The Straits Times, 26 November 1913

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.349 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. "NOVEMBER 26. 1913. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 123 1 XMAS NEW YEAR CARDS CALENDARS (LATEST XMAS HOME MAIL LEAVES NOVEMBER 27). DIARIES from smallest pocket bv/.v to octavo. AUTO STATIONERY for Xmas and New Year Greetings. CARDS a large selection at all prices. CALENDARS, very artistic reproductions. NOVELTIES in all Departments for Xmas. XMAS PRESENTS of every description. XMAS
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  • 805 2 THE LAW OF UNCLAIMED BALANCES. Some Interesting Points. A lecture on Bankers »nd Their Customers was delivered on October 30 to the Corporation of Treasurers and Cashiers by Mr. Thomas K. Pringle. The Chair was occupied by Mr. M. N. Jacks, who, in introducing the lecturer, said
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  • 157 2 Lord Grey's Dominion House scheme haa mot with a very warm welcome by the press of the Overseas Dominions A splendid op portnnity, a unique opportunity, a noble proposal is how it has been hailed in Canada. For all practical purposes no better site could be found, not
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 182 2 "Hazeline' Snow" f f Trmdt Mark) f THE ORIGINAL NON-CREASY EMOLLIENT For Do you s^Gj^ tflC know this YJaigfj^ Skill charming V How it soothes ands" /f y^- comforts the skin after /J J a days motoring or I \h\s^ /riding in the sun over V \W^ it VF dusty
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    • 89 2 Chamberlain's CoukH Remedy. When you have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only giro relief, bat effect a prompt and permanent care, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Chamberlain's Coagb Remedy meets all these requirements. It acts on nature's
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    • 458 2 La-rolaj f3f 3 Maka. tS. SK.n <3^v FT Aj VELVEI, mo kjapa It fX, SMOOTH and OMIIE ■II th« yaar rouad r\ I Sirovci and prevent. Roufnneae. J Z,, Irritation. T.n. etc If OLING AN" RRFRFSIIiNO Ik RIN.J THE SUMMER MEAT VL "beet-ham son, jh WORLD KETIOWNBO poi>nn*sr^'. lj
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    • 75 2 RANEEOUNOE GLAZED stoneware:. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZES STOCKED. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LD. "BABY" CID WATER COOLED FOUR SPEEDS and REVERSE TORPEDO BODY (PRINCE HENRY TYPE). COMPLETE with Windscreen. Hood, Acetylene Head Lights, Kit of Tools, Jack, etc. $1,100 ON VIEW at THE GASOLENE LIGHT AND CYCLE COMPANY, Beach Road,
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  • 905 3 DUST AND DECAY IN THE HOME OF KINGS. A Dismantled Palace. Writing from Lisbon on October 15, Percival Phillips says:— At tbo top of a steep, narrow street of slums, on one of tbe northern hills of Lisbon, you will find the sqnat, commonplace, red and white
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  • 138 3 The British Consul at Batavia recently sought the cooperation of the Chief of Posts and Telegraphs at Batavia fur the transfer of the remains of Lieut. Colonel William Campbell, who was killed in 1811 near Meester Coroelis, to the English church at Parapatam. He was buried at the place where
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  • 595 3 ITS PREVENTION AND CURE. In many parts of the East dysentery takes the second place among the causes of death, and the Straits stand out prominently in this connection. No one needs to be told the causes or symptoms of tbe disease. They are, necessarily, only too familiar, whether
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 354 3 to o^= CZ% Danger x Sa v is Averted, if- f/\ Comfort I; v Assured Speed 'Jfrkft? Attained I I\ in shaving with the I i^i -Pl'* Gillette Safety Razor. fr^T^T' """Until the introduction of this invaluable device I n° '"cans had been found of regulating the cutting E edge
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    • 16 3 For cclio and windy spasms. Take Woods' Qreat Peppermint Care. Sold everywhere, 40 cents a battle.
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    • 259 3 It's a 8., d Sign when yon have that obstinato, lingering ooogh which will not be shaken cff. There is no oongb at any stage, whether old or yonng, bat what needs attention. A cont(h soon wrecks a stiODg constitution, soon makts one helplesf, in fact a cough is a
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    • 1121 3 "PURUB" (Patented) THE NEW COAGULANT, Has been awarded the GOLD MEDAL at the "All Ceylon Exhibition at Colombo. The Advantagesof PURUB over ordinary coagulants are: Superior quality of the manufactured article. Higher percentage of rubber extracted from the latex. Disinfects the latex. Retains its full nerve even after years. Loses
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 666 4 STEAMEK SAILINGS. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN. EGYPT, MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Porto. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES 1913 Homeward (for Europe). From Singapore.
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    • 648 4 STEAMER SAILINGS, N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Oovernmert. The New Twin screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, and are
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    • 719 4 STEAMER SAILINBB. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang, Beraerah, Kretay, Paka, Tringganu, Bisut, Semera Baohok, Kelantan, Tabai, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora Laron, Kobsamoi, Bandon, Langsuen, Taku, Chumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Due Departure) PRACHATIPOK Nov. SB. s.a. BORIBAT Nov. 26 Nov. 38 NO STEAMER Nov. SO Deo.
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    • 512 4 STEAMER BAILINIS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AND DEUTSGH OAMPFSCHIFF FAERTS6EB. "HANSA" BREMEN. Combined Service. The steamers of these Companies maintain a regular servioe b it ween Hamburg, Bemcn Antwerp, Rotterdam and Emdon and tbe Straits, Cbiaa and Japan. Homnward*, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and oncj a
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    • 643 4 3TEAHEB SAILINGS. ~n7d. l. NORDDEUTBCHER LLOYD. BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. Tho fast and well-known mail Htoamors this Company Bail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connecting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Ponang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau, Nagasaki and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 548 5 nil ALi I/I AT 0 nil British india steam nay go., id. bUAN K!.<M UUm apcar line SHIP CHANLiLBf.&, np 37. Phillip Street. New Shipment Just Imported i STLIMERB Hobbnck's oolonred paint, Oil and Sandrim. Tbe undermentioned mail steamer* ot the Cook's Warranted Pest Qua. "Thistle BranJ 1 ibove Line
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    • 690 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDO-CHINA BTEAM NAY. 00.. LD. Olrect S«nilcfl It Jipan via Honf kon t Shan jh» I Mi to Calcutta via Pm«*| from Slagaport. Taking oargc on through Bills of L»uiug or Canton, Miumo, Swaiow, Amoy, Chefoj (Tientsin, Newohwang, Yangtsno Vcta. Fo; mow. the Philippines, eto.. eto., eto. Steamer.
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    • 435 5 ROYAL VINOLIA TALCUM POWDER For Maiag, r;ish, prickl) heat, and for all liotweather tliscoinforts Royal Vinolia Talcuni Powder is by far the most convenient ol loiiet re<|iiisites, as \>oll as being one of the most ellioacious from the scientific point of view owing tv tW fact that it is MMiseptk
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 462 6 BIBBY LINE Of fa.t twin-ioi>ew Mail Passenger Steamers) between Rangoon, Colombo, Sue*, Port Said, Marseillea and London. Proposed Sailings for 1913. J HOMEWARD. Departures i Departures Arrivt Steamer S»a*m from from u ARM ill« JJ 1 lUkooo* Colombo "a*""-"" Lohdoii r GLODCBSTSHIKE Nor. *i Dee 8 D^ 81 28 OXKORDSHIRB
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    • 289 6 MOTOR ROATJOR SALE. II A KIRUfAN TUNNEL-BTERN. TWIN CYLINDER ENGINED Oi IV 111 If MR, MOTOR BOAT. Forage Contractor, aobmaster, Trainer, etc. Built throughout of teak, copper fastened, length over all 85 feet, beam 8 feet, depth at cTARI E A Mil PODHP bow 4 feet, draft 18 inches with
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    • 159 6 Anaemia mark B. ->M the core. Anaemic girls, weak children and jaded mothers get new life and vigour by taking SCOTT'S Emulsion. Medicine and food, it fortifies the blood, promotes appetite, and brings back the roses and the joy of health. But be sure to get SCOTT'S— no other has
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  • 142 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, November 26. High Water. MS a.m., 9 37 p m Djapoera Hi., winding up meeting, Evatt'B, noon. Thursday, November 27. High Water, 9.H a.m.. 10.21 p.m. P. and O. homeward mail due. Concert at Dutch Club, 9.15 p.m Friday, November 28. High Water. 9.18 i
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  • 197 7 To-DAT. Anamba and Natuna Is. Ban W. llin 8 pm Tcbing Tin»gi, Bengkalis and Bagan Meran 3 pm Malacca, 1'. Swettenham and Tolok Anson Ipoh 8 pm Port Swettenham and Punang Lama 8 pm Medan Circe 8 pm Batu 1'ahat Aing Hin 8 pm Labocan Bilik, Tandjong
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  • 160 7 The P. and O. homeward mail steamer Devanha left Hongkong at 1 p.m. on Saturday, November 2i, and may be expected to arrive here on Thursday morning, November 27. The P. and O. outward mail steamer Delta left Colombo at 9.90 a.m. on Sunday, November 23, and
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  • 429 7 Latest Arrivals. Antenor. Brit. str. 8582 tons, Capt Wallace, Nov 2. From Shanghai, Nov 7. Gc. W. Mansfield Co. For L'puol, Nov 27. W. Da K.-k, Dut. str. 380 tons, Capt Botman, Nov 24. From Penang, Nov 2". G.c. and 6 p. S. Ayeocy, Ltd. For Deli, Nov
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  • 101 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Day: TANJONO PAOAR. Bast Wharf Basin Nil. W. Section No. l...Tbongwa, Minderoo, Fau Sang. Sh»ir3 Wharf S. Borneo. Main W. Sict. No. 2...R110ra, Moltkefels. B...Fukoku Maru. 4...80 th. 6 ..Nil. 6... I'm Suey, Antenor. Niw Dock 7...(Under
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  • 110 7 Arrivals. Per str. Kaka, Nov 20. —From Malacca: Mr. and Mrs. Bokenham, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. de Souza, Messrs. D. Izaclski, and O. H. E. Rippon. Per str. Hock Lee, Nov 25.—From Trengganu: Mr. Cottier. Per str. Kiota, Nov 26. From T. Anson via ports: Mr.
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  • 144 7 King Holomon was publicly proclaimed heir and successor to Diniznlu by the Induna Mankulumana to 10,000 Zulus, says a dispatch to the Telegraph, from Johannesburg. Two remarkable incidents marked the proceedings. On one old Induna suggesting that the Government's recognition of the accession should be received
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    • 115 7 BINOXPOU, N'OVKXBKR 26, 1918. On Lokdom Bank 4 m/i 2/4 J Demand 2/4 J Private 8 m/s 3/4 8 m/B a/4Jf Om Oiutn Bank d/d »8P) Private 8 m/B 344{ On Fianob Bank d/d 3Mi Private 8 m/i M 801 Om Imou Bank T. T. m 174Private 80 d/a
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    • 153 7 Swoafou, Nuvkmiiir 26, 1018. Gambier buyers 685 do (Cube No. 1) unpioked 10.60 Copra Sandried 13 00 do Mixed 12 70 Pepper, Black buyers 18 75 do White 6% buyers,, 82 00 Sago Floor Sarawak 8.40 do Brunei No. 1 nom. Pearl Sago 4.90 Coffee Bali 30.00 Coffee Palembang,
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    • 192 7 10 10 Ampang B.SO 9.25 1 1 AyerWeng I.CO 10 10 Belat 2.85 2.60 10 10 Bruang 0.60 0.86 10 10 Kampar 10.00 10 10 Kanaboi 2.00 10 10 Kinta Association 13.00 14.00 £1 £1 Kinta Tin 1.18.3 1.18.0 £1 £1 Lahat Miner 6.50 7.(0 10 8 Malayan Collieries
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    • 638 7 i^l Buyers. Sellers. I/. 3/- Allagai 1,10 2/8 61 £1 Anglo Java 5/6 6/7 3/- Anglo-Malay 9/7J 10/6 3/- Batang Malaka 1/- 1/4 El £1 Batu Tiga 2.10.0 8.0.0 norn 2/- Bekoh -/8 1/£1 £1 Bukit Kajang 1.7.6 1.13.4 El £1 Bakit Lintang 8.0.0 d.10.0 norn 2/- Bukit Mertajam
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    • 117 7 100 100 R. B. 7% Pref. 100.00 107 60 £1 £1 Shell Transport 4 19 8 6.8.9 10 10 Spore C. Storage 22.00 58 00 160 60 Spore Dispensary 70.00 76.00 10 10 Straits Ice Co. 16 00 CO 100 Straits S. Ship 385.00 296.00 10 10 Straits Trading
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 43 7 Treatment lor Dysentery. rhaiiu«rldin's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea l: wedy (ollowod by a dose of castor oil will i (factually cure the most stubborn caws of 'Ijtaentery. It is especially good for summer <tiVrhoea in children. For Sile by eU Dwpemiies »"d Dealer*.
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    • 161 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. November 29. At saleroom, one cylinder 6 H.P. Rover Car and also 8 Heated rubber tyred Victoria, strong Australian Cob, etc., at 10.80. November 29. At saleroom, teak household furniture, etc., at 11. November 29.— At Fairy Dell, 24, Ballestier Road, teak and blackwood household
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  • 1333 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26. THE LAW AND THE PRESS. We are grateful to our contemporaries throughout the Malay Peninsula for the extreme kindness of their references to ourselves in connection with the libel action Denny a v. Straits Times, recently tried at Ipoh. Tho perfect const' asus of
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  • 28 8 Bukit Tawang mine was officially opened on the 17th instant. The opening was originally fixed for the- last week in June, but was postponed owing to unforeseen circumstances.
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  • 33 8 Capt. Bramwell and the crew of the wrecked Indo-China steamer Tingsang which recently struck a rock and broke up in the Haitan Straits, have gone on to Shanghai for the Court of Inquiry.
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  • 36 8 There is some chance of a small party of Penang sportsmen making a trip to the Dindiogs to shoot the man-eating tiger for whose destruction the manager of Segari Estate recently advertised a reward of 9100.
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  • 40 8 Messrs. F. W. Barker and Company inform us that they have received a telegram from London advising them that the directors of Led bury Rubber Estates, Limited, have declared an interim dividend of 5 per cent, payable on December 8.
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  • 44 8 Dr. Wn Lir n Teh (G. L. Tuck), Director Manchurian Plague Service, and Mr. E. L. Talma have been elected Hon. Vice-Presidents of the Amateur Drawing Association. Dr. N. Clarke and Messrs. Tan Teck Soon and Tan Wi Van have been made honorary members.
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  • 51 8 At a meeting of Ipoh tradesmen it was decided to form a trade protection association, with headqua'ters in Ipoh, in consequence of the alarming increase in book debts. It is thought tbat by cooperation and the submission of the names of clients with long outstandings that mucli good may be
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  • 57 8 The Hon. D. A. M. Brown has been reelected President of the Penang Club and the retiring committee are re-elected en bloc. Their nami s are Messrs. E. Diixunry. S. C. Ambrose, E. S. Haslam, W. S. Uoldie, J. Pickenpack, and W. J. Hodge. Mr. A. R. Adams, as trustee,
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  • 55 8 When visiting the M.S.V.R. camp on Saturday morning Major General T. E. Stephenson, C.8., inspected the Perak motor maxim, which was recontly presented to the Corps by Perak mine-owners. He expressed himself as very pleased with the design of the carriage and with the way in which it was handled
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  • 63 8 Sing Bing Tliali, a krani, who has been wanted by the police for some time now on a charge of criminal breach of trust in respect of 4,400 tioals, has been arrested in Saigon and brought back to Singapore. This morning the case was ineutiootd in the third court and
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  • 67 8 In the early hours of this morning, two Chinese broke into the convent of the Holy Infant Jesus, Victoria Street, forced the lock of the room occupied by one of the servants and removed 1300 from a cash box, the savings with which the man was shortly to return to
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  • 91 8 Some amusement was occasioned at Westminster by the arrival of a consignment of mangolds, apparently intended for the emia s iriis of Mr. Lloyd George's land campaign. Cose inspection revealed that they were a good deal damaged about the roots, though whether by mice or grubs it would be diffi
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  • 97 8 Ad announcement Las recently appeared widely in the press tbat the Chief Scout, Sir Kibert Baden-Powell, intends visiting India next spring, the statement being reputed to be on the authority of Capt. Todd, Ccmiuissiouer of Boy Scouts for the Bombay Presideucy. Nothing whatever is known at tho liea'l quartern in
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  • 130 8 For some time now the police have been receiving reports from cycle dealers that machines were being taken out and not returned. These complaints came from all quarters of the town aud it became apparent that someone was making the prac tioe a regular business. As the result of enquiries
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  • 401 8 SOCIA L AND PERSONAL. The Hon. F. J. Pigott, Colonial Ko K ineer and Surveyor-General, is on a visit to l'< u.iiu;. His Excellency the High Commissioner and Lady Evelyn Young will bo At Houiu at Federal Lodge, Kuala Lumpur, thia afternoon. Warder Parry, who has been transferred from Perak
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  • 123 8 Maestro Mario Paci, the talented pianist, whose work is not unknown in Singapore, giving a recital at the Dutch Club, to morrow night, which is open to members of the usual clubs. The pianist only arrives from Mcdan to morrow morning, so that it is not possible
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  • 155 8 An extraordinary gener&l meeting of the Djapoera (Indragiri) Kubber Co., Ltd., was held at Commercial In ion Buildings, Singapore, at dood, for the purpose of considering the folio «iDg special resolution in connection with the sale of the property to London:—"n That the company be wouud up
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  • 244 8 The wedding took place at the Church of Our Laiy of Lourdcs, Klang, on Thursday, November 22, of Mr. Victor Kinloch, of J< ram Estate, Kapar, and Miss Winifred Miry Clare Cox, eldeHt daughter of Mr. K IScde Cox, District Ufhcer, Many. The bride, who was given
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 260 8 RoNEo TYPEWRITER RIBBONS CARBON PAPERS to suit all machines. The QUALITY and PRICE represent the HIGHEST VALUE it is possible to obtain. Made in our own factory, under skilled supervision. SAVE MIDDLEMEN'S PROFITS. RoNEo Ltd., M ££L°-* JOHN LITTLE'S {BAZAAR JWo^wr Open. Special FEATURE: 'SINBAD the SAILOR' I I I
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    • 9 8 Latest advertisements of tbe day appear on page 11.
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  • 265 9 NOTABLE DIFFICULTIES OF EMPIRE. South Africa Urged to Carefully Inquire. RICTIB S TILBOBAM. London, November 25. The Standard comments on the unsatisfactorincss of the different portions of the Empire standing to one another in the relation of foreign states. India has even less power to claim justice
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  • 95 9 SUGGESTED RETIREMENT OF LORD HARDINGE. Lord Kitchener May Be Appointed. Rscteb's Telbobam. London, November 23. The Times, discussing the m -royalty of India, says Lord Hardingc's official cirecr was never intended to end with the- Viceroyalty. It is generally believed that in due course he will return to
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  • 49 9 rtauTEß's TiLioKAM London, November 25. Shaking at a congress of naval amhitects \t Berlin. Hear Admiral Emsmanu announced that wireless telegraph (not telephone) messages had been successfully transmitted between Niustadt and New Jersey. RoarAdmiral Kmsmann says he was misrtported in the first account of the proceedings.
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  • 60 9 Curious Offer of Preference To England. Kinm Tileobam London, November 25. Four large Continental sugar producers offer a rebate oi 1 1 pence per cwt. to English buyers. The Kcbcme is tbe topic of the market but it is opined that sugar is cheap enough without artificial aids,
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  • 35 9 K«rTiu'« Tilb»bam. London, November 25. IVrrvyon, the world's highest flier, while testing a new monoplane at the aerodrome at Hue fell fifty feet and was killed. He was crushed by the engine.
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  • 40 9 KacTiMn TiLSiikA* London, Noverubet 25. The Portuguese (Foreign Minuter in a public lecture formally denied the recurring rumours of an Anglo-German agreement in connection with intervention in tbe Portuguese colonies. A large and distinguished audience applauded him greatly.
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  • 32 9 RSUTIBS Vfl K..KAM. London. November 26. A Cairo message says Lord Kitchener's ball in honour of the British naval officers was a spit n lid entertainment and a SUCC(^.
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  • 46 9 Petition Dismissed and Manager Congratulated. Rbdtbb's Tblbobam. London, November 25. A Bombay telegram says the petition for winding up the Indian Specie Bank has been dismissed, and the judge congratulated the manager upon the unanimous confidence shown in tho directors by the shareholders.
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  • 58 9 The Hongkong Telegraph has been in formed on good authority that notne conster uatun has been caused iv Chiueae trading circlts in H .u K koDt; owing to a fiitu in thi western district failing t the extent of om and a half million dollars. The smash is supposed to
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  • 293 9 WEAKER TONE AT THE LOCAL AUCTIONS. Depreciation in Higher Grades. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's 115 th auction was held yesterday, when there were offered for sale 795.80 piculs (or 106,107 lbs.) and sold 76;(.48 piculs (or 101,797 lb*.). The prices realised were: The next
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  • 74 9 Quotations Current Yesterday. The following message has been received in Singapore, dated London, November 25 Rubber on Spot in London. Plantation Para Ist latex crepe, 2/3] per lb. Para to arrive, 3/- per lb. Market quiet. The East Asiatic Company favour us with the following report: The
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  • 484 9 Descendants of a Sultan of Brunei Go To Law. In the Appeal Court, yesterday, before tbe Chief Justice. Mr. Justice Fisher and Mr. Justice Woodward, there was concluded the hearing of an appeal at the instance of one Lee Seng Nam, against a judgment given by Mr.
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  • 1875 9 HIGH COMMSSIONERS OPENING ADDRESS. A Year of Substantial Progress. The Federal Council was opened at Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday, fine weather allowing the customary brilliance of the ceremony to be witnessed in comfort. There were present, H. K. the Commissioner, Sir Arthur Young, X.C M G.
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  • 247 9 Mr. A. Pacts tot Gansvijen, Chairman of the General Syndicate of Sugar Factories in Netherlands India, committed suicide at Soerabaya, at 4 a.m. on the 12th inst., by shooting himself through the heart with a revolver. He left a letter expressing the wish that his funeral might
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  • 135 9 A young motor car driver at Ipoh has been ordered by Mr. Gibson to be sent to tbe reformatory at Singapore for two years, and to have eight strokes with tbe rotan. The case was a remarkable one. According to the Times of Malaya, accused had a driver's license, which
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  • 131 9 CONVICTIONS AND SENTENCES IN LONDON. Foreigners to be Deported. RarjTH's Tblboka*. London, November 24. Tho pearl necklace trial at the Old Bailey has closed. The accused wore chargod with being concerned together in stealing and receiving, between four p.m. on July 15 and 8 30 p.m. on
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  • 76 9 Rumours of Early Abdication. Dib OsTisiATiscai Lloyd Tbliubah Berlin, November 24. Many articles have been appearing in the Vienna press which refer to the possibility of King Ferdinand's abdication. The suite, however, dispute that tho King is tired of reigning. The rumours of King Ferdinand's abdication were
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  • 38 9 Kbctb-b's Tblbo&am. London, November 25. New York messages say that after an estrangement of seventeen years General Bramwell Booth has met his brother Mr. Ballington Booth as a fellow guest of a mutual clerical friend.
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  • 43 9 Rkutbk's Tkleokam. London, November 25. A Sydney message says five of the I'nion Company's steamers are laid up in consequence of the strike of lumpers and many emigrants en route for New Zealand via Brisbane are stranded there, unable to proceed.
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  • 35 9 Rbuteb's Telbubam. London, November 25. A Berne message say the government has ordered tho expulsion of Larguier, tho bead of the espionage bureau, and also of his alleged accomplices, Meno/zi and Rosette.
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  • 27 9 rtlOT»B'8 TILIUBAM. London, November 25. A Melbourne message says the Governor, Sir John Fuller, has resigned owing to the state of his health.
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  • 38 9 Das Ostasiatisch* Lloyd Tblhubam. Berlin, November 24. Part of the Paris press is disappointed that the Austrian heir-apparent returns from England direct to Vienna, without touching at Paris, as it was hoped he would do.
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  • 25 9 DEB OSTASIATISCHI LLOYD TELEGRAM. Berlin, November 25. The representative of the Koelnischo Zeitung, Horr Duhn, has died of cancer of the lung.
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  • 17 9 Deb Ostasiatischb Lloyd Tbleoram. Berlin, November '!■>. Tbe publishing house t'llstein has bought the Vossische Zeitung.
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  • 47 9 Dik Ostasutiscui Lloyd Telegram. Borlin, November 25. The American naval commander is considering the question of landing marines at Tampico. Mr. Bryan, however, has telegraphed to the V. S. Charge d'Affaires in Mexico that no marines are to be landed on tbe east coast.
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  • 40 9 Dsa O*ta»iatischb Lloyd Tiliobam. Berlin, November 25. There is excitement at Athens over revelations by a dismissed naval minister, M. Stratos, who alleges that M. Venizelos has pursued a yielding policy. The position of M. Venizelos is shaken.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1112 9 PROPERTY SALE. The Estate of the Late Mr. Tan Kirn Cheng. There was again a very large attendance of buyers at Messrs. Ching Keng Lee and Co.'s sale room on the 24th inst., when the following properties were disposed of by auction and realised good prices 206 New Bridge Road,
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  • 1980 10 PRODUCTION OF THE ESTATE INCREASING. No Fear As to the Future. The seventh ordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Langkon North Borneo Kubber, Limited, was held on October 27, at the company's offices, 37, Threadneedle Street, E.C., Col. Sir Augustus KitzOeorge, K.C.V.O., C B. (chairman of
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  • 376 10 Impressions of the Tour By A Player. Mr. Gordon C. Campbell, a member of the Australian cricket team, which has just completed a successful four months' tour through Canada and the United States, writes to The Field, giving a few impressions he has formed of the cricket
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  • 2518 10 INCREASE OF THE CAPITAL AUTHORISED. Progress on the Estate. The third ordinary general meeting of the Chembong Malay Rubber Company, Limited, was held on October 80 at Cannon Street Hotel, K.C., Mr. Edgar (ioo. Money (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said: Gentlemen, we are holding this
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  • Correspondence.
    • 397 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Would you kindly insert tho following in your valuable paper, as by doing so you will greatly favour the largor portion of the working class of Singapore. At the last meeting of the Municipal Commissioners we were sorry
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  • 356 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, May I be allowed a short space in your valuable columns, in order to see if that will have the effect of putting some kind of a "hustle" on to the local postal authorities? On the 6th of this month
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  • 109 10 A very heavy squall of a cyclonic nature visited Sitiawan on the 19th inst., and several rubber estates Buffered severely. Over two hundred acres of Lumut Kubber Estate's best rubber, comprising practically the whole of No. 1 section, was rooted up and broken. The Pinang Gazette says it is estimated
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  • 59 10 It is stated that now that the subjugation work of the aborigines in Formosa has conic to an end, General Sakuma, Governor-Gen-eral, who is 70 years of age, taking advantage of the reform of the regulations relating to the official organisation of the GovernmentUeneral, is determined to resign his post,
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  • 523 10 By Major J. A. R. Gmcnnie, Ag. Commandant, S.V.C. Singapore, November 25, 1913. s. v. o. Balestier Hide Range. I The range is allotted as under Sunday, November :!0, at 7-80 a.m., S.V.I. Sunday, November 30, at 2-30 p.m., S.V.I. Saturday, December 6, at 2-30 p.m., S.R.E. (v.)
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    • 35 10 The SC.C. and the Keppel Harbour Golf Club met on the hockey field yesterday evening when, after a good game, the visitors to the Esplanade proved victorious by two goals to ml.
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    • 41 10 In the return Rugby match on Saturday, Penang beat Taiping by 25 points. They scored two goals and five tries to nil. liain deluged the ground after a quarter of an hour's play, but the game was a remarkably fast one.
      41 words
    • 82 10 Keppel Oolf Club. The November Bogey medal was played last Saturday and Sunday and resulted in a win (or J. Binnie with 2 up on bogey, E. Applcton being second witb 1 up. Singapore Qolf Club. The November Spoon competition was played on Monday, November 24, and resulted in
      82 words
  • 113 10 The King of the Air, or Love Victorious, is the title of a beautifully coloured feature film now being shown at the Alhambra cinematograph and which will be exhibited for the last time on Friday evening when, through the kindness of the Key. H. G. Peile, tho past
    113 words
  • 52 10 It has been calculated that the cost of main taii'i' v, bdWfc Invars, the number c.f whom 1,. -11, works out at an average of Rs. 3 a month, totalling 18 crores a year. The censuH of 1901 given the number of beggars, religious and other, in the country an
    52 words

  • 1721 11 POSSESSES THE ESSENTIALS FOR SUCCESS. Results of First Tapping. The third annual general meeting of the Sungei Mataug Rubber Company, Limited, was held on October 30, at the London Chamber of Commerce, Oxford Court, E. C, Mr. Thus. J. Ive (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman
    1,721 words
  • 361 11 The fact that the Brazilian Council of Ministers has decided to sell the superDrea<ii. iuglit Rio de Janeiro, now in coarse of construction at the Elswick Yard, for the earn equivalent to the cost, plus £50,000, and to build another battleship of an improved type calls
    361 words
  • 78 11 With regard to the opium position at Hongkong and Shanghai, in the last week of October, the combined stocks at these ports, says the Statesman, were 16,421 chests, as against 18,896 in the last week of September. The prices continue high, with an upward tendency. Patna opium is now selling
    78 words
  • 730 11 Prices Quoted In tbe Market Tbli Morning. Singapore, November !t6, 1913. Messrs. Lyail and Bvatt, Exchange and Shan- Broktmt, isaue the following list ol quotations this morning .<O«. ALD». MIH-. SBU.MI. 8/- Alla«ar 1/10 2/24 4 1 Any 10- Java 6,6 6/7* 1 An^lo Johort 5/- 6.3
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 37 11 Ooutfhlntf into Consumption -OBWaOoogb- brtyoaataf aWSafc itU OIfLT iawga, VATERBUIYt METABOUZED COD LIVER OH COMPOUND Tk* nneat Dre^aratloii mala Id* eocnbating sever* eoofbav OORBt aay cough tLa* h aatfaoough. Very palataMa. OV ALL OHEMIBTI. « wd »200.
      37 words
    • 61 11 Want of perception is a pronounced trait in man, particularly where his health is concerned. He does not realise that nearly all eeriuuq illnese is due to disregard of chills or stomicb derangement. But tbe wise mdiv idnal knows that Woods' Great Peppermint Cure i» a i aWfMatrf prc-vt.-nta*.ivp o*
      61 words
    • 472 11 LATEST AD> <£RTISEMENTS. I*?.// v -ai THE MACHINE that completes the family ciicle. ■^vtrjone in on band in tbe evening to fDjoy tbe music tf tbe "His Master's Voice macbisr. This woLderfal instrument make* the berne attractive for tbe children and )hpi>p nn (be entire boDfebrld. No borne nee d
      472 words
    • 587 11 From Ist October, 1913, OF MICHELIN TYRES are REDUCED on Michelin Price List No. 5632, as follows:— 17% on all covers of millimeter sizes. 17% on tubes 3^ and 4 inches. 15* on covers 3^ and 4 inches. 15% on tubes 105 and 135 millimetres. 8% on tubes 90 millimetres.
      587 words

  • 2856 12 ISSUE OF PREFERENCE SHARES DECIDED ON. Causes of Financial Straits. The third ordinary general meeting of the Bcranang (Selangor) Knbber Plantations, Limited, wan held on October 27, at the Cannon Street Hotel, EC, Mr. Edgar G. Money (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said With your permission
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  • 540 12 Incessant Telephone Calls To Newspapers. The Yorkshire Post published the following We are informed that the following circulars have been sent out to the London branches of the Women's Social and Political Union and the Men's Political Union —the latter, as most people know, a branch of tbe
    540 words
  • 116 12 If the combined influence of the British Undertakers' Association an 1 the R.S.P.C.A. is powerful enough, the end of this year will see the abolition of the custom of fixing plumes on the heads of horses at funerals. The London centre of the association has unanimously
    116 words
  • 1078 12 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest Lists. Tho following passenger bookings to trie Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list
    1,078 words
  • 106 12 Professional poverty is a paying pursuit, and the police know it. You may have noticed, the Chronicle Office Window says, the lady who buries her head in her hands and howls on the steps of a West End restaurant. She is desolate, and is in a fit. We run to
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 299 12 Crude Oil Engines IN STOCK. One Horizontal Robson Crude Oil Engine 3^ 8.H.P., newly arrived ani can be seen on testing bench. PRICE $450. One Horizontal Robson Crude Oil Engine 32 B. H. P., Newly arrived and ready for shipment. PRICE $2,200. The Singapore General Electrical Engineering CO., LTD., 81,
      299 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 58 13 I rfje JJJL lj* I^l ssHaTjsssßsssssssssssßsl f -i vS^V-'y'" •tfff^LS^f Rv9jSbsssHb^bbssß[ M m pign Wjk I PCI fiifA H SOLE AGENTS I I m BEHN MEYER fl A GO., LTD. i BIME DARBY Co., Lidbicycles. THE VELOCE $45.00 each. THE MALACCA $35.00 Complete with lamp, bell, tools and pumps. Both
      58 words
    • 693 13 STEAMER MILINBB. OOMBINIO SsMViOB OP THE OCEAN 8. CO.. LTD.. ft THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S N. CO. LTD. nmn FNmuitM (Perth), Worth Weei Australian Porte, Java and Singapore. Regular Fortnightly sailings betwoe. Singapore and Western Australia, oalling a; /ava (as indnoement offers), Derby, Kiog'c Sound (Port (or the Kimberloy Oold
      693 words
    • 229 13 UPRIGHT GRAND PIANOS SOLID MAHOGANY I FULL. IRON FRAME ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. $350. ROBINSON PIANO CO., LD. KOH COMPANY'S ANNUAL CHEAP SALE Now Proceeding. COME VISIT OUR XMAS BAZAAR. We don't charge yon anything if you don't buy Calendars for 1914, Crackers, Toys, Picture Books, Nickel, Silver and Gold Watches, China
      229 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1659 14 •IKS&MMS ONLY MM LARGEST PAIO UP CAPITAi OF AUT tASTfcRN COMPANY. PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE:. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. MEAD OFFIOB Wlncfcaatar HoMea, WnajaaO— LONDON OF PIC-E 82, Btd Jewry, EC. The Ccmnaay haa £20.000 daposited with the Saaveme Oo«t ot BnaHand. ami bgbbbMh «riaa aba BrtMifc Liat
      1,659 words
    • 453 14 STEAMER SAILINGS. AUCTION SALES 01 VALUABLE TEAK AKD -BUCKWOOD HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ETC., At F-i'y Dell," No M, Balestier R<ad On Satnrday, November 29, at 2.30 p.m. Elaborately carved Chinese blackwood oit'.iog rocm Ruito bea-jtiful'y inlaid with mcther ot ptarl handsomely carved vfax polishod teak side tableß with matble tops teak
      453 words

  • 1040 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Cement Roads. A note appeared in this column recently, says The Financier, concerning what in the United States is regarded as something of a discovery in road making. The States Road Commissioners there have been making experiments, as the result of
    1,040 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 215 15 The 1914 Wonderful 12-15 hp. MORS Equal to most ordinary 20 hp. cars on the market to-day. Ti.fc New Special Popular Model for 1914, with fonr-npocd gear box, long^obaesis, extra long ppringp, fitted with six-seated torpedo body complete with hood, si Je curUiof), screen, rive lamps, spare wheel an J
      215 words
    • 32 15 Ljime Back. Lame back may be cared by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or three times a day with a rigorous rubbing at each application. For sale by ail Dispensaries and DealefS.
      32 words
    • 474 15 2O 9 000 MILES on ONE DUNLOP TYRE A TRADER'S TESTIMONY: I am forwarding on one 81SX106 cover, which you maybe interested to know has just completed over 20,000 miles, and has been on one of my landaulette biting cars two years come November. This is the onginal tyre which
      474 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 879 16 FIRE! FIRE! Where is four "CITEX" P The Citex Fire Extinguisher Protects Life and Property. The CITEX Is simple; a pull and it is Free, a Bump and it works. NOTHING TO PERISH No solution to make up, no acid to handle. WATER and a CITEX CARTRIDGE only. Sole Agents
      879 words
    • 429 16 TO BE LET OB SOLD. HOUSES TO LET. To let, No. 31 and 23, Sambau Road. Apply Nathan k Son, Change Alley. 11l o FURNISHED REBIOENCEB TO LET. Ben Ledi, off Tanjong Katong and 400, Serangoon Road. Apply H. Somapah, 19, Baffles Place, or 817, Serangoon Road. ».l! a OFFICE
      429 words
    • 529 16 woncES. KlAi KIAT ft GO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, llllllWl »»d Municipal Bwti'M Hi 1 106, 108 A 109, Market Street. Telephone Noa. 431 and 1174. GUAN KIAT CO., SHIP CHANDLBHS OOVBRNMBNT CONTRACTORS. GENERAL IMPOBT'HS AND BXPORTBRS AND COMMISSION AOKNTS. 61, PHILLIP STBBIT. 'Phone l-tB, (Private 14f 0). Telegrams OUMHUAT. 198 o GUAN
      529 words
    • 570 16 HOTICEB. OLD HMLEVBURMN SOCIETY. The Annual Dinner will be held at Kuala Lumpur, on December 0, in the Station Restaurant, at 8.16 p.m. Old Haileyburians intending to be present should communicate with NOEL FISHER, Harpenden Estate, Kapar, F.M.S. 2411 26-11 SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL NOTICE. BEWA6E PUMPING BTATION AT PEOPLE 8 PARK
      570 words
    • 691 16 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURES. Straits Times List The following fixtures for the enrrent week and important forthcoming fixtures arc kindly supplied by the secretaries of the various dabs. Convenient forms on which to make the returns will be supplied on application to the Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Cricket Club. Nov. 26,
      691 words