The Straits Times, 2 April 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.454 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. APRIL 2.' "Wl4. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 276 1 Most Wonderful Value Ever Offered. L (c E loth>} AN IDEAL N^n^iTißFr We sell Eden Cloth at 20 cts Tennis Shirts, PX I 'IB lim^BJ p er y( j M but it looks like a much CfqirinnfJ more expensive fabric.'lt has a soft firm texture and Shirt WdlStS UldlllUuU handsome
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  • 443 2 Is Flying Safe THE FIRST LORD ON RISKS OF AVIATION. A Vision of the Future. Mr. ChurohHl spoke from actual experience when, astfce^pMst at the annual dinner, on March 4, of the "Royal Aero Club, he discussed the risk to life involved in flying. That risk, the First Lord declared,
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  • 440 2 Is the Best Poetry Written In shift? -r- In the current issue of Munsey's Magazine, Mr. Richard de Oallienne deals with the too old at forty theory in its application to literature, and puts forward a sufficiently strong case to warrant his conclusion of a general denial.
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  • 72 2 In the district \A Balang Kapaa, Sumatra, recently, whilst a native and his daughter were on the way to their padi field, the girl was suddenly pounced upon by a tiger. The girl's father at once sprang to her assistance and used his parang with such effect that the tiger
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 410 2 Beauty #^PsS^ '"Hazeline'Snow" (Trait Mart) Makes rough 6kins as smooth as velvet. Makes dry skins as soft as a babe's. Acts as a tonic to skins that are relaxed and objectionably glossy. Charms away irritability and other discomforts. Makes dull complexions clear and youthful. Tones down excessive colour. Sold at
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    • 93 2 The Forty Year Test. An article mnst have exoeptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. You will
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    • 579 2 COVERED ALL OVER WITH RrMOTCB In Awful Condition. Life Was Misery. Could Not Sleep for Scratching. Quite a Mass of Sores. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Free from Pimples. 42, nolham Rd Smethwlck. Birmingham. Eng. "Before 1 started to uso Cuticura Soap and Ointment I wu In an awful f
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  • 658 3 FREE EDUCATION IMPOSSIBLE IN THE COUNTRY. Government's Task. The educational policy of the Government of India is naturally controlled by many local conditions. Far more important, however, than the variation of the social and religious environment of tbo children are the two facto that the child population is
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  • 264 3 Royal Messages Read at Opening Ceremony. Lord Hardinge, on March 21, opened the Alexandra Dock* at Bombay. In the course of his speech His Excellency delivered the following message from H. M. the King Emperor I rejoice at the happiness of tbe completion of the great undertaking,
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  • 22 3 The '.rial was to have commenced on March 28 at Amboina of the men accused of murdering Prof. Kobinson, the Canadian botanist.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 622 3 "In the creat heat of I^hore, where it is (fijWß' taken Siii.ilci/f 11. ami we have both found it a wonderful KThrcf and nerve tonic." So writes the wife of Mr. Justice Kensington, xH fl"'(|n and she adds: "Sanatogen is also the best cure $M MiMss^s^sß for di-esli\e tnml.les that
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    • 51 3 Bowel Complaint in Children. Daring ihe Hammer months children are •abject to disorders of the bowels and should receive the moat cartful attention. As soon as any unnatural loosenrsa of the bowels is cotioed Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and I Diarrhoea Remedy hhculd be given. For salo bj all Dispurvsarits and
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    • 337 3 \ilffib£& Nerve Troubles. Our neives are like an intricate network of -"^-^Jpfe^ te!e S ra Ph wires. They are controlled and 'tsSS^k nourished byjs portion of the brain known BsßsS as l i e nervt CPnlrcs "^be condition of the IKp 1 nerve centres depends upon the condition '*f of
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    • 651 3 STEAMER SAILINGS. OOMBINIO ■■RVIOI OF THE MEAN 8. 8 CO.. LTD.. THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8 N. CB.. LTD. lITWIII Framantlo (Porth), North «V*o« Auatpallan Popta, Java •ltd llntaporj. Regular Fortnightly sailiast balwdoa Singapore and Western Australia, otllinK at Java (as inducement offers), Dorbv, Kind's Sound (Port for the Kimberley Gold
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 620 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANO, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EGYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS, PLY MOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issoed for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about— MAIL LINES Homeward (for Europe). From Singapore
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    • 564 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. ryTk. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly servioe is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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    • 816 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang, Berserah, Kretay, Paka, Tringgann, Bis t, Semera Bachok, Kelantan, Tabai, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kohsamm, Bandon, Langsuen, Taku, Chumpon, Koblak and Bangkok. Due Departure M. YUOALA April 4 t PRACHATIPOK April 8 April 8 •.>. BORIBAT April
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    • 533 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AND DEUTBGH DAMPFSGHIFF FAHRTB6EB. "HANSA" BREMEN. Combined Servioe. The steamers of thrse Companies maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen Antwerp, Rotterdsm and Emdeo anl tbe Straits, China and Japan. Homnward', they are despatched fort nightly for Havre and Hamburg and ono-i a month
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    • 568 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. ~N D. L. NOROGEUTBCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The ( and well-known mail steamers this Company eait fortnigh'ly from Bremen, |Hamba>g, L'shon, via Rotterdam. Antwerp, Souti amp'on, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connecting Mar eillee, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Saia, Sac/, Aden, Colombo, Penang Singaporo Hongkong,
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    • 76 4 Homeward 1914 (P. E. Fried.- ich April 8 U'orck April 20 P. Alice May 4 t Hu.low May 18 I Luttzow Juno 1 \\P, iiudwig June IS Goeben June 29 IDeii&iager July 18 Kleikt July 27 tP.E.Friedrioh Aug. 10 Yorok Aug. 24 fP. Alioe Sept. 7 Buelow Sept. 21 fLnotzow
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 634 5 "JENATZY TYRES. Xfoo£la'X&d't> Cso. 9 Singapore. STEAMER SAILINGS. AUSTRALIA by BURNS PHILP LINE'"Kk to Java Posts, Poet Dabwin 'liiL-Ksi>AY Island, ISkisu ink and Svdxkv, via Tuubks Straits. Also taking pi-ctiugurs and cartfj with (ranehi(iubu( tot Victorun, South Ai-stkalia.n and Nobtu QsjbVMUHB 1 .I i-, Ukitisu Nkw Glinka, N»w
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    • 550 5 NOTICES. GOVtRHHENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be received at tho COLONIAL ENoINi.UK' a Ulfioo, up to ncoa of the M April, 1)14. fcr Hit; fallowing works: 1. Fonxing doora and windows of Chinese Protectorate. 2. Special repairs to roofs of Inspectors' and Sergeants' Quartern aod out-buildings at the I'tttcive Station. 8.
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    • 306 5 DEUTSCHE 08TAFRIKA LINE. Br gnlar f irtnightly Service via Bombay ol Aden to Ztoaibar. Delagoa Bay. Durban Bast London, Pjit Eliz»beU»«l Capetown. Tbrongh bills of lading andlhrcuxh pissagg tickets are issued from Singapore to all ooatt ports in Bast and South Africa. i For passage, freight, time tabled, or and
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    • 175 5 INTERNATIONAL RUBBER CONGRESS AND EXHIBITION. BATAVIA, 1914. CONGRESS: September 7-12. 1914. EXHIBITION September 10 to October 10, 1914, Lectures bj n Downed Scion tists and Experts. Interesting Kzcaroiua in Java arranged. Kodaoed steanielip, railway and tramway tares for iOLDERS OF CONGRESS TICKETS. For particulars apply to W. E. van RIJNBERK,
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    • 71 5 Royal Vinolia Cream Soap. Royal Vinolia Cream Soap is specially adapted to meet the requirements of the daintiest toilet, while for daily use in (he nursery it is unsurpassed. The care bestowed on the selection of materials and manufacture of this charming soap ensures its absolute purity. It is indeed
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 257 6 /^^/ypte the eKtmol&incffy LSI 3 A opportunities otour Wgm> Jixprz 1 urzLC W^i^^^HqFtf ißßßi^^^ The Original Automatic fl S^, I -^alCaw PRICES I I II Dryingßottl., Ij^^t Dietx Buckeye" Lantern BMtx Hanging Lamp. cToves, a, sketch icr wsll or hand. Niokel Plated with 20 Line Burner. On| y *1.50 each.
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    • 296 6 CHEONB BROTHERS Dentists. NO 25, South Brtdg* RoU, Fint-eliet Moohaniatl DeasMry, Gold Orowai Bnd^e, Filiißß and Vulmb>l< Duatfos of .Wtw sparan»«a. CHARGES MODERATB. FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES. B'»t Twrth Pow^ii »nil Brnshes for *«'c. 'LA YEBANA' MANILA CIGARETTES. PURE GENUINE TOBACCO I 0000 SHORE 1 1 IN THREE QUALITIES:
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    • 108 6 SIEMENS WINCHESTER HOUSE, SINGAPORE. Telkoiams: SIBMEVS, «in K apcrr. Ti uosk No. Ml. SIEMENS Continuous Current Motor Type FC. Over of these MACHINES at work MW M in ihe Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States. SIEMENS BROTHERS DYNAMO WORKS, Ld. Head Office .—Caxton House, Westminster, London. Supplies Dept. and Storei
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  • 147 7 FIXTURES. Thursday, April 2. High Water. 1.9 a.ra.. 2.24 p.m. M. M. outward mail due. Friday, April 3. High Water. 112 a ra., 3.40 p.m. Tapah H. 0. moetiju. Evatt's, noon. Polo Club meeting, Exchange, 5 p.m. Saturday, April 4. High Water. 2.30 a.m., 56 p.m. Southern
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  • 203 7 To-DAT. Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan Japan 8 pm Batu Pahat Hong Wan Bpm P. Dick-ton and P. Swettenham Selangor 8 pm Malacca and Muar Kaka 8 pm Bangkok Singaporean Bpm Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta Ban^ala 4 pm Pontianak Khoen Foeng 4 pm Sourabaya. Macassar, Menado, Gorontalo, etc.
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  • 172 7 The M. M. company's steamer Paul Lecat left I olombo at H a.m. on Sunday, March 29. and may be expected to arrive here at about 5 p.m. to day. The P. and O. outward mail steamer Delta left Colombo at 4 p.m. on Monday, March 80,
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  • 458 7 Latest Arrivals. Abboteford, Brit. str. 99 tons, Capt Morris, April 2. From Bagan, Mar 81. G.c. and 17 d.p. Kwong Fonk. For Bagan, April 3. Rds. Bridgf. Nor. str. 650 tons. Capt Folkmann, April 1. From Bangkok. Mar 28. G.c. and 5 d.p. Borneo Co. For ISangkok, April
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  • 111 7 Wharves at which Vessel* are Berthed To-Day. TANJONO PAGAR. Bast Wharf Basin barque. E. J. Spence. W. Siction No. l...BaDgala. Shiirs Wharp Nil. Main W. Sict. No. 2.. .Ni1. B...Atagosan Maru. 4...NU. a a 6,..Cbiengmai, Klang. a O...Marudu, Lothian, Antilochus. N«w Doci a
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  • 131 7 Arrivals. Per str. Lady Weld, April 9.— From Malacca Messrs. J. Mitchell 'mid Bokenlian?. Per str. Singaradja, April 2. From Djambie: Mr. Harrington. Per str. van den Bo?ch, April 1. From Sourabaya Miss Getty, Matqars de Parnsse Count de Kergarion. Miss K. Begum, Messrs. J. Leesten maker,
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  • 278 7 EXCHANaB Simsapobs, April 2, 1914. O» Lomdom Bank 4 m/a M 2/4 1 Demand a/4 :i S Private 6 m/a m 2/4 i Bm/s S/4H Ob Oii«i»i. ...Bank d/d 28*1 Private 8 m/a m 842 On Fbavob Bank d/d m 294 Private 8 m/s m, 298 On
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    • 183 7 [0 10 Ampang 8.15 8.76 1 1 AyerWeng C.50 10 10 Bolat 2.66 2.80 10 10 Bruang 1.80 10 10 10.26 10 10 Kanaboi 1.60 1.76 10 10 Kinta Association 10.00 11. £0 81 £1 KintaTin 1.17.6 2.2.6 8} £1 Lahat Mine* 6.76 6.16 10 6 Malayan Collieries
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    • 665 7 vXel Bn^ 2/- 2/- AUagai 1/7 2/2 £1 £1 Angle Java 8/4J 4/4 2/- 2/- Anglo Malay 0/9 10/7 2/- 2/- Batang Malaka -/10 1/1 £1 £1 Batn Tigs 2.12.0 2.17.6 nom 2/- 2/- Bekoh /8 /10 £1 £1 Bukit Kajang 1.11.6 1.15.7 £1 £1 Bukit Lintang 2.15.0 8.0.0
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    • 115 7 vSS.3 41 £1 B. Smelting Co. 12/- 18/6 £1 £1 Prel. 1.1.0 1.8.0 5/- Electric T'wayi 4/6 6/--10 10 Fraeer Neave 67.00 00.00 60 60 Hammer Co. 97.C0 1C 5.03 100 Howarth Erskine 45.C0 100 a 7%Pref. 100.00 100 100 Kati Bro, Del 125.00 185.00 10 10 Maynard 00.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 13 7 For aright tad chills. Take Woods' Grea Prppermiot^Cuk-e. Sold everywhere BO cent' boule.
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    • 285 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. April 8. At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. April 3.— At No. 28, Teluk Ayer Street, stock-in-trade, at 10. April 4. At saleroom, Chinese Elaborately carvoi block wood furniture, silks, etc., at 11. April 4. -At saleroom, 84, Carr Chinese Tobacco, at 10. April 6.—
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    • 90 7 MAGNUMS 55 cts. ii|\ m^ nums 55 cts. L lhree Castles per j|e Cigarettc^a per 1) Wd&ho Wills \m Bristol London_^J^£P FRASER CHALMERS, LTD., Manufacture BUCKET DREDGES FOR TIN OR GOLD. i OPEN LINK OR CLOSE CONNECTED TVPEB. STEAM. GAS OR ELEOTRICALLY OPERATED. A 7 cv. ft. Steam Driven Dredge
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    • 91 7 TO- NIGHT! (8-10—11-30) TO-NIGHT I! another F.A.NTO3MAS SEMAL Tbe Third Story: "XME MYSTERIOUS FINGER PRINT" Tiie Fourth Story "XME TRAGEDY at the MASKED BALL LKNQTH 1.-.,OCOft. Along GAUMONT GRAPHIC, No. 10. AT THE HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. NOKTU BRIDOK hl)AI>. THE THIRD STORY depicts fnrthtr dating txiloife cf one of
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  • 1187 8 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, APRIL 2. WAR, HORRIBLE WAR. Our countrymen are coquetting with war in a queer, blind, reckless way, just children sometimes play with fire, bocaust they do not realise all the ruin, pain and horror that may spring from a single spark National service has been advocated
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  • 21 8 The French gunboat D I'erville ran aslior. near Niugpo on March 25 and now lies high and dry at high water.
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  • 38 8 At th Supreme Court, Hongkong, on Marcli 27, an application for leave to appeal to Hi* Majesty in Council was granted in connectior with the judgment of the three judges in tin Su««an Tomes appeal which they dismissed.
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  • 11 8 Latest advertisement* of the day appear on page a and 11.
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  • 20 8 Messrs. Derrick and Co. advise as of the following tin mine output' for March:— Belat 819 piculs, Bruang 22.55 piculs.
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  • 27 8 The beautiful blossoms of the vanilla are just now in full bloom at the Botanical Oardons, and should be seen by those who are interested in floriculture.
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  • 28 8 The Oovernor of Bengal on March 21 unveiled a statue of Lord Kitchener on the Calcutta maidan. There was present r representative gathering of military and prominent citizens.
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  • 47 8 The Times of Malaya is informed that tbe Duverby Estate lost during the last two years close upon 400 acres of rubber, varying from six months to one and a half years old, through tin. depredations of elephants. This is said to have been absolutely wiped out.
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  • 52 8 The Singapore Venture Syndicate advise that at their rubber sale by private tender yesterday, tho following prices wero rea-lised:-Smoked sheet 9128 20 to »131.10 per picul, unsmoked sheet $122.65 to 1125 30, scrap crepe SlO-1.30 to 811 1.20, bark crepe $98 30 to 104.80, virgin scrap 990, loose scrap •83.50
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  • 67 8 The steamship Chung Wa, owned by a Chinese company, and running between Kwong chau wan and Macao, was pirated on March 24, while at anchor near Macao harbour. It is reported that several of the crew were injured, but there were no fatalities. The pirates got away with loot worth
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  • 75 8 Fines of 1500 each were imposed on February 2V upon Mr. W. L. Curtin, a shipping news reporter, on the staff of the New York Tribune, and Mr. G. Burdick, the news editor of that paper, for refusing to divulge to the Grand Jury the source of information published in
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  • 87 8 This evening at the V.M.C.A. there will be a lecture on the Religions of China by the Chinese Consul-General, Mr. Hoo Wei Yen. This lecture, which is under the auspices of tbe Biblical and Literary Research Society which meets eyery Thursday evening at the V.M.C.A., will be delivered in Chinese
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  • 90 8 Tbe firm of Oadelius and Co., which it -vill be remembered first introduced the Ford car to Singapore and which had been in existence here since 1904, has just discontinued business and Mr. Gadelius has gone to Java, while Mr. S. Sternberg, who lias been with the firm for the
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  • 91 8 Yesterday afternoon, in the District Court, Chiang Siew Beng, was found guilty of criminal breach of trust in respect of stampß to tbe value of thirty six cents. Mention bad been made of the case on a previous occasion when there were two further charges but these were not taken
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  • 120 8 A handsome model of the Hongkong I'm versity buildings, in silver, has been en view at Hongkong. It has been copied from one in wood provided by tbe architects, aud has taken four men in Wang Ming's Canton fuo tory nine months to complete. The model, which is perfect in
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  • 130 8 Messrs. Bradley and Co., of Hongkong, have notified the police that one of their shroffr, named Lav Kwok Lum, about 26 years of age, has abscouded and taken with him from the office safe a sum* of about 12 i.300. The missing man had charge of the key of tbe
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  • 222 8 April does not threaten to be a very big month in the Singapore Supreme Court. Of the cases on the list there are one or two concerning the acquisition of land for public purposes. For the 7:h there is down ad action at the instance of Messrs. T. M. L»mb
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  • 416 8 Mr. R. St. J. Rraddell is returning from borne by tbe N. D. L. steamer Luetzow due on April >l. Major General Stephenson and Capt. and Mrs. Bad taamThornhill returned from Penan*; and the F. M. S. this morniug by the Klang. The engagement is announced of
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  • 84 8 By the Devanha today, tbe Hon. John A. Bucknill, K.C., arrived fiou Hongkong to take up the temporary appointment of Chief Justice during the absence on loave of Sir W. H. Hyndman Jones. He is accompanied by Mrs. Bucknill and their child, with a nurse, md
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  • 153 8 Mr. Oliver, the head of the Siud forests, in reply to a question in the Kind Gazette as to whether forests afftct rainfall, states Observations made over a number of years at a number of observation stations, show that (a) Forest* do no affect the absolute humidity
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  • 156 8 In connection with the find of the mutilated body of Hossain Khan, a M<>home'an youth, in a tin box in Cbattawallah lane, Calcutta, on March If, it appeals that deceased had in bis possession whon lie left home, at about 7 or 8 o'clock in tbe morning,
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  • 158 8 Queen Alexandra ha* selected Wednesday, June 24, for thin year's celebration of Alexandra Day. The celebration will be on a much laiger scale than ever," Raid Miog May Keetnan, the organising secretary, to a Daily Chronicle representative. "In at least 200 towns in the United Kingdom the now
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 204 8 OLD TOM Jas. london COUTTS CIN rco. Sole Importers N. /CALDBECK, MACGREGOR Co!\ Wholesale and Retail Wine and Spirit Merchants. >v |Jolin Little's thDhID »Hu9n IBHfle^^B^HW' I STARTED YESTERDAY I F R TWO WEEKS ONCE A YEAR ONLY. ELECTRIC LIGHTING II you have a moment to spare whilst passIng along
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    • 199 8 THE NEW TEMPORARY ALHAMBRA. CINfcMA HALL Behind tbk Old Building. /ILLUMINATED ENTRANCE SY. 'BEACH ROAD, BETWEEN THE "i MABLBORuPGH AND THE OLDf I ALHAMBfU, into which the show has moved, to allow of a more speedy erection of the NSW ALHAMBRA BUILDING now under construction. THE HALL 13 MT ED
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  • 436 9 SIR EDWARD GREYS SOOTHING SPEECH. More Hopeful Tone in Parliament. Reuter's Tkleoram. London, April 1. Tbe Home Rule debate in the House of Commons, following the conciliatory speech by Sir Edward Grey, was singularly tranquil. I The general feeling is that prospects of settlement arc rapidly brightening.
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  • 87 9 AMBASSADORS SPEECH AT NAVAL DINNEK. Aspirations for Prolonged Peace. Rkutkr'h Telegram. London, April 2. At the annual dinner of the Institution of Naval Architects, the Marquis of Bristol presiding, the Japanese ambassador replied to tbe toast of the guests. He said Japan was trying to emulate (treat
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  • 43 9 THE PANAMA TOLLS. Rkl TKK Tn.fcl.RAM. London, April 1. A Washington message says the bill re f pealing the Act for exemption of American) coast \vi*e -liiipinji from payment of Panama' Canal tolls ha* paaeed tbe House of Representatives by 248 to 162.
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  • 21 9 . Kfcl'TEß'S TILIORAM. London, April 1. Kewbary coarse betting on tbe Derby was 1,500 to 51 '0 against The Tetrarcb.
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  • 20 9 Reltkis Tiumii, London, April 1. An El P»«o mrseage states that Torreon has surrrndt red to General Villa.
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  • 38 9 BRITAI N'S BALANCE SHEET. Rioter's Telporam. London, April 1. Tbe national expenditnre in 1918-1! was £197,49:t,000 and the surplus is .£750,000, bnt Mr. Lloyd George will require an additional £9 400,000 t- cover tbe expenditure of 1914 15.
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  • 35 9 Riti-TER'a Tblboram. London, April 2. The French second battle squadron has been at Malta for three days. Brilliant weather has favoured the festivities, and the bluejackets are fraternising very heartily.
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  • 28 9 Rkutkk's Tklkhiiam. London, April 2. A Panama message says Col. Ooethal has i taken up his appointment as Governor of the Canal /.one without ceremony.
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  • 14 9 SYDNEY LUMPERS' STRIKE. Rkctfh's Tklkoram. London, April 1. The Sydney lumpers have resumed work.
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  • 66 9 ShRVIAN ALLIANCES. Berlin, April 1. In tbe Skuptscbina, M. Pasics said that I Servia, by allying herself with Montenegro y and Greece, has also secured tbe support c of Roumauia against any Bulgarian or Tur- kish attempts to alter the terms of the Bukha rest treaty. Servia, he added, is
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  • 29 9 Dick Ostasiatischk Lloyd Tkleoram. Berlin, April 1. The commander of the troops in the Ocr- t man colonies in Africa, Major von Olasenapp, has tendered his resignation.
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  • 39 9 Dm: Ost vsiatiscue Lloyd Telkqbam. Berlin, April 1. The Roumanian press emphasises that I!o.imania maintains her policy of a free hand even though an engayi ment between the Heir- Apparent and the Czar's daughter be arranged. 1
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  • 29 9 1 IK U OsTASIATIgL'HI LLOYD TkLEQBAM. Berlin, April 1. Prince Henry was given a splendid recep tion at Buenos Aires. He has proceeded t j Chile.
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  • 44 9 t Quotations Current Yesterday. The Evit Asiatic Company favour us with the following report The market in London yesterday was J steady. The closing prioes were: Hard Fine Para Spot 8/- Forwar.l 8/- < First latex crup delivery next three montbx 2/7
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  • 114 9 (From Ock Own Cobrbspondint.) Penang, April 1. The year's profits of the Criterion Press are 91,906. With the balance brought forward f rum last account tbe total is 96,892. The loss on the Straits Echo was 9155, and the profits on the Penang Sinpao 9581. At the
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  • 90 9 p The mortality returns for Singapore issued jby the Registrar of Births and Deaths show Itnat, during the week ending March 2i, there were 198 deaths (137 males, 56 females), giving a ratio per millu of population of 80.48. Malarial fever accounted for 26 deaths, phthisis 2H,
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  • 71 9 A notice has been issued, under the signature of the Hon. C. I. Mel. Messer, CaptainSuperintendent of I'oliop. Hongkong, offering a reward of 91,1)00 fjr information lending to the arrest and conviction for piracy in Hour kong, or for extradition for the same offence from
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  • 579 9 EXCELLENT PLAY AND EXCITING FINISHES. Fight for the Championship. Tbo S.C.C. lawn tennis tournament has reached an advanced stage without producing anything much in the way of exceptional play or sensational developments. Some of tbe games has been well worth watching, 1 but there has been an
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  • 235 9 Men Must be Home Early on Rest Days. new edict issued by the Chief Constable of West Sussex, Mr. A. S. Williams, will have the effect of reviving the curfew bell in the western portion of the county. Of coarse tbe ordinary citizen cannot be made
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  • 138 9 Mr. J. MoCabe Reay, tbe Deputy Public Prosecutor at Ipoh, was on Tuesday formally admitted to tbe bar of the F.M.S. at the Supreme Court, Ipoh. Mr. H. Lloyd Cowdy, making the application before the Chief Judicial Commissioner, Sir Thomas Braddell, said Mr. Bryant, tbe senior member
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  • 43 9 Sir James Sawyer, a noted English physician, advises those who would live to 100 to sleep on (be right side keep the windows open limit the ambition, preserve the temp r keep the bed away from the wall, and never take cold baths.
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  • 1216 9 MOMENTOUS YEAR FOR RUBBER INDUSTRY. Sclangor Chamber of Commerce. At the annual general meeting of the Selaogor Chamber of Commerce held at Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday, Mr. H. C. E. Zicharias presided »ver a good attendance Prom the account of the proceedings in the Malay Mail
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  • 496 9 Mr. Maurice Strivens and Miss A. W. Hitler. A pretty wedding took place at Christ Church, Malacca, on Monday afternoon, the contracting parties being Miss Annie Winifred (Frieda) Hiller, sistar of Mrs. Franklyn Robinson, of Malacca, and Mr. Maarice Strivens, manager of Hat u K.iwan Estate, P.W.
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  • 416 9 Is Naval Shooting Affected By Excesses I The question whether alcohol affects men's eyes has been submitted to the medical director of an institution which endeavours to cure alcoholism, says the Evening Standard. It arose from a statement that experiments made by tbe Natal had shown that
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  • 460 9 CASE OPENED AGAINST FOUR JAVANESE. What a Private Saw. The four Javanese, three men and a woman, who have been arrested by the police and charged with the murder of a sepoy at Paair Panjang, appeared in the second court yesterday afternoon, when Mr. Korrer commenced the preliminary
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  • 353 9 Letters fro.n London Facilitated By New RouteThe Sydney correspondent of the Times of Ceylon, writing on March 3, stated The interest aroused over tin mail route question has been supplemented by two events worthy of note. There were delivered yesterday for tbe first time in history, letters posted
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  • 194 9 DISASTROUS COTTON FIRE. Thousands of Bales Destroyed At Bombay. Cjtton Green, Colaba, Bombay, durin the early boars of March 23 was the scene, of a very destructive fire, the damages from which are variously estimated at between sixty live and seventy five lakhs. The Green for some time past hod
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  • 1226 10 Europe's Newest King. I BIG MONARCH FOR A BIG JOB. Tbe Tempestuous Albanian Throne. The Powers picked a big man for the obviously big job or running tbe little Kingdom of Albania. When Prince Wilhelm of Wied was at tbe Court of his aunt, Carmen Sylva, in Bucharest, drest in
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  • 472 10 A Forgotten Industry of English Woods. Reference* which have been made recently in tbe columns of the Pall Mall Gazette to truffles and trufHe bunting recall the fact that it was Lady Dorothy Nevill, in her Memoirs (1907) who deplored the entire neglect by English peoplo to search
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  • 418 10 African Tribe Described by Sir Thomas Dewar. Sir Thomas Dewar came, in the course of his recent big-gaiue expedition, much iv con tact with the Masai tiibe on the borders of Victoria Nyanza, and investigated their quaint customs. "They never woi k," he siid. There are
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  • 17 10 Won't you eat some more ice cream, tear?" "I'm afraid 1 can't, but I don't mind trying
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  • 750 10 MR. EMANUEL ON OUR LOVE OF "CHESTNUTS." Newspaper Wit. Speaking of British wit and humour of to-day, Mr. Walter Emanuel (Charivaria of Punch), at a meeting of tbe London Branch of the National Book Trade Provident Society, held in Stationers' Hall, on February 27, with Mr. Arthur
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    • 67 10 The White Star Club will meet the Nomads at soccer on Friday on the Beach Road ground at 5 p.m. The Straits Jovial met and defeated the Juvenile team on the Raffles reclamation in the S.C.F.A. League Yesterday afternoon. The game was evenly fought and the winning
      67 words
    • 76 10 All the New York newspapers of February 27 commented upon the British Sovereign's presence at the baseball match at Stamford Bridge, publishing cables running into two or three columns, wherein the game waa reviewed in detail, both from an expert and a social point of view. The hope waa universally
      76 words
    • 38 10 Sepoy Lines Golf Club. The medal for March baa been won by G K. Alien. Seven cards were taken out, but only two returned, the scores being G. K. Allen 84—16=69 F. B. Croocher 80 10 76
      38 words
  • 62 10 The Un production in Banka for the month of December, 1913, waa 28.565 piculs. The production for the other months of 1913, 14 is 168 870 piculs, total 192,485 piculs. In Decem ber, 1912, the production was 20,486 piculs, in the other months of IUI2/18 164,354 piculs, total 188,790 piculs.
    62 words
  • 1376 10 GREAT CHANGES SEEN BY RECENT TRAVELLERS. Significance for the West. Mr. G. S. Eddy, foreign secretary for Asia of the International Committee of V M.C.A.'a, who has been for fifteen years in India and who recently travelled through Asia with Dr. John Mott, has set down
    1,376 words
  • 601 10 Restraint, Not Prison, For Inebriates. Alcohol, far from being the chief cause of inebriety, is merely the medium that brings into prominence certain defects that might have remained bidden but for its exposing or developing influence." This is one of the many striking statements in a White Paper
    601 words
  • 114 10 At the Harima Hall Cinematograph to night, the third and fourth series of the pictuae Fantomas— the mvfterious finger print and the tragedy at the masked ball will be shown. Eve.j 4nt»i gt this story provides a thrill. It depicts the exploits >f a daring ruffian who goes
    114 words
  • 930 10 SECRETS OF DARLING OF THE GODS." From the Prompter's Box. I do wish to know whether it's real Bengal fire that conies up when Sir Herbert opens the trapdoor," said the little non-profession-al inyi tine. I will tell you presently," I promised. And I am sure it's
    930 words
    6 words

  • 716 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, April 2, 1914. Messrs. Lyall aod Evatt. Exchange and Share Brokors, issue the following list of quotations this morning No* Vali-k Blvkk.h. Skllers. 2/- Allagar 1/8 2/1 1 Anglo Jata 8/4* 4/4* 1 A-c'o .lohoie 5/- 6/3 2/ Adi;lo
    716 words
  • Correcponocncc
    • 290 11 To the Editoi of the Strait* Times. Sir,— l am cbiigod to K. H. for replying to my letter. As I thought it might be un healthy to rubber to put it in an airtight box I proceeded cautiously with the experiment I put a good ijj.ii.tity.
      290 words
  • 444 11 Mr. Belloc's views on the Channel Tunnel. The Channel Tunnel sebemo is the subject of an arresting article by Mr. Hilairc Belloc in the current British Review. "It is maintained," he says, by tbot-e who favour this scheme, first, that tbe tunnel could alway be kept from
    444 words
  • 55 11 . A patronising younu lord was seated opposite a famous scientist at a dinner. During a lull in tin- conversation be adjusted bis monocle and leaned towards the scholar. Aw. y' know, Mr. Jones," be drawled, I passed your house this mawuin^." Tbank you," said .Tone*, quietly. Thank you verjr
    55 words
  • 43 11 The following police court dialogue is re ported in the Mail from Gravesend Solicitor Where do you live Witness i Hoo. Solicitor You. Witness Koo, sir. Solicitor You, I mean you yourself. Witness Hoo. Solicitor Oh at Ho* I Witness Yes, sir.
    43 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 55 11 Coughing into Consumption "OoTy a Cou^'i 1 :t yon stop it w!.i!o i-. H ONLY i r.iofjb. tVArEkiiUKYS METABOLIZED CQDUVaOA COMPOUND 1 1 The fli: at p: c "v.rV ii n uiaJ* S for combatinii »fT<ie coughs. > CURKS any c ,li tliat is 1 1 otly a MftV palatable.
      55 words
    • 49 11 In day* of old when knights caafcht cold. And barons bad to snecie No warrior bold with spun of gold, Knew how to get come ease. Bat nowaday— one's glad to aaj, Catarrh and coughs are fewer When nights are cold and microbes told, Take Wood's Oreat Peppermint Cote.
      49 words
    • 398 11 LATEST fcOVEHTiSeMBNTS. iMi VICTORIA THEATRE. Thursday, April 16 AND Saturday, April 18, at 9 p.m. GRAND VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT vi (I r tlr mat >>>;■ m* 1 1 if SINGAPORE: A. D. C. AMD K. O. Y. Ju I. Plan of Seats st the ROBINSON PIANO CO., LTD., on Monday, April
      398 words
    • 353 11 The Store FOU Gramophones Records Music and Musical Instruments IS UNDO BTEDLY MOUTRIES Call on us at orce and d'jn't waste time wandering round other Houses. RAFFLES PLACE. TO BE LET. A very Urge European dwelling honae abont a mile from Tuwn, with extensive l-'ining, Billiard and Reception Roomi and
      353 words
    • 298 11 H Smoked Evf.rywhf.rk by No. 1, Equestrians. fe H (nearly) Everybody. j| I PLAYER'S I I NAVY I I MIXTURE I "THE MIXTURE OP MATCHLESS MERIT." RAFFLES HOTEL Special Dinner AND DANCING ON SATURDAY, APRIL 4. MUSIC BY THE PARISIAN TRIO. STAMFORD HOUSE. ■rat Batah Road. Private Hotel. UNDER ENTIRELY
      298 words

  • 1115 12 A COMMITTEE OF INSPECTION APPOINTED. Objections to Reconstruction. \u extraordinary general meeting of tbe Bode Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on February 27, to consider a scheme of reconstruction. Sir Cornthwaite H. Karon (chairman of the company), who presided and moved tbe resolutions, said that it was
    1,115 words
  • 614 12 A Consensus of High Medical Opinion. In a letter to The Times, Professor J. Cook Wilson makes some exceedingly interesting and consoling statements as to the exaggeration which exists in tho popular mind concerning tbe pains suffered at the point of death. He mentioned the case of
    614 words
  • 283 12 Far away beyond the mountains, where mankind may never tread. Lies a garden, still and quiet— so at least old tales have said Comes no noise to break the stillness, brooding calm that deathlike seems— All is motionless, unstirring, in the Garden of our Dreams. Weather-beaten
    The Times  -  283 words
  • 1566 12 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest Lists. The following* passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list
    1,566 words
  • 384 12 Twenty-five Years in Bank Strong Room. Quite a romantic story, says tbe Evoning Standard, attaches to the forthcoming sale it Christie's of the Ashburnham treasures which have only recently been discovered ifter lying thirty years in the strong room of i bank. There are marvels of masterly
    384 words
  • 357 12 How He Turned the Tableson His Captor. A X6.000 burglary was committed recently in Newark, New Jersey, and the exploit lias been laid to the account of a certain English LTackniuan who ono Sunday came near being urested. The police officer who tracked him jowd aud made plans
    357 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 342 12 No muGj- v crfam y rubbing in" L ._2S?;££?ab kthar gives with the fingers [s^v SH aqcickand is necessary Si economical with Colgate's. <^^BlLjy shave. AT CHEMISTS AND S T O R S i IN A CLASS BY ITSELF. I «JT XJ JL< X AKT A I JULIAN FRANKEL. OF
      342 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 96 13 I <r<^J^| MbV i Ib^HBH^BhE^E rSBsMBI^^L^BBB^^-B^LBl^^kk. B Sole JmporFers: Kf^^fe^^tfH Bf ELECTRIC HEATING UTENSILS. CHEAP AND RELIABLE APPARATUS. GLEAN AND CONVENIENT. DOMESTIC IRON. 2 PINT STONEWARE BOILING JUG Heats in 2 minuten. BOILS water in 8 minutes. Costs about 2 cents per hoar for current. Useful for Heating Milk and
      96 words
    • 454 13 r There are not several grades /t of quality in Cycle Tubes. f~~^* > *f*~~~ *3 There is one quality f^ -I only— the best. S^^/yT The Michelin policy r^-^/Aw of concentration upon Y^*^*-'^^* I^\ ne Q u *My n^ P er X^'^S^ mits of the production Vj***^- **^^ip of
      454 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1192 14 SINGAPORE S ONLY COMPANY. LARSEST PAID-UP CAPITAL OF ANY EASTERN COMPANY. PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. MEAD OFFICE i Winiheitor House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE I S2, Old Jewry, E.C The Company ha* £30.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England. t»1 oomptiea with the Biitka
      1,192 words
    • 507 14 BtHKINP. BFUTJCH-MUTIBCHE BARK MUV Mil IP HtflTU. li. lasll 7,180,101 Owl Cfflix .ShaDnbai, Board of Dirootors Ber'in. BBANOHBSi Vetllß, CaloitH, Hambnrr, Canton, Hankow, Hoagkong, Kokr, P<=kinr, Tientoin, Tsinaofn, Trtirgtan, Yokob»t a, TH FOLLOWING BANKS AND BANKERS ARE REPRESENIED ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Bank fner Handel uid Indn»trie, Berliccr HandelsQeeel'tohaft.
      507 words
    • 949 14 INSURANCE. HESITATION is very infections as regards the acqult-ition of Life Assorauoe. Hundreds of wives are .eft unprovided for on a- count of thtir hoeitation to either Fancuon or enoouroge their hnsbunus' application for Assurance. Only when death r« moves the lattt r and they are face to face with
      949 words

  • 1120 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Non-Skid Tyres. Non skid tyres fall naturally into two classes— those which are fitted with steel embedded in a leather outer skin, and those which have a tread of combined studs or other projections and rubber, says a correspondent in
    1,120 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
      284 words
    • 13 15 I For all internal complaints. Take Woods Great Pepperniat Curef SO oents bottle.
      13 words
    • 217 15 w\*ssS" vV 191 3 mw* la sarthe //I/ 1912 I \The first eight cars on/ /^f'fh 4912 //M/ (|l^//£iEndleSg Chauiaf Wds%^N| J V pIH& Records Proves! the Supreme if^| y \vL 111 Durability of iff jjj Clf "Continental" w\ JJ&\ TYRES ifSkf JJn OBTAINABLE FROM ALL |A (yss^V( DEALERS and
      217 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 917 16 In the opinion of «tf"TT SDee<l P ressure or 1 1 those who are most B I temperature makes j[\ competent to judge, jU no difference to the CHAMPION MO- lubricating value TOR OIL U the of tIQ Q most economical and most effective vents wear and tear for all
      917 words
    • 575 16 TO BE LET OR SOLO. TO BE LET OB SOLD. TO BE LET. LANGL\NI>S, No. 113, River Valley Road. Apply No. 8, Malacca Street 801 v i HOUSE TO LET. No. 16 and 16, Devonshire Road. Entry from April 1. Apply 171, Waterloo street. 6-8 4-4 I FLOOR TO LET.
      575 words
    • 551 16 BEASIDE RESIDENCE TO LET. JL' ANITA, to let furnished. Apply No. 9, Mt. Sophia. I 1-4 o HOUSES TO LET. Immediate entry. No. 1, Devonshire Road, and Entry from May 1, Nos. DC. and 7, Institution Hill. Apply to Soon Teck Sam, 1 No. 69, Stanley Street. 1-4 7-4 TOILET.
      551 words
    • 485 16 HOTICEB. KIAM KIAT ft GO. SHIP CHANDLBRB, Imnml ami Municipal Contractor*, 106, 106 109, Market Street. Telephone Nos. 431. GUAN KIAT CO., 37. Phillip Street. SHIP-CHANDLERS, GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL CONTRACTOHS, GbNBRAL IMPORTERS AND Exporters and Commission Agents. Telephone No. 1171 1288 (Private 1450) 88 n I ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERS. NOTICE.
      485 words
    • 449 16 SINGAPORE CLCB FIXTURES. Straits Times List. i The following fixture? fjr the current week and important forthcoming fixtures are kindly supplied by the secretaries of the various clubs. Convenient forum 00 which to make tho returns will be supplied on application to the Manager, Straits HbMI Singapore Cricket Club. Lawn
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 220 16 Straits "(Dimes. ADVERTISEMENT KATES.-Miscellane-ous wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of $1 per four lines tor one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, (1 each insertion. For p.p.c. cards, on page 8,12. Inch Scalb Ratbs are as follows:
      220 words