The Straits Times, 1 April 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. J|o. 24.453 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 1. 1914. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 250 1 wm S? JL Most Wonderful Value Ever Offered. >Hp^ _f v^ jk^ \g!-9™/7 AN IDEAL i MWe sell Eden Cloth at 20 cts. TeWUS Shirts, til 'hII HimHaJ p er yd #i but it looks like a nmcli CfqmnpfJ more expensive fabric. It has a soft firm texture and Shift
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    • 33 1 [FODDER CONTRACTS $2O Per Month. COMPRISING: 4 Bags Mixed Food- Bedding Shoeing (as often as required). Qreastng and Setting the wheels of Carriages. H.S. KIRWAN, No. 2, The Arcade. Tel 961. 811 n
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    • 243 1 MODERN RAINCOATS GAPES. We stock Raincoats for all occasions at competetive prices from A/^fi..\\ 1 1 $11.50 to $35.00. Pi The "EGERTON" RAINCOAT w'^VKaJs' f"~ I M wo Te s'ecked 'r a rt'tubcr cl jeai^, has always mvtu Entire Satisfaction tfF~\^if md 8 acl DOW e^^ eJ to tno Beat
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  • 1094 2 BLAKE KNOCKED <ftT IK THE FOURTH ROUND. Huge Crowds At Jbe Palladium. Bombardier Wells, holder of the LoosdaJe Belt in the Heavy-weight division, and Bandsman Blake, of Great Yarmouth, met at the Palladium on March* B in a 20 round contest for £1,800 and tbe° Heavyweight Championship of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 123 2 kvV\ benefits bestowed^ upon jr/C-fid k^\\ the weak and depressed by \<^\ this reliable tonic are -^/Z Buoyant spirits Strong, steady nerves A vigorous brain <J A brisk step A hearty appetite A good dfgestion 2r That is why it is so good for CONVALESCENTS AND INVALIDS >S Sold at
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    • 17 2 For oolio and windy itpaams. Take Woods, Great Peppermint Care. Sold everywhere, B 0 cents s bottle.
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    • 391 2 r T c ßeethani's "1 "^1 TT&Zit* tii**— t»>« sum X^TVX I^BQfT At> VELVET, and k—p» l« Vl fT BoVt, SMOOTH and WHITI 'II ail th« y*mr round *H RnlM Uik«i». T»«. tc )T 1 COOLING AN* KBFRBSHING L T DURINS) THB SUMMBR HEAT '1^ Wm. BEBTHANI. 1 WJr.Jg, WAH
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    • 779 2 STEAMER BAILIH6B. BIBBY LINE Of nut twln-«r.w P..», B g«. §t«swi«r« between R.ngoor, Colombo, Suez, Port S-id, Mars»illea and London. ft*of>osed Sailings for 1914. HOMEWARD. Stbamii WORCESTERSHIKB WARWICKBHJRE DBBBYSHIRE aSRBFOriDSHIRB LBICESTBBSHIRffGLOUCESTERSHIRE Departures from Ranooon April S April 16 April 80 May 14 May 38 Jane 11 I Arrive llmii||||
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    • 16 2 Steatoei arrirej Lon»oi May I 1 Ma/ 16 fM n ne 18 ne W ly ;3
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  • 800 3 By Majob J. A. R. Olbnnib, Ao. Commandant Sdpsapors Volcntibb Costs. Singapore, ifcatch 80, 1914. S.V.O. Balestier Rifle Range. I The range ie allotted as under Saturday, April 4, at 2.3<1p.m., S.R.E.(V.) Rifle Club. Sunday, April 6, at 8.30 a.m., Maxim Co, It is notified for information that
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 473 3 DISINrECTANTS. All Kind* mad for All Purpmmmm. AB SUPPLIED TO HM. QOVERNMRNT D«PABTM>' sV OANITA8 a UKOL| M times tba cc «flalT.t of oarbolio add. Tba Ideal diaiafaetast lor use in the Tropios. Highest sffloiaaoy sad lowest ooat Powerful LarrsKide. Unaffected by organic matter, and mJaoible with both trash and
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    • 232 3 Analysed by Sir Charles Cameron, C8..M.D., President Society of Public Analysts, England. Does not contain Cocaine, Morphine, Opium, Chloral, or an/ of the Cosl Tar Products. NO BAD AFTER EFFECTS. Honourable Mrs.Lowther.wlfa Ofth. tpsaktc Of tho Houto Of Commons;, London, England, wrttooi Mrs. lames Lowtktr is (lad to testify to
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    • 53 3 Bowel Complaint in Children. Daring the summer months children are subject to disorders of the bowels and should I receive the most careful attention. As soon f as any unnatural looseness of the. bowels is 1 noticed Chamberlain's Colic, Cbalera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be given. For sale by all
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    • 240 3 Anaemia maii iI T 'JM the core. Anaemic girls, weak children and jaded mothers get new life and vigour by taking SCOTT'S Emulsion. Medicine and food, it fortifies the blood, promotes appetite, and brings back the roses and the joy of health. But be sure to get SCOTT'S— no other
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 622 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANO, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EGYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about— MAIL LINES Homeward (for Europe). (Connecting at From
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    • 566 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. nTyTk. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly servioe is maintained between Yokohama via parts to Marseille*, London and Antwerp, nnder mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin«crew Steamer* maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed aud are fitt- <J with
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    • 816 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD SINGAPORE-BAHGKOK. For Pabang, Be»serah, Kretay, Paka, Tringgann, Bi«ut,'"Semera Bachok, Kelantan, Tabai, Bangnara, Telupln, Panarai, Patani, Siagora, Laoon, Kobaamni, Bandon, Langsuen, Takn, Chnmpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Due Departure B. a. ASDANG April 1 YUGALA April 1 April 4 f c.c. PRAGHATIPOK April 6
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    • 534 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AM* RIKA LINE. HAMBURG. DEUTSCH CAMPFBCHIFF FAHRTBGES. "HANBA" BREMEN. Combined Service. The steamers of thi b<. Companies maintain a regular service b :w n hambarg, Bremen Antwerp. !;»t(< r.l.iui and Emdea an! tho I Stra-.ts, Coia* and Japan. Homnwardf, they are despatched fort nightly for Havre and
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    • 688 4 1 STEAMER SAILINGS. N D. L. NOROOEUTBGHER LLOYD. BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINK. The f.-st and Well-known mail stca-i^rs this Company Bail fortnightly frcm B|Qtur>n, I Hamburg, L'sbon, via Rottardom. A:iiwerp, Souit amp'on, G,braltar, Genoa, Naplot f onnoc.inij Md:.-eillea, Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) Port Slid, Sue/, Aden, Colkmbo, I
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 665 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCMBINID lIRVICI OF THE ICEAN 8. I. CO.. LTD.. 4 THE WEBT AUBTRALIAK t N. CO.. LTD MTWIV PwmantiS (Perth), North Weet Australian Ports, and Sinsapore. ztegaar Fortnightly tailings tietwn SingapiTe aud Weaitra Aostraiia, ca' v»| at Java (v udooßinent otters), Darby, Kno N ScncJ Port for the
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    • 664 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. AUSTRALIA BY BURNSniLP UNI Sinoaporb to Java Ports, Port Darwik Thchm>av Island, Brisbane and Sydney, via Tories Straits. Also taking pastengerß and oargo with transhipment for other Victorian Soitu Aubtraluk and North Qcrensland Ports, British New Guinea, Nbw Britain, Taimanian and Nik Zealand Port*. Smroth Passage- Superb Soenery.
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    • 246 5 CHUBBS SAFES LARGE SELECTION ON SHOW AT Huttenbach Bros. Co., 13, COLLVFR QUAY. "SUCCESS" Emery Grinder (FOOT POWER) 3,000 Revolutions per Minute attained S'"'-:vW^ i by a simple and easy motion of the foot. JUST LIKE A POWER MACHINE /y The Greatest Grinder 1 on Earth For Grinding Drills, Castings,
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    • 410 5 f aU'i aai i_ Lifebuoy Soap is more than soap, inasmuch as it has powers in addition to those which promote cleanliness. It is a reputable germicide a sure disinfectant. As a soap, Lifebuoy is everything that it should be efficacious for Bath, Toilet and all kinds of cleanliness. Its
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    • 274 5 MORTGAGEE'S BALE Monday, Ai-ril 6, at 2.80 p.m. Freehold Land Pitutte oB Mo Pherscn Road, together with a plank and attap house erected tbtreoo, area h6,4Cotq. feet. CHI.VG KENG LBB CO., AuctioneersTHE AVER PANAB RUBBER ESTATE LTD. NOTICE OF GLOBING OF TRANBFER BOOKS. NOTIC Eis hereby givo a, that the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 253 6 Ss£/yofe the e>xtrao/d/nary v. A opportunities c/tgi/r w r \L>± L L kJL l JU\J /jP>TW THt; Wnole Stock of Stylish I^Oj j nM Morning Hats, trimmed in a nILU I J$P Reduced to $3.00 each. Hand-mad j Lace Trimmed y French Underwear. a Night Drcsut, Cametolei, "*tf~ REDUCED $3.50,
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    • 513 6 INM-CHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Direct Service to Japan via Hongkong Shanghai, and to Caloutta, via Penang, from Singapore. TakiDg car^L on thorough Bills of Lading for Canton. Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Cbefoo, Tieattin, NewchwaDg, Yangtsae Ports, Formosa, the Philippines, etc., etc, e'o. Steamers. Tons. Commander. Kctsakq 4,895 R. C. D.
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    • 165 6 BUY "SHELL" YOU CAN RELY ON THE QUALITY AND QUANTITY. THEY PONT CHANGE. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. Ardath Bouquet Cigarettes as supplied to tbe House of Lords. Per ICO $1.60. Plocltwurst AND Cervelatwurst in GELATINE, from Mr. Koblmaori, Bremerhatep. Thaee sausage < oin be kept without ice for mentbs. CAN BE HAD
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  • 153 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, April I. High Water, 0.11 a.m., 1.42 p.m. Thursday, April 2. High Water. 1.9 a.m 2.2H p.m. P. and O. horanward mail due. M. M. outward mail due. Sultan ot ul \ot»n arrives, Johnston's Pior. Friday, April 3. High Water, 1.42 a.m., 8.40 p.m. Tapnh
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  • 170 7 To-DAT. Brngkalis, Labocan Bilik, Tanrtjong Balei and Modan De Kock 8 pm Malacca, P. Swettenham and Telok Anson Ipoh 8 pm Ananiba and Natuna Islands Batavier 8 pm Medan Circe 8 pm Tebiny Tinggi, Bengkalis and Bagan Esmeralda Bpm Bangkok Hild 5 pm To-MOHROW. Pontianak Alting 8
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  • 232 7 Nail Steamer Movement. The M. M. company's steamer Paul Lecat left Colombo at 8 a.m. on Sunday, March 29, and may be expected to arrive here at about 5 p.m. on Thurday, April 2. The P. and O. homeward mail steamer Davanha left Hongkong at 1 p.m. on Saturday, March
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  • 102 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Day. TANJONG PAGAR. Bast Wharf Basin U<m)ue, E. J. Spence. W. Sbctiom No. 1...'1'm / Maru, Bangala. Shsbrs Wharf Nil. Maw W. Sect. No. 8...Ni1. B...Atogasan Maru. 4...Benavon. 6 ...Nil. 6...Marudu, Lothian. N«w Dock 7...(Under construction) Wist
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  • 375 7 Latest Arrivals. Anjou, Brit. »tr. 128 tons, (.'apt Phillips. Mar :U. From Bagan, Mar 28. O.c. and 45 d.p. Ang Hock Seang. For Bagan, April 1. I;.K Hrisgavia. Gor. str. 4165 tons, Capt Boldt, Mar 80. From Hamburg, Feb 10. O.c. Behn Mi yor .v Co. I.i It
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  • 267 7 BXCHANQB Sixoafou, April 1, 1014. On London ......Bank 4 m/i M n Demand M 2/4^ Private 8 tn/s 2/44 Bm/« 2.4 O* GiEHAWT.....Bank d/d 288J Private tn/i 242 On FaAMoa Bank d/d 204 Private 8 m/i 298 Ok Iwdia .Bank T. T. 1741 Private 8C d/e M
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    • 183 7 Bay*, fell*. 10 10 Ampang 8.25 9.25 1 1 AyorWeng C.50 10 10 Bel»t 2.70 2.85 10 10 Braang 1.80 10 10 Kainpai 10.26 10 10 K&naboi 1.60 1.76 10 10 Kinta Association 10.00 11. CO £1 £1 Kinta Tin 10.60 17.75 £1 Labat Mine* 6.7S 6.16 10 A
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    • 638 7 {f? c 1 Buyers. Sellers. Value (2 3/- 2/- Allagai 1/8 2/1 41 41 Anglo-Jar* 8/4} 4/4 3/- 3/- Anglo Malay 9/9 10/7 a/- 3/- Batane Malaka 1/£1 £1 Batu Tig* 2.1.0 2.8.6 norn 2/- 2/- Bekoh -/7* -/10 £1 £1 Bokit Kajang 1.1 1.6 1.15.7 £1 £1 Bokit
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    • 112 7 . £1 £1 B. Smelting Co. 12/- 18/6 41 £1 Prel. 1.1.0 1.8.0 6/- 6/- Bleotrie T'w»ya 4/3, 5/--10 10 Fnsar A Neave 55.00 60 60 Hammer Co. 07.60 105.0J 100 Howarth Biakine 45.C0 100 I%Pnt JOO.OO 100 100 KaU Bro, Del. 125.01 IS6M 10 10 Maynard 00. 16.00 100
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 16 7 Fur al) Stomach troubles. Take Woods Great Peppermint Cure. At all Stores, 8C cents a bottle.
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    • 348 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. April 8. —At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. April B.—At No. 23, Teluk Ayer Street,-stock-in-trade, at 10. April 4. —At saleroom, Chinese Elaborately carved blackwood furniture, silks, etc., at 11. April 6. —At saleroom, unredeemod pledges, at 10. April 7. —At saleroom, land and house
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    • 90 7 MAGNUMS 55 cts. f|V *t urns <&! 55 cts. |L I nree Castles per js Cigarettes ;|l per 1 1 1 1 1 £\iM. 2k* >ssSSi i 1 1 1 I WD&HO Wills I CARLS BERG BEER^ Sole Agents THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD., Singapore. YAMATO CO., 4i, high Street.
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  • 1330 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY APRIL. 1. CRISIS FOLLOWS CRISIS. If Cjl. Seeiy bad been allowed to remain in the Cabinet, While Generals French and Bitai£ retired, tbe "morale of the army wtrald have been moat soriomsly shaken* After making tbe ffcllest possible allowance fV bin goOfl intentions, one cannot evade
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  • 18 8 The total cost of tbe Malay States Guides in 1913 was •446.098.53 as against 1306,912.19 tbe previous year.
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  • 17 8 A Gazette Extraordinary issued yesterday proclaims Colombo as an infected port owing to tbe existence of plague.
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  • 18 8 Shanghai St. George's Soc-ety is in a flour ishing condition with 404 members and a satisfactory bank balance.
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  • 19 8 It is notified that tbe partnership hitherto existing between W. L. Watkiaa and Charles Benjamin is dissolved from date.
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  • 19 8 The Pacific Phosphate Company is issuing £100,000 worth ot 6 per cent, cumulative second preference £1 shares at pv.
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  • 32 8 At the Court of Appeal, at Tpoh, Dorasamy, who killed bis mother in law when attacking bis wife, begged their Lordship* to excuse him this time. The apology was not ac ceptedl
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  • 34 8 As a result of tbe proceedings mentioned in this paper recently, five firms were on Tuesday fined *5 each, in the Kuala Lumpur police court, for not stating their place of incorporation in advertisements.
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  • 31 8 U has been decided to station an officer of the Telegraph Engineering Department at Seremban, and Mr. D. B. Evans, assistant Telegraph Engineer, proceeds there from Kuala Lumpur early next week.
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  • 33 8 "The Biblical"anoV Literary Research Society meet at the V.M.C.A. on Thursday at 8.46 p.m., when the Cbineso ConsnlGeneral will give an add/ess upon The Religions of China." All interested will be cordially welcomed."
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  • 43 8 With tbe exception of tbe new railway bridge, and this is almost. completed, tbe improvements on the road fiom Kuala Lumpur to Petaling are out ipiet«d, and it is now possible to traverse in eemfort a road which is well above flood level.
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  • 46 8 The Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board has resolved that it is not necessary and prob ably undesirable for motor garages to be provided- wifch hydrants, bat that a stock of lire extinguishers and friable, earth should be kept on the premises sufficient to deal with petrol fires.
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  • 50 8 At a meeting of the committee of tbe Selangor Club it was decided to hold the adjourned geneial weaving on Saturday, April 86, and, in view of .the nambnr of resignations receiver? from {nejnjbejrt who bed oeeu nominated for election to the committee, it was also-eesoLvtd^o* rp open the- nominations.
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  • 54 8 The annual general meeting "of tbe Hedjang Lebong Company. %a* lie) at Batavia on March- 32, at which tbe dividend of 15 per. cen).' payable, on April 1, was approved. Tbe a malting of the Siman Cdta pany .toojf place toe following day Vid.the payment of a dividend of 20
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  • 73 8 In great pictures there are often little mistakes.* All are agreed that the finest of Sir John Tenniel's cartoons aras .Dropping the Pilot. Bat you will remember that tbe pilot is walking down an accommodation ladder, wMle the Kaiser looks over the bulwark. Bat did ever a pily| leave a
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  • 70 8 Operations on the ferro concrete bridge t-pamung the Oaylapg River in Orqve Road baveaaceseitated thdcioeingortl«it thoroughfare to tiif&c, and to reach TanjoDg KatoDg it is n^tas&rj. to take the old route via TaDJoDg Katong Koad. The work on tbia bridge bas occupied an inordinately longtim? as I it is to
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  • 82 8 The aheap sale at Mmn. John Little and Co.'s, atertiDK to-4ay, comes at a particularly upper tas* time/ sad those who a/c faoi jritb tfie necessity of repleniading wardrobes nai f iiuipnitnt -for going hone will be saved money by btiyiu^ during Little's bargain (ortnight. This if, of aoursS, orec
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  • 104 8 Ail interesting sou, tbs Arst of its kiod in Calcutta Blab Csvrt, has been filed, in wbicb a Jewiah lady seeks a direction on her him band to grant her a bill of dirorce wbicb, acourding to Jewish law, it is understood, only tbe basband can grant and nobody else.
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  • 395 8 Lieut B. N. Denisor., Ist Bn., K.0. Y.L.1., has been granted leave of absence, on private affairs, from April 26 to June 1. We are officially informed that His Highno"» the Sultan of KeUntan bas postponed bis visit to Singapore for a week. Mr. Winston Churchill bas
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  • 88 8 His Excellency Sir Arthur Young, K.C.M.G., and Lady Evelyn Young are booked to go borne on six months' leave by the Norddeutscher Lloyd mail steamer Prinz Cndwig, leaving Singapore on June 16. During Sir Arthur's absence, of course, the Colonial Secretary (the Hon. R. J. Wilkinson, C.M.G.),
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  • 180 8 Mr. R. N. Holmes, of Messrs. K. T. Reid and Co., meb with a rather nasty cycle accident oa Tburday evening. It appears, according to tbe Piuang Gazette that after the Volunteer surprise alarm bo was cycling home in company with Mr. Uickson, of the
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  • 352 8 We hare received a copy of Mr. R. O. Van Someren's id valuable book on "The Courts, Civil Procedure, Repeal, Civil Law and Divoroe Ordinances 1907-1013." This is the second edition and contains a great deal of taw matter and additional notes and memoranda whicj brings the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 162 8 The Roneotype. s> S 11. Prints direct froto type or electros facsimile typewritten letters, letterheadings, office forms, etc. A real money saver. E*sy to use. Guaranteed for Ten Years. Catalogues from ROneO Ltd., "a, Colder Quay. [JOHN LITTLE^ EKssslV^K^^l I 4■ I Si m^ 1 sf I I£M aJsaS S&M
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    • 227 8 GRAND OPINING NIGHT TO-NIGHT WHDNKSDY, APRIL- 1. OF THE NEW TEMPORARY ALHAMBRA. CINEMA HALL Behind tbe Old BXmldiko. /ILLUMINATED ENTRANCE BY> IBEA(HROAI), BETWEEN THE "|MaBLBOR<»VOH AND THE OLDf ALHAMIIIIA, into which the show has moved, to allow of a more speedy erection of the NEW ALHAMBRA BUILDING now under construction.
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    • 11 8 Latest -advertisements of the day appear on page 6 and 11.
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  • 754 9 Grave Warning by Lord Haldane. TIMES PR4ISES MR. ASQUITH'S ACTION. Strange Rumours About the Indian Army. Rbctik's Tbleoiam. London, March HI. In the House of Lords, Lori Selborne and Lord Roberts emphasised that no officer had it-fused to obey orders. Lord Roberts denounced mischievous assertions that the army
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  • 27 9 JUuteb's Telbobam. London, April 1. The revenue for the past quarter is £76,661,000, an increase 01«JE5,477 ,000, and for the year 198,248,000, an increase i»,441,«g0.
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  • 29 9 DEATH OF PROFESSOR HE RKOMER. Keuter's Tkleuram. LoDdosyApU 1. The death m announced of Professor Sir Hubert Von Herkomer, the famous artist, founder of the Herkomer School of Art
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  • 17 9 DERBY BETTING. rUi'TEK's Tslkhum. London, March 81. The Derby betting is to Bto 1 against The Tetrerch.
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  • 172 9 Rkuteh's Telegram. London, March 81. The death is announced of Lieut. -Colonel F. S. Heuston, R.A.M.C. Lient.-Col. Heuston, C.M.G., entered the army in 1884 and was a Major of theR A.M.C. in 1806. In 18M he was seconded for service under tho Chinese Government and he opened the Chinese
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  • 38 9 Dim OsiaKatische Lloh> Telkokam Berlin, March 81. Telephone connection between Borlin and Milan has been opened. A new Zfl]>,K)lia rounl trip from Friedri chshafe'h to Switzerland h*.t been made with a height record of 8065 metres.
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  • 48 9 Dkb Ostasiatisohi Lloyd Tki.eura*. Berlin, March 81. The Daisy official paper Woatok says Russia intends" to appoint a military Governor General in the Faa East. It is rumoured that a donate oommittt* will be appointed toyuvestigate* and improve" th&jnanagemont of the Manchnrian Railway
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  • 36 9 OIL MONOPOLY BILL. Dk.IT OsTASLATISCHB*LXOTft> TKLBCiRAM. Bertie, March SI. The American ambassador at Berlin has asked for information regarding the regula tions contained in <she oilyo^ocpolr bill which touch American interests. No protest has been msjde.
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  • 287 9 FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Sir Moqtague Turner's Important Review. Presiding at (he meeting of the ((bartered Buk of In*a, Sir M. C. Turner said tbit it had been/decided to open a branch at IVking. It was impossible to look for great irupreveinent in Chiaa tmtil Ibe Aoanoss. bad been pat in
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  • 318 9 Handsome New Building Neariag Completion. The handsome whibs.boilffing, intended to house the District Civil Caurt, In prpxfmity to tbe Supaame Courts, is justoniheJßatof com pletion, and-Mr. Dyson and hisstaßavill shortly be able to move from their present rather dirty quarters in the Central Police buildings into theno
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  • 694 9 Proposed Importation From Germany. The North China Daily News thinks highly of a proposal to introduce police dogs into Shanghai, in view of present difficulties in tbe»capture of criminals. A ratepayers' meeting was to be held a few days ago to which was to be submitted
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  • 91 9 Three Mark Buoys for cable work ace, being laid down in the Malacca Straits from April 2 to 5 inclusive. No. 1. La*. ■A deg. 47 mm. N. Long: 100 deg. 24 mm. 20 sec. B. No. 2. Lat. 3 deg. 08 mm. N. Long: 100 deg. 40 mm. 60
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  • 408 9 PRICES FALL DESPITE LONDON QUOTATIONS. A Disappointing Sale. The Singapore Chamber ot Commprejf Robber Association held its auction yesterday, when there were offered for sale 074.74 piculs or 89,965 lbs. aad sold SUM piculs or 68,179 Ibe. The prioes realised were Sheet smoked fine ribbed #127 to
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  • 48 9 (Fbom Oub Own Cobrbsposdbmt.) London, March 81. *Glenahiol pays IB per oent. and carries forward X' r >,ooo. Commodity prioes are advancing, but (he politioal situation 'is o^y/essing the share market. The Bode Estates reconstruction scheme fails. Sialang has 'issued 25,000 share* at 225. premium.
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  • 69 9 Quotations Current Yesterday. The following message has been received in Singapore, dated .London, March 81: Plantation Para first latex crepe on spot 3/7} Para to arrive 3/01 Market firm. The East Asiatic Company favour as with the following reoprt 'The market, in London yesterday was steady, out
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  • 231 9 F.M.S. RAILWAYS. The New Station and Hotel At Ipoh. The Building News and Bagineering World for February 7 publishes a large size repro-. diction of Mr. A. B. flußbacks, K.R plan the new station and botM at Ingh, together with the fallowing comment. This building Is being created to take
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  • 504 9 VESSEL'S STRANGE MISHAP. Rodder and Stern Post Lost in Red There *is in port at present tha nteaMer Ooldmouth, ote of tbe Anglo- SaxonPetroleom Company's tank vessels, awaiting repairs made necessary by reason of a rather peculiar mishap. According to her genial skipper,' Capt. J. Evans, the vessel, of some
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  • 238 9 RITUAL MURDER. Strange Story of Luckless Baby Girl. A case of ritual murder is reported from AzamgCrth District, United Provinces. In connection with some enquiry the Thanadar risited tbe burial ground. He found there four men standing by the side of a newlysilled gave. He had just put one or
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  • 237 9 List of tbe Successful Students. Dcj-Keith, Principal of the' King Edward VlMJovernmeat Medical Scßoor, supplies the following 'list of examination results for Man* FiWaz, L.M.S —A.* Ml Jenkins,, Gurnnftk Singh. •> Foobth > Yb 2*. Pathology, FdrAsic Medicine, and Hygi ene.->R. S. Kannoo, E. EVAviet, I. S.^Abreham,
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  • 815 9 SIR ARTHUR YOUNG'S WELCOME IN PERAK. Mr. Horley on Education. His Excellency the High Commissioner, Sir Arthur Young, K.C.M.G. who is now in Perak in connection with tbe Festivities of His Highness the Sultan of Perak's twentyfifth anniversary ot his accession to the throne, arrived in
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  • 236 9 Subscriptions Raised to Meet Deficiencies. The ■•anal general meeting of the Selmgor Chamber of Commerce was held at the office of tHk chamber on. Tuesday, Mr. H. K. Zacharias presiding over a large attend ince. During the discussion on the annual report, says the Malay Mail,
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  • Sporting Intelligence,
    • 30 10 . The National Spotting Club has accepted "Jim" Coffey's (the Irish tiant) challenge to buz Bombardier Wells. The contest will in ail probability take place in Derby week.
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    • 36 10 W. Cowler, described as a British white hope," defeated Ed. Martin, a negro heavyweight, in the first round for the Canadian boxing championship. Both men gave a. poor exhibition. Martin was knocked out for 17 minutes.
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    • 88 10 We understand that since the football match between the White Star II and the •Sun Rays Football Club on the 14th of last month, and the Straits Chinese Football Association's Committee meeting of the 18th, when several rowdy players wete dealt with and suspended, officials have received anonymous threatening Jitters.
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    • 90 10 Mr. J. Callagban, manager of the Chicago White Sox baseball team, which recently toured the world, stated to an interviewer on !iis return home The Australians treated us remarkably well, and the Japanese surprised us with their enthusiasm for baseball. King George proved himself to be a thorough sport, and
      90 words
    • 313 10 . The Singapore Polo Club who have now commenced play on their new ground in Balostier Koad have decided to hold an opening Uymkhana there on Monday, April lit, at :!.:>< i p.m. Ad .Mission will be free to members and their friends. Competitors must be members of
      313 words
    • 71 10 . Keppel Oolf Club. The draw for the first round of the St. James's cup, which must be completed by the 12th inst., ia as follows F. W. King Bye. \V. Ferguson v. C. Graham-Browne. J Binrio v. A. P. Bienoowe J. M. Valon v. A. W. D. Dove. H.
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    • 67 10 5.C.C. Tournament. The following ties will be played today: B Sinolis—Final. Teale v. I ijum 11. Championship. Moding v. Tbrelfall. A. Doubles—Final, m Kleinraann and Hill owe I v. Wiuneld and Foreman scr. Tie for To-morrow. A. SINOLXS. Stout scr. v. Kleinmann owe 9. Friday's Ties. Championship. Kleinmann
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    • 175 10 Mohammedan rootball Association. The election committee of the Mohammedan Football Association at Penang held an adjourned meeting at the Babolsabar F.C. on Sunday, and issued invitations to the following players to go to Juhoce and Singapore to represent Penang J. t'hee (Ittihadol Kheiriah) Che Pin (Crescent Star) Abdulhauiid, Sini
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  • 168 10 The Interport Match.* "We (Pinang Gazette) have received a copy of the rules and regulations governing the annual rifle match between Hongkong, Shanghai, Singapore and Penang, which, inter *lia, state:— The match shall be fired on any date between April 15 and May 81 (inclusive) in each year,
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  • 372 10 The Easter Engagements. Cricket. The principal engagement for the Easter weekend, of course, is the cricket' match between the Colony and the X.M.S. but as it to be played at Penang .ou Saturday; the 11th, and Monday, the 13th) it will not* interest Singapore greatly. The selection of the Colony's
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  • 333 10 V-r— 4musing Quarry Scene at Portland Gaol. A convict's overwhelming desire for liberty led to an amusing scene at Portland Prison the other evening. The nien. were returning in gangs at the end of the day's labour in the quarries when it was reported that one of
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  • 15 10 Johore Para.— 8,800 lbs. United Sumatra. -24.500 lba., three months 81,000 lba.
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  • (loneeponoence.
    • 722 10 To the Editor of t'ae Straits Times. Sir,— Since your correspondent, "Si George and the Dragon," has seen fit to air his political views, I take the opportunity of airing mine, and, incident! y answering a few of his points. These latter can be proved to be
      722 words
    • 351 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I have read with interest your leading articles on the Irish crisis, also the various letters of your correspondents on the same subject. Ulster's sin seems'to be, in that, being a minority it has dared to avow its intention of remaining responsible
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    • 590 10 To tbo Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I read with interest the letter in your paper written about the lack of enthu siasm on the part of Chinese girls and their parents with regard to education in Singa- pore. I havo been hoping that someone
      590 words
    • 161 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Replying to It's" correspondence yesterday on the subject of Rubber and Atmosphere, I am of opinion that rubber keeps well in a normal temperature and experience tells mo that the longei it could be kept hung up the better
      161 words
    • 202 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I have read your correspondent's letter with reference to the change in the school hours 'and agree with him that it is not a change tor the better. The hour and a half for tiffin is not good. Many* boys
      202 words
  • 198 10 MURDERED POLICE. Indian Government Pensions For Dependents. The Government of India has sanctioned the grant of the following pensions to the family of the late Head Constable Haripada Deb, of the Criminal Investigation Department, Dalcrrtta, who was shot dead in College Square, Calcutta, oa September 29, 1918 (a) .Vpensioa of
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  • 1163 10 .HONGKONG'S MILLION DOLLAR MONOPOLY. Regulating the Opium Trade. The Colonial Government of Hongkong took over the administration of the opium monopoly on March 1, and are now busily engaged in the manufacture and sale of refined and prepared opium. The price of the drug is $6.50
    1,163 words
  • 429 10 Four New Regiments to Be Raised. It is reported to be the intention of the Government to raise four additional regimeals of regular cavalry, says The Observer. The present establishment of thirty-three regiments in all is insufficient to supply the needs of our organisation for war. There
    429 words
  • 211 10 Successful Salvage Work by The Miisu Bisbi Co. A telegram has been received at the Mitsu Bishi Dockyard and Engine Works, Nagasaki, stating, that the Hamburg- America liner Saxonia has been refloated and placed in dry dock at Tsingtau for repairs. This marks the completion of anothor
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  • 364 10 One is reminded those days of what Mr. Kipling paid the other week about the immemorial smells of the East. Among other things he remarked that the oily odour of a metropolitan fried-fish shop took him all the way from Port Said to Singapore. If it did,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 67 10 Competitors at Uie coming Singapore Rifle Association Bisley will be able to divide their attention between finding the bull and digesting the virtues of the milk of the cow as purveyed by the Nestle and An^lo Swing Condensed Milk Company. Tue official programme of the meeting is plentifully garuibLed with
      67 words

  • 781 11 The Proposed Imperial Trade Mark. Thf Duke of Argyll, on March P, presided over a meeting couponed by the British Eiupire League iv support of the proposal to institute p. risrk of oripin to denote goods 111auut.1ct.u1 id or piuductU iv the British Empire. lUicfly the main reasons
    781 words
  • 192 11 Tl tirst flight across tbe Strait of Gibraltar Las bnu made by two Spanish military airinc i! Tlu ascent was made from Tetuan in Mon (in, tho two airmen being ('apt. E. 11. I. iv. ins and Capt. J. O. Echagiie, who have bin <
    192 words
  • 722 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, April 1, 1914. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue tLe following list ol quotations this morning 10 Franer and N«a»e Ld 64.00 56.59 110 Howarth BnkineLd. 40.00 45.00 100 i% I'ref. 90.00 100*0 10 MayuarJ A
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 50 11 Coughing into i Consumption "Only a iVn">' I 'it you stop it wliilc it is 'M.V 'a cough. WATEP.CURYS tea ura ci COMPOUND Tb« ftnrst puj ...i'.. a u.Kle lor combat: 1 t' •< n it coughs. CURES ai.v r h that i* only a cvii) h. V:.ry nalattule. OF
      50 words
    • 54 11 That tired depressed (teling, to prevalent in this severe climate is, in many many oases, dan to weakened digestive power. To remove this trouble and strengthen tbe system, a conr;e of treatment with Woods' Great Peppermint Cart is necessary. Woods' Great Peppermint Core will make life a p'eaiure. Sold everywhere.
      54 words
      369 words
    • 112 11 Don't beHFRJUD Place your Piano in OUR CARE FOR Regular Tuning AND Attention. We have been manufacturing Pianos and Organs in the East since 1873, and KNOW how to handle them. S. Moutrie&Co,, Ld, RAFFLES PLACE. £THAVE YOU SEEN JAVANESE DANCES! JAVANESE SCENES! J WANES! FAOES t I I IF
      112 words
      136 words

  • 1628 12 THE NATIONAL MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION. Fourteenth Actuarial Report. An extraordinary general meeting of members of the National Mutual Life Association of Australasia, Ltd., was held in Melbourne on February 25, for the purpose of receiving tho actuary's report on his fourteenth investigation into the affairs of the associa
    1,628 words
  • 1570 12 Forthcoming Arrivals and Departures. The following passenger bookings to (he Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It sLoold be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London
    1,570 words
  • 208 12 The well-known, satirist, Lichtenberg, found himself at a social gathering, says the Hamburger Nachrichten, in the middle of a circle of. dull people, and began to beat a hasty r( treat, when one of them barred his way, and exclayned One of your flashes of wit, urn you
    208 words
  • 41 12 I There is a notice in a shop window in Reading which reads Try oar sausages 1 none like them." I Has Harrow ever turned oat any other I poet besides Byron We were asked, No, I bat Burns wm plougbboy
    41 words
  • 666 12 Latest Additions to Stock Of Books. The following new books will be ready for issue tomorrow: Anon, Salad Days: A Comedy of Youth S ***** Arthur, Frederick, The Great Attefcpt S ***** WscoAgh, John Monksbridge S ***** BailSyVH. C, The Sea Captain S ***** Barrett, John, Trader Carson
    666 words
  • 139 12 With the March number of tho Wireless World the current volume is oosiotoded, and in evetyway the latest issue is worthy of its predecessors. It contains long and fully illustrated articles on the new wireless stations in Spain, and the work that is being done in this
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 299 12 SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER 1914: Model. The ONE Perfect Machine Interchangeable Carriage. 10 to 27 Inches. Price: $190. Quarto cr Foofecap Size. STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO., Singapore, SOLE AGENTS. 21-2 a 19 a IN A CLASS BY ITSELF. I JULIAN FRANKEL OF ORCHARD ROAD. co SELLS THEM. 5 ~LATE»T DE9IONS— JUBT
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
      155 words
    • 310 13 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTKW SALE O( PAWNBKOKERS 1 UNREDEEMED PLEDGES, On Friday, April 8, 1914, at 10 ax On Monday, Apbii, 6, 1914, at 10 am. Jewellery, consisting cf watches, chsioi, Diamond Kiags, Brcochcp. Earring", Brace'e'..<>, Ch'Dehu and Malay Gold Oraaments, etc. On v.'ew from March 80. POWELL CO.. Auctioneers.
      310 words
    • 296 13 PIANOS mBB Leading Makers. As? GRAMOPHONES X» v v OF THE BEST Cl^T Cf ENGLISH /V^ make. eSS *°t* /'sole agents f jS^y KOB TBF jSS) WORLD-FAMED yAcS? .//AUTO- PIANO /<^%y& A^ 'Jhe Highest Perfection In A?/ 4?/ PLAYER PIANOS. jf Organs, Violins, Mandolines, Banjos, Guitars, Accessories and MUSIC in
      296 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1641 14 BUMAPORE B ONLY COMPANY. LARGEST PAID-UP CAPITAL OF ANY EABTEBN COMPANY. PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVES. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE i W.ncheater House, Sinfapor*. LONDON OFFIOE I 32, Old Jo»ry, E.O. The Company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Ooul of England, aad oompUea with the Biitiao
      1,641 words
    • 860 14 SALES BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. AUCTION SALE At Messrs. Chmf? Keng Lee Co.'s Sale-room, On Monday, April 20, at 2.30 p.m. Valuable Land and bouses Nos. 804, North Bridge Road, 812, Boach Road and Nof. 80. 61, :>.', and 68, Clyde Terrace. CKING KENG LEE CO., Auctioneers. Allen and Gledhill,
      860 words

  • 966 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Overland Auto. Mr. Edward Roobette, special representative of the Willys-Overland Company, arrived in Shanghai on March 19. He is making a world encircling tour in the interest of the Overland Automobile having left the factory at Toledo, Ohio, on February
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  • 69 15 Mr. Homer H. Wong, of the Director*.* General of Posts, Peking, representing the Chinese Ministry of Communications, was to leave Peking for Shanghai on or about March 18, to see to the destruction of a large number of the Chinese Republic Commemorative stamps at the Postal Supply Department, Shanghai. These
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 93 15 the Forty Year Test. An artiote mnst have exceptional merit to survive tot a period of forty years. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was nrat offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. Yon will
      93 words
    • 233 15 BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT jßjß* ffii Motor Tyre raF^SOw Manufacturers To H.M. King George V. Mill— I PROM FEBRUARY Ist Dunlop Grooved Covers < OF 100 M.M. SECTION, being 760 x 100 870 x 100 810 x 100 910 x 100 ARE REDUCED IN PRICE Approx: T Apply to your Garage
      233 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 904 16 Disinfecting Fluid. "ANTIMAL" IS A DISINFECTANT. ANTISEPTIC and DEODORANT for all purposes. A SURE PREVENTATIVE of CHOLERA, DIPHTHERIA. PLAGUE. MALARIA, TYPHOID FEVER. Etc. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD. WANT 3. EN6INEER WANTED. Wanted bu experienced Klectrical and Mechanical Engineer tor Huffl-js Hotel Power Station and Motor Oarage. Apply to the Manager.
      904 words
    • 540 16 TO BE LET OR SOLO. TO BE l|T. LANGLANDS, No. 112, River Taley Road. Apply No. 8, Malacca Streat. 80 1 a HOUSE TO LET. $o. It and 16, I < vcnihire Kca.l. Entry from April 1. Apply 17J, Waterloo Street. 53 4-4 FLOOR 10 LET. To let, 2nd Floor,
      540 words
    • 537 16 71 BE LET OB 80LD. HOUSE TO LET." 8, Upper Wilkie Road, from Ist April. Fjr particular, apply' to N B W., 7, S phia Road. ■JH-2 a a TO LET. Uofuroi.hed "Hattfell," No, 14, Na<-eim Read. Entery March 15, 1914. Rent 1160. Apply Adis and Ezckitl. 24 i
      537 words
    • 636 16 NOTICES. GUAN WAtYcoT" 37. Philip Street. SHIP-CHANDLERS, OoVKKNM 'V r AND MUNICIPAL Contractors, General Importers and Exporters and Commission Aoknts. Telephone No. 1174 k 1288 (PrivaUi 1450) 88 KIAM KIAT ft COT SHIP CHANDLKRS. Soveramant and Municipal Contractor! 105, lOd 106, Market S;ieet. Telephone Nos. 421. I. J. GOLDBERG, THE
      636 words
    • 451 16 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURES Straits Times List. The following fixtures fjr the ourront week and important forthcoiL'in fixtures arc kindly supplied by the pe'crctaries of the various olubs. Convenient ImM on which to make tho returns will be napplirxl on application t<" the Manage*, Straits Time*) Singapore Cricket Club. Lawn Tennis
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 225 16 Straits "(Dimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellaneous wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of 91 per fonr lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, %1 each insertion. For p.px. cards, on page 8, Inch Se alb Rates are
      225 words