The Straits Times, 29 April 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.476 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 29. 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 360 1 THE OLD ORIGINAL |ROBINSON& CO., tH J^ I SOLE AGENTS FOR Pure Magaliesbgrq Tobabco. t» atTeIGhISyCLE Absolutely by far the Best Transvaal Tobacco in the Guaranteed Fox* Ever. Packed in J4, Vi an d 1-lb bags and in }/i and j^-lb tins.^j mc y^B 1868 B^ iViviutL. Insist upon getting
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  • 773 2 AUTHORITIES IN PANIC OF REBELS. Wholesale Shooting. On April 0 the correspondent of the North China Daily News wrote from Nanking as follows To a casual observer Nanking is quiet, but below the surface there is a suppressed excitement such as the city has not known since
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  • 132 2 On the morning of April 6, in the South Malabar district, a terrible rumbling noise was beard in the sky and it was generally believed that it was that of tremendous thunder which forecasted the early approach of the south west monsoon. Reports now received show
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  • 89 2 I A big fire at Lahore on the night of April 18 completely destroyed seven shops, all European, viz., Hayes' stores, Liverato'H cigarette factory, Max Minch's jewellery shop, Braganza's stores, the Punjab lamp ware house and two others, with all goods, iaclud ing the books and accounts. The origin of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 129 2 Study your Complexion Jffl^'' the pores ol your^^&v Iff/ skin with powders? I Snow" jlj VQ\ I* 5 f ar niore healthful, and most T^t.vru^j»»*.- •-x\*iii3s>Zty/nff V^N. and a! ayir.g the irritaticn f^B Simply delightful jo¥ i'iX~js* ree rom greasiness 11 li)r Chemists and Stores y*T J ~*3*"» I*
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    • 50 2 Bowel Complaint in Children. Daring the rammer months children are subject to disorders ol the bowels and should receive the most careful attention. As soon as any unnatural looseness of the bowels is noticed Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy should be given. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 546 2 [La-rolaj l^r'sOFT AS VELVET, ana keepa It ll) 6OFT. BMOOTH and WHITE If V A all th« year round S Q» j Removes and prevents Roughneaa, O Kedneaa, Irritation. Tan. etc IT V DURING THB SUMMER HEAT 1 0 Q\M. BHTHAM SON, b WHERE DOCTORS AND EMBROCATIONS FAIL Swt lling
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    • 202 2 THE MARVELLOUS LIGHT-WEIGHT WATERMAN MARINE MOTOR. jiLji fgj^ Porto detachab'e, complete $325, 1 H.P. jft "Sf ifjj Single-cylinder, K 1, complete. ..sl7s, 'I H P. I t J a •K 2, complete.. $300, 6 H.P. '^flr-^B^I E S MPLEST 4 MOST DURABLE 0N THE M'RKET. I If in donbt w>te
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  • 880 3 DISCOVERIES IN OLD PORT OF ROME. First-Century Life. Discoveries just made at Ostia, the old port of Rome, at the mouth of the Tiber, enable us to reconstruct the life of a busy Imperial centre nearly 2,000 years ayo, wrote the Rome correspondent of The Standard on
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  • 127 3 The current issue of tbe Nautical Ma: azii e says The officers of tbe China Coast are evidently going to take matters into their own hands at an early date unless they are granted a reasonable amount of leave on pay and a passage out and home
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 259 3 Debility enfeebled nerves, poor health and weakened blood these are troubles that can be overcome. SCOTT'S Emulsion never tails. It repairs waste, enriches the blood, revitalizes the nerves and gives strength to resist or drive out weakness and disease. When you are run-down, out of sorts or in poor health
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    • 874 3 STEAMER 8AILING8. BIBBY lInST" Of flMt twin-iorew Mail Pas.onger Steamer* between Rangoon, Colombo, Sues, Po.-t Said, Maneillei and London. Proposed Sailings for 1914. HOMEWARD. Departures Departures Steamer Stumii from from Arrive atr j yea Rahoooh Colombo Mabmoim "JJ^ DERBYSHIRE April 80 May 6 May 22 May 20 HBRKFORDSHIRB May 14
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 610 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EGYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued tor China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about— MAIL LINES Homeward (for Europe). (Connecting at From
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    • 545 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. Ky7k. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly Eervice is mainUined between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London snd Antwerp, under mail contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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    • 763 4 BTEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang, Berserah, KreUy, Paka, Tringganu, Bisot, Semera Bschok Kelantan, Tabai, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Siogora, Laoon, Kobsamoi, Bandon, Langsuen, Taku, Chumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok, Due Departure I PRAOHATIPOK April 39 BORIBAT April 39 Only Asdang and Boribat oali at Kretay.
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    • 512 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AND OEUTBCH OAMPFSCHIFF FAHRTSGES. HANSA BREMEN. Combined Service. The steamers of these Companies maintain a regular servioe batween Hamburg, Bremen Antwerp, Rotterdam and Emden and the Straits, Cbiaa and Japan. H.iincwardp, thry are despatohod fort nightly for Havre and Hamburg and onC4 a month
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    • 644 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. IM D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamors this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, LisSon, via Rotterdam. Antwerp, j Soutlamp'oo, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (oonneoiing Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and I vioe versa) Port Said, Sue/. Aden, < olomoo, Penacg Singapore
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 756 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN 8. S. CO.. LTD.. THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD. IIKI W! KN Fremantle Perth North Weftt Australian Ports, Java and Singapore. Regular Fortnigutly sailings between hin^apore and Weatern Aat-tralia, calling at J-tva (as inducement offeis), Derby, King's Siund (Port for the
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    • 612 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDO-CHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Direct Service to Japan via Hongkong Shanghai, and to Oaloutta, via Penang. from Singapore. Taking cargo on thorough Bills of I.adins for Canton. Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Cbtfoo, Tientsia, Newchwanp, Yaagtsze Ports, For m:si, tl i' Philippines, utc., etc., e'.n. Steamers. Tons. Commander. Kctsaho
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    • 666 5 fIHUBB'S SAFES LARGE SELECTION ON SHOW AT Huttenbach Bros. Co., 13, COLLYER QUAY. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ANO JUBTICE. BUREAU OF CUSTOMS. MANILA. Bils wi 1 be received by tbe Insular Collector of Cv tons, Manila, P. 1., until twelve o'clcck neon, July 1, 1914,
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    • 550 5 LATEST ADVEHTISKMRNTS. BOARO AND RESIDENCE. Comfortable Room available witb private family. Pliasant locality. Apply Box No. 1 518, Strait; Time). 294 28-5 SHORTHAND TYPIST WANTED. Shorthand Typist required. Good salary to competent man. Apply Box No. 667, Straits Times. •29-4 80-4 GOVERNMENT OF NEGRI SEMBILAN. Tenders will be received at
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    • 432 5 Health, Wealth and Happiness. HEALTH MUST BE YOUR FIRST CONSIDERATION. Neither rich nor poor can afford to ignore the benefit to Health which is secured by the regular use of Lifebuoy Soap. It would be folly indeed to run the risk of dangers which can be avoided by a very
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 476 6 RESIDENT MEDICAL SUPERVISION. Fine»t tathintjand loating Loft* Cliff «nd Beautiful Vlsws. PORT DICKSON. With 8 Bungalows anl a Pier— l 2 B-.-rlnoon, D<uble and Single Rioms over the Sea, and all catering tupm vised tLe best accommodation on the Coast is to be bad ES?Vr«a WEBTCLIFF SANATORIUM. Accommodation for
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    • 274 6 THE' STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the follow ing places in Singapore Messrs. John Little 4 Co Ltd Messrs. Kelly ud Wa'eh, Ltd. Money Changer, Raffles Hotel. Money (.'hanger Adolphi Hotel. Money Changfr, Hotel de l'Barope. Money Changer, Hotel Tan Wijk. Messrs. Koh Co., Bras Basah Road The Refreshment
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    • 150 6 CHEONG BROTHERS, Dentistp, No. 25, South Bridge Road, First clans Mechanical Dentistry, Gold Crown Brdff*. Filling and Vn'cuite Darttioc cf Wear guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE. FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES. Bet* Tooth i owders and Brnabes fcr sale. NOW ON SALE. Dollar Share Values. (Sicomo Edition.) HISTORY AND PROSPECTS or tub LEADING
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    • 157 6 FOR Kerosene Oil Engines THE IDEAL FUEL IS Cross i The Cheapest Refined Oil on the Market. "CROSS" will give you MORE POWER at a LOWER COST THAN ANY OTHER OIL. OBTAINABLE FROM ALL DEALERS. -4 Jl_ gz Per 4-GaJlon tin O (including Duty). THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM COMPANY (Straits Settlements),
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  • 147 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, April 29. High Water. 0.51 pm Meeting of Justices, 2.15 p.m. Thursday, April 30. High Water, 0.7 a.m., 1.30 p.m. P. and O. homeward mail due. Friday, May I. High Water. 0. 18 a.m.. 2.26 p.m. P. and O. outward mail due. Saturday, May 2.
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  • 224 7 To-day. Batii Paliat Hong Wan 8 pm Kemaman, K. Dungun and Trengganu Will o'the Wisp 3 pm Tebing Tinggi, Bengkalis and Bagan Esmoralda 8 pm Medan Circe 8 pm Port Swettenham and Penang Lama 8 pm Malacca, P. Swettenham and Telok Anson Ipoh 8 pm Penang and
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  • 265 7 The P. and O. homoward mail steamor IMt i left Hongkong at 1 p.m. on Saturday, April M, and may be expected to arrive tiere at 6 a.m. on Thursday, April 80. The P. and O. outward mvl steam 3r In-lii left Colombo at 8 p. mi.
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  • 266 7 latest \rrivals. 1. .m Poll (iuan. Hi it. str.. 576 tons, Capt Smith. April S.iurabaya, Apiil-23. <l.c. and dp. liiiip Xli; Moh. For Sourabaya, B<>il< f«H, Nor. str. H.'i9 tons, Capt Johnsen, April 27. From Bangkok, Airil 21. Mm Tan Say L«e. For Bangkok, Uue. Rds, CUui,
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  • 90 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Day; TANJONO PAOAR. Bam Wharf Basin Nil. W. Siction No. l...Hopsang. Shiirs Wharf Nil. Main W. Sict. No. 2.. .Ni1. 8...F00k Sang. 4...XH. B -Nil. 6...Pyrrbi\H, Marudu. Nsw Dock 7. ..(Under construction) Wist Wharf B...Ayntbia, Vosges. Jardinbs
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  • 20 7 Arrivals. Per str., April 27. —From Rengat: Miss Mitchell, Messrs. E. C. van Nooten and Zainoel.
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  • 278 7 Shortly after leaving Vigo, the battleship Ajax (Capt. Sir Arthur J. Henniker Hughan) took a derelict in tow but the derelict Hprang a leak, and the hawser parted. It was, therefore, decided to abandon the attempt to tow her into port, and the derelict was sunk
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  • 125 7 M. Gervais, a senator, gives concisely some interesting figures about the present strength of the French army in tho Matin. Since the three years' military service bill came into force the French army bos reached a total strength of 709,000 men in active service— excluding native troop", men of the
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  • 275 7 EXCHANdB 8imoapou. Apbil 29, 1914. On Lohoom Bank 4 m/a M 2/4 Demand 2 4 A Private 8 m/a M 2/4 j 8 m/a w 2/4 Oa OikMAn Bask d/d 286i Private 8 m/a 242 j Oh Fbamub Bank d/d 2»4 Private 8 m/a 298 Oa Indu
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  • 189 7 10 10 Ampang 8.50 1 1 Ayer Wong C.60 10 10 BeUt 2.70 8.00 10 10 Bruang 1.80 10 10 Kampai 10.26 10 10 Kanaboi I.SO 1.65 10 10 Kinta Association 10.00 11. E0 41 £1 KintaTin 1.17.6 2.2.6 £1 £1 Lalmt Mine* 6.75 6.16 JO 6 Malayan Collieries
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  • 665 7 vXj 8 BeUerB -2,- 2/- Allagai 1,0 2/£1 £1 An M lo Java 2/9 8/9 2/- 2/- Anglo Malay 9/6 10/8 2/- 2/- Batang Malaka 11 1/8 £1 41 Bata Ti^a 2.8.9 2.15.1 2/- 2/- Bekoh -/7 /9 41 £1 Bakit Kajang 1.12 6 1.16.0 £1 £1 Bnkit Lintang
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  • 118 7 100 ICO R. H. 7% Pref. 100.00 £1 £1 Shell Transport 6.2.6 6.7 6 10 10 S'poreC Storage 24 00 27 00 150 50 Spore Dispentary 70.00 10 10 Straits Ice Co. 15.(0 17 00 ICO 100 Straits S. Ship 285.00 310.00 10 10 Straits Trading 49.60 60 00
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 135 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. May 2.— At The Model Dairy Farm, Mount /.ion, River Valley Rd., 138, Australian and Indian Cows and Calves, at 2.80. May 2. At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. May 5. At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. May 7. At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10.
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    • 63 7 MAGNUMS 55 cts. i!|\ ma nums ■'..<& I 55 cts. 1 I hree Castles |i| per Cieareitcs M per r I., hi I SMll IN i^JSffi^ uffiSSi IN II WD.&Howiiis :[p Bristol Londgn^_J^!^ CARLSBERG BEER^ the Best /^.•'^'''/^Sm j^^^^^^^w^ World -wide Sole Agents THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD., Singapore. BUY
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  • 1203 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29. THE RUBBER TAX. We have been expecting for some time past to hear the planters of Malaya calling upon the Government to make a remission of the tax imposed upon their produce. There have been complaints about tbe 2| per cent, duty levied in
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  • 22 8 A European, named E. Crossley bat onknown, committed saioide on April 14, at Howrab Oeneral Hospital, catting bis throat with a razor.
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  • 25 8 The Pioang Gazette hears that a new morning paper is shortly to make its appearance in Kuala Lumpur. Its title will be the Selangor Standard.
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  • 25 8 The 40th Patbans embarked from Calcutta on April 19 for Hongkong after two years' in Calcutta. The regiment is being replaced by the 14th Mahrattas.
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  • 28 8 It is understood that the return of the 24th Mountain Battery and of the 25th aud 26th Punjabis at present at Hongkong has been postponed for the present.
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  • 32 8 Under the auspices of the Amateur Drawing Association, Mr. Tan Teck Soon will deliver a lecture on China, Descriptive and Historical, today, at 8 p.m. Admission is free to all friends interested.
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  • 33 8 A great fire on April 21 destroyed the sheds of Moss Liuo at Liverpool containing inflammables. Three hundred bales of Egyptian cotton were destroyed. The steamer Meroe alongside the quay was slightly damaged.
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  • 41 8 A deputation of Brahmins of Rawalpindi and Jheluni waited upon the Commanderin Chief in Lahore on April 13, requesting the enlistment of Brahmins in the army. His Excellency assured the deputation that their request could be considered when the opportunity occurred.
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  • 53 8 At a sale of rare porcelain at Christie's the sum of 2,000g8. was paid for a pair of Chinese Fanille-Kose beakers. The articles are 19in. high and of the Kien Nung period. The centres are delicately enamelled with baskets of flowers on a white ground, with ruby petal shaped panels
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  • 46 8 Two consignments of hydrants and street fountains in connection with Bangkok's water supply have arrived, and their installation marks the last stage of the work. A further two consignments have still to be received. The work of installation will be proceeded with as speedily as possible.
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  • 52 8 The next meeting of the Chinese Christian Association will be held at the C. C. A. Hall to-morrow, at 8 p.m when Mr. Chin Chye Fong will propose: "That the Government should provide legislation to regulate the increase of house-rents by landlords and lessees of properties." Mr. K. T. Lee
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  • 59 8 Capt. J. A. Legge, who bas been on an inspection < f the Ceylon Pearl bank*, accompanied by Dr. Pearson, Marine biologist, told a Ceylon Observer reporter that ttiere was no prospect of a fishery in the immediate future. Boyond this he was not prepared to disease his visit, as
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  • 57 8 A European, Mr. Richard Robert Murray, canteen manager for Dyer and Company, brewers, Mandalay Hill, Calcutta, who is alleged to have absconded from there on the night of March 81 with between Rl ,0(0 and RI.JOO of the firm's takings, was arrested in Dalhoosio Hotel, Rangoon, on April 13, by
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  • 59 8 It is said that more than one thousand rebels are now at Shanghai awaiting only the sign for an attack on the arsenal. The Chinese officials are very watchful and several a'rests were effected yesterday others are expected. In Chekiang province also several rebels were arrested on the 16th inst.
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  • 70 8 Id the first three months of the year, the F.M.S. exported 207,944 piculn of tin, ao increase of over 14,6*>U piculs on the same period last year. The duty realised was ♦2 251,819, which i« a deciease of more than 1500,000 compared with the duty received in the similar period
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  • 73 8 The disastrous collision near Ratavia of a train and a buffalo, leading to the lues of many liven, gives the lie to George Steven son's famous dictum, All tbe waur for the coo." There was a parallel half a century ago in England in tbe Trent Valley accident, in which,
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  • 78 8 The Tribune of Lahore publishes a story of the fatal religious frenzy of Gopaldas, a young Krahmin of Amritzar, who, after performing havans or sacrificial fire offering for several days at Kishankot, (iurdnsimr district, threw himself into the fire. His wife, who was his partner in the sacrifice, follow ed
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  • 89 8 It has been several times «t»tod that the Kidj> u{ Siain, during bis forthcoming tour in tbe Peninsula provinces, will open the trans peninsula line from Trans to S«nnKora. On this point, the Bangkok Times says As far as «e can eathor the present intention of the authorities is to
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  • 112 8 Improvements aro contemplated by the Government at all the harbours of South Africa, so as to accommodate bigger vessels, by deepening the ohaunels and enlarging the wharfage space. Durban will have fir*.; attention, and it is estimated that over £2,000,000 will be spent on tbe proposed works. Tbe entrance to
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  • 396 8 His Excellency the Oovernor and Lady Evclys Yoang will be At Home at Government House on Wednesday, May 6, at 4.45 p.m. Mr. ,1. B. Rentiers, formerly British Consul at Honolulu and Nagasaki, has been transferred to a similar post at Tamsui, Formosa, and has just proceeded
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  • 79 8 The following property was sold by auction at Messrs. Powell and (Jo. 'a Halerooui yesterday afternoon Agricultural laod situate at Seletar lioad, Singapore, UJ njilostouo, area 45 acres. 1 rood, comprised in statutory grant No. 15,641, Lira Nee Soon 94,100; the tongkang Sonalculuiji) a-. she lies in the
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  • 128 8 Consul Fujii, the Japanese Consul at Singapore, reports on the condition of the coal maiket at this port to the effect that during the fust quarter of this year Australian and Borneo coal has undergone an increase in import, while the import of Japanese coal and the
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  • 121 8 We understand that Dr. Alexander Dillmanu, who was expected to give a pianoforte recital of Waguerian works on Monday next, at tbe Teutonia Club, has been delayed and will not reach Singapore in time to play on the date arranged. His concert has, therefore, been indefinitely postponed,
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  • 229 8 Great interest is being imih I by tbe forthcoming concerts at the Victoria Theatre on Saturday and Monday next, of tbe distinguished priiua donna, Madame Kalna, and her company. It is not often that so famous an artist visits tbe East and Mtulamu Ivalua, fresh from great
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 196 8 STEEL Office Furniture. FILING CABINETS, CARD INDEX CABINETS, ROLL-TOP DESKS, ETC. White Ant Proof, Fire Resisting, Dust and Damp Proof. Illustrated Catalogue free on Application to tbe Manufacturers. RONEO LTD., 14a, Gollyer Quay. S S B a 6 a K B B B II !5 Ei H d RAPE FASHIONS
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    • 121 8 POSITIVELY LAST THREE NIGHTS SIR J. FORBES ROBERTSON MISS GERTRUDE ELLIOTT With Their Full London Drury Lane Theatre Company in HAMLET PRINCE OF DENMARK. 5,800 feet, FIVE REELS, 9.15 to 11 15 p.m. AT THE ALHAMBRA Beach Boao, iy arrangement with tha "aumont Co. Ltd., London, Owners of IN World
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    • 11 8 Latest advertisement! of the day appear on page 6 and 11.
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  • 493 9 Grave View Taken of Arms Landings. OPENING OF INQUIRY DEBATE IN COMMONS. OPENING OF INQUIRY DEBATE IN COMMONS. Accusations of Untruthfulness. REC rBK'H Tr.LKUKAM. London, April '27. The Lame steamer Roma has been detained at Ayr on a charge of illegal carriage of arms. It is alleged that
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  • 237 9 Savage Tone of Rival Speakers. London, April 28. li. A\e House of Commons, Mr. Austen Chamberlain submitted his motion for an impartial inquiry into the movement of troops in Ireland. He emphasised that the Government had refused information and bad refused to publish the instruction given to
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  • 842 9 Reserve Appropriations for Costly Works. The ninth annual ordinary meeting of the Black water Estate (Klang) Rubber Company, Limited, was held at Colombo on April 18. There were present Messrs. F. L. Clements (chairman), 11. Goodwyn (directors), and' G. R. Wbitby, representing tbe agents and secretaries, and by
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  • 168 9 At the time when Mr. Henry W. Thornton was due in England to take over tbe duties of manager of the Great Eastern Railway, and in view of Lord Claud Hamilton's now famous dictum that there are no first class English rail daymen coming to the front, The Standard gave
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  • 306 9 LARGE NUMBER OF CHINESE MISSING. British Officers Resist Desperately. (Fbom Our Own Correspondent.) Hongkong, April 28. The steamer Tai On, Chinese owned, bat flying the British flag, was pirated near Macao last night. The pirates set the vessel on fire and 180 Chinese were either burned or
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  • 411 9 Plncky Action of the Viceroy's Daughter. A Simla message of April 16 says Lad; Du Boulay was cantering up towards Snowdon thin evening about 7 o'clock when her horse shied and jumped over the railing opposite the Salvation Army headquarters. He fouled the railing which
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  • 159 9 Id the House of Common*, Mr. Middlemore asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he was prepared to make any statement as to insubordination among tlio crews of his Majesty's ships Zealandia, Newcastle, and Chatham. Mr. Churchill said: The report in regard to certain regrettable occurrences
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  • 45 9 The marriage took place on April 16 at St. George's Cathedral, Southwark, of Mr Shurland Beresford B« 11, of Maskeliya, only son of the late Chat. a. Bell, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, to Pauline, daughter of Mr Manrior Duke, M.K.C.S., of 272, Kenniagton Park Road, London.
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  • 430 9 PRICES LOWER IN SYMPATHY WITH LONDON. Good Demand. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 137th auction yesterday, when there were offered (or sale 809.43 piculs or 107,924 lbs., and sold 78*.47 picnls or 105,129 lbc. The prioes realised were: The next auction will be
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  • 398 9 Some Recent Decisions in the Law Courts. Io a lecture before the London and District Society ot Corporate Accountants, at Salisbury House, Mr. E. T. Khymer gave an interesting resume of recent decisions in banking law. The wide range of banking business may be seen, he said, in
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  • 133 9 After 34 jean' active work in the Phillippines, Mr. A. Young, one of tbe oldest foreign residents of the Islands, has left with Mrs. Young, to make his home permanently in Scotland, the land of bis birth. Mr. Yoong went to tbe Islands first in 1874 to build a Pang
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  • 438 9 Thousands of Tons oo Order For London. Despite the reticence maintained by the London gas companies regarding tbe use of gas coal from Germany, an Evening Standard representative has obtained striking information on tbe subject of which the Secretary of the Board of Trade professed ignorance in
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  • 330 9 Methods of Reducing Tribal Raids. A telegram from Simla, dated April 16. says The Government of India tnlegrauiß about the recent outrage at Tonk which ha been read in the House of Commons were two in number. The first reporting the incident stated that the greatest
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  • 204 9 Interesting Commemoration Projected. It is proposed this year to commemorate the seventh centenary of tbe birth of Roger Bacon, tbe philosopher and scientist, by erecting a statue in his bononr in the University Museum of Oxford, and by raising a fund for the publication of his works.
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  • 30 9 Tbe Nizam of Hyderabad has made a don»t on of £2,000 to the British Ked Cre»cent Society for tbe relief of Moslem distress following upon tbe war in the Balkans.
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  • 282 9 MEDIATION IMPOSSIBLE WITH HUERTA. Courtesy to Japanese, Reuter's Telegram. London, April 28. It appears that Germany, France and Britain advised Huerta to accept South American mediation. Nothing definite has yet been given out at Washington, but it is intimated that mediation is not acceptable unless it involves
    Reuter  -  282 words
  • 76 9 Rbitbr's Telegram. London, April 28. Two Thousand scratching The Tetrarch at 10.9 a.m. today. Tbe Two Thousand probables are :—Sunnylake (H. Jones), Corcyra (O'Neill), Kennymore (Stern), Hapsburg (Rickaby), By George (Hunter), Evansdale (W. Huxley), Blackjoster (Randall), Sir Eager (Clark), Carrickfergus (Fox), Courageous (F. Bullock)), My Prince (William Griggs),
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  • 41 9 Renter's Trlrokam. London, April 28. la 255 second ballots in the French elections, the results so far indicate a verdict in favour of the three years' military service, proportional representation and an incometax without a compulsory declaration ot income.
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  • 19 9 Recteb's Teleoram. Londou, April 28. An Athens message says the Grei k troops have completely evacuated Northern Epirus.
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  • 19 9 Rbutbr's Telboram. London April 28. Tbe Bath Hotel at Felixstowe has beon gutted and suffragettes are suspected.
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  • 19 9 Rioter's Telegram. London, April 28. Tbe death of Mr. William Harvey, M.P., Labour member for Eckington, is annoiuoed.
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  • 22 9 Rbdtbr's Iblboram. London, April 27. Tbe Plural Voting Bill has been read a second time by 824 votes to 247.
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  • 33 9 DIE OSTASIATISCHB LLOYD TkLEURIU. Berlin, April 28. The official Rossija ceases publication on May 1 becaum 111 many instances its views have not been identical with those of the Russian government.
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  • 16 9 Deb Ostasiatim iik Lloyd Telboram. Berlin, April 28. Tbe Reichstag has resumed its sittings.
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  • 1378 10 CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED. The Dividend Policy. The fourth annual general meeting of tbe Hl.arehul.lersof the Bradwall (F.M.S.) Rnbber Estate, Ltd., was held on April 2, at tbe registered office, 49 and 51, Eastcheap, E.C., the Right Hon. Charles Peter Allen, M. I. (chairman of the
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  • 201 10 Sixth List of Subscriptions Tbe Committee ol tlui Children's Aid Society gratefully acknowledge the following f ui th-r subscriptions Previously acknowledged 17,313.86 Collected by Mrs. W. W. Douglas, Kuala Lumpur. Hon. F. Belfield 125, P. de C. Morriss 15, Mrs. Allen •5, Mrs. Ueatty 15, Mrs. Kendle
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  • 288 10 The King's Chaplain and Tbe Practical Man." The ideas of the practical man were severely handled by the Rev. A. B. Boyd Carpenter, chaplain-in-ordinary to the King, in a lecture on Culture at Sion College on March 81. The practical man, said tbe lecturer, will ask what
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  • 258 10 The report of the Glenshiel Rubber Estates Company, Limited, states that no extensions were made daring the year to December 31. A considerable redaction was made in the rate of pay of the Javanese towards the end of the year without any dislocation of the labour force,
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  • 19 10 If yon want a thing well done, do it your self." Yes bat suppose yon want a hair cut
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  • 1232 10 Outlying Parts of Property to Be Sold. The second annual general meeting of shareholders in the Cbemor United Robber Company, Ltd., was held at Shanghai on April 16. Mr. O. Mordhorst presided, supported by Messrs. P. F. Layers and R. N. Truman, and the attendance represented
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  • 359 10 Hunting for a Suspect in 13,000 Lodgings. An extraordinary record has just been made by tbe Paris police, which shows that, at any rate in the French capital, a needle may bo sought in a haystack in the words of the proverb— with some chance of
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  • 154 10 Tbe first-class crickot season at home opens on Saturday next with the match Surrey v. Northamptonshire at tbe Oval. On tho Bame day Leicestershire meet Essex at Leicester. We are asked to remind members of tbe Sporting Club that tickets for ladies attending the races must be applied
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  • 199 10 The annual report which has been issued by the Associaticn of West African Merchants of Hamburg states that, owing to the collapse of the rubber market, trade in the Southern Cametoons, and cocsequently tbe whole economic life of this part of the colony, which is exclusively
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  • 117 10 mis year, w> irowonuge, is me centenary of ths day when tbe p et Crabbe became rec tor of its parish church, and the Wiltshire county town is arranging a high celebration for next June. Crabbe was rector for nearly 20 years, and here he
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  • 70 10 An official despatch to the Japanese Department of Home Affairs states that on March 30 a severe storm swept the western coast of Sagbalien. No less than 20 fishing vessels, with 181 men on board, were swept away, and all tbe men are believed to have been drowned. A later
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  • 2262 10 (From A Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, April 27. Pensions in the Federated Malay States are granted to officers who have served on the permanent establishment of the Government for not less a period than ten years. To the number of years of resident service pat in, in every case
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  • 78 10 H.M.S. Minotaur, China Station, was due to pay off in May but her recoumiiHsioning has been postponed for six moDtliH. Reply. ing in Parliament to Lord Charles Ucresford as to why this was done, Mr. Churchill said tbe postponement was ordered for reasons which appeared to tbe Admiralty adequate and
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  • 446 11 Heavy Desertions From the Labour Force. The report of the Sungei Choh Rubber Estate Company. Limited, states that the crop for 1913 amounted to '262,774 lbs., which compares with 174,912 lbs. secured in 1912. For convcuimce in woiking some small areas were, at tbe beginning of
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  • 399 11 New Direct Agency Established In Singapore. Mr. W. L. Wadleigh, who arrived here from New York on February 14, informs us that lie has entered into partnership with Mr. F. W. and J. F. Dunbar, former partners in the old and well-known rubber firm of Geo. A.
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  • 95 11 Kiny Ludwig of Bavaria was walking in the streets of Munich with one of his daughters, when a men who had evidently had too much beer went up to him and entered on a discussion of these damnable new taxes," the Mail relates. To keep the King's attention the man
    95 words
  • 693 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, April 29, 1914 Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning:— Nom. Value Buykrs. Sillies. 2/- Allagar 1/6 2/- 1 An«loJ»T» 8/9 8/0 1 Au«loJohon. 1 i 8/6 2/ Ai^-lo Malay
    693 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 49 11 The Man Who Gets There Is the man who haa blood real rich red blood and plenty of it in bis body. WATERBUlf 8 METABOLIZED COD LIVER OIL COMPOUND 1 makes blood— lots of it -life giving, brain nourishing, strength replenishing blood. OF ALL CHEMISTS. *1. as and *2.
      49 words
    • 64 11 A Parent's Duty. Your boy is always getting scratched or cat or braised. Because these wounds Lave healed all right is no sign they always will. Get a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and see that every injury is cued for immediately. You can get nothing better, and blood poison
      64 words
    • 639 11 LATEST ADVEPTISFMRNT>. ■■■^■■^■^■^■^■^■■■l Klin I IT DIC'C Buchanan's mUUI nit U Royal Household" Whisky snpplied regularly to Royalty. Baobanan's hold tbe largest stocks "^B of any firm in Scotland. t^'^^^ BC It ia Important to note that this ft bisky if guarat t MODEL ef d ba c t en
      639 words
    • 196 11 lICHELIN ILEAGE DUPIRE BROTHERS AGENTS. RAFFLESHOTEL Buy your Bread and Cakes from the Raffles Bakery, which is entirely under the Supervision of a skilled European Confectioner. Retail Depot: Raffles Hotel Buildings, 88, Bras Basah Road. TELEPHONE NO. 490. The Brighton of Singapore. STennf. s mm Tel. 335. m h BUllardi
      196 words

  • 2317 12 INCREASED YIELD OF THE RUBBER. Reduced All-in Cost. The third annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Kombok (F.M.S.) Robber Company, Limited, waa held on March 81, at 88, Eastcbeap, E.C., Mr. Ronald W. Giblin (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, the directors' report
    2,317 words
  • 20 12 "What do yon thiok of the joke* Bill brought over from England "I think I they were pretty far fetched."
    20 words
  • 924 12 By Majob J. A. R. Glbnnib, Ag. Con andant, SlNOAP OR! VOLL'NTIBR CORPS. Singapore, April 37, 1914. S.V.C. Balestier Hide lUnge. I. The range is reserved for S.R A. anuual meeting on Saturday, May 2. The prize distribution will take place on Saturday afternoon, May 2. Volunteers attending
    924 words
  • 771 12 Forthcoming Arrivals and Departures. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London:
    771 words
  • 107 12 Nippon Yusen Kaisba. Per N. Y. K. Mishima Maru, sailing May 12.—Mr. A. B. Habback, Mr. W. J. Gibbie, Mr. W. Greig, Mr. W. J. Lewis, Mr. F. E. Ranger, Mr. Martin, Mr. Catto, Mr. Forbes, Mr. Mac Donald, Mr. and Mrs. McKcan and children, Miss Miller. Per
    107 words
  • 107 12 By getting into a rage the work of the heart may be increased from 152 to 221 foot pounds per minute. Keep your temper is, therefore, good advice." This was one of tbe remarks made by Mr. J. Strickland Goodall in his lecture on Heart Strain
    107 words
  • 21 12 Is a vessel a boat? "Yea." "Then what I kind of a boat is a blood vessel "A life boat! I
    21 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 219 12 SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER 1914 Model. The ONE Perfect Machine Interchangeable Carriage. 10 to 27 Inches. Price: $190. Quarto cr Foolscap Si/r. STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO., Singapore, SOLE AGENTS. 21-2-a 19 8 BOMETHING FRESH EVERY PA.V. WE HAVE JDST OPENED UP BBASS NICKEL BEDS SAME AS SUPPLIED TO H. H. THE:
      219 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 84 13 JH Hi \7jRZ V B xw soli: IN STOCK One 25 Horse Power INTERCHANGEABLE Lorry and Char-a-banc body to carry 2 tons or 34 passengers. One 35 Horse Power Platform Lorry with hinged Portable sides to carry a load of 4 tons. These J"J ALLEY Motor Vehicles have special dustproof
      84 words
    • 216 13 WAH HENG CO. PHOTOeRAPHH BTOREB. SEE OUR WINDOW DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING AMATEURS' FOR WORK. Plates, Paper*, Films, Chemicals, Cameras, Lense?, and General Photographic Material). Frames of ever; variety made to crder. §\1 LJ A KM I lU H f 1 ti NO. 95. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. M\i\M\J T Kl\J
      216 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 447 14 BJN6APORE B ONLY COMPANY. LARGEST PAID-UP CAPITAL OF ANY EASTtRN COMPANY. PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE Winchester Houee. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE I 82, Old Jewry, E.C The Company baa £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Coort of England, anl complies with tbe Biiluh Life
      447 words
    • 269 14 INBURANCF. FEDERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. Established 1882. Direct Government Supervision, Government Audit. Policies are "WORLD WIDE." and Nonforfeitable. Large Net Surplu. above liabilities for Reserve and all outstanding claims. New Buainesa, 1918, 0ver... 59,876,000.00 Cash Loans, Settlements, etc., made locally. Numerous modern schemes. 4. H. EVANS, Manager, Sooth
      269 words
    • 451 14 BAKKIH9. THE BZE HAI TOM BANKING AM INSURANCE CO., LTD., NO. 67>ND 68, ELING STEET. Established 1907. Capital paid op •1,000,000,00 Reserve liability of p ropritors $1,000,000,00 Reserve Fund 9300,000,00 COCRT OF DIRECTORS. Lbow, Esq. Chbonq Qubb Tiam, Esq. Tan Swi Khi, Esq. Lbx Wbb Nam, Esq. Tan Tbck
      451 words
    • 493 14 BJUKIW. DEUTSCH-ISIATISCHE BANK. FULLY PAID UP CAPITAL (Sh. Tmls 7,500,000 Head Offise Shanghai. Board of Directors Berlin. BRANCHES: Berlin, Calcntta, Hamburg, Canton, Hankow, Hongkong, Kobe. Ptking, Tientsin, Tsinanfu, Tsingtan, Yokohama, THE FOLLOWING BANKS AND BANKERS ARE REPRESENTED ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Bask futr Hanuel end Industrie.") Berliner Handels-Gescllscbaft. S.
      493 words
    • 767 14 BALEB BY AUCTION, IN BANKRUPTCY. RE CHOPS LOH KEE SENG LOH CHEE SENG. »ll h M 6 'T' P We !i 1°?" b^ Te bee iD trnote <i *>y The Official Ansignee, SiDg.porP, to I?in saf«. R?.V D s^" t b announced *oe Sock in trade, Sbop i^ttingß, Iron t>afes,
      767 words

  • 892 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. An Important Private Bill. The present political crisis naturally overshadows everything else in Parliament, writes Gerald Bias in the Standard, and minor Bills are apt to be completely overlooked in the I all-absorbing battle of the hour, but I must call
    892 words
  • 106 15 The congested state of affairs in the bar boor at Colombo has led to complaints being made by shipping agents and the mercantile community. Ships are being held np for want of lighters in'.o which to discharge cargo, warehouses are fall ap, and iust ad of many thousands of tons
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 205 15 RATNER SAFES NO RATHER Thief-resisting Safe has ever been opened by Burglars. NO RATNER Improved Fire-resisting Safe has ever had its contents destroyed by Fire. sole: agents t CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FROM STOCK. Siddeley— Deasy Cars, Studebaker Cars, Sunbeam Cars, Ford Cars, B. S. A. Cars, AND Dennis
      205 words
    • 94 15 The Forty Year Test. An article mast have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Cbam berlain's Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popultrity until it has attained a world wide reputation. Yon
      94 words
    • 362 15 APPRECIATION OP DUNLOP TYRES For HARD WEAR in HOT COUNTRIES. Of the twenty five cars that finished in the Melbourne to Sydney reliability contest, seventeen were fitted with DUNLOP TYRES. The distance between these two Australian cities is 628 miles and the weather throughout the run was hot. DUNLOP TYRES
      362 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 401 16 "ANTIMAL" DISINFECTANT Readily Destroys ALL i Microbes and Bacteria. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD., SINGAPORE. WAHTS. RICIMTMIGHT, Daily, at Morton's Horse Repository, by European. 64 6-6 TYPIST WANTED Capable Chinese typist wanted at once. Apply, Box No. 665, btraits Times. 39-4 o PAYING 6UE8TS WANTEO. Private family have suite of rooms
      401 words
    • 372 16 WANTS'. LESSONS, j Violin, Mandoline, Guitar ard Banjo. Apply to Mr. Reverger, Raffles Hotel. 174 W6 MOTOR BOAT WANTED. Wanted, second band Motor Boat, or (mail l Steam Liuncb, in good order. Apply 1 Larncb, c/o Straits Times. 384 80-4 TAMIL OVERSEER WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Fcr a robber and coconut estate,
      372 words
    • 561 16 TO BE LET OR SOLO. TO BE LET LANGLANDS, No. 112, River Valley Road. Apply No. 8, Malacca Street. 80 1 v FLOOR TO LET To let, 2nd Floor, No. 8, Malacca Street, Entry Maroh 1, 1914. Apply Meyer Brothers. 811 v TO LET. Furnished or unfurnished. Rose-cottage Mount Elizabeth.
      561 words
    • 636 16 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT CO.. 37. Phillip Street. SHIP-CHANDLERS, GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL Contractors, General Importers and Exporters and Commission Aoknts. Telephone No. 1171 k 1288 (Private 1460) 8 8 n KIAM KIAT CO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, »«W— t and Municipal Contractor!. 106, 108 A 109, Market Street Telephone Nos. 421. GUAN KIAT CO.,
      636 words
    • 621 16 NOTICES. DR. R. H. lAMB American Dentist, Oraduate Phil. Dental Colli ?r, Coieman Street, opposite Hotel de la Ptix. 22 4 a 20 S NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Tenders are invited for the erection of a new tout e for the Straits Chinese Recreation Club. Plans and specification can be seen
      621 words
    • 456 16 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURES. Straits Times List. The following fixtures fjr the current week and important forthcoming fixtures are kindly supplied by tbe secretaries of the various dubs. Convenient forms on which to make tho returns will be supplied on application to the Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Polo Club. Practice games,
      456 words