The Straits Times, 13 April 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.462 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. APRIL 13. 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 250 1 mm m v Real Habana Cigars with Sumatra Cover are the The greatest featore and moit important point in connection with ARDATH CABINET 1. 1 GARS is, that they are manufactured by skilled workmen, and nnder strictly bygienio principles. ARDATH CABINET CIGARS are manufactured from the finest tobacco grown en
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    • 33 1 FODDER CONTRACTS $2O Per Month. COMPRISING: 4 Bags Mixed Food— Bedding Shoeing (as often as required). Greasing and Setting the wheels of Carriages. H.S. KIRWAN, No. a, The Arcade. Tel 251. 811 a
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  • 777 2 OBJECTION TO THE STAGE CARICATIRE. Canon Hannay Explains. The mystery of the origin of the stage Irishman and the secret of the real Irishman's objection to him were revealed by Canon J. O. Hannay (George H. Birmingham) in a lecture at the Royal Institution on The Stage Irishman.
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  • 250 2 In considering onr destinies beyond the grave, we need have no reason to linger too long over these apparitions or these revelations, even though they should really be incontestable and to the point. They would seem, all told, to be only the incoherent and precarious manifestations of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 266 2 v_v.v.-.\v.\v.\ Neuralgia, Nervous Breakdown NURSE HALL, c/o Mrs. Bassctt, Commercial Place, Landport, Portsmouth, Eng., writes:— "l was suffering from nervous breakdown with Internal Neural^ii, when I began a course of Phosferine. After having taken it for three or four months, I felt better than J had done for two years
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    • 52 2 Bowel Complaint in Children. j During the summer months children are subject to disorders of the bowels and should receive the most careful attention. As soon as any unnatural looseness of the bowels is noticed Chambe. lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy should be given. For sale by all Dispensaries
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    • 472 2 To enrich the blood To strengthen muscles, bones, nerves and brain you cannot do betii- than take SCOTTS Emulsion. In every part of the world this valued food tonic has proved its worth as the purest and best of all forms of cod liver oil treatment and the richest strength-maker
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    • 172 2 11 Cod Liver Oil W O*! WITH yfVH fl Malt Extract j 1 The World-renowned n Repairer of Weakened I W Constitutions The first spoonful of this remarkable l\ restorative starts the weak and wasted II person on the road to recovery. \J i 1/ Improvement is rapid and continuous.
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  • 693 3 HOW AMERICA CUP CHALLENGER IS BUILT. Official Details. As the time approaches for the completion of Shamrock IV., interest in all the details relating to the new challenger is increasing. Various rumours have been current during the past week or so, and with the view of obtaining the
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  • 237 3 Difficult Task for ao American Attorney. Mr. Willard J. Miner, an attorney, ban been retained by a client in the western part of New York State to figure out the proportionate share of a son in an estate. The facts of the relationship as given to the attorney
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 290 3 RANEEOUNOE GLAZED STONEWARE. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZES STOCKED. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LD. LUNCHEON AND TEA BASKETS AND CASES. /£Jr~^,~ ■Qsß^Lm Sp 60 4 designed -'•£^j£r Motor Car. sVfc--SS^k.5 Vfc-- SS^k. 12*hicb, 2U"lose. =j^jL**sr <^J |y<i^L v *HJSai>3Si best quality. E*^____r~^ **i ■eiF > from Send fop (all illustrations and
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    • 94 3 The Forty Year Test. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in }872. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation You
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    • 475 3 CHEONO BROTHERS Dentists. NO. 28, South Brldga Road. First-oiaoe Moohama*. Dentisttj, Gold Orowos Bridge, Filling and VnlouUt Duration of Wear gnaranUed CHARGES MODBRATH. FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES Beet Tooth Powiorp and Branben for «i'e. SPHINX -■l BALM. Q{q^| The World's M Standard Cure. For the last 80 years it has
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    • 961 3 STEAMER SAILINGS. AUSTRIAN^ LLOYD UNDER MAIL *9* WITH THE AUSTRIAN CONTRACT frjfLU GOVERNMENT New Monthly Fast Line, Trieste-Shanghai From and to Trieste and Venice, calling at Port Said Sues, Aden, Colombo. Penang, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai. OTJTWABD. HOMEWARD. Doe to arrive on or about One to sail on or aboot
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 611 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. pnro. STEAM NAVIGATION GO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANG, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EGYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Golf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Homeward (for Europe). {Connecting at From S.ogapore.
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    • 540 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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    • 817 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang, Berserah, Kretay, Paka, Tringgana, Bisut, Semera Bachok, b> lautan, Tabai, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobaamoi, BandoD, Langsuen, Taku, Chumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Due Departure s.s. MAHIDOL April 13 April IB s.s. REDANG April IB April 18 s.«.
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    • 517 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. OEUTSCH QAMPFSGHIFF FAHRTSGES. HANSft BREMEN. Combined Service. The steamers of these Companies maintain a regular service bjt«uon Hamburg, Bremen Antworp, Rotterdam and Emdnn and the Straits, China and Japan. Homnwarda, they are despatched fort nightly for Havre and Hamburg and onos a month for
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    • 634 4 I STEAMER SAILINGS. "n, d. l. NOROOEUTSCHER LLOYD. BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. j Tho fust and well-known mail steamers this Company sail fortnightly f rum Bremen, Hamburg, L>sbcn, via Rotterdam. Antwerp, Son >t anjp'ou, Gibraltar, Oonoa, Naples (connaoiing Marseilles, Naplos, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Sam, i>ust, Aden, Colombo,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 678 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OOMBINIO SBJIVIOB OP THE OCEAN S 8. CO.. LTD 1 THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN I N. CO.. LTD. BBTWa** F*emantl« (Perth), North We*'. Australian Ports, <■*• and Singapore. Fortnightly nailin^t bjtwsf-t MagSMM and Western Australia, evlini m Ja\a (a>< wdDoemast offer*), Derby. KiSft'r 'ort for the Kimberiay Gold
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    • 562 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILPLIHE Singapore to Java Poets, Port Daswin Thursday Island, Brisbane and Sydney, via Torres Straits. Also taking pa*eongers and cargo with transhipment for other Vhtokian, South Australian and North Queensland Pouts, British New Guinea, New Britain, Ta»masian and New Zealand Ports. Smooth Pussnga- Superb Scenery.
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    • 714 5 CHUBB'S SAFES LARGE SELECTION ON SHOW AT Huttenbach Bros. Co., 13, COLLYER QUAY. NOTICESTHE SINGAPORE SLIPWAY AND ENGINEERING CO.. LTD. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, that the twentjeighth Ordicary General Meeting ot tl c Shareholders of the Singapore Slipway and Engineering Oh, Ltd., ili be beid at the Registcrei Offion
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    • 549 5 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT OF JOHORE. PUBLIC WORKS DEHARTMENT. Tenders arc hereby invited for tho following sorvices of which full particulars may be ascertained and all nccetsary plans seen at the P. \V, D. Office, Johore Bahru, on any day, Fridays exceptod, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4.80 p.m. I.
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    • 239 5 No One Hesitates to take the best when offered. Sunlight SoapY offers the very best in Soap, and an increasing number J^li of careful housewives mC^/j all over the world v/^S^IvX, are finding this out £wff y f every clay. Do not ft f//^^^fipZ\ I be misled into buy- wjfife-^gS^'Ai'f
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    • 177 5 DEUTSCHE OSTAFRIKA LINE. Regular fortnightly Service via Bombay ol Aden to Zanzibar. Delagoa Bay, Durban Bast London, Port Elizabeth and Capetown. Through b.llß of la-iia* and tbrouuh passage tickets are issued from Singapore to all coa*t porti in East and South Africa. For passage, freight, time t&blce, or and farther
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 789 6 FRESH MILK! FRESH 1ILK!! SINGAPOREJOpEL_DAIRY. tOWIRAOTOR- TO THK >?", TAKY AND OtVERNMBNT HOSPITALS. 1 1 c Bilk tl pradaccd v; dtr tho most sanitary conditions, tli' m jjj It -iatf meh^awf ai:d imj.!. mtiLt* being UB(d. Price: CO eta. per tapetial pint INSPECTION INVITED. Visitors are welcome from 4 to
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  • 126 7 FIXTURES. Monday, April 13. Hinh Wator. iVil p.m., 11.55 p.m Publi<- Holiday. (n.lf at Ku;iU Lumpur. s. K. A. m .tint;. Tuesday, April 14 High Wator. 1.7 p.m. Ay -i ftaßM K.K., Derrick's, noon. Wednesday, April 15 High Wator, O.:tl a.m., 2.0 p.m. Chaagkat Bortasg Batatas, Evatt's,
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  • 114 7 To-dat. P. Swettenham and Telok Anson Perak 8 pm Malacca and Muar Kaka 8 pm lis't'cylon, Australasia, Mauritius. India, E^ypt ami Eiiropa, etc. Amazone 8 pm P. Swcttenham, Penang. Negapatam, and Madras Tonsta 4 pm To-morrow. Tebing Tinujji and Siak Sri Patna 8 am Pouloc Soegi Aing
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  • 153 7 The next homeward P. and O. picket Arcadia will leave Singapore at 8 a.ii. on Thursday, April 16. The P. and O. outward intermediate steamer Novara is due at Colombo at 6 a.m. on April 16 current, and may be expected here on or about April 24.
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  • 795 7 Latest Arrivals. Austria. Aus. str. 4872 tons. Capt Oonslich, April 12. From Kobe, Mar 84. O.c. ami 217 p. R. Schmidt .v Co. For Trieste, April 14. Kits. Agamemnon, ISrit. str. iiGl tons. Captain llaxcland, April 11 Krori L']«ml. Mar K. O.c, W. Manstield .v Co. For Japan,
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  • 337 7 Arqvais. Per str. Ipoli, April iy.- From T. Anson via ports Messrs. A B. Sywea, M. Robinson. Read, We»by, G. "N. Farraut, J. G. Spade, W. M. Gilhvray, I*. K. J. Smith, .-al/mauu, C. Waller, Morrell, Prichard, Mr. aud Mrs. Webster, Mr. aud Mrs. A. K. Harris.
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  • 275 7 BXCHANOE BiNS*POBa, April 9, 1914. On London Bank 4 m/a 2/4} Demand 2/4^ Private 6 m/s 2•) Bm/» 2/41) On GiKMiXt Bank d/d 2881 Private 8 m/a 342 On Feanob Bank d/d 294 Private 8 m/a 298 On India ...Bank T. T. M 174 Private 80 d/a
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    • 188 7 10 10 Ampang 8.50 1 1 AyerWeng C.50 10 10 Bolat 2.70 3.00 10 10 Knu.. 1.80 10 10 Kampai 10.25 10 10 Kanaboi 1.60 1.65 10 10 Kinta Association 10.00 11 .CO £1 Kinta Tin 1.17.6 2.2.0 £1 £1 Lahat Mine* 6.75 6.16 10 0 Malayan Collieries 6.00
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    • 644 7 I" 1 16 1 Buyers. Sellers. Valued 2/- 2/- AUagai 1/8 2/1 XI £1 Angio-Javfc 84} 4/4 2/- 2/- Anglo Malay 8.8 10/2/- 2/- Batang Maiaka -/1U 1/1 £1 £1 Batn Tiga 2.12.0 2.17.6 norn a/. 2/- Bekoh -/8 /in £1 £1 Bukit Kajang 1.11.9 1.15 3 £1 £1
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    • 113 7 41 £1 B. Smelting Co. 12/- 18/0 £1 Pref. 1.1.0 1.8.0 6/- 6/- Electric T'ways 4/8 4,9 10 10 Fnaer Neave 59.00xd 50 60 Hammer A Co. 97.60 100.03 100 Howarth Erskine 45X0 100 7% Pref. 100.00 100 100 Kate Bro, Del. 125.00 135.00 10 10 Maynard Co. 16.00
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 29 7 The complete list of club fixtures will be loand on page IS. For all Sum-ach troubles. Takr Woods. Or>at lVpjH ruiiLt Cure. At all Btorcx, 80 ccuta a bottle.
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    • 234 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. April 14.— At The Matches Store, Keppel Road, a quantity of unclaimed goods, etc., at 11. April 14. At saleroom, freehold land, etc., at 2 80. April 14.— Ac saleroom, valuable land and houses oituate at Albert Street, at 2.80. April 14. At saleroom, Mortgagee
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    • 137 7 To-Night I To-Niiht tl AT THE HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. Halt's Finest Film CONVICT, No. 113 (4.000 ft. in 3 Reels). A profoundly moving picture, telling how a convict, sentenced to penal servitude, by strange accidents, is eaabled to retnrn and do justice to those he bad wrooged.
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  • 20 8 Zkbndib.— On April 5, at Kuching, Sarawak, James William Zehnder, eldest son of the late Revd. J. L. Zehnder.
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  • 1149 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, APRIL 13. AUSTRALIA IN THE MAKING. The Rev. F. C. Spurr, who has worked for I some years in Australia as a missionary, has been giving his impressions of the country and its people. Naturally, perhaps, he remarks most Btrongly upon the disappearance of the Puritan
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  • 15 8 Edinburgh Academicals, resident in Malaya, dined together on Friday at the Empire Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 22 8 The output from the Tronoh Minos for March is as follows: From mine piculs 2,028, from tributers piculs 121, total piculs 2,149.
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  • 22 8 More of the old sbophouses at tbe Keppel Harbour tramway terminus are being demolished and will be replaced by more modern building.
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  • 30 8 When the submarines AEI and AE2, which have been built at home for the Australian Navy, reach Singapore in tbe course of the next few days they will be overhauled.
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  • 29 8 The Nouss Cathedral, one of the finest specimens of mediieval architecture, in Germany, was greatly damaged by fire on March 11. The tower collapsed but tbe nave was saved.
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  • 29 8 At Hongkong, a European police constable warned a young Chinese street newspaperseller for pestering passers-by, and the latter suddenly threw his slipper in the constable's face and ran away.
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  • 32 8 Anthropologists declare tbat the skeleton of a man found recently in German East Africa is of first-rate importance. It is believed to be 150,000 years old, and it is wonderfully well preserved.
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  • 35 8 As has been already notified, tbe band of the sth Light Intantry the regiment tbat has re placed the 3rd Brahmans will play this afternoon in the Botanical Gardens for the benefit of the children.
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  • 32 8 The Pinang Gazette Press accounts show a profit of a-"M is including $10,206 balance forward from laet year. The directors recommend a dividend of ten per cent, absorbing $6,250 and forward 111,983.
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  • 36 8 The Council of the International Shipping Federation baa asked the constituent associations! of the organisation to consider a proposal to lay up a number of ships in order to improve the position of the freight business.
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  • 33 8 The cable steamer Colonia 'sailed at ten o'clock yesterday morning for Hongkong. She lays the new cable from Singapore to Hongkong and thereby completes tbo whole route from Aden to Hongkong, via Colombo.
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  • 39 8 Vice Admiral O. F. Tydeman has been ordered to tbe Dutch East Indies to assist the Government in coming to an agreement with tbe Dutch East Indian Government on some points relative to the defence of the East Indies.
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  • 44 8 In a report of the Council of the Indian Institute of Science, Dr. Morris Travers notes that Dr. U. E. Watson and Mr. B. O. Paul have been engaged upon research determining the amount of radium in the rocks of the Kolar Oold Fields.
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  • 43 8 Stored at the Tower of London since the ■iisbandment of the force in 1816, the regimental colour of tbe old Bedfordshire Local Militia has been handed over to the Lord Lieutenant, and will for the future hang in the Shire Hall at Bedford.
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  • 37 8 There were large congregations at the special Easter services in all the Singapore places of worship yesterday. As usual, the decorations were in accordance with tbe solemnity of the great church festival and special music was rendered.
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  • 40 8 The Shanghai Dock and Engineering Co., Lid., on March 28, successfully launched from their Pootang Yard a steel, twin-screw steamer, built to the order of the Indo-China Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., for passenger and cargo service on the Upper Yangtsze.
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  • 58 8 A most enjoyable dance was given at tho "oluntoer drill hall on Saturday evening in honour of tbe visit to Singapore of the Mabamedan Football Association representatives. There were quite a number of European officers present, including Capt. Bad bam Thornbill, Staff Officer to the Colonial Forces. Daring the evening
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  • 69 8 Tbe Dutch torpedo-boat destroyers Vos and Panter, respectively under the command of Lieuts. Oreve and Schreuders, have taken on board ammunition and stores at Willemsoord, and were to leave for the Dutch East Indies on March 12. They were dne at Sevilla on March 17, at Catania March 25, at
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  • 105 8 An application from Mr. J. A. Russell to mine nine acres of land situated in Saagei Besi township was considered at the last meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Hoard and, on the suggestion of the chairman, it was resolved to recommend that the application be granted on a ten
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  • 132 8 Mr. H. R. H. Thomas, Captain of B Com pany of the Shanghai Volunteer Corps, committed suicide by blowing bis brains ont with bis rifle on March 28. The deceased was one of the met popular men in Shanghai, prominent as a Volunteer officer, a fine hockey player and an
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  • 454 8 Major H. Barry de Hamol. Chief l'olico Officer, Penang, left by the German mail for Colombo on two weeks' vucation leave. Mr. '.'urea', acts during bis absence. On the P. and O. steamer Sunda, which entered port on Saturday, wero Mrs. W. E. Hooper, wife of tbo
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  • 135 8 From all accounts, heavy rainsvhate fallen over the weekend in the K M.S. and sporting fixtures for the holidays were seriously handicapped and in somo cases were afc&doned. Up to the time of goiDg to press* we had received no particulars of the Straits and F.M.S. Oolf
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  • 175 8 The report of Joteph Travers and Sons, Limited, states that the balance sheet and profit and loss account show that the trading profit of the year to .January HI waft £40,013, and the other receipts £1,165, making, with £614 brought forward, a total of £41,788. After
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  • 248 8 At a recent meeting of the Imperial Council of India, at Delhi, Mr. Monteath asked (A) Will the Government bo pin-, I to state whether they have receive) n memorial address to His Excellency the Viceroy, dated March 29, 1912, from the Calcutta Trades Association praying
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 212 8 MAGNUMS 55 cts. \\h magnums 55 cts. L Ihree Castles *V* Jj per I Cigarettes j per > IN. j| W.D.&HO.WiUs h w^ j^_ \j m- m MM. M. fL^ ml m. OF OUR Great Clearance Sale Owing to the holidays and in order to effect an ABSOLUTE CLEARANCE of
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    • 9 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 11.
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  • 145 9 SPEECH DEFENDING HIS ARMY ACTION. False Stories About Ulster. Rbuteb's Telbobam. London, April 11. Col. Seely, speaking at Draycott, said there had been grave danger of bloodshed in Ireland, through hotheaded persons seizing arms at isolated depots. Hence his moving the troops to Lister, His orders were
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  • 144 9 RISKS TO THE BRITISH MINING INTERESTS. A Thousand Spaniards in Distress Rbl'Teb's Telkoram. London, April 11. Reuter wires from El Paso that as a result of representations by the British Consul regarding the security of British mining property in North West Mexico, General Carranza instructed the rebel chiefs
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  • 108 9 LONDON BUILDERS AND NONUNIONISTS. Ballot of Yorkshire Miners. Rbiteb's Telegram. London, April 11. No settlement of the eleven weeks' building strike in LouJou is yet in sight, Though ■take p.iy is exhausted the men are determined to rusist an agreement entailing work with non unionists. At tlio instance
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  • 120 9 SIR GEORGE REID ON INDUS DUTY. Japan's National Development. Rbctbb'h Telehkam. London, April 12. Sir Georgr Reid has arrived in London from Australia. In the course of an interview ho said Australia had a-loptjd compulsory military training in a splendid spirit of enthusiastic patriotism. The position in the
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  • 27 9 Rictib's Teleobam. London, April 11. 4 Parm tntosage says that in the bockey tuateli, EagUad v. France, the formrr won by 6 to 0.
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  • 80 9 Matrimonial Bureau For Chicago. Rbutbb's Tileqra*. London, April 11. The newly enfranchised women in Illinois are advocating the establishment of a matrimonial bureau at Chicago empowered to check the issue of licenses to marry. The suffragette who smashed the glass cases in the British Museum has been
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  • 63 9 Some Remarkable Aviation Feats. Redteh's Telegram. London, April 11. There were large congregations at the Good Friday services, and religious processions in the streets. The weather was fine. A hundred thousand witnessed football in London. Four airmen looped the loop at Hendon despite a gale. Hamel, at
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  • 59 9 Strange Accident Near Vienna. Rkutbk's Txleosam. London, April 12. A Vienna message says the parachutist Bourhis leaped from Lemonicr's aeroplane at a height of 1,300 feet. His parachute collapsed and he was precipitated to earth and broke both feet and suffered internal injuries. Lemonier's aeroplane lost its.equilibrium
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  • 51 9 Rbutbr's Telegram. London, April 11. A Paris message says the work of tbe intercolonial wireless chain commences forthwith. The principal stations will be at Timbuctoo, Jibutil, Antananarivo, Pondicherry, Saigon, Noumea, Papeete, Marquesas and Martinique. Most of the stations will have a range of two to three thousand
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  • 31 9 Rhutkb's Iblbqrax. London, April 11. In the billiards match at Holborn Hall, Inman made 17,000 to Stevenson's 13,779. This is tbe first time that luuian has beaten Stevenson level.
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  • 73 9 Reiteb's Telkubah. London, April 11. The death of the Dowager- Empress of Japan is officially announced, and mourning for a year is ordered. London, April 12. The King has commanded English court mourning for eight days from the 11th inst., for the Japanese Dowager-Empress. Dm Ostasiatischk Lloyd Telegram.
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  • 36 9 Rkcteb's Tbusgram. London, April 12. A Stockholm message says the King had a quiet night and slept well. The pain has greatly diminished and there is every pros pect of a normal recovery.
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  • 31 9 Rei'tbh's Telsubam. London. April 11. A Frcnohman, who is belitsvid to be demented, has considerably damaged statues in the Siege Salle at Berlin with a knife and a stone.
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  • 36 9 Rbotbb's Tklkobam. Lon 1 m, April 11 The death U announced of Lord Suffield, wbe was 44 years of age. He had been closely connected with the Royal Household for many years.
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  • 37 9 Id ri ik s Thlegkam. London, April 11. The experiment of abolishing ship's police on the new battle-cruiser Queen Mary has been so successful that it will now be extended to the whole navy.
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  • 31 9 DIX t>BTAMATIBI HI LIoYO TeLBUBAX. Berlin, April- 9. The press discusses the regulations for the One of amu by soldiers as an advance with oat concession to democracy.
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  • 355 9 THE POWERS AND THE ALBANIA QUESTION. Eperotes Defeat Albanians. Rectsr's Teleobam. London, April 13. A Berlin message says that a communication from the Triple Entente regarding the form of reply by the Powers to the Greek note, crossed a proposal by the Triple Alliance aiming at a speedy
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  • 178 9 (From Oub Own Cobbbspondbnt.) Penang, April 11. Fine weather favoured the opening of the cricket match, the Colony versus the F.M.S., which commenced this morning. Many visitors were present. The Colony won the toss and elected to bat first. The wicket, which was soft, was rapidly drying.
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  • 65 9 Dbb Ostasutiscbb Lloyd Tklkobam. Berlin, April 10. The Duma has accepted an import duty of 30 kopecks on every pood of grain, peas and beans. The measure is taken- against tier many in view of the straggle over the treaty of commerce. The German agrarian press demands
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  • 90 9 Suggested Conversion to Alliance. Deb Ostasutiscbb Lloyd Telegbam. Berlin, April 11. The Russian pmes favours changing the Triple Entente into an alliance, bat even tbe Temps correspondent in London voices the view that in England there is no inclination towards such an alliance. Later. There is continue! speculation
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  • 438 9 Japanese Planters' Practical Appreciation. The annual report of the committee of Tan Took Seng's Hospital, for the year 1913, is published above the signature of the secretary, Mr. T. \V. Stubbs, who says Regular visits of inspection to the hospital were made by the members of
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  • 403 9 Inauguration of the Intermediate Service. As wired by our Penang correspondent the P. and O. intermediate steamer Sunda, which arrived in Singapore on Saturday and left yesterday, has been sold. The Pinan^ Gazette, of the 9th inst., refers to tho fact in the following terms
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  • 50 9 Following upon the opinions expressed before the Dominions Commission as to the possibility of the Cape route to Australia becoming a serious competitor of the Suez Canal route, a movement has been started to increase the docking Accommodation at Capetown so as to ajjmit of the largest liners vititing there.
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  • 2079 9 INVITATIONS FOR "THE PEOPLES TRUST." From Our Special Correspondent London, March 30. There is really nothing much that is new to say about the position this" week. Money has become distinctly tighter owing to the revenue collections and the outside market has had to go to the Bank
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  • 1751 10 YEARS WORK SHOWS RECORD PROFIT. Affair's in China and India. The sixtieth ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China was held on March 14, at the bank's premises, 88, BishopsKate, E.C., umUr the presidency of Sir Montagu Cornish Turner
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  • 530 10 Curious Episode in the Battle 0 Laon. When infantry on tho march meet a squadron of cavalry," says the Hamburger Nachrichten, they shout out Ueinrich at them. Oar soldiers have not tbe least idea how this name arose, and what it means, but it is rea'ly
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  • 60 10 Ramani Kanta Hoy, the father of Nirmal Kanta Hoy —the accused in the Indian policeinspector murder case who was admitted after two trials, the jadge disagreeing with the verdict who had been ailing in his native village, Dasota, in the Manikguni Sub division, became unconscious on hearing the news of
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  • 746 10 Epidemic of Trachoma Among The Chinese. Mr. J. L. McFall signs the annual report on Christmas Island for tbe year 1913, and writes as follow —The revenue collected locally during 1913 amounted to $4,222.75, and of this sum 93,662.02 was derived from liquor duty. In 1912 the amount
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  • 264 10 The death is announced at the ago of 51 of Mr. George W. Vanderbilt, youngest son of the late Mr. W. H. Vanderbilt, and owner of the famous estate of Biltmore, North Carolina, on tbe French Broad River, consisting of 100,000 acres of mountain land, which
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  • 84 10 On March 28 a painful tragedy occurred in the Hongkew district, Shanghai. Living m a boarding bouse in Boono Road was a young Eurasian, Mr. Thomas Lowe, who for the past five years had been employed on the Shanghai Mercury. A foreigner finding the door locked, broke it in. It
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  • correspondence
    • 305 10 Houses and House- Rents. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l beg to be permitted to draw, through your popular columns, the attention of tbe public .o the practice getting common with house owners in Singapore particularly with that loveable class known as the Arabs. During recent years,
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    • 126 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— On behalf of the residents of Gaylang may I, through the medium of your valuable paper, bring to the immediate notice of the P.M.G. the dire necessity of having a Post Box at the junction of Tanjong Katong and
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  • 414 10 Points Raised in the House Of Representatives. At a meeting of the Budget Committee in the Japanese House of representatives, to consider the bill providing for shipping subsidies, in reply to a question put by Mr. Hamamoto, Mr. Yukawa, Director of the Mercantile -Marine liv eau, stated
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  • 143 10 Rain about the gray sea borders Where the curlews wheel and call Rain about the palm tree warders Bordering the long sea wall Rain about the verdant valleys, In the mangrove and the cane Rain about the cedar alleys, Striding, gliding drifts of rain Rain about
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  • 691 10 Another Explanation cf The Evidence in Asia. Professor J. W. Gregory brings to a close in the current issue of the Geographical Journal his series of articles dealing with the question whether the earth is drying up. His conclusions are here reproduced Owing to the
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  • 339 10 Tbe Methods of Natives in Savage Africa. Probably few people suspect Central Africa of harbouring some of the most wonderful cooks in the world, but tbe fact was announced by Mrs. M. French Sheldon, th.f wellknown traveller and explorer, during tbe course of a lecture on Woman's
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 504 10 Mr. W. Fcnton, the jockey, bas Kocnred a licence as a trainer as well as that of a jeekey. The lioneer's London correspondent aibles that in the final of the Amateur Hacquots Championship Lethain beat Bearlin by four games to three. The Sorbonno University crew have issueed
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    • 104 10 S. R. A. Meeting. The annual meeting of the Singapore Rifle Association was continued on the Ballestier Range last Saturday when the Buff's Cap handicap competition was fired off between some forty members of the Singapore Volunteer Corps. The principal scores were Major W. Makepeace was the range
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    • 277 10 Trader's Adventures Among African Cannibals. How a tribe of Central African cannibals tried to beguile an Englishman travelling through their country to stay with them is one of the many remarkable stories brought to London by Mr. H. W. Martin, who has during the past two
      277 words
  • 24 10 Malacca Rubber Plantations.— 2l2,2oo lbs. Sapong.— l7,Boo lbs. total to date 50,710 lbs. Henrietta. -9.H44 lbs. year to date 38,931 lbs.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 741 11 An Entertaining Story of Rural Life. An ent'itaininK illustration of wh^.t life in rural Kn<;land is like enncs from the South Warwickshire village of Kenny Compton. I M uiisL^kiuK the lusticity uf Kenny C'ompton. Tbo train takes you into the valley where it is hidden away, but
    741 words
  • 206 11 The report of the Lower Perak Rubjbcr Estates, Ltd., covers the year ended December 81, 1918, and states that during the year a fur the i £1,500 of debentures were issued, bringing tin total amount outstanding to I.HOO. The output of dry rubber duviut; the year
    206 words
  • 720 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore April 13, 1914. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of Quotations this morning No* Vallb Bcvkrs. Sellers. 2/- Allagar 1/8 a/2 X 1 Anglo J*»a 8/4* 4/44 1 AnRloJohoie l'B 8/6 2/ Anfilo
    720 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 53 11 Coughing into Consumption Only a ''Cough but you stop |i i| it »lnk it i* ONLY a cough. <' WATERBURYS MCTABOLIZED COD LIVER OIL I j! COMPOUND The tim-t preparation made 111 1 for cor/oating severe coughs. C CKfc.S kuy cough that is only a cough. Very palatable. Or ALL
      53 words
    • 58 11 In recommending W.ods' Great Poppermint Cure eu a reliable medicine lor coughs, chills, dysentery, and windy affections of the stomach, we aro sappoited by the knowledge of its 20 years' record of curative work in Australia, Africa, England, and countless other Divisions of the World. Everywhere proved and accepted as
      58 words
    • 490 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Don't be AFRAID Place your Piano in OUR CARE FOIt Regular Tuning AND Attention. We have been manufacturing Pianos and Organs in the East since 1873, and KNOW how to handle them. S. Moutrie&Go.,Ld. RAFFLES PLACE. POBITION WANTED. Arccr can mechanic (27) seeks position wi'li builders or arclt
      490 words
    • 418 11 D*nK Buchanan's "Royal Household" Whisky as snpplinl rrgnlarly to Royalty. Buchanan's hold the largest stocks of any firm in Scotland. It i« Important t) note that this Whisky is guaranteed to have been maturing, over 12 years in wood, before bottling, and is exactly the same for botb th Home
      418 words
    • 241 11 lICHELIN ILEAGE DUPIRE BROTHERS, AGENTS. RAFFLES HOTEL Special ON SATURDAY, APRIL 18. The Brighton of Singapore. S Tennis. m Tel. 335. ma Billiards ea View Hotel Eleotrlo Light and fans. ANNEXE single a double room, drove Hotel Gmve Bnngniow. excelient cuisine. Victoria Theatre, A GRAND VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT Under the Management
      241 words

  • 2521 12 GOOD YEAR DUE TO FORWARD SALES Rubber Problems Discussed The second annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Nordanal (Jobore) Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on March 18, at the office of the Rubber Growers' Association, :SB. Eastchoap, E.C., Mr. T. Cuthbert son (the chairman of the
    2,521 words
  • 510 12 Unworthy Representative Of Buddhism. Advices from Urga to the Russian Press would seem to foreshadow considerable trouble to the Mongolian Khutukhta, who, having offended the Russian diplomatic representative on New Year's Day, has now obviously been left alone to defend his position as a vassal against China. It
    510 words
  • 340 12 "Cold Light" for Kinematograph Purposes. It may bo remembered how great a sensation was created when Professor Dussaud gave a demonstration last year in Paris cf his system of cold light," bat at that time he expressly stated that he had only thoroughly experimented sufficiently to prove his
    340 words
  • 832 12 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest Lists The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and Chins Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, booking-! may bo provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrargement-B, subsequent to the issuance of this list
    832 words
  • 233 12 Schoolboy Chemist's Piot Of Nitro- Glycerine. A public school has just come safely through the most fateful day in its history. The crisis came during a chemistry lesson of one of the higher classes. It was brought about, says The Mail, by the simple remark of one of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 213 12 SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER 1914 Model. The ONE Perfect Machine Interchangeable Carriage. 10 to 27 Inches. Price: $190. Quarto cr Foolecsp Sizr. STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO., Singapore, SOLE AGENTS. 1 10 8 IN A CLASS BY ITSELF. CO f JULIAN FRANKEL OF 2 ORCHARD ROAD. S2 SELLS THEM. 5 LATEST DESIGNS—
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 314 13 Gandy's Belting FOR THIS CLIMATE Not affected by heat or moisture. A NOTE OF WARNING. T; i-e is but one GANDV Belt. It is not a gereral term for Stitched Cotton Belting, painkd or dyed red. but is a particular Belting maie by this Company, who hold tbe oruiual Letur*
      314 words
    • 629 13 SALES BY AUCTION, AUCTION SALE Of A LARGE COLLECTION OF FLOWERING AND FOLIAGE PLANTS, To be held at No. 4, .Talan Rajah off Baleetier Road, Oh Satdbdat, a pbil is, at 2.30 p.m. Comprising: Stepbanotis, Clematis, Rose Trees, Ground Orchids Farleyenee, Maiden Hair, Lace and Feather Ferns, etc etc. (On
      629 words
    • 642 13 PIANOS H /Jy -V Leading Makers. GRAMOPHONES V v/ OF THE BEST aC* ENGLISH *V^ 4»/ MAKE. J$S <i O tuT/ S OLE AGENTS JgP A?/ WORLD-FAMED /VO^ .^VAUTO- PIANO "^3^^ The Highest Perfection in /^Jfc> PLAYER PIANOS. Organs, Violins, Mandolines, y Banjos, Guitars, Accessories and MUSIC In Great Variety.
      642 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 443 14 SINGAPORE* ONLY COMPANY. m PAIDUP m 0F m EABTUUI tmUL PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE:. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE. Wincheet.r Hou-, S.n*Lpo~. LONDON VMM. 82. Old J.wry. ff.C The Company ha. £20.000 deputed with the Sunn** Cart of England, a.l complies with the Biitiab Life A.««noe Oompanie.
      443 words
    • 323 14 IWORWBE. FEDERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. Established 1863. Direct Government Supervision, Government Audit. Policies are "WORLD WIDE," and Non-Forfeiiable. Large Net Surplua above liabilities for Reserve and all outstanding claims. New Bualneaa, 1918, 0ver.. .59,876,000.00 Cash Loans, Settlements, etc., made looally. Numerous modern schemes. 4. H. EVANS, Manager, South
      323 words
    • 433 14 BANKING. [HE BZE HAI TONS BANKING Mi INSURANCE CO., LTD.. NO. 67 AND 68, KLING STBBT. Established 1907. Capital p«id up. 11,000,000,00 isserve liability of propritors... $1,000,000,00 ieserve Fond •800,000,00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. L,bowCbiaHbnu, Esq. Cubono Qcbb Tia r*N Swi Khi, Esq. Lbb Wei Nam, Esq. Fan Teck Joon, Esq.
      433 words
    • 504 14 BMKINQ. ■EUTWH-ABIATIBCHE BANK. •Kit MS IP 04P1T4L im. Tasl* 7,1t»,0M). floai Cffle-.. Shanghai, Board oJ Directors..... Beriu. BBANCHBSI Berlin, Oaloatta, Hamburg, Cantos, Qanknw. Hongkong, Kobp, P -kinp, Tientsin Teinanfti, TsinKtsu, Yokohama. TH Fni LOWING BANKS ANO BANKERS ARE REPRESENTED ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORB. Bank fuer Handel and Indnstrle, Berliner
      504 words
    • 1264 14 SALES BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. auction sale: At Messrs. Ching Keng Lee Co.'s Sale-room, On Monday, April 20, at 2.30 p.m. Valuable Land and houses Noe. 804, North Bridge Road, 812, Beaoh Road and Nw. 50. 51, o.', and 6P, Clyde Terrace. CHING KENG LEE CO., Auctioneers. Allen ard Olodbill,
      1,264 words

  • 1087 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Should Luggage be Trailed? Of the fact that the proof of the pudding is in the eating I have been forcibly reminded upon reading the discussion which has been carried on of late in The Motor on the subject of the
    1,087 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
      298 words
    • 17 15 For colic and windy spasms. T*ke Woods, Great Peppermint Core. Sold erery where, 90 cents a bottle.
      17 words
    • 258 15 BY APPOINTMENT TO K M KING GEORGE V Swedish Reliability Trials, 1914. SWEDISH WINTER CUP won for the second year in succession by a Minerva car fitted with DUNLOP TYRES AND DETACHABLE WIRE WHEELS. The course was from Stockholm to Qottenburg and back— 7l7 miles. The road conditions were appalling.
      258 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 514 16 FIRE FIRE Where is your CITEX "P The Citex Fire Extinguisher Protects Life and Property. The CITEX Is simple; a pull and it is Free, a Bump and it works. NOTHING TO PERISH No solution to make up, no acid to handle. WATER and a CITEX CARTRIDGE only. Sole Agents
      514 words
    • 408 16 WANTS. RISING TAUGHT, Daily, at Morton's Horse Repository, by European. 64 5-S MANAGER WANTED. Wanted Manager for Middleton Tin Mines, Johore. Apply to SIME DARBY A Co., Ltd., Malacca. 7-4 144 POSITION WANTED. European, energetic, desires position, timber working, 8| years' previous experience. Apply J., c/o Straits Times. 7-4 6-5
      408 words
    • 542 16 TO BE LET OR 8010. TO BE LET. LANGLANDS, No. 113, River Valley Road. Apply No. 8, Malacca Street. 80 1 a FLOOR TO LET. To let, 2nd Floor, No, 8, Malacca Street, Entry March 1, 1914 Apply Meyer Brothers. 81 1 n HOUBES TO LET. No. IS and 16,
      542 words
    • 545 16 BOARD AND LODGING. BOARD «NC RESIDENCE. Rooms to let with or without beard. Terms moderate. Apply A, Wilkie Road. 8-9 a BOARD AND RESIDENCE. With quiet English family, near town. Tennis. Apply Box No. 681, Straits Times. 8-4 1-5 BOARO AND RESIDENCE. Comfortable Rooms available from April 1. Good Locality.
      545 words
    • 356 16 MOTICEB. KUW KIAT ft GO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, Sovuranut and Mualclpal Contractor! 106, 108 A 109, Market Street. Telephone Nos. 431. GUAN KIAT CO., 37. Phillip Street. Suit Chandlers, Governmkkt and Municipal Contractors, General Imfortkks and Exporters and Commission Agents. Telephone No. 1171 1288 (Private 1450) 8-8 n THE KUALA SAWAH RUBBEK
      356 words
    • 469 16 SINGAPORE CUB FIXTURES. Straits Times List. The following fixtures f jr the current week and important forthcorcing fixtures are kindly supplied by the hccretaries of the various clubs. Convenient forms on which to make the will be supplied on application to the Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Cricket Club. Lawn
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 224 16 Straits V)imes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.-Miscellane-ous wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of tl per four lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, tl each insertion. For p.p.c. cards, on page 8, $2. Inch Sc alb Raths are
      224 words