The Straits Times, 11 September 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.5^2 SINGAPORE. FRID4flr. SEPTEMBER 11. 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 266 1 I BEER.J ALL STEEL CUPBOARDS! All doors arc For use in L fitted with Three Way Offices, Warehouses, Locking Device. Cloakrooms, Banks, Fac9;' tories, Railways, Shops, Finished Baked Enamel A a r Schools, Gymnasia, Golf Olive Green. and other Sporting Clubs, inside measurements. Rubber Plantations, Hoswiiuu. D«pth. H»i«Mt No. utsh.iTM
      266 words
    • 194 1 j ROBINSOpCO. j v CASH SALE BARGAINS f The "HAMILTON" Raincoat S J Specially Proofed to withstand ■I > Tropical Storms. Is the Best Value ever offered at r the price. It is Waterproof, Light I in Weight, all seams are sewn. The Cut, Style, and Finish leave i,, I
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    • 10 1 Eternit AsbestoG Slates. Soli .Ur- ADAMBON, 6ILFIILAN A CO., ITS.
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  • 1681 2 THE PRIMATE ON THE PEOPLES DUTY. Impressive Scenes in Church. Throughout the length and breadth of the land on Sunday, August 2, prayers were offered for tbe nations in the crisis through whi''h they are passing. Tbe people, from the Mouarch downwards, attended Divine Service, aiiJ
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  • 493 2 Methods of Collection in The Colony. The Commissioner of Trades and Customs, F.M.S., iv his report for 1913, makes this reference to the question of customs collecting postH for F.M.S. experts within the Colony Towards the end of the year the Colonial Legislative Council passed the Federated
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 149 2 If you are n:n down— lf you hfrtPG been ill and are slow to recover, try 'Vana' Tonic. It v/ill sharpen your appetite, aid your digestion. j I brace your nerves, revive fOOf spirits and help to restore you to viperous health. br>tt!cs it oil J 1 It ■>•& K«
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    • 44 2 Chamberlain's Pain Balm. There is nothing so good for maicular rheumatism, sprains, lameness, crampa of tLe muscles, bruiaea and like injuries as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It will tffect a care in lens time than any other treatment. For sale by ail Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 379 2 1 U-mu&t-6t Proved hy independent Scientific investigation to have Body Buildin* Power of 10 to 20 times the amount taken. j WITHOUT FLAW I JOR FAULT THE AM j PERFECTION OF ffg I PENCIL P.m'CTION/ffif Jjt BtCT TOR CVIRY n/ ram ram* f/L t HARBTMUTH, Ltd, W LONDON. ENGLAND. THE
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    • 545 2 NOTICES. NOTICE. We, the undersigned, M. A. Ahmad Din Brothers, of No. 105, TANGLIN KOAD, Singapore, hereby give notice, that we have no connection with any other person or firm carrying on a similar tailors' busim Singapore and using the name Ahmad Din, and that our sole place of business
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  • 1002 3 LIGNY, QUATRE-BRAS, WATERLOO CAMPAIGNS. British and French Valour. British troops in Belgium Had tbe Wizard of Time waited nine more months, writes E. George Marks in the Sydney Sun, it would have been just one hundred years since British soldiers had trodden the soil of a country which
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  • 717 3 LIABILITY OF SHIPPING TO CAPTURE. The Rights of Passengers. Tho fact that the German authorities have stopped the sailing of the lin per a tor and Vaterland, which in the ordinary course would have called at Southampton on their way to America, calls attention, says
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  • 241 3 |;entleman who received a letter dated st 4 from the Essex coast by last mail krds the following extract which shows complete precaatioos adopted against ise attack At the time I write this I we are hourly expecting a declaration of war. Daring the last five
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  • 67 3 As the result of the exodus of foreign reservists from London vacancies for the following claMeit of workers were being reported to Labour Exchanges and Employment Agencies in greater numbers Clerks, waiters, chefs, shop assistants, bakers, valeta, inter preters, music teachers, masicians, wine buyers, money changers,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 201 3 I t By rhe aurhonrier |9fl en Modern Scten< j^% -*y- 1« Jf ft. Everyone who cleanset his mouth and *s#H^ tet >* b 'fßnlarly every day ■r*2Br W'tb Odol, secures them «L, I absolutely anainat all baetnrial C!C| -4g« "<1 '"mentation processes wheb ecdatger the htaltband destroy JB tl)e
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    • 12 3 For Cbildrra's Hacking Cough at Night Woods" Gnat Peppermint Care It Ad.
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    • 1269 3 I Quality. Jj With Lea cS: Perrins' sauce, a few Y^K drops sprinkled over the meat, fish Q or cheese, Bee, are all that is required *ftr to impart the most delicious piquancy g^ tTgRf The QUALITY and concentration of its Wmju in^rcli.iit^ make a little of this sauce go
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 450 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. pT&o. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Fop Freight, Passage and further information, apply to H W. BUCKLAND, Agent. COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN S. S. CO.. LTD.. ft THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD. BETWEEN
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    • 515 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly nervioe ia maintained between Yokohama via ports to Maraeilleg, London and Antwerp, under mail oontract with the Imperial Japanese Government. Tbe New Twin-aorew Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted
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    • 674 4 STEAMER BAIUNBB. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LO SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pabang, Beserak, Krttay, Paka, Tringganu, Biint, Semerak, Bachok, Selantan, Tabai, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Siogora, Laoon, Kobsamoi, Bandon, Langsuen, Taku, Chumpon, Knhlak and Bangkok. Dvi Departure A STEAMER Sept. 12 .i Sept. 18 30 The Steamers are fitted throughout with
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    • 486 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. "NEDERLAND STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED (ROYAL NETHERLANDS MAIL). REGULAR fortnightly sailings from AMSTERDAM via SOUTHAMPTON, GENOA, Colombo and SINGAPORE to Java and VICE VERSA. For fuTther particulars, apply to Internationale Crediet-en Handelsvereeniging Rotterdam," Agents. 4-9 a OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD.
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    • 462 4 AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP LINE Sinoaporb to Java Posts, Port Daiwih Thorsday Island, Brisbane and Sydney, via Torrbs Straits. Also taking paß«eoger« and cargo with (rao«hi(im>nt for other Victorian, South Australian and North Queensland Ports, British Nkw Guinea, New Bhitain, Tasmaniak and New Zealand Ports. Smooth Passage- Superb Soenery* A
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 788 6 STEAMER SAILINGS. "BIB'BY LINE ntUBB'B SAFES of rmat twin-iorsw Mail Passenger Steamer* between Rangoon, Colombo, Sue*. Port Said, Marseille* and London. LARGE SELECTION Proposed sailings may be had on application. ON SHOW AT THE ARRACAN CO., LTD., MESSRS. CARSON CO., FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS, APPLT 1~l \J tiC T\ D2»Cl\ DFOSs
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    • 286 6 SEANG LINE OF STEAMERS 9.5. Olenogle 8,760 Tons. ».s. Seang Bee 6,709 Tons s.s. Seaag Choon 5,776 Tons Intended sailings may be bad on application. These steamers have excellent accommoda (ion for passengers, and carry qualified sur Keona. They have Electric Lights throughout For freight or passage, apply to OIONO
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    • 308 6 K^~ YNOCH'S HIGH-CLASS T EXPLOSIVES FOR Dislodging Tree Stumps AND General Blasting Operations BOLE AGENTS: McALISTER Co., Ltd., SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL NOTICE. CHANGES IN STREET NAMES. NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with a Resolution passed by the Municipal Comtuiss OLers of the Town of Singapore, at a meeting held en
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 353 6 The rule I RQAP. How did Sunbeams stand the recent most severe English Six-Day Reliability Trials? WHY, JUST LOOK AT THIS 4 3s h.p. SUNBEAMS WERE ENTERED a y -r gained liJj I—l GOLD MEDALS Out of a possible two hundred marks C. E. NOKES scored 2OO) J. W. MOFFAT
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    • 378 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. la tbe abseiro cf Mr. Stanley H. L. Woods, M.R.C.\ 3. bis preparation of Sarooptol Mange Dressing fcr dogs, horses, etc., may be obtained at Messrs. The Singe pore Dispensary, Limited, Battery Read, Singapore. ALLEN AND OLBDHILL, Solicitors for Stanley H. L. Woods. 11-9 17 9 NOTICE.
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    • 155 6 M. C HUDSON (Late of Robinson Piano Co.). TONER, BEPAIRER am. REGULATOR. TUNING $4.00 CASH. Yearly putferibrrs taken on low rate". Cbargen for repairs medtrate. Workmannhip guaranteed. Free advice given to intending buyers of new or sccjud band pianos. Ettimatet for repairs made. Trial order to'icited. SAILORS' HOMI. Tklkfhonk: 1163.
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  • 108 7 FIXTURES. Friday, September 11. High Water, 1.52 a.m., 1. !8 p.m. Saturday, September 12. High Wator, 2. >n a.m., 2.0 p.m. I'uited Chineoe Prayer m- i for IVa. in Kurope., V.M.C.A. 4 p.m. Sunday, September 13. Hi<h Wator, %M a.m., 2.40 p.m. Malarca Plan. Man lav. September
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  • 178 7 To-DAT. P. Swettenbam and T. Anson 8 pm Malacca anu Muar Bpm Batu Pahat 8 pm Kaf Ceylon, Australasia, Mauritius. India, Egypt and f arena, etc. 3 pm Saigon, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan 6 pm Tonoiaow. i Batavia, Cheribon. Samarang, Sourabaya. Macassar. Balik Papan, Menado, Ternate, Gorontalo,
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  • 118 7 Latest Arrivals. List of Vessels in port at 10 am. on September 11, 1914. British. Name Date of Arrival Remarks. Kheog Seng 10-9-14 Inner Roads Circe do do Hock Lee do do Sappho do Wharf Coroeh;t do Inner Road* Ardgair do No. 7 Wharf Charon 119 14 No.
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  • 661 7 flow the Prisoners are Faring In Ceylon. The Times of Ceylon, of August 27, publishes some interestiug details concerning the German Prisoners' Camp at Ragama, which, on tbe previous Saturday, accommodated IM Germans. Tbe prisoner* at presont at the camp in elude Baron Von Maiisenbach and Herr
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  • 218 7 Tbe bravery of tho I'blana at tbe renewed attack on Leige wan in keeping with tbe reputation they made for thi'iuwlven in tbe Franco- German war. They arc armed with the lance as well aa tb> rifle aad sword and gairj< d great (.'lory against the French in 1870 by
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  • 131 7 EXCHANGE B»t*AroM, Septembib 11, 1914. 0» London Bank 4 m/a m 1/4 Demand m, 2/4^ Private 8 m/» 2/4 ft On Bank T. T. m 174 J Oh Hoir<>*OM«...Bank d/d 20) On Sa*n<»SAi....Btnk d/d M 96j O> Tav* Bank T. T. 142 OmJapmi Bank d/d 114
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    • 178 7 Valued 10 10 impuu 7.50 1 1 Ayer Weng 0.20 10 tO Belat 1.75 10 10 Braang 0.75 10 10 Karupai 10 10 Kanaboi 1.00 10 10 Kin ta Association £1 £1 Kinta Tin 1.1i.6 £1 £1 Lahat Mint* 10 0 Malayan Collieries £1 £1 Malayan Tina 1.12.6 10
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    • 632 7 Ks.2 BnyerB a/- a/- aii&ku »/8 £1 41 Anglo-Java 2/0 8/4 2/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 7/? i 8/7 2/- 2/- Batang Malaka -/6 /10 £1 41 Batu Tiga 1.12.9 1.19.0 noin 2/- 2/- Bekoh /7 -/9 £1 41 Bnkit Kajang 1.6 8 1.10.6 £1 41 Bukit Lintang 2.7.6 2.12.6 norn
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    • 124 7 £1 £1 a. Smelting 00. 12/- 18/0 £1 £1 Prel. 1.1.0 1.8.0 5/- 8/- Electric T'w»ys 4/- 4,8 10 10 Fruer Neave 55.00 58.00 60 60 Hammer k Co. 100.00 105.00 100 Howarth Brakine 46.00 100 7% Prof. 100.00 100 100 K*ti Bro, Del. 100.00 125.00 10 10 MavDfcrd
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    • 46 7 Buyers Sellers United Engineers t% 11,284 600 Singapore Blectrio Tramways 6 I £850,000 S'pore Municipal s% »1,878,000 B%[>iu Spore Municipal 4^% of 1907 (1,600,000 par i liuycrs Sellers Spore Muaicipal 4J"., of 1009 11,009,000 par Spore Municipal 4% 2,0(10,000 9%dia Spore Municipal 4% £300,000 92*
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 137 7 AUCTION SALES Powoil and Co. i Stpiembrr 11- At saleroom, one Si H.P. Mutor Cycle, at 11. September 12.— At saleroom, excellent ■io— hoM furniture, etc., at 11. September IS.— At saleroom, a chestnut Welding Height 15 hands 2 inches, at 11. September U— At No. SM Kampong B&hru Road,
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    • 89 7 Chamberlain's Cough kemedy. Tbii remedy baa do mptrior as a care (or rol la, oroup and wbroping ooagh. It baa been a favorite «itb tbe mother* of jo iog ohldrea for tlmoat forty years k'liftmbeiltin'a Convb Remedy c»n always te depended opon and ia pleasant to take. It rot paly
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    • 64 7 HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. POSITIVELY LAST NIOHT! 9.15 SHARP. •^■■■■aw Qraat International Contest for the Light -Weight Championship of tho World BETWBIM WELLS and MEHEGAN of England of Australia Th« Grandest and Moat Terrifio Fight in lha history of Fist louffa--2O ROUNDS 2O DEPICTED IN A FILM OF
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 95 7 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Hospital, September 0. 0 a.m. 8 p.m. 0 p.m. Bared. 82 Fah 29.921 29.821 29.581 Temp. 84.0 88.4 88.4 Wet Bulb Ther 79.4 78.0 78.8 Dir. of Wind 8 SW calm Max. shade Temp. 98.0 Mm. 74.4 Max. in Sun 147.4 Te rad. Ther 72.2 Rainfall
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  • 25 8 Mai kat.— On September 10, at 10, St. Thomas's Walk, Callum John, infant son of H. and E. M. Miller Mackay, Segamat Estate, Jobcre.
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  • 1197 8 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. QUANTITY AND QUALITY. The position in that part of tbe theatre of war where our interest chiefly lies is intensely exciting just now. From the first contact at Charleroy until tbe present stao.l on the Marne, tbe allies had made a phenomenally rapid retirement.
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  • 11 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 6 and 11.
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  • 22 8 Batbing parties, with ice-cream tervrd on the beach, have been tbe order of the late afternoon on very hot days in Hainan.
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  • 23 8 An Indian and a Chinese, prosecuted by Inspector Dunn, not by the Municipality, for selling unsound meat, have been fined tIG and costs.
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  • 23 8 Tbe Java Bode learns that 42 German 4 women, and 7 children have arrived at Buitenzorg from Cbilachap. Tbey wero tbe Koon's pafcgengcrs.
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  • 26 8 The French pngilist Georges OHMBtMI ■H accorded a great send off at tho Charing Cross railway station on his departure for Frauce to join tbe colours.
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  • 38 8 The wifo and family of Governor-Gonera! von Meyer- Waldeck of Kiaochau wore due to arrive in Tientsin on August 22 from Tsingtau to stay at the now vacant residence of tbe commander of the German troops at Tientsin.
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  • 39 8 In rcsponso to the appeal of Mr*. K. (i. Watson, the wifu of the acting Chief Secretary, X.M.S., collections in aid of the Prince of Wales's Relief Fund will be made in all the Christian Brothers' Institutions in Malaya.
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  • 36 8 Reports have been received in Manila that on one of tbo three ships now taking refuge in Zamboanga, beriberi lias broken out among tbe 114 Chinese passen gers aboard and that seven have already died.
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  • 49 8 The manager of tbe Chartered Hank of India, Australia and China is in receipt of a telegram from his head office in London in timating that tbe directors have declared an interim dividend for the first half of this year at tbe rate of 12 per cent, per annum.
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  • 44 8 Tbe Chinese Consul General, tbo Hon Tan Jiak Kirn, C.M.G and many others have notified their intention of being present to-morrow, at 4 p.m., at tbe V.M.C.A. united meeting of the Chinese community to pray for peace in Europe. All Chinese are cordially invited.
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  • 46 8 An American contemporary alleges that tbe Panama- Pacific Exposition Board has decided to carry out the plans for tbe Scu Francisco Exposition in spite of tbo European war. Arrangements are being made for the official opening of the great Fair on February 20 of next year.
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  • 55 8 The panecogers on tbe homeward N D. L. strainer Goeben, which left lYuang at the btsiinning of last month, were landed at Vigo, for transfer to a British steamer. The vessel was somewhere in tho Bay of Biscay when tbe report of war was received Several Straits and F. M.
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  • 59 8 Tbe Hansa liner Berenfels, with girders Cor tbe Lower Ganges Bridge at Sara, has been interned at Port Said. Endeavours are being made to get the girders transhipped, but it is unlik. ly that will be possible for them to roach India in time (or tbe original intention to be
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  • 57 8 A royal salute of twenty oneguDs was fired from Blackhead's point, Hongkong, in. honour of tbe Emperor of Japan's birthday. Tbe Japanese wan-hips in the harbour were not decorated as is usual on such occasions owing to their being cleared for action and on the understanding that no salutes or
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  • 57 8 Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith has, atPenang. disposed of tbe appeal of Noordin, an ex detective police constable, who was convicted and sentenced by Mr. W. C. Micbell to one year's rigorous imprisonment ol a charge of receiving an illegal gratification >f s 10. His Lordship dismissed the appeal but reduced
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  • 68 8 Mr. Chung Tbyc Pbin, owner of Chung Thye Phin buildings on the Station Road and other properties in Ipob, has inform* d all his tenants that owing to the complication iv Europe and the stringency of tin money market, be is reducing all the rents of his houses by 10
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  • 64 8 A third prize steamer, the Frisia, c( tbe Hamburg-Amerika Line, has been brought iota Hongkong harbour and has anchored near the other two prizes in Kowloon ltay, says tbe Hongkong Daily l'ress of September 1. The Frisia is an absolutely new beat, having been completed only this year, and is
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  • 85 8 Tbe rainfall in Kuobing for August was only 1.91 inches and of this 1.07 inches fill on the aft. moon of the 81st. From the 6th to the 31st no rain fell at all and in consequence the heat was intense. Those in touch with tho reservoir sipplies were able
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  • 80 8 A Cossack named Kruclikoff is reported to have been tbe first to win the Russian decoration of the Cross of St. Geor«e. According to a Htrbin newspaper, Kruchkoff accounted for do fewer than eleven Oerman soldiers in a fierce charge, at a small place on the (it rmau frontier, be
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  • 78 8 T treaty eight time expired cjdvjcU reoent ly Hrrivc<l in Calcutta by the Nltaunr Mhlii r»j ih. The DUiuber two I'esti warn who were convicted eighteen j ir« »W > of inurderiug tbe paramour of tluir M»ter wli'i utrouxly reiKDted her brotlitrh cruue. fhiH fi-cliuy on the part of
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  • 424 8 The ex-Emperor of Annam, who hat been residing in Algeria, and alsr the son of the Boy of Tunis, have offered their services to the French Army. Mr. W. J. Hodge, actiug manager of the Chartered Bauk. l'unang. is not >-hortly «,)ing home on leave, as -firnt
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  • 44 8 We are askevl to remind members that a general meeting of tbe St. Andruw's Society will be held at the Cricket Club at Ml this afternoon to discuss tbe matters mentioned in tbe circular which we reproduced a few days ago.
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  • 162 8 The supercargo of a launch has been prosecuted in Sarawak on the charge of circulating rumours conducing to public mischief The accused returned from Lundu with lalot mation that all the Knropeans at Pontianak had been murdered and thuir house* burnt, one or two forts
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  • 157 8 Since tbe last issue of the Ga/.ctte there has been little news of an exciting nature in connection with tbe war and all are eagerly awaiting the return of the steamer from Singapore, states Mm Sarawak Gazette of September 1. Everything ii going on quiotly here
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  • 224 8 A most daring instance of highway robbery in broad daylight happened at Taojun^ Katong yesterday afternoon A Kuropcan lady residing at the S.-.mrw Hotel wax proceeding from the hotel in a ricksha aloo^ the TaojODK Katong road to join th» tramway when, near by the small
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 110 8 > 4^hwj7 »'.'»\»»».iW'y<>l» <ta.3w JK* >P CLYSMA CIGARETTES. FASHIONABLE C Sports f^J Coats 4i^^6j? New styles in Smart '^f\^ /i\L Tweeds and Fancy MMjß*) K nitted Silks. iy£^ES5OP $B.sOtos23eaeli. if^M According to quality. U j^r JaM Specially Displayed §fil|S This week at LlttSG'S BUCHANAN'S "RED SEAL" "BLACK WHITE" "ROYAL HOUSEHOLD"
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    • 118 8 ALHAMBRA eiREMATOaRIPH THEaTRF, B E«CH R0 0. 2nd S. ow 9.15 pm. Ist Mx>w 7.30 p.m DETECTIVE PICTURE! THE WATER RAT In 2 Parts THE LIVE WIRE In 2 Parts MAX'S MELODRAMA. Telephone 249—10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 689—7 p.m. to 11 p.m. C. J. WILLIAMSON, Manager. THERE ARE NO
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  • 651 9 Great Battle in France, j STEADY PROGRESS MADE. French Very Hopeful. Rbutbe's Smcial Slavics Bt Submarikb Cable. London, September 11. British o-ficsrs from the front who have arrived at Paris state that the four days' battle was terrific. The Germans surrendered in groups of fify and sixty, and
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  • 212 9 The following telegram from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, dated September 9, is forwarded to us for publication The following is from the Press Bureau last night The general position continues! satisfactory. The Allies' left is gaining ground along the line of Ouroj and Petit
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  • 139 9 We are indebted to the French Consul. Comte de Bondy, for the following officially communicated telegram: Paris, September 9. The Germans continue to retreat and have repassed the Petit Marin river. The English continue their offensive to wards the Marne. The French are progressing on the plateau
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  • 698 9 THE KING AND HELP FROM OVERSEAS. Expression of Gratitude. Hhctkr's Tblburam. London, September 0. The Press Bareiu publishes the following message from the King to the s^lf -governing dominions: During the pist few week* the peoples of my whole Empire hive moved with one mind and purpose to
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  • 1675 9 Native Rulers Chosen For Active Service. A Splendid Roll Call. Rictek's Telegram. London, September IG. In the House of Commons, Mr. Charles Roberts read an important statement from tlio Viceroy of India. This created a tremendous sensation in the House and was a stirring record of the
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  • 116 9 Reinforcements Rushing Through Belgium. Sixty-thousand Germans are harrying through Belgium to assist the defeated German right in France. German fugitives from the battle are crowding the forest between Conrtrai and Herseaux. Paris.— Official, 11 p.m. On the left wing all German attempts to break our troops on
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  • 33 9 Km iki; TkLROKAM. London, September 9. Prince Albert (the King's second son, who will be 19 in December next) was operated on for appendicitis to-day at Aberdeen. His condition is satisfactory.
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  • 91 9 Reuter's Tblkoram. London, September 10. The race for the St. Leger resulted as follows Black Jester X Kennymore 2 Cressingham 3 There was a field of eighteen, and the race was won by five lengths, three lengths separating second and third. Starting prices: Black Jester 10 to
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  • 315 9 Figures of Approximate Fighting Strengths. We have boon asked to give the approximate strengths of the various army corps, divisions, regiments and so forth of the armies engaged in war. It is not possible to give precise figures probably strengths would be increased or modified to
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  • 43 9 We are officially inform*! that His M j-sty has appproved the appoiotment of th Hon. J. A. S. Bucknill, K.C., (now acting to be Chief Justice of the Straits Settloru. Nts, ia succession to Sir W. H. llyn<lmin Jonys.
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  • 133 9 Tin- London < l.izi-tte of August 4 ac nounces tbat Field-Marshal Sir John V. V. French, 0.C.8., G.C.V.0., X.C.M.0., is to bo In spectur -OfDiral of the Korws. Dated August 1. The umlt rmc utionod officers are to be appointed to the ixjrsonal Ntalf of FieldManthal Mir
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  • 686 10 THE SINKING OF THE CITY OF WINCHESTER Experience of Officers. An authentic account of tbe capture and sinking ni iV MnrMM liner City ot Win Chester by the German .this, r Konigsberg. »st of Adeu. lias been given to us by iof the lost ship. He hays tliat
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  • 286 10 A correspondent to the Church Times of July M writes as follows with reference to the laU- Archdeacon Mewney Reference is made in your i~s>ie of Mai.-li 27 to the sudden death of the K. w. W. R. Mesney, some time ■> son of Sarawak, in
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  • 72 10 Every soldier in the Philippines mast be sn athlete, l'.y command of Major General Barry, an order was issued at Fort Santiij;. creating a department military athletic organisation and imposing compulsory athletic servioe on every officer and eu'ist.") man. General provihions are prescribed for toe organization of mouthly competitions to
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  • 33 10 Bonw 300 i<a,Bdb»g« which were being u*rd for defet>«i\d rmrpuat*. lying <□ tbe hillside at Hongkaan. were I—wmd by thieves be ■i p't-u.b r 1. They are »».o> J at •■>'■ b) '.Lv military authorities.
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 10 A great battle is raging in the vicinity of Rneims, Chalons, and Moaux, but the French lines seem to run as far East ax Nancy where the German Emperor was recently reported to be directing operations in person.
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  • 934 10 Jane 27. Assassination of Archduk Franz Ferdinand and his consort at Serajevo in Bosnia. July 25.— Austrian ultimatum to Serria expires. July 28. -Austria declares war on Servia on the ground of complicity in the Serajevo assassinations. Russia mobilising for war with Austria. British fleet is
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  • 331 10 Race Back to Singapore With Fish. A case arising out of a collision between two local boats, the Hong Aik and the Glanggi, was heard by Mr. C. V. Dyson in the civil district court yesterday afternoon, when the Ho Hong Steamship Co., of Kling Street,
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  • 36 10 Straits Rubber.— 3o6,ooo lbs. Penang Rubber Estates.— l22,ooo lbs. Rubana.- 46,000 lbs. Tali Aver.- 40,000 lbs. Batak Rabit.— lB,2so lbs. Bagan Serai.— l7,Boo lbs. Anglo J0b0re.— 11,633 lbs.; total to date 59,444 lbs.
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  • 66 10 On Augost 25. no less than 20 of the provinces of the Philippine islands were in touted with locusts, while from 16 of the remainder no response had been received by the bureau of agriculture to a request made some time ago for information as to the condition" obtaining there.
    66 words
  • 505 10 Great Machine Working Swiftly In London. The vast and complicated machinery of mobilisation is working to day with splendid smoothness, says the Pall Mall Gazette, of August S. Within a few hours the naval acd military forces of the nation will be embodied, the officers and men equipped
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  • 45 10 The Military Commissioner of Shantung has been ordered by the President of China to be very careful during the fighting at Txingtau, China having decided to remain neutral and treat the incident in the same way as that of Port Arthur and Daircn in *****.
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  • 780 10 GARRISON OF 6 000 DETERMINED MEN. Japanese Attack Delayed. A message received in Shanghai from Kiauchnu, dated August 26, says Fighting at Tsingtau has n< t yet commenced. There is no oign of the Japanese. Thousands of Chinese refugees are ll k king into Kiauchau from the viciuity
    780 words
  • 232 10 At tlio optniuy of the lligli Court of the Ancient Order of I on-sters at Bournemouth on August High OhW Ranker Hyner said that they were face to face with the most appalling oatastrophe in their history. It was a time when true British character would be pat
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 113 11 The dates of the Ipoh Gymkhana Club fixture arc Friday and Saturday, October 80 and Ml. SwimruiagClub launches leaves as follows: Saturday, September 12, Johnston's Pier. 2.15 and 3.1 ."> p.m. Club Bungalow, 245 and 0 p.m. Sunday, September II Johnston's Pit I-. 9.10 and 11 a.m.,
      113 words
    • 37 11 A meeting of the Singapore Sporting Club was h.ld yesterday at the Exchange Rooms when it 'as decided to restrict the programme for the forthcoming imetiny to races for j griffins and ex-griffins only.
      37 words
    • 393 11 Ladies' <iolf Championship. Entries for the Andrew Currie cup compi tition wliiuli c-Kini s with it the ladies' golf j championship of Singapore close on the lUth in«t., ut 6p m Competitors should enter tin ir names with the secretary of the club to w Men they belong. The
      393 words
  • 340 11 For some reason or other, says Tbe Eng liHhuian (Calcutta), the authorities have prohibited the despatch of private teleprams concerning the war from one person to aootlu r in India It is difficult to see any reason for this vulvas it be to save the censor tie
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  • 25 11 Tbe Haaibirg A—rika Line has an ■OOMOOm that it is ooßuderiiK offer to purchase some of its steamships now in American waters, valued at •20,000,<XX).
    25 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 386 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l agree with a Britisher that the landlords should reduce the house rents. I have in more ways than one, and on several occasions, tried to prove that the house rents, charged by landlords and lessees of proI -.iti. have
      386 words
    • 448 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, At the present moment statements are (roily circulating in Singapore as to probable action by Great Britain against our neighbours the Dutch. Instead of circulating these rumours among the Native population to the detriment of our trade relations with
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  • 28 11 Owing to the present stringency of the money market the works in connection with the deviation of the Selaouor river at Koala kubu have been postponed sine die.
    28 words
  • 780 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, Sept. 10, MM. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning The quotations are only nominal. [London Stock Exchange Closed Noh. Valdi Bcyshs. Sillik.s 2/- Allagar 1/4* 1/11 1 Anglo-Java 2/6
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 42 11 Couching into Consumption 1 "O«ly Cotiota" bat you stop it i- OXVt aoer-h. WATEfttURYS m/£CLIZEO COO LIVER OIL COMPOUND The (west preparation iuado 1 1 lor oombating severe eoogbs. OIRES any tho* is ssUyaooogb. VerypslotshU OF ALL CUEMIBTI. 91 .as mn»A <H>-
      42 words
    • 69 11 At firs* it may stem a most glorious late To b throned in an auto car early and late But people who travel by tram, train or boat, Ksoape ail tbe evils cl motor sore throat. For a ear always swir s up by it* sp-ed, A gale of its
      69 words
    • 370 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS A'BRITAHNIA" FEATURE FILM Displaying First Rate Acting The Silent Messenger IN S PARTS. A CAPITAL 'A.K." FEATURE Another Exctlle tly Aettd Drama: The Governors Pardon IN a PARTS AT 'IHE MARLBOROUGH PICTURE THEATRE, BKACH ROAD, IN CONJUNCTION WITH Featn of Strength by the Adolphi Dwarf Trio THE IMPERIAL
      370 words
    • 395 11 LATEST ADVEHIiSEMENTS. THE PIANO I /golitX TEAK J \case/ "MOUTRIE" Call and Inspect our latest arrival! or tend for catalogue. s. f,iou7£:2 a co., ltd., ■rrr RAFFLESJjOTEL Special On Saturday, September 12. Telegraphic Address: •RUNNYVEDF, PENANO. #< ,T"^ J Code A.8.C.. sth Edition. /VF \^a Telephone No. 543 4 6
      395 words

  • 1903 12 SOME FRUITS OF OFFICIAL SQIEEZE. Mission Houses Threatened. Writing from Chaotung on July 20, the correspondent of the N.C. Daily News stated We are just passing through one of tbe most lively and dangerous periods this district has known for many years. At the back of it
    1,903 words
  • 431 12 HOW TO BE ILL" Doctors on Psychology Of Malingering, At tbe concluding meetings of tbo British Medical Association in Aberdeen on July 81, a discussion on malingering was initiated by Sir John Collie. Tbe international situation bad its effect on tbe meetings, the attendances being small and several papers by
    431 words
  • 1350 12 SOME RECENT PEERAGE CASES IN COURT. A Revival of Claims. Within tbe short space of two years, writes a correspondent in Tho Times, there have now been beard before tbe House of Lords, or rather the Committee for Privileges, petitions for tho ancient earldom of Oxford and
    1,350 words
  • 1014 12 War News n the Heart of a Western Valley. On Sunday, August 2, in a remote valley in tbo west of England, where the people are tew and scattered and placid, says The Times, there was no more sign among them than among tho quiet bills
    1,014 words
  • 1206 12 EXPLAINS THE FINANCIAL SITUATION. Danger of Hoarding Gold. The Chancellor oC tho Exchequer, on August 5, moved tbo adjournment of the Hjuse of Commons, in order to explain some of the decisions that had been come to by the conferences at tho Treasury in regard to the financial
    1,206 words
  • 532 12 English Energy in Bagdad Railway Zone. Shortly after the climb-down of tbo German statesmen over Morocco, a well known journalist eaid "all firmness has gone and the German people will be subjected to any kind of treatment." Even now, says a correspondent from Mesopotamia, this fear in
    532 words
  • 328 12 Martial law is not law at all, in tho ordinary sense of the term. The proclamation of martial law means the suspension of all laws, of all ordinary authority, of all civil jurisdiction, all civil rights, and all personal liberty. It means that everything must be
    328 words
  • 80 12 A Gazette Extraordinary, published at Simla, empowers various local ami exerctsfl powers under the Koreiguer'n yu lation OrdiDance aod appoints the ports of Calcutta, Madras and Rangoon an the only ports by which foreigners may < uter or leaTe India. No German or Austrian may leave India before September 15
    80 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 212 13 STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR Co., Ltd., Singapore. Royal Eniield Cycles, Complete $45. Above, as supplied to British Government. also HAMILTON CYCLES complete $30. SANS PAREIL CYCLES complete $35. LARGE STOCKS. ©IN WEAKNESS, NEURASTHENIA CONSUMPTION tjg^ CHLOROSIS M 1^ jr» 94^ Use H&MCCLOBIN !i^* Deschiens All doctors agree that this vital Iron
      212 words
    • 229 13 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore Met»ra. John Little Co., Ltd. Messrs. Kelly and Walsb, Ltd Money Changer, Rafflei Hotel. Money Changer; Adolpbi Hotel. Money Changer, Hotel de l'Sarope Money Changer, Hotel van Wijk. Messrs. Kob k Co., Bras Basah Road The Refreshment Boffot,
      229 words
    • 246 13 ;.j*w HEADACHE ,J» |H Ninety p*f rout ai IT 1 .'VflMbr '^i aclics are |'rim;inly cmsed ia^P^P/ «v rfv Hk through Kyisir.iin. Other j^P^PL |l|l V |A svh.] n < ;i(lcliii»ss..\fh- j^ p^ft ing Kyes aftrr liiiuliiifr, I'nin HB| VOTTQ at <at t v iuuk m TBE REMEDY EYES ACHE
      246 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1662 14 BJK&APORE 8 ONLY COMPANY. LAR6EBT PAI UP CAPiTAL Of AMY EABTUUi COIiPAJiI PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVES. THE CHEAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, UNITED. MEAD OFFICB i Winchester Houee, Singapore. LONDON OFFIOK I SO. Old Jewry. K.O. Tb* Oompaa, has £30.000 depoaitad with the Sejrem* Coax* et Bagland. aad eoaspUei we* tke
      1,662 words
    • 709 14 MLEB BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of EXCELLENT WAX-POLISHED TEAK HOUSEHOLD FCRMTURE ETC THE PROHERTV OF W. R. DYMOND, ESQ., At No. 699, Kampong babru Road, On Saturday, September 13, at 2.30 p.m. Very handsomely carved wax polished teak sideboard with mirror panel polished teak dining table carved t«ak ditner wagon
      709 words

  • 982 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Garages Reap Harvest. The effect of the crisis on petrol prices is a rather complex one, says a home paper of August 5. The Shell Company and tho AngloAmerican Oil Company (the two largest vendors) have not raised the wholesale price,
    982 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 209 15 FOR I MOTOR I I LAUNCHES 1 OR 1 MOTOR 1 I CARS I OR I ELECTRIC 1 I LIGHTING I APPLY TO CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, LIMITED, SIGAPORE, K. Lumpur and at Johore Bahru. THE FOUR Electric Starter, Electric Lights, Five Passengers, Complete Equipment. Price $2,400. WEARNE BROS., LTD. mmm.
      209 words
    • 61 15 Chronic Diarrhoea. Are you subject to attacks of diarrhoea 1 Seep absolutely qaiet for a few days, rest in bed if possible, be oarefal of your diet and take ChamberUin'i Coic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This medicine has eared eases of chronic diarrhoea that physician* have failed on, and it
      61 words
      170 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 698 16 FRENCH SWAM BRAND ROOFING VENTILATORS, RIDOINGS. mjT p,Q FINIALS. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD., SINGAPORE, TO BE LET OR SOLO. HOUSE TO LET. To let, furnished. Immediate'entry. VILLA MARINA, Tanjong Katong Apply to Stephens, Paul k Co. 6-6 v TO BE LET No. 40, Anson Road, a very good and sub
      698 words
    • 526 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD TOUT. 1 No. 188, Amuy Street Apply M. Guston, 8, Prince Street. 29 8 a FURNIBHEO BEABIDE REBIDENCEB TO LET. BELINDA and JU ANITA to let furnished. Apply No. 9, Mt. Sophia. 16 a TO LET. That desirable residence, Ancbenoairn," No. 1, TaDglin Hill, from
      526 words
    • 486 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT A CO. 1 108 ft 109. Market Street. Telephone No 421. Shipohandlers, Government and Municipal Contractors, Estate Suppliers and Commission Agents. Ljlb Aobnts: The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd. Best Multiplar Braid Hair Beltings. CODE FLAGS of all sizes ready In stock. Prices reasonable--17 80-6-16 FLAGS OF INTERNATIONAL
      486 words
    • 610 16 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO., 37. Phillip Street. Ship Chandlers, OovernnMM and Municipal Contrsctors, Bonenl Importers and Exuortsrs and Commitiion (gents, fstata, Rice-Mill and taw Mill Suppliers. Soli Agknts Fob "GLOBE" BOILER FLUID. THE IDEAL FLUID FOR CLEANING AND PRESERVING BOILERS. Til Address GUANKIAT," Singapore. Coded usbd A. B. C. sth
      610 words
    • 425 16 BOARD AND LODGING. BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Large comfortable furnished rooms at Niven House, No IS, Niven Road, now avai'abla. 16-8 14 9 BOARD AND RESIDENCE. f ingle an.! doubln roomß at Carabo House, «8. Rivrr Valley Head l-» 80 9 BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Two larvo ioomr, with quiet English family,
      425 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 226 16 Straits Isimes. ADVERTISEMENT KATES.— Miscellaneous wants of every description are inserted at tho prepaid rate of $1 per foui lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exoeeding four lines, II each inscr ion. For p.p.c. cards, on page 8, 12. Inch Scaus Ratbs
      226 words