The Straits Times, 21 May 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.495 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. MAY 21. 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 254 1 iilTI" BEER. Guaranteed CHALMERS If FED TAAI "jr.. t* it BY WEARINO r— >«■ UnnAn nil V There sNo HWnpou/PAD V^ 4 "Short Waisted" Feeling INUtKWtAK. in Chalmers "Porosknit" Union Suits. They have elastic fitting backs that slretcli both /Tj -4 f\f\ "up and down and "sideways" and pre- JK
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    • 242 1 ROBINSON CO. Embroidered Goods: -Tea Cloths, Sideboard Cloths, Tray Cloths, etc. I No. '2244. Embroidered Cotton Tray Cloths, hemstitched, drsi^o mi iilQHttatiuD. No. 2244. Embroidered Te» Cloths. Tray Sizt 14 x2O in-. Price 5O ots. each. Qloths, Toilet Covers, Duchess Sets, eto. Iff x24 7O 18 x 27 8O Tea
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  • 996 2 DEATH OF FAMOUS SCOTTISH NOVELIST. Story of His Career, Scotsmen all over the world will read with a feeling of deep regret of the death at the early age of fifty-four of Mr. S. R. Crockett, the famous novelist, which has just occurred suddenly at Avignon.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 225 2 Protect your M Children against fe^ Consumption Jd. ■fly by trln em if 1 'k'PPI PP' f (Trade Hark) i) Cod Liver Oil w with Ur 1 /A Malt Extract j It provides weakly children (and I I J V adults) with strength and stamina to \i Wl W battle
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    • 81 2 Croup. This disease is so dangerous and so rapid in its development that every mother of young children should be prepared for it. It is very risky to wait until the attack of croup appears and then send for medicine and let the child suffer until it can be obtained.
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    • 507 2 SKIN TROUBLE GRADUALLY_?PREAD Started with Watery Pimple. Crown of Head Covered with Brown Scab. Would Scratch and Rub. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured. 108. Hythe Road. Preston, Brighton. Eng. —"In the first place my child s dlaeaas ■tarted with Just a Uttle watery pimple and bo it gradually spread unA/^\
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    • 744 2 BALEB BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. MORTGAGEES' SALE Of TWENTY ONE VALUABLE FREEHOLD AND 999 YEARS 1 LEASEHOLD SINGAPORE TOWN PROPERTIES, To be held at Messrs. Powell Co.'s Sale-room, On Tuesday, auno 16, at 2.30 p.m. Lot 1. The valuable land and business precises known as No. 94, MARKET STREET. Lot
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  • 561 3 ELABORATE JOKE AT TORQUAY FESTIVAL. Mr. Clutsam's The Pool." The first of the three concerts of the Torquay Musical Festival went off, on April 15, without a hitch of any kind, and was attended by a large and appreciative aadience. The programme was not profess edly very serious,
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  • 358 3 Details of The Kaiser's New Yacht. The constructive details of the new imperial yacht Hohenzollern, which is now building at Kiel to replace the vessel of the same name, now fully twenty years old, show that the principal features are safety, comfort, and greater radius of action. The
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  • 19 3 Little Willie Father, where do gaolbirds come from Parent They are raised by larks, bats, and swallows, my son."
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  • 18 3 Magistrate. Can't yon and your husband live together without fighting." Mrs. O Clarty. No, yer honour, not happily."
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 427 3 RANEEGIJNGB GLAZED STONEWARE. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZES STOCKED. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LD. YOU MAY REST ASSURED that Bcechun's Pills will be of great service to you if your stomach is out of order or your liver is sluggish. The conditions of life in these days are so strenuous that
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    • 51 3 A Good Rule for the Home. Make it a rale ol your home to always keep on hand a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy an a safeguard against bowel complaints. It always cures promptly and no household is aale without it. For sa\ "by al Dispensaries and
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    • 1222 3 STEAMER SAILINGS. FOR A HOLIDAY TO AUSTRALIA by the K. P. M.'s New and Fast steamers TASMAN and HOUTMAN, each 5,000 tons gross 8,000 tons water displacement. These modern mailsteamers, specially built and designed for the Australian trade and comfortable travelling in the tropics, can accommodate 86 first-class and 14
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 650 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION GO. FOU CHINA, JAPAN, "BNANG, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA., ADEN, EGYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AN'J LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued tor China Coast, Persian iulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINLS Homeward (for Europe). I Connecting at
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    • 506 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been sc xially designed and constructed, and are fitted with
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    • 750 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE 31AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang, Berserah, Kretay, Paka, Tringganu, Bisot, Semerak, Bachok, Kelantan, Tabai, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Siogora, Laoon, Kobsamai, Bandon, Langsoen, 'i'aku, Cbumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Ova Departure a.a. BORIBAT May 23 MAH IDOL May 25 May 27 s.«. REDANQ May 27
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    • 527 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AND OEUTSCH OAMPFSCHIFF i-AHRTSGES. HANSA BREMEN. Combined Service. The steamers of these Companies maintain a regular servioe between H»'ubuiy, Bremen Antwerp, Rotterdam and Emdea and tue Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fort nightly (or Havre and Hamburg and onoo a month
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    • 607 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N D L. NORDOEUTSCHER LLOYD. BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. Tl:j fast and well-known mail Ktoamor* thin Company sail fortnightly fr m linuicn, Hamburg, Lisbon, via Rotterdam. Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (oon n»ntin« Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Sain, Sne/.. Adon, > olombo, Prfnacg Singapore
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 347 5 "JENATZY TYRES. Hooglandt Co.» Singapore. BUY "SHELL" YOU CAN RELY ON THE QUALITY AND QUANTITY. THEY DON'T CHANGE. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. w^§ll v b You really ought to try \?C* BW/ Wincarnis.' It will give Are;*e -OWa? W^sSS§&\ Are y U NerV y T FfVS^Nv > f-'" x ;;C f "/S.
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    • 413 5 BRITISH INDIA BTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. FOR PENAVG, RANGOON AND CALCUTTA. The Company's Steamer EDAVANA, 4,820 tons, J. S. Reddock, Commander, will be despatched for the above ports, on Thursday, the 21st instant, at S p.m. She has exoellentaooommodation for first and seoond class pt sengers. Terms and rates of
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    • 629 5 NOTICES. SINGAPORE AUTOMOBiIE CLUB. Ttie Annual General Meeting of the Club wi'l be held at the Singapore Chamber of Commerce on Friday, rind May, 1914, at 9.16 pm. W. A. SIMS, Hon. Secretary. 155 21 THE SUNGEI GAU TIN MINING. COMPANY. LIMITED. DECLARATION OF INTERIM DIVIDEND AND NOTICE OF CLOSING
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    • 497 5 Royal Vinolia Cream Soap. j Royal N'inolia Cream S<>:ip i pomnemet bishl) beneficial j qualities which render it I moat efficacious in promoting the health and b sui i ol tin- skin. It yiekts a rich, creamy lather, ex eptionally ■ootbtns aud cojiifortins in its elect llence, ladies, children and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 804 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION SALE 0! THE COODWILI DAIRY UTENSILS AND LIVE STOCK OF THE SINGAPORE POULTRY AND DAIRY FARW, LIMITED. IN LIQUIDATION, To be held at The Dairy Farm, Nos. 9 and 10. Chancery Lane, On Wednciday, M»y 27, at 4 p.m. The Dairy Farm together with Livestock and Dairy
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    • 212 6 TO-NIGHT I TO-NIGHT!! WILLISON'S ANGLO-AMERICAN CIRCUS MENAGERIE Presenting for the flrot time in Singapore an All Star Company of 35 CIRCUS CELEBRITIES 35 Called from the World's Oieateot Shows 50 HIGHLY-TRAINED HORSES 50 MMBM Ponies. Mules and Merry-Monkeys. A Mammoth Menagerie ol Rare and Costly Animals. Including TRAINED TIGERS AND
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    • 198 6 VICTORIA THEATRE TO-NIGHT, AT 9-15 P.M. Return Visit (FOR 1 NIGHT ONLY) of the Famous Prima Donna MadsmeKalna AND UKII COMPANY INCLUDING HERR ALBERT MAAS (Tenor) Mr. WEBSTER NORCROSS (Bass Mr. RUSSELL BONNER (Pianist) A special featuro of this concert (Madame Kalna's last appearance previous to her tour in Java
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    • 190 6 GREEN iSUND CEMENT CO- LTD. Portland jCement In Casks oi 375 lbs. net. Drain Pipes, any shape In Bags of 250 lbs. net. Gutterways Cement Tiles, any pattern. Firebricks, pressed Glased Paving Tile* Paving Bricks Prieea, sample* and fall p«r«ioalars will be forwarded on application to Agent: W. A. 9TOPMM,
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  • 152 7 FIXTURES. Thursday. May 21. Hi«h Water. H.H a.m.. H. 28 p.m. B. L hoim-ward mail clone*. Kulna i'unciTt. Victoria Theatre. Willisun's Circus. Priday, May 22. High Water. 9.6 a.m., H. 54 p.m. < onvi nt KnUrtamment. B. I. outwanl mail dur. N. I). L. outwanl mail duo.
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  • 201 7 Today. I. Ihrkson and I. Swettenham Selangor 8 pm Malacca and M uar Kaka 8 pm Hongkong, Shanghai and .l.ipan Ceylon 8 pm Bangkok Profit 8 pm Batu I'.ihat Sri Wongsec Bpm Batavia V. Linnchoten 4 pm I' 'iniauak l>. Ilin Guan 4pm Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta
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  • 250 7 The mails from Imm by tho B. I. riteann r Ttx-ttta and N. D. L. Gocl>cn are ex)Hi ted by train on Friday morning, May 22. Letters will be ready for delivery by 8 a.m., and mws|M|*T-< by 11. M0 a.m. The P. and outward intermediate steamer
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  • 414 7 Latest Arrivals. Anjou, ltrit. Rtr. MS tons, i 'ant Phillips, M.i\ n. fIW lt:i-ui. May 20. S* and :«> il p. An-; Muck Sianjj. K.>r Hawaii, Inc. 'i i mi~. (apt Simpson. May II M 1". (ir. iiinl 22 d.|i. 1 annals., Boben -';ii*> Isat, Captain m IWi«»ghli
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  • 94 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Day: TANJONG PAGAR. Bast Wharf Basin lapara, Krian. W. SictiohNo. l...Hymettus, Taroba. Shiiep Wharf Nil. Main W. Sict. No. 2... Ni1. 3. ..Bohemia. 4.. .Ni1. ii 6...Klang. 6...Kinkasan Mara. Niw Dock 7.. .(Under construction) Wist Wharf B..
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  • 70 7 Arrivals. Per str. Krian. May 21.— From Kelantan Messrs. Kemp, Lian Kirn Chin and Tunku Ahmat. Per str. Hye Leong, May 21. From Kuantan The Bight Rev. Lord Bishop of Siugapore and Mrs. Ferguson- Davie, liaja Alang Iskandar, Messrs. Chan Cheong Teng, Eleuiu. Wong Ah. Jong, Cheek,
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  • 274 7 EXCHANOB Sikoapori, May 21, 1914. 0* Lomdom Bank 4 m/i 2 4 Demand mt 2/4 Private 6 m/i 2/4 ft 8 m/g M 3/4J On Girmavt Bank d/d 288J Private 8 m/s 24' i j Oh Framoi Bank d/d 2fe:i Private 8 m/s 298 Om Ikdu Bank
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  • 18 7 l«ufld by Fr««er and Co., Exchange and Share Brokers, Singapore, May 21, Twelve noon.
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  • 187 7 vKZj Bnyerfl> BeUeM 10 10 Ampang 8.50 1 1 AyerWeng C.50 10 10 Belat 2.70 2.90 10 10 Bruanp 1.80 10 10 Kampat 10.2S 10 10 Kanaboi 1.85 1.(6 10 10 Kinta Association 10.00 11. SO £1 £1 Kinta Tin 1.16.0 2.0.0 £1 £1 Lahat Mine* 6.26 6.00 10
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  • 646 7 I*™ Buyers. Sellers. Value (2 a/- 3/- Allagai 1/5 1/11 £1 £1 Anglo-Java a/9 8/7 a/- 3/- Anglo- Malay 8/7* 9/4 xd 2/- 3/- Batane Malaka -/Id 1/1 £1 £1 Bato Tiga 2.7.0 2.11.9 norn 2/- 2/- Bekoh -/B -/7* £1 £1 Bukit Kajang 1.8.8 1.11.7 £1 £1 Bukit
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  • 119 7 41 £1 B. Smelting Co. 12/- 18/6 £1 £1 Pref. 1.1.0 1.8.0 5/- 6/- Electric T'waya 4/- 4 0 10 10 Fnuier k Neave 61.00 63.00 50 50 Hammer Co. 100.00 110.03 100 Howarth Erakioe 45X0 100 7%Prel. 100.00 100 100 Kati Bro, Del. 120.00 13 1.00 xd 10
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 12 7 c l,r,, O iC CL»-«t Complaints, Woods Great l'epptrmint Lore, Is. 6d
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    • 137 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. May 23.— At No. 28, Market Street, stock in-trade, etc., at 11. May2:l.-.U N... 41. Grange Road, teak lioiiHehold furniture, etc., property ol W. A. Yerschoor, at 2. Chin? Keng Lee and Co. May 23. At saleroom, leasehold land etc., at I 30. Mas M.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 94 7 WEATHER REPORT. Kandan^ Kerbau Hospital, May 20. 9 A.M. 8 P.M. 0 P.M. Bared. 82 Kah 29.085 29.834 29.922 Temp. 87.2 91.8 84.4 WetKulbThcr 81.0 82.0 79.0 Dir. of Wind N\V S\V calm Max. shade Temp. 98.4 Mm 77.8 Max. in San 153.0 Tc rad. Thcr 78.2 Rainfall in 24
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  • 72 8 Daviis.— On May 20. at 8.25 pm., at th& General Hospital, Singapore, Dr. F. H. Davit s Funeral cortege leaves the Hospital at 8.80 p.m to day, for Bidadari cemetery; interment at 4.45 p.m. Lo Tsuno Kkk.— On May 21, at Dingwall, I'asir Panjang. Lo Tsung Kee, the wife
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  • 1034 8 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, MAY 21. UNITED STATES AND MEXICO. President Wilton has sent the United States Delegates to Niagara Falls without specific instructions. Mediation was pro posed by the South American Republics and has been accepted by the Mexicans and by the United States. But it was not sought
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  • 5 8 Sunday next is Empire Day.
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  • 16 8 The next Philippine Carnival will be held in Manila from January 30 to Febrnary 7, 1915.
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  • 22 8 It is reported in Japanese papers that a project is on foot to construct a tramway to the summit of Mount Fuji.
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  • 24 8 Every dog going abroad in the public tho roughfares or elsewhere in Hongkong is to be muzzled, as from yesterday's date until further notice.
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  • 43 8 At a meeting held on Monday the member* of the SeUngor Fire Brigade decided to hold a dinner on May 27 to celebrate the Mfc anniversary of the founding of the Brigade. Latest adver'isements of the day appear on page 6 and 11.
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  • 32 8 We bear that a very large fire occurred at Pontianak on Monday last. It started about 4.30 a.m., and burnt down over thirty bouses, the damage being put at over 100,000 guilder.
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  • 30 8 At tho Marino Court, Hongkong, Commander Basil Taylor sentenced one of the armed guards on the steamer Kwong Tai to four weeks' hard labour for being asleep while on duty.
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  • 35 8 Yesterday in tbe third court the two Bengalis, Abdul Asiz and Fazil Dad, who stand charged with tbe murder of a Bengali watchman in (irove Road, were committed for the trial at the forthcoming assizes.
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  • 38 8 Mr. Berezi, representing tbe well known N.S.L". motor care and motor cycles, has arrived in Singapore and is staying at the Europe Hotel. He intends opening a general agency in Malaya for tbe sale of these wellknown machines.
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  • 42 8 A man named Carl Weigel, who admitted in the witness box that he bad been deported from Hongkong, is claiming against tbe China Press, Shanghai, Tls. 10,000 damages for publishing certain alleged defamatory statements regarding him in connection with the Neumann murder.
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  • 45 8 Tbe new vessel Carnarvonshire, now on her maiden voyage, sailed yesterday for China. Japan and west American ports. On the return trip she goes to Manila, thence to Bangkok, and from there to Singapore and home. She will have been away close upon eight months.
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  • 48 8 A pirate junk attempted to intercept the Portuguese steamer Cbong Wa (Capt. Agabeg) on the 7th inst., juet after the vessel left Kwongchowan for Macao. The captain and his crew succeeded in repulsing tbe attack, capturing four men and shootinp two dead. The others escaped by swimming ashore.
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  • 79 8 In Hongkong, for tbe week ended May 9, there were no fewer than 215 cases of plague 129 in the city and 86 in other districts and 173 deaths. The total cms. s to May 9 are MM and the total deaths 1,112. These figures compare very unfavourably with last
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  • 74 8 A strong hot south-east wind carrying fine dust with it blew over Medan for three days beginning from tbe 11th inst., and caused considerable damage to tobacco and other plantations. Several trees between Bandar Baroe and Hrastagi were uprooted, destroy ing the telephone wires for some kilometres. Old planters declare
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  • 86 8 Major Browning, R.A.M.C, medical officer of health at Gibraltar, in his report for 1913, quotes the civilian death average at 14.5H per 1,000, which is believed to be tho lowest on the Mediterranean seaboard. The prohibition of unboiled milk of cows and goats has reduced the Mediterranean Rock fever to
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  • 110 8 The East Indies Squadron greatly improved as it has been in recent times, has need for further improvements, says the Englishman. There are still some ihips forming part of it which have no figlting value and whose only usefulness lies in doing police work. This work could be as effectually
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  • 117 8 At question time in the House of Commons Mr. Ponsonby asked whether Great Britain would ask Russia to withdraw her expedi tionary force in North Persia in fulfilment of her pledges in order that the Shah might be enthroned as ruler of a country, tbe sovereignty and integrity of which
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  • 123 8 Mr. C. V. Dyson, tbe Civil District .Judge, will give judgment on Monday in a case which has been brought by Messrs. Sarkien Brothers, proprietors of Raffles Hotel, against tbe members of the committee that organised the ball, in December of 1912, in connection with the local branch of the
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  • 138 8 In tbe King's Bench Division, London, on April 'I.,, a remarkable action was commenced, in which Dr. Conrad M. H. Howell. of Queen Anne-street, C'-tvendinh fujuare, sought to recover damaged for alleged fraudulent statements in a prospectus i«aued by tin. Esseqaibo Kubber and Tobacco Estates, Limited. The principal defendants were
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  • 508 8 Lady Evelyn Young will net bo at home on Tuesday, Jane 2. Tbe Rev. W. Murray returned to tho Colony yesterday by tbe steamer Bohemia. Tbe Bishop of Singapore and Mrs. Ferguson Davie arrived in Singapore this morning by tbe Hye Leong from Kelantan. Mrs. E. 0,
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  • 149 8 Tbe funeral of the late Mr. P. S. F. Nairn took place at Seremban on the evening of Thursday, the 14th inst. The coffin was conveyed by train, and tbe procession left the station for the church at 430 p.m. The R.!V. H.
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  • 168 8 The acting Cliiof Justice tho Han. Mr. .1. A S. liucknill, X.C, in the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon reserved judgment in the hanking transaction disputu in which a I'ulan Saiuboo trader, named Vaik linen I'.ik. nought to recover from the Mercantile Bank ot India the sum of
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  • 167 8 We have ror»ivcd from tbe Masonic Nursing Home Committee, in London, a circular which outlines an important scheme which though primarily intended for the masonio fraternity will have a considerable interest in tbe direction of encouraging hospitals for paying patients. The proposal is to provide, on an
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 175 8 BULLOCH LADE'S ffj SCOTCH WHISKIES. HI JHL tmtkoE Q&? M **i K?«-£*| Commonly known as ffHfrfel they are tbe acme of I PERFECTION QUALITY. I Sole Agents CALDBEGK, MACGREGOR CO., Wholesale am? Retail Wine and Spirit Merchants. THE GREAT ADVANTAGE of SHOPPING at LITTLE'S r J.LITTLE& Free Motor Delivery of
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  • 133 9 ALLEGED DISCOVERY OF UNION PLOT. Nationalist Volunteers Offer Service UK! TIK'S TILKIiRAM. London, May '20. Mr. Herbert Holtnan, insurance broker, the prospective Liberal condidate for mid Devon, in a speech at Abbots Kerswell, flhliliMlirl that the Government seized two ships concerned in lister gunmuning and that tin: charterer
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  • 335 9 THE ARREST OF ESSAD PASHA EXPLAINED. His Deportation to Italy Reitek's Tklklha*. London, May 20. Tbe situation in Albania is clearing somewhat. I'rince William, suspecting that Essad Pasha, who was largely increasing his per sonal bodyguard anu following generally, was playing a double game, sent gendarmes under Dutch
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  • 62 9 RECTKIiV It I h.RIM. Lundon, May 20. Mexico City messages say the situation is considered most serious and a rising is momentarily feared. Tin re is great distress anil the rich are distributing meals. Reports have been received of Federal defeats at towns north of the capital. Sir L.
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  • 56 9 Kci'TMu's TILBORAM. London, May 20. Mr. Itoosevelt has arrived at New York from his South American expedition comparatively well, though his weight is fifty pounds below normal, lie denied that be in willing to run for tie presidency in 1916, and be will not even accept nomination
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  • 27 9 Km int.- London. May 20. v Chairman of the I|>swich Liberal Association seceded on the ground that the Insurance Act employ* a thousand worker*
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  • 94 9 Seat Gained by the Unionists. Kh'ter's Telegram. London, May 21. The North-East Derby election result is Bowden (U) 6469 Houfton (L) 6155 Martin (Lab) 8669 The vacancy arose through the death of Mr. W. K. Harvey, a Labourite, who was supported by the Liberals and had a majority
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  • 25 9 Kki/tek's Telk.i.kam. London, May 20. The death is announced of Dr. William Aldis Wright, Vice-Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, and a well known philologist.
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  • 70 9 Quotations Current Yesterday. The following message has been received in Singapore, dated London, May 20: Plantation Para first latex crepe on spot 2/4J Para to arrive 2/10$ Market dull. The East Asiatic Company favour us with the following report The market in London yesterday was weak and
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  • 154 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 20. Following are the weights for the first day of the forthcoming race meeting Mixed Handicap. -Batu Gajah 10, Belbeck 9.10, Lossie 9.6, Sirdar 8.12, Lady Flower H, Satis 7.7. Penang Stakes Brydone 11.4, Manapun 10, Premier 9.6, Patch 8.13, Kelvin
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  • 367 9 Big Fine for Contempt in Starcbfield Case. In the King's Bench Divisional Court on April 21, Justices Darling, A vory, and Rowlatt imposed a fine of £100 upon Mr. Robert Donald, managing editor of Lloyd's Weekly News, for contempt of court in connection with the Starcbfield case.
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  • 295 9 PROSPECTS OF THE SINGAPORE TEAM. Satisfactory Practices. The twenty-fifth annual interport ride shorting match between Singapore, Shanghai and Hongkong, and the sixth in which Penang has taken part, will be fired oil on Saturday afternoon on tho Balestier range. Given good conditions of light and weather, the
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  • 262 9 Death At General Hospital After Short Illness. We much regret to announce that Dr. F. H. Davies, who had been unwell for some little time past and entered the General Hospital on Monday, died in that institution soon after eight o'clock last night, somewhat
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  • 341 9 Blind Javanese Captive in Tiger Trap. A mandore of the Municipality in Medan reported to the police there on the 18th inst. that whilst out on duty be came across, in the jungle near Rebon Pisang, a cage in which a man was imprisoned, fie immediately went
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  • 91 9 On the Reach Road reclamation this evening Willison's British -American Circus will make its first appearance in Singapore having completed a tour of India and Burma. Judging from a programme of the performance an given on the Indian tour there is a great variety of talent amongst the
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  • 572 9 CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK SUED. Alleged Forgery of a Cheque. An important action was commenced before Mr. Justice Sproule in the Supreme Court, this morning, when Chop Tek Ann, of 60, Boat Quay, proceeded against the Chinese Commercial Bank, of Kling Street, in respect of a cheque for $8,700
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  • 193 9 A Press communique, issued at Simla, states: The port of Hongkong was formerly an important entrepot for the opium trade with China, but imports into the Colony from India are now limited to the requirements of internal consumption, together with a small number of chests 1 1
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  • 150 9 The concert to be given at the Theatre to-night by Madame Kalna and party promises to be extremely interesting, if only for the inclusion of the operatic fantasie The Masterpiece, which was so well received when the party were last here. The concert, which commences at 9.15,
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  • 1185 9 Opening of the New Wing by The Resident. (From A Correspondent The staff and pupils of St. Francis' School, Malacca, were en fete on the 19tb inst., when the opening of the new wing which has been in course of construction for the past nine months
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  • 132 9 MONOPOLISING FRASER RIVER FISHERIES. Strong Movement For Restriction Rectek's Telegram. London, May 20. A message from Victoria, British Colombia, says that owing to the Japanese dominating the salmon fisheries of the Kraser River a white fishermen's protective association has been formed to endeavour to prevent the issuing
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  • 85 9 COMMITTEE REPORTS ON GAME DESTRUCTION. Greater Knowledge Wanted. Ridtir's Telegram. London, May 20. The report of the Bleeping sickness committee urges the necessity of further experiment and research and deprecates without fuller knowledge any drastic action, like a general destruction of wild animals. It advises, however, the removal
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  • 25 9 Rioter's Telegram. London, May 20. Middlesex beat Sussex by 289 runs. Kent beat Somerset by 193 runs. Warwickshire beat Leicestershire by 258 runs.
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  • 56 9 Renter's Telegram. London, May 20. The Times says it is definitely decided that The Tetrarch will not race again and goes to the stud next season, probably in Ireland. Derby betting lB to 8 against Kennymore, 10 to 1 Hrakespear, ICO to 6 Carancho, 20 to 1 Carrickfergus
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 17 9 Rbcter's Tblkokam. London, May 20. Seventy-seven Nationalists voted in the majority for the Welsh Disestablishment Bill.
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  • 61 9 Reutkr's Tklkoram. London, May 20. A message from Brussels ssys the permanent sugar commission has increased tho countervailing duties from Australia and Japan and reduced those on Canadian and Roumanian sugar. I)KK OSTASIATISI'UK LLOYD TeLKORAV. Berlin, May 20. The permanent committee of tliu Sugar Union at Brussels has
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  • 44 9 DKR OsTASlATlsrilK LLOYD Tk.LK'.K I. Berlin, Ma> 19. Rumours of dissolution of the Rei listag have proved to be groundless through the adjournment. The King of Sweden personally read the speech from the throne, dwelling on the solution of the defence question.
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  • 78 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 20. The annual report of the Purak Chinese Widows and Orphans Institution tor 1913 states that there is now a general fund of 12,222. Claims amounting to 9432 were paid and there is a balance in band of 1778. The membership is
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  • 1535 10 DIVIDEND POSITION AND THE OUTLOOK. Crops Harvested and Estimated. The fifth ordinary general meeting of the L'nited Sumatra Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on April 20, at the Cannon-street Hotel, X.C, Mr. Keith Fraser Arbuthnot (chairman of the company! presiding. The L'hairuiau said Gentlemen,— As tbe directors'
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  • 388 10 Sanction Given to Increase Of Capital. An extraordinary general meeting of tho Galang Besar Rubber Plantations, Limited, was held on April 20, to consider certain resolutions increasing the capital of the company by the creation of 300,000 new shares of 2s. each, to be called preference shares.
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  • 173 10 There will be a change of programme at the Harima Hall cinematograph tonight, when two three reel picture will be shown in the second performance, which commences at 9- 15. One of tho pictures, is entitled The Black Gang, a Denmark film, revealing the tactics of a gang
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  • 84 10 The mortality returns for Singapore issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths show that during the week ending May 16, there 1 diuths (Ml n,<i'.<». HO females), j;uil,h ratio per uiille of population of 47.53. Malarial fever accounted fur 34 deaths, phthisis 29, couvuUions 2s. beri
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  • 24 10 Messrs. Kelly and Walsh have a fine display of the \m-I1 known Swan fountain pens cf which they have recently received a large assortment.
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  • 1252 10 FURTHER ECONOMIES ABOUT TO BE EFFECTED. Reduced Costs. The eighth annual general meeting of the Consolidtted Malay Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on April 2:i, at the London Chamber of Commerce, Oxford Court, Cannon Street, E.C., Mr. J. L. Loudouu-Shaud presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, in moving the
    1,252 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 840 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— The writer of The Woman's Wits concerns himself with the matter of the rival intellects of the sexes, an interesting one, no doubt, for one who has time to bandy words on questions which have no conclusive answers. Let
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  • 149 10 A further important step baa been taken by the Admiralty in connection with self defensive armament fitted on British ships in the appointment of Lieut. Sidney S. Richard son, K.N.K as inspecting officer for the port of Liverpool. Lient. Richardson was recent ly first officer on board the White Star
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  • 1338 10 THE SUBSTANTIAL RESERVE FUND INTACT. Director's Forthcoming Visit The fourth ordinary general meeting of the Sungei Kruit Rubber Estate, Limited, was held on April 21, at the Cannon Street Hotel, E.C., Mr. Keith Fraser Arbutbnot (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, you have I
    1,338 words
    • 224 10 Extensive plans have already been made for the Far Eastern Athletic Association Olympic games to be held in Shanghai next October. In view of tbe near approach of tbe Derby and of the anticipations of many in connection therewith, it is of interest to learn that in
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    • 109 10 R. O. A. v. S. C. F. A. The R. G. A. met the S. C. F. A. in a game of soccer yesterday afternoon on the Raffles reclamation, the game being keen and interesting. In the first half the Chinese played nine men. The soldiers scored first aud
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  • 420 10 New Records From Push And Enterprise. Comment on the harmful effect of adversely criticising the trading methods adopted by British manufacturers and merchants was made by Lord Southwark, President of the London Chamber of Commerce, who took the chair at the annual meeting of that body iv
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  • 98 10 The Itritish diplomatic representative, says a London despatch of May 6, lias sent ao ultimatum lo MM Goveuaient of Hiiyti demanding indemnity for the destruction of the property of a lintish -uhj, el during Urn revolution. 'Hie State department at Washington Liurriedly asked Sir ceil Spring- Mice at least temporarily
    98 words

  • 957 11 Apportionment of Expenses -The Capital Position. The fourth ordinary j..neral meeting of tlif khan linMt rs if tin i'h< inboiig Malay Bafcb«r rnnuwj. LWL, wrh Ik Id on April 20 at HntllaM, •>. r; nrhiuuli strut, X.1,., Mr. luuiy {chairman of the company :,ng. 11,. Chairman said,
    957 words
  • 15 11 Occasionally t.ic breaking of an engagemi nt roubles both parties to live happily ever after.
    15 words
  • 33 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, May 21, 1914. Messrs. Lyall and E»att, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning RUBBBR SHARES QENERAL.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 46 11 The Man Who Gets There Is the man who has blood real rich red blood and plenty of it in his body. WATERBURYS METABOLIZED COD LIVER OIL COMPOUND make* blood— lots of it life tiivin^;. brain nourishing, strength replenishing blood. OF ALL CHEMISTS. 1.25 tind $2.
      46 words
    • 48 11 On health is wealth, and lif<s is long. And earth ie fairer, too When rr an is fit and well The skies are always bine. So Guard your health, yonr joy increase, Yonr life irom ilia secure From pain and trouble win soroease With Woods' Great Peppermint Cure.
      48 words
      353 words
    • 102 11 Wqlvmblvres JfoTßovßhE bY MoreMiLLACE J w^^ SI.ROBINSON ROAD THE GOLUMB TYRE 60. (Far East,) Phone: 1510. 50 51, ROBINSON ROAD. Tel: Prowodnik. NOTICE. The "GAIETY" PICTURE PALACE. Junction of Albert acd Foncsolen Street*, WILL CLOSE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE For completion and fixing up of wires of their NEW PETTERS ENGINE
      102 words
    • 64 11 mOs the Banks ©p tee Nile the perfect qualities of Messrs. Maspero Freres HI Booton Uoiige I and Feltieea /f Egyptian Cigarettes j3g^ are recognised by all. Made cf the finest selected Turkish Tobacco unaT ideal conditions In O ro. A LUXURY TO THE MAN OF TASTE RAFFLES HOTEL. Special
      64 words

  • 2415 12 ANTICIPATED REDUCTION OF COSTS. The Dividend Increased The eighth annual general meeting of the Kubber Estates of .lohore, Ltd., was held on April M, id the Council liuom of the Rubber Growers' Association, 38, Eastcheap, E.C., Sir Frank A. Swcttcnham. O.OJLQ. (chairman of the company), presiding.
    2,415 words
  • 1709 12 Low Capitalisation— The Coconut Prospects. The sixteenth ordinary general meeting of the Klanang Produce Company, Limited, was held on April 21 at the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Moorgate Place, E.C., Mr. D. K. Michie (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, I presume i it is
    1,709 words
  • 615 12 Forthcoming Arrivals and Departures. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in gome instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 174 12 AN^L^ITAljXr*/i^OeNSSONM:U< C-* You may pay more for your milk but you cannot get a better quality. 30-4-th 29 4 iMEET ME AT THE FOUNTAIN 25 ARTISTIC DESIGNS IN WATER FOUNTAINS TO BE BEfH AND riRCHASED AT Julian Frankel Furniture Go., No connection with any other Furniture House. Only Address: ORCHARD
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 244 13 r UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED. «=j^ DO YOU FEEL THE HEAT? -Wo IF SO READ THIS. Undoubtedly the finest piece of apparatus yet constructed for cooling and ventilating rooms and offices in the Tropics, is the well-known CROMPTON CEILING FAN. We have a large stock of the latest type ready for
      244 words
    • 400 13 SUNBEAM The Motor Cycle of the Year. UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIAL FROM A USER IN THE STRAITS. Messrs. H. WOLSKBL CO., SINGAPORE. Dear Sirs, I should like to tell you how extremely satisfied I am with the 2% H.P. Sunbeam I purchased from you in February last. I have now ridden the
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 504 14 StttAPQUFS NLY OOMMHY. LAR6EBT PAID-UP CAPITAL OF AMY EABTEJU COMPAtfL PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HavAD omci i WinoteMt** Hwm, tHu—pn— LOHOOM OFFIOK i »9L OM *awry, IA Tta. Cmmrny ba. 4U0.000 dapoaitod with tha Ooart af Ba«ted. aad aotnptiea w*h tba Butiah Ufa
      504 words
    • 327 14 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE ABBUMNCE COMPANY OF CANADA. ESTABLISHBD 1882. Dirwot Government Suoerviaion, Government Audit. Policies are "WORLI) WIDE." and Non-Forteitable. Large Nat Surplus above liabilities tor Reserve and all outstanding olaima. New Buaineaa, 1918, over... 19,876,000.00 Cash Loans, Settlements, etc., made locally. Numerous modern schemes. J. H. EVANS, Manager, South
      327 words
    • 468 14 BANKINB. THE SZE HAI TON 6 BANKING AND INBURANCE CO.. LTD., NO. 67 AND 68, KLING STBET. Established 1907. Capital paid up. f 1,000,000,00 Reserve liability of propritors... $1,000,000,00 Reserve Fund 5300,000,00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. L*ow Chia Hbno, Esq. Chbono Qubb Tiam, Esq. Tan Swi Khi, Esq. Lbb Wbb Nam,
      468 words
    • 434 14 BANKING. DEUTSCH ASIATISCHE BANK. FULLY PAID UP CAPITAL (Sh. Taele 7,500,000 Head Offioe Shanghai. Board of Directors Berlin. BRANCHES: Berlin, Calcutta, Hambnrg, Canton, Hankow, Hongkong, Kobe, Feking, Tientsin, Tsinanfu, Tsingtau, Yokohama. THE FOLLOWIN6 BANKS AND BANKERS ARE REPRESENTED ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Bank fuer Handel nnd Industrie,') Berliner Handels-Gosellschaft.
      434 words
    • 834 14 INSURANCE. A FOREHANDED MAN For any man who has a family, not a fortnne, by far tbe most important of all investments is LIFE ASSURANCE. For a young man who has no fami'y it in a good investment, for be can no to speak invent his youth and health in
      834 words

  • 991 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. European and American Racers A correspondent baa sent to The Financier a copy of a letter appearing in The Light Car and Cycle-car from an owner-driver, who ii also an engineer, explaining elaborately but lucidly and amusingly why he, who says
    991 words
  • 94 15 Application has been made before the court of first instance in Manila for the appointment of a receiver to wind op the affairs of the Chinese firm of Chua Teng Chong, 52 calle Barraca, Manila. It is understood, says a Manila exchange, that the liabilities of the concern amount to
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 208 15 WOLSELEY THE Cfcß OF REFINEMENT AND RELIABILITY. Wolseley standard models are the crystallised result of an extraordinary amount of experiments. There is scarcely an invention that has come into the market for years that has not been subjected to exhaustive tests. Ingenious ideas have been tried and discarded because they
      208 words
    • 13 15 For Children's H taking Cough at Night, Wood Ureat Peppermint Care, Is. M.
      13 words
    • 220 15 I NOTHING BETTER I THAN CONTINENTAL JUST ARRIVED: c*e 1914 Models. KHAI SUN 215, South Bridtfe Road. Photographs (Studio and Outdoor) taken at wj BS^^*>» any hour of the day. /4JP^^^^^t2l Gfi^^^^ Amateurs' work developed, re-touched or /jJ^gMfek.'VH \3Br Portraits aud Enlargements specialised. fif I'"^1 f k. >l|h-class production at
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
      492 words
    • 397 16 WANTS. IRON PIPEB WANTEO. Wanted 850 feet of 4" 6" or 6' second-hand past iron pipes. Apply GUTHRIE CO., LTD. 16-5 v ENGINE DRIVER WANTED. Wanted, Engine Driver for British North Borneo. Apply by letter to GUTHRIE CU, LTD., Singapore. 20-5 n WANTEO. Good agencies for Koala Lumpur and district.
      397 words
    • 503 16 WANTS. PUIAU BUIANG SHARES. Wanted, Pnlau Bulang Shares. App'y W. V H., c o otraits Times. 19-6 B 28 5 TEACHER WANTED. A trained tcaohnr oeed<d in SI. Joseph's Institution. Apyly to the Director. 19 6 B AO-5 TEACHER WANTED. Wanted, a qnaliOFd teacber for a Hgher elementary class. Apply
      503 words
    • 625 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. FURNISHED SEABIOE RESIDENCES TO LET. BELINDA and JU ANITA, to let furnished. Apply No. 9, Mt. Sophia. 15 v OFFICE TO LET. No. la, Raffles Quay, Ist and 2nd floors. Apply Guthrie t Co., Ltd. 1 5 v FLOOR TO LET To let, 2nd Floor,
      625 words
    • 649 16 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO., 37. Phillip Street. Ship-chandlers, Oovirnmknt and Municipal Contractors, General Importers and exportbrs and commission aobnts. Telephone No. 1171 1388 (Private 1450) 8-H n GUAN KIAT CO., 37, Philip Street. S 1 1 K Ac, I- NTS FOX "GLOBE" BOILER FLUID, THE IDEAL FLUID FOR CLEANING AND
      649 words
    • 440 16 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURES. Straits Times List. The following fixtures f ,>r tho current week and important forthcoming fixtures are kindly supplied by tho secretaries of the various dubs. Convenient forms on which to make tho i oturns will be supplied on application to the Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Football Association
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 221 16 Straits TDimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Miscellaneous wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of 81 per four lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, SI each insertion. For p.p.c. cards, on page 8, S2. Inch Stalk Ratis ,m as
      221 words