The Straits Times, 20 April 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 24.468 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. APRIL 20. 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 233 1 L^^ 4F^ PETER UNION TYRES Ape Cheaper, Better Last Longer. Here is PROOF. Some Price* from April List. Sqmre Tiead Covers. Tube with Vslvef. $25.45 7.20 OVER 26.40 7.56 36.96 10.56 /O/ O 30 x3 i 28.10 7.95 CHEAPER THAN THE 30.25 8.65 OTHER MAKES. MORE MILEAGE FRESH STOCKS LAST
      233 words
    • 77 1 ROBINSON CO. StyUsh S^ SHIPMENT porßace Models of Wear. TRIMMED MILLINERY M smart Plumes Morning Flowers. now on view. Hats. ROBINSON CO. FISH. Blberlan Salmon, Plaice, Halibut, Fillets, Tuvbot, Haddooki, Boles, Klppcn, Bloaters. SINGAPORE COLO STORAGE CO., LO. Singapore and Branches. iWmß&m- pumping ENGINES. MEVERB AMERICAN PULLEY PUMP. j "HAYWARD-TYLER"
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    • 47 1 GOODRICH TYRES. Sole A ;bnts ADAMBON. GILFILLAN CO., LTD ASHCROFT'S UNDERSIZED AND FULL SIZE BILLIARD TABLES Fitted with Patent "Aero" extra low cushions Features: Tbe cushions never get hard, are absolutely tbe trnest, the lowest, and give the greatest speed. OBTAINABLE FBOM A. FRANKEL CO., VICTORIA STREET.
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  • 1077 2 A PROPHESY OF THE FUTURE OF ELECTRICITY. Easy Communication. Even for London it was a most remarkable gathering that sat down to dinner at the Trocadero Restaurant, on March 14, the occasion being the twenty second annual dinner of the General Electric Company (Ltd.) Upwards of 700
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 307 2 Neuralgia, Nervous Breakdown NURSE HALL, c/o Mrs. Bassett, Commercial Mace, Landport, Portsmouth, ling., writes: "1 was suffering tiom nervous breakdown with Internal Neural^ii, when I began a course of l'hosferine. After having t ken it for three or four months, I felt better thin 1 had done for two years
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    • 680 2 WORLD'S CYCLE RECORD B* oo ViMTßr^nxik R^Mjjjeessuw^ aas Mn ■udJcycle'i stand" the* tmt. Saa '-e 3-Hd^ttTjs9 ntr^ct from fac.ory. Packed I re^, C«rrtiM MEAD S^OT^»f'o»i.. Ca taloiuas can b* obtained, on application. Iran S.slmi 4 Co.. tit. JJ. Roblntoa »d Slmapar*. A Cough is Dangerous Too dangerous to be
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    • 198 2 1| Cod Liver Oil M fi Malt Extract rj The World-renowned Repairer of Weakened Constitutions The first spoonful of this remarkable restorative starts the weak and wasted person on the road to recovery. I\/ Improvement is rapid and continuous. J jVvL Of Inestimable Value <JaVk H after Malaria, etc. [TO]
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  • 529 3 PROFESSOR'S DISCOVERT IN EGYPT, Older than the Sphinx. Interesting details of an extraordinary subterranean construction adjoining the tomb of Osiris at Abydos, in Egypt, are given by the well-known Egyptologist Professor Naville, who believes it to be the most ancient building extant in the land of tbe Pharaohs,
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  • 397 3 Pictures Worth a Million For White City. In the Fine Art Palace of the forthcoming Anglo-American Exposition, at Shepherd's Bush, which is to be open from May to October of this year, there will be, in addition to the collection of British paintings, three sections devoted to
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  • 69 3 Mr. .Justice Darling was once trying a oaae in which the question arose whether the defendant, a vocalist, was competent to fulfil his contract. One of the witnesses said, in reply to Mr. Duke, KG., Well, he couldn't sing like the Archangel Gabriel. "I've never heard the Archangel Gabriel," was
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 245 3 RANEEOUNGE GLAZED STONEWARE. Drainpipes and Junctions. all:sizes stocked. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LD. nC\ /ICKERy^ I 170-*****3% <^ir < %fas-/fer<s*oe/lep I regent ST. \l QtieveF»7t/u> &?DreSfoia ChSe J LONDON > W '^anujac^ur^' B Royal *)?&&%!&<£ ThS Kmg »J- i 7 S''T|fci3' The largest collection of Novelties g**a»sßiHaWw*«XaW. SEND FOR Illustrations and
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    • 16 3 For all Stomach troubles. Take Woods. Great Peppermint Core. At all Stores, 60 cents a bottle.
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    • 473 3 Poor Health To face the dangers of weakness and disease with a weakened constitution, is to liken oneself to the captain who sails a disabled ship to meet the perils of the storm. In both cases disaster must surely follow. Failing appetite, nervous irritability, loss of weight and lack of
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    • 981 3 STEAMER SAILINGS. AUSTRIAN LLOYD UNDER MAIL WITH THE AUSTRIAN CONTRACT y&A GOVERNMENT New Monthly Fast Line, Trieste-Shanghai From and to Trieste and Venioe, oalling at Port Said Soea, Aden, Colombo, Penana Singapore, w«mgir^.g u d Shanghai. OUTWARD. HOMBWARD. Due to arrive on or about Due to sail on or about
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 623 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. ffO. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EGYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for Chins Cosst, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamors will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Homeward (for Europe). (Connecting at From
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    • 565 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly servioe is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with tbe Imperial Jspsnese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted
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    • 809 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE 81AM STEAM NAVIGATION 00..TE SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang, Berserah, Kretay, Paka, Tringganu, Bisnt, Semera Baohok, Kelantan, Tabai, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobsamni, Bandon, Langsuen, Taku, Chumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Qua Departure ASDANG April OO April 99 s.s. VUOALA April 83 April 25 t s.s. PRAGHATIPOK April
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    • 513 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERiKA LINE. HAMBURG. AND OEUTSCH OAMPFSGHIFF FAHRTB6EB. "HANSA' BREMEN. Combined Service. The steamers of theso Companies maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen Antwerp, Rotterdam and Emdea and the Straits, China and Japan. Homnwards, they are despatched fort nightly for Havre and Hamburg and one j a
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    • 633 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. K3PJDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail uteaoiurs this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, L:shon, via Rotterdam. Antwerp, Souil aoip'oi). Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connecting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Port Saia, Sue/. Aden, Colombo, Penang Singapore Hongkong, Shanghai,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 668 5 STEAMER SAILIN6S. COMBINED SERVICE OF THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD.. THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD. BETWKKN Fremantle Perth North West Australian Ports, Java and Singapore. Regular K^r' nightly flings between Singapore and \Wtern Aaitrnlia, (sailing at Java (as inducement offe s), Detby, King's Sound (Port for tbe
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    • 405 5 CHUBB S SAFES LARGE SELECTION ON SHOW AT Huttenbach Bros. Co., 13, COLLYER QUAY. V O U R ~;r;^y v '-ils^br y BARBER Wx^TMLv JAVOL \^^H^rinstead of Eau-de-Quinine m^~ V <J(m Sailcloth Canvas OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. i r\in:\\ u>x. ft .'>i I f j, X'"i- kni MM C AND MANY
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    • 626 5 There are Reasons why good housewives should use Sunlight Soap It is guaranteed absolutely pure, ri\ fa and therefore will not /J\/ I Jj injure the clothes. It %!fl/ works for you, and at /X 10 Jj the same time saves $$jss!\ you mon ey. It is the liv I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 168 6 WOOD-MILNE FOR NEW PRICE LIST Apply to The Garages OR H. WOLSKEL AND COMPANY, IS&SSCgSTSZ MOTOR LORRIES Speed and Economy. CHASSIS J^a»]3iex» Hup .f eclex*a»l* VARIOUS PRICES AND LOAD CAPACITIES. Ready for Immediate Del'.vci-y. For further particulars, apply to ABRAMS' STRAITS MOTOR GARAGE, Tel. 710. Orchard Road, Singapore. Tel. ABRAMS."
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    • 299 6 HOTICE3nonet. Oar Offloe will be removed to No. 8, d'Almeida Street, from Monday, the 20th instant. THB EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD 18-4 81-4 LM. BAWLA ft CO. NOTICE. We hereby give notice o' the removal of oar basinets to 681, Java Street, Koala Lvm par. B. M. BAWLA, 081. North
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    • 225 6 FOR Incandescent Oil Lamps USE "Cross" y* Kerosene The Cheapest Refined Oil on the Market. "CROSS" IS SPECIALLY SUITABLE FOR BURNING IN INCANDESCENT LAMPS AND WILL GIVE YOU MORE LIGHT at a LOWER COST THAN ANY OTHER OIL. OBTAIN ABLB FROM ALL DEALERS Ad. per 4 -3&Uon tin (including Duty).
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  • 120 7 FIXTURES. Monday, April 20. High Wator, 6.43 a.m., 8.20 p.m. Tuesday, April 21. High Water, 7.51 p.m., 8.56 p.m. Wednesday, April 22. High Water, 8.4 1 a.m., 9.22 p.m. Thursday, April 23. High Water. 0.28 a.m.. 9.45 p.m. B. I. homeward mail closes. St. George's Day. Ball
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  • 184 7 To-DAT. P. Swettenham and Telok Anson Perak 8 pm Malacca and Muar Kaka 8 pm Hongkong, Amoy and Swatow Olenfalloch Bpm Batu Pahat Hong Wan Bpm Pontianak Alting 4 pm Batavia, Cheribon and Samarang Giang Ann 4pm Sourabaya, Singa Radja, Ampauan and Macassar Zweena 4 pm To-morrow.
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  • 215 7 The Imp. German mail steamer Yorck arrived yesterday. She will be despatched for Europe, at 6 p.m. to-day The P. and 0. outward intermediate gteamer Novara is duo at Penang at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, April '21, and calls at Port Swettenham en route to Singapore. She
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  • 638 7 Latest Arrivals. Calypso, Brit. str. 839 tons, Capt Duringer, April 19. From Kelantan, April 16. Oc and 2 d.p. S. Steamship Coy. For Kelantan, Unc. Chiengmai, Ger. str. 1080 tons. Captain Oldaen, April 18. From Bangkok. Apnl IS. G.c. and 3 d.p. B. Mover Co. For Bangkok, Inc.
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  • 100 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Dayi TANJONG PAGAR. Bist Whakt Basin Nil. W. Ssctioh No. 1...Par00, Tasman, Manche. Sheirs Wharf Nil. Main W. Sbct. No. 2... Ni1. 8...NU. •...Nil. 6. ..Ni1. 6...Kongasan Mara, Laomedon. Niw Docs 7. ..(Under construction) Wist Wharf B..
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  • 46 7 Time-balls on Fort Canning and Mount Fabcr drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore standard time, corresponding to 6 a.m. Greenwich mean time. The time-gun is fired at 12 o'clock aoou, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day excepting Sunday, when it is fired at cue o'clock.
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  • 284 7 EXCHANQu SmsAPou, April 20, 1914. On Lomdoh ......Buik 4 m/a 3/4 Demand m 2/4-S Private m/a H 3/4$ 8 m/a 8/4 j Oh QiRMjiTT. Bank d/d 28k-) Private 8 m/a 342 On Fkamob Bank d/d 204 Private 8 m/a 298 Ok 1ndu... .8ank T. T. 174 J
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    • 192 7 &£j Buyer^Selta, 10 10 Ampang H. 50 1 1 Ayer Wong C.50 10 10 Bolat 2.70 8.00 10 10 Bruaag 1.80 10 10 Kainpa» 10.26 10 10 K^aboi 1.60 1.66 10 10 Kin ta Association 10.00 11.60 £1 £1 KintaTin 1.17.6 2.2.6 £1 41 Labat Mine* 6.76 6.16 10
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    • 635 7 ZZI B en I'- 3/- Allagai IT}, 2/1 El 41 Anglo-Java 8/8 4/1/- 3/- Anglo-Malay 9/9 10/7 I/- 3/- Batang Malaka -ill 1/8 El 41 Batu Tigs 2.11.8 2.17.9 2/- Bekoh -/8 -/1U El £1 Bokit Kajang 1.12.9 1.16.8 El £1 Bukit Lintang 2.15.0 8.0.0 norn 2/- Bukit Mertajam
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    • 119 7 £1™! B °y«- 41 41 B. Smelting Co. 12/- 13/6 41 41 a Prel- 110 1.8.0 6/- 6/- Electric T ways 4/8 4,9 10 10 Frauer k Neave 59.00 xd 60 60 Hammer k Co. 100.00 1C5.03 100 Howarth Erakioe 45X0 100 7%PreJ. 100.00 100 100 K»t« Bro, Def.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 16 7 For colic and windy fipasma. Take Woods, Great Pepmrtnint Cure. Sold everywhere, 80 cunts a bottlb
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    • 219 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. April 21.— At saleroom, 80 New Grama phones, at 11. April 21. At saleroom, freehold residential pro]ierty known as Hillside," Mt. Sophia, at 2.80. April 24.— At Messrs. Wcarne Brothers Oarage, Orchard Road, Motor Car, at 5.16. April 2\— At No. 103 E, Orchard Road,
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    • 102 7 NOW SHOWING AT THE HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. An Admirable Valleta Cine-Drama IN THE GRIP OF A VILLAIN (6,000 It in 4 Reels) The Story" of an innocent man's imprisonment on a false charge, and bis daughter's various misfortunes before a happy marriage to her btncf actor's so
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  • 13 8 Knight.— On April 19, at Colombo, Mabel, wife of I'ercy Lister Knight.
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  • 1339 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, APRIL 20. THE ARMY AND HOME RULE. The intensity of feeling in England may be gathered from a single sentence assd in the Morning Post with every appearance of approval. That sentence read as follows The Army has killed the Home Rule Bill, and the sooner
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  • 11 8 Latest advertisement* of the day appear on page 6 and 11.
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  • 15 8 The Ulu Piah Company's output for March was 489.51 pis. and the estimated profit 110,999.66.
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  • 20 8 In consequence of the death of H. M. the Empress- Dowager of Japan, the coronation has been postponed until 1916.
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  • 27 8 The new railway line to Ampang will be opened on May 1. A provisional time-table gives eleven trains a day each way between Sultan Street and Ampang.
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  • 32 8 Mr. W. G. Bennett, Harbour Master, Malacca, is being transferred to Singapore. Mr. G. K. M. Robertson, assistant Protector of Chinese, and Superintendent of Monopolies, will take over his duties at Malacca.
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  • 34 8 Fifty Manchu girls from the Eight Banners have been selected to serve as maids in the Imperial Household, says Reuter's Peking correspondent. Under the old regime three hundred used to serve in this way.
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  • 34 8 A Chinese Presidential mandate promulgates the laws and the punishment for makers, importers, sellers, stores and injectors of morphia, also for officials who do not use their authority to suppress the use of drug.
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  • 45 8 Dr. H. C. Prinsen Geerligs has delivered a lecture on Twenty-five Years in the Java Sugar Industry. He said that Java was ravaged by the sereh disease in the plants from 1835 till 1900. The sugar production had increased fourfold during the last 25 years.
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  • 72 8 The Shanghai Agency of the Messageries Maritime* has received an official notion from the head office that the -ew mail steamer Andre Lebon will make her maiden trip to China and Japan, leaving Marseilles on November 15 next. The Andre Lebon is a sister ship of the Paul Lecat. Her
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  • 71 8 The Malay Peninsula Agricultural Association meeting has been held at Penang and it was reported that the profit for the year was 12,497, and the balance f ram last year was 1 10,692. Mr. Thomas Boyd, who was reelected president, reported that the association had recruited 10,296 coolies during the
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  • 68 8 The Government of Netherlands India has been carrying out experiments with the newlylaid Government cables. These cables are of the greatest importance, for they establish a direct communication between Java and Menado. This direct and therefore quicker communication with Menado will introduce a considerable improvement into communication by way of
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  • 80 8 News has reached the Pinang Gazette from Koala Lumpur that a registerod paoset containing 18,000 despatched from Kuala Lumpur to Bentong, about a week ago, never reached its destination. When the receiving office opened the sealed packet which contained the registered articles, its contents were alright with the exception ot
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  • 96 8 Messrs. Siemens, Scbuckert and Co. recently instituted a civil action against Mr. Pooley, claiming refundment of a sum of V.50,000. In this connection, the Tokio firm, through its legal adviser, attached a sum of money lying in the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank to the credit of Mr. Pooley. The Japan
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  • 141 8 The Bank of Taiwan (Formosa) b«s issued a booklet describing briefly the functions and organisation of the bank as it exists in Formosa to d»y. Established in 1890, the institution iias now many branches, and it appears to have done a great deal to fulfil the object* with which it
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  • 379 8 Dr. Hill Jamieson, of Penang, is dan gerously ill. Sir Henry McCallum after being seriously ill with pneumonia, is now progressing satisfactorily. Mr. R. Eadie and Mr. H. G. Daniels, ot the Rubana Rubber Estates, Ltd., Teluk Anson, have returned from leave at home. His Excellency the
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  • 108 8 The Australian submarines AEI and AB 2 which are now being convoyed by 11. M.5. Yarmouth from Colombo are expected in port here at daylight to-morrow and will be berthed ioside the mole. For the benefit of any who may cherish the hope of being able to inspect
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  • 218 8 Wr have been asked to publish the following list of additional presents receivod in connection with the wedding on Wednesday last of Miss Stephenson and Lieut. Olliver Col., Mrs. and Miss Bridges, silver crumb scoop; Penang Volunteers, silver Japanese bowl, gold card case General and Mrs. Kelly,
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  • 291 8 The variety entertainment organised by the S.A.D.C. and the K.0.VL.1. which went so well on Thursday night was repeated at the Victoria Theatre on Saturday with undeniable success. Most of the items on the programme came well ont of the test of a second hearing
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 241 8 MAGNUMS 55 cts. 1% magnums I 55 cts. »hrce Castles JJ per Cigarettes m per W.D.*HO.Witls y J! BENSON'S JT^ WORLD-RENOWNED f'j^\\ WATCHES 2S[ M WARRANTED TIMEKEEPERS Jm LONDON MAKE. ztfr Gold Bracelet Watches from £8 Ba., The £25 "Field." elt The "BANK OF ENGLAND," in Silver Cases £5, «r
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    • 207 8 LAST TWO Mm I LUT TWO ■•ONTt 1 1 WHICH 18 YOUR FAVOURITE TWO MULT I PLE-REEL F£ ATUSESc AT THE NEW TEMPORARY ALHAMBRA CIWM ■All— tWCH HMD. Secon4|Bhow, 9.15 to 11.15 p.m. 0. H. M. S. J.OOO feet, TWO REELS, lIMEI FILM. The Powerful and Sensational All- British Military
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  • 390 9 A TIME LIMIT FIXED BY THE PRESIDENT. Huerta Refuses Compliance. Rbctsr's Teleoram. London, April 18. It is officially stated at Washington that Mr. Bryan has instructed the American representative in Mexico City to inform Huerta that America will accept nothing less than a salute of twenty-one guns,
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  • 200 9 RESI LTS OF THE MEETING AT ABAZZIA. Ministers in Perfect Accord. Rbuteb's Telegram. Merlin, April 19. A Vienna official statement says the conference at Abbazia afforded Count Berchtold and Marquis San Guiliano the desired opportunity of a detailed exchange of views, especially on Austro- Italian relations, and
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  • 36 9 RaUVSB'S ISLBCJRAM. London, April 20 M. Doumergae in a speech at Souillac on tbe eve of the elections, vigorously upheld the three years' service law and hinted at further measures for improving army organization.
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  • 355 9 ULSTER COUNCIL AND ARMY TROUBLE. Alleged Scheme for Coercion. Rsutbr's Telegram. London, April 18. The committee of the Ulster Unionist Council, with the approval of Sit Edward Carson, have issued a statement declaring that General Paget, acting on the instructions of Col. Seely, informed the Generals on
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  • 230 9 RECALLS THE DENMARK WAR. Valueof Fleet to Army. Kbdtir's Tilboran. London, April 19. On (be occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the storming of Dueppel, the Kaiser baa issued general orders to the Army and Navy. The latter recalls the services of the then small Prussian navy and
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  • 76 9 Rbi'Tsr's Tblegrav. London, April 18. The Triple Alliance has accepted the Triple Entente's suggestions regarding the Powers' reply to tho Greek note but has suggested minor amendments which are not expected to raise difficulties. Dir OsiAsiATist us Lloyd Tsleoram. Berlin, April 18. The Triple Alliance Powers have
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  • 1233 9 COMMITTEE'S DESIRE TO ADD TO ATTRACTIONS. Satisfactory Financial Position. The annual general meeting of members of the Tanglin Club was held on Saturday night. The President, the Hon. E. L. Hewan, presided, others present including Messrs. \V. A. Sims, vice-president, O. P. Griffith Jones, N. E. Bath, D.
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  • 91 9 Feeling About Alliance Proposal Dbk Ostasiatischi Llotd Tklegram. Berlin, April 18. According to a report of the Matin correspondent at St. Petersburg, the question of converting the Triple Entente into an alliance has by no means taken actual shape. The Temps correspondent is astonished at the cool reserve
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  • 157 9 Rxotbb's Tblbgram. London, April 18. Sir H. Conway Belfield, K.C.M.G., is Gazetted High Commissioner for the Zanzibar Protectorate in addition to his present post of Governor of the Bast Africa Protectorate. Major Pearoe, 0.M.G., Deputy Governor of the Nyassaland Protectorate, is appointed Resident of Zanzibar. New regulations regarding
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  • 35 9 Rbdtbr's Telegram. London, April 18. A Corfu message says the Kaiser has accepted the resignation of Count Wedel, Viceroy of Alsace-Lorraine, who receives the title of prince. Minister of the Interior Dallwitz succeeds him.
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  • 14 9 Berlin, April 18. Regiment No. 99 has returned to Zabern.
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  • 78 9 Rbutbr's Teleoram. London, April 18. Besides a Yarmouth fire, tbere were thirteen fires in London and elsewhere yesterday, inoluding the destruction of a musio hall at Kingston and a picture palace at I'enianoe. Serious damage was done to linoleum works at Stainea, and at Colombia market, east
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  • 43 9 Rbctkb's Telegram. London, April 18. A Montevideo message says the liner is in a dangerous position, and a s'orm prevents disembarkation of the passengers. Hi* Majesty's ship Glasgow is standing by. Later. The passengers from the Highland Pipe* have been landoJ.
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  • 45 9 Reitteb's Telegram. London, April 18. A New York message says the Mayor's assailant is a septuagenarian unemployed blacksmith named Mahoney. He said he was inflamed with whisky. He was attending an anarchist meeting when be saw the Mayor leave the City Hall.
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  • 22 9 Bbutir's Txleobax. London, April 19. A Stockholms message says tbe King rose and sat up for a short time.
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  • 22 9 RftUrßß's TeLBOBAN. London, April 19. The Prinoe of Wales has gone for a week's cruise on (be Colling wood.
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  • 1910 9 EFFECT OF POLITICS ON THE EXCHANGE. From Our Special Correspondent London, March 27. When the political atmosphere is surcharged with electricity it is scarcely to be expected that business on the Stock Exchange can be particularly good, even in the best of times and this week's unexpected developments
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  • 65 9 (From Oik Own CoßßaspoNDßrr). London, April 18. Plantatiun rubber has reached Bs., but not smoked sheet. Three Indian companies Travancore, Jaloor and Orkaden have amalgamated. Kampong Kuantan pays a l'H per cent, dividend and carries forward £1,000, F.M.S. Rubber Co. pays an interim of 25, Riverside 15
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  • Sporting Intelligence,
    • 212 10 Golf in Java. The annual meeting to decide the Close Amateur Golf Championshipof the Nederlands Indies and play for the Interport Shield was held this year during Easter at Sourabaya. That Club "now boasts of a sporting 18 bole course, with a membership approaching three figures. The links are
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    • 331 10 The S.R.A. Meeting. Shooting in the Singapore Rifle Association meeting was resumed on Saturday afternoon when there was keen competition among a Dumber of teams of six entered for the Roberts snapshooting competition involving an advance along the range and ten shots at a bead and shoulders khaki
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    • 191 10 5.C.C. v. (iarrisnn. The S.C.C. representatives proved to be in a scoring mood on Saturday when they played the Ganison. Knocking up 224 for the loss of only six wickets they bad the better of their opponents, who could only total 122. For the club, Scharenguivel put on 95
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    • 322 10 Betting r.a a Test of Judgment. Naturally the main object of betting is to %in money; but perhaps it is not generally realized, says The Times, that this is by no means always the only object. Bets are often made by people to whom it is absolutely immaterial
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  • 317 10 The Centre- Board and the Wooden Masts. There has been some little delay in the work on the new America Cup challenger owing to difficulty in obtaining delivery of the aluminium alloy which plays so important a part in the building of the vessel. However, she will bo
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  • 613 10 Sensational Evidence in Sedition Trial. In the sedition trial at Delhi on March 27 the approver Dma Natb gave particulars of his life with Abad Behari and Basanta Kumar in a students' boarding house at Lahore, also of the extensive correspondence they carried on with Rash Behari
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  • 27 10 It is with mixed feelings that we hear that Miss Marie Corelli Iher own words) i. is certainly withdrawn for a time iuto a retired literary corner.
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  • 1919 10 PLEA FOR EFFICIENT SYSTEM OF EDUCATION. Need for Western Methods. Dr. Wu Lien Teh, M.A., M.D. (Cantab), medical officer to the Chinese Foreign Office at Harbin, who attended the recent great medical congress in London on behalf of his Government, has written a memorandum on medical education
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  • 182 10 The agreement regarding postal shipping services, to be effective September 80 next, has been presented to the Reichstag. The only service for which the N'orddeutscher Lloyd will receive a subsidy is, as already reported, the South Sea service. The company is ready to accept for this
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  • 19 10 You new tie Why on earth such a load pattern?" "My brother selected it, I didn't. He's slightly deaf.
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  • 768 10 How He Shot Lions by Electric Light. Sitting on a camp stool at the entrance to a hunter's tent and surrounded by panoramic views of British East Africa, Sir Thomas Dewar told a Daily Graphic representative the story of his adventures and the peoples and country from
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  • 355 10 Arrivals. Per str. Koemai, April 20. From Rengat: Heor and Mevr, J. Kalt, Messrs. C. v. d Linde and J. Binder. Per str. Lama, April 20. From Penang via ports Messrs. A. Huttenbach, W. B. Sutherland, A. Anthony, Lob Mang Cboy and Lok Chong Hok. Per »tr.
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  • 553 10 PROBLEM OF THE MILITANT SUFFRAGISTS. The Official View Since the deplorable outrage at the National Gallery some criticism has been heard as to the efficacy of tho Prisoners (Temporary Discharge for 111-health) Act, popularly known as the Cat and Mouse Act. Inquiries in official circles, however, confirmed
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  • 378 10 Payment of Thirty Per Cent Dividend. The report of the London Asiatic Rubber and Produce Company, Limited, states that the crop of rubber harvested for the year to December 81 amounted to 1,006,736 lbs., against an estimate of 947,000 lbs., and a crop secured in 1912 of
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  • 77 10 The report of the Sungei Way (Selangor) Rubber Company states that the profits amount to £3(4,019, including £3,691 brought forward. The directors recommend a final dividend of 65., making KM. per share, or 50 per cent., for the year that X' 1,500 be allocated for depreciation,
    77 words
  • 37 10 Gustavo Crepin, after travelling through Morocco and Indo China in search of bis missing wife, was fined £4 in Paris for forcibly entering a bouse :n: n that city where ■be was Jiving with an old sweetheart.
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  • 476 11 London's Fourteen Weeks of Grand Opera. The Covtnl Garden Grand Season, says Tl.. Observer, will commence on Monday, April 20, and will continue to July 27, fourteen weeks in all. Following the precedent of recent vpar», (icrman opera— that is, Wagner will occupy the early weeks
    476 words
  • 689 11 Prices Quoted io the Market This Morning. Singapore, April 30, 1914. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning:— Norn Value Buvfp.s. Sillsbs. 2/- Allagar 1/7* 2/9 1 Anglo Java 8/8 4/8 1 Anglo Jobote 1/8 8/6 2/ Auylo
    689 words
  • 265 11 Survival of an Ancient Jewish Court. Ad iu'.-en HtiDy election is pending in Jewish circle*, and a new Dayan or rabbi jud^e, is to be chosen for the Jewish court of ecclesiastical and ritual law. !t is not generally known that this court, recognised by
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 63 11 Are they a branch of an old family I Yes one of the fallen branches." Losing Weight Iby the Pound I "I n.iir Weight." a condition of ill- health, show:, your assimilative powers i are decreasing. WATERBURYS METABOLIZED COO LIVER OIL COMPOUND Supplus the blood with the wanted nourishing and
      63 words
    • 60 11 Want of perception is a pronounced trait in man, particularly where his health is con oerned. He does not realise that nearly all serious illness is doe to disregard of chills or stomach derangement. But the wise individual knows that Woods' Great [Peppermint Cure is an unequalled preventative of sick
      60 words
    • 383 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Don't be AFRAID Place your Piano in OUR CARE FOR Regular Tuning AND Attention. We have been manufacturing Pianos and Organs in the East since 1873, and KNOW how to handle them. S.Moutrie&Co.,Ld. RAFFLES PLACS. A TWO-REELER NOT TO BE DESPISED because it is only a two rec-ler
      383 words
    • 346 11 ■>** Buchanan's "Royal Household" Whisky M supplied regularly to Royalty. Buchanan's hold the largest stocks of any flrm in Scotland. It ia Important to note that this Wbisky is gnarantti d to have bren maturing, over 12 years in wood, before bottling, and is exactly tbe itme for both th
      346 words
    • 218 11 lICHELIN ILEAGE DUPIRE BROTHERS, AGENTS. RAFFLESHOTEL Special ON SATURDAY, APRIL 25. The Brighton of Singapore. S Tennis, am mm Tel. 335. bj Billiards ea View Hotel Electric Llgbt and Fans. ANMBxa: single double rooms, firove Hotel Grove Bungalow, excellent cuiiihe. AUCTION SALE Of SUPERIOR TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE TENNIS GEAR, PLANTS,
      218 words

  • 3334 12 YEAR'S RESULTS REGARDED AS SATISFACTORY. A Very Strong Position. The fourth annual general meeting of the Straits Kubber Co., Ltd., was held on March 24, at Winchester House, old Broad street, K.C., Mr. E. L. Hamilton (chairman of the company) presiding. Tbe Chairman said This is our
    3,334 words
  • 290 12 The report of tbe Bikam Rubber Estate, Limited, states that the crop harvested for tbe year to December 81 amounted to 218,238 lbs., against an estimate of 210,000 lbs., and a yield in 1912 of 153,295 lbs. Tbe average gross price realised was 2s. 10.89 d. per
    290 words
  • 639 12 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest Lists Tbe following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It sh old be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of •his
    639 words
  • 137 12 The report of the Selangor Rubber Company, Limited, states that the profit amounts to £50,262, to which falls to be added £1,685 brought forward. The directors have carried £1,840 to income-tax reserve account, and they recommend a final dividend of Is. per share, making 2s. 9d. per
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 297 12 HOMEWARD BOUND. P. and 0. Company, Per P. and O. Khiva, sailing April 22 Mrs. Allin, European nurse and 2 children, Mr. B. Moore, Mr. J. H. Wilson, Miss V. C. Schwabe, Mr. and Mrs. O. Parbury, Lieut, and Mrs. Kent (Ist K.0. Y.L.1.) Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Parkin,
      297 words
    • 229 12 SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER 1914 Model. The ONE Perfect Machine Interchangeable Carriage. 10 to 27 Inches. Price: $190. Quarto cr Foolscap Size. STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO., Singapore, SOLE AGENTS. 2 a ,9, 9 B ©IN WEAKNESS, NEURASTHENIA CONSUMPTION CHLOROSIS^^^^- W H^^ B^ W^B jjpgß^ Use HEMOGLOBIN l l^* Deschiens All doctors
      229 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 167 13 I 5 I •^aj i ik. ■H SOLE AGENTS i m BEHN MEYER A GO., LTD. PROJECTOR LAMPS LARGE NEW STOCKS. ll' In Owing t-j the enormous demand for these 1 |l) ,}H] wonderful lamps our stocks have been com1^ "V^ p'etely exhausted for the past few weeks. yf We
      167 words
    • 453 13 SALES BY AUCTION. FOR SALE PRIVATELY. One second hand B seated Hamber Motor Car, 4 Cylinders, 16 to 2J Horse Power. For further particulars, apply to. CHINO KBNO LEB ft CO., Auotioneers. 15-4 D FOR BALE P.UVATELY. Freehold Land situate at Serangoon Road, near the Tram Termiuu? area 54,516 Fq.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 447 14 SINGAPORE B ONLY COMPANY. LAB6EBT PAJOUP CAPITAL OF ANY EABTEBN COMPANY. PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE I Winchester Houm, Singapore LONDON OFFICE I 32, Old Jewry, EC The Company baa £30.000 deposited with the Supreme Oomrt of Bngland. an] oomplies with Urn British
      447 words
    • 319 14 IMSURAJICE. FEDERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. Established 1882. Direct Government Supervision, Government Audit. Policies are "WORLD WIDE," and Non-Forfeitable. Largo Nat Surplus above liabilities for Reserve and all outstanding olaims. New Business, 1918, 0ver. ..59,876,000.00 Cash Loans, Settlements, etc., made locally. Numerous modern schemes. J. H. EVANS, Manager, South
      319 words
    • 448 14 BAMKINB. THE BZE HAI TONS BANKING AND INSURANCE CO.. LTD., NO. 67 AND 68, KLING STBET. Established 1907. Capital paid up. $1,000,000,00 Reserve liability of propritors....» 1,000,000,00 Reserve Fund »;>00,000,00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. LiowCaiAHaNa,Bs<i. Chbono Qdbi Tiam, Bsq, Tan Swi Km, Esq. Lbe Wbb Nam, Esq Tan Tbck Joon, Bsq.
      448 words
    • 458 14 MNKIWP. DEUTSCH ASIATISCHE BANK. FULLY PAID UP CAPITAL (Ml. Taela 7,500,000. Head Offioe Shanghai. Board of Directors Berlin. BRANCHES: Berlin, Calcntta, Hamburg, Canton, Hankow, Hongkong, Kobe, Peking, Tientsin, Tsinanfu, Tsingtan, Yokohama, THE FOLLOWING BANKS AND BANKERS ARE REPRESENTED ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORB: Bank fuer Handel und Industrie.*] Berliner Handels-Gesellßcbaft.
      458 words
    • 967 14 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE 0( THE VALUABLE FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS HILLSIDE," MOUNr SOPHIA, SINGAPORE, To be held at Messrs. IWoll A Co.'s saleroom, On Tuesday, April 21, att 2.30 p.m. The property consists of all that valuable piece of freehold land situate at Mount sophia, Singapore, fronting
      967 words

  • 962 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Dazzling Headlights. Uneof the motoring problems most urgently in need of solution at the present time is that of the glaring headlight, writes a oorrespondent in The Times. As the speed of motor-oars has increased so hare the power and efficiency
    962 words
  • 67 15 It is qnaint to read in the Daily Chronicle how CoTer.i Garden imported that not rare but certainly refreshing trait, the banana, half a century ago. In the Autobiography of E. L. Blanchard, the writer of Drury Lane pantomime libretti, is the following note:— "July 7, 1864 Stroll through Covent
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 50 15 Bowel Complaint in Children. Daring the summer months children Me subject to disorders of the bowels and should reoeiTe the most careful attention. As soon as any unnatural looseness of the bowels is noticed Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be given. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
      50 words
    • 357 15 APPRECIATION OF DUNLOP TYRES Fop HARD WEAR in HOT COUNTRIES. Of the twenty five cars that finished in the Melbourne to Sydney reliability contest, seventeen were fitted with DUNLOP TYRES. The distance between these two Australian cities is 628 miles and the weather throughout the run was hot. DUNLOP TYRES
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 464 16 FIRE! FIRE! Where is your CITEX "P The Citex Fire Extinguisher Protects Life and Property. The CITEX Is simple; a pull and it is Free, a Bump and it works. NOTHING TO PERISH No solution to make up, no acid to handle. WATER and a CITEX CARTRIDGE only. Sole Agents
      464 words
    • 288 16 WANTS. LESSONS. Violin, Mandoline, Guitar and Banjo. Apply to Mr. Reverger, Raffles Hotel. 17-4 16-5 POSITION WANTEO. European, energetic, desires position, timber working, 81 years' previous experience. Apply J., c/o Straits Time?. 7-4 6-5 CLERK WANTEO. Wanted, Good Clerk with knowledge of Bookkeeping; mast be neat writer and accurate with
      288 words
    • 572 16 TO BE LET OR 80L0. OFFICE TOUT. No. 1-a, Raffles Qaay, l&t and 2nd floors. Apply Gufhrie k Co., Ltd. 16-4 28 4 TO BE LET LANGL4NDS, No. 112, Kivtr Valley Road. Apply No. 8, Malacca Street. 80 1 a FLOOR TO LET. To let, 2nd Floor, No. 8, Malacca
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    • 695 16 ARTICLES FOR SALE. MOTOR CYCLE FOR SUE. CLTNO motor cycle and side-oar, twin cylinders, in splendid running order. For further particulars, please apply Box No. 086, Straits Times. 64 a TURNOUT FOR BALE. For sale, a 4 seated Viotcria and Horse, complete, reasonable. Owner kaviug. Apply to C. G. E.
      695 words
    • 721 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT CO. SHIP CHANDLERS, ■wrtMswt aatf Municipal Contractor! 106, 108 109, Market Street T U phone Nos. 431. GUAN KIAT CO., 37. Phillip Street. Ship-Chandlers, Government and Municipal Contractors, General Ixioki ki: and expobters and commission agents. Telephone No. 1174 1288 (Private 145U) 8-8 n THE PAWNBROKERS ORDINANCE^
      721 words
    • 454 16 SINGAPORE CUB FIXTURES. Straits Times List. The following fixtures f jr the current week and important forthcoming fixtures are kindly supplied by tlui secretaries of tbe various clubs. Convenient forms on which to make tho returns will be supplied on application to thr Manager, Stnutn Tinivs. Singapore Cricket Club. April
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 227 16 Straits Wimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellaneous wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of II per four lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, $1 each insertion. For p.p.c. cards, on page 8, $2. Inch Scale Rates are
      227 words