The Straits Times, 4 April 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 24.456 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. APRIL 4. 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 331 1 prog Most Wonderful Value Ever Offered. XL- 'L VCLcrrH^ AN IDEAL y ap( j\ (^^LMSMuI&s. I Pyjamas, L'iW We sell Eden Cloth at 20 cts. Te!HliS SIIMS, "II "IB iU-LJ^BMkJ p er yj m b u t it looks like a much QtomnQfl more expensive fabric. It has a soft
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    • 39 1 WAH HENG CO. PHOTOGRAPHIC BTORES. DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING AMATEURS' WORK. Platee, Papers, Films, Chemicals, Cameras, Lense 3 and General Photographic Materials. Frames of every variety maie to order, NO. 95. NORTH BRIDGE ROAO. Opposite Adelpbi Hctel. 17-8 81-7
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    • 32 1 FODDER CONTRACTS $2O Per Month. COMPRISING: 4 Bags Mixed Food-Bedding Shoeing (as often as required). Greasing and Setting the wheels of Carriages. H.S. KIRWAN, No. S, Tim* Arcade. Tel 381. 811 a
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  • 719 2 Malay States Guides. SATISFACTORY REPORT FOR THB YEAR. Efficiency and Good Conduct. The current issue of the F.M.S. Government Gacette contains a highly satisfactory report of the Malay States Guide for the year J9lB, signed by the Commandant, Colonel E. H. B. Murray, from which we make the following extracts
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  • 74 2 An actress tells of a child who was the youngest membar of a very hard up family. Une day her father told her that she had a new baby sister. Isn't that nice he said. But hard lessons of domestic economy had already taken hold of the little girl, and
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  • 72 2 Yon have quite a number of books, I see," remarked the visitor, glancing round the room. Which do you think is the moat helpful to you Webster's Dictionary, without a doubt," was the prompt reply of Mrs. Brown. You don't really mean it I exclaimed the visitor. May I auk
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 175 2 half a wineglassful 'J/?A before or after each meal ru ■&> i I It is the ideal VANrC INVIGORATOR <j .T?!^fL or debilitated bodies, i ~"£t~-~ brains and nerves. y It will strengthen you <g r~ and keep you perfectly "j -7 fit for work or pleasure. y IV -^j«-
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    • 50 2 Bowel Complaint in Children. Daring the summer months children mre ■abject to disorders of tbe bowels and should receive the moat careful attention. As soon as any unnatural looseness of tbe bowels is noticed Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be given. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 474 2 DANDRUFF AND FALLING HAIR Prevented by jff /a (I j .1 Mniwß Treatment with CUTICURA SOAP And Cuticura Ointment Directions: Make a parting and rub gently with Cuticura Ointment. Continue until whole scalp has been gone over. Next rooming shampoo with Cuticura Soap. Shampoos alone may be used as often
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    • 701 2 RANBBGUNOE GLAZED STONEWARE. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZES STOCKED. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LD. SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE SPRING RACE MEETING (Dnder B. R.A. Butts of Boeing), WILL Bl BILD ON Tuesday, May 6, Thursday, May 7, and Saturday, May 9, 1914. PROGRAMME. FIRBT DAY. Tuesday, May 8, 1914. 1. THE
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    • 746 2 Races No. 1, Bor 0 on tbe First Dry. En trtnee, •25. Distance, Scuriy Course. THIRD DAY. Satupday, May 9, 194 I*B. THB STEWARDS' STAKES AND PLATE —VaIue 1500. A Handicap for Pony Ex Griffins tbat have run at the Meeting. Entranoe, •2S. Distance, Raoe Course. If there are more
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  • 1021 3 REMEDY PROPOUNDED BY CAPT. GORDON. Skipper of the Moldavia I One of the prominent figures among tb< officers of the P. and O. Company— Captait E. Gordon, of the mail boat, Moldavia, whicb arrived at Colombo from Australia on Marcfc 25— retires at the conclusion of
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  • 37 3 Sue was a beautiful woman— and bis wife. But one nigbt, getting home late, and having some excited conversation with her in the hall, he said to himself A thing of beauty may be a jaw forever."
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 751 3 NERVOUS DISORDERS THROUGH HEAT. '■Your Btomaeb is only tbree-quartera of a jtnmacb in the tropics," once epigrammatieallv stated a distinguished army officer. This explains why nervous disorders are so common in the hot weather, for the digestion ■bbbbl fully cope with the food demands of tbg nervous system. "TV results
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    • 15 3 For ooogbs and chill*. Take Woods' Great Peppermint Core. Sold everywhere, 80 oents a MMsr<
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    • 820 3 The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. Head Offices Singapore, S.S. FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT. To Singapore, SBrd March, 1914. Tbb Shabbholdbbs, THE GREAT EASTEBN LIFE ASSURANCE Co., Ltd. Gbntlbmbn, Your Directors beg to present the following statement of the results of the business of the Company tor the year ended
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    • 451 3 REVENUE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 318T DECEMBER. 1913. Amouw or Ln claims under ABBdbamc*Fd«d at Policies paid and tbb bboinnino or outstanding by TH 826,660.00 death 92 4f13 M Premiums 647,497.98^ Surrender. Lett Reinsurance ComLjis-ion* and «.°iu.iu Premium* 791.82 Agents Salaries and T 646.706.6fl Travelling ExInterest and Divi. pe
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 622 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANG, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EGYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about— MAIL LINES Homeward (for Europe). I Connecting at
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    • 556 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.YJC JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially dosigned and constructed, and are fitted with all
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    • 803 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang, Beraerah, Kretay, Paka, Tringganu, Bisut, Semera Baohok, Kelantan, Tabai, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kobaamai, Bandon, Langsuen, Taku, Chumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Due Departure V UGALA April 4 s.s. PRACHATIPOK April 6 April 8 "•.•.BORIBAT April 8 April
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    • 531 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. DEUTSCH DAMPFBCHIFF FAHRTSGEB. "HANSA" BREMEN. Combined Service. The steamers of thisc Companies maintain a regular wjrvice between Haaaburg, Bremen Antwerp, Rotterdam and Ecadei and the Struts, China and Japan. Homnwards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoa a month for Bremerhaven
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    • 652 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N D. L. NOR3PEUTBCKER LLOYD. BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The 'si and well-known mail steamers this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, L'sbon, via Rotterdam. Antwerp, Sou"! amp'on, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (oonnsolinq Mar-eille<<, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Saiu, Suez, Adon, Colombo, Ponaog Singapore Hongkong, Shanghai,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 588 5 "JENATZY" TYRES. Hooglai^dt «A& Co.* Singapore. STEAMER SAILINGS. OOMBIN4O •■RVIOB OP THE BCEAN 8 8 CO.. LTD.. A THE WEBT AUSTRAL! S. N. CO.. LTD •■rwaia Ftmsntlt ;P«rthl, North Australian Pots, 4*/ a •ltd Slngnoor*. Kagniai Fortnightly sailings getw-_< Singapore and Western Australia, calling a: Java (as inducement offers), Derby,
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    • 633 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. AUSTRALIA BY BUMS PHILP UK Sinoapobe to Java Poets, Port Dabwih Thubspay Islaxk, Rbisbane and Sypnby, via Tobbrs Stbaits. Also tating p»Meageri< and oari;o with tranitliitment for other Victorian, Soi iii Australian and North Queensland Posts, Bbitish Nbw Gcinea, New Bbitain, Tasmam in- and New Zealand Posts. Smooth
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    • 574 5 NOTICES. SYE HENG ft CO. Engineers. Boilermakers, General Contractors. Iron Brass Founders, Motor and Cycle Repairers. No. 87, PAGODA STREET, SINGAPORE. 3-4 17-4 I. J. GOLDBERG, THE WELL-KNOWN OPTICIAN OF SOURABAYA, May be consulted at Tbe United Pharmacy, No. 80S, North Bridge Road, from 9 a.m. to 12 neon and
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    • 423 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT?. MOTOR OAR FOR SALE. Argyle Motor, five geater, just been thoroughly overhauled. Can be seen at Austerlits, 2-b Llayd Road. 44 8-4 ABBIBTANT SURGEON WANTED. Wanted, an Assistant Surgeon to take charge ot Diamond Jubilee Gronp Hospital. Furnished Quarters. Apply, Manager, Diamond Jubilet Group, Malacca. 4 4 11
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    • 322 5 RADELLA RUBBER ESTATE.' LTD. i NOTICE IS HERESY GIVE N, that the FOURTH ORDINARY ANNUAL GBNKKVL MEBTIN'G of the Shareholder* will be bt>ld within the lityiitored Office of the Comranr, No. 4, Fort Road, Malacca, on Wednesday, April If, 1814, at 13 o'clock noon, for tho purpose of transacting the
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    • 347 5 Lever's Genuine Carbolic Soap. For washing Clothes, Linen, Flannels, Blankets, Sheets, Bedding, Floors, Woodwork and Furniture. WHILE IT WASHES IT ALSO DISINFECTS It is a perfect Soap for use in Sculleries and Kitchens, keeping all sinks free from disagreeable smells and the rooms pure and fresh. Manufactured by LEVER BROTHERS
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 389 6 The Singapore and Straits Directory for 1914. Price 98.50 per copy. $9.00, post frp« to placed in Straits Settlements. KedcraVid .\Wlay States, Johorr-, Ke^ib, KtlanUn, Perils, TMtißsann. Kiiti h North Bow, Satawnk tir.d Brorci; to Siam, Saigon, Nitborlands India, etc., 99. 80, post fre>. plusher,: FRASER NEAVE, LIMITED. A NOVELTY
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    • 272 6 NOTICES. miwcii»iu. nonet, For sale, Portable Bogiue by Ransomes Simms and Jtfleries, Ipswiob. Can be seen at the Water Works Pompiog Station, Mackenzie Ro.d Fall particulars will be given on application to the Municipal Engineer. By Order. J. POLGLASE, Municipal Secretary. Municipal Office, Singapore, April 2. 1914, 84 4.4 THE
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    • 467 6 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION BALE Of 170 CASKS OF PORTLAND CEMENT, Sea-damaged Ex S.S. Baabima Mara, To be held at THE BORNEO WHARF, On Monday, April 8, at 9.80 a.m. For account of concerned, POWELL CO.. Anoticneerr 24 44 AUCTION SALE Of PAWNBROKERS' UNREDEEMED PLEDGES, On Monday, April 6, 1814,
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    • 159 6 FOR Kerosene Oil Engines THE IDEAL FUEL IS "Cross" Kerosene The Cheapest Refined Oil on the Market. "CROSS" will give you MORE POWER at a LOWER COST THAN ANY OTHER OIL. OBTAINABLE FROM ALL DEALERS. d 5 4 C Per 4-Gallon tin V ilnoludlng Duty\ THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM COMPANY (Straits
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  • 168 7 FIXTURES. Saturday, April 4. High Water, 2.80 a.m. 8.56 p.m. P. and O. outward mail due. Southern Districts' Agricultural Association meeting. Sunday, April 5. High Water, 3.16 a.m., 7.4S p.m Palm Sunday. Monday, April 6. High Water. 5.33 p.m.. 8.31 p.m. N. I). L homeward mail due.
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  • 202 7 To-Dit. Selat Pandjang, Bengkalis, Siak and Pakan Barue Bronwer 8 pm Batn I'aliiit A ing Hin 8 pm Medan Medusa 8 pm Malacca, P. Swettenbam and Penanjj Klang 8 pm Hongkong, Amoy and Swatow Glenogle 8 pm Colombo and Bombay Rangoon Marn 8 pm Billiton and Batavia
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  • 180 7 The P. and O. outward mail steamer Delta left Penang at 1.80 p.m. yesterday, and may be expected to arrive here at 3 p.m. today. The Imp. German mail steamer P. E. Friedrich left Manila at 6 p.m. on Thursday, April i, and may be expected to
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  • 445 7 Cocbsry, April 4. From Saigon, April 1. O.eTand p.- M."M. Co. For Saigon, April \V Haiman. Brit. str. 149 tons. Capt. Jones* Ap: il 4. From Malacca, April 8. O.c. and d.p. Oaggiuo Co. For Malacca, April 0. Rds. Hock Lee, Brit. str. 93 tons, Capt. Angus, April
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  • 111 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Day. TANJONO PAQAR. Bast Wharf Basin Barque, E. J. Spence. W. Section No. l...Hokkai Maru, Japan, Taroba. Sniißs Wharf Senju Marti. Main W. Sict. No. 2.. .Rangoon Maru. 8...Ni1. 4...Jelunga. 6...Perak. 0...X. der N'ederlanden, Medusa. Niw Does
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  • 29 7 Arrivals. Per str. Singkawang, April 8. From Mrs. Koh and Mrs^olk. Per str. Patani, April B.— From Bangkok Mr. and Mrs. Trayer, Messrs. Smith and Hocus.
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  • 118 7 Sir John Henniker Heaton made a powerful appeal for a world's postal and telegraph onion before the British Chamber of Commerce in Paris, on March 2. Citing the example of Australia, where a telegram of sixteen words can bo sent 7,600 miles for one shilling, Sir
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  • 47 7 Time-balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore standard time, corresponding to 6 a-m. Qreenwich mean time. The time gun is fired at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day excepting Sunday, when it U fired at one o'clock*
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  • 283 7 EXCHANGE Simoafou, April 4, 1014. On London Bank 4 m/« 8/4 Demand m 3/4^ Private m/i M 2 4 3 m/» 9/4 U On QMM«m.....Bank d/d 28f J Private 8 m/i 24-J On Fuia Bank d/d n 804 PriTate 8 m/i w 298 On Inou Bank T.
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    • 186 7 10 10 Arnpang 8.15 8.76 1 1 AyerWcno C.50 10 10 Belat 2.65 3.80 10 10 Bruang 130 10 10 Kampw 10.26 10 10 Kanaboi 1.60 1.76 10 10 Kin to Association 10.00 11.C0 £1 £1 KintaTin 1.17.6 2.2.6 £1 £1 Lahat Mine* C.75 6.15 10 6 Malayan Collieries
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    • 626 7 3/- AUagai 1/7 2/Cl 41 Anglo-Java 8/4$ 4/4 I/- 3/- Anglo-Malay 9/4* 10/1 a/- Batang Malaka /10 1/1 61 41 Batu Tiga 2.12.0 2.17.6 norn 2/- Bekoh /8 -/10 61 £1 Bukit Kajang 1.11.9 1.16.3 SI £1 Bukit Lining 2.15.0 8.0.U norn I/- 2/- Bukit Mertajam 1,1 2/4 SI
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    • 116 7 GENERAL. 41 £1 B. Smelting Co. 12/- 18/6 41 41 a Pref. 1.1.0 1.8.0 6/- 6/- Blectric T'ways 4/0 6/10 10 Fraser Neave 67.00 00.00 60 60 Hammer k Co. 97.60 1C5.03 100 Howarth Krskine 45.(0 100 7% Pret 100.00 100 100 Kati Bro, Def. 125.00 135.00 10 10 Maynard
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 66 7 A Parent's Duty. Your boy is always getting scratched or cut or braised. Because ttuse wounds have healed all right is no sign they always will, t let a bottle of Cbatnberlain'a Pain Balm and nee that every injury is cared for immediately. You can set not Ling bttter, and
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    • 113 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. April 6.— At The Borneo Wharf, 170 casks Portland Cement sea damaged ex s. s. Hashima Maru," at 9.80. April 6. At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. April 7. At saleroom, land and house property, situate at Albert Street and Prinsep Street, at 2.80. Chins
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    • 62 7 MAGNUMS 55 cts. il% m t ums: -^3 55 cts. j, Inree Castles I|| per Cigarettes per I WD&HO Wills I CARLSBERG BEER^ Better tha-n >&3e^& Ll let II the Best Jnjgg&®3l^r in use. Sole Agents THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD., Singapore. v^^^VvxvV m. L^^M sBBUt BUY "SHELL" TO Q
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    • 92 7 TO-NIGHT! (8-10-11-30) TO-NIGHT!! ANOTHER FAN TOT/CAS SERIAL The Third Story: "THE MYBTERIOUa FINGER PRINT" 1 The Fourth Story "tHB TRAGEDY' at the HABKED BALL" UUfOTH 15,000 tl Along with GAUMONT GRAPHIC, No. 10. AT IHE HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. NORTH BBIUOB KOaD. THB THLKD STORY depicts farther dsiiog exploits cf one
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  • 1086 8 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, APRIL 4. PROSPECTS OF PEACE. Later than we expected, but not, we hope, too late, the sentiment upon which we reliod until a wetk or two ago for peaceful settlement of the Irish question is beginning to become manifest. We hoped that it would seize the
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  • 12 8 The output of the Ulu Piah mine for March was 489 piculs.
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  • 16 8 The output of the Rahman Tin Co. during March was 871 piculs (mill 579, tribute 292).
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  • 20 8 The maximum amount for which parcels posted in the Straits Settlements to France direct may be insured is 5,000 francs.
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  • 23 8 The Sungei Oaa Tin Mining Co.'s output in March' is as follow* —From battery r93 piculs, from lampan 24 piculs, total 217 piculs.
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  • 78 8 As a decisive protest against the prohibition of the importation of the feathers of wild birds into the United States, the French (gather dealers have resolved not to panic pate in any exhibitions hold in tLut couutry. The Prevention et Crimes Ordinance 1908 baa been pnt in fo.ue !n those
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  • 41 8 It is notiGed that in pursuance of the powers vested in him by tho Deceased Wife's Sister's Marriage Ordinance 1911 the (lover nor in Council has fixed the 10th inst., as the date on which the ordinance shaJl come into operation.
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  • 57 8 The R.I.M.S. Dufferin is expect»d in Singapore at daybreak to-morrow with the sth Light Infantry, who relieve Mki M Brahmans, duu to sail on the Hth inst The new regiment comes from Nowgong and is composed of tight companies of Mussulmans of the Eastern Punjab and Hindustan. Their last active
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  • 65 8 We quoted from the Malay Mail on Tuesday a paragraph stating that, owing to a breakdown of the Malacca Ice Factory. Messrs. Tiang Lee and Co., of Kuala Lumpur were sending as much as three tons of ice a day to Malacca. We have seen a letter from the Malacca
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  • 65 8 According to tho Preanger l!o hi a portion of the railway line near Melangbong station is threatened with a big landslip. Trains have to pass the place slowly. A mining engineer has inspected the place, and it appears that the subsidence cannot be accelerated by artificial methods. There is nothing
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  • 66 8 A native boy of 1 years in Macassar stabbed and dangerously wounded a playmate, says tbo Macassar Courant. He declared beforo the police that the other boy bad wrung his ear a fortnight before. He had had no opportunity at the time" of taking his revenge nud so had bided
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  • 72 8 We hear that Madame Nordica, who was prevented by illness from fulfilling Her concert engagement here and was landed at Thursday Island ill, had sufficiently recovered to be able to leave tbe island on March 27, and she goes to Java to recuperate before going bn to India, via Singapore.
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  • 77 8 Mr. Justice Chanm 11 thinks that motions against newspapers for contempt of court are- somewhat overdone" A writer in the Daily Citizen says: I can assure him thnt this is, at all events, the opinion of responsible journalists. There is plenty of reason why the law should protect itself against
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  • 75 8 Two Siamese gunboats have already been fitted with wireless telegraphy. Some of tbe torpedo boats are too small to accommodate the installation!), but all boats which can accommodate the apparatus will be fitted up, except the Maha Chakkr as it is expected that she will be replaced by another royal
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  • 88 8 News has been received At Bangkok of a sad drowning fatality at Kohsicliaog. The ->exta was lying in the harbour, and Mr. S. Nielsen, the second officer, aud Mr. L. Lassen, tbe first engineer, accompanied by the Chinese quartermaster, went for a sail iv a small boat. Through some cause
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  • 95 8 Daring the year 1913, import, export, an.J excise duties were received at Java and Madura to the amount of f27. 5H5.707, i. total which exceeded those of 1912, 1911 and 1910 by f 2 16.-50, f.->.17 4.919 and 8 096 .850, respen tively. In smaller centres the same sources of
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  • 94 8 There was an outbreak of fire in the early hours of this morning at the Sungei Batu Rubber Factory at Tiong Bahra. Tin Fire Brigade was summoned, but the ap proauhes to the place are in such a bad condition that the engines could not be got there. The factory
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  • 104 8 There are still 2,215 Americans left in tbe Civil Service of the Philippine Islands. Since the beginning of the present year there have been 175 separations from tbe service due to various causes. A study of the annual report of the Bureau of Civil Service shows that the highest number
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  • 112 8 Java papers report that Oapt. Castenuijk, commander of the Dutch cruiser De Zeven ProvincieD, who bad j i-it given over the oommand of his vev.el ami was about to pro ceeJ to Holland by the Orotias, has Bnddeoly fallen ill. He went ashore at SemaraDg aud took a walk to
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  • 447 8 The Ron. R. J. Wilkinson, OM.G is appointed yie Governor's deputy. Mr. O. E. Cator has bean appointed Re gistrar of the Supremo C«jrt, Labuan. The leave of abienco granted to Mr. N. A. M. Griffin, assistant Superintendent o( Police, Penang, has been extended for three months.
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  • 69 8 Messrs. Guthrie and Co. advise as that the estimated output of tin ore from the Heawood Tin and Kubber Estate company's properties for March is 256 piculs, of which 140 piculs were mined by tbe company and 116 piculs by tributers. Tbe estimated gross revenue, including
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  • 92 8 At Calcutta High Court, on March 23, Mr. Justice Chaudhuri, addressing Mr. D. H. Boat, who hod appeared in a certain case, 'aid The Mending of anonymous letters nas again begun. I have never known of a case in which tbis bos been* done to this extent. The
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  • 112 8 In Singapore, on December 81, 1912, there were four panper invalid, ouiitf cts. Of these ono died and one left Sing»p>iie, reducing the uiinili. r remaining to two at the end of the year. Besides the He tli#re is an able-bodied convict wbo receives no subxiiitence
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  • 198 8 In the House of Commons, on March Sir Herbert Roberts (L.— West Denbighshire) asked the Secretary fur tliu Colonies whether his attention iiad been called to the increase of the liquor tratllo in lintisli Malaya and to the fact that the quantity of beer imported into the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 214 8 BULLOCH LADE'S r\ SCOTCH WHISKIES. Commonly known as fty*^! |MMd they are the acme of |0 PERFECTION QUALITY. BS Sole Agents: GALOBECK, MAGGREGOR CO., Wholesale and Retail Wine and Spirit Merchants. |John ILiitrtle's I I THE TALK OF THE TOWN. I TWO -WEEKS ONCE A YEAR ONLY. I ELECTRIC LIGHTING
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    • 164 8 A DELIGHTFUL HOUR MAX UNDER LON6EBT ANO BEST COMEDY MAX AND HIS RIVAL IN 8 PARTS ANOTHER HOUR WEL'. SPENT in MM Pathe'i Animated lazette. 1 186 th Edition New Number). TILL DEATH US DO PART (IN 2 REELS' An admirably coloured Patbe Film depicting a Beautiful Romantic Story amid
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    • 11 8 Latest advertisement* of tbe day appear on pa^e 5 and 11.
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  • 457 9 MR. ASQUITH ON HIS WAY TO SCOTLAND. Enthusiastic Receptions. KkXTlß's TILEORAM. London, April 3. Tbe meeting of East Fife Unionists, which decided not to oppose Mr. Asquith, did so because it would be patriotic to support Mr. Asquith in the present crisis in defending the army against
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  • 48 9 YUAN-SHI-KAI PROSPECTIVE DICTATOR. Changing the Constitution Rktteb's Tkleoram. Loudon. April 3 A Peking despatch' states that the convention which is amending the provisional con stitution has unanimously adopted Yuan Shi kai's amendments and is now drafting a new constitution giving the President practically dictatorial powers.
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  • 47 9 Rkitkk's Tblkqram. London, March 4. Frederick Gould lias been sentence. l to six jean' peuul servitude for espionage. Tbe charge a^iinst hi* wife was withdrawn. Tho duple were arrested at (.'baring Cross, en route for Osteml, and naval documents were found in their possession.
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  • 45 9 RftTTKK's Tklkoram. London. April 4. The death is announced of Sir Hubert Jerningham, who had a distinguished Colo nial career, having served as Govern jr of Mauritius an 1 of Trinidad an 4 Tobago. He was seventy two ytars of age.
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  • 17 9 Kutkk'x Tslboram. London, April :< On hundred au 1 forty thousand collier* are idle in Yorkshire.
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  • 63 9 Eleven Days' Battle and Rebel Victory. Kinn's Telegram. London, April 3. A Juarez message states that in an eleven days' battle the rebels finally captured Tor reon. It is estimated that the rebels had 800 killed and 1,500 wounded and the Federals over a thousand killed. There
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  • 49 9 Rkuter's Telegram. London, April 8. Brig. General Sir C. F. N. Macready, Director of Personal Services, is mentioned as successor to General Sir J. S. Ewart as second member of tbe Army Council. London, Apiil 4. Sir Charles Douglas is appointed to suecced Sir John French.
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  • 23 9 Reiteu's Telegram. London, April 8. Mr. Horace Archer Byatt, Commissioner andComiuander in-Chief, Somalilond, replaces Sir Frederick Evans K.C.M.G., as Secretary at Gibraltar.
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  • 27 9 Keutkr'B Tileobam. London, April 8. The Queensland loan of two millions sterling issuefl at 99 was over subscribed in an hour and a half.
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  • 35 9 Reltbr's Telegram. London, April 3. Tho death is reported of Paul Heyse, the German novelist. Paul Heyse was eighty-four years of age. He received the Nobel prize for literature in 1910.
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  • 108 9 Dkr Ostasiatiscbb Lloyd Tfleuram. Berlin, April 8. Bukharest papers emphasise that in view of the agitatiou of tho Progress League on the Trans- Sylvania question, Austria's friendship is necessary. The international commit at Valona has approved a loan cf ten millions for Albania. Tbe Powers will send a
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  • 16 9 l>i: OstTASIATISCHB LL'.'rD TbLBORAM Berlin, April 8. The Kuserin has left Venice for Corfu.
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  • 30 9 Dkr Ostasiatischk Lloyd TIUMIE Berlin, April 8. Professor Fleiner, tbe Heidelberg specialist iv diseases of the intestines, has boon called to attend tbe King of Sweden.
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  • 80 9 Quotations Current Yesterday. The following message has been received iv Singapore, dated London, April S Plantation Para first latex crepe on spot 2/74 Para to arrive 1 1 J Market quiet. The Eist Asiatic Company favour ua with tbe following report The market in London yesterday was
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  • 50 9 (Fbom Ocb Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, April 4. Sir E. L. and Lady Brockman left on tbe Seabelle, yesterday morning, for Penang, and Mr. R. U. Watson and family arrived vaster day evening. The newly-constituted Planters' Loan Committee comprises Messrs. Lewton Brain (chairman), Barnside, Xutt, Skinner, and M&failyeD.
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  • 46 9 A new style of architecture has been inaugurated in Paris by tbe erection of a six storeywl houne let in Hi's, each storey m?i back from the one below, leaving a wide balcony in front of each Hit. The frontage rtatmbles a huge flight of stairs.
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  • 701 9 SUCCESS OF THE MOTOR SHIP SERVICES. Motor Sailing Vessel To Be Built. The report of the East Asiatic Company, Limited, states that the company again shows a very satisfactory result for the year to December 81, with consistent progress and development in its various spheres of activity.
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  • 155 9 In pursuance of the idea of a federation between the planting associations of Malacca, Negri Seinbilan, Johore and Singapore, a meeting of delegates was held to day in tbe offices of Messrs. Evatt and Co., Singapore. The Hon. F. W. Collins, of Mal&cca, presided, and the other
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  • 56 9 The death is announced of Colonel E. P. Frenchman, C.1.E., lately Inspector -General of Gaols in Burma. He retired in 1911 after over thirty-two years' distinguished service, nearly tbo whole of which was spent in Burma, t'olonel Frenchman was for many years civil surgeon of Bassein and there and in
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  • 49 9 While a man known as Professor Bray wa« practisicq an act known as ihe glide of death" at Bognor, in the South of England. he was killed. Skating along a narrow p(Ank fixed 'ill feet above the ground, he slipped and fell to the grouaJ and fractured his tkull.
    49 words
  • 701 9 PROCEEDINGS AT THE ANNUAL MEETING. The Rules Amended. The fifteenth annual general meeting of the Singapore Polo Club was held at the Exchange, yesterday afternoon. Those present were the "resident, tbe Hon. R. J. Wilkinson, in tbe chair, Messrs. O. E. Yenning Thomas and H. F. Clifton-Smitb,
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  • 266 9 Sir W. Lever on Struggle to Get Palm Oil. Presiding on March 5 at tbe meeting of Lever Brothers, Limited, at Port Sunlight, Sir William Lever said that modern science had enabled margarine manufacturers to make ate of even such an unpromising sub stance as palm
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  • 236 9 Alleged Killing of Chinese TinStealet by European. The Malay Daily Chronicle (Ipoh) of yesterday's date prints the following from a Gopeng correspondent An agitation has broken out amongst the Chinese in Gopeng, and the atti turte of the people seems serious. It is stated that the death
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  • 317 9 Courageous Conduct in Hongkong Typhoon. At Hongkong, on March 20, Major- General Kelly, the commanding officer of tbe South China Command, presented to Bombardier E. Ashton, of the 83rd Company, Royal Garrison Artillery, tbe bronze medal of the Royal Humane Society for his bravery in rescuing the
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  • 244 9 Safety Appliance Cause Of Strange Accident. A new safety appliance on the line caused an accident on March 6, to the crack Great Western express, known for nearly half a century as The Flying Dutchman," which make the 143 mile nons'op ran from Taunton to Paddinguon daily in
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  • 213 9 The Rod Cross Hospital at Sala Dang, Bangkok, which has been built in memory of tbe late King Chulalongkorn, and bears the name of that monarch, is now rapidly nearing a state of completion. Tbe buildings divide themselves into three parts. Tho main building contains a
    213 words
  • 279 9 SEVENTY-SEVEN DEATHS AND MANY INJURED. Tbe Southern Cross Missing. Rictih'k Telegram. London, April 8. The St. John's sealing disaster is tbe worst in the history of the Colony. The fleet was returning after a successful season when it was overtaken by a blizzard. The sealer ilellaventure has thirty
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  • 279 9 Most Successful Experiments In Calcutta. The experiments carried out with his seciet anti snake venom at the Calcutta Zoological Gardens by the late Mr. Fox, with a report by the Superintendent of the Gardens, Dr. Bose, are made public. The experiments are said to have so far
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  • 424 9 Dr. Jameson's Own Verdict In "Raid" Trial. Just as there is to be an age limit for judges' ushers at the Law Courts are to retire at tha age of 70, and for half a dozen of then?, at least, the age limit operates this year. After
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  • 1694 10 THE PROSPECTS OF REGULAR DIVIDENDS. Company's Financial Position. The annual general meeting of the Tapah Rubber Estates, Limited, was held yesterday at the registered- offices of the company, French Bank Buildings. The Chairman, Mr. A. Diehn, presided, those present being Messrs. I). Y. Perkins, W. H. Macgregor, F.
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  • 410 10 Sunday, April 5, 191 4. St. Andrew's Cathedral. Palm Sunday. 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral), fntroit, Salutaris Hostea"; Service, Smart; Hymn at Offertory, 99; Hymn at Communion, 817; Hymn at Ablutions, 324 (Adlam) Nunc Diuiittis. 0.15 a.m. Matins and Litany. First Lesson, Exodus IX; Second Lesson, St. Matthew
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  • 67 10 There is a story told of a painter who was a severe critic of his pupil's work. One day a self-sufficient young pupil was gazing at a picture he had painted. It's coming out-nieely, be said. TUe master took a turpentine bottle, paint knife, and rag, and worked industriously at
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  • 904 10 Too Early to~Speculate On Dividends. The third ordinary general meeting of the Rajah Hitam Coconut Estate, Limited, was held at Bangkok, on March 25, when Mr. J. Mackay was in the chair, and others present included Capt. G. Fobs, Mr. O. C. Christiansen, Mr. P. Thomson, Capt.
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  • 180 10 Those who wish to enjoy a hearty laugh might go far' tier than the Alhambra and fare worse. Max Linder is now appearing in a three part comedy called Max and His Rival which is guaranteed to dissipate the dullest of care. To night, also, there will be
    180 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 1399 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Regarding the article in your issue of Saturday last, may I offer you the following linea 1 If you think them worth while for your planting readers I have no objection against publishing. About 5 years ago (please remember
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    • 308 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, While in no way desirous of discussing the pros and cons of Home Rule, the merits of which will never be appreciated or otherwise by correspondence, yet with reference to the more present danger of the Ulster crisis one
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  • 403 10 Training for the Spring Meeting. The pleasant mornings, coupled with good going, have made the work on the course very interesting, more especially of coarse ou the fast days, and this morning the members numbered over forty, to say nothing of three ladies who showed their interest by
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  • 100 10 Construction on the Siamese armoured gunboat has began at Messrs. Armstrong's under a twenty oii» months' agreement. The vessel therefore may be expected to be ready to proceed to Siatu in December, 1915. It is intended to send Siamese officers and seamen to man the gunboat and navigate it from
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 58 10 There was a remarkabty well contested final to the array racquets championship jingles) at Prince's, Kiiightsbrids,«\ on March 7. Captain A. O. G. Luther, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, the holder, was generally expected to win, but clever play enabled the Hon. J. Manners to effect a
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    • 57 10 Tanglin Club Tournament. The results of the week's play injtheTanglin Club billiards tournament were Hallifax+2o beat Willett+6o, 250 to 189. Wishart— 3o beat Leeder —150, 250 to 128. Noon scr. beat Bcrt+6o, 250 to 191. Matches for next week are: Monday, Hallifax v. Wishart, semi final Tuesday, Noon v.
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  • 466 10 kleinmann Earns Right to Meet Champion. Because there would be a sharp contrast in stylus, the final of tho S.C.C. lawn tennis championship, contested last evening by Kleinmann and Threlfall, aroused a good deal of interest although, it must be admitted, the match did not possess that
    466 words
  • 368 10 Condemned Soldiers Appeal To Privy Council. Judgment lias been given by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in the appeal of Ibrahim, a private in the 126Ui Baluchistan Infantry, who was convicted in November, 191*2, of the niurdor of Aii Shafa, b subadar, or native officer,
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  • 451 11 In another column (ptge 8) of this issue we publish the report and balance-sheet of the (ma t Eastern Life Assurance Company for the year 1913. It demonstrates the steady -and rapid progress of this local tuteiprino in a very satis factory manner. At the end
    451 words
  • 206 11 Pantai :!,929 lbs. (.1.iKii1y.— 7,414 lbs. Sedenak.— lo,7B6 lbs. Jimah.— 3,s34 lbs. Aver Panas.— ls,2oo lbs. Alor Uajah.-S.iKO lbs. Tehran.— Bo,o2o lbs 9 muutlis 220,970 lbs. Ajcr Kuning (F.M.5.).— 15,621 lbs. Bradwall.— l2.oo3 lbs. Chersonese.— 2B,l73 lbs. Dennistown (KrianK— lB,4oo lbs. Highlands and Lowlands.— Bo,747 lbs. Sungei
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  • 120 11 Painted windows, as we now understand the general term, Bays the Daily Telegraph, apparently date from somewhere about the tenth century. And considering iliat this is nearly a thousand years a^o c have made surprisingly little progress in the art. Indeed, some enthusiasts have said that we have
    120 words
  • 51 11 The distracted mother hastened to the nursery and said to her little daughter I Minnie, what d« you mean by shouting and screaming Play quietly, like Tommy. See, he doesn't make a sound." "Of course he doesn't. That is oar game. He is papa coming home late, and I am
    51 words
  • 719 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, April 4, 1914. Messrs. I. yall aud Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this marning No* Val'-«. Buykrs. Skllirs. 2/- Allagar 1/8 2/1 C 1 An K lo Java 8/4* 4/4* 1 Anglo Jobae
    719 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 47 11 Coughing into Consumption "Only a Congh but jou stop It while >>. is ('NL.Y a con^h. Wftttfiswrt HIHMJHI t:d ma o l COMPOUND Tb* fic-Ht preparation mad* tor oombatic? severe coughs. CURES any con f ;b that if only a cou^h. Vtj palatable. of all ctwnm. 9200.
      47 words
    • 47 11 The doctor frowned and shook bis head. When Smithkin's form was shaken, With backing coogh, poor Smithkin sail, Since every cure I've taken, I'd bettor die'— be heaved a sigh, But very soon heaved fewer. Because his wife scon saved his life, With Woods' Great Peppermint Care.
      47 words
    • 262 11 LAI'EST ADVERTISEMENTS. Don't be AFRAID Place your Piano in OUR CARE FOR Regular Tuning AND Attention. We have been manufacturing Pianos and Organs in the East since 1875, and KNOW how to handle them. SJoutrie&Co.,Ld. RAFFLES PLACE. GALA PERFORMANCE NOOR AJAIB AL MAJLIS Will be staged for the first time
      262 words
    • 306 11 DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. Oo through onr Programme and see the varied series of picture* we are screes ing TO NIGHT AND FOLLOWING NIGHT* At The "GtETY" PICTURE PALACE. Corner ot Albert and Benooolen Sttie's. IN TBK FIRST SHOW, Positively Last Two Nights of THAT 3 RKHLEK SUfJECT WANTED BY
      306 words
    • 105 11 lICHELIN ILEAGE DUPIRE BROTHERS, AGENTS. RAFFLES HOTEL. Special Dinner AND DANCING TO-NIGHT. MUSIC BY THE PARISIAN TRIO. The Brighton of Singapore. S Tennis. m j Tel. 335. m urn Billiards ea View Hotel Cle etrlo Light and Fans. ANMKXB siMbLE 4 double rooms. Grove Hotel Grove Bungalow, excellent cuiiine. ™^mMimwtmmit&3MamjmmMmmm^mm*mKmmnafmmmmmß*mnßDaaßeMßmmf±*STAMFORD
      105 words

  • 2059 12 ELOQUENT TRIBUTE BY SIR HUGH CLIFFORD. A Fine Character. As we have already stated. Sir Hugh Clifford writes a preface to Lady Lovat's Life of Sir Frederick Weld, recently noticed in these columns. The preface is so interesting that wo venture to reproduce it in full. It
    2,059 words
  • 183 12 One of the most widily discussed scientific' questions of the day in the nature and origin of the five rare gases at present known to exist in the earth's atmosphere. Of these live gases most attention has been paid to helium, which is produced by the disintegration of
    183 words
  • 32 12 You're a smart and very clever girl," said the miatreea to the maid, bat yon ought to be able to ace at onoe that you are not my equal" She saw it.
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  • 783 12 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest Lists. The fallowing passenge> bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to tho issuance of this list
    783 words
  • 625 12 P. and 0. Company Per P. and O. Malta, Hailing April B.— Mr. D. M. Cram, Mr. B. O. Wood, Mr. J. H. Sidgwick, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Wolseley-Kearns and two Misses Reams, Mrs., Miss and Master English, Mrs. Rendle, Mr. B. Canliffe, Mr. W. J. Smith Miss Murley,
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  • 562 12 Unclothed and Unarmed Victory Over Nature. An Americi n artiat who had the courage to forswear the luxuries of twentieth century civilisation and live like a primeval man in the forests of New England for two months has written an interesting account of his adventures. His
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  • 322 12 Contrivances of "Fully-Furnished Man." Mr. T. H. Holding, the fully-furnished man, who is to demonstrate at the simple Life Exhibition how he carries his bed in one pocket and his house in another, has explained some of his contrivances to a Daily News interviewer. All
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
      362 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 186 13 8c C-CV Ltcf 9 Sole Ac* si*! 3 I 1 1 THORNYCROFT The World' s Best Kerosene Motors FOR MARINE STATIONARY PURPOSES. Made in 7J. 15, 30, 47, 70, 100 150, B.H P. Sets, Bnilt to Lloyds Survey Board of Trade Rules. Specially Designed for As Supplied to Commercial Pleasure
      186 words
    • 108 13 INTERNATIONAL RUBBER CONGRESS AND EXHIBITION, BATAVIA, 1914. CONGRESS: September 7-12, 1914. EXHIBITION September 10 to October 10. 1914. Lectures by renowned Scientists and Experts. Interesting Excursion in Java arranged. Reduced Bte»nnLip, railway and tramway fares for HOLDERS OF CONGRESS TICKETS. For particulars, apply to W. E. van RIJNBERK, Hon. Secy.,
      108 words
    • 160 13 imperial Unsurpassed in Quality durni'VAfC n^ c ast Q uarter Century, lltjf UEj iJ and today the Highest Grade brilliant. o f Kerosene on the Market. The Burning Question. For illuminating and use in sylvan Oil Engines. An exception a «> r ally high grade of Kerosene A H H
      160 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1121 14 BINSAPORE S ONLY COMPANY. LARGEST PAID-UP CAPITAL OF ANY EASftU COMPAJit PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICB I Wir.ohe.ter House, Singapore LOHOON OFFICE S3, Old Jewry, E.G. Tb* Company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Court ot Bngland. an! oompli^ with the Biitiah Life
      1,121 words
    • 471 14 BAMKIW. ■EUTtCH MIATISCHE BMK. MLLT MS W MHTIa. rM laali 7,*****0 Hoad 0ffice......... Bhangbai, Board of Directors Ber'in. BBANOHBSI Inrlra. Calcutta. Vtmtan, Cantos, Hankow, Hongkong, Kobe, Pnktnp, Tientsin, Tsinanfu, Tningtan, Yokohama, TH FOLLOWING BANKS AND BANKERS ARE REPRESENTED ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORB. Bank fner Handel ond Indcrtrie, Berliner Handoln-GeeelUchaft
      471 words
    • 1067 14 INSURANCE. HESITATION is very infectioua as regards tbe acquitition of Life Anncraneo. Hundreds of wives are left noprovidid for on a?count of their hesitation to either sanction or encourage thiir husbands' application for Assurance. Only when death removes the latter and they are face to face with grim necessity is
      1,067 words

  • 831 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Motor Track ia Shanghai. Not long ago in the memory of men, says the China Press, sceptics scoffed at the idea of the puffy little locomotive of Stevenson and its toy cars ever taking the place of the English mail
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  • 141 15 A certain American writer who writes a wretched hand was once on a voyago to Naples. He sat in his deckchair with pad and fountain pen, at work on a short story. A young American stopped before him. By gosh, he said, I wish I could write a* well as
    141 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
      179 words
    • 53 15 HEALTH FOR ALL In hot climate* nature need* help wholesome nourishment for blood, boues, nerves and muscles. Nothing supplies this noui ihmcnt like SCOTT S Emulsion Whatever the cause of your weakness, it will make you stronger, healthier and better in every way. For nearly 40 years doctors have recommended
      53 words
    • 93 15 The Forty Year Test. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has grown in favor aad popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation? You will
      93 words
    • 225 15 VyVv 1912 I\^ \The first ci O ht cars on/ JWrn 491Q //W NNNX^^w V J "^//7 »^//£iEndleSS Chain of iP^ia eCart^ s Erore? the Supreme J^§=|y V\L )j| Durability cf iff j) j OT"CONTINENTAL"^ I y/&\ TYRES /i§>if V-^ lln OBTAINABLE FROM ALL |a\ I /^\^^V DEALERS and GARAOES
      225 words
    • 36 15 MORTGAGEE'S SALE Monday, April 6, at 2.80 p.m. Freehold Land situate off Mo Pherson Road, together with a plank and attap house erected thtreon, area 80,400 eg. feet CHINO KBNG LBB a CO., anotioaeers 14 4-4
      36 words
    • 40 15 FOR BALE PRIVATELY A 4-peattr HUPMODILE, 82 HP., 4 cylinder witb*bood, bead acd tail lamp 1 and Stepney whtol. Has been in one for a jeer In good running order. Trial ran by arrangement. FOWBIX a CO., Auctioneers. 2-4 8-4
      40 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 945 16 TIBROCEMENT" 1 Is made of the best PORTLAND CEMENT reinforced with Asbestos. It has therefore the strength and durability of CONCRETE, and the FIRE and HEAT resisting qualities of ASBESTOS. 8 R BUPPLIES IN H 0 A Slates for Boofs I I Sheets lor Ceilings. C IIV" They harden with
      945 words
    • 557 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. ■UK TO in. No. IS and 16, Devonshire Road. Entry from April 1. Apply 171, Wakrlco Btreet. 5 8 4-4 FLOOR TO LET. To let, 2nd Floor, No. 8, Malacca Street, Entry March 1, 1914. Apply Meyer Brothers. 81-1 a TO LET. Famished or nnfarnisbed.
      557 words
    • 523 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. TO BE LET. LANGLANDS, No. 112, River Valley Boad. Apply No. 8, Malacca Street. 801 v TO LET. LOCHABER. SCOTTS ROAD, TANGLIN. This commodious residence inc'nding a billiard room, 4 bed rooms, large compound and ELECTRIC LIGHT AND FANS. Entry April 1, 1914, Rent 1175
      523 words
    • 478 16 NOTICES. HAM KIAT ft GO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, BovaraiMßt and Municipal Contractors 106, 108 109, Market Street. Telephone Nos. 431. GUAN KIAT CO., 37. Phillip Street. Sbip-Chakdlbrs, Government ash Municipal Contractors, General Im: ortkbs and Exporters and Commission Agents. Telephone No. 1171 1288 (Private 1450). 8-B n RAILWAY SLEEPERS AND PLANKS OF
      478 words
    • 466 16 SINGAPORE CLIB FIXTURES Straits Times List. The following fixturet f )r tho current week and important iorthcow ing fixtures are kindly supplied by the secretaries of the various clubs. Convenient forms ou which to make tho returns will be suppli< 1 on application to the Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Cricket
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 222 16 Straits "(Dimes. ADVERTISEMENT KATES.- Miscellaneous wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of $1 per tout lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four linen, 81 each insertion. For p.p.c. cards, on page 8,12. Inch Scalb Rates are as
      222 words