howarth Srakine
    717 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 45 11 The Man Who Gets There man who bos blood real rich red Hani and plenty of it— in his body. WATERBURY S METABOLIZED COO LIVER OIL COMPOUND makes blood— lots of it —life K'»in«. brain nourishing, ■tasjaojth teplfishinK bloud. OF ALL CKCMISTS. K1.25 and »>a.
      45 words
    • 46 11 Tbe aviat r takes his seat All clad in fnr-lin<d leather, To dare a flight by day or night, WnaVtr th s wind and waatbat. His bi-pUoe so*>rs np like a bird, Hi« salary is sore, Beoanse be flies to advertise Famed W.,o3s' Great Pt-ppermint Cnre.
      46 words
      517 words
    • 176 11 HH AN APPEAL TO YOUR PATRIOTISM. Have pity for the widows and orphans in the Homeland. Help to relieve the distress caused by the war. Warm clothing is urgently needed for this winter. HOW YOU CAN HELP. Send us a Cheque or Notes to the Value of $10.00 or more,
      176 words
    • 35 11 MOUTRIES FIRST CHEAP SALE NOW PROCEEDING. Large Stocks of New and Second-hand Pianos and Organs, Music and Musical Instruments at Greatly Reduced Prices. FOR FEW DAYS ONLY. RAFFLES PLACE. RAFFLESHOTtL Special On Saturday, September 26.
      35 words

  • 1540 12 SFNSVTIONS IN THE FIGHTING LINE. What Tommy Atkins Thinks "You can't believe roars an Irishman, "how happy I feel when fighting. 1 feel as if it were a football match. The civilian who sees war from an easy chair, an I mliii d. rs. uaonot but read tho
    1,540 words
  • 1280 12 London Re-visited After Thirty Years. The infinite pationce born of a lengthy voyage served me in good stead as I approached London after a 30 years' pilgrimage in the Dominions of the Southern seas, writes A. H. Grinling in the Daily Chronicle. The monotony of seven
    1,280 words
  • 363 12 Hearken, O Mother, hearken to thy daughter! Fain would I tell thee what men tell to me, ■Saying that henceforth no more on any water Shall I be first or great or loved or free, But that these others so the talo is spoken Who have
    The Times  -  363 words
  • 28 12 "Do you believe there is any truth in signs he asked. Ob, yes, firmly I she answered, pointing to the one that said, Delicious ices, 6d. and Is."
    28 words
  • 33 12 Slum Worker: Yoa look like very wot thy person. Women Oh, I'm all right, ma'atu. I manage to get along first r»t<>. I ain't got no husband to support. I'm a single woman."
    33 words
  • 682 12 Tokio Newspapers and Birthday Greetings. All the Tokio papers of August 81 publish congratulatory editorials upon the Emperor's birthday. His Majesty has just attained his 86th year in perf< ct health. Owing to the court mourning over the death of the late Dowager- Empress aud the incessant
    682 words
  • 329 12 They are coming t They are coming t From the North and from the South, From the castle and the cottage, From the town and coal-pits' mouth. They are coming in their thousands From the East and from the West, The song of mother England. To
    329 words
  • 737 12 HOW CANADA HAS PROFITED BY STRINGENCY. Optimism of Faith The full effects of the world- wide financia! stringency and business depression have been felt in Vancouver, states P. A O'Fam 11, in The Standard. In do city of tin- \V< st was tho real estate specialist so
    737 words
  • 953 12 Volunteer Workers' Aid To Farmers. It is reassuring to know that the best informed are the least apprehensive about the security of our food supplies. In official aud other circles familiar with the facts there is complete tranquillity. There must be a certain amount of rearrangement
    953 words
  • 451 12 Woman's Last Injunction to Her Husband There is an almost iucrodible ca^irm-s among both all and young here, to j >iv iv the 'york of defence, wrote tho Paris correspondent of The Standard on August Professor Kichct, the recent winuei i I t.r Nobel prize, after seeing four
    451 words
  • 18 12 Do yoa play golf he asked. No," she replied. "I don't even know bow to hold a caddie."
    18 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 316 13 STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR Co., Ltd., Singapore. Royal Enfield Cycles, Complete $4-5. Above, as supplied to British Government. also HAMILTON CYCLES complete $30. SANS PAREIL CYCLES complete $35. LARGE STOCKS mm IN WEAKNESS, NEURASTHENIA f/#\^ CONSUMPTION tiA. I## CHLOROSIS jQ WS 9H& m. I^Bl m^^^ Use H MOCLOBIM i^* Deschsens AM
      316 words
    • 249 13 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd. Money Changer, Raffles Hotel. Money Changer Adeiphi Hotel. Money Changer, Hotel de l'Borope, Money Changer, Hotel van Wijk. Messrs. Koh k Co., Bras Basah Road The Refreshment Buffet, Tank Road Railway Station. Messrs.
      249 words
    • 187 13 CHFONG BROTHERS. Dentists, No. 25, South Bridge Road. First class Mechanical Dentistry, Gold Crown Bridge Filling and Vulcanite, Duration of Wear gnaranteed a CHARGES MODERATE. FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES. Bast Tooth Powders and Brushes (cr sail How did Sunbeams stand the recent most severe English Six-Day Reliability Trials? WHY, JUST
      187 words
      100 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1692 14 '"aWNafS «1! COMPAftY. LARGEST PAID-UP CAPITAL OF ANY EASTIRI COUPA.! PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE. We GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICB I Winohaata* Houm, Mntfapora. LONDON OFFICa i S3, Old EC T». Company has £80.006 deposited with tte Safrem. Ck-rt a! ■aglmad. ud eompoM wa* Mm Briltak Lite Iniui
      1,692 words
    • 814 14 MLEB BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of EXCELLENT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Etc., The property rf The Hon. Sir W. H. llyndman Jonen, at Ooodwocd, Scotts Read, On Saturday, September 26, at 1.30 p.m. Excellent rattan arm cbaim, netleeß and tabli r, wax polished teak centre tables teak card tablts; teak writing Üblcs;
      814 words

  • 1116 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Examine Tyres for Leaky Valves When a tyre will not hold its air and becomes partially deflated sooner than it Jit. leak is more likely to be in the tyre valve than in the tube itself, assuming that an actual puncture
    1,116 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 151 15 FOR I motor"! LAUNCHES OR I MOTOR I I CARS I OR I ELECTRIC I I LIGHTING I AP^LY TO CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, LIMITED, SIGAPORE, K. Lumpur and at Johore Bahru. THE FOUR Electric Starter, Electric Lights, Five Passengers, Complete Equipment. Price $2,4-00. WEARNE BROS., LTD. The Traveller* s Malay
      151 words
    • 12 15 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night Woods Great Peppermint Con la 64.
      12 words
      333 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 809 16 Goodrich TYRES. American A I jP6S F f <> r American c Cars. SOLE AGENTS: Adamson, Gilfillan Ko M Ltd., SINGAPORE, PENANG and MALACCA. TO BE LET OR SOLO. TOUT. No. 18S, Amoy Street. Apply M. Guston, 8, Prince Street. I' 9 8 a FLOOR TO LET To let, 2nd
      809 words
    • 463 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET. mmediate entry, BARNBLBY, GALLOP ROAD, newly done up inside and out. Apply GUTHRIE 4 Co, Ltd. 26-8-a a RESIDENCES TO LET. Bensoline and Belmoant, off Tanjong Katong, and 88, Baleitier Read, to let. Apply H. Sumapab, 19. Raffle Place, or BIT,
      463 words
    • 635 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT CO. 108 ft 109. Market Street. Telephone No 421. Shipcbaodle'rs. Government end Municipal Contractors, E.-tate Suppliers and Commixpion Agents. Sole Agents The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd. Best Multiplar Bratd Hair Beltings. CODE FLAGS of all sizes ready In stock. Prices reasonable. 17 80-8-16 FLAGS OF INTERNATIONAL CODE
      635 words
    • 685 16 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO.. 37. Philip Street. Telephone Ncs. 1288 and 1174. P iva'.e 1450. GOODS READY IN STOCK NOW. 1,000 Kegs Habb's White Zinc Paint, 1,000 Ktg^ Hubb's Coloured Paints, 80 P ec«s Smith's Anvils, 500 lbs. Atbcetrg Metallic Sheet, 800 lbs. Aatestos Tape, 500 lbs.ß Millboard, iflfflbs.
      685 words
    • 465 16 TANSENGCHONG&CO. Architects and General Agents for BUILDINGS, DESI6NS. ESTIMATES. BUILDING SURVEYS. ETC. UNDBR EUROPEAN SUPERVISION. 14, Rattles Quay (Top Floor). Telephone, 1386. CHARGES MODIRATE. EYE GLASSES. A imin d, <s not wait to put on bis overcoat until he has become neatly frozen, and bs -In nlil not delay wearing
      465 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 222 16 Straits Ibimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Miscellaneous wants of every description arc inserted at tbe prepaid rate of 91 per font lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, 91 each inser ion. For p.p.c. cards, on page 8, 92. Inch Scalb Rates are
      222 words