The Straits Times, 25 July 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.551 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. JULY 25. 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 189 1 mITI" BEER. INDIAN MOTOR CYCLES 3J H.P. Single Cyl. Free Engine Model $450. 7 H.P. Twin Cyl. do. do. do 525. 7 H.P. Twin Cyl. do. do. 2-speed with, Electric Head Light, Electric Tail Light, Electric Horn and Speedometer 650. 7 H.P. Twin Cyl. with above Electrical Equipment, and Electric
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    • 209 1 Bartlett Bickley's FAMOUS FineslTurkish JS^^9 CIGARETTES, ||^KW^Wifflfflij^^^| TURKISH AMD VIRGINIAN, Bartlett &Bickley, 90 ot j lb Tin 17. 8r00k St, Bond St,w. IMPERIAL SERVICE -BMOK.NG MIXTURE iMP.R.AL SERVICE .MP.R.AL SERVICE VIRGINIA CIGARETTES TURKISH CIGARETTES. (Medium) In Tius of 50 So. B.W 88 ots. per Tin. Packed in lb. Tin. 88
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  • 839 2 THE ALLEGED ARREST OF LORD BRASSEY. Special Interview. The Kiel correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, wiring on Jane 26, states Much amusement was caused in Kiel to-day by the report telegraphed from London that Lord Brassey had been arrested here yesterday as a spy. I heard the rumour
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  • 219 2 Hongkong Dock Companies In Competition. According to Manila papers to hand, bids for general repairs to the cableahip Ri/.al were openc at the custom boose, Manila, on the 10th inst. There were only two bidders, both Hongkong concerns. The bids were considered high by Collector Herstein and will
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  • 7 2 A really good wine needs do posh.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 129 2 Study your Complexion Mtr if you have a beautiful Vn^v skin and complexion preserve them with Jb\ iff "'Hazeline' Snow" 1 I (TrUt Mark) Ml Vu\ II charm away roughnest, tenderness, 1 Si Vq\ sunburn, greasiness, eruptions /^^BS^B^ U'/Jjf YsV\\ an< tlie disfiguring effects of all fs^*O^^^£'fif/ prevent wrinkles and
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    • 12 2 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night, Wood. Qrtta Peppermint Cora Is M.
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    • 586 2 Nervousness Anaemia. Indigestion, and Awful Nervous Terrors cared by Dr. Cassell's Tablets. Mrs. Florenoe Higps, of 97, Gordonroad, Peckham, London, S.E., s»ys:— "I owe my life to Dr. Caeeell's Tablets. I was so weak I cannot describe keep jumping till r~^^BSljfll' self to eat, and fell away to a white
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    • 267 2 RUBBER ESTATE FOR SALE. The Selama Rubber Co.s BATU LINTANG ESTATE. This Estate is situated at Selama. Kedah, on the left bank of the Ktian River and r^nTal^/l'l'S *R7£lTm- 5M CrtB he "\r der BURAT PUTUrthe a 6n r n":.l rental Demi; si,i «.50. At least 'i,<to acres aro Bailable
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  • 559 3 CONTROL OF FOREIGN POLICY BY THE DOMINIONS. Share in the Defence. A brilliant company gathered at the Con naught Rooms on June 28 for a dinner given by Capt. and Mrs. John P. Boyd Carpenter to the High Commissioners and representatives of the Oversea Dominions. The function was
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  • 221 3 At a meeting of the Royal Geographical Society, Capt. F. M. Bailey (gave an interesting account of his exploration of the Taang po or Upper Brahmaputra, completing that section of the work by the Abor expedition. Inexploring the Yongyap, 13,0*20 ft. above sea level, five of the party
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  • 185 3 Jerusalem is a city unique, inaamnoh aa it hat* been destroyed over and over again. It is a city which has now a clear record of 4,000 years," said Colonel Sir Charles M. Watson at a meeting of the Victoria Institute, over which the Earl of Halsbury presided.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 244 3 I RANEEQUNOB GLAZED STONEWARE. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZES STOCKID. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LO. IBBIIIHBBIHBBIBBBBBBBBIBBBBBIBBBBMBHHiBaiIIBHiIIIIBBBBBiBIBBBBj tfftyders Famous English Seeds.^\ M HYOEK SON, the great English Seed Specialists, can supply VA 1 1 your evtiv need wilh seeds which are carelullv selected Irom V"i ju scientifically produced seed harvests. All seeds
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    • 68 3 Can you Afford the Risk Were you ever seized with a severe attack of cramp colic or diarrhoea without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the bouse 1 Don't take such riaka. A doae or two will cure you before a doctor could possibly he called,
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    • 424 3 FREE TO ALL who are tortured and disfigured by eczemas, rashes, itchings and irritations of the skin and scalp are liberal samples of Cuticura Soap and Ointment Warm baths with the Soap and light applications of the Ointment afford immediate relief, permit rest and sleep in most cases, and promote
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 648 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANG, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, EGYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. PLY MOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gait, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about— MAIL LINES Homeward (for Europe). From Singapore
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    • 564 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HY.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly servioe is maintained be tween Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. Tbe New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and contracted, and aie fitted with
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    • 807 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang. Beqerak, Kretay, Paka, Tringganu, Bisnt, Sei-erak, Bacbok, Kelantan. Tabai, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laoou, Kobsamai, Bandon, Langsaea, 'i'aku, Cbampon, KohLak and Bangkok. Out Oepartur* a.s. BORIBAT July OS s.s. MAHIDOL July 97 July 29 RED ANG July 90
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    • 543 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AND OEUTBCH DAMPFSCHIFF FAHRTSGEB. HANSA BREMEN. Combined Servioe. The steamers of tb* so Companies maintain a regular servioe between Elaoibarg, Bremen Antwerp, Rotterdam and Emdea an i the Straits, China and Japan. Homnwards, they are despatched tort nightly for Havre and Hamburg and ono
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    • 630 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. NORDDEUTBCHER LLOYD. BREMEN IMPERIAL 6ERMAN MAIL LINE. The last aod well-known mail steamers at this Company sail fortnightly (rom Bromm Hamburg, Lisbon, via Rotterdam Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (oon neciing Marseilles, Naples, Aiexaudha, and vice versa) Port Saia, bues, Aden, Colombo, Penang Singapore Hongkong,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 682 5 "•JE** ATZY TYRES. Hooglandt «Sc Co.» Singapore. STEAMER SAILINGS. TOYOIISEN KAISHA lOriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tbe New Route vis China. Japan, Honolulu, and San Franoisoo, to all points in the United States, Canada, Mexico acd Europe Operating the New 32.000-ton Triple Screw Turbine Liners "SHINYO MARU,"
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    • 434 5 STEAMIER SAILINGS. COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN 8. S. CO.. LTD.. THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD. BKTWEBN Fremant le (Perth), North West Australian Ports, Java and Singapore. Regular Fortnightly Baitings betwtoD Singapore and Western AtH-tr.lia, calling at Java (an inducement offers), Derby, King'ti Sound (Port for the Kimber
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    • 471 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAY. CO.. LO. APCAR LINE OF STEAMERS. The undermentioned mail steamers ot tbe above Line mantain a regular service between Caloott* and Japan, calling at Penang, Singapore. Hongkong and Shanghai en route. FLEET. Tons Commander. Takada 0 949 O. M Robins. Japan 8.018 C. P.
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    • 215 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. SEANG LINE OF STEAMERS •J. Ulocogl« 8 760 Tons. S.S. Seang B-t- 6.79U Tins M. Sesrg Cb' on 6,' 76 Tonn FOR HONGKONG. AMOV AND SWATOW bj. SSANO BEB, on Joiy V 5 1914 FOR PENANG AND RANGOON a.s. SBANO CHOON. ou July 28 1911 s.«. OLBNOOLB. on
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    • 397 5 Royal Vinolia Cream Soap. Royal Vinolia Cream Soap is specially adapted to meet the requirements of the daintiest toilet, while for daily use in the nursery it is unsurpassed. The care bestowed on the selection of materials and manufacture of this charming soap ensures its absolute purity. It is indeed
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 395 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS THE CELEBRATED BIRCH CARRIA6FB. HARNESSES AND JINRIKISHAS are produced uilb all the requirements ol ihe different cuntrira and co'onif-s from specificatioQ.-< and data s< cured by my own repretcntatives, who Lave visited the pricc'p%l points in the m my countries to study the f-t> 1. s and characteristic"
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    • 113 6 (Late of Robinson Piano Co.). TUNBR, REPAIRER ai>d REGLLATUIt TUNING $4.00 CASH. Yearly cabscribers taken on low r.te-. Charges for .eftirH mt d. rate. Workmanship guaranteed. Free advice given to intr ndiog boy; r« of new or second hand pianos. Estimate) fer n p»irs ruad-'. Trial order to'io ted. SAILORS'
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  • 166 7 FIXTURES. Saturday, July 25. High Water. 0.2 S p.m., 11.46 p.m. Bandmann's, Girl in the Taxi. Sunday, July 26. High Water, 0 54 p.m. Monday, July 27. High Water. fcM a.m.. 1 M p.m. N. l> U h'>Mi.'\v;ip| until due. Ban lin inn*, St.^p this Way. Tuesday,
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  • 223 7 Today. Medan Medusa 8 pm Tebing Tinggi, Bengkalis and Bagan Meran 8 pm Miri. Labuan, Jessclton, Kudat, Sandakan, etc. Marndu 8 pm Malacca, P. Swettenham and Penang Finta 8 pm Hongkong, A.uoy and Swatow Hong Wan I Bpm Hongkong, Amoy and Swatow Keang Bee Bpm Batu Pahat
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  • 224 7 The Imp. German mail steamer Kleist left Hongkong at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, July 22, and may be expected to arrive here at B p.m. on Sunday July 28. She will most probably be despatched for Europe at S p.m. on Monday, July 27. The P. aud
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  • 535 7 Latest \rrivals. (Joior, Ocr. Gunboat I*Bo tons 170 crew H yunH JBOO h.p. C\>m. (irasshop, July 25. Fn.iu Sab»n«, July 21. For BaUvia, Aug Rds. Altair, dor. str. 1978 tons, (.'apt Jorgcnscr, July 2i. From Yokohama, Juue t* Ci.r. *nd p. B. Meyer A (Jo. For Hamburg, July
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  • 92 7 Arrivals. Per str. Kaka, July 25.— From Malacca: Mr. L. Lithi'v. Per str. Chiengmai, July 25. From Bangkok: Messrj. Stomhjrst, Brown and Roegg. Por str. Altiir, July 23.— From Yokohama Mr. E. Faholander. IVr I>. and O. str. Delta, July 24.— From London Mr. G. Graham, Mr.
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  • 288 7 eXCHANOB BiMQAfOM .Illy 2F, 1814. On Londoii Ban* 4 m/» m 2,4* Demand M J,B'i Private 6 m/« 8/4} 9 m/» Oa Oium. ...Bank d/d 288 I Private 8 m/ 8 M'l\ On ?uici Bank d/d M 2VB J Private 8 m/s m 297^ Os iNDii. B»Dk
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    • 190 7 Valued BnyßW 10 10 Ampang 7.60 1 1 Ayer Wong 0.20 10 10 Belat 1.75 10 10 Bruang 0.75 10 10 KampM 10 10 Kanaboi 1.00 10 10 Kinta Association 8.00 £1 £1 KinUTin 1.1i1.6 £1 Laliat Mine* 4.(0 10 0 Malayan Collieries £1 £1 Malayan Tiaa 1.19.8 10
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    • 663 7 RUB BER. {f? 6 1 Buyers. Sellers. Value (2 3/- 3/- Alla«»i 1/5 1/9 41 £1 Anglo Java 2,9 8/7 3/- 3/- Anglo-Malay 8/- 8,9 3/- 3/- B»tane Malaka -/8 ,11 £1 41 Batu Tig* 1.16.3 '2.1.0 norn 2/- 2/- Bekoh -/7 £1 1 Bukit Kajang 1.7.14 1.10 4 £1
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    • 123 7 41 41 B. BmeltiM Co. 12/- 18/0 41 41 Prel. ).1.0 1.8.Q 5/- 6/- Electric T'way* 4/- 4.0 10 10 Fraaer ft New 66.00 69.00 60 60 Hammer A Co. 100.00 1(8.50 100 Howarth Krakine 45X0 100 7%Pref. 100.00 100 100 K*U Bro, Dei. ICO.OO 126.00 10 10 MjtTnaid
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 50 7 Operations Averted. Do you know that a ver large per cent of ft***" o< appendicitis are only an ktioa of the bowel* brought on by eoastipatioa Chamberlain's Tablets ear* co— tips tins) even after it becomes chronic. <iive them a trial, for sale by all Dupeasa x lea and Dealers.
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    • 122 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. July 27. At saleroom, teak touaebold furniture, etc .at 11. July m— At No. 8, Mt Elizabeth Road, off Orchard Road, wax polished teak household furniture, etc., at 4. August 11. At saleroom, British Iron Screw steamer Golden Crown," at 2.80. August 11. At saleroom,
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 46 7 Time-balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p.m., fliagapnM standard tine, corresponding to 0 a.m. 9mmmUk mmm Urn ti.,- ttaoaaa v ftxed at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore itMißjl tin. „v MM U. ix-.-ptiug Sunday when it is ur«\l ai one o'clock.
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    • 96 7 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kirbau Hospital, July 22. 0 a.m. 8 p.m. 8 p.m. Bared. 82 Fah 29.878 29.418 29.840 Temp. 84.0 81.0 82 0 Wet Bulb Ther 78.0 79.0 77.4 Dir. of Wind SE SE calm Max. shale Temp. 83.4 Mm 79.0 Max. in San 144.8 Te rad. Th.r 78.0
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  • 1140 8 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, JULY 25. FUTURE OF JOHORE. We have published daring the last few days several extremely interesting extracts from "Jobore in 1913," the annual report of the British Adviser, Mr. D. O. Campbell. These reports have been both encouraging and the reverse. Revenue, in spite of a
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  • 24 8 Drafts of the Companies, Life Assurance Companies and Trustee Ordinances, about to be introduced into the Legislative Council, are published in the Government Gazette.
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  • 30 8 The cruiser Urasshof arrived in port from Sahang this morning, *nd exchanged the usual salutes with Fort Canning. She is bound for Batavia, but will remain here until August 8.
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  • 32 8 In accordance with the provisions of The Holidays Ordinance, 1879, Saturday, August 1, and Monday, August 8, will be observed throughout the Colony as a Public Holiday and a Bank Holiday, respectively.
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  • 16 8 The Bishop of Malacca, Monseigneur Bar fiilon, has arrived in Kuala Lumpur for his annual visit.
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  • 34 8 The 2nd Battalion South Wales Borderers, which relieves the K O.Y.L 1., arrive* here from Chingwangtao by the R.I.M.S. Hardinge on November 15, and the K0. Y.L.1, leave for Maymyo on the 18th idem.
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  • 40 8 Among the products from Johore State in 1913 were a small quantity of coffee (660 piculs) and fruit to the value of about 110,000. An occasional export of a small quantity of coarse tea (from Johore Bahru) was also made.
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  • 40 8 On board of the P. and O. steamer Delta bound for Hongkong is Morris Antony Kiley, who is accompanied by Sergt. Clark, of the Hongkong police, and who was recently charged at the Colombo police court with forgery at Hongkong.
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  • 39 8 The police conrt case in which George Edmund Lyons, an engineer, is called upon to answer charges of criminal breach of trust brought against him by Bengalis who had worked under him was adjourned yesterday afternoon until Monday next.
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  • 44 8 When the van Cloon was ashore in the area of the disturbance of the Sumatra earthquake her wireless call for assistance was picked up at a distance of 2,300 miles by the Federal wireless station at Port Darwin. The agents at Melbourne were notified.
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  • 53 8 A ricksha coolie was found in Queen Street lust night with his throat cut. He was taker, to Tan Tock Seng's hospital where he now lies in a serious condition. He refuses to give his name or explain bow he came by his wound, but the opinion is that it
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  • 58 8 In addition to tho 25 per cent, reduction to be allowed government employees and army and navy officers on the Canadian Pacific liners touching at Manila, the company an noQDCOS that a special rate of P37.50 to Hongkong will tike effect for these steamers. This is a reduction of 25
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  • 59 8 A Japanese steamer, the Wakasu Mara, has visited the port of Rotterdam, and this is an occurrence sufficiently rare to call for comment in the Dutch Press. The Gazette de Hollande believes that the visit is in sotaa way connected with the intention of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha eventually to
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  • 50 8 The Rubber Growers' Association Council have appointed a permanent Market Com mittee to deal with all matters in connection with the sale of rubber in London. The committee meets bi weekly after September 1. Hundredweights and quarters, for weighing and recording Plantation rubber weights, have been discontinued, and pounds substituted.
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  • 72 8 Yet another Chinese servant of the Singer Sewing Machine Co. has been brought to court and convicted of criminal breach cf trust The latest culprit to be punished is Ng Yang Seng who, found guilty yesterday by Mr. A. V. Brown, in respect of 146.52, was sentenced to one day's
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  • 71 8 The two Tamils who were arrested after the disturbance at the Alexandra Road incinerator, when rival gangs of Chinese and Tamils came into collision, appeared in the second court this morning. They were charged with rioting and culpable homicide, one Chinese having died from injuries he received in the melee,
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  • 82 8 At the invitation of the Committee of the Singapore Auxiliary Diocesan Association a meeting was held on Ist inst. at the Central Buildings, Westminster. The chair was taken by Sir Walter Napier, D.C.L., and the meeting was addressed by the Key. Frank Swindell, the Colonial Chaplain of the Diocese, who
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  • 85 8 A syce was driving a gharry along Gaylang Road last night when he suddenly found his pony and vehicle in one of the holes which has been made by Municipal coolies in the course of their work. The gharry was damaged and the animal slightly hurt, but neither the driver
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  • 127 8 Alert 11. has been greatly amused by the quaint questions asked at the Rubber Exhibition by ingenuous visitors— chiefly of the fair sex, says the L. and C. Express. Here are a few of the puzzlers What part of the coconut tree do you tap to get rubber Is latex
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  • 130 8 The Ceylon Observer prints the following telegram from Calcutta, dated July 15: Tlie Government of Bombiy liaa ordered the deportation of a foreigner, describing himself M Dr. Joseph De Rola Frank.l, M.l> and !y.K W., of Padua, Capital ne Hon. de Dio Constantine 11., Athens. He passed off as a
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  • 396 8 Mr. K. Apps returned from leave by the P. and O. mail steamer Malwa, which connected at Colombo with the China arriving here yesterday afternoon. The King has been pleased to give directions for the appointment of Mr. Elliot Dunville Hewan to be an unofficial member of
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  • 65 8 Services at the Presbyterian Church, Singapore, will be conducted to morrow by Mr. H. S. Mackenzie, who is already very favourably known as the genial and able secretary of the V.M.C.A. We understand that a vacancy in the Pastorate of the Church is impending, as Mr. Vance, who
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  • 106 8 The popularity among Chinese of the Seang Line of steamers comprising the Seang Uee and Seang Choon, and the Ulenogle, commonly known among the Chinese as the Seang Ann, has induced the owners to make arrangements for putting two more steamers of greater tonnage, on
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  • 149 8 At many places on the Johore State Railway line there is reported to be valuable timber, notably in the Segamat district, and the time appears now to have arrived (reports the Trade Commissioner of the State) when it would be of advantage to the future resources
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  • 196 8 Tbo hearing of the action for Blander arising out of the Australian tour of the late Madame Lilian N'ordica, in which Frederic Sbiptuan, her manager, sued Ernest Komayno Simmons, pianist to the company, for £°J,OOO damages for alleged slander, was concluded on June 22, in the First
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 272 8 BULLOCH LADE'S pi SCOTCH WHISKIES. g Ji^H^^ TRAUC (A 2 MARI I^H^OJ V-!3r~*^*' l^^^i Commonly known as: |HlmTH| WHISKIES. |ta|iMsH they are the acme of ipBgBI 0 PERFECTION QUALITY. VHP Sole Agents: GALDBEGK, MAGGREGOR CO., Wholesale and Retail Wine and Spirit Merchants. SNOWDON DISINFECTANT XHE GERM KILLER. SNOWDON FLUID is
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    • 114 8 ALHAMBRA CIMIUTOfiRIM THCaTH, lUCH ROM. 2nd Show o.l* p.m. Ist Show 780p m. WHERE COLETTI P DETECTIVE COMEDY DRAMA In 6 Pants. Telephone 249—10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 639 7 p.m. to il p.m. C. J. WILLIAMSON. Manager. BRINSMEAD. BRITAIN'S BEST. Brinemead's latest overstrung model. The New "STYLE HIT." Brilliant
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    • 11 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 6 and 11.
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  • 263 9 Statement In House Of Commons GRAVE POSITION OF THE IRISH QUESTION. Recter's Telegram. London, July 24. The papers are pessimistic over the conference and believe failure will be announced to-day. There were many informal oonferenoes of the leaders yesterday evening. The Daily Mail says Colonel Morris paraded
    Reuter  -  263 words
  • 97 9 Rrctbr's Tbleoram. London, July 24. At Goodwood, Stewards' Cup betting is 10 to 1 against Lord Annandale, *00 to 8 Jameson, Jarnac 11. and Castellan, 20 to 1 Voldy, 25 to 1 By George and Wiss Symon, and 100 to 8 yuantock. Liverpool Cup Result China Cock 1
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  • 26 9 ikk's Telkoram. London, July 24. A Gibraltar message nays Captain White, of tbe Wiltshire*, has been killed by a fall while playing polo.
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  • 30 9 Bkitkr's Telboram. London, Jnly 24. Kent beat Middlesex by an innings and 45 runs. Essex beat Sussex by an innings and 110 Somerset beat Worcester by 72 runs.
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  • 39 9 Recter's Telegram. London, July 24. Replying on the finance debate, Mr. Lloyd George said be believed next year there will be substantial economy in armaments without interfering in tbe slightest with tbe efficiency of the navy.
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  • 26 9 KKl'Tlk's 1 KLKCKAM London. July 24. At Chicago, in the Davis Cup matches. Wilding (Australasia) beat Powell (Canada) 8-1, ft— 2, 6— 2.
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  • 64 9 Recter's Telegram. London, July 24. A St. Petersburg message says the authorities are overcoming the strike. Dee OsTASiATiscaa Lloyd Telboram. Berlin, July 28. Tbe St. Petersburg polios have arrested *k* strike committee. Workmen shouted to the Preach g»*U "Vive la Repobliqoe. Tbe Cnsssoki showed so mercy to
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 142 9 Favourable Result of Interviews. Rbctbr's Tbleoram. London, July 21. President Poincare hasMeft Kronstadt for Stockholm after giving a banquet to the Czar on the battleship France, at which the most cordial toasts were exchanged. Following interviews between MM. Saionoff and Viviani, a joint statement has been issued
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  • 44 9 Malayan Volunteer's Success. Reutrr's Teleuram. London, July 21. At Bisley the King's silver medalist is Private A. G. Fulton, of the Queen's West, minsters with 195. Sergeant Evans, of the Malay States Volunteer Rifles, has won the Elkington aggregate after a tie.
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  • 57 9 Rbctbr's Iblboram. London, July 24. A Durszzo message says the Powers have resolved not to answer the insurgents who have insulted the Prince and threatened to make Durazzo a battlefield. Deb Ostasiatische Lloyd Telegram. Berlin, July 24. The Durazzo envoy has broken off negotiations with the
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  • 96 9 Deb Ostasiatische Lloyd Telkoram. Berlin, July 28. London rumours are current that Sir Arthur Nioolson replaces Sir Francis Bertie as Ambassador in Paris, and that later possibly Sir Arthur Hardinge may go there. The King of Greece on August 2 visits Taunus and Friedrichshof. The Forsayth Company, Hamburg,
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  • 44 9 Quotations Current Yesterday. The Bast Asiatio Company favour as with the following report The market in London yesterday was dull. The dosing prices were I Hard Fine Para Spot 2,11 a Forward 8/11 First latex crepe, delivery next three months 2/l|
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  • 61 9 (From Odr Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 24. New* has been received by cable of tbe death of Mr. George Ritchie at Aberdeen. Deceased went home on holiday about two months ago in good health. He was engaged in several mining enterprises near Baling. He leaves
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  • 183 9 Riotous Scenes on Salisbury Plain. An extraordinary incident marked the annual congregation at Stonehenge, on Sal is bury Plain, on June 21. Tbe historic Drui dical temple is so orientated that tbe fin<t ray of sun on that day strikes the sacrificial •tone upon which in
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  • 646 9 RUSSIAN CABINETS ANXIOUS MEETING. Situation Very Disquieting. Riuteb's Telkgbam. London, July 34. A message from Vienna aUtes that the Austrian note demands publication of the Servian Oovernment's condemnation and regret at the anti- Austrian propaganda, punishment of the offenders, suppression of anti-Austrian teaching in schools, dismissal of
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  • 2126 9 EXCELLENT SHOW MADE BY MALAYA. Fall List of the Awards. The following very interesting article on the London Robber Exhibition, dated London, July 8, has been supplied to the press of Malaya Whatever else may be said about it, no one can say with truth that the
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  • 1858 9 GLORIOUS DAY OF CRICKET AT THE OVAL. Recent Big Boxing Events. (Bt Odb Special Contributor.) London, July 8. Middlesex are still unbeaten, though Suirey gave their supporters at the Oval an ordeal of two and a half days' suspense. Saturday was one of the most glorious days of
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  • 163 10 The advance of New Zealand is shown in the upeecu at the opening of Parliament at Welliogtoa recently, when the Earl of Liver pool (the Governor) declared that the country was prosperous and its trade unexampled. The revenue showed a substantial increase The setUeDMSit of land was
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  • 1358 10 t(FROv A Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 30. Dew abattoirs at the H mile on the new Fettling Koad, which were going to open about April this year, are yet a long way from being finished. The butchers at the Kampnng Attap and Loke Yew roads were, it
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  • 415 10 Changed Conditions Affect Local Sportsmen. Some remark or other to tbe effect that Singapore is no longer the place it used to be may frequently be heard and, whether or not such remarks be true in the main, they most certainly call attention to one condition of
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  • 473 10 Sunday, July 26, 1914. St. Andrrw's Cathedral.— 7th Sunday after Trinity. 7 a m. Holy Communion (Plain). 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral). Introit, 8 (ii) Service, Woodward Hymn at Offertory, 247 Hymn at Communion, 342 Hymn at Ablations, 832 Nanc Dimittis, Barnby. 9.15 a.m. Matins and Litany. First
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  • 416 10 Marriage Market Produced Last Nigbt. The Marriage Market proved to be one of the best of their productions when lsst the Bandmann Opera Company were here and, therefore, it was not surprising to find a decidedly larger audience last nigbt when this piece was presented. The Marriage
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  • 404 10 Stewardess and Malay Seaman Injured. When the Dutch steamer Taxman, bound to Singapore, arrived at tbo Pinkenba wharf, Brisbane, on June 20, she bore evidence of the effect of tbe cyclonic weather that recently prevailed on the coast of New South Wales. The gang way on tbe
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  • 268 10 During the inquiry into the loss of the Empress of Ireland, at Quebec, Mr. Percy Uillhouae of the Fairfield Shipbuilding Company, which constructed the Kmprees of Ireland, said that the hydraulic apparatus for closing the water compartments was invented at a later date than the building
    268 words
  • 488 10 Company Reports, Notices And Dividends. The following information relating to the rubber industry is taken from the London and China Express of July 8 lnterest in the rubber share market has dwindled almost to the irreducible minimum, public interest is at a low ebb, and prices are
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  • 451 10 St. Patrick Sustains Smashed Stem. A large cargo boat with a badly mangled stem at rived in the Hongkong harbour last week, having narrowly escaped foundering in the typhoon which swept the Formosa Channel recently. The vessel was the St. Patrick, belonging to Messrs. Rankin and
    451 words
  • 117 10 No decision has yet been announced by the Government regarding the big Djambi oil concessions in Sumatra for which tbe various oil groups submitted tenders some time ago. According to the Gazette de Hoi lande, a press bureau at The Hague understands from a good source, however,
    117 words
  • 11 10 Grafts is green all over tho werld, except in some parka.
    11 words
  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 45 10 We are asked to announce that a Polo Club paper cba«) will take place to-morrow, starting from the main entrance of tho Botanical Gardens at 6 30 a.m. and finishing on Tyersall Meadow at about 8 a.m. where refreshments will be servod.
      45 words
    • 308 10 S.F.A. League Competition. Despite the other sporting attractions which have claimed first attention recently, the S.F.A. League competition is progressing, although perhaps not so quickly as it might. The K.O.Y.L I. (2) and the S.R.C. met last evening, and, as a result, tbe soldiers added two more points to
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  • 306 10 British-American Tobacco Co. Bought Out. It was generally felt to be strange, says a Seoul despatch to the Asahi, that the BritishAmerican Tobacco Company, which were selling tobacco to the value of Y2,000,000 a year in Korea, should have closed their factory and o.ices in
    306 words
  • 113 10 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Dayi TANJONG PAGAR. Bast Wharf Basin SbotionNo. l...Teikoku Maru. East W. do 2... Hong Wan I, Teesta. SHBBRtI W do 1 IXo. B...Perak. A. and V. D. J Maim W. Sbct. No. 4... Under reconstruction exoept at
    113 words
  • 26 10 Tbe Rubber Growers' Association has conferred an honorary gold medal upon Mr. Joseph Franer in recognition of liis services to Ceylon rubber cultivation and tine where.
    26 words

  • 409 11 Brilliant Celebration of National Fete. We are indebted for the following news items to Ll I jurrkr Saigonnais •vi rimr of Cochin China, M. (iuur beil. arcompanied by Mme. Oourbeil, r.turntd from long leave by the French mail gteamer which arrived at Saigon on the morning of
    409 words
  • 479 11 THE BERLIN KNUT." How He Has Outstripped His London Prototype. The Berlin knut," known locally as gent," is an exceedingly quaint and interesting creature. He first came into being about two years ago, and at that time was content to emulate the example of his London cousin, wearing the very
    479 words
  • 685 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, July 25, 1914. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning:— OENERAL 10 KnuK« an 1 Neave Ld 56.00 59X0 110 Howarth Rrgkine Ld. 45.00 100 7% Prel 100.00 10 Maynard
    685 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 45 11 Couching into Consumption i "Oqlt n you stop < a oongh. i WATER3URYB METABOLIZED UuLVEROIL COMPOUND I Tto tn.*t pt-eparation made i i Bsr eo»fca>t»s, sever* coughs. CURES any that is j oaly a ooa*L. V, ry palatable. OF ALI, CHEMISTS. 1.28 nnd 13 00.
      45 words
    • 65 11 A life ob the oceao wave, A borne on the rolling deep. May be all very floe (or a marie et brave, With none bat himself to keep Yo. Heave 0 1 BotTbe land lubber bold, Wbo, from coupb and from oold, Has a wile aad six kids to secure,
      65 words
    • 293 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THE pIANO /solid\ TEAK > \oase/ V "MOUTRIE" Call and Inspect oar latest arrivals or send tor catalogue. ft. MOUTRIE CO., LTD.. "T BIG CROWDS flocking to tee the pictures in the EXCEPTIONALLY STRONG PROGRAMME AT THK MARLBOROUGH PICTCRE THEATRE. BEACH ROAD. THE WAY OF THE TRANSGRESSOR A
      293 words
    • 264 11 VICTORIA THEATRE SINGAPORE. To-night at 9 Sharp. MAURICE E. BANDMANN PRSSBNTS THK BANDMANN OPERA CO. BBVIVAL OF THK RECORD LACUBTBB-MAKKR IND POPOLAR rA.RL'I THE GIRL IN THE TAXI From tho Lyric Theatre LONDON. Monday Nttfht "STEP THIS WAY" Introducing many new items for the First Time. Plans Now Open at
      264 words
    • 418 11 A i^MfflW^ IW Prices and particulars on application to DUPIRE BROS., SINGAPORE:, s ole Agents for the Straits and Federated Malay States. RAFFLES HOTEL. Special Dinner AND Dancing after Dinner TO-NIGHT. :m:ttsic bit the f^^/ t^io The Brighton of Singapore. S Tennis. sm mm Tel. 335. Billiards ea View Ho
      418 words

  • 2733 12 FROM THE STANDPOINT OF THE MANUFACTURER. Papers at Tropical Congress Tbe morning session on June 25 of the Third International Congress of Tropical Agriculture was devoted to a discussion on the properties of plantation rubber, with special reference to its uses for manufacturing purpooen. Tho chair was occupied
    2,733 words
  • 529 12 Forthcoming Arrivals and Departures. The following passengnr bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Bxpress. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, stibeeijaent to the issuance ot this list in London
    529 words
  • 124 12 From an assault case arising out of an alleged seditious movement among Sikhs, which was heard in the British polioc court, Shanghai, on July 17, it appear* that the complainant, Butta Singh, ia secretary to tbe Sikh Gurdwara. A few days before, a raett ing of the
    124 words
  • 755 12 An Englishwoman's Desert Journey. Writing to Tbe Times, Gertrude Lowthian iJell, of Northallerton, says 1 heard recently in Damascus tlia' Captain Shakespear's intention was to travel north from al-Riyad, leaving Hayil to the west and touching the wells of Lama, visited by Captain Leacbman in 1912 thence to
    755 words
  • 374 12 Vagaries of Fickle Foreign Markets. In the Indische Mercuur a detailed story appears of the sugar industry and trade of Java during the past 25 years, and, inter alia, it is shown that the consumption of sugar in the Dutch Indies is relatively very small. It does
    374 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 410 12 PIER GLASSES FROM $100 tO $4,000 per pair nW S lO iJ H' trail 'lv' T" Hs^MCafc^ 3i? u rtTtMwSJiiWiHH la AT a^a^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M AT JULIAN FRANKEL FURNITURE COMPANY, No Connection with any other Furniture Home. O i'y AdJre*B ORCHARD ROAD. Tel. No. 241. Cable J U L.I »N." MEH 'women
      410 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 192 13 KEMER I Its Merits are Unsurpassable Most Suitable Nice Quality! for the Tropics! Taste! •oents, dc HIM j IVItYtrC limited. t LAMPS fl LOWEST JfrWUPS \k CHEAPEST. cdirai _«t PROJECTOR." The above is the latest /^L^ T he Philips Projector Philips invention. MMI lamp has been proved to be The
      192 words
    • 127 13 INTERNATIONAL RUBBER CONGRESS AND EXHIBITION, BATAVIA, 1914. congress: September 7-12, 1914, EXHIBITION September 10 to October 10. 1914. Lecture by renowned Scientists and Kxpi its. Interesting Excursion in Java arranged. Reduced steamship, railway and t'amway fares for HOLDERS OF CONGRESS TICKETS. For farther pirticalars apply to W. E. van RIJNBERK,
      127 words
    • 78 13 NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVES. MP^in7\_ AOCKSSORIM. IN FIVE STYLES, Irr j te»,i'^V ificullt onstrlxted 1, 2, 3 and 4 W{ r. iy cabinets. Burners. '£jT ovens. WM \]T BROILERS, I f TOASTERS. a itove. Always ready for use. Simple in Operation, Durable and Efficient, The New Perfection Blue Flame Oil
      78 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 961 14 wwmt paid-up capital of any eastebi compaml PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OmOB i WinohMtap Houm, Slntfapor*. LONDON OFFICE i S3, Old Jewry, E.C The OompMy baa £30.000 deposited with the Bajnaa Oomrt ol Bngland. and oomplie* with tU Brituh Lite Ajßoranee Oompanlea Aot
      961 words
    • 350 14 AUCTION BALE Of TEN FREEHOLD BUI I I UNO ALLOTMENTS FRONTING NEIL ROAD AND CR4IQ ROAD, SINGAPORE, Oh Monday. Jcly 27, 1914, at '2.80 p.m. Fire Lots fronting Neil Road, area from 1,486 sq. ft. to a.BVO sq. (t and Five fronting Craig Koad, area from 1,612 sq. ft. to
      350 words
    • 841 14 INSURANCE. 'Substantial Successful' has onr year closed. Progresj has been the keynote and the results bespeak it: Assurance in Force $18,753 909.21 Income for year 1,709,463.47 Assurance Reserve Fund 3,278,694.62 Deposited with High Court (London) £20.000 Deposited with Comptroller-Qeneral (Calcutta) Rs. 200.000 The Company is incorporated in Hongkong. It is
      841 words

  • 962 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Melbourne-Adelaide Record, Australian motorists have been gresil; interested in the recent journey made by Mr. Mutray Aunger from Melbourne to Adelaide in a 23 h.p. Vauxhall Prince Henry car. The road route between the two cities has a bad reputation, and
    962 words
  • 23 15 "Halloa, Sandy! Thinking of the future, eh?" "No," replied the Scotsman. "To morrow's the wife's birthday, and I'm think ing o' the present."
    23 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 163 15 FOR 1 MOTOR I LAUNCHES OR 1 MOTOR I CARS OR I ELECTRIC LIGHTING APt-LY TO CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, LIMITED, SIGAPORE, K Lumpur and at Johore Bahru. THE FOUR £2 Electric Starter, Electric Light*, Five Passengers, Complete Equipment. Price $2,400. WEARNE BROS., LTD. Motor Cars, Paris ONE 6 HP. JUST
      163 words
    • 93 15 Don't Neglect Your Family. When yon fail to provide your family with a bottlo of chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and and I>iarrboea Remedy at tbia aeaaon of the year, you are neglecting them, aa bowel complaint is sore to be prevalent, and it is too dangerous a malady to be trifled
      93 words
    • 256 15 IDO NOT BELIEVE IN PROMISES I I TRUST ONLY I IN RESULTS 1 I Continental 1 19 tyres *L 1 have been WOlHhrfllll] SliCCeSSflll this year. 1 I FRANCE H |H FRENCH GRAND PRIX, July 4th, 1914. Ji| I RUSSIA B jH RUSSIAN GRAND PRIX, May 31st 1914. gS NAVACERRADA
      256 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 458 16 RANEEGUNGE GLAZED STONEWARE DRAINPIPES AND CHANNELS. LARGE STOCKS. SHARPE,ROSS&Co.,Ltd., SINOAPORE. WANTS. WANTED TO PURCHASE. Diamonds, Pearls and other precious stones. Apply K. K. Bhattacharji, M Serangoan Read. 2»-7 22 8 EUROPEAN ABBISTANT WANTED. Wanttd, European Axgintant for Rubber Estate in Johore. Apply, with references, to Box No. 40, Serembao, F.M.S.
      458 words
    • 399 16 WANTS. JUNIOR SHORTHAND-TYPIST WANTED. Wanted, Junior Shorthand Typist; must be quick, accurate and smart. Apply S.S., c/o Straits Times. 217 26-7 BOARO AND LOD6IN6 WANTED. Geotleman wishes Board and Lodging (Euglish Family preferable). State terms and locality to Box No. 767, Straits Times. •28-7 257 BALEBMAN WANTEO. Wantrd, Chinese Sa'esman
      399 words
    • 564 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. ROOMB TO LET. At Zetland House. Apply to No. 1, Robinson rtoau. Bft n FURNISHED SLABIDE RESIDENCES TO LET. BELINDA and JUAN IT A, to let furniahed. Apply No. 9, Mt. Sophia. 1 6 n HOUSES TO LET. Noa. 0, 1 and 8, Institution Hill.
      564 words
    • 576 16 ■oncES. KIAM KIAT A CO. 108 109. Market Street. Telephone No. 421. Shipcbandlcnt. Government and Municipal Contractors, Estate Suppliers and CommihFion Agents. Solb Agbnts The MulccU Belting Co., Ltd. Best Multiplar Braid Hair Beltings. 17 80-6-15 NOTICE. Cheque No. A *****8 dated 21-7 14 for 9116.91 on the Mercantile Bank,
      576 words
    • 478 16 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO., 37. Phillip MMsA Ship Chaadtart, Bovernmant and Municipal Contractors, Genaral ImpoHart aad Exiortsrt and Commission (gents, Estita, Riot-Mill and Saw Mill Supplisra. Solb Admits Fob "GLOBE" BOILER FLUID. THE IDEAL FLUID FOR CLEANING AND PRESERVING 8011 ERS. Tel. Addrtna GUANKIAT," SingspTo. Codbs us-kd: A. B. C.
      478 words
    • 463 16 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURES Straits Times List. The following fixtures fjr the curreot week, and important forthcoming fixtures are kindly supplied by the secretaries of the variou» dubs. Convenient forms on which to make thn retoraa will be supplied on application te the Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Cricket Club. July 26,
      463 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 225 16 Straits Jbimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellaneous wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of $1 per four lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, 91 each inser ion. For p.p.c. cards, on page 8, 12. Inch Scalb lUtis
      225 words