The Straits Times, 7 April 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.458 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. APRIL 7. 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 231 1 pOPfBOfCnr WANTS ITt Most Wonderful Value Ever Offered. Y ar d I p w araas TenniB ts QtomnOfl more ex Pensive fabric. It has a soft firm texture and Rhipt W^stS OldlllpCU handsome Wool finish, which is not equalled in any w nuwW| other wash Flannel. We are showing Eden
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    • 42 1 WAH HENfi CO. PHOTOGRAPHIC STORES DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING AMATEURS' WORK. PUteo, Paperp, Films, Chemical*, Cameras, Lense?, and General Photographic Material 1. Fram on of every variety made to order. NO. 95. NORTH BRID6E ROAD. Opposite Adelphi Hotel. 17 8 81 7
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    • 74 1 FODDER CONTRAGW $2O Pep lVIon t H. COMPRISING: 4 Bags Mixed Food- Bedding Shoeing (as olten as required). Greasing and Setting the wheels of Carriages. H.S. KIRWAN, No. 9, The Arcn.dc. Tel 3SI. 8 11 a SLEDGE MILK IS GENUINE Swiss Milk from cattle grazed on the FAMOUS PASTURES OF
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    • 110 1 CHOICE HOLLAND CIGARS From the well-known Factory of Jose Timchant. 3ELLEZA -A- Fragant smoke with a Good Flavour. Made from sptci.lly selected leaven. $2.50 per Box of 50 Cigars. GOMERCIANTES -^MTVi-jri-lf liTgTM^'Fine in Flavonr with Delicate Aroma H^^^^^^ Exact size of illustration. $2.25 per box of 50 Cigars. CUBA ■9iu4i
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  • 934 2 ROMANCE BEFORE COMMITTEE OF PRIVILEGES. The Shrewsbury Assembly. The Committee for Privileges, consisting of the Earl of Donouglimore, the Lord Chancellor, Earl of Desart, Lords Dunedin, Atkinson, Shaw, Parker, Sheffield, and Sanderson, met at the House of Lords on Tuesday, March 3, to consider the petitions to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 223 2 ||||P^ your Children IJSk against weakness \msi Jj]rfi by giving th<zm iLipAv H 4 k^PPI PP'il jjSfj Cod Liver Oil, with Malt Extract increases their strength, builds V|S/ ft)c} up their growing bodies and gives Vw* them a hardy constitution. It V^Ty* nourishes the brain and the nervous rSA system
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    • 93 2 The Forty Year Test. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. Yon will
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    • 302 2 li THY YOU WILL W I I criip, nutty flavour |V reaioa tor itl immrntt K popularity, but ipart j I y^M from in palitaklriwu H^ K B Krtn(tbtnin| 'ni WM S «4 ioTiforiliai food ia m bcTftafr Inrin, thit ito I 1 Sold b» ill Oien.UU t«d I L^Lw
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    • 702 2 RANEEGUNOE GLAZED STONEWARE. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZES STOCKED. SHARPE, ROSS GO. LD. SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE SPRING RACE MEETING (Under 8.8.A. BuUt of Boeing), WILL BB BBLO ON Tuesday, May S, Thursday, May 7, and Saturday, May 9, 1914. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, May 6, 1914. 1. TBE OPENING
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    • 753 2 Races No. 1, Bor 9 on the First Dry. Entr»nce, »25. Distance. Bcurry Course. THIRD DAY. Saturday, May 9, 1914. I*B. THE STEWARDS' STAKE 3 AND PLATE —Value »500. A Handioap for Pony Ex Griffins tbat have run at the Mooting. Entrance, »26. Distance, Raoe Coarse^ If tbere are more
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  • 1000 3 MAN'S EFFORT TO INCREASE THE SUPPLY. 500 Tons in the Earth's Crust. Radium is the most costly substance that I has ever been sold in commerce. The prices 1 quoted for the different salts range from I i £1,000 to X' 2,000 a grain. For £100,000
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  • 105 3 The statement that the Admiralty is engaged on a series of tests on a new kind of armour plate for Dreadnoughts, consisting of alternate layers of steel and rubber, has apparently been the source of great amuse ment to the nontechnical Press of America. But the New York India Rubber
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 13 3 For all internal oomplaiots. Take Woods Ureat Peppermint Cord SO oenta a bottle.
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    • 557 3 SPOTS ON FACE ITCHIIWEAOFUL Also on Hand. Some Blackheads. Others Opened Like Scurf. Could Not Sleep or Eat. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured in 3 Weeks. 83, Whltelork St., Off North St., Leeds.' EnK. "The spots bervi on my face and on my hands; some of the spots were blackheads
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    • 551 3 SALES BY AUCTION. FOR BALE PRIVATELY A 4-eeater HUPMOBILE, 82 H P 4oylinder with hood, bead and tail 'ampa and Stepney wheel. Has been in use for a year In good running order. Trial run by arrangement. POWELL CO., Auctioneers. »■< 84 AUCTION BALE Of MOTOR CARB, AT MESSRS. WEARNE
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 617 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANG, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EGYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Homeward (for Europt). m a- (Connecting
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    • 556 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service tl maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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    • 792 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang, Bereerah, Kretay, Paka, Tringgann, Bisnt, Semera Bachok, Kelantan, Tabai, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobaamni, Bandon, Langsuen, Taku, Chumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok, Due Departure t c.c. PRACHATI POX April 8 .•.BORIBAT April 8 April 11 a. s. MAHIDOL
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    • 528 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. \v DEUTBGH DAMPFBGHIFF FAHRTS6ES. "HANSA" BREMEN. Combined Service. The steamers of these Companies maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen Antwerp, Rotterdam and Emdea and the Straits, China and Japan. Homnwards, they are despatched fort nightly for Havre and Hamburg and onos a month
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    • 654 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N D. L. NORODEUTSGHER LLOYD. BREMEN. IMPERIAL 6ERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail stoamers this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, L'shon, via Rotterdam. Antwerp, Son.! anip'oa, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (con. neoiing Marreilles, Naplos, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Saia, baei, Aden, Colombo, Penang Singapore Hongkong,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 642 5 TYRES. Hoofiflandt A& G?o* 9 Singapore. STEAMER BAIUMW. AUSTRALIA BY BUMS fHILP LIKE Sisoaporb to Java Powts, Powr Dabwir Til— hi Island, Bkishwk ami Syd*»y, via Torses Straits. Also tattirt? pwooitort and cargo with transhipment for oHirr Victorian, Soi/th Aistkalian and tforrfl Qcmrbslaitd Ports, British Nkw Guisiia, N*w Bbitaiv, Tasmanian
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    • 607 5 NOTICES. I. 4. GOLDBERG, THE WELL KNOWN OPTICIAN OF SOURABAYA, May be consulted at Tbe Uniol Pharmacy, No. 805, North B idge Road, frcm 9 a.m. to 12 neon and 8 pm. to 5 p.m. 18-8 11 4 THE ALOR GAJAH RUBBER ESTATE. LIMITED. DECLArUIION ok INTERIM DIVIDEND AND M
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    • 368 5 NOTICE. NOTICE is lnrcby given, that I. the undersigned, Mr. A. li. A. Raheem, proprietor of Messrs. Ismail and Rabeem, has granted a power of attorney to Mr. A. M. M. Mobamod, to act on my behalf during my absence en leave. Dated at Singapore this Brd day of April,
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    • 642 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION SALE Of VALUABLE WAX-POLISHED TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE IRON SAFE; PLANT*, ETC., Tbe property of C. R Martens, B«q At CLARELANDS, Suez Canal Road, Off Taoglin Rosd, On Saturday, April IS, a»t fl p.m. Beautifully carved wax-polished teak curio cabinet wiih giass doors; wax-polished teak drawing room suite,
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    • 503 5 ROYAL VINOLIA TALCUM POWDER For chafing, rash, prickly heat, and for all hotweather discomforts Royal inolia Talcum Powder is In ilic most convenient of toilet requisites, as well i as betas one of the most cliicacious from the scien tilie point of view owin.u to the fact that it
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 333 6 FOR A HOLIDAY TO AUSTRALIA. by the K. P. If.'* New and Fast steamers TASMAN and HOCTMAN, each 6,000 tons grots 8,000 tons water displacement. ILoe medern mailxitamerß, Fpecially tuilt and dtH^tcJ for tbe Acstralisn tradr and comfortable travdlicg in tbe tropicp, can accommodate 66 fitst-clats and 14 second-class pawn
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    • 369 6 GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CD.. LTD. Portland Cement. In Casks ol 375 lbs. net. Drain Pipes, any shape In Bags of 250 lbs. net. Gutterways Cement Tiles, any pattern. Firebricks, pressed Glased Paving Tiles Paving Bricks Prioea, sample* and roll p»Hioulars will be forwarded on application 10 Agent: W. A. 9TOPAHI,
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  • 160 7 FIXTURES. Tuesday, April 7. High Water, 7.17 a.m., 9.4 p.m. Wednesday. April 8. High Water. H. >4 a.m., 9.82 p.m. Municipal Commission, 2^o. Thursday, April 9. High Water. 9.20 a.m., 9.58 p.m. B. I. homeward mail closes. s I;. A. annual moeting commences. Raffles Girls' School Prize
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  • 227 7 To-day. Bangkok Dovre 8 pm Port Dickson and Port Swettenham Kuala 3 pm Malacca and Muar Lady Weld Bpm Penang and Rangoon Seang Choon Bpm Hongkong, Shanghai and .lapan Torilla 8 pm Batu Paliat Aing Leong Bpm Sourabaya, Bandjermassin, Pulau Laut, Balik l'apan and Cotei B. H.
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  • 217 7 The B. I. contract packet steamer Teesta with mails from London up to the evening of March 20, left Nogapatam at midnight on Saturday, April 4, and may be expected to arrive here on Saturday morning, April 11. Tho Imp. German mail stean'c: Buelow left Colombo at
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  • 49 7 Tun,' balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily a' 1 p.m.. Singapore standard time, corresponding to 6 a.m. OmttmUk moan time. The time gun is fired at 12 o'clock uoon, indicating Singapore htan time, on every day excepting Sunday, when it Ls tired at cne o'clock.
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  • 417 7 Latest Arrivals. Anjon. Brit str. 123 tons, Capt Phillip*, April 6. From Malacca, April 6. G.c. and 24 d.p. A.i 4 Hock Seang. For Malacca, April 7. Rds. Anaiuba. Brit. str. 1159 tons. Captain Railing, April 6. From Brisbane. Mar 12. Nil. A. Petroleum Co. Inc. Rds. Circe,
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  • 112 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day; TANJONG PAGAR. Bast Wharf Basin E. J. Spence, Manila. W. Sictiom No. l...Hokkai Maru, Torilla, Taroba. Shbibs Wharf- Nil. Main W. Sict. No. 3...Heim, Selandia. 8...Ni1. 4...NU. (...Vermont. 6...Ncleas, Circe. Niw Dock 7. ..(Under construction)
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  • 60 7 Arrivals. Per str. Kohsichang, April 7. From Bangkok Mr. and Mrs. Transort, Mr. Schade. Per str. Circe, April 6.— From Deli: Messrs. Jameson, Malcolm and Cbee Pennon. Per str. Selangor, April 7.— From Port Swettenham Messrs. J. Snodgrass, Mcßain and F. B. Wolseley. Per str. Merkus, April
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  • 279 7 EXCMANUE Sinoapou, April 7, 1014 On London Bank 4 d/b 2/4} Demand 2/4 s <, Private 8 m/i w 2/4 j 8 m/a 8/4J4 Oa Gibmany Bank d/d 28e j Private 8 m/i 842 On Franci Bank d/d m 204 Private 9 m/ 8 'j;m Ok India
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    • 177 7 10 10 Ampug B.CO 8.50 1 1 AyorWtng C.50 10 10 Belat 3.65 2.80 10 10 Bruang 1.80 10 10 Kampai 10.2S 10 10 Kanaboi 1.60 1.76 10 10 Kinta Association 10.00 ll.tO £1 £1 KinUTin 1.17.6 2.2.6 £1 Lahat Minw 6.75 6.16 10 6 Malayan Collieries 6.00 £1
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    • 635 7 RUB BER. vX| 86UecB 2/. 2/- Allagai 1/7 2/£1 £1 Anglo-Jan 8/4J 4/4 2/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 9/l« 6/10 2/- 2/- Batang Malaka -,'lO 1/1 £1 41 BatuTiga 2.12.0 2.17.6 norn 2/- 2/- Bekoh -/10 £1 £1 Bakit Kajang 1.11.0 1.15.8 £1 41 Bakit Lintang 2.15.0 8.0.0 norn M 2/- Bnkit
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    • 111 7 £1 £1 B. Smelting Co. 12/- 18,6 £1 £1 TreL 1.1.0 1.8.0 61, 6/- Eloctric T'waye 4/6 10 10 Fnaer k Ne«ve 57.00 60.00 60 60 Hammer Co. 97.60 1C5.0J 100 Howarth Brakine 46.00 100 7%Pref. 100.00 100 100 Katz Bro, Dei. 125.00 l:t."-.00 10 10 Maynard Co, 16.00
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 14 7 For congbo tod chills. Take Wo-.ds' Oreat Prppermint Cure. Sold eTtrjwhtrc, HO cents bottle.
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    • 253 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. April B.— At No. 12, Pekin Street, sto-k-in-trade, etc., at 11. April 14.— At The Matches Store, Keppel Road, a quantity of unclaimed goods, etc., at 11. April 24. At Messrs. Wearne Brothers Oaraye, Orchard Hoad, Motor Car, at 5.16. Chinjc Kenif Lee and Co
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    • 125 7 MAGNUMS 55 cts. nV M T"" s: -rt 55 cts. 'nree Castles per ||s Cigarettes 9 per [I w.d.&'hd wills y FRASER CHALMERS, LTD., Manufacture BUCKET DREDGES FOR TIN OR GOLD. OPEN LINK OR GLOBE CONNECTED TYPES. STEAM, GAS OR ELECTRICALLY OPERATED. A 7 cv. ft. Steam Driven Dredge for
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    • 44 7 POSITIVELY LAST a NIGHTS Tuesday and Wednesday, April 7 and 8, OF FANTOMAS The Third Story 'XHE MYATBRIOUB FINQER PRINT" The Fourth Story "XHE TRAGEDY at the MASKED BALL" AT THE HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. NOKTH BRIDGE ROAD. Telephone No 1116. K. HARIMA Sole Proprietor.
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  • 1133 8 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, APRIL 7. THE PASSING CRISIS. There was a certain appropriateness in the selection of Hyde Park as venue of the great Conservative Demonstration in London. It was a step towards Trafalgar Square, far famed and popular meeting place of all who believe that the times are
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  • 20 8 The Chamber of Deputies at Paris has voted the funds necessary for the maintenance of Napoleon's residence on Saint Helena.
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  • 27 8 The Singapore Automobile Club have bad printed rules for motor car drivers and these can now be obtained free of charge at any of the local garages.
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  • 29 8 The Shipping and the Import and Export offices will be closed on Good Friday and open for one hour, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., on Saturday and Monday.
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  • 29 8 Off the coast of Sicily on .Uarch 14, Mr. Marconi made a successful test of a new wireless telephone. He succeded in transmitting wireless telephone messages between two warships.
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  • 44 8 Special musical items -rill be rendered by Mr. Alex Proctor and others, and by Misses Morris and Cook, at the Easter Service of Song at Prinsep Street Church on Sunday, at 8 p.m. A short address will be given by Mr. H. S. Mackenzie.
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  • 39 8 The Central Engine Works have sold to Sir Edward Brockraan, for delivery in London, a 16 20 h.p. Wolseley motor, with torpedo phaeton body, to accommodate five persons. Tbe car is fitted with self-contained Wolseley type electric lighting equipment.
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  • 40 8 It is notified in a F.M.S. Government Gazette Extraordinary that, with effect from March 111, 1814, tbe officer from time to time officiating as Protestor of Chinese, Selangor and Ne^ri Sembilan, is appointed to be Secretary for Chinese Affairs, F.M.S.
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  • 53 8 The scvonteen year old daughter of a teacher at Chcribon eloped with a pupil of the burger evening school at Sourabaya on the 26th ultimo. The two were found by the police at Djoekjathe nextday. Their principal luggage consisted of a guitar! The young lady was taken back to Cheribon
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  • 59 8 Special revival meetings will be held in the Short Street School to day at 5 30 p.m. and subsequently on Wednesday and Thursday at tbo same hour. Tbe Rev. L. Oechsli aud Mr. J. J. Kovilpillai will preach. Another service will also be held on Good Friday at 10 a.m.
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  • 52 8 The Batavia Nicuwsblad learns from Padang that Sreerumelaar, an ex-employee of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, who was wanted by the authorities at Batavia for alleged fraud, has been arrested whilst en route for Bangkok and taken to Padang where, after a preliminary hearing, he was detained by the officer
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  • 54 8 In the presence of a large gathering of the citizens of N'egapatam, there has been opened a handsome building constructed as an sdjunct to the Municipal Hospital by tbe Hon. Mr. A. K. G. Ahmed Thambi Maracayar, manager of tbe Madura Company, Negapatam, for the use of Mahomedan women attending
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  • 56 8 Before the Society of Arts on March 12, Dr. W. D. Bottomly, Professor of Botany at King's College, London, described a series of wonderful experiments that hoU resulted in tbe production of bacteria impregnated peat, which became a perfect mauure that absorbed the nitrogonous wealth of tbe atmosphere, and gave
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  • 62 8 Two Chinese were arrested early this morning in tbe Orchard Road district on account of their suspicious movements which gave the officers reasons for believing that they were house-breakers. In their possession, when taken into custody, Wi re found a gold watch, a cigarette case and several other articles which
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  • 70 8 Tbe Malay Mail hears that news has been received from home that Mrs. W. Towgood, of Kuala Selangor, was the victim of the jewel robbery on the steamer Prinz Ludwig, reported from Genoa a few weeks back. According to a cablegram to Ceylon a lady passenger (who turns out to
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  • 72 8 The new Acting Chief Justice was on the bench in the Supreme Court this morning to hear his first cases in Singapore. There were two set down for bearing, S. A. Adaikappa Chitty being plaintiff in both, with .1. Carapiet as defendant in the first and J. Carapiet and J.
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  • 62 8 A man named Sidney Charles Clayton alias Lieut. O. Graham Sinclair has been arrested at Shanghai on a cbarge of cheating a Rangoon gentleman. The ac cused had just finished a term of several months' imprisonment in the British gaol in Shanghai for misdemeanours committed at Tientsin. Mr. Strickland allowed
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  • 77 8 The tenth annual report of the Association of St. Anthony do Padua at Singapore, on the administration of the fund of St. Anthony's Bread for the year 1913, has been issued. The balance at the end of the year was t4,874'56. As compared with the pre vfous year, there was
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  • 80 8 A Brussels telegram says that at a Court ball on March 13 the King, noticing in the gathering a woman wearing an extremely decollete slit skirt, whispered something to the Court Marshal. The latter thereupon ottered his arm to the woman and led her from tbe room, at the same
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  • 77 8 The new public school at Shanghai is practically completed and will shortly be occupied. It provides accommodation for 250 boys and is a spacious building designed on tbe most up-to-date lines with ample well lighted class rooms and is exceptionally well-fa.-oure'i in the matter of facilities for recreation. The headmaster
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  • 89 8 The Dutch cruiser Koningin Kegentes which went agroand 13 miles off Tandjong Priok was refloated at 11 30 on tho night of tie 27 tli ultimo, being tugged off by the lliti'/ Hendrik, the Javaand the Kdi The vessel does not appear to have sustained any daraago but after rushipping
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  • 416 8 Tho King- Emperor's birthday will ba cele brated in India on Monday, June 22. Mr. H. L. Mulling, of the Chartered Bank, Penang, is leaving shortly for Rangoon on transfer. Dr. Spooncr Hart, tbe well-known Veterinary Surgeon, died at Calcutta on March 27 of cholera, at the
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  • 153 8 Buyer or Seller Alert 11. in the Financier Stock Exchange Gossip column has the following A very wicked story has been going the rounds of Mincing Lane anent a certain well known rubber broker. The gentleman concerned was found about noon apparently in some distress. Ho explained to sympathisers that
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  • 183 8 Referring to the last commission of H.M.S. Hampshire, which lately went home from China, a service paper observes -Tho relieved crew of tbe Hampshire, who arrived home a few days ayo in the Guropa, are to receive an extra week's leave in recognition of their service at
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  • 204 8 Australia, with its wide range of climate, soil and scenery, possesses an equally extensive range of wealthy natural resources, autl it wonld seem that these have nut all yet been handled. At a meeting of the Cooktown (Queensland) Chamber of otuuierco recently, it was unaniuiouxly resolved That
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 196 8 AsU for bC^^L -C^XV^ SCHIEDAM GIN. Sole Agents! CALDBECK,MACGREGOR&CO., Wholesale and Retail Wine and Spirit Merchants. jJolm JLii/trfcle's j I THE TALK OF THE TOWN. I TWO WKEK3 ONCE A YEAR ONLY. I ELECTRIC LIGHTING If you have a moment to spare whilst passing along Battery Road, kindly step In
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    • 168 8 POSITIVELY THE LABT NIGHT MAX UNDER LONGEST AND BEST COMEDY MAX AND HIS RIVAL IN 8 PARTS A DELIGHTFUL HOUR IN sinv. Pathe's Animated Gazette, (186 th Edition New Number). TILL DEATH US DO PART (IN 2 REKLS) An admirably coloured Pathe Ki'm depicting a Beautiful Romantic Story amid Beautiful
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    • 11 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on pago 5 and 11.
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  • 803 9 SECOND READING OF HOME RULE BILL. The Limits of Liberal Concession. RUTERS TILEORAX. London, April 6. In the House of Commons, Mr. Redmond resuming the Home Rule debate dwelt on the great criticalncss of the controversy. The time had gone for mere party manoeuvres. It was useless
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  • 173 9 NUMBERING THE AVAILABLE FORCES. Mobilisation Not Authorised. Rbi-ter's Teleoram. London, April 6. A Durazzo message says that in consequence of the political situation in south Albania the government has ordered a list of the forces available for the eventual formation of militia. A proclamation is posted throughout
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  • 54 9 Seventy-Eight Charges of Fraud London, April 8. The broker Fenner, who transacted tho Liberal party's financial business and fled to France, has been extradited and appears at the Mansion House to-day. Fenner appeared at the Mansion II ..i-e police court under the Lirceny Act. Altcgethur there are
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  • 38 9 Riitkr's Tklkokam. London, April 7. Mrs. Patrick Campbell was married yesterday afternoon at a registry office to George Cornwallis West, who was divorced by his wife, l.i'ly Randolph Churchill, the decree being made absolute yesterday.
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  • 41 9 Km i k .ii Telegram. London, April 6. A bomb exploded at midnight iv St. Mar tin's Church, Trafalgar Square, two stained glass windows and a pew being shattered. The outrage is supposed to be the work of suffragettes.
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  • 29 9 Dkb Ostasiatischm Lloyd Teleobam. Berlin, April 0. The Paris press discusses H.rth s Hying feat and remarks that his success proves the progress of Germany in aviation.
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  • 65 9 (From Oik Own Correspondent Loudoo, April 4. Suugei Kruit pays 1-j p?r cent., puts to reserve £2,000, and carries forward £4,500. Sungei K iri pays an interim dividend of 5 per per cent. Mr. Samuel Heilbut has died. Ho was a partner of 1 1.-ilbut and Symons,
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  • 43 9 The annual prize giving at Raffles Girls School will take place ou Thursday, April v, at 10 o'clock. Mr. Wilkinson has kindly consented to give away the prizes. All those who are interested in the pupils are invited to attend.
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  • 1146 9 THE AVER PANAS AND RADELLA ESTATES. Issue of Further Capital. Messrs. Bean and Llewellyn sign the fourth yearly report of the directors of the Ayer Panas Rubber Estate, which states The directors have pleasure in submitting their report and statement of accounts for the year ended January 81,
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  • 744 9 Continued Expansion of Company's Business The annual general meeting of Fraser and Neave, Limited, was hold yesterday at the registered offices of the company, Tbo Arcade. The chairman, Mr. W. H. Macgregor, presided, and those present were Messrs. A. Diehn, K. Bramall, A. Hood Begg, directors.
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  • 267 9 Colonia Completes Section To Singapore. The Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company's Steamer Colooia (800 tons gross) has arrm<l from Penang %nd was tl is morning lying >.1Y Posir Panjang. Her vi.-it is of considerable interest, heralding, as it does, the completion of the task of laying the cable
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  • 1798 9 THE GOVERNMENT OFFER TO ULSTER. From Our Special Correspondent. London, Marcb 13. As I endeavoured to indicate in my last letter the worst fears of either party in regard to the Ulster question have not been realised the north-east corner of Ireland is not yet in the
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  • 68 9 Quotations Current Yesterday. The following message has been received in Singapore, dated London, April 6 Plantation Para first latex crepe on spot 2/7| Para to arrive 3/Market firm. The Bast Asiatic Company favour u-t with the following report The market in .London yesterday waa quietly steady. The
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 92 9 Mr. W. A. Wheelers, the member of a Leioes ter firm, who was sentenced to four yearn' peual servitude in Japan last April, and sub st-qm-ntly was allowed to leave the country, arnvid in England on March 9, oo board the Borneo. He was met at the Albert Docks, London,
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    • 49 9 Messrs. Barlow and Co. inform us that tbeir London office wiring under date of the 6th inst., with reference to the London rubber market, advise that the demand for the commodity is good at higher prices. Smoked sheet is quoted at 2 7 with standard crepe at 2 7j.
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  • 1820 10 TERRIBLE RAILWAY ACCIDENT NEAR BATAVIA. Buffalo Upsets Passenger Train. (Fbom A Cokrkspondrnt.) Weltevreden, April 4. Never in tho history of these islands has railway accident been attended with snch fatal results a» those which followed an occurrence on the morniDg of Thursday, the 2nd inst on the
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  • 257 10 New Serendah.— 7,B27 lbs. United Malacca— 5,700 lbs. Anglo-Malay— 88,794 lbs. Pataling.-- 30,351 Itw. London Asiatic. 71,141 lbs. Golden H0pe.— 10,023 lbti. Selaba 86,909 lbs. Bikam.— lB,B97 lbs. Sungkai Chumor.— 23,loo lbs. Seaport.— lB,62s lbs. Rubber Estates of J0h0re.— 41,660 lbs. Kuala Kubu.- 5,100 lbs. Ribu.- 9,618
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  • 2128 10 Mr. J. C. G. Spooner and Miss Beryl Carey. The following report has been supplied to us I Numerous friends and relatives gathered in the beautiful old church of St. Margaret's, I Westminster, on Tuesday, February 8, for the marriage of Miss Beryl Airnee Carey, eldest
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  • 182 10 Swiss Inquiry Into Book-makers' Business. The Caneva authorities have opened an inquiry through the police department concerning the English bookmakers who have established themselves in the town, and whose numbers are increasing. According to the local newspapers, the British Consul has asked for the suppression 1
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  • Correspondence.
    • 584 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, It seems to me that your numerous correspondents on the subject of the Ulster Problem lose sight of the fact that tho root of the whole evil is simply a lack of a sense of duty and responsibility amongst
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    • 608 10 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Your logical analysis, as given in the recent leaders, of the many phases of the present crisis have been keenly followed by all who are interested in the Irish question. It is a matter of no little pride that the Colony should
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    • 64 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Please allow me a fow lines to thank St. George for his apology, to congratulate him on dropping the Dragon and to regret that I can't withdraw the accusation of Limohousing." Granted it was probably in a moment of euthusiasm and excitement
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  • 355 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l am not in the habit of writing letters to the papers, but with regard to the closing of the above bridge I feel filled with lighteous indignation. For tibe 'not eight months, to my knowledge, the bridge
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  • 460 10 European Fined For Excessive. Driving. Yesterday in the first court, before the senior magistrate, Mr. Stanley 11. L. Woods, veterinary surgeon, was called upon to answer a charge of driving his motor car in Orchard Road, on the night of March 8, recklessly or negligently or at
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  • 33 10 The management of the Harima Hall cinematograph wishes to remind the public that the third and fourth aeries of the detective drama, Fantomas, will positively be shown only two more nights.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 45 10 The action brought by Mr. F. K. Wolseley against the United Malaya Rubber Co., Ltd., which was down for hearing on the 22nd mat., has been settled out of court by the defendants paying Mr. Wofreley an agreed amount by way of damages and costs.
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    • 38 10 There have been crowded houses lately at tin: Gaiety Picture Palace whero tho film The Black Chancellor is screened. It is a sensational picture, and is followed by a police drama in two long reels and other subjects.
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  • 730 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, April 7, 1914. Mi --ri. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning No* Vall-i Bcyrbs. Sillers. 2/- Allagar 1/6 2/1 E 1 Anglo- Java 8/44 4/4 J 1 Auk'o Johoie 1/8
    730 words
  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 51 11 The Malay athletic sports will be held on the Malaya Football Association ground, on Saturday, the 11th inst., commencing at "2 p.m. Xlt rrcni's in tlio «rmi final ronnd of the English Cup played on March 2Hth were:— Liverpool 2, Aston Villa 0; Sheffield Cnittd 0, Hurnlev
      51 words
    • 60 11 Singapore (iolf Club. 'lln- \piii lii'li.s spoon competition was play'il lot "ii Monday and r< suited in a win for .M.s. Kinlayson, who returned a net score of 17. Sevcu cards were taken out and the following wero returned: Mrs. Kinlayson 52 5 47 Mis. Lornie 50 2 4H
      60 words
    • 97 11 Tantflin Club. The competition for the March tnedal on Tanglin alleys resulted as follows: 11. I. Phillips 619 100 719 A K. T.JM« 564 121) 6W4 J. Wadikll 595 90 675 l>. McLcod Iraik 602 7H HI A. H. Brcreton 427 Ml 667 11. Knrstiu 449 180 629 The
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    • 187 11 Inter-School League Final. ltalllcs and St. Joseph's Institution teams luct in the- final for the Haigh Shield competition, yesterday afternoon, on the S.R.C. ground. The ground was slippery and the ball heavy. Kach team had four points and the game was consequently vi:y keen. At the 1 beginning, St.
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    • 239 11 The S.C.C. Championship. Whm and Klienmann meet to-day iv tlir A riaptai handicap and to morrow in the final of the mh<;li-k championship. The remaining two ties in the A singles will be played ucxt week. Mrs. li. J. Wilkinson will give away the prizes won in the
      239 words
  • 38 11 lv tin- German Consular Court at Shanghai, Peter Bchrcns, head collector in the Shanghai (iis Company, was sentence! to two months' imprisonment on a charge of ciubi hHh dining l'.U'and 101:*, »l,0»0, tha monies of his imployi is.
    38 words
  • 125 11 It has Ucn ascertained tlnit Mrs. Edith Eliza Ames Lyilc wlionp death occurred suddenly on boar] the (ierman mail steamer Yi'nk at Shanghai last month, was a sister-in-law of Major Oswald Henry Ames of the Srcund Life (iuards (now retired), who held the record of being the tallest man in
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 32 11 The Man Who Qet« There fa ta» Mt wtM haa Mail wl rfca Ni MMiMMflMtrfU-toUaMj. MTiMnm HTUOUOI MUVQH OOMfWMi ■*llfl- J n'-'-fi aaaH^tag, itosagtb rrjloaich' j« M"--f OP all OHiMirr* mnA
      32 words
    • 47 11 The bigger that you see tbe emoke, The less tbe fire will be, And the smallest kind of possum, Climbs the biggest kind ot tree Though other things oontrarily go, Yet this I can assure, To kill the biggest cough or cold, Take Woods' Great Peppermint Cute.
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    • 299 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMBNTg. MOUTRIE'S 1914 MODEL PIANOS ABE THE Last Word m Tropically Built Instruments. We will glad'y show you our arrivals. CAUL AT ONCE RAFFLES PLACE. POSITION WANTED. Earoprbo, fnorgeMc, de°irr s position, tim bor working, 84 yam' previous experience. Apply J., c/o Slraits Time 1 7-4 65 VICTORIA
      299 words
    • 552 11 Drm* Buchanan's "Royal Household" Whisky >s Fiirpliid r<gularly to Royalty. BucLauau'a hold the largess blocks of any firm ie Scotland. It is Important t•> note that this V I 'sky is guaranteed to have been maturing, over 12 jeers in wood, be'ore bottling, and is exactly fie sime for both
      552 words
    • 313 11 Smoked Everywhere by No. 1. Equestrians. B (nearly) Everybody. I PLAYER'S I I NAVY I I MIXTURE I K "THE MIXTURE CF MATCHLESS MERIT." RAFTLESHOTEL Special ON SATURDAY, APRIL 11. STAMFORD HOUSE. Brat Basah Roed. Private Hotel. UNDER ENTIRELY NEW MANAGEMENT. Centrally Situated. FORTY COMFORTABLE ROOMS. Bloctrio LifcU. and Call
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  • 1580 12 WORK OF EGYH EXPLORATION FUND. An Unsuspected Building Professor E. Naville writes to The Times as follows:— The excavations of the Egypt Exploration Fund made at Abydos in the so called Osireion, under the direction of the present writer, assisted by Professor T. Whittemorc, of Boston,
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  • 450 12 Clever Inmates of Royal Normal College It was visitors' day at the Royal Normal College and Academy of Music for the Blind, Upper Norwood, and these who were shown over the extensive buildings quickly found it difficult to believe that the happy people who ran up and
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  • 271 12 Severity of Press Censorship In Russia. The Yearbook just published by the Rech gives some interesting data concerning what it describes as Press Repressions during the year just closed, says The Standard's St. Petersburg correspondent. The record is brought down to November 20 (old style). In the eleven
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  • 638 12 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest Lists. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and Chin* Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list
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  • 588 12 P. and 0. Company, Per P. and O. Malta, sailiog April B.— Mr. D. M. Cram, Mr. R. O. Wood, Mr. J. H. Sidgwick, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Wolseley Reams and two Misses Kearns, Mrs., Miss and Master English, Mrs. Rcndle, Mr. B. Canliffe, Mr. \V. J. Smith Miss
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  • 811 12 Private History of the Court Of Peking. la the Express, Charles Lowe writing of Messrs. C. Backhouse and J. O. P. Bland s Annals and Memoirs of the Court of Peking, says: Dr. Johnson is somewhere reported by Boa well to have remaiked that London opinion
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  • 92 12 The other evening I heard in the smoking room of a well-known club a discussion on those minor social observances, the neglect of which is suppose 1 to damn a man. The usual things were mentioned brown boots with a top bat, a white tie with a dinner
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  • 17 12 The literary boarder fixed his eye on the hash. Kindly pass the Review of Reviews," he said.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 26 12 At the Library.— I>e conic to change thin book for mother." And what kind of a book would you like now One about this size, please."
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 186 13 Our Beer is known under these names: DGCK S Beer KeyBeer Kunchi its excellent quality makes tjGGF it the most suitable for the I Tropics. Agents: Dljllllj If lfj I Eitf LIMITED. THORNYCROFT The World's Best Kerosene Motors FOR MARINE STATIONARY PURPOSES. Made in 7J, 15. 30, 47, 70, 100
      186 words
    • 528 13 STEAMER SAILINGS. OOMBINEO •■RVICI Of* THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD.. A THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8 N. CO.. LTD. MTWIH Fivmantla (Perth), North Auatrmllen Porte, rfnve and Singapore. Regular Fortnightly sailings betweit Singapore and Western Australia, calling a' Java (as inducement offers), Derby, King'i Sound (Port for the Kimborley Gold
      528 words
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 454 14 Singapore 8 only company. largest paid-up capital of any eastern compani PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE:. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE i Wincheat.r Houta, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE i 82, Old Jawry, EC. Th« Company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Ccurt ol Bnglaad. an! complies with the BiMkh
      454 words
    • 324 14 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. ESTABLISHBD 1882. Direct Government Supervision, Government Audit. Polities are "WORLD WIDE," and Non-Forfcitable. Large Net Surplua above liabilities for Reserve and all outstanding claims. New Buaineaa, 1812, 0ver... •8,900,000.00 Cash Loans, Settlements, etc., made locally. Numerous modern scheme*. J. H. EVANS, Manager, South
      324 words
    • 441 14 BANKIM. THE BZE HAI TON 6 BANKIN6 AND INBURANCE CO., LTD., NO. 67 AND 68, KLING STEET. ESTASLISBKD 1907. CapiUl paid up. 11,000,000,00 Reserve liability of propritors... 11,000,000,00 Reserve Fond •300,000,00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Lsow CbuHbho, Esq. Cbbono Qcbb Tiam, Esq Tan Swi Khi, Esq. Lbb Wik Nam, Eeq.. Tan
      441 words
    • 476 14 BANKIM. BFUTBCH IBIITIBCHE BHK. flUf MM M aaMTtl. (la. lasli T,IM,tM}. Real Cmc?... Shanghai, Board of Director".. ...Bcr'if. BBANCHBBI »"rlla, CalenMa, Hambnrp, Canton, Hankow, Gtongkong, Kobe P kinp, Tientsin, Tsiaanfn, Tains tan, Yokohama. TH FOLLOWING BANKS AND BANKERS ARE REPRESENTED ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Bank tver Handel and Indnnrrlt,
      476 words
    • 1084 14 INSURANCE. HESITATION is very infectious an regards the acquisition of L-fe Assurance. Hundreds of wives ate left unprovided for on a -count of their befitation to either Function or encourage their husbands' application for As6uranoc. Only when death removes the latter and tLey are face to face with grim necessity
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  • 803 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Gentlemen Chauffeurs. Writing on the rise of a new profession for younger sons, a correspondent in the Daily News says "Oh I what a sad thing He was brought up to expect a fortune, is trained for nothiuf, and now is
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  • 144 15 The following press communique has been issued at Calcutta In recent years much progress has been made in applying biochemical tests to the origin of bloodstains and these have found to be of great value in medico legal practice for some time. Lieut. Col. Sutherland, 1. M.5., has
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  • 32 15 When you walk down the aisle to the altar the music is at the back of you, but as soon as you are married you must turn round and face the music.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 50 15 Bowel Complaint in Children. During the Bummer months children are subject to disorders of the bowels and should receive the most careful attention. As soon as any unnatural looseners of the bowels is noticed Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be given. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 148 15 I FIRST at OLYIVJPIA I I FIRST at MANCHESTER I H At the Commercial Motor Exhibition held in y\ I 1913 at Olympia, 34% of all Solid Tyres I fitted to vehicles were CONTINENTALS. if I AT MANCHESTER EXHIBITION I I 55% of all Solid Tyres fitted were M I
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 469 16 LARGE French 8TO K8ofT1LE8 and RIDGES ALWAYS PATENT on Roofing *P Tiles Ventilators AND Finials Tile Crestings RIDGES. WANTS. AGENT WANTED. Wanted, by a very respectable Insnranoe Company, of Calcutta, a Chief Agent for Straits Settlements, with Head Quarters at Singapore. Terms moat liberal for a really qnalinid man. Apply
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    • 428 16 WANTS. RIDING lAU6HT, Daily, at Morton's Horse Repository, by European. 64 5-6 DUTCH LEBBONB WANTEO. Wanted, Lessons in Dutch. Apply in writing to A. B. C, c/o Straits Times. 14 7-4 SHORTHAND TYPIBT WANTED. Wanted, first-class Typist and Shorthand Clerk. Appiy, stating full particulars as to experience and salary required,
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    • 532 16 TO BE LET OfLSOLO. TO BE LET. LANGLANDS, No. 112, River TaUey Road. Apply No. 8, Malacca Street. 80 1 n FLOOR TO LET. To let, 2nd Floor, No. 8, Malacca Street, Entry Marcii 1, 1914 Apply Meyer Brothers. 811 n TO LET. Furnished or unfurnished. Rose-cottage Monnt Blizabeib. Apply
      532 words
    • 518 16 BOARD AND LODGING. SILVEH Mill 107, ORCHARD MHO. English home. Vacancy married oonp'e, also single room. Tel. 628. 9 1 8-4 BOARD ANO RESIDENCE. Rooms to let with or without board. Terms mode-rate. Apply A, Wilkie Road. 8-9 a BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Wih quiet English family, near town. Tennis. Apply
      518 words
    • 486 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT 4 CO. SHIP. CHANDLERS, ■stari— l aid Municipal Contractor!. 106, 106 109, Market Street. Telephone Nob. 421. GUAN KIAT CO. 37. Phillip Street. Ship-chandlers, Government and Municipal Contractors, Gbnbral Ijihih runs and EXPOBTBRS ANP COMMISSION AOKNTS. Telephone No. 1171 1288 (Private 1450) 8 8 ii SYE HENG
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    • 486 16 SINGAPORE CLCB FIXTURES Straits Tines List The following fixture" f jr tbe current week and important forthoou. ing fixtures are kindly inj/plitxl by the secretaries of the various olubs. Convenient forms on which to make tho returns will be uupplied on application to the Manager, Straits Times Singapore Cricket Club.
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 222 16 Straits "(Dimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Miscellaneous wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of (1 per font lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not oxceeding four lines, II each insertion. For p.p.c. cards, on page 8, t2. Inch Scalb lUtks are as
      222 words