The Straits Times, 31 August 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.582 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. AUGUST 31. 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 152 1 I'T'l I BEER. I INDIAN MOTOR CYCLES rUi ULAti '^pyrwi lilulOi CTAfV VV JJ PiIDTQ 3i H.P. Single Cyl. Free Engine Model $450. 7 H.P. Twin Cyl. do. do. do 525. f 7 H.P. Twin Cyl. do. do. 2-speed, with* Electric Head Light, Electric Tail Light, Electric Horn and Speedometor
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    • 129 1 ROBINSON Co. ANNUAL Cash Clearance COMMENCES To-morrow, Tuesday, September 1, 1914. FISH. Siberian Salmon, Plaice, Halibut, Fillets, Turboti Haddooki, Boles, Kippers, Bloaters. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO.. LO. Singapore and Branches' CAMP COTS Guarantied to aappnrt over half a ton. Weight 17 lbs only. Length 6' 6 width 2' 3 As
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  • 738 2 .HISTORY OF THE GAME lIS THE FATHERLAND. Despotic Association. R. E. Howard, writing in the Evening Standard, of July 25, stated lt is inspiriting to know that August Bank Holiday week, that period which, as a rale, is crowded to insufferable boredom with sweep-slakes, medal competitions, and
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  • 260 2 Further Light on the Sumerian Tablets. With reference to tbe recently-announced discovery of a pro Semitic account of the Fall of Man and the Deluge, Dr. Langdon has made the following statement Since the former announcements in the Press concerning the discovery of a preSemitic Sumerian account
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  • 24 2 Tangoing at the leaaide," mji the poster ot weekly publication. it uwiallj After oar return (rota the •eauda thai we And oar tan guisg.
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  • 760 2 Career of the Napoleon of Modern Advertising. The death occurred at his residence at Sydenham, on July 21, of Mr. S. H. Benson, the governing director of Messrs. S. H. Benson, Ltd., of Kingsway Hall, the great advertising agents. Mr. Benson bad a remarkable
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  • 249 2 Giacomo Casanova, the greatest trickster tbe world has ever known," and perhaps the only man who ever escaped from undor the leads," the terrible dungeons in tbe roof of tbe Palace of tbe Duges, is tue subject of a very entertaining article in the current Edinbargb Review
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 267 2 J^ I Neuralgia, Nervous Breakdown NURSE HALL, c/o Mrs. Bassett, Commercial Phoe, Landport, Portsmouth, Enp., writes:--"! was suffering from nervous breakdown with Internal Neuralgia, when I began a course of Phosferine. After having t.ikcn it for three or four months, I felt better than had done for two years previously,
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    • 13 2 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night Woods Ortat Peppermini Core la 64. i
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    • 58 2 PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES. The old-time Portable Bte*m Engine iuow givitg place to newt r ideas. R Garreti and Sonp, Limited, have introduced Pist~n Valve Bngine n>ing Superheated Steam in which it ia claimed half a too of coal will go aa far as a ton in tbe oder type. Tb
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    • 366 2 (Trait Hark) S^f/ Cod Liver Oil m Malt Extract The World-renowned v Repairer of Weakened W Constitutions The first spooniu, of this remarkable I restorative starts the weak and wasted person on the road to recovery. Improvement is rapid and continuous. \u Of Inestimable Value 1| after Malaria, etc. I
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    • 350 2 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM KAV. CO.. LtD. DlfOt Sarvioe to Japan via Hongkong Shanghai, and to Galoutta, via Panang, from Singapore. Taking oarao on tlioroouh Bills ol Lading lor Caution. Maoao, Swatow, Amoy, Cbefoo Tientsin, Newchwang, YaQgtsM Ports, Formosa, tbe Philippines, etc., etc., etc. Staamera. Tons. Commander. Kutsano 4,805 R.
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  • 1018 3 THE DUVEEN HOUSE LEAVING LONDON. A Definite Announcement. England is still the country in which art treasures are to be bought, but they are sold nowadays chiefly in France and America. Those who have watched la haute finance of art are well aware that this is a
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  • 746 3 The Chartered Company and The People. The long-standing dispute abont the ownership of land in Southern Rhodesia is at last in a fair way to be settled. The claim of tbe Chartered Company bat they own all land not already transferred to other proprietors is disputed by many
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  • 331 3 Novel Method of Dealing With Offenders. An effective method of dealing with minor offonderg has been (Uncovered by a leading steamship company whose vessels regularly Hail from and arrive in the Mersey. The particular seagoing community concerned are the trimmers, firemen, and greasers a most deserving and respectable
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 765 3 NOTICES. UNITEO ENGINEERS. LIMITED. NOTICE. Toe Company begs to annoonoe that outstanding Tenders most be regarded as subject to freedom from all consequences arising bom War as to Delivery, Completion and Price. 4 8 NOTICE. All claims for compensation considered to be doe on account of Military Operations since 80th
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    • 45 3 Would You Be Happy No matter what your financial or social conditions are, yon cannot be happy with a disordered digestion. If you are a dyspeptic a package of Chamberlain's Tablets wi([ make a new maaof yoo.f For sale by al Dis pessaries and Dealets.
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    • 904 3 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. »E AUTUMN RACE MEETING (Omfer B.B.A. Bmtm of Boeing), WILL Bl HBLD OH Tuwday, October 6, Thursday, October 8, and Saturday, Oot obir 1O, 1914. PROGRAMME. FIR8T DAY. Tuesday, Ootober a, 1014. 1. THE PAVILION STAKES —Value •000. A Selling Race. A Handicap for Hornee. All Horses
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    • 777 3 capped in Dm* B shall be eligible to ran in Race No. 8. Entrance Fee, 110. Distance, 7 furlongs. B*6. TBE LAWN 3TAKEB AND PLATE.— VaIue 1700 each and J 00 to each Second Hone A Handicap fot allEx-Griffini that bare Ma at the Meeting. All Horses entered to be
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 680 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. p o. STEAM NAVIGATION GO. POR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANO, CEYLON. AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EGYPT MBDITBBBANRAN POBTS. PLY MOCTH AND LONDON. Through Bills ot Lading issued for Ohina Ooait, Persian Onlt, Contint ntal and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about— MAIL L'NES Homeward (for Europe). jJSSFWS
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    • 551 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. n.VTk JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly servioe is maintained be 'wen Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, bon ion and Antworp, nader mail oontraot w>th the Imperial Japanese Government The New Twiu-norew ".t- amers maintaining this service have beta ivcially designed and constructed, and are
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    • 739 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SUM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LO SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang. Bese-ak, Kretay, Paka, Tringgano, Bisat, Semerak, Baohok, Kelantan. Tabai, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobaamcu, Bandon, LangHtien, Takn, Cbnmpon, Kohlak and Bangkok Qua Departura s.s. BORIBAT Sapt. 9 Sapt. 5 a.s. MAHIOOL Sapt. 7 Sept. 9 NO STEAMER
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    • 606 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO. LIMITED, AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. pa The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Strait*, Ohina and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Gi noa Marseilles and Liverpool and for
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 678 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. TOYO RISEN KAiSHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. The New Route via Cl ioa, Jajjbn, Honolulu, and San Franoisoo, to all pom m in ti.c Uritcd Stetrs, Canvia. M rci ucd Barope Operating tho New 22,000-ton Triple Screw Turbine Liners) SHINYO MARU," TKNVO MARU and
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    • 144 5 SEANG LINE OF STEAMERS i.s olonofcle 8,760 Tons. s.s. Seang Bee 6,709 Tons s.s. Seang Choon 6,776 Tons FOR HONGKONG. AMOY AND BWATOW. s.B SBANO HO'JN. on September 6, 1914. FOR PENAN6 ANO RANGOON x.s. ULBNOULB. H August 31, 1914. This stiamcr excellent accommodation for passengers, and carries a qualified
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    • 218 5 CONCERNING QUALITY Nothing secures a more enduring reputation than quality. If onokcri rhoote cigarettes fc.r ar>y other reason, such as price, Urn ir ■election may v:» ry !jut those wh:):;e Cssiiea i:i dctT. mined by quniity above all other contiderat.o .j, inbiat always upon having CIGARETTES. Packed in Patent Vacuum
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 302 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS WANTEO. Small pony and gig, suitable for young lady. Mask be qoiet. Send particular* to Spuds," c/o Straits Times. 81 8 TO LET. Furnished Has sile reoidenoe, "Mafeiing." No 14. Tanjoog Katong Apply to A. S. Sbooker 8, Malacca Street. 818 M"> SHOPS TO LET. Four laree three
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    • 273 6 MORTGAGEE'S SALE On TfKSDAv. Sbptbmbbk X, at 1.80 p.m. All that pieoe of land fronting a reset ye for road off Tampenis Road, Singapore, estimated to contain an area of 4 sores 1 rood 8 poles comprised in Government Lease No. 2409 (Olaos C), for 99 years from the Ist
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    • 229 6 N^ JUST RECEIVED: N. A LARGE SELECTION *fe >. OF eh*, R mXpeterson's Cigarettes PIPFS in sealed tins of 50 N^ FlrLO Price: 450t8. \a|| shapes and Sizes CHAIRMAN TOBACCO tt fr m RECORDER TOBACCO q» —gBOARDMJtN TOBACCO ll7&1 in H-^b sealed t ns. ~^fc KELLY AND WALSH, LIMITEIhX RESIDENT
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    • 101 6 SO i th jo 4 NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVES. j ACCESSORIES. IN FIVE STYLES, :|> t^l BPICIAILT constructbd 1, 2, 3 and 4 I g^f cabinets. t, j py OVENS Burners. ~A broilers. I V^ TOASTERS. a itove. Always ready for use, Simple in Operation, Durable and Efficient, The New
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  • 92 7 FIXTURES. Monday, August 31. High Water, 8.5 a.m., 6.6 p.m. Tuesday, September I. High Water, 9.14 a.:n., 7.S2 p.m. Wednesday, September 2. High Water, 9.5 <» am., 0.2 p.m. Thursday, September 3. High Water, 10.33 a.m., 9.5 i p.m. Friday, September 4. Uiftb Water, 1 ID a.m.,
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  • 114 7 To-day. Malacca and Mu&r Kaka 8 poo P. Swettenham ami T. Anson Perak 8 pm Penang ami Iiangoon Apcar 8 pm Batu I'aliat Sri Wongsee 8 pm Billiton Anjoa 4 pm Tonowow, Sibu and Sarawak Gladys 7 am l'ulaa Batam and Pulan Bulan<2 Hock Lim 8 am
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  • 113 7 The P. and O. homeward mail steamer Malta left Hongkong at 1 p.m. on Saturday, August 29, and may be expected to arrive here at 2 p.m. on Thursday, September 8, and wiill sail at 0 p.m. Lmrr Sihoaj-om 1 July 10 B. I. July 2D M.
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  • 197 7 Latest Arrivals. Ban Whatt Hin, Brit. str. 195 tons, Capt Russell, Aug 80. From Siantan, Aog 2tf. O.c. and2Bd.p. Ching Seng. For Siantan, Inc. Mb Hokuto Maru, Jap. str. 242S tons, Captain Morita, Aii^ .HI. H'kong. Aug 22. O.c. and cl.p. Huttcnbach Bros. For Batavia, Srpt 1.
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  • 110 7 Vessels at Tanjong Pagar and Keppel Harbour. Wharves at which Vessel* are Berthed To- Day; TANJONO PAOAR. Bart Wharf Basik Section No. 1...NU. East W. do 8...O. Apcar, Rnmphiug. Subiks Wdo "I !-No. 8...B. H. Liong. A. aad V. D. J Main W. Sin. No. 4... Under reconstruction except at
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  • 80 7 Arrivals. Per Btr. Katori Mara, August 81. From Yokohama Mrs. L. < irut and child, Miss N". < .rant, MUs R. E. Geare, Capt. F. K. ruckle, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lampnjan, Mr. O. H. Lynott and Mr. J. B. Emmert. Per Btr. Rampliias, August 31.
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  • 463 7 Professional Custom Raised In The Courts. The question of tho notice thata journalist is entitled to when eng«god in tlie London office o( a i' lmial newspaper was raised in an action tliit came be(oro Mr. Justice A very ami a coutmon jury in the King's Bench Division
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  • 48 7 Time balls on Fort Canning and Meant Kabcr drop daily at 1 p.m.. Singapore standard time, corre«pon<liug to 0 a.m. Greenwich mean time. The time gun is tired at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, oa every day excepting Sunday when it is fired at oae o'clock.
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  • 157 7 huuafobb, kmtmm 20, 1914. EXCHANGE On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4 Demand 2/4 Private 8 m/s 3/4} On I.voia Bank T. T. 174 Un HoNOKON«...Bank d/d 21% d/s On SHANUKAi....Bank d/d 96 On Java Bank T. T. 142 On Japan Bank d/d 114 Sovereigns baying rate $8.64
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  • 17 7 laaued by Fraaer and Co., Exohange and Share Brs^ara, Singapore, Auguat 25, Twelve noon.
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  • 190 7 l J*™ 3 BnyeM 10 10 Amptng 7.50 1 1 AyerWeng 0.20 10 10 BeUt 1-75 10 10 Brnang 0.75 1U 10 Kampai 10 10 Kanabci 1.00 10 10 Kirta Association 6.00 £1 £1 KintaTin 1.18.0 £1 41 L*hat Mince 10 6 Malayan Collieries £1 £1 Malayan Tina 1.12.6
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  • 657 7 RUB BER. Issue Buyers. Sellers. aluu (2 2/. 2/- All»f>ai t/8 1/7 £1 1 An K lo Java 2,6 8/4 2/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 7/7* 8/7 2/- 2/- Batang M&laka -/6 -/10 £1 £1 Batn Tiga 1.12.9 1.19.0 norn 2/- 2/- Bekoh -/7 -/9 £1 £1 Bnkit Kajang 16.3 1.10.6 £1
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  • 134 7 Value (g Si Si B. Smelting Co. 12/- 18/0 Si Si a Pwrf. 1.1.0 1.8.0 6/- 6/- Electric T'wayi 4/- 4/6 10 10 Fraasi i. Neave 66.1.0 68.00 50 60 Hammer k Co. 100.00 1C6.00 100 Howarth Brskioe 46X0 100 7%Prel. 100.00 100 100 Eat* Bro, Dot. 100.00 126.00
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  • 62 7 Buyers Sellers United Engineers 6% 11.284 500 Singapore Electric Tramwajs 6 f. S'pore Municipal 5% 11,878,000 B%P>u Spore Municipal 4J% I of 1907 |1,600,000 par Buyers Sellers SWo Municipal H% of t909 $1,00"\000 par li'pore Municipal t% 2,000,000 B%di« !J poro Muuii ipal 4% JC300.000 »*t »*»The buying quotations
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 68 7 Are You Qoin.r on a Journey CliaiuberUiu Gol».<, Cboltra and Diar rboea Kenwdy should bt packed in your band h»«Xaite when gnia K on a journey. Change of wator. diet, aad kiuperatore all trad to b»»,l trouble, and this 1 caauot be secured on board t)i« truis or stoamsliip. K
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    • 104 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. September 1. At saleroom, Mortgagee's sale land off Tampenis Hoad, at 2.30. September 2. At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. September 4. At saleroom, unredeemed plodges, at 10. September 4 and s.— At The Hotel de la Paix, No. 3, Coleman Street, valuable teak hotel
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    • 69 7 CARLSBERG 'X^^^Sr World-Wide Sole Agents THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD., Singapore. BUY "SHELL" YOU CAN RELY ON THE QUALITY ▲NO QUANTITY. THEY PONT CHANGE. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. Everybody is SPLENDO-ing now Do YOU already SPLENDO P Splemdo CIGARETTES. The World's Greatest Value in Turkish Cigarettes. 1 CENT each. Sold everywhere in
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  • 1164 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, AUGUST 31. ON LAND AND SEA. There is a fair amount of war new* to hand and it deal* with stirring incident* on land and sea. The item which appears to us to have the greatest significance, however, is a statement from Antwerp that the country
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  • 10 8 Tbe police at Klang are now armed when on dnty.
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  • 7 8 Many Ceylon residents are stranded in Switzerland.
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  • 16 8 Up to August 18, 110 German and Austrian vessels had been entered on Lloyd's capture books.
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  • 29 8 A smart piece of work is reported from l'erira, where a subaltern of a small Indian detachment baa captured two German ships which have since been interned at Aden.
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  • 31 8 An Alsatian merchant at Saigon, on the occasion of the entry of tho French troops into Mulhouse, offered free beer to the public for two horns' in throe of his establishments.
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  • 30 8 The authorities are killing all pigeons belonging to alien enemies in England. It is believed tbat the Germans have for years been training pigeons to fly across the North Sea.
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  • 32 8 On tbe Padang, on Saturday, Mr. Owen Hughes' eleven scored a narrow victory over Mr. Cantrell's eleven, the total of 109 put-up by tbe latter team being exceeded by three runs only.
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  • 44 8 We are informed that the extraor Unary general meetings of the Bukit Katil, Punggor, and Bukit Jclotong Rubber Estates, fixed for Friday last, have been adjourned to Friday next, September 4, at 2 p.m., 280 p.m. and 8 p.m., respectively, at 80, Riverside, Malacca.
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  • 43 8 A Japanese official despatch, dated Tientsin, August 5, says Four field guns, ammunition and other war supplies loaded in two freight cars which bad been sent from Peking to Tsi.igtau were seized by the French guards stationed at the railway station here to-day.
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  • 43 8 An officer whose wedding at Dover was to have been a pioturtsque military display received sudden orders to rejoin his regiment at Colchester. The ceremony, therefore, took place early in the morning in simple form, and the bridegroom immediately left for his regiment.
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  • 56 8 It is stated in Ipoh that the prices of all drugs will be increased in view of a shortage, and that quinine, disinfectants, antiseptics, and glycerine cannot be exported, as Germany is said to manufacture 90 per cent, of the world's quinine, and unless it can be supplied from Java
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  • 50 8 Members of tbe Church Workers' Association are asked to note the following alterations of date and place in tho meetings. The quarterly meeting will be held to-morrow at 10.80 a.m., at the G.F.S. Rooms. The monthly meeting will beheld on Wednesday, September 9, at 4.50 p.m., at the Bishop's Lodge.
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  • 57 8 The revenue derived by ihe Kedah Government from the export duty upon poultry and eggs amounted to 915,849 in 1913. It is collected at the rate of one cent per fowl, and 10 cents per 100 efsgs, and works out roughly at 'J$ per cent, ad valorem. It therefore represents
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  • 62 8 The Grand Duke Nicholas, in an appeal to the Russian inhabitants of Galicia, says, Rise, fraternal Galician Russia, who ha* snffored so much, and meet the Russian army, for you and your brethren will be delivered and room will bo found for you in tbe bosom of Mother Russia. Raise
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  • 65 8 The Prince of Wales Fund, it is announced at Simla, is to provide in Great Britain alone relief of distress of all kinds resulting from the war. It is not confined to naval ai.d military services, though thene naturally occupy a prominent place, but embraces all rlss»n* of persons in
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  • 64 8 Ordinance No. X of 1909 of the Straits Settlements authorises the reception and detention in this Colony of prisoners from a Protected Malay State on request made by such State. There ia at present no power to transfer prisoners from the F.M.S. to the Colony, and a* it occasionally becomes
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  • 67 8 The Siam Observer, of August 21, prints the following London wire despatched the day previous:— The British fleet is still playing a waiting game, aud the great naval battle has not yet been fought. There have been some minor incidents, but tbe German high seas fleet ban so far not
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  • 67 8 Archduke Frederick, Commander-inChief of the Aaatro-Hung&rian troops against Servia, was born in 1856. Till the death of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, he wab gener alisbimo of the reserve*. He is a popular prince, and his serious devotion to his military duties and his exemplary family life has won him universal esteem.
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  • 73 8 A Time* of Ceylon special cablegram says I A New York syndicate proposes to purchase eighteen of the largest North- German Lloyd and Hamburg America vessels now held in New York and run tb»m under the American flag. Grouse shooting has been abandoned and east coast resorts desertod owing to
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  • 81 8 The former N.D.L. steamer Sandakau arrived from Labuan about 6 p.m., on Saturday, in command of Capt. Campbell. She bad been flying the blue ensign and her funnel which was yellow when she leit Singapore, was painted black, the name and port of registry on the stern were obliterated, while
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  • 380 8 It is utiuerstood that Commander C. N Radcliffe, XX, the Master Attendant, ii returning to Singapore. Mr. T. Ryott, of Messrs. Allen and Oledhill, has left Malacca on long leave. Mr. F. Salzmann returns to Malacca in his place. Mr. and Mri>. Seah Peck Seah will hold
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  • 145 8 The total shipping entering Tsingtau in 1918 amounted to 939 steamers with a tonnage of 1,323,247 tons, as against 779 steamers and 1,201 ,388 tons in the previous year. The German flag headed the list, with the Japanese and British taking second and third place; as regards
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  • 171 8 The funeral has taken place at Windsor Cemetery of Mrs. Elizabeth Muter, widow of Colonel Danbar Douglas Muter, Military Knight of Windsor. Mrs. Muter waa 87 years of age, and had had a very advonturous life. After her marriage with Colonel Muter in September, 1854, she
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  • 262 8 Id the British Consular Report on tlia trade of Canton dariDg 1913, just isHiied, it ia recorded, among the principal native products, tbat 14,2OScwt. of human hair were exported last year, as against ll,6locwt. in 11*1 i. la the corrunpouUent report for TdiL^uiu (from which
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 175 8 CLYSMA CIGARETTES. NOTICE. For the greater convenience of our Customers, Credit Accounts will be re-opened as from September 1. on condition that all outstanding Bills to June 30 are paid. Thereafter, t?rms will be Cash monthly. Prices in our Provision Catalogue, which was compiled before the War, will be maintained
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    • 104 8 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH THEATRF. (EACH MAP. 2nd Show 9.1S p.m. Ist Show 780 DETECTIVE Wm. J. BURNS and his exposure of tha land swindler* In 3 Parts. The Famous English Novel HARD GASH In 2 Parts. Telephone 249—10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 089 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. C. J.
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    • 11 8 Latent advertisements of the day appear on page 6 and 11.
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  • 1866 9 Naval Victory. BRITISH SUCCESS NEAR HELIGOLAND. Fife German Warships Sunk. RacTss't Tblboeam. London, August 28. Tbe British fleet near Heligoland sank three German oraiseri and two destroyers. No British vowels were sank. The Press Bureau says To-day conoerted operations of some oonsequenoe were attempted against the Oermans in
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  • 172 9 Paris, August 28, We aro indebted to the courtesy of tbe French Consul, Comte de Bondy, for tbe following telegram Tbe French garrison of Longwy, which did not consist of more than one battalion, surrendered, after a bombardment, which lasted 24 days. Tbe Governor was promoted to
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  • 885 9 The Coin and Mainz are protected oruisers of 4280 tons, 27 knots, launohed in 1009, each armed with twelve 4-inch guns. Amethyst, light cruiser, of 3,000 tons, 22 knots, eleven years old. Armed with twelve 4 inch guns. Laertes, destroyer, 39 knots, built 1918. Somme is a
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  • 30 9 (From Ocr Own Corrrspondbnt.) London, August 80. Sangei Way pays an interim dividend of t'fo shillings. Rubber is firm first latex is quoted at 2/- per lb.
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  • 105 9 (Fbom Ocr Own CoßßrsposDiNT.) Penang, August 29. The following resolution was passed at an extraordinary general meeting of the Malay Peninsula Agricultural Association to-day That on next pay day the coolies be paid parts of tbe outstanding* duo to them to tiie end of the period which tho
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  • 66 9 (From Our Own Cobrispondint.) Ipoh, August 29. The death has occurred at Taiping hospital of Mr. C. S. Wood, manager of Sungei Siput Rubber Plantations, from Bright's disease. He was 80 years of age, and prior to coming to the F.M.S. had been for
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  • 28 9 (From Oca Own Correspondent.) Ipob, August 80. Perak Club, Taiping, has voted a hundred guineaa towards tbe Prinoe of Wales's National Relief Fund.
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  • 124 9 It is not certain that the outward mail steamera will be despatched at very regular intervals from home. Sorting, too, will no longer be done on board bat will be effected after the arrival of Uw> mail steamer at Bombay. The mails despatched on Augtut 7, aud
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  • 1740 9 SELECTIONS FROM RANGOON.' CONTEMPORARIES. Landing of The British. The following cables have been published in Rangoon papers to band this morning London, August 17. While military experts utter warnings against the unhesitating acceptance of stories regarding insufficient Gorman food supplies, they point out that the supplies are
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 202 10 Programme of the Shanghai Meet In October. Following in the programme of events of tli 1 .ii La-tern chain, <ionsh:|> y-iiues and >>l>tn int malioOHl game* tobc I»'M im Shun ■saJ in Hi 'her. T.,is i- the wv nil Olympiad heM in ti' i- connection, the previous
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  • 70 10 Hans Schmidt, the Roman Catholic priest I iii'l r in Aiueri ■•>. la-t rammir, of hi* servant, Anna Aumuller WBoae dismembered body was tl* ivertxi in ■v UiTir, Las app>al>d I r a MM trial m the MSMi that the g rl was not ■■4nil. but dud attar au operation.
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  • 135 10 Plan of the Great Battlefield. (Cross lines within the plan are those of longitude Dotted line shows French Frontier.) The line of the great battle on Sunday, was from Mons to the Vicinity of Namur. The French had left their defensive positions on the frontier to
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  • 1319 10 The Examination of Shipping In Port. The following notification was published in a Government Gazette Extraordinary, on Saturday The following traffic regulations are issued iu pla.:u of those issund as Notification No. 9^8 in the Gazette Extraordinary of August 2, 1911, which are hereby rescinded as from this
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  • 269 10 The BiTßau of Insular Affairs, Washington, announces that while there ar 200,000,000,000 board feet of merchantable lumber standing on the 60,000 square miles of Philippine public forests, in 1913 there were milled the small total of 8J,000,0 0 feet, of which less than one-eighth was exported. Major
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  • 35 10 A meeting of cotton merchants and cultivators has been htld at the minihtry of agriculture at Cairo to ditcuss the question of financing the cotton crop. No scheme was determined upon and the meeting adjourned.
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  • 466 10 Worst Conditions for Thirty Years. j Mr. W. G. Max Mnller, British Consul General at Budapest, in a review of the cou- dition of Hungary, says that 1913 was, from economic point of view, the worst which Hungary has experienced for the past 30 years. Everything suffered
    466 words
  • 85 10 Happiness dtpenis half on what we do and half on what we don't. The various commacdom-io chief of the British, German and French force* are all deecribod as middle aged," yet moat of them are over 00, thus British Lord Kitchener, 64 Field Marshal Sir J. U. French, 64 j
    85 words
  • 668 10 June 27.— A ssassination of Archdnk Franz Ferdinand and bis consort at Serajevo in Bosnia. July 25. Austrian ultimatum to Servia expires. July 28.— Austria declares war on Servia on the ground of complicity in the Serajevo assassinations. Russia mobilising for war with Austria. British fleet
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  • 124 10 Folks who find so much fault should try and lose a little now and then. It is notified that the steamers of the Rotterdam Lloyd (the Royal N. tin rlands mail) will henceforth be maintained regularly, both homeward and outward, and that commencing with the Ophir in November next the
    124 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 400 11 [The Straits Timta ia not responsill. (or the opinions ol its correspondents] To the Editor of the Straits Timer. Sir. There are, as you may have heard, many tumours current in Singapore to the (fleet that some nruis have in comtempla ion the reduction in Uic number
      400 words
  • 416 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l have followed with interest the discus ions ni your paper ax to tbe reasons for ami m. iiust Malaya not despatching a contin|.< nt. You liavu :<tated a tuain reason which I think > a 1 1 liv.l It
    416 words
  • 142 11 The il im-toni' report in respect of the financial year < bdinK March 81, 1914, presented at the sixteenth annual meeting held at the bead office of the company at Shanghai, on July 29, stated that new applications reoeived daring the year amounted to 10.975,981.60,
    142 words
  • 724 11 Prices Quoted In the Market This Morning. Singapore, Ang. 1, 1914. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this mommy The quotations are only nominal. [London Stock Exchange Closed.] Nom. Valui Botiu. Siliiu. 2/ Allagar 1 H 1/11 t 1
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 46 11 The Man Who Gets There Is tbe mau who has blood real rich red blood and plenty of it— in bis body. WATERBURYB METABOLIZED COO LIVER OIL COMPOUND makes blood— lota of it -life giving, brain nouriabing, strer^th repleniithing blood. OF ALt. CHEMISTS. and S>a.
      46 words
    • 59 11 We are prood of our national antht m, If just voices oar prid-f without brag, Of love we ye no lack for the Uoion Jack, Bat we need a real national flag. SoiuekhiuK purely our own and Australian, To uofurl without fliuntinv, be sure To guard and uphold oar wbool
      59 words
    • 378 11 TMI PIANO /solid\ TEAK y Voase/ "MOUTRIE" Call and lnspaot our latest arrivals or so.ia for onalogue. S. MOUTRIE m., LTD., tZZT PALLADIUM ORCHARD ROAD ORCHARD ROAD t« BINGAPOREB PREMIER THEATRE. TO-NIGHT! Cownwsclßj st 9 p.m. ghsrp. TO-NIGHT tiil^JiJh^ 6 ISh I* UBe H y B eric or "onba'me Advertisement*.
      378 words
    • 223 11 R i^^l\ F A f^H^^^Mi lW Prices and particulars on application to DUPIRE BROS., SING A. PORE, Sole Agents for the Straits and Federated Mjlay States. RAFFLES HOTEL. Buy your Bread and Cakes Fran the Raffles Bakery, which is entirely under the Supervision of a skilled European Confectioner. Retail Depot
      223 words

  • 3785 12 THE SITUATION AND COURSE OF ACTION. Donation to Prince of Wales's Fund. An important meeting of the Johore Planters' Association was held yesterday at the Johore Hotel. There was a large attendance, which included the Hon. D. G Campbell, C M <■ the General Adviser, who was present
    3,785 words
  • 826 12 Public and the Administration Of Anaesthetics. One of the last acts of the Council of the British Association, before the members sailed for Australia to attend the annual meetings of the Association, states The Times, was to take in hand once again a question which it has of
    826 words
  • 1318 12 An F.MS, correspondent writes:— The war which has burst 30 ajH v the world has brought as facu to due with many little problems, which, although the situation has been admirably dealt with by the administration of this country and that of the Straits Settlements, caused
    1,318 words
  • 641 12 Forthcoming Arrivals and Departures. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London an 1 China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intendiug passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in
    641 words
  • 344 12 How Guildhall Protects Gullible Americans. American visitors who want to avoid buying spurious antiques should go to the Guildhall Museum, whirh Iris just compl.toi its re arrangement. Stories are told by the officials of the mum urn about Amt ricans who come with relics nf old L/mdon in
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 828 13 STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR Co., Ltd., Singapore. Royal Enfield Cycles, Complete $45. Above, as supplied to British Government. also HAMILTON CYCLES complete $30. SANS PAREIL CYCLES complete $35. LARGE STOCKS. IN WEAKNESS, NEURASTHENIA CONSUMPTION 1 9% a chlorosis mex^Awk H9& i l^*™ Deschiens All doctors agree that this vital Iron of
      828 words
    • 234 13 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore Messrs John Little Co., Ltd. Mt* -r Kelly and Waleb, Ltd Money Changer, Raffles Hotel. Money Changer, Adelpln Hotel. Money Changer, Hotel do l'Surope Money Changer, Hotel van Wijk. Messrs. Koh Co., Bras Basah Road Tbe Refreshment Buffet
      234 words
    • 365 13 1 I I§M ff Jf^^ I»UWI«md mm H.lf a Ctntury. /vV\\\\ v \\in//f\ James M i t on <'/**> »^^Si \*io*\ *tMl!c»l lurvaying Imtrumentt •'•'l d»«crlption» dipt In stock. /-i"— *rt»^ 2 w toh Clocll SBd ChronomeUr /"ty^. Maker* and Jcwallcrt. fc3 *^*^^^^^^*A Cittifled Compas s At ju'ti-is to ■'^••"•asßfciio
      365 words
    • 72 13 PRATTS Motor Car Spirits the STANDARD of QUALITY and EFFICIENCY. SOLD ONLY IN TWO IMPERIAL GALLON TINS A Everything Fresh and Dainty. For Silks, Curios, Gold and Silver Jewellery, Etc., Etc., PLEASE CALL AT K.A.J.CHOTIRMALL&GO.. 51-52 High Street, Singapore. Should You Require JAPANESE CHINESE SILKS in various qualities and colours
      72 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1230 14 ONLY OOMPUY. lAR6EBT PAID-UP CAPITAL OF AMY EAST£BI COMPAHL PROBPBROUI and PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN UFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEtOOFHCI. Wi^oh— ts> HOMSS, Bh.«— sre LOMOOM OFFtOB i SS. OM rswry, K.O. Th. Ompaay has £20.000 deposits, with the ■s > na>i Oosjr* si Bs«laad. aad co-plies with the British
      1,230 words
    • 467 14 BANKING. DEUTBCH-ABIATIBCHE BANK. FULLY PAID UP CAPITAL (Sh. Taala 7,SOO,OOO). Head Office Shangbai. Board ot Directors Berlin. BRANCHES Berlin, Calcutta, Hamburg, Csbton, Hankow, Hongkong, Kobe, Peking, Tientsin, Tsinanfa, Tsingtsu, Yokohama, THE FOLLOWING BANKS ANO BANKERS ARE REPRESENTED ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Bank fuer Handel und Industrie.' Berliner Hsndels-Gesellschaft. S.
      467 words
    • 558 14 BALEB BY AUCTION. AUCTION BALES 0! VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; TWO ENGLISH BILLIARD TABLES; THREE COTTAGE PIANOS; PLANTS, Etc., To be held at THE OFFICERS 1 MESS and SERGE MESS, TANGLIN BARRACKS, On Monday, August SI, at 3.30 p.m. One foil siscd Bi liard Table by Burronßhcs and WatU one faU-rsed
      558 words

  • 851 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Standard of Comfort. There was a time, writes WilfreJ Gordon Aston in The World, when cars were bought because they were merely novelties, and to have one was to stamp oneself out of the ordinary." Later one oar was bought
    851 words
  • 138 15 Any Cord In a certain Dissenting chapel in Glasgow the Minister is a keen politician on the Libe r*l aide and in his congregation is an old man who is as staunch a Unionist. Od t renent Sunday, says a correspondent in the I'*ll Mall Magazine, the Minister in his
    138 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 128 15 FOR MOTOR LAUNCHES OR MOTOR CARS OR ELECTRIC LIGHTING APPLY TO CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, LIMITED, SIGAPORE, K. Lumpur and at Johore Bahru. THE FOUR Electric Starter, Electric LighU, Five Passengers, Complete Equipment. Price $2,400. WEARNE BROS., LTD. PHOTOGRAPHIC STORE STUDIO. Amateurs' Work, Developing, Printing and Enlarging. KONG HINGCHEON6& COMPANY. Ad*lpr>l
      128 words
    • 104 15 Tfc« DBAS Or fH"f!t I- I I waa •lava* barcaW .iiarlaaa. mmift to (mt tor I«a»lf-S»a yaara' I •oak Lxin.i mMm wklak n mM —mj at alaSntloa I waa and aoaaakrtatj. aad afaar ala* 7~" trial I aaa afllrai ikal tkar an a Hi I. at mflc aad aa laao—t
      104 words
    • 73 15 Teething Children. Teething children have more or leas diarrhoea, which can be controlled by giving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and I>iarrboea Remedy. All that is necessary is to give the prescribed dose alter each operation of the bowels more than natural and then oaator oil to cleanse the system. It is
      73 words
      232 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 378 16 ASBESTO SHEETS and SLATES THE BEST MATERIAL FOR LIGHT and CHEAP CEILINGS, PARTITIONS. WALLS, NON NON Conductors POROUS. ROOFS. OF HEAT. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD., SINGAPORE:. WANTS. CONFECTIONER WANTED Wanted, a European Qualified Confectioner. Apply Box No. 775, Straits Times. z4-8 o TURNOUT WANTED. Wanted immediately, a small victoria and
      378 words
    • 378 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. TO BE LET No 40, Anson Road, a very good and sub stantial Godown. Immediate entry. Apply to Nathan Son, 18, Change Alley. 148 v TO BE LET. A large and airy Office at No. 6, Malacca Street, upstairs. Entry Ist August, 1914. Apply to
      378 words
    • 485 16 Tl BE LET 80LD TOUT. No. 188, Amoy Street. Apply M. OnstoD, 8, Prinoe Street. ?9 8 u_ FURNISHED SEABIDE REBIDENCEB TO LET. BELINDA and JC ANITA, to let furnisbsd. Apply No. 0, Mt. Sophia. 15 v FLOOR TO LET To let, 2nd Floor, No. 8, Malacca Street. Immediate entry.
      485 words
    • 468 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT A CO. 108 ft 109. Market Street. Telephone «o 421. Shipcbandlers. Government and Municipal Contractors, Estate Suppliers and Commission Agents. Soli Aobnts The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd. Best Multiplar Biatd Hair Beltings. code: flags of all sizes ready In stock. Prioes reasonable. 1-7 80-8-16 FLAGS OF INTERNATIONAL
      468 words
    • 447 16 NOTICEB. GUAN KIAT CO.. 37. Phillip Street. Ship Chandler*, Government and Municipal Contractors, General Importer! and boaitart and Commmlon (gents, Estate, Moa-Mill and Saw Mill Suppliers. Sole Agents Fob "GLOBE" BOILER FLUID. THE IDEAL FLUID FOR CLEANING AND PRESERVING BOILERS. Ttl. Addrew GOANKUT," Singapore. Codes used A. B. C. sth
      447 words
    • 417 16 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURES Straits Times List. The following fixtures tor the ourrent net fc and important f ortlieoming fixtures are kindl; supplied by the secretaries of the various olubn. Convenient forms on which to makf tho returns will be supplied on application'tr the Manauur, Straits Times. Singapore Polo Club. Practice
      417 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 221 16 Straits V)imes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Miscellaneous wants of every description are inserted at tte prepaid rate of tl per font lines for one or two insertions. Notices ot Births, Marriages, or Deaths, it not exceeding four lines, tl each inser ion. For p.p.c. cards, on page 8, $2. Inch Scalm Rates are
      221 words