The Straits Times, 6 April 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.457 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. APRIL 6. 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 237 1 JEVEWBOWWAHTSn Most Wonderful Value Ever Offered. (gjp/ J \J- L (clothe AN IDEAL r We sell Eden Cloth at 20 cts. JeiKliS ShiliS, II 'Bil LLLLUBBiJ per y C M but it looks like a much QtomnOfJ more expensive fabric. It has a soft firm texture and Qhint WaKfc OldllipCU
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    • 33 1 FODDER CONTRACTS $2O Per Month. COMPRISING: 4 Bags Mixed Food Bedding Shoeing ias often as required). Greasing and Setting the wheels of Carriages. H.S. KIRWAN, No. a, Time Arcade. Tel 261. 811 a
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    • 151 1 CHOICE HOLLAND CIGARS From the well-known Factory of Jose Timchanl. RF| I F7A A Fragant smoke with a Good Flavour. from BpteUlly selected leave*. $2.50 per Box of 50 Cigars. COMERCIANTES i^^llll n;'il|| 1, II V f^^ Fine in Flavour with De'icate Aroma. a^^^^^^^ Exact size of illustration. $2.25 per
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    • 9 1 GOODRICH TYRES. Sole A.bnts: j AOAMSON, GI'.FILLAN CO., LTD.
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  • 910 2 FEATURES OF THE RECENT M.C.C. TOUR. An Unqualified Success. As already stated England won the fljnl Teat Match of the M.C.C. South African tqn» by ten wickets, the position being that the English team won four oat of the five matches played, the remaining one having been
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  • 104 2 To a young man the thought of death is intolerable. When he is a schoolboy he probably almost persuades himself that he is immortal. At thirty he confesses to himself that be is not immortal, but his horror of the thought of death and his resentment
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  • 621 2 Punch's famous aphorism "Is life worth livingf It depends on the liver" applies with greater force to Europeans -resident in the tropics than moat people, for they suffer considerably from that cause. There is, however, no reason for this, or for people not being as
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 276 2 Neuralgia. Nervous Breakdown NURSE HALL, c/o Mrs. Bassett, Commercial Place, Landport, Portsmouth, Eng., writes: "I was suffering from nervous breakdown with Internal Neuralgia, when I began a course of Phosferine. After having tAcn it for three or four months, I felt better than 1 had done for two years previously,
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    • 50 2 Bowel Complaint in Children. Daring the summir morflhs children are ■abject to disorders of the V>w«ls and should receive the most careful attention. Aa soon as any unnatural loostqess of the bowels is noticed Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be given. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealedfc*
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    • 254 2 London Buying Agents C We off.r ynu our aervim a» buvinr iirenta fnr British or Co m .1 siKMfc. Facablishvd in Ik .4. but thoroughly up-to-date, our succe.B in attained by inakiiiff FiM "Vert 'buyer's"".*! ?>i? »t*'fu! with greatest care every class of goods, requirements hems riirhtly *upplied .1 KEYMLR,
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    • 156 2 "'Hazeline' Snow* (Trmit Mark) FOR THE SKIN AND COMPLEXION the Natural If VHM The pleasing improvement effected on tired skins and sunburnt complexions by the first application of '"HAZELINE' SNOW" will "prove infinitely more convincing than volumes of argument. Obtain a pot to-day and see for yourself. Sold at all
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  • 1067 3 WOUNDED MAN CHARGED BY RHINOS. Carried 500 Miles on a Stretcher. Details reached London recently of «biiv cident on the Anglo- Abyssinian frontier that will rank high in the annals of heroism and pluck displayed in the discharge of duty at an isolated outpost of Empire. Last summer,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 16 3 For oolio and windy SDaams. Take Woods, Oreat Peppermint CurJf Sold everywhere, 80 oents a bottle.
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    • 396 3 After Illness After the racking effects of fever, dysentery, cholera, colic or bowel complaints, every part of the body needs strengthening. It i? not enough merely to take tonics or artificial stimulant?, for onfy by building-up every part of the body can health be regained. SCOTT'S Emulsion is a pure
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    • 841 3 gTEJUIER SAILINGS. AUSTRIAIVT LLOYD UNDER MAIL *S* WITH THE AUSTRIAN CONTRACT yJL^ GOVERNMENT New Monthly Fast Line, Trieste-Shanghai From and to Trieste and Venioe, calling at Port Said Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penanß, Singapove, Hongkong and Shanghai. OUTWARD. BOMBWARD. Doe to arrive on or about Dae to sail on or about
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 616 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. p. a? o. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PHNANQ, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, BQTPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental anfl American Port*. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Homeward (for Europe). Fr,m Singapore.
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    • 554 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained betwefen Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japaneoe Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all the
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    • 714 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pabang, Berserah, Kretay, Paka, Tringganu, Bisut, Semera Bachok, Kelantan, Tabai, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Singe a, Lacon, Kcbsamui, Bandon, Langsuen, Taku, Chumpon, Kohiak and Bangkok. Ous Departure t s.s. PRACHATIPOK April 6 April 8 s.s. BORIBAT April 8 April 11
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    • 69 4 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. UMITED. APCAR LINE. FOR HONQKONO, KOBB AND MOJI. The Company's steamer DILWAKA 6,878t0n5, G. N. Rimage, H.N.B .Commander, will be despatched for the above porte, on Saturday, lltb April, at 4 p m. j She has excellent accommodation for Ist and 2ndclaes passengers. For rates
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    • 527 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. OEUTBGH OAMPFSCHIFF FAHRTSGES. HANSA BREMEN. Combined Service. Tho steamers of the so Companies maintain a regular service betnucn Hamburg, Bremen 'j Antworp, Rotterdam and Bmdon and the I Straits, Chiua and Japan. Homnwardu, they are despatched fort I, nightly for Havre and Hamburg and
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    • 653 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. j N D. L. NORDDEUTBGHER LLOYD. BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamer* this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, I Hamburg, L-'sbon, via Rotterdam. Antwerp, Sontl amp'on, Gibraltar, Oenoa, Naples (ranneoting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Saia, Sues. Aden, Colombo, I Penang
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 658 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. AUSTRALIA by BURNS PHILP LINE Sinoapobb to Java Poits, Post Dabwin Tul-kspat bun, IiKisBANK and Sydney, via Tories Stbaits. Also taking pa°fengert< and cargo with transhienmnt for other Victorian, Soith Aisti;alian and North Queensland Pouts, British Nkw Guinka, New Britain, Tasmanun and Nkw Zkalanu Ports. Smooth Passage Superb
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    • 645 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE. HONGKONG TO BUROPB Vu China. Japan, Canada and thi Dnitbd tatu. Hmpresa of Russia I j Quadruple screw. Empress of A-ia [A i 18,860 tons grons. Bmpress of In iiu I Twin screw Bmpreps of Japan l I 6,000 tons
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    • 664 5 CHUBB'S SAFES LARGE SELECTION ON SHOW AT Huttenbach Bros. Co., 13, COLLYER QUAY. NOTICES. PAJAM LIMITED. DECLARATION Off INTERIM DIVIDEND AND NOTUE OF CLOSING OF TRANSFER BOOKS. NOTICE is hereby given, tbat a first interim dividend of 5",, has been declared by the Directors ou account of the year ending
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    • 396 5 NOTICES. I. J. GOLDBERG, THE WELL-KNOWN OPTICIAN OF BOURABAYA, May be consulted at Tbe United Pharmicy, No. 805, North Bridge Road, frcm 9 a.m. to 12 neon and 8 p.m. to 5 p.m. 18-8 11-4 THE ALOR GAJAH RUBBER ESTATE. LIMITED. DECLARATION ok INTERIM DIVIDEND AND N JTICB OF CLOSING
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    • 463 5 J WHY DO MILLIONS of housewives use, Sunlight Soap? Have you ever tried to ascertain? A piece of Sunlight Soap -$i A%> uset M1 >' our next wash jLu vjScS W 'U explain to you the reason. You will find that '•'j^SJy Sunlight Soap used in the wash saves your
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    • 259 5 BREMER STUHLROHR-FABRIK G.M.B.H. (BREMEN CHAIRCANE MFG. CO., LTD.) Mr. W. Fruohiing has been authorised to sign per procuration acd will represent the firm during Mr. C. Zimmerminn'a absence. Bremib StublrourFabrik Gmbh. C. ZIMMERMANN. ■»4 B^4 CHINESE CLERK WANTED. Wanted, a smart Chineto Clerk with experience of Ribbor Factory Work, for
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 605 6 Something Good fox* the Smoker. "ALHAMBRA CIGARS" Only B^st Grades. Z PATT A R A High Street. YNOCH'S HIGH-CLASS EXPLOSIVES FOR Dislodging Tree Stumps AND General Blasting Operations BOLE AGENTS: McAlister Co., Ltd. ChsJ.Gaupp&Co. 33, RAFFLES PLACE:. NEW CONSIGNMENTS OF CLOCKS. ENGLISH DIAL CLOCKS. WESTMINSTER CHIMING CLOCKS, REGULATOR and WALL
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  • 166 7 FIXTURES. Monday, April 6. High Water, 5.33 p.m., 8.31 p.m. N. D. L. lmmewanl mail due. Monthly Miss. Mooting, Prinsep Street Church, 8.16 p.m. Tuesday, April 7. High Water, 7.17 a.m., 9.4 p.m. Wednesday, April 8. High Water, 8. 14 a.m., 9.32 p.m. Thursday, April 9. High
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  • 176 7 To-DAT. Tebing Tinggi, Bengkalis and Bagan Mcran 8 pm P. Swetteuham and Telok Anson Perak 8 pm Malacca and Muar Kaka 8 pm Sambas, Paman^katand Pontianak B. Fo Soon 4pm Rhio Emelie 4 pm To-morrow. |S*Penang, Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt and via Naples for Europe, etc.
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  • 211 7 The Imp. German mail steamer P. E. Friedrich left Manila at 6 p.m. on Thursday, April i. and may be expected to arrive here at 6 p.m. to day. She xrtll most probably bo despatched for Europe, at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, April 7. The next homeward
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  • 806 7 Latest Arrivals. Dnfferin, R. I. M. S. 8984 tons. Com. Balfour, April :>' Calcutta, Mar 80. Troops Senior Naval Officer. For Calcutta, April 8. W. Amherst, Brit. str. 135 tons, Cant Scott, April 4. From Kclantan, April 1. G.c. and 0 d.p. Heng .100 Seng. For Kelantan, Inc.
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  • 117 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day: TANJONO PAOAR. Bast Wharf Basin E. J. Spence, Manila. W. Section No. l...Hokkai Mara, Torilla, Taroba. Shims Whabt Nil. Main W. Sict. No. 2...M. Treub. Solandia. B...Sanuki Maru. UK 6 ..Kuala. 6. ..Ne1i us, Paroo,
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  • 274 7 EXCKANOB SnroAPORi, Ai'Rir. 6, 1914. On LoNDoa Bank 4 m/e m 2 -i Demand 8/4 A Private 6 m/s 2;4 a m/B w 2/4H Oil Obrmawi Bank d/d 88(4 I Private 8 m/s 842 On Frakob Bank d/d m 294 Private 8 m/s 298 I On Iwdia
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    • 190 7 $3£l aMm 10 10 Ampang 8.15 8.76 1 1 Aver Wang C.60 10 10 Holat 2.65 3.80 10 10 Rruanß 1.80 10 10 Kampai 10.25 10 10 Kanaboi 1.60 1.75 10 10 KinU Association 10.00 11. £0 £1 £1 KintaTin 1.17.6 2.2.6 £1 £1 Lahit Mine* 6.75 6.16 10
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    • 639 7 £1 £1 Srn.Uyin IP/8 1.1.0 £1 £1 Sereicban 18/9 16,9 £1 £1 Sholiord 1.6.0 1.12 6 oom £1 £1 Sialang 2.4 3 27 3 2/- 2/- Singapore Pan 1,5 1 8 2/- 2/- Singapore United 1,3 16 2/- 2/- Straits (Ucrtam) 31| 8 8 2/- 2/- Sumatra Para 0
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    • 122 7 VaTuel ""W"* BMmh 41 £1 B. Smelting Co. 12/- 18/6 41 £1 Pref. 1.1.0 1.8.0 6/- 6/- Electric T'ways 4/6 6/--10 10 Fraser k Neave 67.00 60.00 60 60 Hammer A Co. 97.E0 1C5.0D 100 Howarth Krakine 46.C0 100 a 7% Pref. 100.00 100 100 Kat« Bro, Del 12.J.00
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 17 7 For all Stomac'.i troubles. Take Woods. Groat Peppermint Cure. At all Stores, SO ants a b >ulc.
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    • 113 7 AUCTION SALES Powell And Co. April 7. At saleroom, land and house property, situate at Albert Street and Prinsep Street, at 2.80. April a— At No. 12, Pckin Street, stock intrade, etc., at 11. Chins: Ken? Lee anl Co. April 7. At saleroom, unredeemed pledge^, at 10. A Parent's Duty.
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    • 91 7 TO- NIGHT! (8-10-11-30) TO-NIGHT!! another F-A.NTO3VEA.S SEMAL The Third Story: "THE MYSTERIOUS FINGER PRINT" The Fourth Story "THE TRAGEDY at the MASKED BALLLENGTH 15,000 ft. Along with OAUHONT GRAPHIC, No. 10. AT THE HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. NORTH BBIDOE KUaD. TUB THIRD STORY depicts further dating exploits of one of the
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  • 1086 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, APRIL 6. THE MOTOR CAR. Unquestionably the motor car has come to stay. It does not require the memory of an oldest inhabitant to recall the time when a solitary car was one of the local cariosities, but dow there are probably at least a thousand
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  • 12 8 The March output of the Titi Tin Com pany is 773.52 piculs.
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  • 13 8 The output of the Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Limited, during March was 500 piculs.
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  • 24 8 For the- first time for eleven years, the Bank of England has increased its dividend to ten per cent., the stockholder paying the income-tax.
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  • 23 8 John Starchfield has been- committed for trial on a charge of having murdered his seven-years old son in a railway carriage atNorth London.
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  • 35 8 The Rev. L. Oechslis' address to-night at Prinsep Street Church, 8.15, will deal with a subject of great interest— the student*' movement of the world, of which Dr. J. li. Mott is the moving spirit.
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  • 11 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 5 and 11.
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  • 42 8 Messrs. Harrisons and Crosneld advise us that they have received a cable from the secretaries of Sungei Kari (Sumatra) Hubbcr Estate, Ltd., stating that an intt-rim dividend of 5 per cent, on the ordinary shares has been declared payable on April 16.
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  • 44 8 The new Guildhall at Westminster wad found so cold and draughty the other day that the chairman of the Middlesex Sessions, Mr. Montagu Sharpe, ordered his officers to bring in "the public" and till the empty gallery in the hope of warming the place.
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  • 47 8 Tho report of Messrs. Vickers mentions the rapid expansion of business and the enlargement of various plants to meet the increased calibre of guns and greater rapidity of construction. The dividend for the year is 12.J per cent. It is proposed to increase the capital by £1,100,000.
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  • 50 8 The return of the trade of Swansea Harbour for the year 1913 shows that the total trade of the port for that year with the Straits Settlements, China, and Japan amounted to 106,240 tons, against 84,356 tons in 1812. The imports from tho countries mentioned only amounted to 1,266 tons.
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  • 70 8 There is a plan to isolate all the lepers (about 275) on the Island of Lombok and to put them into a leper asylum at Sepolong in Bait Lojnbok, says the Java Bode. The asylum will be in charge of the Salvation Army. A similar institution will be established in
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  • 71 8 A company of about sixty friends entertained Mr. D. T. Boyd at a farewell dinner in the Singapore Club on Saturday night in anticipation of Mr. Boyd's impending retiral. The Hon. R. J. Wilkinson, C.M.G., the Governor's Deputy, presided and, after dinner, delighted t!"> company with a characteristically pleasant speech
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  • 66 8 The Manchester correspondent of the Financial Times states that another synthetic rubber undertaking had just been started at Handforth. The directors include Mr. T. H. Roberts, who is the chairman of the Wood Milne Rubber Heel Company. The promoters claim for the new process the ability to manufacture synthetic rubber
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  • 85 8 Among a number of motor-car cases before the Senior Magistrate today is a charge against Mr. S. H. L. Woods of driving his car recklessly in Orchard Road on the night of March 3. The case is proceeding. A similar charge against Dr. ran Rijn is fixed for bearing next
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  • 79 8 A disastrous fire occurred at ."landalay at 2 a.m. on March 26, which at one time threatened to imperil the civil hospitals and civil lines. Nearly one hundred houses were burnt down. Most of them were occupied by well-to-do Burrnana, 1,500 of whom are homeless. One ghl is thought to
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  • 146 8 The Sourabaya Courant states that Mr. J. Kooij, an assistant of the Branggah Bauaran rubber estate, near Wlingi (Java), has dis covered a process for restoring tacky rubber to its normal condition. He communicated his discovery to Dr. Wiirth, director of the experimental station at Malang, and received from the
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  • 163 8 The R.t.M.S. Dufferin, with Commander A. S. Balfour in command, arrived in port yesterday from Calcutta with the sth Light Infantry, which is to relieve'the 3rd Brabmans. Altogether there were 82 officers aud 809 N.C.O.'s and men of the regiment on board, together with five N.C.O.'s and men of the
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  • 180 8 The Java Government are now considering a scheme for the laying out of salt pans in the Island of Madnra, Hays the Sourabaya Courant. The salt harvest at Soemenep, chief town of Madura, in 1918, was so abundant that the supply is sufficient for the making of briquettes to last
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  • 411 8 Tho death is reported in Edinburgh, on the sth inst., of Mrs. Rogers, the wife of Mr. T. H. T. Rogers, of the Kuala Lumpur Bar. The Rajah Muda of Sarawak arrived from home by the P. and O. mail on Saturday. Mr. E. C. Ellis was
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  • 44 8 We continue to receive letters by every mail inviting as to buy tickets in various racing and other lotteries conducted on the continent. Most of these concerns arc mere swindles, and we counsel anyone who gets similar letters to ignore them.
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  • 64 8 As there appears to be some m isunderstanding with regard to the chairman's remarks re the unplanted area, made at the lost General Meeting of Glenealy Plantations, Limited, we arc asked to insert the folkTwing statement AcrCF, Planted as at date of last general meeting 707
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  • 161 8 The death occurred with tragic suddenness yesterday evening of Mr. W. J. Turubull, who was managing editor of the now defunct Weekly Sun and later of The Star, a weekly paper which succeeded The Sun. He expired suddenly in his room in a
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  • 236 8 The Dutch cruiser Koninyin RcgMtM stranded near the Island of Dapocr, thirteen miles from Tanrijuiix I'iiuk, ou the night of March 24. The vesKcl left TaDdjong Priok at H p.m. for target practice, and not too near the island on which the target bad been placed.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 213 8 MAGNUMS iij JL g 55 cts. T L c magnums 55 cts. Three Castles >A,, per I Cigarettes I pep TIN. f pjil|;ii TlN ill W.D.&HO WiIIs I J^ WORLD-RENOWNED WATCHES 8 Are the BEST. V j£& j WARRANTED TIMEKEEPERS .jW LONDON MAKE. *0r Gold Bracelet WatcLos ficm £8 Bs.,
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    • 153 8 A DELIGHTFUL HOUR MAX UNDER LON6EST AND BEST COMEDY MAX AND HIS RIVAL IN 8 PARTS ANOTHER HOUR WEL'. SPENT IN SI.KISi. Pathe 1 Animated lazatte. ilstUi Edition New Number). AND TILL DEATH US DO PART (IN 2 REELSi An admirably coloured Patbe Film depicting a Beautiful Romantic Story amid
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  • 2140 9 Mr. Asquith Speaks In East Fife. GREAT UNIONIST MEETING IN HYDE PARK. Sir Edward Carson and the Union Jack. Rioter's Telegram. London, March 4. In fine sunshiny weather Mr. Asqaith opened his by election campaign at Ladybank, East Fifo. Tbe meeting in the village assembly room was
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  • 139 9 Deb Ostasiatisihb Lloyd Telegram Berlin, April 4. Tbe Russian Chancellor of the Exchequer is considering the introduction of a tobacco monopoly in 1918. The physician in ordinary to the Pope has contradicted unfavourable reports as to the state of health of his Holiness. The Russian Minister of War
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  • 402 9 HARROWING TALE OF THE SEAL HUNTERS. Terrible Suffering in a Blizzard. Rklteks Telegram. London, April S. A St. John's message says the Bellaventure has arrived with 60 survivors and 69 dead of the Newfoundland's crew aboard. Survivors informed Router that Tuesday morning opened fair and the barometer did
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  • 155 9 RISING OF KURDS PUT DOWN BY TURKS. Albania Mobilizing Army. Der Ostasiatische Lloyd Trlboba*. Berlin, April 4, After three hours' fighting, the Koritz* bands have surrendered. Albania is appealing to tbe Powers against Greek action, pointing out that Greek officers have joined in the fighting. A rising of
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  • 67 9 Reoter's Teleoeam. London, April 5. A Berlin message says two editors have been sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment in a fortress for libelling the Crown Prince. The libel consisted of a letter supposed to be written by a sentimental schoolgirl of high birth on tbe occasion
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  • 41 9 Kkctkk'h Telegram. London, April 4. A Perth message says it is reported that flacks have destroyed the Drysdale River mission and murdered tw» fathers, six lay brethren and a number of halfcasteß. The police arc investigating tbe matter.
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  • 93 9 QUESTION DEBATED IN FRENCH CHAMBER Politicians and Judiciary. Reutbb's Telegram. London, April 4. The French Chamber has had a protracted debate on the report of the Rochette com mission, and unanimously adopted a resolution condemning the interference of the financiers in politics and of the executive power with
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  • 66 9 Rectbr's Telegram. London, April 5. In the soccer match Scotland v. England, at Glasgow, tbe former won by 3 goals to 1. Tho weather was dull and the ground soft, About 150,000 were present. The game started sensationally, the Scotsman, Thomson, scoring. Play was very keen and
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  • 70 9 Der Ostasiatische Lloyd Telegram. Berlin, April 4. The North-German Gazette controverts a letter addressed uy the Emperor Wilhelm to the Lindgraefin of Hessia on her conversion to the Roman Catholic religion which is said to have contained utterances inimical to the Catholic church. Press statements on the
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  • 40 9 Deb Ostasiatische Lloyd Telbobam. Berlin, April 4. The German aviator Hirth has flown from Gotha to Marseilles in eleven hoars, thus beating the Frenchman, Briod°jonc's, performance by one hoar. Tbe French papers emphasize the advantages of German motors.
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  • 485 9 Bar Welcome Mr. Bucknill To Singapore. There was a large gathering of solicitors and barristers in the Supreme Court this morning to welcome the new acting Chief Justice, the Hon. John A. S. Bucknill, K.C., on his first appearance on tbe Bench in Singapore. His Lordship
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  • 42 9 The Rev. Alfred Stephen Hewlett, brother of Mr. Maurice Hewlett (the well-known novelist), has decided to go to Kumamoto, on the west coast of tbe island of Kiu Sio, Japan, to spend the remainder of bis life on the leper station thoro.
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  • 1904 9 FINE MATCHES UNDER RUGBY CODE. Tbe Billiards Championship. (Bt Ock Special Correspondent.) London, March 13. Tho general opinion is now that Tho Tptrarch's leg troubles are of a very serious character, and the Derby market has consequeatly opened out to tho extent of 5 to 1 being offered
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  • 47 10 Quotations Current on Saturday. The Bast Asiatic Coinpauy favour us with the following report The oiarkul m London on Saturday was quiet. The dosing price* Were Hard tin* 1 an. Spot 2 11} Forward ;i tint latex crepe, dtiivery text tnrco niuutha '2 8|
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  • 372 10 Popular Rumour and Official Facts. Nowhere more than in tho Bast, says the Times of Malaya, of the 3rd inst., are happenings liable to be distorted by popular imagination into something sinister and portentous, and for that reason the responsible newspaperman has to exercise even more than
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  • 531 10 Great Russian's Fear for The Future. Count Witte, tho well-known Russian statesman-financier, whose work very largely enabled his country to bear the strain of the war with Japan, tho general strike troubles, and the revolutionary outbreaks, recenily made a striking statement on the European situation
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  • 89 10 A Penang wire of the 3rd instant says the cholera epidemic in Kedah does not abate. Seven frctih cases are reported from North Kedah and one from South Kedah. There has been a fatal case on the Province side of Kuala Muda. A case of suspected cholera
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  • 43 10 Betty, the young daughter cf Lieutenant Colonel John Humphery, senior sheriff of London, cut the 1101 b. cake at the Guildhall, on March 7, at the young people's party in celebration of the 110 th birthday of the British and Foreign Bible Society.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 87 10 The meeting of the Perak Tart Club at Taiping advertised for April 11 and 13 has been cancelled. The Penang representatives for the Kuala Lumpur Golf Championship meeting will probably br Messrs. Crabb Watt, C. C. Rogers, Dr. Fitzgerald and Mr. Beath. The bill appropriating Pesos 5,000
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    • 118 10 Singapore Golf Club. The April medal competition, bogey play, took place on Saturday and yesterday, and was won by Mr. C. E. Winter who gave the Colonel two strokes and defeated him by two np. The sweep on Saturday was won by Mr. Valon and yesterday by Mr. Dyne.
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    • 183 10 S.C.C. Tournament. Tbo S.C.C. Tournament match between The Etceteras and the Merchants on Saturday, ended in a draw. The following were tho scores: Etceteras. Dr. Scharengrivel lbw b Griffith-Jones... 69 Lieut. Black c Oliver b Hodgins 14 Capt. Hughes c Oliver b Hodgins 1 W. E. Rayner b Oliver
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    • 574 10 SC.F.A. League The Straits United met the Straits Evergreen on the Raffles reclamation on Saturday afternoon in the S.C.F.A. League. The match was interesting from start to finish. In the first half, the Uniteds scored two goals, their right inner, Ah Pek, being responsible for the score. The United
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  • 371 10 Decree Nisi in an Undefended Suit. In the Divorce Court, before Mr. Justice aßrgravc Deane, says a London paper, the petition was heard on March 9, of Fanny Mills, whose maiden name was Kixson, for a divorce from her husband, Charles Bcresford Mills, on the ground of
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  • 254 10 Arrivals. Por str. Prachatipok, April 6. From Bangkok Mr. and Mis. Anthony, Messrs. M. Day and Goh Chieng Mia. Per str. Lady Wold, April 6. From Muar Mr. K. Watson. Per str. Ipob, April From T. Anson via ports Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Camp, Miss Lane,
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  • 160 10 Another new bucket dredging company for tin has been registered in Sydney. Australia, called Larut Tin Dredging, Ltd. The property is situated at Kota in the Taiping district, and the company so far is a one dredge proposition with a capital of £50,000 to pay dividends
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  • 37 10 The following were the outputs of Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging for March .oars. No. 1 M 8 2 Ml „8 288 4 667 5 606 168 286 288 765 407 Total*. 2,4 M 1,803
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  • 1352 10 THE NEW SOUTH WALES RAILWAY SMASH. 14 Persons Killed: Many Injured The wont accident that has ever been recorded in the snnals of the New South Wales railway occurred at Exeter, on the main southern line, just before midnight on March 13, when the Temora mail, heavily loaded
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  • 601 10 Considerable Reduction in Cost Of Production. Mr. C. Everitt, chairman of the Board of Directors, signs the annual report of the Changkat Serdang Estates, Ltd., which is to be presented to shareholders at the meeting on the 15th inst. It is as follows Your directors beg to
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  • 169 10 The report of the Standard life Assurance Company, Limited, states that the amount of assurances proposed during the year (4,711 proposals) was £8,108,416; the amount of assurances accepted, for which 4,015 policies wire issued, was £2,399,015. Of this amount there was re-assured with other offices the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 456 11 £6,000.000 Improvements in The Older Canal. Although no MMM ai;u than January 1 tbe Sue/. Canal Company announced that the depth of the waterway had been increased by oi; L loui, to Mat* it il uuJe:t>tood, says Tho Evening Standard, that the canal authorities BMM already improvements
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  • 709 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, April 6, 1911. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokors, issue tLe following list of quotations this morning Nom tmm Bcticrs. Sillers. 2/- Allagar 1/0 2/1 1 Anglo Ja»a 8/4* 4/4* 1 Auflo-Inhoic lii 8/6 2/ Anglo Malay
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  • 203 11 Launch of the Teutonian At Sunderland. A steamship of uncommon interest hes been launched at Sunderland. She is to be employed in the transportation of oil, and the boilers are fitted for burning oil fuel. At the launching ceremony the vessel was named the Teutonian by
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  • 132 11 Merlimau.— 4B,427 lbs. Kuala Nal 4,958 lbs. Bruaft Perak.— l,B9o lbs. liernam Pcrak.-8,243 lbs. Cicely.- 19,922 lbs. Lower Terak -4,400 lbs. Ratanui 1 1.163 lbs. Tr01ak.— 13.772 lbs. Glenealy.— 7,4l4 lbs. Ayi-r Tawah. -9,7(10 lbs. Inch Kenneth. 16,760 lbs. ton months ■MM lbs. (ili-ushiul.— l3,4oo lbs.; throe
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 39 11 The Man Who Qets There bMauvlNbu UoU wmk raak Hi ttMd a»4 r*~* of l»-to hit k*dy. IITVMTI IKTABOUZH KG UVQ m COMPOWN fciMMmil tail a It- jN'b*. br»ii ■•wUkteg, atMMfffe replratahipf bl'wi OP ALL OMMMIST*. *i.«» wad urn.
      39 words
    • 49 11 Pains in the stomach are awful unpleasant, you never know what they portend Oet a good medicine in Woods' Great Peppermint Core, and you will find early relief from the taking of a dose or two. It ii sold by Dispensaries and stores everywhere at 80 cents a bottle.
      49 words
    • 263 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. The Store FOR Gramophones [Records ■Music asp Mu3ical Instruments IS UNDOUBTEDLY MOUTRIES Call on us at once and don't waste time wandering round other Houses. RAFFLES PLACE. W CO TO iO> W.J.GARCU, f^^ Orchard Rd. woo $700. VICTORIA THEATRE. Thursday, April 16 AND Saturday, April 18, at 9
      263 words
    • 649 11 ownk Buchanan's "Royal Household" Whisky is mppliid regularly to Royalty. BucUaLao'a huid Ihe largest btoolts of any firm io Sootland. It i« Important to nota that this Whisky is guaranteed to have txen i ataring, over 1 i yt srg in wrod, bs'ore tottliog, and IB exac Ij tbe B»me
      649 words
    • 370 11 lICHELIN ILEAGE DUPIRE BROTHERS, AGENTS. £^7 UFFLESHOTEL Special ON SATURDAY, APRIL 11. The Brighton of Singapore. S Tennis. m Tel. 336. m m Billiard* ea View Hotje'l ■le ctrlo Light and Fans. anmsu: single double rooms. Grove Hotel Grove Bungalow, excelient cuisine. P GRAND CHANGE OF PROGRAMME V Monday, April
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  • 1277 12 COLLAPSE OF ACTION AGAINST A BARONESS. Judge and Improper Use of Letters Mr. .lusticc Pickford and a special jury on Tuesday, March 3, commenced the hearing of an action in which Hugh Douglas llamil- 1 ion Dalrymple sued the Baroness Hilda von Goetz for £1,001 2s. 6d. for
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  • 340 12 I Why Rich Young Men Marry Chorus Girls. The principle on which wives are selected was discussed by Mr. M. W. Keatinge, reader in education in the University of Oxford, at a meeting of the Eugenics Education Society held in the Grafton Galleries. He said he considered that
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  • 297 12 Disappearance of Quaint London Specimens. The London County Council has issued a return of the licenses of public houses which are in the course of extinction. Many of the names are peculiar. The Freetrader is to disappear from Woolwich and the Cobden Tavern from Kensington. The Comical Fellows
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  • 148 12 Sing a song of microbes, Dainty little things, Ears and eyes an 1 horns and tails, Claws and fangs at.d stings. Microbes in the carpet, Microbes in the wall, Microbes in the vestibule, Microbes in the hall. Microbes on my money, Microbes in my hair,
    148 words
  • 1233 12 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest Lists. The following passenger bookings to t'-ie Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list
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  • 925 12 Work at The Imperial Bureau Of Entomology. Very quietly and very uuostentaticnsly the Imperial Entomological liureau, which was started a few years ago under the auspices of the Colonal Office, is now effectively grappling with the various problems caused by insects all over the Empire. Ail his
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 84 12 Not a few wealthy Americans teach in the Sanday school, among them Mr. Wanatnaker, who owns one of the biggest stores in America. One day, aftiy Mr. Wanamaker had explained the lesson to the children, he said And now, is tUere any question that any little boy or girl would
      84 words
    • 215 12 SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER 1914 Model. The ONE Perfect Machine Interchangeable Carriage. 10 to 27 inches. Price: $190. Quarto M Fooiec&p Mm, STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO., Singapore, SOLE AGENTS. 21-2 a 19 8 IN A CLASS BY ITSELF. 2 JULIAN FRANKEL OF ORCHARD ROAD. SELLS THEM. 5 LATENT DESIGN O—JUST0 JUST
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 215 13 lllS^^^Sj THORNYCROFT The World's Best Kerosene Motors FOR MARINE STATIONARY PURPOSES. Made io 7\ 15, 30, 47, 70, 100 150, B.H.P. Sets, Built to Lloyds Survey Board of Trade Roles. Specially Designed lor I As Supplied to Commercial Pleasure K y!T4l--df > Vriß The Admiralty. Craft. iT ixikMll f" War
      215 words
    • 400 13 STEAMER SAILINGS. oombiniq mmmnom or THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD.. ft THE WEBT AUSTRALIA* 8 N. CO.. LTD. Will Fr.mantla iParth i, North «fac» Australian Pert., Java ■nd Singapore. Regnlat Fortnightly sailings betwuet ■<iu«»pcre and Western Australia, eallinf; at Java (as indaoement offers), Derby, King's 3cund (Port tor the
      400 words
    • 84 13 PIANOS BT^ THI X& v^ Leading Makers. V As? GRAMOPHONES /s^ OF THE BEST »f^^K *Q ENGLISH 'V^' 4>y MAKE. jSS AGENTS /^?sj -«Ak s FOR THK jSS) as/ world-famed //vJv .^i^/AUTO- PIANO 4? The HlghPSt Perfection in C> PLAYER PIANOS. Organs, Violins, Mandolines, Banjos, Guitars, Accessories and MUSIC in
      84 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 448 14 SINGAPORE S ONLY COMPANY. LARGEST PAID-UP CAPITAL OF ANY EASTERN COMPANY. PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE:. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE i Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICB i S3, Old Jewry, E.C Tbe Company has £30.000 deposited with tbe Supreme Overt of England, sol complies with tbe British
      448 words
    • 320 14 MBBBJUICE. FEDERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. Established 1882. Direct Government Supervision, Government Audit. Polioies are "WORLD WIDE," and Non-Forfeitable. Large Net Surplus above liabilities for Reserve and all outstanding claims. New Business, 1912, over... 18,000,000.00 Cash Loans, Settlements, etc., made locally. Numerous modern schemes. J. H. EVANS, Manager, South
      320 words
    • 440 14 BAMKIM. THE BZE HAI TONS BANKING AND INBURANCE CO.. LTD.. NO. 67 AND 68, KLING STBET. Established 1907. Capital paid up 11,000,000,00 Reserve liability of propritors... •1,000,000,00 Reserve Fund 1800,000,00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Lbow Chia Himo, Bsq. Chiono Qcbb Tiak, Bsq. Tan Swi Khi, Esq. Lbb Wbb Nam, Esq. Tarn
      440 words
    • 515 14 QEUTSGH-ABIATIBCHE BAM. pjui nm ip Mmu. laali 7,IM,Mt). 8«ll 0ff100..... ..5hanghai, Board of Directors.. ...BerUn. BBANCHBSi ■arils, Calcutta, Bambnnr, Canto*, Hankow, Hongkong, Kobe, P kinsr, Tientsin, Tsinanta. Tmgtan, Yokohama. TH FOLLOWING BANKS AND BANKERS ARE REPRESENTED ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Bank fuer Handel uad LsdosMe. Berliser Handels-GeselUcbaft. 8. Bleiohroeder.
      515 words
    • 1141 14 SALES BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. AUCTION SALE At Messrs. Ching Keng Lee Co.'s Sale-room, O» Monday, April 20, cat 2.30 p.m. .T* 111^!! h^ *S. d hornet Nob. 804, North Bridge Road, 812, Beach Road and Not. 61, 57, and 68, Clyde Terraoe. CHING KENG LEE CO., Auctioneers. Allen and
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  • 979 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Roles of the Road. Mr. R. L. Parker writes in the China Press as follows Coartesy on the part of owners and drivers of motor cars will do more than all the laws on oar statute books to eliminate the disagreeable
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 93 15 The Forty Year Test. An article mast have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has grown in favor aud popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. You will
      93 words
    • 302 15 W«FWINTWE»TTO H. M. KING 6EORGE V. Swedish Reliability Trials, 1914. SWEDISH WINTER CUP won for the second year in succession by a Minerva car fitted with DUNLOP TYRES AND DETACHABLE WIRE WHEELS. The course was from Stockholm to Gottenburg and back— 7l7 miles. The road conditions were appalling. Only twelve
      302 words
    • 21 15 BIOGITIN THE MOST EFFICACIOUS NERVE TONIO. Obtainable at all Chemists or from the Sole Agents MEDICAL HALL, Ltd., AND IKS BRANCHES.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 482 16 FIRE FIRE Where is your "CITEX" P The Citex Fire Extinguisher Protects Life and Property. The CITEX Is simple; a pull and it is Free, a Bump and it works. NOTHING TO PERISH No solution to make up, no acid to handle. WATER and a CITEX CARTRIDGE only. Sole Agents
      482 words
    • 431 16 WANTS. DUTCH LESSONS WANTED. Wanted, Lessons in Dutch. Apply in writing to A, B. C, c/o Straits Times. 14 7-4 SHORTHAND TYPIST WANTED. Wanted, first-class Typist and Shorthand Clerk. Apply, stating full particulars as to experience and salary required, to Lex, c/o Straits Times. 2-4 84 OFFICE FURNITURE WANTED. Second-hand
      431 words
    • 1069 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. BOARD AND LODGING.' TO BE LET. LANGL'NDS, No. 112, River Valley Road. Apply No. 8, Malacca Street. 801 v FLOOR TO LET. To let, 2nd Floor, No. 8, Malacca Street, Entry March 1, 1914. Apply Meyer Brothers. 81-1 a I TO LET. Fnrnißhed or unfurnisbed.
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    • 433 16 NOTICES. GUAN KIAT ft CO., 37. Phillip Street. Ship-Chandlbrs, Govbrmment and Municipal Contractors, Gbkbral Importers and exportbrs and commission agents. Telephone No. 1174 1288 (Private 1450) 88 n I KIAM KIAT CO. SHIP CHANDLERS, Bovtrnment and Municipal Contractor! 106, 108 k 109, Market Street. Telephone Nor. 421. RADELLA RUBBER ESTATE.
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    • 476 16 SINGAPORE CLIB FIXTURES. Straits Times List. The following fixtures for tbe current week and important forthcoming fixtures are kindly supplied by tho secretaries of tho various blubs. Convenient forms on which to make tho returns will be snpphed on application to I the Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Cricket Club. Lawn
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 223 16 Straits V)imes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Miscellaneous wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of 91 per tout lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, II each insertion. For p.p.c. cards, on page 8, #2. Inch Si alm Ratbs are
      223 words