The Straits Times, 10 September 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 84.591 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 10. 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 157 1 urri" I I BEER. The G m Spiral Spring. 1h« Gum Top Spring. I IBlflßfll Price: $1700 CORD Amer- «n R»f'ig«rator«. ~tw i JHllllirf^ii T V D E< C I x^ j» C m jf _JG9 Jt"^ a^ Top Spring or Spiral Spring. **J^Mbsl r^~ M I HUTCHINSON PETER UNION
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    • 42 1 i i SLEDGE i MILK IS GEN'UINB Swiss Milk from cattle grazed on the FAMOUS PASTURES OF THB f BERNESE ALPS. 1 Mil Ask tow i jj SLEDGE BRAND Unsweetened Condensed I Natural Sterilized. Sole Importers J. TRAVERS SONS, LIMITED. I. 9
      42 words
    • 321 1 jm RELIABLE RAINCOATS V" H^ Specially Proofed to withstand <[ L Tropical Storms. 1* J\ The "HAMILTON" s *^> W Is the Best Value t ver offered at 1 thi' price. It is Waterproof, Light in Weight, all seams are sewn. M The Cur, Style, and Finish leave nothing to
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  • 1044 2 REAR-ADMIRAL MAHAN ON THE WAR. Forecast of Naval Operations. In a highly important interview at New York, on August 8, Rear-Admiral Maban declared that England must at once throw her preponderating fleet against Germany for the one chief purpose of maintaining her own position as a World
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  • 898 2 ROYAL EFFORTS TO AVERT WAR. Russian Expectation of British Aid. Tho Times wero authorised to publish the following interchange of personal telegrams between the King and the Czar, which have an important bearing upon the events leading up to the war and which show how sincerely both
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 355 2 p^ Protect your Children against h^\ Consumption }fi ty giving them 1 'KEPLER i f/j Cod Liver Ojl K Hi WIT i \V l/Al Malt Extract M\ I j I* provides weakiy children (and Il»j Ji J V adults) with strength and stamina to H \V vl I v battle
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    • 14 2 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night Woods' Ort at Pepper n.iut Core li Sd.
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    • 44 2 Chamberlain's Pain Balm. There is nothing so good lor muscular rheumatism, »praina. lameness, crampa of the moscles, bruise* and like injuries m Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It will tffe^t a care ir less time than any other treatment. For aale by all Di«pen«aries and Dealers.
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    • 670 2 THREECHILDRENHAD I ECZEMA ON SCALPS Formed Crust. Went From Head to Ears and Neck. Cuticira Soap and Ointment Quite Healed Them. 1 80, Carlisle Ud.. Romford. F.ssox. Eng "My three children. a««i nine, m-ven and five had a breaking out of running sorea s**gr^. nc r ecalP B jf^^KG&ft^^ Tl
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    • 373 2 j NOTICES. NOTICE. We, the undersigned, M. A. Ahmad Din Brothers, of No. 105, I TANGLIN ROAD, Singapore, hereby give notice, that we have no connection with any other person or firm carrying 'on a similar tailors' business in Singapore and using the name Ahmad Din, and that our solo
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  • 1184 8 QUESTION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW. Germans v. British Subjects. The interesting question of the rights of alien enemies with regard to maintaining Huits in Courts of Law which was rained in the case in the Colombo District Coort was further discussed on August '20, before Mr. T.
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  • 1143 8 Recollections of a Summer /our. There must be a Rood many in this country who have enjoyed a holiday in the Belgian Ardennes so intimately described by a correspondent of the I'ioneer in the following words: Namur, Liege, Marcue, Givet, the Mease, the Ardennes— as these familiar
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 355 8 P^^ Let me talk to you about £%fcaft Nerve Troubles. m» Ml» itricaf m««k at ~-yJv' ii .'Knil'li win'?. They are lonttolUd and £2 5^ nourished by a portion of the bnia km \\n J > iSEB A lhe nerve centles The condition of ihe H B^^ n.rve centus depends
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    • 291 8 THE GREATEST BENEFIT you can bestow upon youj hair is regular shampooing with Pixoap. This new shampoo not only cleanses the hair and scalp, but promotes the growth of the hair owing to the tar contained in it. (rendered inodorous and colourless by a chemical refining process). After a very
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    • 76 8 K. TSUTADA Japanese Dentist. 74 74-1. BRAB BASAH ROAD. Telephone No. 1246. EXTRACTION PAINLESS. Char|{ea Moderate. WORK OUARANTEBD. I Consultation In eltber Engllshor Malay NOTICE. P.A. H A Register of Estate Managers and Assistants has been started by this Association. Employers, having vacant poets to fill, and employees seeking engagement,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 463 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. p. o. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Fop Freight, Passage and further information, apply to H. W. BUCKLAND, Agent. COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN S. S. CO.. LTD.. THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD. BITWEIN
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    • 514 4 STEAMEH SAILINGS. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly servioe is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles. London and Antwerp, under mail oontract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining tuis servioe have been specially designed and oonstruoted, and are fitted witb all tbe
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    • 695 4 BTEAMER SAILINGS. THE 81AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LO SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. for Pahang, Beserak, Eretay, Paka, Tringgann, Bunt, Semerak, Baehok, Keiantan, Tabai, Bangnara, Telnpin, Psnarai, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobiamni, Bandon, Langsuen, Takn, Chumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Due Departure A STEAMER Scot. 13 ••pt. 19 26 The Steamers are fitted throughout witb electric
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    • 969 4 STEAMER SAILINGS NEDERLAND" STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED (ROYAL NETHERLANDS MAIL). REGULAR fortnightly sailings from AMSTERDAM via SOUTHAMPTON, GENOA, Colombo and SINGAPORE to Java and VICE VERSA. For further particulars, apply to Internationale Crediet-en Handelsvereeniging Rotterdam," Agents. 4-9 n OCEAN STEAM SHIP GO. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 690 5 JTEISr ATZY TYRES. Hooglan^t «A& Co.^ Singapore. STEAMER SAILINGS. BIBBY LINE of f«at Iwin-iorew Mull ataenger Steamers between Rangoon, Colombo, Suez, Port Said, Marseilles and London. Proposed sailings may be had on application. THE ARRACAN CO., LTD., MESSRS. CARSON GO., Rangoon Agents. Colombo Agent*. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS, APPLI PATERSON. SIMONS
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    • 401 5 THE EABTERN SHIPPING CO.. LTO. FOR PORT SWETTENHAM AND PENANG. s.s. PIN ?\2NG and hp. OMAPEKB will be despatched for above pcrts every Tuesday and Sat;irdav, ro-peotively, at 'J p.m., Iron) tbe Roads. Tbe above fteamers have excellent accommodation for first-class pastengers. For freight, etc apply to ■Aft INDIES TR4DINO
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    • 57 5 The Travellers Malay Pronouncing Hand-Book. Tliih handy little book tins now readied its TENTH EDITION, a cure indication (it its nsifnlms*. Price, $1 .25 per copy Post Free, $1 .50. PUBLISHERS: FRASER NEAVE, LTD., co B^So Q R vu B AV YNOCH'S HIGH-CLASS EXPLOSIVES FOR Dislodging Tree Stumps AND General
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 577 6 LATEST ADVEKTISKMENTS. WHARF CLERK WANTED. Wanted immedia'ely, smart wharf clerk. Must have bad prurioas experience. Apply Box No. 785, Straitj T> 10-9 v PARTNER WANTED. With 18,(00 for a w. li-cavin^ Lv inees übith makes ocr 1 1.C01 profi*, p< r month. Capital Rua-at. id by SlO.OOO o( material.>
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    • 123 6 H. C 5. HXTOSON (Late of Robinson Piano Co.). TUNER, KEI'AIRER aod REOULATJR. TUNING $4.00 CASH. Ytarly f-üb'C.iL. rs tbkt-n on low late < 1 arj{t I io- tepaira rurdi rate. Workman- Lip g .aruDtetd F'on advice yyvc to iatOMiDg bnyorn of n> wor gCJoad band pianoH. Estimates lor n
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  • 103 7 FIXTURES. Thursday, September 10. High Water, I.D a.m.. U p.m. Hiagapjn Sporting Club meiting, K\cbang«, 5.15 p.m. Priday, September 11. High Water, 1.5.' a.m., 1. 18 p.m. Saturday, September 12. High Water, IMI am, 1 1 p.m. Mag 'i MCA. 4 p.m. Sunday, September 13. digh SVat.«r
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  • 137 7 TODAY. 11.I 1 Swittenham and Telok Anson 3 pm Batu Pahat 8 pm Port Diakaaa 8 pm Malacca and Muar 8 pm Sydney 4 pm P. Sambu Kocmai, Banijcrmassio, ii. K. ISaroe Balik Papan Samariuda, etc. 4 pm Colombo 4.80 pm Toiouow, Pouloe Soegi 8 am Rhio
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  • 74 7 Larr Smoirou. I Jaly 18 B. I. July H M. M. July M I' O. Jaly 27 N. U. L. Jaly 30 H. I. Aug. 4 M. M. Aug. 7 P. A Au^. U B. I. Au K 24 I. AO. '< Aug. 27 B. I. Do
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  • 101 7 Latest Arrivals. List of Vessels in port at 10 am. on September 10, 1914. British. Viine Date of Arrival Remarks. Hainam 9 9 14 Inner Roads Kinta do do Hye Leong do do Kaka do do Cbuxan 10 9 14 do Klang do No. 8 Wharf Lady Weld
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  • 101 7 Powell and Co. Septembrii. U salt room, one 3J H.P. Motorcycle, at 11. tuber \i At saleroom, excellent .Id furniture, etc.. at 11. abet 12. At saleroom, a chestnut gelding Height 15 hands 2 inches, at 11. -At No. 899 Kainpong Baliru Koad, excellent wax polished teak household
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  • 136 7 At last we know you, War-lord. You, that flung The gauntlet down, tlmj; down the mask you wore, Publish your heart, and let its pent hate pour. You that had God for ever on your tongue. We are old in war, and if in
    The Times  -  136 words
  • 240 7 Among the French commanders now in the field probably the most highly esteemed, next to General Joffre, is his Chief of Staff, General de Castelnau, who, says the Statesman, has a great reputation for tactical skill and the ability to manoeuvre large bodies of men. He has
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  • 223 7 Antwerp, which appears destined to play an important part in the hostilities, is very well prepared for invasion. The principal arsenal of Belgium is tin re, and it is one of the strongest fortresses in Europe— a tact which would not be obvious to the casual
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  • 186 7 The fact that Oroatians in New Zealand are contributing to a British war fund affords an interesting indication of where the sympathies of at least 7,000,000 of the Kiuperir Francis .lotteph's subjects lie in the present utruggle. The Croats are the K'jiuau Catholic Sorbs of Croatia Slavonia, the great district
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  • 132 7 EXCHANQB Sinimfou, Sfi'tkmukk 10, 1014. O» Lomdom Bank 4 m/a 2/4£ Demard 2,4,',, Private 8 m/a 2/4{ On Indu bank T. T. 174J O* HoN(iKOMo...Bank d/d 20} On BaAKUH4i....Bank d/d 97 J On Java Bank T. T. 142 On Japak Bank d/d 114 Sovereigns— bnyiug rate 18.64
    UP  -  132 words
    • 183 7 Issue 3j B 10 10 Ampanß 7.50 1 1 AyerWeng 0.20 10 10 Belat 175 10 10 Hr-iang 0.75 10 10 Kampai 10 10 Kanaboi ICO 10 10 Kinta Association £1 £1 Kinta Tin 1.12.6 £1 £1 Lahat Mine* 10 0 Malayan Collieries £1 £1 Malayan Tins 1.12.6 10
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    • 642 7 J? 8 116 1 Buyers. Sellers. Value 2/- 3/- Allagai 1/8 1/7 £1 £1 Anglo-Java 2/6 8/4 3/. a/- Anglo-Malay 7/H 8/7 2/- 3/- Batang Malaka /6 -/10 £1 £1 Botn Tiga 1.12.9 1.19.0 notu 2/- 2/- Bekoh -/7 -/9 £1 £1 Bukit Kajang 1-6.3 1.10.6 £1 £1 Bukit
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    • 133 7 Iff 6 1 Bnyere. 8olk« Value S 41 41 B. Smelting Co. 12/- 18/0 41 41 Prof. 1.1.0 1.8.0 6/- 5/- Blectrie Tways 4/- 4/0 10 10 Fnoec Neave 55.00 68.00 50 60 Hammer k Co. 100.00 106.00 100 Howarth Erakine 45.00 100 7%Pref. 100.00 100 100 Kata Bro,
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    • 45 7 Buyers Sellers United Engineers 0% 11,284 600 Singapore Electric Tramways 6% £850,000 Spore Municipal 5% 11,878,000 B%pm Spore Municipal H% of 1907 |1,800,000 par lSuyuni Sellers Spore Muaici]>al H% of l«09 11,000,000 par Spore Municipal*",, '2,000,000 »%di» S pore Munu ipal 4% £300,000 Sit*
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 10 7 For Chronic Chest Complaiats, Wju<ia' Great rVppurimnt Core Is. 8J
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    • 89 7 Chamberlain's Coujrh kemedy. This remedy bas no »up» nor a* a core for colds, eroop and whooping cough. I, has been a favorite with tbe mother! of yonng children for almost forty years Chauberlain'i oiub Ktmedy ctn always bo d ponded upoo ani if pleasant to take. It nnt ooly
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 47 7 |„'U ..n Kort Canning and Mount bsa <laily at 1 p.m., Singapore stamUrd time, correapoading to 6 a.m. Oreeawich mean tim.. Hh time gun v fired at 12 o clock ooon, indicating Singapore »tan 1 iir. 1 tim.\ on every day excepting Suu.l.. :.rtxl at one o'clock.
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    • 95 7 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Hospital, September 8. 0 a.m. 8 p.m. 9 p.m Bared. 32 Fab 29.912 29.831 29.581 Ttiup. 81.0 88.0 82.5 Wet llulb Ther 77.0 77.0 77.5 Dir. of Wind calm SE SE Max. shade Temp. 87.0 Mm 76.0 Max. iv Sun ld.H Te rad. Tln-r 7:1.0 Rainfall
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  • 1172 8 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. IS THE TIDE TURNING? Russia seems to be making a triumphal progress in Austria. Everywhere her armies are gaining ground, nowhere do the enemy seem to be capable of making a resolute stand. Lemberg has fallen, Lublin has been the scene of great Russian
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  • 11 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 6 and 11.
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  • 29 8 The nsnal class for bandage-making and instruction in bandaging and simple care of the sick will be held tomorrow from 4 to 6 p.m., at the G F.S. room.
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  • 38 8 It is notified in the F.M.S. Government Gazette that for the period from September 1 to 17, the export duty on rubber from the F.M.S. will be assessed on the price of JlO5 per picul for all grades.
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  • 34 8 Thin morning, in the second court, a Chin- so was fined >100, or, in default three months' imprisonment, for offering to Supervisor Burn, of the Government Mono poliis Department, an illegal gratification of $5.
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  • 40 8 A Chinese named Ho Ah Cluing, the chinchew of the steamer Singarajah, pleaded guilty in the third court, this morning, when charged with bringing nineteen unstamped letters into port from Palembang. Ha was fined 12 in respect of each letter.
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  • 46 8 Tha manager of the local branch of the Mercantile Bank has received telegraphic advice from the London office that the hoard of directors have declared au interim dividend at the rati of 8 per cent, per annum on the A and B shares, free of income-tax.
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  • 60 8 The Star Opera, which arrived by the mail train on Monday morning from Ipoh, opened on Tuesday at the Theatre Royal to a crowded house, including a number of Europeans. The Star Princess was the play staged and was much appreciated. Moba Hied Noor, the clown of the company, kept
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  • 54 8 About oigut o'clock this morning a Malay woman was rescued from the sea at Johnston's Pier, apparently drowned. Mr. Lister man, one of the recently-certificated St. John Ambulance studeut. applied artificial respi ratkn and brought the woman round after twenty minutes persevering efforts. Another instance, of the usefulness in civil
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  • 63 8 Mr. James Gallinagh, who for nearly seven years, has been employed by United Engineers, Ltd., as a mechanical and electrical engineer, has just severed his connection with that firm and has joined the Central Engine Works, Ltd., who recently were anatdod the contract for tho electric lighting of the whole
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  • 73 8 Mention was made this morning in the third court of a case in which L.c Clio Wee, a servant at St. Mary's Home, in Tank Koad, is charged with causing mischief. One of the jajahs on the rail way happened to sco him pour oil from a koioftino tin into
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  • 99 8 The Calcutta command of the Legion of Frontiersmen has so rapidly increased that it is hoped they will soon have a complete regiment of men, who, besides knowing their ordinary drill, are specialists at scouting, their raison d'etre. As the Legion arms and equips itself and is composed of men
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  • 99 8 In exercise of the powers vested in them under the Customs Duties Enactment, and with the approval of the Chief Secretary to Government, the Residents of Pcrak, Selan gor, Pahang and Negri Sembilan, have, says an F. M.S. Government (iazetteextraordinary, cancelled, with effect from September 9, i.ll import and export
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  • 106 8 Owing to the war in Europe, it was decided that there should be no celebration at Bangkok on St. Andrew's Day this year. The question arose at a meeting of the Bangkok St. Andrew's Society as to whether members should subscribe through the society to any fund that may bt
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  • 105 8 The Rajah Muda of Sarawak has issued the following notification —Whereas the Government has provided for the requirements of the Chinese, and Malay community by purchasing a largn consignment of rice, and in order further to restrict the increase of prices of foodstuffs above those in Singa pore, I hereby
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  • 154 8 The cholera at Batu Gajab Gaol has neces sitated the postponement of Ipoh Assizes, Mince the prisoners cannot be brought out of tho gaol for trial. Monday was ti d for the opening of the Assi/.^s but the Deputy Public Prosecutor had to tell Mr. Justice Wo .d ward that
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  • 374 8 Mi T ..ike Yew, who is now in Aberdeen, gave a thousand guineas to the I'rimv uf Wales's War Relief Fund. It is stated that Mr. A. B. Hubback, who is at home on leave, volunteered for active service, but that his offer was not accepted. Mr.
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  • 67 8 A Government Gazette Extraordinary published yesterday states that the ex| orta tioo of raw rubber from any port or place in thin Colony to any foreign port in Kurope or on the Black Sea or Mediterranean Sea, other than ports of France, Russia (except on the
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  • 111 8 The strike of dining car attendants on the Great Western Kail way was settled on July 31 after another interview between the men's representatives and the company's officials. During the day 340 out of men employed had Btruck work, and trains continued to run from Paddington Station without
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  • 99 8 The mortality returns for Singapore issued by the Registrar of Rirths and Deaths nhow that, during the week ending September 5, there were 208 deaths (144 males, 59 fern Ales), giving a ratio per mille of population of 32.06, including six deaths at St. John's Island, and
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  • 124 8 The town of La Pert -i -nj>: imi-i in the department of Marnc, 111 hiilch from I'aris, which is figuring prominently in the war telegrami, was the scents of a memorable act of bravery during the invasion of 1814. Four thousand Krencli raw recruits, in blouses and
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  • 153 8 The report of the Vallambrosa Kubber Estates states that the profits, including £7,447 brought forward, amount lo The directors recomiut'nd that £15,000 be placed to reserve and a dividend of 6d. per share, leas tax, paid, leavir to be carried forward. Tha crop totals 556.H38 lbs. the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 253 8 WILKINSON'S TANSAN NATURE'S MOST BOUNTIFUL GIFT. Unprecedented Success during 1914. 3 Gold Gold Medal and 100 per cent, marki awarded at the Talsho Exhibition for PURITY AND EXCELLENCE Declared by Tokyo Laboratory after TEN DAYS TEST to be the Purest Natural Mineral Water in Japan. TKSTIMoM \i. dated 2»tta
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    • 112 8 ALHAMBRA CIMNUTOCRIPH TNUIIF, BEICH ROJD 2nd Slow 9.15 pm. Ist Show 7.30 p.m DETECTIVE PICTURE! THE WATER RAT In 2 Parts THE LIVE WIRE In 2 Parts MAX'S MELODRAMA. Telephone 249 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 639—7 p.m. to 11 p.m. C. J. WILLIAMSON, Manaf?er. A CHOICE S£LICTIO* OF TUB
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  • 212 9 Strange Rumour About Germany. SECRETLY WITHDRAWING TROOPS. Allies Taking Offensive. Reitek'* Sif.i ial Siryh k By Submabink Cable. Reports are current in [London and on the Continent of tbe death of the Emperor Francis Joseph. It is stated that the news is being suppressed in Austria owing to
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  • 464 9 GERMAN ADVANCE AROUND PARIS STEMMED. British and French Successes. 'i I LBUBAM. London, September 9. A Paris communique says there was a violent engagement in the centie between La Fere Champenoise. Vitry le Francois and the southern extremity, at Argonne. Tbe em my did not succeed
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  • 79 9 FREIGHTS HIGHER THAN NEEDFUL. Rkltkks Special Service: By Submarine Cable. London September 9. Shipping agents complain that freight rates are higher than the circumstances warrant and this has resulted in stoppage of manufacture and shipment of many classes of goods. One shipper has already had orders cancelled from
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  • 201 9 GERMAN NEWSPAPER URGES CESSATION. Recteb's Telegram. London, September 8. The wellknown New York Gorman paper Suats Zeitung contains a significant article urging that the time bas come to stop tbe war. It says Germany can well afford to nst content, Britain can point with pride to the
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  • 126 9 We are indebted to the French Consul Comte de Bondy, for the following officially communicated telegram Paris, September 8. The forces of tbe Allies are continually progressing in the region of Paris. The Germans have fallen back in tbe direction of tbe river Mine, between Meaux and
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  • 134 9 Montmirail is a French town, 22 miles S. W. of Epernay, which is 15 miles from Rheims. Here Napoleon defeated tbe Russians and Prussians on February 11 and 12, 1841. Nancy is 80 miles south of Metz, on tbe Paris and Strasburg Railway. (bateau Salins is in
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  • 77 9 Rbdter's Telegram. London, September 9. The St. Leger probables are amended as follows Courageous (Watts), Orangeman (Walter Griggs). The following are added White Lie (Saxby) and Ambassador (Bullock). Puy Fondu and King Edgar are omitted. The betting is 4/1 Peter the Her mit, 9 I Hapsburg and
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  • 20 9 SIR J. HENNIKER HEATON DEAD. Reutee's London, September 9. The death is announced of Sir John Hen niker Heaton.
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  • 273 9 Mr. J. H. Waring, honorary secretary to the St. John Ambulance Association, informs us that the examination in First Aid to tinInjured was held at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Tuesday evening, when 43 candidates presented themselves before the honorary examiners, Major Williamson, M.8., X.A.M.l 1
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  • 241 9 Colonel J. J. T. Hobbs, V.D., A.D.C., torso long identified with the Western Australian forces, bas been appointed to tbe command of the artillery division of tbe Commonwealth contingent which is to proceed homo. Colonel Hobbs, who has rendered signal services in tbe Western Australian forces, has a
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  • 34 9 The following outputs of tin ore for August are notified Kinta Association, Ltd., mine 128.20, tribute 871.41 piculs, Kanaboi, Limited, mine nil, tribute 78.62 piculs. Amping (Kinta) Tin Mining Co., Ltd., mine 167.08 piculs.
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  • 97 9 Medan folk are at but able to keep cool, thanks to the enterprise of tbe Electricity Company, which bas effected a considerable extension of its plant in order to provide electricity for power purposes throughout tbe day in addition to supplying current for illumination at night time. The old fashioned
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  • 1328 9 FURTHER ADMISSIONS ABOUT CHEQUES. Director's Personal Expenses. Tbe examination of Boey Lian Chin, a director of the Kwong Yik Bank (in liquidation), was continued yesterday afternoon in the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice Sproule, and, in regard to both the bankruptcy proceedings and tbe matters coming under
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  • 810 9 "Send-Off" Scenes at Waterloo Station. There was great activity at Waterloo Station on August 8. A large number of members of the Royal Naval Reserve assembled on the platform, while outside the barriers many relatives gathered, and pathetic scenes were witnessed as the special trains took the
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  • 185 9 SHANGHAI PROPOSES MOUNTED CORPS. Three Hundred Men Wanted. We have received the following telegraphic message from the North China Daily News Shanghai Shanghai, September 9. Shanghai proposes to raise a self contained unit of 800 Mounted Infantry, with maxims, from the East, and to oiler its services to
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  • 758 9 Probable Effects of Suspending The Law. The Financial News of August S publishes a few notes on the effect o( Mi-p< ini>u« the Bunk Charter Act, should the Government take such a step. The paper remarks Both on Friday and Saturday of last week the possibility
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  • 21 9 Tomorrow ih the birthday of His Holiness the Sultan of Maag r. Tbe day is declared a GovtrumeDt boliuay in ScUn^r.
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  • 1212 10 Proposals Affecting Building Fund Subscription. U Die ai.uual MMMmJ of MM Singapore Cricket Club, to be held next Friday, in addi MM to the ordinary busun *s MMN will be a MMMMLj put forward by Mr. JMMM Sjiroule, that tin -ription hitherto ear marked for the building
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  • 124 10 Singapore Golf Club. The draw for the Duffers Cup is as follows W. L. Kemp (scr.) Bye W. B. Cochran 5 H. Freeman (2) W. S. Elmslie 2 (I.H.Wynne Jones 12 W. P. W. Ker 8 T. A. Powell 8 A. H. Williams 0 .7. R. Nicholson 3 W.
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  • 202 10 France claims to have the finest artillery in the world, and reference to the attached table shows that, apart altogether from the I skill and spirit of the p rsounel. there is some justification for that boast, if only by reason of the fact that her
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  • 26 10 Toe construct! in of the Church of England Church at Kuala Kubu is proceeding ap tee and in expected to be completed in two months' time.
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  • Article, Illustration
    78 10 This map should be studied in conjunction with the official Press Bureau message printed today amoug our war news. It is evident that the German advance has driven the allies to the east of Paris, but they do not appear to be holding any very well defined line.
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  • 883 10 June 27.'— Assassination of Archduk Franz-Ferdinand and his consort at Serajevo in Bosnia. July 25. Austrian ultimatum to Sorvis expires. July 28.— Austria declares war on Servia on the ground of complicity in the Serajevo assassinations. Russia mobilising for war with Austria. British fleet is getting
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  • 75 10 Bruas Perak.— l,43l lbs. Bernam Perak.— lo,'2oo lbs. Cicely.— 27.l7B lbs. Lower Perak.- 5,100 lbs. Ratanui.— l6,4o4 lbs. Tr01ak.— 13,132 Ibe. (ilunealy. -8,000 lbs. Ayer Tawah.— l2.Joo lbs. Oloucester.-2.960 lbs. Hevea (J0h0re).— 9,797 lbs. Singapore Para.— Bo,olo lbs. Pwneiio.— l,2o9 lbs. Djapoera (Sumatra).— l 3,464 lbs. Malacca
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  • 346 10 At a meeting of the Royal Colonial Institute held on July 31, Lieutenant- General Sir Bevan Edwards, X.C.8., K.C.M.G., in the chair, the following were elected Resident Fellows: Frank Capper, H. E. Morgan. Son resident Fellows: Aubrey Barry (Queensland), C. B. G. Bartels (Singapore), A. de Bavay
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  • 895 10 Importance Evidence on a Great Romance. New light is thrown on the relations of Carlyle and his wife by a number of Utteis published in tho August Ninot. entli Century. Liko the New Love- Letters of JsM W, lsh, published in January last, MMW I< ttt
    895 words
  • 293 10 A proposed soap combine is on the tapis, affecting about £(1,000,000. Accord in* to tho Financial News, Lever Bros, and A. and F. Peart are to amalgamate. A meeting of the shareholders in the Utter was to be shortly held to consider the proposed amalgamation. By
    293 words

  • 842 11 Tbe following paragraphs arc selected from home pajiers of August I liu-si.i is tlic rlmt Hource of the petrol ■apply. Tin- port of (iritusby lias been closed to all Tinsel*. The King cf the Belgians is starting for the front ai Motor cjclistH are r< qaired for tbe
    842 words
  • 65 11 Kor U.v i i^lu months to the end of August, tlic tiu i xikwU from tin I M S. win-: IVrak 8/7,174 piculs, Selaogor 166,411 piculs, N.gri Stiubilan IU.WIS piculs. The duty paid un this was |4.H77,'J?0. a decrease of »2,166,7»7 un MM aujouut fur the conuKpondiug period of la»t
    65 words
  • 710 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, Sept. 10, 1914. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchanges and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning The quotations are only nominal. [London Stock Exchange Closed.] I Norn. Valoi. Bdtibs. Siliiks. 3/- Alla^ar 1/4* 1/11 1 Aiwlo-Jw
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 47 11 Cough inr? into Coi&BumpwlOß a < »oo stop i a coign. i w.iter:up.y s~ ccd uver oil rOVPOUWD TWa finr»t prepa'&tiull Diad« I 1 lor ocubating t« re rougba, j Ilit. any cough that if tmly a omgh. N cry pslatabl*. OF ALL CHEMISTS. i i »2 OO
      47 words
    • 47 11 I remember, still remember, How in childhood days of old. Parents dreaded dire dipbtoeria, WboopinK ci luh and croup? cold. Tr' atujtnt then was erode and doubtful, In bad oas. s death was sure. Tor we ba<l n I »Bti toxin And bo Woods' Oreat Peppermint Cnrr.
      47 words
    • 413 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS A "BRITANNIA" FEATURE FILM Displaying First Rate Acting The Silent Messenger IN a PARTS. A CAPITAL "A.K." FEATURE Anotber Excellently Acted Drbma: The Governors Pardon IN 3 PARTS AT THE MARLBOROUGH PICTURE THEATRB, B: ACH ROAD, IN CnNjrM Tins WITH Faata of Strength by th« Adolphi Dwarf Trio
      413 words
    • 69 11 IjCHEUN ILEAGE DUPIRE BROTHERS, AGENTS. RAFFLESHOTEL Special On Saturday, September 12. STAMFORD HOUSE. Private Hotel, Bras Basah Road. CENTRALLY SITUATED 4O COMFORTABLE BOOM* 4O with Bathrooms attar: cd. Spacious Reception Hall, billiard Table fnr Residents. Blectrie LigLt and Call Bills throughout. Strict Attendance SxotilUnt Cuiaine. TKKMS f,om %A opwa'dx DAILY.
      69 words

  • 3044 12 HISTORY OF GERM IN ESPIONAGE SYSTEM. How it is Employed in France. Id view of the spy hunt mania in Germany and the iitrict precantinns that Lave been taken i in EngUman fcpy sj«t«'iii in France recently in tlie I'nited Servioe Magazine, ii <>f special interest: ,q
    3,044 words
  • 195 12 The statement of foreign business done by Brazil in the first five months of the current year still shows a large decline as compared with the two preceding years, both in respect to imports and exports. The total imports are given as 507,625,000f., and the exports as
    195 words
  • 105 12 Further evidence of Canadian virility may be found in the figures of the first motorcar census of the world. There are 46,000 cars in the Dominion, aa compared with Germany's 67,000; and ynt the latter baa one of the finest highway systems in the world, while Canada's "good-roads" programme is
    105 words
  • 2674 12 PROPERTY IN SATISFACTORY CONDITION. Cocoa to be Replaced. The fourth ordinary general mee ti n g o f the Djaboong (Java) Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on August 5, at the room of the Rubber Growers' Association (Incorporated), 38, Eastcheap, E.G., Mr. John C. Sanderson (chairman of the
    2,674 words
  • 743 12 American Comment on European Situation. The following loading articlo is from tho New York Evening Post of July 81 If tho Chinese Ambassadors iv Europe, after the fashion of the Venetian Ambassadors in the sixteenth century, are writing home full account* of what is passing under their
    743 words
  • 168 12 In his report from 1U1:1, the Director of Agriculture F..M.S observes :—Tli. aria timlrr coffee again hljowh a decline though a small one from last year's figure*, there being ouly TjSM »m« under t hs MMM with H.tVt'J acres ill 1912, uud 11,000 in
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 416 13 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the follow ing places in Singapore Messrs. John Little Co., Ltd. Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd Money Changer, Raffles Hotel. Money Changer. AJolphi Hotel. Money Changer, Hotel de J'Borope Money Changer, Hotel van Wijk. Messrs. Eoh Co., Bras Basah Road The Refreshment Buffet.
      416 words
    • 341 13 Toun/ain of7feate6 and Itappjnesj^ SEATTLE BKZWINGarMAUTNGCO. lIATTL[,WA3f 9 v__ J $12 per case of six dozen pints, nett cash, ex godown. PIBEINS&Co., 5 8, Malacca Street, Singapore. WEBT DULWICH NURBIN6 HOME lla, Rosendale Roa3, WEST DULWICH, S.B. Kor Medical, Surgical and obstetric (Jases. TERMS £i 4 0 per week, or
      341 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 443 14 6IHBAPORE 8 OKLY COMPANY. LARGEST PAID-UP CAPITAL GF ANY EABTERN COMPANI PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HBAD OFFICK i W.ooh— t— Houae. MntfaiMM*. LONDON OFFICE 82, Old rfawry. EC. Tke Compaay has £90.000 depoaitad with Mm Ofitan Ooart at laglaa*. aad •oanplw. wU* tka Britiaa
      443 words
    • 265 14 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. Established 1882. Direct Government Suoerviaion, Government Audit. Policies are "WURLI) WIDE." and Non-Forfeitable Large Nat Surplus above liabilities for Reserve and all outstanding claims. Naw Buaineaa, 1918, 0ver.. .59,876,000.00 Cash Loans, ScttUniont*, etc., made locally. Numerous modern schemes. 4. H. EVANS, Mao user,
      265 words
    • 476 14 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID UP CAPITAL 1)6,030^00 RESERVE FUNDS Sterling 41,600,000 at 2/- 116,000,000 Silver tIS.OOO.OOC •;s;i,0:0,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 1:6,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS Hon. Mr. D. Landale, Chairman. W. L. Pattendtn, Esq Deputy Chairman. S. H. Dodwell, Evq. P. H. Holyoak, Esq. G. T. M.
      476 words
    • 471 14 BANKING. DEUTSCH ASIATISCHE BANK. FULLY PAID UP CAPITAL Sh. Taala 7,500,000). Head Office Shanghai. Board ol Directors Berlin. BRANCHES: Berlin, Calcutta, Hambarg, Canton. Hankow, Hongkong, Krbe, Peking, Tientsin, Tsinanfu, Ttiingtao, Yokohama, THE FOLLOWIN6 BANKS AND BANKERS ARE REPRESENTED ON THE BO4RD OF DIRECTORS: Bank fuer Handel nnd Industrie.") Berliner Handelß-Gesellschaft.
      471 words
    • 812 14 INSURANCE. CONSERVATION of life is generally s t aside by the healthy and the fctrong, because nnfortnnate.y they know no better. Bting phjsieaiiy <it. pofß«sted with yonth and tnjojinga contented home, conseiTation is forgothn. To the LIFE man, thoman who knows a deaf tar is tmned to bis suggestion cf
      812 words

  • 836 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. War Stops Car Trials. Immediate and unmistakable was the tfiect on the motoring calendar of the outbreak of hostilities in south-eastern Europe, writes a correspondent in the lUiiy Chronicle of August 1. The first thing to go by tbo board was
    836 words
  • 192 15 The extension of the lines north and south Luzon of the Manila Railroad Company was carried on in 1918 as planned in the Bchetne of extension, which is estimated to be completed in 1917. The grading of 'be line from Aringay to liaguio is practically finished, and the laying of
    192 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 358 15 FOR 1 MOTOR I LAUNCHES OR I MOTOR I CARS 1 OR I ELECTRIC 1 I lighting] APPLY TO CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, LIMITED, SIOAPORE, K. Lumpur and at Johore Bahru. THE FOUR Electric Starter, Electric Lights, Five Passengers, Complete Equipment. Price $2,400. WEARNE BROS., LTD. The Straits Times FOR F.M.S.
      358 words
    • 61 15 Chronic Diarrhoea. Are yon subject to attacks of diarrhoea? Keep »b-oluU-ly quiet for a few days, rest io bed if possible, b<) cartful of ycur diet aid take Chamberlain's Co io, ChuUra and Diarrboei Remedy. Tbis medicine has cared cases of cbron c diarrhoea that pbysiciani have fa>led on, and
      61 words
    • 401 15 How did Sunbeams stand the recent most, severe English Six-Day Reliability Trials? WHY, JUST LOOK AT THIS 4 31 h.p. SUNBEAMS WERE ENTERED ATT GAINED JLJIJ— jJ_J GOLD MEDALS Out of a possible two hundred marks C. E. NOKES scored 2OO) J. W. MOFFAT 199 The SUNBEAM Team. T. C.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
      737 words
    • 484 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD TO LET. No. 183, Amoy Street. Apply M. Ouston, 8, Pi Street. 29 8 O FURNISHED SEABIDE REBIOENCEB TO LET. BELINDA and JUANITA, to let furnished. Apply No. 6, Mt. Sophia. IS v TO LET. That desirable re-idense, Aucbencairn," No. 1, Taoglin Hill, trom September
      484 words
    • 619 16 NOTICES. Xl AM KIAT CO. 108 ft 109. Market Street. Teleph te No 421. Shipchandlers. Government md Munioipal Contractors, Estate Suppliers and Commireion Agents. Solb Aobnt* The Malcott Belting Co., Ltd. Best Mult pUr Braid Hair Beltings. CODE FLAGS of all sizes ready In stock. Prices reasonable. 17 80-6-16 FLAGS
      619 words
    • 657 16 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO., 37. Phillip Street. Ship Chandlers, Government and Municipal Contractors, General Importers and Exporters and Commitilon Agents, Estate, Riot-Mill and I Saw Mill Supplier*. I Solb Aqbntb Fob "GLOBE* 1 BOILER FLUID. THK IDEAL FLUID FOB CLEANING AND PRESERVING BOILERS T<l. Address: "G^ ANKIAT," Singip re. Codks
      657 words
    • 456 16 SINGAPORE CLLB FIXTURES Straits Times List The following fixtures f it the current wix and important forthcoming fixtures are kind! j supplied by the secretaries of the various clubs. Convenient forms on which to mak> tho returns will be supplied on application t the Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Sporting Club.
      456 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 229 16 Straits Ibimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellaneous wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of $1 per font lines for one 1 or two insertions. Notice* of BirtliH, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four line*, f 1 each inser ion. For p.p.c. cards, on page 8, 12. Inch
      229 words