The Straits Times, 17 April 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.466 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. APRIL 17. 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 305 1 A njfl 6) Real Habana Cigars with Sumatra Cover are the The greatobt featore and moot important point in connection with ARDATH CABINET OIOARS ia, that they are manufactured by skilled workmen, and nndf r strictly hygienic principles. AKDATH CABINET CIGAKS are mannfueturfd from the finest tobacco grown on virgin
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    • 34 1 FODDER CONTRACTS $2O Pel? Month. COMPRISING: 4 Bags Mixed Food— Bedding Shoeing (as often as required). Greasing and Setting tbe wheels of Carriages. H.S. KIRWAN, No. a, The Arcade. Tel 251. 8 11 n
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    • 86 1 ROBINSON CO. Lee-Metford Rifle Requisites. P. PATI.NT The "Cyratopy" Cleaning od §tm <303 Rifle _B__fe__^___L- r**^_^^. _^^^^^51_83 I*ft*^© Ru»t ~t »«f^u ■lI i P__n_B^________."^L. *jfm __l_____ _~> r— Bl_l TB]m 4 I Ik £jT V »a cents* |y^".. -rST, I > k Paste cents* PBICE Jjj^ m JEZ^ j^L^A JEm^
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    • 51 1 Eternit Asbestos Slates. > Solb iNHI i ADAMSON, GIIFIILAN CO., ITO. ASHCROFTS UNDERSIZED AND FULL SIZE BILLIARD TABLES Fitted with Patent "Aero" extra low ■■Mm Features: Tho cushions navrr get hard, are abtointtly tbe trur. t, tbe lowest, at J give ti o greatest speed. OBTAINABLH FROM A. FRANKEL CO.,
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  • 891 2 APPEAL FOR PRESERVATION OF THE SITE. Meeting in London. The first meeting of the English commit tee organised, at the suggestion of the Duke of Wellington, to co-operate with the Belgian committee for the preservation of the battlefield of Waterloo, was held on March 20. Those composing
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  • 39 2 Inspector C. J. McGill, of the Mounted Police, Calcutta, was shot dead at the Central Police Station, Calcutta, on the 7th instant. Sergeant Caliaway picked up a loaded revolver which wont off accidentally, the bullet passing through McGill head.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 185 2 I The Tonic You Need If you are run down if you have j been ill and are slow to recover, j try 'Vana' Tonic. It will sharpen I your appetite, aid your digestion, JT brace your nerves, revive your &4 spirits and help to restore you to [ft vigorous
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    • 94 2 The Forty Year Test. An article mast have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Guam berlain's Coagb Remedy was first offered to the public in 1472. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it baa attained a world wide reputation. You
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    • 710 2 TOLD BY THE PARISH PRIEST A Story Of Cuba. At Canflri, in the island of Cuba, tbere lives the Reverend Father Villanueva, a priest who, like bo many others of his cloth, is a father in deed as well as in name to the members r* his flock. The temporal
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    • 235 2 RANEBOUNGE GLAZED STONEWARE. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZES STOCKKD. SHARPE, BOSS CO., LD. •JUST ARRIVED:-^ 1914 Models. PAIGE with new streamline bodier, 5-eea'ero, 4. cylinder", ?6 H.P. Considered to be the only American car that is on tyr»s nnd benzine. GASOLENE LIGHT CYCLE CO.. KELLY WALSH, LTD. STANDARD la^Tfc
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  • 730 3 THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA. A Satisfactory Statement. The twenty first annual general meeting •f tbe shareholders of this bank was held on March 19, at Winchester House, Old Broad- j street, Mr. R. J. Black (the chairman) presiding. The chief manager (Mr. P. Mould) read
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  • 262 3 The discovery of an extensive lake, sixty miles long, is reported by Mr. Walker, the leader of the prospecting expedition tion in Central Australia. Mr. Walker, with i two white companions, ib making an advenI turous joarney. He loft Oodnadatto, South I Australia, the terruinas of the
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  • 24 3 The French Aero Club are discussing the erecting of a monument to Santos Dumont. Tbe moat suitable site, of course, would be St. Cloud.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 187 3 UCHARDTWUTFTS^x 4 KOH-I-NOOR' s£ Pocket Propelling Pencils. VV%bW^K th.irmiii;.; scries which any liijjh-^^ wljfcfclj^-^ claa^ si. i vvi i I>j iK-li^litfd tc>\. \j|^|J^^r\ show ;,.;.i. \!l littoi wil'i" Koh-i-noor" Vs N^ Ici'l, wliicii s t-> Uio pencil quality st.iiul.ud for liv world. Vl^,, L C HARDIHUTH, IIII|^H|MHK«KaMMMB«MMV9VVMO^ESES^B***IEfI3t' YAMATO CO.,
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    • 51 3 Bowel Complaint in Children. Daring tbe summer months children are subject to disorders of the bowels and should receive the most careful attention. As soon as any unnatural looseness of the bowels is noticed Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be given. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 840 3 Beauty may Choose. CAREFULLY SELECTED BEAUTY HINTS FROM THE WORLD'S BEST BEAUTY WRITERS. How to have /hick and Pretty Hair. Home Talents." Soaps and artificial shampoos rain many beautiful beads of hair. Few people know that a teaspoonful of good stallax dissolved in a onp of hot water has a
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    • 903 3 BTEAMER SAILINGS. AUSTRIAN LLOYD UNDER MAIL fS^. WITH THE AUSTRIAN CBNTRACT frjf|U GOVERNMENT New Monthly Fast Line, Trieste-Shanghai From and to Trieste and Venioe, oailing at Port Said Snea, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore Hongkong and Shanghai. OUTWARD. HOMEWARD. Dne to arrive oa or aborrt Dne to aail on or abm.t
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 615 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. pTeTa STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANG, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, BQYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Throagh Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Homeward (for Europe). j Connecting at From
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    • 558 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antworp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. Tbe New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all tbe
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    • 811 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang, Berserah, Kretay, Paka, Tringgana, Bisut, Semera Bachok, Kelantan, Tabai, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobsamai, Bandon, Laogsnen, Taku, Champon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Due Departure s.h. REDANG April 18 s.s ASDANG April OO April SS VUGALA April SS April
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    • 524 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. I HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG AND OEUTSGH DAMPFSGHIFF FAHRTSGES. "HANSA BREMEN. Combined Service. The steamers of tlu sq Companies maintain a regular servioo between Hamburg, Bremen Antwerp, Rotterdam and Emdea and tbe Straits, Chiaa and Japan. Homeward", thr-y are despatched fort nightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoa
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    • 626 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. IT NORDOEUTSCHER LLOYD. BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. Thai fast and w t 11 known mail stoara-\rs this Company mi! fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, L shon, via Rotterdam. Antwerp, Sou.! kvjp'oa, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (oonneainv Marseilles, Naplon, Alexandria, and vioe vorsa) Port Sak'a, Suez, Aden, Colombo,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 688 5 STEAMER SAILINGS GOMBINIO aaflVlca O' THE OCEAN 8. 8 C0 M LTD.. THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. UTWPIH r^tmantlt (Perth), Worth «Te< i Australian Porte. 4ave and Singapore. gulat Fottntghtly •eilin^i »a«T«-. and Weatem Arutti .tia, eailing a (aa indneement aSers), Derby. King'< 1 (Port for tbo Kimberlej
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    • 608 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INQO-CH NA STEAM NAY. CO.. 110. Direct Service to Japan via Hong hong A Shanghai, and to Caloutta, via Penang, from Singapore. Taking cargo on thorough Bills ol Lading (or Canton. Macao, Swatov, Army, Chtfoo, Tientsin, Nawchwanp, Yan^lsze Ports. Formosa, tbe Philippines, etc., etc., en. Steamers. Tons. Commander.
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    • 722 5 CHUBB S SAFES LARGE SELECTION ON SHOW AT Huttenbach Bros. Co., 13, COLLYER QUAY. NOTICES. THE PAWNBROKERS ORDINANCE. 1898. Tenders are invited for the sole right to open one Pawnshop for a period of two years and eitfht months from the Ist of May, IUI4, in otc'i of the Streets
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    • 311 5 UNIVERSITY OF HONGKONG. MATRICULATION EXAMINATION. Notice is hereby Riven, that a Matricnlation Examination will be hold on the following dates July 13—18, 1914. Arrangement* will be made to hold the Examination at any town whsre a sufficient number of candidates offer themselves. Candidates mast rend in their names to the
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    • 103 5 THE Being absolutely pare UNIVERSAL in itself and free from PI CAMCrn ii i ii r all evil-smelling fats and oils, it leaves only perfect purity wherever it is used. vTTX ALWAYS DISSOLVE BOIUXG WATER. Mk\ Made by LEVER BROTHERS LTD.. Port Sunlight. Cheihire. FOR Incandescent Oil Lamps use: "Cross"
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 462 6 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION BALE Of THE VALUABLE FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS HILLSIDE," MOUNT SOPHIA, SINGAPORE, To be held at Messrs. Powell A Co.'a saleroorr. On Tuesday, April 21, mt 2.30 p.m. Tho property consists of »1! that vjliable piece of f.ixholii 'ail situate at Mount Fophia, Singapore, fronting
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    • 483 6 SALES BY AUCTION. FOR SALE PRIVATELY, Freehold Land situate at Serangoon Road, near tbe Tram Terminus, area 54,518 eg. feet, folly planted wi:b coconut-trees. A splendid site for a bungalow. Apply to CHISO EENGLKE* CO., Auctioneers 71 o BY ORDER OF THE OFFICER COM MANDINO ARMY SERVICE CORPS. AUCTION SALE
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    • 527 6 SEANG LINE OF STEAMERS. 3.8. olenogle 8,750 Tons. si. Seang B *> 6,799 Tons b.s. Scang Choon 5,7 5 Tons. FOR HONGKONG. AMOY AND BWATOW. s.s. SEANG BEE, 011 April 18, 1914. s.B. SEANG CHOON, on April '.'5, 1914 FOR PENAN6 AND RANGOON. s.i. OL "..NOGLE, on April 55, 19U.
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    • 156 6 BUY "SHELL" YOCJ CAN RELY CN THE QUALITY AND QUANTITY. THEY DON'T CHANGE. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. INDOCHINA STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LTD. FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA. The Company's steamer s s. YATSHIN'G, 2,281 tone, Captain Anderson, will be de^patc'jtd for tbe above ports on Saturday, the 16th inttant, at 2 p.m. For
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  • 125 7 FIXTURES Friday, April 17. Hik'i Wa'.er. \M a.m., 4.4 i p.m. I', ami O. outward mail duo. Saturday, April 18. High Water, 2.^0 ».tn., 8.81 p.m. I K. A. inc. tiny Amat- ur |>erformance, Vie. Theatre. Sunday, April 19. Hi«h Watnr. 4.56 a.m., 7.40 p.m. S. H.
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  • 241 7 To-DAY. Mi l.m V. Hogcndorp 8 pm Bawean, Sourabaya, Baiuljci massin, Statin, etc. Bnyskes 8 pm P. S«i ttrnliam anil Telok An son Kinta 8 pm Malacca and Muar Lady Weld Bpm Si hit Pandjaig, Bcn<;kalis, and Bagan Abbotsford Bpm Batu l'ahat Hong Wan 3pm liat.nia, Samarang
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  • 227 7 The P. and O. outward mail steamer Asxaye left I'cnang at noon yesterday, and may be expected to arrive bore at 4 p.m. to-day. The M. M. company's steamer Maoclic left Saigon at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, April 15, and may be expected to arrive here at
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  • 281 7 Latest Arrivals. Anghin, Ocr. str. liX'l Urns, c'apt forties, April 17. 1 loin lloiliiiw. A pill 11. G.C. and 6M4 .l.p. It. M,\,-i ,V 10. Inr. I*l-. linniwcr I hit. str. .124 tons. Capt LensineW, April 17. Kicii) I. ISaroe, April If. U.c. and dp. S. Agency Ltd.
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  • 102 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day j TANJONO PAQAR. Bast Wharf Basin Nil. W. Section No. 1...Par00, Ruuphius, Rembrandt. SaaißS Wharf Knngasan Maru. Main W. Sict. No. 2.. .Ni1. 8...NU. 4...Yat«hing. B...Gorgon. «...Kol>s cliang, Islander. Niw Dock 7. ..(Under construction) Wist
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  • 269 7 BXCHANQB SIKOAPOM, .».«1L 17, 1914. On London Bank m/« M 2/4 J Demand 3/4 A Private 8 m/a 8/4 j) 8 m/a 2/4JI, On GiRMAUT Bank d/d 28s* Private 8 m/a 342 On Fbanob Bank d/d 384 Private 8 m/a 298 On India Bank T. T. 174
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    • 184 7 Buyen.-.Sellen 10 10 Ampann 8.50 1 1 AyerWeng C.50 10 10 Holat 2.70 8.00 10 10 Broang 1.80 10 10 Kampai 10.28 L 0 10 Kanaboi I.GO 1.65 10 10 Kinta Association 10.00 11. CO £1 £1 KinUTin 1.17.6 2.2.6 El £1 Lahat Miner 6.76 6.16 10 6 Malayan
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    • 649 7 us:! 2/- Alla^a. 1/8 2/1 SI XI Anglo Java 8/8 4/- 3/- Anglo-Malay 9/9 10/7 2/- Batang Malaka -/ll 1/8 Cl £1 Batn Tiga 2.11.8 2.17.9 2/- Bekoh -/8 -I.) £1 XI Bukit Kajang 1.12.9 1.16.8 61 £1 Bukit Lintang 2.15.0 8.0.0 norn 2/- Bukit Mertajam 2/- 2 5
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    • 115 7 41 £1 B. Smelting do. 12/- 18, £1 £1 Pref. 1.1.0 1.8.0 5/- 6/- Electric T'waya 4/8 4,9 10 10 Fraaer Neave 59.00 xd SO 50 Hammer Co. 97.60 ICS.OO 100 Howarth Erakine 46.C0 100 7% Prof. 100.00 100 100 Kati Bro, Del. 125.00 185.00 10 10 Mayuard k
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 15 7 For all Stomach troubles. Take \Yoods. ppermint Cure. At all Stores, 80 ct'uu a buttle.
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    • 324 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. April 14. At saleroom, Dnn Mare, at 11. April 18.— At Newlands No. 42, Orange Road, Java teak household furniture, Piano, etc.. at 2. April 20.— At No. 82, Sophia Road, Java teak household furniture, at 4. April 21. At saleroom, freehold residential property known
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    • 109 7 FRASER CHALMERS, Ltd., Manufacture STAMP MILLS (NISSEN ft CALIFORNIAN TYPSS). lit m u~ MrW f 1 i PROSPECTING iviills (Similar to Above) KERT If STOCK, Fall particulars may ho obtained from LOCAL BRANCHES: SINGAPORE AND IF»O H Huttenbach Bros. Co. MACHINERY DEPT. Telephone No. 33 2. AGENTS FOR: 13Il§yC Se
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    • 106 7 NOW SHOWING AT THE HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH, NORTH BRIDOB ROAD. An Admirable Valleta Cine- Dram* IN THE GRIP OF A VILLAIN (6.000 It in 4 Reels) The Story of an innocent man's impri torment on a falsa cbarg*, and bis darj«btw'a vaiions misfortunes before a happy marriage to her benefactor's
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  • 1078 8 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, APRIL 17. CHINA IN THE THROES. Strango stories reach as from many quarters about China. There are ghastly accounts of the fiendish atrocities perpetrated by White Wolf bandits. There are statements that the Republican Constitution with its theory of representative government has been cast aside and
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  • 11 8 The Kampar Tin Mining Co.'s output for March was 74.63 picols.
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  • 14 8 There are said to be 200 planters out of billets in tbe Malay Peninsula.
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  • 17 8 Rats havo been doing great damage to coconuts in the Bagan Datoh district for some time past.
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  • 26 8 The 126 th Baluchistan Infantry are to embark at Hongkong for India on May 2 too date which waa previously arranged for the unit to leave.
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  • 9 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 11.
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  • 27 8 In the Hongkong Bankruptcy Court on tbe Bth inst., on bis own petition, a receiving order was made against Vicente Sot to, editor of The Philippine Republic.
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  • 32 8 Owing to the prevalence of plaguo all Chinese servants employed in barracks at Hongkong are to be medically inspected onoe a week by the medical officer in charge of the barracks concerned.
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  • 37 8 Messrs. Brown, Phillips and Stewart. Penang, as secretaries of the Juru Estates, Limited, explain in connection with the estate's output for March, already published in these columns, that tapping waa stopped during the month for three weeks.
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  • 41 8 Our Penang correspondent telegraphs that the Municipal Commissioners have sanctioned for one year, experimentally, the proposal of the Harbour Board to rail in a I artion of Weld Quay for the purpose of the better checking of carts using the godowns.
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  • 50 8 It is understood that Mr. P. A. Anthony, general manager of the F.M.S. railways, and Mr. G. C. Forbes, locomotive superintendent, bavo gone over to Sabang to observe Dutch methods there, with the object of seeing how far they may be applied to Prai, especially in the handling of coal.
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  • 54 8 Tom Gunn, the Chinese aviator, who is in Manila for a series of exhibition flights, will in all probability make an attempt to cross the China Sea to Hongkong in an aeroplane before be leaves the Philippines. Ho thinks it will take him about eight hours to make tbe distance
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  • 53 8 Eight wild elephants brought into Nan city, Siam, from the west sold at public auction for over a thousand ticals each and some of them as high as fifteen hundred ticals some of the elephants were quite small and the prices ware good considering tbe size of the animals and
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  • 52 8 Speaking at the Legislative Council at Delhi on .u^rch 24 Lord Hardinge said that the Government of India had been able to secure a reduction in the telegraph rates between England and India. The reduction was of four annas a word for ordinary messages and two annas a word for
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  • 66 8 Phra Vanpreuk Vicharn, Deputy Conservator of Forests, in Siam, who was lately stationed at Moang Pbrae, has proceeded to England to study forestry at his own expense. He already holds a diploma from tbe Indian Forest School at Debra Dun. Luang Sakdi Seni, of tbe Ministry of Interior, is another
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  • 75 8 An extraordinary case came before the Grimsby County Justices on March 17, when Thomas Moore, a middle-aged labourer, who pleaded euilty to a charge of sleeping out, was committed for tbe maximum term of three months with hard labour. His record produced to the Bench showed that his Role offences
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  • 73 8 A large quantity of dried fish comes from the oast coast ports of Siam to Bangkok and is trans-shipped for export to Singapore. The fish merchants concerned lately approached the shipping company with a view to the facility of a direct steamnr being provided for their convenience. Tbe Observer
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  • 96 8 The tango craze has in a measure been responsible for a great increase in the sales of alcohol in America. Tbe United States Industrial Alcohol Company has, during the last three months, easily beaten its figures for any previous three months, and this result is due to tbe fact that
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  • 95 8 One of the very few persons other than crowned heads whose features have been immortalised on postage stamps is, says the Straits Echo, Mat Jaffar, the pengtiulu of Ana Bukit, near Alor Star, wtio is rliowd ploughing with two water buffaloes on tbe handsome Kedab 10-cent stamp Kedab's stamps .would
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  • 113 8 At an extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of tbe Bangkok Dock Co., Ltd., a resolution was confirmed authorizing the directors to purchase the property of the Bush estate at tbe present time leased to the company for the sum of Ticals 324,000 upon tbe terms that Ticals 60,000 of
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  • 132 8 A splendid seaside palace is to be built at Koh Lak for tbe King of Si«m. Iv order to give it tl>e moat favoorable location plans have been drawn up that ill necessitate the removal of practically all the Government buildings and also tbe sanatorium beloogiug to the American Mission.
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  • 355 8 Fine weather favoured tho High Commissioner and Lady Evelyn Younu's "at home" at Kuala Lumpur, on Wednesday. It was largely attended. Among the passengers who returned from home by the X.Y.K. Atsuta Maru on Wednesday was Mr. J. A. S. Jennings, general manager jf the Times of
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  • 46 8 The services at St. Andrew's Cathedral will be resumed to-morrow. It wan found necessary to carry out some repairs to the plaster work high up above the choir stalls, but these will be completed to day and all signs of tbe work removed.
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  • 59 8 Money stringency is still felt acutely in many sections of tbe Ohiuese community, and it would help to relieve tbe tt-u.tiuu and to restore cutifiJence if the liquidators of tho Kwong Yik Bank could see their way to make an interim dividend to depositors out of the
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  • 83 8 The mortality returns for Singapore issued by tbe Registrar of Births and Deaths show that during tbe week ending April 4, there were 182 deaths (124 males, 58 females), giving a ratio per mille of population of 24.74. Malarial fever accounted for 19 Utuiths, phthisis 24, convulsions
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  • 150 8 At the forthcoming International Rubber Congress and Exhibition of rubber to be held at Batavia in October next Siam will be officially represented Tbe arrangements for the Siam exhibit have been in tbe bands of the Ministry of Agriculture, end the Treasury has made v grant
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  • 236 8 This morning before the senior magistrate, Mr. .y V. Brown, Captain F. K. Jarrot, o( tbe Btearuhliip Vat String, was cliarjj. Ed with taking his vessel from tbe quartotine anchorage, on tin; 15th in»t., •ilium! the written permission of the l'urt Health Officer. lie put in
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 178 8 MAGNUMS 55 cts. l| Th^ magnums •■..<s>. 55 cts. ;!t, lhree Castles PBP Cigarettes j| per Tiy ft Sfemg .J T I K| ill w.D.& r Hs.wiiis If Final Hali-Price Day TO-MORROW AT OUR Great Clearance Sale Remnants and Oddments AT Half Original Sale Prices to Clear. JOHN LITTLE COMPANY,
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    • 159 8 TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT >! A SHOWER OF FEATURES AT THE NEW TEMPORARY ALHAMBRA CIMMA iUI— KftCH ROW). Soconl Show, 9 IS to 11.15 p.m. ANOTHER PRIZE WINNER A Masterpiece of Sensationalism. 0. H. M. S. 3,000 feet, TWO REELS, BARKER. The Winning Photo Play in tbe Scenario Writing Competition promoted by
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  • 515 9 UNITED STATES MAKE BIG NAVAL DISPLAY. Long-Suffering Patience Exhausted. Rbctkr's London, April 16. When the American fleet now ordered to Tampico arrives, there will be eleven dreadnoughts besides vessels of every branch of the navy and the landing force will aggregate 15,000. The fleet actually at Tampico
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  • 370 9 Anti-American demonstrations havn oc curred at Vera Cruz and other points. I. is reportod at Philadelphia that tbe battleship Michigan has bailed for Mexico. President Hucrta continues to treat the situation lightly. He telegraphed yesterday that the Tampico incident was of no special importance. Mexico has quarrels with
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  • 62 9 Effect of Recalling Students From Tokio. ReCTKR'S IILBORAM. London, April 16. A letter from the Bishop of South Tokio to The Times strongly condemns tho action of the Chinese Government in stopping supplies or recalling large numbers of Chinese students from Tokio for political reasons. Such a
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  • 60 9 Recter's Telegram. London, April IS. At Tulsa, Oklahoma, acting under orders of the Ujvernor to prevent gambling on the racecourse, the State militia fired a volley over tbo heads'of the horses coming down the straight, thus breaking up the race. The Adjutant- General says that if another
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 32 9 Rkuteb's Telegram. London, April 16. A Paris message says the League National Aerienne bas arranged with the Russian Aero Club for a flight from St. Petersburg to Peking, probably in June.
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  • 63 9 Dm: Ostasiatischk Lloyd Telegram. Berlin, April 16. Tbe cruiser Dresden has been ordered to Tampico, Gulf of Mexico. Turkey has selected a former Governor of tbe Netherlands Indies, Mr. Westeneck and tbe Norwegian officer Hoff as general inspectors in East Anatolia for the introduction of reforms. The requirements
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  • 370 9 S.A.D.C. and K.O.Y L.I. at Victoria Theatre. The variety entertainment which was given at the ictoria Theatre last night by the Singapore Amateur Dramatic Committee and the K.O Y.L.I, attracted an audience which, in quest of amusement, gave every encouragement to those who had set themselves the task
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  • 137 9 The Royal Packet Steamship Co., is stead ily developing its motor boat service in the East. Id the service regulations for the first half of the year 19 i 4 special reference is made to the three new motor ships for service iv Netherlands India.
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  • 71 9 WHY PLOT TO ATTACK ARSENAL FAILED. Rebels Ready to Rise (From Ocs Own Cobbbspondint.) Shanghai, April 17. The revolutionaries who were caught attempting to sednoe Shanghai troops have confessed that a plot to attack the Shanghai arsenal on the 17th inst. has failed because of betrayal by arsenal
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  • 68 9 Quotations Current Yesterday. The following message has been received in Singapore, dated London, April 16: Plantation Para first latex crepe on spot 2/11 Para to arrive 8/Market quiet. The East Asiatic Company favour us with the following report The market in London yesterday was easier. The closing
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  • 586 9 Substitution of Universal for Local Rights. A paper was read at a special meeting of the Royal Colonial Institute at the Whitehall Rooms, Hotel Metropole, Sir Gilbert Parker, M.P., in the chair, on the Imperial Naturalisation Bill by Mr. J. Saxon Mills, MA. The announcement in the King's
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  • 306 9 China to Administer a Decisive Blow. A representative of the Ostasiatischer Lloyd had an interview with Tuan Chi Jui, Minister of War, at Peking, who said:— "l was ordered to go to Hankow, in order to replace Li Yuan Hnng, who had expressed a wish to
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  • 507 9 Salzmann Successful in Retaining Title. After more than ono postponement, due either to rain or holiday arrangements, the B.C.C. Lawn Ttnnis tournament was, with tbe exception of one event, the A class handicap, brought to an end yesterday afternoon when D. H. Kleinmann, as runnerup, contested the
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  • 233 9 Another Big Seizure Made At Penang. 1 Following the seizure of cocaine a fortnight i ago, when a Chinese sampan man was fined 1 $500 for endeavouring to smuggle the drag I into Penang, the local authorities have detected another ingenious attempt at the i importation. i On the arrival
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  • 136 9 The death of Mr. William J. Andrews, assistant in thr accounting department of the Standard Oil Company at Shanghai, took place on the 3rd iost. Some days previously the deceased, who was well known in various parts of China, who was taken ill with typhoid fever. Only two
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  • 1483 9 CHINESE IMPERIAL IDEALISM bXPLAINED. By a Chinese Contributor. From the standpoint of the American, educated Chinese the establishment of a republic denotes the culmination of all national aims and desires. Thetbdication of Manchu sovereignty, the proclamation of a republican constitution, the election of a Han
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  • 371 9 Strange Incidents in a Colombo Court. An extraordinary incident took place in the Supreme Court, Colombo, on March 80, in connection with the trial of a man f >r a culpable homicide not amounting to murder. The case was opened by prosecuting counsel, Mr. Barber, who stated
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  • 27 9 Mr. Sheldon Loavitt Crosby, the United States Charge d'AtUires at 'iangkok, has been ordered home on sick -leave. Ho v. ill probably be away about six months.
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  • 1570 10 rORTY-THREE ASSISTANTS IN EIGHTEEN MONTHS. Policy of the New Management. The statutory meeting of Kasintoe Rubber j Estates, Ltd., was held at tho London Chamber of Commerce, Oxford Court, E.C., Mr Arthur Luuipard presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen,— This is < merely a statutory meeting called in order
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    • 34 10 Some good photographs have been obtained of tbo Polo Club Gymkhana held on Easter Monday, and finished proofs can be seen at the Club House, B ilestier Road, on Saturday next.
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    • 132 10 The 5. R. A. Meeting. The Ladies Competition B," a handicap competition open to members of Rifle Clubs in the Straits Settlements and F.M.S., distances 150 and 200 yards, 10 rounds at each, took place at Bakstior yesterday in fine weather, there being a good attendance. The following
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  • 344 10 Where Will we Find our Iron Ore After Then? In 1912 the world's output of iron ore was about 152 million tons, the principal producers being the United States, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Spain in the order given these five countries produce about six
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  • 74 10 That famous oarsman, Mr. Guy Xi kails, in an article on a past Vart lty Boat K ice. caused g'eit indignation in many quarters by stating that there was a member of each en -V \>lr> did not pull his weight. iii j i"<; his j ke for some
    74 words
  • 1324 10 JOHN LITTLES NEW PREMISES AT KUALA LUMPUR. he Opening Day. Messrs. John Little and Co.'s new premises situated in Ampang Street and Embankment Road, Kuala Lumpur, wore opened for business on Wednesday. The history of John Littl* and Co., says the Malay Mail, dates from the firm having
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  • 853 10 Thirty Per Cent. Declared For The Year. The eighth ordinary general of the Beverlac (Selangor) Rubber Company, Limited, was held at Colombo on April 5, when there were present:— The Hon. Mr. W. H. Figg(chairman), Messrs. Barclay Leechman aud H. G. Bois (directors), and Mr. J. J.
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  • 981 10 An Anxious Week in the Village Of Wo;.zle. As a registrar I am proud wi.en I can bag a centenarian, Rays a writer in the Globe. Wozzlo likes to have one, as it proves our salubrity our baker likes it and boasts that his unique bread did it,
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  • 12 10 SembroDg 1,6 V 2 lbs. Bakit Jelotong.— B,oBB lbs.
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  • 144 10 A regrettable incident, in which Mr. Warwick, of Messrs. Harry A. Badman, of Bangkok, had the misfortune to be stabb*), has occurred at the city premises of that firm. A one time syce of Mr. Warwick, it appears, arrived with some friends at Mr. Warwick's house in the evening and
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  • 810 10 ROMANCE OF THE ADELPHI AND ITS TERRACE. Built by Lottery. Old-time memories of a part of London full of historic associations aro revived by the news that the reconstruction of the Tivoli Music Hall in the Strand will involve a considerable clearance of property at the rear.
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  • 78 10 Arrivals. Per str. Lady Weld, April 16.— From Malacca Rev. Gamier. Per str. Biouwer, April 17. From P. Baroe Mi-srs. P. Dickson and P. Swettenham. IVrstr. Krian, April 16.— From Kelantan Mrs. Lambert, Miss Lambert, Messrs. E. W. Raymond, Templcr, Steadman, Keddie and Currie. Per str. Ranee,
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  • 49 10 This evening at the Gaiety picture palace, at the corner of Albert and Uencoolen Streets, the long film entitled Piotea, a sensational detective drama, will be shown for the last time. There are other pictures of interest sbown in conjunction with it and provide an enjoyable entertainment.
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  • 891 11 The Rajah Una and the Sipantas Estates. At tlic annna! ncecting of the Rajah Una Company, Ltd., held at I'.angkok, recently, Mr. W. U Orut presided, and the others present were Mr. C. W. Andersen, Mr. H. llanncn, Commander Hojcscn, Mr. J. A. Marlow. and Mr. K.
    891 words
  • 23 11 "The doctor, niadame, has called to set you." Then the mistress replied with greae decision Tell him I can't see him. I'm ill!"
    23 words
  • 873 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, April 17, 1914. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning No* Valus Buvrrs. Sillies. 2/- AUagar 1/8 2/2 1 Anglo Jata 8/8 4/8 1 AukIo Johoio 1/8 8/6 2/ Ai^lo
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 46 11 Coughing into Consumption Only a Cough but you stop it while it is ONLY a cough. WATERBURYS METABOLIZED COO LIVER OIL COMPOUND The finest preparation made for combating severe coughs. CTRES any cough that is only a cough. Very palatable. of an. CMcmsrs $1.25 «.nd $2.00.
      46 words
    • 50 11 Why remain in misery with digestive trouble when a certain alleviative for that heavy, over loaded feeling is at hand in Wooda' Great Peppermint Care. The taking of only one dose will prove its value to you. Sold by Dispensaries and Stares throughout Settlements and F.M.S. SO cents a bottle.
      50 words
      360 words
    • 373 11 LATEST ADVEKTISHMENTS. Store FOR Gramophones Records Music and Musical Instruments IS UNDOUBTEDLY MOUTRIES Call on us at once and don't waste time wandering round other Houses. RAFFLES PLACE. Drink Buchanan's "Royal Household" Whisky as supplied regularly to Royalty. Buokaaau's bold the larg si .-fecks of any fi-m iv Sojilaod. It
      373 words
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  • 1620 12 November Joe. It would seem that Mr. Heskoth Pritchard has struck out a new line in the matter of detective stories, and has invented a Sherlock Holmes who ought to live as long as Sir A. Conan I > 'vies litro. November .Toe, the Canadian woodsman, with whom
    1,620 words
  • 603 12 What the Industry Owes to Mr. J. Chamberlain. Mr. Chamberlain's name was on everybody's lips on March 16, daring v remarkable demonstration of what has accrued through his prescience and statesmanship at the Colonial Office years ago. Thanks to his timely assistance in the past the West
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  • 1224 12 EXTENSIVE EFFECT OF DRY WEATHER. Projected Debenture Issue The first annual ordinary general meeting (adjourned <rom December 28, 1918) of the Java Hevea Rubber and Tobacco Estates, Limited, was held on March 16, at the London Chamber of Commerce, Oxford Court, E.C., Mr. R. N. G. Bingley
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  • 1002 12 Forthcoming Arrivals and Departures. The following passenger bcikings to (he Straits are taken fiom the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuanoe of this list in London
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 220 12 SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER 1914 Model. TUe ONE Perfect Machine Interchangeable Carriage, 10 to 27 inches. Price: $190. Quarto or Foolscap Size. STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO., Singapore, SOLE AGENTS. ai-a-A i 9.9. 9 IN WEAKNESS, NEURASTHENIA W/Q& CONSUMPTION mmb A *<g— a X r «c <ha* »h'S vital Iron of the
      220 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 54 13 We like a good drink! PNo. Size of Suction. Sise of Discharge. Imperial Gallons per hour. 2 I inches 1( inches 2,000 3 3 2 4,800 4 H a 'H m 6,000 W^J 5 4 3 10,000 6 4| 8i 18,000 7 5 4 18,000 8 6 5 28,000 Sole
      54 words
    • 202 13 LOOT. LOST. From Oilatead Road, Australian Terrier, bine grey colour, large cataract cne eye, answers to name of MICK. Reward. Apply, N. L. CRITTEN, McAUSTER Co., Ltd. 8< n ALOR 6AJAH RUBBER ESTATES. LIMITED. INCORPORATED IN SINGAPORE. LOST BCRIP. Whereas application has been made to the Direotors of the above-named
      202 words
    • 47 13 PIANOS Xjy Leading Makers. GRAMOPHONES Xa V OF THE BEST CfSr ENGLISH J*S m. MAKE. 4V V/SOLE AGENTS V^^^S jbF s kor thk Jf/ WORLD-FAMED /<%esF /VAUTO- PIANO £y The Highest Perfection In 4>/ PLAYER PIANOS. Organs, Violins, Mandolines, Banjos, Guitars, Accessories and MUSIC in Great Variety.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 534 14 SINGAPORE 8 ONLY COMPANY. LARGEST PAID-UP CAPITAL OF ANY EABTERN COMPMY. PROSPEROUS sand PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE 1 Winchester Houta, Singapore LONDON OFFICE 1 SO, Old J«wry, E.C. The Company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Coart ol Bngland. and oomplres with tha British
      534 words
    • 466 14 MWKIWO. DEUTSCH-HSMTISCHE BANK. FULLY PAID UP CAPITAL Sh. Taela 7,500,000). Head Office Shanghai. Board of Directors Berlin. BRANCHES Berlin, Calcutta, Hamburg, Canton, Hankow, HongkoDg, Kobe, Peking, Tientsin, Tsinanfu, Tsingtan, Yokohama. THE FOLLOWIN6 BANKS AND BANKERS ARE REPRESENTED ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Baak foer H.Ddel nnd Industrie.* 1 Berliner Handels-Geselischaft.
      466 words
    • 943 14 MLEB BY AUCTION. HAZELWOOD PRELIMINARY NOTICE. AUCTION SALE Of THE VALUABLE AND BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS HAZBLWOOD. To be held at Powell A Co.'s Sale-room. On Tuesday, April 28, at 2.30 p.m. Haielwood occupies a chancing and convenient position on high ground in a select locality adjacent
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    • 1276 14 SALES BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. AUCTION SALE At Messrs. Chins Keng Lee Co.'s Sale-room, On Monday, April 20, at 2.30 p.m. Valuable Land aod houses Nos. 804, North Bridge Road, 812, Beach Road and Nof. 50, 51, 5.', and 6C, Clyde Terrace. CHING KENG LEE CO., Auctioneers. AKen and Gledhill,
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  • 761 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Dr. Galloway's New Car. Dr. Galloway has just purchased a new "A.C." car from Messrs. Uathrie and Co., who are finding the demand for this popular make greater than the supply, but orders are being booked for delivery in a month.
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  • 263 15 A telegram from The Hague to the Java Bode is authority for the report that a request of Pegoud, the aviator, to carry out demonstrations in Germany has been refused owing to a pending case of sabotage against him. The complaint was laid by a
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 24 15 Love laughs at locksmiths, but not at goldsmiths. For colic and windy spasm*. Take Woods, Orcat Peppermint Cur*. Sold everywhere, SOeenti a b >tt!o.
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    • 178 15 APPRECIATION OP DUNLOP TYRES Fop HARD WEAR in HOT COUNTRIES. Of the twenty five cars that finished in the Melbourne to Sydney reliability contest, seventeen were fitted with DUNLOP TYRES. The distance between these two Australian cities is 628 miles and the weather throughout the run was hot. DUNLOP TYRES
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 774 16 _J "FIBBOCEMENT Is made of the best PORTLAND CEMENT reinforced wi;h Asbestos. It has therefore the strength and durability of CONCRETE, and the FIRE and HEAT resisting qualities of ASBESTOS. S R SUPPLIES IN H 0 A s Slates for Roofs J I Sheets for Ceilings. t U They harden
      774 words
    • 570 16 TO BE LET OR SOLO. OFFICE TO lET. No. 1-a, Raffles Quay, lft and 2nd floors. Apply Guthrie Co., Ltd. J6-4 234 TO BE LET LANGLANDS, No. 112, River Valley Road. Apply No. 8, Malacca Streot. 80 1 v FLOOR 10 LET. To let, 2nd Floor, No. 8, Malacca Street,
      570 words
    • 624 16 BOARD AND LODGING. BMRD AND RESIDENCE. Rooms to let with or without board. Tennt moderate. Apply A, Wilkie Road. 3 9 a BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Will quiet English family, nrar town. Tennis. Apply Box No. 681, Straits Ttoes. 2-4 IS BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Comfortable Rooms available from April 1. Good
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    • 698 16 NOTICES. KIAM KMT ft GO. SHIP CHANDLERS, •ovarniMitt aad Municipal Contractors 106, lOd k 109, Market Street Telephone Nos. 431. GUAN KIAT CO.. 37. Phillip Street. Ship-Cbandlers, Govebnmrnt and Mi-nk-i--pal Contractors, Genbral luportkus and Exporters and Commission Aqkntj. Telephone No. 1171 k 1288 (Priva.e 1450) 8 8 n NOTICE. ALL
      698 words
    • 421 16 SINGAPORE CLIB FIXTURES. Straits Ti.nes List. The following fixture* f n the current we*B and important fortLcorcing fixture's are kindly supplied by tho sccietari?6 of the< various dubs. Cuuvonient formn on which to make tho returns will be suppl-.i! ou application I: jthfi Manner, Straits Ti'jjcs. Singapore Cricket Club. I
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 225 16 Straits Wimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.-Miscellano-oub wants of every description aro inserted at the prepaid rate of $1 per four lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, II each insertion. For p.p.c. cards, on page H, i' 2. Inch Scalb Ratks are
      225 words