The Straits Times, 22 April 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.470 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 22. 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 201 1 pwtaußi wants n PETER UNION TYRES Ape Cheapen, Better Last Longer. Hara is PROOF. Some Prices from April List. Sjajre Tread C'vers. Tube with Valve*. $25.45 7.20 OVER 26.40 7.56 of^ C^° 36.96 10.56 o 30 x3 J 28.10 7.95 CHEAPER THAN THE 30.25 8.65 OTHER MAKES. MORE MILEAGE FRESH
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    • 33 1 FODDER CONTRACTS $2O Per Month. COMPRISING: 4 Bags Mixed Food -Bedding Shoeing as often as required). Qreasing and Setting tbe wheels of Carriages. H.S. KIRWAN, No. a, The Tel SBl. 8.11 d
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    • 113 1 HOUSE FURNISHING Best Teak Wood Cutlery Drawing-room Suites Glassware Bedroom Suites Filters Dining-room Suites Carpets Hall Furniture Linoleums Cane Furniture Grass Mats Brass Bedsteads Curtains Refrigerators Cushions Crockery Table Napery. EVERYTHING FOR THE HOUSE. ROBINSON CO. ASHCROFTS UNDERSIZED AND FULL SIZE BILLIARD TABLES Fitted with Patent "Aero" extra low cushions
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  • 830 2 By Major J. A. R. Olbkku, As. Commandant, SWOAI 3RB VOLUHTUS CoiPS. Singapore, April 80, 1014. S.V.C. Balestier Rifle Range. I.— The range is reserved for S.R.A. anuual meeting on Saturday, April 25, Sunday, April 26, and Saturday, May 3. The prize distribution will take place on Saturday
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 205 2 Study your Complexion >^^the pores of your^!% J Jgl skin with face powders? i( "'HAZEUNE' 1] V ar more healthful, and most JMastJ&iL- 'HJiiPitJ t i/n/ l\v\ elective in removing that objec- jpA|VCSS^r9HN^J^v9j Itßxv^ tion c 6 rea »y apptaiance -^v*-.. \|c\ an^ al -■'■y' n S the irritation fl^V
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    • 16 2 For colic and windy apaams. Take Woods, Great Peppermint Core. Sold everywhere, 80 oeota a bottle.
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    • 423 2 La-rola JKTjf MakM fh« Kin aa S^XTjJ J^BOFJ AS VELVET, ana k—p* l <yC lj SOFT, SMOOTH and WHITE A all Urn ytar round y FUdaaaa, lrrilitioo. Tan. «te. tr J COOI'NO AND REFRESHING L V DURING THB SUMMER HEAT 'J^ M. BEITHAM SON, b AH Aches and Pains must
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    • 690 2 BALEB BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEES SALE 01 VALUABLE FREEHOLD LAND AND BRICK KILNS SITUATE OFF McPHERSON ROAD, SINGAPORE, To be held at Powell A Co.'s Sale room, On -Tuesday, April 28, at 2.30 p.m. The property oonsists of all that valuable piece of freehold land Mtuate off McPberson Road Singapore, containing
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 80 3 RANEBGUNGE GLAZED STONEWARE. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZES STOCKED. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LD. all kuHia^m^^ i ™*fIsBa»Wa*WwPRWWPWiBPBBs*WBP"* r^"^ BIOCITIN THE MOST EFFICACIOUS NERVE TONIG. Obtainable at all Chemists or from the Sole Agents MEDICAL HALL, Ltd., ANO ITS BRANCHES. r J '■^trWru^tand Che*** I rag? SANITARY FLUID CW j L
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    • 884 3 THE RAUB AUSTRALIAN GOLD MINING COMPANY, LID. Manager's Report for Four Weeks Ending March 28, 1914. Gentlemen Herewith I beg to hand yon my report on your Mining and Milling Operations for (our weeks ending March 28, 1014. The accompanying sheet of mine measure- 1 ments and assay results shows
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    • 342 3 Anaemia BHUfc S 1 *M theCWS. Anaemic girls, weak children and jaded mothers get new life and vigour by taking SCOTTS Emulsion. Medicine and food, it fortifies the blood, promotes appetite, and brings back the roses and the joy of health. But be sure to get SCOTTS— no other has
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    • 800 3 STEAMER SAILIH6S. BIBBY LINE Of fmst twin-screw Mall Passenger Steamers between Rangoon, Colombo, Suex, Port Said, Marseilles and London. Proposed Sailing's for 1914. HOMEWARD, Departures Departures Steamer Stbambe from bom Arrive arrives Ra»ooo. Colombo Mabssoiss DERBYSHIRE April 80 May 6 May 22 May 29 HBRBPOKDSHIRH May 14 May 19 Jane
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 618 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. pTaTa STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANO, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EGYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Homeward (for Europe). (Connecting at From Singapore.
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    • 562 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. ryTkj JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly servioe is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, undor mail contract with the Imperial Japaneso Government. Tho New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially dexigned and constructed, and are fitted with a'l
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    • 800 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE 31AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang, Borserah, Kretay, Paka, Tringganu, Bisut, Semera Baohok, Kelantan, Tabai, Bangnara, Telupin; Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laooo, Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsuen, Takn, Chumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Due Departure *Mi AS DANG April 92 s.s. VUGALA April 22 April 28 t PRAGHATIPOK April
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    • 533 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. DEUTSGH OAMPFSGHIFF FAHRTSGEB. HANSA BREMEN. Combined Service. The steamers of the 89 Companion maintain a r> sorvioe bitwo v Hauibur.', Bremen Antwerp. Rotterdam and Emdei and tbe Straits, Cbiaa and Japan. HomAward', they are despatched fort nightly for Havre and Hamburg uni onoj a
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    • 626 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. NORDDEUTBCHER LLOYD. BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The f.iht and woll known mail steamorg this Company Bait fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, L soon, via Rotterdam. Antwerp, SoaUampon, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (conneming Marseilles, Naplos, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Saia, Snc/.. Aden, 1 'olomoo, Penacg Sini>i\por<i
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 751 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN S. 8. CO.. LTD.. THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD. HKTWKEN Fremantle Perth North West Australian Ports, Java and Singapore. Regular Fortnightly sailings between Snu iporo and Western Australia, calling at Java (as inducement offers), Derby, King's Soutid (Port for the Kirub.
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    • 527 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. MOO-CHIM STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Direct Service to Japan via Hongkong A Shanghai, and to Calcutta, via Panang, from Singapore. Taking cargo on thorough Bills ol Lading for Canton. Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwanp, Yangtsze Ports. F.r mosa, tbe Philippines, etc., etc., cci. Steamers. Tons. Commander. Kltsano
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    • 623 5 NOTICES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Tenders are invited for the Cutting and Filling at Taojong Katong for Mr. Eu ToDg Sen's property between Swimming Club Buuc&bw and Mr. Manasaeh's Bungalow. Plan and Sections can be seen at the office o' MesKrs. Tan Seng Cbong ft Co., No. 14, Hhffles Quay, top
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    • 517 5 LATEST ADVEKTISKMENTS. TO BE LET. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. Compound house at Thomson Road. Four large bedroom". Stabl -g for two horses. Tennis lawn. Municipal water. Apply to POWBLL CO., Auctioneers. 23-4 28-4 AUCTION SALE Of VALUABLE TEAK AND RATTAN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ONE ROSENKRANZ PIANO, To be hold at No. 248,
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    • 333 5 Lifebuoy Soap is more than soap, inasmuch as it has powers in addition to those which promote cleanliness. It is a reputable germicide a sure disinfectant. As a soap, Lifebuoy is everything that it should be efficacious for Bath, Toilet and all kinds of cleanliness. Its disinfectant properties are in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 552 6 THE MARVELLOUS LIGHT-WEIGHT WATERMAN MARINE MOTOR. l^^^^l Potto dttacbab'.f, complete $226, 2 H.P. JaHpßVagl Single cylinder, K 1, oomplete...«l7B, 2 H P. J V^l J S ,K2, oomplbte...sBoo, 6H.P. CFtll E MHfIE T HMT BURMLE OH THE HMKET. J^V DHOV fSSr li in douD write De l ci WO wi
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    • 290 6 Pilsener Urquell Beer A Real BOHEMIAN Pilsener Beer OF EXCELLENT QUALITY. Obtainable at YONG LEE SENG COMPANY, and at the Leading Hotels. I Sole Importers HANDELSVEREENIGING 'HOLLAND,' 3-B, Malacca Street. "PURUB" (Patented) THE NEW COAGULANT, Has been awarded the GOLD MED.VL at the "All Ceylon Exhibition at Colombo. The Advantages
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    • 225 6 FOR Incandescent Oil Lamps "Cross" vT Kerosene The Cheapest Kefined Oil on the Market. "CROSS" IS SPECIALLY SUITABLE FOB BURNING IN INCANDESCENT LAMPS AND WILL GIVE YOU MORE LIGHT at a LOWER COST THAN ANY OTHER OIL. OBTAINABLE FROM ALL DEALERS JtCZ P er 4-Oallon tin •■*O (including Duty). THE
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  • 142 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, April 22. High Water. 8.44 a.m., 9.22 p.m. Thursday, April 23. High Watwr, 9.23 am., 9.45 p.m. B. t. homeward mail closes. St. (ieorge's Day. Ball at Victoria Hall. Friday, April 24. High Water. 10.A a.m., 10.7 p.m. B. I. outward mail due. Children's <ncort,
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  • 203 7 TO-OAT. Malacca, P. Swettenham and Telok Anson Ipoh 8 pm Port Swettenham and Penang Lama 8 pm Medan Circe 8 pm Prigi Rajah and Indragiri Koeruai 8 pm Batavia, Cheribon and Saruarang Gu»ng Seng Bpm P. Swettenham, Penang and Colombo Khiva 3 pm Batu Pahat Aing Hin
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  • 208 7 The Imp. Ocrman mail steamer Luotzow left Colombo at noon on Sunday, April H», an>l may be expected to arrive here on Friday afternoon, April 24. The B. I. contract packet steamer Taroba with mails from London up to the evening of April 8, left Nugapatam at
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  • 99 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Day; TAN JONG PAGAR. Bast Wbarf Basin Nil. W. Sbctioh No. 1...Par00, Edavana. Shii&s Wharf Nil. Main W. Sbct. No. 2...Tara. 8...NU. 4... Penang Mara. 6...XU. 8...1 >arvi 1, Laomedon. Niw Dock 7.. .(Under construction) Wbst Wharf
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  • 102 7 Arrivals. Per str. Breid, April 22.— From Bangkok Mr. H. Genkel. Per str. Colombo Mam, April 21.— From Bombay Mr. K, Takaliasbi, Mr. and Mrs. Nauhi. Per str. Kaka, April 22.— From Malacca Dr. and Mrs. Weir, Mr. W. W. O. Anderson. Per str. Edavana, April 22.
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  • 63 7 Mar. 20 P. A O. Mar 2S N. I >. L. Mar. 26 B. I. Mar. 30 M. M. Apl. BP.* O. Apl. 7 I). L. Apl. 98. I. Apl. U M. M. Apl. 16 PA O. Apl. 20 V D. L. UB IT* XJVI April IVUM.
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  • 387 7 Latest Arrivals. Atlantic. Swcd. oil. 2077 tons. Captain Carlaoo. Apnl 18. Fioua Durban, Mar 21. Coal A. 1'etroleaiK Co. For Christmas Is., Dm. w. ■MM, Nor. stx. 046 tons, Capt Knudson, April 11. Ki .m Bangkok, April 17. O.c. and p. S<uui( Kee. For Bangkok. April '24. K<U.
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  • 274 7 EXCHANGE Swoapom, April 22, 1914. Oa Lomoa Bank 4 m/s 3/4} Demand M 2/4/, Private 6 m/s 3/4) 8 m/B M a 4 Om QHa*wT Bank d/d 388* Private 8 m/a M 342 Om Fbamoi Bank d/d 384 Private 8 m/a 298 Oa Ixdia. Bank T. T.
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    • 183 7 10 10 Ampang 1 1 AyerWeng 10 10 Bolat 2.70 10 10 Broang 10 10 Kampar 10 10 Kanaboi 1.60 10 10 Kinta Association 10.00 £1 £1 Kinta Tin 1.17.6 61 £1 Lahat Mine* 6.78 10 6 Malayan Collieries £1 £1 Malayan Tine 2.10.0 10 10 Middlcton >/■ 6/-
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    • 653 7 V- 3/- Allagai 1/7} 2/1 £1 £1 Anglo-Java 8,8 4/9/- 2/- Anglo Malay 0/9 10/7 3/- 2/- Batang Malaka 1 1 1/8 41 £1 Batn Tig* 2.8.9 2.15.1 2/- 2/- Bekoh -/8 -/10 £1 £1 Bakit Kajang 1.13.9 1.17.1 £1 Bakit Lintang 2.15.0 8.0.0 norn 8/- 2/- Bakit Mertajam
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    • 119 7 41 £1 B. Smelting Co. 12/- 18/6 41 il Pret 1.1.0 1.8.0 5/- 6/- Electric T'nn 4/8 4,0 10 10 Fraaer Ne»ve 69.00 xd 60 60 Hammer k Co. 100.00 If .1.03 100 Howarth Krskine 4SXO 100 7% Prat 100.00 100 100 K*ti Bro, Del. 125.00 135.00 10 10
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 16 7 For all Stomach troubles. Take Wools. NaaaW Cure. At all Stores, 80 cents a bottle,
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    • 304 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. April 24. At Messrs. Woarne Brothers Garage, Orchard Road, Motor Car, at 5.16. April 2'>._ At No. 105 E, Orchard Road, teak household furniture, etc., property of S. Reuben, Esq., at 1.80. April 25.— At Mapledurham, No. 15, Mt. Elizabeth, teak household furniture, etc., at
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    • 44 7 MAGNUMS 55 cts. "r°"" .^l 55 cts. i, 1 nree Castles peP Cigarettes per W.D.«VHX>.WiIIs |0 CARLSBERG BEER^ Sole Agents THE EAST ASIATIC GO., LTD., Singapore. V\. vVv aMHflflL^HL^Oa^aMa^Lwfiff BUY "SHELL" YOO CAN RELY ON THE QUALITY ▲NO QUANTITY. THEY DON'T CHANGE. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE.
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    • 102 7 NOW SHOWING AT THE KARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH, NORTH BRIDGB ROAD. Aa Admirable Valle'a Cine Drains IN THE GRIP OF A VILLAIN (6.000 It In 4 Reels) The Story of an innocent man's imprisonment en a false charge, and his daughter's various misfortunes before a happy marriage to her bt m
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  • 1137 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22. BATAVIA EXHIBITION. We aro asked to remind our Malayan planter readers that applications for space for exhibits at the International Rubber Congress and Exhibition at Batavia in Sep tember must bo sent to the local secretary, Mr. \V. E. van Rynberk, Singapore, not later
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  • 16 8 On March 27 snow bad fallen in north Japan to a depth of about eight feet.
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  • 16 8 The FM.S. Government is considering a reduction of quit rents after six years' occupation of land.
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  • 44 8 The R.I M.S. Dufferin, with the 3rd Brahmins on board, arrived in Rangoon from Singapore on April 12, and after embarking the 89th Punjabis who are en route for Dinapore, dropped down below Hastings. She left port for Calcutta at daybreak the next day.
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  • 43 8 At tbe annual meeting of tbe congregation of St. Mary's Church, Kuala Lumpur, was held at the new Parish Hall on Saturday evening, Mr. E. S. Hose (presiding) d^Uiled tbe many benefits they had gained from the institution of the Singapore Diocesan Association.
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  • 63 8 The coat-of-arms provided for the Metro politan Asylums Board by the College of Arms includes tbe red cross, the golden staff of -K-iculapiu*, an eagle, the bird of health and strength, a chained dragon (representing disease held in check), and red and white roses, recalling the Wars of the Roses,
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  • 62 8 Mr. A. C. Pearson, tbe Governor designate of British North Borneo, has been on a vi«it to Peking in connection with tho emigration of Northern Chinese coolies to that territory. According to the Peking Daily Newa, he expressed himself as much gratified at the arrangements made by the Chinese authorities
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  • 66 8 Suspicions have been aroused that Professor Mercalli, the Director of Vesuvius Observatory, who was burned to death, as was reported at the time, by the upsetting of a paraffin lamp in his bouse, was murdered by thieves It appears that JC2BO was stolen, and it is believed that the thieves
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  • 69 8 It has been decided by the Masonic fraternity of Canada to celebrate the centenary of peace between Great Britain and the United States by a great international gathering at Niagara Falls (Ontario) in July. It is proposed to invite the Grand Masters of all the States in the United States
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  • 93 8 A Chinaman met his death by drowning yesterday under particularly gruesome circumstances. He was in charge of a tongkang, loaded with iron rails, which be was bringing down the river. When near Kampang Malacca police station he left his oar and stepped to the side to replace some of tbe
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  • 105 8 On the arrival at Rangoon of the steamer Ellenga, on April 18, it was learned that a European passenger had committed suicide during the voyage. The passenger in question was down on the passenger list as G. J. McGillivray, M.A. (Edin.). He was principal of Maha Bodi College, Colombo. It
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  • 100 8 A special servioe which the lat-i Sir John Murray rendered to biological and geological science was the investigation undertaken at bis expense of Christmas Island, a tiny speck of land far out in tbe Indian Ocean, which bad remained practically in a state of nature from the time when it
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  • 99 8 Commenting on the conclusion of the. police inspector murder case at Calcutta the Statesman considers that in canes winch tho easy going lenience of the Indian mmd in likely to lead to divide opinions a trial by jury should be inadmissible. The EnglishLoan thinks that it was unfortunate that a
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  • 109 8 Tbe Foreign Consols at Hainan have been notified by the local authorities that Hainan has been placed under martial law. Several nummary arrests have been made, and three prominent men were shot in theyamen early in the morning. Among them was tbe princi pa) proprietor of the daily paper published
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  • 124 8 As the result of a collimon with a tram car while riding a motor bu-yrle in Bangkok, Mr. T. Soon Hong, a clerk in the Borneo Co., Ltd., received euch injuries that ho died four hours later. The yonng man was riding down the Borneo's lane about 4 30,
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  • 511 8 Mr. and Mrs. Lanktree, of Malacca, left for Europe by the German mail on Monday. It is officially announced, at Kuala Lumpur, that Mr. E. Macfadyen succeeds Mr. G. H. Day as unofficial member of the Federal Council. Dr. Jamieson, of Penang, who has been seriously ill,
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  • 61 8 A meeting of the Municipal Commission will be held on Friday. The business on the agenda includes such items as the sale of land in Victoria Street and the taking over of Cuppage Road. At a special meeting to follow by-laws for the regulation of eating houses and
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  • 198 8 An appeal on behalf of fitting celebrations on St. Ooorge's Day (to-morrow) has been made to all tbe Mayors in England by the Council of the Royal Society of St. George, who urge that England alone provides the exception to the universal practice of having one day
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  • 210 8 A circular just published in Siani««.e and circulated atuon^st the (armors of Kau^sit diHtrict provides a interiMtiax example of bow some landowners regard tlixir dutira as territorial magnates Tk* circular io quefttion has bten issued by Dr. Yai Suapaa Sanitwongsc, and is addressed in the first instances
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 190 8 The Roneotype. Prints direct from type or electros facsimile typewritten letters, letterheadings, office forms, etc. A real money saver. Easy to use. Guaranteed for Ten Years. Catalogues from ROneO Ltd., "a, Collyer Quay. I Millinery Novelties j jji Just Arriving J 0 M&^HS&a'- -%b PAPI7QH l Now Being Jj A
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    • 11 8 Latest advertisement* of the day appear on page S and 11.
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  • 245 9 MR. BONAR LAW ALLEGES FALSE STATEMENTS. Stormy Scene in House of Commons. Reuter's Teleokam. London, April 22. There was one of the stormiest scenes between party leaders in the history of the House of Commons when Mr Bonar Law renewed his request for a judicial inquiry into the
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  • 274 9 KING AND QUEEN DEPART FROM LONDON. Brilliant Welcome in Paris. Reuter's Teleobam. London, April 21. In bright sunshine, immense crowds ova tioned their Majesties as they started for France, driving from Buckingham Palace. At Victoria Station there wa3 a distinguished assemblage ou the platform. The King wore
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  • 37 9 Rki'Tkk's Tklkobam. lkrlin, April 21. In tin English bantam-weight championchip at the National Sporting Club, between Digger Stanley and Curley Walker, the former looked like winning easily, but was disqualified in the thirteenth round (or holding.
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  • 29 9 Kn l kh'h Telki.kam. London, April 21. Eighty Liberal members of Parliament have signed a memorial to Mr. Lloyd <»eorge, urging him to repeal the sugar duties.
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  • 64 9 KaCTER's TILEuBAM. London, April 21 A Montreal message says the Canadian Pacific Company announce a new service carrying American mails t) Manila. Tha service starts on June 11, from Vancouver, reaching Yokohama in ten days, Kobe in eleven days, Nagasaki in thirteen days, Manila in seventeen days,
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  • 35 9 Redter's Telegram. London, April 22. A white paper is issued which shows that an Imperial Naval Conference is impossible in 1914 as Australia, which desires a full conference, is unable to attend.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 445 9 Hongkong and Shanghai Bank's Suggestion. At the last committee meeting of the Burma Chamber of Commerce there was con sidered a letter dated March 5, 1914, from the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, drawing attention to the erratic de spatch of mails to Singa{iore and the East,
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  • 358 9 Auction at Ching Keng Lee and Co.'s Saleroom. The following properties were disposed of by auction at Messrs. Ching Keng Lee and Co.'s saleroom on Monday 999 years' leasehold land and house 16. Waterloo Street, area 5,882 *q. ft., bought by Mr. M. A. Meyer for ».>.7<XJ.
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  • 1054 9 DECISION GIVEN AGAINST IPOH NEWSPAPER. Damages Not Yet Assessed. The following report of the concluding stages of the Times of Malaya libel action is taken from the Timea of Malaya of April 20:— Mr. Justice Woodward atated this morning that be would deliver a written judgment in
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  • 29 9 Ku'ii't's Tklki.ram. London, April 21. Mr. Justice I'.-kfonl has been appointed a Ju'l^e of the C'ou.-t of Appeal in saccession to Mr. Justice Vaugban Williams, resigned.
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  • 47 9 The YengUze pilots, American, Britivb and German, who for a long ti'ue have been making efforts to have the piloting on the Yangisze regulated and placed under a pro perly established authority, have addressed communication to the Consuls General of their n spci live countries at Shanghai.
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  • 43 9 Mr. 11. H. White, manager, Bombay branch, Allahabad Bank, and Vernon T. Gutteridge. assistant, Thomas and Co., died during the Kiister holidays from sunstroke, the former at Khandalla, while out for a walk, and the latter while on a (hooting excursion near Neral.
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  • 150 9 RESULTS OF EIGHTH SALE THIS YEAR. Prices for Crepe Improve. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, April 21. Competition was rather slow at the opening of the auction which began today. One thousand three hundred and fifty-one tons ot plantation were offered for sale, of which 1,086 tons
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  • 59 9 (From Oub Own Correspondent.) London, April 21. Java Amalgamated pays no dividend, and a profit of £13,000 is carried forward. Linggi declares a final dividend of 25 per cent carries forward £18,000. At the auctions 1,385 tons wero offered. Competition was slow and prices irrogular. Standard crepe
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  • 81 9 Quotations Current Yesterday. The following message has been received in Singapore, dated London, April 21 Plantation Para first latex crepe on spot 2/11 Para to arrive 8/0} Plantation Fine Smoked Sheet 2/9} Unsmoked Sheet Biscuit 2/7} Market steady. Tho East Asiatic Company favour us with the following
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  • 474 9 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 136 th auction yesterday, when there were offered for sale 769.99 piculs or 102,666 lbs. and sold 675.09 picols or 90,012 lbe. The prices realised were: Messrs. Qathrie and Co. report: Singapore, April 21. The sale held tbis
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  • 466 9 An Opportunity to Inspect The Tasman. The Melobier Trenb, the well-known express, steamer of (he K.P.M., running between Java Singapore- Deli, was to go into dry dock at Batavia for the usual cleaning and painting of the ship's bottom on April 18. Her service will temporarily be
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  • 297 9 Colonel's Reminiscences of The Siege. Colonel Sir Claude M. Mac Donald gave a personal picture of the flight for the Lega tions in Peking, and British women's bravj part in it, to a large audience at the Royal United Service Institution. Among his hearers were Admiral
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  • 143 9 Eighteen hours late, the Indian mail steamer Persia, belonging to the P. and O. Company, reached Plymouth on March 2", Crossing the Bay of Biscay a fierce gale with high seas prevailed, and so wild was the weather that the ship was hove to for fourteen
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  • 211 9 CONGRESS VOTES THE MILITARY CREDITS. Rebels Will Not Oppose Americans. Ridtib's Telegram. London, April 21. By 337 votes to 87, the House of Representatives panged the resolution for appropriating fifty million dollars and the Senate then took up the resolution. A Mexico City message says Huerta has
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  • 171 9 Rioter's Tilkoram. LondoD, April '21. The result of the Metropolitan Stakes wan Annocy 1 Vermontb 3 Gravelotto 8 Nineteen ran and the race was won by three lengths, four separating second and third. The betting was 100 to 8 against Annecy, 5 to 2 Vermouth, and 100 to
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  • 39 9 Rmtkk's Telegram. London, April 21. The death is announced ot Mr. S. R. Crockett, the novelist, aged 58. London, April 22. The death of Sir Edwin Doming- Ltwrence, a writer of somo note on literary subjects, is announced.
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  • 22 9 Rkitkks Telkgram. London, April 22. A Duraizo message says the Albanian Government is calling out 2,000 men to the colours.
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  • 26 9 Rkltir's Telkora*. London, April -1. A message from Vienna says the Emperor passed a good night, and his tempera' are is normal.
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  • 20 9 Deb Ohtasiatische Lloyd Tklbgb M. Berlin, April 21. The Emperor Francis-Joseph shows slight improvement, but his condition is still serious.
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  • 74 9 Deb Ostasiatiscbe Lloyd :iam. Berlin, April 21. Disturbances on the Albanian frontier in Malissore territory are increasing. The Montenegrins have ocupied the Kastrati territory which was awarded to them. They threaten to advance into Albania in case the Albanians attack them. The private fortune of Cardinal Kopp
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  • 1833 10 (From A Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, April 20. The Sanitary Board would appear to suffer from fits of lethargy, because one suddenly finds almost everything that is being done is at a standstill. One of these fits is on at the present moment. As a solitary example, let
    1,833 words
  • 480 10 No Change in Tapping For The Present. The report of the Brad wall (F.M.S Rubber Estate, Limited, states that the year's work in, to December 31 resulted in a pi\ tit of £6,109, which, with the amount brought forward from 1912, after reserving for incometax £217, amounts
    480 words
  • 267 10 THREE OFFICERS MURDERED IN INDIA. Two Pursuers Also Killed. A Simla wire of April 18 reports a distressing affair from Tonk. It appears that Major G. Dodd, Political agent, Waziristan, and Capt. G. B. Brown, 58th Vaughan's Rifles, were sitting outside the political bungalow at Tonk on
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  • 243 10 SUPREME WORTH OF PASSION." What Browning and Bronte Accomplished. Mr. A. C. Benson, lecturing on March 18 on Charlotte Bronte at the rooms of t lie Royal Society of Literature, Hanover square, said two writer" of the nineteenth century, Robert Browning a>d Charlotte Bronte, did a definite and wonderful thing.
    243 words
  • 498 10 Full Particulars of Production Costs. The report of the Gula Kalumpong Rubber Estates, Limited, states that the total output of dry robber during the year to December 81 was 657,290 lbs. The number of trees being tapped at the end of the year was 800,450, as against 260,212
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  • 773 10 WHAT AN AMERICAN THINKS OF ENGLAND. '•John Bull, Ltd." A new mirror, says the Evening Standard, is held today before the British nation a glass whiob, having some of the characteristics of those once exhibited outside City restaurants, will not fail to amuse. Mr. George W.
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  • 250 10 In a speech at the Uendon Aerodrome annual dinner, the Earl of Lonsdale, who presided, implored aviators not to dope themselves or to drink to excess. He said he had no knowledge that they did so, but his experience of another sport urged him to make the
    250 words
  • 15 10 Mrs. Much w odd has certainly had a very diversified life." You mean divocse fted."
    15 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 278 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Might I call attention through your columns to a matter likely to affoct the whole Peninsula to a serious extent, and in which the Colony and the F.M.S. respectively are hanging themselves with red tape. The F.M.S. attacked
      278 words
  • 500 10 Mr. Churchill and Retirement Of Officers. The part of the First Lord's statement on the Navy Estimates which aroused most interest afloat is that dealing with the retirement of senior officers and the creation of the new rank of lieutenant-commander," says the Naval Correspondent of The
    500 words
  • 198 10 The report of the Edinburgh Rubber Estate, Selangor, Ltd., states that the yield of dry rubber for the year to December 31 was 220,890} lbs., which considerably exceeded the estimate. The yield for 1912 was 180,539 lbs. The estimated yield for 1914 is 250,000 lbs. The average
    198 words
  • 30 10 Do any of the good things you hope fur come to pass They all come to paps, but they come and pass so deuced quickly that I can't grab them.
    30 words
  • Spurting Intelligence.
    • 307 10 At Madrid a polo team captained by King Alonso beat a team captained by Mr. Churchill by 7 goals to 4. The April scores for the Mills Challenge Trophy, open to ladies' rifle clubs, were Singapore 167, Selangor 166, Perak Ij3, Penang 148 and Kinta 109. The
      307 words
    • 80 10 Keppel (iolf Club. The April medal played for on April 18 and 19 resulted in a tie, thus D. Noble 48+48-11=80 F. W. King 43 45 8 80 Twenty cards were taken out. The ladies monthly spoon competition resulted as follows Mrs. W. S. Barrett 64—12=42 winner Mrs. V.
      80 words
  • 376 10 £600 A NIGHT. Huge Salaries of Famous Opera Singers. Signor Caruso, who has just signed a contract with the Metropolitan Opera House in New York for the 1916 season at a salary of £600 a night, is erroneously stated to be receiving under this contract the highest salary ever given
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  • 159 10 The Peking Government has received reports to the effect that the rebel leaders have purchased the services of an airman named Tan Keng and some others to apply for permission to fly aeroplanes in the capital. On account <A this, an order has been in*ued prohibiting
    159 words

  • 697 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, April 22, 1914. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning Norn Valob Buyiirs. Sellers. 2/- Allagar 1/74 2/3 1 Aualo Java 8/8 4/8 1 Anglo Johoie 1/8 8/6 2/ Anglo
    697 words
  • 609 11 ALLEGATIONS OF PLUNDER AND DESTRL'CI lON. I' S. Institute's Appeal. The Asiatic Institute of New York has ismitd a monograph called Plunder and Destruction of Antiquities in China, says tin correspondent of The Standard, which makes the charge that China is being ruthlessly plundered of her ancient works
    609 words
  • 226 11 Thin port of the Aengsono (Java* Rubber Plantations, Ltd., states that the total crop of coffee from the company's estate for the twelve months to December 31 amounted to 2,862 piculH, or 8,475 cwts.. which was sold in Java and realised .£9,90:! gross. The net amount at
    226 words
  • 31 11 Mamma. Now, Ida, you should be polite and offer grandma a share of your birthday candy. Ida. I would, mamma, if I was sure she'd be polite and Lot take any."
    31 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 44 11 Losing Weight by the Pound I'mier Weight." a condition of illhcaltli, buuwh you: sasiuiilatiTe powers are decreasing. I j WATERBURY S METABOLIZED COD LIVER OIL COMPOUND Supplies the blood with tbe wanted nourishing and healthy flesh building materials. Very palatable. •)I. as and *3.
      44 words
    • 56 11 Sore Throat denotes a weakness in tbe larynx that baa been seized npnn by harmful germs, who, colonising there, are prepared to create serious trouble unless swept away by a dose ot Woods' Great Peppermint Care, a trne germicide, which, at th- same time, saothes and heals tbe tender parts.
      56 words
    • 327 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. MOM'S 1914 MODEL PIANOS AEE THE Last Word n Tropically Built Instruments. We will glad y show you o or lat st anna's CALL AX ONCE RAFFLBS PLACE. FOR SALE. Two-seated Victoria, and/or palanqain both in (food rnnsios order, rnbbrr tyres. Price 1150 each, or offers. Apply Box
      327 words
    • 372 11 d— Buchanan's "Royal Household" Whisky as supplied regularly to Royalty. Baobaoao's bold the largest stocks of any firm in Scotland. It ia Important to note that this Whisky ih guaranteed to have bren maturing, over 12 years in wood, before tottliog, and is exactly tbe same for both th Home
      372 words
    • 180 11 lICHELIN ILEAGE DUPIRE BROTHERS AGENTS. RAFFLES HOTEL Buy your Bread and Cakes from the Raffles Bakery, which is entirely under the Supervision of a skilled European Confectioner. Retail Depot: Raffles Hotel Buildings, 88, Brasßasah Road TE EPHONE NO. 490. 214 214 The Brighton of Singapore. S Tennis. w mm Tel.
      180 words

  • 1279 12 THE OUTLOOK OF THE RUBBER INDUSTRY. Prospective Costs. The eleventh annual general meeting of tbe Pataling Robber Estates Syndicate, Ltd., was held on March 24, in the Council Room of the Rubber Growers' Association, Incorporated, 88, Eastcheap, E.C., Mr. J. L. Anstruther (chairman of the company) presiding. The
    1,279 words
  • 624 12 Forthcoming Arrivals and Departures. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London
    624 words
  • 384 12 The following is supplied by the local agents Per N. D. L. steamer Luetzow, due April 24.— Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Harten, Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Anyon, Mr. J. B. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Avoocaat, Mr. J. Barmeister, Mr. and Mrs. Van Dyk, Mrs. A. S.
    384 words
  • 817 12 Costs Reduced— Need of Improved Sale Methods. The sixth annual general meeting of tbo Langkat Sumatra Rubber Co., Ltd., was held on March 21, at the offices of the company, 59, Eastcbeap, K.C., Mr. F. Copeman (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman, in moving the adoption
    817 words
  • 274 12 The report of tbe Harpenden (Selangor) Rubber Company, Limited, states that the balance at credit of profit and loss account for the year to December 81, after writing off £1,490 for depreciation of buildings and machinery, and including £2,306 brought forward, is £36,747. Deducting the amount of
    274 words
  • 33 12 How far back can you remember, Elmer asked the inquisitive caller. "Oh, ever so far!" replied the little fellow. I can remember when I was even so little that I couldn't remember anything."
    33 words
  • 1128 12 ADVANTAGES OF SELLING IN THE EAST. Question of Stopping Tapping. The fourth ordinary general meeting of the Chersonese (F.M.S.) Estates, Limited, was held on March 26, at the Cannon Street Hotel, iE.C, Mr. Noel Trotter (chairman of the 'company) presidicg. In the coarse of his speech, the Chairman
    1,128 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 176 12 SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER 1914 Model. Tbe ONE Perfect Machine Interchangeable Carriage. 10 to 27 Inches. Price: $190. Quarto cr Foo'fc&p Size. STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO., Singapore, SOLE AGENTS. 21-2 a l.< 8 IN A CLASS BY ITSELF. jjj JULiIANA. I 1 JULIAN FKANKEI. OF 'I ORCHARD ROAD. 22 SELLS THEM.
      176 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 175 13 I I I I 1 1 Kl^^MH^H^^Sfl ail Si j El I [t -r^p k-p I PROJECTOR LAMPS LARGE NEW STOCKS. ill' "I I| Owing to the enormous demand for these MlfH j|BJ|il wonderful lamps our s'o>-k8 h»ve been comJ* "^k p'etsly exbaasted for the past few weeks. We are
      175 words
    • 320 13 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE. HONGKONG TO BCBOPB Via China, Japan, Canada and thi Ukitid tatbs. Bmpreea of Rnwia) (Qnadniplo ncnw. Bmprem of A«it [A) 18,860 tons Kroee. Bmprees of India I Twin iorew Brnprem of J»pu 8,000 torn grom. Intermediate (C) I Twin screw, 6,000 tons
      320 words
    • 57 13 BECHSTEIN PIANOS. Ajff^ Tlie Keenest Judges of r' y \^^t^ ~^t- Intrinsic Merit endorse 'fl^S^Mi^^^i the pinion f the ieadin s rib.y *ib. 9B> Exponents of Pianoforte tj?. JBi jt/ Playing that these instru■3 -»tJsß|^*^<^p ments are undoubtedly •'-^KqpT 11 'BEST THE WORLD PRODUCES' GR A.NDS Sl UPRIGHTS ALWAYS IN
      57 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 529 14 SUMAPORE B ONLY COMPANY. LARGEST PAID-UP CAPITAL OF ANY EASTER* COMPANY. PROSPEROUS sund PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE i Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICB I 82, OM Jewry, EC. The Comaaay has £30.000 deposited with the Supreme Goart of England, and oompliea wilh the Biitiah
      529 words
    • 161 14 IMUMNOE. I FEDERAL LIFE MSURMCE COMPANY OF CANADA. Established 1883. Direct Government Supervision, Government Audit. Polioies are "WORLD WIDE," and Non-Forfeitable. Large Nat Surplus above liabilities for Reserve and all outstanding olaims. New Buainaaa, 1018, over... 19,876,000.00 Cash Loan?, Settlements, etc., made locally. Nomerons modern schemes. 4. H. EVANS, Manager,
      161 words
    • 450 14 BAJIKINB. THE BZE HAI TON 6 BANKING AND INSURANCE CO.. LTD., NO. 67 AND 68, KLING STBET. Established 1907. Capital paid op 11,000,000,00 Reserve liability of propritors... •1,000,000,00 Reserve Fond 1300,000,00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Lbow Cbu Hbno, Esq. Chbono Qcbb Tun, Esq. Tan Swi Km, Esq. Lbb Web Nam, Esq.
      450 words
    • 482 14 BANKINfI. DEUTBCH ABWTWCHE BANK. FULLY PAID UP CAPITAL (Sh. Taela 7.600.000 Head Offloe Shanghai. Board of Directors Berlin. BRANCHBS Berlin, Calcutta, Hamburg, Canton, Hankow, Hongkong, Kobe, Peking, Tientsin, Tsinanfu, Tsingtao, Yokohama. THE FOLLOWING BANKS AND BANKER? ARE REPRESENTED ON THE BOARD OF OIRECTORB: Bank fuer Handel and Industrie.') Berliner Handels-Oesellschaft.
      482 words
    • 975 14 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of SUPERIOR TBAK HOUSBHOLD FURNITURE TENNIS GEAR, PLANTS, ETC., At LOCHABBR, No. fi-i, Sootts Road, IS* On mionamy, April 37, at 3.30 p.m. Very handsomely designed Europe made dwplay cabinet with mirror panel excellently oarved teak and rattan standard and rocking ohairs carved wax polished
      975 words

  • 913 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Autos Ancient and Modern. Gerald Bum writes in the Evening Standard Allow me to introduce you to yonr greatgreat grandfather," was my reeling aa I drove down in a modern Panbaru landaalet to the Crystal Palace to the formal opening of
    913 words
  • 33 15 "I feel so worried," said Mrs. Jenkins. "I'm afraid I've lost my turquoise ring." "It certainly is very loose for you," replied her husband I came across it in my trousers pocket I
    33 words
  • 34 15 Dr. Macnamara, speaking of the unconscious witticisms of children, told of a little girl who was asked: "What does 'etc,' mean "A sign to make believe you know more than you do," the replied.
    34 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 274 15 RATNER SAFES NO RATNER Thief-resisting Safe hasfever been opened by Burglars. II II NO RATNER Improved Fire-resisting Safe has ever had its contents destroyed by Fire. sole: agents t CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FROM STOCK. Siddeley Deasy Cars, Studebaker Cars, Sunbeam Cars, Ford Cars, B. S. A. Cars, AND
      274 words
    • 93 15 The Forty Year Te«t. An article mast have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty Tears. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it baa attained a world wide reputation. You will
      93 words
    • 342 15 APPRECIATION OF DUNLOP TYRES For HARD WEAR in HOT COUNTRIES. Of the twenty five cars that finished in the Melbourne to Sydney reliability contest, seventeen were fitted with DUNLOP TYRES. The distance between these two Australian cities is 6fcB miles and the weather throughout the run was hot. DUNLOP TYRES
      342 words
    • 35 15 •JUST ARRIVED; 1914 Models. PAIGE BBn^B"PmktUAl*>»W with new stream line bodief, 5-set.ters, 4 cylinders, 96 H.P. Considered to be the only American car that is likht on tyres and benzine. GASOLENE LIGHT CYCLE CO.. X?
      35 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 437 16 "ANTIMAL" DISINFECTANT Readily Destroys ALL Microbes and Bacteria. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD., SINGAPORE:. WAMTS. GOOOWN WANTEO. Wanted, a spacious Goiown for immediate entry. Write Bjx K. Y. Z e/o Straits Times. 18 4 a POSITION WANTED. European, energetic, desires position, tim ber working. 8J years' previous experience. Apply J-. c/o
      437 words
    • 380 16 W/WTS. RIDING TAUGHT. Daily, at Morton's Horse Repository, by European. 6-4 5-5 ENGAGEMENT WANTED. As housekeeper in ptivate family. Apply Box No. 647, StiaitH Times. 20.4 224 LEBBONS. Violin, Mandoline, Guitar and Banjo. Apply to Mr. Reverger, Raffles Hotel. 17-4 16-5 PRODUCE GOUOWN WANTED. Wanted immediately, large produce godewn on
      380 words
    • 541 16 TO BE LET OB 80L0.J OFFICE TO LET. No. 1-a, Raffles Qoay, Ist and 2nd floors. Apply Gutbrie k Co., Ltd. 16-4 28-4 TO BE LET LANOLANDS, No. 112, River Valley Road. Apply No. 8, Malacca. Street. 80 1 a FLOOR TO LET. To let, 2nd Floor, No. 8, Malacca
      541 words
    • 620 16 ARTICLES FOR SALE. MOTOR CYCLE FOR BALE. Triumph Motor Cycle in Singapore. Firstrate condition. Cash. Box No 848, Straits lime*. 214 b 85 4 TURNOUT FOR BALE. For sale, a 4-seated Victoria »nd Horse, complete 1 Reasonable. Owner leaving. Apply 10 C. G. E. A., c/o Steaita Timen. 41 U
      620 words
    • 769 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT ft CO. SHIP CHANDLERS, ■■MMWMt and Municipal Contractor! 106, 108 k 100, Market Street Telephone Nos. 431. GUAN KIAT CO., 37. Phillip Street. Sbip-Cbandlirs, Oovbrmmknt and Municipal Contractors, Übnkral Imiortkrs and Exporters and Commission Aoknts. Telephone No. 1171 k 1288 (Private 1450, 8 8 n GOVERNMENT OF
      769 words
    • 442 16 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURES. Straits Times List. The follow in;; fixtmec fjr the current week and important forthcoming fixtures are kindly supplied by tho secretaries ot tho various dubs. Convenient forms on which to make tho returns will be supplied ou application to the Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Cricket Club. April
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 228 16 Straits Wimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellaneous wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of II per font lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding fonr lines, 11 each insertion. For p.p.c. cardR, on page 8, 12. Inch Scale Rates are
      228 words