The Straits Times, 17 November 1913

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.341 SINGAPORE.. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 1913. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 165 1 [the celebrated < I White Horse •CCTCK&TT WHiUV, 1 RAJ 1 I ESTABLISHID 1742. 1 KATZ BROS., LTD. Xnnual stock-taking sale Carpets, Rugs Linoleums FURTHER REDUCTIONS Carpet Headquarters: KATZ BROS., LTD THORN YCROFT MOTORS j I i Hi m^~ b tf« TT'- TlUi' j S W^ijin-, vvpH UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED,
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    • 493 1 'His Masters Voice' RECORDS Double-Sided 10 in. $1.75. Double-Sided 12 in. $2.75. 12-Inch Double-sided Records, $2.75. M 3T5 0404 Princess Ida Bf lection I (Sollivan) Coldstream Guards Band. 0405 Princees Ida "—Selection II Coldstream Guards Band. I 0410 Mi^non Ororture (Tbomaa) Coldstream Guards Band. M 336 0411 "Swan Lake Ba'let"—
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  • 624 2 JAPAN AND THE AUSTRALIAN NAVIGATION LAW. Totals of Subsidised Lines. According to the Jiji Shimpo, investigations have been made by the Committee on Political Affairs of the Kokuminto Party. The report published by the committee states that the amount of Government subsidies to the three principal steamship companies
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  • 323 2 A City with a Big Commercial Future. After being absent from Harbin dnriug the building season, writes a Harbin correspondent of the North China Daily News, one cannot fail to notice on one's return the big amount of capital being put into real estate and the number
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 541 2 A Celebrated Violiniste Nervous Fatigue, Languor— The power to excel, the confidence which ensures her brilliant successes, says the talented violinist, Miss Sybil Keymer, is entirely due to her abundance of vigorous nervt force created by Phosferine. How greatly the numerous distinctions and triumphant career of this accomplished musician are
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    • 32 2 l.ame Back. Lame back may be cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or three times a day with a vigorous rubbing at each application. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 613 2 London Buying Agents C We offer you our servicea buytnf tftnts for British or Continental ffoodk, FitahluOie*! in .B*4. but Ihorounhly u;m.> date, our auccesd la at Mine l by :nt>LiRK our cuMOWen' interests our first aim. Five t-xpert buyers, with cipubW* staffs. manatfe different dep-jrtmvnts, buytne with ffreateat care
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    • 130 2 |p^^ For the Skin fi] W^B and Complexion "HAZELINE SNOW The incomparable Beauty-Balm. It acia as if a most beneficial tonic to the skin, cjjtansing it from impurities, removing roughness, ex- cessive colour and blemishes, imparting a charming freshDelightfully cooling, sooth- ing and comforting Jj| v Greasiness yi|j^^^ Sold b*
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  • 719 3 A BUSY YEAR AT THE ROYAL MINT. Profit on Silver. Tbe output of the Royal Mint in 1912 largely exceeded, both in value and in the number of coins produced, all previous re- cords. Sir T. H. Elliott, who succeeded Sir W. Ellison-Macartney as Deputy Master of the
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  • 323 3 Mr. G. R. Situs's Anecdote of A Fox-Terrler. Dagooet tells a good dog story in Tbe Referee. A good many years ago," be relate?, Mr. Alfred Hemming, tbe bead of tbe then famous Walton family, was touring my Royalty Theatre comedy, Crutch and Tooth pick, and playing
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 375 3 Let Sanatogen give you Health, Strength Energy. "I only wish StUMtOgen had been invented during Mf time in the Kast Mid a man who was revisiting this country after many yean 1 absence. He was naturally surprised, and not a little envious, to find how easily people stand this trying
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    • 15 3 For colic and windy spasm*. Take WoodOrr«t !ipp.rmint Core. Sold ev&rjwberi t-0 ci-dU a bottle.
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    • 374 3 LONDON, BOLTON MANSIONS HOTEL, BOLTON GARDENS, SOUTH KI.MSINGTGN, S.W. i Most Comfortable grst-cliu. residential hotel in London (fully !icen*wl\ situated in th. pl<j.uaiite>t and most conroni.nt part of London, MM strongly rernintneniled hy numerous Colonial Tisiton.iTxceU.nt aud liberal cuisine. I'nler the personal superrision of nrident Proprietor, who was for mani
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    • 186 3 RANEEGUNGE GLAZED STONEWARE. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZES STOCKED. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LD. LUNCHEON AND TEA BASKETS AND CASES. .^232i^.B^s3v^^^^^^^^li^^^^^^^i^^^^^^^^^*fCC!»is^3Cis^.ssssssssl Isssssssst^ *or j3ptE^E^^^£^^^ j^Sis; T"^^^aj^jjir* j '"jjJwM[ Hlssb^^ Motor Cftr, ,^M^BS^^B^^^^^^ i '^^^jS^B^^E^Bß^r Will stand on SSaHKr* VkSj^*- j*— j?^\3fe3k ii^^v Vfc*""'* xfl^Es^Lssssw S^ luA- '^^i f^jaff^Tr hBC from Send
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 509 4 STUMER SAILINGS. p.eTa STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOH CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EGYPT, MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for Cliiua Coast, Pcruian Gulf, Continan+al and Amorican Ports. Sttamers will leave Singapore on or about— MAIL LINES 1913 Homeward (fcr Europe). {Connecting at From
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    • 520 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. WyTK. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO, LTDEUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service i« maintained butvoui Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-Borew Steamers maintaining this service havo been epeoiaily designed and oonstructod, and are fitted with all the
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    • 768 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAH STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang, Berserah, Kretay, Paka, Tringganu, Bisut, Semera Bachok, Kelantan, Tabai, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora Lacon, Kobsamui, Bandon, Licgsuen, Taku, Cbumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Qua Departure t.i. MAHIDOL Nov. 19 s.s. VUG ALA Nov. 19 Nov. S3 s.s. PRACHATIPOK Nov.
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    • 502 4 STEAMER SAILINIS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. 1 AMD DioTtci uameiies MIITIKS. "Hill IHBIK, Combined lervloe. 'the sieamres of these Gorup* ,v •s n: :..:U: ..:U a a regular servicv tetween Hsmbotg Biromca Aatwerp, Rotterdam and Emden, a r i tic; Straits, Chlaa ud Japaa. Homewards, they are despatohed tort- aightly
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    • 650 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. I NORODEUTSCHER LLOYD. PREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The iast and well-known mail steamers this Company ail fottui ;h'.ly Item Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotter-Jam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connect- ins Marseilles, Naples. Alexandria, and vice i vorta) Port Said, bsjaa, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 137 5 CHUBBS SAFES LARGE SELECTION ON SHOW AT Huttenbach Bros. Co., 13, COLLYER QUAY. FOR Kerosene Oil Engines THE IDEAL FUEL IS "CROSS" KEROSENE The Cheapest Refined Oil on the Market. "CROSS" will give you MORE POWER at a LOWER COST THAN ANY OTHER OIL. LBIALNAULU 1 t\i)A ALL DfiALBKS f£
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    • 1121 5 MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. ISSUE OF $2,000,000 (PORTION OF AN AUTHORISED TOTAL ISSUE OF $4,500,000) FOUR PER CENT. DEBENTURE STOCK, 1913. The Municipal Commiceioners of tlit Town of Singapore having in pursnanco of tbe provisions contained iv the Municipal Oidinanoe, 1013, decided, with the sanction of the Legislative Coaccil of the
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    • 771 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OOMBINBD BBRVIGB OP THE OCEAN 8. 8 CO.. LTD t THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. aarwaan Fpcmantla (P«rth), North Australian Port*, Java ■nd Singapcra Kegniar Fortnightly Riiii v btlw Singapore and Western Australia, oaJMng v Java (aa inducement offers), Derby, Riuvj't Sound (Port for tbe Eimberley
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 275 6 MOTOR BOAT FOR SALE. TUNNEL-BTIRN. TWIN CYLINDER ENGINED MOTOR BOAT. Built thrruuinur of tc»k, oorper fastened. length over all M :<- "J K a> pth M bow 4 feet, draft 1- incurs «i h two toui bc-im. Fixed awning and nil ac -o'sori-i oomplutr, six months old, ie <x ;el!oial
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    • 138 6 H. S. KIRWAN, Forage Contractor, Jobmaster, Trainer, etc STABLE ~\ND FORGE, Buffalo Road, OFFICE No. 2, The Arcade. Telephone No. 808. OCEAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY. LTO. FOR BROOMS. PORT HEDLANU. COSSACK, ABHBURTON, CARNARVON, GERALDTON AND FREMANTLB. Tbe Company b ateamet CIIAHON, 2,683 ton*, Captain D*Ulei>b, U iafeudou to sail for
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    • 236 6 FRESH MILK! FRESH ILK!! SINGAPORE MODEL DAIRY. CONTRACTORS TO THE MILITARY AND OOVERNMENT HOSPITALS. The milk is produced ntd. r tbe most sanitary conditions, the most up. to date maoh:uery and inipltuioiit? bciiifi übtd. Price 2O cts. per imperial pint. INSPECTION INVITED. visitors are welcome from 4 to 6 p.m.
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    • 56 6 KEEP (H WORRYING TILL YOU FIND Lancaster's The European Hair-Dressers, j The Up-tc-date Pljk of tha East mM MMM I'KEFUUKKV -ruc-KKO Hair Lotions. Toilet Hequl?'f"s, Post Cards. Cbrlstmas Cards Novelties of all descriptions. LADIES' WORK IN ALL BRANCHES MANICURE CHIROPODY ELECTRIC MASSAGE ELECTRIC HAIR BRUSHING ADDHKSB Europe Hotel Building*. COUNTRY
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    • 382 6 GUAN KIAT CO.. SHIPCHANDLEiS S7. Phillip Street. New Shipment Just Imported i Hnbbuck's coloured paint oil and sandries, I Screw Aagere, American A xt 8, Cutting I'iierp I Ga« Pliers, Barbed Wire, Brass, Lead Wire, i Copper Wire, Firo Brioka, Fire Clay, 1 Hand Saws, Galvd Hivettcd Bockute, Ciaun' Glasses,
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    • 164 6 To enrich the blood To strengthen muscles, bones, nerves and brain you cannot do than take SCOTT'S Emulsion. In every part of the world this valued food tonic \^.l proved its worth as the purest and best of all forms of cod Kvcf oil treatment and the richest strength-maker
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  • 139 7 FIXTURES Monday, November 17Hii{h A' iv -r. Ut v.n il i 4 a.m. Public II .'i lav. Tuesday. November 18. HiMi (Tatar, U i M i ProtS ...Medical School, MA Wednesday, November 19. Hi«li Water U 1 0.51 p.m. Singapore Temperanea Couii<il. 1 \l 8.45 pm
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  • 109 7 Today. Hongkong, Amoy and Swatow Glcnfalloch 4pm Jiangkok Kohsichang spm To-tfOBROW. Sarawak and Gcebilt Knching 7am Sarawak aud Sibu (il.nlvs 7 am ,n nil Sultana Sam Keriiiion Mersing 9 am Anamba and Natana Is. Hatavier 0 am Sibu and Kap t Flevo 11 am Port Swetteuham an
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  • 134 7 The P. and O. oatward intcmediate stcumor C'andia is due at P. Swottenham at daylight to-morrow, and wi.l probably arrive li. r. Thursday uiorniu^, November 2). The P. and O. outward intermediate sU'unier Simla is dvi- at lVnang at 6 a m. on Wednesday, November 19, and
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  • 507 7 Latest Arrivals. Somali, Rrit. trans. 6712 tons, Com. Cooke. Nov 16. From Hongkong, Nov 11. Troops S. (Htiixr. Left for Southamptoa, Nov 16. Han Lii.n^. Put. str. M tons, Captaiu V. Tol. Nov 16. Fmm Kelantan, Nov 14. (i ,c. l i j < Ip. Man faaa> For
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  • 97 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Day. TANJONG PAGAR. Bast Wharf Basin Nil. W. Sbction No. l...To<st», Den of Airlie. Shrirs Wharf M. Treub. Main W. Skct. No. 2...lki'.l;iiiy. G. Apcar. B...KohsithaiiK. 4...Amiral, Treville. 6 ..Charon. B...l'ei'seus Ncleus. New Dock 7. ..(Under construction)
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  • 78 7 Arrivals. Per str. Mahidol, Nov 17.— From Bangkok Messrs. T. C. Hutchins and J. Vaughan. Per str. Lama, Nov 17. From Penang via ports Messrs. H. Dove. Sangaralin^asamy, Mrs. Roker and 2 children. Per str Perseus. Nov IB. From Liverpool Messrs. J. Locjondyk and V. der Minlcn.
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  • 221 7 Government May Arrange Loans To Presidency Banks. A Finance Department communique issued at Simla on November C states that with the Secretary of State's sanction the Government of India has decided that M a grant of Government loans to the Presidency banks appears necessary to prevent undue
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  • 267 7 EXCHANOE SINOAPORB, NoVKMBKR 14, 1913. On London Bank 4 m/> 2/4* Demand 2/4 J Private 6 m/i 2/4 :i m/« 2/4 Oh Obb\ia»i Bank d/d 28F) Private 8 m/e 24 1j Oh Fbahob .-Bank d/d 2941 Private 8 m/s tOl < »n India Bank T. T. 174
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    • 189 7 Buyers. Value 10 10 Ampang B.SO 1 1 AyerWeng 10 10 Belat 2-35 10 10 Bruang 0.60 10 10 Kampar 10 10 Kanaboi 10 10 Kinta Association 13.00 £1 £1 Kinta Tin 1.1H.3 £7 £1 Lahat Miner 6.50 10 6 Malayan Collieries £1 £1 Malayan Tins 2.8.0 10 10
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    • 646 7 vTel Bn^ BeUerB 2/- 2/- Allagai 1/10J 2/4 £1 Anglo Jay* 5/- 6/a/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 9,15 9/10 a/- 2/- Batan«< Malaka I<>» 1/8 £1 £1 Batu Tiga 2.5.0 2.12.6 norn 2/- 2/- Bekoh -/> £1 £1 Bokit Kajang 1.6.3 1.12.1 £1 £1 Bukit Lintang 8.C.0 8.10.0 norn 2/- 2/-
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    • 126 7 I? 8 6 Bayers. B*Jlc» El £1 B. Smelting Co. 15/6 1 Cl £1 Pref. 1.8.0 1.4.6 i/- 6/- Electric Tway« 4/- 4,3 10 10 Fraser 4 Neave 62.50 58.(0 50 50 Hammer Co. 96.C0 1C5.00 LOO Howarth Brskioe 45.00 LOO 7% Pref. 100.00 LOO 100 Kata Bro, Del.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 19 7 For all Stomach rouolts Take Woo.'s' Gnat IVpp' rnjint Care. At all Stores, 80 cci ts a boll It.
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    • 185 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Novemher 22.— .it Holland Home. Ef, Cairnhill Road, teak liousehold furniture, etc., pro|ierty of Dr. J. Coronel, at 12.80 NmriiilxT 22.— At Holland Housf, 87, Cairnhill Road, two horses and Carriagos, at 2.80. Chinjf Keng and Co. November 22.— At Confederate Estate Road, the
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    • 286 7 Sole Agents for RANSOME'S SAW MILL I»XsB^1 »X$8^ %V\ V»^^ 4 Tal. Address: MACHINERY. fVVKN^ T*° "Vanner." l\j\^ SANDERSON BROS. <V(JqJO^ AND NEWBOULDS CIRCULAR SAWS (THREE CROWNS MARK). carlsbFrcT BEER^ the Best World wide Sole Agents THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD., Singapore. OIL ENGINES ILLUMINATING -V/i R \<. S \J
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    • 129 7 ANOTHER FEATURE: FILM AT THE HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. In to night'i* Second Show. Tha Qrtatett Flra Icaai that Camtra ever gaiturtd. tat It and ba amized in LuMn't HEROES ONE AND ALL 3.000 feet). The story of a telephone girl who had three lover*, and how the
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  • 1194 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17. PUBLIC COMPANIES AND PUBLIC INTERESTS. The case of Dennys v. the Straits Times, fully reported in our Saturday's issue, has several features which raise it above the commonplace and give it a special interest in a commercial and planting community. Tho Khota Bahroe Rubber
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  • 27 8 It is said that a brother of Towkay Lim Eow Hong intends erecting another rice mill in Alor Star, on the site of the former sugar mill.
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  • 30 8 The illustration in the current issue of the Singapore Diocesau Magazine is that of the Church of St. John the Divine, Ipoh, first used for service on April 16, 1912.
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  • 40 8 The directors of tho I'lu I'iah Company, Limited, have declared a further interim dividend of 5 per cent, payable on the 19th inst., making a total distribution to date of 59 per cent, on account of the current year's working.
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  • 40 8 Mrs. General Mite, who claims to be the smallest lady in the world, and is on exhibition on Beach Road, closes her Singapore season on Wednesday when she leaves for Saigon. During her stay here she has received many visitors.
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  • 48 8 The Dalny paper says Mr. P. H. Bordwell, representative of the Robert Dollar Co., Tientsin, visited Dalny on October 30, as a result of which some of the boats of the Dollar Line may be seen here in tho near future. He left the next day for Xewchwang.
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  • 44 8 The Indo-Chin* Steam Navigation Company's steamer Tingsang struck a reef in Haitan Strait on the night of November 8, and held fast by the bow. Labour and gear were despatched to the ship from Hongkong, and early news of her being refloated is anticipated.
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  • 44 8 The improvements at the Harima Hall are much appreciated by patrons and the selection of films shewn continue to attract full houses. The new programme will include a picture, Heroes One and All, and an attractive number of the Oaamont Graphic and other films.
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  • 56 8 A number of witnesses summoned to attend an inquest at the General Hospital yesterday waited at that institution from 10 till 1 and were then informed that the inquiry would be held in the Coroner's office on Tuesday. It was a queer way of spending a Sunday morning, but they
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  • 66 8 Another world's record has been made in New York, according to an official of the Internationa! Typewriting contest, held in New York under the auspices of the annual business show, when Miss Margaret B. Owen made a net average of 125 words a minute for sixty consecutive minutes. Miss Owen's
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  • 67 8 Sir Rufus Isaacs, the new Lord Chief Justice of England, was sworn in at the Royal Courts of Justice, London, on October 21During the speechmaking Mr. C. L. Hales, a barrister, created a scene by interrupting the Lord Chancellor's speech. Mr. Hales writes to the press that the words Speak
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  • 69 8 The clergy recently appealed to the Lord Chamberlain to suppress, on the ground of indecency, the performance of the sketch, A la Carte, in which Gaby Deslys appears, at the Palace Theatre. The Lord Chamberlain, states a wire of October 21, has now warned the management of the theatre that
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  • 70 8 Owing to continued bad weather in the Straits of Malacca, considerable difficulty is being experienced in keeping up stocks of petrol sufficient for Kuala Lumpur needs. Shipments leaving Singapore on >utober H. October 31, November 4 and November 12 have not yet arrived at Port Swettenham, and it is fuared
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  • 73 8 The appeal of Mr. F. H. Baness against the sentence of six months' rigorous imprisonment passed on him by Mr. Justice Woodward was heard at Kuala Lumpur on Thursday by Mr. Justice Brail. lcil and Mr. Justice Edmonds. Mr. F. K. Howlett appeared for the appellant and Mr. H. Lloyd
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  • 85 8 The members of the Fathol Munior Club held a picnic on Saturday and Sunday fast at the plantation of Mr. K. Ramasamy Pillay (Rajah), at Teluk Kerau, where a Urge number of friends and members gathered on buth days, and spent a very pleasant time. Malay Ronggangs were engaged, aud
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  • 131 8 Sir Valentine Chirol has contributed five pounds to the South African Indian Fund, and in a letter to Mr. Gokbale writes Few Englishmen who take a genuine interest in the welfare of India and have a faith in the value of the British connection both for India and the Empire
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  • 127 8 A London papor dated October 18 says The last aevtrn iUjs have formed a week of disasters unparalleled f.i» I nriaty and the toll of human lite. The Au^t-1 of Death has passed over sea and land, through the air and in the bowels of the earth, claiming victims wherever
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  • 441 8 The death occurred at Penang, on Friday, of Mrs. Koo Chye Hean, daughtc.- of Mr. Tye Kee Voon. Mr. D. D. Hayes, playing rugby for the Hongkong and Shanghai Bauk against Eastbourne ou October Ik, broko his leg below the knee and was removed to hospital. It
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  • 88 8 A double tragedy occurred at Bangkok in the early hours of Sunday morning, the nth instant. A Siamese entered the house of Captain C. L. Bargum, a German master mariner who is an old resident of Bangkok, severely wounded the captain, and then attacked a Siamese
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  • 118 8 (^uito by chance, writes a London correspondent to the Pinang Gazette, a party of re-i'l<nt3 of Ponang and district met near Charms: Cross uu the day of the Royal wedding, and after seeing the happy couple drive off they adjournel for a friendly confabulation together over
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  • 150 8 There was quite a Urge congregation at the Presbyterian Church ou Saturday afternoon to witness the marriage of Mr. Frank Stanley Clarke and Miss Margaret Mary Geary, who arrived f rom home by tlib P. and O. mail earlier in the day. Mr. i. W. Lyall,
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  • 173 8 The hired transport Somali left Hongkong on her return journey on the llih inst., and reached Singapore yesterday. She has on board some 55 first class passengers, 62 t>econ<l clans, and 7w) third class. I'bo principal drafts on board consist of 238 IWI.A, M U.K., 126 2nd
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 92 8 "BLUE BOAR" SMOKING TOBACCO. A rough cut tobacco for discriminating Packed in V/ 2 ozs. Patent Tins. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. j JOHN LITTLE'S BAZAAR m Special FEATURE: 'SINBAD the SAILOR' I XOT^TD. I BUCHANAN'S Famous Whiskies. Red Seal," Black White," Royal Household." A ££3SBEBOdm «v •rfflte c &£|B if^tifll BsS^kf k
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    • 9 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 11.
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  • 281 9 POSITION CONSIDERED TO BE MORE CRITICAL. Britishers Warned to Prepare. Rbotbb's Telegram. London, November 16. It is understood at Washington that Sir Lionel Carden, British Minister in Mexico, has intimated to President Huertathat Great Britain will give moral support to tbe United States. HuerU's friends are cautiously advising
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  • 150 9 ENQUIRY INTO POLICE CONDUCT PROMISED. Dead Cat for Mr. Birrell. Rioter's Telegram. London, November 15. Larkin threatens to call out the railwaymen and iso'atc Dublin if the imprisoned strikers are not released. There is some talk of li'iiLiuuen*. intervention to secure a settlement, but its nature is not
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  • 85 9 W »man Throws Hammer at The Judge. RaCTIB'S T»LBOBA>. London, November 16. I.t ing the sutTraie'U' arson trial at the Old Bailey, a well-dressed woman in the spectator's nailery threat a luuntuer and a tomato at the Jud^o, creating a turmoil. The glass surrounding the dock, also
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  • 79 9 Uki tie's Tiuaui. London. November 10. Under the new scale oi pay of officers of the P. ami O. Compaß*, captains of mail boats receive a thousand pounds annually, captains of intermediate boats six hundred to nine hundred, chief officers £16 to £25 monthly, second
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  • 290 9 The Heir-Apparent's Arrival In England. Kectbr's Telegram. London, November 16. Tbe Archduke Franz Ferdinand, with his consort, the Duchess of Hohenberg, has arrived in London and goes to Windsor Castle for a week. Both the British and Austro Hungarian newspapers publish cordial and friendly articles on the
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  • 44 9 Rbptbr'b Tblxoram. London, November 15. The train which fell through a trestle bridge at Clayton, U.S.A., was crowded with merry makers going to a country fair. The engine-driver was speeding to make up time and the bridge collapsed under the strain.
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  • 36 9 MORE UPSIDE-DOW N FLYING. Kbdtbb's Tblbobam. London, Novembet 16. A Paris message states that the English aviator, Hucks, has made some wonderful inverted flights. He twice travelled head downwards for thirty seconds despite wind and rain.
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  • 53 9 Kbotm's Tblbobam. London, November 15. The French government have introduced in the Chamber a bill providing for a loan of fifty two million sterling from three per cent, perpetual rentes, three millions to be assigned annually for interest and purchase rente* in the open market,
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  • 18 9 rtsoTiß Tbiboram. London, November 15. Captain Cecil Lambert is appointed the fourth Sea Lord.
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  • 21 9 Reutik's Telegram. London, November 19. Daucourt departed from Constantinople in a gale, four Turkish officers in aeroplanes cscortiug him.
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  • 28 9 KsDißk s iHssl Loadou, November 16. An Ottawa message reports that fifteen vessels were lost in the hurricane on the lakes with crews totalling 801.
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  • 37 9 Ricteb's Tilxgbam. London, November 15. The Adelaide Register estimates that tho Australian wheat crop will be 19 million bushcle, and the Advertiser 1 7 J million bushels. Recent rains have wonderfully developed the grain.
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  • 37 9 RiCTKfc's Trm«i», London, November 15. At Budapest, a bill has been introduced far the construction of railways in Bosnia and Herzegovina, tlia cost to be mut by a loan of 11 i million* sterling.
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  • 46 9 Uaotu'i Tsuexta. London, Novembet IS. It is reported from Rome that Kiamil I'a&hA has < i at LarnakA* Later. The death of Kianfl Paaha> is confirmed. He wss buried at Nl~»eit. Das OsTaiutischs Llotd Tnioui, Berlin, Xovembtii 15. Kiamil Pasha has died at Cyprus.
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  • 1220 9 POSITION. Profits Increased. The sixth annual ordinary general meeting of the North Hummock (Selangor) Rubber Company, Limited, was held on October 23, at the offices of the company, 20, Eastcheap, Mr. G. A. Talbot (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said The report and accounts having been
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  • 1465 9 THE RESULT OF CONSUMPTION OVERTAKING PRODUCTION. Rising Prices. The Financier of October 22, prints the following article:— Not many years ago copra, the dried kernel of the coconut, was selling at about £12 per ton. The price today for the best quality is about £33 per ton,
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  • 24 9 Rbctbb's Tslbobam. London, November 15. At an Islamic Society meeting in London, the conversion to Mohammedanism of Lord Headley was announced.
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  • 140 9 (From Oub Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, November 15. An unexpected development took place in the Kuala Lumpur libel action yesterday, in which Loke Chow Thye is suing D. G. Kobertson for 810,000. Following on a remark by Mr. A. B. Sanders, counsel for the plaintiff, that
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  • 498 9 He Expresses His Friendship For Yuan Shih-kai. The Peking Gazette publishes a letter from Sun Wen (Sun Vat Sen) to a friend ia Peking, (t says that be was formerly outlawed more than a decade ago, and now he is expelled by the Republican Government
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  • 94 9 CUNARDER EFFECTS A TIMELY RESCUE. Passengers Taken From Burning Ship. Reuters Telegram. London, November 16. A message from New York Bays tho Cunarder Pannoni* wirelesses that she came up with the Spanish steamer Balmes on fire in the North Atlantic. Tbe Pannonia rescued all tho 103 passengers
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 157 9 Settlement by, Consent Strongly Desired. Rbotbr's Tilboraii. London, November 15. Mr. Redmond, at Newcastle, said he was prepared to consider the most extravagant and most unreasonable demands of Ulstermen in order to secure a settlement by consent, but the people of Great Britain would be fools and
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  • 107 9 Reuters Tblbgram. London, November 16. Both Austria and Italy have now accepted a proposal by the British Commissioner for the delimitation of Albania. The exact nature of the proposal is uncertain, but it has tbe character of a compromise between Greek and Albanian contentions. Dbr Ostasutischb Lloyd
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  • 36 9 Rbotbb's Tblbobam. London, November 15. The M.C.C. eleven touring in South Africa drew with the Western Province at Capetown, but they beat fifteen ol the South- Western districts at Robertson.
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  • 47 9 Rcutsk's Tblbgram. London, November 15. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chamber 1. celebrated their silver wedding in London. There were also celebrations in Birmingham. Their Majesties sent a messago aud there were thousands of other congratulations from people of all political shades of opinion.
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  • 81 9 DerOstasiatische Lloyd Tklioram. Berlin, November 15. A report that German battle-ships on their voyage abroad will call at Lisbon and Angola U not correct. The Temps hopes for friendly negotiation over the connection between tho Cameroon Railway and the French Equatorial railway. The Norddeutsche described M. Kokowzew's
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  • 53 9 Dm OsTAsuTiscns Lloyd Telegram. Berlin, November 15. The commission on armament deliveries and representatives of tho ministry of war and the admiralty are making reports. The commission has sug(;est<;d the production of statistical materials, and a special committee has been formed to secure details re garding the nature
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  • 1632 10 ifi.nM I OMMMMMR), Kuala Lumpur, November It. Owing to the energies of the Government Department of Health, our city and its hui>ui-bs have been greatly improved recently, ami we can lay claim to being as up-to-date as it is probably possible to bo in the Far East.
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    • 27 10 W. Albany has challenged Ernest Barry for tbe sculling championship of the world and £200 a side. Albany, like the chau.pion, is an Englishman.
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    • 45 10 The visit of Ray and Vardon to the United States has givei. rise, says a lit liter's New York telegram, to some talk of having an annual series of international golf matches on the lines of the Davis Cup matches in the lawn tennis world.
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    • 76 10 The Sporting Life says that tbe British Amateur Athletic League are forming headquarters in London aud branches in the t rovinccs. They hope to render unnecessary a public appeal for fuuds for the purpose of training and sending men to the various Olympic games by enrolling a thousand lite members,
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    • 232 10 S.C.C. v. Ceylon XI. The start of the match between the S.C C. and a Ceylon eleven was delayed this morning, owing to the state of the wicket. The Padaug always suffers when there is much rain, and even with play postponed until close on mid day the condition
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  • 195 10 On the Ist inst., news was received in Bandoeng (Java) from Uaroet to the effect that water from the well known lake Teluga Bodas had become suddenly warm, the temperature rising to about 86 degrees Fahrenheit. It felt warmer than tbe water of Tjipanaß. The barometer
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  • 1060 10 GIVEN TO THE WORLD BY HIS WIDOW. Candid Views. Writing from St. Petersburg on October 2, the correspondent of the Daily News says: Throughout their forty eight years of married life, Countess Sophia Andreevna Tolstoy kept all ber husband's letters, and from time to time she copied
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  • 7 10 Bokit Jelotong.— 2,B66 lba.
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  • 1412 10 H Two nights ago, writes Philip Ctibbs, in Tbe Daily Chronicle, I sat in the stalls of the Coliseum while Mine. Sarah Bernhardt was acting the death scene of Marguerite Gautbier in La Dame aux Came lias." Tbe great bouse was crowded from floor to ceiling with the
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  • 435 10 Their Ignorance of Chinese Characters. Writing to the Republican Advocate, Mr. T. S. lisia. says :—lt: It is a well known fact that a comparatively low percentage of the average. Straits born Chinese is acquainted with the Chinese, characters, a fact which is doubtless attributable to their having
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  • 228 10 Legislators Who Decline to Accept Full Pay. Speaker Tang Hua-lung has received letters from representatives Keh Chuang and Chang Yo-ti, who wish to receive only partial pay from the Government. According to The Peking Daily News, the letter from representative Keh reads as follows: Great stringency has been
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  • 158 10 Is Mars trying to signal to the earth The question is raised, The Express says, by some unusually interesting observations of the planet which have been made public by M. le Conltre, the distinguished astronomer of Geneva. During observations which laoted seventeen days, the astronomer remarked a
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  • 938 10 It n a. complaint against the modern Atlantic liner that it has put an end '.o the comradeship flint used to exist among seagoing folk. The passage is made so quickly that there is little lime for anything more acquaintanceship the ships are so large and
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  • 161 10 The firing of revolver shots caused the police to enter a house in Hufeek Serang's Lane, Calcutta, when they arrested a Euro pcan woman named McNeilly, her son, S. Tichner, another European named T. Marks, and a West Indian, named Mi- Lena Alters. The house
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  • 73 10 Addressing the Society of Sacred Missions on October 21 Dr. Frodsbam, Anglican bishop of Nuirli Queensland, said the weakness of the remoter parishes in England was deplorable, for many of the clergymen lecei-cd only 80s. per woek.- The cams of clerical poverty were a disgrace to the Church which fattened
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  • 491 11 No Improvement for the Dilettante Golfer. Golf in a problem tliat takes a lot of solving (writes Edward Kay in the October issue of Fry a MaMMMsi; «Lo have done so have not been idle they have not played the game fur exci -is-, sc to
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  • 383 11 The Itishop of Gloucester's Warning. The Bishop of Gloucester in the course of his recent charge said that the decline in the birth rate was primarily and mainly due to artificial restrictions and to the deliberate avoidance or prevention of child-bearing. That matter occupied the serious attention of the
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  • 65 11 Edward Jones, a chimney sweep, has been arrested at Landudno on a charge of having stolen a number of jewels. The police searchod Jones's house, and found iv it several jewels which are believed tv be part of £10,000 worth that MM stolen in August last from Mr. Wartski. who
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  • 736 11 Prices Quoted In tbe Market This Morning. Singapore, November 17, 1918. Messrs. Lyall and Bvatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning NOV. VilXi. bCTIM HUIM. 2/- Allagar 1/10* 2/6 4 1 Ac«lo J»v« 5,- 6/1 Anglo Johor. 4/6 6/2/- Au«io-VUUu 9/b
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 53 11 Losing Weight j by the Pound j Owmt Wal^n," a •MMftioa of ill- **'i I I JIM MMMfiIM I 7 mieemafcg. i i i i I WATERBMTtMTMOUZED 1 UVEI OIL OfWOUNC I th* fciooi w»fc tb* wasted •oo» ._«t uU njhi wjaL'fei.ttM ■tirUb Vary t »i>H^W I I m ux
      53 words
    • 49 11 Beware of that chill which strikes you in tbe loin*, if disregarded, serioui disease will follow. A dose or two tf 'Vooda' Great Peppermint Cure, taken immediately the trouble in noticed throws off all bad symptoms. Never bt without it iv the House. Sold everywhere, 80 cent* a bottle.
      49 words
    • 418 11 I LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THE MACHINE that completes the familj circle. Everyone is on band in tbe evening to enjoy the music of tbe His Master's Voice machine. This wouderful instrument makes tbe borne attrnctive for the children and liven* up i lie entire household. No home need be without a
      418 words
    • 552 11 LAST THREE NIGHTS Mrs. General Mite, The Smallest Lady in the World. Height 39 ins Weight 32 lbs. Age 35 years. During the past 3 weeks, Mrs. General Mite has bpen visited by Thousands of Singapore's leading citizens, and while thanking her many patrons she i wishes to notify those
      552 words
    • 381 11 From Ist October, 1913, OF MIGHELIN TYRES are REDUCED on Michelln Price List No. 5632, as follows:— 17% on all covers of millimeter sizes. 17% on tubes Z\i and 4 inches. 15"; on covers Z\i and 4 inches. 15% on tubes 105 and 135 millimetres. 8% on tubes 90 millimetres.
      381 words

  • 1534 12 Not much more than a do/.en years ago, writes a correspondent in The Daily Telegraph, every ship that set out on a voyage disappeared below the horizon into the silence of the unknown. She might, it is true, on occasion, chance to speak some passing vessel,
    1,534 words
  • 450 12 German Engineer Badly Mauled In Siam. A description of a fearful fight between a white man and a tiger has reached the Berliner Tag from Bangkok, in Siam. "For some time past the neighbourhood of the village of I'akdha had been infested by a tiger, which
    450 words
  • 342 12 Secret of Situation Revealed at Last. The death in Patagonia, of William A z real Wilkins, writes Mr. Ivan Heald in a home paper, frees me to lift the veil of secrecy, and so allow the general public to share in the delights of one of London's
    342 words
  • 465 12 Triumphs of the Confectioner's Art. The jealously preserved secret of the design of the Royal wedding-cake is out at last, says a recent issue of The Globe. Tbe most striking feature of the confection is two carefully-modelled figures of the bride and bridegroom. Tho cake has been made
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  • 361 12 Old Conditions Evoked By The Motorcar. In tbe columns of the Journal des Dabatn, a writer enlarges on the theme that progress often resuscitates old conditions of life in the most surprising way. It is a commonplace now to point out how tho advent of tbe motorcar has
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  • 214 12 On his release from Atlanta Federal Prison, where he has been confined since last April for misuse of the United States mails in connection with mining flotations, Julian Hawthorne, son of the famous novelist, described the penitentiary as a living hell," and told a startling story
    214 words
  • 1123 12 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest List?. The following passenger bookings to tne Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 269 12 REPAIRS MOTOR CARS. Carried out expeditiously and in a workmanlike manner. AGENTS: Austin and Belsize Motor Cars. The Singapore General Electrical Engineering CO., LTD., 81, MOHAMED SULTAN ROAD. PREPARING FOR ACTION Cart Loads of Goods Arriving Daily. The British. Continental and American Market hive bren searched for THB LATB9T IN
      269 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 80 13 g ouiy has the M I I LARGEST SALE, M I 0 in^Singapore, J^m H H F.M.S., etc. I B M ALL OTHER BRANDS B are selling I 1 M BY_FAR LESS I B tban Key-Beer. fl 5 K w 8 |H Sole Importers K Behn, Meyer I fl *Bq
      80 words
    • 609 13 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO LO. tlrjet Sanricc to Japan via HontkM( ft Shanthii and to Calcutta via «Ma*| from tlagaaara. Taking oargo on trough Bills ot Lading Canton, Macao, jwatow, Amoy, Chefoo. Tientsin, Newahwani?. Yangtsse Ports, For Tio«a. the Philippines; etc., etc.. etc. Steamer*. Tone Commander Kctbaho" 4,895
      609 words
    • 328 13 AKEIVED THIS WEEK I NE.W RECORDS Latest Bags, Comic Operas, Ballads. the ROBINSON PIANO co., ltd. BIOCITIN THE MOST EFFICACIOUS NERVE TONIC. Obtainable at all Chemists or from the Sole Agents MEDICAL HALL, Ltd., AND ITS BRANCHES. A RARE OPPORTUNITY MEW INTERMEDIATE SERVICE. The Magnificent Twin Screw Steamship JVK INNE2SOTA
      328 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 418 14 BINSAPOREB ONLY COMPANY. LARGEST PAID-UP CAPITAL OF ANY EAtiTtRN COMPANY. PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIFTED. HEAD OFFICE I Wmohutar Houaa, Sli(t«ors> LONDOK OFFICIi 3J, OM Jnwry, tC Tbe Company has £20.000 deposited with Urn Buffem Ocait of Sagta** aad ■uwajtiaa waka Iku BriUakt Uta AsaonaMß
      418 words
    • 289 14 FEDERAL LIFE MMIMMJE COMPMIT OF UNAOi InuuiUD 1881 Dli-oot Government Supervision Government Audit. Policies are WORLD WIDB aad NoaForteitable, Larg* Hart Surplue above liabilities (or Reserve and all outstaading claims. Narvr Bualnataa, 1912, arer... lB 900,000.00 Cash Loans, Settlements, ate., made locally. Numerous modem schemes. 4. H. IVAHI Manager, South
      289 words
    • 442 14 BAWKINB. THE tZE Ml TONS BANKING AND INBURANCE CO., LTD.. NO. IT AND 68. KLINO BTRBBT. BtTAJtkUBBD 1807. Capital paid ap...... .....11,000,000.00 Beaervc liability ol proprietors... ll,ooo 000.00 Reserve Fund 9800,000.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tab Taoa Jooa 8. Low Eaooa Taa I. Tajc Swi Km T. Si» Ku Jam
      442 words
    • 484 14 BANKINQ. ■EUTSCH-ABIATIBCHE BANK. (BUI MM yp gams* m lam ?,MMM). Head Offleo. Shaagbai, Board, of Direc»ors....3er in. BBANCHBBI Berlin, Oalentta, Hamburg, Cantos, Hankow, Hongkong, Kobr, Peking, Tientsin, Tsinanfn Tmtgtan, Yokohama, THE FOLLOWING BANKB ANO BANKERS ARE REPRESENTED ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Bank foer Handel and Industrie Berliner Handelf -GeeelJtchalt.
      484 words
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  • 729 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Imperial Motor Transport. It is well to know, says The Financial News, that the recent conference on tbe important question of motor transport throughout the Empire has resulted in tlu formation of a permanent council in London to specially deal with
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  • 131 15 Bill the Husman writes in John Ball Nigh ev'ry girl that mounts my bus At morn or eventide, She grasps a bunched newspaper which She opens when inside. I sqnint in through the window as She spreads it on her knees And what d'ye think (lie
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
      290 words
    • 88 15 Chamberlain's Coujjh"Remedy. When you have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all these requirements. It acts on nature's plan,
      88 words
      369 words
    • 181 15 CHEONfI BROTHERS. Dentists, MO. 25, South Brldga Road. Flrrt-elass Mechanical Dentistry, God Orovras Bria^n. Killing and Ynlowlte Duration o< Wear guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATB. FULL UNE DENTAL SUPPLIES B*t Tootb Powder* and Braabcr (o> sale. J. d A^EREIRA, F. R. H. S. (London) ESTaBLISHBD U93. Horticulturist aud Florist, Collector and Exporter
      181 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 418 16 Disinfecting Fluid. "ANTIMAL" IS A DISINFECTANT, ANTISEPTIC and DEODORANT for all purposes. A SURE PREVENTATIVE of CHOLERA, DIPHTHERIA, PLAGUE, MALARIA, TYPHOID FEVER, Etc. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD. WANTS. SHOBTHfND TYPIST WJNIED. Wanted, experienced shorthand typist. Good salary. Box No. 39d, Straita Times. 8 11 v TEACHERB WANTED. Two quaified and
      418 words
    • 383 16 ARTICLES FOR SALE. FOR SALE. Motor Cycle and side car 9400. Apply Box No. 40S, Straits Times. 15 11 19-11 FOR SALE. Daimlei Motor Car, 15 H.P Limousine body. Newly overhauled, new leather work in hood and front seat. The S. G. and E. E. Co., Ltd., No. 81, Mobamed
      383 words
    • 551 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. riOUSES TO LET. To let, No. 21 and 22, Sambaa Road. Apply Nathan k Son, Change Alley. VII v FURNISHEO RESIDENCES TO LET. Ben Led:, off Tanjong Katong and 400, Scrangoon Road. Apply H. Snmapah. 19, Raffles Place, or 817, Scrangoon Road, t- j 1811
      551 words
    • 610 16 MTICEB. KIAM KIAT CO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, Government and Municipal Contractor! 106, 108 k 109, Market Street. Telephone Noa. 431 and 1174. iGUANKIATffCO., SHIP CHANDLERS GOVKKNMKNT CONTRACTORS. OENKRAL IXI>ORT>KS AMD KXPOKIKRS AND COMMISSION AGENTS. 47, PHILLIP STRKBT. 'Phone 1468, (Private 14(0). Telegrams BU*NKIAT. 196 D GUAN KIAT ft CO. NOTICE is hereby
      610 words
    • 577 16 NOTICES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that 'be books containing the valuations of and rates inipoaed on buildings and lands situated within the Municipality of the Town and Fort cf Malacca for the year 1914, are opou to tho inspection of' Ratepayers at tho Municipal Office, Riverside, daily on
      577 words
    • 690 16 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURES. Straits Times List. The following fixtures for Dm curreel we k and important fixtures are kindly supplied by the secretaries of the> various clubH. Convenient forms on which to niakr the returns will bo. supplied on application to the Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Cricket Club. Nov.
      690 words