The Straits Times, 30 April 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 24.477 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. APRIL 30. 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 183 1 w^l Millinery LATEST CKEATIONS Just opened out FROM P. Barthelemy Co., KATZ BROS., Ltd. WAH HENG CO. PHOTO6RAPHIG BTORES. DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING AMATEURS' WORK. Platen, Paper*, Filns, Cbemicalp, OniirM, Lonse?, and General Photographic Mateiialp. Froiui h nf mry varittj m»<?t to oidcr. NO. 95. NORTH BRID6E ROAD. Opposite Adi
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    • 156 1 ROBINSON CO., SOLE AGENTS FOR Tl*c* All-Steel RALEIGH CYCLE Guaranteed Fox* Ever-. STEEL m, P -.3 m£ RALEIGH. 19X4 MODEL 21. This Machine is of a new design, the utmost skill and experience of many years' Cycle Manufacture has been put in the construction of this model. The Gear case
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  • 678 2 THE STRUGGLE OF PARTIES FOR POWER. Wbat of China? We quote the following letter frou the North China Daily News correspondent at Peking who, writing on April 7, said Aooording to the Chinese the air in Peking is highly charged with electricity. We are informed that a
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  • 272 2 Fruit as Preservative and Sweets As Peril. An interesting report issued by the Education Department of the London County Council sets forth that there is a larger percentage of boys than girls with bad teetb, and that 89 per cent, of children of well to do parents suffer
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  • 22 2 Honesty is the best policy, says the proverb, bat is be whose best policy it is to be honest an honest man
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 271 2 a™ Protect your (m Children against m$ M Consumption WL by giving them ffflXW 1 1 'vvp\ PR' M (Tradt Mark) jl [I Cod Liver Oil WITH \UI Malt Extract IjJ 11 I/ i It provides weakly children (and I y adults) with strength and stamina to H\w j \y
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    • 50 2 Bowel Complaint in Children. Daring tbe summer months children are subject to disorders of the bowels and should receive the most careful attention. As soon as any unnatural looseness of tbe bowels is noticed Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea iiemedy should be given. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 540 2 11l CAME OUT IN HANDFULS Began as Ringworm. Left Bald Patch, then Scaly with Hard Crust-like Substance. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured Her. 11, Ford Rd.. Owport, Hants. Kng. "My little girl's bead wu bad for nearly two year*. It first began a. ringworm. The hair came out In >jpr*«y^
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  • 651 3 THE EXPERIENCES OF A LADY NURSE. English Vicar's Sacrifice. "The Hospital of the Resurrection of Hope." This is the name, very beautiful and appropriate to the ears of the afflicted patients, of the leper station at Kumamoto, to which next August the Rev. A. S. Hewlett,
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  • 394 3 Humane Society's Medal for British Officer. In response to representations made to tbe Royal Humane Society, tbe Imperial Merchant Service Guild have received a silver medal and s diploma on vellum for presentation to Mr. A. O. Connor, chief officer of tbe British steamer Uonam,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 565 3 Let me talk to yon about being |fe3& "Run-Down" i gs^ v When your system is undermined by worry r~3E "aMJawt JSSbV^bV or overw °tl < when your vitality is lowered k- y^syV^ wr >en you ft-el "anyhow" when your W%?' la^7 nerves are "on edge" when the least Cl
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    • 533 3 LASSITUDE IN HOT WEATHER. It would need the pen of a Kipling to describe adequately the lassitude, both of the body and mind, which overwhelms men and I women during the hot weather. Every t uneI tion is more or less profoundly depressed by the heat, and, as tb« result
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    • 709 3 RANBEOUNOB GLAZED STONEWARE. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZES STOCKED. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LD. SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE SPRING MCE MEETING (Under 8.8.A. Sulet of Boeing), WILL UK HELD ON Tueeday, May 8, Thursday, May 7, and Satu-day, May 9, 1914. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, May S, 1914. 1. THB OPBNING
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    • 753 3 Rsees No. 1. Bor 8 on the First Dry. Entr.nce, 125. Distance. Scurry Coarse. THIRD DAY. Saturday, May 9, 1914. 1%. THB STEWARDS' STAKES AND PLATE —Value 1600. A Handicap for Pony Ex Griffins tbat have ran at the Meeting. Entranoe, 125. Distanoe, Raoe Coarse. If there are more than
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 615 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PENANO, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EGYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS, PLY MOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamors will leave Singapore on or about— MAIL LINES Homeward (for Europe). c- (Connecting
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    • 551 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted witb all
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    • 759 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang. Berserah, Kretay, Paka, Tringgana, Bisat, Semera Baohok Kelantan, Tabai, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani. Singora, Laoon, Kcbumni, Bandon, Langsuen, laku, Champon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Due Deparurs BORIBAT May 3 s. MAHIDOL May 4 May c Only Asdang and Bcribat cali
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    • 533 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AND OEUTSGH OAMPFSCHIFF FAHRTS6EB. "HANSA" BREMEN. Combined Servioe. The steamers of tin se Companies maintain a regular servioe batweun Ha<nburg, Breiann Antwerp, Rotterdam and Emdea an] the Straits, Cbiia and Japan. Homnwardr, they are despatched fort nightly for Havre and Hamburg and one j
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    • 652 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. NOROOEUTSCHER LLOYD. BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamers this Company Bail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, L'sSon, via Rotterdam Antwerp. Sou.i amp on. Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connecting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Saia, Suez. Aden, t olombo, Penang Singapore Honnkony, Shanghai, Taingtau,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 701 5 "JENATZY" TYRES. Hooglandt A& O^o* 9 Singapore. STEAMER SAILINGS. FOR A HOLIDAY TO AUSTRALIA by the K. P. M.'s New »nd Ftst fclrtmcis TASMAN and HOCTMAN, each 5,003 tcno files; 8.000 tons water ci»plao irmt. Ibete mtdtin mailst«amtip, »f ccislly tuilt acd dts fi«d for Ibe Aottrahan trade and ccmfortable
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    • 476 5 AUSTRALIA BY BURNB PHILP UNE Sinoipobe to Java Poets, Post Daswin Thursday Island, Bbisbane and Sydney, via Tokrks Straits. Also taking p«fengors and oarga with transhipment for other Victorian, South Australian and North Queensland Ports, Britisb New Guinea, New Britain, Taimanian and New Zealand Ports. Smooth Passage- Superb Scenery. A
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    • 468 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP UNE. HONGKONG TO BDROPB Vu China Japik, Canada amd the Dhitsl States. Impress of Rnsiia 1,^,1 Quadruple screw Bmpreas of As.a f 1 18,860 tons grcn. Impress of India I R J Twin screw Impress ol Japan f I 8,000 tons
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    • 213 5 "PURUB" (Patented) THE NEW COAGULANT, Has been awarded the GOLD MEDA.L at the "All Ceylon Exhibition at Colombo. The Advantagesof PURUB overordinary coagulants are:— Superior quality of the manufactured article. Higher percentage of rubber extracted from the latex. Disinfects the latex. Retains its full nerve even after years. Loses none
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    • 576 5 Royal Vinolia Cream Soap. Royal Vinolia Cream Soap is specially adapted to meet the requirements of the daintiest toilet, while for daily use in the nursery it is unsurpassed. The care bestowed on the selection of materials and manufacture of this charming soap ensures its absolute purity. It is indeed
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 694 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SEA VIEW HOTEL SPECIAL Dinner and Ball SATURDAY, MAY 9. LAST DAY OF SINGAPORE RACES. DINNER on LAWN, 7.30 to 9 P.M. SUPPER 12 to 1 A.M. The Austrian Ladles' Band will be in attendanos during and after Dinner. BOOK NOW. SATURDAY, MAY 9. NOTICE. NOTICE
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    • 194 6 W OO TO iO> W. J. GARCIA. f^ Orchard Rd. FOB $700. I BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. FOR PENANG, RANGOON A CALCUTTA. One of tbe Company's steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo booked by the above steamers at through rates to
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    • 147 6 FOR Incandescent Oil Lamps USE "Cross" w Kerosene The Cheapest Kefined Oil on the Market. "CROSS" IS SPECIALLY SUITABLE FOR BURNING IN INCANDESCENT LAMPS AND WILL GIVE YOU MORE LIGHT at a LOWER COST THAN ANY OTHER OIL. OBTAINABLE FROM ALL DEALERS JlgZ Per 4-Gallon tin H» (Including Duty). THE
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  • 139 7 FIXTURES Thursday, April 30. High Water, 0.7 a.m., 1.30 p.m. Friday, May I. High Water. 0.18 a.m., 2.24 p.m. P. and O. outward mail due. Saturday, May 2. High WaW. 1.27 a.m., 3.33 p.m. I)jai«>flra H. 0. meeting, Evatt's, noon. S. K A. meeting. Madam Kaloa, Victoria
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  • 177 7 To-day. Batu Pahat Aing Leong Bpm Malacca and Muar Kaka 8 pm P. Dickson and P. Swettenham Selangor 8 pm Bawean, Sourabaya, Bandjermansin, Stagen, etc. Elout 4 pm Selat Pand jang, Bengkalis, and Bagan Abbotsford 4pm To-morrow, B3*Penang, Ceylon, Australasia, Mauritius, India, Aden, Egypt, and via 8.-indisi
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  • 197 7 The P. and O. outward mail steamer India left Penang at 1.16 a.m. to-day, and may be expected to arrive here on Friday morning, May L The P. and O. outward intermediate steamer N'ellore was due at Colombo at 6 a.m. on April .10, and may be
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  • 500 7 Latest Arrivals. Abbotoford. Brit. str. 00 tons, C'apt Morris, AprilM. Kromßaijan, April 27. U.c. and 2) dp. Ka >n Kook. Kor Bagan, April 30. K Is. Dut. str. 176 tons, r.ipt de Kook, April 29. Kroui P. Soesoo, April 27. O.c. and d.p. S. Aj;.'Dcy, LUI. 1
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  • 96 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed T..-I)ay TANJONO PAOAR. Bast Wharf Basin Nil. W. Siction No. l...Tasman. Shsirs Wharf Nil. Main W. Sect. No. 2...Thongwa. 8...NU. urn 6. ..Nil. 0...X. P- M. Emma, Medusa, Myrmidon. Nsw Dock 7.. .(Under construction) Wbst Wharf B...
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  • 118 7 Arrivals. Per str. Kuching, April 80, From Sarawak: Messrs. Lim Scow Keong, J. P. Reutens, I. H. Uibbs and Mrs. Uorvey. Per str. Krian, April 30. From Kelantan Major and Mrs. Lowe, Messrs. Hugbeston and A. D. M. Hill. Per str. Hye Leong, April 80.— From Kuantan
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  • 115 7 In view of tbe fact that communication with ships in certain directions is interrupted by the screening effect of the range of hills in the south of Ceylon it is proposed to establish a wireless station at Dondra. With this object, Mr. J. It Stapieton,
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  • 47 7 According to a report of tbe Board of Finance, China is to pay this year, in million! of dollars Boxer indemnity, 29 Various bank loans, il 15 oth.-r loans, 17.70; interest on tbe tint big loan, 18 the large loans, 50 and loans on abort terms, 75
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  • 280 7 EXCHANGE Sinoaporb, April 80, 1914. Ob Lomdom Bank 4 m/s m, 2/4} Demand M 2/4,'j Private 6 m/s 2/4; 8 m/s m, 2/4 Ob OsRHAin Bank d/d 28HJ Private 8 m/s m 24 On Franob Bank d/d m 394 Private 8 m/s 298 On Ikdia Bank T.
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    • 185 7 Buyer* Seller. 10 10 Ampang 8.50 1 1 Aver Woug C...0 10 10 BoUt 2.70 8.00 10 10 Bruang 1.80 10 10 Kampar 10.25 10 10 Kanaboi 1.60 1.66 10 10 Kinta Association 10.00 11.(0 £1 £1 Kinta Tin 1.16.0 2.0.0 £1 £1 Lahat Miner 6.26 6.00 10 0
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    • 666 7 RUB BER. I? 8 6 1 Buyers. Sellers alae 2/- 2/- Allagai 1/44 2/- xd £1 £1 Anglo-Java 2/9 8/9 2/- 2/- Anglo Malay 9/6 10/8 2/- 2/- Batang Malaka -/10 1/1 £1 £1 Batu Ti^a 2.8.9 2.15.0 2/- 2/- Bekoh -/6 -/8 £1 £1 Bokit Kajang 1.11.8 1.14.9 £1
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    • 122 7 VaTuel Buyers. Selleu 41 41 B. Smelting Co. 12/- 18,6 41 41 Prel. 1.1.0 1.8.0 6/- 6/- Electric T' ways 4 6 10 10 Fraser Neave 60.00 60 60 Hammer Co. 100.00 110.00 100 Howarth Brskine 45X0 100 7% Prel. 100.00 100 100 Kati Bro, Dei 125.00 185.00 10
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 136 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. May 2.— At The Model Dairy Farm, Monnt Zioo, River Valley Rd., 188, Australian and Indian Cows and Calves, at 2.80. May 2. At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. May 5. At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. May 7. At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10.
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    • 73 7 MAGNUMS 55 GtS. lii%~^"Csl 55 GtS. Inree Castles per Cigarettes c pep TIN. I TIN. I W.D.&HD.WiIIs itj FRASER CHALMERS, Ltd., SOLE AGENTS FOR "DUDBRIDGE" Kerosene Crude Oil Engines. FIXED \J\ ikAJf Ttrr A cheap AND fc IllllWsMgyH^ PORTABLE 'iVj 9/ ,ffl iatW EFFICIENT. 9 15 B.H.P. KEROSENE ENGINES IN
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    • 97 7 A STANDARD ATTRACTION AT THE HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. Commencing TO-NIGHT, and for 5 ensuing Nights only. ALEXANDER DUMAS MASTERPIECE The COUNT of MONTE CRISTO (Five-Reel Exclusive). Produced on a Most Lavish Scale by tbe FAMOUS players CO., with James O Nell, the Famous American Actor. In the
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  • 27 8 Scdbb.— On April 29, at the General Horpital, Singapore, Emil Suder, Assistant, Tbe East Asiatic Co Ltd. Interment at 5.30 p.m. to day, at Bidadari Cemetery.
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  • 1236 8 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, APRIL 30. UNWARRANTED REBELLION. The Homasjlule Bill has not been passed there is still a possibility that if it is passed a Parliamentary election may take place in time to enable the Unionists to exclude Ulster there is a guarantee already that no county of Ulster
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  • 16 8 Tbe outward P. and O. mail steamer India is due here at 7 a.m. to morrow.
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  • 19 8 Tbe appeal of Mr. Arnold, editor of the Burma Critic, of Rangoon, has been dismissed by the Privy Counoil.
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  • 22 8 Tbe picturesque township of Sungei Siput is in a state of miid excitement owing to the oatbreak of several oases of cholera.
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  • 33 8 Mr. Jap Ah Chit, whose marriage we noticed the other day, informs us that he spent about fifteen years in Great Britain and not seven years only in his scholastic and medical studies.
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  • 36 8 Hongkong continues to be agitated by the supposed presence of one or two tigers on the Island. There are several reports that tigers have actually been seen, but no one has yet succeeded in shooting them.
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  • 40 8 Mr. Tan Tek Soon, who is an hon. member of the Amateur Drawing Association, gave an interesting lecture last night at the club house, Tank Road, on China, Descriptive and Historical," to a large house. Mr. Tan Tiling Yew presided.
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  • 43 8 Under the auspices of the Indian Christian Association, Pastor C. N. Kaiuasw.uni, a Hindu convert to Christianity, from Tinnevelly. Southern India, will deliver an address in Tamil on Life at the Association Hall, 18, f rinsep Street, on Saturday next, at 8 p.m.
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  • 43 8 Commanders and officers of British ships have reported to tbe Imperial Merchant Service Guild further troubles in dealing with Chinese crews. The Guild's Clyde agent has stated that two second officers refused to sail on a steamer because she had a Chinese crew.
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  • 48 8 Mr. E. A. Swan, acting manager of Messrs. Caldbeck, Macgregor and Co., Singapore, is at present in Penang making arrangements for the opening of a branch of the company's business in tbe northern settlement. The branch, which will bo situated at Ah Quee Buildings will be opened to-morrow.
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  • 58 8 Mr. A. Grant Mackie had a Btartling experience during a thunderstorm at Ipoh on Tuesday. Ho was speaking on the telephone from his bungalow, when a flash of lightning struck the wire and gave him a severe shock. His band was slightly scorched, and it was some fifteen minutees before
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  • 56 8 This is the fifth birthday of little Princess Juliana, of Holland, and by way of celebrating the anniversary the Hotel van Wijk are serving a special dinner to-night to tbo accompaniment of a musical programme supplied by the band of the sth Light Infantry. The culinary reputation of the hotel
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  • 59 8 The International Co. have had four months' trial working at Harbin in the preparing for export to England of poultry. This has been very successful and they hav9 now forwarded to Vladivostock over 600 tons of various game principally pheasants and chickens. They are now building a large godown and
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  • 63 8 Mr. Justice Sproule sat in the Supremo Court this morning and commenced tbe bearing of an action brought by J. M. Lamb and Co., of Battery Koad, against Chop Chin Soon to compel them to accept delivery of and tender payment for 250 bundles of iron, valued at tBOO, and
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  • 63 8 The cable ship Colonia, which has been laying the new direct telegraph cable between Singapore and Hongkong, left the neighbouring Crown Colony for London on April 25. She is expected here to morrow. Tbo shore end of the new cable was fixed last week in Telegraph Bay, Pokfulum, and the
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  • 77 8 The Manila Times of April 19, says The Bandmann's played The Girl on the Film before a packed house last night at the Grand. That is, the house was packed at tho beginning < f tbe performance. At tbe end of the second act, however, majy decided that home or
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  • 82 8 In tbe Suprom i Court, this morning, the acting Chief Justice, the Hon. Mr. J. A. S. Bucknill, X.C gave judgment for defendants in an action in which Lob Ah Swee, trader of Upper Nankin Street, claimed an injunction to restrain Teo Hoo Lye an 1 Wee Bock Sin, also
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  • 86 8 Great Whale Cay, one of the Bahama Islands in the West Indies, has been sold with its 4,000 coconut trees and its natural oyster beds to an enterprising young Engliith, man who, it is understood, has bought the island as a commercial venture. Mr. Wilde, the recent owner, returned to
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  • 128 8 The India General Steam Navigation Company have just plaotxi on the Bengal rivers a steamer which is the largest ever built in India. An idea of the size of the Mazetto may be gathered from the fact that stie is licensed to carry more than '2,000 passengers. She is a
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  • 386 8 Lit ut. Hoghton, Ist Bn. K. O. Y. L. 1., is going on leave of absence from May 24 to January 25, 1915. Bishop J. W. Robinson, of the Methodist Episcopal Mission, is paying visits to various towns in the F.M.S. this week on bis way
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  • 92 8 Ten Chinese were charged in tbe Marino Court, this morning, before Lieut. B. A. Cator, R.N., for stowing away on board the steamer rratoon Apcarfrom Hongkong to Singapore. Mr. F. A. Powell, of Messrs. Adamsno, Gilfillan and Co., prosecuted on behalf of tbe owners of the vessel.
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  • 89 8 The mortality returns for Singapore issued by tbe Registrar of Births and Deaths show that during the week ending April 25, there were 241 deaths (176 males, 65 females', giving a ratio per mille of population of M .06. Malarial fever accounted for 30 deaths, phthisis 25,
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  • 99 8 Tbe Gopcng shooting case was mentioned in the Police Court at Gupeug before tbe Batu Gajah Magistrate, Mr. W. M. Milliugton, on Moud iy morning, when Mr. K. C. Warren, who had surrendered himself in connection with the mysterious death of a Chinaman at Gopong recently, was
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  • 121 8 On the race days, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday next week, Raffles Hotel will serve special tiffins and dinners, while it has been arranged that the band of the K.0.Y.L.1. shall play for dancing after dinner on Tuesday and Saturday nights. The regimental band will not be in
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  • 163 8 At the Magistracy, Hongkong, on April 22, before Mr. J. K. Wood, the master of the steamer Solveig, Captain P. Kiocssen, was charged with that, having on board the vessel sickness the nature t. 1 which be was not aware, he did refrain from hoisting the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 151 8 OLD TOM Jas. london COUTTS CIN exo. Sole Importers GALDBECK, MACGREGOR C&\ Wholesale and Retail Wine and Spirit Merchants. N. ADVANCE DISPLAY CJk Race Millinery jfr^A\ JUST UNPACKED ittl PS v SEMI-DIESEL CRUDE OIL ENGINES No valve.. 7IIVII A M Suoce A B lul Forced I UAIIH Ifi 11 Lubrication.
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    • 120 8 POSITIVELY LOST TWO MIGHTS SIR J. FORBES ROBERTSON MISS GERTRUDE ELLIOTT With Their Full London Drury Lane Theatre Company in HAMLET PRINCE OF DSNMARK. 5,800 feot, FIVE REELS, 9.15 to 11 15 p.m. AT THE ALHAMBRA Beach Road, Bj arrangement with thi Paumont Co. Ltd., London, Owaors of tbo World
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    • 11 8 Latest advertisement* of the day appear on page 6 and 11.
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  • 1207 9 Mr. Churchill's Personal Suggestion. LOBBY FEELING BECOMES MORE HOPEFUL. Military Movements Continue Rbdtkb's Tblboram. London April 29. Mr. Churchill, continuing his speech in tbe Commons debate on an Opposition motion for impartial inquiry into tbe movements of troops in Ulster, appealed to Sir E. Carson to say boldly
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  • 133 9 Rbutbb's Telegram. London, April 29. A Sydney telegram says the engine driver who was in tbe collision on March 18 by which 15 were killed and 15 injured has been tried on a charge of manslaughter and acquitted. The collision occurred at Exeter, New South Wales, daring
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  • 121 9 Ksi'TSa't iBLBORAM. London, April 39. A message from Victoria, British Columbia, nays tbat owing to the overcrowded labour market the Canadian immigration authorities on the I'acifio Coast have been instructed to prevent tbe entry of all Chinese between May 21 and September 80. Sir Newton Moore, Agent
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  • 118 9 Result of Two Thousand Guineas. Rbutbb's Tblbobam. London, April 29. The list of Two Thousand probables was increased by the addition of Saint Guthlac (R. Stokes), Parhelion (Earl) and Sergoi (Hewitt). The result of the Two Thousand was Kennymore 1 Corcyra 2 Black Jester 8 Eighteen ran and
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  • 39 9 Loss of Two Hundred Lives. Rbctbb's Tblbgram. London, April 29. News is to hand that 203 perished in explosions in a coal mine at Eccles, West Virginia. The mine was soon ablaze and rescues were impossible.
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  • 69 9 Huge Storage Taok Fired by Lightning. (From Oub Own Correspondent.) Hongkong, April 29. One of the seven storage tanks at the Standard Oil Company's depot at Laicbikok, Hongkong, has caught fire, it i» supposed by lightning, and a million and a quarter gallons of oil are still
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  • 74 9 Quotations Current Yesterday. The following message has been received in Singapore, dated London, April 29 Plantation Para first latex crepe ou spot 2/7 Para to arrive 8/0 Market firm. The East Asiatic Company 'avour us wk h tbe following report The market in London yesterday was quiet.
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  • 35 9 (From Odb Own Corbbspomdbmt.) London, April 29. Bandjar Sarie pays a maiden dividend of 6 per cent., Ceylon Para a final of 6J per cent. Nothing is doing on the share market.
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  • 327 9 Undergraduates in Liveliest Of Moods. This year's boat-race, as with all its prede ceeaors, bad its aftermath of hilarious doings in the West-end of London. Tbe crews and the Old Blues dined at tbe Grand Hotel, Northumberland Avenue. There were over 100 guests, and after
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  • 18 9 Dr. Morrison, Political Advise r to President Yuan Slulj kai, is going home on leave of long duration.
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  • 232 9 SHIPS CARPENTER STABS THREE PERSONS. Chief Officer Seriously Wounded. A serious affray occurred on the N.D.L. Ranee, one of the Company's coasting steamers, wbich arrived in port this morniDg from Deli, with Capt. Schmalfus in command. There were a number of Chinese deck passengers on board,
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  • 277 9 Programme of First Concert On Saturday. We are able to give, to-day the programme to be presented by Madame Kalna and her concert party at the Victoria Theatre on Saturday night. Tbe company arrived today from Southampton by tbe Dutch mail steamer Koningin Emma. Daring tbe voyage
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  • 158 9 A Scotsman landed in Canada not long ago. The very first morning he walked abroad be met a coal black negro. It happened tbat the negro had been born in tbe Highland distriot of Scotland and had spent the greater part of his life there. Naturally, he had
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  • 92 9 Senor Yglesiaa Blanco, in tbe presence of representatives of King Alpbonso, on April 5, carried out at tbe village of Pozuelo experimental tests of bis apparatus for extracting electricity from tbe atmosphere. For this purpose tbe scientist uses antennae mounted on a pair of high towers.
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  • 79 9 Tbe post office* at the various places which have received the attentions of tbe White Wolf rebels have been ordered to stamp all letters and post-cards with tbe two characters White Wolf in order to advertise the fact of his presence. Proclamations, supposed to have been issued by White Wolf,
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  • 377 9 Notes on Training for the Spring Meeting. To say the interest taken in the training is keen would be putting it mildly. With this week came Redfearn's string from Kuala Lumpur and yesterday Fenn arrived from Penang with Bate Gajah and Othello, while Hawley got here- this morning
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  • 413 9 Wealthy Americans' World Wide Tour. Mrs. Clara Baldwin Stocker, the daughter of tbe multimillionaire Lucky Jack Baldwin, and herself known throughout America as "the woman smothered with diamonds," bas started from Los Angeles on a trip, the cost of which will easily reach half a million dollars.
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  • 228 9 Experiments Shewing Possible Wordlessness. Peculiar interest attaches at the moment to some remarkable statement! made before the Manchester Eugenics Education Society by Dr. Edgar Scb aster, of Oxford. He had been investigating personally conditions of mental similarity. His objects wero tested in immediate memory for words, ideas,
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  • 203 9 IMPORTANT DISCUSSION IN THE REICHSTAG. The Strained Relations With Russia. Rbuter's Tblbobam. London, April 29. The budget committee of the Reichstag is discussing foreign affairs. Herr von Jagow denied that tbe Powers of the Triplioe had concluded a Mediterranean agreement. Referring to Rosso-German relations he said both governments
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  • 53 9 Rbutbr's Teleoram. London, April 29. Vera Cruz messages say there in an unconfirmed report tliai six Americans were taken from the jail and killed at Cordoba. An American was killed at C&samalcapan. The South American mediators have requested an armistice between the United States and Mexico, and the
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  • 39 9 Der OSTASIATISCHE LLoyd Telegram. Berlin, April 29, The American Government have presented to Amba <sador Bernstorff a letter of thanks for his attitude on the qnestion of the steamer Ypirang and for the assistance given by the cruiser Dresden.
    39 words
  • 19 9 Rbctbb's Tbleoram. London, April 29. The Lords have passed the Army Annual Bill finally without discussion.
    19 words
  • 24 9 Rbutbr's Telegram. London, April 29. A Constantinople message says tbe Turkish Government has ordored another dreadnought from Armstrong's, computable in 21 months.
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  • 32 9 Rbotbb's Tkleokam. Loudon, April 29. A Rio de Janeiro message says tbat Mr, Roosevelt, who is on an expedition in unexplored Brazil, bas discovered a tribe of unknown naked savages.
    32 words
  • 22 9 Rbctbb's Tbleqram. London, April 29. The Duko of Argyll is suffering from double pneumonia and his condition is serious.
    22 words
  • 84 9 Der Ostasiatiscbb Lloyd Tblegi:ax. Berlin, April 29. The condition of tbe Emperor FrancisJoseph bas further improved. Tbe Italian ambassador at Paris, K gnor Tittoni, resigns and becomes President of the Senate at Rome. The Hamburg- Amerika Company b.->ve invited tbe Reichstag to a Sunday trip on the Vaterland.
    84 words
  • 62 9 Dbb Ostasiatischs Lloyd Tblbobam. Berlin, April 29. In the Prussian House of Representative* there has been a lively debate on tbo falsication of a letter from tbe Kaisor to tbe executor of the late Cardinal Kopp. Here Porsch declared that tbe Government's declarations were correct and bo asserted
    62 words

  • 2927 10 (Fkox A Correspondent Following is a continuation of an article by a Kuala Lumpur correspondent on F.M.S. Pensions, the first portion of which appeared yesterday In 1905, Mr. S. E. Williams, the Government Printer of Perak, retired on a superannuation allowance of 11,050 per annum, long
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  • 311 10 Not Out of Use But Forbidden By Fashion. A milliner has told a Standard representative that long hatpins are qnlte out of fashion. They came in with the Merry Widow hat," she said, because it required a pin longer than the one in use at the time. When
    311 words
  • 205 10 Nearly Eight Hundred Buildings Destroyed. A disastrous fire is reported from Hakodate, Hokkaido. At about 11 a.m. on the Bth inst., while a severe gale whit.ii set in on the previous evening was raging, fire broke out in the premises of a merchant dealing in laminaria, named
    205 words
  • 9 10 To start things coming your way, go after them.
    9 words
  • 1997 10 At a meeting of the Bishopsgate Ward Club, held at the Great Eastern Hotel, 8.C., on April 25, Mr. T. J. Harrowing, presiding, Mr. F. W. Gammage gave an interesting address on Th« Romance of the Coconut Industry." He said that the reoent informal visit of their
    1,997 words
    • 18 10 The K.0.Y.L.1. regimental marathon race starts from the Tanglin Golf links at 5 p.m. to-day.
      18 words
    • 46 10 Mr. G. Hussy, the present holder of the 100 and 440 yds. flat race championship, has left Calcutta for England, where he intends taking part in the Amateur Athletic Cham pionships to be held at Stamford Bridge in July and will represent India at the meeting.
      46 words
    • 48 10 The Indian Football League at the annual meeting on April 15 agreed by nine votes to three to admit Inditn teams to its competitions. Later three Indian applications were considered, the Mohum Beyan being elected unanimously, while the Aryans received six votes to the two given to Suvabazar.
      48 words
    • 40 10 Sepoy Lines Oolf Club. Sixteen cards were taken oat (or the medal for April. The following scores were returned A. Creery 82— 2=80 O. Holden 09 10 88 W.Holdsworth Hunt... 100 15 86 L. A. Thomas 97 10 87
      40 words
  • 1031 10 John N. Raphael writes in The Standard: Stage door, sir I Yessir," the taxi oab driver had said. And he had touched his cap because he took me for a favourite of the public whom he had failed to recognise, and knew that favourites of the public
    1,031 words
  • 111 10 Among the pictures to be screened at the Harima Hall Cinemotograpb, North Hridge Road, to-night, is a five-reel exclusive film, entitled The Count of Monte Cristo, after the masterpiece of Alexander Dumas and produced on a lavish scale by the Famous Mayers Co., with James O Neil, the
    111 words
  • 45 10 Over 500,000 negatives, estimated to weigh about 50 tons, pass into new ownership in connection with the sale to Mr. Lovell Smith of the stock of Messrs. Byrne and Co., exCourt photographers, of Richmond. There are over 1,000 negatives of members of the Royal Family.
    45 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 148 11 To tbe K.litoi of the Straits Times. Sir,— lv Uio loporl of the I.A.M. annual meeting in your iwiue of 28th inst tbe statenunt of a Malacca representative, to the effect that Negri Sembilan has no system of discharge tickets for Tamils, appears an contradicted. As me
      148 words
  • 342 11 Testing the Board of Trade Test. An interesting series of vision tests were to be carried out on April 8 by the Board of Trade at Shoeburyntss military ranges. The. experiment was being conducted with a view to ascertaining whether the present tests as carried out by
    342 words
  • 282 11 Sequel to American Girls' College Haze." Miss Mabel Rogers, a freshman at Purdue University, which is controlled by the State of Indiana, and is one of the most famous universities in the Middle West, has started an action for X2OO damages each againßt seven girls for
    282 words
  • 13 11 Made up her mind to win him." Made np her face, you mean."
    13 words
  • 817 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, April 30, 1914 Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue tLe following list of quotations this morning:— No* Valub Bcyrbs. Sillies. 2/- Allagar 14} 2/ xd Si 1 An K loJa\a 2/9 8/9 1 Anglo Johoie 1/8
    817 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 46 11 The Man Who Gets There la the man who has blood real rich red blood and plenty of it— in his body. WATERBURY3 METABOLIZED COD LIVER OIL COMPOUND makes blood— lots of it -life giving, brain nourishing, strength replenishing blood. OF ALL CHEMISTS. $I.SS and SSa.
      46 words
    • 64 11 A Parent's Duty. Your boy is always getting scratched or cut or bruised. Because these wounds have healed all right is no sign they always will. Get a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and see that every injury is cared for immediately. You can get nothing better, and blood poison
      64 words
      524 words
    • 195 11 LATEST AOVEHTISBMBNTS. Don't k AFRAID Place your Piano in OUR CARE FOR Regular Tuning AND Attention. We have been manufacturing Pianos and Organs in the East since 1873, and KNOW how to handle them. S. Moutrie &Co.,Ld. RAFFLES PLACE VICTORIA THEATRE. SATUROAY ANO MONOAY NEXT. May 9 and 4, at
      195 words
    • 197 11 2 Smoked Everywhere by No. K. Equestrian*. S (dearly) Everybody. m I PLAYER'S I I NAVY I I MIXTURE I "THE MIXTURE OF MATCHLESS MERIT." 9 RAFFLES^HOTEL. Special Dinners and Tiffins DURING RACE WEEK TUESDAY, MAY S, THURSDAY, IVI A. V 7, SATURDAY, MAY 9. By kind permission of Lieut.-Ccl
      197 words

  • 3200 12 HER HIGHNESS THE RANEE ON BROOKE RULE. Resources of the State A paper on Sarawak was given at the Royal Society of Arts ou the evening of April 1. It was prepared by the Ranee of Sarawak, but her Highness was unfortunately not able to be
    3,200 words
  • 257 12 Romance of Grand National Result. A strange story of the Turf is associated with Sunloch, the winner of the Grand National. His owner on March 27 was Mr. Tom Tyler, a Leicestershire sportsman living at Loughborough. Last Novomber Sunloch belonged to a man then using the
    257 words
  • 752 12 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest Lists The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list
    752 words
  • 332 12 Important Innovation in the Gem Trade. Gem-lovers will be interested to know that the new standard carat weight which has recently been legalised in England became operative on April 1. The change will not in any way affect the value of gems, but has, it is learned,
    332 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 226 12 You may pay more for your milk but you cannot get a better quality. SO 4 th *<S 4 Jk lombiol fe^?j CURES PILES, IL^f, PRICKLY HEAT.ECZEMA, iPfi* and al> SKIN troubles [fc^i^jy^^ Throtuhout England thi« wonderful Ointment llStrTr-^ ha* been remarkably tucceuful in the treatment SHyX&i of aUJiin trouble,
      226 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 90 13 I Favotarite I T| $jm i i 21 l i I Largest Sale I IN STOCK One 25 Horse Power INTERCHANGEABLE Lorry and Char-a-banc body to carry 2 tons or 34 passengers. One 35 Horse Power Platform Lorry with hinged Portable sides to carry a load of 4 tons. i^jtf^^r
      90 words
    • 169 13 "What's in a Name?" Everything, when the name is fJICHEUR and applied to Cycle XyFCS, where it repre* sents the premier standard of excellence in material, workmanship and d-.sign. Moreover, when K^^^i /£\\V 8TB FINANCIERE DE s you buy a Michelin y^^^^V caoutchoucs, you get complete /y^rT r A/x^S >
      169 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1745 14 IMBANHE 8 OHLY GOMPAMY. LARGER PAID UP CAPITAL OF ANY EABTUW GOMPAIL PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICB Winoh H t.r. Houaa, Sintfapor*. LONDON OFFICE i 32, OM tswry, K.C. The Company has £30.000 deposited with the Supreme Ooart ot Bngland. s»l oomplies with
      1,745 words
    • 885 14 INSURANCE. POSSESSION of life assurance convicts tbe possesror o* starting rut light, and at no time is this fact more intern i6od than when family obligations are assumed. Possession of a life policy gives a guarantee, that living or dead, tbe i~i er P r °tected his wife and ohild'en.
      885 words

  • 879 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Industrial Motors. The motoring correspondent of The Daily Telegraph writes With the entries coming in freely for the Commercial Motor Users' Association parade for Whit Monday it may be of interest to users of three-ton industrial motor vehicles to note the
    879 words
  • 113 15 The Dead Mao Speaks. The conductor of an orchestra, named Perez Cabrcro, died at his home in Barcelona the other day and the date of the funeral was fixed for March 20. Towards midnight un the previous day, however, relatives who were watching bi>->ide the bier were horrified to see
    113 words
  • 12 15 A friend in need is a friend one usually trios to dodge.
    12 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 156 15 RATNER SAFES NO RATNER Thief-resisting Safe has ever been opened by Burglars. NO RATNER Improved Fire-resisting Safe has ever had its contents destroyed by Fire. SOLE AGENTS x CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FROM STOCK. Siddeley Deasy Cars, Studebaker Cars, Sunbeam Cars, Ford Cars, B. S. A. Cars, AND Dennis
      156 words
    • 93 15 The Forty Year Test. An article most hare exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was Brut offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. Yon will
      93 words
    • 209 15 I C i a^aV I NOTHING BETTER I jM THAN W CONTINENTAL I Tyres. I INTERNATIONAL RUBBER CONGRESS AND EXHIBITION. BATAVIA, 1914. congress: September 7-12. 1914. EXHIBITION September 10 to October 10. 1914. Lectures by renowned Scientists and Experts. Interesting ExoarMoa in Java arranged. Reduced steamsli j, railway and tramway
      209 words
      101 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
      741 words
    • 574 16 TO BE LET OB SOLD. TO BE LET LANGLANDS, No. 112, River Valley Road. Apply No. 8, Malacca Street. 80 1 v FLOOR 10 LET To let, 2nd Floor, No. 8, Malacca Street, Entry March 1, 1014 Apply Meyer Brothers. 811 o TO LET. Furnished or unfurnished. Rose -cottage Mount
      574 words
    • 664 16 NOTICES. GUM KIAT ft CO., 37. Phillip Street. Shih-Chandlbrs, Govkhnmknt and Municipal Contractors, Gknkkal Imi-uutkks and Exporters and Commission Aoknts. Telephone No. 1171 1286 (Private 1450). 8-8 n KIAM KIAT CO. SHIP CHANDLERS, tow— t and Municipal Contractor! 10S, 108 k 109, Market Street Telephone Nos. 421. GUAN KIAT CO.,
      664 words
    • 516 16 MOTHKS. I. J. GOLDBERG, THE WELL-KNOWN OPTICIAN OF SOURABAYA. No. 3. Niven Road, off Wllkle Road. 18-3 125 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Tenders are invited for the erection of a new fcouee for the Straits Chinese Ri creation Club. Plans and specification cm ba seen at the Slrnits Chinese Kccrettion Club.
      516 words
    • 441 16 SINGAPORE CLLB FIXTURES Straits Times List. The follow ing fixtures t ir the current wnoH and important forthcoming fixtures are kindly supplied by the secretaries of the various clubs. Convenient forms on which to make tho returns will be supplied on application to the Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Polo Club.
      441 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 221 16 Straits V)imes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Miscellaneous wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of Jl per font lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, 91 each insertion. For p.p.c. cards, on page 8, i' 2. Inch Scale Hates are
      221 words