The Straits Times, 27 April 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.474 SINGAPORE.: MONDAY. APRIL 27. 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 168 1 sots THE OLD ORIGINAL HARTLEY'S Pure Maqaliesberq Tobacco. Absolutely by far the Best Transvaal Tobacco in the Market. Packed in J4, J/£ and 1-lb bags and in }/i and Y%-Vo tins. Price: $2 perlb. Insist upon getting Hartley's Tobacco from your Tobacconist. Sole Importers KATZ BROS., LTD. SINGAPORE:. THE STANDARD
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    • 33 1 FODDER CONTRACTS $2O Per MontH. COMPRISING: 4 Bags Mixed Food— Bedding Shoeing ias often as required). Greasing and Setting the wheels of Carriages. H.S. KIRWAN, No. 3, The Arcade. Tel 251. 811 d
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    • 107 1 ROBINSON CO. R «H- ••■^'JfigK SMART SHAPES IN ROBINSON CO. ASHCROFTS UNDERSIZED AND FULL SIZE BILLIARD TABLES Fitted with Patent "Aero" extra low cushion* Features: The cushions neror get hard, are absolutely tlie trnest, the lowest, and givo the greatest speed. OBTAINABLE FROM A. FRANKEL CO., VICTORIA STREET. FISH. Siberian
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  • 1180 2 Kramat Pulai, Ltd. PROSPECT OF A SUCCESSFUL FUTURE. A Dividend of 10 Per Cent. The sixth annual general meeting of Kramat Palai, Ltd., was held on April 2, at Winchester House, Old Broad-street, E.C., Mr. S. H. B. Blandy (chairman of the com pany) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, The
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 269 2 Ncur?!gia, Nervous Breakdown NURBB HALL, c/o Mrs. Bassctr, Commercial Place, Landport, Portsmouth, Eng., writes: "I was suffering from nervous breakdown with Internal Neuralgia, when I began a course of Phosferine. After having i iken it for three or four months, I felt better than 1 had done for two years
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    • 93 2 The Forty Year Test. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. You will
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    • 536 2 PHOTOGRAPHIC STORE STUDIO. Amateurs' Work, Developing, Printing and Enlarging. KONG HINGGHEONG& COMPANY. Adelphl Hotel Buildings, Singapore. Branch at Penang. LONDON, BOLTON MANSIONS HOTEL, BOLTON GARDENS, SOUTH KENSINGTON, 8. W. Mmt Comtortabla Brat-clan realdtntiaJ hotel in London (fully licon-wl), situated in tha ploasantwt anil most c.nrenient part o( London, ami strongly
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    • 228 2 OVMQVMO .171^1)1 CO' s^' o Mo S Cod Liver Oil S ;n| Malt Extract ii The World-renowned n Repairer of Weakened \l Constitutions l\| The first spoonful of this remarkable restorative starts the weak and wasted person on the road to recovery. 1 W Improvement is rapid and continuous. I\
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  • 569 3 HONOUR CONFERRED UPON CARMEN SYLVA. Simple Ceremony. Carmen Syl va (the Queen of Roomania) was admitted to the honorary fellowship of the Royal Society of Literature on March 25, says The Standard. There was a large gathering at the rooms in Hanover square. The Earl of
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  • 303 3 Actresses to Dance Chinese Measure. Twelve actresses were to dance the Ta-Tao for the first time publicly in London at the St. John's Wood Artists' Ball, at Covent Garden, on April 1. The Ta-Tao, already a sensation in Paris, is a fifteenth-century Chinese dance, which is
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  • 43 3 A Peking message says that Lv Hui Sheng, a rebel leader, has returned from Japan to Shanghai with f 100,000 in paper money of bis own make in notes of ten, five and one dollar denominations; also with bombs, ammunition and other explosives.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 275 3 RANEEGUNOE GLAZED STONEWARE. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL^SIZKS STOCKED. SHARPE, ROSS CO. LD. m VICKERY'S RELIABLE WATCHES. RELIABLE ENGLISH MAKE >f^S= SV LEVER WATCHEB. Jy? 8 Gold a 6 O gg/Y 18 ct. Gold 14 5 O "'^jf'yVk 18ct ld I A!iD *^j|- Sterling Si'ver 1 1O O %l\ lit JD
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    • 75 3 DRIVING BELTS. Frequently considerable trouble arises through tbe right Belt not being selected and the drives not properly arranged. The Gandy Belting which is world famous as for its strength, durability and gripping power is especially suitable lor this climate and is not affected by heat or moisture. I The
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    • 322 3 After Illness After the racking effects of fever, dysentery, cholera, colic or bowel complaints, every part of the body needs strengthening. It if not enougS merely to take tonics or aitific al stimulants, for onfy by building p every part of the body can alth be regained. SCOTT'S Lmulsion is
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    • 791 3 STEAMER SAILINGS. AUSTRIAN LLOYD UNDER MAIL *S* WITH THE AUSTRIAN CONTRACT Vrfcj GOVERNMENT New Monthly Fast Line, Trieste-Shanghai From And to Trieste and Venice, calling al Port Said, Snea, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai, OUTWARD. HOMBWARD. Doe to arrive on or about Dae to sail on or about
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    • 208 3 INDO-CHiNA BTEAM NftV. CO.. LTD. Direct Service to Japan via Honghong A Shanghai, and to Calcutta, via Penang, from Singapore. Taking oargo on thorough Bills o( Lading for Canton. Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Cbefoo, Tientsin, Newchvrang, Yangtsze Ports, Formosa, the Philippines, etc., etc., eta. Steamera. Tons. Commander. Kutsano 4,896 R. C.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 612 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. pTaTo. STEAM NAVIGATION GO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANG, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EGYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about— MAIL LINES Homeward (for Europa). m a- (Connecting at
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    • 552 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.YTK. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have boon specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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    • 798 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD, SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pabang, Berserah, Kretay, Paka, Tringganu, Bisut, Semera Bach ok, Kelanttn Tabai, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Siagors, Laoon, Kobsamni, BandoD, Langsuen, Taka, Chumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Due Departure) s.s. PRACHATIPOK April 97 April 39 S.S. BORIBAT April 29 Only "Asdang" and
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    • 533 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AND DEUTSGH OAMPFSGHIFF FAHRTS6EB. "HANSA" BREMEN. Combined Service. The steamers of these Companies maintain a regular service b jtweeu Hamburg, Bremen Antwerp, Rotterdam and Emdea au 1 tbe Straits, China and Japan. Homnward?, they are despatched fort nigbtly for Havre and Hamburg and onoj
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    • 624 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. NORODEUTSCHER LLOYD. BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail stoamors this Company soil fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, Lisbon, via Rottenlam. Antwerp, Soot* atop-on, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (oouneoiing Marseilles, Naplox, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Port Saiu, Sac/, Aden, Colombo, Penacg Singapore Hongkou^, Shanghai, Tsingtau, Nagasaki and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 653 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD.. THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD. BKTW! KN Fremantlo Perth North West Australian Ports, Java and Singapore. Kegnlar Fortnightly sailingß between siu^aporo and Wotorn Ant-trelia, calling at I .v% (as indacement offers), Diiby, King's S 'jnd (Port for
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    • 659 5 r.HUBB'S SAFES LARGE SELECTION ON SHOW AT Huttenbach Bros. Co., 13, COLLYER QUAY. NOTICESNOTICE. NOTICE is berely giv-n, that by t.-.o Deeds of Rt vocation dated the 19th day cf April, 1914, Low Chee Nco has revoked the Power ot Attornoy dated the 22ad Dccemb r, 1911, executed by her
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    • 466 5 LATEST ADVEKTIStiMENTS. ASSISTANT SURGEON WANTED. Wanted at once, Assistant Scrgeon, locum throe months for Rubber Estate. Apply with testimonials to Dr. Wilson, Jr., Johore. 27 4-a 1.5 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND JUBTICE. BUREAU OF CUSTOMS. MANILA. Bids wi 1 be received by the Insular
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    • 293 5 THE FIRST DUTY of every housewife is to economise. The one duty of Sunlight Soap is to help the housewife to economise. Sunlight Soap A £Lfe saves money; it pre- ;*S| serves your clothes, and 4jT makes them last longer. /-^^L It is the clothes that T /\j\ v v\,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 223 6 NOW ON SALE. Dollar Share Values. (Sbcomo Edition.) HISTORY AND PROSPECTS or thi LEADING DOLLAR COMPANIES CAREFULLY EXAMINED BT THI STRAITS TIMES CRITIC. This most convenient haxd-book is now on sale. It is not a theoretical analysis but a practical examination of the actual position of all the leading Dollar
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    • 520 6 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of UNREDEEMED PLEDGES, THE PRuPERIY OF NINE PAWNSHOPS, On Friday, Mat 1, 1914, at 10 a m. On Monday, May 4, 1914, at 10 a.m. Oh Wiunkhi t, May 0, 1614, at 10 a.m. The Pledges consisting of Watches, Chains. Gold, Diamond aod other Rings,
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    • 119 6 •JUST ARRIVED: 1914 Models. PAIGE p^i^i^iHßV l^^"JHß**iii^L^B^«a*l*^s*r r^' with new stream line bodice, 5-sea'erp. 4-cylicderp, *?S H.P. Considered to be the only,'' American car that is light on tyres and benzine. GASOLENE LIGHT CYCLE CO,. UIT r *HALLEY£ J O ©>werful.B«t and (W i FIUID I ffesANHMYFLIif W^ London LdJ
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  • 15 7 The 00-UDixte list n( club fixtures will be foand on page 10.
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  • 217 7 SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. Todu. Sambas, Pamangkatand Pontianak B. Fo Soon Bpm Anamba and Natuna Islands Batavier 3 pm P. S'.vettenhara and Telok Anson Perak 8 pm Malacca and Muar Kaka 8 pm KafCeylnn, Australasia, Mauritius, India, Egypt and Europt, etc. Atlantique Bpm Saigon, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan Magellan Bpm Port
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  • 241 7 . The P. and O. homeward mail steamer Delta left Hongkong at 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 25, and may be oxpected to arrive here at 6 a.m. on Thursday, April 80. The P. and O. outward mail steamer India left Colombo at 8 p.m. on Saturday, April
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  • 904 7 . Latest Arrivals. Dufferin, R. I. M. S. M 996 tons. Com. Balfour, April 22. Krom Calcutta, April IJ.1 J £K. Officer. Loft for Hongkong, April 26. Ailing, hut xtr. 705 ton*. Capt Kolk, April 27. Krom Pnutinii ik. X j ->• i t 2-Y <i a. :iud H
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  • 267 7 EXCMANOb Simoafou,. April 27, 1914. Ob Lomdom Bank 4 m/a •> 4 Demand 2/4 Private 0 m/s H 8/4 g 8 m/s 2/4H ■H OißMAin.....Bank d/d 29f\ Private 8 m/s 242 Oh Fbahcb Bank d/d 294 Private 8 m/i 298 Ok Imdu Bank T. T. M 17Privato
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    • 185 7 . $3.2 10 10 Ampang 1 1 AyerWeng 10 10 Belat 2.70 10 10 Broang 10 10 Kaicpar 10 10 Kanaboi 1.50 10 10 Kinta Association 10.00 £1 £1 Kinta Tic 1.17.6 £1 £1 Laliat Miner 6.76 10 0 Malayan Collieries £1 £1 Malayan Tina 2.7.0 10 10 Middleton 5/.
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    • 657 7 2/- 9/- Allagai 1,6 2/£1 £1 Anglo- Java 2/ICJ 8/9 2/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 9/-I j 10/1 2/- 2/- Batang Malaka -/ll 1/8 £1 £1 Batu Tiga 2.8.9 2.15.1 2/- 2/- Bekoh -/7 -/9 £1 £1 Bukit Kajang 1.12.9 1.16.0 £1 £1 Bukit Lintang 2.15.0 8.0.0 norn 2/- 2/- Bukit
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    • 116 7 vX| £1 £1 B. Smelting Co, 12/- 13 6 £1 hel. 1.1.0 1.8.') 6/- 6/- Electric T'ways 4/8 4,9 10 10 Fruer k Neave 59.00 60 60 Hammer Co. 97.50 1(5.0) 100 Howarth Ergkine 4SXO 100 7%Prel. ICO.OO 100 100 Eati Bro, Def. 125.00 135.00 10 10 Maynard A
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 220 7 AUCTION S4LES Powell and Co. April 2%. At saleroom, British Tougkang Sonaletclimo, at 2.80. April 28. At saleroom, British Iron Screw Htoamcr (ioklen Crown," at SS.BO. April '2S. At saleroom. fn-<>holj residential proiurty, knowu as Hazel *ood," at 2.80. April 2H.— At salci«ui, <j'X>dvviH. eto., of the Sini;:ip-irr General and
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    • 95 7 CARLSBERG BEER^ World-wide Sole Agents THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD., Singapore. FOR Kerosene Oil Engines THE IDEAL FUEL IS "Cross Kerosene The Cheapest Refined Oil on the Market. "CROSS" will give you MORE POWER at a LOWER COST THAN ANY OTHER OIL. OBTAIN AULB FROM ALL DEALERS. «•> .4 per
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    • 69 7 AT THE HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH, NOkTH BKIUOR ROAD. TO-NIOHT TO-NIOHT Cinema- Adaptation of Emlle Flchebourg s Novel LA DAME KN NOIR" THE LADY IN BLACK (In 4 Parts i. BOUND TO GRIP THE AUDIENCE. In connection witb THE STOPPED CLOCK (A. B. Detective Drama). OAUMONT GRAPHIC No. 12 (New Edition).
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  • 68 8 DEATHS. Yono Beno Lin.— On April 18, at Puket, Luang Kachorn Cheen Sawkon, better known as Mr. Yong Beng Lin, father of Mr. Yong Kee Teik, of the Audit Office, Penang. Tan Hoon Chiang. -On April 24, at his residence, No. 17, Thomson Road, Singapore Tan Hoon Chiang, in his
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  • 1131 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, APRIL 27. SINGAPORE IMPROVING. We are not labouring under tho impression that Singapore deserves to be registered as a health resort, but we do hope and believe that during the last three years very sub stantial and very important improvements have been made in the matter
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  • 41 8 A meeting of Justices of the Peace will be held in tbe First Magistrate's chambers at the Police Courts on Wednesday, the 29th inst., at 2.16 p.m to elect a Jus-.ico to till a vacancy ou the Board of Licensing Justices.
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  • 39 8 The well-known Sungei Bakau mine on the Selangor Pahann boundary is being reopored shortly. Tho owner of the adjoining property, Mr. W. M. Mason, has entered into an arrangement by which the two pro perties will be worked conjointly.
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  • 48 8 Taiping, which is known by its name as Heavenly Peace, has attract- J iv >re than a dozen new firms in the past fourteen months. Along Main Road, no fewer tii-.u eight are established, including Messrs. Wniteaway'a, .1. \V. Maniugton and Co., and the George Town Dispensary, Limited.
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  • 48 8 Following the example of Calcutta, Rangoon is endeavouring to raise a kilted company to be attached to the Rangoon Volunteer Kifles. A meeting was held on tbe 1 lilt inst., when a temporary committe* was formed to carry out the proposal of securing the requisite number of men.
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  • 50 8 Upon the arrival of the Blue funnel liner Jason, from Yokohama on Saturday, the captain reported to the harbour master that ou the 22nd inst. tbe oil steamer Turbo signalled for medical assistance, and he immediately sent the Jason's surgeon aboard aud the master was treated for a stab wound.
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  • 57 8 Next Thursday evening, the Biblical and Literary iwsearcn Society will hold a social gathering in the hall at the V.M.C.A., when Bandmaster Moss, of the K.0. Y.L.1, band, will give an account of the history of military bands and there will be a musical programme. The meeting is open to
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  • 74 8 The N. C. Daily News states that Mr. A G. Stephen, manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank ,in Shanghai, is leaving for Hongkong on May 1, where he will take charge of tbe bank during the absence of Mr. N, J. Stabb, who goes on leave for some seven
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  • 76 8 Tbe Sri Ganesananda Dramatic Co. has consented to give a benefit night at the Alexandra Theatre, to day, in aid of tbe building fund of tbe Arya Sangam. A gold medal will be presented on this occasion to tbe proprietor of the Dramatic company by tbe members of the Arya
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  • 67 8 A paragraph referring to iho Singapore Municipal loan appeared in the Financier of Saturday, the 4th inst., to this effect The British, Foreign and Colonial Corporation, Limited, announce that, owing to the- heavy applications received, the subscription lint for City of Singapore 4 per cent, sterling debenture stock was closed
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  • 91 8 The Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ltd., pay a final dividend of 920 per share, nuking a total of 950 for 1912, transfer 25,000 to sterlim; reserve and carry forward 94 '0,077.59 to underwriting suspense account. For 1913 the company pays an interim divi dend of 930 per share, a
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  • 85 8 In the criminal section of the Tokio Court of Carnation, on the Bth inst., before Judge Dr. Yokota and four Associate Judges, final sentence was delivered in tho appeal of Mr. William Alfred Wheeler, charged with having obtained the sum of Yen 106,1:00 through false pretences. Public Procurator Hayaslii conducted
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  • 105 8 A fire broke out on the P. and O. Malta in Colombo harbour, on the 17th inst., but it was promptly extinguished. The origin of the fire is undetermined, although it is surmised that it was caused by a spark from a passing steam launch. About forty chests of tea
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  • 116 8 Two Bengalis, Abdul Aziz and Fazil Dai], w«ro charged today in the second court with the murder of a watchman inmi-d Suemooncbakhan. The story that will be told by the prosecution is that Abdul on Satur •lay had a dispute with Seemoonchakhan and that, in the evening be wont to
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  • 129 8 A pleasant evening was spent by the member* of the Amateur Drawing Association at their clnb house on SainnUy, the occasion being the 24th birthday of their President, Mr. Tan Tiang Yew. About fifty sat down to dinner, after which Mr. -I'uuig Yew, in reply to speeches, sprang a pleasant
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  • 416 8 Mrs. A. J. Coleman left yesterday by tlio Aratoon A pour for Calcutta, whore she transfurs to a li.l. stoamtr for home. Owing to indisposition, the acting Cbitf Jnstioe, the Hon. Mr. J. A. S. Bucknill, K.C., did not sit in the Supreme Court, this nioruing. The
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  • 157 8 A F.M.S. Government Gazette extraordinary announces the following appointments: -Mr. H. C. Hat hurst to act as Emigration Agent, Madras Mr. H. T. Martin to act as District Officer, Jolebu; Mr. J. W. Goldthorp to act as s< i-und Magistrate, Kuala Lumpur Mr. W. J. K.
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  • 140 8 Mr. E. van Suchtolen, who gave his promised violin recitai in the Dutch Club on Saturday night, met with a warm reception from a considerable audience of membois of the Dutch and other clubs. He proved to bo an executant of marked ability and his whole work was
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  • 250 8 The. Late Mrs. P. L. Knight The following reference to tbo doatli in Ceylon of Mrs. P. L. Knight, wife of Mr. P. L. Knight, who was some tuna back transferred from Singapore to the Colombo agency i.f the P. and Company, is Ukon from the Timta of Ceylon of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 176 8 MAGNUMS 55 CtS. magnums: 55 GtS. L I hree Castles JJ per 1 1 Cigarette;?, «1 per TIN. f I] TIN. (j| WdVhOWiIIs |jj I Millinery Novelties I H Just Arriving I races v" /ymjK6B% are Ajjfe Now Being v f|f iV DISPLAYED m m YmmY <— lC= 3i BULHEBS
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    • 88 8 TO- MIGHT! TO-NIGHT ALHAMBRA CMEMATO6IUPH THEATRE, BE»CH ROAD, FAMOUS NAMES! SIR J. FORBES ROBERTSON MISS GERTRUDE ELLIOTT With Their Full London Drury Lane Theatre Company in Shakespeare'! Tragedy In I «ct> HAMLET PRINCE OF DENMARK. Telephone^249 10 j.m. to 4 p.m. 689—7 p.m. to 11 p.m. C. J. WILLIAMSON, Manager.
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    • 11 8 Latest advertisement* of the day appear on page 5 and 11.
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  • 791 9 Arrests and Murders Of Foreigners. SHARP FIGHTING ON THE TEXAS BORDER. American Republics Offer Mediation Keotbb's Tblbqram. London, April M, Admiral Fletcher reports that the total U.S. casualties at Vera Cruz were 17 killed and 70 wounded. A'lmiral Fletcher estimates that the Mexican loßses were 123 killed
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  • 72 9 Brilliant Win by Oxford in Team Race. Rkcteb's Tblkoram. London April 26. A Philadelphia message says that in the inter Varsity four miles relay race twelve teams competed. Oxford was first, Pennsyl vania second, Cornell third. There was a sensational finish, Jackson and McCurdy of Pennsylvania running neck
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  • 57 9 Woman Murdered in a Railway Carriage. Rbctbb's Iblborah. London, April 26. The communication cord of a London to Brighton train was pulled at Three Bridges last night and a man jumped out with a knife in bis hand, but was captured. A woman was found in tbe carriage
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  • 107 9 Lancashire Teams Meet in the Final. Rkiteb's Telegram. London, April 26. In the association cup final Buruley beat Liverpool by 1 to 0 at the Crystal Palace. Tbe King had au ovation from the great crowd wbon he arrived at the Crystal Palaoo. Ho shook kinds witli the
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  • 87 9 Greece Sends Reply to the Powers. Rbstbr's Tbleqram. Loudon, April 20. Tho Powers' reply to Greece h*s been presented. M. Venezeloa expresses his readiness to exercise influence at Constants nople to attain the objects for which Greece has asked guarantees, including undisturbed possession of the Aegean Islands. Greece
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  • 54 9 DER OSTASIATISCHE LLOYD TELEGRAM. Berlin, April 25. The note of the Powers has been delivered at Athens. Greek wishes with regard to the position of Greeks in South Albania are fairly dealt with, and the neutrality of the Corfu Channel is proposed, under international control. M. Venizelos thereupon promised immediate
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  • 75 9 Quotations Current on Saturday. The following message has been received in Singapore, dated London, April 25 Plantation Para first latex crepe on spot 2/0 Para to arrive 2/llf Markdt steady. The Evt Asiatic Company favour us with the following report The market in London on Saturday wa»
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  • 107 9 System of Legalised Discharge Tickets. (From Our Own Corbmpohdmt.) Kuala Lumpur, April 26. The annual meeting of the Planters' Association of Malaya was held in the Selangor Club, this morning, Mr. E. Macfadyen being unanimously elected chairman and Mr. H. C. E. Zacharias secretary. The standing committee was
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  • 85 9 (From Oik Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, April 26. At the adjourned meeting of the Selangor Club on Saturday, Mr. Russell F. Grey was re-appointed vice-president, and Dr. S. H. R. Lucy, R. J. Rogers, H. N. Ferrers, P. C. Russell and C. H. Sansom were elected as
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  • 138 9 Handicaps for First Day of The Meeting. Racb No 1 Lossie 10.8, Preopal 10.8, Friendless 9.1», Hedonist 9.6, Sirdar 8.9, Lady Flower 7.7. Racb No. 2.— Brown Comet 11.7, Charity 9.6, Grisette 8, Angela 7.12, Laksfoss 7.9, Carmen 7 8, Flapper 7.7, Two Lips 7.2, Wistful La«s 6.7,
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  • 385 9 Enjoyable Outing in Singapore Waters. At the invitation of Capt. E. Meuloman and the Ships Agency, Ltd., ageuts to the Koninkljke I'aketvaart Maatschappij, some two hundred guests had the pleasure, on Saturday forenoon, of participating in what proved to be a most enjoyable outing. The
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  • 126 9 The Gopeng police have found the body of the Cbu imu who was alleged to been shot by s European miner. It will be remembered that the European was stated to have reported that he bad shot at a man whom he sjspected of tin stealing, bat
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  • 26 9 The Neumann murder case is xtill under) the consideration of the German Assessor at the Mixed Cbttt at Shanghai, the case being Li ard in camera.
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  • 1496 9 A YEAR OF SATISFACTORY WORK. Development of the Estate. The eighth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Golden Hope Rubber Estate, Ltd., was held on March 80, in the Council Room of the Rubber Growers' Association, 38, Eastchoap, 8.C., Mr. James Lloyd Anstrutuer (chairman of
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  • 420 9 His Career as a Planter in The F.M.S. Referring to the late Mr. E. V. Carey whose death was recorded in our Saturday's issue, the Malay Mail says: He began his career as a planter in Ceylon and came here later to open New
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  • 176 9 . Alleged Attempted Murder By A Soldier. Mention was made in the second court this morning of the case in which Private H. Olroyd, of the A company, K 0.V.L.1 will have to stand his trial upon a charge which may be one of attempting to murder Corpl.
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  • 142 9 Professor John Herry Poynting, M. A Sc.D F.R.S., Professor of Physios at Birmingham University, whose death, at the age of 03, at his residence in Amptonroad, Bdgbaston, is reported, was famous for his researches into the mean density of the earth. The son of a Unitarian minister, he became Third
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  • 291 9 SEVENTY THOUSAND RIFLES LANDED. Clever Ruse to Cover Operations. Riutbr's Tblburam. London, April 25. The volunteers were mobilised throughout Ulster last night with the utmost secrecy. It is estimated that 27,000 turned out. Seventy thousand rifles were landed in Ulster last night for the volunteers. They were conveyed
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  • 22 9 Rbutbr's Teleoram. London, April 26. Carpentier and Dick Smith meet at Liverpool on May 28, in tbe middle-weight championship of Europe.
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  • 120 9 Dbb Ostasiatiscuk Lloyd Telegram. Berlin, April Hi. Horr Bethmann has arrived in Berlin. The cruiser built at the Weser yard to replace the Irene has been launched. Both Vesuvius and Etna volcanoes are active. The ex-Governor von Rechenberg of Getman East Africa, has been elected for the Centre
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  • 60 9 I)KK OSTASIATISI UK LLOYD TsLF.'iltAM. Berlin, 25. In the Swedish elections, the Conservatives and Social Democrats have strongly increased at the expense of the Liberals. An absolute maj rity in favour of the armamont proposals ha* not been secured, but an understanding be'- voen the Conservatives and
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  • 39 9 Deb Ostasiatujchb Lloyd Tblboram. Berlin, Api il 25. At the Congress on Internal Medicine at Wiesbaden, Prof. Behring announced that the present system of vaccination for protection against diphtheria justifies the hope that a preservative has been found.
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  • 51 9 DE\ OSI A.SIATISi lit LLOTIi TkLBOHAU. Berlin, April 25. While in Paris, King George had a long discussion with the German Ambassador, which baa received wide notice. Both tbnir Majesties repeatedly took the opportunity of talking with the Ambassador, recalling is the friendliest terms their Tisit to
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  • Sporting Intelligence
    • 259 10 . It has been definitely decided to hold the home Ceylon Golf Meet this year at Hunstaoton on June 9 and 10. The death is reportnd of the Derby winner Ladas. Lidas won the English Derby and the Two Thousand Guineas in 1894 for Lord Rueebery. He was
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    • 445 10 Championship Tables. The position of the Leagues, when the mail left home on April 3, Mil as follows Scottish Lkacjuh Fikst Division. Matches. Goals. English Liaoui Fikst Division. Matches. Goals. Scottish Lbaoue— Fikst Division. Aberdeen '2 Dundee 2 Falkirk 1 Airdrieonians 1 Motherwell 2 Ayr United 0 Dumbarton
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    • 200 10 England v. The Rest. The Singapore Golf Club match, England v. The Kest, was played ou Saturday, and iv a win for The Itcst. The scores were 0 <1. li. K. Muglistnn (Captain) and C. V. Miles v. (i. A. Kinlayson (Captaiu) and 0L K. Winter 1 0 C.
      200 words
    • 285 10 North v. South. A thirteen a*idts match was played on the < on Saturday between teams representing tin North ami South. The North- erners proved victorious, not so much by reason of anything exceptional in their play, but because' their opponents were very inconsistent at the wicket. As
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    • 249 10 S.R.A. Meeting. The Singapore Rifle Association resumed tbeir meeting at Balestier on Saturday when tbe event on the card was the fiist stage of the Telephone Cup, ten shots each at 900 yards and 1.000 yard*, with a further 15 shots at 1,000 yards on Saturday next. The
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  • 229 10 Police Use Their Rifles to Quell Disturbance. Other means having failed, tbe police were compelled to fire in order to quell the tumult caused at Tronoh by a faction fight between Khehs and Cantonese, as a result of which five wounded Cantonese have been admitted to
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  • 215 10 By the decision of the New York Supreme Court a soui of £5.000,000 left by the late Mr. John Carter Brown, which has beeu lying in trast for 40 years, will be divided between Mr. Brown's only surviving child, Mrs. Sophia Sherman, the mother of Lady
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  • 3611 10 Chersonese Estates. INTERESTING SPEECH BY MR. NOEL TROTTER. The Combination Idea. The fourth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Chersonese (F M.S.) Estates, Limited, was bald on March 26, at Cannon-street Hotel, E.C., Mr. Noel Trotter (chairman of the company) presiding. The following is a more extended report
    3,611 words
  • 731 10 Novelists, straining after effect, sometimes tell us that time sc« vied to stand still. Their characters usually experience this feeling at moments of horror the discovery of a murdered body, tho appearance of a gbost, the missing of a roll of bank notes or of a priceless
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  • 304 10 . Mr. Boogaard, chief engineer of tbe sugar factory, Kewoelve, near Djokja, Java, had a fearful experience on the night of the 9th inflt., says the Mataram. He was lying asleep in his bed when something caused him to wake op suddenly about 1.80 a.m. He
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  • 82 10 . For tbe period from May 1 to May 14, 1914, inclusive, the duty ou cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable in the X.M.S. on an ad valorem basis in accordance with the rules under tho Customs Dutit s Enactment will bo assessed on
    82 words

  • 668 11 Is it Disappearing with the Old Names Many entertaining anecdotes of golf courses arc I ntained in Mr. F. Kinloch's article in tho current lliarobers's .lournal, in which he duals ith Hrn i<aiiius of holes and bunkers —and their neglect. Within a comparatively recent time, ue says,
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  • 185 11 . Arrivals IYr str. G. G. Daendels, April 37. -From Bauka: Messrs. Fox, Makkar, Otami, Nawakami and Okura. Per str. Marudu, April 26.— From Labuan Miss SaiiK. Messrs. Edwards, Wyndham Jones and Cobb. Per str. Pin Seng, April 26.— From Penang Bro. Connard and Tan Chay Chye. Per
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  • 32 11 Mr. Ahmad bin Ambak, who has been in Tokio for over 18 months, as a Malay teacher in the foreign language school in that city, returned by the Kasbima Maru this morning.
    32 words
  • 895 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, April 27, 1914. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning No* Valcb Butubs. Sell»m. 2/- Allagar 1/6 2/- 1 Anglo Java W.'lO* 8/9 1 Anglo Johore t/8 8/6 2/- Anglo-Malay
    895 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 45 11 The Man Who: Gets There Is the man who has blood— real rich red blood and plenty of it-in his body. WATERBURYS METABOLIZED COD LIVEP. OIL COMPOUND makes blood- lots of it -life giving, brain nourishing, strength replenishing blood. OF ALL CHEMISTS. $1.35 and *3.
      45 words
    • 64 11 A Parent's Duty. Your boy is always getting scratched or cut or bruised. Because these wounds have healed all right is no sign they always will. Get a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Bstaaad see that every injury is cared for immediately. You can get nothing better, and blood poison is
      64 words
    • 374 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SEE THE GREAT DETECTIVE MUNTONE Unravel the Mystery of rHE FINGER PRINT Splendid Detective Story by the Selig Polyscope Co. IN S PARTS id be thrilled, as yon have seldom been before, by THE VENGEANCE OF DURAND The beat Vitagraph Drama ever shown, IN a PARTS, and enjoy
      374 words
    • 450 11 Don't be AFRAID Place your Piano in OUR CARE FOR Regular Tuning AND Attention. We have been manufacturing Pianos and Organs in the East since 1873, and KNOW how to handle them. S. Moutrie&Co., Ld. RAFFLES PLACE PARTNER WANTED. Wanted, a partner for travelling in East n a paying business.
      450 words
    • 397 11 lICHELIN ILEAGE DUPIRE BROTHERS AGENTS. RAFFLES HOTEL. Buy your Bread and Cakes from the Raffles Bakery, which is entirely under the Supervision of a skilled European Confectioner. Retail Depot: Raffles Hotel Buildings, 88, Brasßasah Road. TE EPHONE NO. 490. The Brighton of Singapore. S Tennis. at m Tel. 335. mm
      397 words

  • 1598 12 HIS WORLD-WIDE TRAVELS AND STRANGE CASES Many Commendations. Some four or five years ago Detective Inspector l!ex brought back to Singapore a clerk who haJ absconded with over £2,000, belonging to his employers, Messrs. Pertile and Company, and who he arrested upon his arrival at Tilbury docks.
    1,598 words
  • 562 12 The Government and Greenwich Museum. Great indignation, says The Standard, was aroused when it became generally known on March 21 that the Admiralty bad not only ordered, but actually started, the dismantling and dispersal of the famous Naval Museum at Greenwich Hospital. While the museum was closed to
    562 words
  • 14 12 Money can't buy the loyalty of a dog or the friendship of a baby.
    14 words
  • 20 12 We tetch the baby to talk first," said the grandfather. Then we try to teach it to hold it* toogne."
    20 words
  • 396 12 Movement for Its Abolition In Germany. lthough no general movement can be said to exist in Germany in favour of the abolition of capital punishment, yet there is a strong feeling growing against the use of the sword and block of the headsman. For while more modern methods
    396 words
  • 338 12 Book Set with Over 1,000 Precious Stones. A volume of Keats, elaborately gold tooled, inlaid with over 4,400 separate pieces of various coloured leathers, and set with over 1,000 precious stones, each in a gold setting, is a striking feature of an exhibition which Mr. George Sutcliffe,
    338 words
  • 341 12 School Vacations Principal Obstacles To Movement. Backed up by the railway companies, the earlier holidays movement is making rapid headway at home, and there is little doubt that this year will see the holiday season spread over a longer period than heretofore, to the benefit of every body.
    341 words
  • 652 12 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest Lists. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, m gome instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list
    652 words
  • 400 12 The Mystery of Dreams That Come True. The extraordinary case of the discovery of a tragedy at Wolverhampton by means of a dream, reported in The Standard, is only one of many recent instances of dreams that have come true, according to a well-known pyschologist, whom a
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 218 12 SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER IQI4 Model. The ONE Perfect Machine Interchangeable Carriage. 10 to 27 Inches. Price: $190. Quarto or Foolscap Size. STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO., Singapore, SOLE AGENTS. 212 a 19 8 SOMETHING FRE9H EVERY DA.V. WE HAVE JOST OPENED UP BRASS NICKEL BEDS SAME AS SCPPLIED TO H. H.
      218 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 89 13 |~~~T~ I^H M SOLE AGENTS: m BEHN MEYER A CO., LTD. 1 IN STOCK One 25 Horse Power INTERCHANGEABLE Lorry and Cbar-a-banc body to carry 2 tons or 34 passengers. One 35 Horse Power Platform Lorry with hinged Portable sides to carry a load of 4 tons. These ALLEY Motor
      89 words
    • 287 13 KHAI SUN 215, South Bridge Road. Photographs (Stcdio and Outdoor) token at any honr of the day. Amateurs' work developed, re-touched or printed. Portraits and Enlargements specialised. Mth-class product ioni It moderate prices. Photographic stores of every description In stock. TRIALS SOLICITED. Satisfaction guaranteed. Large Stocks of Printing Ink and
      287 words
    • 56 13 BECHSTEIN PIANOS. -> /<^^^^B^ x The keenest judges of y^T JhGqFls^B»^sMsW ttle °P lnlon of the leading tfj^H*SL^SJHB. r i ßv Playing that these instru"Best The World Produces" CX A.NDS UPRIGHTS ALWAYS IN STOCK. Sole Agents Robinson PIANO Co., Ltd. PRATTS Motor Car Spirits the STANDARD of QUALITY and EFFICIENCY.
      56 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 446 14 sUNMPME'B INLY COMPANY. LARGEBT PAID-UP CAPITAL OF ANY EMTEIN COMPAMI PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE Wmchoatef Houh, Singapore LONDON OFFICE i 82, Old Jewry, EC The Company baa £20.000 deposited with toe Supreme Oovt of Bngland. »ni eompliea with the Biuiah Life Aasuranoe
      446 words
    • 322 14 IMURANCF. FEDERAL LIFE MSlffllNCE COMPANY OF CANADA. Established 1882. Direct Government Supervision, Government Audit. Policies are "WORLD WIDE." and Non-Forfeitable. Large Nat Surplus) above liabilities for Reserve and all outstanding claim <. New Buaineas, 1918, 0ver.. .59,876,000.00 Cash Loans, Settlements, etc., made locally. Numerous modern schemes. J H. EVANS, Manager,
      322 words
    • 452 14 BANKING. THE BZE HAI TONG BANKING AND INBURANCE CO.. LTD.. NO. 67 AND 68, KLINO STEET. Established 1907. Capital paid np •1,000,000,00 Reserve liability of propritors... 11,000,000,00 Reserve Fond 1800,000,00 COURT OF DIBBCTORS. Lbow Chia Hbno, Esq. Cheono Qces Tiabt, Esq. Tan Swi Km, Esq. Lsb.Web Nah, Esq. Tan Tbck
      452 words
    • 479 14 MNKIW. DEUTSCH ASIATISCHE BANK. FULLY PAID UP CAPITAL (Sh. Tae.e 7,500,000). Head Office Shanghai. Board of Directors Berlin. BRANCHES Berlin, Calontta, Hamburg, Canton, Hankow, Hongkong, Kobt., Peking, Tientsin, Tsinanfu, Tsingtau, Yokohama. THE FOLLOWING BANKS AND BANKERS ARE REPRESENTED ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORB: Bank fuer Handel und Industrie.*) Btrlinrr Hindels-Gesellschaft.
      479 words
    • 896 14 BALEB BY AUCTION, IN BANKRUPTCY. HE CHOPS LOH KEE SENG LOH CHEE SENG. v MeMr Pow e'' Co- h**e been inttrncted by The Official Assignee, Singapore, to sell by aootion, on dates to be announced later, all the Stock in trade, Shop Fittings, Iron Safes, Black wood Furniture, etc., etc
      896 words

  • 997 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Concerning Carburetters. Often when motorists are gathered together and fall to discussing their experience of cars and the road, writes W. Wbittall in the Pall Mall Gazette, one hears a view expressed that the passing of the carburetter in which it
    997 words
  • 88 15 Messrs. Cheah Cheang Lim, J. Donford Wood, J. Henry Baatow, Francis Dixon and Charles Stiven are the directors of The Lahat Rubber Co., Ltd., which was recently floated in England to acquire the estate at Sangei Pinji near Lahat owned by Messrs. Cbeah Cheang Lim, J. Dunford Wood and Mrs.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 200 15 RATNER SAFES NO RATHER Thief-resisting Safe has ever been opened by Burglars. NO RATNER Improved Fire-resisting Safe has ever had its contents destroyed by Fire. sole: agents t CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FROM STOCK. Siddeley Deasy Cars, Studebaker Cars, Sunbeam Cars, Ford Cars, B. S. A. Cars, AND Dennis
      200 words
    • 50 15 Bowel Complaint in Children. During the summer months children are subject to disorders of the bowels and should reoeire the most careful attention. As soon an any unnatural looseness of the bowels is noticed Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be given. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealer*.
      50 words
    • 253 15 APPRECIATION OP DUNLOP TYRES Fop HARD WEAR in HOT COUNTRIES. Of the twenty five cars that finished in the Melbourne to Sydney reliability contest, seventeen were fitted with DUNLOP TYRES. The distance between these two Australian cities is 628 miles and the weather throughout the run was hot. DUNLOP TYRES
      253 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 458 16 ASBESTO SHEETS and SLATES THE BEST MATERIAL FOR LIGHT and CHEAP CEILINGS, PARTITIONS. WALLS, NON \o\ Conductors POROUS. ROOFS. OF HEAT. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD., SINGAPORE. WANTS. RILING TAUGHT, Daily, at Morton's Horeo Repository, by European. 64 8-» GODOWN WANTED. Wanted, a spacious Godown for immediate entry. Write Box K.
      458 words
    • 263 16 WANTS. tXCKANGE OF LESSONS WANTEO. Wanted, Bnglirh Lessons in exchange for Dutch. Apply Box No. 660, Straits Times. 26 4 27 4 HORSE WANTED. Suitable for trap, must be sound and quiet in harnesp. Appiy stating price to Box No. 618, Straits Times. 25-4 27-4 POSITION WANTED. European, energetic, de-ires
      263 words
    • 561 16 TO BE LET OB SOLD. TO BE LET LANGLANDS, No. 112, River Valley Road. Apply No. 6, Malacca Street. 80 1 o FLOOR TO LET To let, 2nd Floor, No. 8, Malacca Street, Entry March 1, 1914. Apply Meyer Brothers. 81-1 a TO LET. Furnished or unfurnished. Rose-cottage Mount Elizabeth.
      561 words
    • 635 16 NOTICES'. GUAN KIAT ft CO., 37. Phillip Street. Smr Chandlers, Government and Municipal Contractors, General Imi oktkus and Exporters and Commission Aoknts. Telephone No. 1174 1288 (Private 1450) 8-8 n KIAM KIAT CO. BHIP CHANDLERS, Bo»ernm«nt md Municipal Contractor!. 106, 108 k 109, Market Street. Telephone Nos. 421. GUAN KIAT
      635 words
    • 596 16 NOTICEB. DR. R. H. UMB. American Dentist, Graduate Phil. Dental College, Colemau Strett, opposite Hotel de la Paix. 22 4 a 20 6 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Tenders are invited for the erection of a cew bouce for tbe Straits Chicese Hec>c»tion Club. Plans and specification can be Been at tho
      596 words
    • 430 16 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURES. Straits Times List. The following fixtures fjr the current week and important forthcoming fixtures are kindly supplied by the secretaries of the various dubs. Convenient forms on which to make tho returns will be supplied on application to the Manager, Straits Timeo. Singapore Polo Club. Practice games,
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 224 16 Straits Wimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellaneous wants of every description are inserted at tbe prepaid rate of SI per font lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births; Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, SI eccb insertion. For p.p.c. cards, on page 8, S2. Inch Scali Ratbs are
      224 words